Volume 15

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Volume 15

Swartland and West Coast



meets history

Swartland Revolution groet /

Ry bietjie rond die


Karen Zoid

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Volume 15

From the HOME to the GARDEN - we got it covered Leefstyl Z• Lifestyle


kom kuier in die Weskus




Leefstyl • Lifestyle

Volume 15


Volume 15


Leefstyl • Lifestyle


INHOUDSOPGAWE 8 - 16 Home is where the heart is

22 - 23 Where brandy meets history

28 Jennifer Zamudio verlang na Velddrif

7 ‘n Plesierige Afrikana in Zoid Afrika 6

Swartland Revolution wat was

24 – 25

Kuier bietjie die somer...


‘n Plesierige Afrikana in Zoid Afrika

26 - 27

Beautiful Baviaanskloof


Home for the Holidays


Jennifer Zamudio verlang na Velddrif se


Variety is the spice of life

vriendelike gesigte


‘‘Trend’’ or ‘‘Anti Trend’’


In Goeie Smaak: Gebakte Mosterdtong vir Kersfees

12 – 13

Uninterrupted Views



14 -15

Sy Bonsai begin by die apiesdoring



Gaan groen


What’s Happening

18 – 21

Deur die lens van: Johan Dempers

34 - 35


22 – 23

Where Brandy meets history


Leefstyl • Lifestyle



Goodies & Gadgets

Volume 15


Editorial Team

From the Editor Van die Redakteur Tyd vir gee, geniet, kuier, liefde en familie Vader Tyd het ons weer stilletjies bekruip en oorrompel, voor ons nog behoorlik besef het wat aangaan. Nog ‘n jaar is op sy einde. ‘n Jaar waarin ons heerlik gekuier, gesels, gegroei en gereis het. ‘n Jaar waarin ons soveel meer van ons streek en sy mense kon leer. Not only did we travel through the countryside of the Swartland and West Coast, but we packed our suitcases and travelled through South Africa and even abroad. In hierdie uitgawe pak ons weer die kronkelpaaie van ons land en maak ‘n draai op die brandewynroete om meer van hierdie gewilde voggies te leer. Ons kyk ook na ons huis en tuin en wat ons in die komende jaar met ons eie nessie kan doen om hom op te kikker en weer nuwe lewe vir 2016 te gee. Ons smul heerlik aan mosterdtong uit die Swartlandkontrei vir Kersfees, terwyl ons na die groen van 'n bonsai-kweker in die Riebeekvallei kyk en sy kuns bewonder. If you are not one of the lucky ones who can travel this holiday, we give you some hints on what there is to do right on your doorstep. No need to drive for hours, stand in long rows waiting for admittance - just look around and experience what your home- and neighboring town has to offer.

Krap jy kop met Kersgeskenke? Gaan loer bietjie na die nuutste tendense in tegnologie en maak jou kouse vol met iets interessant! Ons raak bietjie omgewingsbewus en kyk na "groen"-alternatiewe. Dit is altyd slim om te dink aan die toekoms en hoe ons nóú kan help om dit vir ons nageslag te bewaar. We take flight with Johan Dempers and his aerial photography over the expanded plains of countries far away - from the rugged terrains of the Grand Canyon, to the tops of our beloved Table Mountain. Dinge lyk beslis 'n bietjie anders van daar doer bo in die lug. Ons groet ook 'n bekende van die Swartland - die Swartland Revolution. Hierdie uiters gewilde en suksesvolle samekoms (eie aan die streek) van wynmense het vanjaar sy swanesang gesing. Ons bring aan jou 'n foto-herinnering van die sesde en laaste byeenkoms op Riebeek-Kasteel. Dis nou tyd vir familie. Tyd vir samesyn. Tyd vir kuier, lag en die lewe geniet. So gaan voluit!

Publishers Johan Viljoen & John-Beattie Paterson

Content Johan Viljoen Susan Botha Clifford Roberts Alida Buckle

Photography Johan Viljoen Clifford Roberts Maryke Roberts Johan Dempers

Marketing JB Paterson - jb@demozaik.co.za Desire Kriel - desire@demozaik.co.za Karin Neethling - karin@diecourant.co.za Marietjie Nel - marietjie@diecourant.co.za

Layout and Design Izelle Garcia Schalk Eygelaar

Contact Tel: 022 487 3221 jb@demozaik.co.za www.demozaik.co.za www.facebook.com/DeMozaikMagazine Twitter: @demozaik

Volume 15


Leefstyl • Lifestyle


Swartland Revolution wat was Uniek en uitgesoek, professioneel en kuierheerlik ... ONAFHANKLIK .... 'n Paar wynmense, effe weg van die sentrum van die konvensionele, het 'n golf begin in die Swartland ... die groeiende golf het groter geword en algaande groot impak, waarde en nuwe Swartlandfokus na die wynwêreld se top-verhoë

help neem ... 'n gewisse bydrae tot die streek se vinnig-groeiende gewildheid wêreldwyd. Ook onder Swartland Independant het die Swartlad Revolution-naweek ses jaar gelede ontstaan en gegroei tot die gewildste wynproe-geleentheid in die land. 'n Besondere smaak-ervaring in die hartjie van die Swartland Riebeek-Kasteel.

Vanjaar se sesde Rewolusie was geen uitsondering, selfs waarskynlik die beste een nog. En ... op die hoogtepunt - getrou aan aweregs besluit die organiseerders dit was die laaste. Rewolusie wat was. Rewolusie duur seker nie vir altyd....

Van die Baardskeerdersbosorkes tot die Swartland se eie bierbrouers, Adi Badenhorst en Eben Sadie, smulkos, wynlegende en oud-Springbokflank Jan Boland Coetzee, topwyne, ook dié van Mullineux (Suid-Afrika se wynkelder van die jaar), het Swartland Revolution 2015 dié rewolusie op 'n hoogtepunt laat afsluit.



Leefstyl • Lifestyle

Volume 15


Plesierige Afrikana in

Zoid Afrika K

uns en musiek kan baie kommersieel wees of dit kan baie gefokus wees met 'n beperkte, uitgesoekte aanhang. Kuns en die skeppers daarvan is ook nie altyd met die eerste oogopslag by almal ewe gewild nie en kan dit op jou groei soos mos... in Laurika se liefmense, of dit kan op 'n dag net eensklaps verander. Soos raassakke by die supermark is die kommersiële massa wat deur die massa aangehang word baie keer nie baie diep, sterk en eiesoortig karaktervol nie. Maar dan kom daar die uitsonderings, die uitskieters, 'n fenomeen wat juis in andersheid, eerlikheid 'n breë spektrum aanhang bou en hou. Toe Karen Zoid jare gelede met haar eerste groot treffer slaan, was Afrikaners effe plesierig, maar sy was straks die tyd 'n bietjie voor. Sy is gebore in Brussels as 'n nooi Greeff en ná haar vroeë kinderjare in België was Karen later 'n straatmusikant in Mellville. Van haar eerste album, Poles Apart, het sy reeds sukses behaal met goue status. Sy was vanuit die staanspoor effe aweregs (of awelinks dalk) in haar aanslag. Weg van die sentrum van die spektrum – weg van die goue middeweg. Meer onlangs het Zoid begin om 'n laataand TV-program in haar eiesoortige, eerlike styl aan te bied met 'n uitstekende lys van spesiale gaste. Die televisieprogram, Republiek van Zoid Afrika (nou reeds in sy tweede seisoen), is uniek in baie opsigte. Die gewildheid daarvan lê waarskynlik juis in die eiesoortigheid. Al ondersteun gemeenskappe in groot getalle die gewone, alledaagse, is dit altyd die unieke en anderse wat meer blywend 'n indruk maak en hul bybly. Unieke kombinasies wanneer die suiwer Zoid-stem met ander topkunstenaars saamspan om Afrikana te help opdiep en uitbou, moet beslis een van die suksesresepte wees. Die tweede seisoen van Republiek van Zoid Afrika, het soos die eerste, 'n spesiale CD en DVD opgelewer en volume 2 spog met gaskunstenaars soos Van Coke, Kahn Morbee, Jack Parow, Anneli van Rooyen, Bobby van Jaarsveld, Vusi Mahlasela, Steve Hofmeyr, Zanne Stapelberg, Dozi, Katlegoe Maboe, Rina Hugo, Amanda Strydom en PJ Powers. Zoid sal nou ook as een van die afrigters optree in Suid-Afrika se weergawe van die TV-werklikheidsreeks The Voice. Sy het vroeër vanjaar 'n duet met Francois van Coke opgeneem en “Toe Vind Ek Jou” het oornag top-trefferstatus bereik. Een van daardie treffers wat onmiddellik oor 'n wye spektrum ouderdomme en musieksmake byval gevind het en met druktyd al meer as 1 138 167 keer op YouTube gekyk is. - Johan Viljoen

Volume 15


Leefstyl • Lifestyle


The holidays are upon us. When the thought of leaving your house doesn’t appeal, here are some suggestions for keeping yourself and your children busy at home.

Home for the

holidays by Clifford Roberts


chool holidays can be daunting. Children have to be entertained and even adults can be at a loss when faced with blocks of time on their hands, so be prepared. Make a list of ideas suitable for daytime and evening; rain and sunshine. Some should be adventurous and active, and others, to encourage some peace and quiet. You might start your list with something like staying in your pyjamas for one whole day or organising a movie night, with popcorn. For the children, you can cook and bake together; make fruit sosaties or prepare toppings for pizza; build a secret hide-away by throwing a sheet over a table or tree branch. Dress-up like pirates or princesses, dinosaurs or fairies. Build obstacle courses, indoors or out; plan a treasure hunt and create a map for the occasion. Get the children to do a play, with costumes; or, keep a holiday diary, even if it’s only filled with drawings. Come December, we’re often drawn to think of others and gifts are prepared, so write letters. Make gifts like cards, key ring holders or simple linen bags and decorations. In the workshop, make a birdfeeder or scratch-pole for the cat. If it rains, break out the board games and pack of cards. Collect old boxes from your local grocery store and get the children to build a play city with them, or a box robot. Line up arts and crafts projects – make fairy wings and flower head wreaths; cut out masks or make a kite; or, use wax-lined cartons or plastic bottles to make little boats. Create a family artwork, where everyone



Leefstyl • Lifestyle

participates. Make flower pressings between baking paper. Cut and glue pictures from old magazines. On sunny days, get everyone outside. Google outdoor games to play and try a few new ones with the children. Mobile apps can also be your friend in times of need. Astronomy apps like SkyView, for example make it easy to learn about and look at the stars, even without a telescope. Have a picnic in your garden and invite your neighbours to join you. Read a book you’ve always wanted to and schedule several days where every electronic entertainment device, including the TV is banned. Learn a new skill, like playing the mouthorgan or even origami, and set yourself a goal. As for the chores, remember that December and January are hot months, so water your garden and watch consumption at the same time. Use mulch. Protect your lawn in the hot and dry season and allow it to grow slightly longer by raising the blades of the mower. Spray your fruit trees for fruit fly and coddling moth, and dispose of all fallen fruit. Gardening can also be fun for children - get them involved by starting a container garden. Take advantage of the good outdoor weather to check your roof for potential leaks and cracks; sand and varnish any wood frames and decks; do outdoor repairs; and, clean out the gutters. Also go over the manual of your car to remind yourself of its service schedule and give the car a good wash – the engine too. If anything looks worn or broken, make a note to ask a specialist about it and repair if necessary. Once done, reward yourself with a long break and cold drink. It’s the holidays, after all. Volume 15


Variety is the

e c i sp of life

No visit to Spice Route on the Suid Agter Paarl Road should be made without popping into Abigail Bisogno’s gorgeous new store, The Trading Company. A former retail director at Foschini, Abby (who happens to be the sister of Spice Route owner Charles Back) has created a shop filled with exciting treasures – from handmade, limited-edition pieces by well-known local artists to bespoke homeware, exotic furniture, premium baby products, handpainted cushions and table linen, jewellery,

Volume 15

stationery, and much, much more. Most of the products are made from natural materials and all the décor in the store has been handmade locally or spruced up by local craftsmen. With its mix of old and new, it’s a quirky treasure trove where you’re sure to find the ideal gift for anyone and everyone you know. Tourists can pick up all the gifts they need to to take home to loved ones in this onestop shop. Open Monday – Sunday, 10am – 5pm.


Leefstyl • Lifestyle


''Trend '' or ''Anti Trend'' Dave Nemeth partner in the Haus of Décor & Design in Yzerfontein, is recognised

as one of Africa’s leading design thinkers and trend forecasters here he shares some of his thoughts on future trends and décor & design directions. Petrie Dyason heads up all the operations in the Yzerfontein showroom and welcomes everyone interested in great furniture, design and décor to come and have a coffee and look at all the latest ranges. We are currently living in the age of creative disruption, where even trends have evolved, becoming less noticeable. 2016 will continue to see this almost “anti trend” taking place., If you had to take 20 pieces of furniture or decor, it would be difficult to find an obvious trend or pattern. The other interesting thing right now is that this “new” style is happening all over the word, at the same time, unlike years ago, when it was a known fact that we were, at least, two years behind what’s happening overseas. Current trends do show veins of uniformity, such as the materials used, patterns, and colour palettes; but even these can be quite difficult to identify with. In fact, many retailers have not caught on to what is really happening,


remaining a bit conventional with their product assortment. So, what are these big trends, or rather, “anti-trends,” currently taking place, and more importantly, why are they happening? For starters, the rebellion against mass production is continuing, spreading out across the world. For example, people from all sectors are searching for well-crafted, authentic, and artisanal products. It’s no longer just about the price, but rather about the authenticity and the story behind an object, decorative piece of furniture, or even fabric. The merging of art and design has created a new train of thought and awareness. Although it hasn’t earned itself a title this time, I see it as the age of the artisan. This new consumer attitude has definitely made an impact, visible in how China has had its slowest growth ever, with speculations of the country going into a recession. Even though there are plenty of factors causing this, the manufacturing and production sectors have slowed down as more and more countries look to their own production.

with on every level, from furniture, to wall art, becoming quite dominant in the lighting arena. Styles from the past are used as reference points for a lot of new furniture, visible in the styling reminiscent of Scandinavian movements, and the '50s. There is an affinity for the past, which in itself is a rebellion of mass production, cheap production. However, we cannot be separated from technology in this current age of innovation, so, hi-tech solutions are being integrated with these pared-down interior spaces. LED lighting is energy efficient, and it has become more affordable over the years.

In a time of huge technological advances, our interiors have become simplified and "stripped down." These days, it’s hard to come across an ornate interior, because this kind of styling is now seen as outdated. Classical interiors have become irrelevant, with a lot of people struggling to relate to the ostentatiousness. Instead, we see a shift towards interior spaces that follow a more diverse and eclectic kind of styling. The trend is towards personal taste and preferences, rather than the generic approach of the past. It is about storytelling, creating a space that is relevant to the individual. So, we will see a collection of different pieces in these homes, varying in colour, texture, form, and styling. These days, it is not uncommon to see a dining table surrounded by 8-12 completely different chairs. This kind of statement creates excitement and originality, carries meaning, and turns the owner into a curator of products, rather than a follower of fashion. In fact, “curation” is the buzzword, the biggest trend at the moment, involving putting collections together in order to form a creative and unique setting, while still working as a unified look. The industrial look we have become accustomed to follows the philosophy of using the existing, as well as that of recycling and upcycling. This will continue to be a trend for many years to come, as we strive to find solutions that reduce waste. We need to create products and spaces that are as friendly to the environment as they are to the senses. There is nothing more appealing than old, reclaimed and reused timber, or copper with aged patina. In fact, copper has become so popular that chrome, which has been prevalent for many decades, suddenly seems outdated and old. We’re seeing copper and brass being experimented

So, even though we see accent lighting taking on a retro approach, with elements such as the Edison bulb, most of the functional lighting will be LED, which can be controlled. Home automation is also on the rise due to it becoming more affordable, too. “The internet of things,” this is a phrase we will be hearing a lot, and it means that our objects and appliances will have connectivity, alerting us on what is happening. Our appliances will actually notify us when they are due for service. We will be able to control the temperature, lighting, and security of our homes from anywhere in the world. There is a lot of research and experimentation going into the development of materials, from roof tiles, to age-old materials such as concrete. Concrete, once reserved for practical structural purposes, has become a popular finish. With special additives being introduced to the medium, we are seeing an increase in the use of this incredible material, from kitchen countertops, to furniture, to jewelry. Scientists have even created a "self- healing” concrete, which automatically seals any cracked area. We live in exciting and complex times, and trends follow this complexity. However, the overriding trend is obvious, pointing to individuality and uniqueness. We are obsessed with storytelling, obsessed with objects and items that have meaning and relevance in our busy, hi-tech lives. These are exciting times, and we are seeing remarkably creative designs, both internationally, and right here in South Africa. In fact, South African design is in demand all over the world, and we are finally being recognised for our outstanding and original work. So, to truly be on-trend in the next few years, you need to be original, authentic, true to materials, and local.


Leefstyl • Lifestyle

Volume 15


Volume 15


Leefstyl • Lifestyle


Uninterrupted This Saldanha Bay mansion is found in a class of its own. The double - level modern residence is perfect for the discerning buyer. Set in a prime location with beautiful views of Saldanha Bay. 5 Spacious bedrooms, huge garage, open plan living and multiple balconies makes this residence perfect for luxurious living. Listed by Pam Golding Langebaan for R4.95 million (Images: Synergy Exposure) Agent: Gerrit Reinertz 082 809 0566 - 022 772 2196


Views Z

Leefstyl • Lifestyle

Volume 15


Volume 15


Leefstyl • Lifestyle



bonsai begin by die apiesdoring

“Elke bonsai is ‘n stukkie lewende kuns."

deur Susan Botha

Alice in Wonderland het deur ‘n gat in ‘n wonderwêreld van pratende hase, teekoppies en skaakstukke beland.... Ons het deur ‘n ou hekkie in ‘n oorgroeide heining in dié Swartland-paradys beland. Die fisiese werklikheid is doodgewoon André Beaurain en Corné Pretorius se kwekery in die hoofstraat van Riebeek-Wes. Maar tog… ‘n mens wil skielik in ‘n fluisterstem praat, asof jy in ‘n towerwoud is waar plante, diere en ander mistieke figure in die kleur, geur en skadu’s vir jou loer. Die kwekery herinner aan my ouma se gesellige voortuin. Dan is daar ook nog die droë tuin en die nat tuin en die orgideë-kweekhuis en die groentetuin met sappige goudgeel boontjies en die vetplanttuin en die woonhuis wat uit 1857 dateer en dan die ...Pièce de Résistance: André se bonsai-oerwoud. Nie oerwoud soos oorgroei en gevaarlik nie.


‘n Oerwoud waar elke asemrowende reus tot sy volle (klein) reg kom – in miniatuur vorm. Hier is die vorm en dimensie die estetiese kunsgevoel van die bonsai-skepper. ‘n Kremetart, volmaak gevorm, net sowat 20cm hoog. ‘n Mens kan die fabelagtige boom se volle prag in al sy fasette bewonder in dimensies wat vir die menslike oog makliker en bereikbaarder is. Hier is ‘n apiesdoring ‘n paar handbreedtes hoog, ‘n 200-jaaroue roosstok troon majestieus bo ‘n gestileerde geelhout uit en denne vul jou met ‘n uitbundige vreugde in hul ingehoue volmaaktheid. Daar is ook 'n besondere olyfboom van 250 jaar, wat André in Noord-Transvaal gekoop het. “My gunstelingboom om te bonsai is die kremetart,” sê André entoesiasties, maar sy belangstelling strek veel verder: "Spekbome is die maklikste vir beginners, die wit stinkhout en die wilde olyf maak ook pragtige bome."


Leefstyl • Lifestyle

André het bome in die Japanese en Europese styl, maar hy kry baie erkenning vir die werk wat hy aan die eg-Suid-Afrikaanse bonsai-styl, die Pierneef, doen. Dié styl is vernoem na Jacobus Hendrik Pierneef wat bekend was vir sy skilderye van tipies Suid-Afrikaanse bome en landskappe. 'n Pragtige voorbeeld van 'n wit apiesdoring in die Pierneef-styl, kan in André se tuin gesien word. In Japanese tradisie verteenwoordig Bonsai die drie deugde (shin-zen-bi) Waarheid, Goedheid en Skoonheid. Bonsai beteken letterlik om in ‘n skinkbord te plant: bon is ‘n skinkbord of plat pot en sai beteken aanplanting. Die Japanese tradisie is duisende jare oud en beskik oor sy eie estetika en terminilogie. André vertel met ‘n glimlag waar dié boompies hom bekruip het: “Ek het in ‘n woonstel gebly en my ma het gedink dit sou ‘n goeie verjaardaggeskenk wees.” Die apiesdoring het ‘n spesiale plekkie in sy siel gevind en is vandag nog

Volume 15


die trotse matriarg van sy 72-stuk versameling. Deur die jare het André se versamelig gegroei uit bome in die kwekery , uit die veld en uit tuine en plase. Hy en Corné doen landskapbeplanning en dit is ook dikwels die bron van kandidaatbonsai. Hy wys na ‘n wilde olyf wat sy wortels kunstig oor ‘n stukkie rots vou. “Die rots het in die natuur gekeer dat die wortels sywaarts gegroei het. Dit is ‘n tipiese kenmerk van bonsai, en ons plaas ‘n klip onder die plant om die wortels reg te vorm.” Dit gebeur terwyl die plant in ‘opleiding’ is. Aan die begin wanneer ‘n plant geleer word hy is nou ‘n bonsai en daarna elke jaar of twee, wanneer hy in ‘n nuwe houer oorgeplant word. Die bome word dan onttrek na ‘n opleidingsterrein waar daar intensief met hulle gewerk word. Nie dat die ander bonsai nie gedurige stemopdragte kry en met skêrtjies, knippers en allerlei ander werktuigies onder bedwang gehou word nie. “Daar mag nie ‘n blaartjie of takkie uit plek wees nie, dit versteur die silhoeët en daarmee saam die estetiese genot wat die bonsai se doel is." “Elke bonsai is ‘n stukkie lewende kuns. Dit is ‘n vorm van meditasie. En ‘n mens leer beslis geduld.”

Volume 15

Andre versorg een van sy bonsai-bome.

"Spekbome is die maklikste vir beginners, die wit stinkhout en die wilde olyf maak ook pragtige bome."


Leefstyl • Lifestyle


gr en



roen en volhoubaar is woorde soos spoke of monsters wat dikwels gebruik word om bang te maak en Moeder Aarde se toekoms as pikdonker te skets. Die sketsers gebruik graag groot woorde en veral groot syfers (dikwels waarskynlik bietjie aangedik) om met statistieke die versnellende agteruitgang uit te beeld. Hoe juis hierdie statistieke is, is soms aanvegbaar. Só byvoorbeeld word daar gesê om op te maak vir die verlies aan bome die afgelope dekade wêreldwyd, moet daar vir die volgende tien jaar elke jaar 15 miljoen bome aangeplant word. Dat • 145 liter water gebruik word vir die vervaardiging van een blikkie gaskoeldrank, • 7000 liter water nodig is om elke vat ruolie te raffineer, • 2900 liter water gebruik word in die verbouing van katoen vir een T-hemp. Om die noodsaaklikheid van 'n groener lewe te ignoreer en die gevaartekens te negeer, is verseker onverantwoordelik. Heelparty skole het dit ten doel om met hul aksies en bewusmakingsveldtogte ten minste die pas waarteen moderne praktyke en lewensstyle omgewingsagteruitgang veroorsaak, te rem. Dit is belangrik om bewus te wees en tuis te begin - op kleiner of groter skaal - bydra tot 'n groener aarde en die bewaring van ons hulpbronne. Maak 'n kopskuif en selfs die geringste verandering in jou leefstyl maak 'n bydra tot moederaarde-bewaring. 'n Paar wenke in en om die huis. • Draai daardie kraan toe terwyl jy tande borsel. Kyk self hoeveel water elke oggend onnodig wegloop deur net een oggend die prop



Leefstyl • Lifestyle

in die wasbak te plaas terwyl jy borsel. • Plant jou eie groentetuin tuis, al is dit slegs 1m by 1m groot. Sodoende verlaag jy die aanvraag na voedselproduksie in die wêreld en hoef die groente nie honderde kilometer ver na jou toe aangery te word nie. Verwerk en vries oortollige groente. • Die aanplant van vrugtebome, veral dié wat geskik is vir Suid-Afrika, kan ook 'n groot bydrae maak en weer kan die oortollige vrugte verwerk word deur dit in te lê of te droog. • Wanneer jy voedselafval in jou tuin begrawe eerder as om dit in jou vullisdrom te gooi, maak dit jou grond ryker. • Begin 'n klein komposhoop tuis. •Werk spaarsamig met of vermy gifstowwe in jou tuin. Ondersoek die alternatiewe metodes om peste in jou tuin te bekamp. Só byvoorbeeld hou gebreekte eierdoppe slakke weg. • Plant slegs inheemse plante in jou tuin – verkieslik dié tipes wat in jou streek die beste aard. Vervang mettertyd die uitheemse plante met inheemse aanplanting. • Wees bewus van die verpakking van elke produk wat jy aankoop en kyk of dit nie moontlik is om die moeilik afbreekbare verpakkings te vermy nie. Kweek die regte leefstyl by jou kinders deur klein en groot projekte uit herwinbare materiaal wat andersins in die vullisblik sou beland. Ondersteun produsente van vars produkte en plaaslik vervaardigde produkte in jou omgewing by markte en stalletjies. Hul impak op die omgewing is dikwels veel kleiner as dié van produkte wat van ver aangery word. Slegs die impak van padvervoer en uitlaatgasse alleen het 'n groot negatiewe uitwerking. Neem altyd jou eie sakke saam vir inkopies, eerder as om elke keer nuwe plastieksakke aan te koop. Kyk dan hoeveel plastieksakke jou huishouding die omgewing elke maand spaar. - Johan Viljoen Volume 15


Volume 15


Leefstyl • Lifestyle


Deur die lens van

Johan Dempers




Leefstyl • Lifestyle Gesondheid

Volume 2013 15 Augustus • September




Johan Dempers is ‘n avontuur-fotograaf wat daarvan hou om nuwe hoogtes te bereik - letterlik. Hy het die aardbol al oorkruis en deurkruis - kamera in die hand. Hy bied fotografiekursusse aan en spesialiseer in lugfotografie. Met Johan se foto’s kry die oog nuwe perspektief op die bekende wat op grondvlak gesien word. ‘n Leefstyl • Lifestyle Volume Augustus • September 2013gee ander hoeke en blikke. Gesondheid Kykie15 vanuit die blou, Foto’s: Johan Dempers - www.lugfoto.com19





Leefstyl • Lifestyle

Volume 15


Volume 15


Leefstyl • Lifestyle

21 Foto’s: Johan Dempers - www.lugfoto.com

Where brandy meets history Brandy has been made in South Africa for over 300 years. You can explore this tradition by visiting some of the Cape’s big and small distilleries, writes Clifford Roberts. Below: Mons Ruber distillery near Oudtshoorn gets its name from the red colour of surrounding hills.

Above: Dys Grundling, distiller and owner of Grundheim near Oudtshoorn. Below: In addtion to being a distillery, Kingna also has a function venue.



Leefstyl • Lifestyle

Volume 15



What is brandy?

Left: Barrels awaiting transportation at Barrydale Wine & Brandy Cellar. Right: A still at Barrydale Wine & Brandy Cellar.


f you love whisky, then the distilleries of Scotland are almost guaranteed to be on your list of do-before-I-die road-trips. To see gleaming stills and fine spirit however, you needn’t journey to the other end of the earth. The Cape has its own distilleries that welcome visitors and are within easy reach – whether you have a weekend or an entire three-week holiday available. Micro distilleries are on the increase, especially those riding the popularity of gin. But none of them come close to the rich, homegrown history of South African brandy. Brandy’s history in South Africa began in the 1600’s when the first recorded distillation took place on a Dutch ship in Table Bay. As the wine industry grew, so did brandy – a product of the grape. Distillation became part of the farming tradition and rural life; and, its spirit the social lubricant ever present at celebrations and commiserations. On long journeys of exploration, it lasted better than wine and with brandy being a five to seven times concentration of wine, its volume of alcohol took up less space too. At the same time, South African brandy gradually developed its world-class status. Today, our brandies are annually rated at international competitions as the best in the world. A shelf of bottles in a liquor store may reflect some of the diversity of the industry, and the labels some of the history; you’ve probably also encountered old, polished pot stills in antique shops, but the best way to experience the tapestry of this tradition is to visit the distilleries and meet the people who run them. Scotland has its Malt Whisky Trail and Kentucky, the Bourbon Trail. In South Africa, we have the Brandy Homes – a network of 22 distilleries, big and small, located in the Cape Winelands, Little Karoo and Northern Cape. Among them, you’ll find the makers of the big brands like Klipdrift, Van Ryn’s, KWV. But most are micro enterprises, distilleries on farms scattered across some of the country’s most scenic countryside. Volume 15

Around Stellenbosch and to its south, there’s Avontuur Estate near Somerset West, which is famous for its horses as much as brandy; the tree-shrouded Oude Molen in Grabouw; Van Ryn’s, where you can enjoy a variety of brandy and food pairings and see how brandy barrels are made; Blaauwklippen wine estate, with its restaurant and children’s play area; Tokara on the Helshoogte Pass, which has a deli and permanent art exhibition; the Steytler family’s Kaapzicht Wine Estate in Kuilsriver; Louiesenhof Wines, founded in 1701 and home to a bistro as well; and, Uitkyk, where you can sit on its lawns and enjoy a picnic too. In and around Paarl and Wellington, you can visit Backsberg Estate, with its garden restaurant; the grand estate of Laborie; the KWV Sensorium and Emporium; Upland Organic Wine & Brandy Estate, an off-the-beaten-track gem; and Oude Wellington Estate. The R62 is popular with bikers and road-trippers, but the route is also lined with out-of-theway brandy distilleries too. Robertson, for example, is where Klipdrift was born. The distillery has since moved from the Major’s Hill wine farm to the town’s Main Road, and now has a large visitor centre that offers regular tours and tastings. Kingna Distillery lies amongst the fruit orchards along the eponymous river near Montagu; Barrydale Wine & Brandy Cellar is where Joseph Barry Brandy is made; Calitzdorp’s Boplaas is known for its port, wines as well as its fine brandy; and, around Oudtshoorn, there’s the fifth generation Grundling family’s Grundheim Wines and Mons Ruber Estate, a fascinating museum of local history as well as distillery. If you’ve got less time available to you, you might include one or two in the Little Karoo with a visit to Bergerac Distillery, off the N1 near De Doorns; or, head for Upinton in the Northern Cape and visit Bezalel Wine & Brandy Estate to see its twin copper pot stills on the farm beside the Orange River. Of course, before you even set out on the journey, if you intend to taste make sure you have a driver. There are few better ways to explore the country and this fascinating part of its history.


Leefstyl • Lifestyle

At its simplest, brandy is made from fermented grape juice that is distilled and matured. South African law categorises our brandy as: Potstill; Vintage, where potstill brandy is blended with matured wine spirit; and, Blended, where potstill brandy is bottled with unmatured wine spirit. To qualify as brandy, the potstill component must be aged for a minimum of three years in oak casks up to 340 litres in size. To find out more, visit www.sabrandy.co.za. Some distilleries are open throughout the week, others by appointment only. It’s best to call ahead and make sure if you’re planning to visit over the holiday season. • Avontuur Estate (www.avontuurestate.co.za) tel: 021 21 855 3450 • Backsberg (www.backsberg.co.za), tel: 021 875 5141 • Barrydale Wine & Brandy Cellar (www.scv. co.za), tel: 028 572 1012. • Bergerac Distillery (www.karoo1.com), tel:023 358 2131 • Bezalel Wine & Brandy Estate (www.bezalel. co.za), tel: 054 491 1325 • Blaauwklippen (www.blaauwklippen.com), tel: 021 880 8655 • Boplaas (www.boplaas.co.za), tel: 044 213 3326 • Grundheim (www.grundheim.co.za), tel: 044 272 6927 • Kaapzicht Wine Estate (www.kaapzicht.co.za), tel: 021 906 1620 • Kingna Distillery, (www.kingna.co.za) tel: 023 614 2721 • Klipdrift (www.klipdrift.co.za), tel: 023 626 3027 • KWV Emporium (www.kwvbrandy.co.za; www.kwvwineemporium.co.za), tel: 021 807 3007 • KWV Sensorium (www.kwvsensorium.co.za), tel: 021 807 3147 • Laborie (www.laboriewines.co.za), tel: 021 807 3390 • Louiesenhof (www.louiesenhof.co.za), tel: 021 865 2632 • Mons Ruber Estate, tel: 044 251 6550 • Oude Molen (www.oudemolen.co.za), tel: 021 859 2517 • Oude Wellington Estate (www.kapwein.com), tel: 021 873 2262 • Tokara (www.tokara.com), tel: 021 808 5900 • Uitkyk (www.uitkyk.co.za), tel: 021 884 4416 • Upland Organic Wine & Brandy Estate (www. organicwine.co.za), tel: 082 731 4774 Van Ryn’s (www.vanryns.co.za), tel: 021 881 3875


Kuier bietjie die somer... /

Desember is Somer, Son en Seevakansiemaand aan die Weskus - eg en eerlik - wat jaar na jaar groei in gewildheid soos besoekers die bekoring ontdek en… herontdek. Maar dit is nie net die Weskus met sy eie stadige pas en eie lang somersaande wat dit so 'n gewilde vakansie en aftree-streek maak nie, maar dit is ook die toeganklikheid van die nabye binneland en unieke ervarings wat dié buurstrook bied, wat dit nóg gewilder maak. Ons het 'n kort lysie gemaak van ander móét-ervaar-aanbiedinge tipies op inwoners en besoekers se doenlysie.

Kersie op die Koek

Desember is Kersfeestyd, maar ook Kersietyd in die Ceresvallei by die bekende Klondyke Kersieplaas, Dáár hou hulle elke jaar 'n kersiefees maar besoekers kan ook gedure3nde die seisoen self kersies kom pluk. Die plukseisoen het op 25 November geopen en die plukseisoen sal na verwagting tot naby die einde van Desember duur. Die plaas is elke dag (behalwe Kersdag) oop08:30 - 16:30. Toegang beloop R20 per persoon


en jy kan jou eie kersies pluk teen R50/kg. Navrae 087 550 0232 GPS: S 33°18'55.51. E 19°34'53.76

So ry die trein...

Besoekers aan die Ceresvallei kan gerus sommer 'n paar vlieë met een klap slaan en die splinternuwe Stoomtreinprojek meemaak. Ceres Railway het die afgelope maand begin met treinritte om dié ou vervoermiddels af te stof, op te knap en besoekers 'n baie spesiale ervaring te bied. Gaan ervaar die reuke, klanke en beelde uit vergange se dae – die slag van die stoomenjins en die fluit-eggo's wanneer die trein jou deur die Michellspas neem. Die totale rit neem omgeveer twee en 'n half ure met die opsie om by Waverley Hills, 'n organiese wyn- en olyflandgoed buite Wolseley, af te klim en 'n uur te vertoef. Daar kan passasiers voorafbespreekte etes en wynproeë geniet. Vir besprekings (Volwassenes 13 jaar en ouer – R295 en kinders 3 tot 12 - R200): kontak bookings@ceresrail.co.za GPS: -33.375921, 19.304007


Leefstyl • Lifestyle

Foefieslide met 'n verskil

Besoekers aan Ceres kan ook inloer by die gewilde Ceres Zipline Adventures waar gaste 'n ware adrenalien-spoedrit met agt aparte lyne oor 1.4km kan meemaak. Elkeen van die lyne is tussen 100 en 290m lank, toegerus met spesiaalontwerpte remstelsels vir gaste se gerief. Geleë in die Skurweberge onder die Koekedouw-dam kry besoekers hier tydens die rit hoog in die lug unieke uitsigte op die pragtige fynbos en ruwe sandsteenformasies. Die koste: R400 per persoon. Die ure is daagliks van 08:00-16:00 Kontak: 079 245 0354 of 078 063 5134 info@ceresadventures.co.za GPS: S 33’22.530’ E 19’ 17.881’

Swartland -wynland

Een van die Weskus se buurstreke wat vinnig in gewildheid groei, met veral die streek se eiesoortige wyne wat dit onder die 10 topgroeiers wêreldwyd plaas, is die Swartland. Nie alleen groei die streek se wyne daagliks in gesogtheid nie, maar die streek is so sentraal geleë met 'n plaaslike owerheid wat

Volume 15



ontwikkeling aanwakker dat dit ook vir beleggers – binne- sowel as buitelands - al meer gesog raak. Die Riebeekvallei, aan die voet van die Kasteelberg, is een van die mees gewilde bestemmings wat - soos Malmesbury en Darling – spog met 'n groot aantal bekroonde wynkelders. Van die histories bekendstes is die Riebeek-Wes Allesverloren Landgoed, vir jare reeds bekend weens sy bekroonde port en rooiwyne. Die eerste wingerd op dié landgoed, van dag nog in die Malan-familie, is in 1780 aangeplant. Navrae: 022 461 2589 GPS: S 33° 21' 32.5" E 018° 52' 24.1"

Van tot Voëleiland Die Weskus en aanliggende streke is besonder ryk aan erfenisgebiede. Só is daar die 30km lange Verlorenvlei by Elandsbaai – 'n natuurlike vleiland. Hier is al 240 verskillende voëlspesies opgeteken en die kosbare vlei het in 1991 internasionale Ramsarbewaringstatus verkry. Aan die suidekant van die vlei is daar al op tientalle boesmantekeninge afgekom in onder meer die Elandsbaai-grotte. Die Langhuis langs Verlorenvlei is nog een van die laaste oorblyfsels van ’n eens florerende gemeenskap hier.


Sowat 30 km noord van Elandsbaai by Lambertsbaai is die wêreldberoemde Voëleiland (3ha) - sowat 100?m vanaf die kus. Hier is 'n besoekersentrum en uitkykpunt op die kolonie van Kaapse Malgasse van meer as 25 000 asook kormorante. Besoekure (1 Oktober to 31 Maart) 07:00 tot 19:00 Navrae: 071 657 5651 of 082 336 5936 GPS: 32 5 22.13 S 18 18 8.95 E

Die spog met 'n groot verskeidenheid restaurante waaronder Bar Bar Black Sheep, Mama Cucina, Royal Hotel, Kasteelberg Bistro en Pleasant Pheasant. Spesialiswinkels sluit in die mini-sjokoladehemel Le P'tit Chocolat met handgemaakte sjokolade en die olyfbelewenis by Het Vlock Casteel. Een van die jongste toevoegings is die Pictorex Fotogallery en Studio waar werk van Suid-Afrika se topnatuurfotograwe saam met plaaslike landskappe uitgestal en gesogte kleurbeheerde kwaliteitdrukwerk gedoen word.

Volume 15

Lambertsbaai se immergewilde Muisbosskerm-restaurant is 'n paar kilometer suid op die strandgebied geleë en bekend vir seekos in oorvloed.


Leefstyl • Lifestyle




There’s more to do in the Baviaanskloof than drive through its world famous nature reserve, writes Clifford Roberts. “We never have to mow the lawn,” says

Christine Smith as we stroll in the shadow of the mountainside. “The dassies take care of that.” She and husband Nico moved from Welkom to the Baviaanskloof a few years ago and now run Uitspan guest farm and campsite. It’s quiet now, but they’re getting ready for high season when the holidaymakers return. Every year, families head for the Baviaans and once you’ve been, it’s not hard to see why. Within the broad tapestry of wholesome country experience to be had – wide, blue skies; winding, deserted roads; and, villages you dream of moving to – the Baviaans is home to a World Heritage Site and history. To be clear, the Baviaanskloof falls within the Baviaans region that incorporates Steytlerville, Willowmore, Rietbron and the Grootrivier Valley. The landscapes are diverse as the lush mountainous stretches bordering on the Garden Route subside into the wide valleys and flat, dry plains of the arid hinterland. Fauna and flora also display this transition along with the climate. Unsurprisingly, this mix gives rise to countless opportunities for holidaymakers with most of them headed for the Baviaanskloof, some 140km of farms and mountains of which just 60km comprises the eponymous nature reserve. At least part of the attraction arises from the poor condition of the roads through the reserve that limits access to vehicles with diff lock. Cyclists can traverse it too, but they’re subject to strict rules that include the accompaniment of a support vehicle – some of the reserve’s big game includes African buffalo. As for the rest of the kloof, ordinary vehicles can get around fairly easily on the gravel roads if you don’t mind a pothole or a splash of water here and there. If you fall into this category, you’ll enter the valley at the Nuwekloof Pass, at the Willowmore end. You’ll want to plan your stops before your departure because even though the territory appears sparsely populated, there are deceptively many activities to be enjoyed. You’ll also want to make sure you have cash, because there are no money machines First stop for many is the Smith’s farm where you might catch a glimpse of lawn-mowing rock hyraxes. There are a number of hikes varying from 40 minutes to five hours; and, circular 4x4 routes. If the kids aren’t keen to go along, there’s a pool and foefie slide. Further on, there’s more swimming, hiking and 4x4 opportunity at the Makkedaat Caves, but it’s the accommodation built into overhangs along a side-valley that’s fascinating. So too the treehouse at Speekhout, although you won’t be


able to get a look if it’s booked for the night. Some 58km from the N9 turnoff you’ll encounter a little gem that is one of only three areas that come close to being “commercial centres” of the Baviaanskloof. Vero’s Restaurant offers very light refreshment and roosterkoek, while across the road there’s the Baviaans Craft Shop, a community upliftment project. The other two are the Bavijaans Farmstall with its unmistakable red windmill, where you can sit on a stoep and enjoy a milkshake and light lunches; and, Babes se Winkel – an old-style farm shop and postal agency that most regulars frequent for basic necessities and is good for catching up on local news. Before you arrive at the latter however,


Leefstyl • Lifestyle

there’s Verlorenrivier Guest Farm, which offers the staple fare for outdoor-lovers and 4x4 enthusiasts as well as some fresh-water fishing and birdwatching. Bo-kloof Guest Farm is another must-stop, especially if you like honey. You’re likely to encounter Quintus and Anina Bezuidenhout’s wares at many of the farmstalls before you even get to the kloof, but on the farm you can learn about beekeeping and honey first-hand. They also have horses for riding, as long as you book the day before, and hiking. We trundled through the valley at a slow pace, stopping at Bavijaans farmstall with its trademark red windmill for milkshakes. I read up later it’s also attached to guest cottages with MTB trails Volume 15


Doringkloof Bushcamp caters for campers and 4x4 enthusiasts. Above: There are rules for cyclists wanting to go through the nature reserve. Find out what they are before you depart.

and a hike that’ll lead you to San rock art. Further down the dusty artery of the valley, a short detour presents itself. About one third of the way through is the strange sight of a well-manicured rugby field and the turn-off to Zaaymanshoek. The village was established in the 1930s, when the land was sold to the United Congregational Church. Today, there are still a number of families living here and a school. The drive takes us a few minutes before we head back onto the road and soon we arrive at our overnight stop – Doringkloof Bush Camp. There’s a two-way radio on the office stoep and a sign notifying visitors to call. Soon, we’re settled into our self-catering cottage with a braai fire Volume 15

dancing merrily. The site lies away from the road and is surrounded by thorn trees and bush. There’s a lawn for tents and picnics that must be booked ahead of time; a dam for swimming and fishing and ablution blocks. In the morning, we’re awoken by the thud of monkeys on the roof. Doringkloof has 4x4 tracks, game drives and even a hike to see leopard cages and cameras, but we have to go. We pack and set off again because the Baviaanskloof nature reserve awaits us. This time of the year, the gate opens at 07:00 and closes at 16:00. Entrance is R20pp with discount for children. At a leisurely pace, it should take you around five or six hours to


travel the 60km from entrance to exit. Locals also advise getting in as early as possible if you want a chance to see the buffalo. There are campsites in the reserve and a picnic spot at Smitskraal. We trundle through slowly, but the time flies nonetheless and soon we find ourselves at the exit. In the evening, over dinner at the Baviaanskloof Lodge in Cambria, we reflect on the visit. It’s time to head home and while it’s only been days, that stop at Uitspan seems like weeks ago.

Leefstyl • Lifestyle As jy saans huis toe stap na die sirkelroete se stap of fietsry, word jy beloon met sulke tonele.


Jennifer Zamudio 'verlang na Velddrif se vriendelike gesigte'

Ná vyftien jaar in die vermaaklikheidsbedryf, is Jennifer Zamudio, oorspronklik van Velddrif, ‘n gerekende sangeres, liedjieskrywer, televisieveldaanbieder en compère (seremoniemeester) met nege albums agter haar naam. Sy het in luisteraars se harte gekruip met lekkerluisterliedjies en meesleurende lirieke, meestal oor die lewe en die liefde. Hier is Jennifer se antwoorde op ‘n paar vrae van Alida Buckle.

Wat doen jy om te ontspan?

Ek geniet kosbare tyd saam met my boesemvriende.

Een tema waaroor jy baie sing, is die liefde. Wat beteken die woord 'liefde' vir jou? Ek hou daarvan om te skryf en sing oor temas

Wat mis jy van Velddrif?

Die rustigheid en die vriendelike gesigte van almal wat almal groet.

Op watter ouderdom het jy besef dat dit jou roeping is om te sing?

Hoe het bekendheid jou verander, indien wel?

Ek was 26.

Jong, ek het ‘n paar persoonlike amptenare aangestel wat my reeds lank en goed genoeg ken, en dit is hulle “job” om seker te maak dat dit nie gebeur nie. (Hahaha… dit het nie).

Wie is jou grootste ondersteuner? My Pa was en is nog steeds!

Wat is vir jou die lekkerste: die uitvoer of die skryf van die liedjies?

Wat is vir jou lekker om saam met ‘n goeie vriendin te doen?

Die verhoog is my speelplek – só, ek sal sê die uitvoer-gedeelte.

Om te gesels oor ‘n vinnige ete met ‘n glasie wyn, en om saam in die winkels rond te loop.

As jy ‘n ander verhoognaam sou moes kies, wat sou dit wees?

Wat beteken familie vir jou?

Ek glo tot vandag toe dat met ‘n van soos myne, wat ook ‘n ideale verhoognaam is, is ek gebore om op die verhoog te wees. Ek sou dit nie anders wou hê nie.

Familie is seker die kosbaarste ding in ‘n mens se lewe. Ek is dankbaar dat ons ‘n baie hegte familie is. Verder koester ‘n mens elke oomblik wat jy saam kan spandeer, soos oor Kerstyd, want die lewe is heeltemal te kort. Ek lief my familie!

Watter liedjie was volgens jou, jou grootste treffer tot dusver?

Met watter projek is jy tans besig?

Hart se loper.

My 10de solo-album, 15 Jaar Spesiale Uitgawe is in Julie vanjaar vrygestel, maar ek is reeds hard besig om te werk aan ‘n spiksplinternuwe album wat einde 2016 die lig behoort te sien.

Watter liedjie is vir jou die lekkerste om vir ‘'n gehoor te sing? Hou my.

Wat is jou toekomsplanne?

Om my musiek na die mense toe te neem, groot en klein dorpe! Ek beoog ‘n trotse Nashville Pop Country-album, iewers in die toekoms, met musiek wat spesiaal vir my geskryf word deur liedjieskrywers in Nashville.

Wie is jou deursnit-aanhanger?

Die meerderheid is mans en vroue van so 30 tot 70, maar dan is daar ook tog wat jonger en ouer is.


wat mense se harte raak, en die liefde is daai een aspek in die lewe waarmee almal kan identifiseer. Of dit nou verliefdheid is, en of dit nou die hartseer-gedeelte van die liefde is. Só, nodeloos om te sê, iewers in die lirieke van my liedjies is daar ‘n oomblik wat iemand kan koester of kan laat onthou.


Leefstyl • Lifestyle

Volume 15


Volume 15


Leefstyl • Lifestyle



Gebakte mosterdtong vir Kersfees Elrika Lesch is 'n Swartlander in murg en been en vir die beste deel van ..... (dalk wil sy nie hê ons moet sê nie) jaar bak, kook en "kyter" sy vanuit die 'Country Kitchen' op die plaas Pampoentuin in die Riebeeksrivier. Verlede jaar het sy haar man, Lodewyk, oor-

tuig om die ou plaashuis op die werf bietjie af te wit en af te stof vir 'n unieke plaasrestuarant, Die Ou Huis. Elrika deel vir hierdie Kersgety haar ouma Beatrice se resep vir gebakte mosterdtong.... Lipleklekker!!!

Wat jy benodig: SOUS 30 ml (2 e) olie 60 ml (¼ k) mosterdpoeier 125 ml (½ k) suiker 2 ml (½ t) sout 250 ml (1 k) water 250 ml (1 k) mayonnaise 125 ml (½ k) wit asyn 30 ml (2 e) koekmeel


Meng die olie, mosterd, meel, suiker en sout saam en voeg die water bietjie vir bietjie by. Klits die res van die bestanddele by.

Wat jy benodig

TONG 2 gaar beestonge, vel afgetrek en in skywe gesny (SIEN WENK) 125 ml (½ k) sagte broodkrummels (ek rol sommer Post Toasties fyn)


Voorverhit die oond tot 180 °C. Pak die tongskywe in ’n oondvaste bak en giet die sous oor. Sprinkel die krummels oor en

bak vir 45 minute in die oond tot die sous effens verdik het en die krummels goudbruin is.

Maak die tong so gaar:


Bedek tonge heeltemal met koue water. Voeg ’n kruiesakkie, 2 geelwortels, 2 uie by. Laat kook, in bedekte kastrol, verlaag die hitte en kook sowat 3 uur tot sag. Dompel in koue water en verwyder die vel terwyl die tong nog warm is. As jy die tong in die kookvloeistof laat afkoel,



Leefstyl • Lifestyle

proe dit beter. Volume 15


Restaurantgids Clanwilliam Veldskoendraai

078 364 8785

Darling Brig’s Barn

022 492 2451

Doringbaai Jetty Restaurant

027 215 1092

Elandsbaai Elandsbaai Hotel

022 972 1640

Jacobsbaai Weskusplek

022 715 3333

Koringberg Desert Rose Farm Stall

082 884 8714

Laaiplek Eigebraai Restaurant

022 783 1116

Langebaan Boesmanland Plaaskombuis 022 772 1564 Dockside Café 022 707 7896 Langebaan Seafood Deli 022 772 1280 The Farmhouse Hotel 022 772 2062 Friday Island 022 772 2506 Geelbek 022 772 2134 Lekka by die See 082 899 6377 Seafood Deli 022 772 1550 Thali Thali Game Lodge 082 372 8637 Malmesbury Barry’s Beef and Barrel Cardelli’s Cherry Lane Die Herehuis Jannos Sabino Spur The Pomegranate

022 482 1372 022 487 1744 022 482 2877 022 487 1771 022 487 2091 022 487 1511 062 400 3419

Moorreesburg De Oude Stoep Die Hut

022 433 3154 022 433 2665

Paternoster Blikkie Pizzeria De See Kat Oep ve Koep Garden Bistro Skatkis Restaurant The Square Spoon Voorstrandt Restaurant

022 752 2246 082 445 5540 022 752 2105 022 752 2023 072 208 2047 022 752 2038

Piketberg Archers Bistro Fat Catz Café/Restaurant Mountain Creek Spur

022 913 3651 022 913 1076 022 913 1819

Porterville Koppikoffi Plattelander

022 931 3877 082 773 1200

Riebeek Kasteel Bar Bar Black Sheep Café Felix Du Vlei Ed’s Diner The Royal Hotel

022 448 1031 022 448 1170 084 461 2602 022 448 1377 022 448 1479

Riebeek West Pleasant Pheasant Riebeek Valley Hotel

022 461 2170 022 461 2672

Saldanha Blue Bay Lodge Eigebaai Restaurant Hoedjiesbaai Hotel Slipway

Volume 15

022 714 1177 022 714 1271 022 714 1271 022 714 4235

Strandfontein Kommetjie Restaurant

079 713 4054

Veldrif Die Pont Restaurant

022 783 11 37

Vredenburg Legends Ocean Basket Wimpy Yukon Spur

022 719 1820 022 713 2998 022 713 4971 022 713 4569

Vredendal Big Creek Spur

027 213 3535


Yzerfontein Meeurots Restaurant 022 451 2608 Weskus PadstalLeefstyl • Lifestyle 082 351 2722


Goodies and

Gadgets s a m t s i r h C to charge a device weekly. The tracker, which measures steps, distance, calories burned, and sleep, includes a traditional coin battery that will last up to a full year. It also features an always-on display, making it easy to see the time and your fitness progress

you'd want in a thin and light Windows 10 laptop, including an ultra-high-definition 4K-resolution (3,840x2,160-pixel) screen.

Glow V2 - Best Hitting Night Glow Golf Ball - 2 Ball Pack with Uv Flashlight

TOUR QUALITY FLIGHT AND FEEL - The GlowV2 is the only night golf ball that performs as well as the best daytime golf balls. We accomplish this because our ball has a full compression core with a soft Eurathane skin. This means you don't need to compensate for a dead LED core that flies 2-3 clubs short. RELIABLE UV-ACTIVATED SKIN: Just power up the skin with our UV Flashlight or UV GlowBaster (sold separately) and hit pure shots. The skin will never loose it's ability to glow. LONG GLOW: We pack the skin with as much glow pigment as possible so it's the longest glowing photoluminescent ball on the market. Charge it up and it lasts 8-15 minutes at high glow and then glows 4-6 hours so you never loose it. THE TRUE CONSTANT-ON GOLF BALL: Just charge it up with our UV Flashlight and hit away. Then, when you get to your ball, pull out your flashlight and power it up again and again. It will never turn off in flight OUT PERFORMS LED GOLF BALLS: The GlowV2 will never stop taking a charge and it will never turn off or break like LED golf balls. Just charge it up and play

Parrot Minikit Neo 2 HD Bluetooth hands-free phone system

The Parrot Minikit Neo 2 HD is a great way to get Bluetooth in your car without it being a total eyesore or annoyingly expensive. It's also batterypowered, so no unsightly wires are required, and it'll run in standby for up to 6 months.

LG Twin Wash system

Ready to improve a loved one's laundry room? LG debuted its Twin Wash system at the 2015 CES trade show in Las Vegas. You can fit a separate drawer under any of LG's frontload washers to wash smaller, more delicate loads while the main machine simultaneously completes its own cycle. The machine will be available in time for the holidays.

G-Tech G-Drive ev ATC w/ Thunderbolt

Garmin Vivofit 2

The Garmin Vivofit 2 is the tracker for people who don't want to be bothered with having


Toshiba Satellite Radius 12

This new hybrid has practically everything


Leefstyl • Lifestyle

The G-Tech G-Drive ev ATC w/Thunderbolt is a two-in-one portable drive. First it's a super rugged watertight Thunderbolt drive that has an integrated Thunderbolt cable. When the outer shell is removed, it's a compact, rugged USB 3.0 portable drive that can also works with other storage solutions in G-Tech's EV family. In either case, this is a very fast storage device, making it a great device for those working in rough, wet or dirty environments. Volume 15




Elke Saterdag Langsdiebos Mark Waar: Malmesbury: Voortrekkerterrein (Agter HSS Sportgronde) 09h00 – 13h00 Marilize Crafford: 072 052 6280 / langsdiebosmark@ gmail.com

12 Desember • Ray Dylan Waar: Gouda Hotel 023 232 0212 / 082 576 8374

12 Desember • Swartbergsvlei Veterane Oesdag Waar: Weskuspad (R27) - 12km vanaf Yzerfontein

• Shelly Point Arts & Crafts Market Where: Shelly Point Hotel, Shelly Point 060 711 2625 or shellypointmarket@webmail.co.za

• Somer 16 Myl Sortdag Waar: Yzerfontein – Hoofstrand 071 285 8301

19 - 20 December

• The 2016 Langebaan Downwind Dash Where: Langebaan www. langebaandash.co.za

16 January • The Yzerfontein Annual Snoek Classic 2015 Where: Yzerfontein Theunis: 083 306 5510

29 January - 14 February 20 December • Vredenburg Christmas Market Where: Vredenburg 060 711 2625 or vbgardenmarket@webmail.co.za

• The Darling Music Experience Where: Darling 072 015 1653 www. darlingmusic.org

22 December 12 December • Gotta luv LBN Market Where: Town Hall, Langebaan liffm@mailbox.co.za or 072 638 2972

• Yzer Challenge 2015 Where: Yzerfontein Buddy de Beer: 022 451 2320 Alfie van Litsenborgh: 022 451 2747

27 December - 11 January 12 - 13 December • Cherry Fair Where: Klondyke Cherry Farm info@klondyke.co.za

13 December • Summer Skate Championship Where: Langebaan 074 450 4294

• The Craft Expo Where: NG Church Hall, Langebaan

23 December • Gotta luv LBN Market Where: Town Hall, Langebaan 072 638 2972 or liffm@mailbox.co.za

26 December 16 - 20 December • Boat Expo Where: Boatyard, Club Mykonos. Langebaan

• I am Yzerfontein - arts, crafts and music fest Where: Yzerfontein Elmarie: 071 285 8301

26 December 16 - 24 Desember • Kersmark ten bate van Animal Lighthouse Waar: Marcus Konferensie Saal, Protea Hotel, Saldanha

• Fryers Cove: Fun Trail Run & Walk Where: Strandfontein 083 627 7759

18 - 19 December

26 December

• Mykonos Festival Where: Club Mykonos, Langebaan 022 707 7000 or info@clubmykonos.co.za

• Boxing Day Cricket Tournament Where: Riebeek, RPC (Rugby Performance Centre) 082 898 9663

30 - 31 December 19 December • Port Owen Night Market Where: Port Owen Yacht Club Yvonne: 079 570 8394

19 December

Volume 15

• I am Yzerfontein - arts, crafts and music fest Where: Yzerfontein Elmarie: 071 285 8301

2 Januarie


Leefstyl • Lifestyle




Leefstyl • Lifestyle

Volume 15


Volume 15


Leefstyl • Lifestyle




Leefstyl • Lifestyle

Volume 15

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