Venice beyond Venice - FREE e-Book

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Venice beyond Venice

W e ' l l t e l l y o u a d i f f e r e n t s t o r y b y D e s i g n Y o u r I t a l y

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Table of Contents Index VENICE About Venice Timeline Venice in numbers 04 06 07 Chapter 1 Sestieri 08 "Venice is incredible. Although you may have seen it in pictures, you can’t grasp how beautiful it is until you visit." Chapter 2 Islands 11 Chapter 3 Nearby Venice 15 Chapter 4 Venice Carnival 21 Chapter 5 Food and Wine 24 Chapter 6 Venice by Season 29 Contacts Get in touch 36
Gino D’Acampo


V e n i c e

Venice is a city that everyone talks about when it comes to a vacation in Italy. And actually, it couldn't be any other way, as the city has an irresistible charm and standout that, undoubtedly, no other city has. Tiny alleys, picturesque bridges, copious canals crisscrossing it, and the magic atmosphere have made the lagoon city a beloved destination for numerous travelers, also giving it the cliché nickname of The most romantic city in the world. Yes, don't get us wrong, we agree, Venice is romantic, but, you know, the city of Venice is much more than this. Saying it's just romantic means don't make it deserved justice and underrate it. The wonderful city of Venice recounts the courage of the locals in moments of fear, determination and foresight joined in a single purpose of building a thriving maritime empire - the Serenissima - that has left an inestimable, second to none heritage.

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Overthelastpastdecades,thetourismflowhasincreased,and Venicehasslowlybecomeasymbolofover-tourism.Massesof peopleheadtothecompactandtinylagooncity,inthesameperiod oftheyear,doingthesamethings,goingtothesameplacesthat everyonepromotes.Andthiscurrentstateoftourismishurting Venice.Andsomehow,it'sthesamemagnificentthatattracts millionseachyearkindofmakesacrueljokeoffatetothecity, makingitsuffer.Veniceisunique.Butit'salsofragile,andwe,all together,musttakecareofitandpreserveit.

WediscouragevisitingVeniceasday-trippers.Wediscourage visitingjustthetopattractionsthateveryonesees.Wediscourage beingpartofthecrowdsthatconsiderthecityareal-life entertainmentpark.Wediscouragelimitingavisittosouvenirs,the overpricedgondolasrides,andtouristtraprestaurants.

Weencorageyoutoslowdownandtrulyexperiencethecity's essencethroughitsreflectionofthegloriesofcenturies.We encorageyoutoberesponsiblewhilevisitingthecity.Weencorage youtounderstandyouarewanderingintheheartofoneofthe longestever-existingrepublics.Weencourageyoutoappreciatethe past,preserveitinthepresent,andpassthebatontothefuture.

WeencourageyoutoexploreVenicebeyondVenice.Becauseas muchasyouhavebeentoldaboutit,nothingwilleverbecloseand fairtoyouruniqueindividualexperience.

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Venice Timeline

M A R C H 2 5 T H 4 2 1 A D


Theancientandmostwidespread legendhasitthatatthestrokeofnoon Venicefoundationwaslaid

8 2 8 A D


Twomerchantsstolethebodyof ApostleMarkfromAlessandria,Egypt, andtookitallthewaytoVenice, becomingpatronsaint.

1 7 9 7


NapoleonBonaparte'sinvasionputan endtothechronicleoftheSerenissima afterovermillenniaofexistence. LudovicoManinwasthelastDogeofthe Republic

6 9 7 A D


PaoluccioAnafestohadbeenelectedas thefirstDogeofLaVenetiarum Respublica

1 2 9 6


TheCarnivalwasmentionedinofficial documentsforthefirsttime.

2 0 1 9


In2019Venice'shistoriccenter welcomedapproximately5,5mln touristswhiletheinhabitantsarearound 50thousands

the story so far...

V e n i c e


T h e V e n e t i a n R e p u b l i c e x i s t e d f o r

1 1 0 0 y e a r s

4 3 8 i s t h e n u m b e r o f b r i d g e s i n

V e n i c e

178 438

1 7 8 a r e t h e c a n a l s t h a t c r i s s c r o s s t h e c i t y

T h e c i t y o f V e n i c e h a s 1 7 0 b e l l t o w e r s


T h e n u m b e r o f c h u r c h e s i n V e n i c e


T h e c i t y o f V e n i c e i s m a d e o f 1 2 4 t i n y

i s l a n d s


1 2 0 a r e t h e D o g e s w h o l e d t h e

S e r e n i s s i m a d u r i n g i t s l o n g h i s t o r y

170 1

V e n i c e h a s o n l y 1 s q u a r e ( p i a z z a )

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in numbers

01 chapter

S e s t i e r i

The subdivision of Venice consists of six districts called sestieri. The origins of the areas are ancient and date back to the Serenissima when the city had a specific division for tax and administrative purposes. Steeped in history and bustling with life, each of the six neighborhoods has a distinctive personality and historical treasures, of which some remain little-known.

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What to see

San Marco

St. Mark's Square

St. Mark's Basilica and Belltower

La Fenice Theater

Doge's Palace

Grassi Palace

Contarini del Bovolo Staircase

Correr Museum

Caffè Florian

The Clocktower

Church of Santa Maria del Giglio

San Polo

Rialto Bridge

Rialto historical market

Basilica dei Frari

Campo San Polo

San Giacomo di Rialto Church

Scuola Grande San Rocco

House of Goldoni Cannaregio

Jewish Ghetto

The 5 synagogues

Ca' d'Oro

Ponte delle Guglie

Ponte degli Scalzi

Church of Madonna dell'Orto

Chiesa degli Scalzi

House of Tintoretto

What to see


Church of San Zaccaria

Basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Church of Santa Maria Formosa

Palazzo Querini Stampalia

Naval History Museum

Venetian Arsenal

Biennale di Venezia

Biennale Gardens

Acqua Alta Bookshop

Riva degli Schiavoni

Island of San Pietro


Gallerie dell'Accademia

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Church Santa Maria della Salute

Church of Saint Mary of the Rosary 'Gesuati'

Punta della Dogana

Ca' Rezzonico

Ca' Dario

San Trovaso boatyard

Santa Croce

Church San Giacomo a L’Orio

Church of San Stae

Museum of Natural History

Fondaco dei Turchi

Mocenigo Palace

Ca' Pesaro

02 chapter

I s l a n d s

The Venetian lagoon is tangible evidence of the strong bold, and mutual respect between water, nature, and human. The numerous islands create a striking patchwork within the Adriatic Sea, where the centuries have left indelible traces and heritage. Some of them withstood time and transitions, while others have been lost, but each has contributed to making Venice and the Serenissima what we know today. And while many always head to the very well-known Murano-the glass island, Burano- the lace island, and Torcello- one of the first inhabited islands, we offer you an alternative under-the-radar and authentic islands to venture further than the obvious.

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Located just 30 min away from the historic heart of Venice and immersed in the quiet of the lagoon, the Island of Sant'Erasmo reveals the rural identity of Venice. Since ancient times the island had an agricultural vocation gaining the Garden of the Serenissima appellation, supplying fresh fruits and vegetables to the Venice habitants. A peaceful corner of the countryside, the island of Sant'Erasmo is renowned for its delicious violet artichokes and highquality mono-flora Barena honey. The wine-growing activity has also been thriving on the island for centuries also has shaped its rural identity. Away from the Venice hustle and bustle, the island contrasts the chaos of the traveler's flows, offering a more slow-paced experience through the cultivated fields and the suggestive lagoon landscape.

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A verdant and serene oasis, the island of San Francesco del Deserto is a unique corner in the Venetian Lagoon rich in history and spirituality. According to the legend, St. Francis returning from a missionary journey to the East found a shelter on the island. And it continues that the holy founder of the Franciscan Order has asked the birds for silence to have peacefulness and concentration on his prayers. And the miracle happened as all the animals felt silent. Today, the island is home to one of the last hermitages in the area, offering a second-to-none perspective of the ordinary masses that often crowd Venice.

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San Francesco del Deserto

San Lazzaro degli Armeni

A fascinating island rich in history, art, culture, architecture, and legends is the quiet and tiny island of San Lazzaro degli Armeni. Just a stone's throw from the lively heart of Venice, the island withstood historical turmoil. Once a lazar-house of lepper communities, later the Serenissima Senate passed it to the Armenian Fathers, who settled here establishing the first Armenian cultural center in the world. Today, the library is an impressive example of cultural heritage housing thousands of volumes and manuscripts of inestimable values.

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03 chapter

N e a r b y V e n i c e

When it comes to Venice, many travelers do day trips or limit themselves just to visiting exclusively one of the most popular picture-perfect Italian city, without even considering what's nearby. But how much could you really see other than the landmarks that every other average visitor sees in a day? How much could you understand about the authentic and genuine part of the region? We believe staying longer and slow travel is key to sinking into the Serenissima culture and also the Veneto region, exploring not only the unique city of Venice but also alternative routes and off-the-beaten-path destinations.

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Vicenza has traveled a long way through the historic timeline. A journey full of highs and lows that still narrate the distant pre-Roman times and reveals the powerful Serenissima Republic. In fact, the latter has left an inestimable architectural heritage to the city. Known as the City of Palladio, Vicenza is tangible evidence of one of the greatest Renaissance architectures, who left permanent traces and gave the city its unique appearance. The Palladian Basilica is the only one in Italy that is not a basilica as we all could imagine it. Neither for its architectural form nor even less for its function that is not religious at all. It is the symbol of the city. It is the symbol of an era. It is the symbol of genius and human wisdom. It is a harmony between classic architecture and functionality. The Olympic Theatre of Vicenza is another second-to-none architectural masterpiece and an extraordinary memory of ancient Rome projected into the Renaissance.

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always been known as miraculous drops of health. Defeating time, today, the volcanic mounds of the Euaganean Hills are the largest thermal region in Europe and remain a fascinating destination ideal to retrieve wellness and make a deep dive into century-old traditions.

Euganean Hills

The undulating hills in the heart of the Veneto region, create outstanding panoramas. Luxuriant and tranquil, the captivating and unspoiled nature harmoniously melds with the tiny historic villages and their ancient charm. But in this relaxing greenery, water has shaped the territory's identity. Known since Roman times the bubbling thermal waters of the area have

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Riviera of Brenta

Once an important link between the mainland and Venice, the heart of the Serenissima, the Brenta Riviera is a fascinating blend of history, art, culture, and nature. Built between the 15th and 18th centuries the artificial canal was the natural way of communication for the noble Venetian families to reach their magnificent summer residences escaping the bustle of the city. With symmetry, beauty, and elegance, the spectacular and opulent villas line up the canal's banks creating a dazzling combination between architecture and the countryside. Villa Pisani in Stra, commissioned by the noble Venetian family Pisani, bears witness to the wealth and power of the owners and is renowned as the most imposing villa of the Riviera.

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Veneto Dolomites

Laden with jagged peaks and embroidered by expansive flatlands, the Veneto Dolomites are an exceptional geological hallmark. The sweeping landscapes seduce with their mountainous spell and crisp alpine air, while the mountainous villages with clustered traditional wooden houses reveal old rural traditions and human richness. Besides the majestic and imposing mountain ranges, the Dolomites were the theater of war at a high altitude and are a silent testimony to the cruelty and bloody World War I. Private museums with precious artifacts and natural tunnels built by the Italian troops narrate the history of the area and its turbulences.

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natural panorama, by creating a second-to-none patchwork agricultural pattern. The perfectly aligned vineyard rows cultivated on the terraces of the steep slopes craft particular geometric forms, respecting the natural geology. The hills are quintessential to experiencing the territory from a new perspective and enjoying the food and wine excellence at a slow pace.

Prosecco Hills

Enchanting and gently undulating verdant hills draw one of the most outstanding landscapes of the whole Veneto region. In the province of Treviso, the Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene are exceptional examples of how human passion, the hand of the man, and arduous work have shaped the extraordinary

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04 chapter

V e n i c e C a r n i v a l

Besides impressive architecture and aristocratic appearance, Venice is also a second-to-none journey of customs and traditions which have reigned for centuries. Undoubtedly, the Carnival of Venice has left indelible traces on the city's timeline because of its magnificence and pomp. Representing the continuous search for a balance between social and political life in the Republic, during the Carnival, all the ordinary activities were on the back burner, while transgression and breakdown of social barriers became emblems of the immense carefree spectacle. With a magical and enchanting whiff, the masks and the incognito merrymaking shifted into the essence of the Carnival. An upside-down world full of excess and extravagance.

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want to l e a r n m o r e ?



The Carnival of Venice had its first mention in official documents of the Venice Senate back in 1296. In the past, it used to last for months, and during the whole period, jugglers, dancers, and acrobats entertained the Venetian citizens in private and public spaces.



During the Carnival, the lower and upper classes mingled together as masks allowed them to conceal their identity. There were different types of disguises, however, the most widespread was the Baùta. With its simplicity and versatility, it was proper to wear by both men and women.



In 1797 the Carnival of Venice fell into decline and was interrupted due to the fall of the Serenissima and the occupation of Napoleon. After nearly due centuries of absence, the authentic Venetian tradition was re-established, recreating again the atmosphere of the glorious past.

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05 chapter


o o d a n d W i n e

Over the centuries, Venice has expanded from a humble village to a powerful maritime empire shifting into an essential getaway between the eastern and western world and crossroads of trade and commercial routes. In fact, the continuous exchange of products with distant places and the richness of the local territory full of gastronomic excellence have created an incredible synergy and a triumphant combination of flavors from the past that last to the present day. Furthermore, the Republic of Venice, with its commercial power, pivoted wine from an austere beverage into a status symbol, writing a remarkable chapter of vine growing and winemaking for the whole European continent.

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Risi e bisi

One of the most authentic Venetian receipts, Risi and Bisi has ancient and fascinating roots, dating back to the days of the Republic. Tradition has it that on the occasion of the celebrations of Venice patron - St. Mark - on April 25th, the dish was served at the Doge's banquets. Neither risotto nor a soup, with a wave-like texture, the name literally means rice - the symbol of fertilityand peas - the symbol of the spring.

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Delicious small bites, chichetti are not only part of the food tradition of Venice for centuries but also represent the social bonds, the time spent together, and the community life in the Serenissima. A culinary symbol of the city, traditional chichetti is simple and made with the typical for the region's ingredients. Creamed salted cod or baccalà in Italian, and sardine in soar are two of the must-tastes. You'll find those delicious appetizers in the many bàcaro - welcoming Venetian taverns with rustic furnishingscattered all around the town.

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Drinking a glass of wine in Venice has always been a social ritual. Traditionally an ombra de vin - literally shadow of wine - accompanies the cichetti, and this has been a century-long custom that still endures time. The most widespread legend has it that the many merchants at St. Mark's square in the hot summer months used to move their stales following the shade of the St.Mark's belltower to keep their wines cool. This common expression has no proven artifacts, yet ombra has turned into a popular saying of a small glass of wine to enjoy in good company.

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Ombra de

Did you k n o w ?

The Bellini cocktail, one of the most renowned Italian classics, was invented in Venice. It was 1948 when the head bartender of the historic Harry's Bar Giuseppe Cipriani, turned two local genuine ingredients into an iconic drink with fresh and fruity flavors. Two parts of Prosecco sparkling wine and one part of white peach pureè complete each, turning into a sweet overture of a timeless savor.

The name of the cocktails is a tribute to one of the greatest painters of the Venetian Renaissance - Giovanni Bellini. Legend has it that the pink glowing color reminded Cipriani of the remarkable chromatic paintings of Bellini. Hence, the cocktail got christened.

06 chapter

V e n i c e b y s e a s o n

Venice is always a good idea but visiting the city during the peak season might bring also a bit of frustration being packed with many tourists that pour into the lagoon. Besides, prices of accommodation increase and charge their maximum rates which somehow also reduces the average stay in the city, almost forcing many to do day trips. However, we know the desire to see the city might reach high levels, but our advice before planning a trip to Venice is to take into account different factors such as weather, festivals and events, and acqua alta phenomena when the sea tides flood the city.

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C o o l w e a t h e r , b l o s s o m , a n d f e w e r c r o w d s

Springisgreattovisitthecityandenjoythe firstwaftsofwarmairwhenthesunstarts makingalongerappearance.Temperaturesin Marcharestillquitecool,chilly,andhumid butinmid-spring-attheendofApriland beginningofMay-thepleasantweatherturns intoidealforsightseeingandexploringthe secretblossominggardensofthecity.

SpringtimeisalsoasynonymofEaster,sobe awarethatduringthefestiveEasterweekend thecitymightbecrowded.However,spring stilloffersanacceptablebalanceofreasonable prices,goodweather,andfewcrowds.







May24°/12°C-75°/53°F -8daysofrain

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H i g h - s e a s o n a n d e v e n t s

Theclosertosummeritgetsthemorevisitor numbersandpeopletrafficincreases.Themain highlightsofthecitygetovercrowded,while temperaturesgethigherandacitybreakmight resultinamorestressfulexperienceratherthana pleasantvisittoVenice.However,ifyouplanto headtothelagoonbetweenJuneandSeptember considervisitingless-touristydistrictsandoffthe-beaten-pathislandstoescapetheconstant streamofpeople.InJuly,don'tbemissingthe spectacularFestadelRedentoreorFeastofthe Redeemerwithlate-nightfireworks,which commemoratetheendoftheplaguein1576.



July-FeastoftheRedeemercontemporaryart exhibitionsdividedintodiversecategoriesheld everytwoyears.

August-September-VeniceInternationalFilm Festival-theoldestintheworld,datingbackto 1932.





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L e s s c r o w d s a n d a c q u a a l t a AutumnisashoulderseasoninVenice.Startingin Septemberthetouristcrowdsslowlystart decreasing,yeteventsandthemagical atmosphereofthecitycontinuetoreign.Evenif youthinkagondolaridemightnotbepossible whentemperaturesgetchilly,actuallythe experienceisevenmoreenjoyableandintimate becauseofthelessboattrafficthroughthecanals andthewarmblanketstocuddleintokeepoffthe chilliness.Moreover,inautumnalsothehistorical waterparadeonGranCanalRegataStoricatakes placeofferingathrowbackintime.However,the fallisalsotheperiodofacquaalta,sobeaware theremightbesomefloods.








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W i n t e r m a g i c a n d

c a r n i v a l

FromNovemberthroughFebruaryVeniceslows downandthewinterperiodgetsdominatedby theChrismasandNewEve'smagicandevents. Thedaysbecomeshorter,theweathercoldand foggy,someplacescloseearlierbutthelagoon citylightsupwithChristmasglowandmarkets thatbringawarmandspellingatmosphere. Besides,ifyouaretravelingwithalowerbudget theoff-seasonwillofferyouprettygood accommodationdiscounts.Februarybringscolors andjoywiththerenownedVeniceCarnivaland thecitystartswelcomingthecrowdsagainready tocelebrateoneofthemostantiquefestivals.








December8°/1°C-46°/33°F- 6daysofrain



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CONTACTS D e s i g n Y o u r I t a l y We help you organize your plan for your completely tailored trip to Italy taking into consideration all your needs and budget. website: e-mail: Phone: +39 391 110 71 39

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