Design matrix jan feb'14

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January-February 2014 VOL. 4 • ISSUE 2 • `100

Zarir Mullan & Seema Puri Good Design is one in which, both the interiors and exteriors blend together




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S ’ R O T I ED N O T E


appy days are here again! With this positive note, I wish all our readers a bright New Year full of joy and happiness. I was enthused, filled with zing, when I got an opportunity to converse with dynamic architects Seema Puri and Zarir Mullan, while doing the cover story for this issue.“The more you are willing to experiment with work and accept new challenges, keep questioning yourself, the better your results tend to be. Versatility always helps to keep your mind focused, alert and alive,” these thought provoking words by Seema will definitely help one to do better in life. Thank you Seema for such inspiration. Entering the fourth year, with great aspirations Design Matrix brings exemplary designs across the globe and I am sure you would dream to have a leaf house similar to the one you see in this issue. Our home is our paradise – be it a simple flat or a bungalow, it will be more pleasant to stay in a house, which is environment - friendly and sustainable in design. This New Year edition showcases mind-blowing residential spaces from Mumbai, the interior regions of Sangli and Baroda. Are you ready to party this new season? We take you to a boutique hotel with a designer touch and a boulevard restaurant worth visiting places, where you dream to be for memorable moments with your family and friends. With our eagle eye glued on different industries catering to the design world, we have put forth the current industry news to enlighten you on the upcoming trends along with new products that you would want to see. We bring to you a trendy collection of furnishings, artifacts and home decor items with a strong belief that without waiting for another chance, you can grab it to add magical spell in your space. With more goodies we will be right back with new surprises the next edition. Cheers!

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Design Matrix explores the design world of Architects Seema Puri and Zarir Mullan. To them architecture is just a means of expressing their inner creative self, mirroring their client’s personality and character. pg 22

Experience Shamiana Grace. It will just take your breath away! pg 66

A magnificent environment friendly dwelling in the outskirts of Baroda. pg 104



GLOBAL EYE Global Eye travels to Canada and Poland to find fun and inspiring designs – a special delight for this New Year. pg 42

RESIDENTIAL DESIGN Design Aspect with zeal, create warm residential spaces with a classy touch. pg 50

INTERNATIONAL A gorgeous Brazilian Leaf House in harmony with the exuberant Brazilian nature. pg 54

DESIGN CORNER A bungalow designed with sensitivity, sensibility and creativity. pg 58

CASE STUDY The beauty and versatility of American tulipwood with the ‘Endless Stair’ at the London Design Festival 2013. pg 62

GA design shares their design insights with their latest contemporary architecture structures. pg 69

An affordable luxury at London pg 108


Experience the divine power with Le Cdeor. pg 72

Two of India’s most sought after décor brands Fusion Access and PortsideCafe, Furniture Studio have partnered. pg 114



Sanjay Puri Architects celebrates two wins at the Perspective Awards, Hong Kong. pg 78

Let’s enter the world of furniture designing with Prof. Rajan iyer. pg 117



Design your dreams with Portico. pg 82

Grandeur launches German kitchens by Ballerina Küchen. pg 120


GREEN DESIGN An eco-friendly health care centre for public health awareness initiatives. A real sustainable construction. pg 88

LUXURY DESIGN A boutique hotel with a designer touch, a real dream come true experience at central suburbs. pg 92

EVENT REPORT 25 years of business+ Design – Index Fairs 2013. pg 122

HAPPENINGS Great ventures by Global industry leaders. pg 124-125



Feel the charisma in the home interiors with two residential projects in Mumbai. pg 98

Interesting product ranges with a vibrant feel. pg 126 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 19


November-December 2013 VOL. 4 • ISSUE 1 • `100

Naresh & Monika Shah A good design should be versatile without any undue repetition of ideas



Design Matrix_Nov-Dec 2013.indb 1

10/28/2013 7:54:10 PM

We would love to have your views, comments and/or suggestions on what you would like to see or read in our pages. Please email to: or write to Design Matrix, MRJ Creations Pvt. Ltd., C-201 Shyam Kamal Agarwal Market, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai-400 057 or Call on 022-26187132.



Design Matrix is just superb. I loved the

The youth corner on making the world

story, “a free bird.”

heritage site of Ellora , universal to all was

Farhad Vijay Arora, via Facebook.

a great concept and I feel if the next gen

architects rack their brains, then it will definitely be a mission possible.

I am a regular reader of Design Matrix. I liked the cover story on Naresh Shah Associates

Priyanka Sabnis Aurangabad

and it was well presented. The interview that covered the ideas of three personalities

I would definitely like to compliment Design

was well put together. The classification of

Matrix for being a focused magazine.

projects in different categories ended this

Whatever is the subject, the team DM

article to be more reader friendly.

puts it well and it is a great magazine in

Moumita Chateerjee Kolkata

the architecture and interior stream. Be it

hospitality, residential or corporate, all are blended well as per the context.Allthe best.

I like the fact that Design Matrix brings to its readers, projects from all the streams. I like

Srijesh Nair Ernakulam

reading the residential projects; they bring in new ideas in our minds to decorate our

I would like to congratulate Design Matrix

new space. The articles are well written and

for successfully bringing out the best

come out well with the brilliant layout.

in the last three years and I pray that the

Jyoti Rao Mumbai

magazine celebrates many more years and

bring more creative ideas for our interest. The voracious reader in me enjoys turning

Hearty Congratulations to team DM for

and reading each and every article, indeed

bringing out great projects across the

a great magazine with versatility.

globe. I personally liked reading the article on Caruth home. The landscape, pool

Sandip Deshpande Pune

cabana, the dining set up in this home took my breath away. I really feel even our

I liked Design Aspect on the works of

designers should bring in a new charm with

Ar. Vinod Mehra. The article was written

their designs. I look forward for more eye

without leaving any shortest detail. The

catchy projects like this in future issues.

images and the lay out were catchy.

Pheona Dcruz Goa

Another piece in the last issue that caught my attention was the project by Ar. Nahar. I

feel more architects should utilise their free I am student doing interior designing. I like reading the articles from the youth corner and young guns section of Design Matrix.

time by writing such interesting articles.

Sanjay Sharma Uttar Pradesh


Cover story


A design, be it architecture, interior design or landscape, blended perfectly to melt the barriers between the interior and the exterior space; will attract attention and certainly etch itself in people’s recollection. This belief has been a constant driving force behind the husband-wife architectural team of Seema Puri and Zarir Mullan. To them architecture is just a means of expressing their inner creative self, mirroring their client’s personality and character. Words: Marilyn Madathil & Hitesh Mistry Project and proſle images: Vinesh Gandhi


r. Seema Puri and Ar. Zarir Mullan, both alumni of Rachana Sansad’s

DM: How did you first get interested in design?

ZM: Oh you guessed it right! I was fond of my uncle who is an interior designer. I th

respect him a lot. He might have been an

bai, completed their G.D. Arch in 1991;

standard that I will take up architecture as a

influence. But the fact that I loved to sketch

they both have gone their own sepa-

profession. My passion for drawing resulted

and draw was the main reason. Barring

rate ways and accumulated a wealth of

in achieving flying colours in the elemen-

that, I wasn’t privy to any formal exposure

experience under their belt, before settling

tary and intermediate drawing exams, I

in the design stream.

in their individual practice.

appeared for. As a student, I was pretty

Academy of Architecture, Mum-

ZM: I had decided pretty early in the 9

Ar. Zarir Mullan considers himself

good at other subjects too. In fact, I had

to be fortunate, to have worked with

secured very excellent grades in my 12th.

renowned firm of Talati and Panthaky

When I applied to the Academy of Archi-

Associated Pvt Ltd, with this learning

tecture for my G.D. Arch at Rachana Sansad,

experience, he set up his own design

the managing committee members of the

DM: Seema, did Ar. Sanjay Puri being in this profession inspired you to choose architecture as your career? Tell us about your sibling relationship?

firm– Zarir Mullan Architect and Interior

college thought I was securing a fall-back

SP: We both share a close-knit sibling

Design in 1994. Ar. Seema learnt her

option, in case I miss the bus to Engineer-

relationship, with a common goal to cre-



ing or any such other conventional stream. I

ate wonders in the architecture world; we

Architect Hafeez Contractor and set

had a hard time convincing them that archi-

both launched our careers with Architect


tecture was and will remain my first choice;

Hafeez Contractor. I would say, my brother

and this is where I want it to be done.

Sanjay is someone I look up to!!

DM: Were you inspired by anyone in particular, say a relative, a close friend or did any magazine article cast a magic spell?

DM: We would like to know your experiences at Rachana Sansad...

lessons her






Puri Architect in 1998. They formed a successful partnership, retaining their individual working spaces. Since then, they conceptualise, design, build and execute a wide range of architectural and interior projects of diverse nature. 22 DESIGN MATRIX • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014

ZM: In those days we had only 5 classrooms. The infrastructure had not yet

reached the present high. The classes were

SP: I distinctly remember the 1st year where

cept comes through clearly. This is what

huge but with cement roofs. Though,

we had a guest lecture by Ar. Charles Cor-

we’ve picked up from our proffessors and

the canteen and toilet facilities were very

rea, after so many years I still remember

visiting faculty, we are grateful to them.

basic, the students and the faculty were

how inspiring it was. He spoke so well

excellent. Our professors had cultivated a

that he captured our interest from the first

very close-knit unit. The juniors mingled

word to the last!

DM: We would like to know the recent trends in terms of colour & texture ...

with seniors freely. It was the best 5 years

We’ve learnt two important facets of

of our life that we spent there. Even to this

architecture at Rachana. First, the basic one

ZM: Our recommendation is always

day, I remember the warm cordial atmo-

– good practical designs; while the other

attuned to market trends. We scour vari-

sphere that prevailed there.

equally important factor, to do well one

ous professional fairs, festivals, exhibitions

requires to work hard . When an architect

– both abroad and in India – for the latest

describes his or her designs articulately, it

furniture and fabrics. However every job

makes a huge difference. The design con-

or site has its own parameters to follow;

DM: Do you remember anything specific from those days?


then again there are various restrictions that we’ve to take into consideration, like – our climate, cost factor, and other sensibilities, which differ enormously from job to job. Thus, we evaluate every different design with respect to minute detail about its feasibility, implementation and adaptation. We take pride in guiding our clients through every step of the design. We explain to them all the pros and cons. Due to this process, our clients almost always end up making wise decisions and agree with our vision. SP: Firstly, Trends come and go; a great design is one which is timeless. Nevertheless before making any recommendation, I prefer to observe the space from all possible angles. For the last few years minimalistic design was very popular, not anymore though. Patterns, textures, pop colours are the future trend. The third dimension has marked its presence not only in buildings but in home décor as well, especially in the form of screens, laser cut patterns and all forms of installations. Nowadays, people are adventurous and are willing to experiment. With the advent of technology and intervention of newer materials, customisation is easier. But one has to remain careful and see that the

confidence which is visible in our demean-

SP: Don’t make the budget an issue

design intent comes through creating a

our, and the clients agree with our vision.

explain your reasons for it. Because if you

Even then, if faced with such a dilem-

are convinced that it’s worth the trouble

ZM: Here I want to stress on something

ma, I take time out and explain our vision,

and money, they would trust your instinct.

that as much as design is important, the

which quickly settles the issue, if any. After

ZM: The clients have evolved too. They take

comfort level of the client has to be taken

all, we’re the designers entrusted to turn

trouble to study your body of work, either

into account. If the client isn't comfortable,

things around.

over the net or by visiting your previous

the trendiest interior that you may have

ZM: Of course they’ll listen to you, when

worksite. Thus the respect is mutual. They

done is not the correct design solution. A

they realise that we’re working only in the

describe readily in detail, what it that they

design solution has to reflect the client's

best interest of the project.

liked and want is. It certainly makes for inter-

requirement and lifestyle, be it in retail,

SP: But at the same time, if we feel that

esting projects, for they readily appreciate

personal or residential space.

certain suggestions that the clients make

and understand what we’re aiming for.

unique statement.

will enhance the space, we go out of our

We strive to create a look which befits

DM: If your client demands something which is inappropriate, then?

way to incorporate it. Nowadays, people

their persona and line of work. A jewellery

invest time, effort and have become very

showroom needs to be rich and elegant,

aware of the latest products thanks to the

while a lawyer’s den needs to portray cer-

SP: Frankly speaking, we are fortunate to

technology. An Architect can’t be unpre-

tain soberness. A stock broker’s office or an

be working with people who trust our

pared. If you’re convinced about your pro-

MTV Studio would be entirely something

design sensibilities. With much diverse

posal then the clients feel reassured.

else. At times, clients don’t share your

and extensive expertise in different

ZM: Your tone demonstrates your confi-

vision, but that is where your expertise and

designs and after so many years, there is a

dence level, so be natural.

communication skills come in.



DM: What are the different projects that your firm is doing? ZM: Being a design firm, we’ve a complete

DM: Tell us about your first ever project? Did you ever work together in any of your projects?

DM: Tell us about your commercial project that got shortlisted for World Architecture Festival, 2013?

gamut of projects, from residential build-

SP:Umm, one of my first interesting

SP: Yes, it's a commercial hub that we're

ings, commercial buildings, bungalow

individual projects was the Chawla family’s

developing at Wakad, Pune, of about a lakh

schemes, private bungalows and high-

bungalow in Pune. We have worked

sq ft area. Unfortunately, the site has these

end interiors. We are also architects for

together on numerous project one of

electrical transmission lines due to which

Audi car showrooms and service centres

them being a scheme of 120 bungalows,

a part of the plot can’t be used. Now the

and assist Audi India in setting up their

called Swapnalok – on a 13 acre site at

area is reduced to 1/3 of its original one –


Lonavala. There was lot of work to be

for us to construct on.

done, as it was a very hilly site and we had

ZM: We have developed different plans for

SP: By god’s grace, we covered a large

to fit so many units on it to make it viable.

each and every level.

body of work. At present, we’re concen-

We did the entire architectural planning

SP: Each office floor is designed with dif-

trating on a large residential complex of

together. There, was a clubhouse, pool,

ferent sizes of indoor and outdoor spaces.

approx. 10, 00,000 sq ft in the 1st phase.

amphitheatre, a discotheque and a 150

Each office spills onto these outdoor ter-

seater auditorium.

races in which one can have an informal

DM: Do each one of you have a designated role?

ZM: At present we're doing a bungalow

discussion with a colleague these have

together, right in the heart of Delhi. Seema

been created on the North side so that

ZM: Yes, though we both are qualified

is handling all the architectural planning

they are protected from the South sun

architects, our passion differs a bit. Seema

and I'm taking care of interiors. Thus we've

and can therefore be used at all times of

is more passionate about the architectural

split the project responsibilities.

the day.

aspect, whereas I’m interested in interiors.

SP: There are very few projects that we do

Ground floor contains showrooms, util-

SP: We do have our preferences, but we

in this manner. But yes, when it is required

ity shops which open onto a garden. The

keep overlapping our interests and keep

we do it. We do it keeping in mind of the

topmost floor will house a gym. We intend

taking each other’s opinion, we work in

feasibility part of the job.

to make this as user friendly as possible.

both capacities 26 DESIGN MATRIX • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014


ZM: I feel privileged to be shortlisted DM: And what's your philosophy

DM: What's a good architectural design to you?

from so many renowned Indian and

towards work?

International names.

ZM: Very simple. We want to do innova- ZM: Any design that initiates good planning

SP: But you can't just sit on your laurels, tive core designs, not simply cosmetic ones.

integrates good intelligent services; yet

yes it certainly makes you feel good to be

Then you can add as many layers as you

has an inbuilt aesthetic appeal about it – is

shortlisted. Competitions help to increase

want. No sense making a design which goes

universally a good design. One cannot be

interaction with fellow professionals and

back in time, rather make designs which are complete without the other. Good natural ventilation and lighting is one such quality

this once again pushes you to do better. ZM: In a developing nation, it is the architectural community's responsibility to develop the nation, at par with rest of the world. SP:

For Notan Heights we won silver

LEED certification. We wanted to create a high endurance, low maintenance structure. As architects we have to create architecture that is sustainable and relevant to the fabric of the city. ZM: There may be an initial extra cost to be truly sustainable in the long run. That’s where the challenge lies; no businessman wants to part with his profit margin. Will

AWARDS Residential building category:

which often gets neglected.

In October 2003, by Indian Institute of Architects for Sukhwani Bungalow at Pune. Best residential category: In October 2008, by IAD for another bungalow in pune (home stead) Best architect merchandise: In October 2009, by IAD for Jewellery showroom Batukbhai and Sons , Nagpur Commercial category: In November 2011, by Society Interiors for Notan Heights at Mumbai

the Details.’ DM: Has any structure ever given you a wow feeling? SP:

Yes of course. The Guggenheim

Museum in Bilbao, the Norddeutsche bank in Germany by Behnisch and Behnisch, took my breath away. It is a structural marvel etched in my memory. ZM: In ancient India kings provided money for such grand scale structures, which has stood the test of time; like Omaid Bhavan Palace which was built to provide

we pay attention to our profit margins only, or shan't we be seeking to raise

SP: I believe in simple ideology, ‘God is in

ahead of its time, which are relevant.

employment for people in times of famine.

the bar?All we need is an understanding SP: Good design is one in which, both the Budget does play an important role in the and intelligent government laws. We're interiors and the exteriors should blend

kind of design that one makes. I would want

on the cusp of becoming a superpower. together. Blurring the boundaries, every ele-

to do a project at that large scale, where you

We've to keep doing our bit to uplift, in

ment should contribute to the final design.

can experiment to all your heart's content.

spite of what the laws permit us to do Making a meaningful statement yet blendor don’t.


ing well in the urban context.

Residential Spaces

Bungalow Scheme at Lonavala

A home is a haven, a sanctuary that one

gered units, aids to maximize the open

screens are created with slits to cut-off the

escapes to, after a hard day’s work. This is

space and thereby the amenities. A lagoon

sun and allow the cool breezes to flow

true for most of the cities, but, for Mumbai,

pool connects the structures seamlessly,

through. The temperatures are pretty cool

the financial capital of India, one has to

and throws up multiple reflections of the

all throughout the year, but to maximize

escape from the chaos of the city itself for

landscape of the central open space there-

ventilation, there are openings along the

any kind of haven.

by creating a type of oasis.

Southwest faces, in addition to this, the con-

Lonavala is a hill station 610mt. above

Each villa is built around its own water

tinuous water element allows for the air to

the sea level and one and half an hour drive

body, which is at the entrance and which

get cooled and flow into the villas, while the

from Mumbai, so time and distance wise it

is at the centre so it can be viewed from

louvers above the windows allow for the

is an ideal getaway.

all-round and the upper level too. Large

warm air to escape, thus, creating a microcli-

This project is at a beautiful plot of 3.5

decks outside the living area floats into the

mate within the scheme / complex.

acres surrounded by hills along the North

pool, so as to facilitate a direct entry for a

The higher altitude coupled with

East. The villas are designed along the

swim or to merely lounge in the semi open

composite walls in stone and brick help

peripheries orienting towards the view of

space and enjoy a book.

to keep the interiors cool and inviting. The

the hills, leaving the central space open.

The upper floor, too, steps back to allow

Architecture merges with the surrounding

This bungalow scheme consists of four-

for terraces, from which one can view the

jagged hills and the form seems to, actu-

teen villas, eighth of which are larger four

hills, adjoining the upper bedrooms. These

ally, manifest itself from it. The hills form

bedroom villas and six of which are three

semi open spaces are very integral for our

an envelope that seems to nurture the

bedroom villas. Designed as twin stag-

tropical climate. The large double height

villas,andthe hills always seem to beckon…


Residential Interiors for Mr. Naresh Lodha A recently finished apartment in South Mumbai which has the luxury of having a large deck opening from the living dining, to catch a view of the sea and the settling Sun , something one never tires off.



Residential Interiors for Mr. Sanjeev Taparia The designers played with soft gold, purple and red to add a vibrant look to this home in Mumbai. The fluid sculpture on the wall by Arzan Khambatta and the Paresh Maity in the living room add to the already chic ambience created. The Swarovski chandelier cascading down in the centre of the formal living room with light reflecting off its multitude facets adds to the luxurious look of the apartment.



Proposed Redevelopment Building Trimurti for Sugee Developers, Shivaji Park This is a redevelopment project where the lower six levels are the tenants and the upper levels are all duplex with terraces attached to the living room decks. The double height deck which the living room opens onto has been placed in the corner to get a great view of the sea. This becomes a part of the home which is both indoor yet outdoor and adds an interesting dimension to the massing of the building too!!


Office Building Notan Heights, Bandra The juxtaposition of two kinds of forms generated a dramatic blend of solids and voids, intermingled with terraces, but all moulded in sharp planes and angles, so as to generate a razor sharp aesthetic. The roof top oases and the double height void allow the prevailing winds to pass through the building. They animate the spaces to deliver a workplace that enables cultural change and, thus, provides improved productivity.


Commercial in Pune This dynamic office space with ample park-

completely out of the box experience and

ing space is located at the heart of Pune. With

creates something out of the ordinary- it is

a staunch belief that natural light enhances

misread or misunderstood as being egois-

productivity in the workplace and helps to

tical and showing no consideration for its

uphold a healthy environment, the design-

surrounding. It would therefore be fair to

ers used glass combined with ACP sheets for

say that Architecture is about striking a fine

easy maintenance and modern look.

balance between the familiar and the unex-

The world of architecture is exposed


to paradoxical patterns of human behav-

This building reflects an attempt to

iour and grapples with it from time to time.

combine the familiar with the new, the tra-

When a design reflects local or regional

ditional with today. It achieves this fine bal-

building traditions it may be called without

ance by working with age old solutions in a

inspiration or even boring, if one opts for a

technologically savvy structure.


Global eye



Global Eye travels to Canada and Poland to ſnd fun and inspiring designs. “Design is like story telling, you can add as many characters as you like but the climax can bring closure to the story or it can be a start of a new phase.” Words : Harsha Kotak Image Courtesy: Straight Line Designs Inc.& Wamhouse


e as professional designers work within the boundary set by our seniors or the commercial

society. These are set rules which are created for a smooth running of any profession. But what happens when a designer decides to let his/her imagination run outside these set of rules? The result can be either disastrous or it can be entertaining, something that gives pleasure to the eye or brings a smile to our face. This is the journey that Global Eye has picked on today - the journey which takes you from Canada to Poland. I have come across some of these designs during my design hunt and thought it will be a good way to start this New Year. It is also a good learning experience to see how designers from different cultural backgrounds can have similar ‘out-


of-the-box’ attitude towards their

can be a sure hit at parties and are a

work. Out-of-the-box thinking is the

conversation starter.

thinking that moves away in diverging

Judson Beaumont from Straight

directions so as to involve a variety of

Line Designs Inc., in Vancouver creates

aspects and which sometimes leads

one-of-its-kind furniture pieces with a

to novel ideas and solutions.

passion to create something different.

Designers like Judson Beaumont

Judson is always searching for new

from Canada and Karina Wiciak from

ways to make people question the

Poland are a good example of this.

objects around them. His philosophy

While Judson’s furniture is functional

is that a person must dare to drift away

and is available to buy, Karina’s designs

from the tried and true in order to

are more illusory.

give a piece, energy and interest. “Be

Fancy a peeing table in your living

influenced and inspired by the norm,

room to amuse friends and family? Or

and then challenge it, change it, melt

how about offering a Banana as a seat

it, stretch it, alter it for the better” says

to your guests? I am sure these pieces


Here are some of the creations from Straight Line Designs:

Canned Seat


Melting Drawers

Beaver Cabinet

Crash Table

Accordion Table

Bad Table

Paszcza (Meaning: The Mouth) Sofa Chair

Wamhouse is Polish design studio based in Chojnice – a small town in northern Poland. Karina Wiciak, the designer at Wamhouse, works on the concept of creating non-standard pieces, full of symbols and metaphor. She has designed a series of restaurants but that can be a separate topic by itself. For now lets look at some of her furniture concepts which are inspired


Poprawiany (Meaning: Corrected) Seat


Zjedzony (Meaning: Eaten) Chair

from human anatomy and objects from our everyday life. For example her ‘Corrected’ chair is a sly humour on how people try to get their body artificially altered and the red ‘tongue sticking out’ sofa is a reflection of the kid like quality which takes pleasure in teasing people. I hope you have enjoyed this album full of amusing designs, some of which are functional and some just for pure fun.


About Author: Harsha Kotak, an alumni of Savannah College of Art & Design, Georgia, graduated with an MFA in Commercial Interior Design, and for the last 17 years has practiced in the US, UK and India. She has worked on many prestigious projects for the White House and Pentagon in the US, as well as for the US Embassy in New Delhi, India. Currently based in London, she handles Przelany (Meaning: Overflowing) Chair

projects across UK & Europe. Harsha’s hobby of writing took her to the prestigious Oxford University and that’s where the journey of Global Eye began. Her passion to explore the world of design and share her views gave birth to this regular column. She also regularly writes about ‘Global Trends in Design’ for various American publications. Contact:


Residential design


Innovation Since 1993, Design Aspect has been involved in architectural and interior projects with an aim to explore new concepts and materials with meticulous detailing and excellent ſnish.



eaded by Ar. Sandip Porecha, a graduate from the academy of architecture, the creative

team of Design Aspect have catered to versatile projects including corporate offices, showrooms, hospitality and residences; with a vision of crafting innovative designs.

Connecting to cosmos Ar. Sandip Porecha and his design team takes pride in designing an abode with modern facilities and ethnic look at Kandivli for a hard core religious family. The client requirement



designing a space, keeping in mind the religious gatherings held at their house. Understanding the need, the designers specially designed a low seating area in the living room, encompassed with light and pebble band adding to an amazing ambience. A huge clay mural with Krishna emblems like flute, peacock feather, holy steps on the back side of this low seating creates a magical spell and spreads spiritual serenity in the living room. The temple on one side is a master piece by itself, a dedicated area with musing surroundings


immediately connecting with the super power “God”. Huge idols adorn this corner with spirituality. The designers with zeal, created a warm ambience in the entire design of this house. The floral designer tiles and white lighting rules the kitchen area. Adding the Midas touch, the master bedroom is a combination of white colour lamination and gold leafing work. For enhancing royal look and feel, the designers made use of a massive headboard up to the beam level and wardrobes that shutters up to the full height. The neatly carved laser cut panels with lights inside sets pleasant mood in the space. The bed is efficiently carved in front, for the flow of the shape and design. The master toilet is shaped, blending the earthen colour tiles with Greek theme based high-lighter tiles. The body jets in shower area with lights add to a wow feeling. Everyday will be an ecstasy for the children in this family, as the designers have designed the children bedroom altogether with a different theme. The designers created a vibrant sea wave theme in the children’s bed room. The blue waves are reflected everywhere, be it wardrobes, curtains or the ceiling. Even the toilet area is not ruled out of this theme. A place to freshen up, designed with white and blue tiles and huge digital printed glass in the shower area will definitely rejuvenate the senses. The designers indeed experienced a great sense of ethnic satisfaction while designing this house. “We believe in clear transparency in our practice and this philosophy has helped us to reach new heights with 52 DESIGN MATRIX • NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2013

the time,� says, Ar. Porecha.His mantra is to build a space with great finishing and providing his clientele with ultimate satisfaction.

Spacious Galore A residential design for a Rajasthani family at Vashi is the perfect paradigm defining his design parameters. The prime requirement of the client was a home with spacious look and maximum storage space. In order to expand the space, Ar. Porecha and his team removed all internal walls of house and enclosed balconies, chajjas and flower beds. Ample use of Corian solid surface material on beds and LED unit added to an ultra modern look. The main door is in dark veneer with lamination, while the safety grill door in

LED and gadgets. A3 circular niches in white

designer tiles for an elegant look. The Son’s

corian with lights and mirror gives balanced

bedroom is designed with an extra ledge on

look to the unit.

the bed side, resembling a big circular hole

white colour lamination is setting a perfect

The crockery unit has set of 4 square

like a coffee mug ledge in Corian finish. This

contrast. Randomly placed grills bands add

picture frames, which go in line with ceiling

different shape gives a new dimension to the

more beauty. A rich and welcoming feeling is

design, adding a flow in the design. At the

design and adds utility to the bed.

created by placing the name plate with lights

end designer basin is fitted on corian top

Ar. Porecha and his efficient team has

on the side pedestal.

with huge mirror on top taking care of the

marked their presence in this industry and

vaastu compliances in the living room.

have successfully designed many time

The living room occupies a long and spacious sofa on one side for enough seat-

The master bedroom has headboard in

bound challenging concepts and in return

ing capacity.The wall paper on back side of

leather finish with back painted glass on top.

have gained tremendous trust from the cli-

the sofa compliments its beauty. For an inter-

The floral digital printing on it gives a grand

ents they cater to.

esting appeal, the designers used LED units

look. In the toilet ceiling, ACP sheets with

with brown colour Corian bands, enveloping

laser cutting are used matching to motif of NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2013 • DESIGN MATRIX 53



Leaf House

Imagine a house, surrounded by a beach with crystal clear blue water. Such an imagination will deſnitely evoke a sense of tranquillity, romance and ecstasy in our busy mind sets; Design Matrix takes you to a gorgeous Brazilian leaf house, a sustainable home. Words: Marilyn Madathil; Photo Courtsey: Leonardo Finotti


areines+Patalano, an architec-

team, moulded an extravagant piece of

climate. The designers with zeal crafted

ture and urbanism practice

design – Leaf House with sustainable ideas

a big banana leaf shaped roof to protect

headed by Ivo Mareines and

at Angra dos Reis, one hour drive south

all the enclosed spaces of this beautiful

Rafael Patalano are known for creating an

of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This project was

abode, the in-between open spaces, truly

organic new response to every design.

inspired by Brazil´s Indian architecture,

the most important ones from the scorch-

These brainy designers and their witty

perfectly suited for the hot and humid

ing sunshine. The in-between open spaces



represent the essence of the design.The

providing natural ventilation and passive

enclosed spaces and let the sea breeze in.

designers, specially created social areas in

cooling both to the enclosed and open

The landscape is everywhere on the

this tropical beach house as an ideal place

spaces. The designers explain this concept

ground floor, and the curvy swimming

for the owner of the house and the guests

of the architectural design as low-tech Eco

pool snakes into the house. When it passes

to spend most of their time, be it a social

efficiency. Adhering to the client brief, the

below the formal dining room, it turns

gathering or a chilling party.

designers worked out an idea of a tropi-

into a pond with aquatic plants and fishes,

cal beach house as a mean to enhance

reaching the rear veranda. This veranda is a

Spectacular design philosophy

the interaction between man and nature,

resting space with five Brazil´s Indian style

The very generous heights of these spaces,

trying whenever possible not to separate

hammocks. The designers address this

which vary from 3 to 9 meters, allow the

them completely. With no corridors, with

eclectic space as the “Brazilan Lounge”.

SE trade winds from the sea to pass per-

inside and outside almost fused, many

The roof structure of this lounge is made

fectly longitudinally trough the building,

sliding doors, most glazed, open up the

of laminated reforestation wood (euca-


Project Name: Leaf House Location: Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Site area: 800,00 m2 Built area: 800,00 m2 Project: Mareines + Patalano Arquitetura Architects: Ivo Mareines, Rafael Patalano, Paula Costa, Flávia Lima,Rafael Pretti Interior Design: Mareines + Patalano Arquitetura Landscape design: Marita Adania

lyptus), capable of crossing big spans (20

ishes throughout the project, except for

and rhythms created a very desirable real-

meters is the biggest here) with delicacy

glass and pre-oxidized copper: Grey tiles

ity: The sensation of belonging to the site,

and warm aesthetics. The roof is covered

of stone from the site, bamboo meshes,

in harmony with the exuberant Brazilian

in small reforestation wood tiles (pinus

and local wood from re-management


taeda), that easily adapt to the complexes

forests, earthy flooring and wood reused

Mareines+Patalano always with great

surfaces of it. It also collects rain water via

from old electricity posts. The use of all

efforts work with varied themes in a

the central steel column to be reused in

these natural materials, the transparency

constant search for new questions and

gardening and flushing toilets.

of the glass, the neutrality of the oxidized

answers and the Leaf House is a perfect

copper relating to the prevailing green

example that stands with the time’s tech-

Natural elements

of the designed and natural landscape

nologies and poetry.

For creating a true natural design, the

along with the organic composition of

designers used all natural surface fin-

the house and rich diversity of textures JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 57

Design corner


n r e d o Met traditional y

Design Chords, a Pune based multidisciplinary design Ĺżrm established in 2006 by young designers Ojas Bhalgat and Vijay Kharade is known for creating contemporary designs within the Indian context, while at the same time striving to maintain a balance between aesthetics and functionality.


ith great level of expertise, Design Chords offers a comprehensive range of interior and architecture

design, furnishing solutions for residential and commercial spaces. The designers Ojas and Vijay with sensitivity, sensibility and creativity, recently designed a bungalow with an area of 2850 sq.ft for the Mehta family at Sangli, Maharashtra. Explaining


ings h t d o for go layed e t s rp A ta ad to unde e l n y l a l a and ty usu . i l a n perso ul homes tif beau


in shades of walnut brown subtly hold the whiteness of the walls and the floors. The designers strategically placed the staircase in the centre of the common spaces to highlight the “Brahmasthan”. At the same time unconventional form of the fabricated staircase in steel reflect the family’s love for experimentation. The master bedroom is in tones of cream gold and brown-with different textures and prints embellishing the furnishings. The designers blended well the contemporary and classic element in the the firm’s philosophy towards design,

dwelling under the same roof. The bun-

overall space by their perfect choice of

Ojas Bhalgat, Director –Interior Designer,

galow is designed with an attractive living

colours, materials with a touch of utmost

Design Chords comments, “Our innovative

room, 4 bedrooms and a spacious open

detailing to each space. Elaborating fur-

design ideas seek to take care of short-

kitchen with dining area in addition to a

ther, Ar. Vijay Kharade, Partner, Design

term requirements as well as protect long-

pooja room facing the internal courtyard.

Chords; says “A taste for good things and

term investments. We are committed to

The entire house is designed with barrier

an underplayed personality usually lead

deliver superior and classy interiors with

free spaces, over looking into one another

to beautiful homes. When the client’s

a judicious blend of the aesthetics and

in a way that still does not interfere with

brief outlines preference for minimalism,

functional aspects. A trusting relationship

the function and sanctity of each space.

the designer has to weave in aesthetic for

between the designer and client is crucial

The open plan of the living-dining and

the décor that counters the plainness yet

for the success of any project therefore; we

kitchen is enhanced by the austerity of white.

complements it .The choice of furnishing,

work very hard to establish the same.”

White marble flooring forms a lustrous back-

décor elements and accessories therefore has a significant role to play.”

Mehta’s residence is specially designed

drop for this minimalist decor. In the living-

keeping in mind the tastes of members

dining space, exclusively crafted furniture

belonging to two different generations

enhances the minimalism. Fumed veneers JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 61

Case study

Endless Stair at London Design Festival 2013 The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC), the leading international trade association for the American hardwood industry, highlighted the beauty and versatility of American tulipwood through the ‘Endless Stair’ at the London Design Festival 2013. Photo Courtesy: Johnny Boylan; Alex de Rijke; Jonas Lencer; Thomas Etchells.



ndless Stair, a towering structure of




staircases made from American

tulipwood cross-laminated timber (CLT), was opened to the public on the lawn,

the River Thames and London’s skyline,

in front of the Tate Modern Art Gallery;

the landmark project remained a highlight

recently by the hands of Matthew Barzun,

throughout this year’s festival.

U.S. Ambassador. Designed by de Rijke

This project is made up with a series

Marsh Morgan Architects (dRMM) and

of timber flights, some veering to the right

engineered by Arup, Endless Stair is both a

and others to the left, providing many ways

Festival and the American Hardwood

sculpture and research project, advancing

to explore the installation, which ultimately

Export Council, Endless Stair pioneers the

the knowledge of timber technology

leads to the top flight and acts as a dramatic

use of hardwood for cross-laminated tim-

and sustainability. Offering visitors the

viewing platform. The latest in a series of

ber (CLT). This project demonstrates the

opportunity to enjoy stunning views of

collaborations between the London Design

real potential for using tulipwood, an abundant, relatively inexpensive and structurally impressive American hardwood. “Endless Stair is a temporary sculpture designed to be endlessly reconfigured,” says Prof. Alex de Rijke, Director, dRMM. The key objective for dRMM was to make the elements environmentally friendly, with each flight of stairs built from standard elements, avoiding wastage as possible in construction, and with the ability to re-use and relocate the design either in part, or as a whole. These laudable aspirations are backed up by hard figures, uti-

L-R Matthew Barzun, US Ambassador; Dean Alanko, AHEC, Chairman; Michael Snow, AHEC Reston

lizing AHEC’s ISO-conformant life-cycle assessment (LCA) prepared by PE International, leaders in the field. This is the latest piece of work in AHEC’s on-going mission to demonstrate the real sustainable credentials of American hardwoods. Faced with the challenge from AHEC to produce a sculptural installation using slender tulipwood CLT panels, dRMM planned involving stairs. “On stairs people interact, they pass each other; they are always interesting places with spatial and social potential. We thought a staircase would be a good vehicle for exploring structure, space and making a sculpture. Stairs are sculpture’s gift to architecture, “adds Prof. Alex de Rijke. As such, an early decision was made to design and manufacture the steps and the balustrades on one side from identical elements of CLT, equivalent in size. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 63

These are stacked up with a spacer element between them, creating the flights which, as a result of the stacking process, then veer either to the right or to the left, depending on the position of the balustrade. Arup had to identify the appropriate engineering design criteria to assess the performance of Endless Stair. Helen Groat, Senior Engineer at Arup led the team who undertook extensive computer modeling to design this intricate structure. In addition, Switzerland-based Nüssli manufactured a test flight to compare its performance against the computer model. The completed stair was tested before the formal opening in order to measure its performance. Adrian Campbell, Project Director at Arup comments, “The scale of complexity on the engineering design has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of this project. The intricate level 64 DESIGN MATRIX • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014

of detail is phenomenal and Endless Stair beautifully illustrates the intimate relationship between architecture and engineering design.”

Tate Modern, erecting the structure in 10

Leading timber distribution company,

days. Seam Design provided the lighting

Imola Legno, based in north Italy, made

scheme for Endless Stair, working with LED

the tulipwood CLT from random widths

luminaries supplied by Lumenpulse, a mix

and lengths of tulipwood lumber donated

of linear grazers and spotlights.

by 8 AHEC member companies. The team

“While providing a unique pub-

Cycle Assessment (LCA) research project,

built up the three layers of 20mm timber

lic experience to celebrate imaginative

we were also able to produce a full ISO-

to create panels that were 60mm thick. The

design in London, this project has an

conformant environmental profile for the

panels utilize some of the lowest grades of

important technical design legacy and

Endless Stair, which we hope will help to

tulipwood, which helps define its visual

challenges current thinking within the

eventually bring tulipwood CLT into main-

character as well as being a significant

construction industry. Working from first

stream building construction,” concluded

cost saving. In addition, Nüssli fabricated

principles, through testing, research and

Roderick Wiles, AHEC Director for Africa,

the flights and other elements, using a

analysis to design this prototype, we hope

Middle East, South Asia and Oceania.

combination of glue and steel fixings.

that Endless Stair will bring many lasting

Nüssli delivered these to the site outside

benefits. Using the results of our recent Life JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 65

Hospitality design


Shamiana Grace

Over the years, one must have come across hundreds (if not thousands) of graceful constructions. But this is the ſrst ever fusion, where the best of west has been married to classical Indian luxury – so gracefully, that too in totally environment friendly concept. It just takes your breath away! If anything, do believe in - Seeing is Believing!. Words: Hitesh Mistry



entaspace Consultants Pvt. Ltd., has grown to a

in the fag-end of 2011. It’s a second edition of its luxury

25-member strong team of architects and interior

lineage, shortly after the first one was established in

designers, since its inception in 2007. It is located in


the heart of the central suburb of Sion, with an easy access

The Kamat’s specifically intended to target the pres-

to, and from the rest of the Mumbai. The team is ruled by

tigious NRIs and high-end elites, intending to give them

the quadrilateral force of Potes & Sanghavis, viz - Ar. Bhakti

the west’s luxury standards in rich traditional Indian locale.

+ Ar. Arshad Pote & Ar. Pragya + Ar. Gaurav Sanghavi.

Pentaspace were asked to recreate an environment-friend-

At present, the project that’s getting their undivided

ly atmosphere, utilising natural classic materials only.

attention is the Boulevard Restaurant of Orchid Hotel, Pune.

The task wasn’t easy, but the one seeking higher

Located on the scenic route of Maharashtra-Bangalore high-

rewards never seek easy challenges. What made it more

way, nestling next to Chhatrapati Shivaji Sports Complex.

interesting is the fact that restaurant expands from a

It’s a thematic restaurant, an integral part of prestigious

closed space to a four floor high atrium. Combining these

Kamat Hotels’ chain, which occupies an important space in

two different forms of space and making it look uniform

the minds of elite Punekars. Having a surfeit of space, all of

was surely a worthy challenge.

6500 sq ft – at their disposal gives it a sense of royal magnitude.

A number of unique features needed to be innovated and incorporated towards this end, in its architectural

The project took just about 14 months to take shape,

design. A shamiana of 70ft height was erected to give

from barren landscape to a scenic, 5-star luxurious retreat,

it grandeur – in the midst of a restaurant. These shamiJANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 67

anas housed multiple tables which gave

tive ideas had to make sure that it conforms

definition to the space and helped form its

to the traditional Indian heritage and should

Boulevard Restaurant in Orchid Hotel, Pune

unique character.

help stimulate the royal atmosphere.

An interesting floor pattern was

All this came easy to this team of


Theme Restaurant

designed with the help of various mosaic

mavens, while maintaining uniformly pleas-

Company Name

Kamat Hotels (India) Limited

tiles. The walls were treated to many diverse

ant atmospheric temperature was quite

looks. Some walls wore intricate patterns

another hurdle - which also needed a dras-


2400 sq ft.

whereas others – specifically the ones fac-

tic innovative solution. Reason? The space

ing garden were complete with glass work,

that was available varied to a very high


Pentaspace Consultants Pvt. Ltd

made more fascinating with very unusually

degree. And this proved to be a landmark

high ceiling. One massive wall on one side

in the annals of Pentaspace Consultants -

July 2011- September 2011

of the atrium bore an empty look due to

thanks mainly to their innovative approach.

Client Project Name


The Orchid, Pune – Ecotel Hotel

its extreme height, and to offset this, a 3D

A fine example of this approach

painting was designed. It not only filled

was shamiana, which did serve a dual

up the space but became a major point of

purpose. It not only made full use of the


abundant natural light but also was able

For this particular project nothing was

to cut down the harshness of the sunlight,

left to chance. To illuminate the surround-

while rendering the place with rich glow.

ings, moghul arches and fine light lamps

The appreciation conveyed by the clients

were either suspended from high ceiling

acted as fuel to their passion tremendously.

or integrated in the pillars. It added much

It’s something that will stay with them

sought after dramatic flavour to the ambi-

for the rest of their lives – as vouched by

ence. To further augment this contempo-

Pentaspace mavericks.

rary look, the furniture was designed with teak and walnut veneers. But all this innova68 DESIGN MATRIX • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014

Design aspect



GA design an architecture and design practice Ĺżrm based in Mumbai, shares their design insights with their recently completed architectural projects. Founded in 1999 by Architects Rajan and Sachin Goregaoker, it is backed by a strong team of professionals who strive for excellence in architecture and design.


A design has been successful

Each floor is a single rectangular

in creating an extensive experi-

office plate with the services located on

ence in designing residential,

the south side. The remaining three sides

commercial buildings and interior de-

have strategic views and therefore have a

sign of private residences and offices.

complete glass facade with uninterrupted

Let’s enter the world of contemporary

vision. GA design is committed to thought-


fully created architecture keeping the




this firm.

function of the building in mind, achieving maximum natural light and openness and

Arena Space

yet challenging the mould of predictable

Arena space is a commercial office build-

form and design.

ing, oriented north side, facing a lake and clearly visible from JVLR road Mumbai.

The building design is conceived like a ribbon, which originates from the JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 69

the building is completely exposed, which

by reducing their widths at the extreme

would be the side of maximum sunlight

ends and are joined at intervals to give the

and therefore it was necessary to use a

effect of a soft curve.

glass which would be high performance

Adhering to modern lifestyle, the

in nature and yet complement the ribbon

designers magnificently detailed a mul-

design of the building.

tilevel garden, a club house and a swim-

The building facade is essentially a

ming pool in two levels. The podium has

combination of several materials like dark

ample parking space and its careful plan-

granite columns on the lower floors, alu-

ning has gone into designing traffic circu-

minium cladding, aluminium extruded

lation with comfortable ramps connecting

sections and high performance glass. The

the various podium levels.

blue colour glass added to a wonderful

The building is finally finished with

look and feel and its very high perfor-

white paint contrasting with brown colour

mance helps in cutting down the heat

on the inside side, separating the white

gain to the office areas.

bands from the building face, making

The distinctive design is in stark contrast to the surroundings and stands out

the building look light and bold at the same time.

as a unique commercial office building providing a strong workplace identity to

Architecture Design for Regency group

the client.

This project known as Sarvam is devel-

attracting the attention of the layman and

oped by Regency Group and is the big-

ground and wraps around the building in

Kalpataru Towers

gest residential township in the central

With an area of 8 lakhs sq ft; G A design

suburbs of Titwala, sprawled across 68

gave rise to Kalpataru Towers, for Kalpataru

acres. The buildings are a combination of

Constructions Pvt ltd at Kandivali, East. This

one and two BHK apartments. The high-

complex comprises four towers of 30 sto-

light of this project would be a twenty four

ries with a 3 level podium.

acre CRZ area with an amazing array of

a dynamic manner spiralling to the terrace

The Façade design of the building

amenities for the residents of this complex.

level. The ribbon expands and contracts

decides how iconic the structure will be. In

Long winding walk ways, tennis courts,

on certain floors exposing the refuge

this complex the four towers were closely

seating areas, shaded pathways, children’s

decks at random intervals. The lower three

abutting each other so there was a need

play areas, a skating rink are just a few of

floors on the west side is a triple height

for a strong separation, which would give

the facilities provided here. Apart from

lobby. The ribbon, as it reaches the top of

each tower a separate identity. To achieve

the coastal green belt, all the buildings are

the building angles out to provide a per-

this, a wall was built on either side of each

planned around large central green spac-

fect branding location for the clientele and

tower, which runs across the entire height

es. The architectural model of this project

then extends out beyond the terrace level.

of the building and culminates in the

pursues a concise, fluent and a grand style.

A glass lift core on the west side holds the

shape of a sail. This wall is supported with

All apartments have large decks which

building together with the ribbon on one

white curvilinear bands, which serves as

give the residents the feeling of openness

side and a glass facade with vertical alu-

shade breakers for the rooms of the apart-

and bring them closer to nature. The grand

minium fins on the other. The west side of

ments. These bands are made interesting

and clear building atmosphere combined


with bright contrasting colours create an elegant ambience. Regency Willows is located at Lonavala. This project has 23 detached villas comprising of a combination 4 and 5 BHK.The facade is shaped as a transparent glass box with unique natural materials functioning as an embellishment of the facade. Natural stone, wooden cladded walls, pergola sit outs on the terrace create a natural ambience and create a second home feel. The design highlight of this project is the central garden and club area. The club is designed in such a manner that it completely merges with the surrounding landscape achieving a very unique and a natural visual aesthetic of nature. The roof of the club is landscaped green with sit outs for the residents thus providing a small community private space as well as adding to the natural green cover of the complex. A lavish swimming pool with water cascading from a higher level garden to the lower level creates an interesting element and a visual treat to the residents. All the villas face the central green area and have stunning views of the countryside.


Design promo

A Divine

Power The iconic ſgure of Buddha, the enlightened one has become a recognizable ſgure in Asian design. It is believed that placing a Buddha ſgurine in the interiors or exteriors of any space ushers in spirituality and attracts prosperity. Le Cdeor brings for you, a vast range of imported Buddha artifacts and frames at best deal. Words: Marilyn Madathil




Wood with Silver finish


Form of the awakened one If you are a lover of art, you must have surely been to the Ajanta Caves in Aurangabad district; a great historical place depicting the masterpieces of Buddhist religious art. The different poses depicted in this great piece of Buddhist architecture interprets the life stories of Buddha with a symbolic meaning. In recent times in the world of interior design these meanings are well understood and are interpreted wisely. Often the Buddha images seen in the West is fat in size, depicting happiness. In Asia, Buddha is often seen as emaciated, representing a simple life, leaving the riches of his father’s royal palace.

Bone China


Japanese Buddha statues are

of Buddha masterpieces to dec-

often square and solid in form.

orate any space – be it a home,

In China and Japan on the stat-

restaurant or even an office

ues and images of the Buddha,

space. Not only the interiors

one may find an upper body

but even the exteriors are deco-

robe as it’s considered socially

rated with Buddha figurines to

inappropriate for a monk or

influence one’s mood and chal-

nun to show the upper arm.

lenge one’s thinking power.

A glimpse of the sublime Buddha, with his eyes gently

Sensing Tranquillity

closed, lips curved into a subtle

So where do you want your

smile, deepen the inner peace.

Buddha? Whether big or small,

According to fengshui, the

the presence of a meditating,

Buddha figure is used to assist

laughing or dancing Buddha

the chi energy (natural energy)

with a Zen-like smile becomes

move throughout the space

a centre of attraction, be it the

and this belief has recently

one placed on the wall, work

resulted in to a need for every-

desk, table, lawn or even in the

one to look for a perfect choice

bathrooms. Enter the world of




Le Cdeor and sense the wide

brows, indicates his super-

range of Buddha artifacts and

natural vision and the short

frames, available in a variety

curled hair indicates nobility.

of colours and shapes in dif-

His long earlobes symbolize

ferent materials ranging from

past wealth, when he wore

wood, stone and metal. One

heavy earrings. Sometimes

create a realm of a royal touch

one might come across a

by choosing the golden, silver

Buddha artefact with protrud-

and bronze polished finishes

ing head and this symbolizes

and spread an unique aura

the disconnection between

and a magical atmosphere.

the mind and body, known

The Buddha Head arti-

as Bodhisattva. One might

facts available here is an

be wondering, what is the

antique piece in this collec-

significance of a dot between

tion. The cranial bump on

the eyes of a Buddha piece? It

the Buddhas head, known

signifies vision and enlighten-

as ushnisha, stands for special

ment. A tuft of hair growing

wisdom. The urna, a round

from the top of the head rep-

tuft of hair between the eye-

resents wisdom.



Enhance your decor with Buddha frames and bring in spirituality and serenity. These elegant frames are specially sourced from different parts of the world by Le Cedeor, keeping fashion and trend loving generation in mind. To know more contact us at Email :


Le Cdeor collection also comprises standing, sitting or reclining Buddha artifacts. The standing Buddha with a serene face enables one to surrender all the negativities and feel peaceful. It symbolizes the Buddha giving blessings with his hands in front of his chest. A Buddha in a sitting position in the lotus position or on lotus leaves represents enlightenment and depicts calmness. The reclining Buddha stands for attaining Nirvana; a state of bliss or peace.

Cheer your space with Buddha You don’t have to be a Buddhist in order to incorporate these artifacts and decorate your interior décor. Placing Buddha in your home’s front room, facing the front door will help one Wood

to keep out evil spirits. Anyone who enters with an evil eye


Wood with Metal finish Wood with Silver finish 76 DESIGN MATRIX • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014

will immediately flee away as Buddha is keeping a check over him. Are you a creative person indulged in brainy activities? Enhance your thinking by placing Buddha on your work desk and he will boost you with brainstorming ideas. Don’t upset him placing him at a place surrounded with mess. Step into to Le Cdeor and create a serene and blissful ambience in your space with these beautiful masterpieces. Visit us at our flagship showroom at Mumbai: Lé Cdeor, 8/H, Laxmi Ind. Estate, New Link Road, Andheri W, Mumbai 400053; Tel.: 26327733 / 34; For trade enquiries contact: Stone



Creative ideas


Sanjay Puri Architects celebrates two wins at the Perspective Awards, Hong Kong, held in November 2013. The two winning projects are 72 Screens and Saffron Bay. With this achievement the firm has made a record of bagging 34 international architecture awards.



stablished in 1992, Sanjay Puri Architects has set a remarkable bench mark globally in architecture

with its diverse portfolio of urban planning, residential, commercial, hospitality, retail, offices, cultural and institutional projects. The firm’s design philosophy revolves around




solutions that are contextual, contributing

with an extremely restricted set of condi-

The insides of each of these spaces are

to sustainability and creating spaces that

tions to design a restaurant and banquet

completely enveloped in colour in the form

revolutionize the way they are experienced.

room. In addition to the constrictive spaces,

of a graphic rendition of ancient Indian art

Design Matrix explores the creative

we had to work with an existing air condi-

styles. A bright pink room with a graphic

tioning system. In response to the low pre-

rendition of Rajputana art, a turquoise room

angle of these award winning projects.

vailing heights and numerous beams and

with Madhubani art, a lime green room

Saffron Bay –a style statement

columns, we created small private dining

with Ajanta Ellora art graphics and a saffron

Saffron Bay is a versatile space with an

areas, within the Saffron Bay restaurant, that

room with Mughal art graphics create dif-

eclectic mixture of architecture and mod-

conceal the columns within them.”

ferent focal points within the 1200 sq ft. The

ern lighting design. Elaborating the design

With an entire envelope of black that

monochromatic envelope of the rest of the

style and the challenges faced while shap-

constitutes the floor, walls, ceiling and fur-

restaurant is punctuated by a graphic com-

ing this project, Ar. Sanjay Puri, adds, “Small

niture, the private dining spaces become

position of lighting that varies constantly.

spaces on two floors of an old building with

focal with their internal surfaces suffused

The banquet room also a very small

low ceilings traversed by beams of unequal

in vivid colours derived from the traditional

space with low ceiling heights is unified by

depth in no particular grid presented us

colours of India.

a singular design element. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 79

Suspended aluminium discs at ranging lev-

Designed as a corporate office headquar-

els blur the many beams across the room creat-

ters, the ground level houses a reception and

ing an illusion of increased height while forming

conference rooms above a car parking base-

a graphic composition that is further varied by

ment with office areas at the above 5 levels.

colour change LEDs.

The entire service core and toilets are located on its southern side, thus effectively reducing

Certificate of Excellence in Office Category

the heat gain substantially. In addition a glass reinforced concrete screen that takes its inspira-

Located in the city of Jaipur, India, which has

tion from the old traditional ‘jali’ screens of the

a desert climate through most of the year; 72

architectural heritage of the region sheaths the

Screens is designed in response to the excessive

building on all sides, reducing the heat gain.

heat imbibing traditional elements. Enveloped

The concrete screens around the building are

in abstractly folded planes of perforated screens,

supported by a steel framework with projec-

this 6 level office building creates a sculptural

tions that vary from 0.9 to 1.5m. This creates an


external periphery space for plants at each level

On a small plot of 1075 sq m, the building envelope is restricted on all sides in plan as well

and acts as further insulation from the external heat, creating cooler office spaces within.

as governed by height restrictions; the resultant

The office building thus overcomes the

floor area on each level after leaving mandatory

restrictions of its small plot creating office spac-

open spaces is only 326 sq m.

es that are very energy efficient to combat the


excessive summers of its location while

Architects proved their versatility by bag-

imbibing tradition in an abstract mani-

ging two awards, the Certificate of Excel-

festation to create a sculptural quality for

lence in restaurant and office category.

its inhabitants. At the Perspective Awards, Sanjay Puri JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 81

In focus

T H E AD D R E S S FO R H O ME F A S H I O N. Hot trends. Chic designs. Kitsch motifs. Portico New York, the fastest growing bed and bath linen brand in India, brings the fashion world’s in-vogue styles and designs to your bedroom. Easily the largest, the collection spans across 5 distinct categories that include kids, youth, wedding, luxury and health. Go on, pick your style today and get your bedroom ramp ready.







Green design


Mahalir Aran Trust (MAT), a local NGO commissioned Flying Elephant Studio for designing a primary healthcare centre, at Devara Outhu Pallam, near Dharmapuri in agricultural lands of rural Tamil Nadu. This project proved to be an outstanding example for comparable building tasks, won Holcim Awards for sustainable construction in 2012.



ticking to a budget is not nearly as difficult as it seems! With this ideology, the designers created an eco-friendly

health care center with better day lighting and cross ventilation. A low cost stepped amphitheater-like extension at the end of the entrance area was specially designed for conducting the small gatherings, related to public health awareness initiatives. The inherent programmatic split, of core clinic functions and waiting areas are arranged as two concentric layers creating a building within a building. A generous and airy waiting verandah wraps around the core hospital. An additional outdoor layer of varied cultivated landscapes serves


an aesthetic climatic buffer to control glare and dust.

Defining Sustainability The double skin building concept creates a shaded climatic buffer around the clinic. This, in conjunction with excellent cross ventilation through the single banked structure, via moistened local vetiver thatch outer screens, would keep the interior cool through evaporative cooling during severe dry tropical summers. The outer cultivated layer employs local agricultural practices including use of vetiver grass to prevent soil erosion and runoff at the edges of the cultivated terraces, medicinal plant patches, orchards etc. The JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 89

project employs the best sustainable water management practices including both rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharging and drip irrigation. The outer layer incorporates sustainable materials such as the recycled Tetra Pak corrugated roofing sheet. The outer roof with prominent central gutter leading to rainwater collection pond gives visual aesthetic expression to water as a life giving element; also recalling folklore pertaining to name of the place, Devara Outhu Pallam, meaning God’s Own Spring. The Holcim Awards jury Asia Pacific awarded this sustainable design for its sophisticated detailing created with natural simplicity for its vision to provide health awareness programs to the local community. The building design adapts visually distinct features of the landscape including the stone rubble bund retaining walls and the variety of thatch screens. Landscape development is conceived along lines of five landscape types illustrated in the Tamil Sangam poetry tradition of the local region.

Social Equity The project caters to the primary health needs, including propagating governmentdirected rural health schemes, of local villages. The structure acts as a gathering space for the delivery of public health awareness programs. The improvement of access to critical healthcare at the local village level aims to reduce expenditure currently incurred in urban center hospitals. Provision of timely and competent medical intervention will 90 DESIGN MATRIX • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014

certainly add to the immense economic benefits.

The architectural firm Flying Elephant Studio, a Bengaluru based firm is another name for energy, enthusiasm and out of box innovation. This architecturally driven firm is headed by Ar. Rajesh Renganathan and Ar.Iype Chacko. It’s a closely knit team of young architects assisting their experienced senior partners. They’ve also been awarded the Holcim Award for Sustainable Construction Award 2012 and the Architect of the Year in 2001. With 15 years of expertise, they understand their client’s requirements perfectly and connect with their needs to design something that would fit their client’s preferences as well as be a majestic form of art. Flying Elephant Studio is an architecturally driven firm, focusing more on series of shapes and concepts. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 91

Luxury design

Delight in


Experience the ecstasy with RR – The Boutique hotel, the ſrst of its kind in Dombivli – Kalyan Shill Road; offering a luxurious setting for your family celebrations, group events or getaway with friends. Words : Marilyn Madathil


he RR Boutique Hotel with three star standards is a real dream come true experience for a Dombivlikar. This boutique experience is the brain child of the creative

duo; Ar. Neilesh and Ar. Bhavya Kenkare; heading Arch-Aid an architectural firm at Mumbai.

State –of-the Art Facilities Keeping abreast with the fashion trends prevailing in the hospitality industry, this young couple moulded a boutique hotel 92 DESIGN MATRIX • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014

with a unique style. The theme based rooms and suites with excellent hospitality services, the fine dine multi- cuisine restaurant – I Spice, X-bar, O2 Health SPA, Zen Banquets and Y2K Coffee shop provides one with authentic experience. Elaborating the need for such a design in the central suburbs, Ar. Nielesh Kenkare adds, “There is a need for this kind of space in an area like Dombivli which is fast evolving with townships, but unfortunately was lacking a decent place to dine and a partying ambience like a pub or a bar, nevertheless to say even a proper gymnasium with modern amenities. It was a great challenge for us to revamp an already existing hotel in terms of cosmetics and interiors and design the same adhering to international standards. We with our aesthetic sense changed the overall look with a contem-

lights, colours and shapes added a design-

porary and simplistic feel.”

er touch to this space. The Swarovski crystal chandeliers, gold leafing in lobby per-

Colours , Shapes and Materials The designers’ enthusiasm to play with

suades one to this world of grandeur. The hotel has 4 Executive Suites, 4 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 93

Presidential Suites and 20 Deluxe Rooms, all crafted in different fashions. The Deluxe rooms are named according to their shapes – Cirquee, Polar and Hexa. The Cirquee room is ruled by circular shapes, Hexa has all hexagonal forms and the polar in triangular appearance. The bed, furniture and other accessories existing in these rooms match with the respective shapes. All suites are spaciously designed with a stroke of Asian elements. There are special areas like the luggage area, wardrobe and dressing space, lounge, study and a sleeping area for a homely feeling, being away from home. The night club X-bar attracts huge crowds due to the sculptural quality surrounding this space.


the design, Ar. Neilesh adds, “We enjoy playing with shapes and here we have

The furniture used here is contemporary

inviting punch along with dim light effect.”

used leather panels and have added an

and the basic colour scheme used in this

There is a small terrace specially designed

appearance of ‘X’ on the walls. The ceiling

area is black, silver and fluorescent green.

with seating areas as a smoking zone.

has zig zag patterns with silver claddings.

With fluorescent green, we gave a vibrant


To cherish your dining experience

form of simple wooden cladding with an idea to keep the area easy to wipe and clean. The granite flooring in this space adds to a trendy look and the deco glass creates a sense of drama in the ambience. A cup of coffee can be a social binder, a stimulant of wit or a cheering influence. Y2K a 24 hour coffee bar will be the perfect destination for the coffee lovers. This coffee shop on the ground floor of this boutique hotel is designed in the trendy fashion and youthful charm. The colour blue adds to a magical touch in this space. With square as the theme, the designers have used square shaped claddings of various materials like the leather and Formica on the wall. “With every shape we try to bring in different character adding a fun value to the place,” says Ar. Bhavya. The Zen Banquet hall at this hotel will in your memories for ever, the design-

beauty. One can enjoy variety of cuisines

be a perfect place to execute any official

ers designed I Spice with a minimalistic

from Chinese to traditional Indian dishes

meetings, conferences, training programs

approach and a striking design element.

over here. In order to create a maintenance

and other events efficiently. The wooden

The rafters used on the ceilings exemplify

free design, the table tops here are in the

laminated floors add warmth to this space.


There is a need for this kind of space in an area like Dombivli lacking a decent place to dine and a partying ambience like a pub or a bar, even a proper gymnasium with modern amenities. 96 DESIGN MATRIX • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014

The cut outs resembling Buddha head

and commercial to religious and spiritual

brings positive vibes in the environment.

places, night clubs and celebrity homes.

The colour red symbolising festivity cre-

The firm provides allied services ranging

ates an alluring atmosphere.

from Uniform design to Logos and artwork.

For a life boosted with energy levels,

Having over Seventeen years of

O2 a modern gynamisium designed with

experience in the profession, Neilesh has

all amenities is at your service. The design-

good experience in Hotel and Restaurant

ers gave a traditional Japanese feel to this

planning and has worked and designed

space with mats and rice paper wall paper.

various restaurants, bars and resorts along

With all facilities under one roof, this

with various residential and commercial

hotel is a centre of attraction for the busi-

projects. He has expertise in project man-

ness class, partying crowd and to the film

agement and budgeting along with the

stars. “We were highly contented design-

execution on site. Over Fourteen years of

ing this hotel. It gives a bang that Dombivli

experience, Ar. Bhavya specialises in the

is ready to change and our hearts leaps

presentation along with detailing and has

with joy to offer affordable luxury in a con-

good eye for art and accessories. None of

temporary manner with a futuristic look to

the projects done by this duo is complete,

the city of Dombivli,” says Ar. Bhavya.

without final finishing touches been added by her personally. They firmly believe

About Arch- Aid

that Architecture is nothing but passion

Arch – Aid is headed by Ar. Neilesh Kenkare

and lot of hard work and this has made

and his wife Ar. Bhavya .The firm deals with

their clients as their buddies.

various architectural as well as interior projects ranging from residential, institutional, JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 97

Futuristic design



A home is a place where we take solace, away from the hustle and bustle around us. It is indeed a castle of happiness and a cocoon, where we want to be away from the outside world.



wo residential projects in Mumbai, designed




Kumthekar and Ujwala Kumthekar

from Vivek Bhole Interior Design Pvt Ltd bring in charisma in home interiors.

Lavish setting A plush 2000 sq ft residence in pristine JVPD is a classic example of a tasteful design innovation by this young couple. The use of subtle hues, stylish imported furniture and elegant accessories is a true representation of a modern lifestyle.

The design mantra The client’s requirement included transformation of a four bedroom house to a 3 BHK with a den area, as an extension to the master bedroom. The designers placed the mandir in the centre for evoking a divine ambience in this house. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 99

It is a universal truth that the colour schemes play a vital role in the overall design. For creating a neat and bright expression; the house is predominated by the white and grey colour and this makes the house look spacious and stylish. Another important part is the lighting. It is the first thing that strikes one while entering the house. Falling intelligently on furniture, wall coverings; it accentuates the look of any space to another level. In order to achieve the perfect design harmony, the designers used exclusive chandeliers with tastefully done mood


lighting. All fixed furniture used in this home is locally made and the loose furniture is imported. The refurbishment of this home was completed in a span of 5 months without compromising on the finishing. Each bedroom is carefully planned as per the natural conditions using practical solutions. The small windows in all the bedrooms are carefully camouflaged with dummy openable panels to access the ac outdoor units. The designers successfully kept the space visually open with the use of sliding glass doors between areas, frosted glass and mirror and this mantra helped in acquiring visual openness as well as achieving privacy as and when required. “Clean, minimalistic design, rich materials, mood lighting and subtle hues is what sums up this residence,” adds Rajesh.

Signalling Positive Vibes Utilization of every space efficiently, without making it look small in size; Rajesh and Ujwala create a contemporary home with warm look at Churchgate.


The client’s simplicity with modern lifestyle was translated into the interiors of this house facing towards Marine Drive. All the rooms are fused together with different design elements to bring in a sense of positivity and belongingness. The thoughtfully designed passage area is a connecting factor for all the rooms. The uneven passage was very well aligned with wall panelling which encloses lot of storage behind for shoes, ironing board and lots of storage .The servants toilet door is almost unrevealed. The walls, furniture and the ceilings are treated differently in each room to add a unique sense. One can feel a dazzling appeal sensing the soft and stylish furniture blended well with elegant accessories. The living cum dining area has a connecting powder room door which is cleverly hidden with grooved panels. While designing this space, the idea that struck the designers mind set; was the need for a space ideal for social gatherings .The living room furniture is basic with a cosy leather sofa and a centre table with Italian marble top. The walls are treated with light grey shades with the soft lighting in the ceiling. The window wall cladding in olive grey marble gives a break to the white monotone. The wide window span have motorised roman blinds which is very convinient. The dining area continues with the same scheme with white portoro marble top table and leather finish chairs with a console table. The lithos marble wall cladding on the dining wall adds a glamorous look. Keep-


ing in mind the Indian ideology of having a

would like. Understanding this require-

spacious kitchen, the kitchen of this house

ment, the kid’s bedroom was designed

is roomy with the combination of walnut

with essential furniture, a sliding wardrobe

veneer and white colour lamination.

with T V and a white oak veneer ceiling

The overall colour scheme of the master bedroom in white contrasted with

.The long mirror for dressing helps the space look bigger.

black tinted mirror wall at the passage

Adhering to simplicity, the guest bed-

makes this room appear larger in size. The

room is kept white combined with beige

light stylish furniture will definitely take

shade. The simple furniture and leather

one’s breath away! This room is designed

bed makes this space cosy. Elaborating fur-

with a bathroom and walk-in closet to

ther on the design philosophy followed by

refresh your senses.

this young duo, designer Ujwala says, “Our

Most often little ones in the family want a fantasy land of their own in their

success mantra is, we create designs that enriches and inspires people’s lives.”

home. But the client wanted a room which their toddler son and his teenager cousins



Eco-Friendly ENVIRON

stARCH Design Spectrum, a multi 窶電isciplinary design firm by Ar. Sonali and Ar. Tanuj Desai; designs a magnificent environment friendly dwelling in the outskirts of Baroda. Words: Sharmishtha Chawda Photo Courtesy: Enlarge Photography



he designers with their heart and soul takes pride in designing intriguing spaces inspired from

different elements in the nature and are true to its function. The magnificent facade of the Vora home envelopes one into its warmth and positivity as one step into the first space of this welcoming edifice. The simple design of the foyer with neutral and natural shades of bamboo sets the tone of the ambiance of this residence. A theme that effortlessly permeates from one space to the other, with a minimalist approach entwined with its aesthetic designs, this house is bestowed with a unique urban personality.

Welcoming interiors The amorphous fluidity in the space allows continual visual interest as one move from the foyer into the large and spacious living room. The ceiling of the foyer of bamboo panels aptly combined with laminates blends into the living room through an artistic veneer partition that houses an artifact, adding grandeur and charm to the living room. “Keeping the artistic inclination of our clients in mind, we have used metallic murals on the main wall of the living room. The lighting is soft and interesting that not only highlights the significant aspects of this space but also portrays the gentle and simple personalities of our clients”, states Ar. Tanuj Desai, Principal, stARCH Design Spectrum. As the living room extends into the dining and kitchen area, one cannot miss the expert and elegant use of glass that JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 105

enhances the spaciousness of this level. A special modular kitchen design with the liberal use of hues of white and natural tones adds an impeccable character to this entire area. The designer tiles used in the doorway and the seasoned wooden table top in the kitchen bring in an element of intrigue and innovation into the design. An eye catching section that one cannot miss is the wall along the stairway that displays a fascinating wall hanger created out of waste wood. A multi-functional area under this rough stone staircase provides space for storage and ironing.

Fine-tuned elements Lighting being a fundamental element for any space, the designers used mood LED Lighting with several options in each individual living space.”We have given special focus on lighting and used wood and designer tiles creatively to make the spaces of all bedrooms stimulating”, adds Ar. Tanuj. The designers’ vision reflects through embedded lighting on the headboard of the kid’s room and floral print on the headboard and ceiling of the guest room. The master bedroom possesses a more sublime character that epitomizes the simple approach of its owners. The sit-out at the lower level that opens into the greenery that surrounds the place exudes the warmth of the residence. Special touches given by the designers lend expressive qualities to the spaces. The wall finishes used adds more depth and meaning to the space and creates an aesthetic feel. The ornamental bar counter at the corner of the living room, the vibrancy of the acoustically furnished home theatre, the American oak finish wooden flooring bring forth the precise vision and extraordinary creativity of the designers. The exterior of this spacious bungalow 106 DESIGN MATRIX • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014

remains inspired by its sublime surroundings, brilliantly highlighted by the foot lighting amid the greens. Each space of the Vora residence emanates an individual charm, yet merges seamlessly into one another, captivating the guests in its beauty and grandeur.

About stARCH Design Spectrum Ar. Sonali and Ar. Tanuj Desai set up their practice, stARCH Design Spectrum in 1997 in the city centre of Vadodara. The duo designers with their professional design entity, specializes in interior design, architecture and landscape design and been handling different projects ranging from designing of resorts, specialized ship interiors, hotels, institutions, commercial complexes, commercial interiors, product design, residential and set designs. With 15 years of expertise; the designers’ motto remains in shaping and manifesting client’s ideas in the best possible way. Elaborating the design philosophy implied by the firm, Ar. Tanuj says, “We design the spaces you have dreamt about all your life, to suit your lifestyle, without spending more than what you have budgeted for the project.” Both the designers have graduated from M. M. College of Architecture, ‘MMCA’ - Pune, India in 1994. Following which they specializedin interior design degree course from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, ‘RMIT’ Australia in 1997. Ar. Tanuj Desai, Immediate Past Chairman of IIID Baroda (IPC) & during both his tenure as Chairman, IIID Baroda Chapter won Best Chapter Awards (2008-10 & 2010-12) for both consecutive Terms, out of 29 Chapters/ Centres across India. Ar. Sonali Desai is part of Managing Committee at IIID Baroda Chapter. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 107

Leisure design




citizenM is a new Dutch hotel group opened citizenM Bankside, the fourth hotel of this chain, offering mobile citizens of the world, affordable luxury in London. Project Photos : Richard Powers for concrete Proſle Photo : Ewout Huibers for concrete


he hotel exists of 192 rooms of 14 sq. m, all prefabricated produced in a factory and easy to transport. The design is focussed on citizenM’s belief that a great bed and a

simple and clean bathroom is all that one may need during a city or business trip. The rooms are stacked on a ground floor with a dynamic lobby, living room space and F&B functions including a public accessible cafe. Seven creating spaces are housed on the first floor, operating under the name of societyM, citizenM’s working and meeting facility.


THE DESIGN STORY The building is landed in the upcoming neighbourhood of Southwark, an area that traditionally has been dominated by industrial warehouses. This modular build citizenM hotel is carefully covered with custom- made brick patterned concrete panels. The location provided the possibility to position two blocks of rooms behind each other, which results in the first citizenM with a courtyard. This courtyard is designed as outdoor living room. The courtyard creates a beautiful oasis in the heart of the hotel and brings daylight into the rooms, societyM and the public life of the hotel. There are terraces on several floors that can be used for drinks, some fresh air or to smoke.

The Faรงade Sand coloured stone panels with special designed brickwork pattern are referring to the warehouse architecture of the neighbourhood. Within this robust volume big glass windows of the rooms are pushed out. The large glass windows on the ground are placed within the building block, creating a natural transfer between inside and outside. They clearly show the vibrant life of the living rooms, 110 DESIGN MATRIX โ ข JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014

cafe and lobby facing space towards the

The Entrance

street. Two wooden entrance boxes clear-

The building has two entrances, one

ly indicate the entrances towards the café

entering the check-in area, the other one

and the hotel lobby.

leading towards canteenM, the café and F&B area. The wooden entrance box gives

The Public Spaces

a warm welcome. A small shop with cool

The space is divided in several areas,

magazines, newspapers and all neces-

where one can find the environments,

sary items that one need is housed in

one need to work, socialize, relax or have

the cabinets. Part of the cabinet wall is

a drink. One can choose a living room

a living room area with a large fireplace.

with a cozy fireplace or go for a more cafe

Opposite the elevators, next to the glazed

style environment. One has a choice to

courtyard, a wooden iconic helical stairs

work at the communal tables or enjoy a

invites one to enter the societyM area on

croissant in the courtyard.

the first floor. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 111

The Living Room This space is created with a home-environment, by designing working areas, dining areas and seating areas. Six small dining, drinking and working tables pop out of the homey styled cabinets. Centrepiece next to the bar is the lounge area: a large leather poof is positioned on a mixed up union jack carpet. Two bookcase benches flank the lounge area, filled with interesting and inspiring books to read and flip trough.

The Canteen Guests can pick fresh prepared bakery goods throughout the day, drinks, hot breakfast and much more. Close to this open kitchen is the island bar. This is the heart of the public area, centrally located between the various living and working rooms, the kitchen and the outside courtyard.

The Courtyard The wooden terrace decking is a continuation of the interiors wooden floors. Silver birch trees, one placed in a red wooden tree-bench, create an intimate

dor alongside the courtyard, in front of

outdoor area. Red coloured terrace seat-

the creating spaces, houses some low

ing provide place to hang around. Lan-

seating facilities to withdraw one from

terns are hung high up in the yard for a

the meeting or make a phone call.

great evening feel.

All the guest rooms are equipped with an amazing bed, shower and bath-


room and even a personal minibar. Every

If one takes the iconic spiral staircase

room is equipped with a small desk to

clad in oak wood to the first floor, one

make life easier with sockets to charge

will find societyM, the answer to all

the mobile devices.

boring business centres which one can

To create a theatrical atmosphere

find in any other hotel. Seven individu-

the room contains diverse light-sources.

ally designed creative rooms are placed

Three bespoke spots adjust the amount

around the courtyard. societyM gives

of light above the bed and living area.

access to an outside breakout area in

LED light strips are incorporated in the

the courtyard and with the nature, the

make-up mirror for a good view. And

guests can meet other citizens of the

finally, a large LED-string above the

world and begin new collaborations.

translucent ceiling offers the opportu-

All rooms fully equipped with audio-

nity to change colours of the room.

visual equipment, white and black walls for notes, theories and scribbles, and


the bespoke cabinet filled inspirational

concrete originally was founded by Rob

items and books. The fully glazed corri-

Wagemans, Gilian Schrofer and Erik Van


Dillen in 1997. According to concrete,

as product and interior designers, archi-

translating functionality and ease of

tects, visual marketers and now an urban

use always depends on the given situa-

planning/ architectural firm too. In short,

tion. Function has no definitive style. A

concrete’s work is realistic and yet absurd.

museum needs a different design solu-

concrete seeks out the clients’ real pas-

tion than a coffee bar does, or a school or

sion and ambition, and works closely with

casino. And in outward appearance, they

them to discover their real motives and

are nothing like each other. Good design

their true corporate philosophy.

always starts with good analysis. A truly

concrete’s designers are able to trans-

functional design must always be accom-

form this ambition and philosophy into

panied by an appropriate and stimulat-

constructed environments, and they are

ing concept. concrete believes that the

not satisfied until the plan results in the

direction of this innovatory movement

best possible business outcome for their

is clearly moving towards pure analysis


and a highly consistent design concept. concrete hosts different disciplines such JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 113

Trend corner

Design Aesthetics Two of India’s most sought after décor brands Fusion Access, Furniture by Design and PortsideCafe, Furniture Studio have partnered in Colaba, Mumbai; a unique destination to showcase their products at one store.



obby Aggarwal, Product Designer,

PortsideCafe and Shilpa KalanjeePastala,




Designer, Fusion Access are very excited about this new liaison and are confident that their venture will be a great success. Fusion Access and PortsideCafe have created a product gallery space in their store to promote young, talented designers in the field of design and dĂŠcor. This space has been aptly named Portside Access Product Gallery and both Shilpa and Bobby hope to provide an active platform for innovative design. On the occasion, Shilpa Kalanjee- Pastala, Managing Partner,


Fusion Access says, “Fusion Access is undergoing an exciting metamorphosis right now. After 16 years of working from a beautiful old heritage bungalow that I had restored, we have moved to bigger premises. A new, industrial look has been adapted just like in the transition of the Victorian era to Art Deco. Fusion Access is sharing the space with our store, Portside Café, and together we hope to bring newer meaning to the term ‘designer furniture”. Fusion Access attributes its success to the husband and wife partnership between Shilpa and her husband Minnal. Shilpa is the face of Fusion Access through design and marketing and Minnal is the backbone, being responsible for the production and quality of furniture that they manufacture. The firm’s success has been made- possible due to this synergy and the common ideologies that they share. Since its inception in 1997, Fusion Access has followed the simple philosophy of designing furniture that extends beyond time and passing trends. Varying from contemporary to classic, “mixed media” to antique, the style gives instant individuality to the living environment. Fusion Access boasts of offering furniture with ‘soul’. The design is emphasized through materials, process, craftsmanship and finish. Attention to scale proportion and detail results in a product that surpasses time and passing fads, making each piece a timeless classic.


Design Pedagogy

The Seating Experience at


In our last issue, we introduced MIT Institute of Design, a well established institute in Pune. The discipline trains the students into design thinking and working out solutions for interior spaces, furniture and life style accessories.



nterior Space and Equipment Design

and her team of genius professors, Rajan Iyer

discipline at MIT ID focuses on designing

and Amit Deshmukh. With Prof. Rajan Iyer,

and planning of interior spaces for

let’s enter the world of furniture designing.

all kinds of human needs. The learners and exterior - according to their functional

Unique Creations by Prof. Rajan Iyer of MIT ID

hierarchies and interrelationships. Any

A graduate of NID, Ahmedabad, designer

space that is functional and aesthetic

Rajan Iyer has worked on varied facets of



interior spaces and exhibition design over 12

seating, storage, lighting etc , so only

years. He was associated with Novopan India

understanding the furniture design and

Ltd, Sterling Holiday resorts, Indian Furniture

interior design part is not sufficient for a

products Ltd and also did exhibitions for

learner, who aspires to be a designer.

Octanorm India Ltd, in Chennai.

concentrate on designing spaces – interior



The interior space design should be

He worked as a consultant to “Cochin

integrated with the space equipment, and

Shipyard Ltd,” on interior accommodation

both should have a harmonious interac-

on board tug vessels to Tankers. Complete

tion .This makes the built space respond

colour co-ordination and customized furni-

like an efficient, well designed system. This

ture was designed for all spaces from crew

approach imparts the learner with a unique

cabins to captains’ dayroom and the modu-

edge than merely “interior decoration”. Of

lar furniture was manufactured at the ship-

the many Interior Space and Equipment

yard premises.

Design Courses, the one at MIT ID empha-

He worked with great enthusiasm as

sizes on the holistic learning. The depart-

a consultant with Inspiration Group, of

ment is headed by Prof Vasudha Karhadkar

Architects, Engineers & Designers, Cochin;


he developed eco-friendly furniture with a

and without backrest; with rubber wood slats

handcrafted ambience for various hotels,

for the seating surface. Though the seats look

resorts and other interior projects done by

deceptively fragile as they are made of finely

this firm.

bent rods they are incredibly strong!

With Inspiration, Rajan Iyer combined

Further another range was designed for

the tubular steel with cane wave and cre-

students with a tubular steel construction.

ated the ‘Kochi Chair’, ideal outdoor furniture

The minimalistic design approach with clean

to experience cozy seating space during his

lines formulated a strong product designed

practice with Inspirations.

with aesthetic value, offering a great com-

Today Rajan Iyer is a guide, teacher and a

fort zone. With optimal material usage and

mentor moulding the design students. Here

fabrication that requires only basic facilities

he shares designs of seating crafted for the

like cutting, pipe bending and welding the

students of MIT Institute of Design.

designs can be made by any small scale

The first range was developed using


light weight MS Rods in combination with

The design faculty of MIT ID believes

rubber wood slats. The design consists of

that a learner is sensitive towards appropriate

a single length of continuous rod bent in a

use of material & exploring it to its maximum

triangulated fashion providing for strength,

capacity and the designs by Prof Rajan is a

rigidity and a visual flow.

perfect example of the same.

The Rodmatrix range is available in modules of 450 X 450mmand 1200 X 450 mm with



GRANDEUR launches German

kitchens by Ballerina Küchen

Grandeur celebrates 15 years of success, providing its customers with a rich and varied range of modular kitchens, appliances, and furniture by premium European brands. Now the company brings high-end German kitchens brand Ballerina Küchen in the Indian market.


he German kitchen manufacturer

brands. Along with several other benefits

than other brands. “In a market where we

has gained a great amount of

that the brand offers, they are particularly

don’t have standard room and product siz-

reputation around the world for

known for their innovative finishes – be

es, the customization and space utilization

providing products that rank high in

it laser bound high pressure laminates or

offered by Ballerina is a great boon,” adds

design and quality. On this association with

digitally printed glass and melamine – to


Ballerina, Rohin Ramchandani, Director,

name a few.”

Enter the world of Grandeur, an inte-

Grandeur; says “We offer our customers

Ballerina products are manufactured

rior solutions to redesign your home with

several top European brands to choose

in a fully automated production facility,

kitchens, appliances, and furniture by pre-

from, when they are designing their

thereby drastically reducing production

mium brands.

homes and we are extremely delighted

errors and defects. Their kitchens offer

to add Ballerina to this range of premium

100% customization, which is far greater



November-December 2013 VOL. 4 • ISSUE 1 • `100

Naresh & Monika Shah A good design should be versatile without any undue repetition of ideas








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Event report


BUSINESS + DESIGN – INDEX FAIRS 2013 A focused business event endorsed by the creme of the Indian architect, designer and builder community,the 25th Jubliee edition of Index Fairs was held in November,2013


pread over a sprawling area of

Reinforcing its position as the best

Clubbed together into a beautiful

30,000 sqm, the show encompassed

launch pad into the dynamic Indian mar-

design space, were seven prominent Indian

over 2,000 brands in furniture,

kets, INDEX 2013 hosted over 60 interna-

Designers showcasing in a space of their

furnishings, kitchens, kitchen appliances,

tional brands with group participations

own, such as: Miheer Fyzee, Aziz Kachwalla,


from Spain, the UK, Indonesia and China.

Namrata Baruwa Shroff, Pooja Malhotra,

In addition, exhibitors from Italy, Germany,

Apeksha Samani and Natasha Bohra.




materials, intermediaries and hardware. INDEX 2013 was officially inaugurated

Turkey, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, the Neth-

at the hands of Ar. Hafeez Contractor,

erlands and France showcased a stunning

Index Design Boulevard

Proprietor, Architect Hafeez Contractor.

array of interiors products for the contract,

The year 2013 witnessed a glimpse of the

Other dignitaries on the dais included

design and hospitality sectors.

shock and awe initiative by the organizers

Omar Mohd. Salleh, Vice Consul (Trade), Malaysia External Trade Development

in collaboration with eminent architects

Design Pavilion

- a space where architects worked with

Corporation; Elena Febrel, Economic and


One of the striking features of the 25

materials and products, to create design

Commercial Counsellor, Economic & Com-

Jubilee INDEX was the European Design

spaces that pushed the limits of applica-

mercial Office of Spain in Mumbai; Mat-

Pavilion - An architect-designed space

bility and ideation: Ar. Annkur Khosla, Ar.

thieu Lefort, Head Trade Commission,

displaying exclusively European furniture,

Jude D’Souza, Vibhor Sogani, Kanika Bawa

Ubifrance Mumbai;

and Vyom Mehta.

Diipesh Bhagtani,

lighting, chairs and furnishings from the

Executive Director, Jaycee Homes Limited;

UK, the Netherlands, Italy and France. The

Joji George, Managing Director, UBM India

representation also included participation

Kudos Gallery

and L A Khan, Managing Director, UBM

of 7 delegates from the reputed Associa-

Taking forward the tradition of appreciat-

Index Trade fairs Pvt. Ltd.

tion of Wood and Furniture Industries.

ing some of the finest and most dynamic


architects of the country, the second edi-

industry INDEX successfully brought

tion of Kudos honoured the inspirational

together important specifiers from sev-

work of six eminent architects in creating

eral parts of the country and outstation

Key Green Corridors concepts:

buyer groups in significant numbers, rein-

• Abraham John Architects – The Bombay

forcing its position as a serious business platform for sourcing interiors and design

Greenway Project • Architect Hafeez Contractor – The Mum-

in India. This year Index Fairs, Mumbai; a four day event will be held from

bai Coastal Freeway • Karan Grover & Associates – Jadavgadh

9-12 October, 2014.

Fort • M/s Prabhakar Bhagwat – The Green Rooms of Mumbai : Wadala • P K Das & Associates – Open Mumbai • Studio for Environment and Architecture – The Mumbai Greenlink Project Index 2013 applauded and appreciated the creative efforts of the participants with the very first edition of the Index Flame Awards. The judge and jury assessing these beautiful design spaces included: Ar. Kamal Malik, Ar. Samira Rathod, Ar. Tushar Desai, Ar. Reza Kabul, Ar. Ajay Nahar, Ar. Rajiv Mishra and Ar. Sanjay Puri.

Knowledge: At Index Fairs 2013 At the Silver Jubilee edition, Index Fairs launched two innovative interactions in the form of a debate over lunch with a focus on two key industry segments: Light and Kitchen. These interactive sessions, were in a conversation-format between architects, designers, specifiers and suppliers to debate best practices, products and services in the industry. Both initiatives were well attended

The interactive session of Light Up 2013 included: • Ar. Kapil Surlakar, Light@Work Design Consultants • Ar. Mujib Ahmed, Collaborative Architecture • Ar. Lalita Tharani, Collaborative Architecture • Ar. Ajay Nahar, Nahar Projects • Ar. Khozema Chitalwala, Designers Group • Ar. Gaurav Sanghavi, Pentaspace Consultants • Des. Pearl Contractor, Architect Hafeez Contractor • Ar. Yogesh Wadhwana, Kiran Gala Associates • Ar. Prashant Sutaria, Prashant Sutaria Architects & Planners • Ar. D M Upasani, Urban Design Cell • Ar. Rajiv Mishra, J J School of Architecture • Ar. Kashyap Patwa, Vice President (Trade), IIID • Ar. Ninad Tipnis, JTCPL Design Studio • Vibhor Sogani, Studio Vibhor Sogani • Sharmila Kumbhat, K Lite • Anil Valia, Lighting Systems Consultant • Rajiv Hinduja, Cerco Lighting

The interactive session at Cooking up a Storm 2013, held in association with Grandeur Interiors & Electrolux included: • Ar. Mujib Ahmed, Collaborative Architecture • Ar. Lalita Tharani, Collaborative Architecture • Ar. Kalhan Mattoo, Planet 3 Studios • Ar. Swapnil Sawant, Worksphere Architects • Ar. Hemanti Sutaria, Prashant Sutaria Architects & Planners • Ar. Conrad Gonsalves, Conrad Gonsalves & Associates • Rohin Ramchandani, Grandeur Interiors Pvt. Ltd • Snehal Vasani, Kitchen Grace • Rajesh Ahuja, Sleek International • Deepak Sapru, Sleek International • Deepak Bharadia, Meine Kuche

and appreciated by the members of the architect and design fraternity. The




included: Godrej dealer meet, Presentation cum discussion by Ar. Prem Nath and JJ College of Architecture alumni meet. The comprehensive media campaign and strong eclectic mix of exhibitors attracted a quality visitor turnout, including well known personalities from the trade and professional community of architects, builders, project managers and consultants, corporate and trade visitors and interior designers. Being considered the premier business event on the interiors and design JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • DESIGN MATRIX 123


Sleek –

the kitchen specialist spreads its wings Sleek has experienced phenomenal growth in the past few years with its excellent product offering. Presently, the ſ rm boasts of being India’s largest modular kitchen company with over 13 retail shop-inshop outlets, 20 retail standalone outlets and 460 dealer networks. up bottle raining and wooden partages that can take any space to a new level. Sleek always aspired to be at the forefront of technological development, ideas and innovation, to make the Indian woman’s life easy and fast in the kitchen. Minimalism is in vogue, and Sleek’s designs, though simple to look at, have plenty of outstanding features that make it exclusive in every way. From the raised breakfast table overlooking the kitchen, the hanging shelves on the backsplash to the exquisite lamp-chimney that hangs over the hob


ith an experience of over 15

the areas across India,” says, Rajesh Ahuja,

years in the modular kitchen

Managing Director, Sleek.




like a piece of art. Sleek kitchens have already made the new mirror skirting a rage, and the

Showcasing unique design solutions

creative use of LED lights just takes the

bright vision, the company’s expansion plans includes entering new territories and

Sleek is known for its unique designs.

cabinets and shutter options in MDF and

meeting the consumer’s growing needs.

Entering any Sleek showroom will suf-

Marine Ply, with a range of fascinating

Sleek, recently opened new showrooms

fice one’s need with innovative ideas for

finishes for shutters. The range is so vast,

in Mumbai (Thane, Kurla and Lower Parel);

space-saving and space optimisation. The

that it is quite mind-boggling. One can

Pune, Gurgaon, Chennai and Delhi. The

product display includes ergonomically

even choose a built-in refrigerator, oven

new showrooms stand apart with their fine

designed Island, L-shaped and U-shaped

and dishwasher that seamlessly blend into

display of modular kitchens that include

kitchens; new trends in steel wire acces-

the design, and complete the chic look

the best of Sleek’s designs, innovations

sories that include all-purpose baskets, tall

of the kitchen. Sleek, the kitchen special-

and products. “Our designers have put

units, cutlery units and a variety of corner

ist is known for quality, functionality and

their best foot forward to create these

units. World-renowned brands in accesso-


designs. Consumers will get to see all that

ries and appliances like Sige, Grass, Lamp

Recently this kitchen brand put its best

Sleek has to offer. I am happy to announce

and Airforce. High quality hardware solu-

foot forward at the recently concluded ET

that the Thane showroom had a record-

tions - from telescopic channels and hing-

- Acetech and UBM Index 2013 exhibitions.

breaking sale in its first month itself. We

es to the high-end soft closing systems

The Sleek team outdid itself with a fine

are looking forward to cater to consumers

from GRASS and lift-up flaps from Kinvaro

display of kitchens that won them the Best

in Central, South Mumbai, Thane and all

are also available here. One can even pick

Stand Display award at Index.

does, it does it like a Specialist. With a


style quotient a notch higher. Sleek offers



is Asia’s Most Promising Brand At a ceremony held in Dubai, CERA was conferred Asia’s Most Promising Brand award by World Consulting & Research Corporation (WCRC). The selection was done based on exhaustive research of brands in various Asian countries.

Mr. P K Shashidharan-Vice President-Marketing-CERA- Receiving the Brand Award

ERA – a name synonymous with style


for CERA. According to Business Outlook, CERA was

and innovation, since its inception in

named amongst 30 fastest growing companies in

1980, with the recent induction of India’s

India. CERA also won the prestigious ‘Power Brand

fashion and style icon, Sonam Kapoor, as CERA’s

Award’ for the second time in a row and ‘Product of

brand ambassador, CERA is already reckoned with

the Year’ award for the third time. CERA, which grew

international brands. It is committed to style and

over 50% in the last fiscal, had a top line growth of

offers a diverse range of products in sanitary ware,

around 40% in H1 this year. “This growth is indeed

kitchen ware, wellness, faucets, mirrors and tiles

commendable and shows the inherent strengths

suited for all categories of customers.

of brand CERA” says. Atul Sanghvi, Chief Operating

The year 2013 has been particularly significant

Officer, CERA.



H C N LAU s by DURIAN n tio c lle o c g in d d e w g in rm Cha ary nious offerings and contempor its state-of-the-ar t designs, inge

has been known for d today’s Since inception, Durian Furniture g Collections’; keeping in min y-designed charming ‘Weddin ciall spe s, che laun ian e Collections Dur Mat l r, designs. This New Yea ons, Eternal Collections, Sou rse range of Paradise Collecti dive ures feat It . ether to ents tog irem youth tastes and requ rious clusters are packed style and identity. These luxu own its ing sess pos also be h eac can and ons and Harmony Collecti various shapes and sizes s. The collection is available in look c heti aest and ce spa , give extreme comfort alized requirements. customized as per your person ww


H THE DELHI DESIGN STORE presents hand painted cushion covers The ‘India inspired’, hand-painted cushion covers bring the rich cultural art of the Mughal era with a new contemporary twist. The designer Monica Khanna has worked with artists of Rajasthan, to bring together a rich portfolio of contemporary crafts inspired by the flora and fauna of India. These cushion covers are prepared using top quality cotton fabric, the designs printed on the cushions are vibrant, classic contemporary, refined, subtle and artistic. The paints used are water-based and non-toxic.

Comfy and classy cha irs


The Furniture Republic i The Furniture Republic (TF R) has launched an exclusi ve collection of accent chairs for both indoors and outdoors. The se chairs from TFR will add an element of magnificence to any roo m or space. Available in vibrant colour options, luxurious uphols tery with extra comfor table seating , the indoor chairs have a solid wood finish done in remarkabl e style. The outdoor cha irs are available in aluminium and polycarbo nate materials in myriad colours which are sturdy, durable and hig h-strength with extra com for t. ww w.t


GLOSSARY IFC: Exteria Century Plyboards (I) Limited 6, Lyons Range, Kolkata – 700 001. Tel: (033) 3940 3950 Email: Pg. 1: Ebco Pvt. Ltd. 402-3, Hyde Park, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai 400072 Tel: (022) 67837777 Email: Pg. 2: Concept Dekor Surface Dekor (India) Pvt. Ltd. Abdul Satar Lakdawala Comp., Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Road, Jogeshwari-East, Mumbai – 400 060 Tel: (022) 28242424/28362424 Email: Pg. 3: Cera Cera Sanitaryware Ltd. Madhusudan House, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380 006. Tel.: (079) 26449781/26449789 Email: Pg. 4 & 5: Durian Veneer Durian Industries Ltd. 401, The Summit, Western Express Highway, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai 400057 Tel: (022) 26269000 Email: Pg. 6: FINfloor Laminated flooring MRJ Trading Pvt. Ltd. 201, Shyam Kamal ‘C’ Bldg., Agarwal Market, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai – 400057. Tel: (022) 26187132 / 26131442 Email: Pg. 7: Geeta Corporate Ad. Geeta Aluminium Company Pvt. Ltd. D/4, Ansa Industrial Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Saki Naka, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400072. (M): 09930806685 128 DESIGN MATRIX • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014

Pg. 8: CLS Industries CLS Industries Pvt.LTd. Plot no.38, 43, 44 & 45, Survey No.89, Meghpar Borichi, Anjar, Gujarat. (M): 09711192810 / 09099052288 Email:

Pg. 16 & 17: Uniply Elementz

Pg. 9: Lunawood Exterior Cladding & Decking • 935, Bhagwandas Wadi, Behind Kismat Talkies, off V.S. Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025 Tel: (022) 24318222 Email: • 9/B & 9/K, Laxmi Ind. Estate, New Link Road, Versova, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 053 Tel: (022) 26327733 / 34 Email:


Decorative Veneers Uniply Industries Ltd. #52, Harleys Road, Kilpauk, Chennai – 600 010. Tel: (044) 26605995

Pg. 37: LG Hi-Macs New Patel Sawmill Group 204/B, Vertex Vikas, Sir M V Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400069 Tel: (022) 26833377/0952 Email: Pg. 38 & 39: Uniply ATS Plywood Uniply Industries Ltd. #52, Harleys Road, Kilpauk,

Pg. 11: KiTEC Flexibility KiTEC Industries (India) Limited C-18/11, Jeevan Bima Nagar, Borivali (W), Mumbai – 400 103. Tel.: (022) 2895 1144 Email:

Chennai – 600 010.

Pg. 13: Jalaram Flooring • 935, Bhagwandas Wadi, Behind Kismat Talkies, off V.S. Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025 Tel: (022) 24318222 Email: • 9/B & 9/K, Laxmi Ind. Estate, New Link Road, Versova, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400053 Tel: (022) 26327733 / 34 Email:

Vile Parle (E), Mumbai – 400057.

Tel: (044) 2660 5995 Email: Pg. 40 & 41: Le Cdeor MRJ Trading Pvt. Ltd. 201, Shyam Kamal ‘C’ Bldg., Agarwal Market, Tel: (022) 26187132 / 26131442 Email: IBC: Sleek Kitchen Sleek International 224-227, Blue Rose Ind. Estate, Western Exp. Highway, Next to Maruti Showroom, Borivali (E), Mumbai – 400 066. Tel: (022) 64527616

Pg. 14: Fensterbau Frontale India 2013 Nurnberg/Messe India Email: Pg. 15: Birla White Wallcare Putty Ultratech Cement Ltd. Ground Floor, Ahura Centre, 82, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai 400093 Toll Free: 1800111717

Email: BC: Durian Home Furniture Durian Industries Ltd. 401, The Summit, Western Express Highway, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai 400057 Tel: (022) 26269000 Email:

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