The Singapore Engineer February 2020

Page 26



IN EIGHT CATEGORIES Renewable energy pioneers recognised for innova ve projects and ini a ves. In mid-November 2019, EUROSOLAR (European Associaon for Renewable Energies) and its Luxembourgian secon honoured eight nominees from six different countries with the European Solar Prize 2019, at the Campus Belval in Luxembourg’s picturesque Esch-sur-Alze e. The prize was awarded in the categories of municipalies, solar architecture, commercial companies, local or regional associa ons, renewable energy installa ons, educa on and voca onal training, one world coopera on, and special achievement. In his welcoming address, Henri Kox, former head of EUROSOLAR Luxembourg and newly designated Minister of Housing, stated, “The Energy Transi on is a major challenge for our society. It can only be achieved when we pool our efforts and our ideas, learn from each other and work together to make las ng changes. Only then will we create a sustainable future. I welcome you all to find inspira on from our renewable energy pioneers today”. In his opening speech, Prof Peter Droege, President of EUROSOLAR e V pointed out the importance of civic dedica on to the energy revolu on. “I am glad that today we were able to honour people who are working on solu ons for local and regional energy system transforma ons. Whether it is a church, industry or youth movement, all prize winners have innova ons in common that are prac cal and sustainable. Their projects serve as forward-looking examples of renewable energies in Europe”, he said. Prior to the presenta on of the awards, Prof Stéphane Pallage, Rector of the University of Luxembourg, emphasised the key role universi es play in the fight against climate change and for the energy transi on. Prof Susanne Siebentri , from the University of Luxembourg, gave an insight into research and development in the field of renewable energy. A er a lively discussion with speakers and audience, Prof Peter Droege presented the awards to the winners. The awards ceremony took place, in previous years, in Bonn, Germany, the hometown of EUROSOLAR e.V, as well as in Vienna, Barcelona and Prague. Since 1994, the prize has been awarded annually to municipali es, municipal companies, associa ons and organisa ons, architects, journalists and private, individuals in coopera on with the na onal sec ons of EUROSOLAR. The award recognises the dedica on and inven veness of regional players and provides new impetus for a regenera ve and decentralised energy revolu on in Europe. 24


Category: Towns, municipali es, council districts, public u li es Winner: Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Ireland Highlight: Outstanding joint commitment to a sustainable community life Category: Solar architecture and urban planning Winner: The High School for Health Professionals, Luxembourg Highlight: First public school in Luxembourg built to the ambi ous technical standard of a Posi ve Energy Building Category: Industrial and commercial companies or farmers Winner: Industrial Solar GmbH, Germany Highlight: Innova ve solar process for steam genera on for industrial hea ng and cooling Category: Local or regional associa ons / organisa ons Winner: Schoonschip, Netherlands Highlight: Sustainable floa ng neighbourhood in Amsterdam based on the shared use of renewable resources Category: Owners and operators of renewable energy installa ons Winner: The church St Franziskus Ebma ngen, Switzerland Highlight: A role model for harnessing the solar poten al of churches Category: Educa on and voca onal training Winner: Interna onal student residence ‘mineroom’, Austria Highlight: Raising students’ awareness of sustainable living based on renewable energies Category: One World Coopera on Winner: SUNfarming GmbH, Germany Highlight: Combining the produc on of green electricity and food for and with local communi es Category: Special achievement prize for individual commitment Winner: Fridays For Future, Interna onal Highlight: Crea ng a world-wide youth movement advoca ng the immediate need to tackle climate change Winners of the European Solar Prize 2019.

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Articles inside

NaƟ onal Environment Agency wins internaƟ onal engineering award The award honours Singapore’s Semakau Landfi ll where nature and landfi lling operaƟ ons co-exist

pages 42-52

Helping the City of Davos to realise its own green objecƟ ves Upgrading the lighƟ ng to LEDs underlined the possibiliƟ es of sustainable pracƟ ces to world leaders

pages 34-35

ArƟfi cial Intelligence transforms engineering Harnessing the power of compuƟ ng, Big Data and advanced algorithms, ArƟfi cial Intelligence presents new possibiliƟ es for today’s engineers

pages 39-41

Chiller plant retrofi t helps Malaysia’s mega complex cut annual energy and operaƟ onal costs Rising uƟ liƟ es costs and sustainability issues were key drivers behind the decision to overhaul the original cooling system

pages 36-38

Mass producƟ on of Alpha Series solar modules commences in Singapore They will be able to generate more power than convenƟ onal panels over the same area

pages 24-25

European Solar Prize awarded in eight categories Renewable energy pioneers recognised for innovaƟ ve projects and iniƟ aƟ ves

pages 26-30

The future of Singapore’s Energy Story UƟ lising ‘4 Switches’, energy effi ciency and the power of co-creaƟ on, to create a sustainable energy future

pages 31-33

Commercial development to pursue sustainable iniƟ aƟ ves to reduce carbon emissions It will use renewable energy to power all its operaƟ ons

pages 21-23

HDB increases solar target and launches fiŌ h SolarNova tender Reinforcing the commitment to increase clean energy generaƟ on

pages 18-20
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