issue #6
Inspire and provoke what do you expect of us?
We began the sixth edition of the Dharma for all the
to strive for the balance quoted above. We will end
Journal – the last one of 2018. We feel young, with
the year bringing a ‘calendar’ of inspiring events;
a mix feeling of partly consolidating the knowl-
explaining the various ways of doing kiirtan; shar-
edge about who we are. For example, we are find-
ing another delicious recipe, created by the pra-
ing our own balance between being a vehicle that
carakachef Kaelash; we will tell the story of Kama-
publishes inspirational content, to nourish our de-
leshvara, the family acarya who has been doing a
sire for devotion, poetry, philosophy and news of
solid dharma pracar in Italy for years – and helping
good projects of dharma pracar, and in the other
to form other pracakaras; we will also understand
hand proposes provocative texts, to question our
who the family acaryas are and what they do in
way of looking at ourselves and to our practice as
the latter part of the dharma pracar workers series.
anandamargiis and impel us to change to be bet-
At the same time, we will continue the inquiring
that began with the article on the role of women in Ananda Marga community, in the universalism
What motivates you to read us? Do you want to
series, now reflecting on the space saved for the
be inspired? Have a desire to question yourself?
the black community.
Both? We want to hear more and more the opinion of those who follow us, because your return is
So stay tuned to our publications, on Facebook
an important part of this process of consolidating
(like and rate our page), Instagram (follow us) and
who we are. To do so, we now have a section of
our website (subscribe to our newsletter). Remem-
letters: just send us your comments, compliments
ber, too, that during this edition we will launch the
or criticisms to and, in addition
digital magazine that brings together all the con-
to being read with care and affection, your letter
tents of the previous issue, so you can read online
may be published (in full or partially). Tell us what
or print.
touched you the most so far, and what bothered you the most. Tell us what was your favorite sub-
Help us to inspire. Support us to provoke. Join our
ject and the one you least liked.
global dharma pracar movement!
You will see that, in this sixth edition, we continue
Gurucaran (Gustavo Prudente) – Editor-in-chief
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Gurucaran Laksmii & SUPERVISOR Jayanti Prashanti COVER GRAPHIC EDITION Iasodara Autumn Goodman TRANSLATION Julia Koch Elena Bryan
2 | Dharma for all Journal
DISTRIBUITION Free FREQUENCY monthly ISSUE # 6 Brazil April 2019
Baba’s message to the margiis
Special series: Are there black voices in Ananda Marga?
Step by step to meditation with Dada Sadananda
The history of the Italian Ghrii acarya Kamaleshvara
Project Moving Together, from Dharma for all
#pracar inspirations
The different ways to practice and enjoy kiirtan
Kaelash, the yoga therapist, and his superfood
“You should remember that human life is not like a single flower; it is like a bouquet or a garden of flowers blooming with many varieties of flowers. And this variety of blossoms adds to the collective beauty of the garden. Had there been only magnolia graniflora or one variety of rose only blooming in the garden, although that single flower might be very attractive, still the garden as a whole would not be very lovely. A garden is all the more beautiful because of the flowers of various types and hues.” Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
Dharma for all Journal | 3
P r a c h a r
The fact that the fortune of every individual, not only of this earth, but of the entire cosmos, has been wreathed together, will have to be admitted one day by humanity. Spiritual aspirants have to fetch that auspicious moment sooner by their pauseless effort, service and propagation of the great ideology. This alone is the supreme task for the present humanity.(*)
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With the establishment of the new organization, Baba began encouraging his disciples to actively propagate his teachings. He had named the organization Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, or AMPS, the society for the propagation of Ananda Marga, using the Sanskrit word prachar. 2 As the name of the organization implied, prachar quickly became its main activity. The one restriction was that the master’s name or whereabouts could not be disclosed to new initiates until they were given permission to meet him for the 4rst time. *e disciples quickly printed up a couple of small pamphlets to help them with their prachar e3orts. One contained the ten principles of yama and niyama; the other introduced the organization and some of its basic tenets. An excerpt from the text of the second lea6et shows their enthusiastic acceptance of Baba’s early teachings:
We are against man-made, divisive tendencies of all sorts. We firmly believe that all living beings are the children of the Supreme Lord. No one is superior or inferior to anyone else. We belong to one human family irrespective of our country, religion, color and community. All are brothers and sisters and there is one dharma for all human beings. We are against religious hypocrisy and religious exploitation of all types. We have no faith in so-called “guru-dom,” “Christ-dom,” or the philosophy of divine incarnation. We are against religious dogmas such as animals slaughtered in the name of religion, tyranny over innocents, idol worship, and hereditary authority in religion. We are dead against social, psychic and religious superstitions and dogmas of all types. To strengthen the foundation of unity we have to bring humans closer together. (…)
Part of the book Anandamurti, The Jamalpur Years, from Devashish (Donald Acosta) Baba’s message to the Margis, January 1969. Anandamurti, Ananda Vanii Samgraha, 15.
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Autumn Goodman
Special series: Universalism (part 3):
Are there black
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in Ananda Marga?
people that are part of the community, can reproduce different aspects of racism that affect a large part of society (especially Western society).
In this third part of the “Universalism” series, Dharma for all Journal investigates whether there is an objective space in which the diversity proposed by Baba’s universalism can take place, considering the different worldviews. This research is extensive and could generate different responses, depending on what part of the world is being considered. For example, there is, of course, a majority of blacks in Ananda Marga in African countries – which does not mean that racism is not expressed in these countries either. In the meantime, we have focused the investigations in this report on two Western countries, where discussions on racism are currently very heated: Brazil and the US.
Amrta (Aruanã Garcia), bhukti pradhan from Rio de At first glance, questioning the existence of black
Janeiro’s jagrti, in Brazil, is part of a small part of the
voices in Ananda Marga may seem irrelevant, since
Brazilian black population that ascended socially.
Ananda Marga proposes a universalist philosophy.
According to him, his family, militants in the black
However, the racism that occurs in society is reflect-
movement, “although not having much money, al-
ed among the anandamargiis. On the one hand,
ways had good education”. Amrta was carried away
Ananda Marga, as philosophy, is based on a univer-
by his desire to practice “more spiritual meditation.”
sal spiritual ideal, founded on the diversity of mani-
After attending two dharmacakras, he already felt
festations of the Cosmic Consciousness, expressed
that this was his place.
in all beings, independent of color and race. On the other hand, the practical reality of the Ananda Mar-
“When you are a black person, the first thing you
ga community, that is, the institutions that transmit
think, when you are very young, is: what is wrong
Ananda Marga’s philosophy to the world, and the
with me? Within the jagrti in Copacabana I never
Dharma for all Journal | 7
felt that way. I am already cautious when I go to
their attention! A sense of brotherhood is missing.
these places. First, there were no blacks there, I
Ananda Marga is an elitist institution and blacks are
would come and sit in a corner. ” He also says that
mostly poor. They do not feel comfortable. They do
” racism turns you into a person prepared to face
not feel like a real family.”
difficult situations, that the environment is going to be hostile to you, not because of your personality,
Onkarnath Deva (Eudes Cardozo, São Paulo) felt
whether you talk a lot or not, whether you are ugly
much Revati when attending Ananda Marga events.
or beautiful, but because of your color.” According
“This issue about social classes has always caught
to him, black people avoid going to various places,
my attention,” he says. As one of the few black
and his black friends even tell him: “How do you
members of the community, he felt he was not be-
do this about meditation thing, it is related to white
ing listened to by other members and that people
people?”. Amrit tells them that it is a universal cul-
drew conclusions as if they knew his reality. Revati
ture, but apparently, we still have a long way to go.
believes that this inequality of conditions hinders coexistence: “There is no dialogue between a black
Acarya Pavanananda Avadhuta, one of the acaryas
margii who lives from selling handmade articles
from Africa working in Brazil, says that blacks, be-
with the margii owner of a company. There will be
cause they have been exploited for years, are more
respect, cooperation, union through ideology, but it
resistant to something new like the philosophy of
is only there. The dadas and didis prioritize contact
Anandamurti. “I’m also thinking a lot about it, be-
with elitist margiis. Blacks are welcome, but they do
cause we do not have many people like that in our
not feel welcomed. I do not see any effort to bring
organization,” he says. One of the possible factors,
black people into the group.”
he tells us, is the low income of the black population, because once the energy of that population is
Racism, according to Geísa Mattos (Fortaleza, CE,
turned to survival, there is no time for spiritual prac-
Brazil), is not limited to individual attitudes such as
tices. “Baba says that one must first guarantee the
phrases or gestures of discrimination. It is a struc-
basic necessities of life: education, housing, medi-
tural issue, which, according to her, extrapolates the
cine, food, clothing. Only then will people have
universe of Brazil and the United States. No won-
more time for spirituality.” For Revati (Regina Célia
der that in 2014 the “Black Lives Matter” movement
Silva, RJ, Brazil), although this issue is relevant, there
emerged in the USA, while Anistia Internacional
is also a lack of receptivity. “I think that in order for
Brasil (Amnesty International Brazil, free translation)
anyone to remain in a group, the person must have
launched the “Jovem Negro Vivo” (Young Black
something or someone to hold them there, to catch
alive) campaign.
8 | Dharma for all Journal
Nathan Dumlao
Geísa studied in her post-doctorate the connec-
young black men between the ages of 15 and 29.
tions between the activism against police violence
In Brazil, according to the last census of 2010, 51% of
and racism, and discovered that in the twentieth
the population considers themselves to be black.
century the skin color of the victims of violence in
In the US, it is 12.3% of the population, and even
Brazil was not taken into account. “Two Brazilian so-
though they are a minority in that country, they are
ciologists (Jaime Alves and João Costa Vargas) de-
three times more susceptible to police violence.
nounce what they call “geographies of death”, the state violence that aims to exterminate this popula-
In order to discuss a scenario where racism impacts
tion in different ways. Not only because they are left
anandamargiis, it is necessary to consider questions
to fend for themselves in terms of health, education
such as representativeness (proportion of black
and neglect of various kinds, but because they are
people in postions of power) and representation
people who are going to die young.” Nowadays, it
(what stories are told about blacks and their cul-
is known that in 77% of the homicides in this country
ture, and in what form). Anuragha (André Lucas, PR,
the victims are black. Most of these cases involve
Brazil) mentions, for example, the retreat in Ananda
Dharma for all Journal | 9
Picture by Shutterstock
Daksina (Viamão, RS, Brazil), which took place in
common elements of the African matrix. In another
February 2018.
moment samba was evoked, involving everyone “.
Among the hundreds of participants, he counted
In the view of Tarinii (Tarinii Isner), who lives in Ash-
ten to fifteen people who, like him, are black. In
ville, NC, USA, Hinduism is built on a classicism – the
addition, Revati (Regina Célia Silva, Rio de Janeiro),
historical caste system that defines the social status
in a retreat a few years ago, felt resistance on the
of Indians. Although Ananda Marga’s principles are
part of the dadas and didis to a samba presenta-
very different, Tarinii recalls that it was in this cul-
tion . In the meantime, in 2018 Anuragha realized
ture that the organization was born. “So some of
“that cultural activities presented a great diversity
this may be deeply intertwined in its development.
of expression, in particular, what caught my atten-
Understanding this historical connection is very im-
tion was the reception with which the legacy of an-
portant because we cannot move forward without
cestrality and Afro-Brazilian culture was received,
understanding the past; what we are today is di-
as expressed through music, poetry and dance in
rectly impacted by what happened before.” In her
the different moments in which it was presented.
anandamargii community, Tarinii says there are not
There were contagious presentations that had in
many blacks like her.
10 | Dharma for all Journal
For Tarinii, neo-humanism, which would in princi-
entire population. So if this knowledge (of Baba’s
ple neutralize the existence of racism, is not fully
philosophy) is the most precious thing we have, if it
expression because it cannot coexist with capital-
is a revolutionary way to see the world, it has to be
ism. “Neo-humanism embodies much more equity.
as inclusive as possible, and each margii must strive
If anyone needs more, we adjust to the needs of
to find ways to be inclusive,” he concludes.
the person and the people. I feel that in capitalism the needs do not come from the people. Capital-
What are the ways to be more inclusive? For Revati,
ism supports those who have the money to make
it is necessary to change the dynamics of dharma
more money. It does not necessarily support peo-
pracar of the anandamargiis, who today act in the
ple with few resources or people of color.” At the
periphery to provide services, but do not prioritize
same time, she says she is “proud of
creation, from the periphery, of a
all of us who can question even our
“Perception begins to
group that interacts with the whole
own organization, because in this
change when we be-
community. According to Geísa, it is
way we begin to evolve.”
come aware of the privi-
important that white people invite
leges, that exclusion ex-
black people to dialogue, and that
“How to expand this world view?
ists and that we were
this relationship involves listening
Will you be among the elite? Per-
not aware of it.”
and learning on both sides. Amrta
ception begins to change when we
Geísa Mattos believes it is important that every-
become aware of the privileges,
one be close to the black com-
that exclusion exists and that we were not aware
munity. Anuragha agrees and suggests that black
of it. When you open your eyes, that’s the first step.
leaders can attend one of the big annual retreats.
We have to sometimes have our ear pulled, be-
For him, the spaces of coexistence, “beyond the
cause we naturalize an exclusionary reality,” says
fraternal socialization and the intense contact with
Geísa Mattos. And in bringing diversity, according
the spiritual practices, are constructed in moments
to her, we have to assume that conflicts will come
of high potential for the political organization of the
and that it is necessary to have an open heart, be-
movement, considering all the face-to-face meet-
cause it is convenient to maintain a homogeneous
ings of margiis, acaryas, supporters and sympathiz-
group. “But then you enter into a reproductive per-
ers. In this way it would be possible to set goals
spective, reproduction like the capitalist society
and targets for working together.”
does. It reproduces knowledge, reproduces privileges only for whites, for the rich, and excludes an
By Jayanti (Joana Amaral)
Dharma for all Journal | 11
Step by step to meditation: the internet as a powerful tool
“The technologies are there, the resources are there, the brains are there, the hearts are there, the hands are there, the legs are there, but all of those things are of no use without a proper philosophy and ideology of life.” Dada Sadananda
“I was looking for answers, I was looking for con-
good luck, was born in Estonia and is now 54 years
firmation that reincarnation exists. I was looking for
old. She began her quest to gain back the mean-
hope that my loved ones did not leave me forever,
ing of life after losing her son after an endless fight
that someday, somewhere, we may meet… My
against stomach cancer, diagnosed at stage 4. The
heart was in pain. I was looking for a path, which
loss suffered left her feeling extremely empty:
will bring me closer to the Creator.” “My son passed away…I was left with a huge hole This is how Laime responds when asked what she
in my body and all worldly winds were able to pass
was looking for when she started watching videos
through…” says Laime.
of the Meditation Steps program created by Acarya Sadananda Avadhuta, born in Siberia in 1978, now
The method of meditation of dada Sadananda was
in Barnaul, Russia.
one of the instruments used by Laime in the quest to redefine life, and meditation opened the pos-
Laime, whose civil name means happiness and
12 | Dharma for all Journal
sibility of great learning:
“…I just felt like someone spoke my mother tongue…
You can start by a step-by-step guide or watch the
It felt like crumbs on my way to be found… It
videos you are most interested in, to motivate your-
brought me back to life – I understood, that there is
self, enabling you to follow the program. As well as
something bigger than I am capable to see, grasp
Laime, users around the world have benefited and
and comprehend. It pulled me out of sadness and
searched for dada Sadananda to talk about his way
hopeless place, where I found myself when I lost
of teaching:
my beautiful, smart boy. It helped me to see, where my mistakes came from, gave me the strength to
“The feedback is very positive. I used to answer
ask for forgiveness and forgive myself. I know for
questions and read letters all day long. Now this
sure, that all things in life have a bigger purpose,
work is done by my colleges whom I trained to do
and we are given a chance to see it, not necessarily
that. People say many good things, such as ‘your
always in happy circumstances…
work had saved my life,’ ‘I found a new meaning and strength,’ etc,” says the acarya Sadananda.
I am lucky to be given a chance to realize and learn the laws of the Universe.” Tells us Laime.
The dada started the program in October 2013 as a way to inspire more people to practice meditation
The Meditation Steps site contains lessons and a
and to follow a sentient lifestyle. It was an effective
step-by-step guide to spiritual practice. Youtube
strategy for doing pracar. Knowing that the human
channel has more than five hundred videos in Rus-
mind takes time to change and to mature, dada
sian and about fifty videos in English. Some videos can also be seen with Portuguese subtitles, made by Paritosh Hare (Fabrício Henrique Trindade), 37, from São Caetano do Sul, SP – Brazil, who inspired by the content, decided to translate them:
“The initial idea for translating the content came from a friend. I started to add some subtitles in Portuguese, at least in the videos that talk about the yamas and niyamas, the base of everything. I wanted to make it easier for more people to be inspired by dada.” Paritosh explains.
Dharma for all Journal | 13
Sadananda relied on the gradual approach and the
the process in learning meditation into a game and
multiple possibilities of contacting the source:
into a mobile app. The application, for example, should have kiirtans, notifications about new vid-
“Through such everyday satsanga (i.e., watching
eos, a map of the world showing practitioners pres-
the videos) a subtle transformation occurs in all
ent, information about retreats from margiis around
strata of life and an ordinary man becomes a prac-
the world, and a social network for sadhakas. Cur-
titioner of spirituality.” Explains the acarya.
rently, the focus is on encouraging practitioners’ participation in kaosikii and kiirtan movements.
Now dada Sadananda sees new possibilities. One of them is to expand the themes and talk about
“Right now we are focusing on organizing mass par-
health, family, education, society, vegetarianism,
ticipation in kaosikii, kiirtan movements, develop-
economics and so on. Another idea is to transform
ing inspirational involvement process, it is still very
14 | Dharma for all Journal
Dada Sadananda explanation to be able to reconcile all the activities without losing the motivation, inspiring more and more people is also a valuable tip:
“Pracar is an expression of love and compassion. When bliss is overwhelming you to such an extent that you cannot hold it anymore within and want to express and share it, you start to do pracar. This ability comes when you love the world when you wish the very best to humanity and to civilization. You can do pracar if you forget yourself, forget what is interesting and important for yourself and focus on the needs of the other person. You must understand where your listener comes from, what are their fears, believes, aspirations, and you have to gradually uplift them to higher and higher ideals until they embrace the ultimate sublime ideology. Pracar does not stop with initiation, pracar efforts
raw, but it is the first round, with every round it will
should continue one’s entire life because com-
become better. Nowadays 700 Russians are taking part in the kaosikii marathon. Soon we will launch the kiirtan marathon, my goal is to have 10,000 participants doing kiirtan 30 minutes per day. In half a year we will reach 1 million hours kiirtan.�
In addition to his commitment to video editing and recording and all current activities, such as managing a team, the monk still needs to make time to attend about 20 retreats and initiate an average of 400 people a year.
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plete acceptance of ideology in a true sense means becoming divine. So unless the stage of divinity is reached, the pracar efforts must go on. Pracar is most important in the present society. The society has all the necessary elements for achieving prosperity and bliss. The technologies are there, the resources are there, the brains are there, the hearts are there, the hands are there, the legs are there, but all of those things are of no use without a proper philosophy and ideology of life. In spite of many great teachers, hu-
“When I was 4 years old I think, it was the first time
manity was unable to build a society worthy of its
I saw a documentary about India and yogis. I re-
name. So today it is the pracarakas who will add
member standing on my head and saying to my
the missing component of ideology and will lead
parents – look, I am yogi.
the humanity from darkness to light.” I was laughing when I heard Dada Sadananda sharDada Sadananda tells us that when he was five
ing his story. Somehow all this India magic felt very
years old, he used to stand upside down, with his
familiar!” Says Laime.
hands on the ground and say to his father: “Look, I am a yogi!”
To find out more, see the links below:
At first, I got the impression that he was already
predestined to be a pracaraka.
But in listening to Laime, I understand that this is the duty for all of us, monks and spiritual practitioners:
16 | Dharma for all Journal
By Laksmii (Luciana Lima Lopes)
Success outside, success within the history of the Italian acarya Kamaleshvara
Going back to Italy, after his first trip to India to see
a test of Baba, he thought that at least he should
Baba, Kamaleshvara (Christian Franceschini), he re-
use the occasion to do his sadhana. The result was
ceived a task from Acarya Rainjitananda Avadhuta:
unexpected and welcome. “I fell in samadhi and
to organize a speech, in one place where Ananda
stayed for one hour on the spot,” he says.
Marga still had no impact. He took dada’s request seriously and in two weeks he had organized one
Returning home late at night he still had to con-
event in a nearby city. He rented a room for USD
vince some police officers that he was not stoned.
50, he spreaded posters around town and in a fog-
“I returned in a state of great bliss,” he says. History
gy winter night, he took a train to complete his mis-
has taught him that there is always a good reason
sion. However, no one showed up.
to always shout: “Even when you do not succeed outside, you will succeed within.” And in his case,
“At the beginning, I thought people were just late.
success came in both ways. Today, years after that,
But as time went by and nobody came, I was ner-
Kamaleshavara accumulates in his trajectory three
vous and frustrated, since I had so much enthusi-
years as a LFT; two administrations like bhukti prad-
asm and hope that I could give something to the
han, in the city where he was born, in Bolzano,
world, but the world was not prepared.” Feeling
northern Italy; completed trainings such as tattvika,
humiliated, and wondering if this would not be
family acarya and, in 2018, senior acarya; besides having served in different positions, such as, for example, member of the Ananda Marga National Committee in Italy.
His merits come not only from his past roles, but also from the results of the services to which he contributed: building a master unit in Verona; creating of a tofu and seitan factory to generate funds for pracar; beginning the publications of Ananda
Dharma for all Journal | 17
Marga books in Italy; launch of the Yogic Academy
enthusiastic to work for Baba,” he says, referring to
and the Academy of Neo-Humanism, as part of the
the first two aspects. About knowing the context in
Gurukul department; and opening of a store and
which the person will act, he reflects: “One thing is
yoga center called Dharmica Point. As a yoga and
the idealism of dharma pracar and the other is the
meditation instructor, more than 12,000 adults have
realism: what can you do in this social environment,
passed their classes, conferences, and retreats, as
in that historical moment? If you are far ahead of
well as nearly 10,000 public school children. He has
time, speaking too complicated, even if you are an
also published two books: “Tantric Biopsychology”
example, it will be a good fit only in your mind. It
and “Food of the Gods” (free translation), which
will not succeed in the outer sphere. You need to
together have sold more than 8,000 units and are
blend in with people, understand their needs. You
available for purchase online at Amazon.
can go neither too fast nor too slow. If your pracar does not have rhythm, you can succeed from time
With so much history to tell us, Kamaleshvara ended up becoming a reference in how to make pracar, and currently gives training to other margiis who want to develop as pracarakas. “Training pracarakas is my favorite activity. We need to create human
to time, and then you will not have it
“You need to have a series of tools that make people follow fluidly.”
anymore, because other people will be faster than you, presenting things better. New generations need something attractive, otherwise, it’s useless. Then, there is no dharma for all. “
structures, committees, workshops,
Kamaleshvara As an example, Kamaleshvara men-
and also physical structures, such as
tions the practice of asanas, which
jagrtiis. I promised Baba I would do this when I had
in the past was done by a few people, in specif-
personal contact. Every day I repeat that promise,
ic groups. “That has changed, and today you can
and every day I fight to take your mission forward,”
create a school where young people want to go.”
he says. For him, a good pracar depends on three
That is, the creation of a school like that, years ago,
main aspects: being an example, surrendering in
would have been precipitated, as well as not to
the grace of the Guru and understanding the real-
create it now could make Ananda Marga outdated.
ity in which one wishes to act.
“One dada once told me that in the 1980s Ananda Marga was 30 years ahead of society, and now it’s
“My energy comes from the grace of Baba. And
30 years behind. Things are moving so fast! We
this comes, first, from the lifestyle. Following the 16
were really ahead of time. Now, because of the in-
points as much as possible leave you energized and
ternal situation of Ananda Marga, although there is
18 | Dharma for all Journal
tive mind to understand the reality of the world and apply the dharma vision to the current situation. “
Kamaleshvara explains that there are two types of efficient pracar: face to face, focused in the person
Picture by Lalita (Luara Balista)
a lot of projects flowing, we do not have a collec-
that needs to be inspired, and the second one focused in a wider public, through larger-scale activities such as courses, conferences, and retreats. “We need to organize events that attract and inspire people to the dharma, and then do the follow-up. What I did was to create a rhythm that ranged from the easiest event to the most difficult, and slowly people tuned in, making the process a success,” he says.
“You need to have a series of tools that make people follow fluidly. It’s like a river. Yoga classes, lectures, half-day seminars, weekend retreats for be-
entered a deep crisis and thought of suicide. Dur-
ginners, more intense retreats. I simply try to create
ing military service, questions about the meaning
the machine, as a system, where people enter in a
of his life did not leave his head. That’s when he
flow with various events, according to their needs
got a book about yoga. “After finishing my military
and capabilities.” For this system to work, it high-
duties, I met a LFT on a train, because he saw me
lights the importance of creating a strong team. “To
with the book. He invited me to a lecture by Dada
make an event for 200 people, you need to have
Rainjitananda. Dada gave me namah mantra and I
20 well-committed volunteers. So to succeed, you
started to get rid of the bad habits I had. I was initi-
have to work hard to put together that team, which
ated in April 1987 and since then my life has accel-
understands the spirit of pracar.”
erated so fast that in a few months I was in India at Ananda Nagar to see Baba,” he says.
Kamaleshvara’s clarity and strength impress, but as he stresses, they were characteristics shaped by
His visit to Baba was so powerful that on his return
spiritual practice. At 22, leading an unhealthy life, he
he changed his life completely: he began to dedi-
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cate himself more and more to sadhana and shortly thereafter he began LFT training. In 1989, he had personal contact with Baba. “He told me very nice things and he blessed me. On my return, I started working full time for the mission.” Today, at age 55, he is married to the tavvika Krisna Priya (Christina Terrible), with whom he has two children: Yogesh, age 17, and Chandra, age 14. “If you are married to a person who is also ideological, this is paradise. With children, there are times when they will follow you, but then they need to live their own experiences. But the principles of yama and nyama are there in their lives. If you are an example, that example will remain in their minds for life. “
According to him, after empowering thousands of people and initiating hundreds, it is difficult to know how many of them have in fact become active margiis. “People may not even be practicing meditation, but they will surely say that it is important. I would say that few people remain at the top of the pracar activity, but many are supporting society – schools and institutions are opening up. The fact is that there are samskaras besides pseudo culture. But we are succeeding: the awareness of meditation in society is increasing. We just have to wait: the next generations will continue our work,” he explains.
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Therefore, he argues so strongly that the community of Ananda Marga should focus on improving the quality of the work of dharma pracar. “We need to keep in mind that we must bring society to higher levels. It does not mean adapting everything and weakening ideology. The quality of pracarakas needs to improve. Dharma pracar depends on people, not on books. Books are good tools to strengthen, but in the end, it’s just the people, the pracarakas, who can make that mission grow, by His grace. “
Learn more about Kamalesvhara and his work: By Gurucaran (Gustavo Prudente)
Dharma for all Journal | 21
Moving Together
Dharma for all joyfully invited all the margiis
tiful joined dharma pracar plan. Kindly see the
from Brazil to together reflect and discuss
invitation and more details below, from the
many relevant subjects during 2019, in order
meeting that happened on Saturday, March
to in 2020, be able to act in coordinated co-
2nd, 3pm, in the Georgetown sectorial retreat,
operation, elaborating and executing a beau-
to start MOVING TOGETHER. Namaskar!
INVITATION Shrii Shrii Anandamurti came to this planet to establish a new human society based on cardinal values, for all to have basic needs attended and therefore, ready to realize their own purpose of existence: self-realization. We are so fortunate by His presence within us, offering the possibility to know who is this Being, reveal the life enigma, and at the same time, take this same opportunity that is offered to us to all beings. This is an invaluable service, and He assured us that we won’t be in need. He left His vanguard ideas for this new society, a legacy, and drove us to do His mission. He gave us an opportunity because if we do not do it, the goats will. Fight is the tantra essence. The internal struggle in our meditation is transferred to the external world. We need to strengthen ourselves with the practices, and being strong, we will be able to fight against the ego and build a collective unity. This is the spirit of MOVING TOGETHER. The organization Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, created by Baba, is going through a moment of divisions and internal disagreements, and the margiis should unite, and together, work and help all to establish this mission from Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. He has mentioned many times, the victory is guaranteed. Param pita Baba ki! Jay!
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OUR PROPOSAL Many know Dharma for all ( by the proj-
an incredible action plan.
ect’s funding, or by the Journal (journal.d4all.
We thought of the following positive aspects in
org), with good news from dharma pracar that
working collectively:
connects us, or by Pracaraka Samgha, the study
Listen to the margiis and understand their wor-
group about Baba’s philosophy.
ries, as well as their availability in working for Baba’s mission;
Dharma for all wants to promote another project:
Provide a margiis reunion with collective listen-
that we build TOGETHER, in coordinated coop-
eration, a national dharma pracar plan. Therefore,
Harvest information and themes that we can dis-
we are calling this action Moving Together.
cuss together; Appreciate the individual work and help to pro-
For a long time now, we dream for an efficient
mote inspiring projects that already exist;
network of pracarakas working aligned, margiis
Promote a supporting network between pra-
supporting the acaryas and acaryas supporting
carakas and active dharma pracar projects for
the margiis. An orchestra of devotees in a harmo-
volunteer work;
nious flow, where we all talk to each other and
Practice the collective building and honest and
mutually help ourselves to nourish this pracar
loving dialogue, essential to all phases for the
wave so that it may grow even stronger.
project; Raise consciousness about the margiis’s role in the mission;
discuss some topics among us.
Provide the ideological union; and Margiis em-
Secondly, to collaborate and create TOGETHER
Duy Pham
We would like to invite the margiis, to primarily
Dharma for all Journal | 23
Subjects of importance that need to be discussed among us: a) Margii’s role in the mission; b) How to juggle the family life with the pracaraka’s/ spiritual life; c) Adjustments within our family, partners that are not from the same philosophy to accept our role as pracarakas; d) How can the margiis evolve spiritually, maintain inspiration and keep progressing – possibilities; e) Importance of satsaunga; f) Successful dharma pracar activies (histories from when Baba was alive and exceptional cases); g) Adjustments to “time, place and person” in the mission’s work
PHASES Phase 1 –
estimated time – March, 2019 to February, 2020
In order to discuss how we will work and create an action plan, we would like to invite all margiis to a meeting in Ananda Daksina, in person, on March 2nd, from 3pm to 5pm.
Phase 2 – estimated time – March February, 2020 to March, 2020 A collective building, using coordinated cooperation, of a national dharma pracar plan! : ) With all pracarakas! Acaryas and margiis!
Dharma for all will call other sponsors and together we will boost beautiful dharma pracar projects!
We are pracarakas, we protect the Ananda Marga treasures: sublime ideology, universal love and the unbreakable union between us.
Dharma for all team
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pracar inspirations
#pracar inspirations
Project: STREET
(yoga for homeless) Where: Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil When: March 28th, 2019 Picture by: Lorena Mossa Pracaraka: Anjali (Eliane Rogério) Dharma for all Journal | 25
PRANA – YOGA NA NATUREZA Where: Araruama – RJ, Brazil When: Fall – April 21st, 2018 Picture: Copyright © 2019 Dropê Fotografia Pracarakas: Krsna, Roshnii e Bhadra
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Dharma for all Journal | 27
The different ways to practice and enjoy kiirtan In Ananda Marga, when the subject is kiirtan, what
ogy from the School of Oriental and African Studies
usually comes to mind is the singing of Baba nam
in London, England.
kevalam. However, there are different types of kiirtan, not only because the genre exists in other tra-
Rahr, an area located in the Indian subcontinent,
ditions – such as among the Hare Krishnas – but
is where Jyoshna concentrated her studies. It is
also because kiirtan can be performed in various
considered the cradle of kiirtan, and where Anan-
ways. Did you know?
damurti discoursed on this legacy. In one of these discourses, he states that the origin of Vaishnavite
“There are nama kiirtan, pada kiirtan and katha ki-
padávalii (verses) and mahájaniiya kiirtanas origi-
irtan. Nama kiirtan means ‘singing the name of the
nally took place in Rahr. “Pada means ‘verse’ in Rahr,
Lord only’, as in Baba nam kevalam. This is the most
though it was already a genre established before
popular kiirtan in the Western hemisphere. In the
the time of Caetanya Mahaprabhu,” explains Jyo-
Indian region of Rahr, it is one of the most dynamic
shna. She quotes the Giitagovinda, kiirtan written
and developed genres of music since it was invent-
by Jayadeva in the 11th century, to exalt the love
ed by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in the 15th century,”
between Radha and Krishna and that pada kiirtan
explains Joyshna la Trobe, a prominent singer and
is also known as “kiirtan of the songs”. “They are
songwriter of kiirtans and a PhD in ethnomusicol-
written in praise of the Beloved, they can be in any
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language, and there are many
explains that in Sanskrit, “Katha”
tan considered by Jyoshna, the
examples of kiirtan songs in
means “long history.” According
philosophy of Ananda Marga
Christianity, for example, in the
to Jyoshna, in the case of katha
also defines other genres, re-
Hare Krishna movement, in Su-
kiirtan, it is a space to share ex-
lated to the ways of singing ki-
fism, among others. In Ananda
periences with the divine grace,
irtan. According to the website
Marga, we have our own songs
HPMG Portugal (Hari Pari Man-
of kiirtan, composed by Baba in
of the divine in everyday life,
dala Gosthi – https://hpmg.
the Prabhat samgiita, as well as
in a format in which each story, besides katha
by margiis.”
is interspersed with a song or
kiirtan, in Ananda Marga there is
singing of kiirtan. “In my expe-
also: akhanda kiirtan, performed
Finally, there is katha kiirtan, in
rience, everyone has a story to
in a circle, counterclockwise, in
which “we hear stories of the di-
tell about how they got on the
3 hours cycles (for example, in
vine, of Baba, of our spiritual path
spiritual path,” he says.
retreats it is usual to do three to
four uninterrupted cycles during
and our goal,” as Jyoshna tells us. In one of his speeches, Baba
In addition to the types of kiir-
the late night, for a total of nine
“the divine presence is experienced through sound vibration, song, singin and stories.” Jyoshna
Dharma for all Journal | 29
Picture by Harideva (Rodrigo Camargo)
to twelve hours of kiirtan); the avartha kiirtan, made
fore, she affirms, “the divine presence is experi-
in the six directions (north, east, south, west, up and
enced through sound vibration, song, singin and
down), each direction having a specific intention
stories. All these styles were empowered by the
(see below, after the text); and nagar kiirtan, made
Sadguru and therefore called the siddha mantra of
in public spaces (for example, walking the streets
of a city), as a way of introducing kiirtan to a wider audience or to celebrate special occasions.
So, argues Jyoshna, “there is no time when kiirtan is not appropriate: kiirtan can be used at all times
Jyoshna explains that the purpose of nama and
day or night. People tend to think of singing kiirtan
pada kiirtan is “to remind us of the Supreme, living
when they feel connected, when they need help,
and breathing in each one of us, at all times and in
or when they need to impress a sense of auspi-
all occasions.” She points out that kiirtan provides
ciousness on an occasion.”
direct contact with Baba without intermediaries. “When a lover wants her or his Beloved, she calls His Name and feels comforted, feels ‘at home’, she knows that she is not alone, that no matter what happens, the Supreme is always with her”. There-
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By Gurucaran (Gustavo Prudente)
Intentions of the avartha kiirtan
Avarthan kiirtan: is done in 6 different directions. The Kiirtan melody changes with each change of direction, the 6 directions are: North, East, South, West, Up and Down. By singing Kiirtan in the six directions, the vibration of Baba Nam Kevalam spreads everywhere. The specific ideas of each direction are:
- I am the embodiment of sincerity. - I have an innate/inner love for Parama Puruśa. - I purify my mind in the flame/fire of devotion. - I surpass all internal and external obstacles. - Oh Parama Puruśa, take me to your lap - I surrender everything that is mine to you.
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Kaelash, the yoga therapist,
teacher of the Living food lifestyle® and his superfood Kaelash Neels, 40, German of Herdecke, at the age
“Values, priorities and perspectives of life were
of five already knew that Baba lived within him, he
based on the philosophy of Baba,” remembers
was born in an anandamargii family and experi-
Kaelash, who grew up knowing that besides the
enced at very young age the philosophy of Shrii
lessons of Ananda Marga, he was also committed
Shrii Anandamurti.
in maintaining a sattvic body and mind.
As a teenager, Kaelash did not stop being a vegetarian, but ate rajasic and tamasic food for a while. He described to us that once he was with friends eating pizza and a casual debate began: “We were discussing whether it was better to eat meat or not and the vegetarians lost. I felt bad because in my heart I knew I should not eat animals and I asked my mother why I was a vegetarian. She did not say much, but then she gave me a book: ‘Leichenschmaus’, literally ‘Banquet of Corpses’. “After reading it, Kaelash decided to be vegan since he realized how badly animals were being treated by the dairy industry. He soon also experienced the benefits of the vegan diet since his health was better and he felt more energized.
So why did he become a raw foodist? Kaelash explains, “I loved the idea of eating everything in the natural state, the way God created it.” He has been on a raw food diet since 1995, even though his family is lactovegetarian.
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In addition to working with living foods, Kaelash is a yoga teacher, yogatherapist and a graduate in the Feldenkrais method. He works at the Kripalu Yoga and Health Center –, Massachussets, USA, and at the Ann Wigmore Institute for Natural Health –, in Puerto Rico, USA, where he lives.
His daily routine consists of waking up around 4 o’clock in the morning to have time to practice asanas, sing kiirtans, complete his sadhana and then go out to teach, pick up his six-year-old son Chaetanya (Ian Neels Damaceno) at school, take him to play, and return home in time to meditate again, dinner and sleep.
Kaelash had the opportunity to be in Baba’s presence three times. In the most impressionable occasion, he was 12 when he went to India with his father: “We were informed Baba was sick and we probably could not see him. We were accommodated in front of the house where Baba lived. One day the acaryas informed us that Baba would pass by the garden in a wheelchair. I waited by the garden wall for about two hours. Many people arrived and it was not easy to keep my place. But when Baba appeared it was like a wave of love that washed over me, and I entered into a state of bliss for a few minutes.”
Kaelash’s life is so mixed with Ananda Marga’s philosophy that after telling us about his work with yoga, his sattvic eating, his life devoted to Baba, his dedication, he could not say whether his activities are a tool for pracar or not. He just said he’d like to think so. Yes Kaelash, it seems it naturally is.
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Anti-inflammatory super food Ingredients
. 2 tablespoons of chia seeds . Diece size piece of ginger . 1 cup of coconut water . 1 stalk of celery . ½ carrot (purple carrots would preferrable) . 7 black raisins . ½ deep red apple . ¼ deep rich red beets . small piece of turmeric . small block of frozen açai (without any additives) . pinch of black pepper . coconut meat to create desired thickness . 1 leaf of bok choy, since it is a very important anti-inflammatory (optional) . blueberries as desired, could be frozen (optional)
Soak the chia seeds in twice as much water for 4 hours (if outside the refrigerator) or 8 hours (inside the fridge, if overnight, for example). Blend all ingredients and enjoy!
Blending tip: blend the ingredients until super smooth without overheating.
Learn more about Kaelash, his work and more recipes: (websites in English and Portuguese) By Laksmii (Luciana Lima Lopes)
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