#7 - English - Dharma for all Journal

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edição #7


Journal completes one year connecting good news throughout the planet “All of you, boys and girls, each one of you is VIP – a very important person” Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji That’s why the ”Dharma for all Journal” completes a very happy year for being a tool of dharma pracar, serving our VIP readers who are present across 110 countries around the globe, inspiring and helping to accomplish His mission! In this period, there were more than 60 articles published in 3 languages, (Portuguese, English and Spanish), through 5 different virtual forms (website, Facebook, Instagram, Issuu, direct mailing)! So, we started the second year of the Journal happy in sharing more amazing projects and examples of life and work on behalf of the Mission! The “Special series: dharma pracar workers” EDITOR-IN-CHIEF CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Prashanti GRAPHIC EDITION Radha, Laksmii & Jayanti Iasodara COVER Julia Koch Liss Thane TRANSLATION Elena Bryan

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ends with its last article: the family acaryas, including unmissable accounts of Ghrii Acarya Prabha Sood and Ghrii Acarya Kishan Sood (India), Ghrii Acarya Dhyanesh Fleury (USA), Ghrii Acarya Malati (England) and Ghrii Acarya Vishvamitra Jordan (USA). We will also learn about the healing and transforming project of the yoga wellness center created by Acarya Dharmavedananda Avadhuta, in the Philippines. Within this inspiration we would like to commemorate the anniversary of our beloved Guru, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii, bringing a surprise to all of you in Ananda Purnima, on May 18th. In this sense, we follow together in this cosmic stream, thinking of Him, feeling Him, being Him.

DISTRIBUITION Free FREQUENCY monthly ISSUE # 7 Brazil July 2019

Namaskar! CONTATO journal@d4all.org journal.d4all.org f b.com/dharmaforalljournal instagram.com/d4alljournal




Absolute devotion


Ananda Purnima: serve the Supreme by kiirtan


Let’s sing together: kiirtan for universal togetherness


#pracar inspirations


Prize draw: watercolors with the mantra Baba nam kevalam


Wellness at the Ananda Marga Yoga Wellness Center, Philippines

“You should remember that human life is not like a single flower; it is like a bouquet or a garden of flowers blooming with many varieties of flowers. And this variety of blossoms adds to the collective beauty of the garden. Had there been only magnolia graniflora or one variety of rose only blooming in the garden, although that single flower might be very attractive, still the garden as a whole would not be very lovely. A garden is all the more beautiful because of the flowers of various types and hues.” Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

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devotion There are various stages in the evolution of de-

votion. Baba explained that the highest type of devotion evolves “when all the propensities of the mind are withdrawn from all other objects and are diverted towards the Supreme Goal: that is true bhakti.”

“You may have noticed that people sometimes establish a kind of devotional relationship with God out of selfishness. For example, there is tamasik bhakti or static devotion. People sometimes wrongly pray to God, ‘Lord, I am your devotee and I am willing to do this and that to propitiate you. Such and such persons are my enemies. Let harm befall them.’ Here the thinking is fundamentally defective. There is no doubt that the ideation relates to Parama Purusa. However, the person does not want to attain Him, but wants Parama Purusa to help him or to harm his enemies. Under these circumstances, Parama Purusa may or may not grant your prayers, but one thing is certain – you will not attain Parama Puruca because you do not really want Him. A genuine sadhaka should not practice this type of tamasik devotion because it leads to the degradation of the mind. 4 | Dharma for all Journal

The second type of devotion is rajasik or mutative devotion. Here also there is devotion, no doubt, but the mind does not want to attain Parama Purusa either. The aspirant prays to Parama Purusa, ‘O Lord, bless me with a better political future or with more profit in business or grant me a promotion in my job; please help me to do well in the examinations or arrange the marriage of my daughter without difficulty.’ In this type of devotion, you do not pray to Parama Purusa to help you to harm your opponents, and that is good, but still, you do not attain Parama Purusa.

There is a third type of devotion, which is called sattvik or sentient devotion. In this type of devotion, you do not ask Parama Purusa for anything. There are yet others who pray to the Lord, ‘O Lord, I have been on earth for a long time; I have to face so many problems in life. Please, O Lord, take me in your lap.’ Here the person praying wants his or her worldly afflictions to end. So there is also a defect inherent in this type of devotion. Such ideations will not serve the purpose. None of these things kinds of devotion has any significance on the spiritual path. Why?

To take an analogy, a little child is crying to its mother, so what does the mother do? She immediately rushes to the child and gives it

a few colorful toys. the child

When a person advances spir-




itually through the practice

When the devotee says, ‘I

But if the child insists that it

of yoga or tantra, he or she

love my Parama Purusa in-

does not want anything ex-

comes even closer to Para-

tensely and do everything

cept its mother, the mother

ma Purusa, the Macrocosmic

only to please Him because

is compelled to take the child

Nucleus. Gradually, even the

by doing so I get indescrib-

on her lap. So devotees with

thought of being separated

able bliss.’ It is a fact that

true bhakti in their hearts do

from Him becomes unbear-

when true devotion devel-

not ask Parama Purusa for

able to the devotee. In that

ops in a person, one start to

anything. Even if Parama Pu-

sublime state, every action

enjoy bliss. This type of devo-

rusa offers this or that, the

that the sadhaka does, be

tion is called raganuga bhakti.

sadakha will say, ‘No Lord, I

it worldly or otherwise has

Although it is one of the high-

don’t want anything but You.

only one propose, and that

er categories of devotion, it

I want to be with You. What

is to please Parama Purusa

is not altogether free from a

You are offering to me is a

in all possible always. Now

tinge of selfishness.

trivial thing; I want You and

even within this ideal state of

You alone, nothing else.’

devotion, there are two cate-


There is yet another type

Dharma for all Journal | 5

of devotion which is free from even a trace

categorically refuse to give you any dust from

of selfishness. This type of devotion is called

my feet.’

ragatmika devotion. This is also called kevala bhakti or non-attributional devotion, and those

Finally, Narada came to Vrindava where he saw

who have this kind of devotion are called gopa

some gopis tending their cows. When they

in Sanskrit.”

saw him approaching, they rushed over and asked, ‘O sage, how is our dear Lord Krishna?’

In order to clarify the nature of ragatmika devotion, Baba told the following story:

Narada replied, ‘The news is not very good. The Lord is sick.’

“Once, Lord Krishna felt seriously ill and was

‘What is His problem? What’s being done to

suffering from a severe headache. Nothing

cure Him?’ asked the worried gopis.

could cure Him. Eminent doctors also tried but they too were unsuccessful. When everything

Narada told them about the headache that

else failed, those around Him asked Krishna for

had not responded to any treatment, ‘So far,

advice, saying, ‘dear Lord, please tell us what

everything we have tried has failed. Lord Krish-

will cure you.’

na told us that if dust from the feet of His devotees is smeared on His forehead, then alone

Krishna replied, ‘There is only one remedy. If

will He be cured. Would you be willing to give

you bring dust from the feet of my devotees

me some dust from your feet?’

and apply it to my forehead, I will be cured.’ ‘Why not?’ replied the gopis. ‘O Sage Narada, It was a very difficult task. Narada was given the

we don’t know whether we are worthy to be

duty of traveling around the world to search

called His devotees or not, but please take the

for devotees who were willing to give the dust

dust from our feet and smear it on your Lord’s

from their feet. Everyone Narada approached

forehead. If we are worthy of being called His

said, ‘My goodness, how can I agree to such a

devotees, it will certainly cure Him.’

proposal? How can I possibly give dust from my own feet to smear on my Lord’s forehead?

‘That is fine. But tell me, are you not afraid of

Is there any greater sin than this? I will have to

committing a sin by giving the dust from your

suffer the tortures of hell for ages if I do that. I

feet to smear on the Lord’s forehead? Isn’t this

can’t even think of committing such a sin, so I

an act of great sacrilege?’

6 | Dharma for all Journal

‘Why should we be afraid, O sage Narada?’ replied the gopis. ‘Our Lord is in great pain. If dust from our feet can cure Him, what else can we wish for? We don’t care if it is an act of great sacrilege for which we will be doomed to live in hell. We will happily go to hell. It’s all the same for us. We love our Lord so much that He too will have to come with to hell to be with us. All that matters to us is that the Lord should be pleased and freed from His suffering.’

This is kevala bhakti, true selfless devotion.

By Acarya Pravanavatmakananda Avadhuta, adapted from the book Shri Shri Anandamurti – Advent of a mystery

Find it in Amazon, at: https://www.amazon. com/Shri-Anandamur ti-Advent-Myster y/ dp/1548308404

Dharma for all Journal | 7

Ananda Purnima: serve the Supreme by kiirtan Human existence is trifarious: human beings are neither physical entities, nor psychic, nor spiritual entities – they are three in one. All human expressions and activities take place in those three spheres or strata. We should be strong in all the three areas of life, and then only is human existence trilateral, in its true and proper spirit.

Now, we must serve the society and also the cosmic father in all the three strata of our existence. We must serve the Parama Puruśa in the physical sphere – how? Living creatures are the progeny of Parama Puruśa, so we can serve Him physically by rendering service to living beings in the physical sphere, by removing their various physical miseries and afflictions and by showing them the path to liberation.

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This universe is a loving creation of Parama

intellect and allows people to think easily and

Puruśa. We can give joy to Parama Puruśa by

in the proper way.

serving His creations – human beings, animals and plants – and this service will be the best

So intelligent people should do kiirtan as much

application of Neohumanism. This service can

as possible. When people, due to psychic com-

be done in four ways – viprocita sevá (intel-

plexities, cannot find the solution to their diffi-

lectual service), kśatriyocita sevá (service of

culties and they are at a loss what to do, if they

courage), vaeshyocita sevá (economic service)

sit together at any place and do kiirtan whole-

and shudrocita sevá (manual service). None of

heartedly for a while, their psychic complexi-

these is inferior: we cannot ignore any one of

ties will be removed and they will easily seize

them. People should render service according

upon the solution to their problems.

to their capacity. Those who like intellectual service, can do that; those who like manual ser-

Thus if you have even only one minute’s time,

vice, can do so. But it will be best if all the four

do kiirtan for one minute. If even two or three

types are performed.

people gather together, they can do kiirtan collectively; if one thousand people assemble

In the psychic sphere also, we must serve Para-

together, then also they can do kiirtan. When

ma Purusa, since the mind is a very important

you do kiirtan and move towards Parama Puru-

aspect of human existence. And the best way

sa, the Supreme Father, then in Parama Purusa’s

to serve Parama Purusa in the mental sphere is

mind also there will be a flow of bliss, because

to do His kiirtan with love and devotion. When

so many minds are coming towards Him with

Parama Purusa sees that “a number of minds

love. He will feel very happy. Seeing the bliss of

are flowing towards Me,” He will certainly feel a

His devotees, Parama Purusa will also become

soothing touch, and thus this collective move-

overwhelmed with joy, because of His enor-

ment will benefit both the individuals and the

mous love for His devotees.

collectivity. Parama Purusa loves each and everyone, Kiirtan gives bliss to Parama Purusa in the mental

but He loves those who do kiirtan still more.

sphere, and it also brings joy to human beings both individually and collectively; it leads them

He will say to them, “Come, come, come –

on the path of welfare and frees them from all

come near to Me.”

complexities. It removes all the diseases of the Dharma for all Journal | 9

Devotees may or may not be educated; they

minutes only, Parama Purusa becomes happy.

may or may not be highly qualified; they may or may not be intelligent, but if they do kiirtan

And in the spiritual sphere, the only way to

they are efficient enough to render service

serve Parama Purusa is to do what? sadhana.

to Parama Purusa in the psychic realm. So my

Your sadhana will attain the height of spiritual

boys and girls, don’t miss this golden oppor-

fulfillment when you will realize that “day and

tunity. You have been blessed with a human

night, in adversity or prosperity, all the time

body; there must be maximum utilization of this

Parama Purusa is with me – I have nothing to

human body by serving Parama Purusa both

worry about.”

physically and mentally, and the best method of rendering psychic service to Parama Purusa

By intensive sadhana, you will move closer and

is by doing kiirtan.

closer to Parama Purusa. And in this process of forward movement, when you reach near Him

One of the names of Parama Purusa is “Áshutośa”.

you will feel that – although Parama Purusa has

“Áshu” means “quickly, easily”, so “áshutośa”

millions of sons and daughters like you who are

means one who can be satisfied quickly and

coming closer to Him – He is in front of you,

easily. Whether good or bad, if people do

and you will feel that on the lap of Parama Pu-

kiirtan sincerely and wholeheartedly even for

rusa there is a vacant seat waiting just for you.

five or ten minutes, Parama Purusa becomes pleased. So it is not difficult to please Him – any

Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

person can satisfy Him easily. 17 May 1982, Kolkata Parama Purusa does not make any distinctions between educated and uneducated, between

Extract from Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 22

black and white – all are His loving sons and daughters. Even the ugliest child is a precious jewel to its parents. If people do kiirtan for a few

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Art by Liss Thane

Many have already celebrated Baba’s birthday, but there is one more very special invitation: for us to give Him another gift.

The Global Kiirtan Movement Unit invites the planet to sing kiirtan for 30 mins, all together. at the same time around the planet on May 26 at UTC 11:30 with the ideation of MOVING TOGETHER.

Call your friends and let’s spread positive microvita on the planet and raise your vibration!

See the invitation and local time below: https://journal.d4all.org/event/planet-earth-unite-kiirtan-together/

Dharma for all Journal | 11

#pracar inspirations



Where: Ánandam Yoga e Cultura in Porto Alegre – RS, Brazil When: May, 2019 Picture by:Ricardo Keunecke Rainjan Pracarakas: Nandini Sarkar e Nihar



Where: Conselho Comunitário do Rio Tavares, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil When: April 2019 Pracarakas: Kaelashanatha Deva (Caio Kim) e Parashanti (Priscila Bratfisch)

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Prize draw – watercolors with the mantra Baba nam kevalam – how to participate Still in this festive mood, celebrating one

In order to participate at FACEBOOK:

year of the Journal and Ananda Purnima, we

– Like the fan page of Dharma for all Journal

would like to bestow you with a prize draw


of four beautiful watercolors, printed in A4


size with the mantra Baba nam kevalam, from

– Like the official photo of the draw and mark

Liss Thane. Two watercolors will be drawn on

3 people per comment (you can comment as

Facebook and two on Instagram. You may

many times as you want).

participate in both draws! In order to participate at INSTAGRAM: We will do a live stream for the prize draws

– Follow the Instagram profile of Dharma

on June 21, 2019, at 1 pm (UTC -3), and the

for all Journal (https://www.instagram.com/

comments will be accepted until 10 am (UTC


-3), on the same date.

– Like the official photo of the draw and mark 3 people per comment (you can comment as

Here are the names of the winners: Instagram @caiokim1 @eneasmendesjunior Facebook @Henrique Pinotti @Dora Ferreira

many times as you want).

Good luck! Dharma for all Journal | 13

14 | Dharma for all Journal

Wellness abounds at the

in Cebu, Philippines It’s unusual for someone seeking treatment to leave one of the Ananda Marga Yoga Wellness



org/) in the same condition they arrived, according to Dada Dharmavedananda, who founded the first center in 2005, in Mandaue City, Cebu Province, Philippines.

It’s more common for a person to leave the center on the road to recovery at the very least.

“It’s astonishing to see when people have extremely bad skin problems, for instance. They are going to lots of doctors, but when they come to the center it gets step by step better until it’s completely or almost completely gone,” he said.

Bonafe Karen O. Amador, from Davao, Philippines is one such case. He faced psoriasis and a psoriatic arthritis crisis when he arrived at the Wellness Center. “Before Dharma for all Journal | 15

coming, I had chronic pain at the joints of my

100 percent coronary artery blockage and he

right thumb, right elbow, right chest, and asso-

couldn’t even stand or sit without strong help.

ciated pain at my lower leg muscle. Psoriasis

Within 10 days he could stand by himself and

was flaring up in both my lower legs,” Amador

take initial steps. In three weeks he was walk-

said. After a 12-day treatment, however, all that


was left was a slight pain on his thumb. “What is so impressive about the program is that it is

“Almost everybody, they look better when

not only treating my body but mind and spirit

they leave,” Dada said. “They look brighter,

as well. The kiirtan and meditation were so re-

their skin is better quality, and they’re happier.

laxing. I felt light and had peace of mind.”

Symptoms are invariable, with a few exceptions, radically decreased or disappeared.”

Skin problems are some of the most common conditions treated at the center, but the facility

Aniisha Koenig came all the way from the Unit-

also treats cancer, diabetes, heart trouble, si-

ed States with the goal of getting her medita-

nusitis, chronic cough, weight issues, digestive

tion practice to be regular and to learn how to

troubles, high blood pressure, and pervasive

eat in a healthy way. “It was an amazing expe-

body pain like fibromyalgia.

rience. When I returned to the States, my family and friends said my skin glowed and they

“We’ve had old people with arthritis pain who

observed the happiest Aniisha they had ever

for years and years couldn’t walk without pain,”

seen,” she said. Denise Flesch, from France,

Dada said. “One of the very first cases was a

healed a stomach pain that had bothered her

man who was extremely overweight. He was

for years after a 14-day program at the center.

wheelchair-bound. Doctors said he had nearly

“Dada Dharma is so good to be able to locate

16 | Dharma for all Journal

the main cause of my health problem. Now I can eat nicely. My sleep is very good. I do not feel tired anymore when I wake up. I found the way how to maintain good digestion and in general, better health.”

The center isn’t as skillful in structural problems of the bone or muscles, but attendees also see some reasonably good results. The center’s expertise is chronic diseases related to internal organs. The vast majority of the work at the center in Cebu as well as centers around the world is detoxing and proper nutrition.

The idea for the Yoga Wellness Center came to Dada during meditation. He wanted to create a meaningful social service project that would serve a lot of people in a powerful way. He considered possibilities such as helping alcoholics or juvenile delinquents but dismissed the ideas for one reason or another. One day while driving a motorcycle down the highway in Taiwan, Dada shouted at Baba asking, “What kind of a guru are you? I’m trying to find a proper service work and you’re not giving me the way.” In that angry mood, he sat down to meditate. Within a few seconds, he heard very loudly in his mind, “Do natural therapy as a service.”

From there the idea took root. He and a team of people set up an experimental outpatient Dharma for all Journal | 17

clinic in Taiwan. Then they shifted to Korea to create an inpatient clinic at the master unit there. When Dada was transferred to Manila Sector, he took the determination he wanted a proper inpatient center that could act as a global model. He continued to receive guidance about the project in unexpected ways.

“I was in the airport in Singapore and jumping in my head the thought came, ‘Baba, is now the right time to start raising money for a natural therapy center?’ In the same moment, I saw something on the floor, picked up, and held it in the air. It was money. ‘Did anyone lose any money?’ I asked. No one stopped. It was a 100 dollar note.”

That was in 2003. Construction started a few months after that and the center in Cebu opened in February 2005. People stay any length of time from a couple of days to four weeks. The amount of people fluctuates all the time. Sometimes during training, the center bursts at the seams with 15 trainees. And sometimes, the center has few or just one or two or even is sometimes empty.

Dada estimates 2,000 people have visited the center and many people received initiation while there. It’s hard to quantify the numbers, but maybe one-third of the non-margiis who come get initiated into the Ananda Marga style 18 | Dharma for all Journal

of meditation. Some of those initiates become

Ratna Devi from Cebu, Maharlika graduated

dedicated margiis.

from the Basic Naturopathy Course last February 2017. She said, “I came to understand that

Every year the Cebu center offers training and

healing involves treating the body, mind, and

around 130 have graduated from the program.

spirit and that is exactly what I’ve learned and experienced during the course. Over the last

In terms of what’s next, Dada and his team are

two years I have met hundreds of people, and

turning their attention to a global network.

exposed them to the knowledge that I gained during the course. I believe that many of them

The concept of the Yoga Wellness Clinic ex-

have really practically benefited from it.”

panded and now other centers exist around the world, as for example in the United States

By Radha (Rebekah Moan)

(https://prama.org/); in Ananda Nagar in Índia (http://yogadetox.in/) and in Taiwan (https:// yogafasting.org/).

Dharma for all Journal | 19





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