Be Fabulous! July 2016

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Do you want to have more fun and connect with women in your own age-bracket? Fabulous@50 has several levels of membership, something for everyone, depending on how involved you would like to be and how much you want to receive.


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A Fabulous@50 COSMO CLUB*is an exclusive membership that gives you: gifts, services, benefits and opportunities to be part of the vibrant Fab@50 community.

FREE Fabulous@50

On signup you will receive a menopause survival kit worth over $75.00. Take advantage of the free coaching, free events throughout the year and receive gifts along with the Be Fabulous! Emagazine. $250.00 a year or $25.00 a month. To see the full list of benefits and services click here.

to our archive of Be Fabulous!

Sign up for the whole year a nd get a Bonus! CARP Membership and Zoomer Magazine: Advocacy, Benefits & Community. *was previously the Diamond Membership

E-magazine Subscription plus a gift from us delivered direct to your home and get access Magazines. Don’t miss another issue, click here to get your copy Edmonton, Victoria and Calgary have groups designed for baby boomer women focusing on friendship and personal development. Click on the city closest to you to see what we are up to.

Our members say... I just want to thank you for the lovely silk scarf that you sent me for Christmas. To everyone out there who is considering COSMO CLUB (Diamond Membership), it’s worth every penny & more. Sherri I am enjoying the Fab 50 experience because of the ladies I am meeting and the activities I’ve been part of. Also getting into some of the coaching now which looks like a makeover in itself. Jayne 2 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

Reflect your


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Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 3

Creative Director • Dianna Bowes Celebrating the baby boomer women

Editor, Creative Director Dianna Bowes FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION Thank you to our Contributors: Dianna Bowes, Laurel Vespi, Pam Robertson, Loretta Friedrich, Rosalyn Fung, Barbara Lee, Sue Paulson, ..and to all who made this issue possible

our story

Photography: Ealanta Photography

Mission: To INSPIRE, EDUCATE and EMPOWER the baby boomer woman! Be Fabulous! was designed specifically to be an event magazine to be presented to our guests at the Annual Fabulous@50 Experience and Martini Party. But something magical happened! Dianna Bowes took a look around and realized there was nothing in our community that was discussing the needs of the seasoned woman. Be Fabulous!, much like the Fabulous@50 tradeshows, seminars, the meetup group and the Fabulous@50 on-line membership, filled a gap. Since 2010, Be Fabulous! has spotlighted inspirational women on it’s cover and covered topics that mid-age women want to read about.

On the Cover: Tammy DuChene-Bos Be Fabulous! is published by Creative On The Move.

Be The articles represent the views and opinions of the individual authors and not necessarily the publisher. No material should be reprinted in whole or in part without the expressed written permission of the publisher/authors. The contents of Be Fabulous! should not be used as advice of any kind. Please consult the appropriate professionals for any advice. Be Fabulous! does not constitute endorsements of, or assumption for, liability for any claims made in the advertisements and or advertising information.

The vision of creative director, Dianna Bowes, was to publish a magazine that would be written by baby boomer women for baby boomer women. Fabulous@50 and Be Fabulous! is more than a magazine, more than a tradeshow, more than a membership, it is a community! Find out more by going to our website.

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be social with us! twitter@Fabat50 pinterest/DiannaBowes


NO GENDER GAP with Investments but Women Invest Differently Do you earn as much as your male counterparts? You do with investments. They don’t care what gender you are. So it is time to get actively involved with managing your finances. Based on my years of experience, I want to debunk the myth that women are afraid of finances. According to a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) study, women use money as a means to an end, not the end in itself so they approach money management differently. They take less investment risks, but do better in the long-term. Why is there a lower percentage of women involved in their own financial planning than men? In the same survey noted-above, BCG came to the conclusion that women lacked confidence about dealing with money, probably because of socialization. In my experience, I believe women want more information before making such an important decision. Financial planning is a major life decision and you need to have your say. Whether you are single or in a couple, take part in establishing and maintaining the strategic plan specifically designed for your desired retirement lifestyle. Your financial advisor should know what is important to you– I know that is key when I am working with my clients. Let your investment strategy reflect your values. For example, responsible investing puts your money in companies that meet environmental, social and gover-

Petra Remy, MA ACS, CFP

nance standards. This is an option I offer, to give the peace of mind of knowing your prosperity comes from companies with a conscience.I am passionate about women’s independence. I worked hard for mine and will for yours. I take special care to make sure my clients and attendees at my seminars thoroughly understand the concepts we are talking about. From being a single mother of two while going to school and working part-time, to the demands of a professional career, I know what it is like to be challenged with time. Many of my successful clients optimize their time by taking advantage of my knowledge and experience (clients with a minimum investment $250,000 will benefit most from my services). I’d love to work with you towards your financial independence and the retirement you envision. Petra Remy, MA ACS CFP, is an Investment Advisor with Taylor Remy Brown Investment Group of CIBC Wood Gundy. You can reach her by phone 780 498-5043, or email her at or find out more about her practice at CIBC Wood Gundy is a division of CIBC World Markets Inc., a subsidiary of CIBC and a Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. Petra Remy is an Investment Advisor with CIBC Wood Gundy in Edmonton. The views of Petra Remy do not necessarily reflect those of CIBC World Markets Inc. If you are currently a CIBC Wood Gundy client, please contact your Investment Advisor.

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My Journey to Finding Holistic Body Love...part 3

10 Ideas to Develop a Happy & Healthy Relationship with Yourself 1. Breathe into a positive intention every morning. Before you get up from bed, take deep breaths to take in a positive intention to start your day from an empowering mindset. For example, “I can show gratitude for whatever comes my way today”. Keep this intention at the forefront through your day. 2. Check in with yourself. Every three hours, ask yourself “On a scale 1-5, 1=no stress, 5= extreme stress) where am I? Take 5-10 deep breathes to shift gears, relax your mind and body no matter your number, and take a break if you’re at a 3 or higher (e.g., go for a walk outside, listen to music). 3. Work on having compassion for your

inner critic. We all have an inner critic! Notice how much self-talk is positive vs. negative. Catch yourself when you engage in negative self-talk and interrupt it by saying “Be kind to myself”. 4. Renew your relationships with others. List the people in your life that drain your energy- this is not a judgment about them, rather it is a recognition that the dynamics of these relationships may no longer be a fit for you. Then decide to either work on changing the dynamics in these relationships or find a way to end these relationships respectfully. Create a new normal by surrounding yourself with people who are positive, uplifting, and believe in you. Their energy is contagious.

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5. Allow yourself to be imperfect. There is no such thing as perfect and always on the other side of perfectionism is self-abuse. Learn to let go and laugh at yourself. 6. Slow down. Choose one to two activities in your day to be present with, whether that’s eating a meal slowly and mindfully, take your time to walk/drive to your next destination (instead of rushing). Slow your thinking down and be in the moment with whatever you are doing. Just because we live in a fast pace society, does not mean we always have to mirror it. 7. Engage in play time. Playing is not just for kids! Color in a coloring book, draw something, finger paint (these are great de-stressors, by the way), build a sand/ rock castle, or play a board game. Play catalyzes our pleasure response. 8. Feel into your feelings, no matter how uncomfortable they are. Acknowledge your feelings and honor them by engaging in self-care activities that will help those feelings shift. Journal your negative feelings and journal the positive shifts too!

9. Have a daily relaxation ritual. Many of us feel vulnerable to engage in emotionally driven eating or mindless eating at some point in our day. Replace this with a relaxation ritual. So instead of grabbing for food to soothe yourself when you’re not really hungry, try making yourself a cup of tea, going for a walk or reading a book instead. 10. Nourish your body. Feed your body with foods that give you sustaining energy. Move your body in ways that bring pleasure, and get enough sleep. Rosalyn Fung is a Registered Psychologist & Founder of Holistic Body Love. She is a wellness speaker, consultant, mentor, writer & blogger. Roz specializes in Holistic Nutritional Psychology in which she empowers people in their relationship with food, body image, weight, as well as digestion, fatigue, immunity and mood. Her approach is a combination of eating psychology, positive psychology, mindfulness, neuroscience, family systems and nutritional therapy. Rosalyn offers online Webinars and her Holistic Body Love Food & Body Image Transformation Online Program https://

We LOVE Follow our Fashion for Mature Women board on here

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Maturity & Sex

I spent four Sundays in a row talking to young ladies spending time in Juvenile Detention through the Lighthouse program. Lighthouse is a short-term, intensive residential program for 12 to 17 year olds. The focus of the program is on stabilization, therapeutic support and strong, interactive guidance. I was there to offer guidance. While talking about sex, some of the ladies couldn’t stop giggling at words like masturbation and condoms. Some of them moved from staring at me blankly to telling me about their experiences openly and with genuine candor. Most of them had had sex. For some it was a choice, for some it was giving into pressure because everyone else was doing it. There was one 15-year-old who had been using sex with older men to get things she wanted. There was a 17-year-old who had decided she wasn’t ready yet to have sex and that

she wanted to wait until she was in the right relationship before becoming sexually active. I asked all of them to complete evaluations at the end of our time together. One young woman wrote, “I really enjoyed talking about sex... You’ve made something that’s really uncomfortable to most, comfortable. I really enjoyed this because I really don’t have a lot of people that I can talk to. So it’s a little hard for me to get information when the information I get is basically what girls learn out on the streets. I really want to thank you for everything we as a group talked about.” Maturity is an important part of any sexual ethic. We mature at different rates. Rather than setting an arbitrary age of consent, it is more important that we bring a level of spiritual and emotional maturity to our sexual decision making.

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Too often we think of maturity as something that simply comes with age. But many of us are well into adulthood before we even come close to being mature. That’s because true maturity requires a healthy sense of self-identity. That means we know who we are and we like who that person is.

eventual hurt and rejection. It’s also true that we are more than we think we are. When we begin our sexual relationships with a healthy sense of self-identity, we can learn even more about ourselves as we make ourselves vulnerable and open ourselves up to the ecstasies of sexual union.

Barbara Lee is the author of Sacred Sex: Replacing the Marriage Ethic with a Sexual Ethic and Tension in the Tank: Embracing Interfaith Mysticism Without Leaving the Church. An ordained interfaith minister, Barbara has crafted the tools that lead to higher self-esteem, healthier relationships and a deeper respect for the many facets of sexuality. You can read more about Barbara at

We all have times of doubt when we question who we are. When people are trying to figure out who they are, they often think that having sex will answer a lot of their questions and resolve their confusion. Many people think that if they have sex they will feel grown up and mature. But sex will not answer our questions. Sex can even keep us from working through deeper issues by offering a distraction. Instead of continuing to focus on our self and our path of inner discovery, we can find ourselves consumed with thinking about someone else and focusing on their needs instead of our own. We will not find ourselves in sex. Likewise, self-acceptance always has to come from within. When we rely on someone, such as a sexual partner, to make us feel good about ourselves, we are setting ourselves up for

Kelly Parson, Independent Representative Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 9

KEEP WALKING There are a lot of activities especially tailor-made for summertime but for me, nothing is more fun (inexpensive, doable) than going on a walking adventure.

p Weather

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve taken the same route around my house but no two trips are the same since many things can vary: weather, season, light, nature, critters, and walking companions. Makes for some great stories!

p Family

I know you’ve heard about the benefits of walking before so I won’t tell you again that it’s brain-fog lifting, heart-strengthening, hot-flash busting, and good-attitude enhancing; you’ve probably been told how the happiness factor can kick in along with a feeling of endless possibilities, right? I am guessing that some of you do have a physical limitation but I ask those of you who are able-bodied, what stops you from making tracks? Check off all that apply: p Weather p Fatigue p Wednesday morning rush-to-the-office p Sunday afternoons

p Nothing to wear p Monday evening commitments p Weather p [Insert your reason(s) here] Yes, weather can be a real factor some days but not all! Dress for it and you’ll be fine. Family? Bring them along so everyone can benefit from a mood and energy lift. I implore you to get honest with your schedule to see where you will fit in a walk. It’s summer. Longer light-filled evenings and warmer temperatures are perfect to get that habit formed. I suggest you plan to go every day so that the excuses don’t creep in. And if you miss a day, oh well, there’s tomorrow. But make it tomorrow then so you keep on walking... right into next season. Watering the Wilted

Your body will ask you for some water when you’re back. To add some interest to your water, you can have that squeeze of lemon or what about basil with strawberries, lime with blueberries, or cherries with mint?

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Steep at room temperature – avoid ice cold water that can shock the body. Of course if you’re going a fair distance and the weather is especially warm, you may want to carry some water with you but if you’re already sufficiently hydrated before heading out, you can free up your hands to really get those arms working for you / swinging in motion for an overall better workout. Bush Chick

I encourage you to find a nature trail, park path, or green space to really grab some extra health-supporting action. If you can do this every time you walk, wonderful, but for some of us it may be only doable say once per week. During the walk consider the senses to capture all that is about you to really get into the moment: Sight - Take pictures if you like of some key sights but leave the selfies for the parties and family gatherings. Let the scene be your picture, capturing it in your memory. Stoop down to examine the little parts too. Something right at ground level could be your story of the day. Sounds – Can you detect a familiar bird call? Any buzzing, or leaves rustling. Really take in the moment. Sure, if you’re with a buddy it’s nice to chat here and there but especially when in natural areas, consider unplugging and untalking (couldn’t resist making up this word) to hear even the silence. Aroma – Smell can trigger all kinds of wonderful feelings: deeply inhale when in those natural areas to fill the lungs with a bath of fresh air. Exhale all of the stale air too. And if there are roses, you know what you need to do. Touch – While in a green space consider making it a habit to caress or pat the shrubbery around you. Only if it is safe to do so – and if you’re comfortable – you

may want to take off your footwear and stroll bare foot for a distance to connect body to earth. This is referred to as earthing. Many report huge wellbeing benefits when regularly incorporating this practice. More Value

No matter what time of day you choose to put walking into your calendar, the ripple effects of this free activity will continue into your night by encouraging a better sleep. Ah. Oh and don’t forget you may witness an improvement in mood, energy, and physical toning and strength. Now we’re talking. So will I see you on the trails this summer? I’d love to hear about your stories that come from the experience so feel free to connect. Maybe you can be my next walking buddy. Keep walking! Loretta Friedrich, C.H.N., is a health advocate, local supporter, community leader, speaker, writer, author, program creator / director of Your Food Story, and award-winning business owner of Sprout Natural Nutritional Consulting. She enjoys walking, getting vegetable stains on her hands, and smelling dirt! Visit for info

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Creating exquisite moments...

Summer Special

Become a Cosmo Club before the end of July and receive a FREE Fab@50 Gratitude Journal click here today

...just because.

12 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

780.999.4986 / Bread and Butter Basket Co BreadButterCo

What are you grateful for? Practice a life of gratitude with this purse-sized gratitude journal designed by Fabulous@50 founder Dianna Bowes and photos by Fabulous@50 Members. A thoughtful gift for a special friend, your mother, graduation or even for a bridal party. Order your copy today. 22.50 Order your copy today

A Year of

GRATITUDE Plus Tips for Fabulous Traveling Dianna Bowes

You can also find us at the Crystal Ranch in Stettler • The Painted Door in Beaumont • Downtown Tixonthesquare Local Artists Shop in Edmonton



click here for more info Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 13

Ten Myths about Boomer Women Women in the boomer generation today range in age from 51 to 69. Many women approaching their 50th birthdays wonder, as I did, about what life would be like. I, for one, wanted to see it as doors opening, not closing. It turns out I’m not alone! I meet new women every day who want to look, feel, and be fabulous after 50.

FACT: With STDs increasing among boomers and seniors because of unprotected sex, it stands to reason that the desire for sex has not diminished. Partly because the fear of pregnancy is gone, women report more satisfying sex lives than ever before.

What then is standing in our way? The challenge starts with the myths that often surround menopausal women. Let’s blast those with some truths. Common Myths

FACT: Boomer women are entering colleges and universities in record numbers – to learn to become entrepreneurs, to upgrade skills, or simply to learn new things.

1.Once you’re over 50, it’s too late to start something new.

5. Memory loss is inevitable as we get older.

FACT: According to a recent Gallup study, people over 50 comprise the fastestgrowing group of entrepreneurs. Women are leading this trend.

FACT: Research has shown that memory loss has more to do with vitamin and mineral deficiencies than aging.

2. Brain power starts to erode as people age.

4. The older you get, the harder it is to learn anything new.

6. As we age, we become more rigid in our thinking and acting.

FACT: Frank Moffatt, author of Your Second 50 talks about how our brains can not only re-train but can grow neurons – at any age.

FACT: According to the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, women over 50 become more adaptable because of increased levels of mental, emotional, & physical maturity.

3. Women over 50 lose their desire for sex.

7. Dementia is a normal part of aging.

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FACT: At, they state categorically, “Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are not a part of normal aging.” While everyone has some memory loss around 65 or so, it is not dementia. 8. I’m past 50 – my life is over. FACT: Ask Betty White who is in her 90’s or Jane Fonda if their lives are over. Most women over 50 feel that their lives are just beginning – again! 9. Once you’re over 50, there’s nothing to look forward to. FACT: With empty nests and control of a significant amount of wealth, Boomer women are travelling the world, learning second languages, and working for worthy causes. That’s only the tip of what there is to look forward to! 10. Over 50, a woman’s health is on the decline. FACT: The Journal of the American Geriatric Society says it is inactivity not aging that causes health concerns and mobility issues. In their desire to slow aging, boomer women are flocking to the gym in record numbers. I’ve said for years that Boomer women rock. The more I meet, the more I know this to be true. Dianna Bowes is the founder of Fabulous@50 and the creative director of Be Fabulous! Magazine. In 2008 Dianna recognized that baby boomer women were missing something: the opportunity to connect, have fun, learn and be inspired, so she took the bull by the horns and created a community dedicated to supporting women who are in the transition of mid-age. Dianna was the winner of the YWCA Women of Distinction Award in the Turning Point Category and was awarded the 2014 Stevia Awards for “Best Event” and “Women Helping Women”. Her motto is “If not now, when?” To read other blogs by Dianna Click here

FAN FEEDBACK Question? What is your favorite activity for summer fun? Juanita: Swimming and walking Bonita: Mountain Biking Pam: Walking, hiking, bird watching, horseback riding, gardening, getting on a plane. Laurel: Hanging out in the garden. Walking in the early morning Judy: Beach, boating. Paddle boarding, picnics, hiking. Anything outdoors in the sun! Loretta: Gardening, walking, hiking in mountains Jacqueline: Gardening, walking the river valley trails and taking in the markets around the city! Yvonne: Going to Canmore - walk along the river there & grab a meal on a patio. Sitting around the fire pit in the backyard with friends. Jani: Painting outside with a glass of wine. Walking the great trails in Riverbend. All the festivals and Art walks. Joanne: Hiking when in the mountains. Swimming if by water. Shonda: Camping and hiking Dianna: Patio drinks, biking, walking, music festivals

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Blogs for women who love to ride

Belt Drive Betty Since 2003, this site focuses on news for the Canadian motorcycle riding community. Blog sections include; Community, Law & Politics, Motorcycle Events and News. Follow Betty on Twitter @bdbetty Carla King Carla is an adventure travel writer and self-publishing expert. She is the author of “American Borders Motorcycle Diaries”, “Stories from Elsewhere: Solo Wanderings on Two and Three Wheels”, “Motorcycling for Women: How to Choose a Beginner Bike”, “Wild Writing Women: Stories of World Travel” and a free multimedia magazine entitled “Ireland: The Sacred and The Propane. Her story “Alone, Illegal, and Broken Down in China” is included in the book “The Best Travel Writing 2011: True Stories from Around the World”. Follow Carla on Twitter @MissAdventuring, @ selfpubbootcamp and @carlaking. Chessietales A visual delight, written by expert motorcycle rider, writer, and photographer Marilyn Elmore. A rider for over 30 years, Marilyn’s photos taken from local roads in Tennessee and surrounding states are

breathtaking. Great resource re: local places to ride/visit, bike maintenance, and lots more. Follow Marilyn on Twitter @chesshirecat • http://chessiestales. Garage Girls Written by journalist and photographer as well as the owner operator of RT’s North Hills Cycle Inc. Sara Liberte. Follow Sara on Twitter @garagegirls • http://garage-girls. com Liz Jensen Liz is the Author of “Women, Motorcycles and the Road to Empowerment”, “Life Lessons” eBook series (which can be downloaded from her site) and motorcycle travel study guides. Her blog’s motto is ‘Where the road meets spirit”. She is an adventurer and journalist whose articles have appeared in the Toronto Star as well as national magazine and online eZines. She often hosts webinars online. Follow Liz on Twitter @trilliumliz • http://lizjansen. com/blog/ MotoAdventureGal A motorcycle tour guide, motivational speaker and moto-journalist; riding and writing and inspiring folks to live their two-wheeled dreams is her passion.

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You can read about some awesome adventures on Alisa’s site and her Women’s Empowerment Tours sound amazing. If for no other reason, follow MAG on Facebook for the insiration to live your dream on 2 wheels.•

Fuzzy Galore My given name is Rachael though at this point I think more people address me as “Fuzzy” than not. I’m just an average girl from New York who loves riding motorcycles.•

Motorbikes for Her This website is for women motorcycle riders everywhere who enjoy adventure, freedom and excitement that motorcycle riding brings. Whether you are plucking up the courage to get your license or are a seasoned rider. There is something here for you. MFH is a community and a place to connect, educate yourself and be inspired. • category/blog

Gear Chic Joanne Donn reviews clothing and proper fit tips and features a Q&A section. Follow Joanne on Twitter @GearChic • http://

Motoress Written by founder/editor, motorcycle racer and instructor of 27 years Vicki Gray. She started “International Female Ride Day” in 2006. Since 1992, Motoress has been a proud sponsor of the Look Good Feel Better Program to Support Women with Cancer. Follow Vicki on Twitter @MOTORESS • Princess Scooterpie Is written by “just a gal with a red bike who likes to wander and write about it.” Dar is based in West Coast Canada. She can be followed on witter @Moto_Diva. Moto Lady MotoLady was created by Alicia Mariah Elfving as a way to encourage current and aspiring women riders and replace the bad reputation the sport / hobby has racked up over the years with a positive sense of community. Real women who ride, motorcycles in art, design and marketing, motorcycle fashion, gear reviews, industry news, one of a kind articles and features, and submissions are a few of the things covered. •

Her Motorcycle Christine writes about ad- & mis-adventures on the road with her husband, women motorcycle clubs, gear/gadgets,bike reviews, road trip ideas. Follow Christine on Twitter @hermotorcycle • http://www. Steel Cowgirl A motorcycle enthusiast, Regina Schrieffer the “Steel Cowgirl” makes jewelry, has a fashion brand center on bikers, and loves to ride her bike and her horses. Women Riders Now This “online motorcycle lifestyle magazine “from the female point of view” is written by founder and editor Genevieve Schmitt. It provides up-to-date and comprehensive motorcycling news and reviews. Genevieve was inducted into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame in 2001. The site reviews motorcycles, clothing and products and inlcudes events listings, stories by other riders and safety tips. Follow Genevieve on Twitter @WomenRidersNow Her Motorcycle (2) A site for girls who like to ride their own bike! Includes trip logs, news and tips for tuning motorcycles. Follow Her Motorcycle on Twitter @Her_Motorcycle.

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Back at the Market It’s farmer’s market season and that gives me all kinds of ideas! I absolutely love visiting the different markets to see what they are offering, and to take my loot home with me to do some serious eating, canning, and cooking.

taste comes from fresh food, because I know that the strawberries from my local grower, that I am eating one day after they are picked, taste much better than those that had to be shipped 2500 kilometres and took two weeks to get to my plate.

Have you noticed that there are fewer farmers set up with signs that say “certified organic” than you might expect? I asked about this recently and discovered that the “business” involved in certifying as organic, is really very expensive. It means farmers must choose between certification or channeling money into their own operation so that you have access to the best food possible.

To make things more complicated, lots of growers are using advanced technology including hydroponic and aquaponic operations, where their produce is growing in water. This allows for efficient growing year round, and eliminates the damage that can be done by bad weather, bug infestations, or pesky rabbits. You can’t certify something as organic unless it’s grown in dirt, and because these innovative and efficient growers are growing in water, they don’t even qualify even though they aren’t using chemical pesticides. If you are looking for a “certified organic” label you may drive right past the farmer’s market and head to a supermarket for something that is certified and yet has no taste at all.

The definition of an organic vegetable is that it was grown without synthetic pesticides. While I am happy to not be eating pesticides (duh), organic doesn’t necessarily mean that a food is more nutritious, although people swear it also tastes better. Personally I think the improved

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So, what’s a food lover to do? Talk to the farmer, that’s what. In many cases our farmer’s market produce is more nutritious and safer than what we grow in our back yards, especially if you or your neighbours are fertilizing your lawns, shrubs, trees, and flowers with chemical treatments that drift into your vegetable and fruit patches. I don’t hesitate to speak to my local farmers and ask them questions about their operation and the food I’m bringing home. I can even invite myself to go visit their farms and have a look around to see what kind of innovative science is going on, and I love being able to do that. If you’d like to see your local farmers, a quick internet search will help you find your local “open farm days,” a regional open house where visitors are welcome to explore, ask questions, and enjoy a day on the farm. This year, Alberta’s Open Farm Days are August 20 and 21, Atlantic Canada is September 18, and you’ll see more dates and participating farms announced throughout the summer. I shop the farmer’s markets for my favourite foods in part because I want to spend my time preparing and playing with my food (I do a lot of canning) which doesn’t leave me time for the art of growing and tending. I also like the farmer’s markets

because I can get things there I can’t even grow – like an amazing array of heirloom tomatoes, colourful purple carrots, orange tomatoes, and more. Have you ever seen Brussel Sprouts on a stalk? Coolest thing ever! If you haven’t been yet, visit a farmer’s market and just check out what’s there. Bring some food home that you haven’t tried before, as well as your favourites, and #EatInspired! Pam Robertson is the food lover behind The Ladybirds’ Kitchen (www.ladybirdskitchen. com), where her goal is to help people get excited about cooking and to #EatInspired! This article is part of a series she is writing on her blog, so check it out at www.ladybirdskitchen. com . If you want to get in touch, you can sign up for her blog alerts on the site, or just pick up the phone and call 780-232-0083 or email

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Living a

GOLD medal life

Once every four years the Olympic games capture our attention. Whether you are a sports fan or not, there’s something about dramatic competition, Cinderella stories and the pursuit of excellence that makes us stop and tune in to events of all kinds. Maybe it’s our appreciation of the dedication and focus required by these athletes to compete on the world stage. Maybe it’s those moments of watching the seemingly impossible unfold. Maybe it’s the knowledge that these individuals are fully engaged in being the best they can be. citius altius fortius

The Olympic motto citius altius fortius – higher faster stronger – sets the standard for participating in the games and serves as a benchmark for performance. That’s what Olympic athletes are trying to do – reach higher, move faster, be stronger. Imagine if you were in training for a gold medal life.

How would your life change if you played like every day really counted? Having a set of guiding principles helps athletes prioritize and focus their choices. Maybe you are not training for an athletic event but you can apply these Olympic standards to your life. Set the bar higher

Mediocrity is a cultural comfort zone. Most people are content in doing just enough to get by. It’s often a result of a life that feels overwhelming. We lose sight of what is really important and make choices based on the path of least resistance. Life gets really busy and “just ok” seems good enough. It’s easy to not require too much of ourselves. In the end we get the life we settle for. If you’re not leading your best life, it’s time to raise the bar for yourself. If you’ve been content with average, reach for above average. If life is good, go for great.

20 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

“Mediocrity is a cultural comfort zone. Most people are content in doing just enough to get by. It’s often a result of a life that feels overwhelming.‘ Pause and consider:

Where do you need to require more of yourself? In what ways do you let important things slide? Get to your goals faster Do you find yourself saying, “I’ll get to that someday”? Procrastination will never get us to the finish line. We’ve all got our favorite excuses about why we can’t tackle a project, fulfill a dream or take things to the next level. Here’s the hard truth: The clock is going to run out on your life. None of us happen to know when that might be. Making the most of our time is golden. Once today is done we can’t get it back so make choices that leave you feeling satisfied at the end of it. Pause and consider:

What have you been putting off for way too long? How do you let excuses get in the way of your success? Be stronger in facing your fears

why people don’t go after the things they want: fear of failure – or success, fear of what other people will think, fear of stepping out of their comfort zones. At the end of your life you’ll likely regret the things that you choose not to do out of fear rather than most of the things you did end up doing. Once you decide to take action, fear is not such a formidable opponent. Pause and consider:

Where do you let fear become an obstacle to your success? If fear wasn’t a factor, what would you take on? The Olympics only happen once every four years. In life, the games are always on. You get to decide how you want to participate. Your gold medal life is waiting for you. Simply summon up your inner athlete and go get it. Laurel Vespi is a certified life coach, author and motivational speaker who helps women live more mindfully no matter what phase of life they are in. Learn more and get resources and inspiration for mindful living at

Fear is probably the number one reason

spa services for improved immunity, tension relief, or feeling more beautiful and confident, we are here for you!

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 21

Tammy DuChene-Bos (founder of Babes on Bikes) and some of the members of Babes on Bikes show their excitement about their passion for riding.

Babes on Bikes, supporting community and having fun with casual summer riding Babes on Bikes is located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and was founded by local female rider Tammy DuChene-Bos in 2007. Proud to be celebrating our 8th summer, offering several different riding options and experiences for the female riders in the Edmonton and surrounding area. In the summer of 2007 we came together to form Babes on Bikes. We participate in different weekend charity events, Babes and friends bike tours, The Toy Run in September and so much more. Every season the club seems to get more awareness.

With the growth of the club we are able to offer more rides and you the ladies get to meet more amazing women who also ride. Babes on Bikes is a casual riding club. With set days of riding, different events posted and volunteer events that we volunteer to work. It is up to you the rider how much you participate whether that be every week or once a season. For more information on this group, go to

22 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

Tammy DuChene-Bos:

Tammy’s BE TRUE TO YOURSELF Favorites What would you consider to be your top three talents/skills? I would say my top three would be my organization, compassion for people, and my constant drive to succeed. All three of these are applied to both my personal and professional lifestyles. In what ways do you prefer to give back?I started Babes on Bikes 8 years ago as a not for profit ladies motorcycle club. I have never taken any pay from the club and yet take care of all details, from rides, to events, to website and social media. What would you like to share with younger women about “being beautiful”?I know the saying is beauty is skin deep but, as you grow older you gain insight on what and who are truly important in your life. Both of these should complement your life to make you feel safe, and secure within yourself. Beauty is portrayed by confidence not by how much make-up or the clothes you wear but how you present yourself. Be true to you and what you believe in!

Favorite Color: Purple Flats or Stilettos: Flats Martini/Wine: Wine Sweet Treat: Chocolate of any kind Vacation Destination: Japan, Australia Book: The Notebook Movie: Flatliner Charitable Cause: Torn Kidney Foundation & STARS

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 23

{TEA WITH SUE} Muttart Conservatory in Edmonton, Alberta

Fun in Your Own Back Yard As much as I love to travel to new and exciting places, it’s just as much fun being a tourist in my own back yard, especially in the summer. It’s great when visitors come to stay, because when I tour my favorite places, I get to re-experience the sights and sounds of beautiful Edmonton, Alberta – my home town.

Lately I’ve been spending as much time as I can with a dear friend who is soon to be moving to Armstrong, BC. While her sweetie is occupied with his mom on Sundays, she and I start our day with a deep water aqua size class at the Millwoods Recreation Centre. The instructor puts us through our paces and finishes the class with a joke of the day.

24 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

After class, if there’s a good film at the vintage Princess Theatre, we’ll head down to Whyte Avenue. The ticket prices are reasonable, and the popcorn is great. It’s always a trip down memory lane for me when we sit in the balcony because I get to reminisce about time spent there as a teenager. (If I recall, there was necking involved.) If the movies don’t attract us, we scout for other things to do. You can find Farmers Markets in most corners of the city. I love to wander down the aisles and chat with the eager creators and sellers of everything from hand-made pyrogies to glassblown jewelry. One visitor brought his exotic cat on a leash that trotted happily amidst the crowd and allowed us to pet him. Now that was a conversation-starter! Have you visited the Muttart Conservatory recently? From the outside, the nest of glass pyramids is always an entrancing sight. Even more wonders await inside. There are four themed pyramids to tour and a lovely little restaurant for foot-weary visitors ready for tea. Oh, and did I mention the wonders of the gift shop stocked with delightful treasures? We had missed the hydrangea display in the feature pyramid by just a week, but the Martha Washington geraniums brought out the cameras. It was a gorgeous June day, with the sun beaming through the glass overhead. How I

marveled at the artful arrangement of the delicate blooms – a cornucopia of color. Saucy, hand-painted umbrellas hung from the rafters in a playful array. Pyramid energy is particularly restful, especially when you’re also surrounded by unusual plants. Most are from far off destinations that wouldn’t normally survive our winters. The arid pyramid is one of my favorites, with all the succulents and the many varieties of spiny cacti. Two young boys on the path gave us a chuckle as we watched them draw back their fingers in surprise and pain - look, but don’t touch! After a bracing cup of tea in the outside garden, we drove slowly through the surrounding neighborhood that’s being re-vitalized, one house at a time. Every so often, I’d pull over when a particular architectural feature caught our attention. It was a day to remember, especially on the cold, wintry nights to come. But for now, there are all kinds of summer fun activities ahead. We have plans to enjoy it all. I hope you have as much summer fun as I will! As an inspirational speaker and award-winning author, Sue Paulson inspires others to love their magnificence. Her third book, “Magnificent Misery – From Adversity to Ecstasy” is now available at Audrey’s and Ascendant Books in Edmonton or through Amazon. To book Sue, visit:

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 25

New! Introducing VIVACA® An innovative full spectrum botanical liquid supplement to alleviate the symptoms of Menopause Including night sweats, hot flushes, mood swings and fatigue VIVACA® a non-hormonal liquid supplement clinically tested in collaboration with Canadian Naturopathic doctors, microbiologists, organic chemists, herbalists, product formulators and evaluated by menopausal women for effectiveness. VIVACA® comes in 3 delicious natural flavours; Lime, Lavender and Mint. Simply add a single daily dosage of liquid concentrate to 16 ounces of water. Kept in liquid form it improves the body’s absorption rate. It’s so easy! VIVACA® powerful formulation contains four key ‘whole’ botanical extract concentrates: Red Clover, Rhodiola Rosea, Black Cohosh and St. Johns wort VIVACA® meets and, in some cases exceeds, the regulatory safety standards of the FDA & Health Canada, NHPD (Granted an NPN product license) VIVACA® 100% Canadian grown and produced, (safe from heavy metals & pesticides). We know our growers they take the care to select the best plants because they are committed to growing it right for their family as well as yours. You deserve no less! A quality plant = a quality product. VIVACA® available in 6 day and 90 day supplies. Be part of the conversation and learn more Yours truly, Anita Dyrbye Founder

26 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

VIVACA® is the first to offer a comprehensive 90-Day self-help kit for menopause symptoms. Designed with important tools so that you can easily discover more about your body, triggers and how life-style can affect symptoms. The kit* includes: 90 day supply of VIVACA product, a Menopause journal, an electronic hot flush counter, a Menopause book and a re-usable water bottle for your VIVACA. *may be used as a tool to work more effectively along side your healthcare practitioner.

Start today!

Edmonton, AB UPCOMING EVENTS Scared Fitless • Every Tuesday • Hawrelak Park • 6:30 Does the idea of exercise or gyms send shivers down your spine? Yet you know how important it is as we age to stay active. Click here for more information SIP, SHOP, SHARE: Swimwear & Summerwear Shopping Party • Wednesday, April 27 We all need one, but always put it to the end of the list...yes, a swimsuit. Join us at this special shopping event to find the perfect suit for your fabulous body and enjoy an evening mixing and mingling with friends. Sublime also has dresses, coverups, foot wear and men’s wear. This is a fundraiser for the Kiva Foundation. Click here to register (limited space)

Dianna Bowes Edmonton Director & Founder Email Dianna SCARED FITLESS Fabulous@50 ladies meet every Tuesday evening at Hawrelak Park for a little fitness, friendship and fresh air. For more information click here.

Go to our website Read my blogs

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 27

Calgary, AB UPCOMING EVENTS JoJo’s Embracing Fabulous • Radio Show New Episodes available the second and fourth Monday JoJo’s View is all about embracing fabulous in life through celebration, gratitude and generosity! Joanne and her special guests will inspire, educate and empower you with concepts, strategies and engaging conversations, designed to help you find clarity, transform your life, and Embrace Fabulous. Click here to listen. The Fabulous@50 Experience Tradeshow & Martini Party Sunday, October 16th, 2016. Enjoy a Fabulous day of Shopping, Sharing and Celebration. There will be oodles of intriguing booths, inspirational speakers and wonderful entertainment. For more info click here Monthly meetup meeting held every second Thursday, join us and have fun! Click here for info

Joanne Neweduk Calgary Director Email Joanne

A fantastic night with Joanne Kirk and Daryl Standish of investors group. We covered so many interesting and important Go to our website subjects. Planning for the future, Wills, enduring power of Read my blogs attorney, health directives, insurances (critical illness, disability, long-term care), probate, executors and the list goes on. Click here for more information 28 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

Victoria, B.C. From Annie: July 2nd officially marked the day I said my goodbyes to Victoria. You see, I have been working on a dream, one that has been alive in me since a six month, life changing trip to Italy and Ireland in 2011. Ever since that experience, I have been searching for a way to go back again. In 2013 when I was diagnosed with incurable cancer, it seemed like such a cruel twist of fate. How could Life cut me down at the knees just when I was on the threshold of a dream? But the dream was so strong that I found a way to transform an impossible situation into my Passport To Life. I daily visualized my cancer journey as an exciting trip to Italy. Within less than 6 months, I was completely cancer FREE. Which leads me to why I am stepping down as the Victoria Director for Fabulous@50. When I became a Director in 2014, I thought it was the stepping stone to my dreams. In a way it truly was. With the help of Dianna Bowes, I established the community in Victoria and tried to keep it vibrant and alive, especially when I travelled to Bali, Cambodia and Thailand last fall to write my book.

That was the reason I partnered with Georgina Erickson to host a trade show called The Fabulous@50 Experience in Victoria this June. Again, Life had other plans. Sadly, my mother passed away when I returned from my travels in February. I found I no longer had the drive or the zeal to host a trade show. I needed to grieve. I needed to heal. Instead, I started to concentrate on my book. It is with sadness that I say goodbye as the Director for Fabulous@50 in Victoria. I am grateful to Dianna Bowes and for all of the Fabulous@50 women in Victoria for cheering me on and supporting my events. Now it is time for another more capable than I to inspire, educate and empower this wonderful community of women and take it where it needs to go. In the meantime, I am travelling to the places that bring me joy. I’m finally making my way to Italy and Ireland this fall. Stay tuned. The Adventure continues. Fabulously Yours, Annie Pool

From Dianna:_________________________________________________________ We wish Annie the best in her new adventure and on her book. I was blessed to have met Annie and work with her within Fabulous@50 for the last year and a half.

excited about her journey and plans for Italy and Ireland. Wishing Annie a life filled with sunshine and dreams fulfilled. Fabulously Yours, Dianna Bowes

I will miss Annie on my team, but I am also Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 29

r e m m u S un


Go bird watching

Train for a marathon

Host a scavenger hunt

Canoeing, dragon boat racing or boating

Play tennis, baseball or a summer sport

Have a garage or yard sale

Whitewater rafting Mountain biking

Volunteer at a local festival

Fly fishing

Go to an arcade

Go camping

Geo Caching

Craft - Make tie-shirts

Plant a herb garden


Go stargazing

Go to a pick it yourself garden

Rent a tandem bike

Go to music event

Go dancing

Go on a bicycle tour

Rent a Harley

Play backyard games

Be a tourist in your own city

Throw a party for someone or even your dog

Write a letter to your future self

Do a walking tour of your city

Do a road trip.

Have a talent show.

Go to water park

Attend a professional sport event.

Start a journal • Go bowling • Make popsicles Go to a drive-in movie • Ride a rollercoaster Have a water balloon fight • Contact an old friend Donate unwanted items to charity Bake cupcakes and deliver to neighbours Host a movie night • Go to the library

30 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

Do a bike pub crawl with friends

Spend a day at the spa with someone special. Get your photo taken

Go go carting Go to the zoo Plant a tree Meet a new person Do a random act of kindness

It’s never too late to refresh your mind, body and spirit and you don’t have Audreys Books Top to do it alone. Seller in April

Many Baby Boomer women have spent decades suppressing their own wants and desires, and losing themselves in the expectations and demands of culture, parents, partners, and children, working hard to please and care for almost everyone but themselves. They’ve been misunderstood by marketers, politicians, millenials, most men, and last but not least, themselves.

illness, financial disaster, or the crushing loneliness after the kids have grown and gone, if you are asking yourself, “Now what?” and fearing that it might be too late for you and your dreams, this book is for you.

The time has come for these strong, beautiful, and fabulous women to discover, reveal, and honor their true selves. The time has come for them to re-experience life as they’ve known it, and to celebrate life as it can be.

From Dianna Bowes, visionary foundress of Fabulous@50, The Fabulous @50 Re-Experience is a living, breathing, sweet and sassy guide to remind you that you’re not alone, and it’s not to late for you to thrive.

If you are a Boomer woman in personal crisis--needing to reinvent your life, facing divorce, life-threatening

In these pages, you’ll find a wealth of reassurance, inspiration, companionship, and practical guidance to refresh your mind, body, and spirit.

ORDER A BOOK TODAY! Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 31

FEELING DISCONNECTED?? Get connected with Fabulous@50’s On-Line Community Receive a gift of the Be Fabulous! E_Magazine. Join our online Social Groups and stay in the loop of all things Fabulous! No strings, just love...

Click here to go to! 32 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

FAB Books!

Soul Selfish: The Awakening of a Good Girl Jane Wyker (

Jane Wyker’s memoir Soul Selfish shows the way to happiness comes from within instead of looking to others to supply it.

C Ba ele by bra W Bo tin om om g en er

Jane remained a ”good girl” into her mid-thirties, bent on pleasing others in the hope of receiving love. This all changed when she embarked on a courageous and passionate inner journey that led her to ownership of her talents, self-reliance and selflove. To order your copy, click here.



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Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 33

Create Your Legacy Be a Fabulous@50 Community Director! We’re expanding and are looking for enthusiastic, energetic and well-connected women 40 plus to run Fabulous@50 events in their communities. This is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to run your own business and create your legacy! We know how to do it and want to share it with you! Fabulous provides educational and social connections for the women 40 plus. The ideal candidate is someone who wants to create a business for themselves in a fun and social environment and be part of a global vision. We provide training, a vibrant website, guidance and an opportunity to fulfill your dreams and purpose while creating an income and making a difference. Fabulous@50 was created to Inspire, Educate and Empower the baby boomer woman.

Dianna Bowes Edmonton, AB

Fabulous@50 Vision: To build a vibrant, global community that inspires, educates and empowers Baby Boomer women through compassionate relationships with each other, and with the support of businesses who provide what these women need, want, and love. To continue to expand the Fabulous@50 community with the heart-based leadership of mature women who wish to support and motivate other such women through friendship, connection, and personal development. To awaken, encourage, and celebrate the power and contributions of mature women worldwide. Core Values: • Compassion • Empowerment • Community • Fun • Gratitude 34 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

Joanne Neweduk Calgary, AB

Fabulous@50 Favorites

Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity + Sleep Wristband, Black CDN $99.00

VicTsing wood Grain Essential Oil Diffuser Whisper Quiet Cool Mist Humidifier - 300 ml CDN $54.99

Collage Anti-Aging Collagen Serum- Anti-Wrinkle Mask Diminishes Fine Lines and Hyperpigmentation + Brightens Skin (30 ml) CDN $44.99

20% Vitamin C Serum - 60 ml / 2 oz Made in Canada - Certified Organic + 11% Hyaluronic Acid + Vitamin E Moisturizer + Collagen BoostCDN$ 27.49

For more fabulous’s click here. Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 35

Does your company serve women who are 40 and over? How are you reaching them?

SHARE YOUR STORY! Be an inspiration to other women by sharing your story of success and build strong relationships.

Anita shares her own personal journey through menopause, and what motivated her to make a non-hormonal natural health product for herself and for all women. Click here to read about Anita.

INSPIRE Tell women everywhere how you became successful, and inspire them to follow their dreams.

EDUCATE Share your knowledge and expertise to educate women to take their next step.

EMPOWER Through your story, empower women to become change agents in their own lives and others. Be Fabulous! E-Magazine: is a monthly on-line magazine

Cheryl Anne is the creator of the Beautiful Women Project - The Art to Loving Life. Click here to read about Cheryl Anne.

aimed at the baby boomer woman. This monthly issue will be sent to the growing Fabulous@50 on-line community. Featuring inspirational woman (this could be you) we will also have articles that will interest women in the 40 plus age range. Be Fabulous! is a part of what makes Fabulous@50 so vibrant. EMAIL US TODAY FOR THE MEDIA KIT AND MORE INFORMATION

We are more than a magazine. We are a community! 36 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

Annie Pool is a cancer survivor with an incredible story to tell. Click here to read about Annie.

Click here for more information 37 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I July • 2016

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