Be Fabulous! December 2016

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Do you want to have more fun and connect with women in your own age-bracket? Fabulous@50 has several levels of membership, something for everyone, depending on how involved you would like to be and how much you want to receive.


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A Fabulous@50 COSMO CLUB*is an exclusive membership that gives you: gifts, services, benefits and opportunities to be part of the vibrant Fab@50 online global community.

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On signup you will receive a menopause survival kit worth over $75.00. Take advantage of the free coaching, and receive gifts along with the Be Fabulous! E-magazine. $250.00 a year or only $25.00 a month. To see the full list of benefits and services click here.

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E-magazine Subscription delivered direct to your inbox plus get access to our archive of miss another issue, click here to get your copy. Edmonton, Calgary and Moncton have groups designed for baby boomer women focusing on friendship and personal development. Click on the city closest to you to see what we are up to.

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Become a Cosmo Club Member before Dec 30th, 2016 and receive a custom designed cosmetic bag designed by founder Dianna Bowes. (See membership details above)

2 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

Reflect your


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Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 3

Creative Director • Dianna Bowes Editor, Creative Director Dianna Bowes FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION

our story

Thank you to our Contributors: Dianna Bowes, Laurel Vespi, Loretta Friedrich, Barbara Lee, Pam Robertson, Debra Kasowski, ..and to all who made this issue possible Photography: Ealanta Photography

Mission: To INSPIRE, EDUCATE and EMPOWER the baby boomer woman! Be Fabulous! was designed specifically to be an event magazine to be presented to our guests at the Annual Fabulous@50 Experience and Martini Party. But something magical happened! Dianna Bowes took a look around and realized there was nothing in our community that was discussing the needs of the seasoned woman. Be Fabulous!, much like the Fabulous@50 tradeshows, seminars, the meetup group and the Fabulous@50 on-line membership, filled a gap. Since 2010, Be Fabulous! has spotlighted inspirational women on it’s cover and covered topics that mid-age women want to read about. The vision of creative director, Dianna Bowes, was to publish a magazine that would be written by baby boomer women for baby boomer women. Fabulous@50 and Be Fabulous! is more than a magazine, more than a tradeshow, more than a membership, it is a community! Find out more by going to our website.

On the Cover: Bonnie Jean McAllister Be Fabulous! is published by Creative On The Move.

Be The articles represent the views and opinions of the individual authors and not necessarily the publisher. No material should be reprinted in whole or in part without the expressed written permission of the publisher/authors. The contents of Be Fabulous! should not be used as advice of any kind. Please consult the appropriate professionals for any advice. Be Fabulous! does not constitute endorsements of, or assumption for, liability for any claims made in the advertisements and or advertising information.

be social with us! twitter@Fabat50 pinterest/DiannaBowes

4 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

Fabulous at 50 Lifestyle with Dianna Bowes

The Creativity in Giving At this time of year, we are consumed with prepping for Christmas and shopping. What to get your family and friends for Christmas, how much to spend, and what the heck to buy that person who has everything. I have overthought the Christmas buying to the extreme and then over shop trying to make everything equal. Over the last few years, our family has focused more on buying experiences, like music tickets or an outing of some sort. I love this because it also gives us another opportunity to be with the people we love as we usually get tickets for everyone. Inspired

This year I have spent more time than ever working on creative projects. I was fortunate to be invited to show my art at The Painted Door on Main in Beaumont by my friend Bonnie Jean McAllister. Bonnie Jean is a wonderful photographer, who has taken her art to a exciting level with creating fashionable wear with her photos on it. Gorgeous capri’s, jackets and purses. I am so inspired every time I spend a minute of my time at the Painted Door, all the artists are wonderful and so talented. I have been painting so much, that I have been having paint dreams, where I paint over and over and over, until I am dizzy and have to get up. Hence the 4:00 am posts on Facebook. I believe we all have a creative streak, it is just discovering it. The worst thing that we can do, is compare ourselves and stop playing because we are not as good as someone else. A few years ago, I took a weekend paint workshop with a teacher named Above: Homemade steak and burger Brian Simmons in Victoria who shifted my sauce. Bottom: Painting by Dianna. perspective on painting. Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 5

He taught us paint techniques but he also taught us something else. He took us to a spiritual level and we talked about the spirit of painting. That it came from within us, but was not about us. That every painting should be treated the same, whether it a masterpiece or not, as someone may see something in it that we didn’t. I was in awe. He told us to loosen up, to paint what we see, and to never totally finish a painting. Let the patron finish it. Share your talent

What do you do that you could share this Christmas? Are you an amazing cook or baker? Oh my, nothing I love better than a dinner invite or a box of homemade jam or cookies. This summer, our neighbor offered us plums from a exploding tree. I picked plums until I was plum full and made wonderful jams and a steak and burger sauce. This will be a wonderful gift for friends and hostess gifts. Take a moment and think about your skills and interests, can you do something special for someone? With websites like Pinterest and the power of google, you can find something that will have more meaning that a gift from a store. It means more, it costs less and it feels so good. Here is a great article from Huffington Post from a few years ago with some great ideas.



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Dianna Bowes is the creative director of Fabulous@50 and editor of Be Fabulous! Dianna is also the author of The Fabulous@50 Re-Experience - Refresh your mind, body and spirit. Dianna Bowes is the creative director of Fabulous@50 and editor of Be Fabulous! Dianna is also the author of The Fabulous@50 ReExperience - Refresh your mind, body and spirit. Available by clicking here


Read more Fabulous@50 Lifestyle stories {Please share and comment}


6 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

Fabulous@50 welcomes our newest Community Director! We are very excited to welcome Juanita Wilson from New Brunswick to the Fabulous@50 team. Juanita is a loving woman who has had a dream of having her own business that represents how she feels about age, fitness, beauty and fashion. But her ultimate goal is to help other women in her community. Juanita loves to run and walk and has completed 2 marathons. I was very fortunate to meet Juanita last summer when she visited her daughter in Alberta. I felt like I had been reunited with a long time friend. Juanita is a open-hearted loving women that is well-respected in her community and her family adores her. If you know anyone in her area (Moncton, New Brunswick) that would like to get involved with Fabulous@50, please let them know about Juanita and Fabulous@50. Sign up for an online membership or go to Juanita’s Facebook page. Click here. Dianna Bowes, founder of Fabulous@50 and Creative Director of Fabulous@50.


Create Your Legacy Fabulous@50 is expanding and we are looking for enthusiastic, energetic and well-connected women 40 plus to bring Fabulous@50 to their communities. This is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to run your own heart-centered business and create your legacy! Cllick here for more information Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 7


Rewarding Yourself Although people have many successes in their day, they fail to acknowledge those successes and quickly move on to the next “bright shiny object”. I believe people sometimes fail to acknowledge the small successes due to the busyness of life. There are other times I think people are worried that they may be seen as bragging. Bragging occurs when someone tries to bolster their ego by presenting themselves as better than others the intent is to put another in their place. Then there are some people who are waiting for someone to give them permission to reward themselves. You work so hard with much success yet one thing goes wrong and you end up beating yourself up over and over about it. There is no sense in beating yourself up. You work hard and deserve to celebrate the milestone or success.

When you start to recognize and acknowledge those successes “as significant,.” It takes on new meaning and create momentum to propel you forward. You develop resiliency as you will be able to be more confident and will start to notice the compound effect of your efforts. You bring self-awareness to the table by acknowledging the small things. You will focus on how far you have, along the way versus how far you have yet to go. Rewarding yourself can be very simple yet for some very hard to do. 1. Take notice of the small things. Small things may come in the form of asking someone a question that you are afraid to ask, trying something new, getting somewhere without getting lost, and even having an uncomfortable conversation to state your point of view.

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2. Surround yourself with people and things that make you happy. Pictures of family, friends, or your pets and recent vacation can be reminders of wonderful memories shared. Toxic people are negative goal and dream suckers. They suck the positive energy out of our room when they tell you that you can’t reach your goals and dreams or they put down others in the process. 3. Stand your ground. Don’t let others tell you what you should be doing for selfcare. You need to do what makes you feel alive. You know what works for you. Some people need quiet time whereas others need to be a part of the party and surround themselves with groups of people. 4. Give yourself permission – guilt-free! You are worth it. Create small incentives to celebrate your success. Take yourself to a lunch or movie. Allot yourself time to watch your favourite TV show or give yourself some social media time without the guilt. Donate clothing or money to a great cause. Arrange a night out with friends. 5. Do more of what makes you happy. It may have been a long time since you sat and thought about what makes you happy. Stop and make a list. It could be

polling or movie night, I hike in nature, researching a vacation, or going for a walk with friends, or feeling the breeze on your face as you ice skate, the strength you feel when you run or lift weights. Baking something to share with others are just a few ideas. Rewarding yourself helps you acknowledge how far you have come instead of focusing how far you have yet to go. It creates a momentum of mindfulness and intentional self-care. When you feel recharged allies, your performance and productivity naturally increase. You develop an unstoppable drive for achievement. Ensure you celebrate and encourage others to do the same. Imagine the results you will get when you take care of yourself like a VIP – because you are! DEBRA KASOWSKI, BScN CEC is an award-winning best-selling author, transformational speaker, blogger, and Certified Executive Coach. She has a heart of a teacher and is certified in Appreciative Inquiry and Emotional Intelligence. Her writing has been published in a variety of print and online magazines. Debra Kasowski International helps executives, entrepreneurs, and organizations boost their productivity, performance, and profits. It all starts with people and passion. Sign up the Success Secrets Newsletter and get your free mp3 download today!

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 9

Sacred Sex by Barbara Lee

The Gift of Sex

I will always remember the first time I was with a lover who genuinely cared about my experience. I don’t mean that I was never with someone who wanted me to have an orgasm –but along the way it occurred to me that my orgasm would be proof of the successful completion of their project. Not wanting to make them feel like they had failed, I faked many of my orgasms.

achieve this supposed pinnacle of sexual experience. Either way, we can do better.

Often both men and women feel the pressure of having to experience a physical climax to make their partner happy. Statistics tell us that as many as 70% of women and one-third of all men have faked an orgasm. Some of us fake orgasms because we want our partner to feel good about themselves. Some of us do it because we feel like there must be something wrong with us if we don’t

Sex is both a gift we give and a gift we receive. A sexual ethic recognizes that our sexual choices have to demonstrate a generous interest and concern for the well-being of our partner. Transcendent sex is sensitive, considerate, thoughtful, compassionate, understanding and supportive. It seeks to genuinely please one’s partner.

We can move toward trusting our partner enough to be honest about what feels good and what doesn’t. And we can be more caring about our partner’s experience – not assuming that the fact that we are allowing them to have sex with us is all they need to have the best experience of their lives.

10 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

And transcendent sex also includes a degree of healthy self-interest. We should seek to feel pleased and satisfied ourselves as a result of a shared sexual experience. One way we can improve our own sexual encounters is to practice masturbation. By exploring our own bodies, we learn what feels good to us and we can share that information with our partner. Self-touch offers the option of a healthy sexual activity that is pleasant and fulfilling. Masturbation

While today masturbation is considered a healthy sexual activitys, some cultures and religions continue to teach that it is sinful. Some of us were raised in homes where we were told not to touch ourselves. Negative reactions to normal childhood behavior create guilt and shame. However, masturbation is only considered a problem when it inhibits sexual activity with a partner, is done in public, or is done

compulsively so that it interferes with daily life and activities. The truth is, almost everyone masturbates, even when they have a sexual partner. In one national study, 95% of males and 89% of females reported that they have masturbated. Masturbation is the first sexual act most of us experience, and most of us continue the practice into adulthood and throughout our lives. Masturbation is a perfectly normal and natural way of learning about our bodies and give ourselves the gift of sexual pleasure. Barbara Lee is the author of Sacred Sex: Replacing the Marriage Ethic with a Sexual Ethic and Tension in the Tank: Embracing Interfaith Mysticism Without Leaving the Church. An ordained interfaith minister, Barbara has crafted the tools that lead to higher self-esteem, healthier relationships and a deeper respect for the many facets of sexuality. You can read more about Barbara at www.

FEELING DISCONNECTED?? Get connected with Fabulous@50’s On-Line Community Receive a monthly gift of the Be Fabulous! E_Magazine. Join our online Social Groups and stay in the loop of all things Fabulous! No strings, just love... Click here Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 11

Food Stories with Loretta Friedrich


Gift of Food You receive a present. From the package size or container, it looks like it may contain: • Chocolate • Home-made preserves, baked goods, etc. • Wine • Mixed nuts • [insert your favorite food item] Oh happy day! What is it about food gifts that trigger emotions like love, joy, and thankfulness especially if that gift was made in your loved one’s kitchen? That this person whom you have a meaningful relationship with showed their affection with a from-scratch pie, comfort-food casserole, or amazing drink? Now I’m not trying to downplay the importance of a food gift from a specialty shop! There is something to be said about someone that takes time to get you that present because they know what you like! Think of a food item you fondly remember eating that holds a special meaning. Is it possible to find that treasured recipe or one that is similar to try and make it? Maybe you’ve used this recipe and now it’s your signature dish. (I would love to hear what it is and the story behind it!) I’ve included in this article a favorite recipe that I created just last year called, Orange Gingerbread Muffins. It is now in the permanent section of my holiday recipe collection because it’s that good. I can hardly wait to make it again! The story is, I included particular ingredients that hold special food memories

for me from Christmases past: mandarin oranges, warm spices, and molasses (gingerbread taste). I decided to blend those flavors into a nutritious spicy and citrus muffin that can be enjoyed with tea or apple cider, or crumbled on top of Greek yogurt with pomegranate arils for a delicious festive breakfast. I am proud to say it was a hit not just because of the taste but visually... as the main feature in Edmonton Journal’s Gastropost (food) section right before last Christmas! I leave you with a challenge: find an heirloom recipe (or one that honors your background or heritage) that you’ve never made, and prepare it. I suggest it will become not just a physical food gift but one that touches your emotions and spirit. Can you imagine how that food gift will also touch whomever you choose to share it with? A gift that keeps on giving well beyond its consumption, as a beautiful memory. From my home to yours, have a lovely celebration this season. Delight in the food gifts! Loretta Friedrich, N.N.C.P., is a health advocate, local supporter, community leader, speaker, author, program creator/director of Your Food Story, and award-winning business owner of Sprout Natural Nutritional Consulting. She enjoys walking, getting vegetable stains on her hands and smelling dirt! www.

You are invited to the next FREE Food Story Share: Thursday January 19, 7.00pm. Email Loretta for more information.

12 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

SNNC Orange Gingerbread Muffins (dairy-free, nut-free, and eggless) Yield 16 to 24 (large to medium) • 3 cups flour (I use heritage, soft white wheat) • 1 tablespoon baking soda • 1 tsp baking powder • ½ tsp mineral salt • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon • 2 tsp ground ginger • ½ tsp ground cloves • 1 cup EVOO (or use ¼ cup blood orange or citrus EVOO + ¾ cup any varietal) • 1 cup dark brown or demerara sugar • ¼ cup water • 3 mandarin oranges • 4 tablespoons raw honey • ½ cup blackstrap (or other) molasses (see note) DIRECTIONS 1. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, salt, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves until well blended. In a large bowl beat extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) and sugar on medium speed until well blended.

4. Allow to cool slightly. Enjoy warm with any topping (like butter or cream cheese though it won’t be dairy-free, or coconut cream mixed with some cinnamon) or leave as is! I sprinkled some maple sugar for decoration. You could also glaze them if you wish. Note: These muffins aren’t light weight! Just because you want to know, blackstrap molasses is almost bitter tasting when raw but... it contains the most iron and potassium of all the molasses types out there. If you’d rather not use, you can experiment with light molasses for a lighter tasting muffin.

2. In a blender or food processor add peeled oranges, raw honey, and water. Blend thoroughly. Add molasses and blend until just mixed. Add this liquid mixture to large bowl with sugar, and oil. Stir to mix or beat on low until just blended. Gradually stir in dry ingredients into large bowl until blended and fairly smooth. 3. Preheat oven to 375F degrees. Line muffin tins with large or medium paper cups. Fill each to ¾ full. Place in oven for 18 minutes (medium) or up to 22 minutes (large), until toothpick tests done.

Crumble the muffins and sprinkle on Greek

yogurt with pomegranate arils.

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 13

Creating exquisite moments...

PETLOVERS GRATITUDE JOURNAL The perfect Christmas gift for the pet lover in your life

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14 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

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The Ladybird’s Kitchen by Pam Robertson

Bless your Table with a

Traditional Favourite Pam’s Maritime Seafood Chowder At this time of year my thoughts are filled with holiday gatherings, when special recipes and traditional favourites bless the table. When I lived in Nova Scotia, I got invited to a Christmas Eve party where I tried my very first homemade seafood chowder, and I was hooked. This is one of the tastiest soups around, and it only gets better if there are leftovers in the fridge, so go ahead and make it a day early. A bowl of this chowder alongside a crusty buttered roll is the perfect dish to chase away the cold before an evening of carolling, or simply watching old Christmas movies by the light of the tree. You don’t have to live by the coast to enjoy this recipe, since we have access

to great seafood everywhere. Check the freezer aisle for the flavours you love, and substitute your favourites in to this versatile dish. Note: It’s always a good idea to check your fish closely and remove any bones before you start your soup. Some fish are much bonier than others. If you are reheating, do it gently in a saucepan on the stove, rather than in the microwave so that your tender fish doesn’t go rubbery. Ingredients: 3 Tbsp butter 1 medium onion, finely copped 3 celery stalks, finely chopped 2 medium carrots, finely chopped or grated

16 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

1 tsp of Old Bay* Seasoning ½ - 1 tsp salt (to taste) 3 Tbsp flour (can leave this out if you use heavy cream and want a gluten free version) 3 cups of fish or vegetable stock (can substitute half of this with clam juice) 3 medium russet skinned potatoes, cut into 1 inch pieces 3 cups light cream (“half and half” or, if you leave the flour out, use heavier cream) 1 haddock fillet (about 16 oz) 1 salmon fillet (about 16 oz) 12 medium sized scallops (cut in half or quarters if they are huge) 1 can cooked frozen lobster, thawed and drained ½ tsp dried thyme 3 Tbsp fresh parsley, roughly chopped Method: 1. Use a heavy bottomed pot or Dutch oven. Melt butter, and add onions and celery over medium heat for about 5 minutes, just until the onions are clear. Add carrots, Old Bay, salt, flour. Cook, stirring constantly for 2 minutes. 2. Add stock and stir well to remove any sticky bits off the bottom of the pot. Add potatoes. Add a cup or two of water so that the liquid covers the ingredients by about one inch (depending on your pot and the size of spuds, you may not need water at all). Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, stirring from time to time, until potatoes are tender (10-12 minutes). 3. Keep pot on a low simmer. Stir in cream. Add scallops and stir. Lay the haddock fillet (skin off ) and salmon fillet (skin on, scales removed) whole, resting on the top of the chowder so you will see when they

are done. The haddock will break apart as it cooks. Let the salmon poach whole, and baste it with the hot soup base, about 5 minutes. Once the flesh is opaque, remove from the pot carefully, lay it on a plate and gently peel off the skin, then return salmon to the pot (this way the healthy Omega oils from the salmon end up in your chowder). 4. Add lobster, stir in parsley and thyme. Gently separate any large chunks of fish with your wooden spoon. Cook at a low simmer about 5 minutes until lobster is warmed through. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed. *You can find Old Bay in many grocery stores now, and if you can’t find any you can make an approximation of it when you Google search “how to make old bay seasoning.” It’s the secret ingredient in lots of seafood dishes. Pam Robertson is the food lover behind The Ladybirds’ Kitchen (www.ladybirdskitchen. com), though she also has a lot of food stuff on Instagram, where she is @PamDRobertson. Her goal is to help people get excited about cooking and to #EatInspired! If you want to get in touch, join her online, or just pick up the phone and call 780-232-0083.

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 17

Fabulous@50 Featured Member

Bonnie Jean is a member of the artists guild at The Painted Door on Main in Beaumont and uses her photography to creative all kinds of beautiful products.

Bonnie Jean McAllister

Using her creativity to make the world a better place What are you looking forward to doing/creating in this next half of your life? I’m looking forward to continuing to create art & fashions with my photography. Traveling more with my husband and enjoying all that life has to offer, will also continue to be a priority.

Bonnie Jean’s Favorites

In what ways do you prefer to give back or pay it forward? I enjoy using my photography service & products to give back by working with & supporting groups & individuals that I believe in.

Book: The Four Agreements by

What is your vision of great leadership? Someone who inspires by example, doing their best, and giving back in any way they can.

Favorite Color: : Red Flats or Stilettos: Flats Movie: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Don Miguel Ruiz Sweet Treat: Chocolate Vacation Destination: Italy Martini/Wine: Wine Charitable Cause: : Suit Yourself

18 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

Bonnie Jean and Dianna Bowes at the Fabulous@50 Experience tradeshow.

What would you like to share with younger women about “being beautiful”? Be kind to yourself, you are beautiful & you will never be younger than you are right now, enjoy it! Say no to overly retouched photo’s…you are beautiful as you are. What is it in nature that feeds your soul? The beauty of light & shadow, shapes, forms & amazing natural architecture feed my soul and inspire me to capture as much as I can through the lens of my camera. What makes you laugh? My husband has a way of making me laugh like no other, he just knows me so well and can always make me giggle. Spending time with good friends, funny shows & movies, my dog & well, just life in general makes me laugh. I laugh a lot. Note from editor: Bonnie Jean is our photographer on all things Fabulous@50. Always there with a smile and a giggle to relax our makeover winners, our cover girls, vendors and guests at our tradeshows.

Bonnie Jean has repurposed her beautiful photography onto scarves, pencil cases, purses, capris and kimonos.

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Life is just a Phase by Laurel Vespi

Being good at

creativity My grade seven art teacher had a rule:

But what actually is creativity?

The best art supplies and projects were reserved for the “good” art students. Given that there were very few students who met his criteria of “good”, most of us were left out of the loop when it came to creating cool stuff in art class. Its experiences like that which encourages people to believe that they are not really creative.

The definition doesn’t even mention the arts. Instead it describes creativity as the ability to make something new or think of new ideas.

It’s not the only reason. We tend to define creativity in pretty narrow terms – usually somehow related to the arts. Creative people are singers and dancers and painters. And like my art teacher, we also think that creativity belongs to a special subset of people who are endowed with super talent.

That might apply to the arts but it also takes in a whole lot more of life. Creativity is a way to approach things by exploring innovative ideas and solutions to life in general. It’s a way of looking at the world with fresh eyes so that we can connect the dots between seemingly unrelated ideas in order to generate new ones. Psychologist Abraham Maslow – the guy who defined the hierarchy of human needs – said that “Creativity is a characteristic given to all human beings at birth.”

20 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

Author Joseph Chilton Pearce said “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” So go head and give yourself full permission to generate lots of ideas without worrying about whether they are good or not. So you, and everyone else, are inherently creative, even if you have been telling yourself forever that you really aren’t. Maybe it’s time for you to begin to cultivate your own creative genius. Here are some ways to start: Be curious. Ask lots of questions and be open to a range of answers. Unshackle your imagination by asking “what if” without limiting the responses to what is easy or practical. Impossible can suddenly become possible if we remove the obstacles our mind creates. Shift your perspective. In order to think out of the box, you have to get out of the box you are currently in. Once you perceive a situation differently, new ideas become visible. Doodle. Besides being an act of creative expression on its own, doodling can also help you come up with new ideas by stimulating different parts of your brain. While focusing on your doodle, your brain is accessing different neural pathways which can result in new insights or

connections. Go for a walk. There is something about the rhythmic movement of walking that engages the creative parts of our brains. Simply going for a walk often generates novel ideas or solutions to problems. Above all else, there is one key to being more creative: Be okay with failure. Author Joseph Chilton Pearce said “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” So go head and give yourself full permission to generate lots of ideas without worrying about whether they are good or not. Try some new and different things without worrying whether you will be good at them. Indulging your creativity is a way to a good life. Laurel Vespi is a certified life coach, author and motivational speaker who helps women live more mindfully no matter what phase of life they are in. Learn more and get resources and inspiration for mindful living at

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Spa Services Wellness Therapies Advanced Footcare Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 21

Do It Yourself

Gift Ideas

Mason Jar Banana Bread

Succulent in a Mason Jar

DIY Infused Oiive Oils

Tea Wreath

Spa in a Jar

Christmas Candles

Orange and CocoCandy Bar Tree Homenade Salted nut Sugar Scrub Caramel Sauces 22 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

5,000 You are Pre-Approved for up to $2

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 23

Be Fabulous POPUP

Gift Shop

Making Your Holiday Season Merry (and easy) 18x18 Eye Pillow - $30.00 Our pillow cases are available in velveteen, a fabric soft to touch but also durable, or canvas, to give a modern look to your artwork. The pillows have a YKK zipper closure, and can withstand heavy use. Ships as pillow case only. Original art done by Dianna Bowes. Click here to order

Pencil Case or Makeup Bag 9 “ x 4” with YKK zipper closure, and keychain tab. Original art done by Dianna Bowes. Click here to order

I hope you enjoy these gifts as much as I did making them for you.

18x18 Velveteen Pillow - $30.00 Top: A fabulous@50 women knows to fill her own cup first. Bottom: A fabuDianna Bowes lous@50 women knows she has to let go Creative on the Move of the past to move forward to a great future. Click here to order 24 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

Be Fabulous POPUP

Gift Shop

Making Your Holiday Season Merry (and easy)

Gratitude Journals - Pet Lover and Travel Gratitude enriches human life. It elevates, energizes, inspires and transforms. People are moved, opened and humbled through expressions of gratitude. The perfect hostess gift or Christmas stocking stuffer. A must for yourself! Photos by friends of Fabulous@50. Small enough to put in your purse and easy to mail. Design done by Dianna Bowes and photos by friends of Fabulous@50. Click here to order

The Fabulous@50 Re-Experience by Dianna Bowes- $20.00 It’s never too late to refresh your mind, body and spirit and you don’t have to do it alone. Click here to order

Gratitude Cards - $20.00 Gratitude and Soulshine - a deck of 52 cards to inspire a life of gratitude’ . Designed by Dana Tremblay. Click here to order

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 25

It’s never too late to refresh your mind, body and spirit and you don’t have Audreys Books Top to do it alone. Seller in April

Many Baby Boomer women have spent decades suppressing their own wants and desires, and losing themselves in the expectations and demands of culture, parents, partners, and children, working hard to please and care for almost everyone but themselves. They’ve been misunderstood by marketers, politicians, millenials, most men, and last but not least, themselves.

illness, financial disaster, or the crushing loneliness after the kids have grown and gone, if you are asking yourself, “Now what?” and fearing that it might be too late for you and your dreams, this book is for you.

The time has come for these strong, beautiful, and fabulous women to discover, reveal, and honor their true selves. The time has come for them to re-experience life as they’ve known it, and to celebrate life as it can be.

From Dianna Bowes, visionary foundress of Fabulous@50, The Fabulous @50 Re-Experience is a living, breathing, sweet and sassy guide to remind you that you’re not alone, and it’s not to late for you to thrive.

If you are a Boomer woman in personal crisis--needing to reinvent your life, facing divorce, life-threatening

In these pages, you’ll find a wealth of reassurance, inspiration, companionship, and practical guidance to refresh your mind, body, and spirit.

ORDER A BOOK TODAY! 26 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

Edmonton, AB UPCOMING EVENTS Christmas Wine & Cheese Party Painted Door on Main - Beaumont -December 17 - 4 to 7 Join us for a wonderful evening at The Painted Door on Main in Beaumont. The Painted Door is a beautiful gallery where 17 artists display and sell their works of art. Dianna Bowes will be hosting this event, as she is a member of this guild and is excited to show the beautiful space and art of local artisans to you. We will have wine and cheese, plus door prizes and an opportunity to mix and mingle. Please RSVP Release Your Creativity - 4 week program. Would you love an opportunity to bring out your creative side? Have you ever said to people, I don’t have a creative bone in my body? Well you do, and we will help you find it. Date and Location TBA

Dianna Bowes Edmonton Director & Founder Email Dianna THE FABULOUS@50 EXPERIENCE The 8th Fabulous@50 Experience & Martini Party was held on November 5th at the River Cree Casino. Our busy volunteers help to make this an amazing day.

Go to our website Read my blogs

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 27

Calgary, AB UPCOMING EVENTS Safe4Life Personal Safety Training Workshop Jan. , 2017. Do you or your loved ones walk to or from work and school? Are you ever concerned for their safety or yours when away from home? Do you ever worry about sexualassault or a physical attack? To register or for more information click here. Sophisticated, Glamorous Evening Makeup How-To, Dec 13th, 2016. Gather up your makeup bags, it’s time to finally learn how to do that sophisticated, sexy smoky eye that you’ve always wanted to know how to do. To register or for more information click here. Monthly meetup meeting held every second Thursday, join us and have fun! Click here for info

Joanne Neweduk Calgary Director Email Joanne Go to our website Read my blogs Calgary Director Joanne with Ronna’s Romance Parties at the Fabulous@50 Experience in Calgary, Oct 16. 28 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

Moncton, NB

Dream to be Fabulous@50 Fashion Show was held in November. The evening was filled with entertainment, a fashion show, a delicious turkey dinner, and a silent auction. Ladies came out to hear what Fabulous@50 was all about and enjoy an evening of friendship. UGLY SWEATER CHRISTMAS PARTY All the ladies wore their ugliest Christmas sweaters and enjoyed a fun night with wine, snacks, shopping, facials, manicures and much more.

UPCOMING EVENTS Embrace Your Life: Embrace Your Health & Wellness Event Jan 21, 2017 Will be held at the Brian Diesel center in Moncton on January 21st, 2017 from 2:00p.m.-4:00 p.m. We will have many speakers from the wellness industry, as well as several vendors, door prizes, and entertainment. For ticket information or to book a table please contact Juanita at 855-9186 or juanita@ . There will be a facebook event with more information .

Juanita Wilson Moncton Director Email Juanita Go to our website Read my blogs Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 29

What are you grateful for?

FAN FEEDBACK Question? What is your favorite homemade gift to give? Kim: Essential Oils Juanita: Meat Pies Dawn: An Experience. Deborah: Baked Goods with Love Pam: Food, Chutney, Jam, Fruit Cake, Frozen dinners.

Practice a life of gratitude with this HIP gratitude journal

Wanda-Lee: Food, especially baking

designed by Fabulous@50

Lerena: Baked Nuts & Bolds

founder Dianna Bowes and art provided by her son David

Elizabeth: Fancy Photography Albums

Goertzen. If you love art or

Brenda Lee: Poppycock

know someone who is a tattoo enthusiast, this the perfect gift. $20.00 plus GST and shipping. OVER $50.00 IN BONUSES: Order your copy today. Click on link below You can also find us at the The Painted Door on Main in Beaumont, AB.

Joanne: Baking, Almond Bark, Christmas PIllowcase ;) Catherine: Raw Cacao with Mint Narissa: Peppermint or Candy Cane Scented Homemade Soaps Marie: Fudge or Spice Almond Mix Melodie: Homemade Hand and Body Cream

30 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

FAB Books!

Creating the Impossible: What It Takes to Bring Your Vision to Life by Barbara Edie

In a world where many people are struggling just to get through the day, often with a paralyzing belief that they’re simply too small or powerless to bring what they truly desire into their lives, Creating the “Impossible,” offers the perfect antidote to any sense of hopelessness as well as the bold steps you can take to follow your heart and create something you’d love. You can buy a copy on Amazon by clicking here

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 31

Does your company serve women who are 40 and over? How are you reaching them?

SHARE YOUR STORY! Be an inspiration to other women by sharing your story of success and build strong relationships.

Read about inspirational women like Petra Remy. Click here

INSPIRE Tell women everywhere how you became successful, and inspire them to follow their dreams.

EDUCATE Share your knowledge and expertise to educate women to take their next step.

EMPOWER Through your story, empower women to become change agents in their own lives and others.

Cheryl Anne is the creator of the Beautiful Women Project - The Art to Loving Life. Click here to read about Cheryl Anne.

Be Fabulous! E-Magazine: is a monthly on-line magazine aimed at the baby boomer woman. This monthly issue will be sent to the growing Fabulous@50 on-line community. Featuring inspirational woman (this could be you) we will also have articles that will interest women in the 40 plus age range. Be Fabulous! is a part of what makes Fabulous@50 so vibrant. EMAIL US TODAY FOR THE MEDIA KIT AND MORE INFORMATION

We are more than a magazine. We are a community! 32 • Be Fabulous! e_Magazine I I December • 2016

Loretta Friedrich shares her love of nutritious food with us. Click here to read about her.

Get Cooking This

Holiday Season Our newest Holiday Collection cookbook is now available. We’ve created delicious recipes for this holiday season, from breakfast to desserts and everything in between.

Only $ 20+tax


Purchase your copy TODAY! Visit or call 1.800.840.3393

Breakfast in a Jar Ingredients: 1 whole vanilla bean 3 cups quick-cooking rolled oats 2 cups chopped assorted dried fruit

¼ cup skim milk powder 4 tsp natural wheat bran or oat bran 2 tsp packed golden brown sugar

1 tsp ground flaxseed 1 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp nutmeg

1. Cut vanilla bean in half lengthwise and scrape seeds from pod; discard pod or reserve for another use. Combine seeds, oats, dried fruit, skim milk powder, wheat bran, brown sugar, flaxseed, cinnamon, salt and nutmeg. 2. Divide oats mixture among 8 wide-mouth half-pint (250 mL) jars. Jars will be about half full. Seal jars. 3. Store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. May be frozen. Makes 8 jars. To Make Breakfast in a Jar: Uncover 1 jar. Pour ¼ cup boiling water over oats mixture and stir to combine. Let stand for 2 minutes. Serves 1. Nutritional analysis per serving: 214 calories, 2.3 g fat, 5.6 g protein, 45.5 g carbohydrate, 6.1 g fibre, 165 mg sodium

Celebrating baby boomer women • Interactive eMagazine • 33

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