Be Fab-Oct-Nov 2011

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2 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

Sweet talk

the Future’s So Bright, “I Got to wear Shades” With our third annual Fabulous@50 Experience trade show scheduled for November 5, 2011, I found myself reflecting back on the inspirational women and the moving stories they’ve shared with us. These stories reflect aspiring courage and hope at a crossroad in life when many of us would feel that the opportunity for change had come and gone. When most people might feel that it is too late to start over, there are an inspirational few that decided they weren’t content to live the rest of their lives wondering, “What if I’d done things differently?” To have tried and failed can be disappointing…but you’re left with the solace of knowing that at least you tried. When it comes down to it, which would you rather remember: That you tried…or that you just…gave up?? Visualize Your New life

Motivation to change the course of one’s life can be a daunting task… and you may be wondering where to begin. The best place to start is in your own head by visualizing yourself living the life you’ve always wanted. Imagine yourself feeling satisfied, comfortable and happy. (I’m guessing you look 10 years younger without those worry lines!) Now, break it down and think of one thing you can do today that will bring you one step closer to reaching your goal of that contented version of you. Is it time for a physical makeover… possibly changing that familiar-yet-out-

dated hairstyle you’ve kept for the last 15 years? Or perhaps change something in your environment…it can be as simple as rearranging the furniture in a room, both improving its feng shui and giving it the infusion of new energy that makes it feel like a new room. Like the domino effect, it’s not uncommon for one change to provoke more change… and that can ultimately put you on track for the life you’ve always wanted. For more ideas on how to positively influence the course of your life, don’t miss our panel of expert speakers at our Fabulous at 50 Experience & Martini Party on November 5th. Here’s to a future bright with possibility…. and to the promise of new beginnings. (C’mon…say it with me now!) For if not now, when?  DIANNA BOWES Founder of Fabulous@50 • Graphic Designer/Artist • Editor Dianna is a strong, passionate and creative baby boomer woman with a life full of experiences that she could write a couple books about and maybe will one day. Dianna was awarded the 2011 YWCA Women of Distinction’s Turning Point Award. • Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 3





Celebrating the baby boomer women

Publisher Gryphon Publishing Editor Dianna Bowes Designer Creative On The Move

The Fabulous at 50 Diamond Membership will

KNOCK YOUR STILETTOS OFF! You are fabulous and you deserve to be rewarded for it! As a Fabulous@50 Diamond Member you will receive thousands of dollars in services and benefits with an opportunity to be part of a vibrant community of women, just like you. On sign up you will receive a menopause survival kit delivered right to your home, with ongoing gifts, and a growing loyalty program. What you get for $179.50 a year. • Menopause Survival Kit: $75+ • Loyalty Program: $100 + mos • 6 CD Interviews: $120 • Coaching: $300+ • VIP Status @ Seminars & Fabulous@50 Tradeshow: priceless • EBook: $25+ • Be Fabulous! Magazine: Delivered right to your home, stuff it in your purse and take it with you to read at your leisure. For more information and to sign up :

Printer R.R. Donnelley Sales Christy Cooke E P 780-756-8106 Editorial Contributors: Dianna Bowes, Shirley Borrelli, Atco Blue Flame Kitchen, Elizabeth Manuel, Jennifer Park, Colleen Hodgson (AMA Travel), Donna Worthington, Laurel Vespi, Dr. Dorree Lynn, Sue Paulson, Diana Herrington, Alison Phillips, Kim MacIssac, Christie Mawer, Kerri Leland Are you interested in becoming an expert for Be Fabulous: E: Be Fabulous! is published six times a year.

Want a copy: The articles represent the views and opinions of the individual authors and not necessarily the publisher. No material should be reprinted in whole or in part without the expressed written permission of the publisher/ authors. The contents of Be Fabulous! should not be used as advice of any kind. Please consult the appropriate professionals for any advise. Be Fabulous! does not constitute endorsements of, or assumption for, liability for any claims made in the advertisements and or advertising information.

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feaTure PHoToGraPHer Nicole ashley Photography



Sweet talk Changing Your Tomorrow.

20 CHeeRS tO tHat! Fabulous@50 Experience & Martini Party.


lOOkING FaBUlOUS at 50 Are You Obsessed With Makeovers?



HaPPINeSS Take The Weight Off Stress.

26 JaCkIN’ & JIllIN’ How Frequent Masturbation Keeps Us Healthy and Wise.

10 UNCORkeD Wine, Women and Menopause? 12 FINaNCIal FINeSSe Fifty Something. 14 Featured FaBUlOUS@50 wOMaN Charmaine Hammond & Toby. 17 tRaVel Rivercruising in France. 19 ReaSONS tO aVOID SUGaR

29 eVeRYDaY FOOD Tuxedo Brownies. 30 lIVe IS JUSt a PHaSe Stuck is a Natural Way of Being. 32 FaBUlOUS PaRtNeRING Hitting the Jackpot. 34 YOUR BUll IS DIFFeReNt tHaN MY BUll

Cover Photo: Nicole Watson is an Edmonton-based freelance photographer who is the creative mind behind Nicole Ashley Photography. Since she was a little girl, Nicole felt as though she viewed the world through a lens. She found herself wanting to freeze time whenever she encountered something truly extraordinary or beautiful; eventually, it was photography that allowed her to capture these moments. nicole ashley photography • • Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 5

lOOkING FaBUlOUS at 50

Are we obsessed with


“Makeovers” Who wants to be “made-over”? The word itself, “makeover”, sounds like what is already existing isn’t good enough. Off-putting term isn’t it? But we hear so much about this term “makeover” from TV shows like “Extreme Home Makeovers”, Oprah’s “Makeover Madness” episodes, Cityline makes-over a woman from the studio audience every Friday on their “Fashion Friday” segments, and the Marilyn Denis show even has a separate email address dedicated to people submitting why they deserve or need a makeover. Pop culture has taught us to use the word “makeover” to describe a transformation. From that standpoint, I would agree that “makeover” is an easy way to communicate that something is about to get better. But by no means do I agree that a person has to feel broken in order to feel they need a makeover. My philosophy about a makeover is that a person wants their appearance to be

a more accurate reflection of who they are now. They have grown on the inside beyond what they are showing on the outside. They want their appearance to be more organic, authentic and accurate. TraNsformiNG liVes

I view my personal image makeovers with clients as taking them from a place of dissatisfaction, displeasure and even in some cases disappointment, to a place of satisfaction, pleasure and approval that how they present themselves after the makeover better expresses who they’ve become in a more authentic way. Quite organic in nature, which is why our makeovers are so powerful; they transform lives. A makeover can be very cathartic, therapeutic and down right delightful. did just that when they invited me to be the image consultant for their three makeover contest winners for their 2011 event, “Life is Sweet”.

6 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

lOOkING FaBUlOUS at 50

They invited me to take women who applied for a makeover in the hopes of gaining not just a new image with a new hairstyle, new clothes and accessories but on a deeper level, in hopes of gaining a feeling of greater self-esteem, self-worth and confidence. self DisCoVerY


My work is so gratifying to serve a woman through a journey of self-discovery so they can open up and blossom into the person she really is down deep. Managing the message her image is sending is one communication tool she can use to speak to the world without having to say a single word. faBulous@50 eXPerieNCe

I will be presenting the 2011 Fabulous@50 Inside Out Makeover contest winners at this year’s event being held on November 5th at the Mayfield Trade Centre in Edmonton. We will talk to each of them about why they applied for the makeover, the steps we took to take them where they wanted to go and most importantly, to give them the opportunity to share their story of how the makeover has changed how they feel about themselves.

My work is so gratifying to serve a woman through a journey of self-discover so she can open up and blossom into the person she really is down deep.

Join us for this inspiring makeover presentation and how you might incorporate some of these strategies to move you closer to the person you are authentically. for tickets.  SHIRLEY BORRELLI Personal Development Mentor/ Author/Speaker • Coach Shirley Borrelli, B.Ed is a fun, energetic and results driven expert who can build your confidence to attract more success in your life. She has become a trusted advisor to hundreds of women looking for personal development coaching, shopping and wardrobing strategies. She has been seen on all the major television networks in Edmonton. She is a graduate from the University of Alberta.Shirley brings clarity to her audiences with her information teleseminars and coaching programs. She can be reached at:; www.ShirleyBorrelli. com; 780.235.5506.

Anita Beil

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Take the Weight Off Stress! As a happiness expert, I know how detrimental negative and stressful emotions can be. But did you know that stress can also lead to overeating and choosing unhealthy foods? Our metabolic health and storage of fat are linked to our food cravings and choices. Chronic unmanaged stress is linked with weight gain. Stress induced secretion of cortisol (a hormone produced by the adrenal gland) increases abdominal fat. The connection between weight loss and stress is just one more reason to take control of your happiness and reduce the effects of stress. As I have mentioned before, our happiness is linked with our health. Happier people are healthier and have a stronger immune system. Making a commitment to becoming happier and reducing stress will give you the inner strength to manage your weight and ward off illness and disease at the same time. A double win! Here are three ways to reduce stress and increase positive feelings: 1) Practice gratitude every night before you fall asleep. Write down five

things you are grateful for that happened during the day. (Usually we focus on the negative events mulling them over and over until we feel even worse.) Give thanks for all the wonderful things in your life. Give thanks that you have a bed or a computer or a bus pass. Anything you currently have is worth giving thanks for! Just think how you would feel if you lost everything to a theft or fire and you will discover that you are lucky to have them. 2) Add some positive visualization to your daily practices. Use your imagination to propel you to a more compelling future. Have a job interview coming up? Imagine answering and asking questions in a calm and intelligent way. Create rapport with the interviewer in your mind. See yourself and them smiling, interested and open. Feeling overwhelmed by your to do list? Take yourself on a vacation. My favourite visualization takes me to the beach for a few minutes. I can feel the warm sun and hear the waves. If you have trouble getting there by yourself, you can always use my Life’s a Beach guided visualization.

8 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011


3) Forgive daily. Letting go of grudges and becoming a more forgiving person increases your happiness and reduces stress accumulation. Your desire for revenge will increase your cortisol and stress chemicals. Forgiveness is not something you give away; it is a gift you give yourself. If one does not do the necessary forgiveness work, the hurts of the past compile and lead to more anger, resentment and increase physical and emotional ailments. Forgiveness is not condoning wrong-doing or bad behaviour; it frees you to lead a happier and more joy-filled life. sufferiNG is oPTioNal

Suffering is optional. Suffering is stress. Anger and jealousy are bad for your heart and blood vessels. “Emotions literally stick to your blood vessels”, inner lining platelets and sticky platelets,

increase cortisol and make you put on belly fat. When you are happy, your body creates calming and soothing chemicals. These chemicals inspire you to eat more healthfully and take care of yourself physically, which allows you to release unwanted weight. Practicing these potent tools will help you to improve your health, your weight and your life as a whole.  ELIZABETH MANUEL Speaker • Coach In the area of the psychology of happiness, no one is better respected than Elizabeth Manuel. Giving from her heart with over a decade of specialized experience in increasing happiness and self-esteem, author of two books and six CDs, Elizabeth is a successful speaker and coach and certainly a powerful and positive woman of influence. • 780.445.9299

Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 9


wine, women and Menopause?

A thoughtful reflection

Wine causes cancer. Wine consumption helps prevent some cancers. Wine is good for a middle aged waist-line. Wine makes you fat! A glass of wine a day helps stave off dementia.

more confident and secretly ready for anything – from a suggestive look from a handsome man to being run over by the proverbial bus my mother always warned me about.

Where did I put my glass of wine?

2. Waterproof mascara. It’s harder and more expensive to remove, and probably not all that good for me. But without it, I feel naked. I like having lashes to bat, and the ability to shed an emotional tear without worrying about black ugly streaks running down my face.

Like many things that are enjoyable in life, the media tends to bring into question small pleasures and whether they are truly good for us or simply naughty little indulgences that we really should be more careful about. If you are like me, I generally like to be kind to my body, nurture it with healthy foods and ethically produced lotions and potions in order to feel well and look good in these middle ages. As a Baby Boomer Woman, I feel fortunate to be getting older in a time when we are likely to be a generation that will have a long, productive and healthy old age. We have the on- going benefit of new discoveries in science, beauty and medicine to ease our way into what once was old age as soon as menopause “struck us down.” However, in spite of adhering to a healthy diet most of the time, wearing sunscreen and drinking lots of water, I do allow myself to indulge in things that simply make me feel good or look good, well, just because. Here are some of my naughtier indulgences...

3. Chocolate. Even on the strictest diets, chocolate for me is a food group. The darker the better. With coarse sea salt in it – to die for! Even a small piece to melt in my mouth and savour with pure joy and abandonment is so worth the calories. 4. Wine. Ahhh wine. Now here is a conundrum. I love good wine! It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it has to taste good. It has to be appropriate for the occasion, the weather, my mood and the company I’m with when sipping it. The conundrum? As I am getting older, wine is not liking me so much anymore. As I learn about and taste more varieties and ranges, I am no longer satisfied to just “ have a glass of wine”. It affects me differently now. I “feel” it more quickly and don’t particularly like that feeling in many instances. My taste buds have developed a stronger sense of bitter and sweet, so I am not satisfied with many of the wines being poured into my glass.

1. Expensive underwear. Mostly, it’s only me who sees it. But how it makes me feel puts a smile on my face and a strut in my step that the whole world see. I look and feel sexy, I October • November • 2011 10 • Becan Fabulous! I

Am I more discerning than in my youth? Am I – God Forbid- becoming a wine snob? Or is it simply because I am physically older and going through changes that my body only responds well to what is truly good for me?

with a dreadful headache for hours anymore. In fact, a glass or two of wine a day with your evening meal is good for you, helps digestion, enhances the meal if paired well and relaxes you after a busy day.

Organic wines can be a blessing for us women over 45 who have begun experiencing raging headaches when trying to enjoy a glass of red wine. While all wines contain some small percentage of sulphites (as a natural occurrence of grape fermentation), organic wines are often easier to assimilate in our fussy, hormone raged female bodies.

Resveratrol, a naturally occurring compound in red wine found in the skins, has been discovered to actually help reverse the effects of diminishing estrogen levels in menopausal women when wine is enjoyed in moderation. This is good news!

Many women I know who have sadly admitted to having given up drinking wine, a pass-time they once really enjoyed, are delighted to discover that an organic Pinot Noir, or Cabernet Carmenere blend does not send them into a dark room rocking in the fetal position

Join us on November 5th at Fabulous at 50 event & Martini Party! In addition to our featured martini, we will be pouring some excellent organic wines.  ALISON PHILLIPS Alison is a world traveller, a recent graduate of the Level 2 International Sommelier Guild programme and co-owner of Aligra Wine & Spirits at West Edmonton Mall.


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Fifty Something!

Wow! How the time has passed. A lot of water has run under “life’s bridge”. “Fifty Something” can mean many new freedoms to many of us. Hopefully, the mortgage is paid off or soon to be; the children have been educated and have left home or given their marching orders. Career-wise, you are earning the best money you ever have. You are at the peak of your career. More and more of your friends are speaking about retirement and how they hope to spend it. Many will want to travel, take up a hobby or play golf etc. Now that retirement is looming you are beginning to think about your financial numbers. Most importantly you need to honestly and objectively crunch the numbers. There are many risks to your retirement income; the more you know and the actions you take can help to protect you. Let’s discuss the risks: 1. INFLATION: If your investment portfolio does not out-pace inflation your purchasing power can diminish. Work with a financial expert to help determine what asset allocation of investments is comfortable for you and will help your investment grow.

Inflation has averaged 2 per cent over the last 20 years but there is nothing to guarantee it will remain at that low number. 2. LONGEVITY: We are living longer. Many of us will live past 90 and even 100 years. Our savings have to last us longer. Many of us might consider working longer to decrease the number of years we will depend on our savings. Remember, with longer lives comes higher health care costs. 3. LOSS OF HEALTH BENEFITS: Be aware of the health benefits from your employer that you will not carry into retirement. Look at private options including long-term care and critical illness insurance. 4. WITHDRAWING TOO MUCH AND TOO EARLY FROM YOUR SAVINGS: Determine a modest but comfortable lifestyle for you retirement. Try living on that amount for a few months before you retire. You may be fine, but if not you have time to re-evaluate your needs. 5. DEBT: Proceeding into retirement with debt is not usually a good strategy. You will be on a fixed income but will still be bound to make these payments each month. Consider working parttime to take off the pressure.

12 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011


So what else can you do to improve your financial position? Remember these can be your highest earning years. • Meet with a financial planner to assess your cash-flows and determine the amount you need to set aside for your desired retirement.

of attorney and personal directive. (NB: Using a will kit can cost your estate a lot more money if complications arise).

• Increase your savings in RRSP and Tax-Free Savings Accounts once you know what you need and look at corporate mutual funds where you are less likely to be taxed on interest, dividends and realized capital gains.

• Consider leaving a legacy to one of your favourite charities and get great tax savings as well. 

• Speak to your accountant about income splitting strategies. • Meet with a lawyer to ensure your loved ones will be properly taken care of. This involves updating your will, power

DONNA WORTHINGTON CFP EPC • Investment Planning Counsel Donna WORTHINGTON is on the National Board of Directors as 1st ViceChair of the Canadian Institute of Financial Planners (A Professional Association of nearly 5,000 CFPs across Canada)For upcoming seminars, workshops and ladies events, call Donna @ 780-702-1551

Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 13


PhOTOS By NicOle AShley PhOTOgrAPhy

A Dog’s


Everyone knows that a dog is man’s best friend. But what to do, when your tyrant pup, Rover, works you – and your house – over ... and muzzles and milk bones prove as effective as a band-aid stuck on a hairy Chihuahua’s festering boo-boo? You could call in Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, but you might be put on a waiting list. Make it quick, and you may, however, get through to local author, dog lover and canine-homo-sapiens mediation expert, Charmaine Hammond – that is, until Hollywood gets its greasy paws on her K-9 love story. Whups ... maybe too late. The 46-year-old motivational speaker and trainer with Hammond International Inc., and her 10-year-old Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Toby, have already made’s best-seller list with their 2010 book, On Toby’s Terms, with a feature film on the way. The paw-sitively inspired story: When Charmaine and her husband, Chris, adopted Toby from NASAP, five years ago, and brought him home to their Plamondon lake house – two-anda-half hours north of Edmonton – Toby was a model pet. Then it all went to the dogs. “One day, we came home and he’d

Charmaine Hammond and Toby at Lassie’s Hollywood Star.

moved all of our furniture, emptied our closets, broken toilet tank lids, trashed this... knocked over that ... it was a clear sign something was wrong and that we needed help,” says the former correctional officer, who once worked with young offenders to help them find their passion and purpose in life. “We figured Toby had separation anxiety and a huge fear of loud noises, so we brought in a dog behaviorist who observed Toby in his surroundings and interactions. Her discovery was that Toby, too, needed a purpose.” Little did Charmaine know, Toby’s journey would also lead her in a new direction. Although she enjoyed her work as a professional conflict mediator and public speaker, she had begun to miss the creative problem-solving challenges she’d thrived on while working in Corrections.

14 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

“Here’s Toby and I on a parallel path ... I’m wondering where to take my business and how to play bigger in the world ... and here’s this dog that needs a seriously bigger playground,” says Charmaine. So they got Toby a job at a hospital, interacting with patients. “When we got him a purpose, his life changed – and so did ours,” Charmaine says, thoughtfully. Around the same time, she began to reflect on how her inner perfectionist’s need for constant change, variety and new challenges stood in stark contrast to Toby’s exaggerated fears of newness and the unknown. Her candy-striper canine inadvertently taught her that “sometimes you just have to be content with where we are for a while ... and that all the answers and opportunities you need are right here, in front of you,” explains Charmaine. CoNTrolliNG

“You can not be a perfectionist and live with a dog that ruins your house and is so intuitive he can read your mood and then try to change it...” ... by rearranging your kitchen, living room and closets. Says Charmaine: “When I stopped trying to control my environment, Toby’s behavior changed, and my life began to look so different... opportunities started banging on the door.” A publisher, she was writing a chapter for in a book on conflict resolution, detected her waning enthusiasm in the subject, ditched the assignment and,

instead, asked Charmaine what she was passionate about. A book contract later, On Toby’s Terms, was breathed into being, and now their extraordinary – tale – is happily wagging its way down the red carpet. New leasH oN life

“The screenplay’s done, we have distribution on board and Toby will have a cameo in there ... but it will probably take quite a few dogs to play him,” says Charmaine, adding that the owner of Impact Motion Pictures used to work with Steven Spielberg, himself. Now, not only do Toby and Charmaine both have a new leash on life, but the best-selling author has also penned a children’s book entitled, Toby the Pet-Therapy Dog and His Hospital Friends and another book – on living an inspired, “resilient” life – called Bounce Forward. “We were so close to giving Toby back to the shelter ... instead he brought me back to the world of working with kids again and helping others connect with their passion and purpose,” says Charmaine, who will be emceeing the upcoming Fabulous@50 Trade Show in November, with Toby, her rehabilitated Pet Therapy dog, by her side. “When I look at Toby I think, yeah ... and this is his life’s purpose. Move over Marley, it’s Toby’s turn!”  Jennifer Parks is a freelance writer living in Edmonton. Check out her blog at Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 15

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If you are an active person, chances are you spend more than your fair share of time in the sun. With an IPL Photo Facial you can now treat the effects of sun damage, rosacea, hyper pigmentation, redness caused by acne and facial veins as well as the fine lines and wrinkles caused by aging or sun damage. The IPL Photo Facial is a 45-minute procedure in which intense pulses of light are used to penetrate deep into the skin. This special light causes collagen and blood vessels below the epidermis to constrict, reducing redness and age lines. With each treatment, the results of IPL Photo Facial become more pronounced. Call EIE MediSpa & Laser Centre today or book online Address: 6724-75 St • Phone: 780.466.5271 • 16 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

Rivercruising in France

I’ve been on river cruises all over the world, and one of my favourites was a seven-day journey through Burgundy and Provence. These regions offer a perfect balance of vibrant French city life and relaxing, small-town cultural experiences – everything from medieval villages, ancient castles and Roman ruins to open-air markets, art galleries, museums and gardens. Before starting the cruise, we spent a few days in Paris. There’s no shortage of things to do and see in Paris. Must-see sights are the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum and ChampsElysées. If you have time in the evening, head to Montmarte, the historical heart of Paris. Many famous French painters and writers lived in this vibrant neighbourhood. Leaving Paris, we boarded a motorcoach to a winery in Beaune, where we learned how to taste like aficionados, swirling, smelling and sipping to fully appreciate each wine’s notes. In Chalonsur-Saône, we set sail and began our cruise down the tranquil Saône and Rhone. On the small ship, we could come and go as we pleased, without stopping at security checkpoints (unlike on a large ocean liner). And at each town, we could choose to immerse ourselves in the local culture and night-life

Pont Saint-Bénezet in the medieval town of Avignon

or stay onboard. Our onboard entertainment included a pianist, a Parisian cabaret singer and a flamenco performer. Our boat travelled through many locks and under many centuries-old bridges such as Pont Saint-Bénezet. Also known as the Pont d’Avignon, this bridge is located in the medieval town of Avignon. In Châteauneuf-du-Pape, we participated in a wine-tasting at a winery and toured its cellars. The reds of Châteauneuf-du-Pape are famous for the rigour of the wine making process. Supposedly, no less than 13 grape varieties go into making the wines. Our tour wrapped up in the southern town of Arles. Vincent Van Gogh was frequent visitor to Arles and produced more than 300 paintings and drawings of the town. He too was captivated by the pictureperfect views. Colleen Hodgson, International Travel Counsellor at AMA Travel. For more information on this and other vacation destinations, visit or call 1-866-667-4777.  Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 17

Photo by Dano; Flickr (Creative Commons)

MY GReat eSCaPe

One of the benefits of rivercruising is travelling inland and deep into a country’s culture.

18 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

Reasons to avoid Sugar and artificial Sweeteners Do You eaT wHiTe suGar?

I don’t and here’s why:  Sugar makes you FAT.  Sugar makes you NERVOUS.  Sugar depresses your immune

system.  Sugar cause WRINKLES.  Sugar rots your teeth.

People seem to ignore these facts. Right now for example, there are more overweight people in the world than hungry people — more than one billion, according to the World Health Organization. So why do we eat the darn stuff and what are the options? Most of us enjoy sweets. It is natural to enjoy the sweet taste in naturally sweet foods like fruits, which are also good for us. (Learn more about eating carbs from my article: Smart Carbs-Dumb Carbs and try out a one of my sugar free recipes like Sugar Free Apple Sauce.) The problem is that most people do not limit their sweet foods to fruit or grains. Too often it is a different sugar fix that many resort to. are You DYiNG To Be THiN?

In 1878, someone at Johns Hopkins had a bright idea to develop a calorie-free sweetener called saccharin. Almost 100 years later, a warning label was finally required on all foods using saccharin:

“Use of this product may be hazardous to your health. This product contains saccharin, which has been determined to cause cancer in laboratory animals.” That was the first artificial sweetener. Because it is big business though, there are now many artificial sweeteners on the market. Five most common artificial sweeteners: 1. Saccharin – (aka Sweet’N Low, Sugar Twin) is calorie-free because the body cannot break it down. It was found to increase bladder cancer in diabetics who used saccharin for years. 2. Aspartame – (aka Equal, Nutrasweet) is one of the more common artificial sweeteners today. There are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame consumption (a few examples: hearing impairment, epileptic seizures, migraines, irritability, insomnia, shortness of breath, loss of hair and increased craving for sweets). It also worsens or mimics conditions such as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. 3. Sucralose (aka Splenda) is a chlorinated artificial sweetener. There have been no long-term human studies on the safety of Splenda; however, issues have been raised about Splenda in a new study from Duke University showing that it will literally destroy all good bacteria in your gut, while increasing acidity which stimulates the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast. {continued on page 25}

Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 19

cheers to That!

It all started as an annual martini party for friends in Dianna Bowes’ home...a bunch of girlfriends kicking back and enjoying midlife.

Photos by Nicole Ashley Photography from the 2010 Fabulous@50 experience

But now that the baby-boomer group is growing by 30 per cent every year in North America, this martini party needed a bigger venue! With 75 exhibitors, speakers and entertainers, your typical girlfriend-topics (sensuality, body image, relationships, finances, and personal development), and a martini bar, the Fabulous at 50 Experience and Martini Party is a great way to celebrate how “Life is Sweet.” And martinis and delectable chocolate and strawberries help to serve as a tasty reminder, too. Power iN THe markeTPlaCe

As most of us already know, baby-boomer women hold a lot of power in the marketplace, and Alberta businesses understand that, too. While sharing a coffee or martini with friends, enjoy perusing the local businesses, all while supporting amazing women’s charities, such as the Edmonton-based Suit Yourself. Not only will you benefit from a day of inspiration and celebration, job-hunting low-income women will benefit from the support given to this organization which collects and distributes clothing. There will also be a fundraising effort done by GOLD Party. Bring your gold to the show and receive cash back and a donation from the Gold Party organization will be given to our charity. Joining master of ceremonies, Charmaine Hammond and her amazing dog, Toby, is a stellar lineup of experts in their fields. Whether you’ve got style, health, plastic surgery or sensuality on your mind, you’ll find what you’re looking for! 20 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

Christine Mawer (the Bad Kitty), Laurel Vespi from Stone Circle coaching, Dr. Ron Brown of True Balance Medical Clinic, Canadian Diabetes coordinator Jessie Atkins, and Dr. Barry Lyka from Phoenix Renewal will all be sharing information that speaks to women in mid-life. And if you’re looking for a good laugh with a huge dose of inspiration, you’re not going to want to miss Zandra Bell, an award-winning motivational humourist, known for creating original, intelligent hilarity to inspire and enhance human potential. Martinis, shopping, education and inspiration aside, there will be door prizes including a grand prize trip draw to Mexico, a makeover contest, and plenty of fun for everyone! Plus, the first 500 women through the door will be greeted with a swag bag. BedouinBeats_BoomerAd_v1 12/7/10 Come join a fabulous group of women

and raise a glass and toast to midlife at the Fabulous at 50 Experience and Martini Event.  By: Kerri Leland The Fabulous at 50 Experience and Martini Event is happening on November 5, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 5:24 Page Trade 1 at thePMMayfield Centre. Visit

If you're between 40 & 70, get your groove on with this special Class geared to you! Come and Bellydance to the Beach Boys, Santana and the Rolling Stones. Don’t miss out on the fun — Register online or by phone today! 780-761-0773

11805 – 94 St., Edmonton Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 21

Harnessing the

Power of Chocolate Everyone loves chocolate. We eat chocolate when we are happy, when we are sad, when we feel unwell and when we feel great. Chocolate is a celebratory food that has been part of our lives for centuries. Despite its prevalence in our society, chocolate has been considered “a sinful indulgence, loaded with fat, sugar and calories that has only added to our hips and contributed to poor health.” GuilTY Pleasure

However, an increasing body of research has found that Cacao and chocolate possess a wide range of nutrients that can offer numerous health benefits. In fact, over 2,500 published studies have been conducted on Cacao and its primary nutrients and the vast majority of these studies demonstrated that cacao is a superior source of essential nutrients and antioxidants. It boggles peoples’ minds when they learn that a food once thought to be a guilty pleasure could really be good for them. Most people are not aware that Cacao is a top antioxidant powerhouse and possesses phytonutrients that deliver a wide range of benefits to the body. aNTioXiDaNTs

Everywhere we look today there is talk about antioxidants. We see the term ‘antioxidants’ on the cover of magazines, in the news and on food labels. What’s the big deal and why are these compounds so important for good health?

Antioxidants are compounds that neutralize free radicals (rogue molecules) that damage cells and tissues in the body that contribute to disease. A good example of oxygen free-radical damage can be seen when an apple is sliced in half and left exposed to air. Within a short time, the apple begins to turn brown (oxidizes). This browning is caused by free-radical damage and will eventually destroy the fruit. If you squeeze lemon on the apple, it slows down the oxidation process and the resultant damage to the flesh of the apple. The process is similar in your body. Oxygen damages cells, which over time can lead to disease. Antioxidants in your diet work like lemon juice on the flesh of an apple, protecting the body’s cells. free raDiCal

What makes the Cacao bean so unique and differentiates it from other antioxidant rich foods is that the Cacao bean contains several classes of antioxidants including flavanols and flavonoids which protect the body in a variety of ways. “Cacao contains a truly unique nutrient profile that enhances the antioxidant activity of its free radical fighting antioxidant compounds…showing that cacao is a powerful protector of the body’s primary organs and systems.” It is no surprise then why chocolate is becoming known as a health promoting food. However not all chocolate is created equal.

22 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

Chocolate that uses alkalized (dutched) cocoa and contain high quantities of sugar, oils, milk fats and synthetic ingredients won’t yield the same health benefits as healthy dark chocolate. Because of these differences, it is important to consider the following when choosing a healthy chocolate product: • Cold pressed: cocoa that is cold pressed contains far more polyphenols (epicatechins and flavanols) than cocoa that has been roasted and heated. • Avoid chocolates that have undergone any alkalization or dutching processes which can neutralize the antioxidants and other nutrients in cacao • Chocolate should be tested for bacteria and other infectious agents, as well as for lead. • A healthy chocolate product should have cocoa butter and cocoa solids as primary ingredients not milk fats or hydrogenated oils. • Chocolate products with the highest

antioxidant activity contain at least 70% pure cocoa powder. So the next time you reach for a piece of chocolate, choose wisely!!  References: The Chocolate Choice for Enhanced Health (2011), Wellness Journal, 1(1), 1-2 Kennedy, M. (2011). Radically Free: The AntiInflammatory and Antioxidant Solution to Weight Management, Mike Kennedy, MD. Warren, S. E. (2009). The Science Behind Cacao, Cocoa and Dark Chocolate: Cocoa and Science: A Summary, [Brochure]. Sound Concepts Bell, D. N. (2011). Antioxidants & Anti-Aging: An In depth Look at Xocai, [Brochure]. Sound Concepts

KIM MACISAAC Chocolate Entrepreneur Kim is passionate about healthy chocolate. Her mission is to change lives worldwide by educating people that chocolate can improve your health. She is a successful business owner who has built an international team of associates who eat and share healthy chocolate. Join Kim at the Fabulous @ 50 Experience on November 5 to learn how you can harness the power of chocolate for a more fabulous you!!! For more information call Kim at 780 416-5504

Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 23

24 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

{Sugar• from page 19}

Research has shown it to cause shrunken thymus glands, enlarged liver and kidneys, reduced growth rate, decreased red blood cell count and diarrhea. 4. Neotame has a similar structure to aspartame and appears to be even more toxic than aspartame. According to Dr. Janet Starr Hull, “It’s Just Aspartame Without the Warning.” 5. Acesulfame-K – (aka Sunette, Sweet One, Sweet n Safe) is an unsafe chemical. There has been very little research done but studies have shown that it can produce lung and breast tumors, leukemia and chronic respiratory disease in rats. Artificial sweeteners can also cause weight gain! Yes it is true! Researchers at Purdue University found that an artificial

sweetener makes your body less able to regulate energy. This explains why, when you are eating so little and exercising so much, you find you are STILL gaining weight. The body was designed to eat whole food, real food, not chemicals. If you care about your health, my advice is to stay away from artificial sweeteners always.  Diana Herrington, now living in Northern Canada, turned a debilitating health crisis into a passion for helping others with healthy, sugar free, gluten free, eating and cooking. After testing and researching every possible healthy therapy on her delicate system she has developed simple powerful principles which she shares in her recent book Eating Green, Clean and Lean, and as a writer for Care2: greenliving/food-recipes and hosts Care2 groups: Healthy Living Network and Healthy Cooking. Check out her blog

Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 25

Jackin’ & Jillin’

How frequent masturbation keeps us healthy,

to a Healthier future happy and wise! Funny how almost every TV show, movie, subway ad and billboard follows the idea that “Sex Sells” but every time the subject turns to masturbation the conversation falls apart and silence ensues. Why? Are we too embarrassed at the thought of being seen as people who couldn’t find someone to have sex with so we had sex with ourselves? How else do you learn how to do it well, where your “pleasure spots” are, and what it takes to put you over the top? Masturbation has had a negative stigma attached to it for years, which is a bit odd considering that acts of masturbation have been celebrated worldwide since, well, forever. It has its own month, May, and people have participated in masturbation marathons in cities across the world in order to raise money for special interest issues and to draw attention to the health benefits of solo-sex.

DID YOU kNOw tHat tHe HealtH BeNeFItS OF MaStURBatION INClUDe:  Reduction in depression that leads to an increase in self esteem  Reduction in blood pressure  Increase in orgasm control  Helps balance a relationship (if one partner wants sex more often than the other)  Mutual Masturbation allows partners to reveal a map of pleasure zones


In Great Britain, the National Health Service published a leaflet encouraging teens to practice frequent masturbation. Their slogan: “An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away!” They’re absolutely right, and the benefits aren’t just for teens they’re for all ages!

For women, regular orgasms help alleviate stress and promote healthy blood flow. It also helps prevent cervical infections and helps relieve urinary tract infections through the flushing of old fluids from the vagina following a “tenting” in the cervix that comes with masturbation. Incorporating a vibrator into your masturbation sessions stimulates and strengthens the muscle tissues within the vagina.

For men, frequent masturbation and ejaculation can lead to reduced risk of prostate cancer. Also, the act of “flushing your system” keeps your semen healthy and prevents the buildup of toxins and cancer-causing chemicals.

And for both men and women, frequent masturbation is, in a sense, a form of exercise. Many men, especially as they age or after a heart attack, are afraid to get excited and especially to ejaculate. This is a myth that needs to be busted.

26 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

In fact, unless prohibited by your health professional, cardiac activity such as increasing your heart rate is almost always considered good for you, as is ejaculation. Masturbation is our birthright! It’s healthy for us. It’s the safest form of sex and carries no risk of sexually transmissible infection or unplanned pregnancy. Masturbation allows us the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with our own pleasure zones and sexual responses so we can communicate our wants and needs to our partner. It gets our blood flowing, our hearts pumping, our brains buzzing and in the end it flushes our system of toxins and unhealthy fluids. So I say to you, my Canadian friends, it is time we stand up for our own health. It’s time to advocate for a happier, healthier tomorrow. It’s time to say, “I want to have an orgasm!” even if it means taking matters into your own hands!  Dr. Dorree Lynn, PhD, is a psychologist and life coach in Washington, DC and author of Sex for Grownups: Dr. Dorree Reveals the Truths, Lies, and Must-Tries for Great Sex After 50. She is AARP’s Media “Sexpert” and has been featured on ABC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News & VH1.

FaB Books! the Case for Falling In love. by Mari Ruti Why We Can’t Master the Madness of Love - and Why That’s the Best Part Available


Balance Your Hormones/ Balance Your life.

Dr. Ron Brown has been a physician in Canada for more than 25 years and an OB/ GYN for the last 15. mollY maiD Available at www. everyday Delicious - atCO Blue Flame kitchen

With over 100 tttttttttt family-friendly recipes including our Greek Lamb Burgers and Tuxedo Brownies, the in event marketing Specializing 2011 Everyday Deli• postcards • brochures • signage • cious cookbookmagazines is a • newsletters great addition to any collection. t

Now available for purchase at any one of 83 Safeway stores across Alberta, your nearest ATCO agency, online or by calling 1.800.840.3393. VisiT our CreaTiVe sParks BooTH aT THe faBulous@50 eXPerieNCe To meeT loCal BaBY Boomer auTHors. sPoNsoreD BY aTCo Gas/Blue flame kiTCHeN Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 27


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28 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011


Give this Christmas season your own creative touch! Prepare a homemade gift that includes Tuxedo Brownies or Sweet and Sassy Pecans from ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen. For a real treat, check out ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen at the Fabulous at 50 Experience and Martini Party on November 5. We will be giving a sample of one of our new recipes from the Holiday Collection 2011 cookbook. TUXEDO BROWNIES 1/2 cup (125 mL) butter 4 squares bittersweet or dark chocolate, chopped 1 cup (250 mL) sugar 1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla 1/2 tsp (2 mL) salt 2 eggs, lightly beaten 3/4 cup (175 mL) flour 1 cup (250 mL) packed golden brown sugar 1/4 cup (50 mL) butter, melted 1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla 1/2 tsp (2 mL) salt 2 eggs, lightly beaten 3/4 cup (175 mL) flour 3/4 cup (175 mL) whipping cream 2 cups (500 mL) semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 tbsp (15 mL) corn syrup Line a 9x13 inch (23x33 cm) baking pan with nonstick foil, leaving a 2 inch (5 cm) overhang. Combine 1/2 cup (125 mL) butter and chocolate in a microwavesafe bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on low (20% power), stirring frequently,

for 3 - 4 minutes or just until mixture is smooth. Add sugar, 1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla and 1/2 tsp (2 mL) salt; stir to combine. Stir in 2 beaten eggs. Add 3/4 cup (175 mL) flour and stir to combine. Spread chocolate mixture in prepared pan. Refrigerate for 15 - 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Remove pan from refrigerator. Combine brown sugar, melted butter, 1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla, 1/2 tsp (2 mL) salt and 2 beaten eggs in a bowl. Add 3/4 cup (175 mL) flour and stir to combine. Spread brown sugar mixture over chocolate mixture in pan. Bake for 30 minutes or until a cake tester inserted in centre comes out clean. Do not overbake. To prepare chocolate glaze, place cream in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on high (100% power), until steaming and just beginning to boil, about 1 minute. Add chocolate chips and let stand for 1 minute. Stir until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Stir in corn syrup. Spread chocolate glaze over warm brownies. Cool completely in pan on a rack. Refrigerate for 1 hour before cutting. Using foil as an aid, lift brownies from pan and cut into squares. May be frozen. Makes 48.  For more recipes from ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen, check out the website at Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 29

lIFe IS JUSt a PHaSe

Stuck is a NatURal waY OF BeING We’ve all had the experience of being stuck in traffic or stuck in a line. We’ve had lids on jars that are stuck or perhaps your car has been stuck in the snow. Being stuck is a natural part of life. Usually with things like cars and lids, we are actually pretty good about getting unstuck. When it comes to the more important things in life, we can be terribly stubborn about staying stuck or sometimes not even recognizing that’s where we are. There are probably unproductive habits that you’re stuck on. Maybe you are stuck in a way of thinking about something. The worst kind of stuck is waiting for your life. Everybody is waiting for something. We wait for the right time or the perfect solution. We wait for the universe to send us a relationship, a better job or the correct lottery numbers. We wait for things to change. While we stay stuck in the waiting place, time and life passes us by. It’s easy to recognize when you’re stuck – you complain, you blame and you feel dissatisfied or discouraged. You talk about some day like it’s a date on the calendar. Staying stuck gives away your power to create the life that you want. The good news is that there is a simple way to get unstuck and you already know it. Think about the examples of stuck I mentioned before. When the pickle jar lid was not budging, chances are you eventually quit grunting and groaning and gave it a little tap to shift the pressure and viola! Or when you were stuck in the snow, you finally stopped spinning your wheels and digging a deeper

rut and you got a push or put down something for traction. Getting unstuck only took 2 things: you had to stop doing what wasn’t working and then you had to create a little momentum. It’s a simple formula. The great thing is it works as well on other stuff in your life as it does with the pickle jar. Think about something in your life where you are stuck. Now ask yourself: What do I need to stop doing that’s not working? Then ask yourself: What’s one little shift that will help me move forward? If you get stuck on the last question, ask 10 people you know for a suggestion. You don’t have to tell them a great long story. Simply say: I’ve been stuck on/doing __________ and I’ve decided I want to stop __________. Got a suggestion about one little thing I could do that would help me move forward? Remember the pickle jar. Just give yourself a little tap. 

LAUREL VESPI Stone Circle Coaching Laurel Vespi is a certified life coach, author and motivational speaker who helps women find more balance, fun and satisfaction no matter what phase of life they are in. Learn more at 30 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

You know you LOOK fabulous, Darlings...




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Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 31


HIttING tHe JaCkPOt Finding hidden Treasures in relationships You may have heard about the importance of a “Must Have” list when seeking a new partner. That list contains every attribute, attitude, physical characteristic, financial position etc. that you decide is essential in a mate. It might include “must love dogs, loves to travel, physically fit, financially independent” and so on. Because I’m picky, my list was mighty long – in fact it leaned toward the “mission impossible” side. So you can imagine my delight when my guy not only had everything I wanted, but he came with many other great things that I hadn’t expected. GolDeN Years

When you get more than you asked for in a new relationship, it can send you in exciting directions that you might have missed on your own – even bungee jumping! (Actually I have deliberately chosen to miss that little adventure – fortunately, so has he!) My new focus started with a chat about retirement. What did we envision as our dream for ways to spend those golden years? Would we become snow birds with lots of leisure time or continue working just for the fun of it?

What about volunteering for worthy causes? Most importantly, how would we fund that next phase? Now you need to know that when I was single, I considered myself to be on the Freedom 84 plan. I was likely at the train station when the “Freedom 55” boat sailed and wasn’t quite sure whether my ship would ever come in. In the absence of a better plan, I just planned to keep working. Fortunately, I loved my teaching and consulting work and had been doing it for many years. It provided a decent income, albeit a sporadic one. A true Pisces, I always found a way to manage, but I was certainly not financially secure. fiNaNCial suCCess

Then along comes Mr. Right with not only his wealth of business knowledge and expertise, but a history of financial success that had never happened to me. He brought proven ideas and possibilities into our world that got me very excited. Our research began. We were both engaged in work we loved to do, but were essentially trading our time for dollars.

32 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

That whole notion about “making money while you sleep” instigated conversations around potential passive income streams. Plus we wanted to work smart, not hard in order to have space and energy left for our favourite leisure activities. (With age comes a bit of wisdom about life balance!) As we dug, our hidden treasures came to light – my artistic talents combined with his passion for and ability to make money. Until we talked, I hadn’t believed it was possible to use my love of colour and fabrics to make a living. Magically, all the pieces proceeded to fall into place. On August 9 we gave birth to our new window coverings business. I couldn’t be more thrilled about our new venture – one that will keep us delighted until we’re ready to cash in our chips. Whenever two individuals combine forces, it’s always a unique


“When you get more than you asked for in a new relationship, it can send you in exciting directions that you might have missed on your own – even bungee jumping! ”

pairing of ideas, values and talents – a pairing that could lead to greater financial success. Now it’s your turn. Are you ready to dig for those hidden treasures? Your jackpot is waiting!  SUE PAULSON VP Sales & Marketing Winshades Inc. Whether it’s speaking, writing, or selling, Sue loves to stimulate conversation that helps others learn and grow. 780-934-8444, •

Join us for the 23rd annual Christmas in November where our fabulous celebrity presenters will teach you their favourite tips, tricks and trends for the holiday season.

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Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 33 1 800 441-1414

I’ve never been a very social person. People often mistake me for an extrovert. I have pink in my hair. I wear bright colors. I’m usually the first to volunteer for anything that others would never do. Appearances can be deceiving. I am actually very introverted.

of people who are in the public eye are introverts. I feel energized while I’m doing my thing. As soon as I’m done, I need to slink away to be alone and recharge.

Your Bull Is

DiffereNT From My Bull

The main difference between introverts and extroverts is that introverts get their energy by being alone, extroverts from being with others. When I’m in a group for an extended period of time, I get worn out. This may seem odd for someone whose business is speaking and training groups of people. Actually, a very large number

As a result, I’ve never been one to go to parties, hang out just for the sake of hanging out or any of the other social things most people do through their lives. That’s often left me feeling left out and set apart from others. The thing is, it doesn’t matter whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, there are so many ways to have a good time. The secret is to know what YOUR definition of a good time is. Mine isn’t going to a party, mingling and chatting. For you, it may be the exact opposite. 

We sell exquisite african clothing for women, men and children, african jewellery, african masks, animal carvings, paintings and crafts. All our products are fair trade and affordable.

11720 104 Avenue, Oliver Square Mall Edmonton, AB T5K 2P3 Phone: 780 428 7789 Website: 34 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

I have to mentally prepare myself to go into any unstructured situation where I’ll have to make small talk. Life is a bull that can get away from you if you’re not paying attention. A fun life is about grabbing the bull by the horns and going along for the ride. For some that ride is an adrenaline filled adventure. For others it’s sitting on the beach. What do you do for fun? If you say nothing or “whatever my friends/spouse are doing”, it’s time to change that! • Look back over your life. What occasions made you the happiest and what are the common denominators? • What are some of the things that you wanted to do when you were younger that still create a longing when you think about them? • Figure out if you prefer to do things alone or with others. • Make a list of things that you really enjoy doing – everything from a walk to travelling abroad. • Stop comparing! Whatever you love is what you love and not loving what someone else loves doesn’t make it wrong. Grab your bull by the horns whether it’s a tame one or a crazy one and get out there and have a good time. You’re worth it and life is far too short!  Take a tip from Dr. Seuss, “Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.” CHRISTIE MAWER The Bad Kitty Best Selling Author • Sensuality Coach • Dynamic Facilitator • 780-893-9754 Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 35


Tips for Better Photography: october 13th

Life is Sweet!

saVe THe DaTe November 05/2011

faBulous@50 eXPerieNCe & marTiNi ParTY Celebrating the baby boomer woman, with products and services specifically geared for you. Featuring a martini bar, a makeover contest, gifts, motivational speakers, and over 75 fabulous exhibitors.

Award winner photographer, Darlene Hildrebrandt will give important tips on how to take better pictures. Whether it be on your next vacation, taking photos of kids or grand kids, at the next office party, or at holiday time - learn some simple techniques that can be used with any camera to improve your images.

sue foley & Peter karp: He said - she said 2011: october 14, festival Place He Said - She Said is an inspired show featuring a collaboration of original songs by Canadian Juno award winner Sue Foley and critically acclaimed US singer/songwriter Peter Karp.

The Baby Boomers: october 20, Citadel Theatre, maclab Theatre

Enter to win a 7 day trip for 2 to the Mayan Riviera from AMA Travel

Were you born between 1946 and 1964? Ever make out at the Drive In? Own a beanbag chair? Listen to an eight track? If you loved Lucy, or dreamed of Jeanie, then this show is for you.

Early bird tickets available:

rocky mountain wine & food festival: october 21-22, shaw Conference, edmonton fiND us oN faCeBook

November 28/2011

BaBY Boomers siNGle CluB loCk & keY eVeNT Bringing the boomer generation together the old-fashioned way, face to face. As with all the Fabulous@50 events there will be an element of education to it. All fun of course! Watch for details at the Fabulous@50 Experience on Nov. 5th and on the website. Sponsors welcomed!

Come taste the winners of the 2011 Wine Access International Value Wine Awards

Chicago: la Cite francophone (Theatre) october 3- November 3 As if their rivalry for the spotlight wasn’t vicious enough, now jazz seductresses Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart have to get themselves off death row!

laugh for life Gala: November 4, winspear Centre A Mustard Seed & Candeo Housing Association Benefit

The Good lovelies & The Human statues : November 12, arden Theatre Described as “Flirty Bluegrass,” the Good Lovelies have won over fans worldwide with their whimsical brand of folk and delicate three-part harmonies. Do you have an event that would benefit our baby boomer demographic? e: *all requests will be reviewed

36 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 37


NICOle aSHleY PHOtOGRaPHY Whether it is maternity, special events, bourdoir, music, weddings, engagements or commercial, I like to do it all. I am the official photographer for all Fabulous@50 events. www. •

tHe ClUtteR HelPeR - Professional Organizer ProfessioNal orGaNizer

Baby Boomer’s Relocation & Legacy Organizing Specialist. I am dedicated to assisting the 50+ generation & their families with the physical and emotional demands of downsizing, relocating or even death. • • 780.460.1684

JOCkeY PeRSON tO PeRSON - Carolyn Burke Be Fabulous-ly dressed in our quality, casual, comfortable, clothing. Available in sizes xs- 3xl. Call me today to book your fun with friends and fashion event. Personal fittings also available. Business opportunities available. • 780.994.1529

UNIqUe BOUtIqUe Best kept secret in town. This is where the mature, classy, and fun ladies shop. • 780.451.4280• 14226 Stony Plain Rd. Edmonton

aBOUt UStM, BOOMeR +tM eDItION If you’re looking for a fun and memorable way to spend time with family and friends, or for a gift for that special someone, About Us™, Boomer+™ Edition is an ideal solution. It’s the new must-play game about Canada’s boomers plus those older!

CReatIVe ON tHe MOVe (Organizer of Fabulous@50) Making you stand out in the crowd, by using your unused resources to market and brand your business. W W W . G O L D PA R T Y C A N A D A . C O M

Isn’t it time YOU cashed in? Sell your unwanted gold jewellery at the Fabulous at 50 Experience & Martini Party For express appraisals, call ahead 780.906.7 133 38 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

HANDBAGS JEWELRY SCARVES AVON GIFTS Visit us at or Facebook Phone: (780) 757-7329

Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 39

40 • Be Fabulous! I I October • November • 2011

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