NJ DNA Test of Newark
1 Gateway Center
Newark, NJ 07102
United States
Abel A. Martinez Duran is excluded as the biological father of Jhankely Vargas.
Probability of Relationship: 0.0000%
Combined Relationship Index: 0.0000
Based on results of the Twenty-three genetic systems listed below, Abel A. Martinez Duran is excluded as the biological father of Jhankely Vargas as determined by the absence of the obligate paternal allele at D3S1358, D1S1656, D10S1248, D13S317, Penta E, D16S539, D2S1338, D22S1045, and SE33. The Combined Paternity Index is 0.0000. The relative chance of Paternity, assuming a 50% prior chance, is 0.0000% as compared to an untested, unrelated man in the Hispanic population.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) isolated from the above specimens were characterized through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) at the following genetic systems:
Alleged Father
System Allele Allele Allele Allele
D3S1358 15 13 17 Inconsistent
D1S1656 14 16 16.3 Inconsistent
D2S441 10 14 14
D10S1248 12 14 15 Inconsistent
D13S317 8 11 13 Inconsistent
Penta E 16 20 11 17 Inconsistent
D16S539 10 13 9 11 Inconsistent
D18S51 14 17 14 18
D2S1338 25 17 20 Inconsistent
CSF1PO 10 12 11 12
Penta D 5 13 12 13
TH01 6 9 6 9.3 vWA 15 16 16 17
D21S11 29 30 29
D7S820 11 11
D5S818 11 11
TPOX 8 11 8 11
D8S1179 13 13 14
D12S391 15 20 20 22
D19S433 13 13 14.2 FGA 23 27 19 23
D22S1045 15 11 18 Inconsistent SE33 14 17 18 Inconsistent
I hereby certify that the above testing was conducted according to currently accepted medical standards, and that the results and conclusions, including the probability of paternity, were verified and are correct as reported. This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the lab.
Sworn to and subscribed before me remotely using communications technology.
Phone: (866)-362-9778 | www.dnasolutionsusa.com