Newsletter 17

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Internal October 5th, November 1st, December 1 and 8th - Na�onal Holiday in Portugal Christmas Holiday Period - Factory closed. We will keep you informed.

17 | 2016


New Collec�on - Sneak Peak

Special Shoes for Diabetics

Just to awake your curiosity, take a look at the new models and features. Everything was made thinking about your clients with special feet and with a taste for the latest fashion. This year, we’ll have an 100% green shoe. The model Forrest is made of vegetable leather and lining, the insole is made of cork and the crepe sole is biodegradable. These shoes, and all shoes, of course, go to you in a box made of 100% recycled paper, making this a product The style is both for ladies and men, as being environmmental friendly is a common human quality. Another important item is the new BOA Closure feature: you can now order your BOA, with velcro shoes (not possible for boots). As always, you’ll find the latest in fashion trends, colours and styles, as that is our main aim: to make beau�ful shoes that fit perfecly.

NEW Special ladies Styles detail of the Forrest shoe

NM4Y is an official partner of:


Luísa Silva: +351 256 810 472 E: NETHERLANDS, BELGIUM & SCANDINAVIA

Miguel Tavares: +351 256 810 476 E:


Olav Toornend: +31 6 534 13 252 E-mail: Frans Kruitwagen: +31 6 225 62 966 E-mail: Guus Linneweever: +31 6 203 69 021 E-mail:

Copy and photography: Mariska Van Vondelen, Olav Toornend and Dionísia Pereira Frans Kruitwagen Design concept: Udesign Art: Dionísia Pereira 500 copies: printed in Inaset recycled paper 4Kromos Copyright: are property or under licence of Nimco Made4You and are protected under copyright law.

NM4Y is always ahead. When it comes to perceiving trends and market demands we are always on the look-out. In fact, great part of our work is to know you, your clients, observe their needs and how to develop our products so that we can respond and fulfil their and your wishes. Besides that, there’s an unfortunate event happening right now and that is the rise of the ’modern diseases’, and amongst them Diabetes. Diabetes is degenera�ve, starts slowly and manifests in visible ways such as thirst, weight loss, blurry vision, persistent wounds, etc.. As soon as the condi�on is addressed some symptoms disappear. But the degenera�on is unstopable. The good news is consequences can be slowed,

avoided and NM4Y can help with the preven�on. Neuropathy that affects the blood supply to the feet can be painful, dangerous and can limit movements. But the right pair of shoes can make a difference. This is why, today’s topic, the launching of the new models of the stock programme for ladies is so important. What does the client need? What does the client want? Protec�on from outside aggression and comfort to releaf the pressure from these lower members. The ladies styles provide all of the above that the shoes makes the wearer feel good, confident, comfortable and stylish in her shoes. The NM4Y stock programme is for sure, one of the best, most comfortable and best looking around. Check it out.

Contents Interview Kat Sco� from SLEM - 2, 3 NM4Y Diabe�c Shoe Programme – 2, 3 Calendar, New Collec�on - Sneak Peak - 4

17 | 2016


How long did you work on developing the Shoe of the Future? What were the challenges you have met during the designing and developing of this shoe? “I began working on this project in March 2016. I had about 5 weeks to do my ini�al research, design, prototype and develop the concept before we presented it at OT World Trade Show in Leipzig. My main setback was 3D prin�ng the shoe sole. Because it was such an intricate design, the prin�ng failure rate was very high. With the �reless help of Nicoline Van Enter, the director of SLEM (and 3D prin�ng genius), I was ul�mately able to create not one, but two prototypes for the tradeshow. The feedback I‘ve received on the project has been invaluable to me! Since our presenta�on at OT World, I have received so much valida�on and encouragement about the idea, that I hope to develop it more, so that I can really help those who inspired me to create it.”

Tell us something about yourself. “I am from Washington, DC originally, but moved to the Netherlands from New York City. I now live in Waalwijk, a small town in the south of the Netherlands. Here is where I do my research and development work for Nimco.” When did you hear from Nimco and how was the idea of the Shoe of the Future born? “The Orthopedic Shoe of the Future project began in March of this year, during my first visit to the Nimco factory in Portugal. Nicoline Van Enter, the director of SLEM, and I met the wonderful team at Nimco and we were able to understand the current manufacturing process and current challenges in orthopedic footwear. A�er several brainstorming sessions with the Nimco team, we decided that we wanted to explore the future of orthopedic footwear. With that theme in mind, I returned to Waalwijk and began to research, global sta�s�cs, world health trends, technological advances, mainstream footwear trends, foot disorders and much more. Insights from my research made it very clear to me what type of shoe that the future clients may need. And from that point, all I needed to do was design and execute a shoe that could meet these needs.”

You have a passion for 3D prin�ng. What have you designed that you made by 3D prin�ng else than the Shoe of the Future? “I absolutely love using 3D modeling so�ware to create solu�ons to everyday problems. When I am not crea�ng shoes or accesso-

What are the reac�ons of the tes�ng wearers of the Shoe? What are their experience wearing the shoes? “Because the Orthopedic Shoe of the Future is s�ll at the concept stage, very few people have worn or tested it. Those who tried it said that it is very comfortable and they can really feel the shock absorp�on in the sole.”

ries (like rings and bracelets), I am modeling and prin�ng tools that I can use for my daily life, or replacement parts for my products and machines. Also, I have 3d modeled clothing based on body scans, but I have not yet printed apparel.”

What is your inner mo�va�on to work on a shoe like this? “This project was very personal to me. When I researched the global trends of inac�vity, obesity and it’s resul�ng health complica�ons (diabetes, heart disease, immobility early death), what I really saw was my family members, friends and even myself. I saw sta�s�cs that represent the people I love the most! I decided to create a concept shoe that could be a lifeline for myself and for others like me. A shoe that is not only appealing but also mo�vates the wearer to be ac�ve and take control of their health, is highly needed. I only hope that I will be able to develop my concept further into a working product, and maybe even

concept further into a working product, and maybe even one day, bring it to market.” What is your favourite thing about the shoe? “The thing I love most about the shoe is the sensors and app a�ached to it. If someone is seriously interested in changing his or her sedentary lifestyle, they will need some extra support. The app will keep track of their progress and help them to improve their wellness. The color-changing LEDs, are also favorites of mine!” Nimco is sponsoring you and your project. How important is that for you personally and for Nimco? “I feel honored to have my research and development work sponsored by NIMCO. They are the defini�on of innova�on. For over a century Nimco has embraced the changing �mes and created new materials, products and processes that add value to the lives of their patrons. Their support has meant EVERYTHING to me! Nimco gave me the opportunity to use my skills, knowledge and passion to create concepts with their team and research new methods of manufacturing which can take them to the next level of innova�on. This work has broadened my technical knowledge and has given me a great deal of new work experience and competences.”

Shoe of the Future prototype

End of september, NM4Y is launchng the new Diabe�c models for ladies. These new shoes feature: - Nature Last N180K - Xsensible technology material for extra comfort and foot care - Special diabe�c an�-bacterial lining - Extra space that accomodates 2 inlays: 5mm of cork and extra cork + leather - outsoles made of spor�ve PU, or light weight EVA - addi�onal reinforced insoles are now available - available in UK ladies sizes from 3 to 9 Claudia Lace Available in Black

Irma Lace Available in Black

Ilse Lace Available in Black

Ingrid Velcro Available in Black with PU sole

Carmen Lace Available Spor�ve version

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