The DSN Global Celebration has become one of DSN’s signature events, and it’s where the much-anticipated Global 100 List is unveiled each year along with several awards recognizing outstanding achievements of the channel’s elite companies and executives.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Omni Frisco Hotel / Frisco, TX
6 PM—7 PM (CT) Cocktail Reception
7 PM—10 PM (CT) Dinner & Awards
In-person attendance is reserved for active corporate executives and event sponsors, requires registration and takes place at the Omni Frisco Hotel in Frisco, Texas. Tickets are $149 per person for the in-person event. DSN Supporters and event sponsors receive varying number of complimentary tickets by level.
The live stream is free and open to everyone, including your field, and will be available on directsellingnews.com. Join us for the unveiling of the Global 100 List and several more awards and honors.
Additional awards and honors include:
• Lifetime Achievement Award
• Bravo Leadership Award
• Bravo Growth Awards (domestic & international)
• Bravo Global Good Award
• Bravo Impact Awards
• NEW Bravo Supplier Impact Award
• NEW Bravo Innovator Award
• NEW Bravo Excellence Award
companies in
Learn what’s new and next for direct selling with more “how-tos” and concrete takeaways to help grow and evolve your business. Plus, priceless networking time with industry peers.
9 AM– 5 PM (CT) General Session
5:30 PM– 7:30 PM (CT) Digital Selling Workshop
9 AM– 1 PM (CT) General Session
95% of attendees are direct selling corporate executives
100+ direct selling companies attend
30+ presenters
DSU is the largest gathering of direct selling corporate executives laser-focused on the entire community’s growth, well-being and future.
WHERE: OMNI FRISCO HOTEL, FRISCO TX 11 Cowboys Way, Frisco, TX 75034
WHO CAN ATTEND: DSU is for active direct selling corporate executives and event sponsors.
TICKETS: DSU is a free event thanks in part to the support and generosity of our DSN supporter companies and supplier sponsors.
Straight from the DSN Headlines: Learn the stories behind the stories featuring three recent acquisitions representing nearly $1 billion in combined revenue. Moderated by Stuart Johnson.
Due to the incredible success of last event’s Amazon Strategies Workshop we want to continue the conversation. Moderated by Wayne Moorehead.
An insightful discussion with three CEOs bringing new perspectives to their roles. Moderated by Heather Chastain.
Diving into innovation, challenges and solutions that can help position your company for the future. Moderated by Heather Chastain.
DSU, the largest-executive attended event in the channel, is back this April 19 and 20, with a new bonus digital selling workshop with exclusive content and case study insights on tiered affiliate compensation programs!
Like DSU, the workshop is in-person, complimentary and exclusively for registered DSU attendees. The workshop takes place Wednesday, April 19, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM (CT), following the DSU General Session.
Learn from executives who are leading the way in influencer and affiliate/tiered affiliate marketing models like:
• Amanda Tress, Founder & CEO of FASTer Way to Fat Loss
• Christina Helwig, SVP of Sales & Marketing at AdvoCare
• Workshop host and industry expert Heather Chastain, Founder & CEO of Bridgehead Collective, will provide an overview and case study, on companies like the above, including best practices and examples.
• Plus, live Q&A
Learn what resonates, what doesn’t and opportunities for the next (r)Evolution of your brand.
Since 2016, FASTer Way to Fat Loss–an innovative tiered affiliate model–has served more than 250,000 online clients and has landed on the Inc. 500 list for four consecutive years.
Amanda was a top-rated speaker at the 2022 Fall DSU event and one of the most requested guests on the Direct Approach podcast.
At the workshop, Amanda will share more of her marketing and sales strategies that are driving consistent and scalable growth.
Listen to episode 41 of the Direct Approach podcast for Amanda’s conversation with Wayne Moorehead for immediate insights and takeaways.
STUART JOHNSON CEO DIRECT SELLING PARTNERSChristina Helwig joined AdvoCare a decade ago and today serves as Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. With a creative mindset and heart for others, her team is dedicated to executing the company’s vision. She has a passion for making AdvoCare the best it can be: the best group of people and the best products.
At the workshop, Christina will share the details of how they’re transitioning a 30-year-old company into a new business model that is thriving.
Stuart has served the direct selling industry for 36 years. His passion for the channel encompasses a broader commitment to build and connect the direct selling community through exclusive industry events such as DSU and the DSN Global Celebration. Over the years Stuart has built a comprehensive network of executives, thought leaders, strategists and innovators.
At the workshop, Stuart will provide an overview of companies implementing affiliate/tiered affiliate model strategies.
With 20+ years of cross-functional experience in direct selling, Heather brings a solid understanding of sales, marketing, technology, manufacturing, operations and C-Suite challenges as well as a strong collaborative and relational style of leadership to the table. Heather has held executive roles at Shaklee, Arbonne International, Celebrating Home and BeautiControl. Heather also serves as the Strategic Advisor at DSN.
Heather will showcase case study examples from companies that have successfully implemented a tiered affiliate model, sharing best practices and what they learned in the process.
Heather HEATHER CHASTAIN Founder & CEO AMANDA TRESS Founder & CEO BY JOHN T. FLEMING BY BETH DOUGLASS SILCOXDirect Selling News (ISSN 15546470) is published 10 times annually by Direct Selling Partners, 5717 Legacy Drive, Suite 250, Plano, TX 75024. Periodicals postage paid at Lake Dallas, TX and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTERS please send change of address to 5717 Legacy Drive, Suite 250, Plano, TX 75024.
Subscription Rate: Free to direct selling and network marketing executives; all others in USA and Canada $50. Overseas subscriptions are $100. All subscriptions must be paid in U.S. dollars.
©2023 Direct Selling News
All rights reserved. Material may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without written permission. No statement in this publication is to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell securities or to provide investment advice.
Direct Selling News
5717 Legacy Drive, Suite 250, Plano, Texas 75024 / Phone: 800-752-2030 directsellingnews.com
Serving the Direct Selling and Network Marketing Executive Since 2004
A Direct Selling Partners Company
Stuart P. Johnson
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Patricia White
Heather Chastain
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Jerilyn Taylor advertising@directsellingnews.com
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Heather Chastain Wayne Moorehead
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What part of your business would benefit by bringing in a supplier to help your team be more efficient?
DDELEGATING time-intensive business functions to highly skilled suppliers provides the breathing room to focus on unique skill gaps, like training team members on best practices, getting up to speed with new technology or customer service response that many organizations overlook.
For your convenience, we have compiled a list of our display advertisers. When contacting these companies or those in our Supplier Directory (starting on page 96), please let all of our valued advertisers know that you saw them in DSN.
“DSN is my way of keeping my finger on the pulse of the direct selling industry. As a supplier, being able to know the latest news in the industry allows me to do my job the best I can. It covers everything from issues the industry is facing, company updates, supplier partners and unique articles you can’t find anywhere else! It’s my monthly ritual to read the paper copy as soon as it arrives. I earmark pages, use my highlighter and let it be my guide for the month, allowing me to be my company’s direct selling expert.
214-367-9933 / EXIGO.COM
877-551-5504 / NEXIOHUB.COM
The RESULTS Center
817-430-9422 / INFO@TONYJEARY.COM
Momentum Factor
512.690.2134 / MOMOFACTOR.COM
844-258-3006 / PAYQUICKER.COM
801-225-6900 / SQUIRE.COM/NETSUITE
310-428-9936 / NOW-TECH.COM
PAGES 18, 47, 100
Direct Selling Association
202-452-8866 /
Flight Commerce
Katapult 407-915-9060 / KATAPULTEVENTS.COM
360-256-4400 / JENKON.COM
885-429-1131 / INTEGRISHIELD.COM
CP&Krell Group
817-697-4321 / CPKRELL.COM
801-431-4900 / INFOTRAXSYS.COM
Metrics Global
702-757-9600 / METRICSGLOBAL.COM
Thatcher Technology Group
630-696-4545 / THATCHERTECH.COM
Twice a year, a select group of direct selling’s top executives meet for an invitation-only, candid, no-holds-barred gathering where we tackle the issues, opportunities and trends shaping the channel.
with 60 C-Level Executives representing $40 Billion in annual revenue
For the first time in CEO Forum history, DSN is taking requests for invitation consideration.
Email NANCY RATCLIFF at nratcliff@directsellignnews.com for more information and for consideration.
PLEASE NOTE: to be considered for attendance, your company must achieve a minimum of $50M in annual revenue.
RIGHT NOW—the Global Celebration is right around the corner. We can’t wait to recognize the channel’s leading companies and executives for their innovations, impact, commitment and growth! And, of course, our Spring DSU event has an amazing group of speakers on tap. The team at DSN always leaves DSU with endless ideas and boundless enthusiasm—we know you will have the same experience.
In this month’s issue, we take a look at everything impacting the field—direct selling’s most valuable resource! From understanding the importance of meeting and exceeding their expectations to a deep dive into what motivates the right behaviors, the changing face of incentives, new priorities for today’s modern influencer and more—you’ll find it all in this issue.
I hope you’ve noticed our new initiative to include in-depth feature articles on digital selling and direct-to-consumer trends in each issue. We understand the importance and relevance of ecommerce to your businesses now and in the future, so it is our goal to bring you the latest information and insights each month to help you grow forward. This month we tackle cart abandonment and how to make checkout as fast and frictionless as possible.
Plus, there are company spotlights featuring Amare Global and Partner. Co. Amare’s recent acquisition of Kyäni is launching their business on a new global path. And Partner.Co’s recent rebrand and relaunch has opened up new doors of opportunity.
DSN remains your daily resource for global news impacting the direct selling channel. If you haven’t yet, make sure to sign up for the weekly dashboard email which delivers a week’s worth of news in a quick 15-minute read each Sunday. You can also sign up for free text alerts by becoming a member of our VIP Text Community where you’ll always get the channel’s top stories first and fast.
There’s still time to register for the Spring DSN Events, happening April 18-20 in Frisco, Texas. This in-person only event is shaping up to be our most exciting conference yet with breakout sessions, diverse panels, 30 dynamic speakers and several can’t-miss networking opportunities. I hope to have a chance to talk to each of you at DSU. This is an event you and your team can’t afford to miss.
All the best,
DSN SHARES A COMMON GOAL WITH THE SUPPLIER COMMUNITY—to serve and support the growth and evolution of direct selling companies. Our mission is to serve, educate and edify the channel with daily breaking global news, emerging trends and powerful stories, made possible through the generosity and support of our Premier Supplier Partners. Thank you for your dedication to the direct selling channel!
n S implyFun Transitions to Affiliate Model
n New Partnership Between InfoTrax and BigCommerce to Provide More Sophisticated ecommerce
n Nikken to Close European Operations
n B ravenly Global Sees 700% YOY Growth in 2022
n B eautycounter Partners with Ulta Beauty as it Continues Retail Expansion
AT ITS ANNUAL SUPER SATURDAY event at Gila River Resorts & Casinos, Plexus Worldwide introduced its new “share a cart” feature, part of its recent website enhancements. This new innovation is expected to make it easier for distributors to share products via social media and other social sharing methods.
“The large number of Brand Ambassadors who participated in our annual Super Saturday event showcases the commitment to Plexus as we enter the new year on the heels of a successful Reset launch, which is the foundation for our backto-basics focus on gut health,” said Gene Tipps, Plexus Chief Executive Officer. “We will also continue to support the community we’ve established and the genuine desire of Brand Ambassadors to grow their businesses through our innovation, including our flagship products that support gut health, which were some of the first to market.”
PARTNER.CO ANNOUNCED its official launch with a Global Kickoff Event on February 11. Emerging as a platform of multiple brands and product categories, including home care, beauty, nutrition, health and wellness, weight management, cosmetics, sports performance and more, the company already has a growing presence in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region.
Leading the company is Chief Executive Officer Darren Zobrist, a Wharton graduate and seasoned business executive with experience working as an investor at a leading Wall Street firm and Chief Brand Officer John Wadsworth, who brings more than two decades of experience as a direct sales distributor and previously built a team that generated more than $3 billion in sales across 30 countries.
The company offers a multiline compensation plan with a fifty-fifty split commission structure and provides distributors with a “bill of rights” of 11 differentiating factors that protect the entrepreneurs who co-invest in the company and opportunity. DSN
CHRISTINE WILSON, THE ONLY REPUBLICAN COMMISSIONER for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), announced her impending resignation and published a scathing opinion essay in The Wall Street Journal that detailed what she described as “a disregard for the rule of law and due process” by Lina Khan, the Democratic chair of the FTC. Wilson wrote that Khan’s actions “make it impossible” for her to continue serving the agency
“I have failed repeatedly to persuade Ms. Khan and her enablers to do the right thing, and I refuse to give their
endeavor any further hint of legitimacy by remaining,” Wilson wrote in her opinion essay. “Accordingly, I will soon resign as an FTC commissioner.”
Wilson, who was appointed by President Trump in 2018, has publicly criticized Khan, who was appointed by President Biden, for leading the agency to block a merger proposed by Meta as well as the proposal to ban noncompete clauses in employment contracts. Khan has pushed back saying the agency has long been too permissive with mergers, allowing companies like Google and Amazon to become goliaths who swallow competition. DSN
Joni Rogers-Kante credits her commitment to consistency, devotion to family, and abiding faith to achieving success as a business and family woman. Joni has paved a path toward a life of abundance, and she devotes her life to empower others to find theirs, too.
For Joni, her company SeneGence stands for more than its cutting-edge and highly desirable beauty products. Its causedriven purpose is to promote more women
in business and care for communities in need through its nonprofit. Not only has Joni built a rewarding global business, she is also changing lives closer to home. Joni passionately protects rights of independent entrepreneurs in the direct selling industry and works to improve the economic lifeblood in her home state of Oklahoma.
Joni believes accomplishment is unique for everyone, and we are all here with
our own important purpose. She says a fulfilling life is made with the four E’s: Earn, Evaluate, Evolve, and Explore. When we value and respect each other, we will all move forward together.
We are proud to partner with Joni and those like her who consistently prove that hard work and courage are rewarded with limitless possibilities. After all, people are our greatest strength.
For the full articles, visit directsellingnews.com/ announcements
DAVE CAUSER PRESIDENT, SOUTHWESTERN ADVANTAGEFollowing the retirement of former President Dan Moore last year, Southwestern Advantage (SWA) announced that Dave Causer, President of Global Educational Concepts (GEC), a sister brand also under the umbrella of Southwestern Family of Companies (SWFC), will now serve as SWA President.
In addition to leading SWA, Causer will continue to serve as head of GEC.
“Dave Causer’s long tenure with Southwestern Advantage will add tremendous value and leadership as Dan transitions to the next chapter of his life,” said Henry Bedford, CEO and Chairman of the Board at SWFC.
JAMES WHATLEY CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER, MARY KAYMary Kay Inc. has appointed James Whatley to the role of Chief Information Officer. As CIO, he will champion the company’s digital efforts and support distributors through innovative tools and technology.
Whatley has been a part of the Mary Kay organization for more than 25 years and has helped develop many of the company’s digital properties, including MaryKay.com and Mary Kay In Touch. He has also been a vital part of the strategic enhancement of the independent sales force’s personal business websites and online ordering processes.
Southwestern Family of Companies announced that Trey Campbell, previously Director of Communications for Southwestern Advantage (SWA), has been promoted to Vice President of Communications and Government Relations.
“Trey’s positive approach to solving all communication efforts has been very impactful on our program and especially the independent contractors that have been blessed by his guidance,” said Dave Causer, SWA President. “Our communications, public relations and client retention have never been in better hands.”
Mannatech HQ
Flower Mound, TX
• Affiliate Model Deep Dive
Thursday, May 18 , 2023
• Exclusive New Generational Research Deep Dive with Jason Dorsey & Heather Chastain, Bridgehead Collective
Friday, May 19, 2023
Fall DSU
October 11 & 12 , 2023
Irving Convention Center
Irving, TX
Spring Annual DSN
Global Celebration & DSU
April 9 – 11 , 2024
Irving Convention Center
Irving, TX
Fall DSU
October 23 & 24, 2024
Irving Convention Center
Irving, TX
Scan to Save the Dates on Your Calendar
4Life welcomed Traci Gundersen as its new Senior Vice President, Legal. Gundersen served as the Assistant Attorney General at the Utah Attorney General’s office and has in-house counsel experience working in multi-state real estate industry businesses.
“I am excited to welcome Traci to 4Life,” said 4Life Executive Vice President, Corporate Operations and Chief Legal Officer TJ Fund. “She is a veteran attorney and has deep experience helping companies navigate regulatory and compliance environments.”
USANA Health Sciences, Inc. announced the commencement of a leadership transition plan that is part of the company’s planned succession strategy. Effective July 1, current company President Jim Brown will become Chief Executive Officer and current CEO and Chairman of the Board Kevin Guest will take on the role of Executive Chairman.
“As we move through this planned leadership transition, we look forward to Kevin’s ongoing involvement with the company as Executive Chairman, where his leadership, experience and judgment will continue to guide and benefit the company and its stakeholders,” said Gilbert Fuller, USANA Board of Directors Lead Independent Director. We are also excited to name Jim Brown as USANA’s next CEO. Jim has been an integral part of USANA’s leadership team for over 15 years. For the last six years, Jim has served as President of the company, where he has led the company’s sales and operations functions. We are confident that USANA will continue to thrive and grow under his leadership and are excited about the future.”
CARL ROGBERG CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, ORIFLAMEOriflame announced that Gabriel Bennet, who served as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the company for 15 years, will resign from this role later this spring. In his place, the company has named Carl Rogberg to formally step in as CFO effective in the second quarter of 2023.
“On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to thank Gabriel for his many years of service to Oriflame, as well as his leadership, vision, indisputable integrity and dedication throughout that time,” said Magnus Brännström, Oriflame Chief Executive Officer. “Gabriel has successfully led the CFO function, Global IT and the last years also Cetes Cosmetics to the highest standards. We are at the same time much delighted to welcome Carl Rogberg as our new CFO, with considerable CFO and sector experience.” DSN
Take control of your payments strategy
Orchestrate payouts to your distributors
Optimize your transactions to grow your revenue
Maintain flexibility in the ever-changing world of payments
Nexio was purpose-built to solve the payment problems direct sellers face. Our unified platform simplifies the complexity of the payments industry and helps you design forward-thinking strategies.
We’re excited to announce we are consolidating brands with our parent company, Complete Merchant Solutions (CMS). Consolidating our services under the Nexio brand enables us to simplify processes and optimize the services we provide.
THE CHANNEL IS EVOLVING RAPIDLY—companies and executives must stay ahead of emerging trends and technologies to build for the future. But it can be time - consuming and hard to find the right suppliers to partner with.
That’s why we’ve developed The DSN Guide. In each issue, The Guide includes curated lists by category of expertise and service. These suppliers currently serve the channel—they understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with direct selling and can help you implement your intiatives.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL i-payout.com
PayQuicker East Rochester, NY payquicker.com
ProPay Lehi, UT propay.com/en-US
Global Payroll Gateway Newport Beach, CA gpgway.com
KyckGlobal Atlanta, GA kyckglobal.com
Hyperwallet, a Paypal Service Vancouver, BC hyperwallet.com
MassPay Las Vegas, NV masspay.io
Panorama Payments Miami, FL ppmts.com
Worldpay Lowell, MA worldpay.fisglobal.com
Paul Levine 561-859-0901 paul.levine@i-payout.com
Crystal Holtzendorff 949-929-6625 choltzendorff@payquicker.com
Would you like to be included in The DSN Guide? Contact Jerilyn Taylor (jtaylor@directsellingnews.com) for more information. Companies featured in The Guide have been in business for a minimum of two years and are verified to be working with direct selling companies. Companies appearing in The Guide are not endorsed by DSN. The Guide is provided strictly as a resource. It is each company's responsibility to verify and investigate providers and services.
You need a secure and compliant solution with minimum overhead that caters to the diverse payment needs of all global demographics.
Keeping your salesforce engaged is a priority, while increasing internal e ciencies and reducing costs are key in your business growth.
WE BELIEVE DIRECT SELLING’S SUPERPOWER IS ITS SPIRIT OF SHARING AND SUPPORT. When one company succeeds, the entire channel benefits. It’s with that sensibility in mind that we developed the DSN Supporter Program in 2022 and welcomed dozens of participants, representing billions in cumulative revenue, committed to helping this channel grow.
Whatever is happening in the channel–trends, tech, mergers, global and domestic news–I know I will hear about it first from DSN. The DSN team does a fantastic job of bringing information to channel executives first, fast and accurately. What a great resource for all of us!
—STUART MACMILLAN / PRESIDENT, MONATWHEN YOU BECOME A SUPPORTER OF DSN, you not only empower us to provide the global news, events, podcasts and recognition that help keep you informed, engaged and one step ahead, but you unlock invaluable perks, insightful educational content and unlimited access to exclusive research commissioned and sanctioned by DSN.
Platinum, Gold & Patron level exclusives:
n 24/7 Access to the DSU On-Demand Library with 200+ TED-style sessions
n NEW in 2023:
– Access to exclusive new generational research and special interest reports
– Invitations to C-Level virtual webinars
– Invitations to exclusive VIP events and more
CHATGPT predicted the Philadelphia Eagles would defeat the San Francisco 49ers 27-10 in this year’s NFC Championship game. It was off by just seven total points, as the Eagles got the 31-7 win. So close!
CHATGPT IS a free simulated chatbot created by Open AI originally designed for customer service, but its uses have multiplied drastically since it launched in November of 2022.
The AI-powered program wasn’t designed to make sports prophecies, but it’s doing that and a whole lot more. Many experts say it’s in the early stages of disrupting many different industries—and it certainly could have an impact on direct selling.
ChatGPT is a free simulated chatbot created by Open AI originally designed for customer service, but its uses have multiplied drastically since it launched in November of 2022. More than one million people registered within five days to use the tool, and for now its usage limit is routinely at capacity. The “GPT” stands for “Generative Pretrained Transformer.” The natural language processor results in a more conversational style. ChatGPT’s data sources include thousands of textbooks, websites and various articles.
In a broader category, ChatGPT is a form of Generative AI, which Tech Funnel describes as a form of AI that “generates new material, such as literature, graphics and music. These systems are built on massive datasets and produce fresh material comparable to the training examples using machine learning techniques.” Another one of Open AI’s generative programs called DALL-E can generate illustrations from text prompts.
In early February, Open AI announced plans for ChatGPT Plus—a $20-per-month subscription option. Subscribers will get general access to ChatGPT (even during peak times), faster response times and priority access to new features and improvements. The subscription service is available to U.S. customers with plans to expand access to other countries, but the free access option will remain.
“We love our free users and will continue to offer free access to ChatGPT,” a company announcement said. “By offering this subscription pricing, we will be able to help support free access availability to as many people as possible.”
Other than help you with sports betting, ChatGPT can essentially perform as a personal assistant, teacher and content creator. Think of it as your all-purpose Gal Friday. It can create a healthy high-protein chicken recipe; answer complex math problems; write or debug code; compose sales pitches for a new product; create a blog post about new makeup application techniques; write a fictional story; or translate languages.
Users ask the program to perform a task in a text field, then it generates the relevant copy in another text box. Users can then customize the content to be more specific to their needs. ChatGPT can alter the tone of what it produces to be more casual, more technical, more professional—whatever voice you request. One of the major drawbacks to the program is that it currently only includes data up to 2021, but it is expected to update that soon. It’s not yet known how often data updates will take place.
One of the hottest topics surrounding ChatGPT is predicting the industries and jobs that the technology could enhance, disrupt or even replace entirely. In an article for TheStreet.com, Jeetu Patel, EVP of security and collaboration at Cisco, said “All professions have the potential to be disrupted by ChatGPT, presenting both opportunity and risk… We need to be very careful about the downsides, ranging from the need to address IP ownership, the rights of original content owners, the people behind generative AI-driven content and more.”
For direct sales, here are a few key potential applications:
ChatGPT can generate sales scripts and various forms of marketing copy. This could be useful for different stages of a direct sales funnel including invitations, follow-ups and asking for a decision. It can also edit copy to be more concise or change the tone to be more inviting or conversational. For more general applications, it could be used to write emails; help with SEO ideas; generate online product descriptions and script presentations.
E ASKED ChatGPT to write five conversational-style scripts for a home business owner to invite someone to try samples of a product that helps with focus and mental clarity. The scripts were based around personalization, benefits, problem-solving, testimonials and urgency. Here’s what it generated:
“Hi [Name], my name is [Your Name], and I am the owner of [Business Name]. I came across a product that I believe can help you with focus and mental clarity, and I would love for you to try it. It's a cognitive boost product that has helped me personally, and I know it can do the same for you. Would you be interested in trying a sample?”
“Hello [Name], I wanted to reach out to you because I have a product that can improve your focus and mental clarity, which is especially important in today's fast-paced world. The cognitive boost product I am talking about has helped me and many others boost their productivity and overall well-being. Would you be open to trying a sample? I think you'll love it.”
“Hey [Name], have you ever felt like you just can't seem to focus or concentrate on anything for long periods of time? I know I have. That's why I was thrilled to discover a cognitive boost product that has changed my life. It helps with focus and mental clarity, and I would love for you to try it. Would you be interested in a sample?”
“Hi [Name], I wanted to reach out to you and share something that has had a big impact on my life. I recently started using a cognitive boost product that has helped me with focus and mental clarity, and I've received great feedback from others who have tried it as well. I think you'll love it—would you like to try a sample?”
“Hello [Name], I have a limited number of samples for a cognitive boost product that I think will make a big difference in your life. It helps with focus and mental clarity, and I have seen incredible results in a short amount of time. I would love for you to try it before the samples run out. Are you available to try a sample this week?”
E ASKED ChatGPT to write 10 ideas for the name of a hypothetical mental focus and clarity product targeted toward busy moms. Here’s what it came up with:
1. M omEase
2. M omMind
3. Bu syMomBoost
4. M indMomentum
5. M omClarity
6. M omFocus
7. B rainBalm
8. M indMender
9. M omMedley
10. B rainBeat
Can this technology take the place of the marketing gurus you have on staff? Can it filter its suggestions through the lens of what does and doesn’t work for your brand? The answer to both questions is absolutely not—but it could be used in brainstorming sessions to bring new, unfiltered and unbiased suggestions to the table.
WHILE CHATGPT might not be a direct sales expert (at least not yet), it can help write boilerplate legal language surrounding health and income claims that could be utilized by the field.
The dynamic between corporate compliance and distributors is certainly unique to our industry. While ChatGPT might not be a direct sales expert (at least not yet), it can help write boilerplate legal language surrounding health and income claims that could be utilized by the field.
“There are parts of a legal document that humans need to adapt to a particular situation, but 90 percent of the document is copy pasted,” Professor Oded Netzer of Columbia Business School said. “There is no reason why we would not have the machine write these kinds of legal documents. You may need to explain first in English the parameters, then the machine should be able to write it very well. The less creative you need to be, the more it should be replaced.”
Understanding what your customers want and determining patterns in their buying behavior can help shape product development, marketing strategies and forecast sales projections. ChatGPT can help with each of these. The program can analyze customer feedback and reviews; predict future customer behavior; group customers into segments; and analyze customer interactions such as chats and comments.
While the effects of ChatGPT and other similar language models are still forming, one thing is for sure: the program will keep improving—and up-to-date data will continue to be added. At the moment, it’s being treated as a content creation playground—try it out to see how it could best work for you and your team. DSN
Our team specializes in direct sales events of all sizes.
Katapult brings some of the best in the business to the production table. From Creative and Design to Operations, Production and Management, the Katapult team brings a wide array of experience to your event. Our expertise comes from having worked with some of the biggest brands and companies in the world. Most importantly the Katapult team knows Direct Sales and has the expertise to raise your event to the next level.
BRANDS LOSE an estimated $18 billion in revenue due to cart abandonment, reminding businesses that shopping is not the same as buying.
FROM COFFEE to vitamins to pet food, today’s consumer is getting more everyday items shipped to them on a subscription basis, allowing for higher customer retention, relationship building, rewards programs and more.
EVENTY PERCENT OF ONLINE SHOPPERS add a product to their cart then leave without purchasing. Will they come back? Why did they leave? How do you stop it?
The ever-evolving online shopping experience continues to present new challenges, even in the direct sales industry where business is still mostly done through building and leveraging relationships. But challenges also bring opportunities for solutions and innovations. That’s exactly what’s happening with the cart abandonment issue so many ecommerce businesses grapple with.
According to Shopify, brands lose an estimated $18 billion in revenue due to cart abandonment, reminding businesses that shopping is not the same as buying. In some ways, adding products to an online cart and then leaving is the online version of a customer saying “thanks, but I’m just looking.” The bright side: customers who abandon their carts at least are interested and taking some action.
“Consumers don’t throw items into their shopping cart at random,” says an article by Wiplash. “If they’re choosing to put a product in their cart, it’s because they have an interest in it.”
Before we dive into solutions, it helps to know why people leave their carts. According to research by Baymard Institute, the number one reason—by far— is that extra costs such as shipping, taxes, handling and other fees are too high. Seeing that final price update in front of your eyes can be off-putting. If there’s a free shipping offer for orders above a certain amount, many shoppers will add products to their cart just to reach the threshold needed for free shipping. It’s somewhat of an experiment. So, adding products to a cart is not a commitment. It’s just not the same as taking products to a store register and checking out with a live person.
Other top reasons why shoppers leave include having to create a customer account; not enough payment options; long delivery times; a complicated checkout process; and not trusting the website with personal and credit card information. All these challenges have been met with some effective and innovative solutions, particularly with directto-consumer brands. We’ll look at four of these solutions that are perfectly adaptable to the direct sales channel.
Eliminate extra, hidden costs such as shipping and handling charges; limited payment options; and long shipping times to remove consumer hesitation.
Keep your customer shopping experience simple, streamlined and fast by eliminating extraneous products and offers.
It will not only drive sales but also gain additional trust with your field by leveraging the benefits of traditional relationship marketing and protecting commissions.
FROM COFFEE TO VITAMINS to pet food, today’s consumer is getting more everyday items shipped to them on a subscription basis. This model allows for higher customer retention, relationship building, rewards programs and more. Of course, it eliminates the need for customers to constantly return and place individual orders. Subscriptions essentially bypass the cart abandonment problem altogether. According to a study by PipeCandy, 75 percent of direct-to-consumer businesses were expected to offer subscriptions to their customers in 2023.
“You’re seeing a lot of interesting subscriptions these days,” shared Noah Westerlund, President at Now Tech, which markets a direct selling app to simplify and streamline ecommerce purchases. “They’re also very positive for our channel because it means that the consumer is no longer afraid of the idea of an auto-ship.”
ACCORDING TO DRIP.COM, the average online checkout flow has 23.5 form elements and 15 form fields. That can be a headache to navigate. A complicated checkout process is the enemy of mobile experiences, as mobile users abandon carts 85.7 percent more than desktop users. The site also says checkout optimization can increase conversions by 35.6 percent.
In an era of one-click purchasing, less is more, according to Nirav Sheth, the creator of Awesome Checkout. “If shoppers have committed to buying a product, your job is to get them through checkout as swiftly as possible. To do so, ask as little of them as possible,” he explained.
Forcing customers to create an account is one of the biggest turnoffs. The Baymard Institute says 24 percent of U.S. online shoppers abandon one or more shopping carts due solely to forced account creation. Including a guest checkout should be an option—and perhaps the default one. Baymard also found that 47 percent of companies do not make guest checkout the most prominent option. This is especially important for first-time buyers.
The payment experience of the checkout process can be an issue of its own. Watching tax and shipping costs increase the total price in front of your eyes is unique to online shopping. Some direct sales companies are opting to include a flat-rate shipping cost baked into their product pricing. But even with free shipping, customers expect quick delivery. According to a Supply Chain Quarterly report, 62 percent of shoppers expect their orders to arrive in less than three business days when choosing free shipping.
Customers also want more payment options. Using thirdparty platforms such as PayPal, Apple Pay and Amazon Pay, and even allowing some crypto currency options, gives customers a more customized experience. These options don’t require them to keep entering sensitive payment information. They’re also more friendly for international shoppers. It’s much smoother when you can buy with just a few clicks.
MANY DIRECT SELLING WEBSITES are falling behind ecommerce trends because of one main reason: the online shopping experience often includes the entire product inventory. It requires a lot of clicking and searching. People get lost or overwhelmed. The experience can cause them to just give up, even if they’ve added products to their cart. Some companies are incorporating more targeted landing pages marketing individual products. And because these have individual URLs, it’s easy for distributors to share those links.
“It’s a single product, super easy to purchase,” Westerlund said about the effectiveness of landing pages. “When you go to the landing page, there’s just an offer around that, and there might be a sale after you purchase. That’s what consumers have become used to when getting introduced to a product. I click the link and go to a page where the decision is: to buy or not to buy.”
While the average conversion rate of a website is between 2 and 5 percent, Growth Marketing Pro says the average conversion rate for a landing page is 9.7 percent. According to KhrisDigital, longform landing pages can generate up to 220 percent more leads than a typical website. Targeted landing pages help tell a larger story and market a single product in multiple ways, whether it’s through videos, customer reviews, testimonials, countdown clocks or tutorials. They’re more highly focused on how the featured product solves specific problems. Using videos on landing pages can improve conversions by 86 percent. Another benefit: the checkout process is streamlined. “On a local landing page, you enter your name, your payment—and boom—you’re done. You’re out the door and on your way,” Westerlund added.
All these factors make a landing page a more effective purchasing experience instead of a traditional shopping experience. In short: your website might be for shopping, but a targeted landing page is for purchasing.
The average conversion rate for a landing page is 9.7%
Marketers see a 4.42% drop in conversion rates for every second of page-load time
48% is the average bounce rate of a web page
Interest in “lead generation” has grown by 12.2% CAGR over the last 5 years
As far as channels, email converts best at 13% Conversions increase by 86% when a video is present on landing pages
9 out of 10 customers trust reviews and testimonials on landing pages
Sign-ups increase by 9% when contact details appear on landing pages
Content combined with pictures has an 80% greater chance of being read
Personalized CTAs convert up to 202% better
Longer landing pages increase leads by 220% compared to ‘above the fold’ call-to-actions
Addressing buyer fears on landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80%
Multiple offers on landing pages reduce conversion by 266%
REMARKETING IS ONE of the most dynamic cart abandonment solutions being implemented right now. Simple strategies include follow-up emails with a limited-time discount to complete the purchase or various communication channels reminding you that you “left something in your cart.” Savvy customers familiar with these types of discounts intentionally abandon their carts just to test promotional offers. But more sophisticated and effective methods are evolving the online customer experience.
Remarketing is a much more targeted experience than traditional online shopping. Current technologies tell companies who landed on a page, where they scrolled to, how long they stayed, if they started the checkout process and can send follow-up offers or up-sells. Online tracking pixels from ads “follow” users online for a certain time as they use social platforms and websites, showing different versions of an ad or even marketing related products.
“If you look at all these network marketing companies, they’re all still using a full-blown shopping experience,” Westerlund shared. “They could get leads and distribute those to individual distributors and let them follow up. But the most powerful thing would be giving a distributor access to the longform landing pages and then provide remarketing activities to the distributor.”
Distributors could follow up with a one-time coupon code, product combo offer, additional product info—whatever best fits the action the potential customer took. The credit, and commission, is still tied to the individual distributor.
“Build these acquisition and remarketing systems with attribution in mind,” Westerlund explained. “You’re working hand-in-hand with the distributor. You’re going to gain trust. You’re going to drive sales. And you’re going to take advantage of the benefits of network marketing rather than get held back by them.” DSN
80% OF COMPANIES with an average of $50 million in annual revenue saw year‑over‑year growth in 2020, and 30 companies experienced $100 million+ revenue growth.
E WERE ALL HOPEFUL that the record highs the direct selling channel experienced in 2020 and 2021 would continue its upward trajectory. After all, 80 percent of companies with an average of $50 million in annual revenue saw yearover-year growth in 2020, and 30 companies experienced $100 million+ revenue growth.
The social dynamics and restrictions of that time meant we had a captive audience with a heightened demand for products that didn’t sit on a store shelf. But as we settle back into the normal rhythms of day-to-day life, we’re seeing that the macrotrends that were already in play before the pandemic are still inescapable. These shifts are generational, technological and carry cultural momentum.
To remain relevant and succeed in today’s direct selling landscape…we must overcome the misperceptions and stigma of the past by being completely committed to setting, managing and meeting the expectations of our distributors and customers alike.
From the outset, the channel and distributors are often face-to-face with a negative public perception, but it has in part been one of our own making. Too often, companies highlight and promote the most extreme examples of success. We know, however, that hitting the highest ranks or sales tiers requires a tremendous amount of time, effort and dedication.
When we were the only game in town for side hustles and supplemental income, we were able to procrastinate dealing with this unmet expectation. Now, the gig economy offers up countless earning opportunities that can be completed in the margins of a workday or with underutilized resources. Competition today is fierce. Whether a person jumps on Fiverr, Taskrabbit or another gig-based platform, it is understood right out of the gate what the income potential could be and what effort is required to earn that income.
Direct selling’s default pitch has been to talk about the highest potential for success when it comes to both the income opportunity and benefits of our products, but we are now in a day that requires a different approach.
Setting, maintaining, meeting and exceeding new expectations is imperative to the continued growth of the channel.
Initial solicitations must center around the product, and any subsequent opportunity pitches need to be both aspirational and attainable.
Eliminate any hurdles and hoops you’ve baked into your customer experience. Make it simple and streamlined to do business with you.
Today’s distributors are different. They don’t join with pie-in-the-sky ambition or hopes of becoming a top-ranking affiliate. Instead, this generation only moves up the ranks when they witness the opportunity with their own eyes and see how it can change lives. The aspirational ladder-climbing pitch is now a bygone era. It doesn’t click with this demographic anymore.
Instead, attainable goals like an extra $500 or $1,000 a month are today’s most effective carrots. Gig work companies like Etsy don’t tell prospective affiliates that they could make six figures a year, even though it has been done. They gain trust from the beginning by the expectation being set for what is likely, rather than possible.
It’s not that we shouldn’t help distributors reach their lofty income goals, but rather that we should provide the map for the next earning echelon only when those affiliates are ready. In the meantime, laying out realistic milestones makes it easier for distributors to see their own progress and for us to bring enhanced integrity to the channel while gaining loyal, satisfied customers and representatives.
It’s now more socially acceptable to share products with friends and strangers than ever before. In the social media age of influencers and affiliates, we’ve grown accustomed to seeing sales pitches in our feeds all day long and to buying from individuals rather than large corporations.
LAYING OUT realistic milestones makes it easier for distributors to see their own progress and for us to bring enhanced integrity to the channel while gaining loyal, satisfied customers and representatives.
Direct selling pioneered this person-to-person selling more than a century ago. We’re exceptional at it. But to be a leader in this space, we now need to consider what we’re offering customers—and in what order we present it. Sequencing matters. Years’ worth of data points tells us that if a company attempts to offer customers the product and the opportunity simultaneously in its first few impressions, customers are less likely to convert to buyers.
That means that all brand touchpoints that are customer-facing—especially the website—should have no more than one mention of the opportunity. Potential buyers should arrive at the brand website and become captivated by the product first and foremost. This will be a drastic shift for some legacy companies, but I’m convinced it’s one we need to make in earnest.
Social media, like the website, needs to be product-driven. If you want a social feed promoting the sales opportunity, make a separate one. Instagram, TikTok and Facebook should be a welcome mat for people who are completely uninitiated in your brand.
Only after customers experience the product and have their expectations met and exceeded should a company introduce sharing and then team building. We’re still trying to deliver too many messages and concepts all at once, but we need to respect and understand that all of our customers have unique and different journeys in relation to our products and opportunity.
THE NEXT GENERATION of potential customers and distributors demand realistic goals and instant proof of success. Here are three goalposts to make sure the experience you provide meets the expectations they prefer.
Introduce your company to customers in the proper order. The product should always come first, so don’t flood first-time buyers with information about the opportunity. Any information about team building should be reserved for loyal customers who express interest in sharing the product with others.
Tailor messaging to each unique visitor. Websites and social media should be product-focused and customer based, while event and corporate information should be sent to field leaders. Automating evergreen SMS and email campaigns to match a customer’s progress can help them take their next steps and create customer satisfaction.
Reduce friction by limiting the number of steps required to buy or register—and ditch monthly minimums and hefty buy-ins. Take every opportunity to minimize clicks and dial down complexity.
ALL BRAND touchpoints that are customer facing—especially the website—should have no more than one mention of the opportunity.
Personalized algorithms found in everyday technology like grocery store apps and online shopping mean that customers and distributors now expect companies to know their preferences, needs and habits. Our marketing should be tailored for the individual. But, overall, the direct selling channel is unfortunately still using the same megaphone and message for every person.
If a new customer expresses interest in our products but we send them email blasts, text messages and campaigns all about team building or events they don’t care about, we may think that we’re inviting them into the opportunity side of the business, but what we’re actually doing is eroding trust, squashing interest and providing a bad customer experience. It’s alienation—not an invitation.
By segmenting our messaging through marketing automation, we can provide an independent route for each individual person. Evergreen email and SMS campaigns, designed to deploy when triggered by certain customer behaviors, can offer bite-sized steps that walk people through the different parts of their journey and advance them down the appropriate path. There are tools that can make this easier to install, like Hubspot or Klaviyo, and we must ensure that each message and brand touchpoint is laser targeted for the right audience and sets the right expectations and tone.
Last year, more than 60 million Americans freelanced, yet direct selling remains a small slice of that gig economy pie. To keep up, we need to consider what gig workers expect and analyze our channel’s greatest opportunities for growth.
First, the direct selling opportunity should feel as easy as becoming an Uber driver, and the income should be as immediate. Today’s consumer wants instant proof, by way of immediate value from a product or paycheck, so it’s time for us to adopt instant commissions and overhaul our traditional paycheck process. The goal is to get people out in their worlds sharing the products. Reducing or removing the initial “buy-in” cost and monthly minimums to earn a paycheck makes us more competitive.
Second, for most gig opportunities such as Lyft, Upwork or Etsy it’s easy to get started in just a few clicks, so that’s our new baseline. If we’re being honest with ourselves, it can be pretty challenging to get a direct sales organization up and running; to understand a compensation plan; to learn how to sell the product; and to comprehend what it takes to earn commissions. Even getting registered or ordering can be full of friction. We need to simplify and reduce the complications and barriers within these processes.
The direct selling opportunity is the original side hustle. We know how to harness the power of word-of-mouth marketing, social selling and community better than any other business. If we will systematically remove the hurdles and hoops in our processes and properly set, manage and meet the expectations of customers and distributors, we’ll deliver a life-changing opportunity to the next generation. And we’ll gain trust and credibility as a channel as well. DSN
WAYNE MOOREHEAD has deep experience in marketing and brand strategy. Wayne’s rare blend of experience and success has shaped his philosophy on effective growth strategies, and he believes the future of the channel will blend the best of direct selling with the best of direct-to-consumer.
A deep dive into today’s direct seller and what they are looking for.
BY JOHN T. FLEMINGDIRECT SELLING is poised for growth and relevance.
NEWS ASKED FOR my thoughts on what motivates today’s direct sellers, I knew this topic was complex. What motivates people is never a simple “black-and-white” answer. The motivations can be as varied as the number of participants. What is readily apparent is that motivations are evolving. The ultimate objective of all direct selling companies is to grow the business by growing the number of customers. Direct sellers are the intermediaries in this process. Therefore, what motivates a direct seller is important for the company to understand.
DIRECT SELLING opportunities will become more attractive—even a preferred choice—for those looking for new revenue streams.
Relevant direct selling models are in position to grow market share in the current favorable environment of consumers actively seeking more efficient ways to purchase products and services. Therefore, direct selling opportunities will become more attractive— even a preferred choice—for those looking for new revenue streams.
The key word in the above hypothesis is “relevant.” In Ultimate Gig, we devoted an entire chapter to motivations for working a gig. In this article, we correlate insights gained from Ultimate Gig findings with experiences, observations and study of additional empirical research. These three insights reveal what we consider to be important to understanding what motivates direct sellers in today’s marketplace.
1/ The origins of direct selling offered an opportunity to represent a brand, enabling consumers to purchase the brand through a very personalized approach. Direct sellers sold to consumers and serviced customers consistently. However, over recent years, we may have lost some of the excitement related to successfully attracting and retaining real customers of the brand. Contemporary direct selling companies are just beginning to recognize the value of analyzing and tracking the behaviors of consumers of their products and services acquired through independent direct sellers. It is as honorable to “sell” as it is to “buy,” and when we can benefit from a sale, we activate new possibilities and opportunities to repeat the process again and again.
Many gig economy participants currently are not involved in direct selling. By expanding the channel’s scope, direct selling can get a much bigger slice of the gig economy pie.
A key motivator for gig-economy enthusiasts is immediate pay for immediate work. The channel needs to adopt a quick-pay mindset.
As the definition of what direct selling is expands to become more inclusive of other gig economy opportunities, the channel’s reputation can be improved.
2/ As direct selling evolved to include new methods of compensation not explored or used by any other business model, the hypothetical math associated with the opportunity may have become more important than the philosophy behind the brand and the importance of transactions with consumers and customers of the brand. To explain further, David McConnel, Earl Tupper, Stan Beveridge, Mary Kay Ash, Mary Crowley, Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel appear to have been very focused on the principles and values upon which they founded their companies. I do not recall anything of importance associated with the
percentages of commissions paid to those who joined those companies. I do, however, VIVIDLY remember the philosophies these great leaders created and advocated. Each company was built on a foundation of principles and values. Each of the companies mentioned went on to become successful brands associated with direct selling. Direct sellers are motivated to participate when they see more than a transaction and the percentages associated with the transactions.
3/ Simplicity vs. Complexity is the essence of new strategies designed to attract new direct sellers. Affiliate programs will become more and more popular and will be embraced by more direct selling companies. The rationale for the popularity in affiliate programs is based upon proof of concept. Again, the growth of the gig economy is the proof where simplicity, ease of engagement and quick rewards for effort are recognized. The growth of the gig economy does not represent new competition for those companies using the direct selling model, only a reminder that the origins of the model remain fundamental to the appeal of the direct selling model.
Growing market share will be dependent upon attracting more prospects in the effort to attract more shoppers, customers and direct sellers. This is the basic premise upon which the direct selling model was founded. However, the manner in which direct sellers are attracted must now evolve beyond traditional motivations and attract others based upon unique methods of recognition and compensation and excellent support. This will enable the attraction of shoppers and the acquisition of a greater market share of customers and those who seek affiliation with income earning possibilities and opportunities. Direct selling companies must now own the brand.
SIMPLICITY vs. Complexity is the essence of new direct selling strategies.
As the direct selling channel embraces concepts of simplicity and engages the use of digital platforms and digital tools in customer acquisition/ retention efforts, direct selling will become more of a preferred choice by those who explore income possibilities related to the gig economy.
This simply makes sense because the benefits of being rewarded for customer acquisition and retention and the efforts of other direct sellers that are personally influenced are unique to the channel. Unlike other choices now available via the gig economy when seeking new income possibilities, direct selling opportunities continue to remain unique in that a direct seller aggregates the benefits associated with acquisition and retention of both customers and others who affiliate. This attribute should be considered a powerful motivator! Rich DeVos, Co-Founder of Amway, once described direct selling opportunities with three words: “An Uncommon Freedom!”
In the past, direct sellers typically chose one direct selling company to partner with. Today, we find that 69 percent (U.G. Research October 2021) of gig economy participants work multiple gigs. Multiple gigs can be complementary of one another. Direct selling has always been viewed as a viable way to develop an income with freedom and flexibility. Perhaps, direct selling companies will benefit from understanding that the new direct seller may be making other choices for income possibilities and the choice of a direct selling company may not be the only choice. However, direct selling should be perceived as a preferred choice if not the ultimate choice or Ultimate Gig…simply because it is!
Companies are using technology to reward gig workers by paying quicker for performance. This is a prime motivator for working a gig. Quick pay solves problems faster when financial health and cash flow are primary motivators.
The gig economy has revolutionized the idea of paying quicker for performance. This is the new reality of the gig economy. The phenomenon has ignited the concept of work on demand. When there is a demand for work, a gig company meets the demand in real time through engagement of independent contractors who make themselves available.
TODAY’S DIRECT SELLING companies must be competitive and appealing in look, feel and functionality with respect to digital platforms, expanding possibilities and eliminating physical, geographical and time zone constraints.
Technology is the connector. Almost three of four workers are found to live paycheck to paycheck when paychecks occur on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis. Accelerated pay is a huge motivator that fuels the appeal and growth of the gig economy, and this feature is now being incorporated into most direct selling models.
The new opportunity for the direct seller is to target more of the general marketplace, appealing to those who wish to easily affiliate with brands, products and services they love.
Positioning of the opportunity is critical to what motivates, attracts and leads to engagement. What motivated direct sellers in the past does not totally sync with what motivates prospects now or in the future.
Public perception of direct selling models will improve dramatically as it becomes inclusive of newer iterations of the existing models. Perception will improve as labels become less important. It’s imperative to remember:
n The importance of simplicity in recognition, rewards and compensation methods.
n The gig economy i s approximately 10 times the size of direct selling and growing in both participation and revenue at a very robust forecasted CAGR through 2027.
n The gig economy focus is more on flexibility, freedom, fair rewards and simplicity. Direct selling is a subset of the gig economy and just one of many choices available.
n The robust growth of ecommerce should become an asset for direct selling companies.
n Digital tools that enable sharing the brand’s messaging can no longer be considered “nice to have.” They are essential.
Direct selling companies have not, historically, considered ecommerce to be competition. However, ignoring ecommerce is no longer an option. Today’s direct selling companies must be competitive and appealing in look, feel and functionality with respect to digital platforms, expanding possibilities and eliminating physical, geographical and time zone constraints. The utilization of direct sellers as intermediaries is a natural way to personalize the experience of engaging an ecommerce platform. As the public perceives us as being more than a direct seller/network marketer/social seller but more of a personalized provider of products, services, possibilities and opportunities, we will motivate more to seek our model as both a consumer and a micro entrepreneur.
As direct selling models of distribution embrace the current inflection point, the opportunities that lie ahead are as strong as ever. Direct selling is an uncommon opportunity…An Uncommon Freedom! DSN
JOHN FLEMING is the author of Ultimate Gig: Flexibility, Freedom & Rewards which provides an in-depth glimpse of the future of work and how the gig economy has fueled the growth and appeal of flexible work opportunities. John is principal of Ideas and Design Group, LLC and in both the DSA Hall of Fame and DSEF Circle of Honor. John is also a recipient of the DSN Bravo Lifetime Achievement Award. John has recently released LEVERAGE, a free eBook download.
AFTER CLEARING A PLETHORA of challenges in the past few years, the direct selling industry emerges asking even more questions about what inspires people to interact with their brands. There’s a retooling underway that bends direct selling business models further and further toward a more customer-centric focus, and direct selling companies find themselves adapting to a new kind of customer. But it’s not just the customer who has changed.
The pandemic spurred an accelerated evolution within direct selling field organizations too. While plenty of traditional industry business builders are selling products and recruiting others to do the same, more companies have now expanded to include affiliate, tiered affiliate and brand partner programs. And the number of social media influencers in the mix could be endless.
The “field” simply isn’t what it used to be. No longer a generalized group of business builders, the direct selling field is more like a collective of wildly diverse motivations, intentions, needs and expectations. Figuring out how to effectively incentivize behavior and reward successful performance is a complicated challenge because this eclectic direct selling field is coming at it from multiple directions all at once.
EFFECTIVE MOTIVATION depends a great deal on a direct selling company’s ability to suss out what people desire most, then adopt incentive and recognition strategies that reflect their differing goals for business builders, affiliates/brand partners and social media influencers, who all want different things. In essence, you need to make it personal. That requires a creative, tiered strategy unlike anything that’s come before.
“I really think as an industry and as a company, we’re still figuring this out. It’s new. We’re trying new things. It’s going to evolve as we go forward, as we have a better understanding of how these different distributor types, influencer types and affiliate types fit together within your program, within your compensation structure as well as the ways that you might recognize them,” Curtis Call, Xyngular’s Chief Sales Officer said.
Acknowledgment is a powerful recognition tool, and it’s one facet of an incentive and rewards strategy that doesn’t have to be complicated or a sweeping campaign to make people feel seen. Some of the things that have worked for decades in the direct selling industry continue to be powerful forms of recognition.
Personalized birthday wishes and thank you notes, free product and swag all have their place— especially when budgets aren’t plump. They go a long way in giving younger people, for instance, the frequent feedback they want. These short-term kudos don’t necessarily tie to a big red-carpet moment, rank advance or top-tier travel reward. Experiences like accepting a plaque on stage and earning that glamourous trip still hold sway with business builders, and cash bonuses certainly never go out of style.
“But at the same time, I think we need to continue to evolve and allow ourselves to be creative and ideate on new forms of recognition that are equally powerful, especially as we get into the younger generations joining the industry,” Call said.
Direct selling companies have always sought to recruit people who possess significant circles of influence. With the rise of social media influencers, direct sellers would love to bring them into their teams or at least get them into their organizations to leverage that influence to help promote and move products.
But often, there’s a rub. Social media influencers don’t necessarily want to be viewed as network marketers or distributors. Sure, hybrid individuals exist and sometimes get involved in businessbuilding opportunities, but most simply want to remain influencers. As Call said, they are happy to “plug in” and use their influence. They may love a company’s products, but also want to simultaneously promote another company’s products.
Expectations like these are shifting incentives and recognition strategies within the direct selling industry. Multi-level compensation plans—attractive to business builders—don’t fit the social media influencer, who may prefer a single-level, built-in monetary reward for sales they influence. Company swag, free products or exclusive offers for their peer or influence group can also work.
“You have to understand who’s building it as a business and who’s merely a great promoter of your products. I think today’s companies need both. I think you still need the builders. I think you still need to have a strategy to go after the influencers. But the influencers aren’t necessarily looking for the opportunity to come to your event and walk across your stage, hold a title and a rank with the company,” Call said.
THE FUTURE of incentives for any consumer brand is how to get more personal with the behavior you’re trying to drive.”
As these influencers and affiliates become an integral part of the channel, it is important to make sure your rewards and incentives match their expectations.
Networking, team building and status are components of the traditional annual incentive trips. Top performers want the ability to unplug and not work their business as a reward.
It isn’t necessarily the amount of money or the scale of the incentive that’s important; it is the personal appeal and resonance it holds for the recipient.
The industry norm—a tiered, business-builder inspired incentive and recognition strategy—is evolving and getting increasingly complex with the introduction of these new players. But running parallel and growing more powerful in the postpandemic era is the notion that the reward itself needs to really mean something to the recipient.
“The future of incentives for any consumer brand is how to get more personal with the behavior you’re trying to drive. Why would they care about doing this or care about the reward itself?” explained Kevin Yip, President and Co-Founder of Blueboard, a San Francisco-based experiential rewards and incentive platform.
Nearly ten years ago, Yip was an accountant at a Fortune 500 firm. He’d just wrapped a two-monthlong project requiring 400+ hours of unpaid overtime. Grueling—and it took its toll: 20 pounds overweight, stressed and anxious, Yip was labeled a “top performer.” That’s when a well-meaning manager dropped a $200 gift card on his desk, and Yip’s world changed. It was easy math. His reward: roughly 50 cents per hour.
“You know when you put that much energy into something and you’re that burned out, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I felt it was incredibly impersonal. It felt like a slap in the face. I felt really undervalued. I was really frustrated,” Yip remembered.
That company spends millions of dollars annually on recognitions, but in the moment, Yip said, “All that hard work and good intention fell flat in that final mile.”
What if, instead, that manager offered up a short-term membership to the gym around the corner? Yip loved boxing and would relish getting back in shape. Perhaps a classy, Michelin-star dinner date since he’d been unable to spend quality time with his girlfriend as the hours piled on?
“Same cost—but imagine how much more personal and thoughtful that would’ve been for me as an employee,” Yip said.
Together, Yip and his longtime friend and fellow “top performer” Taylor Smith recalled the countless Starbucks and AmEx gift cards tossed on their desks as rewards. Were they a magical motivating factor? Not in the least. So, they set about helping companies figure out a better way and co-founded Blueboard in 2014.
Blueboard’s client base runs the gamut from direct selling organizations to some of the world’s largest tech companies, elevator manufacturers, The Shake Shack and Chick-fil-A. After a company does the introspective work necessary to identify the behaviors they want to incentivize and recognize, Blueboard shows up with a portfolio of experiences aimed at personally rewarding recipients. Then they partner with the client to launch a campaign that drives the desired outcome.
Often, they work to elevate sales and reward top performers. But campaigns can be behavioral driven too—incentivizing people to adopt a new way of doing something. For instance, one organization discovered through a deep data dive that they won 50 percent of face-to-face customer meetings, but only 10 percent when no one showed up in person. “So, we incentivized them getting an in-person meeting because that tilts the advantage,” Yip said.
Nearly $100 billion is spent on non-cash incentives and rewards in the United States, Yip said. While there’s a travel component to that figure, much of that money goes toward gift cards, plaques, swag, electronics and merchandise. And today, a recognition strategy centered this way feels more than a little antiquated and out of touch.
“Folks aren’t going to say no to another iPad or Apple Watch, but it’s probably the fifth or sixth one they’ve received. You spend $500,000. Are they working harder because of it? Are they more loyal because of it? Are they talking about it?” Yip asked. “Probably not.”
Direct selling, as an industry, has engineered that top-rank reward—leasing an entire cruise ship or jetting people off to a private island—to a tee. But what Yip hears over and over from those ultra-top performers is that these trips still feel like work. “It’s less personally valuable. It’s more socially valuable…But it doesn’t feel like a chance to unplug,” he said.
Blueboard helps direct selling companies figure out how to reward their top people with something they want to do with their families and their friends, not a trip they take to inspire the top five people in their downline or network with other top performers. While those events are essential to business success, a real reward for top field leaders would be true downtime doing something that creates memories to last a lifetime.
That could be anything from an Italian cooking class with your team to a three-month, once-a-week Spanish language course; hiking Machu Picchu; or beach time on a white sand beach in the Bahamas with the family.
“One of the things we believe is experiences are universal, but preferences are different. So, we want to help deliver this idea of quality time to these people getting rewards,” Yip said.
Sometimes people want the ability to decide for themselves what their recognition is, Call said. And that’s why monetary rewards work.
It’s also why Blueboard’s concept is so appealing. Companies set the parameters for the reward experience and recipients get to choose. Sending someone on a trip is far different than helping them recreate their honeymoon. That’s the personal touch, and that’s something direct selling companies can deliver.
DSNDON’T MISS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to appear in this new resource from DSN!
The Guide by DSN—featured in each issue—is a curated resource to help executive decision makers find strategic business partners specializing in direct selling.
The Guide focuses on a specific category of expertise and service in each issue.
Suppliers featured must currently serve the direct selling channel and have a minimum two years of direct selling experience.
To ensure your company is included in an upcoming issue of The Guide, contact Jerilyn Taylor at jtaylor@directsellingnews.com.
Inclusion on the list is free of charge, and supplier companies can boost visibility by advertising in the issue your category is featured.
and utilizing in order to stay engaged, informed and one step ahead.
BY CHELSEA HUGHESIn his first non-fiction book, best-selling author Patrick Lencioni presents his case for the biggest competitive advantage he believes a business can have: organizational health. Through consistency and the unification of management, operations and culture, Lencioni suggests that a company can avoid mediocrity and become a healthy business— abandoning politics, fostering achievement and outperforming the competition. will encourage leaders to reevaluate their metrics of success in business.
If an impromptu meeting or presentation has ever left you scrambling to queue up your deck or print a leave-behind, the Ultra Mini Pocket Projector
With this incredible device, you can cast your screen onto the nearest wall, turning any surface into a 150” projection screen for up to 2.5 hours! Not only can you share presentations with this portable projector, but the built-in speaker also enables you to watch HD video, play games and share photographs.
CEO Today seeks to inspire, motivate and inform the C-Suite with the latest corporate developments, news and tech innovations. While a print subscription is paid, the magazine’s digital subscription is free and sent straight to your inbox each month, along with a newsletter and exclusive content. The magazine is distributed to over 150,000 of the world’s most prominent executives, but the content housed on CEO Today’s website is equally rich with news, interviews and features about the world’s most successful companies and leaders.
In this brand-new book by Matt Higgins—a Harvard Business School executive fellow, guest shark on Shark Tank and renowned angel investor—the ancient strategy of boat burning is examined in relation to success. Historically, boat burning motivated invading troops to win by destroying their option of retreat, forcing an all-or-nothing approach to war in which victory was won through sheer desperation. Higgins argues that removing our own “Plan Bs” is the best way to achieve our dreams.
In this candid podcast, best-selling author and proclaimed “King of Sales” Jeffrey Gitomer and fellow sales expert Jennifer Gitomer discuss the art and science of selling. The couple interviews leaders in business, sales, marketing and personal development to break down topics such as “The Three Sales Mindsets” and “How to Leverage Tech and Build a Seven-Figure Sales Organization.”
FutureLearn is a cleverly designed, intuitive education platform, and class topics are as diverse as they are plentiful and inform the user of exactly what they can expect from the course. They are free; users only pay for completion certificates (if desired) or credits to use toward degrees. Your field can dig deep into any topic from business and entrepreneurship to digital marketing and social media—without digging into their pocketbooks. DSN
Let perseverance be your engine and hope your fuel.
I WANTED to find a way to help women be unapologetic about getting what they want
WITH ANYONE ELSE, asking them to share the information could have been awkward, but I knew Michele would see the value in it.
WHETHER IT’S TECHNOLOGY, product development or field incentives, you always strive to do it better, faster, first. Direct selling prides itself on being more collaborative than other industries, with a long-acknowledged history of sharing information and insights for the betterment of the channel as a whole.
But that support can only go so far—a little bit of healthy competition can make each company better, and the ability to sit atop lists like DSN’s Global 100 or Forbes Largest Private Companies is a feather in any company’s hat—and perhaps a powerful incentive to keep other leaders at arm’s length, keeping the most important insights in-house.
But sometimes, genuine and lasting connections are formed in the most unexpected places. That was certainly the case for Michele Gay, Co-Founder and CEO of LimeLife by Alcone and Sarah Shadonix, Founder and CEO of Scout & Cellar.
These leaders, who sit at the helm of two of the most innovative, buzzworthy companies in the channel, met several years ago when recording an episode of a DSN podcast, forging a fast friendship that has only strengthened over time.
Businesses—and the executives that lead them—are competitive by nature.
This friendship is based on encouragement and the sharing of information, insights and ideas for the betterment of each other’s companies and field. You might think it’s unusual or risky for two leaders to work so closely together to build one another’s leadership skills and support their companies’ growth, but for Gay and Shadonix, it’s been a natural, organic and mutually beneficial friendship that has led to breakthroughs for both parties.
And it’s created an incredible spirit of collaboration as their companies continue to prosper. A shining example of this happened recently at Scout & Cellar’s Epic leadership event in Frisco, Texas, January 27, 2023.
Gay had previously invited Shadonix to view a personal development presentation given by LimeLife’s Chief Development Officer Gary Montalvo and Regional Director Dawn Speaks to LimeLife’s field at one of their conferences. The training focused on the legendary personal development best seller The Three Laws of Performance by Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan.
The material had proven to be invaluable for Gay’s field, helping them eliminate limiting beliefs and reframing their thoughts surrounding success and money. As Gay explained, “People join direct selling for a lot of different reasons: to have fun;
The laws of performance are universal. They aren’t steps or tips, but general principles that are always at work. They are also phrased in a precise way, to give maximum insight and applicability. The laws are:
1 / How people perform correlates to how situations occur to them.
2 / How situations occur arises in language.
3 / Future-based language transforms how situations occur to people.
Check out the book to bring more wisdom and insights to your team.
to find purpose; to help others; and also to make money. Women have a hard time admitting the money portion to themselves and to others. I wanted to find a way to help women be unapologetic about getting what they want.”
The training developed by her team had created real breakthroughs for LimeLife’s field, allowing them to embrace what they want and confront the inner dialogues that kept them from reaching their goals.
Shadonix immediately recognized the value the presentation could have for her field. “To be honest, I didn’t intend to watch the entire presentation. I thought I’d watch part of the event and that would be it. But it was so inspiring and entertaining. Plus, some of the language around limiting beliefs expressed by Michele’s team felt similar to what I felt was holding our field back. I knew this would be just as eye-opening to them as it was for me. With anyone else, asking them to share the information could have been awkward, but I knew Michele would see the value in it.”
Gay was eager to help Shadonix bring the gamechanging training her team had developed to the
Scout & Cellar team at their Epic leadership conference. She flew down to the event, along with her trainers Gary Montalvo and Dawn Speaks. They presented an intensive, immersive full-day deep dive into the laws of performance and how they can help distributors reach their full potential without fear or limits.
Just as Shadonix expected, the training deeply resonated with Scout & Cellar’s field leaders. As Kortney Simmons, Executive Manager explained, “Dawn and Gary had us dig deep and internalize the things that were holding us back— not only in our business but in all areas of our lives. I’ve used this new understanding to break free from my doubts. Many leaders at Scout & Cellar are coaching their teams to do the same. This event was transformational!”
Managing Director and Founding Member Courtney Bono had a similar experience at Epic. “The event was wonderful. It helped all of us frame up and make space for frustrations and identify traps that pause action and productivity. Once individuals are aware of these, spot them and identify them, it allows everyone to mentally break those barriers down and move forward with dynamic action and ultimately a much richer experience.”
I lead Squire’s sales tax team, keeping direct-selling companies compliant with state and local tax laws. Our industry-specific approach includes nexus determination and tackling the challenges of sales tax calculations, registrations, filings, and related issues, such as exemption certificate management.
I’m an expert in multi-state sales and use tax issues.
These two CEOs coming together represents the best that direct selling has to offer: a sense of community and collaboration where best practices and innovative ideas come together in a spirit of sharing for the betterment of the channel.
The tagline "AUDIT.TAX.ADVISORY" on ly accompanies the logo in cir cumstances where context requires c larification about what Squire can do for current and potential customers (the audience).
For example, Squire.com and its subsequent web pages featu r e the onet agline version (HIGHER
PE RSPECTIVE ONLY) of the Squire logo because the subpage content t hroughout the site provides adequate co ntext to visitors.
And that spirit translates powerfully to the field as well. As Simmons explained, “I think it’s incredibly special that CEOs from two different direct sales companies came together to bring growth and connection to their people. It’s clear that Sarah and Michele are changing the direct sales industry for the better by setting an example of what community represents.” DSN
On the other hand, if the team attends a national financial trade show where Sq uire should differentiate itself from a n eighboring financial software co mpany, then trade show banners n eed to include the tagline, “Audit- TaxA dvisory.”
Treat the secondary tagline like it’s part of the logo but secondary in focus to t he logo itself.
SINCE LAUNCHING in June 2021, The Direct Approach podcast has been providing direct selling executives an in-depth look at the biggest challenges facing the channel—and unique solutions for tackling them.
Wayne and the rest of the DSN Family would like to thank our growing audience and the 45+ executives and guests for their candor and participation.
MEET THE HOST Wayne Moorehead has deep experience in marketing and brand strategy. He has applied his expertise and passion to help companies (from startups to Fortune 100) define, communicate and activate their brands. Wayne’s rare blend of experience and success has shaped his philosophy on effective growth strategies, and he believes the future of the channel will blend the best of direct selling with the best of direct-to-consumer.
Here’s a snapshot look at recent episodes!
from her kitchen table, with toddlers at her feet and a desire to create a product she could share and sell for extra income—23 years later, she leads a multimillion-dollar company and is fulfilling her dream of empowering women while helping others live healthier, more vibrant lives.
In this episode, learn how Nancy developed a longevity mindset early in her career and how it has become a core pillar and business strategy that guides everything in the organization. She’ll also share her philosophy and practice of incorporating humor as a tool to weather the inevitable storms of business.
FOR OVER 20 YEARS, Mike has been a technology leader known for building global technology systems for directto-consumer companies. His ability to define and execute forward thinking strategies and integrate emerging technology for productive outcomes has made him a sought-after information technology leader.
In this episode, Mike discusses some challenges and hesitancy preventing direct selling companies from embracing innovation. He also shares of the advancements in ecommerce that companies can begin leveraging and the vital importance of having an updated tech stack.
BEN BEGAN HIS CAREER with Young Living in 1998, putting himself through college working in the company’s warehouse and headquarters. Today, as President of the company, Ben combines his unique insight into direct selling with his passion for the company that helped launch his career.
In this episode, Ben talks about how the direct selling channel is evolving and what that means to leaders. He discusses how knowing your company’s legacy and purpose makes it easier to stay focused on your vision. Ben also dives into the importance of leveraging technology and how to ease ecommerce friction.
NEVER MISS AN EPISODE —2023 will be another year of insights, tips, takeaways and action items provided by some of the most notable names in the channel. If it’s impacting direct selling, Wayne and his guests will be talking about it on The Direct Approach. New episodes drop every other Thursday—make sure to subscribe!
UR HECTIC SCHEDULES, busy family lives and work-till-you-burn-out approach to career building has left most Americans in a perennial state of crisis. Add a global pandemic to the mix and you’ve got a recipe for chaos. While the wellness industry has grown exponentially over recent years, a newer market is taking center stage with holistic solutions to our overburdened lifestyles. “Mental Wellness” seeks to improve overall mental health by addressing the whole “self”—inside and out—through products and services intended to help us feel our best. Amare Global launched in 2016 as The Mental Wellness Company and looks to not only lead this new market but a global mental wellness movement.
PRODUCTS: Health and Wellness
Entrepreneur Hiep Tran founded Amare Global from a place of professional success but personal burnout. Like so many Americans, he found himself at a crossroads
“Our Founder and Chairman was inspired when he created Amare in 2016 in response to his own life experiences tied to mental wellness challenges,” Chief Executive Officer Jared Turner shared. “At the time, Hiep had achieved high levels of success in other businesses, but like so many of us, realized he did so at the expense of his mental wellness. After navigating his own healing journey, he wanted to empower others to do so as well. This is how Amare was born.”
Hiep named his new venture Amare, which means “to love” in Latin. He wanted love to be foundational to how the company operates and serves its employees, field and customers.
“When creating Amare, Hiep wanted to find a way to deeply connect people from all walks of life all over the world,” said Jared. “He believed loving oneself was the start of being able to love others, so ‘Amare’ was a natural fit for the name of the company. We want our corporate employees and field organizations to feel loved, inspired and valued. We are focused on operationalizing love throughout our organization to create a community and culture of belonging and support.”
The World Health Organization defines mental wellness as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities; can cope with the normal stresses of life; can work productively and fruitfully; and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
This means that mental wellness can be addressed in a variety of ways—physical activity, routine changes, therapy and dietary supplementation, to name just a few. Amare is working to improve mental wellness most directly through its product lines, but it’s also addressed through the financial opportunity it offers.
“Mental wellness is an important area that has gone unaddressed in much of the world, and we recognize a desperate need to change that,” shared Jared. “New scientific research has revealed that mental wellness is not just about the brain, it’s also about the gut (otherwise known as the ‘second brain’). At Amare, we know that our mental wellness will improve as we optimize our microbiome, which is what our products are formulated to do.”
At Amare, we want our corporate employees and field organizations to feel loved, inspired and valued.
Amare introduced the world’s first award-winning gutbrain axis nutrition system with its flagship FundaMentals Pack. This set of four products addresses the “three brains”—the gut, brain and heart—to enhance overall mental wellness. Today, Amare’s product lines include supplements to address every area of overall wellness: gut health, mental fitness, confidence and weight, nutrition, sexual wellness and personal care.
In late 2022, Amare announced that the company had acquired Kyäni, a multi-national direct sales company specializing in nutritional and personal care products. This acquisition not only significantly expanded Amare’s product line, but the company’s global reach as well.
“Amare took an incredible leap when we strategically acquired Kyäni,” said Jared. “Our focus for 2023 is to now fully integrate the Amare and Kyäni businesses into one united company. With this integration, many of Kyäni’s health-optimizing products have become part of the Amare product line. And our global reach has expanded to over 50 countries around the world.”
When the company launched in 2016, Amare Partners were ready to share the products and opportunity with the world. Today, Amare is home to a field team of more than 155,000 Partners and 116 corporate team members. In January 2022, Amare announced a new social selling opportunity called Amare X, designed for influencers across multiple platforms. In its first year, this program has grown to include Amare X Ambassadors propelling Amare’s mental wellness revolution forward.
“The mental wellness story is more relevant today than ever before,” explained Jared. “Our products, programs and events reflect this emphasis. The
culture and community stemming from this are very attractive to people in today’s world. By inspiring people to love and believe in themselves, we hope to accelerate their personal transformations, allowing them to live their dreams while positively impacting others.”
Amare is experiencing growth across the board—a growing field and expanded global presence, as well as recently released products with more new offerings on the way. In 2022, the company released a microbiome-associated weight-loss product called GBX Fit, a QUADbiotic that deploys four different gut-enhancing ingredients to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Earlier this year, Amare launched GBX Burn, a fat-burning product designed to help keep weight
We believe this is a unique and powerful way to contribute to the well- being of people around the world.
off by working in tandem with GBX Fit to signal mechanisms in the gut-brain-axis.
As Amare grows, it also gives. In 2021, Amare launched a partnership with The Children’s Center Utah to support their efforts to improve mental wellness in children. The Children’s Center provides comprehensive mental health care to enhance the emotional well-being of young children. Additionally, the company has continued an initiative started by Kyäni that serves global nutritional needs via “Potato Paks.” Potato Paks are balanced meals that meet nutritional requirements set forth by the World Food Program and have been sent around the world, including Mexico, Haiti, Honduras, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, Turkey and Ukraine.
As Amare continues to work towards its vision of leading the mental health movement across the globe, the company has put new goals in its sights. In October 2022, Amare announced its March to a Million campaign, defining a goal of Amare products in one million households within five years. Acquiring Kyäni opened a world of new possibilities, increasing Amare’s global footprint from one country to 50; so, the company’s sprint towards one million homes has gained new speed.
“People are accustomed to focusing on their physical wellness, but we believe mental wellness and physical wellness are inextricably connected and this is reflected in our product portfolio,” shared Jared. “We believe this is a unique and powerful way to contribute to the well-being of people around the world. We are seeing the marketplace respond to this approach by rewarding the company with triple digit growth. I’m most excited about our ongoing effort to integrate the Kyäni business into Amare globally. There is a huge opportunity to provide mental wellness solutions in every region of the world, and we are uniquely positioned to pioneer this effort.” DSN
BUILDING A LEGACY organization
is the dream of every ambitious direct sales leader. The compound success of consistency through the steady, everyday activities this industry teaches lays the foundation for businesses to last generations. But the industry is in constant motion, and legacy organizations aren’t immune to challenges. It’s how people navigate those challenges that separate leaders from partners.
Darren Zobrist, Chief Executive Officer
John Wadsworth, Chief Brand Partner Officer
PRODUCTS: Health and Wellness
John Wadsworth’s direct selling journey was 25 years of building a dream business from the ground up. After launching his career in Japan, he steadily followed habits and practices that grew his network to include teams in over 30 countries.
“This is the quintessential idealistic network marketing story of how cool network marketing can be,” he shared. “I spent my career, 25 years, working boots on the ground with a single network marketing company, witnessing firsthand the impact these products have on transforming people’s lives for the better. I was blessed to see thousands of people around the world truly experience the magic of network marketing and have experiences and accomplishments that, in most cases, exceeded even what they had dreamed.”
But in 2022, John’s dreams of a business that would stand the test of time felt like it was about to be dashed. NewAge was facing financial challenges, and its future was uncertain. Everything John had built throughout his career in the field was on the line, and starting over seemed daunting.
We want to be a true partnership with all of our people, hundreds of thousands of people around the world, who look to this community to better their lives on a daily basis.
“Your dream when you start (in network marketing) is to do it once and build with a company that lasts forever,” he said. “The magic of this is that every day adds to what you did the day before and compounds to a huge scale. But if you ever had to start over—that’s traumatic. When you face something that you didn’t expect, that comes out of left field, that throws you off your track, you have to respond quickly. One, you want to try and see how you can influence the outcome. But two, you want to keep an open mind and say, ‘Maybe this could be a silver lining. Something good.’ I hit that point. When I did, I called Darren.”
Darren Zobrist chose a different path, starting his career in the financial industry, followed by Wharton Business School and launching a hugely successful seafood business that he eventually sold in a lucrative deal. But he wanted more.
“I started my career in the financial industry on Wall Street, working with some highly reputable firms,” Darren said. “But the longer I was there, the more I realized I wanted to do something more meaningful. Throughout my career, I’ve learned that there is more than just the bottom line. To be truly successful, you have to think about others and how you can support them, too.”
Fast forward to 2022 and a phone call from John that would change everything. The two had met at church years earlier and became fast friends, finding commonalities in how they viewed both business and life.
“I called Darren and told him that I can accept starting over because I’m pretty resilient, but I don’t want to,” John said. “Darren listened to me, calmed me down a little bit and said, ‘John, no big deal. We’ll just buy the business.’”
The solution sounded simple and crazy at the same time. But in a matter of days, it was done, saving not only all that John had built, but countless other leaders’ networks worldwide. While he
intended to be more of a passive investor, Darren became CEO following a life-changing trip to a field event in Barcelona, where he experienced the heartbeat of network marketing for the first time.
“I didn’t know much at all about this industry,” Darren said. “It was really touching to see how people’s lives were changed by this company, by this industry, by improving their health and their finances. And I saw the opportunity to help people on a much larger scale. Then all the discussions started, and we realized how unique our partnership was. Here we have John with 25 years as a distributor. You have me with Wharton, Wall Street, ran a big company. We’re unique, and it’s a huge advantage for us to build something that will last—hopefully for generations. And something that is a very unique opportunity for distributors who are looking for a place to land.”
We have incredible leadership. We have amazing products. Everything just came together. And for me, that’s been unique in my business career. I have loved every minute of seeing that happen.
It became clear that John and Darren’s venture wasn’t just new ownership, but something new entirely—a true partnership that could inspire a new vision for what’s possible in network marketing. They took a critical look at every aspect of the company, from products to compensation plan, corporate structure and strategy. They took stock of what they had on the table: timetested products, efficient worldwide logistics, a license in China, established brands and experienced leaders, a fair compensation plan and a great opportunity— everything they needed to create something new that the industry hadn’t seen before. They dreamed up a partnership of existing brands, all working together as a new entity with the stability and longevity of a legacy company. But what to call it?
“We want to be a true partnership with all of our people, hundreds of thousands of people around the world who look to this community to better their lives on a daily basis and give them a vision for what their future can be over three years, five years, 10 years, next generation,” John explained. “As we contemplated that and considered different names, we kept coming back to that concept of partner, a partnership. Something that really signifies how we feel about our relationship with everyone else who’s part of our community, be it the vendors and the suppliers; the people out in the field; the executives at corporate. Everyone locks arms in a partnership. It was then we came up with the name Partner.Co, the Partner Company, and if you understand the context, it’s a really cool name with a deep meaning.”
Partner.Co officially launched in February 2023 as a brand-new company with Darren as Chief Executive Officer and John serving as Chief Brand Partner Officer, combining established brands and leaders from four companies, ARIIX, LIMU®, Morinda and Zennoa®, into a new platform of brands and product categories that supports existing Brand Partners and offers a fresh opportunity to a new generation of prospective Partners.
“We think of ourselves as a blended community— one that gets this tremendous opportunity to build off the accomplishments and hard work of the people who helped create and grow ARIIX, Morinda, Limu and Zennoa. We’re incredibly grateful for that,” shared John.
John’s desire to preserve what he’d built plus Darren’s business leadership experience combined to birth a new way of operating a network marketing company with powerful leaders working together to achieve the team’s goal of longterm, sustainable growth. The team is quick to observe, listen and adapt, leading their field-driven organization with transparency and collaboration through:
n The Brand Partner Bill of Rights, which guarantees the company’s pledge to give its Brand Partners a seat at the table, helping drive business decisions together with the corporate team, sharing profits, incentives and fun.
n The Partners Council, a group of key ambassadors selected each year for their proven records of success combined with their passion for Partner.Co’s shared vision.
n The Founders Club, the most prestigious group of recognition that a Brand Partner can achieve in the entire industry. This group has all the privileges of being a founder, including profit sharing.
Partner.Co considers the entirety of 2023 its “launch year,” giving prospective Brand Partners the exclusive opportunity to join during such an exciting time for the company. And Darren and John can’t wait to see what’s next.
“I’m excited about the adventure of experiencing this from a new perspective with new possibilities, new scale and new scope,” John said. “We’re bringing people along on that exciting journey because we only get one chance at life.”
“It’s incredible to me how we were able to bring Partner.Co together so quickly and so cohesively,” Darren shared. “We have incredible leadership. We have amazing products. Everything just came together. And for me, that’s been unique in my business career. I’ve loved every minute of seeing that happen.” DSN
RON STURGEON inadvertently became an entrepreneur at the age of 17 when his dad died and he found himself with no place to live. He started repairing cars and—from those humble beginnings—built a successful chain of salvage yards which he sold to Ford Motor Company in 1999. He then began exploring other business opportunities, which led to him becoming a real estate investor, landlord and developer
Along the way, he has remained a fierce advocate for small businesses and entrepreneurs, founding the small business consulting firm Mr. Mission Possible as well as becoming a motivational speaker and strategic planner for entrepreneurs. The author of 10 business books, Ron tells the story of his unconventional path to success in the forthcoming book Homeless to $100 Million
In this interview, Ron and Heather talk about some of his learnings as an entrepreneur and how leaders can help develop an entrepreneurial mindset in others.
HEATHER CHASTAIN: I know that you’ve spent the latter part of your career coaching and inspiring other entrepreneurs. We know how much is changing, but what are some of the constants that you consider to be foundational or fundamental to success?
RON STURGEON: Well, it may run contrary to what a lot of people feel, but I didn’t go to college, and I don’t think a college education is necessarily needed. Had I gone to college, I believe I would have been a better business person. And yet it didn’t take me very many years to have learned
Millionaires think very differently than other people. They see the opportunity where other people see barriers to entry.RON STURGEON
what I needed. I got everything I would have gotten from college by just reading books. And I read voraciously. My advice to people is always to read one book a month. After you’ve read about three or four on finance and three or four on leadership and three or four on marketing, you’ve got a pretty good platform.
HEATHER: I agree with you on the lifelong learner mindset. I did go to college, but I went entirely at night and recognized that what I was learning full time during my job during the day was serving me much better than the things I was reading in the books at night. What authors are you reading that you think are interesting in this area?
RON: There are a few basic books that I tell people to read and I keep them here and give them out all the time. I always recommend The Mind of a Millionaire because millionaires think very differently than other people. They see the opportunity where other people see barriers to entry.
One of the reasons bankers like me is because I don’t eat out of the pie. More often than not when I see a business owner’s business plan, he shows the business growing and growing and growing, but he shows drawing a salary of $100,000, $200,000, then $500,000 out of the pie. If he would just take
the $100,000 and maybe go up really modestly to $150,000 and put the rest of it back into the business or other assets, in the end he’ll build wealth and stop focusing so much on income.
HEATHER: One of the things that I’ve noticed in my 25 years of encouraging and coaching entrepreneurial leaders is that mindset of longer term. You have to act like sort of what’s happening today isn’t necessarily going to happen forever. And that shift to how do we build something that in the long term will be successful to protect ourselves against that future has been a big piece of certainly my passion and my coaching. What are some practices that you had or approaches that you took that you don’t think are relevant anymore, that really aren’t good?
RON: I think of course the marketing has changed dramatically. Most of the people nowadays that used to do well that are not doing well today have not adapted to the new mediums and the way to attract business. They don’t think about their unique selling proposition and how noisy the world is.
HEATHER: How do people go about understanding what their point of difference is, what makes them unique when you’re trying to be competitive?
“ You have to learn to think success, talk success and not be afraid to talk about your own success.
LEARN MORE from Ron’s upcoming book!
Homeless to $100 Million
An Entrepreneur’s Roadmap to Building Wealth
uncomfortable and talk about things…I’ve coached a lot of leaders where that’s super hard for them to get over that hurdle to say, I don’t want to brag. It’s not about me, it’s about whatever it’s about. What kind of coaching would you give to somebody who is struggling with that?
RON: Well, first, I’m not sure everybody’s an entrepreneur because their aversion to risk is very different. And until you’ve made payroll on your credit card, you kind of don’t understand that. There’s a lot of people out there that no matter what kind of work ethic or good product or service they might have, they are not willing to make their payroll on a credit card ever under any circumstance. And if they’re not willing to take that kind of risk in the early stages, it’s going to hamper their ability to get ahead.
On the marketing thing, a famous person once said if you don’t talk about yourself, nobody else is going to talk about you. So you better learn to be able and willing to talk about your successes. That can be a real daunting task for people that are really shy, really humble or who don’t want to be braggadocios. But you have to learn to think success, talk success and not be afraid to talk about your own success.
HEATHER: That’s particularly apt for our audience because so much of what we are selling in the direct selling channel is attraction marketing. It’s be attracted to us and be part of my community and part of my circle and part of my team. And unless you’re willing to get out there and be a little
RON: One of the things they can do is talk about how everybody helped them and how they led the team to this success. And we all know that they were the leader of the team, but there’s a way to couch that statement so that it doesn’t sound overtly braggy about that leadership role. And I think that feels a lot better; it feels better to people that are listening, and it can feel better to the person that’s speaking about it.
HEATHER: What are a couple things about that entrepreneurial mindset that you’ve experienced in yourself and that you see in all the entrepreneurs you’ve coached that you would sort of articulate or hope that our audience would understand about how to motivate an entrepreneur?
RON: I think that being able to motivate and coach is also about being able to understand what the definition of success is and how to measure it. Too many owners and executives know nothing about the financial statement, and they haven’t had any experience on the financial side of the business. And it’s a huge weakness—a blind spot that they have. So I think learning more about finance, but then learning more about metrics and being able to measure success. And think about how to promote the right things to get that done. DSN
HAT’S KEEPING you up at night? That’s the conversation I’ve had with leading direct selling executives these past few weeks.
From re-engaging the field and enhancing the customer experience to growing sales in a down economy and safeguarding against regulatory actions, the recurring themes shared focus on engagement.
This feedback reminded me of a news article in the Wall Street Journal in late February. The piece reported the research findings released by DSA research partner Ipsos that revealed that three out of five American remote workers surveyed believe that remote work has allowed them to continue engaging with colleagues while achieving a greater work-life balance.
That Americans have found a pathway to enjoy family time even as they connect professionally to accomplish work goals is heartening news. But what’s even more compelling are the implications of Ipsos’ findings: that this newfound balance has been powered by society’s embrace of the new technology platforms that continue to enable this more robust and effective engagement.
DSA has been attuned to this trend for a while. After our first two DSA Social Media Days, we are leading the way to lead the industry conversations that will reshape the norms by which social sharing and digital commerce transact.
As a benefit of membership to DSA member company executives, DSA Social Media Day has engaged a range of professionals—from digital marketing managers to C-Suite executives—in discussions that explore how the channel can
MELISSA K. BRUNTON Senior Vice President , Education & Meeting Services, DSAcompete even more effectively in the digital marketplace as Americans gain increased comfort with technology platforms.
At our most recent Social Media Day, we launched the DSA Social Media Guidelines to explain how to get independent direct sellers to engage as social sharers and help DSA member companies adjust to a world where more and more sales are made online and through social media.
DSA helps companies encourage distributors to share their own stories as part of their journey in a way that follows the advice given by regulators and other consumer protection leaders. It does this by encouraging companies to train independent direct sellers on best practices, such as how to build a strong personal brand.
No longer is it about posting products and links which could be seen as spam, potentially leading to social account restrictions or removal. Trust is personal, and developing an authentic online persona capable of creating personal relationships is essential to winning in the new world of social selling.
Visit www.dsa.org to get details and register for DSA’s next Social Media Day being held on May 8. Also, register for DSA ENGAGE 2023, scheduled for June 14–16, 2023 at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess in AZ. Early bird registration ends on April 21—act fast to take advantage of DSA’s special $259 room rate and reduced resort fee.
The conversations and networking in Scottsdale will help propel our community forward as we seek new ways to innovate and thrive. DSN
1329 South 800 East Orem, UT 84097 801-515-0977
For nearly 50 years, Squire & Company has provided financial excellence and NetSuite expertise for clients in the Direct Selling industry. We offer personal service, responsiveness, and expertise in all areas.
400 Linden Oaks, Suite 320 Rochester, NY 14625 844-258-3006 payquicker.com
PayQuicker is the leading global payout provider to direct selling organizations. Instantly make secure and compliant payouts to your field in local currency across the globe with our award-winning solution that provides the largest selection of flexible and modern spend options.
11905 Sara Road Laredo, TX 78045 956-712-8842
Miner Group LLC offers solutions for the Mexican Market! For over 30 years, we have helped companies expand to or optimize their operations in Mexico. We offer product and ingredient evaluations, customs clearance, regulatory compliance, label translations, and logistic services for the Mexican market.
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Since 2007 i-payout has been the leading payment choice for pay out and pay in solutions. We pride ourselves on exceptional service paired with integrated and customized solutions.
Keller, TX 817-697-4321 cpkrell.com
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727 North 1550 East 3rd Floor, Orem, UT 84097 877-267-4324
Complete Merchant Solutions (CMS) is a full-service US merchant account provider representing multiple banks. CMS safely and securely supports many types of payment processing for direct selling companies.
900 Wilmeth Road, McKinney, TX 75069 Info@lacoretechnologies.com lacorepayments.com
LaCore Payment Technologies is a payment platform designed to support direct selling companies globally. Our services include: Global connectivity to 150 countries in 50 currencies, including direct connectivity to most alternative payment types, secure tokenization, customized fraud solutions, including our proprietary Fraudhawk™, advanced reporting tools, and online dispute management.
2201 Long Prairie Road, Ste. 107-316 Flower Mound, TX 75022 407-891-9265 strategicchoicepartners.com
SCP offers the most holistic consulting services specific to direct selling companies today. We’ve worked with more than 70 companies over the last three years alone, and served more than 250 years collectively in the industry.
1160 N. Town Center Drive, Ste. 100 Las Vegas, NV 89144 702-757-9600
We are the industry’s leading payments partner, long-established advocate, and problem-solver. Our unified commerce & payments platform will connect you to a global marketplace, enable your international expansion strategy, and fuel your exponential growth plans. Let us show you how.
727 N 1550 E, 3rd Floor Orem, UT 84097
1-877-551-5504 nexiohub.com
Nexio manages the chaos of payments offering:
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Nexio does this by being integrated with the majority of back-office software solutions in the Direct Sales Industry.
4505 Newpoint Place Lawrenceville, GA 30043 866-888-2999
Sales@amwarelogistics.com amwarelogistics.com
Handle fulfillment for many direct sellers. DSA member with 15 fulfillment centers, nationwide, for 1–2 day ground delivery to 95% of U.S. population. Offer comprehensive B2C fulfillment services, including complex kitting, plus discounted parcel shipping based on our large volume of freight.
1615 Clark Blvd. Brampton, ON Canada L6T 4W1 905-564-2115 x2 canadacartage.com
CCLS is your gateway to turn-key e-commerce sales and distribution in Canada. With fulfillment centers across Canada, our pick, pack and ship options, and real-time inventory visibility, we will help your business grow. We are NHP Site Compliant, Health Canada licensed, and GMP Compliant.
1551 Corporate Drive Irving, TX 75038 214-233-6790 deliverzen.com
Deliverzen’s mission is to provide the best service in the order fulfillment industry.
Denver (HQ)
11551 E 45th Ave. Unit C. Denver, CO 80239 720-990-5642 quickbox.com
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2889 Ashton Blvd, Ste. 350 Salt Lake City, UT 84070 877-811-8108 globalaccess.com
International expansion expertise and technology and logistics solutions that grow clients’ businesses and brands around the world.
5840 Red Bug Lake Rd, Ste. 140 Winter Springs, FL 32708 407-915-9060 katapultevents.com
Fresh. Exciting. Bold. Your field deserves the best and we help you deliver. Out-of-the-box creative production with experienced show management. We execute on budget and make you look AMAZING!
900 Wilmeth Road, McKinney, TX 75069 214-817-4802 lacorelogistics.com
LaCore Logistics provides distribution and order fulfillment services. Our highly automated distribution center provides both domestic and international direct-to-consumer shipping solutions. We offer omni-channel fulfillment solutions ranging from marketplace fulfillment for leading marketplaces to businessto-business fulfillment for leading retailers.
1701 Clint Moore Road Boca Raton, FL 33487 800-523-2682 mig.cc
Founded in 1979, Multi Image Group (MIG) is a women-owned, family-run creative event production company fueled by innovators, strategists, and technologists who craft custom live, hybrid & virtual experiences for some of the world’s biggest brands.
Since 2007, Hanna Shea Executive Search has been the go-to search firm in support of the direct selling industry. Hanna Shea finds top talent for companies in need of building or improving an executive leadership team for organizational success.
1080 Caribbean Way Miami, FL 33132
Royal Caribbean International’s Corporate Sales Team
800-345-7225 (SELECT 2, THEN 1) royalcaribbeanincentives.com
Royal Caribbean® transforms events into the ultimate productivity paradise. Impress your attendees with epic venues, vibrant restaurants, onboard thrills and beautiful destinations.
27 S Main St #17
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
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2692 N. State Route 1-17, Momence, IL 60954 888-452-6853 futureceuticals.com
Fruit, vegetable, and grain-based solutions backed with evidence-based, marketable claims.
5717 Legacy Drive, Suite 250, Plano, TX 75024 310-428-9936
With over 35 years of industry experience, NOW Technologies is the premier provider of mobile tech tools designed to grow revenue and recruiting for our Direct Selling clients. The NOW platform provides powerful features such as sampling, social selling solutions, smart alerts, prospecting tools, content management, and onboarding & training capabilities.
9503 Princess Palm Avenue Tampa, FL 33619 813-253-2235
Award-winning social commerce software for affiliate, influencer, MLM, party plan, and social retail companies. Our turnkey back-office solutions include Wayroo, delivering advanced commerce, comment selling, and payment solutions.
33 Franklin McKay Road
Attleboro, MA 02703
Dion’s jewelry solutions are perfect for career path, sales & recruiting, corporate anniversaries and incentive travel recognition awards.
4801 Spicewood Springs Road Ste. 250, Austin, TX 78759 512.690.2134 momofactor.com
Momentum Factor is a leading digital risk management firm specializing in online compliance monitoring and global online reputation management services for the direct selling industry. Our passion and mission are to protect companies from the brand and regulatory risks associated with online and social media technologies.
1600 Viceroy Dr., Suite 125 Dallas, TX 75235
The global leader in cloud-based Platformas-a-Service (PaaS) for direct selling companies. An open framework for billiondollar giants to startup companies. Exigo supports MLM, Party Plan and Affiliate models, operating in single global markets.
1208 E. Kennedy Blvd., Ste. 222 Tampa, FL 33602 813-277-0625
Global Operations Management Software. Advanced Comp Plan Programming. Sales Force Backoffice & Automation. Web Site Design & Replication.
55 Shuman Blvd., Ste. 350 Naperville, IL 60563 866-698-3848
Thatcher Technology Group provides Sales Force, Compensation and Incentive Management Software for the Direct Selling Industry.
686 E 110 S Unit 104 American Fork, UT 84003 385-448-1800 xirect.com
Scalable software from startup to enterprise. Your delivery expert in Commissions Calc / Consulting, Replicating Websites, E-Commerce, Reporting, Promotions, Localization, Multi-Currency, and more- The Perfect Cloud-based Direct Selling Software Partner!
1875 S. State Street, Ste. 3000 Orem, UT 84097 801-431-4900
Software & SaaS solutions for startup, emerging, and global direct selling companies. See our ad on the back cover.
915 Broadway Street, Ste. 400 Vancouver, WA 98660 360-256-4400
“Innovation and stability are central to 5 decades of unprecedented, multinational success. JoT™, the Jenkon of Things, is a suite of digital commerce and sales performance technologies delivering state of the art user experiences. The newest solution: JoTLive Shopping integrates with any enterprise.”
DSN has been an incredible partner for us in matching our award winning incentive and meeting opportunities onboard our ships to their talented readers. Direct selling companies have been finding us for individual incentive awards, group travel and full ship charters due to the great exposure we get from DSN.
—RON GULASKEY / AVP, Global Corporate, Incentive & Charter Sales, Celebrity Cruises
• Influence Distributor behavior with ‘MyDay’ journeys for customer and distributor acquisition, training, rank advancement, and more!
• Strengthen the connection to your field with a direct and instant line of communication via alerts, email blasts, drip funnels, and text.
• Empower your Distributors with NOW Commerce tools that accelerate sales and acquire new customers and convert them to ambassadors.