Vienna City Guide 2017/18

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VIENNA CITY GUIDE Shopping | Sightseeing | Dining at the most exclusive spots

WienTourismus/Christian Stemper

INHALT Content Shopping A guided tour 4 | Precious jewelry and watches 18  Exclusiv women’s fashion 31 | Fashion and Accessories 39

Sightseeing Die Wiener Oper • The Vienna Opera 14 | Der Stephansdom St. Stephen’s Cathedral 16 | Spanish Riding School 28 | Vienna´s Ringstrasse 41 | Mozart Sucess and failure of a musical genius 44 | The Hofburg in Vienna 46 Treffpunkt Musik • A place for music 50 | Sigmund Freud Museum 48 | Gustav Klimt 52 | Museen • Museums 54 | The Viennese in the Coffee house 64 | Schönbrunn Palace 68

WienTourismus / Christian Stemper

Shopping | Sightseeing | Dining at the most exclusive spots

A guided tour

WienTourismus / Peter Rigaud

Zwischen Oper und Stephansplatz liegt die längste Strasse der ­Wiener Innenstadt: die Kärntner Strasse. Wo man heute von einem eleganten Schaufenster zum anderen flaniert, wurde einst vor allem transportiert. Der Handel mit Südeuropa, vor allem mit dem Hafen von Venedig, war von größter Bedeutung. Durch das Kärntnertor in der mächtigen Stadtmauer brachten Fuhrleute mit Ross und Wagen die kostbaren Waren des Südens nach Wien. Die Fracht kam über Kärnten und alte Berichte erzählen von rauen Fuhrleuten, die mit ihren Pferdekarren ein- und auszogen. Das mittelalterliche Leben hat jedoch kaum Spuren hinterlassen. Es sind die grandiosen Gebäude der Gründerzeit und die eleganten Geschäfte, die das Bild der Kärntner Strasse prägen, wie etwa das prächtige Equitable Palais, wo sich heute das Geschäft von Juwelier Bucherer befindet. Allerbeste Qualität, edle Modelle und beispielloser Service - Sir Anthony steht für exklusive Männermode und ist die Top-Adresse Kärntner Strasse 21-23 und Kärntner Ring 7 in Wien für den modebewussten Mann von heute. Von den verzierten Barockhäusern ist nur ein einziges erhalten geblieben: Palais Esterhazy. Hier bietet Juwelier Wempe Meisterwerke der Uhrmacherkunst. Eines der traditionsreichsten Geschäfte befindet sich in Kärntner Strasse 26: Lobmeyr, Spezialist für feine Glas6 | Shopping

WienTourismus/Peter Rigaud

waren. Auf Kärntner Strasse 32 steht ein anderer Name für Tradition und Exklusivität: Juwelier Wagner. Auch die legendären Österreichischen Werkstätten haben hier ein stilvolles Geschäft. Damenschuhe mit dem gewissen Extra und elegante rahmengenähte Herrenschuhe präsentiert man in den Schaufenstern von Zak. Innovative Schmuckstücke mit einer Aura von Exclusivität erwarten Sie bei Mazbani in der Führichgasse 4. Seit jeher steht das Haus Mayr & Fessler für höchste Qualität und fachkundige, persönliche Beratung. An der Adresse Kärntnerstrasse Nr. 37 findet man Souvenirs aus Wien, exklusive Schreibgeräte und feine Lederwaren. Wo die Kärntner Strasse in den Stephansplatz mündet, fällt der Blick des Betrachters nicht nur auf den gotischen Dom, sondern auch auf ein Meisterwerk der modernen Architektur: das Haas-Haus, erbaut von Österreichs Stararchitekt Hans Hollein. einen Kraut- und Mehlmarkt, bis der Graben in der Barockzeit schließlich zu einer Art Entertainment-Zentrum wurde: Possenreisser, Zauberer und Damen des ältesten Gewerbes bestimmten das Bild. Am Graben, Ecke Tuchlauben findet man ein weiteres Geschäft von Juwelier Wagner, und hier, im Herzen der Wiener Altstadt, die zum Weltkulturerbe der Unesco zählt, in einem der ältesten Bereiche der Stadt überhaupt, befindet sich das „Goldenes Quartier“. Stilvoll, wienerisch, exclusiv und kosmopolitisch präsentiert es sich mit zeitgemäßer Architektur im denkmalgeschützten Ambiente.

Die renommierten Wiener Juweliere A.E. Köchert am Neuen Markt, gegründet 1814, sind weltbekannte k.u.k. Hoflieranten und Erfinder der Sisi-Sterne. Juwelier Heldweins Geschäft am Graben, ehemals k.u.k. Hoflieferant, zeigt modernes Ambiente, das durch Offenheit, zugleich aber auch Diskretion besticht. Einer der führenden Uhrenspezialisten Wien´s ist Juwelier Hübner am Graben 28.

WienTourismus / Peter Rigaud

Dem Graben kommt die zentrale Stelle als elegante Einkaufsmeile zu. Zur Zeit der Römer befand sich hier ein Befestigungsgraben, später gab es

1679 wurde Wien von einer Pestepidemie heimgesucht, die diesem bunten Treiben vorübergehend ein Ende bereitete. Nach Abklingen der Seuche stiftete Kaiser Leopold I aus Dankbarkeit die sogenannte Pestsäule. Knize ist ein Begriff, da die Ausstattung vom berühmten Architekten Adolf Loos stammt. Gegenüber findet sich Wiens bestes Fachgeschäft für edle Schreibgeräte: Weidler am Graben 26. Der wohlhabende Hofbuchdrucker Thomas Edler von Trattner erbaute sich am Graben ein Palais, den sogenannten Trattnerhof. Für einige Zeit lebte hier auch W. A. Mozart. Der Spaziergang über den Kohlmarkt selbst ist kurz, braucht jedoch seine Zeit. Denn der Kohlmarkt ist Wiens Fashion-Zentrum: neben den Boutiquen der großen internationalen Designer gibt es hier auch viele andere Modegeschäfte. Bei Kettner in der Plankengasse 7 findet man alles für die Jagd, von Outdoorbekleidung über Optik bis zu hin zu Waffen. In der Seilergasse 14 und in den Ringstrassen-Galerien bietet Cachil Designermode von den internationalen Laufstegen. Für besonderen Glanz

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WienTourismus/Peter Rigaud

WienTourismus/Peter Rigaud

sorgt die Wiener Boutique der Genfer Nobelmarke Chopard, weltweit bekannt durch ihre „Happy Diamonds“-Kollektionen. Das berühmteste Geschäft am Kohlmarkt ist jedoch zweifellos die 1786 begründete Hofzuckerbäckerei Demel. Ihr Ruhm begründet sich nicht nur auf die süßen Spezialitäten des Hauses, sondern auf die Aura ihrer fin de siècle Eleganz und die originellen Auslagen. Am Ende des Kohlmarkts gibt es noch zwei historische Gebäude zu betrachten: das barocke Michaelerhaus, in dessen Dachkammern einst der junge Joseph Haydn ein kümmerliches Dasein fristete und, genau gegenüber, das Loos-Haus. Dieses heute noch streng anmutende Gebäude ist ein Werk des Wiener Architekten und Mitbegründer der Moderne, Adolf Loos. Wer Gefallen an schönen Dingen, wie Steinen, Schmuck und Sammlerstücken findet, wählt seinen Weg zu Juwelen Hammerl in der Augustinerstrasse 9/Ecke Josefsplatz.

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Shopping in the City >

A guided tour

The longest street in Vienna’s old town lies between the Opera and St Stephen’s Cathedral: Kärntner Strasse. Where today the main activity is strolling from one shop window to the next, it was once busy with the transport of goods. Trade with southern Europe, and above all with the port of Venice, was of the greatest importance. Wagoners brought the precious goods of the south into Vienna through the Kärntner Tor (Carinthian Gate) in the massive city walls. Their loads came via Carinthia and old reports tell of rough wagoners going in and out with their horses and carts. But medieval life has left hardly a trace behind. Kärntner Strasse now is marked by the grandiose buildings of Emperor Franz Joseph’s time and by elegant shops – for instance the splendid Equitable Life building where the premises of Bucherer the Jeweller are to be found now. Sir Anthony – the selection is second to none. They stock all sizes, have clothes for every event, whether clothing for business, evening or leisure. The assistants are experienced and confident and, of course, they can offer the services of a master tailor. Here, the jeweller Wempe shows his passion for extraordinary timepieces. One of the most traditional businesses is at 26 Kärntner Strasse: Lobmeyr, the specialists in fine glassware. Another name standing for tradition and exclusivity is at 32 Kärntner Strasse: Wagner the Jeweller. And the legendary Österreichische Werkstätten have a stylish shop here too. And Ladies’ shoes with that certain something and elegant hand-stitched men’s shoes are displayed in Zak’s windows. At the end of Kärntner Strasse, near the 12 | Shopping

opera, you enter the Ringstrassen-Galerien, a shopping mall with typical Viennese flair. Innovative jewellery with an aura of exclusivity and refined taste is awaiting you at Mazbani in Vienna´s old town, Führichgasse 4. The name Mayr & Fessler has always been synonymous with exquisite quality and professional, personal expertise. At their location on Kärntnerstrasse no. 37, you’ll find souvenirs from Vienna, exclusive writing instruments and fine leather goods. Where Kärntner Strasse joins Stephans Platz the eye is caught not only by the gothic cathedral but also by a masterpiece of modern architecture: the Haas House, designed by Austria’s star architect Hans Hollein. In former times Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart played piano in these rooms, now the intercoiffeur Ossig celebrates beauty on two floors from top to toe for men and women at Stephansplatz 4. Graben is above all an elegant shopping street. In the days of the Romans there was a defensive ditch here and later on markets for herbs and flour, but in the baroque period it became a sort of entertainment centre: clowns, conjurors and ladies of the oldest profession set the scene. In 1679 Vienna suffered an epidemic of plague which temporarily put a stop to this lively activity. After the outbreak had died out Emperor Leopold I in gratitude erected a monument to the Trinity, known as the Pest Säule (plague pillar). The elegant menswear shop of Knize with it’s original interior fittings designed by the famous architect Adolf Loos are to be found here too. Fine writing instruments are also to be had in a traditional speShopping | 13


ciality shop on the other side: Weidler at 26 Graben. Wagner, the jeweller at Graben/Corner Tuchlauben and the „Goldenes Quartier“. The prosperous court book printer Thomas Edler von Trattner built himself a town house on Graben known as Trattnerhof. Mozart lived here for a while and so did not have to go far in order to give detested but well paid piano lessons to Fräulein Maria Theresia von Trattner. In the side street, which is still called Trattnerhof, young ladies are attracted now to the fashionable compositions in the Versace Boutique. The walk along Kohlmarkt is short but it takes its time. For Kohlmarkt is Vienna’s fashion centre: alongside the boutiques of the great international designers such as Armani, Chanel and Dolce & Gabbana there are many other fashion shops here too. The prestigious Geneva brand Chopard, known world-wide for its “Happy Diamonds” collection, radiates a special lustre here. However, the most famous shop in Kohlmarkt is without doubt Demel, the court confectioner founded in 1786. Their fame is based not only on their sweet specialities but also on the aura of their fin de siècle elegance and their original window displays. At the end of Kohlmarkt there are two historical buildings to look at: the baroque Michaelerhaus in which the young Joseph Haydn once spent a difficult time and exactly opposite the building known as the Loos Haus. This building, which still has a severe look, is a work by the Viennese architect and one of the pioneers of the modern movement.

IMPRESSUM: Medieninhaber und Herausgeber: Reinhold und Karin Dirninger; Redaktion: Karin Dirninger; Design: Patricio Handl; Bild Cover: Wien Tourismus/Peter Rigaud, KHM. Fotos Brief selection: Mag. Ronald Dirninger Druck: Berger, Horn; Verlagsanschrift: Dirninger& Dirninger Handels-, Verlags- und WerbegesmbH, Emil Kralikgasse 3, 1050 Wien, Tel. +43 1 5452811; UID ATU29917702. •

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The Vienna Opera

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The Vienna State Opera serves as a natural centre for Vienna as a city of music. Indeed, optically too the building on the Ring Boulevard, opened in 1869, is a symbol of a brilliant operatic life. The architects made borrowings precisely where opera as an art form has its roots: above all in classical Greece and in the Renaissance. And in the interior the visitor is confronted by symbols, like Moritz von Schwind’s frescos with allegorical references to opera and ballet. The rooms on the Ring side of the building still look as they did 130 years ago. The big interval rooms – the Marble Hall and the Tapestry Hall – on the other hand are works from the years after 1945. In the last days of the Second World War an air raid reduced parts of the State Opera to rubble. It was not until 1955 that opera could be played here again. But from then on ­director/conductors, such as Karl Böhm, Herbert von Karajan and Lorin Maazel, and director/administrators such as Egon Seefehlner and the present director Ioan Holender have maintained the highest standards. Once again, as in the times when great personalities such as Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss guided the Opera’s destiny, in Vienna one can rely on the operatic performances being of top quality.

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wife, mother, regent, reformer

Maria Theresia was the first child of Emperor Charles VI and Elisabeth Christine von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, born exactly three hundred years ago. Even during this period of upheaval, she did not neglect her private life. Although the marriage between Maria Theresia and Franz Stephan had been planned and arranged long in advance, it was still a bond of love − a rarity during this period, which focused exclusively on the consolidation of dynasties. The empress, who incidentally was described by her contemporaries as a beauty, gave her husband 16 children. Maria Theresa’s regency was unique. Not only was she the only woman at the head of the Habsburg dynasty, she helped shape the “Golden Age“ through numerous modernization measures, the stabilization of the political situation, and the promotion of culture. On top of the standardization of the administration, one of Maria Theresia‘s most important achievements, for which she is repeatedly praised and appreciated, was the introduction of a centrally controlled education system, the “General School Regulations for the German Normal, Main and Trivial Schools“ , and thus compulsory education for children. She is buried with her husband in a double sarcophagus in the Imperial Crypt in Vienna. THE GREAT JUBILEE YEAR IN VIENNA The city of Vienna is celebrating the 300th birthday of Maria Theresia this year with numerous special exhibitions: u In the Imperial Carriage Museum Vienna, the exhibition “Frauenpower und Lebensfreude“ (Girl Power and Joy of Life) is on display: Maria Theresia and the tension between feminine identity and male-dominated sovereign power. u The Imperial Furniture Collection devotes an exhibition to the topic of “Family and Legacy“, highlighting the family environment, personal destiny, and Maria Theresia‘s actively pursued marriage policy. u The Hof Palace focuses on “Alliance and Enmity.“ Here, the widow’s apartment can also be seen. u At Niederweiden Castle, where hunting parties used to gather and festivals were celebrated, Maria Theresia’s great domestic and political reforms are displayed in an exhibition called “Modernization and Reform.“

A brief selection

The most famous Brands and watches Juwelier Bucherer Bucherer – a world renowned name 1010 Wien, Kärntner Str. 2 Juwelier Wagner Home of Diamonds & Time 1010 Wien, Kärntner Str. 32 Tuchlauben 2 Juwelier Wempe Exquisite Timepieces & Jewellery 1010 Wien, Kärntnerstr. 41 Juwelier Schullin Contemporary & distinguished jewellery 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 7 Juwelier Hübner Fine watches since 1914 1010 Wien, Graben 28 Juwelier Köck Outstanding jewellery & watches 1010 Wien, Graben 22 20 | Shopping

A brief selection

Most famous jewelry and accessoires Cartier Cartier’s Creations 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 1

Boutique Chopard Swiss Luxury Watches & Jewellery 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 16 Tiffany The World of Tiffany 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 8-10 Pomellato Young since 1967 1010 Wien, Graben 13 Weidler Schreibwaren Exquisite writing instruments 1010 Wien Graben 26 Mayr & Fessler stylish leather goods and fine gifts 1010 Wien Kärntner Str. 37 22 | Shopping

A brief selection

Most famous Watch boutiques Jaeger Le Coultre 1010 Wien, Am Graben 28

Hublot 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 10

IWC Boutique IWC Watches founded 1868 1010 Wien, Graben

Breitling Boutique Breitling Flagship-Store 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 3

Omega Watches and Accessories 1010 Wien, Stock im Eisen-Platz 3 Montblanc Boutique Vienna Luxury Watches, Writing Instruments, Jewelry & Leather 1010 Wien, Graben 15 24 | Shopping


TEL.: 01/533 50 10 FAX: 01/533 89 59

The House of Writing • Founded 1882

Высокий стиль письма

A brief selection

Viennese traditional Jewellers A.E. KÜchert Juweliere Founded 1814, Elisabeth’s stars 1010 Wien, Neuer Markt 15 Juwelier Heldwein Jeweller since 1902 1010 Wien, Graben 13

Juwelen Hammerl Handmade Jewellery 1010 Wien, Augustinerstrasse 9 Rozet & Fischmeister finest Tablewear, established 1770 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 11 Juwelier Ellert 1010 Wien, Stephansplatz 9

Juwel Diamonds and precious stones 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 1 Shopping | 27

A brief selection

Extraordinary Jewellry


Juwelen Garbo Elegant jewellery 1010 Wien, Neuer Markt 8a Mazbani Fine Jewellery High Jewellery Collection Führichgasse 4 Juwelier Almaz Elegant watches, jewellery & luxury goods 1010 Wien, Stephansplatz 12 (HAAS HAUS) Skrein, die Schmuckwerkstatt 1010 Wien, Spiegelgasse 5

Juwelier Kunz Platinum & More 1010 Wien, Neuer Markt 13

Oliver Heemeyer 1010 Wien, Bräunerstrasse 10

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Mit seiner fast 135-jährigen Firmengeschichte zählt Wempe zu den ältesten Familienunternehmen Deutschlands und zu den größten und umsatzstärksten Uhren und Juwelen-Händler Europas. Immer wieder aufs Neue faszinieren die eigene Schmuckmarke (BY KIM) und die eigenen Uhrenlinien (Wempe Chronometerwerke Glashütte i/ SA und Wempe Zeitmeister Glashütte i/SA). Das Geheimnis des Erfolgs: Solidität, Exklusivität und Kontinuität.

Wempe the Jeweller With a company history that goes back almost 135 years, Wempe is one of Germany‘s oldest family businesses and one of Europe’s largest and highest-earning watch and jewellery companies. The company‘s own jewellery brand (BY KIM) and the line of watches (Wempe Chronometerwerke Glashütte i/SA and Wempe Zeitmeister Glashütte i/SA) continue to fascinate customers. The secret of Wempe‘s success: solidity, exclusivity and continuity. Shopping | 29

The Spanish Riding School in Vienna with its famous Lipizzan ballet can be experienced live in the baroque ambiance of the Imperial Palace. Admire riding skills of the highest order – from pirouettes to caprioles. Morning training with music gives a good impression into the training program of the White Stallions. The Spanish Riding School is the only institution in the world that has been maintaining and cultivating classical equestrian skills in the tradition of the Renaissance “High School” for more than 430 years. It is the aim of the morning exercise to train the horses and to strengthen their various muscles around the neck and shoulder, the back, the croup and the hindquarters. During morning exercise, the horses are made supple, their muscles are loosened and all lessons right up to the “High School” are being taught, exercised, refreshed and perfected. While attending the morning exercise, visitors may observe and study the basic principles of training according to the rules of classical equestrianism. The horses’ natural movements are encouraged and the Lipizzans’ various talents are promoted depending on the specific lessons. These training sessions underlie the perfection and magnificence that you can witness during the gala performances. In the course of gala performances, visitors experience unique presentations of the Lipizzans in the most beautiful riding hall in the world. The Lipizzans are the oldest horses bred for representative purposes in Europe. The physique and forceful grace of these intelligent and lively horses bred from Spanish, Italian and Arab blood is particularly suited for the representative equestrian art of the “High School”. During the gala performances you can experience the spectacular perfection of the various “High School” lessons including the pas de deux, the work in hand and on the long reigns, the schools above ground and the “great school quadrille” which requires 8 stallions. The airs above ground are performed in the classical style of the levade, the courbette and the capriole, and are one of the highlights

WienTourismus/Lois Lammerhuber

Spanish Riding School


The Fine Art of Jewelry Design

A brief selection

Most famous fashion Boutiques Dior Haute Couture 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 6

Hermès French manufacturer of quality goods established in 1837 1010 Wien, Graben 22

MAZBANI is a family-owned business which was established in 1998. Transcending the generations it continues to be inspired by the spirit of our ancestors, flourishes through the delights found in present-day life and is spurred on by the hope of future generations. Behind each and every one of our jewelry pieces lies a story spanning from the very beginnings of the piece’s inspiration all the way to its realisation as a splendid work of art. We take pride in the elegant and vibrant creation of our hand-made masterpieces, which combine a delicate and beautiful balance of elegance, perfection and the excellence of craftsmanship. We truly believe that there is no greater joy than the moment when your vision meets our creativity and a timeless piece of art is born; a piece of jewelry that will be passed down from generation to generation, writing its own, everlasting history. We have created a rich legacy in fine jewelry design, inspired by the concept of eternal perpetual beauty. For within beauty lies the promise of and key to happiness.

Giorgio Armani International Italian fashion house founded by Giorgio Armani 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 3 Dolce & Gabbana Italian luxury industry fashion house 1010 Wien, Kohlmarkt 8-10

Versace International fashion house, founded by Gianni Versace 1010 Wien, Trattnerhof 1 Missoni Italian fashion house, known for its colourful knitwear designs 1010 Wien, Rauhensteingasse 4

Mazbani Fine Jewellery 1010 Wien Führichgasse 4 Shopping | 33

A brief selection

Golden Quarter Fashion Prada Famous Italian Label 1010 Wien, Bognergasse 4 Chanel The ultimate luxury brand for Haute Couture collections 1010 Wien, Tuchlauben 1 Louis Vuitton The World of Louis Vuitton 1010 Wien, Tuchlauben 3-7 Emporio Armani Modern Lifestyle 1010 Wien, Tuchlauben 7a Etro World of Etro 1010 Wien, Tuchlauben 5 Miu Miu 1010 Wien, Tuchlauben 7

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A brief selection

Multibrands Popp & Kretschmer Luxury for Ladies 1010 Wien, Kärntner Straße 51 Zak Wellknown brands & handmade shoes 1010 Wien, Kärntner Straße 36 Cachil Fashion for Ladies 1010 Wien, Marc Aurel Strasse 5 Kärntner Ring 11-13, Seilergasse 14

Dohnal Children‘s Fashion at it‘s best 1010 Wien, Kärntner Straße 12 Fisher’s in Fashion Style up your life with Fisher’s 1010 Wien, Goldschmiedgasse 2

Genio del Tempo Fashion for Ladies 1010 Wien, Schubertring 2

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A brief selection

Men‘s fashion Sir Anthony Men’s first address 1010 Wien, Kärntner Strasse 21-23 Sartale Finest men fashion 1010 Wien, Rauhensteingasse 7 Grandits Exclusive Men’s Fashion 1010 Wien, Rotenturmstrasse 10 Kettner Hunting, Weapons, Outdoor, Country house fashion 1010 Wien, Plankengasse 7 Höllwarth Men’s Fashion 1010 Wien, Tegetthoffstraße 6 Paul & Shark Men and Cadets 1010 Wien, Graben 11

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A brief selection

Ringstrassen Galerien SIR ANTHONY Ringstrassen Galerien, Top 27 Kärntner Ring 5-7 1010 Wien CRABTREE & EVELYN Ringstrassen Galerien Kärntner Ring 11-13 1010 Wien

ALEXANDRE DE PARIS Ringstrassen Galerien, Top 43 Kärntner Ring 11-13 1010 Wien CACHIL Ringstrassen Galerien, Top 62 Kärntner Ring 1010 Wien

OPTIK CORSO Ringstrassen Galerien, Top 36 Kärntner Ring 9 1010 Wien STRASSL EXKLUSIV Ringstrassen Galerien, Top 131 Kärntner Ring 9 1010 Wien Shopping | 41

WienTourismus / Christian Stemper

A Magnificent Boulevard

Vienna’s Ringstraße Every reputable European metropolis has its own magnificent boulevard. In Vienna, that would be the Ringstraße, also known as “the Ring”. As the name implies, the boulevard is curved. It is one of the greatest architectural achievements of the 19th century and home to Vienna’s most significant and beautiful buildings. On May 1st, 1865, it was opened by Emperor Franz Joseph I. in a festive ceremony. This ceremony was preceded by a restructuring and reconstruction phase that lasted a number of years. It all began with a decree by Emperor Franz Joseph I. in 1857 that the fortification should be demolished and the glacis at that time should be used for construction. The new boulevard was intended to connect the inner city with the suburbs as well as to draw attention to itself with magnificent buildings. The bastions were cleared away in 1858, and with them the walking paths in the glacis also disappeared. On May 1, 1865, the time had come: the Ringstraße

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Ringstraße | 43

WienTourismus / Christian Stemper

WienTourismus / Peter Rigaud

was opened ceremonially even though the Court Opera was still under construction and only a few residential buildings on the Opernring and Kärntnerring had been completed at this time. Even at this stage, however, the architectural achievement was already a sensation!To be precise, the Ringstraße is actually U-shaped. It demarcates the inner city on three sides, with the Franz-Josefs-Kai and the sentation buildings for the government and the arts and sciences as well as around 800 residential buildings. The architectural style that was used most frequently at the time is called historicism, a 44 | Ringstraße

contemporary style based on the Renaissance and Gothic and Baroque styles. Scattered between the buildings are generously appointed plazas and beautiful parks. The Ringstraße is divided into several sections. The Postsparkassenamt (Postal Savings Building) by the famous architect Otto Wagner and the Museum for Applied Arts are found on the Stubenring. Next in line, the Parkring is home to the Stadtpark with the Johann-Strauß-Memorial. This is followed by the Schubertring with the Schwarzenberg Memorial and the Kärntnerring. The Opernring

of course is home to the Viennese State Opera as well as the Burggarten with the Mozart Memorial. The two great museums, the Museum of Art History and the Museum of Natural History, can be found on the Burgring. The parliament and the Volksgarten are located on the Dr-Karl-Renner-Ring. The Universitätsring, which used to be known as the Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring, is home to the only religious building on the Ringstraße, the Votive Church, as well as the University building, the City Hall and the Burgtheater. Finally, there is also the Schottenring, which is where the Viennese Stock Exchange is located.

Even today, the Ringstraße is known for elaborate festivities. All year long, it is the venue of choice for all kinds of events, starting with the summer’s Musikfilm-Festival on the Rathausplatz, to transmissions of selected opera performances on the large screen in front of the State Opera, to the Vienna City Marathon, the Rainbow Parade, the “Wiener Eistraum” (a huge skating rink on the Rathausplatz), to the opening of the Life Ball between the Rathauspatz and the Burgtheater.

Ringstraße | 45

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St. Stephen’s Cathedral

St Stephen‘s | 47

Sergey Borisov

Steffl is the name that the Viennese affectionately give to the cathedral in the heart of their city. h ­ is massive cathedral dedicated to St Stephen is one of the most important gothic buildings in Austria. From the top of the south tower you can enjoy a splendid view over the town. After the towers, it is the roof that is particularly striking: 110 m long and covered with 230,000 tiles. In the interior of the building, which has a nave and two aisles, it is above all the early baroque high altar and the pulpit, a masterpiece of late gothic carving, that should be noted. In the lower part of its staircase is the self-portrait statue of an unknown master of the Cathedral’s building school called the Fenstergucker (the peeper).


A very special cultural complex

The Vienna A veryHofburg special culturalin complex The Hofburg in Vienna

Until 1918 the Hofburg was the centre from which the Habsburg emperors administered their enormous empire. Today you will find here world-class museums as well as cafés, restaurants and beautiful quadrangles. The Hofburg – now edged by Josefs Platz, Michaeler Platz and the Burg Ring – was the seat of Austria’s rulers from 1279. Here too was the traditional seat of the court orchestra, and today the Burgkapelle is still a magnet for music lovers. The Swiss Wing, named after the Swiss guard that was on duty here, was given its definitive form in the late Renaissance: the splendid Swiss Gate was built in 1552. It was around this time that the Stallburg was built for Maximilian II and a late Renaissance building for Rudolf II. The inner quadrangle was used for jousts; today it is


dominated by the statue of Emperor Franz I. In the Leopold Wing on the southwest side are the expensively furnished rooms that were occupied by Emperor Franz I and Empress Maria Theresa. In 1723 Lukas von Hildebrandt delivered the plans for building the Imperial Chancellery which forms the northeast side of the inner quadrangle. Here are the imperial apartments that are open to the public, furnished with paintings and furniture from 1820 to 1900, including the audience rooms and living quarters of Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth, as well the court collection of porcelain and silver. Artistically the most important building in the area of the palace is the Court Library which J. E. Fischer von Erlach completed for Emperor Karl VI in 1735.


Berggasse 19 in Vienna’s ninth district: Here is where Sigmund Freud lived and worked for 47 years until he was driven into exile in 1938. In the meantime, Berggasse 19 has become one of the world’s most famous addresses: it is where the founder of psychoanalysis produced almost all of his writings. Pioneering works such as “The Interpretation of Dreams” and “Totem and Taboo” were written in the study. Today these rooms in the typical late-nineteenth century house are open to the public. In Sigmund Freud’s former office and apartment, the Sigmund Freud Museum presents an exhibition documenting the life and work of the founder of psychoanalysis. Unique film material depicting the Freud family in the thirties can be seen in a video room, while original objects from Freud’s belongings, including his office’s waiting room and parts of his extensive collection of antiquities, make tangible the surroundings in which his patients were analyzed and a new science was born. Special exhibitions illustrate the origins of psychoanalysis, its historical context and the history of its reception. Sigmund Freud Museum 1090 Vienna - Austria, Berggasse 19 Daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Guided tours by appointment

Praxis Dr. Freud –

Florian Lierzer

Freud Museum


The Sigmund Freud Museum




Das Klangmuseum

HAUS DER MUSIK Im Haus der Musik unternehmen Sie eine vielseitige Zeitreise zu Wiens großen Komponisten – Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, ­Johann Strauß, Gustav Mahler und Arnold Schönberg, denen umfassende Ausstellungsbereiche gewidmet sind. Erweitert wird diese musikalische Zeitreise durch eine Vielzahl von interaktiven und multimedialen Highlights wie dem virtuellen Dirigenten (dirigieren Sie die Wiener Philharmoniker) oder dem Walzer-Würfel-Spiel (komponieren Sie Ihren eigenen Walzer) sowie einer stündlichen Aufführung des Neujahrskonzertes im eigens dafür geschaffenen Konzertsaal auf Großbildleinwand.

In the House of Music you can travel through time and meet Vienna’s great composers – Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Johann Strauss, Gustav Mahler and Arnold Schoenberg – to whom comprehensive exhibition spaces are devoted. This musical time travel is augmented with a host of interactive and multi-media highlights such as the virtual conductor (you can conduct the Vienna Philharmonic) or the waltz-dice game (compose your own waltz) as well as an hourly performance of the New Year’s concert on a big screen in the specially constructed concert hall.

Seilerstätte 30, 1010 Wien, tägl. 10 – 22 Uhr. 52 | Musik



Gustav Klimt

Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) had a major influence on modernist painting style, and helped Austrian Art Nouveau, or Jugendstil, on its path to global fame. His paintings, in particular The Kiss – one of the world’s best-known pictures – are seen as epitomizing the spirit that heralded the dawn of a new era. Numerous works by Klimt are on display in the capital’s museums and galleries. High culture of all genres gravitated towards Vienna in around 1900. At this time, exciting and pioneering discoveries were being made in the worlds of literature, visual arts, architecture and music with an intensity not seen since. In 1910 Vienna had a population of two million, making it the world’s fifth largest city and the uncontested cultural capital of Central Europe. Gustav Klimt’s pictures reflect the artistic and scientific discoveries and developments that shaped the period.



Harald Eisenberger


Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien • Maria Theresien-Platz, 1010 Vienna Die prachtvolle Architektur bildet den würdigen Rahmen für die von den Habsburgern über Jahrhunderte gesammelten Kunstschätze. Im Haus am Theresienplatz befinden sich die Gemäldegalerie, die Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, die Antikensammlung und das Münzkabinett.


Jüdisches Museum Wien • Dorotheergasse 11, 1010 Vienna

Museen Albertina Museum Wien • Albertinaplatz 1, 1010 Vienna Die Albertina, deren Gründung und Namensgebung auf den passionierten Kunstliebhaber und Sammler Herzog Albert von Sachsen-Teschen (1738-1822) zurückgeht, birgt eine der größten und wertvollsten grafischen Sammlungen der Welt. Der Bogen herausragender Werke spannt sich von Leonardo, Michelangelo und Raffael über Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt und Rubens zu Lorrain, Delacroix, Manet, Cézanne, Schiele, Klimt und Kokoschka bis zu Warhol, Rauschenberg und Baselitz. 56 | Museums

The magnificent architecture creates a fitting setting for the treasures assembled by the Habsburgs. The Museum consists of five sections: Picture Gallery, Sculpture and Decorative Arts, Egyptian Collection, Greek and Roman Antiquities and Coin Cabinet.

The Albertina was founded by the passionate art lover and collector Duke Albert of Sachsen-Teschen (1738-1822) and it is named after him. It houses one of the biggest and most valuable collections in the world, with outstanding works spanning the range from Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael, on to Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt and Rubens, then Claude Lorraine, Delacroix, Manet, Cézanne, Schiele, Klimt and Kokoschka and right up to Warhol, Rauschenberg and Baselitz.

Erinnerung ist ein Schlüssel zur jüdischen Kultur und prägt das Museum sowohl im Gesamtkonzept als auch im Detail. Das Museum ist ein Ort der Begegnung, Kommunikation und Diskussion. Außer der permanenten Schau werden jährlich Wechselausstellungen zu Geschichte, Religion und Kultur geboten.

Remembrance is a key to Jewish culture and this marks the Jewish Museum as a whole and also in detail. The Museum is a place of encounter, communication and discussion. In addition to the permanent display, numerous temporary exhibitions are provided on Jewish history, religion and culture.

Sammlungen des KHM in der Neuen Burg • Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna In dem als „Neue Burg“ bekannten Teil der Hofburg befinden sich Sammlungen des Kunsthistorischen Museums: Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer, Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente und Ephesos Museum

The part of the Hofburg known as ‘Neue Burg’ houses various collections of the Kunsthistorisches Museum: the Collection of Arms and Armour; the Collection of Ancient Musical Instruments; and the Ephesos Museum. Museums | 57

Wien Tourismus / Christian Stemper



Belvedere • Prinz Eugen-Straße 27, 1030 Vienna Das Belvedere beherbergt die bedeutendste Sammlung österreichischer Kunst, die vom Mittel­ alter bis zur Gegenwart reicht. Die weltweit größte Gustav Klimt-Gemäldesammlung bildet das Herzstück der im Oberen Belvedere präsentierten Kunst um 1900. Glanzvolle Höhepunkte sind Klimts goldene Bilder „Der Kuss“ und „Judith I“ sowie Meisterwerke von Schiele und Kokoschka.

The Belvedere houses the most important collection of Austrian art, extending from the Middle Ages right up to the present day. Art around 1900 is presented in the Upper Belvedere, where centre stage is taken by the biggest collection of Klimt paintings in the world. Brilliant highlights are Klimt’s golden pictures The Kiss and Judith I as well as masterworks by Schiele and Kokoschka.

Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna Die Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien ist räumlich wie organisatorisch in die Kunstuniversität integriert. Die rund 180 Bilder umfassende Schausammlung präsentiert Werke alter Meister vom 15. bis ins 19. Jahrhundert. 58 | Museums

The Gemäldegalerie at the Aka­ demie der bildenden Künste is integrated into Vienna University in terms both of accommodation and organisation. The collection on show comprises some 180 pictures by old masters from the 15th to the 19th century.

Schatzkammer Hofburg • Schweizerhof, 1010 Vienna Hier entdecken Sie die kostbaren Pretiosen und Insignien aus tausend Jahren abendländischer Geschichte: Die Krone des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, den Schatz des Ordens vom Goldenen Vlies, sowie Kostbarkeiten aus dem Besitz der Habsburger.

Visit the treasury and experience invaluable jewels and insignia from a thousand years of European history: The crown of the Holy Roman Empire, the treasure of the Order of the Holy Fleece and the legendary items from the Habsburg collection.

Lipizzaner Museum • Stallburg, Reitschulgasse 2, 1010 Vienna Levade, Piaffe, Spanischer Schritt – wer mehr über die Spanische Hofreitschule und die Künste der weißen Pferde erfahren möchte, sollte sich das Lipizzaner Museum nicht entgehen lassen.

Anybody who wants to know more about the equestrian art of the famous white horses at the Spanish Riding School should not miss the Lipizzaner Museum. Museums | 59

WienTourismus / MAXUM

Wien Tourismus / Christian Stemper


Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Prunksaal • Josefsplatz 1, 1010 Vienna Der barocke Prunksaal zählt zu den schönsten historischen Bibliotheken der Welt. Erbaut wurde der Prunksaal nach Plänen des Hofarchitekten Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach von dessen Sohn Joseph Emanuel.

MQ Museums Quartier • Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna Das Museums Quartier Wien ist eines der zehn größten Kulturareale der Welt. Es vereinigt barocke Gebäude und neue Archi­tektur, kulturelle Einrichtungen aller Grössen­ ordnungen, verschiedene Kunst­­ sparten und Nah­ erholungseinrichtungen zu einem spektakulären Ganzen.

The MuseumsQuartier Wien is one of the ten largest cultural complexes in the world. The Museums Quartier unites baroque buil­ dings, new architecture, cultural institutions of all sizes, various disciplines of art, and recreational facilities in a single spectacular location.

MAK – Museum für Angewandte Kunst Wien • Stubenring 5, 1010 Vienna Das Wiener Museum für Angewan­ dte Kunst, 1864 zur Verbesserung der handwerklichen und ästhetischen Qualität von Gebrauchsgütern begründet, fördert auch heute noch das Verständnis für neue Formen und guten Geschmack. 60 | Museums

Vienna’s Museum of Applied Art, founded in 1864 with the aim of improving the craftmanship and aesthetic quality of useful objects, today is still promoting understanding for new forms and advanced taste.

One of the finest historical libraries in the world. It was designed by the court architect Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach and constructed by his son Joseph Emanuel.

Naturhistorisches Museum • Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Vienna A splendid palace of natural history Ein prächtiger Palast der Naturwishas, since 1889, housed a constantly senschaft beherbergt seit 1889 seine growing collection. The interplay of ständig wachsenden Sammlungen. buildings, decorative paintings and Das Zusammenspiel von Gebäude, sculpture, furniture and precious Mobiliar und kostbaren Ausstelexhibits has been preserved largely lungsstücken ist weitgehend im Oriin its original state and thus makes ginalzustand erhalten und macht so the Museum a precious rarity in the das Museum zu einer seltenen kulhistory of culture. turhistorischen Kostbarkeit Österreichisches Theatermuseum Palais Lobkowitz, Lobkowitzplatz 2, 1010 Vienna Erleben Sie einen Streifzug durch die Welt des Theaters. Aus den 1,7 Millionen Objekten wurden für Sie die interessantesten zusammengestellt: von Commedia dell’Arte bis zur russischen Theateravantgarde der 20er Jahre.

Take a tour through the world of the theatre. On display are the most interesting items from a collection of over 1.7 million objects: From Commedia dell’Arte to the avantgarde Russian theatre.

Museums | 61

ARGE Ralph Appelbaum Associates / Hoskins Architects


Weltmuseum Wien Neue Burg, Entrance Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna Die berühmte Sammlung umfaßt ca. 200.000 Objekte und repräsentiert den Kulturbesitz außereuropäischer Völker aus Afrika, Amerika, Asien und Australien-Ozeanien.

Museum of Ethnology in Vienna contains over 200,000 objects, and documents the cultural heritage of Africa, America, Asia and Australia/Oceania.

Wagenburg im Schloss Schönbrunn Schönbrunner Schlossstrasse 13, 1130 Vienna Die weltberühmte Sammlung kaiserlicher Fahrzeuge und Pferdegeschirre zeigt über 60 Kutschen, Sänften und Schlitten vom Zeitalter des Barock bis 1918. Sie bietet auch einen Einblick in die Entwicklung des Wagenbaus bis hin zum Automobil des 20. Jahrhunderts.

On display at the world-famous collection of imperial vehicles and harness are more than 60 carriages, sedan-chairs and sleighs from the Baroque period up to 1918. The collection also documents the development of coach-building up to the early 20th-century automobile.

WestLicht. Schauplatz für Fotografie • Westbahnstraße 40, 1070 Vienna 2001 öffnete die Fotogalerie ihre Pforten. Seither ist sie zu einem der wesentlichsten Schauplätze für Fotografie in Österreich geworden. 62 | Museums

In 2001 the Photo Gallery opened its doors. Since then it has become one of the most important exhibition spaces for photography in Austria.



A Home from Home

The Viennese in the Coffee House

The Viennese love tradition. They certainly want to move with the times but they reserve the right to shed a few tears over the past. ­Their imagination likes to spread its wings over nostalgic memories of a golden age that unfortunately came to an end just a little while ago. It is the Viennese coffee house that is the best place for pursuing such thoughts.For them the cup of coffee is not an end in itself but the means, the entrance ticket to a space in which they reckon to spend an appropriate part of the day. Here they are at home but not in their homes, alone but not lonely, known but not disturbed, and above all not out in the open. They may daydream, read newspapers, write letters or novels, conduct business or play cards. In short, one’s mental well-being, which at home can so easily be upset, can relax in peaceful harmony in the coffee house. Of course, this is true only in the right coffee house, that is, your coffee house. This can be seen from the fact that the Viennese generally call their coffee houses by their family names – they go to Frauenhuber, to Landtmann or to Prückel, and in this way most Viennese coffee houses bear the names of long-dead proprietors. Visit the traditional famous Viennese coffee houses in the city-center: Café Central, Café Griensteidl, Café Museum, Hawelka, Bräunerhof, Tirolerhof, Café Korb, Café Sperl, Drechsler. Typical Viennese pastry-shops: Demel, Sacher, Heindl, Gerstner.



„Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation.“ Quote by unknown author

Alt Wien Kaffee coffee roasters tempt their customers with traditional roasting Origin and traceability have become increasingly important in coffee business. Alt Wien Kaffee coffee roasters in Vienna’s 4th district roast a selection of 42 different coffees from all over the world in a slow, traditional process and sell them fresh directly at their shop in Schleifmühlgasse 23. This selection includes blends, single origin certified coffees and rare gourmet coffees. Of these, 15 are organic, 11 organic and FAIRTRADE and three coffees are biodynamic, DEMETER certified. Owner and founder, Christian Schrödl, was a customer of the 68 | Café

coffee shop before taking over the business in 2000. “I just could not find any coffee in Vienna that came close to Alt Wien’s and when former owner Mr. Alfon retired I decided to continue in his footsteps, purely out of selfishness.”, he explains. After relocating the roastery to its present location near Naschmarkt and expanding the product range, Oliver Goetz joined the company as partner in 2008. Together, Schrödl and Goetz are on a mission to inspire people to drink excellent coffee. At their shop’s tasting bar, customers can sample for themselves what a wide range of aromas well-prepared coffee can have.

ALT WIEN KAFFEE Schleifmühlgasse 23 A-1040 Wien T +43 (0) 1 50 50 800 F +43 (0) 1 50 37 533



Schönbrunn Palace

Schönbrunn Palace is one of Austria’s most important cultural treasures. The splendid baroque building and the extensive park are one of the most visited sights in the town. The baroque setting attracts visitors with a magical park, a palm house, a gloriette and a zoo. And a tour of the grandiose rooms that are on show provides a look into the world of the Austrian imperial house. For most of the year the Habsburgs lived in the countless rooms which an extended imperial family needed alongside the grand rooms. It was here that Franz Joseph, who married the enchanting Sisi and ruled 1848-1916, was born. Today the Palace is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site.


Seit 1840

Schreibwaren • Lederwaren Geschenkartikel Kärntner Straße 37, 1010 Wien Tel.: 01/512 28 88 •

Fine Writing Instruments Leather Goods and Gifts Kärntner Straße 37, 1010 Vienna Tel.: 01/512 28 88 •

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