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Bike Polo

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Critical Mass

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Bike Kills


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Hizkuntzataz dakitenek jaikingo dute zer den Alleycat bat: kale katua. Baina hizkuntzataz eta bizikletaz badaizue jakingo duzue bizikleta mezularien lasterketak ere direla. Urteak dira bizikleta mezulariek lasterketa hauek antolatzen dituztela, haien kaleetatik ibiltzeko trebetasuna erakusteko. Bizikleta lasterketa normalek ez bezala, hauek ez daukate ibilbide finkorik, derrigorrez pasatu behar diren puntu batzuk baizik, bakoitzak bere erara egin behar du bidea. Alleycat izena Toronton zabaldu zen, Canadan 1989an. Lasterketa mota honen garapenak lortu zuen 1993an Cycle Messenger World Championshipak egitea lehendabizi. Orain arte, Mezularien Mundiala munduko hiri a s k o ta n e g i n d a , h a i e n a r t e a n , Bartzelonan. Ez dira bakarrik mezulariei zuzendutako lasterketak, garrantzitsuena hiria ezagutzea eta ondo pasatzea baita!

Since a few years, the bike messengers organize this races to show her ability riding the streets of the city. This races dont have a limited route like the normal bike races, there are few checkpoints where you have to pass forcely, so you can choose the way you want. The name Alleycat was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1989. The evolution of this kind of races allowed in 1993 create Cycle Messenger World Championships. Since this date, it has been organized in the best cities around the world, between those, Barcelona. This is not only for bike messengers, becouse the most important thing is to know the city and have fun!

Lasterketaren ostean, normalean jolasak egiten dira, erlaxatzeko, lasterketa komentatzeko eta lagunak egiteko. Hiru izaten dira normalean. Oreka: bizikleta geldirik dagoela eta hankak lurrean jarri barik orekan geratzean datza. Erraza dirudi, baina gero esku bat kendu behar da, bestea, eta gero hankak! Azken jausten dena da irabazlea. Irristatzea: bizikletarekin derrape haundi bat egin behar da karrerila hartu ostean puntu zehatz batean hasita. Gehien irristatzen dena izango da irabazlea. Giltzarrapoa hartzea: giltzarrapo bat lurrean uzten da. Txirrindulatik jaitzi barik eta hankak lurean jarri barik giltzarrapoa lurretik hartu behar da.

After the race, normaly, they do little games to relax, comment the alleycat and make friends. There are three famous games. Trackstand: it conssists in keep balance with the bike stoped. It looks easy, but then you have to take out a hand, then the other, and then legs! The last that falls is the winner. Skid: this is making a skid with the bike after taking little speed. The one who skids longer will be the winner. Get the lock: a lock is leaved in the floor. Then the biker has to take it from the floor without geting out the bike.

Bike Kill txirrindula mutante, a n a r k i a , k r e a z i o e ta destrukzio festibal bat da. Brooklinen hasi zen egiten urtero urrian, Black Label NYk antolatua. Festibala dibertsio eta rollo oso onarekin egiten da, guretzat bizikletek esan nahi duten berbera, alegia. Bike Kill barruan, mota askotako jolasak egiten dira, bizikleta jaurtiketa bezala edo bizikleta erraldoietan egindako "justak". Gauean sartuta, festibalak beti sorpesatxoren batekin amaitzen dira. Duela urte batzuk, horretarako oparitua izan zen auto bat suntsitu egin zen. 2004ean hasi zenetik, ospakizunak urtero garratzi handiagoa hartuz joan da. Gaur egun, New Yorken galdu eziniko data bat bihurtu da txirrindulari liberalentzako. Blog askotan jai hoberenatzat hartzen dute, parte hartzaileak nahi dutena egiten baitute, giro oso zoro batean askatasunaz disfrutatuz eta batez ere gero zapuzten diren bizikleta kreazioz gozatzen.

Bike Kill is a festival about mutant bikes, a n a r c h y, c r a t i o n a n d destruction. It starts in Brooklin every year in O c t o b e r, o r g a n i z e d b y B l a c k L a b e l N Y. T h i s fest is made with lot of fun and good vibes, like the bikes mean for us. Inside the Bike Kill they do lot of games, like bike throwing or justs in giant bikes. At night, the festibal have lot of surprises. Few years ago, they destroy a gifted car only for this. Since they start in 2004, the festival is becoming more popular year by y e a r. N o w a d a y s , its the most important in New Yo r k b i k e f r e e festibals. In most blogs they put it l i k e t h e b e s t p a r t y, becouse the people do what they want, always enjoying a free enviroment and bike creations that will be destroyed.

Bikepoloa, ziklopoloa edo bizipoloa zaldien poloaren bariante bat da, bizikletaz egiten dena. Bi taldeetako jokalariek baloia makilekin astindu behar dute ate batzuen barnean hau sartzeko, forma errektangularreko zelai batean.

The bikepolo, cyclepolo or bizipolo is a variation of the horses polo, but played in bikes. The participants of both tams have to guide the ball with the mallet to get it into the doors, in a rectangular field



Bizikleta: nahi duzun bizikleta erabili dezakezu, kontrakoei min egin diezaioken pieza solteren bat ez badu. Makila: makila buruari ondo itsatsia egon behar du, eta arbitroak esango du legezkoa den edo ez. Metalezkoak ez dute balio. Joko hasiera: talde bakoitzean hiru kide direlarik, bakoitza bere area barruan, eta baloia erdian delarik irteera ematen da. Puntuak: gol bakoitza, hau da, baloia atera sartzen den bakoitzean puntu bat izango du. Makilaren aurreko aldearekin bakarrik balio du gola sartzeak. Paseak: paseak makilaren edozein aldearekin egin daitezke. Gola sartu eta gero: beste taldeak ateratzen du, horretarako talde bakoitza bere zelaiean egotera itzaron behar du. Faltak: jokalari batek hankarekin lurra ikutzen badu, ezingo du jolastu. Zelai erdiaraino joan beharko du eta lateral batean makilarekin jo, orduan bueltatu ahal izango da jolastera. Irabazlea: bost minutuko bi parte eta gero gol geheien sartzen dituena edo bost goletara heltzen den lehena.

Bike: you can use the bike you want, if it dont have any single piece that can hurt an opponent. Mallet: the stick has to be fastened to the head of the mallet. Its not allowed metal mallets. Start of the game: when there are three people in each team, and both teams in each area starts the game. Both teams have to ride to the ball that is in the middle of the field. Points: each goal (when teh ball passes behind the door) is a point. It only has value if you hit the ball with the front side of the mallet. Passes: the passes will be done with every part of the mallet. After scoring a goal: the other team has the ball, but it has to wait until each team is in his field to start playing. Faults: if one player hits the door with the feet, he cant play anymore until he goes to a side of the field and touches with the mallet. Winner: after two parts of five minutes, who has most points is the winner. If one team does five goals before the time, it will be the winner.

Masa kritikoa ospakizun txirrindulari bat da, hilero munduko hiri askotan egiten dena. Bere helburua bizikleten prezentzia handiagoa aldarrikatzea da, horrela motorezko trafikoaren molestia kentzeko: zarata, kontaminazioa, ilarak, egonezina... Txirrindulariez gain patinatzaileak ere egon ohi dira. Denominazioa izen berdina duen fenomeno soziologikoan oinarritua dago, zeinen arabera "masa kritikoa" fenomeno

batek dinamika propioa eta bakarri hazteko ahalmena edukitzeko behar den banakako kopurua adierazten duen. Lehenengokoak San Frantziskon izan ziren, 58 pertsonekin. Orain, mundialak ere egiten dira, 5.000 lagunetik gorakoak. Hau ez du inork ere ez antolatu, bakarrik jendea da lagunekin buelta bat ematen bizikletan, horrela masa handi bat lortzeko. Bizikletazale askorentzat topaketa puntu bat da hilean behin.

Critical mass is a bike celebration that takes place in many cities around the world once in the month. His goal is to is to claim the need of the bikes in the streets, removing the trouble that motorized transport does, like noise, contamination, car rows... There is also many skaters and rollers that go doing critical masses. The denomination cames from the same named sociologic term,

who says that the "critical mass" is the minimal number of individuals one phenomen needs to work and grow dinamicly his own way. The first ones where in San Francisco with 58 participants, now there are mundials, with more of 5.000 people. This is not organized by anyone, its only people riding with friends, to do a big mas. For many bikers, this is a place to met all months.

"Fixie" batetan ibiltzeko koadro baten gauzarik garrantzitsuena atzeko hankatxoak (gurpila sartzen den lekuan) oso luzeak edo atzerantzakoak izatea da. Honek kateari tentsioa emateko orduan lagunduko digu, marjina txiki bat emanez. Oso importantea ere izaten da tamaina egoki bat aukeratzea, noski. Normalean 55"etik 57"ra doan tartea erabiltzen da adineko pertsona batentzat, ala ere altueraren arabera aldaketak egon daitezke.Baina kontuz! Mota honetako koadroek batzutan ez dute balazta jartzeko lekurik!

The most important thing to ride a bike frame in a "Fixie" way its that the sideboards have to be long or backway. That will help us tensing the chain, giving us a little edge to pull the wheel back. The size of the frame is also so important. Normally, for a grown-up person it will be between 55" and 57" sizes, but it changes with the heigh of it. But take care! This kind of frames sometimes dont have place to put brakes!


Atalik garrantzitsuena dudarik gabe pi単oi finkoko errubera da, horrek egiten baitu bizikleta bat "Fixie" izatea. Erradio normaletako erruberak daude, eta baita "aerospoke" forma ospetsuko gurpil finkoak. Askotan, kate tentsio on bat lortzeko ahaleginarekin, eslaboi erdiko kate bat jarri daiteke (koadroaren hankatxoak txikiegiak direnean). Eskulekurako ere hainbat mota daude. Klasikoa: errepideko bizikletek normalean daramatzatena. Bullhorn: aurrerako forma agresiboa duena, oso ona arin joateko. Alura bikoitzekoa: mendiko bizikletek erablitzen dutena, normalean moztu egiten da kotxeen artetik ongi pasatzeko.

The most important part of a Fixie bike is the fixed gear wheel, becouse this is what makeis it "Fixie". There are fixed gear wheels with normal spokes, and also the famous "aerospoke" fixed gear wheels. Sometimes a half-cog chain is used to get a good chain tension. There is also three tipes of handlebar. Classic: road cycles have it normally. Bullhorn: with agressive form, so well for sprint. Double height: mountain bikes have it, normally the people cut it to pass between cars in the road.





Macaframa bizikleta bideo eta produktu ekoizle handia da San Frantziskon, AEBtan. Dokumental erako filme honek 36 hilabete eta 14 txirrindulari (denak fixie bizikletatan) hartu zituen, 2006an San Frantziskon hasiz, camara bat besterik ez zeukatela. Colin Arlen eta Colby Elricken filmea da. Bertan ameriketako kaleetan zehar nola ibiltzen diren ageri da, eguneroko bizitzan, zirraraz betetako imagina politak, abiaduraz gainezka eta trikimailu izugarriekin! Bertan agertzen diren txirrindulari gehienak bizikleta mezulariak dira, edo hango txirrindulariak. Musika oso ona da, The Who edo The Fronts bezalako taldeekin. Eduki beharrekoa!

1986an Thomas Michael Donnellyk idatzi eta zuzenduriko filma dugu Quicksilver. Kevin Bacon da aktore nagusia eta protagonista. Jack Casey deituriko bolsa "crackerra" bere bizitzaz aspertuta dago. Beti trajearekin, batetik beztera, lanez gainezka... Baina bere lanean oso ona da. Behin, fallo egiten du eta diru asko galtzen du. Honek bizitzaz aldatzeko aukera ematen dio, eta bizikleta mezulari egiten da. Laster ikusten du lan gogorra dela, baina satisfakzioz betetakoa ere. Ala ere, ez dira dena joko garbiak bizikleta mezularitzaren munduan...

Macaframa is a bike video and product producer in San Francisco, USA. This documentary film was taken in 2006, started with one only camera and 14 bike riders (all in fixie bikes). The filming was 36 months long, and the upshot is bike riding in the streets of america, with exciting beautifull images, full of speed and with amazing tricks! Most of the riders are bike messengers, or riders of San Francisco. The music is also awesome, with bands like The Who or The Fronts. Must have!

Quicksilver is a film writen and directed by Thomas Michael Donelly in 1986. The main actor and the protagonist is Kevin Bacon. The stockmarket cracker is sick with his life. Always suit up, full of work... But he is so good in it. Once, he fails and loses lot of money. This bring him a oportunity to change his way of life, and the old cracker becomes bike messenger. Soon he sees that bike messenger is a hard work, but also full of satisfactions. Anyway, not all is fair play in bike messengers world...

http://digave.com/videos/ Web horri hau Lucas Brunelle deituriko frantziar baten bideotaz osatzen da. Lucas mundu osotik bidaiatzen da, alleycatetan parte artuz, masa kritikotan eta abar. Bere kasko gainean bi kamara eramaten ditu, eta beraz gertatzen den guztiaren konplize da. Gainera, ikuspuntu horrek abiadura eta sentsazio oso onak transmititzen ditu. Esan bezala, mundu osoko bideoak daude, New Yorken, Parisen, Tokyon, Bartzelonan... Interesgarria da askotan bera delako hainbat bizikleta ebentuetako informatzaile bakarra eta hoberena. This web is made by videos of the frech Lucas Brunelle. Lucas travels all around the world, takin part in alleycats, critical mass... He wears two cameras above his helmet, then he becames accomplice of everything. To other, this point of view give us speed and beautifull sensations. Like said, there are videos from all over the world; New York, Paris, Tokyo, Barcelona... Its so interesting becouse sometimes he is the better or the only informer of this kind of bike events.

http://fixthecity.es/ Horrialde honen funtsa argazkiak dira. Bartzelonako txirrindulari talde batek bere argazki ikusgarrienak igotzen ditu, baita interneten zehar agertzen diren interesgarrienak partekatu. Daukan gauza aipagarriena da banatzaile guztien linkak daudela webean. Bizikleta materiala, agenda webguneak, dendak, txirrindulari komunitateak... Denetarik aurkitu daiteke hiria txirrindulatzeko! The fact of this page are the pictures. A bike crew of Barcelona uploads his best images, and also broadcasts the most amazing ones around the net. The most important thing that give us this web is that all distros are linked in. Bike material, agenda, shops, bike communities... You can found all you need to fix the city!

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