D47 Sunshiner - April 1975

Page 6

47 — The Presidential District Vol. XI V No. 8 APRIL, 1975
Sunsj/iiner District

The Governor's Gavel

Privilege or Responsibility

Election time is here. .and you have a chance to select your district leaders for the coming year But in order to be heard, you must attend the Spring District Council meeting in Cape Coral

As President or Educational Vice President of your club , you have the privilege to elect district officers.. .and you have a responsibility to your club members to exercise that privilege wisely

Many of you have never met, or heard of the candidates for district office, they are all dedicated Toastmasters. However, you wil l have a chance to meet and talk to them at the "Meet the Candidates" program Friday night, May 2 Ask them questions about their plans to help you and your club.. .ask current district officers about their performance in other offices held Then, and only then, wil l you be able to make the decision that your fellow members deserve

The future of your club wil l be brighter if you make a wellinformed choice

Clary 's Corner


On May 3, 1975 we have an important D-4 7 election Each club president & EVP, all elected District Officers and Area Governors have a vote You should be preparing for this election by knowing what questions to ask each candidate They wil l be coming to toyr Div or Area and perhaps even to your club Find out how much they know about TMs and the position they are seeking Foe instance, those who are aspiring to my position, Lt Gov for Education, you might ask them:

What are the 7 primary duties of the Lt Gov - Edu as outlined in TM District Officers Manual ?

What chairmanships are the responsibility of the Lt Gov. - Edu ?

How do you plan to motivate your chairmen to do their job ?

Who have you picked to fil l these "chairs" for which you are responsible ?

How many clubs are there in D-4 7 ?

How many Toastmasters ?

What is the function of the Region and the International in the TMs operation?

What benifit do they provide the clubs ?

cont'd , p.3

____ _


While other candidates for this office may have many accomplishments, I believe by reviewing my qualifications, you wil l want to support me for the highest office in the District.

Continuous membership in TM since I960, held every club office, A G three times, LGND two and a half times, DT M #99, Outstanding TM of D-4 7 ('71-72), organized 6 TM Clubs, conducted many Speechcraft, Youth Leadership and the Patrick Henry programs, D-4 7 Member Progress Chm'n & Reading Plan Chm'n

As you may know, the Northern Div has not had a candidate for D G in several years It is now quite strong and can certainly support a DG Something to consider besides the man himself

-Conduct timely and effective cabinet, meetings

- Find better methods of financing the Sunshiner

- Encourage Companies to recognize ATM and DTM designations on a level with other professional designations

- Promote installation of TM emblems on Civic Bulletin Boards entering cities

-Encourage Colleges and Univercities to give credit for "Manual" completions

-Effectivly advertise TMs (TMI programs as well as others)

- Use the other good ideas suggested by YOU


(continued from page 3 )

A candidate for Sr. Lt. Gov.-Edu. , the second highest office in D-47 , should be able to draw the organizational chart of TM I from memory Ask him or her what they know about it Find out just how much homework they have done and how much they researched the job they seek Ask the candidate these questions Find out who the best one is and vote for that one Now, do this for all the offices !

As DG , I have a dozen goals to strive for:

-D-4 7 Distinguished District award, '75-'76

-Use Speechcraft to increase membership & strengthen clubs

-Present to TMI an alternate Speechcraft course that can be conducted effectivly outside a regular TM meeting

-Organize new clubs on solid foundations for permanent survival

-Promote effective performance of all officers

A footnote to the candidates: Those of you aspiring to the office of Lt Gov.-Edu. , or any office, you'd better do your homework and know the answers to these questions They wil ! be asked


S. R. DUNN , DT M for


I announced for the office of Sr. Lt. Gov . of Edu because I believe what I practice in TMs I don't want to see this office used as a means to an end. This important job is one not to be taken lightly You, the TMs of D-47 , should be well aware of each candidates past record. Take the time to ask others What are their stands on various issues ? Does each follow through, completing projects they undertake ? How have they performed in other District offices ? DON'T always depend on long winded promises or flowery terms refering to what they think you need or what they will do DO ask yourself and others what each has actually done for TMs

Make your vote count, ask questions !

I have been a TM for 5 years in Tampa Was runner-up for outstanding A G

As Lt Gov WD, I was awarded for Outstanding Leadership in the District '75- '75 I served as Dist. Secretary, & assistant to DG Smith As an ATM, I am looking forward to my DTM this May

As SLGE, I plan to initiate a training course in leadership opportunities to encourage TMs to participate in District leadership activities We must work more toward strengthening existing members Only then can we look to successfully adding new members Each educational session for next year has been planned , » cont d p **

My TM experiences include: Runner-up for Outstanding Area Gov. , D-47 Mr "Enthusiasm" winner, Top Ten Club Bulletin Editor, Top Ten D-4 7 Sunshiner Assist. Editor, Organizer & Chairman of numerous YLP, Speechcraft & Executive Development Programs, etc .

But more important than what I have done is what I wil l do as Sr Lt Gov Edu :

1. Chair the Dist. Edu. Committee in the educational programs for the District,

2 Plan and present educational sessions at al I District meetings, WOO D WILL WORK these creative programs at District Conventions !

3. Train the Area Governors,

4. Insure that each A G develops experienced members to assist at Area Council meetings.

WOO D WILL WORK to provide A G s with Area level educational programs in each Area like: Incoming officers' training, Improving in club programs (club bulletin, reading plan, creative evaluation), Outside activities (Speechcraft, YLP, etc.) , Fun with Parliamentary Procedure

5 Offer educational assistance to every club where needed,

WOOD WILL WORK by distributing each month to club Pres & EVPs, creative, successful, lively and fun education programs . cont'd, p.


To Be Listed In The Toastmasters International Hall Of Fame 1973-1974

ref Sept issue - The DIC K ANClToastmaster Magazine ' Page 29.



Floyd Sewell has the proven experience in leadership, not just a sudden interest. Having done his homework, he is able to represent you 100 % from the first day BACKGROUND. "proven accomplishments" for Lt. Governor of Admimistration

Graduate of FSU / Mgr 6 yrs @ Ford Motor Co. / St. Farm Ins. Agent 5 yrs. / 1st V-P , Optimist Club / Married to TM Hilda Sewell (honeymooned @ D-47 Convention..

EXPERIENCE... "It makes the difference" Held all club offices / Past Area 12 Gov. / Current LGND / Fla Topics winner, '73 / Chm'n. St. Convention, twice / Sponsored 3 new clubs / Coord. 8 Speechcraft/ Coord, 7 YLP / Increased Div membership 50%

PLATFORM.. "The heart of this job beats with the ability to inspire others." Administer TM functions "on time". / Reduce paperwork necessary to effectivly run a club, area and division while reflecting District Goals and Distinguished Club Plan objectives Provide executive training workshops at each convention / Work for continued growth in membership and stronger clubs in D-47

If you think the District needs more fuel, cast your vote for R Floyd Sewell .the right man. .at the right time .for the right job !

The Only Candidate For District Office





Stetson University - B. S. in English, '71

Shalimar School - Teacher, '71 to '73

Edu. Mgmt. Systems - Public Relations Director, '73 to '74

Math Camp - Marketing Director, '74 to present

Our House Art Gallery - Co-Owner '74 to present


ACTIVE Toastmaster for two and a half yrs. Served as Club Treasurer, EVP, & Pres. Assisted in the charter of two clubs

Current Area 7 Governor

District 47 Humerous Speech Contest Contest winner, 1974 Coordinator of one Speechcraft Course

Assisted in 4 other Speechcraft Courses


* To coordinate the activities of the various A G 's to achieve greater unity and cooperation within the Division

*To provide and promote educational and training programs at the Division level and to provide supervision, counsel, and information for the betterment of the Division and the District

*To encourage and ensure the carrying out of necessary administrative tasks for Distinguished District & Distinguished Club Plans

The Area Gov . position in Toastmasters is definatly awe inspiring. It is first in time consumption and concentration. An A G needs assistance and deserves the cooperation of of every TM His success is contingent upon your help and his leadership ability His reward is attaining distinguishment for his Area

As your Lt Gov - So Div. , I shall make every effort to attend club meetings, at least once, and arrainge for regular monthly meetings for the Area Governors to attend

To encourage attendance at such meetings, they wil l not only be made meaningful and educational, but be interesting to the point that attendance is a must. Dates for future meetings are always difficult to remember.

To overcome this, a calendar indicating the dates and discriptions of all events wil l be furnished to every Area member TM . First on the calendar wil l be the name of the speaker who wil l address these members on "How To Be An Area Governor".

My main qualifications are my Dependability, Enthusiasm, and Experience and I welcome the opportunity to serve you

Remember my slogan ! 6 LET'S GET GOIN ' WITH HOEHN



Toastmaster since 1968..

Member of Imperial Polk TM Club, Winter Haven current club Treasurer

D-4 7 Speakers Bureau Chairman..

Club President, 1973

Area Governor, '73 - '74

District Secretary, 7 3 - '74

1976 is a special year in America's history and its destiny as a nation. Toastmasters throughout the USA should celebrate America's 200th Anniversary Many stimulating club programs could be designed to center around the nation's past achievments and future aspirations I wil l play a positive role in organizing and promoting such programs

What else can we do ? .. .

1. Organize educational sessions at our Division and even Area Contests,

2. Improve our public relations and publicity programs,

3 Stimulate membership participation in Area, Div & District activities thru more realistic meal prices,

4 Encourage small clubs to co-sponsor a Speechcraft Course with eachother

5 Improve upon members reporting outside speeches to reduce paper work load of club secretary

Remember: "The West Is The Best", is not just a motto, it wil l be a reality!


The Western Div . has shown excellence for many years. Although it has been good, it can be better there is always a better way

I believe that one of the largest problems in the District is lack of communication between the district and the club Untill now the only way to carry these messages was through the Area Gov. Therefore, an AG must be trained and keep us up to date. Should I be elected, it would be a top priority to hold regular division work shops for the AGs .

A special new club committee wil l be formed for the WD. Large areas of the div." have not even been explored for starting new clubs. With a little development, for examp'e, Area 10 alone could form three more Areas.

I have worked with the Distinguished Club Plan for three years and am a firm believer that every club, especially problem clubs, should get into it . This plan builds healthy clubs

I have been a TM A\; held club offices including president; currently A - 10 Gov. ; regular attendee at Disttrict Conventions; ATM, working on my DTM; Coordinated a YLP in A - 10.

I want to be your next LGWD and I pledge to do my very best. Don't take a chance this year, LET GEORGE DO IT!


Stanley Wiese, A G 9, Chairman of the nominating Committee, reports the following nominations•

District Governor - S. R. Dunn, DTM

Sr Lt Gov Edu - Dave Meeks, AT M

Lt Gov Admin - Floyd Sewell, AT M

DG N . Div . - Jack Rochford

DG S Div - Scott Hoehn

DG E Div - Gene Lease, AT M

DG W Div - Mohamed Ismail, ATM

There's A Better Way! p

Most Toastmasters, when asked what their club's greatest problem is, wil l respond, "MEMBERSHIP" I say, "NOWAY! "

The greatest problem our clubs have is that of having consistently exciting, challenging and FUN meetings When a club has such meetings, membership takes care of itself

The only membership problems such clubs have is, too many applicants That's no joke ! There are some clubs that have waiting lists because they have good meetings

The members want their friends to join and get in on a good thing, and every guest wants to join the club.

Is that your club ? Then come to the D-4 7 Spring Convention at Cape Coral, May 2, 3 & 4 Especially to the Educational Seminar on Saturday morning, from 9am to 11:30

The entire seminar wil l be devoted to ways to improve your club programs Emphasis wil l be on "how to" , rather than motivation Every • club officer who attends wil l return to his club with dozens of ideas that wil l improve his club Every club member wil l come away with ideas to challenge his club's officers Here's the lineup:

the only way to "horn in " on the activities is to "bull"-doz e your way to the lavish Cape Coral Country Club on May 2 nd...

First, Orlando TM Club 1066, wil l present a short, sample meeting in which they wil l incorporate many of the things that keeps 1066 a top club with full membership. Then, that meeting wil l be analyzed by the club president and Hugh Burgay (Club Improvement Chairman) with any and all comments invited from the floor.

8 cont'd , p 10



Hey, you golfers and tennis players, both men and women, if you want to get into the act of the golf tournament or the tennis matches on Friday, May 2nd at 2:30 p.m we must know in advance so we may arrainge starting times and reserve tennis courts.

Your Spring Convention Committee reports that plans are progressing ahead of schedule

What they need now are more "Package Plans" reservations and more motel reservations

The Registration Form is on the back page of this Sunshiner


2:30 Golf Tourney / Prizes to the winners Tennis matches / Prizes to winners

7:00 Patio Buffet Dinner

9:00 Meet the Candidates

10:00 Candidates' Hospitality

9:00 to 10:00 Movies for the children MEEKS

TMs have already been selected to help me work with you I plan to direct my attention to you, the TMs of D-47 . join me in my endeavor to serve and vote for your choice remember, the name is M-E-E-K-S

NE W 'PEA: Provide for evaluation of club and District officers' leadership techniques at the lecturn.



SCHEDULE: 7:30 to 9:00 Area Gov Breakfast (A G Reports) 9:00 to 10:00 Educational Session Club Improvement Program 10:30 to 10:45 Coffee Break !0:45 to 11:45 Edu Sessions continued 11:45 to 12:45 Free Time 12:15 to 1:30 LUNCHEON State of the District 1:30 to 2:00 Free Time 2:00 to 4:00 ELECTION OF OFFICERS 4:00 to 6:30 Free Time 6:45 to 7:45 Attitude Adjustment Hour 8:00 to 10:00 BANQUET Introductions Speakink Contest Awards Presentation 10:00 to ?? Free Time NOTE.. 7:00 to 8:00 Kiddie Banquet 8:00 to 10:00 Action packed movies for the children SUNDAY'S SCHEDULE: 9:30 to 10:30 (a.m. ) New officers meet in the Fountain Room
are available. . .
@ Desk the aeoion

This tear we have an outstanding group of candidates I know them all and there are good reasons for each to be deserving our support. This year District 47 can't loose.

In the past there have been complaints of certain election irregularities. This year

I hope there wil l be none. As credentials chairman, I wil l make every effort to see that each elector is properly qualified to cast any ballot that he might request.

Anyone not personally known to a member of the Credentials Committee on duty wil l be asked for positive identification and it is expected that a drivers license be available It is recommended that delegates also carry their current TM membership card with their Club number.

A President or Educational Vice Pres. may request both club ballots or either of them may sign a proxy which can be used by any active member of their club to obtain that club's ballots A club must have an active member present in order to vote on District business, including the election of officers

Upon registering at the convention, each TMwil l be asked to sign the registration form indicating the club he wil l represent and the office he holds, if any If a TM is a member of more than one club, he may only represent one of them at the business meeting In addition, a registration fee must be paid in order for the club to be represented

An active member of the District Executive Committee, which includes current Area Governors, is entitled to a vote. These votes may not be cast by proxy. However, an Area Gov. may be represented at the

business session by proxy and may receive mileage reimbursement for representing his Area, but he cannot vote. If an Executive Committee member also represents his club, he may cast a total of three votes.

Each member wil l be asked to sign a ballot request form, as in past years, attesting to his membership and indicating that he is entitled to his club ballots. Al l signatures on proxies wil l be verified either before or after the election. Any irregularities wil l be brought to the attention of the District Exec. Comm. and to the club involved.

The elections wil l be conducted in accordance with the District By - Laws and every effort wil l be exercised to see that everyone is treated fairly Your cooperation with the Credentials Committee will be apreciated Charlie Jones, DTM Chm'n. Credentials Comm.

BURGAY (continued from page g)

Following this, there wil l be an open discussion. Everyone attending wil l be invited to tell us about something done in his club that other clubs could use. (We all have some good ideas, let's communicate them)

Th is open dicussion should be very productive, so bring a pencil and paper TAKE NOTES Then, after a coffee break,we wil l have an IDEA FAIR District Chairmen, wil l tell you how to use their specialty to make your club better. Each wil l have free literature for you and plenty of good advice They wil l show you what to do , how to get started and how to follow through

The only way to loose is by not being there SO.. BE THERE! I will Wil l you ?



Detach and Mail to: Robert A Martin 4102 S.E. 8th Avenue Cape Coral , Florid a 33904

PACKAGE PLAN $ 15.50 (includes registratio n fee , breakfast , lunch, and banquet)

INDIVIDUAL TICKETS $3.25 Breakfast # $4.75 Lunch # $8.00 Banquet # $2.00 Registratio n Fee #

There wil l be a "Kiddie Banquet" (NOT included i n the Package Plan) at 7 p.m. on Saturday Night consistin g of 1 Hamburger, French Fries , 1 Candy Bar, and 1 Coke, fo r $1.75 $ Number of Persons Amount Enclosed $

Make checks payable to: Distric t 47 Convention Committee




Deatch and Mail to: Cape Coral Country Club 4003 Palm Tree Blvd Cape Coral , Florid a 33904 singl e rooms @ $15.00 double rooms @ $17.00

Arriva l Date Departure Date NAME ADDRESS ZIP

Children under 18 free i n parent's room. Additiona l cot - $2.00


Spring District Council Meeting Cape Coral

Clubs nominate and elect new club officers Submit International proxies to District Governor.

Complete District organization for 1975-76.

Region VIII Conference. Roch Hill , S.C.

Area Governors install new club officers Transfer of district property and records.

i f (Q* 3 n> T3 -I (8 51 3 i i i i > o 5' i Q — Q c 3 3 3 cr o ' N 2 o • § 3 < & • O E" cr =* n TO m O m z n O 2 > m • T l Z! > D I TI DO D Sunsfiiner Official Publication of Toastmasters International District 47 A Distinguished District Published Monthly Editor Louis J Rosa, ATM Publisher Carleton J Smith, DTM Circulation Sunshine City TM #3524 Emerson Leiter ATM Mgr Advisor Win Chesley, DTM Annual Subscription: $2.00 per member May 2 - 4:
May 31:
1: June 20 -21: by June 30: by June 30:
Sunsfliner 8100 - 14th Street North St Petersburg, Florida 33702 Non-Profft Organization U.S POSTAGE - PAIDPermit No 6339 St Petersburg, Florida

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