The Echo May 2010

Page 1

Hits & Myths CDs and DVDs

Shop 5 Strand Arc, Leura

Music and Movies of Enduring Quality

VET Your community news Issue 17

May 2010

Neighbourhood Centre Week

waged, and $5 for unwaged.

See page 7

May 10th to May 16th is Neighbourhood Centre Week and time to drop in for a cup of tea to meet the people who run the Centre or join one of the fantastic activities planned for the week. Transition Towns have a fun series of workshops on knitting and crocheting, which continue on to the following week. They are also running the hugely popular retrofitting workshops on Saturday 15th May from 1- 5 pm. This workshop teaches participants how to weatherproof their houses, including making pelmets and DIY plastic double glazing. It was so popular last year, it ended up being run twice,but still people missed out, so book as early as possible! Materials are available for purchase at cost price, childcare is available on request. The cost is $30 full price, $15 part

Blue Mountains Relay For Life The Blue Mountains Relay For Life is returning in October and the existing organizing committee needs volunteers to make it even bigger and better than last year. Ken Shaw, returning chairperson, is inviting all locals to become part of the Committee. See page 3

Local Climate Action

Feeling concerned about climate change but not really sure what you should be doing about it – or whether it will make any difference? It can be hard to understand the complex policy issues and scientific debates. Katoomba Area Climate Action Now (KACAN) is a local group which

Ph 4757 3255


Opening Hours Mon-Fri 8.30am-7pm Sat 9am-1pm • Sun 10am-12pm

aims to help the Blue Mountains community better understand these issues and work out the best ways of responding. KACAN is currently supporting the national 100% Renewable Energy campaign being launched this month. For more information see

Business Expo Friday May 14 Biznet presents the Blue Mountains Innovative Business Expo to show local people what is available and innovative in businesses in our own region. The expo is at The Mountain Heritage Hotel at Katoomba and entry is free. See page 3

What’s On See page 12

Join the Village Fitness 12 week weight loss challenge It’s not just your waistline that benefits


You will

4782 3809 Level 2, 98 Bathurst Road KATOOMBA

• Stabilize & control blood sugar levels • Decrease cholesterol & triglyceride levels • Decrease blood pressure • Increase energy levels • Dramatically decrease body fat

‘We have some of the Best from Woodford to the West’ Free market appraisal Phone today: 4787 8781

May 2010


The Echo

Delivered monthly to Katoomba, Leura & Wentworth Falls

Adept Conveyancing Ph: 4757 1675

Local News Editor Jeanie Baxter

Fixed Fee Conveyancing

Jennifer G. Laing J.P. CPC

0420 356 705

Managing Editor and Advertising Enquiries Margaret Stepniewski PO Box 121, Mulgoa, NSW 2745

Licensed Conveyancer Lic No. 1334793

Email: 10a Station St Wentworth Falls NSW 2782 (Behind Jakeman’s Art Supplies)

Phone/fax: 4773 8974

Natural Movement

‘A Culture of Body/Mind Health & Fitness’

NM Pilates Equipped Studio:

Now offering Massage

Pilates ProgramsTailored to your needs:

Injury Rehabilitation, General Toning & Fitness, Strength & Flexibility, Postural Integrity, Pre/Post Pregnancy, Sports Specific (incl: Dance), Dance & Sports Related Injury

NM Classes/Workshops

• Pilates: Mat Work (All Levels),

Exercise Band, Pre/Post Pregnancy, Swiss Ball • Dance: Flamenco, Jazz/Funk/Modern Professional performance group available for hire

Julie - 0409 199 071

B. Ed, A.D Dance Instruction/Management, Certified Pilates Studio & Dance Instructor (all levels)

NEXT ISSUE BOOKING DEADLINE Thursday, May 20, 2010 Emergency Services (Police, Ambulance, Fire)


Katoomba Police Station 4782 8199 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling 131 114 Katoomba Churches St Hilda’s Anglican Church 4782 1608 St Canice`s Catholic Church 4782 2804 Uniting Church 4758 8295 Lighthouse Church 4782 1352 Katoomba Baptist Church 4758 8674 Bethany Gospel Hall 4782 5956 The Salvation Army 4782 5124 Seventh-day Adventist 0401 686 245 Leura Churches St Albans Anglican Church St Bonaventures Catholic Uniting Church

4782 4503 4782 2804 4757 3435

Wentworth Falls Churches Holy Trinity Anglican Church 4757 1516 St Frances Xavier Catholic 4782 2804 St Andrews Presbyterian 4759 1998 Explorers Christian 0402 138 029 Community Groups Community Health Centre Katoomba Neighbourhood The Salvation Army - Community Services - Rehabilitation Centre Breastfeeding Association Blue Mtns Bushcare Blue Mtns Cancer Help Katoomba Girl Guides Rotary (Upper Blue) W. Falls Lions Club Leura/Katoomba Probus Central Blue Probus Toastmasters Alliance for Sustainable Well Being Blue Mtns Lapidary Club

4782 8201 4782 1117 4782 9251 4782 7392 4782 9474 4780 5528 4782 4866 4739 1772 4787 1857 4782 2178 4782 1672 4757 4695 4784 1349 4784 1349 4759 2440

Sports Clubs Katoomba Swimming Club 4782 2292 Cricket Club 0402 167 136 Katoomba Tennis (keys from the Handystore) Juniors Competition 4782 2303 Wentworth FallsTennis 4784 1044 (keys from the Falls Food Hall)

Junior Rugby League Table Tennis

0432 219 564 4782 3174

NATIVE PLANT NURSERY We are open for sale of tube stock & rescued plants Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm Saturday 10am-1pm Clairvaux Community Centre 14 Oak Street Katoomba

Tel 4782 6233

• Traditional book shop atmosphere • Books, DVDs, classical CDs, audiobooks, cards & wrap • Local maps & guides • Great kids books!

183 The Mall Leura Phone 4784 1302

Register your email for notification when the new issue is online. Advertising policy: Priority is given to businesses connected to local residents. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion. Community news: The District Gazette welcomes the following information (published free of charge): community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements, anniversaries & birthdays. Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor may be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.

May 2010

Licenced Heartmoves Trainer & Personal Trainer New class starting with low to moderate exercise for the chronically ill and older adults. Relaxed and happy atmosphere Phone Jeanette for date and location Ph 0439 518 468

See the digital page-turning edition of The Echo at u. for Register your email new e th en wh notification e. lin on is issue Email info@theech


“And they marve ‘Who is this man lled and said [J even the seas anesus] that obey Him?’ “ (M d wind The Bible says att. 8:27) “Prepare to meet your God .” If you want friendl y fellowship and good, plain Bi ble teaching with un-modern worship style,

Katoomba Baptist

Church, Waratah St (opp Coles) 10am Sundays Ph

4758 8674


(cont from page 1)

Ken Shaw, chairperson, says “I encourage all those who are interested and passionate to contact us. We have a chance to create something special for our community and those diagnosed with cancer each year” “I would especially like to extend an invitation to local cancer survivors and carers. At the core of the Relay For Life is a celebration of survivorship and the importance of honouring those we have lost to the disease. There are opportunities available for anyone that would like to be involved. The one common denominator we are looking for is enthusiasm.” “Relay For Life is an overnight community fundraising event that spreads a message of hope and support to those affected by cancer,”said Sandra Tahmasby Relay For Life coordinator for the Cancer Council. “Last year Relay For Life in Katoomba was a wonderful success,” said Sandra “I would like to thank all those people who volunteered their time on last year’s committee and welcome back those who are able to assist again this year.” For further information how you can help contact Sandra Tahmasby at the Cancer Council on 9354 2005 or visit

Innovative Business Expo Friday May 14 is the date Biznet will be presenting the Blue Mountains Innovative Business Expo to show local people what is available and innovative in businesses in our own region. The expo, sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank, will run from 11am to 7pm at The Mountain Heritage Hotel at Katoomba and entry is free. Highlighted will be the innovative products, services or procedures available from, or used by, the exhibiting businesses. Vent Thomas has been preparing for the expo and says “iVent Services are looking forward to taking the opportunity of launching some new products at the Expo that will help our clients become more productive and innovative with their web presences.” Geoff Snowden from People Motion has been very excited at the prospect of doing one of the seminars. “Innovation is doing something differently, so start with doing something differently with your people - trust them to make some mistakes. Some of the greatest innovations started with a mistake.” A series of free half hour business seminars will be run throughout the day as follows. Everyone is welcome to attend – just turn up.

11.30am: Innovation and Employees – Geoff Snowden from People Motion 12.15pm: Effective Business Communication – Jenny Mosher from Mosher’s Business Support 1.00pm: Investing in the Australian Share Market – Nancy Strah from EL & C Bailieu Stockbroking Ltd 1.45pm: Maximising your Website as a Sales Tool – Ben Curran from Stralia Web 2.30pm: Get on board with the New Mobile Revolution - Vent Thomas from iVent Services 3.15pm: How to Network Successfully – Lynda Davis from Spa Sublime 4.00pm: Get Good Value from your Lawyers – They can Help Your Business! – Philip Penman from Liberty Legal & Conveyancing 4.45pm: Success Principles – Cath Edwards from Yes You Can! Coaching International

Blue Mountains

Innovative Business Expo F EN RE TR E Y!

Relay For Life

Friday 14th May, 11am – 7pm Mountain Heritage Hotel Katoomba Cnr Apex & Lovel Sts, Katoomba


See the best of Business Innovations the Mountains has to offer; • Web Design & Technologies • Preservation of Memories • Sport • Legal • • Human Resources • First Aid • Promotion materials •Health and Pampering • • Computer Solutions • Safety• Publishing • Employment • Business Support • • Celebrations • Marketing • Banking •and more... 1/2 hour Business skills seminars run concurrently throughout the day – FREE! For further information, phone Biznet on 4782 5307 visit for free registration and see information on Exhibitors and Seminars

Major Sponsor: Commonwealth Bank

Media Sponsor

Web Sponsor

Raise The Rainbow Flag In Katoomba Monday, May 17th at 9.45am for 10.00am flag raising outside Blue Mountains City Council.

The flag raising makes a clear statement by Council that homophobia is not acceptable in our community and that the LGBT community is fully recognised by the City of the Blue Mountains. There will be music provided by the wonderful local duo Spiral who have composed a song for the flag raising ceremony. Speeches & flag raising will be followed by free morning tea courtesy of BMCC. May 2010


Coping with Hearing Loss

• Emotional problems caused by reduced self-esteem and confidence. There are meaningful ways you can offer your support to someone livHearing loss is one of the world’s ing with an untreated hearing loss: most common health problems and • Offer support and encourage is also one of the most ignored. For a them to speak with a hearing healthvast number for people, hearing loss care professional. is a natural part of the ageing process • Accompany your loved one or and the onset is usually gradual, with friend to the hearing evaluation. people not aware that their hearing • Gain their attention before you has deteriorated. begin to speak. Hearing loss can be the result of • Have eye contact with them enear infections, genetic medical condisuring your face can be seen clearly. tions, illness, traumatic injury or pro• Speak normally and clearly, avoid longed exposure to noise. speaking too quickly and do not yell. It is estimated that 1 in 10 people • Use facial expressions, gestures experience some degree of hearing and body language to communicate. loss and with the rising noise levels in • Rephrase words or sentences; everyday life, and the ageing populasome words are easier to lip-read than tion the number of people with hearing others. loss will continue to grow. • Be aware of background noises Hearing loss can affect a person in that can inhibit comprehension of different ways: conversations. • Reduce educational and job If you feel a friend or family memopportunities due to impaired ber has a hearing loss and would like communication. to learn more, or require further infor• Social withdrawal due to reduced mation on communication techniques access to services and difficulties comcome and talk to us as there are about municating with others. 90% of people that can be helped with the use of hearing instruments. Come in or call Matthew or Rhonda at the Medical Rhonda Rhonda HughesHughes and Matthew O’Neill FREE hearing assessments for Pensionand Matthew O’Neillwill willbe be available available forfor FREE hearing assessments for Pensioners and War Veterans. Full Full comprehensive services available for with adults with ers and War Veterans. comprehensive hearing hearing services are are available for adults testing of testing of practice in Wentchildren children from 4 from years of age. AskAsk Rhonda about pre-employment and Industrial 4 years of age. Rhondaor or Matthew Matthew about pre-employment and Industrial Screen- Screening tests. and and Matthew second Tuesday everyatmonth at ingRhonda tests. Rhonda Mattheware areavailable available ononthethe second Tuesday of everyofmonth worth Falls. Medical Wentworth MedicalPractice Practice Wentworth FallsFalls 218 218 Great Western Wentworth Great Western Highway Highway Wentworth FallsFalls 2782 2782 We are here to ClinicClinic Bookings 9am – 5pm appointments please 6352 4327 Bookings 9am – 5pmFor For appointments please phonephone 6352 4327 help. Phone 6352 4327 or visit our website at www. 6352 6352 43274327 advantagehearing. 126 Main St Lithgow 126 Main St Lithgow Rhonda and Rhonda Matthew been providing extenandhave Matthew have been providing extensive Hearingsive services Lithgow and and Hearingthroughout services throughout Lithgow Bathurst for the pastfor 2 the years have Bathurst pastand 2 years andnow haveopened now opened Advantage Hearing which is based in Lithgow. Advantage Hearing which is based in Lithgow.

Matthew O’Neill RhondaRhonda Hughes Matthew O’Neill Hughes

Local Business profile James Warrington-Mercer, Registered Nurse and Clinical Hypnotherapist, has opened a new therapy room at 29 Parke Street, Katoomba. It has both ground floor and wheelchair access and amenities for visiting clients. The place is bright and comfortable with a reception area to sit in for early arrivals. There is good off and on street parking availability. The premises are at the top end of Parke Street and a short walk from the railway station. James says that if you are struggling with something personal, and have tried different therapies and nothing is working, hypnosis is a powerful yet gentle way of dealing with problems, and it’s really fast. During Hypnosis you remain in control and cannot be made to do or say anything you would not do or say normally. James says the work he does is aimed at helping people lift their boundaries; find their inner strengths and healings. So whether it is to stop smoking, lose weight, emotional or psychosomatically issues, James is here to help you.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Caring & Confidential Emotional & Physical issues Smoking, Weight, Phobias, Relationships James W-Mercer Reg. Nurse Dip.CHt. NLP, EFT.

Accredited CMAHA • Medibank Provider

4782 5557 or 0414 860 420

8:30am 5pm Mon FriSat&bySat by appointment 8:30am - -5pm Mon - Fri- & appointment

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May 2010

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Ask us how we can manage your medication We offer a weekly service, which packs your tablets into an easy to use blister dosing system. Never again take the wrong medication or forget your dose. We manage your medication in consultation with your doctor and deliver it for FREE! Please give us a call or drop into the store to arrange or ask any questions for yourself or a loved one.

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OPENING HOURS Monday - Friday 8:30am - 6:00pm Saturday - Sunday 9:00am - 4:00pm Public holidays 9:00am - 4:00pm May 2010


Visioning the Blue Mountains in 2020

Local Personality

Sunday May 23rd 1.30pm- 4.30pm Masonic Hall, Station Street Katoomba Transition Blue Mountains is facilitating an interactive visioning workshop exploring what we cherish and want to ensure continues into the future in our community, what we may need to create to ensure a sustainable future, what we need to recover from the past and what we will refuse to take into the future. We’ll look at the many different aspects of our community including housing, food, waste, energy, the arts, education, the psychology of change, transport and more.... Vision without action is merely a dream Action without vision only passes the time Vision with action can change the world Joel Barker

Please join us and pass the invitation on to others. See Phone : 0450 921 095. Transition Blue Mountains auspiced by Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre.


Brain researchers using local brain power! Neuroscience researchers have called upon all Bridge players across Australia to use their brain power next month in the name of medical research. The Bridge for Brain Research Challenge, supported by the Australian Bridge Federation, will take place in the first week of May, and 30 bridge players from the Leurabased Mid-Mountains Bridge Centre have signed up to raise crucial funds for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia research. “Australia’s population is ageing, and that means more and more of us will be affected by dementia or some other disorder of the brain,” says Professor Peter Schofield, CEO of the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute. “Our researchers are working hard to conquer these diseases, and we’d love to see more Bridge players get involved in the Challenge this year. Participation will not only keep your mind sharp, it will also help us find better treatments and a cure.”

John Ellison, whose latest works are on show at the Nolan on Lovel Gallery in Katoomba until May 23, has been painting and teaching art in the Blue Mountains for many years and states that he paints to express the wonder and amazement he feels in being alive and to be able to witness all the joys of the natural world and the people who surround him. This wonder and fascination comes across vividly in his latest collection of works with subjects ranging from sensitive interiors, which reflect the serenity of his own surroundings, to landscapes and nudes which showcase his ability to portray the beauty of the landscape and the human form. John is passionate in his belief that creativity is a central component in a balanced and meaningful life. John began the Winter Magic Festival in 1994 whilst working as the Cultural Development Officer for Blue Mountains Council. During John’s exhibition there is a concert with Irish musician/artist Alan Healy and friends at the Nolan on Lovel Gallery from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm on Saturday 15th May.

Currently, more than 67,000 Australians will be diagnosed with some form of dementia over the next 12 months – that’s more than 1,300 people every week. The annual cost to the community is estimated at $5.4 billion and rising. Ian Spight of the Mid Mountains Bridge Centre says. “The Club and its players are very proud to participate this year to raise crucial funds for this important research. We love playing Bridge and knowing that it protects our brains too is a wonderful bonus.” To make a donation to the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute towards finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias please ring 1300 888 019 or visit For more information, contact Ian Spight on 4782 7415 or

Talking Birds in Autumn Summer is over and autumn, the best time for walks in the mountains, is here. There is always a change in the bird life in autumn. The large raucous Channel-billed Cuckoo and the Eastern Koel have suddenly become silent and have either left, or will shortly leave, for their winter holiday in Indonesia. For most birds, the breeding season and the battle for territories, is over, young birds are independent and it is time to refuel before winter. Small migrants, such as Rufous Fantail, Rufous Whistler, Black-faced Monarch and Leaden Flycatcher will soon be heading north for the winter and in another month or so the honeyeater migration will be in full swing. At this time of year small birds form loose feeding flocks for their mutual advantage. There are more eyes to watch for predators and also to spot hidden insects. Tiny Striated Thornbills and Spotted Pardalotes glean insects and lerps high in the canopy, Grey Shrike-thrushes and Golden Whistlers pick larger insects from branches,

White-throated Treecreepers hop up tree trunks prising insects from the bark crevices, while there is always a Grey Fantail hawking for any insects which may have escaped the searchers. Yellow-faced and New Holland Honeyeaters look for nectar-rich flowers and also take insects to provide the protein they need. In the shrub layer the resident Brown Thornbills, White-browed Scrubwrens and Variegated Fairy-wrens can be found, while there are usually a few Eastern Spinebills dashing through the shrubbery searching for flowers. Mountain Devils are one of their favourites. Watching these mixed flocks foraging is one of the joys of autumn. On a clear, crisp autumn day sitting in the bush watching the birds is the perfect place to be. Blue Mountains Bird Observers have an interesting programme of walks planned for autumn. If you would like to come along have a look at our website: au/bmbo.

May 2010


May 2010


Board Games Ronnie and Damien from Hideaway Retreat at Wentworth Falls are playing host to a budding community of Board Game Players, and would like to invite friendly and like-minded folk to join them for a game or two in Edison’s Laboratory. “We have the classics like Scrabble and Risk and Monopoly,” says Ronnie, “but we want people to branch out a bit. We have some fantastic games.” So if you’ve ever wanted to play ‘Apples to Apples’ or ‘Killer Bunnies’, if you’re looking for fellow devotees of ‘Doom’ or ‘Dominion’, or your idea of a perfect evening includes ‘Beer’, ‘Bootleggers’ and ‘Billionaire’, then this is the place for you. Some of the games are for two people, some of them can be played by up to 20 people, so you can bring a long a car-load of friends, and everyone can play. The games are held the first week of every month. Players can arrive any time after 1pm, and play will continue till 10pm.There is a $5 charge, which includes tea and coffee and there are soft drinks for sale. Players are allowed to bring their own snacks. As most of these games take some degree of concentration and skill, the evenings are aimed at adults or teens. Please note most of the games are aged for 8 and up and not really suitable for small children. All children under 15 years of age should be accompanied by their parents. For more information, contact Ronnie or Damien on 0402 773 000, or visit the website at html. The website includes a full list of games, and directions to Edison’s Laboratory, at the Hideaway Retreat.

Winter Magic Parade Creative Project The Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre and the Katoomba Nth Primary School Hub will be hosting a Winter Magic Parade Creative Project, on Tuesdays from 3pm - 5pm, May 11th, May 25th, June 1st and June 8th. Join with other families and local Arts worker Trish Adams to have fun, learn new creative skills and and make a group creation for the Parade. Cost is $10 per family, book with Miriam at the Neighbourhood Centre (4782 1117), online at miriam@knc. OR with Jeanette at the Hub.

Leura CWA Every year, each branch of the CWA comes together at an Area Meeting to submit and exhibit work in the categories of handicrafts, art and photography, and Land Cookery. This year the Katoomba-Leura branch of the CWA had sixteen entries and were awarded five 1sts and two 2nds. The CWA combined their Easter Celebrations with a ninetieth birthday celebration for longtime member Constance Fry. The ladies wore their Easter hats, and presented Constance with a plaque to commemorate her services to the CWA. The celebration was a lovely surprise for Constance and was very much enjoyed by everyone. Two delegates are going to the State 88th AGM in Port Macquarie. Each person is only allowed two minutes to speak. One of the many items to be decided will be which Health Research fund we will support for the year 2010-2011. It will be a very busy weekend for the ladies, leading up to Gala Dinner on the Monday night.

May 2010

Our meetings begin with morning tea at 10 o’clock, every Monday at the CWA Hall in Leura. There is always WELCOME on the door.

Blackheath CWA Blackheath CWA held a very successful fashion parade on 19 April and donated to CWA projects, Royal Flying Doctor Service and Rural Doctor Scholarships. Thank you to all who supported it. We also celebrated Joyce Burrows’ 83rd birthday. Joyce has devoted her life to working for CWA. We are looking forward to our International Day on Scotland to be held at the Uniting Church Hall in Govett’s Leap Road on Tuesday 25 May at 10.30am. Why don’t you come along and hear our guest speaker and partake in a Scottish lunch. Of course if you have anything tartan please wear it. You are welcome to join us at our handicraft mornings on a Tuesday or our meetings at 1pm on the third Tuesday of the month. If you would like any further information please ring Wilga 4757 1332 or Pat 4787 5380.

Chanting & Meditation Chanting & Meditation

Venue - 19 LovelMarga St. Ananda Katoomba.NSW Meditation2780. Centre Time: 6-7 PM

19 Lovel St,

from Wednesday 21st April Every from 6-7pm every Wednesday Free but donations are

Classes are free and donations appreciated. Katoomba Contact: appreciated Dada Krsnapremananda Dada Krsnapremananda P : 02 4782 6652 M: 0432 6500432 495 650 495 or 4782 6652 E:


Local t ran u a t s Re

Love Curries... No Worries...

Love Curries... No Worries...

Ankur Sharma has recently taken over previous Indian Restaurant - Zycca in Waratah Street, Katoomba. It is now called Anki’s with the catchy line of ‘Love Curries... No worries...’ Ankur is an experienced chef who has worked for the Lilianfels hotel and the Wentworth Falls Country Club. He has also had 10 years of international cooking experience, so although he specialises in Indian food he can cater for any kind of food, and can cook for functions or tour groups. Ankur and his family moved to Katoomba a year ago. He says, “We are loving the lifestyle but find everything expensive here. I want to provide delicious Indian food at an affordable price”. The menu is extensive but prices are lower since he has taken over. The lunch special is a great value pre-plated Thali with rice, 3 curries etc.

Warm and Fuzzy Festival The Warm and Fuzzy Festival at the North Katoomba Community Hub is on again this year on Sunday June 27th 10.00 – 2.00 in the school hall at Katoomba North Public in Mistral Street.Come along and have some woolly fun with activities for all ages.To be involved in workshops beforehand ring Jeanette 4758 9966

54 Waratah Street, Katoomba ( Opposite the Vet) • Enjoy authentic Indian cuisine & Aussie favourites • Check us for tour buses - any kind of food available for less • Let us cook for your party or event


Wed to Mon: 12 noon-9pm Tues: 6pm-9pm Eat-in or Take-away (delivery available)

Lunch Special Thali Vegetarian: $15 Non-Vegetarian: $18

4782 5536 or 0422 747 314 Senior Choir The Katoomba Chorus started as an activity for Senior’s Week, but has since established itself as a flourishing Choir for people of fifty and beyond. New choir members are welcome to come along, and join the others as they “Sing for life, sing for love, sing for joy, and sing for health!” The Choir meets at the Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre on Tuesdays from 10am till 11.30. For more information, please ring the Neighbourhood Centre on 4782 1117, or email Trish Adams on

Ladies Probus Club

work of a housewife, interested in her community and the spreading of its news, that drove her step by step, to reach What a hive of activity prevailed at the Ladies Probus the successful stage of The Club of the Upper Blue Mountains Echo newspaper today. We on Wednesday 21st April. Our new thoroughly enjoyed her story. President, Mrs Louise Mattay and her Another highlight was our committee was installed for 2010, we Probus ladies “doing their thing” farwelled our outgoing committee unwith their fitness exercises under the leadership of Mrs Kay West, der the guidance of Mrs Jeanwe were delighted with a demonstraette Treloar. These ladies meet tion by our fitness group ladies and each Wednesday at 2pm at St we welcomed a most interesting guest Bonaventure’s church hall, Leuspeaker to conclude our programme. ra, and have great fun trying to Our guest speaker managing Outgoing president Mrs Kay West welcomes reach Jeanette’s standard of fiteditor Margaret Stepniewski, had us in awe Mrs Louise Mattay ness suitable for their age group. with her initiative, drive and overwhelming The Ladies Probus Club of the Upconfidence in achieving the remarkable results of The Echo per Blue Mountains meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each Community Newspaper, distributed throughout Katoomba, month at the Leura Golf Club - enquiries from Mrs Di TonLeura and Wentworth Falls each month. It was simply the ner on 4784 1304 are always welcome.

Gemglow Jewellers

Personal Service

Professional Repairs

Quality Jewellery

Large range of jewellery, gifts watches & clocks Watch, clock & jewellery repairs & remakes, valuations & restrings Tel 4782 2371 Fax 4782 4535 157 Katoomba St, Katoomba NSW 2780 Email:

We stock Chamilia Charms and Bracelets

May 2010




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Call Lucian on 4784 1707 0415 232 901 HANDYMAN

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Clinical Hypnotherapy

Caring & Confidential Emotional & Physical issues Smoking, Weight, Phobias, Relationships James W-Mercer Reg. Nurse Dip.CHt. NLP, EFT.

Accredited CMAHA • Medibank Provider 29 Parke Street, Katoomba

4782 5557 or 0414 860 420 10



Leura Plumbing Services MOUNTAIN EAGLE Andrew Mollenhauer SECURITY 4784 3778 orSERVICES 0414 788 588 • Experienced shop fitters • Home / Business protection Drainage, • Parties and specialPlumbing, functions (female guards) • Locally manufactured • Holiday/ EmergencyGasfitting services available& Roofing • Wide range of designs & materials Let our experienced friendly team help you with a new kitchen

Phone 4759 2944 LEGAL SERVICES

Essential service, Affordable Free quotes Lic.prices, No. L8678

4782PHOTOGRAPHY/WEBSITES 5900 Master Lic 409168415

Wentworth Falls Legal

LURLINE Eddie de Sousa LLB, MDR



4757 2915

mob: 0414 57 2915 fax: 4757 2917

Solicitor, Mediator, Conveyancer, Civil, Criminal - Commercial Law, Wills and Estates

Photography Events, Products Portfolios, Informal Portraits, Tourism


Ecommerce Sites Brochure Sites Domain Names Ebay stores

p 4782 3048 m 0403 969 336

202 Gt Western H’way, Wentworth Falls :



For the best honest deals on bikes & accessorieS

Four Seasons Pool Heating



• Home / Business protection • Parties and special functions (female guards available) • Holiday / Emergency services “Offering a professional much needed service to our community since 2005” Essential service, Affordable prices, Free quotes

24hrs 47824782 59005900 Master Lic 409168415

PO Box 68 Katoomba

Master Lic 409168415



Ph 1300 650 806


4782 2507

162 Main St, Katoomba


Piano & Keyboard Lessons

Friendly & inspiring atmosphere • Contemporary method • Musicianship & Composition Classes • Beginners & adults • All styles • Exams available

Early Childhood Classes


• New Systems • Insurance Work

• Service & Repairs • Free Quotes

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Paint the house! Fix the fence! Hang the door! Fix the lock! Cut the grass! Blah blah blah blah ...

Developmentally appropriate music & movement programme • Newborn to 7 yrs • Singing & Instruments • Gift Certificates Available •

Phone 4757 1476

Yes Dear


For all your Commercial & Domestic Maintenance

Lithgow Party Hire Digital Jukeboxes with Karaoke 6000+ songs & 2000+ karaoke songs

•••Frozen Cocktail Machine••• Phone 63552438 or 0413 302 934



Mark Gentle

Ph: 0410 436 997 Email: LIC:223838C

Handyman Services available

vhs/tapes photographs/slides memorial/tribute to professionally edited DVD movies

0416 279 377 or 4753 7761

Ph 0432 422 515 RESTAURANT

Sada Thai Restaurant

• Residential • Cornices • Repairs • Extensions • Restorations

VIDEO TO DVD Preserve your precious memories

Authentic Pure Thai Cuisine Takeaway lunch special $9.90 from 11.30am-2.30pm Tues-Sun Open 7 days • Eat in or Takeaway

4757 3623

1/24 Station St, Wentworth Falls


NT Rubbish Removal All types of Clean Up

Building Sites, Small acreage, Mowing, Deceased estates, Shops. Will beat any competitors price by 10%

0420 573 632 May 2010


Blue Mountains Special Event Hire

Tables • Chairs • Marquees • Cutlery Linen • Glasses • Lights • Candelabra Phone 4782 1023


Mon 10am Gentle Yoga Mon 11am Beginners Course (BSH) Thurs 5pm Kids Yoga 5-12 yrs (BPS) Thurs 6pm General Yoga 7pm Meditation (BPS) Sat 8am General Yoga (BPS)

0419 292 420

10 visit pass $150 Ph Tracey on 5 visit pass $85 Casual visits $20 Classes at Blaxland Public School (BPS) & Blaxland Scout Hall (BSH)


What’s on Special events

local Listings

Monthly events

See Page 7 for Neighbourhood Centre Week events

Monday May 10

Mondays at 9.30am

Thursday May 13 9.45am -12noon


Tuesday May 19 at 1pm


Zonta Club dinner meeting at the Grandview Hotel in Wentworth Falls. Ph 0407 823 897

Friday May 14

BIZNET Business Expo at the Mountain Heritage 11am to 7pm FREE ENTRY *

Monday May 17

Raise the Rainbow Flag at BMCC 9.45am *

Sunday May 23 1.30pm- 4.30pm

Masonic Hall, Station Street Katoomba Transition Blue Mountains workshop *

Weekly events

(Second Thursday of the month) Wentworth Falls Garden Club (Third Tuesday of the month) Blackheath CWA *

Wednesday May 19

CWA at the CWA Hall in Leura every Monday * Katoomba Chorus for over 50’s Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre - Tuesdays 10am till 11.30 * Winter Magic Parade Creative Project, on Tuesdays during May from 3pm - 5pm, at the Katoomba Nth Primary School Hub.*


ArtyBras Auction at The Carrington Hotel. BM Cancer Help 4782 1311

Practical workshops for Male Carers and Mens Group ‘A Meal Can Be a Great Yarn When It’s Shared’ 10.30am – 12.30 Katoomba Men’s Shed,No 6 Orient Street, Katoomba. Contact Marlene at the Katoomba Neighbourhood Centre on 4782 1117

Sunday May 30

Wednesday May 19

FREE listing for local community groups.

Wednesday 26th May

Low rates for business or commercial events. Send your details to:

Thursday May 27 to June 27

Nolan on lovel gallery Group exhibition

Saturday May 29

Parenting Seminar, Anglicare Shop *

Saturday June 5 at 12 noon

Ladies Probus Club of the Upper Blue Mountains at the Leura Golf Club.*

“Getting to Know One Another: Issues in Muslim/ Christian Relations” Leura Uniting Church

Saturday June 12

Katoomba Garden Club AGM & sale of library books, North Katoomba School cnr Victoria & Mistral Sts 4782 2883

Saturday June 19

Sunday May 30 at 2.30pm

Nolan on lovel gallery music 5.30-7.30pm

(Last Sunday of the month) Radio Plays at the Mountain Heritage. Ph 4782 2155 for bookings

Winter Magic Festival

Sunday June 27 at 10 - 2pm Warm and Fuzzy Festival *

Saturday June 5

30-31 October 2010

(First Saturday of the month) from 1pm Board Games at Edison’s Lab. 0402 773 000 *

Blue Mountains Relay For Life *


Entertainment Guide for events in the Upper Mountains Coming Soon email:

Introducing ...

6 months full m’ship 2 Personal training sessions Health profile Save $100,

NOW $399/$15 wk

Meditation classes 6-7pm at Ananda Marga Meditation Centre 19 Lovel St. Katoomba *


health. strength. fitness. “THE fully equipped gym in the mountains. We don’t forget about you after joining!”

* more details inside


Full health profile Circuit Style Training 3 month offpeak m’ship Save $60

NOW only $265

• Body Shaping • Weight Loss • Express Circuit • Strength & Bodybuilding • Over 40’s Fitness Phone: 4784 2294 Email:

185 The Mall, Leura (formerly Fitness Zone)

May 2010


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