Emu + Leonay Gazette April 2024

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www.emuleonaygazette.com.au April 2024 1 (02) 4753 6422 www.wycliffe.nsw.edu.au Find your place, find your purpose WYCLIFFE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Preschool to Yr12 APRIL 2024 | Issue 197 Preschool to Yr12 Wycliffe Hope School is a Christian school for students with mild to moderate ASD or moderate intellectual learning needs. wycliffe.nsw.edu.au/ wycliffe-hope-school/ 02 4736 8100 enquiries@penrith nsw edu au www penrith nsw edu au Book Now Please join us for a parent seminar presented by one of Australia’s most trusted parenting experts Dr Justin Coulson T u e s d a y 2 1 M a y 2 0 2 4 a t 6 p m T i c k e t s $ 2 1 e a c h I N V I T A T I O N Come and Join the Blue Mountains Railway Society See Article Pg 9

Nominations Now Open for 2024 Local Celebration Awards

The Local Celebration Awards program is Penrith City Council’s opportunity to shine a light on the unsung heroes in our community.

The Awards recognise people of all ages who go above and beyond, who dedicate their time to make Penrith a great place to live, or who work tirelessly for the benefit of others.

Penrith Mayor Todd Carney encourages nominations for Council to recognise and reward the valuable contribution of deserving people in the community.

“I have been both delighted and humbled by the selfless work of the past Local Celebration Awards winners – incredible people like 2023 Citizen of the Year Royce Simmons, and the Mayor’s Local Hero Andrew Paech, both of whose dedication to helping others through charity and fundraising work is an inspiration for everyone in our community,” Cr Carney said.

“I know there are many people in Penrith quietly achieving great things, and I am looking forward to hearing more about their work and meeting them once this year’s Local Celebration Awards are announced later this year – so get your nominations in now!”

Nominations for the 2024 Local Celebration Awards are open until 15 April 2024 and submissions will be accepted in person, online, by mail and by video. There are four award categories to choose from:

• Citizen of the Year (over 18 years old)

• Young Citizen of the Year (aged 24 years and under

• Mayor’s Local Heroes Award (all ages)

• Making a Difference – Community Service Award (all ages).

The award recipients will be announced at Council’s Ordinary Meeting in June 2024.

Following the announcement in June, the Local Celebration Award winners will be formally recognised at a Civic Reception event held in July 2024.

Find out more about the award program, selection criteria and how to nominate at penrith.city/local-celebration-awards

Submit your Community Notice on/by 10th of the month, to be included in the following edition. Notices may be edited or omitted due to space limitations. E: info@districtgazette.com.au

Community Groups

Lions Club of Emu Plains Inc

Meets 3rd Thursday of the month from 6.30pm at Emu Sports Club (1 Leonay Parade, Leonay). More Details: Cheryl Devine 0417 234 295.

Hobbies + Interests

Blue Mountains & Penrith Districts Orchid Society (BMPDOS)

Meets on the 4th Friday of the month in Melrose Hall (169 Great Western Hwy, Emu Plains) from 7.30 p.m. More Details: 0493 547 794.

Square Dancer Classes

Glenbrook Public School Hall and Surveyors Creek Community Ctre, Glenmore Park. First Lesson is FREE! Square dancing is an art and sport combined into one. Groups of eight with a caller providing all the instructions. No experience is required. Good exercise both physically and mentally. Meet a whole new network of friends! Wear comfortable shoes. No partner required, come alone, as a couple or bring the whole family. All ages are welcome! Inquiries 0411 456 208




Mountains Rotary Club Markets

Held on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month from 8am to 1pm. Glenbrook Infants School (10 Ross Street, Glenbrook). More Details: https://www.facebook.com/ glenbrookrotarymarkets

Support + Wellbeing

Prostate Cancer Support Group

Meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at Emu Sports Club (1 Leonay Parade, Leonay) from 6.30p.m. More Details: www. prostatesupport.org.au or phone the Group’s President David Wilkinson on 1300 13 38 78.

Penrith Womens Walk and Talk

Meets 5pm every Wednesday (for Guest Speaker) and walk from 6pm outside Coffee Club Nepean River (78-88 Tench Ave, Jamisontown). More details: www.facebook.com/ Penrithwomenswalkandtalk

Penrith Mens Walk and Talk

Meets 5pm every Thursday (for Guest Speaker) and walk from 6pm outside Coffee Club Nepean River (78-88 Tench Ave, Jamisontown). More details: www.facebook.com/ PenrithMensWalkAndTalk/

2 April 2024 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au NEWS + MEDIA
your listing here.........
r Images/Article: Penrith City Council

The Night the Earth Moved

If you thought you felt the earth move on a Friday night last month, you were not mistaken. More than 5,800 people reported feeling the earthquake that night, according to Senior Seismologist Jonathan Griffin from Geosciences Australia.

“Western Sydney experienced an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.5, at 8.53pm, the epicenter of the quake was in the Blue Mountains National Park, approximately 10km west of Silverdale and Warragamba”, he told us.

Australia experiences about 100 earthquakes every year, of magnitude 3 or more, and one quake of over 5 every 1 or 2 years. As a comparison, the 1989 Newcastle earthquake that claimed 13 lives had a magnitude of 5.4.

In September 2021 a magnitude 5.9 earthquake occurred near Woods Point, in the Victorian high-country. This earthquake is the largest onshore event to have occurred within southeastern Australia since European settlement.

The magnitude scale can be deceptive, as it is a logarithmic calculation. This means that a magnitude 5 earthquake is 30 times larger than an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.

If members of the public experience an earthquake, they can complete a ‘Felt Report’, through Geoscience Australia’s earthquakes page at www.earthquakes.ga.gov.au. These reports help the seismologists to evaluate the potential impact of an earthquake in terms of the ground-shaking intensity. This information is then used by Australian Emergency Management agencies to determine the appropriate response to each incident.

Geoscience Australia recommends the following for those who find themselves experiencing an earthquake:

DROP - to your hands and knees and protect your head and neck with your hands.

COVER – find something to shelter under, such as a desk or table.

HOLD ON – hang on to a table leg or other part of your sturdy shelter.

If you require emergency assistance, dial Triple 0 or contact your local State Emergency Service.

www.emuleonaygazette.com.au April 2024 3 Penrith. It’s time for a  Chemical CleanOut. You can drop off for free: Poisons Fluoro lights Gas bottles and fire extinguishers Paint Smoke detectors Batteries Motor oils, fluids and fuels Garden and household chemicals Only household quantities accepted (20L or 20kg), except paint. Up to 100L (in 20L containers) of paint accepted. This service adheres to NSW Government advice and protocols. Before you attend, please place all materials in the rear of your vehicle. On arrival, remain in your vehicle and our contractor will collect your items. Contractors onsite will be wearing personal protective equipment and following social distancing measures. Your next local event: Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 May, 9am – 3.30pm The Kingsway Playing Fields car park, Werrington penrith.city/events
r Image courtesy Geoscience Australia. Article: Kate Neill

• Catering for 2-3 year old Children

• Situated in Quiet and Safe Street

• Preschool and School Readiness Specialty Program

• Qualified Early Childhood Sta

• Operational Hours 8am till 5pm Monday till Friday

• Large Outdoor Play Area

4 April 2024 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au

Locals to Come Together for Penrith ANZAC Services

This will include:

The City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch will be hosting a number of commemorative services during the month of April 2024.

1. ANZAC School Service – Tuesday 9th April,

2. Women Veterans Network Australia (WVNA) ANZAC Service – Saturday 20th April,

3. ANZAC Sunday Service – Sunday 21st April,

4. ANZAC Day Dawn Service – Thursday 25th April.

The Annual ANZAC Day School Service will take place on Tuesday 9th April at the Penrith Paceway. Penrith Anglican College has volunteered to host the prestigious event in 2024. The event has attracted almost every school in the Penrith region, and we are expecting approximately 1,800 children and their teachers to attend this year. Local Army, Airforce and Navy Cadet Units will also be on support the Service. The City of RSL sub-Branch along with CDC Charters will be co-ordinating bus transport to and from the event for the Schools. There will not be any public access to this event.

The Women’s Veterans Network Australia ANZAC Service will begin at 10:00am at Memory Park, Penrith on Saturday 20th April 2024. Guests and the public are invited to attend. Limited seating will be available; however, the seating should be reserved for those unable to stand, Veterans and invited guests.

The Penrith RSL sub-Branch will host the annual Sunday Service on the 21st April 2024. Any Veterans wishing to march, are requested to meet at the corner of Castlereagh and Tindall Streets no later than 2:30pm. The march will step off at 2:45pm and the service will commence at 3:00pm at Memory Park. The public are highly encouraged to support this event by lining Castlereagh, High Streets and Memory Park. Limited seating will be available; however, the seating should be reserved for those unable to stand, Veterans and invited guests.

The ANZAC Day Dawn Service Commemoration will be on Thursday 25th April. Veterans wishing to march are requested to meet on the corner of Castlereagh and Tindall Streets at 4:30am. The march will step off at 4:45am with 350+ veterans, including current serving uniformed personnel expected to take part. The Dawn Service will commence at 5:00am at Memory Park in Penrith and will take approximately 30-40 minutes. Limited seating will be available; however, the seating should be reserved for those unable to stand, Veterans and invited guests. Breakfast will be served to the public immediately following the service at the Penrith RSL Club, a gold coin donation will be requested.

The City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch are expecting 3,000+ people at the Dawn Service and they anticipate the streets to be full. To assist the public viewing, TV monitors will be placed in strategic locations in the Penrith CBD, allowing people to view the service without accessing Memory Park. Immediate access surrounding Memory Park will be closed off to all traffic from midnight 24/4, until 8:00am on 25/4. There will be no traffic in or out of that dedicated area during this time. seating in Memory Park will be reserved for veterans and invited guests. This event is fully supported by our local, state, and federal elected members.

“The RSL Club and the sub-Branch anticipate a huge turn out from the public in 2024. The Penrith RSL sub-Branch Committee and Members are really looking forward to an inclusive ANZAC commemoration”, said The City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch.

r Lest we forget | Image: RSL NSW. Article: City of Penrith RSL sub-Branch

Rogaining: A Sport for the Whole Family

Rogaining is a sport is for all ages and fitness levels, from families walking with small children through to bushwalkers and runners. Rogaining encourages the development of strategy and navigational skills, fitness, and the ability to work in a team.

NSW Rogaining will be hosting the 6 Hour Metrogaine on Sunday 24th March. Starting and finishing at Blaxland East Public School, this event explores the historical locations, beautiful bush tracks, parks, lookouts, and streets from Mount Riverview to Lapstone to Emu Plains.

Local Organiser Nicole Mealing took up Rogaining 10 years ago, and she became captivated by the challenge of learning a new skill. That skill was reading a map, but along with that, she got to see new areas and adventuring in an enjoyable team experience. She soon returned again and again.

So, what is Rogaining? Nicole describes it as a fun team sport, navigating using a map, compass, and clues to visit as many checkpoints as possible within the time limit. It’s a “choose your own adventure” experience in outdoor environments, where teams explore the course for as much or as little of the allocated time as they like.

She said, “I love that this sport challenges both my mind and my physical fitness. There's no set route to take, so once we have the map, our team has to think about where we want to go to get the most points, taking into consideration our current fitness level and navigation confidence. I also really enjoy the community experience. For the longer bush events, there is normally a campout and a brekkie roll together in the morning”.

Teams can be out on course from 10:00am till 4:00pm, for as much or as little of this time as they like. Participants can walk, run, stop for lunch, coffee, or ice creams - their choice. But they lose points if they return after 4:00pm! Post event food and drinks will be available from 3:00pm, provided by 1st Hazelbrook Scout Group.

They are expecting between 350 to 400 people to take part. There are many competition categories with a prize on offer for each category.

More information can be found at https://nswrogaining.org. Other events this year include one in Rydal (near Lithgow) on Sunday 16th June and an optional navigation workshop nearby on the day before.

www.emuleonaygazette.com.au April 2024 5
r Knapsack viaduct in Glenbrook | Image: Nicole Mealing. Article: Julie Lobel

Article Written + Submitted by: Sussan Omar | Parenting Facilitator Nepean Community & Neighbourhood Services W: www.nepeancommunity.org.au E: info@nepeancommunity.org.au

Cost of Living Crisis: Help to Find Help

The Burning Cost Of Living

In Western Sydney, the cost-of-living crisis is all too real. Families are increasingly reaching out to services for support. So here are some ways can you get support and some saving tips.

School Fees

Across public and private schools, parents are being asked to contribute more money. But what happens when you can’t pay the fees? In the first instance, approach the school directly. Private schools may be able to offer a payment plan, scholarships, sibling discounts and special circumstances reduction of fees.

Public school fees are not compulsory, however subject fees and excursions can often add up. No child will be excluded for a parent’s inability to pay fees.

Breakfast Clubs

Most schools have a breakfast club. Not only are they free, but children can socialise and get a healthy breakfast to start the day. If your school doesn’t have a club, look to your local community or neighbourhood centre. Nepean Community and Neighbourhood Centre runs a Brekky Club, Monday to Friday from 7.30- 8.45 am during the school term at 17 Hosking St Cranebrook.

Grocery Shopping

Look for specials either online, on apps or using the catalogues. Try to buy the fruit and vegetables that are in season and if possible, go to the markets, farms or consider joining a food coop. Check social media for businesses that sell imperfect fruit and vegetables that would otherwise go to waste.

Consider joining budget cooking groups on social media as this can help stretch your budget further.

Food Bank also has a list of community pantries and food donation organisations, and you can search by suburb. For more information about them, go to www.foodbank.org.au

Utility Bills

If you are experiencing bill stress, try contacting your provider directly and they may be able to arrange a payment plan or bill extension. Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) helps people who are struggling to pay their electricity or gas bill because of a short-term financial hardship, crisis, or emergency. For more information www.service.new.gov.au/transaction/ energy-accounts-payment-assistance-eapa-scheme Service NSW

Service NSW has a comprehensive list of savings that can help with the cost of living. There is a range of savings and concessions that can found on their website, www.service.nsw. gov.au/services/concessions-rebates-and-assistance

Financial Counselling

Financial counselling is a free service, available through several organisations. Financial counsellors consolidate and manage debt and control your finances. Call The National Debt Hotline or visit their website www.ndh.org.au

sporting hotshots let loose.

Each year, the party is fire. This year, it's literal.

By 7:00am the following morning, the Riva house is up in flames. The question is, how did this year's party go so wrong?

Malibu Rising is a historical family saga that explores Mick and June Riva's courtship and the scrappy childhood of their children: Nina, Jay, Hud, and Kit. (TJR fans will notice that one of Mick Riva's many marriages was to Evelyn Hugo, one of Reid’s most adored protagonists).

Nina is a surfer and swimsuit model trying to hold her life together. Her tennis champion husband has run off with Carrie Soto (the subject of another acclaimed Reid novel), and Nina’s dreading the party knowing everyone has ogled her broken marriage in the tabloids.

Jay is an accomplished surfer, and Hud, a skilled surf photographer. They are the closest of half-brothers in every way - including Hud falling in love with Jay's ex-girlfriend. She'll be at the party, and tonight’s the night they plan to confess their illicit relationship to Jay…

Kit is a talented surfer who has never kissed a boy. Tonight, she plans to change that and feel grown up at last. Little does she know a simple snog will change her life.

Kit hasn't told her siblings that each year she mails an invitation to their father. Mick walked out on June twice and never paid child support, forcing Nina to drop out of school to support her siblings. Mick decides this will be the year he reconciles with his children, but little does he realise how much some of his children despise him.

The stage is set. The die is cast. Sit back and enjoy the drama.

r Book Review by: Chloé Steward

6 April 2024 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au
SUBMIT YOUR BOOK REVIEW and receive a $50 GiftCard if your review appears in print! EMAIL: info@districtgazette.com.au SUBJECT: Book Review Please include: (1) Name (2) Postal Address (3) Phone Number (4) Book Review (250-300 Word limit) and a clear (4) Book Cover Photo to qualify. GiftCard randomly selected and sent by post to the chosen 'printed' entries. Printing may appear in all/any District Gazette publication
Book Review

Pilates for Mums and Bubs

Joseph Pilates was a German born inventor, physical trainer and writer who was a sickly child and adolescent. His father a man of Greek origin introduced him to gymnastics, body building and martial arts, in particular Jiujitsu and boxing and by the time was in his mid-teens he was strong enough to pose for anatomical charts and Pilates believed that poor lifestyle, posture and eating habits were the source of much of the human’s disease. His ethos remains his legacy today with Pilates being one of the most recognised forms of exercise for rehabilitation and strength whether recovering from injury or illness or just wanting to be stronger and less injury prone.

Local mum Merinda Husking believes that we do not make enough time for ourselves, particularly when we have young babies and children and has set about creating a class where Mums and Bubs can enjoy the benefits of Pilates together. Merinda is very excited to offer new Mums and Bubs Pilates classes every Thursday, at 9:30am at the Nepean River.

“Whether you are pregnant, have young babies, school-aged children, grown adult children, fur-children or are living your best child-free life, everyone is welcome (even the dads!) and our classes can cater for all abilities,” said Merinda.

Merinda continued, “As parents ourselves, we understand how challenging it can be to make time for your own health and wellbeing. These classes will guarantee a challenging and fun workout for you, whilst understanding that snack breaks, playing, laughing, and chasing after little ones are all a part of mum life. We’ll do our best to help out to ensure you get the most out of the class”.

Just like their Mums and Bubs Bootcamps, Mums and Bubs Pilates is suitable for all fitness levels, and everyone is welcome.

Classes will run rain, hail, or shine, as they have fantastic wet weather locations as well.

To learn more or to register for a class, please reach out to Merinda on 0421 773984 or by email at info@designerbody. com.au. You can also find them on Facebook (Designer Body mobile personal training) and Instagram (Designer Body PT).

New Service NSW Centre Now Open at Foot of Blue Mountains

The NSW Government is expanding access to Service NSW Centres for the residents of Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains, with a new Service NSW Centre opening its doors at Glenmore Park last month.

Close to 50,000 customer visits are expected at Glenmore Park Service Centre in the first year, with communities in Glenmore Park, Jamisontown, Emu Plains, Glenbrook and surrounding areas set to benefit the most from the new Service NSW Centre.

The new centre offers a third option for people living in the foot of the Blue Mountains alongside the Penrith and Springwood Service NSW centres, with team members able to assist customers with a range of transactions such as licence renewals, Working with Children Check renewals and OwnerBuilder permits.

It follows the opening of the Macquarie Fields Driver Testing Centre in December, which provides about 300 driving tests a week and supports overseas licence holders converting to a NSW driver licence.

Meanwhile, a new Service NSW Centre set to open in Tallawong this year will provide an additional option for people living in Sydney’s north-west.

Driver testing will also be accommodated at the Glenmore Park Service NSW Centre, with about 80 tests available each week.

“I am pleased to see the people of Glenmore Park and the surrounding communities, including Emu Plains and Glenbrook, will now have a Service NSW Centre right on their doorstop.

“Western Sydney is home to many busy, hardworking families, and it is so important that our mums and dads have the services they need where they live.

“Opening facilities like this in growing communities means families are not spending unnecessary time away from one another while doing things like getting their licence renewed” said Minister for Western Sydney Prue Car.

“Glenmore Park is one of many fast-growing suburbs in Sydney’s west and this new Service NSW Centre will help ensure locals can easily access government services and transactions.”

“The one-stop-shop Service NSW is about making people and business owners’ lives easier, whether it’s accessing costof-living support or applying for a Seniors Card.”

“Customer service is a priority at Service NSW Centres, with visitors greeted by a concierge and guided to the support and assistance they need, so they can complete their transaction more quickly and get on with their day” said Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government Jihad Dib.

The centre is located on Level 1 of HomeCo. Glenmore Park Town Centre at 33 Town Terrace and is open Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm and Saturday 8:30am – 12:30pm.

For more information on the Glenmore Park Service Centre, visit https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/service-centre/ glenmore-park-service-centre.

www.emuleonaygazette.com.au April 2024 7
r [Top + Above] Pilates instructor, Loni taking Mums and Bubs Pilates. Elise (LilRed Photography). Article: Julie Lobel
r Jihad Dib MP - Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and Service NSW staff | Image: NSW Government – Department of Customer Service | Article: Prue Car MP/Jihad Dib MP
8 April 2024 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au

Come and Join the Blue Mountains Railway Society

People interested in railways and railway model engineering are invited to become members of the Blue Mountains Railway Society.

Adult Membership is open to persons 18 years of age and over, and Junior Membership can be arranged for suitable people aged 12 to 17. Potential members must attend the park on three operational days and satisfy the Board that they are suitable persons to become members. They will be required to pay an annual membership fee of $125 (Adult) or $50 (Junior).

Members may undergo training and accreditation in the many aspects of railway operation, including station staff, guard, yardmaster, ticket seller, canteen operation, signalman, diesel/electric driver, and steam driver. They also have the upkeep of their park, with the gardens requiring constant maintenance through the year.

They may participate in all activities for which they become qualified, on running days, special operating days, working bees, and seniors’ days. Members meetings are held quarterly throughout the year at the club grounds. The Society also encourages members to build locos, carriages, goods wagons etc., and individual members will often advise and assist new members in these endeavours.

Wascoe Siding is operated by the Blue Mountains Railway Society, a non-profit group of interested people who own and maintain the park.

Wascoe Siding 5 inch (127 mm) gauge Miniature Railway was established in 1966, when the park in Blaxland (then a swampy car wrecker's dump in a disused railway cutting) was acquired by the founder of the Blue Mountains Railway Society, Mr. John Green.

John had built a short railway behind his Real Estate business in Glenbrook, and, having established the Blue Mountains Railway Society in 1964, sought to have a much more extensive miniature railway built for the Society's use at a permanent location.

The dump was cleared, the swamp was drained, and what was a pioneering venture with regards to now largely nationally adopted rolling stock type, standards, and track geometry, was commenced. An initial simple loop developed into the present extensive double track layout with tunnel, viaduct, and locomotive facility, tunnel over several decades, and with lots of hard work by the members.

The disused railway cutting was once the site of the main western railway line between the original Glenbrook Station (then named Wascoe Siding and located adjacent to Glenbrook Oval - the service station), and Blaxland (originally named Wascoe's Platform), between 1913 and 1935.

Their name of “Wascoe Siding” commemorates the early name of Glenbrook, while the railway locality of “Blaxland Junction” is perpetuated by the name on their signal box.

For more information, visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ WascoeSidingRailway and website at http://infobluemountains.net.au/rail/wascoe/

Mullets for Mental HealthTM

Why should you grow and shape your mullet this April? Because suicide is the leading cause of death for people aged 15-44 in Australia. And over 50% of people don’t seek professional help when they’re struggling with their mental health.

But here’s how your mullet can help. Grow it your way. Then raise funds for crucial mental health research which supports people who need it the most. Show you’re all ears this April.

Here’s a taste of some sweet mulletpowered action:

• Supporting myNewWay – an app to support people living with anxiety and/or depression.

• Training community presenters who reach hundreds of school students to talk about mental health and support services.

• Funding research programs that teach children healthier ways of thinking.

• Supporting the development of innovative programs that help people with suicidal thoughts seek help when they need it most.

How It Works:

1. Sign Up

Get behind Mullets For Mental Health. Signing up is free.

2. Shape. Grow. Let it flow. Flick your mullet on. Show you’re all ears this April.

3. Back Mental Health

Your mullet can help fund crucial mental health research.

To register for Mullets for Mental HealthTM , visit https://www. mulletsformentalhealth.org.au/register/ mulletsformentalhealth2024.

r Grow a mullet to raise funds for mental health research | Image/Article: Black Dog Institute/ Mullets for Mental HealthTM

www.emuleonaygazette.com.au April 2024 9
r Feature Article [Cover + Above] Blue Mountains Railway Society members with the general public at Wascoe Siding | Images: Dave Vincent/ Blue Mountains Railway Society. Article: Blue Mountains Railway Society


Article Written + Submitted by: Kellie Tickner from Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital

A: 49 Wentworth Rd, Orchard Hills P: 4736 2027


Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital would like to introduce the newest additions to our team.

Dr Mustafa Jabbar Veterinarian (BMedSc, DVM)

Mustafa is a passionate veterinarian who recently graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. His journey in the field of medicine began in human medicine, but his unwavering love and dedication to animals led him to make the transition to animal medicine.

Mustafa's qualifications include a Bachelor of Medical Science (Advanced) and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. His commitment to academic excellence is evident in his pursuit of knowledge to better serve his furry patients.

Mustafa looks forward to meeting his new clients and patients, building lasting relationships, and contributing to the well-being of the animals he cares for. He hopes to be a constant presence in your pet's life, providing expert care and support throughout their entire journey.

Dr Shenuka Pimanda Veterinarian (BVB, DVM)

Shenuka hopped through several countries before making Sydney her permanent home 15 years ago. She graduated from the University of Sydney with a combined Bachelor of Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree.

Shenuka has a passion for providing a high standard of care for animals of all shapes and sizes, has worked in both small animal and wildlife practices prior to graduating. She has a special interest in pain management, behavioural medicine and

Services provided include:

palliative care.

Nothing puts a bigger smile on her face than witnessing the special bond between each client and their pet. Like fingerprints, no two are the same!

Both of our new Veterinarians are available for appointments now. Phone us on 0247362027 to make your pets next appointment.

Facebook, website www.orchardhillsvet.com.au, instagram @orchardhillsvethospitalgrooms or

02 4736 2027

10 April 2024 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au
r [L-R] Dr Mustafa Jabbar and Dr Shenuka Pimanda | Image Supplied
For more information check out
New Additions to Our Team!
PENRITH CITY CITY FINALIST WINNER 2023 LOCAL BUSINESS BUSINESS AWARDS 49-63 Wentworth Road, Orchard Hills – 4736 2027 For Appointments Call 4736 2027 Camille Brandt BVSc(Hons 1), MVS(SAP)
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Next Stop: Emu Plains for Burger Head

T-Spoon Cafe

3/12 Tindale St penrith

This month, lunchtime found me at the T-Spoon Café in Jamisontown in the Home Maker Centre, near Spotlight.

The staff were friendly and efficient, and a quick look down the menu was enough to see choices were extensive.

Our table ordered both the Lemon Pepper Squid and the Halloumi Corn Fritters. The Squid was served with hand cut chips, salad and tartare sauce, the fritters consisted of two savoury fritters accompanied by zesty guacamole, smoked salmon (there was a bacon option as well) and a couple of poached eggs.

The lemon pepper squid, $21, were delicious. The outside was crisp, the inside soft and moist, and seasoning was not too spicy to my taste. The tartare sauce proved why it is the tried-and-true favourite of seafood condiments. The chips were hot, fresh, crisp, and nicely seasoned, the salad fresh.

The corn fritters, at $22, were enjoyable, tasty, and crispy. The salmon and slightly runny eggs were a dish on their own.

The coffee we finished with was smooth, the café uses Toby Estate coffee beans.

The café atmosphere was pleasant, the service friendly and attentive. They catered carefully to my allergies and checked minute details with the chef.

The menu includes gluten-free and vegetarian options, kids’ meals, and the Café also offers a catering menu.

Overall, a nice meal, good service, average prices, and I will try something else from the menu when I visit again in the future.

Local iconic burger joint, Burger Head, may have closed their doors on their beloved Penrith store, but they are back!

Taking up residency at Mountain Culture Beer Co in Emu Plains this year, the beloved food truck is opened from Thursday to Sunday each week, in line with the brewery’s hours.

Their selection of food is sure to satisfy the burger connoisseurs amongst us in the local community.

“We're limited by space with the trucks, so can't offer the full menu from stores that locals know and love, but we do have all of the crowd favourite burgers that have served us well for so many years” said Tim Rosenstrauss of Burger Head to the Emu and Leonay Gazette.

Tim and the Burger Head team are excited about their new venture and are looking forward to their residency at Mountain Culture Beer Co.

“We received so many accolades in our time with the stores for our food, and now we're teaming up with arguably one of the best craft breweries in the country at the moment. Both great products are only achieved by a similar ethos of produce, and that is using the best ingredients you can” he explained.

“It's a great vibe down at their facility, their team is great and hey, who doesn't love a burger and a beer” added Tim.

The community have already began showing their support for the local business, who are thankful for their return home.

“At times we miss having our Penrith shop, but after so long in the area, we could never say a 100% goodbye. So, we're thrilled to be back in the area thanks to the Mountain Culture Team” he ended.

Burger Head is opened from 5:00pm till 8:00pm on Thursdays, 11:00am till 9:00pm on Fridays and Saturdays and 11:00am till 8:00pm on Sundays.

www.emuleonaygazette.com.au April 2024 11
Scott #foodie#extraordinaire#reviewer **Restaurants are not privy to reviews taking place, and all meals are fully paid by us. r [Top] A mouth-watering Burger Head burger [Above] The Burger Head truck | Images: Jesse Freeman

Penrith Local Women of the Year Awards

As we celebrated International Women’s Day on 8 March 2024, the theme this year is ‘Inspire Inclusion’. It was exciting to announce the recipients of the Penrith Local Woman of the Year and the Local Young Woman of the Year.

There were 15 nominations received for local Penrith women this year. It was a hard task to award just two local women from all the talent that we have here in Penrith.

The recipient of the Penrith Local Woman of the Year 2024 was Julia Parashko. Julia is a local teacher at Penrith Selective High School and works as a singing tutor after hours. Julia volunteers her amazing skills at various charity events by acting as event MC and singer at no cost. She is also involved with the committee for ‘Relay for Life’, as well as volunteering for the various ‘Pink Up Penrith’ events, the Emu Plains Christmas carols, and Christmas Tree Lighting. Julia also undertakes fundraising for the Cancer Council, and has offered years of service to the RSL, singing the national anthem.

Our Penrith Local Young Woman of the Year 2024 was Lucinda Harvey. Lucinda founded the organisation “Saving True Blues” at the age of 19 after the tragic loss of a close friend to suicide. Saving True Blues is a state-wide initiative, that through programs such as the ‘4WD & CAMP 4 MENTAL HEALTH’, provides people a platform to have those important and difficult conversations about mental health. Saving True Blue also sells clothes, and every month, 10% of the profit is donated directly to Lifeline Australia.

“It was an honour to present Penrith Woman of the Year to Julia, while acknowledging Lucinda as the Penrith Young Woman of the Year at our Annual International Women’s Day event at Penrith RSL” said Member for Penrith Karen McKeown OAM.

r Julia Parashko, 2024 Penrith Local Woman of the Year with Karen McKeown MP | Image/Article: Karen McKeown MP


Article Written + Submitted by: Andreas Klein Nutritionist + Remedial Therapist from Beautiful Health + Wellness

P: 0418 166 269

Fixing Chronic Lower Back Pain

Most people have lower back pain at some point. Often it disappears after mild anti-inflammatory medication, a little rest, or light massage. But sometimes pain remains. This longer lasting back pain might simply be annoying, a bit better when you warm-up but always there in the background. At worst it can be a constant debilitating pain.

Often pain radiates down into the buttock and legs (sciatica) sometimes leading to strange, tingling or loss of feeling down an affected leg to the toes. This type of chronic back problem can stop your working, playing, sleeping, eating, thinking, and can leave you frustrated, especially when you can’t get treatment to resolve the issue.

Many individual causes can lead to chronic back pain but (in most instances) chronic pain develops as follows.

A simple overuse or other injury, results in the release of a variety of molecules by the injured cells and damaged tissue. These molecules cause fluid and immune cells that come/s from the blood stream, and affected back muscles swell and shorten (tighten). The same molecules cause nerves in the affected area to inflame sending pain signals to the brain. The muscles reduced

ability to contract, plus swelling, can lead to lowered blood and lymph flow away from the tissue, resulting in inefficient clearing of inflammatory molecules away from injured tissue.

Injury is often also one sided, the resultant shortened muscles on the affected side may result in altered spinal alignment.

Under such conditions the affected muscles and connective tissue can become locked into a cycle of shortness/tightness and inflammation/pain. Exercise may help relieve pain, but exercise may sometimes also worsen problems. The solution lies in using specific remedial techniques to:

1. Remove the inflammatory fluid that has built up, and

2. Lengthen the affected back muscles and connective tissue.

Once inflammatory chemicals are removed, muscle function, pain, spinal alignment can normalise.

Back pain is often completely relieved, even in many longstanding cases. The same is often true for some chronic shoulder and knee complaints. If you’d like to know more call Andreas at Beautiful Health and Wellness on 02 4777 5264.


**Refer to: www.districtgazette.com.au for expanded version.

12 April 2024 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au

Emu Plains Netball Club Prepares for a Memorable Season

Emu Plains Netball Club is gearing up for an exciting 2024 season, set to kick off on Saturday, May 4th, and concluding on Saturday, September 21st. With a total of 24 teams participating, including 3 NetSetGo teams, 13 junior teams, and 8 senior teams, the club is buzzing with anticipation for what promises to be a thrilling season of netball.

“In 2023, Emu Plains took out two premierships with Junior Premiers, 9 Years Division 1 Rascals and Senior Premiers, the B3 Rubies,” said Club President, Elizabeth De Marzi. “These successes are a testament to the hard work, dedication and skill of the players, coaches and volunteers who make Emu Plains such a wonderful and successful club.”

As the club enters its 55th year, it continues to uphold its values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and a healthy lifestyle. Emu Plains Netball Club provides opportunities for people of all ages and skill levels to participate in netball, fostering a love for the sport and creating a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone.

One of the key aspects of Emu Plains Netball Club is its strong sense of community. The club actively encourages its members to get involved in volunteer work and community initiatives, promoting a sense of unity, and giving back to the local area. This commitment to community engagement sets Emu Plains Netball Club apart and reflects its dedication to not only developing great netball players but also great individuals.

“As the 2024 season approaches, we are looking forward to watching our players grow, learn new skills, have fun and make new friends,” said Elizabeth. “The club is always on the lookout for volunteers and sponsors to help support its growth and continue its legacy of success and community spirit.”

To stay updated with the latest news and events at Emu Plains Netball Club, be sure to follow their Facebook page. Join Emu Plains Netball Club today and become part of a vibrant and supportive local netball community.

r A wet but colourful opening day at Jamison Park Penrith, 2023 | Image: Elizabeth De Marzi. Article: Tanya Nellestein

Article Written + Submitted by: Senior Minister Roger Cunningham

P: 4735 1001 E: roger@epac.org.au W: www.epac.org.au

Service Times: Sundays @ 8:00am, 9:45am and 6:30pm

Plus activities for adults and young people throughout the week

Do You Need a Rest?

It’s great to have a rest - at the end of the day, or the week, or any busy period. In fact, it seems like whatever we do, whether it’s work, exercising, or being with people – we need rest. And we rest in different ways, don’t we? Sleep must be the obvious time to rest, but we can also rest by doing something relaxing, like an activity we enjoy – like spending time with others, going to watch a game, or taking a holiday.

Rest is so important in life that Jesus spoke about it. He put himself forward as the place, in fact, the person, in whom, we can find rest like no other. He said “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29).

Jesus knew we needed the rest we take at the end of our work, or week, or year, but he’s talking about something even bigger. He’s talking about the rest we want from living in a world with heartache and suffering in a world with uncertainty and loss. He’s talking about having a relationship with the God who meets us amid these and gives us hope as we navigate them now, and also gives us certainty for the future when they will be no more.

He makes an awesome offer. So next time you feel the need for a rest, consider Jesus’ offer of rest that will last! And if you’re up for it, you’re invited to find out more, at one of our regular Christianity Explored seminars starting at the end of this month. Contact roger@epac.org.au.


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Advertising Policy... Payment on booking secures your space. The Business Directory offers cost effective advertising to businesses in an alphabetical format. Premium Placement may be available, at an extra charge. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion.

Community News... The Emu+Leonay Gazette welcomes community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements and anniversaries (published free of charge) Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor...may be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.

Anyone else feel like the first 3 months of this year have whizzed by?

This year I set myself a goal to reach new heights by taking on studies to enhance future opportunities. I must say, while extremely intense and at times I wondered if I'd be able to juggle all the balls, I'm pleased to report I've come through the other side and am so pleased I threw caution to the wind and decided to climb that mountain.

However big or small the hurdle is, we're all climbing them - be proud, stand tall and with your head held high. You deserve to!

There's always lots happening in/ around the community, and this month is no different! Get yourself a cuppa, put your feet up and enjoy Your Community News.

Be thankful for today, because in one moment, your entire life could change. Make the moments count!






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Managing Editor Belinda Sanders Writer / Sales Cim Sanders Writer Kate Neill Writer Tanya Nellestein Writer Julie Lobel
16 April 2024 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au HEATING and COOLING SPECIALISTS CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE or email Lmas@tpg.com.au 4735 6411 Showroom: 2/129 Russell St, Emu Plains www.Lmac.com.au AU16525 Lic. No. 127921C FULLY INSTALLED: 2.5kW...........$1,830 3.5kW...........$2,040 5.0kW...........$2,460 7.0kW...........$2,860 8.0kW...........$3,330 5 YEAR WARRANTY ALL PRICES INCLUDE GST Based on a back to back install,singlestorey. SPLIT SYSTEMS REVERSE CYCLE INVERTERS $1855 $2050 $2505 $2925 $3400 2.5kW........ 3.5kW........ 5kW............ 7kW............ 8kW............ Purchase an eligible split or ducted air conditioning unit and receive a BONUS Gift Card. Residential purchases only, T&Cs apply. OFFER ENDS 31 JULY 2023 $100 $150 $200 $400 HEATING and COOLING SPECIALISTS CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE or email Lmas@tpg.com.au 4735 6411 Showroom: 2/129 Russell St, Emu Plains www.Lmac.com.au AU16525 Lic. No. 127921C FULLY INSTALLED: 2.5kW...........$1,855 3.5kW...........$2,050 5.0kW...........$2,505 7.0kW...........$2,925 8.0kW...........$3,400 5 YEAR WARRANTY ALL PRICES INCLUDE GST Based on a back to back install, single storey. SPLIT SYSTEMS REVERSE CYCLE INVERTERS $1855 $2050 $2505 $2925 $3400 2.5kW........ 3.5kW........ 5kW............ 7kW............ 8kW............ WW50491 PLUS Government Rebates Available The Wonder of Pre-Kindergarten at St Paul’s p. 02 4777 4888 e. enrol@stpauls.nsw.edu.au ENQUIRE TODAY stpauls.nsw.edu.au At St Paul's, we foster a warm and welcoming environment where inquiry is nurtured, play is exciting, and learning flourishes. Offering 2, 3 and 5-day programmes

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