Fox News
2017-2018 Volume 6|Issue 4
Please BEE Green! Do NOT Print This Newsletter!
In This Issue
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In This Issue The Editor’s Update
Upcoming Events Wild Points System
District Updates Club President Info
Club Reports
Division Updates
Leadership Info Conclusion
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Editor Update
Contributions from the ‘17-’18 D42 West Leadership Team
Aloha Arctic Foxes! Happy warm August everyone! Doesn’t it feel like summer just barely started yesterday?? Unfortunately, the sad truth about all good things, they end… As this summer comes to a close and many of you will start school within the next couples of weeks, just be sure to make as much memories the rest of the days! With summer ending, this means the end of you binge watching your favorite shows, demolishing your sleep schedule, the ending of many parties, beach hangouts, or even gaming it up, but it’s a new chapter of our school life. Coming back to school, many of us will be stressed and overloaded with homework, notes, and maybe even tests. With this in mind, just take this advice. Inhale and exhale, you will make it because I BEElieve in all of you! The start of the new year also gives club officers a chance to publicize Key Club and Kiwanis, so be sure to get out there with spirit and pride! Don’t take these last days of summer for granted, make sure to make as many memories as you can! Don’t forget to prepare for your incoming club rushes and first meetings. I wish you all the best for the start of this new chapter and I’ll see you all soon! Stay foxy!
Serving with pride,
Noah Tyler Ratley News Editor, 2014-18 3
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Division Calendar
| Ar c t i c F o x e s | R e g i o n 1 0
Upcoming Events J U L Y / 4
August 5 - Club MRFs Due @ 6:00 PM August 10 - Articles, Visuals, & Nominations Due @ 6:00 PM August 20 - Club Newsletter Due @ 6:00 PM August 22 - DCM & Service Project US HOLIDAYS None for this month INT’L HOLIDAYS None for this month
30 6 13 20 27 3
31 7 14 21 28 4
1 8 1 2 2 5
BLUE - Division Events R YELLOW - District E 4
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Division Calendar
1 8 15 22 29 5
2 9 16 23 30 6
3 10 17 24 31 7
4 11 18 25 1 8
5 12 19 26 2 9
RED - United States Holidays PURPLE - Int’l Holidays Events ORANGE - Reminders GREEN - Due Dates 5
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Wild Points System
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RACKING UP POINTS 5 = Attendance (per member) 20 = Participation
10 = Per Submission (5 points extra for early submission)
5 = Communications Remember! Be sure to be active in your club and tell your officers to submit or encourage other to participate or attend!
WITH 210 Wild Points More Info On Our Website HERE 6
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Wi l d P o i n t s S ys t e m
T M O N T H’S W I N N E R (S)
Rio Mesa (180 WPs)
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Club Reports
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Club R
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Club Reports
4 2 We s t
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Arctic Foxes | Region 10
On June 16, we sold lemonade on graduation day for the “The Eliminate Project” (E[lemon] ate), which is a fundraising event to stop MNT, a deadly disease that affects newborn babies. This disease mostly happens in poor countries that have bad living environment and don’t have much medical resources. We made a total of 58 dollars and 9 members attended this event. On 6/1, we sold spam musubi for $2 and $3 with egg. That day is when the yearbooks are distributed to the people who bought them. We know that many people will be gathered at the ASB room so we chose that location for more customers. It was a success but I hope that more members can be involved in sales like this. Submitted by: Austin Yen Oxnard High Club Editor
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Ar c t i c F o x e s | R e g i o n 1 0
Upcoming Events
Salsa Festival Banana Festival VC Caregivers
Our club has been working hard and volunteering throughout this summer break and still brainstorming much more fundraising ideas!
Past Events
Tower 2 Tower Stair Clim Academic Awards Night Mandalay Beach Clean U VC Caregivers 12
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For the month of June we have done 3 service opportunities which were mentioned during Key Club meetings while we were still in school. When not in school, volunteering events are texted to us through remind by our wonderful president, Tiffany Nguyen. Most of our Key Club members try their best to make it to every volunteering event and some testimonials for this month are Jezrah Pagaduan and Mikhaela Maningas. As summer break continues, PHS Key Club still thrives for the best! Submitted by: Ella Borcena Pacifica High Club Editor
mb Race
Up/Bond Day
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Rio Mesa
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Rio Mesa High School volunteers at a beach clean up at Mandalay Beach on July 8. Members hauled in plenty of detritus and left the beach spotless. On top of that, participants fought in spirit battles and also met many new faces through ice breakers. On June 24, Rio Mesa participated in Officer Training Conference in which allowed new incoming officers to be informed of their duties and meet new faces from Division 42 East and KIWIN's. The June DCM was also held there and participants were able to vote on their future appeal followed by the introduction of the spirit team and the planning of the Summer Olympics themed July DCM. Submitted by: Delilah Juarez Rio Mesa High Club Editor
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Rio Mesa
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Channel Islands
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Channel Islands
For the month of June, we were able to have our officers attend OTC in which officers and club members were able to display their dedication, spirit, and inclusiveness with D42E and KIWIN’S Turquoise Division. As for the month of July, we hosted a division wide beach clean up in which we welcomed students interested in joining key club for this upcoming year. Overall, the beach clean up was a success and we were able to have members serve the community as well as attain the key club vibe. This month, we are currently advertising the upcoming Relay For Life along with the July DCM/ Summer Olympics. We are attempting to publicize these events to students interested in joining key club and are encouraging active membership amongst them. Submitted by: Derek Malvin & Wendy Garcia Oxnard High Club Editors
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Santa Paula
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Over the summer, officers from Santa Paula High School gathered in Camarillo for the officer training conference. Officers were given short and sweet presentations on what role they were going to take on in the new 2017-2018 school year. Officers were then able to attend presentations where they learned tricks on how to set up fundraisers, learn how to present confidentially, and increase membership within their club. At the end of the day we learned our new chants for fall rally and competed in a spirit battle amongst the other divisions. Unfortunately, we lost but this loss only makes us stronger for our next spirit battle where we will win! Every Wednesday, members volunteer at one of our local churches where we prepare hot meals for the people in our community who are in need. Members prepare over 80 hot meals. Many Meals is the event that serves all year round. If members are not making hot meals in the kitchen, they are outside handing out canned food and fresh vegetables to the people who come to Many Meals. Courtesy to the president of an environmental club on campus, Valeria Medrano, she has offered to hold a clothes drive at the commence of the school year to donate clothes to Many Meals where members in Key Club can then hand out the clothes every week. Santa Paula Key Club was invited to help out at our local Hospice to move all of their medical equipment from their old location to their new location. Because of our hard work, Martha, the owner of the Hospice invited Key Club to come twice a week every week to help out and deliver flowers and medical equipment to sick patients who are in need. While moving, we were able to donate lots of medical equipment and blankets to Vista Cove, our local retirement home where the residents were ecstatic to receive new blankets for their beds. Once the school year begins, Martha offered to give an internship to a student from Key Club. Submitted by: Valeria Medrano Santa Paula High Club Editor
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Santa Paula
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Divisional Recognition
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Certificate of Recognition Division 42 West would like to recognize the following with outstanding service & excellence. Member of the Month: Adrian Cancino (RMHS) Officer of the Month: Shiela Valerio (CIHS) Club of the Month: Channel Islands High School Faculty Advisor of the Month: Ed Ransom (Oxnard) Kiwanis Advisor of the Month: Daniel Martinez (Santa Paula) Congratulations to all those who were nominated! We from the leadership team appreciate your time & what you do for your community!
Division Leadership Team Signature
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Region 10 |
Ar c t i c F o x e s
Au g u s t S e r v i c e P r o j e c t
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District New sletter
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Click HERE to check out the DISTRICT newsletter and learn more about the other clubs in the district! Your BEST source for district news and updates! 22
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Key Leader
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What is Key Club?
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Membership Levels
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Presidential Information
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Oxnard High
Grace Nguyen
Pacifica High
gmtnguyen @gmail.com
Ventura High
Tiffany Nguyen
Sarah Florez
tiffanyanguyenn @gmail.com
sunnysarah @gmail.com
Santa Paula
Rio Mesa High
Regina Hernandez
Delilah Juarez foolsgoldelilah @gmail.com
Channel Islands High
hregina043 @gmail.com
Shiela Valerio
shiela.valerio23 @gmail.com
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Region 10 |
Ar c t i c F o x e s
Leadership Information
Valeria Medrano
ReginaHernandez Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant
d42w.cnhkc.ea1 @gmail.com
d42w.cnhkc.ea2 @gmail.com
Roselyn Romero Lieutenant Governor
Noah Tyler Ratley Division News Editor
d42w.cnhkc.dne @gmail.com
Melanie Nazaryan Head Member Recognition Chair
d42w.cnhkc.mr @gmail.com
d42w.cnhkc.ltg @gmail.com
Malia Vallender Assistant News Editor
Jason Phan
d42w.cnhkc.asst. dne@gmail.com
d42w.cnhkc.fc @gmail.com
Dhruvi Dalwadi
Fundraising Coordinator
Assistant Member Recognition Chair
Susana Espinosa
d42w.cnhkc.asst. mr@gmail.com
d42w.cnhkc.hsc @gmail.com
Canarae Castro
Head Spirit Coordinator
Nathaniel Tagulao Head Division Photographer
d42w.cnhkc.dp1 @gmail.com
Assistant Division Photographer
d42w.cnhkc.dp2 @gmail.com 27
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Thank you for reading!
cnhkeyclub.org | keyclub.org REMEMBER Check out our division website for division events, news, reminders, and announcements! Click HERE! 28