MINUTES OF 2021 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Seventieth Annual General Meeting of the members of the South Australian Canine Association Inc was held at David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 at 8.00pm. 1.
Declare a quorum for the meeting to proceed The Chairman declared that a quorum had been achieved and Dogs SA were within Covid Management Plan capacity numbers to conduct the meeting in the Hall 129 Members were present and 23 viewed via Zoom
Welcome and introductions The Chairman welcomed the members and introduced the Councillors and Auditor Peter Roma
Apologies Apologies were noted from Councillor Raelee Hedger and the floor including Anne Raymond, Kerry King, David Adamson, Bob Redhead, Jean Bryant, Sally Johnson
Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting Held Wednesday 4th March 2020 Moved P Kemp / R Jones minutes are received and confirmed. CARRIED John McGowan queried why the Extraordinary General Meeting minutes of Wednesday 20th January 2021 were not presented tonight. Brian Parker responded and advised the minutes of the EGM were not finalised and will be presented at the EGM to be held later this year
Receive and adopt Advisory Committee reports as published in the February Journal 2021 Moved J Delucia / C Redhead The Advisory Committee Reports are received and confirmed. CARRIED
Receive and adopt the Council Administration Report Brian Parker responded - The report was not published in the February 2021 magazine as Administration is awaiting further information to be included. Report to be published in the April 2021 Dogs SA magazine and ratified at a later date. S Schwerdt queried what information was required and the response by the President was statistics Moved P Damarell / J Delucia The AGM be deferred until after the Report is published in the April 2021 magazine. CARRIED
Receive and accept all Financial Statements Moved B Luxton/ J Buckley – the acceptance of Financial Statements be deferred until all members access the full audited financial statements and note that greater transparency is required moving forward. CARRIED. S Schwerdt requested to view Credit Card transactions of the President Moved J Pike / J Harris The Financial Report be received and accepted. MOTION LOST. Auditor Peter Roma advised the audited Financial Statements are prepared in Accordance with the Incorporation Act. MEETING DECLARED POSTPONED AND RECONVENED TO WEDNESDAY 17TH MARCH 2021 AT 8.00 PM MINUTES OF 2021 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (CONTINUATION) The Continuation of the Seventieth Annual General Meeting of the members of the South Australian Canine Association Inc was held at David Roche Park, Cromwell Road, Kilburn on Wednesday 17th March 2021 at 8.00pm.
Declare a quorum for the meeting to proceed The Chairman declared a quorum had been achieved and Dogs SA exceeded the Covid Management Plan capacity numbers for the Hall and therefore conducted the meeting in the rear carpark. 213 Members including Councillors and Staff were present and 50 viewed via Zoom.
Welcome and introductions The Chairman welcomed the members and introduced the Councillors and Auditors Peter Roma and Ryan Madden
Apologies Noted from Councillor Raelee Hedger
December 2021
Minutes of the AGM 4th March 2020 - Previously accepted at AGM 3rd March 2021 / Refer AGM Minutes 3rd March 2021 5. Advisory Committee Reports - Previously accepted at AGM 3rd March 2021 / Refer AGM Minutes 3rd March 2021 6. Receive and adopt the Council Administration Report as published (Not presented previously) Moved Ruth Thompson / Francis McEvoy. All in favour. CARRIED 7. Receive and accept all Financial Statements As requested at the previous AGM on 3rd March 2021, additional pages and Profit & Loss Statement published on the Dogs SA website for members to view Ben Luxton raised a few concerns regarding different versions on the website in respect to dates. Auditor advised reports signed by Council on 27th January and Auditors on 2nd February 2021 It was confirmed signed off the Financial Report on 27th January 2021 and Auditors signed off on 2nd February 2021 John McGowan suggested the differing dates were in breach of legal protocol. The Dogs SA Auditor strongly confirmed the financial reports were accurate and legally correct John Delucia replied the Financial Reports be accepted in good faith as no fraud was involved Moved John Delucia/Jane Pike the financial report be accepted. CARRIED. 8. Declaration of the ballot of the recent Elections conducted. Discussion ensued regarding the closing date of the ballot and Brian Parker replied advice received from the solicitor was to accept the results of the ballot in good faith. Options were to take the matter to court or a new election called. Moved Francis McEvoy / Jackie Harris the declaration be accepted. CARRIED The President Brian Parker introduced the new Councillors, Ben Luxton and Caroline Murphy. Brian Parker thanked the two outgoing Councillors Rae Hedger for her service on Council since 1997 and Greg Harvey for 6 years’ service on council. Brian Parker also thanked Peter Dynan for 9 years as Vice President and as a newly elected as Councillor. Brian Parker also introduced Peter Thompson as the newly elected Vice President 9. Proposed Constitutional Changes A. – PROPOSER - President/Dogs SA Council Notice of motion to alter the SACA Inc Constitution: Current 10 (e) Any Officer of the Council who in the first year of their current term nominates for any other office of the Council, must resign their position in writing forthwith and prior to the close of nominations in that year. Amended 10 (e) Delete 10 (e) and renumber sub paragraphs as it contradicts both the existing and proposed amendment to 12 (c) Moved Phil Thompson / Kerryn O’Brien the proposed constitutional changes to 10 (e) be accepted. Put to the vote by a show of hands. FOR 168 AGAINST 3 CARRIED B. PROPOSER - Dogs SA Council Notice of Motion to alter the SACA Inc. Constitution: Current 11 (16) Ballot papers and envelopes shall be distributed to members through the January issue of the South Australian Canine Association Journal. If the Returning Officer supplies ballot papers and envelopes to the printer for insertion in the South Australian Canine Association Journal, it shall be presumed that he/she fulfilled his/her obligations under this sub-rule. Amended 11 (16) Ballot papers and envelopes shall be distributed to members in January. If the Returning Officer supplies ballot papers and envelopes to the printer for distribution to the members, it shall be presumed that he/she fulfilled his/her obligations under this sub-rule. RATIONALE: This amendment covers the situation where members have elected not to receive a printed Journal.
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