台北行走 - 城市印象:盧昉、周政緯創作展 (5/17~8/19)

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陳如鈊 Donna Chen 總監


O (+886-2) 7746-7462 M (+886) 939-917-321 多納藝術有限公司 Donna Art & Consulting Inc. www.donnaart.com.tw art@donnaart.com.tw 106 台北市大安區基隆路二段 112 號 7 樓 7F, No. 112 Keelung Rd. Sec. 2, Da'an Dist, Taipei, Taiwan 106

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台北行走•城市印象 Taipei Roaming•City Impression 展覽日期 Date

目錄 多納藝術

Donna Art



Curatorial discourse


2021 年 5 月 17 日(一)- 8 月 19 日(四) May 17 th (Mon) ~ August 19 th (Thu), 2021 展覽地點 Venue Gallery 101

台北市信義區信義路五段 7 號 1 樓 台北 101 辦公大樓 No.7, Taipei 101 Tower, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City



LU Fang




Westgate Plaza

8 10


Cultural Aggression



Illegal Tower in Taipei


布魯哲爾夜景圖 I:伯利恆的夜生活


Brueghel's Night Landscape - Night life of Bethlehem


CHOU Cheng Wei


從象山看台北城 Taipei Overlook from Xiangshan


台北 101/ 城內系列 - 安和路


Taipei 101/Taipei City Series - Anhe Road

台北市系列 - 紗帽山 Taipei City Series - Mt. Shamao


城內系列 - 金華街 Taipei City Series - Jinhua Street




Taipei Landscape from Nehu Mountain

多納藝術成立於2016年7月在台北,以當代藝術為主軸,主要業務包括藝術家經紀、藝術展覽、藝博會 參展、專案策畫、藝術品平台建立、藝術品收藏諮詢、藝術品投資顧問及藝術基金管理。多納藝術目前代理 多位有潛力的亞洲藝術家,本身具備專業展覽空間,透過嚴謹的佈展及燈光呈現為整體展覽加分。除每年會 定期舉辦多檔藝術展覽,亦經常參加國內外重要的藝術博覽會。另外多納藝術持續致力於藝術家行銷和社群 及媒體經營,在媒體及社群有一定的能見度。 Founded in July 2016, Donna Art is a professional art consultant based in Taipei, Taiwan. The key business include artist management, art exhibitions, art fair participations, project execution, art platform, at collection and art investment consulting, as well as art fund management. Donna Art currently manages several potential Asian artists. She also has professional exhibition space equipped with professional personnel to handle artworks installation and lighting to add value to the art exhibitions. Other than regular exhibitions, Donna Art also participates in important art fairs in Taiwan or abroad, and plays a very active role in artist marketing, and often seen in art media and social media.



文/策展人 王焜生

台北 101 與多納藝術攜手合作,於 Gallery 101 展出藝術家盧昉、周政緯創作展。





我們熟悉的當代城市之中警惕著還在城市生活的我們,必須再回歸到人的心靈 本質,都市主宰了 21 世紀社會、經濟與文化之發展,盧昉以幽默、穿越古今的



間運動中實現積累的重要形式 。從街道規劃、建築設計、活動訊息,都市的視





的歐洲街景,而市我們熟悉的台灣生活與台北街景,再時間與空間的交錯轉換 之間,盧訪以向大師致敬的手法來回應當代生活的真實,其中有趣味,同時也



環境的思考型社會,具有嚴格等級技術規範的優美空間。然而在人與人相互作 用與交往是城市存在的基本依據下,居民意識抬頭,著重自然與人文生態的思










藝術家盧昉與周政瑋敏銳的觀察城市生活的面向,透過從風景到人文的再詮 釋,在台北城市的地標台北 101 大樓裡引領觀眾如同在台北的行走,從視覺的 意象勾勒出對生活環境的印象,在客觀寫實的技法裡連結每個人獨特的情緒、 透過古今抑或是虛實的交相對應,演繹出城市的隱藏風情。




加西亞(Antonio Lopez-Garcia, 1936 --)之於馬德里,透過記憶的搜尋,藉由




記錄下城市的風景,但是藝術家為何要花費如此大的精力與時間再次繪製一個 城市的印象,即在於一種對城市的感情。從內湖、在向山上看台北城,在周政

台北 101 大樓成為這次展覽的主軸,透過世界地標環顧台灣生活的當下風景,

緯的筆下已經不只是我們眼中的台北盆地、台北 101 大樓以及不同年代所建造


的屋舍,而是他從童年的記憶一直累積的生命記憶。台北 101 大樓在風和日麗

從入口處的造型到律動曲線及鮮明的色彩,兩位藝術家的創作作品與台北 101


大樓的意象互為對應,如同帶領觀眾從台北 101 大樓出發,感受台北的人文風



市,我們發現不同的環境特色,這個城市其實不是只有一種固著的面貌,只是 我們太習慣於日常生活,以致忘了怎麼以第三者的心情來看自己居住生活的空

Gallery 101 與多納藝術串連都會生活與地景的藝術氛圍,以頂尖的當代藝術,


帶出城市的生活意象,此次展出兩位當代藝術家共十來件巨幅台北地景作品, 藉由不同的當代詮釋,勾勒出都市緊湊步調的人文風格與側寫!

金華街與安和路在周政緯的描繪下產生了歷史古城的氣息,瞬間車水馬龍的喧 囂在刻意工整且精細的筆觸下將時間按下暫停鍵。城市最大的特色除了建築之 外就是紛雜的集體生活活動,但是在他的作品裡,刻意地將 " 人 " 去除了,整 個台北安靜到我們必須專心仔細的去聆聽是否有聲音的產生,透過單純的空間 結構與建築卻隱藏生命體的處理,把城市直接當作是生命的主體來詮釋,因此 我們勘使注意到這個城市的個性以及特色,還有顯現的氣質。周政緯筆下的台 北有著一種空氣輕盈的漂移感,雖然不是直接描繪光線,光線卻無時無刻出現 在畫面之中,主要的就是他的透明度,這種通透性是一種可以被看穿的特質, 在「忠實呈現」與「個人美感經驗」的交錯中,台北不只是共同認識已經超過 百年的古城,也是藝術家自己生命裡還不到五十年的生命空間。


Taipei Roaming•City Impression Curator Emerson WANG

Taipei 101 & Donna Art proudly present artist LU Fang and CHOU Cheng Wei’s Taipei City great artworks in Gallery 101. This time these very two artists give us the combination of Taipei city landscape and art, the clever time and space travel brings a lot of fun in the daily lives of citizens, and it also outlines the urban landscape and city image in the minds of artists. Unlike nature lands cap e, a city is a cons ciously programed and const r uc te d s o cia l sp ace. Urb anizat ion is an imp or t ant for m of capitalism accumulation in the movement of space. From street planning, architectural design, and informative events. The visual impact of a city affects on the both inner and outer stimuli of people hebetating and living in it, and the response of experience has become the foundation of personal psycholog y among urban area, as well as the characteristics of the city and how people’s viewing on the depiction of the city. The modern city led by rational thought is a noble, elegant, poetic, disciplined, and mechanical environment society of thinking. A wonderful area with strict hierarchical specifications. Nevertheless, based on the interaction and communication between people for the existence of a city, the consciousness of residents has risen, and the idea of focusing on nature and cultural ecology is constantly being advocated. In the fragmented experience of modern life, people must maintain one's creativity and vitality through different activities and imaginations to possibly shape a social life of self-preservation. In which, as matter of fact, is a kind of modern aesthetic with a meaning of redemption.

Urb an life shou ldn't b e lef t w it h such a p assive and dep endent negativity, but a pleasant positive one with a new perspective of taste. Artists LU Fang and CHOU Cheng Wei keenly observe the aspects of urban life through reinterpretation from landscape to culture, they lead the audience walking through the city from the very landmark of Taipei 101, and profiling the impression of the living environment f rom visual images. C onnec ting e ach p ers on's unique emotions in objective and realistic techniques through the correspondence between ancient and modern, virtual and reality, they hence unveil the hidden customs of the city. Lu Fang uses Western masterpieces as a form of appropriationism to blend classic artworks and contemporary lifestyles, a sudden presence an interesting side of the city in the cultural differences between East and West. "The Tower of Babel" almost pierces through clouds and the sky, and abruptly stands in the middle of a modern city we are familiar with, reminding as such to those still lives in the city. We must return to the essence of human mind. The urban dominates the society, economy and cultural development of the 21st century. Lu Fang used the technique of humorous, transcendental blending of East and West, the present and the past. With non-preaching images, the artist intends as reflecting on the purpose of our modern life. He resources from the old masters’ classic paintings of Europe, in which we rarely seen in world-renowned museums and galleries in the past. At first glance with surprise, we’ll amazed by the artist’s superb painting and realism skills.


Upon closer inspection, the scener y and characters in the picture are not as medieval as the original work, instead, there’s Taiwanese l i fe s t y l e an d Taip e i s t re e t s c e n e r i e s t h at we are qu it e f am i l i ar with. Hence, between the intertwining of time and space, Lu Fang responded to the reality of contemporary life by paying tribute to the old masters, in which is interesting and providing us the opportunity to reflect ourselves in the meantime. The joyful scenes in "Nightlife" is quite universal. Lu Fang extracted the reproducing skills with superb restoration techniques and new i nte r pre t at i ons f rom ol d maste rs’ p ai nt i ng s to a l l ow au d i e nc e s directly entering the cultural atmosphere of the ar tworks. With a close lo ok, we’ ll discover a theatrical sense of time and space disorder, transferring the serious themes into an alarming sign to the materialization of modern life through familiar daily surroundings. How e v e r, t h e c l a s s i c a l a e s t h e t i c s i n h i s w or k s w i l l re du c e t h e criticality and sarcasm, as well as the distance and estrangement between the artwork and the audience/ artists/ society. CHOU Cheng Wei was born in Taipei, this city to him is like Madrid to t he Sp anish ar t ist Antonio L op e z-Garci a (1936 --). Throug h the searching of memories, CHOU Cheng Wei uses his hands and brushes to portrait the most familiar place from his life. Of course, photography can easily record the city’s scenery instantly nowadays. But the reason why the artist spent so much energy and time painting the images of Taipei time and again is owing to an affection toward the city.


The Taipei overlooks from Xiangshan and Nehu Mountain is not merely the Taipei Basin, Taipei 101 and the buildings in different eras that we’re looking on CHOU’s paintings, but the memories of his life that have been accumulated since his childhood. Taipei 101 looks alive with its own personality and emotions in the changes of different weathers, showing either standing tall or calm and serene temperament in different conditions and colors. The Taipei city drawn by CHOU C heng Wei, we found dif ferent environment a l characteristics. This city is not only a fixed look, but we are so used to the daily life that we forgot how to look at our living space in the light of a third party. Under artist CHOU Cheng Wei's representation, Jinhua Street and Anhe Road possess the atmosphere of an ancient city. The instant hustle and bustle of traffic and time was paused under deliberately neat and delicate brushwork. Apart from buildings, the biggest feature of a city is the complicated collective activities of human beings, However, "people" are deliberately removed from his works, and the whole Taipei city is so quiet that we have to listen very carefully to find if there’s any sound left behind. The pure spatial structure and architecture without living form interprets the city directly as the main body of life. Therefore, we are forced to pay attention to the personality and characteristics of this city itself, as well as its apparent temperament. CHOU Cheng Wei’s painting of Taipei city has a sense of drifting air and lightness. Although it does not directly depict light, light appears in the picture all around. The key idea is the transparency from his works.

This penetration of sight is a characteristic that can be seen through. In the interlocking of "realism" and "personal aesthetic experience," Taipei is not only an ancient city that has been known by all of us for centuries, but also the space of the artist's own life that is less than 5 decades. The ultimate meaning of every reality is still to be found back in life itself. “Taipei Roaming - City Impression” is an exhibition of space reconstruction. Through the works of CHOU Cheng Wei and LU Fang, the audience will revisit their inner life from familiar sceneries and become a life experience that can be shared and tasted by ourselves.

For the ver y first time, Galler y 101 collaborates with Donna Art at Taipei’s most famous landmark "Taipei 101" financial building, connecting the ar tistic atmosphere of urban life and lands cap e, bringing out the image of city life with exceptional contemporar y artworks. Two contemporary artists are exhibited at the same time in total of over ten magnificent artworks of Taipei landscape, with different contemporary interpretations, profiling the urban compact lifestyle and outlines!

Taipei 101 has become the main axis of exhibition, looking around the current surroundings of living in Taiwan through the world-class landmark. The architectural design contains rich symbolic meanings and cultural traditions, i.e. the traditional Feng Shui images in a modern architecture design. From the shape of the entrance to the rhythmic cur ves and vivid colors, the creations of the two artists correspond to the imagery of Taipei 101, as if leading the audience from the building itself to experience the cultural scenery and the charm of entire city. We are learning from the good of the past as well as being full of expectations and imagination for the future.


盧昉 LU Fang

台灣 b.1977

多納藝術長年合作的藝術家盧昉,2009 年在倫敦的畫廊開了首次個展,紮實的寫實功力讓展覽頗受好評 ; 盧昉作品遍及全球,台南奇美博物館、台中、台北多納藝術及香港藝術月公開全新系列作品,延續他著名的 大鼻子系列及穿越古今的風格,新作品將帶給藏家及藝術熱愛的朋友們耳目一新的視覺體驗。 As Donna Art long-time representing artist, Lu Fang continues his style from Mr. Big Nose and time traveling, bringing a new spectrum to his art fans and collectors. Lu’s creations have been inspired by the dialogues between “the East and the West”, and “the classic and the contemporary.” After living in the Western world for many years, Lu Fang’s strong love for the paintings in the Renaissance period has urged him to put the classic paintings and the modern life together.

學歷 2008 2007 2000

西班牙賽維雅大學美術系 繪畫與藝術修復博士班 肄業 西班牙薩拉曼卡大學美術系碩士 國立臺灣藝術大學 美術系畢業

經歷 現任國立臺灣藝術大學美術學系 兼任講師 曾任國防醫學院 通識教育中心 兼任講師

個展 2021 2017 2014 2010 2008 聯展 2021 2020 2019

2018 更多介紹


「出入古今」,凱基銀行中山分行 ╳ 多納藝術,台北,台灣 「是古非今」,毓繡美術館 ,台中,台灣 「出古入今 II: 玩轉古畫」,MOT Arts ,台北,台灣 「出古入今:大鼻子的異想世界」,MOT Arts ,台北,台灣 Albemarle Gallery,倫敦,英國

台北行走 • 城市印象 , Gallery 101, 台北 , 台灣 遊敘人間 Master's Playground,多納藝術,宜蘭,台灣 肖像:探幽之徑 Portraits: The Way In,多納藝術,台北,台灣 世外之境:當代藝術展,多納藝術,台北,台灣 奇麗之美-臺灣精微寫實藝術大展,奇美博物館,台南,台灣 花月正春風,形而上畫廊,台北,台灣 似錦 Gorgeous:多納藝術開幕首展,台北,台灣

盧昉 LU Fang

夜生活圖 Nightlife 油彩、畫布 oil on canvas 118 x 164 cm 2013


2009 至 2014 年間,盧昉在西門町工作室駐村、生活了五個年頭。西門町一直是個老舊文化與新世代潮流彼此撞擊與 共存的有趣地方,從記憶中的中華商場,夾雜著不同省份的外省口音與各地家鄉味,不算寬敞的西門町徒步區周邊 始終反映著當下年輕人的流行品味。這幾十年來,西門町不斷的在改變著,商品廣告、店家招牌及電影上檔下檔不 斷的更替,一棟建築物牆面的外貌可能幾天間就變了風格,這對於 2009 年前還在西班牙古城留學、生活的他來說是 很不同的體驗。 2014 年夏天在工作室搬離前,作為一個長期關注西方古典元素與臺灣本土文化鏈結的創作者,便想記錄曾經深刻見 證過的西門町,將它幻化成為一個永恆被保留下來的畫面。因此,盧昉便延續創作脈絡中的古畫元素,將十八世紀 畫裡高貴的腓特烈大帝,拉到西門廣場上成為一名為過客演奏的街頭藝人,而古畫中常見的華麗金箔材質與現代繽 紛招牌廣告既衝突卻也協調的共存在畫面上,凸顯西門町的繁華與多元性。他同時希望這件作品除了讓當下的訪客 欣賞外,更希望打造一個能夠與未來西門町的過客們產生生命經驗鏈結的時空橋樑。


盧昉 LU Fang 西門廣場 Westgate Plaza 油彩、畫布 oil on canvas 180 x 280 cm 2014


盧昉 LU Fang


文化大侵略 Cultural Aggression 油彩、畫布 oil on canvas 120 x 400 cm 2017

此件作品源自法國藝術家 Carle Vernet 1789 年名作《埃米利烏斯·保盧斯的勝利》(The Triumph of Aemilius Paulus),描繪古羅馬時期的將軍保盧斯,在西元前 168 年 領軍戰勝叛軍返國遊行一幕。盧昉以士林夜士和車陣結合古羅馬神殿、競技場等佈景,呈現古今穿越的衝突感,趣味橫生。


盧昉將台北的俯瞰圖結合布魯哲爾的《興建巴別塔》,像是為台北建造一 座大地標,並將台北特有的樣貌記錄在畫作之中。布勒哲爾以當時法蘭德 斯的首都安特普為場景,並以聖經舊約創世紀第十一章的巴別塔為創作根 據,古時的人類期望與神有所溝通,因此建立高塔讓神從居住的天上降臨, 因此高塔成為人與神相遇的門戶。 盧昉 LU Fang


台北大違建 Illegal Tower in Taipei 油彩、畫布 oil on canvas 150 x 400 cm 2014


盧昉 LU Fang 布魯哲爾夜景圖 I: 伯利恆的夜生活 Brueghel's Night Landscape - Night life of Bethlehem 油彩、畫布 oil on canvas 116 x 164.5 cm 2017


周政緯 CHOU Cheng Wei

台灣 b.1976

藝術家周政緯凝視身邊周遭的事物,牽動回憶事件與記憶的景物在畫面中成為載體。在灰白的碳酸鈣上,如考 古現場的壁畫角落被擷取。現代的場景在周政緯刻意壓抑的色彩之後,引領觀者跨入物件的回憶故事中。周政 緯對景物的描繪如桑塔格曾說:「對一個人或一次事件的描寫,無非是一種解釋,手工的視覺作品例如繪畫也 是如此。」他刻意在不完整與被遺棄的底基物上塗抹再造,用時間的筆痕慢慢地推疊出親身待過地方所產生的 情感。 Artist CHOU Cheng Wei gazes at the things around him, and uses his memories and important events in his life as the inspirations and carriers in the works. The way Chou uses to portray the scenery in which he deliberately smears on incomplete and abandoned substrates, and slowly uses the pen to push out the emotions produced by the places where he has been. 學歷 2011 2005 2000

西班牙國立賽維亞大學 繪畫保存修復組 博士 國立西班牙薩拉曼加大學 美術系 碩士 國立台灣藝術大學美術系 西畫組 畢業

個展 2019 2016 2013 2012


景 • 聲 - 周政緯個展,二空間,台北,台灣 物語系列,青雲畫廊,台北,台灣 澳 • 緣 - 周政緯素描個展,澳門國父紀念館,澳門 周政緯個展,澳門理工學院明德樓展廳,澳門 淡憂系列個展 ,晴山藝術中心,台北,台灣

現任台北市立大學專任助理教授 現任西班牙 S.I.C.A. 研究院藝術媒材與技術資詢研究員 2013-2020





澳門理工學院 視覺藝術課程 客座助理教授

聯展 2021 2019


台北行走 • 城市印象 , Gallery 101, 台北 , 台灣 捉 • 影- 2019 國際當代 Drawing 展,國父紀念館,台北,台灣 華麗世代 - 我們,從很遠的地方走來,國立台灣藝術教育館,台北,台灣 奇麗之美-台灣精微寫實藝術大展,奇美博物館,台南,台灣 新浪潮繪畫展Ⅱ,淡江文錙藝術中心,台北,台灣



2013 年,周政緯從澳門回國後,就想用畫筆記錄台灣,直至今年將方向確立了兩大脈絡作為創作思維之依據,用 不同的媒材分別想完成「城市系列」「行草系列」,紀錄這個時代的台北的變化。 台北是周政緯的故鄉,它的開發是經日治初期奠下現代城市基礎的,至今約一百多年時間,已然成為一個現代化 的城市。這系列作品從計畫到今天已持續進行約八個年頭,他爬遍台北附近的山,定期作攝影紀錄,回到工作室 後再慢慢整理資料,最後過濾決定用黑白媒材或油性媒材作描寫。創作中心以台北為主從東、西、南、北四個方 向來觀察其變化,預定要畫出順時鐘方向共十二章的作品。除此之外他也在城中央的大樓之間遊走,反向從中心 往外描寫從小到大的街篇輪廓。 這次展出的作品是從內湖與七星山遙望台北,其中紗帽山作品中可見到淡水河、基隆河兩大河川的會集,對望著 林口台地讓藝術家想起小時候去淡水,當時沒有捷運,坐的是柴油火車頭拉著沒有空調的車廂,沿著淡水河一路 慢慢地駛過關渡平原的景象。當時的台北沒有太多高樓、車輛及時尚的店家,多的是田地、腳踏車及破舊的槓阿 店。看著發展中的台北城,忽然間耳邊憶起父親喜歡的美空雲雀歌聲,有些淡憂的情緒。三十餘年來,一切的改 變沒有停過。


周政緯 CHOU Cheng Wei 從象山看台北城 Taipei Overlook from Xiangshan 碳、石墨、水彩 charcoal, graphite, watercolor 91 x 116 cm 2013-2016


周政緯 CHOU Cheng Wei 101 大樓 Taipei 101 碳、石墨、水彩 charcoal, graphite, watercolor 150 x 72 cm 2014-2017


周政緯 CHOU Cheng Wei 城內系列 - 安和路 (V) Inner City Series - Anhe Road 116.5 x 81 cm 2019 碳、石墨、水彩 charcoal, graphite, watercolor

周政緯 CHOU Cheng Wei 台北市系列 - 紗帽山 Taipei City Series - Mt. Shamao 石墨、油彩 graphite, oil color 112 x 162 cm 2019


周政緯 CHOU Cheng Wei 城內系列 - 金華街 Downtown Series - Jinhua Street


油彩、畫布 oil on canvas 56 x 250 cm 2019


周政緯 CHOU Cheng Wei


從內湖山上看台北(3) Taipei Landscape from Nehu Mountain

油彩、畫布 oil on canvas

112 x 194 cm


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