L03展位:台北藝術博覽會2020 《藝聚能量 Art Power Together》 (10.22-10.26.2020)

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展 位

L03 多 納 藝


台北藝博 世 貿 一 館 展出藝術家

林宏信 佐垣慶多 周政緯 邱建仁 傅作新 盧昉

LIN Hung-Hsin SAGAKI Keita CHOU Cheng Wei CHIU Chien Jen Fu Tso-Hsin LU Fang

術 展 覽 手 冊

展覽資訊 展覽日期 | Date 2020 年 10 月 22 日(四)- 26 日(一) Oct. 22th (Thu)- 26th(Mon), 2020 預展時間 | Preview 10 月 22 日(四)12:00 - 21:00 10 月 23 日(五)11:00 - 14:00 12:00 - 21:00, Oct. 22th(Thu) 11:00 - 14:00, Oct. 23th(Fri) 開放時間 | Opening Hours 10 月 23 日 14:00-19:00 10 月 24-25 日 11:00-19:00 10 月 26 日 11:00-18:00 14:00-19:00, Oct. 23 11:00-19:00, Oct. 24-25 11:00-18:00, Oct. 26 展覽地點 | Venue 世貿一館 ( L03 展位 ) Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1 ( L03 Booth ) 台北市信義區信義路五段 5 號 No.5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan

加入多納藝術社群,接收第一手 藝 術 動 態

www.donnaart.com.tw art@donnaart.com.tw +886-2-7746-7463 Facebook │ @donnaart.tw instagram │ @donnaart.tw 10695 臺北市大安區基隆路二段 112 號 7 樓 7F, No. 112, Keelung Rd. Section 2, Da'an Dist., Taipei










LU Fang

Fu Tso-Hsin

CHIU Chien Jen










LIN Hung-Hsin

CHOU Cheng Wei


a bout D on n a A r t & Con s u lt i ng

關於多納藝術 多納藝術成立於2016年7月在台北,以當代藝術為主軸, 主要業務包括藝術家經紀、藝術展覽、藝博會參展、專案策 畫、藝術品平台建立、藝術品收藏諮詢、藝術品投資顧問及 藝術基金管理。多納藝術目前代理多位有潛力的亞洲藝術 家,本身具備專業展覽空間,透過嚴謹的佈展及燈光呈現為 整體展覽加分。除每年會定期舉辦多檔藝術展覽,亦經常參 加國內外重要的藝術博覽會。另外多納藝術持續致力於藝術 家行銷和社群及媒體經營,在媒體及社群有一定的能見度。 負責人陳如鈊為國際金融專家,本身也是資深藝術藏家,經 常見報於國內外專業媒體,在藝術品顧問部份可針對客戶個 人需求提出客觀建議。 Founded in July 2016, Donna Art is a professional art consultant based in Taipei, Taiwan. The key business include artist management, art exhibitions, art fair participations, project execution, art platform, at collection and art investment consulting, as well as art fund management. Donna Art currently manages several potential Asian artists. She also has professional exhibition space equipped with professional personnel to handle artworks installation and lighting to add value to the art exhibitions. Other than regular exhibitions, Donna Art also participates in important art fairs in Taiwan or abroad, and plays a very active role in artist marketing, and often seen in art media and social media. The founder of the company - Donna Chen is a financial specialist and also a senior art collector, often provides art consultancy for art collection and art investment. 1

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多納藝術展場 2

Art Power Together In the Pandemic Period : Gathering Strength from Each Artist This year Donna Art & Consulting proudly leading 6 major artists from Asia, generations and style across Asia, bringing varieties of contemporary tastes and styles to 2020 Art Taipei. The theme of this year “Art Power Together” exhibits the gathering strength from each artist in the very moment of pandemic period. As well as the theme of Art Taipei, The Gathering of Arts, we put force the energy of artists’ creations and together we make a great art of good health and sweetness of being alive and well.

Art for the Next The 27 th 2020 ART TAIPEI's theme“Ar t for the Next ”in which to hope that oneself will have the courage to step up to the mountain without fear of difficulties and create the ultimate new era. The world is still under the pandemic of COVID-19, yet the 2020 ART TAIPEI is still moving bravely onward. With enormous appreciation to the government’s proper epidemic prevention and everyone's self-discipline for the greater good here in Taiwan, ART TAIPEI can therefore continue our event without interruption since 1992 . It will be held as scheduled this year regardless many difficulties. Hopefully It will become the focus of world's art lovers and collectors!


目能 次量 藝聚 苦難時刻所凝聚的力量 今年台北藝博,多納藝術欣然與6位寰亞洲不同風格的藝術 家合作,展現多納藝術當代風尚及品味!此次主題「藝聚能量 Art Power Together」呼應了年初全球所遭遇的新冠疫災,特 別對藝術家及藝術圈所帶來的傷害,顯現出藝術圈在苦難的時 刻所凝聚的力量,限量但又不可限量! 多納藝術繼2019年首次參展台北藝博創下佳績,這次將展出 六位實力派中青輩六位藝術家。三位藝術家包括林宏信、邱建 仁及周政緯是第一次合作,另外,還有多納藝術代理的盧昉及 佐垣慶多,及多次合作的藝術家傅作新,每位藝術家都爲這次 展覽特別準備新作,來驚豔參觀的觀眾。

大會年度主題 - 登峰 • 造極 第27屆2020 ART TA IPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會以「登峰 • 造極」,來期許自己,擁有不畏艱難而前行的勇氣邁向山峰,並 創造極致的象徵氣象。全球處在新冠肺炎疫情的陰影下,2020 ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會依然勇往前行,感謝政府防 疫得宜及人民的自律成就了大環境,ART TA IPEI 台北國際藝 術博覽會自1992年開辦,27年來沒有中斷過,今年在困難中如 期舉行,已是世界矚目的焦點!


盧昉 LU Fang

1977 Taiwan

多納藝術長年合作的藝術家盧昉,2009年在倫敦的畫廊開了 首次個展展出15件作品,紮實的寫實功力讓展覽頗受好評;盧 昉作品遍及全球,台南奇美博物館、台中、台北多納藝術及香港 藝術月公開全新系列作品,延續他著名的大鼻子系列及穿越古 今的風格,新作品將帶給藏家及藝術熱愛的朋友們耳目一新的 視覺體驗。 As Donna Art long-time representing artist, Lu Fang continues his style from Mr. Big Nose and time traveling, bringing a new spectrum to his art fans and collectors. Lu’s creations have been inspired by the dialogues between “the East and the West”, and “the classic and the contemporary.” After living in the Western world for many years, Lu Fang’s strong love for the paintings in the Renaissance period has urged him to put the classic paintings and the modern life together.


2017 「是古非今」,毓繡美術館,台中,台灣 2014 「出古入今II:玩轉古畫」,MOT Arts,台北,台灣

聯展 2020 「遊敘人間 」,法藍星饗藝空間,宜蘭,台灣 2019 「台北藝術博覽會」,世貿一館,台北,台灣


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阿彌路亞,100 x 63 cm,油彩、金箔、畫布,2020

我們都愛珍奶,125 x 160 cm,油彩、畫布,2020

疫情下的諸神盛宴,79 x 95 cm,油彩、畫布,2020

佐垣慶多 SAGAKI Keita

1984 Japan

日本藝術家佐垣慶多Keita Sagaki於2019年初次在台舉辦個 展,即受到國內外各大媒體瘋狂報導。佐垣慶多在創作中同時展 現漫畫家與藝術家兩種身分,並且巧妙的揉合隨之而來的對立, 如高低、近遠等,使作品乍看是以鉛筆與墨水在紙上對經典名作 進行臨摹,但細看卻會發現這些「素描」的灰階、調子、立體感與 空間感均是由數以千計疏密不均、大小不一的漫畫角色與圖像 組構而成。 The Japanese artist Keita SAGAKI features his first solo in Taipei in February 2019, leading insane exposures from media press. Keita cleverly blends some contrast at hands, such as high and low, near and far. If we look closely we’ll find the gray tone, sculpted and spatial “sketches” in his paintings are indeed a huge collage composed with thousands of improvised manga characters in different sizes and densities.

個展 2019 「My Girl:佐垣慶多來台個展」,多納藝術,台北,台灣 2018 「Baroque Deconstruction」,Fabrik藝廊,香港

聯展 2020 「台中藝術博覽會」,台中日月千禧酒店,台 中,台灣 2019 「世外之境:當代藝術展」,多納藝術,台北,台灣


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麥田捕手,83.8 x 111.8 cm,硬筆、紙、木板,2020

麥田捕手 ( 局部 )


面容嚇人卻有趣的男子,49.6 x 33.4 cm,絹印版畫(15/24版),2020


戰地鐘聲,55.5 x 66 cm,硬筆、紙、木板,2020

曲折與吶喊,68.5 x 118 cm,硬筆、紙、木板,2018 14

紅色手槍,46 x 33.2 cm,絹印版畫(20版),2019 藍色手槍,46 x 33.2 cm,絹印版畫(20版),2019


傅作新 Fu Tso-Hsin

1971 Taiwan

過去始終帶著疏離、冷漠的觀點來看待世界,傅作新從理性 自我探索虛、實空間的交界中走出,迎向光亮充滿慈愛的國度, 其內心流潟而出的喜悅在他的創作中表露無遺,以不同舊往的 嘗試,將自身象徵性的化為畫面上的各種符碼,侃侃地訴說著 生命前所未有的感觸:「樹林」是藝術家目前創作階段中最常描 繪的形象,不僅代表著對大自然的渴慕之情及喧囂外的心靈庇 護所,其葉脈網絡亦像是社會的形象縮影,連結著人與人之間 錯綜複雜的依存關係。 FU Tso-Hsin's artwork particularly focuses on the image layout and a sense of rhythm. A plurality of symbols is used to stimulate the audience to imagine and explore in a variety of ways. The blank space is as important as the theme of the painting for the artist FU Tso-Hsin. As a part of layout and configuration of the artwork, the blank space not only enhances a sense of space but also bring out the theme.

個展 2019 「雪國:傅作新個展」,多納藝術,台北,台灣 2017 「當下. 無界 . 跨域」,多倫現代美術館,上海,中國

聯展 2020 「台中藝術博覽會」,台中日月千禧酒店,台中,台灣 2019 「台北藝術博覽會」,世貿一館,台北,台灣


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花與蝶 ( 局部 )

花與蝶,100 x 162 cm,油彩、畫布,2020


粉紅的回憶,125 x 97 cm,油彩、畫布,2020


林宏信 LIN Hung-Hsin

1975 Taiwan

藝術家林宏信的作品以寫實繪畫為主體形式,但不同於美國 照相寫實的客觀,而是注入強烈的主觀意識,並揉合了向量平 面符號與虛擬的空間意像,以及個人生活經歷與妄想。在其創 作中,刻意極簡化了色調與構圖,藉由畫面物件、符碼、色彩、線 條與寫實的主體(人物)產生連結,呈現個人看待事物與環境議 題的內在感知。 Artist LIN Hung-Hsin often conveys the character “flâneur” from Walter Benjamin’s works as the main subject in his works. With the face painted with white powder and the costume corresponding to the environment, the flâneur anonymously observes the city. The “flâneur” in Lin’s paintings is a complicated self-reflection of the artist, through which the artist offers himself a temporary getaway from the reality so that he can take shelter in his subconscious self-indulgence.

個展 2019 「隻字片語」,一票人票畫空間&畫庫,台北,台灣 2016 「微量裂解的總和」,尊彩藝術中心,台北,台灣

聯展 2018 「放輕鬆—動漫謬想的秘密花園」,銀川當代美術館,銀 川,中國 2017 「2017杜塞道夫藝術博覽會」,Areal Böhler,杜塞道 夫,德國


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繁花 06,91 x 72.5 cm,油彩、畫布,2020


繁花 07,91 x 72.5 cm,油彩、畫布,2020


繁花 08,91 x 72.5 cm,油彩、畫布,2020



繁花 09,96.5 x 162 cm,油彩、畫布,2020 24

繁花 05,72.5 x 91 cm,油彩、畫布,2020

繁花 02,89 x 145 cm,油彩、畫布,2019


邱建仁 CHIU Chien Jen

1981 Taiwan

邱建仁以「晃遊者(flâneur)」式的攝影手法作為景框,過去 的繪畫一直以獨特感性的敘事廣為人知。本次新作除過往風格 的持續推進外,更讓我們看到一種嶄新繪畫語言的正在發生。 一種由多重色彩、線條、肌理、繪畫形象的重複交疊所形構,被 斷裂、震動、分解等關鍵字所包覆的精神分裂平面,諸多彼此徹 底差異的繪畫語言仿若各自獨立並擁有生命,毫不退讓的各自 增生、擴張、推擠。 Artist CHIU Chien Jen blends the idea of photography into the act of paintings. During the process, a ceremony begins: it is hard to imagine the mark left by each movement, each accumulation, each smear, each covering. It is like a beautiful scar, with each inconspicuous little space becoming its own little world.

個展 2020 「世界就停止了/Superposition」,一票票&畫庫,台 北,台灣 2018 「第十五屆李仲生基金會視覺藝術獎」,成大藝術中心, 台南,台灣

聯展 2019 「中信新銳美術獎-共生之所」,台北國際藝術村,台 北,台灣 2018 「存在的立足點-場所及視點的多元游移」,清雲畫廊, 台北,台灣


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相遇靜止,100 x 150 cm,油彩、畫布,2020

遙遠的某個地方,100 x 150 cm,油彩、畫布,2020


沒有遠方的時代,100 x 160 cm,油彩、畫布,2019

折射的夜晚,120 x 200 cm,油彩、畫布,2020


周政緯 CHOU Cheng Wei

1976 Taiwan

藝術家周政緯凝視身邊周遭的事物,牽動回憶事件與記憶的 景物在畫面中成為載體。在灰白的碳酸鈣上,如考古現場的壁 畫角落被擷取。現代的場景在周政緯刻意壓抑的色彩之後,引 領觀者跨入物件的回憶故事中。周政緯對景物的描繪如桑塔格 曾說:「對一個人或一次事件的描寫,無非是一種解釋,手工的 視覺作品例如繪畫也是如此。」他刻意在不完整與被遺棄的底 基物上塗抹再造,用時間的筆痕慢慢地推疊出親身待過地方所 產生的情感。 Artist CHOU Cheng Wei gazes at the things around him, and uses his memories and important events in his life as the inspirations and carriers in the works. The way Chou uses to portray the scenery in which he deliberately smears on incomplete and abandoned substrates, and slowly uses the pen to push out the emotions produced by the places where he has been.

個展 2019 「景聲 周政緯2019個展」,2空間,台北,台灣 2018 「物語系列 周政緯2016個展」,青雲畫廊,台北,台灣

聯展 2019 「捉影」,國父紀念館,台北,台灣 2019 「華麗世代」,國立台灣藝術教育館,台北,台灣


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台北城系列-從內湖山上看台北城 3,112 x 194 cm,油彩、畫布,2020

台北城系列-從內湖山上看台北城 2,99 x 162 cm,碳、石墨、水彩,2019



城內系列-金華街,56 x 250 cm,油彩、畫布,2019

有文字的燈 3,60.5 x 72.5 cm,油彩、畫布,2018


淡憂 2020,200 x 145 cm,油彩、畫布,2020


城內系列-安和路,116.5 x 81 cm,碳、石墨、水彩,2019


陳如鈊 Donna Chen 總監


O (+886-2) 7746-7462 M (+886) 939-917-321 多納藝術有限公司 Donna Art & Consulting Inc. www.donnaart.com.tw art@donnaart.com.tw 106 台北市大安區基隆路二段 112 號 7 樓 7F, No. 112 Keelung Rd. Sec. 2, Da'an Dist, Taipei, Taiwan 106


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