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10 Things to do during office breaks



Get that ‘Me time’: Treat yourself to your favourite snack or drink (non-alcoholic for sure!). Choose a quiet spot to savour every bite or sip of it.

Clear the clutter: Organise your drawers and trash old papers, pens, clips and everything you haven’t used for the last six months.



Meditate or exercise: Learn a few desk exercises to loosen those strained muscles or simply deep breathe for a few minutes and relax.


Play a game: Not cricket for sure! Adventure Quest, PubG, The Room Series or all-time favourite – Candy Crush. If screentime is not for you, try another classic - Rock-paper-scissors.

Read something motivating: Make it a habit to flip through at least 4-6 pages of a book that truly inspires or motivates you. Don’t forget to share a snippet of wisdom with your colleagues.


Make a friend in a queue: Out for lunch or coffee, make waiting time worthwhile. Engage in a friendly chat with the person standing before or after you. Helps you relax.


Challenge a colleague: There are a bunch of brain-teaser games available online such as Lumosity, Brain Wars, TriviAlist. Download one and challenge a colleague.


Decorate your workstation: Personalise your desk with pictures, plants, motivational posters or colourful stationery. It will instantly lift your mood.


Call a love d one: Get away from your desk and m ake that lo ng pending c all to your sibling, pa rent or frie nd. You’ll be s preading happiness ...


Listen to music: Create a playlist of your favourite songs. Plug in those earphones to indulge in music therapy.

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