Behind Barz Motorcycle Mag July-August 2023

Page 22

110BEHIND BARZMOTORCYCLE MAGAZINE O R 19 Years and counting! JULY - AUG 2o23 FAH - REE JS Livin’ The LifeO TM

Happy Independence Day

Editorz Notez

Check out the EVENTZ section of this issue for upcoming events in July and August. We only have a few listed here. No need to take up several pages in the print mag when we can fill those pages with bikers Livin’ The Life! You can find many more biker events easily on your phone or computer by going to our Facebook page Behind Barz Mag. You can also read Behind Barz online for free before it ever comes out in print.

Check out the cover...Chuck and Leslie Kubasek on their HD CVO. See pages 24-25 for more info of that event.

Check out all of our “Livin’ The Life” stories in this issue! There are so many out there. If you would like, please send us yours. We would love to hear all about it!

We want to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day! Celebrating the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress. It announced the political separation of the 13 North American colonies from Great Britain. Declaring ourselves to be a free and independent nation, gaining our freedom...the birth of American independence!

Thank you for your continued support! ...and keep Livin’ The Life!

If you are lost...have faith in Him! He will get you through whatever it is that you may face...because He is with you...all the time! God Bless you and yours! We’ll see you out on the road, Behind Barz!!!

Send: ideas, recipes, stories, photos, complaints, suggestions or whatever to: PO Box 692 - Nashville, N.C. - 27856 or email: check out the official website... WWW.BEHINDBARZ.COM also FaceBook, Instagram, or Twitter

PUBLISHERS & EDITORS: debbie “DOOBIE” sykes - 252-314-8589

vince “Vinney” byrne - RIP




SALEZ: Debbie Sykes


spick - the best of both worlds

charlie - after the 18th hole

m.a. - the one and only harley mama

jason - foreign corespondent

kate - foreign corespondent

bones - black hills under ground

pork - black hills high wire

lady d - LA corespondent

angel eyes - on the other side

moe - shitcreek Survivor

vinney - the original picker! RIP

mike - always on call

jaybird - Always ridin’

damn yank - on the north side

bob bryant - poetry biker

becky - Road Glide Queen

dave - Iron Man

chewy - iron mutt ewing RIP

izzy - MM South Carolina

big ed - Only as he can tell it!

bobby earl - cointreuversial

wild bill - the iron horse cowboy RIP

“jus” rick - former golden boy

preacher man - SHBC RIP

d-rod - “guardians” public relations RIP


Chuck & Leslie Kubasek Livin’ The Life on their HD CVO!

We reserve the right to edit all letters, opinions, or articles for publication in “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. No part of “Behind Barz” may be reproduced for any purpose in intirety or in part without the express written consent of “Behind Barz”. “Behind Barz” does not endorse any advertiser or its products and cannot be held responsible for advertisers claims. “Behind Barz” has the right to refuse advertisements for any reason. “BB” will not intentionally publish fraudulent or misleading advertising. Opinions depicted in any photograph or writing does not necessarily reflect the view point of the staff of “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. Manuscripts, artwork, photographs, inquiries and submitted materials are welcomed.

indiana bill - the longest in the world

paul - ghost baseball player

bob - preacher bob and bullwinkle

michelle - keeping it real

bunny - anywhere there’s cruzan RIP

rodger - Jesus freak

samantha - Blue Knights

mikey - Inspector Clouseau

Motorcycle Magazine
In this issue in every issue NCPACKS4PATRIOTS.......6 Future Bikerz..................13 BB Petz...............................14 Riding With Jaybird.........16-17 Bullwinkle Chronicles...26-27 The Good Newz................28 From the Mind of Big Ed...32-33 Blue Knights......................35 Biker Friendly Bus........38-39 Livin’ The Life...............40-41 EVENTZ.........................44-45 BB Sticker Winnerz..........46 IFRD...................................8-9 HD Riding Acadamy...........10 CMA.......................................12 Shenandoah Baptist Church...18 PFC Thomas Carnes............20 Cruisin’ The Coast..............22-23 CVO Maggie Valley............24-25 Memorial day Ride.................31 Bikers For Christ...................36 Women Who Live The Life...42 Men Who Live The Life.........43 CONTENTZ 5

nc packs4 patriots

Information on changes, however please note that the mission is not changing....

Dear NC Packs4Patriots Supporters NC Packs4Patriots (P4P) is preparing for some big changes again! Our center was recently flooded from rain water coming in through the ceiling. So, we had to remove all items and move them to storage. Volunteers have been working from home and in the storgae facility to continue our mission.

Now we are being evicted from our center and we are looking for a new location. In the meantime, we will be continuing our mission, as always. We have great volunteers who are working diligently from their homes and some wonderful donors who are still sending items for us to pack and send to our troops. We still need your help! Please check out our wish list on Amazon... (NCSupportOurTroops) and donations for shipping are always a great help!

P4P would like to sincerely thank our donors and volunteers for all of the support over the years and we look forward to working with you for years to come.

Support Our Troops

Adapt and overcome! We supported over 3100 troops today with items picked up from our storage units. They had to move boxes and dig out needed items but we did it. Mary Clarke Merlino continues to pack and mail boxes from her house, Linda Shelander is serving troops from her house, and Judy Dobbler is supporting our Marines from her house!


about 7000 troops and veterans this week with pickups from storage! Now what we need from you... donations to continue the mission!

We need snacks especially salty and protein nacks: Granola bars, nuts, trail mix, snack crackers, peanut butter, pretzels (all individual sizes) and drink mixes to add to bottled water.

Please use our Amazon list.

Troops who are deployed and have a confirmed address are welcome to request care packages! Send name, address, and stop mail date to us by email to - information is only used for mailing labels and kept secure. You can also ask for special requests or needs and we will try to fill those. We ask that you let us know when packages arrive.

We need you to join our team to support our local heroes in 2023!

Check out NCPACKS4PATRIOTS on Facebook
email: ncp4p@yahoo. com Our days and hours of operation are: Tuesday and Thursday from 2-5 pm Saturday morning 9am-12. MOVING 252-714-1175 Please email or call us for more info. Thank you very much for your continued support!
Barbara Whitehead NCPacks4Patriots
Photo above and below: Photo above: Supporting our Veterans with a partnership with DAV! Photo above: We love seeing the smiles of those we support ! Everyone loves Girl Scout cookies! Photo above: Our Crystal Coast volunteers packed 374 hygiene kits today! Even having to work in a storage unit, they accomplished their mission. While Robin, Helen and Judy worked on those, Marty packed care packages to mail! Robin also worked on preparing donations to pack! Photo left: served




Thanks be to the good Lord for an amazingly beautiful day!!! RADD ride raising money for the developmentally disabled. We started out at Boneyard HD, then rode through the NC State Veterans Home and Caswell Center. We followed that up by going to Grainger Stadium in Kinston, where lots of kids were playing ball with the players from the Wood Ducks (minor legue baseball team). The joy and excitement on the faces of the young and old make everything we do worth it! This day couldn’t have been more perfect!

So thankful!



International Female Ride Day® (IFRD) occurring on the first Saturday in May, is a global day celebrating the cultural, social and active lifestyles of women who ride and enjoy motorcycling and powersports.

Women riders from anywhere and everywhere all over the world are encouraged to get out on their motorcycles and “Just Ride,” as Vicki Gray, founder of both International Female Ride Day and Motoress, succinctly puts it.

The motivating force behind IFRD each year is to support and uplift women riders everywhere as well as, to inspire the next generation of women riders to see us out in public, having fun and being awesome on our bikes. It sounds simple in theory but is often more difficult in practice with the busy and complicated lives we all lead.

Awesome ride day! Road to Medoc Mountain and then out to eat. Karen, Edie, Anita, and Becky. A group of us rode from Tobacco Road HD in Raleigh to Pik N Pg in Carthage and then on to Morrow Mountian. Beautiful day to ride! Angela Kimball

They rode out of Desert Winds HD in Mesa Arizona for IFRD.

They had just gotten back from a rally in Mancos, CO., at Echo Basin Resort...600 miles from where they live in Quartzsite, Arizona.

Above & Left: Dalene Thomas on the black HD Freewheeler and Kay Jernigan on the orange HD Freewheeler.
BB Life
Dalene Thomas

Riding AcadEmy Grads!!!

Never ridden a motorcycle before? Don’t sweat it. Take a Harley-Davidson® Riding Academy Beginner Motorcycle course and get comfortable on a bike. Learn the skills you need to ride with confidence.

New River HD 910-346-9997

Colonial HD 804-861-4700

Tobacco Road HD 603-851-1018

Low Country HD 843-554-1847

New River Harley-Davidson in Jacksonville, NC

Congratulations to our graduates of our first Riding Academy 3-Wheel New Rider Course! It’s never been easier or safer to earn a 3-wheel motorcycle endorsement. The 3-Wheel New Rider Course offers expert MSF-certified instruction in a classroom and on a practice track so you’re ready to hit the road with confidence. Now is the time to start riding!

Tobacco Road Harley-Davidson in Raleigh, NC

Huge congrats to our most recent class of Harley-Davidson Riding Academy Grads!!!

Colonial Harley-Davidson in Prince George, VA

Congratulations to our latest Riding Academy students on a job well done! Welcome to the Colonial H-D family of riders!

Low Country Harley-Davidson in N. Charleston, SC

Congratulations to our most recent Riding Academy graduates: Julian, Rey, Robert, Brian, Kyle, Liz and Drew. Welcome to the Harley-Davidson family! Ride Safe!


CMA Chapter 727 Down East Fishers For Christ

Cma, Chapter 727, Down East Fishers for Christ held their annual Run for The Sun on May 6, 2023. This year we rode to Kerr Lake in Virginia to join Henderson Chapter 699. They held a ride at Brewer Cycles in Henderson, N.C. We rode back roads into Nashville, N.C. and on to 58 and then to 158. The trees out along the route made for a breathtaking ride. We rode to Kerr Lake Dam and took a break, viewing the lake, then rode on to Camp Kerr Lake Campground. We enjoyed a catered meal from Smithfield Chicken and BBQ under a beautiful pavilion with views of the Lake. We had great fellowship with all. We also enjoyed all kinds of motorcycles that gathered.

Come ride with us on the 1st Saturday of each month. We meet at CycleMax in Wilson at 10 am. We hold monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday of the month at Parkers BBQ. We eat at 6pm. The meeting is at 7pm. Also, Bible Study is at Mayflower on the last Thursday of the month. We eat at 6pm and Bible Study is at 7pm. All are welcome.

story & photos: Road Glide Queen


Future Bikerz

PO Box 692 Nashville, N.C. 27856 email us: behindbarzmm@ Send us your Biker photos! Averie D Gregg from Newport, NC
Behind Barz Petz Send us a photo of your Behind Barz Pet or post directly to our Facebook page: Behind Barz Mag email us at: CHARLIE MIKE Kipling, NC LIVIN’ The Life If your pet did not make the magazine this issue, be on the lookout for them in future issues! ...or go to our Facebook page: Behind Barz Mag Teddy with his driver, Tim Nash Ralphie Dupont, PA with his driver, Gailmarie Navalany 14 Winnie Pilot, NC Living her best life! RILEY Clayton, NC CHACO The Canyon Commander and sidecar navigator Tombstone, ARizona Harley The Frenchie Shawnee, KS

Are you a biker friendly business?

If not, you should be! The motorcycle industry is a 25+ billion dollar industry! The average income of a biker is $75k+ annually! Women are more than 1/3 of the motorcycle market! Average age is 40-65. Bikers spend over 3 billion annually on charities!

Get Behind Barz Mag distributed to your business and we will let bikers know you carry it and are biker friendly! All you have to do is ask! Call us and we will let you know how. 252-314-8589

Do you care about your business? If you do, and want to advertise in a respected and professional magazine, give us a call. We are the only full color, glossy biker publication in VA., N.C. & S.C. combined. We were the first free biker mag with an E-Magazine! We have more online social websites than anyone else to offer you the optimum advertising possibilities ~ Print Mag, Virtual Mag and many other social media outlets! All at your disposal for one price when you advertise with us! You have one option when advertising with Behind Barz Mag ~ FULL COLOR! We do not do black & white, we do not do newsprint, we do not charge for web advertising!

We care about your business... do you?



Riding with Jaybird “Snapshot”


This issue of Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine marks the One Year Anniversary of “Riding With JayBird” and I’m happy to say it’s been a GREAT experience! I hope y’all have enjoyed reading my thoughts and seeing my pictures. As I look back, this year past had taken me all over the state of North Carolina and into Tennessee and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Every time I put my bike beneath me, no matter where I ride, it’s not so much about the destination but always about the experience of getting there.

If you ride a motorcycle then you know what I’m talking about! We actually enjoy taking the long way home. Shortcuts ain’t so important especially when the weather is nice and the ride is relaxing. We’ll get there when we get there... that’s motorcycle time. That’s how we live if you know, you know. It’s hard to pin a biker down to a tight schedule.

As this year has passed, I can’t help but look back on all of the changes that have taken place in our world and to take a moment to remember those that have left us. They are many and it’s our duty as friends and family to keep their love alive in our memories. They leave behind a world that’s so wonderful in so many ways and yet troubled, too.

We are approaching a new Presidential election year and will begin seeing all of the campaign bullshit again that we all love so much. It’s critically important to make your voice heard by voting. They’re scared of us when we get together as one entity... and they need to be! Our voice is strong and this year it needs to be even stronger! That’s all I’m going to say about that. We are seeing nearly every automotive and motorcycle manufacturer release an electric vehicle and even Elon Musk is afraid that we are on the cusp of seeing “artificial intelligence” become a reality. Once that happens, the world around us will truly become a different place. Let’s hope that we are prepared in our hearts and in our minds. Our motorcycles will always provide us an escape. My motorcycle is my freedom. The problems of the world and the stresses and anxieties of everyday

Above: Loving all of the sweet puppies we met this year too... true dog lovers! Above: Remembering a treasured opportunity to sing with NC Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, Tommy Redd, from the band Nantucket.
Above: ...and special Birthdays!!! Above: Freedom! ...Behind Barz ANNIVERSARY!!! Left: Bringing in a brand New Year with besties. Above: Special times with a few close friends. ...and new biker babies born.

with jaybird

“Snapshot” Bailey

life are lessened by a motorcycle escape and can help to clear your head but the fact remains that after the ride, the world’s issues still exist and we are responsible to set them straight. If we don’t, it’ll be done for us as we are seeing now. Too much is being done against our will and without our approval because WE are not letting our voices be heard and taking responsibility and it’s almost gotten to the point where its too late. Let your voice be heard at the voting booth! I know that I will, you can count on that!!!.

Many of you that read Behind Barz Magazine are active in the community in different ways and each and every one of you are important and we are glad and thankful for your readership and for your involvement. We as a biker community are not always viewed in a good way by those that see us riding because we are seen as a fringe group but those that truly get to know us begin to understand that bikers are everyone! We are your neighbors, co-workers, relatives, and friends. We are seen as rebellious when in fact we are simply tired of feeling trapped in a world that does not understand that we prefer the simplicity of “getting away from it all”. Our engines roar loud but our hearts and minds yearn for peace. The simpler things in life are we find our greatest solace. A motorcycle is a simple machine, in fact as far as transportation goes, it is as simple a vehicle as it gets. But in its simplicity, there are inherent dangers that we as bikers understand when we ride. As in life, riding requires movement and balance. Neither works well without the other. A great philosopher once said that we must be constantly moving forward to have balance and we must have balance to move forward. He must surely have been a biker!

Thank you to Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts and photographs with you through my column “Riding With JayBird”’s hard to believe that a whole year has already passed. Thank you to YOU the readers who have continued to read my articles each issue and find it entertaining. It is each of YOU that make this possible! Here’s to a year... and many more to come!.

Above: to boys being boys!

Above: Remembering our experience seeing President Trump’s AWESOME Campaign Rally in Selma, NC!

Above: Living The Life Behind Barz!

Above: Remembering the support of friends and family this year when I needed it most!

Above & below: ...from girls being girls.

Shenandoah Baptist Church 6th Annual Scripture Run 2023

April 22, 2023 was shaping up to be a nasty day. All the weather stations were predicting storms to include high winds and possible tornadoes. We had to make a decision and the decision was to cancel for the 22nd and reschedule for April 29th. That was not what we wanted to do because a reschedule is scary. You plan for a specific date, people set the day aside and then you change at the last minute but for the safety of all, we had to. So now we wait and watch the weather again. Oh! What a beautiful day the Lord made! It was a beautiful sunny day in the 70’s, a perfect day for a ride! We are so blessed and thankful for all the bikes and the riders and church members and friends that came. We had more bikes come than I believe we have ever had. People were everywhere. We had to find more table and chairs, but I’m not complaining at all.

We started the day with our Prayer Circle, the biggest ever. It was hard to get it all in one picture. We were led in prayer by our youth pastor, Zach Zervas.

We want to thank the Nash County Sherriff office for helping us get the First bikes out at 10:00 and a second group at 11:00. They enjoyed a 60 mile ride through Nash and Wilson counties. The stops this year included: CycleMax, Harper’s Nursery/Wendy’s Hole in the Wall Boutique, Flying Iron Harley Davidson and JD’s Grocery and Grill ending up back at Shenandoah Baptist Church where the rest of the fun began.

Each rider was treated to a hot dog lunch with all the trimmings. We had over 70 sponsors/donators this year with over 100 door prizes and gift cards. We had several of the prize values between $100 and $400 to help us in our mission to raise money for the Shenandoah youth ministries and outreach. This year we had a side raffle for a TV (won by Karen Parker) a Charcoal Smoker Grill (won by Ricky Gupton) and $100 cash (won by Tad Rhodes). Don’t want to forget the silent cake auction. We had 5 items being bid on. Sure hope that $200 bid for that pineapple cake was well worth it. Thank you to the bakers and the bidders.

The first place prize for the Scripture run was $100 won by Destry Leonard. The “worst” hand was won by Ryker Gupton for $50. We also had 50/50 winner, Cathy Smith. Thanks to those that donated the winnings right back to YOUTH…... In total, with the run, the door prizes, 50/50, cake auction and concessions, we raised $7800. We thank each and every person that bought even 1 ticket and we ask God’s blessings so that this money will be used to HIS glory and HIS only. God blessed us with this idea of a Scripture Run over 6 years ago and it has grown and evolved every year. It is a lot of hard work but the rewards are so great. Many kids will be going to camp that otherwise might not be able to afford to go. If even one life is changed because of all this, then we are truly blessed and thankful.

I guess changing the date at last minute didn’t hurt us at all. We have so many faithful friends and friends of friends and making new ones every year that we should never have doubted this would be a success. The Bible says “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” Prov 3:5. When you do that, you cannot go wrong!

Next year will be here before you know it and we hope you will plan on joining us.

Facebook ~- BehindBarzMag

Thomas Carnes US Marines


Thomas Carnes served in the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. He was known as the POW-MIA walker. He walked across the country to carry the message of “never forget” those who did not come home from war. He did this until he was physically unable to do so. He placed flags along his driveway in Afton, N.C. Every day he would walk out to those flags and stop in prayer and reflection. He honored all branches of the armed forces, prisoners of war, those missing in action and those who were killed in action.

Motorists traveling along US 401 near the Afton community would have been able to see the large display of flags at the entrance to his driveway.

Today 13 PGR members escorted USMC PFC. Thomas Carnes to his final duty station at Eastern Carolina Veterans Cemetery Long Plant Rd. Goldsboro from Boyd Funeral Home in Warrenton, N.C. 26 PGR members and the Marine Honor detail stood waiting in his honor. A Total of 39 Patriots were there as his family. He passed away alone but today he was surrounded by those that kept his promise “Never to Forget those who stood and defended this nation of ours.”

He now rests in a memorial garden with his brothers and sisters...Never to be Forgotten.

I want to thank the Warren County, Nash County, Wilson County and Wayne County Sheriff’s Departments for their safe escort from Warrenton NC to Goldsboro, NC. Special thanks to ASC Jimmy Dixon for leading escort and ADC Tina Firestone for assisting. Special Thanks to USAF Chief Charles Franklin for delivering the eulogy and prayers. Special Thanks to Williard Jackson for playing Taps.

I claimed him as my next of kin and they gave me his flag. I want to thank each and every one for being there and standing in honor of USMC PFC Thomas Carnes. Never Forgotten.

USMC PFC. Thomas Carnes story & photos: Charles Bullock, Sr.


Scenic Ride...River Town Riders


We are thrilled to have had the River Town Riders stop by our dealership to collect their check from the Spring Rally Scenic Ride. Seeing the River Town Riders give back to the community in such a meaningful way is truly inspiring, and we are proud to have been a part of it. However, none of this could have been possible if it weren’t for all those who attended, making the event as successful as it was. We’re lucky to have such awesome local support! We love you guys!

Knowing that this check will be used to support the community in the best ways possible brings great joy to our hearts. We believe that giving back to the community is essential, and we are honored to have been able to contribute to such a wonderful cause. We want to express our deepest gratitude to the River Town Riders for their incredible generosity and dedication to making our community a better place. We hope that their example will inspire others to give back to their communities and make a positive impact in the world. Thanks again, for all that you do.

Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson joins the Grand Strand Today Show at Jammin Leather to promote the 2023 Cruisin the Coast Spring Rally.
22 Livin’Life Behind Barz

story & photos: Chuck & Leslie


Every September Harley-Davidson CVO enthusiasts gather in beautiful Maggie Valley NC at the host motel, A Holiday Motel.

These attendees of this event are members of The website is full of great information.

Check it out!

This will be the 19th annual event. It normally takes place the second week in September.

The 2023 dates are September 10 -16.

Folks from as far away as California and Canada come to celebrate and ride, ride ride. Each day brings a selection of rides and each night a selection of dining experiences. One of those dining experiences is the catered Friday Night Dining Under the Tent. The evening festivities can be as mellow as sitting in a rocker on the porch taking in all the sights or as wild as you care. It may be an evening gathered around the fire filled with all kinds of conversations. It may be a competition of bean bag toss (aka corn hole), a game of darts or a few of Pado’s Bloody Marys.

Everyone is welcome!

Check out under the events and event chatter sections for more information.

24 15 Years Of Harley-Davidson

This is a recurring dream I started having a few years ago and am still having and what I believe is a prophetic wakeup call for all believers. I had another article to send to Debbie but I had a check in my spirit about sending it to her so I asked if I could submit this for print. I feel strongly in my spirit that we are about to see the storm that is lingering on the horizon unleash a destructive force that will affect us all in ways we cannot fathom and we must prepare ourselves for what is coming.

If anyone reading this is a believer in Jesus I hope and pray that this dream inspires you to get involved in the harvest. Every believer is going to be held accountable for their efforts to help build the Kingdom so I hope each one does something to help bring in the largest harvest the church has ever seen…

“The setting is in the heartland of the nation where grain is grown in thousands of square miles. Deep darkness has set in, a darkness caused by thick heavy cloud

The Bullwinkle Chronicles

cover. The sky is black as far as the eye can see and the air is becoming cool to almost cold. The clouds have become monstrous and are billowing on the horizon and the storm is ominous and destruction of the fields is imminent.

As I stood pondering what I was seeing I saw the Lord standing in the midst of the endless miles of ripened oats. He is standing silent looking toward the storm clouds on the horizon. I begin walking to Him and as I get close to the field I can see that the oats are so ripe for harvest that many kernels have already fallen to the ground and are lost and are going to be consumed by the foul of the air and the creatures of the plains.

As I continue towards the Lord and I am able to see more clearly the amount of grain that has been lost I begin to become overwhelmed with the urgency of getting the combines started up and beginning the harvest before it is too late and much more of His grain is lost but I could not

The Life


see any of the machines anywhere. My concern grows to near panic as I realize that the combines are so late in starting the harvest process that just the vibration of the giant machines is going to cause much more grain to fall from the hulls to the ground and be lost.

I hurried to the Lord’s side and could see that He was heartbroken at the amount of loss that had occurred. As I looked at Him I could see there were tears in His eyes and He had a look of sorrow and disappointment on His face. He looked at me and I said Lord why have you not summoned the harvesters, the oats are becoming over-ripe, we have to do something fast. He looked at me and said “I did call on them to begin”. I asked Him, then where are they, they should be here? As I asked Him that question He slowly turned His head back toward the field and the mounting storm and said with a broken voice, “I paid them in advance for their labor and they have left to spend their wages.”

I just stood there helpless because without a combine there would be little more than a remnant that could be saved. All I could do was to begin picking what grain I could and looking at the ground to try to retrieve as much grain as possible that had fallen to the ground.”

I believe we must begin crying out to the Father to send faithful harvesters or to support the ones who are struggling alone in the fields and that we need to personally repent for our leaving the fields to enjoy our reward before our work was over or in many instances before we had even started the job.....

We are in a historic time and we have a monumental task ahead of us so we need to be praying that the Spirit will show us what our part in the harvest is….
Bob Seymour 607-972-5047
“The Harvest” BehindBarzMag

the good news!

Rodger Duvall ~ Jesus Freak

Thee Redeemed House biker Church

Something about being one with your bike is the secret of realizing that you both become one.

”United in Christ Biker”


Fellowship is brotherhood, an old school word for it is, “Koinonia”.

The Nomad Apostle, Paul, gave this word which is derived from the Greek language for brotherhood = Fellowship.

The word “Derived” defined; is to obtain something from a particular source.

Brotherhood as we know it is obtained from the source of fellowship that holds everything in a biker lifestyle. This life style is a life that revolves around and in all that is associated with it’s source. This main source of this is everything related to motorcycles, ask yourself, how do you define your relationship to your motorcycle? I myself am related to my motorcycle because I own it, it belongs to me, and I belong to it.

My personality is all about it.

If I’m riding it alone or with others I’m experiencing Brotherhood Fellowship...

One Spirit of the two, the material, the physical with the Spirit. The Spiritual the the deriving factor to obtain the source of fellowship for Brotherhood and Sisterhood! Everyone riding Behind Barz. It’s something that can’t be explained but has to be experienced. In order to experience it, the full experience of it is to have your own bike, now the lifestyle begins.

The Code gets revealed with the matters of choice, personal taste, appearance, clothing, relations, strength, weakness, principles, behaviors, interactions, guidelines, respect, unity.

It all comes down to “One Spirit” “Fellowship”

A Brother and Sisterhood of truth.

That is good news!

Your identity changes when one becomes a biker, and you identify with all that is involved.

Will you accept this truth?

There is a truth of all truths, a truth that saves. It is a belief in Christ, in this belief you will be identified as belonging to Him. His Holy Spirit is the promise guarantee that you will receive as an inheritance, because we have been purchased becoming now God’s masterpiece bike build creating us anew in Christ Jesus.

We are no longer strangers, bikers if you will along with all of God’s people, members of His club, built on the foundation of the Apostles and prophets with Jesus as the leader joined together in fellowship, Brother and Sisterhood, “koinonia”

Ephesians, ready to ride in One Spirit, Revelation 22:12
“Jesus Freak” Rodger. 29 behind barz life’s not a lifestyle, it’s a way of life! Open 7 Days A Week 252-382-0234 Facebook: Old Skool Baker Located in Rocky Mount, NC Biker owned and operated!

4th Annual Memorial Day Ride To Remember


On Monday May 29, 2023, despite the dreary weather and chance of rain, 126 bikes and over 200 participants packed into Thompson Park in downtown Charlotte, NC for the 4th Annual Memorial Day Ride to Remember.

This has become the ride to be at on Memorial Day and continues to truly honor the men and women that sacrificed their lives for our country, which is the TRUE meaning of Memorial Day.

With dreary skies and wet roads, registration began at 7 am, but many were already there setting up, and staging already, ready for the ride ahead. Registration continued until 815 am, when a drivers safety meeting went over the upcoming 130-mile police escorted route to come. Once everyone was clear on the route and expectations. The first of many ceremonies began. The founders and many of the riders walked through the Vietnam Wall there at the park, led by bag pipes to lay a wreath and start their day off remembering the names etched there on the wall.

Bikes, Can-Ams, and Trikes all started their engines to a roar that could be heard for miles. As the entire procession was led by Mecklenburg County Sheriff Garry McFadden and the founders of the ride, Crystal Ashe, and Dennis Koch they continued into downtown Charlotte, with the help of Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s officers, where everyone was encouraged to rev their engines and be loud and proud of the reason, they were there that day. The reverb off the tall buildings made everyone stop in their tracks and watch as the entire group went by.

The group continued down Hwy 49 with an escort by NC State Highway Patrol E3 division, into Richfield and stopped at Richfield Misenheimer VFD for a quick rest stop. As they continued onward up Hwy 52 to The Salisbury National Cemetery with an escort from Stanly and Rowan County Sheriff’s Offices.

Story and Photos:

Once in the cemetery, they were met by many family members visiting gravesites. Many of them stopped to wave, or to salute as the procession passed by and up the hill. Once all the riders were in the cemetery, they stopped their engines for a moment of silence, while the bag piper played across the cemetery to honor the men and women laid to rest there. With rain and winds picking up, they once again started their engines to move on to the next stop. With many of the public there waving, saluting, videoing, or taking pictures, or yelling thank you to all the riders, they continued their journey.

They arrived at The Thomasville Vietnam Memorial Wall off Interstate 85 South, with an escort from Davidson County Sheriff, and with a much-needed break in the weather just in time to be led in by the bag piper in and around the wall to lay a wreath and have a moment of silence before taking their infamous group picture in front of the wall. Many took the time to stand and stare at the names etched there and have their own moment of silence, while others visited with non-riders that were there visiting as well, and talked about our ride and what we do every year.

For one last time, they started their engines to ride up to Carolina Field of Honor in Kernersville with an escort by Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office, to have one last ceremony and wreath laying, led by their wonderful bagpiper Melanye Brennan. They laid the last wreath and had one last moment of silence before dismissing to allow the riders time to explore the amazing grounds there with all the monuments and mementos of all the wars.

Afterwards the riders were all served a BBQ lunch and several auction and raffle items were given away with all proceeds going to the yearly choice of a military charity, which happened to be Purple Heart Homes. Many riders were recognized for their continued support of the ride year after year. Before everyone started making their way back to their homes.

This ride continues to grow each year and truly celebrates the true meaning of Memorial Day. For information on next years ride on May 27, 2024, you can look their group up on Facebook found here: groups/305757144422383/ or go to their event page on Facebook that can be found here: 611916024242758/.

Crystal Ashe

From The Mind Hello My Happy

money isn’t everything even though the world wants you to believe it is. Yes, you’ve got to make it to eat and put a roof over your head, but don’t let it rule your life. You will never make enough if all you want in your life is material things and forget how to appreciate the things that cost nothing at all.

Don’t let nobody tell you that you can’t do something. Follow your heart and always be humble. Also, know God IS real and is always wanting to be in your life. Allow God to be. I love you son.

Big Ed aka 2Timer

This article has my emotions all twisted up. I’ve got two way different stories to tell. So let me first start off with, how proud I am that my son has graduated High School. Ed, I’m damn proud of you son. You’ve worked hard and I can’t put into words how proud I am of you, boy! The real world is no joke but I feel that you’ve got what it takes to take it on. It comes with a world of possibilities and challenges. Its really up to you, what you do with yourself and your future. You can’t be afraid to make mistakes. It’s how we all learn. So my message to you son would be for you to follow your passion. Nobody never really gets it right the first time. So don’t beat yourself up when you fall and take the experiences good or bad and use them. Remember, to slow down once in awhile and appreciate life. Understand that

Now lets take a deep breathe… I just wrote about how family is everything and to tell what I’m about to share with y’all. It breaks my heart. I’m a family man first before anything else. It’s always good to find people with the same values. Especially when it comes to family. We as bikers know or should know that riding motorcycles is not only fun and exciting, but we should also know the dangers. With that said, let me tell you about a family I recently met when I sold my sporty last year. I had made up my mind to sell my ‘08 1200 Nightster. I had the bike for sale on Market Place, when I received an inquiry from Mr. Jamie Woodcock. We talked about everything dealing with the bike and he let me know it was for his son, Jackson. With all the questions answered Jamie asked could he come check it out. We scheduled a date and time and I promised I would not let the bike go until his son was able to see it for himself. When Jamie and his family arrived I could tell Jamie was excited for his son. He told me how Jackson had sold his old bike and was excited to own a Harley. Man, I could definitely relate. I was excited too, when I bought my first Harley. I’ve only sought one for years and it felt like a mile stone accomplishment when I got mine. So, right away knowing Jackson was a young man I could almost feel the excitement with him. Jamie being a great father checked the bike out and he felt his son would love it. The bike had a set of 18” apes, the loud pipes, and forward controls. It was ready to ride. Jackson was ready to take it for a ride, as well. The slender built young man threw on his helmet for his first test ride as his Mom, Cynthia, stood beside me. You could just feel the nervousness she had as she watched her boy disappear into the distance. I could tell how much love this family had for each other as we all made small talk while we were waiting for Jackson to return on the bike.

Right away I liked the family. Me and Jamie hit it right off. He was like me, a big time family man, and man who loves motorcycles. What makes it even better is having a family who also digs the biker lifestyle. When Jackson returned, I could tell the bike was sold. He was all smiles. I feel I have an ability to see the good and bad in people within just a few minutes of meeting them. I could tell right away that Jackson was a good fella. My wife tells me all the time that I don’t need to refer to all

Living The Life

Mind of Big Ed...

Happy People!

folks that are way younger than me as kids. I don’t mean to do it, but I could tell Jackson was a great kid. It wasn’t long I had added his family to my Facebook and I enjoyed seeing their life adventures. Jackson had posted pictures of the bike on his facebook and I could tell he was proud to have it. Which made me feel good knowing a good kid got a good bike. To me, I made another friend who shares the same passion as I with motorcycles.

It was Tuesday May 23rd when I got a message from a mutual friend of mine and Jamie’s that Jackson had gotten into an accident. He said he was headed home after work on his bike when he was hit head on by a van. The hit he received was so hard that it was a miracle he had even survived it. I called Jamie to check on Jackson as soon as I heard the news. His spirits were good but I could definitely tell he worried. For the next few days I would check the family’s FB to keep up with the latest updates. Unfortunately nine days after the accident Jackson went to be with our Lord. He had given it a good fight but the injuries were just too much. There were countless prayers and well wishes from what I could see on FB.

After a few days went by, I asked Jamie would he mind if I put this tragic accident in my article. He seemed to like the idea. He spoke how Jackson had deep love and compassion for motorcycles. Jackson like his father just enjoys the ride and being around like minded people. Its sad to see something like this happen to someone so young, but Jackson didn’t want to leave this world without showing his love. At 16 years old, he decided to be an organ donor. So, with his gift of life, he was able to donate his heart, kidneys, pancreas, liver and some skin went to the burn center. He was truly a good and kind hearted young man. He is now and will be forever missed.

I just want my readers to be aware to always look twice for motorcycles. We get so caught up on what we are doing, that we forget there is a whole nother world around us. You might be worried about cooking supper when you get home. You may be in a rush to get little Becky to dance class or little Jerry to Boy Scouts, but it only takes seconds to changes somebody’s life forever. Anytime you are at the stop sign or crossing traffic. Just take an extra second to look twice. It’s not an inconvenience to save a life. It could be yours.

Well folks that’s what I got to share this go around. Please be safe out there and look twice and I will be in the wind right there with you, Behind Barz.

Big Ed / 2Timer

Left: Jackson and his family.

Below: Jackson on his motorcycles. The bottom photo is the 2013 HD Street Bob Jackson traded the Sporty for.

33 34

Blue Knights NC Chapter 2


On June 2nd and 3rd the Wake County chapter of the Blue Knights attended the Angier Bike fest. There were lots of local vendors, food trucks, and bands there also. The Blue Knights set up their tent with supporter shirts and were accepting donations to help them assist people in need. The donations and money made from events like these is used to help officers and/or their families if injured or killed in the line of duty and the members of the communities that they serve. Angier Bike fest was filled with a bunch of laughs and smiles and everyone there had a great time being able to hang out and do what we love.

This was the Blue Knights second time attending the Angier Bike fest and they will continue to attend all future Angier Bike Fests. So next year come on out to Angier, North Carolina for Bike Fest and support the Blue Knights Wake County Chapter and join us for some laughs and fun.

If you are interested in keeping up with all future events that the Wake County Chapter and our surrounding chapters of the Blue Knights will be hosting come check out the “Blue Knights Wake County Supporters” Facebook page that will be updated and run by current BKNC2 Director, Greg Toback.

Story and Photos: Samantha Raybon

Coastal Plains

Bikers For Christ 1st Annual Bike Show


Coastal Plains BFC Chapter, with the help from Onslow County BFC Chapter, held their first Bike Show event on 5/6/23 at the Kinston BBQ Fest in Kinston, NC. There were 20 Bikers/Bikes that participated in the Event. Each class had 1st through 3rd places with the Best of Show, Joe Daniels taking home 100.00 dollars in Prize money. Congratulations to all the winners that participated in the show! Funds raised from the show was a little over $600.00 and the monies raised will be used to help fund the Downed Biker fund and help fund the Ministry. Thank you everyone that helped make this event a success!

Joe Daniels winner of Best In Show! BikerWolf and Boom Boom representing. story & photos: Melynda “MOE” Snead


Nashville, NC 27856

Southern Gourmet Chili for hot dogs, burgers, tacos. Pour over pasta or cheese fries. Try adding beans! Use as a dip, and more.

You can find jars of Sweet Carolina Chili at Piggly Wiggly stores and at Fred’s Food Clubs you can find 64 ounce jugs. You can also find SCC at Lowe’s Foods in Raleigh, Apex, Cary, Knightdale and Wake Forest.

They have a hot dog cart (The Hot Dog People) and they are set up at The Nashville Junction (723 S. Barnes St. Nashville, NC) from 11am2pm on Thursdays. For more information call: JOAN THARRINGTON 252-903-2696

37 T. A. "Buzzy" Gardner, Jr., Attorney at Law, PLLC 201 Court St. #2503 Louisburg, NC 27549 919.729.1499 Business Law, Litigation, Traffic Law, Family Law Mon - Fri 9AM - 5 PM behind barz life’s not a lifestyle, it’s a way of life!
38 BB BIKER VIP Printing Rocky Mount, NC Wendy’s Hole In The Wall Boneyard HD Winterville, NC American Jewelry & Pawn Rocky Mount, NC Central Hardware Castalia, NC Sisters Cafe Bunn, NC Shelley Milburn Nationwide Insurance Rocky Mount, NC The Trailer Shop Faulkner’s Store Red Oak, NC Dick’s Hot Dog Stand Wilson, NC Farris & Thomas Law Spring Hope Barber Spring Hope, NC Wilson, NC Flying Iron HD Rocky Mount, NC Rocky Mount, NC Rocky Mount, NC Thee Redeemed House Kenly, NC Anita’s Greenville, NC Crossbones Trading Post Winterville, NC Goldsboro Antique Mall Goldsboro, NC
FRIENDLY BUSINESES Bud’s Grill Tarboro, NC Jack’s Groc. Rocky Mount, NC Old School Detail Old School Bike Shop Knightdale, NC County Line Groc. & Grill Zebulon, NC New River HD 39 MB Automotive Repair Hamlet, NC Webbs Mill Spring Hope, NC Ribeyes Steakhouse Nashville, NC Pipedreams Boydton, VA Smokin Wrenches Garage & Towing Rocky Mount, NC Sapony Creek Apiaries Rocky Mount, NC Steelhorse Strangers MC Roxboro, NC El Azteca Rest. Kinston, NC Highlands Lather Pikeville, NC Louisburg, NC Jacksonville, NC Wilson, NC Los Toros Durham, NC

Beautiful Day

BeBe and I finially got a little ride in today. Chadbourn, Fair Bluff, Lumber River State Park and Sundo at Boardman. What a beautiful day.

Robert R. Clatty, Wilmington, N.C.

Greenville to Kingsport Myrtle Beach

Took a little ride on the motorcycle this past weekend. Greenville to Kingsport, Tennessee. Kingsport to Asheville, North Carolina Asheville to Robbinsville, North Carolina. Robbinsville back to Kingsport. Kingsport back to Greenville. Rode the tail of the dragon, cherohala skyway (it dropped 15 degrees while on this), Moonshiners Run and The Snake. 1369 miles total. Stopped by Wheels Through Time Museum. What a great trip!

Cheers to a beautiful Weekend! Could not have been any prettier down at Myrtle Beach. Much needed vacation and R & R Gonna miss our view.

Livin' The 40

Jessie Britt
Mark Williams

The Life Stopped For Coffee

Motorcycle Skills Practice


NC 15-6 Triangle Chapter

On Sunday, April 23rd, several members from 15-6 and 15-1 attended the Motorcycle Skills Practice (SP) event in New London, NC. A good time was had by all as they spent time working through the obstacles of the course and sharpening their slow speed maneuvering skills. Thanks for coming out!

Took my longest trip alone, from home (Locust Grove, Virginia) to Reedville. 220 miles round trip. Half way there Saturday, the bike acted like it wasn’t getting gas....not fun last hour ride! Gas petcock was turned wrong but had a wonderful (but chilly) ride back this morning!!! Stopped for coffee in Montross.
Janet Pegg Teates
Jeanne Deak Spring Hope,, Dawn Harris Lexington, NC Grethe Elisabeth Kenly, NC Barbi Raleigh, NC 42 Send us your picture Livin' The Life Gailmarie Navalany Dupont,, PA Angela LexingtonWight NC Lesley Capen Bryson City Sandra Williams Rocky Mount Catina Cary Nashville, NC Frances Shabenas Bracey, VA Women Who Live Life Behind Barz Betty Jean SharpsburgBaker , NC
NashvilleShowtyme , NC Todd HendersonOwens , NC Scooby Keech Winterville, NC Tim Allen Spring Hope, NC Grip Tyler Rocky Mount,,NC Send us your picture Livin' The Life DennisBrysonCapenCity, NC Chase MocksvillePhelps , NC BrianKinstonCroom , NC Blair Skillman Boone, NC 43 Men Who Live Life Behind Barz Thomas Drungell NorthKannapolisCarolina Dale RoxboroTillman , NC


We are working to ensure events listed in Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine are as up to date as possible. Please be sure to confirm the status of any & all events before making plans to attend by calling or emailing the event contact person listed with event.



First Annual Veteran Car, Truck, Bike Show

Richmond VA Hospital 1201 Broad Rock Blvd. 9am-1pm. Free admission for all! Vendors, bouncy house, food trucks and more. For more info: 804-675-5135 or or


Combat veterans Motorcycle Association CVMA

4th Annual Tri-Chapter Stop Soldier Suicide Ride

Fainting Goat Brewing 102 W. Parrish Dr. More info: 919-701-1500



9th Annual Deadwood SD 3 Wheeler Rally

Poker Run, entertainment, socials, show & shine, parade, destination rides, contests, vendors, prizes & fun! All trikes welcome!

For more info or to register: 800-274-1876 ext 1103



Canines For Service Ride

Carolina Coast HD 6620 Market St.

Check in 9am-10am. Kickstands up 10:30am. $25 rider and $10 passenger. All proceeds go to Canines For Service. Fore more info: 910-791-9997

Pre-register by mail or in personon at CCHD



Falcon Home Fundraiser Ride

Exxon 5801 Prince George Dr.

Meet 11am. Kickstands up 11:30am. Stop for lunch at Third Base Grill 3215 Rock Creek Villa Dr. Quinton, VA. Registration is $10 per vehicle. Info: 804-720-3918

The Unified Few Motorcycle Club



King of Bike Night 5pm

The Boathouse 400 E. Colonial Ave.

Presented by B&R Productions. Food, bike competition, beer, live music. All bikes welcome. Open to everyone. All proceeds to SPCA NENC. See ad on page 19.




Christmas in July

Colonial HD 1701 Temple Parkway

11am-4pm. Every toy donated from June 1st - July 22 is an entry to win a $100 Colonial HD gift card! New unwrapped toys only. Lunch served by The Buffalo Soldiers. For more info: 804-861-4700



First Annual Memorial Ride For Road Kill Gary Bohler

Legends Sports Grill 3865 Soco Rd.

Meet 8am. KSU 10am. $15 per ider. $5 passenger. The ride will end at Legends Sports Grill Entertainment starts at 6pm. All proceeds go to Make A Wish.

More info: Thomas Charlesworth 727-643-4335


5th Annual Law Enforcement

Torch Ride For Special Olympics

Hope Church 2080 E. Williams St. Reg 7am. KSU 8:50am. Riders return and lunch at 11am.Lunch and raffles to be held afterward inside the A/C. Rider $30. Passenger $10. Entry fee includes lunch, 1 patch and 1 raffle ticket. More info email:




CVMA 15-6 “Triangle Chapter” August Bike Night

Hugger Mugger Brewing 229 Wicker Strret

Bikes, beer and camraderie! 6pm



83rd Annual Sturgis Rally & Races



9th Annual Rob’s Ride

VFW Post 9133 10am reg. 12 KSU. Lunch and after party! $20 donation. Lunch included. First 100 registrations receive free RR t-shirt. Music, food, drinks, raffle drawing. Presented by American InfideVMC-OGNC



14th Annual Hope For The Homeless

Motorcycle Ride And Cookout

New Light Church 2418 Cedar Rd. Reg 8am. KSU 9:30am Reg. fee $20. For more info: Bronx 757-338-1974

Eventz Behind Barz

See our Facebook page for these events and more:



Riverfalls Freeriders Poker Run

Start at Cricket’s 1037 Roanoke Ave.

End at Freeriders Riverfalls Clubhouse 363 Colonial Dr. Reg. 9:30-10:30am KSU 11am. Last bike out 11:30am. $25 per bike. $5 passenger. Prizes, door prizes, raffle, auction For more info: President Roland Cary 434-532-5253



2023 McGuire Poker Run

Starts VFW Post 1503 14631 Minnieville Rd.

Ends Fraternal Order of Eagles #4123 21 Cool Springs Rd. Fredericksburg, VA $25 rider. $15 passenger. Early online reg special: $20 rider. $10 passenger. Check in 8:30am. Safety briefing 9:45. First bike out 10am. Awards 3pm. 50/50, raffles, t-shirt sales, best and worst hands. Proceeds benefit VA Medical Center.



NC Chapter 265 Presents The 3rd Annual Poker Run American Legion Post 265 146 Broadhurst Rd. Reg. 10am-11am. Last bike in by 4pm. $15 donation per hand. 3 hands same rider $20. Free t-shirt while supplies last! Open to all vehicles! Prize for Best hand $250. Worst hand $100. Free food for each rider. $5 donation per plate non-riders. Food starts at 3:30pm. For more info: NCC



Lace, Grace & Gears 2023 Rally for Women

Fontana Village Resort & Marina 300 Woods Road

More info:



Twelth Annual Ride For Babies Ride For Life

Broad Street parking lot (the big chair). Ends at Ridgeway Firehouse on Joseph Martin Hwy. Reg 10am. KSU noon. All vehicles are welcome! $10 or $15 with passenger. Door prizes and lunch included. Must be present to win prizes. online reg available. A ride to benefit the Pregnancy Care Center of MHC, Inc.



Poker Run

Missionary Wesleyan Church 811 Doggett Rd. Reg 10am-11am. First bike out at 11am. Last bike in 1pm. $20 per rider includes lunch. Best hand $250. Worst hand $20. hot dog plate, bake sale, 50/50, silent auction. All proceeds got to help Mosaic Hope to help children of Rutherford County.




Bike Night

Fainting Goat Brewery 102 W. Parrish Dr. 919-701-1500



Meet and Greet

Cleveland Drafthouse 1420 E. Broad Street 919-659-5500


BENSON, NC Poker Run

CVMA 15-6 Sanction event at Fainting Goat Brewery 102 West Parrish Dr. $20 pre-reg. ($10 passenger) $25 day ofd Event. Auction, 50/50 raffle, food trucks, vendor tents. 919-701-1500



10th Anniversary Party American Infidels VMC-OGNC VFW Post 9133 Starts at 3pm. $10 donation food included. Win 2008 HD Deluxe. $50 donation to enter. 250 chances total.



343 Memorial Ride 18th Annual Carolina Coast HD 6620 Market St. $25 reg. includes escorted ride, t-shirt, pin, dogtag (first 343 riders) & food.

A North Carolina Red Knights Chapter 6 Event! Reg 10am-12 noon. KSU 1pm. 910-791-9997




3rd Annual Eastern NC Shovelfest

@ Old School Bike Shop 572 MC Wilder Rd. 12pm-5pm. Bike Show, swap meet, food trucks, live music, trophies awarded, prizes. Money raised for Meals On Wheels of Franklin County. No cover charge! Vendors welcome! Coolers and chairs welcome!

Sponsored by Old School Bike Shop. See ad on back cover of this issue!

Eventz Behind Barz

See our Facebook page for these events and more:
GIVE US A CALL IF YOUR BUSINESS WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE BEHIND BARZ STICKER SECTION OF THE MAGAZINE. WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR GREAT PRIZES TO GIVE AWAY! To receive a sticker, mail a self addressed, stamped envelope to: Behind Barz Mag PO Box 692 Nashville, NC 27856 HOT DOG STAND 1500 W. Nash St., Wilson • 243-6313 Serving Wilson for almost a century. Open Tuesday - Friday 10am-8pm Saturday 8:30am-3:00pm Sunday 10am-8pm Closed Monday Thank you all for your patronage and support. can’t win it if you don’t stick it! 46 EMMA CHURCH Middlesex, NC Won a garden flag from Wendy’s Hole In The Wall and a bottle koozie from Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson! If you would like the one pictured here, write “Holo Rebel Skull” on the envelope. We will also send you 3 three other stickers! JASON Spring Hope, NC Won a t-shirt from Old School Bike Shop and a koozie from of Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson! This spot Available!


For 19 years we have included stickers in each issue of the magazine. I personally put each and every sticker in each and every copy myself (Doobie)!!! Here lately folks have gotten bad about pulling stickers out of many copies... I guess because they like the stickers so much. It has happened in the past but not like it has the last few issues. It is unfair to others who pick up a copy of the magazine only to find that their copy does not have a sticker. So, starting with the Jan-Feb 2023 issue of Behind Barz we are not going to place stickers in each copy. We will have stickers available for FREE but you have to send a self addressed, stamped envelope to our PO Box listed on previous page. We will then send you the sticker that goes with this issue (if you write “HOLO REBEL SKULL” on the envelope) plus we will throw in 3 more stickers, of our choice. We hate this has to be done but with the time it takes to place each sticker in every copy and then people are pulling the stickers out we feel that this is the best way to do it right now. Thanks for your continued support! We still have lots of killer prizes from our sponsors on the previous page to give away. So remember, you can’t win it if you don’t stick it!




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