WOW! What a mild September and October we have been having! Temps in the 70s most days and 50s and 60s most nights. Great riding weather! It is forcast to be the same for some time. With that being said, there are lots of events and Toy Runs coming up in NC, SC and VA. Check them out in our EVENTZ section of this issue. As always, if you have an event that you would like us to share for you, please send it on over. We will include it in the print/online mag and on our social media sites. You can send via email: behindbarzmm@suddenlink.net or text us your info or flyer to: 252-314-8589
We are in the midst of the longest, saddest, most excruciating and unsatisfying I TOLD YOU SO in the history of the world!!! Please vote on or before November 8th! ...and in 2024!
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends! Always be thankful...we live in the greatest country on this planet! God Bless you and yours this Christmas season!
We hope you enjoy this last issue of 2022. It is packed full of photos and stories of bikers near and far, Living The Life! Feel free to send us your story! Thank you for your continued support!
Follow us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/BehindBarzMag
Our forefathers fought and died for this country and for us! When you see a veteran thank them for their service!!!
Merry Christmas from all of us at Behind Barz Mag!
We reserve the right to edit all letters, opinions, or articles for publication in “Behind Barz” Motorcycle Magazine. No part of “Behind Barz” may be reproduced for any
in intirety
Send: ideas, recipes, stories, photos, complaints, suggestions or whatever to: PO Box 692 - Nashville, N.C. - 27856 or email: behindbarzmm@suddenlink.net check out the official website... WWW.BEHINDBARZ.COM also FaceBook, Instagram, or Twitter
PUBLISHERS & EDITORS: debbie “DOOBIE” sykes - 252-314-8589 vince “Vinney” byrne - RIP
spick - the best of both worlds charlie - after the 18th hole m.a. - the one and only harley mama jason - foreign corespondent kate - foreign corespondent bones - black hills under ground pork - black hills high wire lady d - LA corespondent angel eyes - on the other side moe - shitcreek Survivor vinney - the original picker! RIP mike - always on call jaybird - Always ridin’ damn yank - on the north side bob bryant - poetry biker becky - Road Glide Queen dave - Iron Man chewy - iron mutt ewing RIP izzy - MM South Carolina big ed - Only as he can tell it! bobby earl - cointreuversial wild bill - the iron horse cowboy RIP “jus” rick - former golden boy preacher man - SHBC RIP d-rod - “guardians” public relations indiana bill - the longest in the world paul - ghost baseball player bob - preacher bob and bullwinkle michelle - keeping it real bunny - anywhere there’s cruzan RIP rodger - Jesus freak pam - VA MM mikey - Inspector Clouseau
Many people have asked how they can send care packages or letters to deploying #Soldiers. A few years ago, the Department of Defense made the decision to stop using military assets to ship letters and care packages to deployed Soldiers. In keeping with this guidance, Fort Bragg cannot receive care packages and/or letters to forward on to our deployed forces. However, we are blessed to have two major organizations that can assist if you wish to support our troops, the USO of North Carolina and NCPacks4Patriots.
The USO has a long relationship with Fort Bragg. In 1941, Fayetteville was home to the first USO outside of Washington DC. The #USO of NC has a center in Fort Bragg’s Maj. Gen. William C. Lee Soldiers Support Center, where they provide a wide variety of services to more than 400 Service members daily. The USO of NC is accepting in-kind donations that can be given to service members as they leave for a deployment. Examples of needed donations include hygiene items such as deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, baby wipes, energy drinks, snacks, etc. Unfortunately, the USO does not have the capability to send letters and care packages to service members overseas. The point of contact is (910) 495-1438 or via email at: pcannon@uso-nc.org.
NCPacks4Patriots is a volunteer non-profit organization based in the Eastern NC cross-roads town of Ayden. They have been supporting our deployed troops with care packages since 2005. Their packages contain hygiene items, snacks, recreational items and letters from grateful Americans. During this past holiday season they sent more than 900 packages to deployed forces. All items and postage for their operations come from donations.
Point of contact for NCPacks4Patriots is Barbara Whitehead, (252) 714-1175, email: ncp4p@yahoo.com.
Photo below: Our Energizer Squad was honored to meet these troops today! Emerald joined in the fun after school. They worked hard today and filled 350 bags of Christmas cheer. While they were working, soldiers were loading donations to support troops!
Photo above:
Photo right: Big thank you to Mount Olive Pickle
are a
Troops who are deployed and have a confirmed address are welcome to request care pack ages! Send name, address, and stop mail date to us by email to ncp4p@yahoo.com - information is only used for mailing labels and kept secure. You can also ask for special requests or needs and we will try to fill those. We ask that you let us know when packages arrive.
Please email or call
days and hours of operation are:
morning 9am-12.
Traveling home from the 2010 Motor Maid convention in Cody, Wyoming, my husband and I were looking for a place to spend the night. Suddenly a sign advertis ing Audrey’s Motel appeared. We had a good friend named Audrey back home in Virginia so of course it was just meant to be!
Fast forward to 2022. This time the Motor Maid convention was to take place in Rapid City, South Dakota. Our planned route took us right by “Audrey’s Motel”!!! So, of course we made it a DEFINITE DESTINATION! We arrived at Audrey’s day two from home hot and tired. Our only thoughts were air conditioning, a good meal and sleep. But before we could even get off of our bikes, out of the door bursts Hank, the owner, handing each of us an ice cold beer saying, “Thought you could use these!”
A week later after a great convention, we were headed home. We again, you guessed it, stayed at Audrey’s Motel. This time we sat outside, sippin’ those ice cold beers and swapping stories with Hank for a couple of hours. Audrey’s Motel is a biker friendly place and Hank himself never misses riding to Sturgis and beyond on his Electra Glide.
So, if you ever find yourself riding on I-29 through Missouri, be sure to stop at Audrey’s Motel in Mound City, exit 84. Hank and his wife Mary will be delighted and so will you! Ice cold beers await!
PS...Dinner at Quackers is a definite must!
Hint-hint Order the pizza!
Audrey’s Motel is located at 1211 State St. Mound City, MO. The only American owned motel/hotel in Holt County and Mound City!
YNAD ( You’re Not Alone Day) rolled around for its 14th year on the first Saturday in October as it always does. And just like every year, we and our families get geared up for what has become one of the biggest events of the year in our community. We decided early on to bring the event home to our new club house this year. We complet ed the remodel of the former gas stop and general store roughly 3 years ago and hosted YNAD at different locations over the past couple of years. It was nice being able to show off the hard work that all of our members have put into the old place to make it our home.
This year’s YNAD featured a beautiful 13 year old young lady that has more of a fighting spirit than most men I know! Mackenzie Williamson, is a straight A Honor Roll Student who is going into the 8th grade this year. Loves animals, playing her Play Station and enjoying time on the farm. On May 30th, 2022 Mackenzie was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Her treatment will require hospitalization each time, for at least 21 days. She finished here first round of chemotherapy on June 9th, 2022. The current plan is to do 2 more rounds of chemo and then a bone marrow transplant to give her the best chance at remission. So far, Mackenzie has had a bone marrow biopsy to test for specific mutations in the leukemia cells. She has had a spinal tap to check for leukemia involvement in her brain and spinal cord. At the same time, she received chemotherapy into her spine. She had a bronchoscopy with lung and ear cultures. And not to mention all the CT scans, MRIs and transfusions of platelets and blood. But she still finds
a way to put a big smile on her face!!! cultures. And not to mention all the CT scans, MRIs and transfusions of platelets and blood. But she still finds a way to put a big smile on her face!!!
This year did not come without its challenges. Hurricane Ian decided to come hang out the day before the event. A power outage at the Club House the night before AND the morning of the event, lingering rain during the morning hours and poor road conditions which changed the Poker Run route. But, taking a page out Mackenzies playbook, we tight ened our bootstraps and got after it!!
The weather did affect the number of riders in the poker run, but the die hard YNAD attendees did not fail us. We had a great ride that made it around into lakeside Clarksville, historic Chase City, beautiful South Hill and then back to God’s county, Palmer Springs.
As we approached the club house we were met by a HUGE crowd and one momentous surprise...It was Mackenzie!!! After a chilly damp ride, seeing the huge smile on the young girl’s face would warm up any man’s heart! After the ride, we threw down on some hog with baked beans, slaw and bread. All cooked locally and donated to the cause, served by our always beautiful Ol’ Ladies.
The auction, as always, is the highlight of the day. So many items to choose from with the majority of which were made by hand and with love for this young lady. This year didn’t disappoint with the trash talking, out bidding, laughing and love the always exudes for this portion of the event. Even a moment or two with tears as one or two items hit the block that reminded us of our late brother, FNG, who served our country proudly for 30 years with the US Army.
After it was all said and done, it was time to celebrate!!! DJ Peaches carried us on into the night. A successful day!!! Full of laughs, tears, brotherhood and community. As we, Exiled MC, have always said and mentioned earlier in the article; We live in the greatest community ever!!! Our Club is merely a facilitator in ths event. We connect a loving community with a person in need. The Community, the businesses, the local business owners and the families are what make YNAD great. Without the support and love from everyone the past 14 years, this event would not exist. It couldn’t happen without this community we live in. From all our hearts… THANK YOU!!
Story & Photos: Clint “Beanhead” Brame“Hurricane Ian was no match for Exiled MC and You’re Not Alone Day”
It’s hard to believe that the 2022 riding season is behind us in most areas of the country and that fall and winter are closing in upon us. Looking back at everything I saw and experienced and all of the people I met and ministered to this year I am in awe of and humbled by how God orchestrated events and led me where He wanted me to be.
He led me from Colorado to South Dakota to spend the summer so I could rest and recover from some back problems I was having before the rally started. I left South Dakota after the Black Hills Rally and rode to Indiana to see a good friend and then I rode down to my son’s place in Georgia for a few days before coming to Florida where “I think” I’m supposed to spend winter this year.
The months leading up to this year’s rally were relaxing even though they were filled with lower back issues, constant ministry opportunities and a few minor issues with Bullwinkle. I had planned to leave South Dakota the day after the Rally but I contracted the election infection and was delayed by a week while I recovered from it.
I got some ivermectin and it kicked the snot out of the covid in just a few days. I knew I was supposed to take a northern route as far as Indiana so when I decided which day to leave I checked the weather forecasts across the country. I was betrayed by the weather forecasters who said if I waited an extra day after recovering from being sick I’d have sunny skies and warm temperatures all the way to Georgia.
It was chilly when I left Belle Fourche but the stars were bright so, I thought it would warm up when the sun came up…I thought wrong because by 8:00am it began to rain and it kept raining until I got to Indiana…
The 2,000+ mile ride to Ocala Florida reminded me of my 48 state ride in 2016 because I rode mostly US highways and state and county roads through small town America. I enjoy towing Natasha behind Bullwinkle through small towns because almost everybody at gas stations and restaurants has a comment or question and that opens a door for me to share my story and make new friends.
Everybody who has an opportunity to take a trip across America should jump on it and go. The best way to see the real America is to do as many miles as possible on secondary roads through small towns. It isn’t the fastest way to travel but it’s the best way to see how diverse and beautiful America is.
The flat and barren deserts of western states transitioning to the Great Plains is subtle yet very evident. I love riding through and seeing the transition from the Great Plains to the rolling hills of the eastern Midwest, especially in the spring and summer. It is one of my favorite parts of the country to ride through…
Almost everyone I meet while I’m on the road asks me what my favorite part of America is and it takes a little explaining to answer them. I have to explain that my favorite part of America is the people I meet, not the geography. When I tell people that they say they get it but they want to know what my favorite state or region of the country is. I used to try to think of a particular place I found beautiful to answer their questions but after several years of crisscrossing this country I came to realize that every part of the country has its own beauty if we have the eyes to see it and take the time to look for it…
It’s in small town America where the heart and soul of the nation are easily seen. Slowing down and looking for the beauty we are blessed to have in America will change our perspectives and renew our hope for the future of the republic.
If not, you should be! The motorcycle industry is a 25+ billion dollar industry! The average income of a biker is $75k+ annually! Women are more than 1/3 of the motorcycle market! Average age is 40-65. Bikers spend over 3 billion annually on charities!
Get Behind Barz Mag distrib uted to your business and we will let bikers know you carry it and are biker friendly! All you have to do is ask! Call us and we will let you know how. 252-314-8589
Do you care about your business? If you do, and want to advertise in a respected and professional magazine, give us a call. We are the only full color, glossy biker publication in VA., N.C. & S.C. combined. We were the first free biker mag with an E-Magazine! We have more online social websites than anyone else to offer you the optimum advertising possibilities ~ Print Mag, Virtual Mag and many other social media outlets! All at your disposal for one price when you advertise with us! You have one option when adver tising with Behind Barz Mag ~ FULL COLOR! We do not do black & white, we do not do newsprint, we do not charge for web advertising!
We care about your business... do you?
Had an absolute blast today celebrating someone’s birthday, happy 29th beautiful (Michele Laymon). Thanks for a great day. We started down at Sanford at the Eyelight coffee shop. Yes, I had pumpkin pie with whip cream for breakfast, don’t judge, life is short, eat dessert FIRST. I mean seriously why chance it? Then we headed on down the road to visit Michele’s bestie and visit Barney and Andy. We’ve agreed we all need to go back and spend more time exploring Mt. Airy. I broke off to come back to Raleighwood and happened through Climax so why not? Oh wait, why not is farther down the road. Finished off with an adult beverage at House of Hops! Perfect day, pretty much! Stats - 336 miles.
Story and photos: Maria “Blinker” Hicks
As many of you already know, I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in August. As I go through the treatments and travel this journey, I am DEEPLY grateful for all the people who have reached out to me, prayed for me, messaged me, sent cards, etc. I am so very blessed with the best clients and friends ever! God is good and I will eventually be better than before. I am especially thankful to all the ladies (breast cancer survivors) I have tattooed in the past, as well as the new pink sisters who are with me through this, holding my hand and giving me such great advice and love.
I have cancer…. but it does NOT have me!
Sincerely, Angela Wolfe
Left: Shadow from Mildenhall, England
Right: US Air Force Zack with Matt & Meghan of the Royal Air Force Lakenheath England, UK
Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson & The Harley Shop At The Beach kick started the Hurricane Alley Rally the right way....with a FREE PARTY!
~ It all started Monday, Sept 26th at Dagwood’s Deli & Sports Bar - North Myrtle Beach! What a way to start the 2022 Rally with free food, live music, Rally giveaways, and H-D door prizes!
~ Tuesday, September 27th, it was Taco Tuesday with Wicked Tuna at their Tuna Shack! Bikers got to enjoy the gorgeous sites of the Intercoastal Waterway, enjoy Live Music on the outside stage, fuel up with FREE Tacos & Sides, take advantage of Margarita/Drink specials, and grab some FREE H-D Rally giveaways!
~ Wednesday, September 28th, it was Biker Olympics at The Rat Hole of Myrtle Beach! It was a full day of rally fun, entertainment and games!!!
~ Thursday September 29th Bike Night at the Boathouse was cancelled due to Hurricane Ian.
~ Friday October 1st Scenic Rally Ride was cancelled due to Hurricane Ian. But the sun was back out and the back lot at Myrtle Beach HD was rocking with vendors and Rally specials!
Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson had many vendors set-up in the back parking lot during the Rally. The Harley Shop at the Beach had a large inventory of new and pre-owned Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. As always, Myrtle Beach HD and the Harley Shop at The Beach went above and beyond with their events that were spread out from Little River all the way down to Murrells Inlet!
We had a blast and are so looking forward to Spring Bike Week 2023 and the Cruisin’ The Coast Rally! Hope to see you there!
Above: Gilbert Garcia of Plaza Del Mariachi Mexican Rest. in Zebulon, NC
Above: Great ride to Little Washington with Ken Larson and his family to Backwater Jack’s Waterfront Restaurant!
Below: ...followed by a ride out to Ayden, NC for some of the best ice cream you’ll ever put in your pie hole at Simply Natural Creamery!
Below: “Roach” and “Bubba” rode and joined us for dinner at Western Sizzlin’ Restaurant in Wilson!
Below: We bring the party when we ride! Me and the crew in Wayne County made a pit stop at East Coast Wings in Goldsboro and filled up our tanks!
If you ride like me, it’s inevitablely an all day thing (if not all night too) and riding makes me hungry. How bout you? We definitely burn more calories riding a motorcycle than those that are “caging” because we use more muscles controlling our two wheeled machines as opposed to just sitting on a couch with four wheels! Everybody has their favorite type of food and we as bikers all have our favorite restaurants and as you can see in my pictures, these are some of our favorites! Of course most of them include a bar, or at least offer ice cold beer! I personally gravitate to places that serve seafood but when I’m riding with my brothers, it doesn’t really matter where we eat, as long as we are together. It’s more about the fellowship and the brotherhood than it is about the menu! I don’t know why and maybe it’s just the way MamaJ raised me, but I like to eat slow and enjoy my food so it always seems like I am the last one to finish my meal but hey, it just gives everyone more time to enjoy talking and sharing stories... and man I’ve heard some great stories!
Above: El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant has several locations in Raleigh and Wilson, NC and I think we’ve explored every one of them... this is “Wahoo” and “Raven” joining us for dinner on one such adventure.
Some of the better places to eat have become destinations to ride to such as Deadwood featured in my very first “Riding With JayBird” article. It’s not too far away but just far enough to enjoy a great ride followed by some great food, a great atmosphere, and some ice cold beverages... and of course, some more excellent conversations! I’ve actually learned more about my brothers over a meal than I have at any bar I’ve been to. Not that I don’t enjoy riding to a great watering hole but it’s usually too loud to enjoy a meaningful conversa tion. Loud music and dancing is very enjoyable but it’s VERY difficult to hear what everyone is talking about when you’ve gotta compete with the music! Most of these places only serve chips, popcorn, or pretzels and that just doesn’t fill up a biker’s stomach anyway! Some of my best memories are of the times I’ve sat down with my brothers before, during, or after a nice ride, broke bread and enjoyed each other’s company over a hot meal. We are always looking for a new place to ride to and that usually ends up being somewhere we can sit down and have some good food because hey, “A Biker Gotta Eat”. What’s YOUR favorite place? Maybe I’ll see you there soon. If you see me, feel free to stop me and say hello!
Above:They treated us GREAT at Ribeyes Steakhouse Restaurant by the Waterfront in Greenville, NC!!! Excellent food, fantastic service, and awesome selection of beverages!
The Mayflower Seafood Restau rant is one of my favorite local seafood places that is a consis tent source of good food served hot and fresh!
Left & Below: ...and it never gets any more fresh than catching it yourself!!!
Above & below: Always a nice ride for great food is Washington Crab in Greenville, NC. Some of the best fresh seafood with an excellent menu!!! ...and MamaJ likes it too!
Annette Brown of A’Nets Katch Seafood Restaurant in Knightdale, NC always takes care of us when we want the BEST and FRESHEST local seafood in North Carolina! Her and her ol’ man, Greg Knish are Harley riders too!!! A’Nets Katch is not only a great seafood restaurant but they are also a full seafood market as well offering a HUGE assortment of freshly caught shellfish and seafood that they will either prepare for your dining pleasure or package for you to carry home for you to prepare yourself!
The Substance is (The Real) And is the Evidence (The Truth) that is not in this present yet.
I am thankful for this opportunity each quarter writing for Behind Barz mag...a message ride of thankfulness and Gratitude !
The World today has proven there is alot to deal with. At times, all one can do is just survive, kind of like drifting along with the flow of a slow crawling traffic jam.
We could split lanes, but there is a danger that is present ed when considering that move.
So we drift along , day after day, month after month, mile after mile, anticipating the other side. Maybe this other side will be uncongested two years from now?
I get jammed up non sense that doesn’t make common sense, something is definitely wrong and why? Isn’t a right being done about it all?
We may not be able to do anything right now, but know this! Something is being done and has already been done.
The road this world is riding down is uncertain, but it is certainly heading down from an interstate to a narrow back road, a funnel narrowing everything to a destination. A final destination, where everything false will be destroyed by all that is true!
This Truth is a matter of fact, and the fact of this matter has been prophecied from Genesis to Revelation, the Beginning to the End.
This Faith, by God’s Word is defined; “ Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”
Hebrews 11
The present time as we know it as this world’s history has an end time of time as we know it.
The road is narrowing down to a dead end, and end of this world to a New Road out of this world.
A road paved by a Revelation for all eternity. At it’s entrance will be one person seated on a Throne, entrance will be granted based on your belief in His Truth.
A truth that will never decieve as the lies of today does.
I want to take this opportunity to ride with a message of thankfulness and Gratitude for the Good Newz of Jesus the Christ...
Thank You Jesus for Your Free Gift of Salvation!
Love, Jesus Freak Rodger.
I only started riding motorcycles a couple of years ago. My boyfriend builds bikes and has ridden most of his life. When we started dating, I really liked getting to ride with him, but I also thought I’d really like riding my own.
I decided to surprise him and take the class to get my endorsement, except I was so excited after the first day of class that I called him on the way home to tell him I was hooked!!! I love everything about riding and it was a natural fit into my already active, outdoorsy life.
A few months after I got my endorsement, I was given a custom Street Glide for my birthday. I ride that bike everywhere, every chance I get. Riding my own bike is the best of not only getting to be independent but also feeling like part of a larger community. Whether I’m riding somewhere to run, run errands, or just go get ice cream an hour away, every trip is better on my motorcycle.
Sara HartmanI live in Forest City, North Carolina and I ride a 2007 Harley-Davidson Street Glide.
Let us know how or why you are Livin' The Life We would love to hear your story! You can email us or send us a message on facebook: behindbarzmm@suddenlink.net or www.facebook.com/BehindBarzMag No matter what...keep Livin’ The Life Behind Barz! ~Doobie
Debbie Ann Moore Rodriguez, 60, passed away Tuesday, October 4, 2022. She was born December 2, 1961 in Nash County to the late Carl Sr. and Edith Hale Moore. She loved her family, flowers, riding motorcycles, and loved her dogs. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by two brothers Quince P. Hale and Carl Emmitt Moore, Jr.
She leaves to cherish her memory her Fiancé Carlos Moreno; brother Tony Moore; best friends for 50 years Tammy and Larry Johnson; sister-inlaw Lynn Hale; nephews Scott Hale (Joanna), Carl Moore (Amber), and Brandon Hale; great-nephews and niece Blaine, Mason, Jillian, and Jase; almost sisters Connie Hale, Lisa Daniels and god-daughter Emily; many other friends and family that loved her.
The family requests plantable flowers for a memorial garden in Debbie’s name. Memorials may be made to Tony Moore for funeral expenses and memorial garden , PO Box 25, Castalia, NC 27816.
“DMR”, as I liked to call Debbie, was an amazing person! She was always concerned for her friends and familie’s wellbeing and health. She kept in touch with what was going on in the biker community and shared events and happenings all the time. She commented on just about everybody’s pictures and posts on their Facebook pages and tried to attend events no matter how bad she felt. I, along with many of you, followed her on her Facebook page. She posted often of what she was going through... and it was a lot. From dialysis, to surgeries, the pain, etc...she was going through so much every day. DMR you were a tough chick and you were a legend here on this ol’ cruel world. You endured so much while encouraging others and had unrelenting faith in Jesus all while doing so. We are sad but know you are rejoicing! We love you and we will certainly miss you, DMR you were such a dear friend! Until we meet again...Godspeed! ~ Doobie
I could hang around the neighborhood with the kids that lived nearby but most of the time I was 5 to 10 miles away from home.
The best part about those trips I would make was the surroundings. I’d peddle across town and see everything. I knew where the good dogs where and which dogs not to get too close to. I knew the people and eventually used my trips to cut grass to make some money as a kid. I could go see anyone. Friends from school, and members of my family. I especially loved visiting with my Grandpa. He had something going on all the time. He was a mechanic all his life until he retired. Then even in retirement he was working on cars. The man was great and very mechanically inclined. He would tell me stories about him growing up... especially during the Great Depression. He told me how he and his family would have to go live with different farmers to work just so they could eat. Times where definitely hard. His daddy had ran off and left behind he and his family. He was a youngin when his daddy ran off and he had spent a many night waiting for his daddy to come home and help save the family. His daddy’s name was Jasper Taylor, in case I got family out their and I don’t know who you are. Although I don’t care to know about Jasper, I wouldn’t mind meeting my blood family. Hey, use any means necessary right ? Hahaha!
I have broken in my new bike. I’ve been riding back and forth to work damn near every day. I have been caught in the rain a hand full of times, too. So oh yeah, it’s broke in. As we say in Unspoken Sons MC, “It doesn’t rain on a son, it pours.“
I have really enjoyed my new bike. I’m definitely grateful. For 10 years I’ve been riding the sporty and I’ve got to say my body is loving this Electra Glide. It is a caddy compared to the Nightster.
Funny how your mind drifts while you are riding. Of course you are paying attention to riding, but on those long straights on the highway. My mind will just drift off.
I start thinking about anything and every thing. I think about when I was a kid and the freedoms I had back then. I didn’t live my childhood in a yard with boundaries. I had the entire world at my door, it seems. I went everywhere my bicycle would carry me.
I love my bike trips to Grandpa’s, as I was saying. One of those trips was definitely memorable. I had ridden my bike many time to his house but this one time I came around a curve and this ol’ mutt came flying from underneath the house it stayed at. This dog was not happy at all to see me and gave me one hell of a chase. I was scared to death as I was peddling my bike as fast as I could go. The dog seemed to be gaining ground on me but somehow I was able to elude him and make it to Grandpa’s. Once I got to Grandpa’s, I told him about my scare. He asked about where the dog lived. I told him, and we went on about our day hanging out together.
As the day started to end and the shadows started getting long at the edge of the woods it was in the back of my mind that I was going to have to face that dog again. My Grandpa must of had it on his mind, too. First he asked, would I like for him to carry me home. I was starting to think about it but I can’t let this dog ruin my trips to see Grandpa. I explained this to my Grandpa and he seemed to understand. Then he patted me on the shoulder and said, “ Son, I know just the thing that will help you out.” We jumped in his truck and he rode us down to the grocery store. He bought two items. A bottle of household ammonia and a cheap toy water gun. It was yellow, I can still see it in my mind.
We went back to his house where he proceeded to fill the water gun with the household ammonia. He then gave me the water gun with some instructions.
He told me, when the dog comes running out from underneath the house and gets close to me to aim this water gun straight for the dog’s nose and give him a few good sprays. He told me that I wouldn’t have to worry about the dog no more.
So I took off with my bicycle and started heading my way back home. I could feel my anxiety kicking in as I started making the curve. I thought to myself...Was that dog going to come after me? Was the water gun going to be enough? I was nervous. As soon as I made it to the house where the dog lived, the dog was watching me and sure enough he come bailing out from underneath. He started to gain full speed and I grabbed that water gun and I sprayed that sucker in his face just like my Grandpa had instructed. SURPRISE, SURPRISE Mr. going to chase a skinny kid on a bicycle! As soon as the household Ammonia hit that dogs face, that dog started making a fuss. He must of had a very important appointment underneath that old house of his because he was uh running and uh squalling!
He looked as if he needed to make a ditch along the way because he was burying his face in the dirt like an ol’ tater plow. Not to forget I could hear him slapping the support boards under the house. I was scared still but WOW that was exciting!
When I got home I called Grandpa and told him about what happened. He assured me that the dog would never bother me again. Hahaha. He wasn’t lying. Every time after that, when I rode my bike passed this dog’s yard his tail would tuck under and he would go under the house. He didn’t want no more part of me. Hahaha!!! Good times and old memories. Might not have been for the dog but it sure stuck in my head all my life.
These are things that float around in my brain whilst I’m riding my motorcycle. Just great memories and fun times. That’s good wind therapy. Well, that’s all for me this time around. The cold months are upon us but don’t let that slow you down. Bundle up and twist that throttle back. Until next time.
Ed “Two Timer”On Thursday August 11, 2022, five of us ( BK Gaither, Jodi Isenberg, Donna Sanders, Pam Murphy and myself ) left on a back roads journey to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky. By the time we hit 421 near Shady Valley, it was raining pretty hard and the curves got pretty tight but we continued on to conquer “The Snake”.
The rain let up as we crossed the line into Tennessee, then by the time we crossed into Kentucky, blue skies appeared.
Then we were back on the bikes to meet up with 2 other wind-sisters ( Janette Delmoro-Sipes and Lori Thomas ) who were from Kentucky and offered to give us a tour of
this beautiful area. We fol lowed them down into the deep hollers, winding our way to the Nada Tunnel.
The Nada Tunnel is a historic 900-foot long tunnel along Kentucky Route 77. Formerly a railway tunnel, the now paved tunnel has often been described as the “Gateway to Red River Gorge”.
The beautiful weather and scenery soon became clouded by the devastation left by the floods. Piles upon piles of debris and signs telling people where to go for food and water. Emergency response teams trying to help those in need. It was heart breaking. We soon found out our hotel housed displaced victims seeking shelter and construction workers who arrived from far away places to help rebuild.
The next day started with an adventure underground into an old flooded limestone mine. We paddled our way around in crystal clear kayaks with glow sticks underneath them. What an amazing adventure.
The “Eye of the Dragon” is a route full of tight curves as we made our way to the Skybridge (natural archway) where the views were incredible. As we continued on our route, we stopped at a lovely old covered bridge. The 63’ long “Goddard Covered bridge” was built around 1820 and was moved to its present location in 1933 when Highway 32 was rebuilt. We ended our day of riding with Janette taking us back through the Nada Tunnel the back way. The opening in the tunnel is almost hard to see with all the overgrown vines that cover the entire side of the mountain. What an incredible ride!
Our 3rd day we packed up and said our goodbyes to our friends. They headed west and we headed east from Kentucky over to Virginia. I couldn’t believe how much the landscaping changes. The kudzu covers everything and it’s literally like sculptures carefully manicured. It’s abso lutely amazing. We drove all the backroads to Tazwell Virginia with a stop for a bite to eat and then a personal old favorite ride on “The Back of the Dragon”. An amazing ride that spans over 3 mountain ranges. Our last day was more of the same backroads as we made our way home from Marion,VirginiaI. I chose to ride in the back of pack to capture the beauty of these ladies while they ride.
They conquered every challenge thrown at them this trip and still said after each hurdle…”That was Awesome”. The amazing sites of the roads less traveled are abso lutely beautiful. People need to get off the highways and get on these smaller roads to truly capture the beauty of our country. Allot of wonderful memories were made this trip. Jodi Isenberg, Thank you for co-leading with me and Janette Delmoro-Sipes for the beautiful tour of Red River Gorge.
I’m blessed to have known these ladies for years and to have these women to ride with. Our relationship is not just riding, we are involved in each other’s lives like family. We are “Wind-Sisters”.
8 October 22
Youngsville, NC
I took a little ride over to Bud’s Tavern & Grill in Youngsville to support the Annual Chief T Memorial ride. It is put on by the Veteran Enforcers Motorcycle Association.
Rest In Peace Gary ‘Chief T’ Turner Till Valhalla!!! I met Chief T in the early 2000’s when I was a member of Rolling Thunder NC-4 in Raleigh. We rode many a mile, a few U-Turns { another story } and stood many a Flag Line with him over the years with the Patriot Guard Riders of NC. We still continue to ride in his memory!!!
I ran into multiple friends at Bud’s Tavern who were riding to Support Adam. It is always good to cross paths with Good People!!!
I had a really good - Bacon Cheese Burger there. I highly recommend!
I Won $100 for the Scavenger Hunt and donated $50 back...it’s all for a GOOD Cause!!!
The Annual Chief T. Memorial Scavenger Hunt & Ride benefits Military Missions in Action who supports veterans and active duty military through several programs - home restorations, helping homeless veterans, Operation Rescue Christmas & care packages.
VEMA is a law enforcement and fire-rescue motorcycle association benefiting those who have answered the call to duty.
We are working to ensure events listed in Behind Barz Motorcycle Magazine are as up to date as possible. Please be sure to confirm the status of any & all events before making plans to attend by calling or emailing the event contact person listed with event.
4th Annual Ride For A Wreath for Sandhills State Veterans Cemetery Fort Bragg HD 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd. Reg 8am. $20 per bike. $10 passenger. Ceremony begins 10am. Kickstands up 11am. Ride concludes at Dirty Whiskey 5431 Corporation Dr. Hope Mills.
To benefit Falcon Childrens Home Deuces Saloon 2101 E. Elm St. 11am $5 plus new unwrapped toy or cash donation in sealed envelope. Call for info: 919-221-5901
B.A.C.A. Capital Area Chapter Poker Run Cary VFW Post 7383 522 Reddy Creek Rd. Reg 10:30am-11:30am. Kickstands up 12pm. $15 rider and $5 passenger. Door prizes, food and beverage. For more info: Sandman 401-692-1438 or Shuga: 919-395-9366
Dragon Slayers Motorcycle Club Turkey Shoot
Food and adult beverages. Raffle tickets $5 per ticket for a chance at a new Blackstone grill. Supporting Camp4Heros. Do not have to be present to win last night. Gates open 6pm. 6401 Knightdale Eagle Rock Rd.
Tar River Jeep, Car, Truck & Bike Show Sunset Church of God 1709 Anaconda Rd.
Reg 10am. Last reg 12pm. Ballots due by 1pm. Winners announced by 2pm. $20 reg fee say of event.
Charlotte’s Ride presented by Red Knights MC Bogue Banks Chapter IV
East Regional Beach Access 2700 Emerald Dr. Starts 12pm. Kickstands up at 1pm. Ride fee is FREE but donations greatly appreciated! All donations go directly to Charlotte’s family. More info: nc4@redknightsmc.com.
SPRING HOPE, NC Holiday Craft Fair at Webbs Mill Wedding & Events 9245 Webbs Mill Rd. 11am-4pm. webbsmillevents@yahoo.com
Dragon Slayers Motorcycle Club Turkey Shoot
Food and adult beverages. Raffle tickets $5 per ticket for a chance at a new Blackstone grill. Supporting Camp4Heros. Do not have to be present to win last night. Gates open 6pm. 6401 Knightdale Eagle Rock Rd.
Richard “Trike” Amich Wreath’s Across America Ride At Morgan’s Corner Duck Thru 1052 US-158. Reg. 10am.
First bike out at 11am. Last bike in at 2pm. Donations of $20 per rider will purchase one wreath for a resting veteran and lunch. Destination VFW Post 6060 at 1433 N. Road St. For more info: Roy Hankinson 757-553-2470
Dragon Slayers Motorcycle Club Turkey Shoot
Food and adult beverages. Raffle tickets $5 per ticket for a chance at a new Blackstone grill. Supporting Camp4Heros. Do not have to be present to win last night. Gates open 6pm. 6401 Knightdale Eagle Rock Rd.
40th Annual
Reg 12pm at Ft. Bragg HD 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd. 2pm Kickstands up. Head to Segra Stadium 460 Hay St. Gates open at 2:15. Bring new unwrapped toy for entry.
Kingdom Warriors MM Toy Run
Nash County Ag Center 1006 Eastern Ave.
Reg 10:30am. Kickstands up 11:30am. Fee $20 per biker/ $5 per rider or new unwrapped toy of equal value to be donated to Nash County Foster care. Danny Carter: 252-903-8403 Danny Taylor 252-452-1877
16th Annual Jones County Toy Run at Broken Spoke Biker Church 6661 Hwy 58 South Reg 9am-10:30am. Kickstands up at 11am. New toy or cash donation. Lunch served after ride. More info Clayton: 910-358-0992 or Ralph 910-340-3347
Wayne County Motorcycle Riders Presents 34th Annual Toy Run. Starts at Berkley Mall at 12pm. Kickstands up at 2pm. One unwrapped toy or $10 donation. Party to follow at American Legion Post 11 2973 S. US Alt Hwy 117. Contact Forrest Tanner Jr. 919-273-7249 or Post 11 at: 919-734-0407 See ad on page 35 in this issue.
New River HD 18th Annual Toys For Tots Toy Ride 2394 Wilmington Hwy. Kickstands up at noon. Bring a new unwrapped toy for registration. Escorted ride followed by a hot dog lunch. More info: 910-346-9997 or www.NRHD.com
30th Annual Ride for the Kennedy Children’s Home Temple Baptist Church 1500 Kingdom Way. Reg 9:30am -11am. Kickstands up at noon. $20 per irder. $10 passenger. Lunch served at Kennedy Home. You can donate online: KHToyRun.org More info: 252-269-5261 or on Facebook at Kennedy Home Toy Run
Beach House HD 13 Annual Toys For Tots 100 Harley-Davidson Drive. Reg 9am-11:30am. New unwrapped toy or cash donation. Kickstands up at 12pm.
SPRING HOPE, NC Batchelor’s 29th Annual Toy Run
At Webbs Mill 9245 Webbs Mill Rd.
At 1pm. Bring a toy and join the run to Ephesus Baptist Church. Return to Webbs Mill for food, prizes, and fun. All proceeds go to Tar River Christian Family Ministries Toy Store. Rain or shine!
More info: Charlie 252-908-1986 or Josh 252-478-5341
See ad on page 17 in this issue!
at Living Faith Fellowship Church 1090 West Mount Drive. Reg 9am. Kickstands up 11am. Starts and ends at Living Faith Fellowship Church. Come join us in a country ride to help bring Christmas to Lindsey Price and her 3 boys, Justin, Aiden and Mason. All bikes, cars, trucks are welcome. $20 bike/car. $5 per rider. Walk in guest can purchase $5 meal ticket. Take a chance bidding on or auctioning of cake and door prizes. Donations are welcome! Rain or shine. a
See the Behind Barz Facebook page for these events and more at: www.facebook.com/BehindBarzMag