the good news! ”Let’s ride!” If I asked you to look at the world today, what would you see? That is a loaded question for today, there is much to see, to know, and to understand. What is the first thing you notice? Are you having trouble trying to focus in on the first thing that comes to your mind? One of the safety instruction one hears before a group ride, is this, you will go where you look. If you look at what’s off the road ,you will drift off of it. It’s important to “Notice” what’s going on surrounding you, but don’t look into it, if you do you’ll go there and it will be a mess. Are you following me? Your destination is focused on the road you’re traveling down. To enjoy the ride and notice the scenery along the journey look where your mind is on it. Are ya upshifting to cruise ,or down to shifting to recognise a problem. Some of the things I’ve noticed when I look at the world today have convinced me to change gears up to cruise and enjoy the ride or down shift to understand the ride. A main conclusion of thought one may have when one looks at the world today, is “ Brother, sister, this world is messed up!”
Rodger Duvall ~ Jesus Freak Thee Redeemed House biker Church
Matthew 24:21 “ For then there will be great tribulation ( a cause of great trouble and suffering). Such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be”... Matthew 24:29,30 “ Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30. Then the Son of man will appear in heaven, and the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming with great power and glory”.
There is good in this world, and today is a great day to ride, and to notice this!
Did you notice the world will mourn? Those of the world will look and take notice in how they didn’t notice Jesus, but now do.
NOTICED Is defined... 1. The fact of observing to something . 2. Notification or warning of something to allow preparations to be made.
There is a destination in all this ride for everyone, there is waiting, a throne room parking lot for whosoever together to ride. K.U. will be announced with a trumpet call!
Look at the world today one will become aware of what’s going on it. The only way to understand the why of its impending warning notice is to know it’s purpose!
We ride for Jesus now, but then we will ride with Jesus! The choice is yours to make. He’s choosing you! This is the event flyer, Going...Interested...or not going ?
This may cause one to down shift here, but its purpose is peace, final peace.
He’s waiting for everyone to gather. Jesus is calling with a knock on the door of your heart! “Let’s Ride” And you won’t look for the world today, you’ll notice The Kingdom to come.
We all want peace, and to desire it is to know conflict. Notice the warning about the world today, from Jesus...
Here’s my cell number also if you need someone to talk to 919-915-3934.