Doral Family Journal

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November 06, 2011 EDICIÓN QUINCENAL


No. 12

The State of the City Magnet Schools: A world of Choices


DO R A L familyjournal

November 06, 2011 • No. 11 • Year 1 Editor in Chief: Ettore Sabatella Executive Editor: Carlo Sabatella Managing Editor: Sandra Figueiredo Art Director: Mario Carpio Contributors: Dominique Barba Grecia Romero Cesar Gamarra Dr. A. De Diego Catarina Salmi Alex Garcia Antonella Stelluto

Nicole Fox Lisandra Alvarez Mike Rodriguez Maria Sabatella Erika Angulo Maria Vallasciani Carlos García

Online Digital Magazine E-mail: Address: 10773 NW 58 ST. PMB # 96 MIAMI, FL. 33178 * Ph: (305) 300.4594


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

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Doral Family Journal

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


Community | Comunidad Henrique Capriles motiva a los Venezolanos que residen en Miami:

“Esta es la oportunidad de Oro”

Por Antonella Stelluto


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


on un discurso simple, elocuente y es“Caos es lo que tenemos nosotros en estos peranzador el precandidato a la presimomentos en Venezuela con un índice cada vez dencia de Venezuela y protagonista de más alto de violencia, con 1,500 empresas exla velada, alentó a los asistentes que acudieron propiadas durante los últimos tiempos, con la al encuentro de venezolanos con Henrique Catasa de inflación mas elevada del mundo,” dijo priles Radonski. Radonski. El evento fue convocado por la Mesa de la El precandidato asegura que no vino a camUnidad Democrática del Circuito Electoral de biar la mentalidad de los ciudadanos, sino a inMiami y tuvo lugar el pasado Martes 25 de Ocvitarlos a ser participes del futuro del país. tubre en Hotel Intercontinental de la Cuidad del “Aquí se trata de construir en el futuro un Doral. proyecto que tenga miles de razones para que A la cita asistieron más de 400 personas, en quienes viven en el exterior regresen a Venezuesu mayoría venezolanos, así como figuras prola,” dijo Radonski. minentes del Doral como el Alcalde Juan Carlos El cambio que este dirigente político le ofrece Bermúdez y los Concejales Pete Cabrera y Luigi al país no es otra cosa que “progreso.” Boria. “Cuando hay progreso hay educación. Cuan“En Venezuela puede empezar el cambio,” do hay progreso hay salud, hay empleo y hay dijo el Alcalde Bermúdez. seguridad. El modelo que tenemos ahora en Ve“La democracia es tal vez imperfecta, pero es nezuela no genera progreso, porque es un esel sistema que mejor funciona,” agregó. tado que quiere hacerse dueño de todo.” éste El precandidato venezolano y actual Goberdijo. nador del Estado Miranda, concientizó al pue“El reto que tenemos es construir un modelo Randoski quiso también apaciguar las inquie- que genere empleos y oportunidades para toblo venezolano sobre la importancia de ejercer el voto en la próximas elecciones presidencia- tudes que existen entre los venezolanos con dos y no quedarnos en los dogmas del pasarespecto a la existencia de un “posible cambio” do,” agregó. les. Radonski invitó a todos a los venezolanos y que éste conlleve a un caos en el país. que no se han inscrito en el registro electoral, a que asistan en los próximos días al Consulado de Venezuela a inscribirse con el fin de que puedan participar en las elecciones primarias el 12 de Febrero del 2012. “En Venezuela no hay un juego equilibrado. El gobierno usa todo los recursos del estado [para hacer campaña],” dijo Radonski. “Pero si no hubiera oportunidad de organizarnos así como de tener personas en las mesas de votación, yo no fuera Gobernador,” agregó. El llamado al voto es crucial para el futuro de Venezuela, ya que según el Censo realizado en el 2010 en los Estados Unidos residen actualmente más de 215.000 venezolanos. La mayoría de ellos, viven en el estado de la Florida. Las jornadas de inscripción en el exterior para los comicios presidenciales cierran el 31 de Octubre Concejal Pete Cabrera, Alcalde Juan Carlos Bermudez, Gobernador de Miranda (Vzla) Henrique Capriles y el Concejal Luigi Boria de este año.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


Community | Comunidad

A breakfast for the next “Principals for a Day”. By Dominique Barba


s i s i r C

omo lo hemos indicado muchas veces, la crisis económica y los consecuentes recortes presupuestales han afectado directamente a la educación pública poniendo en peligro su impecable calidad. Como parte de los esfuerzos de Miami Dade County Public Schools para contrarrestar los efectos devastadores de esta inestabilidad, se están llevando a cabo una serie de iniciativas innovadores que están logrando aliviar afirmativamente esta dura situación. El proyecto “Director por un Día” es un programa establecido para lograr la participación efectiva de todos los miembros de comunidad en el sistema público escolar. Este proyecto si bien nació en Nueva York, fue implementado hace 15 años en el Condado Miami Dade por Lisa Thurber, Directora del Distrito Escolar para la Oficina de Participación Comunitaria, quién hasta fecha lo sigue liderando. El martes 1 de noviembre de 2011 en las instalaciones de Jungle Island se llevó a cabo el desayuno para la puesta en marcha de proyecto. La Sra. Arlene Martínez directora del proyecto nos indicó que se sentía muy complacida al comprobar que cada una de las escuelas públicas presentes ya contaba con su “Director por un Día”. Mas de 700 personas asistieron al evento, entre directores, socios, empresarios y autoridades educativas; El desayuno fue auspiciado por distintas entidades tales como Bank of America, The Coalition of Miami Dade County Chamber of Commerce, Miami Herald, Miami Heat, etc. Según la Sra. Martínez, la participación de la comunidad es vital para el sistema, ya que al involucrarse adquieren un claro conocimiento de las necesidades particulares de cada escuela que auspician, convirtiéndose en firmes defensores de estas. Doral Family Journal dijo presente a este llamado. La escuela Eugenia B Thomas K-8 nombró a su Director, Sr Ettore Sabatella, como Principal for a Day lo que significa un compromiso de apoyo a lo largo de todo el año escolar. Al respecto, Ms Mayra Falcon indicó : “Es maravilloso tener un principal por un día que me emule , que disfrute lo que es ser un director y que entienda que las escuelas son tan complejas como los negocios. También serán directores en diferentes escuelas de Doral, el concejal Luigi Boria, así como María Eugenia Pardo y Nubielena Medina, quienés también estuvieron presentes en este desayuno. El Superintendente de Escuelas, Alberto Carvalho agradeció el apoyo y conminó a la comunidad a seguir involucrándose. Por otra parte, la Dra. Carmen Marinelli nos comentó que “este esfuerzo es de todos y el éxito lo vamos a alcanzar juntos si todos cooperamos”.


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


s we have indicated in several opportunities, the economic crisis and the ensuing budget cuts had directly affected the public education, putting at risk its untarnished quality. The Miami Dade County Public School System, as part of their efforts to minimize the impact of this debilitating situation, is executing a series of very creative initiatives to alleviate this hard situation. The “Principal for a Day” project is a key program designed to achieve an effective participation of the members of the community in the public school system. This program, born in New York, was implemented 15 years ago in Miami Dade County by Ms. Lisa Thurber, School District Director for Community Participation, and has led it since then. On Tuesday, November 1st, there was a kick-off breakfast at Jungle Island to start the project for the current year. Mrs. Arlene Martinez, project director, was very satisfied by the fact that all public schools attending the event already had designated their “Principal for a day”. With an attendance of over 700 people, including principals, partners and school district authorities, the breakfast was sponsored by several entities like Bank of America, the Coalition of Miami Dade County Chambers of Commerce, the Miami Herald, the Miami Heat, etc. According to Mrs. Martinez, the participation of the business community, press and services is key to the school system; by getting involved, these organizations get a clear understanding of the particular needs of their sponsored school, turning into strong school advocates. Doral Family Journal answered this call and Mr. Ettore Sabatella, DFJ’s Director, was named “Principal for a Day” by the Eugenia B Thomas K-8 Center, with a commitment of continuous support to the school throughout the year. On this regard, Ms. Mayra Falcon, EBT’s Principal, told us: It is really exciting to have a Principal for a Day shadow me, so he can feel how is truly to be a principal and enjoy and understand schools are as complex as a business”. Councilman Luigi Boria, Maria Eugenia Pardo and Nubielena Medina, were present at this breakfast and will also be principals in different schools from Doral.The event closed with Miami Dade School Superintendent Mr. Alberto Carvalho’s words of recognition for all the support received and encouraging community’s involvement. As Dr. Carmen Marinelli stated: “This is everybody’s effort and we can only succeed if we all work together”.

Un Desayuno para los próximos “Directores por un Día”

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DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


Community | Comunidad

The State of the City: Eight years of excelence in Doral By Carlos Garcia Doral residents had to travel to neighboring cities to use public parks. Today, Doral has become a host city to residents from other cities who enjoy the use of Doral parks’ recreational services. Also, Doral has begun implementing water management projects to improve the city’s natural resources.

said it was possible to lower taxes for the city’s benefit, while allowing the city to grow and prosper. When the city was founded eight years ago, there were no public parks for residents, or community structures that offered services. In those days,

Doral’s improved government transparency. Doral is unique because it has its own TV and radio station which transmits events and meetings held by city officials. These broadcasts enable Doral citizens to remain updated about current issues and how tax pay-


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


s in the past, City of Doral Mayor, Juan Carlos Bermudez, presented the annual “State of the City” address on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 to a group of residents, friends, city employees and family members. Mayor Bermudez rolled out his vision for the coming year and the future of Doral’s economy. The Mayor also presented the City’s accomplishments for fiscal year 2010-2011. On this occasion not only did he speak of the city’s achievements, but also of the city’s growth over the last eight years in comparison to other cities in South Florida. Mayor Bermudez acknowledged these achievements are the result of a collaborative effort by city officials and Doral citizens. At the time of his candidacy, Mayor Bermudez promised to organize Doral without raising the taxes residents were already paying to the government. This campaign promise was fulfilled, thanks to the cooperation of city officials and the prudent management of the city’s resources. The Mayor

“These are the results from those who, in one way or another, work or live in the city,” Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez

City streets have also been cleaned, repaired and beautified. Thanks to a new city Fire Department and Police Department, Mayor Bermudez says Doral is one of the safest cities to live in. Firefighters have a new and modern complex to train personnel, and are well prepared to contend with any type of emergency. Mayor Bermudez also discussed

ers’ moneys are invested or spent. The city’s website,, is immediately updated after events. This is another important way citizens can see and read relevant news about Doral’s budget, politics and policies. Lastly, the city has added a cell phone application citizens or visitors can use to send instant feedback to city officials via pictures or video about anything happening around the city at any given moment. The free application can be downloaded from https://bitly. com/doralapp. Newly elected councilpersons Luigi Boria and Ana Maria Rodriguez were also present during Mayor Bermudez’s address. Councilwoman Rodriguez said she has many ideas and a great desire to work for the city, which, she states, is in a very good position despite current harsh economic conditions. This next year she wishes to concentrate in the cultural development of the city and its beautification. Councilman Boria commented about the benefits and financial advantages given to independent enterprises and companies when they invest within city limits. As an example, Council-

man Boria cited the recent transfer of Harley Davidson Regional Offices for Latin America to Doral, which not only brought business to the city, but also became a new employment source. Implementing financial incentives to potential new businesses is an excellent way to promote Doral as a business friendly city. Mr. Dana Fernety, Executive Director of Doral Business Council (DBC), noted: “In Doral we have important commercial clusters. We have import and export companies, retail stores, health care companies, and many more.” Fernety also stated he “was impressed by some of the numbers for the city. There are 47,000 residents, but we have 150,000 people actually working within city limits. We are not recession proof, but these numbers say much about the growth potential and development achieved by the city during these times.” In closing, Mayor Bermudez enthusiastically thanked elected city officials, and all the men and women that, with daily dedication, work to make the Doral the prosperous and modern city.

Community | Comunidad

Ocho Años de Excelencia en Doral

en especial del agua, es de los más avanzados e inteligentes de la nación. Las calles de la ciudad, son en estos momentos una de las mejores y más limpias. Por otra parte, la ciudad no contaba con su propio departamento de policía, ni de bomberos. Hoy, Doral es una de las ciudades más seguras para vivir e incluso, su cuerpo de bomberos cuenta con instalaciones nuevas y modernas para el entrenamiento de

zados acerca de los menesteres de sus representantes. Y como colofón a los esfuerzos por hacer de las gestiones del gobierno de las más transparentes del país, se acaba de crear una aplicación para teléfonos celulares, que puede ser usada no sólo para la información inmediata de la comunidad, sino también para que los residentes o visitantes, puedan enviarle a sus representantes, en tiempo real, críticas,

“Esto es el resultado de todos los que de una forma u otra trabajamos o vivimos dentro de la Ciudad” Alcalde Juan Carlos Bermúdez su personal, listo a toda hora para enfrentar cualquier tipo de catástrofe. En cuanto a la transparencia de las gestiones del gobierno, señaló que Doral es una de las pocas ciudades que cuentan con una estación de televisión y otra de radio, para la trasmisión integra de los eventos, reuniones y encuentros sostenidos por sus representantes, y por las que el pueblo puede mantenerse actualizado acerca de las decisiones tomadas o acerca de cuándo y cómo se emplea el dinero con que se cuenta. La página de Internet, la cual se actualiza casi de inmediato luego de terminada una sesión, es otro medio que los contribuyentes pueden usar para mantenerse actuali-

sugerencias y hasta fotos o videos de lo que pueda, en un momento determinado, estar ocurriendo en nuestros predios. La aplicación puede ser cargada en Además de lo dicho por el Alcalde J.C. Bermúdez, al respecto, entrevistamos a los Concejales Luigi Boria y Ana María Rodríguez, quienes cumplen su primer año funcionando en sus cargos. La Concejal Rodríguez, con mucha humildad nos dijo que había llegado al puesto con muchas ideas y muchas ganas de hacer en pro de la ciudad que veía en muy buena posición a pesar de las condiciones de la economía a nivel mundial. Para su próximo año desea centrarse en el de-

sarrollo cultural y el embellecimiento de la misma. Por su parte, el Concejal Boria nos comentó acerca de los beneficios y las facilidades económicas que se le ofrecen a empresas privadas para invertir en nuestra ciudad. Como ejemplo nos dio el reciente traslado de las oficinas regionales para América Latina de Harley Davidson quienes además, aumentaron la tasa de empleos en nuestra ciudad. Combinando las visiones de ambos concejales, es cierto que no se puede pensar en un aumento de inversionistas para Doral si no se les ofrece antes incentivos económicos que, en conjunto con un entorno agradable y placentero, hagan de la ciudad un lugar de preferencia, irresistible y seguro donde establecerse. El señor Dana Fernety, de probada capacidad directiva en el plano económico y recientemente nombrado Director Ejecutivo del Concejo de Negocios de Doral (DBC pos sus siglas en inglés) apuntó: “…en Doral tenemos una de las más importantes concentraciones de ramos que se puedan ver. Tenemos concesionarios para exportación e importación, tiendas detallistas, centros de cuidado para la salud y muchos más…” Un poco más avanzada la entrevista resaltó: “… algunos números siempre me impresionaron de esta ciudad, a saber, son 47,000 los habitantes, pero 150,000 personas trabajan en nuestra área y, aunque no somos inmunes a los efectos de la recesión, estos números dicen mucho acerca de las posibilidades y el desarrollo alcanzado por la ciudad aún en estos tiempos…” Al finalizar su intervención, el Alcalde J.C. Bermúdez, agradeció una vez más —y la redacción de este periódico se suma a estos merecidos agradecimientos— el esfuerzo y el entusiasmo con que han trabajado, no sólo los electos representantes de la ciudad, pero también todos los hombres y mujeres que, con dedicación diaria, han y siguen superando cualquier obstáculo para hacer de la ciudad de Doral el próspero centro que es hoy.



l igual que cada año, el pasado 26 de octubre, el Alcalde de la Ciudad de Doral, Juan Carlos Bermudez presentó su Memoria y Cuenta (State of the City Address) ante un nutrído grupo de residentes, amigos, empleados de la alcaldía y familiares. En esta ocasión, aprovechó no sólo para hablar de los logros obtenidos en este último año, sino también sobre el lugar prominente que la ciudad, con sus escasos ocho años de fundada, ha alcanzado con respecto a otras ciudades de la Florida en general. El Alcalde J.C. Bermúdez, varias veces recalcó e hizo quedar bien claro, que estos logros no fueron alcanzados por el esfuerzo particular de una u otra persona… Estos son el resultado directo de la pujanza mancomunada que han demostrado no sólo los miembros del gobierno, sino también la comunidad en general. Una de las promesas hechas por el Alcalde Bermúdez al momento de su candidatura, fue la de levantar la ciudad de Doral sin necesidad de aumentar los impuestos que los residentes de la ciudad ya pagaban al gobierno. No sólo se cumplió la promesa, pero de más, gracias a la colaboración que obtuvo y el sabio manejo de los recursos a mano por parte de los oficiales del gobierno de la ciudad, Doral obtuvo una disminución en los impuestos a cambio de ocupar el lugar de honor que merece en la actualidad. Cuando la ciudad fue fundada, ocho años atrás, no contaba con parques donde sus residentes pudieran desarrollar vida social, o con estructuras comunitarias que contribuyeran al aumento de su nivel cultural en todos los aspectos. Los habitantes de la ciudad tenían entonces que trasladarse a otras colindantes para desarrollar este tipo de actividades. Hoy, son los residentes de estas otras ciudades vecinas quienes se trasladan a la nuestra para hacer uso de las instalaciones creadas en tan poco tiempo. En conjunto con este hecho, el proyecto de manejo racional de recursos naturales,

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

Por Carlos Garcia

Community | Comunidad UnitedHealthcare announced a new network relationship with Baptist Health South Florida

New Relationship Expands In-Network Access in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


nitedHealthcare announced a new network relationship with Baptist Health South Florida, giving UnitedHealthcare’s Medicare HMO, HMO-point-of-service, and Dual Special Needs Plan Medicare Advantage members in the Miami area access to services provided by Baptist Health South Florida facilities. Beginning Nov. 15, individuals enrolled in UnitedHealthcare’s AARP MedicareComplete and AARP MedicareComplete Plus Medicare Advantage plans, as well as UnitedHealthcare’s Dual Complete Medicare Advantage plan, will have access to the following Baptist Health South Florida hospitals, facilities and physicians: Baptist Hospital of Miami; South Miami Hospital; Doctors Hospital; Homestead Hospital; West Kendall Baptist Hospital; Baptist Outpatient Services; Medical Arts Surgery Center; Baptist Surgery and Endoscopy Centers; Baptist Sleep Centers and its affiliates; South Florida Specialty Physicians and Coral Gables Specialty Physicians. Plan members will also gain access to Baptist’s urgent care, diagnostic and surgery center locations in Broward County. UnitedHealthcare’s employer-sponsored and individual plan participants already have access to Baptist Health South Florida and are not affected by the new agreement. “Our new relationship with Baptist Health South Florida ensures our Medicare members in South Florida have broader access to quality, affordable health care,” said Lissette Garcia, UnitedHealthcare executive director for South Florida. “Baptist Health South Florida is an important, well-respected health care provider in this area, and we know our Medicare plan members appreciate having access to this outstanding organization’s quality health care services close to where they live.” “We are very pleased to be able to offer Medicare patients in our community expanded access to a wide array of Baptist Health services through our expanded partnership with UnitedHealthcare,” said Eric Shatanof, Baptist Health’s corporate vice president of managed care and network development. “UnitedHealthcare has been a close ally of our organization for many years, sharing the goal of providing South Florida with sound health care services and choices.” UnitedHealthcare serves about 213,000 Medicare Advantage members in Florida, with a health care network statewide of 186 hospitals and more than 33,000 physicians.

UnitedHealthcare anuncia nueva relación de red con Baptist Health South Florida

La nueva relación amplía el acceso ‘dentro de la red’ en los Condados Miami-Dade y Broward


nitedHealthcare anunció una nueva relación de red con Baptist Health South Florida, que brinda a los miembros de los planes Medicare HMO, HMO-point-of- service (HMO punto de servicio) y Dual Special Needs (Doble para Persona con Necesidades Especiales) de UnitedHealthcare en la zona de Miami acceso a los servicios provistos por los establecimientos Baptist Health South Florida. A partir del 15 de noviembre, las personas inscritas en los planes Medicare Advantage AARP MedicareComplete y AARP MedicareComplete Plus, como también Dual Complete Medicare Advantage de UnitedHealthcare, tendrán acceso a los siguientes hospitales, establecimientos y médicos de Baptist Health South Florida: Baptist Hospital of Miami; South Miami Hospital; Doctors Hospital; Homestead Hospital; West Kendall Baptist Hospital; Baptist Outpatient Services; Medical Arts Surgery Center; Baptist Surgery and Endoscopy Centers; Baptist Sleep Centers y sus afiliados; South Florida Specialty Physicians y Coral Gables Specialty Physicians. Los miembros del plan tendrán acceso también a los servicios de urgencia, diagnóstico y cirugía en los centros Baptist situados en el Condado Broward. Los participantes en los planes de UnitedHealthcare tanto individuales como patrocinados por empleadores ya tienen acceso a Baptist Health South Florida y no se verán afectados por el nuevo acuerdo. “Nuestra nueva relación con Baptist Health South Florida asegura a los miembros de Medicare del Sur de la Florida un acceso más amplio a servicios de salud económicos y de calidad”, señaló Lissette García, directora ejecutiva de UnitedHealthcare para el Sur de la Florida. “Baptist Health South Florida es un proveedor importante y muy respetado de atención médica en esta zona, y sabemos que los miembros de nuestros planes de Medicare agradecerán poder tener acceso, cerca de donde viven, a los servicios médicos de calidad de esta organización sobresaliente”. “Nos complace poder ofrecer, a los pacientes de Medicare de nuestra comunidad, mayor acceso a una amplia gama de servicios de Baptist Health a través de una extendida asociación con UnitedHealthcare”, manifestó Eric Shatanof, vicepresidente corporativo de Atención Gestionada y Desarrollo de Red de Baptist Health. “UnitedHealthcare ha sido un estrecho aliado de nuestra organización durante muchos años y hemos compartido la meta de proveer servicios y opciones sólidos de atención médica al Sur de la Florida”. UnitedHealthcare presta servicio a unos 213.000 miembros de Medicare Advantage en la Florida a través de una red de servicios de salud esparcida por todo el estado – red que consta de 186 hospitales y más de 33.000 médicos.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

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DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

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Education | Educación

Magnet Schools: A World of Choices By Dominique Barba


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


agnet schools are one of the many choices verse. The innovations made in teachavailable to parents in some areas for their ing at magnet schools can also benefit child’s education. A magnet school is a public the rest of the schools in their district. school with a specific focus, such as science or perIf you are interested in a magnet forming arts. school, decide what goals you have Today, Magnet schools are an important part of the for your student - what benefits you debate over improving the public school system and hope they will gain and what focus providing choices for parents and students. you’d like them to have, then see if any schools in your “Magnet” refers to how the schools draw students area fit those needs and visit those schools. Before visfrom across the normal boundaries defined by authori- iting a school, learn all you can about it, and set up an ties as school zones that feed into certain schools. appointment to visit. There are magnet schools at the elementary school, middle school, and high school levels Magnet schools Some tips for your visit are: are typically characterized by four qualities: a curricu• Don’t be afraid to ask questions. lum or unique method of instruction, admission to facil• Notice what the classrooms are like - if the students itate voluntary desegregation; choice of school by fami- seem happy and if their work is displayed and is approlies; and access to pupils beyond priate for their grade level. neighborhood attendance zones. • Notice how the teachers inSince opening its first magnet teract with the students and with program in 1973, choice options you, and if they seem respectful, have expanded with the estabcompetent, happy, and interested IMPORTANT DATES: lishment of innovative choice proin the students’ well being. EXISTING MAGNETS grams / schools federally supple• Visit the library and find out mented by the Magnet Schools what kind of technology is availAPPLICATION PERIOD: Assistance Program and the Volunable to students, such as computtary Public School Choice Grant (I ers. OCTOBER 1 - JANUARY 15 Choose!). In all, the School Choice • Find out about the curriculum, & Parental Options office adminisand if it includes arts, music, physAPPLICATION DEADLINE: ters a total of 344 choice programs ical fitness, and time outdoors. JANUARY 15 in 90 schools, with an enrollment • Think about how your stuof over 42,000 students. dents will get to the school if the Magnet schools are public, school does not have buses. NOTIFICATION PERIOD: meaning they are supported by tax • If your student has special MARCH 20 dollars and cost the families who needs, find out if the school is send their students there nothing equipped to meet those needs. RESPONSE TO extra. Since their beginnings they • Notice how the students behave been about offering attractive have toward each other and the NOTIFICATION DUE: APRIL 4 choices to parents, hoping to draw adults, if they seem respectful and interested students and teachers generally positive. from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, like a magnet. • Pay attention to the buildings and play areas and if They may use non-traditional teaching methods, and they seem clean and safe. have a specialization or theme. • Find out how long the school has been around and Some of these specializations can include: what its administrators consider to be its successes. • Innovative teaching approaches • Art Important Information: • Performing arts If you are registered on the Parent Portal via www. • Environmental education, simply login to the Parent Portal and • Math follow the link to the magnet application link. If you are • Science not registered, but your student is already a student at • Technology a Miami-Dade County Public School, follow the direc• Languages tions listed for first time users. • Humanities • You may make up to five (5) selections at 5 differThe magnet schools have proven to improve aca- ent schools. You cannot select more than one strand at demic performance, ease crowding and improve any single school. Once your application has been proteacher-student ratios. They tend to be ethnically di- cessed and the school has declared your child eligible

or ineligible, no changes or replacement selections will be accepted or processed. • Select only one (1) Program per school. • Individual schools may require additional recommendation forms and/or information • Contact the school directly for forms and procedures • Schools offering Visual & Performing Arts programs have requirements for student auditions, interviews, and/or portfolios. In all schools, except the Visual Performing Arts (VPA) magnet schools, the selection process is done by a random selection of the eligible applicants. VPA magnet schools require auditions and students are selected as a result of their auditions. • M-DCPS Magnet Programs will accommodate students with disabilities, with special needs, and/or accommodations for the Visual & Performing Arts auditions, interviews, and/or portfolio requirements (see number 5 in the application) • Failure to meet any of these requirements may result in removal from the selection process • Be sure to choose carefully. • No duplicate or revised applications will be accepted • You may not submit both online and hardcopy applications • If you are going to register online and have not registered for your parent account through the Parent Portal, you must contact your child’s current school • APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 15, 2012 Submit your application online or mail to:

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS ATTN: School Choice & Parental Options - Applications 1501 NE 2nd Avenue, Suite 237 Miami, Florida 33132 But, how do I know my application is being processed with no problems? If you submit your application online, you can review the status of your application at any time via the Student Portal on www.dadeschools. net. In the case of paper applications, (as long as the Student ID number is included), you will also have the ability to review the status via the Student Portal; however, a two to three week delay may occur prior to the application status being available online. If a Student ID number is not noted on the application, you will have to contact the school selected directly.

Education | Educación

un mundo de opciones! By Dominique Barba


declarado que su hijo es o no es elegible, no hay cambio o sustitución de las selecciones serán aceptadas o procesadas. • Seleccione sólo un (1) Programa Envío de Aplicaciones: por escuela. 1 de Octubre / 15 de Enero • Cada escuela puede requerir formularios adicionales recomendación y / o información Fecha Límite para aplicaciones: • Contacte a la escuela directa15 de Enero mente para las formas y procedimientos Período de Notificaciones: • En todas las escuelas, a excep20 de Marzo ción de las artes visuales escénicas Fecha Límite para Respuestas: (VPA) las escuelas magnet, el proceso de selección se realiza me4 de Abril Algunos consejos para su visita diante una selección aleatoria de los son los siguientes: candidatos elegibles. Las escuelas • No tenga miedo de hacer preguntas. Magnet VPA requieren audiciones y los estudiantes son • Observe en las aulas; Observe el comportamiento de seleccionados como resultado de sus audiciones y/o los estudiantes, y si su trabajo se muestra y es apropia- entrevistas. do para su grado escolar. • El incumplimiento de cualquiera de estos requisitos • Observe cómo los profesores interactúan con los puede dar lugar a la eliminación del proceso de selecestudiantes y con usted, y si les parece respetuosos, ción. competentes, e interesados en los estudiantes el bien• Asegúrese de elegir con cuidado. No se aceptarán estar. solicitudes duplicadas. • Visite la biblioteca y averigue qué tipo de tecnología • Usted no puede presentar aplicaciones tanto en líestá disponible para los estudiantes. nea como en papel. • Infórmese sobre los planes de estudio, y si incluye • Si usted va a inscribirse en línea y no se ha regisarte, música, educación física, etc. trado para la cuenta de los padres a través del Portal • Piense cómo llevará su hijo a la escuela si esta no de Padres, debe comunicarse con la escuela actual de cuenta con autobuses escolares. su hijo. • Si su hijo tiene necesidades especiales, averigüe si • Las solicitudes se reciben hasta 15 de enero 2012 la escuela está equipada para satisfacer esas necesi- Presente su solicitud en línea o por correo a: dades. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS • Observe cómo los estudiantes se comportan entre Atención: Elección de Escuela para Padres ellos y los adultos, si se parecen respetuosas y positiy Opciones - Aplicaciones vas en general. 1501 NE 2nd Avenue, Suite 237 • Preste atención a los edificios y áreas de juego y si Miami, Florida 33132 parecen limpios y seguros. • Averigüe los éxitos de la escuela magnet desde sus Pero, ¿cómo puede saber si su solicitud está sieninicios. do procesada sin problemas? Si usted presenta su solicitud en línea, usted puede revisar el estado de su Información importante: solicitud en cualquier momento a través del portal del Si está registrado en el Portal de Padres a través de estudiante en En el caso de las, basta con acceder al Portal de solicitudes en papel, (siempre y cuando el número de Padres y siga el enlace para el enlace de la aplicación identificación del estudiante está incluido), usted tamdel imán. Si no está registrado, pero su hijo ya es un bién tendrá la posibilidad de revisar el estado a través estudiante en una escuela de Miami-Dade County Pudel portal del estudiante, sin embargo, un retraso de blic, siga las instrucciones indicadas para los usuarios dos a tres semanas puede ocurrir antes de que el estade primera vez. do de aplicación que se está disponibles en línea. Si un • Usted puede hacer un máximo de cinco (5) cinco número de identificación del estudiante no está indicaselecciones en diferentes escuelas Magnet. Una vez do en la solicitud, tendrá que ponerse en contacto con que su solicitud haya sido procesada y la escuela ha la escuela seleccionada directamente.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

Las escuelas magnet han demostrado mejorar el rendimiento académico, reducir las aglomeraciones y mejorar la relación profesor-alumno. Tienden a ser étnicamente diversa. Las innovaciones introducidas en la

enseñanza en las escuelas imán también puede beneficiar al resto de las escuelas de su distrito. Si usted está interesado en una escuela magnet, decida cuáles son los objetivos que tiene para su hijo - los beneficios que usted espera que obtener y qué enfoque le gustaría que sus hijos tengan - y luego visite las escuelas de su área y vea si se adaptan a sus necesidades. Antes de visitar una escuela, aprenda todo lo que pueda sobre ella, y haga una cita con anticipación.

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as escuelas Magnet son una de las muchas opciones disponibles para los padres en algunas áreas de la educación de sus hijos. Una escuela magnet es una escuela pública con un enfoque específico, tales como las artes o las ciencias interpretativas. Hoy en día, las escuelas Magnet son una parte importante sobre el debate acerca de mejorar el sistema de las escuelas públicas y ofrece opciones para los padres y estudiantes. “Magnet” “se refiere a cómo las escuelas atraen a estudiantes de fuera de los límites normales establecidos por las autoridades como las zonas escolares para introducirlos en ciertas escuelas. Hay escuelas especializadas en la primaria, escuela media, y en los níveles de secundaria. Las escuelas Magnet se caracterizan por cuatro cualidades: un plan de estudios o método único de enseñanza, la admisión para facilitar la desegregación voluntaria, la elección de escuela por las familias y el acceso a los alumnos más allá de las zonas de asistencia de su vecindario. Desde la apertura del programa de la primera escuela Magnet en el año 1973, las opciones de elección se han ampliado con el establecimiento de programas de opciones innovadoras / escuelas por el gobierno federal complementario con el Programa de Asistencia de las Escuelas Magnet y la Opción de elección Voluntaria de Escuelas Públicas. Actualmente, la opción de la escuela y la oficina de Opciones para Padres (School Choice & Parental Options ) administra un total de 344 programas de elección en 90 escuelas, con una matrícula de más de 42.000 estudiantes. Las escuelas Magnet son públicas, lo que significa que reciben el soporte del dinero por los impuestos. Desde sus inicios han ofrecido opciones atractivas a los padres, con la esperanza de atraer a los estudiantes interesados y profesores de una variedad de orígenes, como un imán. Se pueden utilizar métodos no tradicionales de enseñanza, y tener una especialización o un tema. Algunas de estas especialidades pueden incluir: • Métodos de enseñanza innovadores • Arte • Artes del espectáculo • La educación ambiental • Matemáticas • Ciencia • Tecnología • Idiomas • Humanidades

Education | Educación

Our Right to a Public Education Por Dominique Barba


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


ow many times we had heard that the public schools are “free”; since we don’t pay for them we do not have any right to complain about nothing. This statement is so false: yes we pay for our children education, approximately 40 % of our property taxes goes to the public school system, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t have children attending a public school. The problem is that in these tight economic times, funding for education from the state and other traditional sources has been significantly reduced: the M-DCPS revenue decreased dramatically in the last 5 years and according to the experts this pattern will continue inexorably. The impact over schools and students is evident; cuts on the budget forced the administrators to juggle with their budgets, electives courses has been phased out, children with special needs don’t always received the help they used to have, etc. The question now is what to do in order to provide our children with world –class educational opportunities? The answer is to get involved and this is the way: 1-Be informed: Don’t miss any opportunity to learn about the system, there are a lot of conferences, events, workshops, etc. that will help you to understand the problem and find the solution. 2- Be proactive: PTA, PTSA, PTO, schools, Parent Academy, Parental Involvement, M-DCPS, and other organizations are begging for parents who commit to help and support this special fight for better education. Contact them, join them, and help them 3- Know who are your Legislature Representatives, write them, call them, tell them your needs and concerns about education. They need to know how many parents care, they need to know exactly what happen in our community, they need to know they will have our support in this issue.



n Wednesday October 26, Ronald Reagan Doral Senior High brought together representatives from all five city public schools to this important event. Parents, activists, politicians, teachers and students listened to their representatives and asked them about education funds, laws and new measures taken in the school budget. Bibiana Salmon, Ronald Reagan PTSA President, long time activist and advocate for public education in the State, was one of the organizers of this event. The others were Mindy Gould, Florida PTA Legislative Chair and Maria Kramer, PTA Legislative Liaison to the Miami Dade School Board. When asked why she brought this meeting to Doral, Bibiana said, “I thought crucial to offer this unique opportunity to the Doral community, so parents could get informed about the challenges Doral public school students will face as early as next year. By then, I won’t have children in the system any longer, but I have and will always care deeply about public education in our City”. She added “I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to address our State Representative, Jeanette Nunez and our State Senator, Rene Garcia, in such a personal and direct setting. Our elected officials were very gracious and responded to the questions and concerns the audience had”. You had the auditorium prepared for more people didn’t you? Bibiana Salmon responded “Yes, indeed I had, I feel that every seat that was empty that night was an opportunity that a community member missed to take advantage of, we had the

school District call the students homes and in addition, our own school administration called the parents to invite them to be present, to be proactive and to prevent the loses our schools may face sooner than they realize, but as one of our guests said that night, for as long as we protect them and fight in their name, until they don’t feel the pain, they won’t feel the need to actively participate. My concern is that by then, it may be too late. I am grateful to all the Doral PTA/PTSA’s for having their Board representatives there and I am proud to say that the Ronald Reagan PTSA Board had every member present.” Many question were made, several concerns were exposed; the M-DCPS needs help to continue to develop and implement programs for more than 340,000 students and the call for donors has been made. State Representative Nunez and State Senator Garcia, committed to work hard to get back the funds that we used to received before the “District Cost Differential “ formula was set and negatively affected Miami Dade County. This conference was so important and was attended by Dr. Carmen Marinelli, our region Superintendent, Mr. Richard Vidal, Region Assist Superintendent. Dr. Richard H. Hinds,
Associate Superintendent/Chief Financial Officer, Financial Services , Ms. Iraida Mendez-Cartaya, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, Grants Administration and Community Engagement, who made a presentation on the Miami Dade County 2012 State Legislative Priorities.

Education | Educación

Nuestro derecho a una Educación Pública Por Dominique Barba

Las escuelas de Doral están tomando la iniciativa en cruzada muy importante: luchar por el derecho a obtener la mejor educación para nuestros hijos”. ¿Cuántas veces hemos oído que las escuelas públicas son “gratis”, y que por tanto no existe el derecho a reclamar? Esta aseveración es falsa: si pagamos por la educación de nuestros niños, aproximadamente el 40% de los impuestos a la propiedad se destinan al sistema público escolar, sin importar si sus hijos asisten a estas escuelas o no. La actual crisis económica ha derivado un grave problema: el financiamiento del estado y de otras fuentes tradicionales para la educación se ha reducido significativamente: los ingresos de M-DCPS disminuido drásticamente en los últimos 5 años y de acuerdo con los expertos de este patrón continuará inexorablemente. El impacto sobre las escuelas y los estudiantes es evidente, los recortes en el presupuesto obligaron a los administradores a hacer malabares con sus presupuestos, eliminado progresivamente los cursos electivos, y los niños con necesidades especiales ya no están recibiendo la ayuda que necesitan, etc. La pregunta ahora es qué hacer, con el fin de proporcionar a nuestros hijos las mejores oportunidades educativas. La respuesta es involucrase: 1- Estar informado: No pierda ninguna oportunidad de aprender sobre el sistema, hay una gran cantidad de conferencias, eventos, talleres, etc., que le ayudará a entender el problema y encontrar la solución. 2 - Ser proactivo: PTA, PTSA, PTO, escuelas, la Academia de Padres, Parental Involvement, M –DCPS y otras organizaciones están pidiendo a los padres que se comprometan a ayudar y apoyar la lucha por una mejor educación. Hagan el contacto y apóyenlos.

l miércoles 26 de octubre, en el Ronald Reagan Doral Senior High se reunió a los representantes de las cinco escuelas públicas de la ciudad a una Conferencia sobre Legislatura y financiamiento de las Escuelas Publicas. Padres, activistas, políticos, profesores y estudiantes escucharon a los representantes Estatales y preguntaron sobre los fondos de educación, las leyes y las nuevas medidas adoptadas en el presupuesto del Distrito Escolar. Bibiana Salmon, presidente de Ronald Reagan PTSA, activista por mucho tiempo y defensora de la educación pública en el Estado, fue una de las organizadores de este evento. Mindy Gould, Presidente Legislativo del PTA de la Florida y María Kramer, enlace Legislativo del Miami-Dade PTA y la Junta Escolar fueron las otras organizadoras. Se le preguntó la razón de realizar ésta reunión en Doral, y nos dijo: “Pensé que era crucial ofrecer esta oportunidad única para la comunidad de Doral, donde los padres pudieran informarse sobre los desafíos que los estudiantes de las escuelas públicas de Doral enfrentarán a principios del año que viene. Para entonces, no voy a tener hijos en el sistema,

pero al igual que en el pasado, siempre me preocuparé profundamente por la educación pública en nuestra ciudad”, comentó Salmon. “Estoy muy contenta de haber tenido a nuestra Representante Estatal, Jeannette Núñez y a nuestro Senador Estatal, René García, en un ambiente tan personal y directo. Nuestros funcionarios electos fueron muy atentos y respondieron a las preguntas e inquietudes de la audiencia”, agregó... “Creo que cada asiento que estaba vacío esa noche fue una oportunidad que un miembro de la comunidad dejó de aprovechar, el distrito escolar llamó por teléfono a las casas de los estudiantes y además, la administración de Ronald Reagan llamó adicionalmente a invitar a los padres a estar presentes, a ser proactivos y prevenir las pérdidas que nuestras escuelas pueden enfrentar antes de lo que piensan”. “Mientras los protejamos y luchemos en su nombre, hasta que no sientan el dolor de las perdidas educativas directamente, no verán la necesidad de participar activamente. Mi preocupación es que para entonces, puede ser demasiado tarde. Estoy muy agradecida con todos los PTA / PTSA ‘s de

Doral por haber estado presente a través de representantes de sus Juntas directivas”, dijo uno de los asistentes esa noche. Se hicieron muchas preguntas en la conferencia y se expusieron muchas inquietudes. El M-DCPS necesita ayuda para continuar el desarrollarlo e implementación de programas para más de 340.000 estudiantes y la convocatoria a los benefactores se ha hecho. Tanto la Representante Jeanette Núñez como el Senador Estatal René García, se comprometieron a trabajar duro para recuperar los fondos que antes recibía el condado y que se mermaron, al ser alterada la formula de “District Cost Differential” en detrimento del Condado Miami Dade. Esta conferencia fue tan importante y contó con la presencia de la Dra. Carmen Marinelli, Superintendente Región North Central, el Sr. Richard Vidal, Asistente Superintendente Region, Dr. Richard H. Hinds, Superintendente Adjunto/ Director de Finanzas, Servicios Financieros, la Sra. Iraida MéndezCartaya, Asistente del Superintendente de la Oficina de Asuntos Intergubernamentales, quienés hicieron una presentación sobre las prioridades del Estado del Condado de Miami-Dade 2012 en la Legislatura.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

Conferencia sobre Legislatura y financiamiento de las Escuelas Publicas

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3 - Saber quiénes son sus representantes en la Legislatura, escribirles, llamarlos, explicarles sus necesidades y preocupaciones acerca de la educación. Ellos necesitan saber que los padres se preocupan y que exactamente sucede en nuestra comunidad, ellos necesitan saber que contará con nuestro apoyo en este tema.

Education | Educación

Andrew Toffoli visited EBT

Andrew Toffoli visitó EBT

By José Vasquez



DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

iami native Andrew Toffoli wrote and illustrated a series of children’s books based on popular historical figures. Toffoli visited Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center on October 24th, 2011. He gave a presentation for kindergarten, first, second and third grade students. Andrew Toffoli is living one of his many dreams. Having graduated from Florida State University in 1993 with a degree in Graphic Design, Andrew combined this degree with a love of teaching and began his career in the educational field where he has been motivating students for over 10 years. He has been an inspiration to many of his students, most of whom now have successful careers in graphic and web design. Collaborating with them worked so well, that Andrew hired some of his previous students to embark upon his endeavor of writing and illustrating his own books. His student’s motivation and continued support were the catalyst to get his wonderful series of books published. Andrew’s presentations are unique because they are history lesson and art lesson in one. The presentation consists of a reading of one of the books, followed by a full demonstration of how drawings come to be, a question and answer session about writing and illustrating and a trivia game where the students compete to win sketches by answering questions from the story. Each book covers a different program: Christopher Cowlumbus highlights discovery and following your dreams. Bengalmin Franklin highlights inventions and science. Michelangelo Bunnyrroti highlights humanities and the arts and tells the story of an artist hare who paints and sculpts fantastic creations. It is a fun re-telling of the life of the great artist Michelangelo Bounarroti.


l autor Andrew Toffoli visitó Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center el pasado 24 de octubre de 2011. Él hizo una presentación para los estudiantes de kinder, primero, segundo y tercer grado. Andrew Toffoli está viviendo uno de sus muchos sueños. Después de graduarse en la Florida State University en 1993 con una Licenciatura en Diseño Gráfico, Andrew combinó esta medida con un amor por la enseñanza y comenzó su carrera en el campo educativo, donde ha motivado a estudiantes por más de 10 años. Ha sido una inspiración para muchos estudiantes, la mayoría de los cuales ahora tienen carreras exitosas en el diseño gráfico y web. La colaboración con ellos funcionó tan bien, que Andrew contrató a algunos de sus estudiantes antes de iniciarse en su afán de escribir e ilustrar sus propios libros. La motivación de sus estudiantes y el apoyo continuo fueron el catalizador para obtener su maravillosa serie de libros hasta ahora publicados. Andrew Toffoli escribió e ilustró una serie de libros infantiles basados en los populares personajes históricos. Las presentaciones de Andrew Toffoli son únicas porque son lecciones de historia y lección de arte en un solo libro. Cada presentación consiste en una lectura de uno de los libros, seguido por una demostración completa de cómo se realiza los dibujos, una sesión de preguntas y respuestas acerca de la escritura y la ilustración y un juego de preguntas donde los alumnos compiten para ganar los bocetos de cada historia. Cada libro incluye un programa diferente: Christopher Cowlumbus destaca el descubrimiento y como alcanzar los sueños. Bengalmin Franklin destaca los inventos y la ciencia. Michelangelo Bunnyrroti destaca la humanidad y las artes y cuenta la historia de una liebre artista que pinta y esculpe fantásticas creaciones. Esto trata de narrar de una manera divertida, la vida del gran artista Michelangelo Bounarroti.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

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Education | Educación Superintendent’s Progressive Teacher Awards

4 Top Teachers Winners are from Doral!!!


s. Marta Maria Arrocha (4th grade), Ms. Gladys Romagosa (3rd Grade Gifted) and Ms. Carolyn Crawford (4th grade) from Eugenia B Thomas K-8 Center and Jesus Cabrera (ESOL and Language Arts teacher) from Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 were among 120 teachers who received this important reward, for their hard work, dedication and for demonstrating increased student learning gains. On October 3rd at Miami Beach Senior High School 120 top-ranked teachers received big checks in a surprise ceremony, wrapping up the Miami-Dade school district’s first step into performance pay. The 120 teachers received a total of $786,000. For the 2010-11 school year, Miami-Dade district officials negotiated a tiered system with the teachers union. Under the system, about 85% of teachers received some money. They could qualify based on School-wide performance, Team Performance, and the work of their individual students.

The fourth and top category recognized the top 10 math and reading teachers in six regions, including a separate region for the district’s most struggling schools. Those teachers showed the highest, consistent student gains over three years. “We leveraged the financial benefit of Race to the Top (RTTT) funding through negotiation rather than imposition”, Carvalho said. “By doing so, we are able to recognize teacher performance tied to student achievement”. Doral Family Journal took the time to talk with several key people of this event. Their message is inspiring and we want to share it with our readers: “It is a true pleasure for me to be part of the special recognition three of our teachers received. When I received the call to report to Miami Beach Senior High School with three of my fabulous teachers, I knew it was a very special honor although I didn’t exactly know what they were in for... It was my privilege to join Ms. Arrocha, Ms. Crawford and Ms. Romagosa in this joyous occasion. Our superintendent Mr. Alberto Carvalho

honored them and 117 other teachers for their outstanding dedication, hard work and for increasing and maintaining a rigorous learning gain. Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center certainly is proud to have such dedicated and caring professionals that not only set the standards high for everyone to follow, but also who care about each individual student”, said Mayra B. Falcon, EBT K-8 Center – Principal



DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


was part of the first PTSA board at Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center and I was a Volunteer mom. Due to my involvement and commitment to the school, I was encouraged by the principal, Mrs. Falcon, to become a substitute instructor and later on to become certified as a teacher. I went to school at the University of Texas at Arlington where I pursued an undergraduate degree in Criminal justice and a Masters in Political Science/Public Administration. I am currently a Reading and Language Arts Fourth Grade Teacher. I have been teaching at EBT K-8 Center for the past ten years and am a proud resident of the City of Doral.” About the Award, at first I was surprised and am bit embarrassed. I recall it was very difficult for me to get up to receive the award and recognition; however I cannot deny feeling that I was thrilled and extremely proud of myself and my students. Then, I immediately realized that this honor was not only achieved because of the hard work and effort of my kids and me, but instead it was possible due to the fabulous team work that is displayed by all the Fourth Grade Teachers especially our Grade Level Chair and my personal partner for the past few years, Grace Palomino. Last but not least, the wonderful support that we receive from our

administration and the parents. I like to be a teacher because it is a job that I look forward to everyday when I get up in the morning. I am not going to tell you that it is an easy job, there are many challenges not only academically but also in regards to building character traits that will result in responsible human beings. Think about the duty and power we have every day in our hands, we change lives and future in a minute by the way we react and respond to our students. Teachers must be role models. The best way to teach someone is through example. If a 12th grader would approach me asking about the teaching career the first thing I would tell her/him is that this is a vocation and ask. Do you really have the call and passion? The gratification is not just monetary but emotional. We need good teachers because without them our nation would not move forward, may I add that I love my job! My message to the parents is that there is no better investment than the one they do in their child’s education. The students must remember to always give their 100% effort and put their heart into everything they do. I tell my students something my parents always told me “Material possessions come and go but what you learn cannot be taken away from you”.

Education | Educación



have been teaching for 33 years. I have taught English, Spanish, and Italian as foreign languages in different countries: Cuba, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, and the United States [Mississippi and Miami]. I have taught at different levels: middle school, high school, and college. I currently teach at Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 Center and at Miami Dade College, West Campus. I am certified in English 6-12, ESOL k-12, Spanish K-12. I am also reading-endorsed. Teaching has always been my passion. I am a very strict teacher; however, my students get to respect and love me because I put passion, rectitude, but also kindness into what I do. About the award he said: “Neither the principals nor the teachers who were at the meeting knew why we were there. We only knew it was for an award, period. Then Mr. Carvalho got on the podium and explained that this was to prize the teachers whose students obtained the most gains in the FCAT through three consecu-

tive years. That we were going to be awarded with a check..., which that ready to be handed to us. It was the first time in my life that I was awarded monetarily with such an amount! I felt thrilled because our work of years was finally recognized and prized. Teaching is a profession, not a job. Teaching is half an art and half a science. Teaching is shaping a generation to become responsible and capable citizens. Thus, to be a teacher you have to feel the vocation to carry out this noble endeavor. For me, I followed the call. I loved school since I started in kindergarten. My message to the Doral community, especially to the parents, is that they can play a pivotal role in their children’s education, especially by encouraging their kids to read more and pay attention to math, the two core subjects that will prepare them for succeed in college. Learning doesn’t always take place in the classroom; learning is a volitional urge that human beings feel to absorb what interests them.

that day, the experience would have not been the same. I also would like to thank the Fourth Grade Team. To work with a group of teachers that is dedicated and that teach with their heart, makes a difference in my teaching career. I felt proud when I received this award. It was a great honor to be recognized in this way. In my opinion, the determining factor for receiving this award was that 90% of my students during the last three years have shown learning gains through their FCAT scores. I love being a teacher because I can make a difference in a child’s life. I can teach them not only academics but about how to be a better person. I think that teachers have the opportunity to show children about kindness, about having good values, and showing respect towards others. These things plus being strong academically is what I consider having an education. It is not only about getting As on your report card, but about who you are as a person, what goals you set for yourself and how you act towards others. I would tell a 12th grade student that the teaching career is about giving and about really making a difference. My message to the Doral community and its students is that I am grateful to be a part of a community that is so caring and dedicated to the children. I want to tell the children of the Doral community to DREAM BIG and work extremely hard to make that dream come true. Good things come to those who GO for it!

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have been a teacher in Miami-Dade County Public Schools for 12 years. During the first four years I worked in an inner city school in Wynwood. I had the honor of working with Gifted students who lived in homeless shelters, motels, but who came in every day with their homework completed, their uniform hand washed by themselves, and looking forward to learn with a gleam in their eye knowing that if they tried their best and succeeded in school they could make a difference in their own lives and not struggle as their parents did. I joined the EBT K-8 Center family in 2003, and asked myself how I could make a difference to this population who seemed to have everything already. What would I teach them that they didn’t already know? I learned very quickly that all children have needs no matter if their socio-economic background is more stable. They still need to be taught to have goals, and to challenge themselves. They need to learn that hard work does pay off. I have been blessed to work with many families that are truly educated and dedicated to their children. Working at EBT has also challenged me and taught me the true meaning of what it is to be a professional. The way the administration runs EBT K-8 Center is to the highest standard. I am very happy and proud to be a part of EBT –K-8 Center. First of all I would like to thank our principal, Ms. Falcon for her support. She was genuinely happy for us and proud. Without Ms. Falcon sitting with us on

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011




DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


teach fourth grade language arts/reading to the TEAM and Inclusion Classes at Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center. I begin my journey of teaching as a parent volunteer at Coral Park Elementary. I then became a paraprofessional for several years until I was encourage by the principal, Ms. Verson, to make the leap and go back to school and become a teacher. I went back to school at the age of 35. With the help of a scholarship through a Native Indian Minority Fund, I graduated from Nova Southeastern University with a degree in Elementary Education with honors. I have proudly worked at Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center for the past 11 years. When I received the Race to the Top Award, I was elated. We were invited to something we knew nothing about! Not only was I truly surprised, but the entire auditorium filled with deserving teachers were equally thrilled when the superintendent announced that everyone would leave with at least 4,000 dollars! It was nice to have my hard work recognized. Only 120 teachers in Miami-Dade County qualified for this award by meeting certain criteria set by the Race to the Top Committee. It meant that my students achieved a level of progression that met the criteria set by the committee. Although this award was an individual award, I realize that it took the entire Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center team to truly achieve these goals. I wish there was some way that our entire school could share in the awards that were given. I enjoy being a teacher because I can make a difference in a child’s life. As a teacher, I have the opportunity every day to help my students become better students, better classmates and productive members of society. If a twelfth grade student asked me about a teaching career, I would encourage them to pursue their dreams. Like any other profession, teaching has it rewards and its heartaches. I would tell them that they will not become rich being a teacher, rather the reward of having a student come back years later being a successful member of society can not be measured in dollars and cents. My message to the Doral community and its students is that I am grateful to be a part of a community that is so caring and dedicated to the children. I want to tell the children of the Doral community to DREAM BIG and work extremely hard to make that dream come true. Good things come to those who GO for it!

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

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DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

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Education | Educación

Shelton Academy: At the Forefront…

BACK TO OUR ROOTS By: Paola Stefan 5th Grade Teacher


that this was a very meaningful celebration for her. “I wasn’t born here,” she said, “I still miss my homeland, so it’s wonderful to get together with others who feel the same and keep alive the memory of the places we came from.” An idea birthed at The Joy of Learning, “Back to Our Roots Day” has been celebrated for the past eight years there, and has come for the first time to its sister school, Shelton. In preparation for this occasion, the Special Events Team (SET), comprised of parents from the school, worked late into the evening draping flags of the multiple countries represented at the academy. The walls and shelves of the central atrium were adorned with student projects, completed over the past month in honor of Hispanic Heritage. Each grade level made flags from the pupils’ nations of origin


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

n Friday, October 21, parents, teachers, and students came together to celebrate the numerous nationalities represented at Shelton Academy. Traditions and cultures merged for a memorable morning full of laughter! Our heritages were proudly displayed through costumes and cuisine typical to our native countries – everything from Chile to China! The City of Doral is a community made up of so many who are not originally from the United States. Georgina Prats, founder of both The Joy of Learning and Shelton Academy, remarked to place on a huge wall map. On the day of the celebration, the students proudly waved their flags throughout the school as they paraded in traditional costumes. Parents looked on with pride as their children smiled for the cameras and enjoyed every minute of the procession. Three of the fifth grade students performed a dance to Shakira’s Waka Waka and engaged the audience with clapping and dancing. “It’s so wonderful to see the children come together with so much joy and pride in their roots,” parent Cristina Fraguio observed. After the pageantry, it was time for everyone to partake in a delicious international buffet, organized by the SET and the students. Venezuelan perico, Spanish magdalenas, and Lebanese grape leaf wraps were just some of the dozens of dishes included in the spread. Principal Shelly Sweeney remarked, “Today

was a beautiful gathering of people from so many different backgrounds celebrating their diversity with their children. It was really heartwarming. The outpouring of support and the parental participation for the school was amazing. It was happy! It was what it was supposed to be.”

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

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Community | Comunidad

COOKING UP DREAMS “We have celebrity chefs participating in building a better tomorrow for our children”, Alberto Carvalho. By Dominique Barba



DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

n the night of November 1st, Mr. Alberto Carvalho, Miami Dade Public Schools Superintendent and President of “The Foundation for New Education Initiatives”, was very satisfied by the over 400 people attendance to the “Miami’s Celebrity Chefs” event at the Double Tree Grand Hotel Biscayne Bay. As stated by Mrs. Diana Venturini, Funds Development Director of the Foundation and organizer of this creative initiative, the community as a whole showed up for this noble cause in favor of education. Mrs. Venturini told us that recognized chefs, as Michelle Bernstein and Douglas Rodriguez, donated their time and talent, offering their delicacies to the event. All of the collected money will be used to public education, to fund programs no longer covered by educational money. Several sponsors, most of them having attended public schools, helped this project and generously allowed the Foundation to receive 100% of the funds collected. On her way out, Mrs. Venturini told us that public education is the best choice for Miami Dade county: there are programs for each need, for each children; public education is for everyone and therefore requires a lot of support and only knowing how the system works you can understand it. Superintendent Carvalho told us: “This is all about the community. Public education is building a community; is building a work force, opening the doors of the world to our youth”. Later he said: “This evening we had a fund raising event for the Foundation to support the educational programs in the arts and music … so this is a great community” Distinguished public figures attended this event, between them the Miami Dade Mayor Carlos A Gimenez, the ex major Manny Diaz, authorities from the school board, artists and activists. Mr. Alberto Carvalho thanked all the donors, sponsors and participants, having words of recognition to this journal and our continuous support to this cause.

Cocinando un sueño “Tenemos a famosos chefs contruyendo un mejor mañana para nuestros niños”, Alberto Carvalho.


lberto Carvalho, Superintendente de las Escuelas Publicas del Condado Miami Dade y Presidente de la “Fundation For New Education Initiatives” se mostró muy complacido la noche del 1ro de Noviembre cuando mas de 400 personas asistieron al Double Tree Grand Hotel Biscayne Bay para el evento “Miami’s Celebrity Chefs”. Y no era para menos, como nos indicó Diana Venturini, Directora de la Fundación “Funds Development” y organizadora de esta creativa iniciativa, “la comunidad dijo presente a la noble causa de la educación”. Venturini explico que importantes chefs de la talla de Michelle Bernstein y Douglas Rodríguez donaron su tiempo y su talento para ofrecer su delicados platos al evento. Todos los fondos colectados serán destinados a la educación pública y a financiar programas que ya no están cubiertos. Muchos auspiciadores contribuyeron, muchos son ex alumnos del sistema público y generosamente permitieron que la fundación reciba el 100% de lo recolectado por venta de entradas. Venturini nos dijo al despedirse que la educación pública es la mejor elección para el Condado Dade. “Existen programas para cada necesidad y para cada niño. La educación pública es para todos, por eso se necesita mucho apoyo, y solo conociendo como funciona el sistema es que se puede entenderlo”. “Todo esto se trata de la comunidad, la educación publica está construyendo la comunidad, le está proporcionando fuerza de trabajo, le está abriendo las puertas del mundo, a la juventud”, nos comentó el Superintendente Alberto Carvalho, quien luego acotó: “Este evento es para conseguir fondos para la educación publica y sus programas de artes y música, estoy muy orgulloso de ésta comunidad”… Personalidades importantes asistieron a este evento, entre ellos el alcalde de Miami Dade Carlos A. Giménez, el ex alcalde Manny Díaz, autoridades del directorio de escuelas, artistas y activistas. El Sr. Alberto Carvalho agradeció a todos los generosos participantes, auspiciadores y asistentes; y tuvo palabras de reconocimiento para este periódico y su incansable apoyo a la causa.

To enjoy more photos, please visit our page on Facebook: DORAL FAMILY JOURNAL

People | Gente

A Passion for Dance By Dominique Barba

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

think about them. People worry too much about their image and other’s opinion, when really the only one’s that matters is your own. A lot of people will come in and out of your life, but throughout all of it, the only one that’ll never leave you is you. Others might try to bring you down or try to stop you from fulfilling what you want to accomplish. That’s why you have to follow YOUR dreams, live up to YOUR expectations and work to satisfy yourself, not others. Learn to love yourself for who you are. Natali Rodriguez is a 9th grade student at Ronald Reagan Doral Senior High, having many options she has chosen this school, we asked her why and she said: “I had the option to try out at magnet schools, which are high-ranked in dancing, such as Miami Arts Charter School, Coral Reef, and New World, but I decided to choose Ronald Reagan Doral Senior High School. It is the only school in Miami with the Cambridge program, in which I knew many people who highly succeeded when graduating from this program. My family as always supported me in this choice, and according of what I saw in the first weeks, it was the best choice without any doubt, I feel blessed being a RRDSH student.”

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ince her childhood, Natali Rodriguez, a young resident of Doral with 14 years old has distinguished herself in musical activities especially in dance. She dances a variety of styles, such as contemporary, ballet, lyrical, ballroom, belly dance, character, tango, jazz, jazz funk and hip hop. She took her first ballet class at the Doral Isles Club house when she was 5 years old, but began official competition training when she was 8 in Dancing In XS. Her daily routine everyday is getting home from school around 3:00 p.m., have lunch and then head to the studio. She does homework in between her dance classes, or after. She trains around 14 hours a week, and sometimes more whenever they have scheduled extra practice, or simply when she decides to stay in the studio some extra time to practice by herself or with her teammates. She had competed in many Regional competitions like Starbound, Showstoppers, IDC, StarQuest, Creation Dance, Bravo, and a National Competition, Contest of Champions in Orlando. Her team has performed at Johara International (a belly dance organization), Miss Hispanic International USA Organization, and they have trained in workshops like The Pulse and Jump. They have also danced for non-profitable charity events to help raise money, like Relay for Life and March of Dimes. Her team won first place in Contest of Champions in Orlando for 3 years straight, so she is extremely proud of the studio for doing so. They also perform at any charity events they get the chance to, and that’s what brings her most satisfaction because they are dancing for a good cause. “I wish to continue improving my dance, and hopefully try out for the TV show So You Think You Can Dance. Education-wise, I wish to attend college in Europe. I will have a high opportunity of getting accepted into colleges in the area if I succeed in the Cambridge program because it is recognized worldwide”, said Natali when we asked her about her future plans. We asked who has been her inspiration and she responded: “There’s many people that always inspire me to keep dancing. First of all, my parents and brother who are always there to support and help me with everything I do. Secondly, my coach, Adriana Nassiff, who has been training me since I was 8 and always motivating me whenever I get self-conscious about my dancing. I’m a teenager so it’s normal to feel insecure about myself sometimes, but she has always been there to lift my spirits up, and has become more than my coach; she’s become like a sister to me. Finally, my friends and teammates are also extremely supportive of everything I do and simply watching other great dancers inspire me to want to improve everyday.” About her community she said: “I really think everyone should just be original and not care what others

Community | Comunidad

By Grecia Romero November is already here with its nice, less-humid weather along with great holiday preparations in the United States such as Thanksgiving Day. November also offers a huge list of fun-filled activities and family entertainment. Let’s review the choices together, and feel invited to get ready to fully enjoy all of what this beautiful city has to offer. Here is our listing: • Santa’s Enchanted Forest: From now and finishing on January 8th, 2012; this already traditional amusement park is now open in our City! Experience this wonderland featuring over 100 carnival rides, festive Christmas music and shows, games, entertainment, beautiful lights

be live in South Florida from November 18th to 20th at Homestead-Miami Speedway with three of the top national divisions—the Sprint Cup, Nationwide and Camping World Truck Series. Don’t miss this event! • French Spice: This November, experience a taste of France from Bistro to Gourmet restaurants celebrating the diversity of Miami. French Spice, a fine dining promotion, offers specially priced three-course lunches and dinners in different locations throughout Greater Miami. Visit


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

decorations and even the South Florida’s tallest Christmas tree! Season passes are on sale with discounts. More information visit • Ford Championship Weekend - NASCAR: Do you want to be part of the NASCAR speed emotion? Do you want to meet Juan Carlos Montoya? If your answers are affirmative, then visit: www. to get your tickets ASAP! The Ford Championship Weekend will for more details. • French Week Miami: French Week Miami is a unique event designed to emphasize and to promote the French presence in South Florida. Numerous events showcase the best of French culture: the screening of great French movies, an international book fair, a “Beaujolais nouveau” wine tasting, various artistic performances and educational activities. The event will run from November 3rd to November 23rd this year. A complete calendar of event can be found at www. • Miami Book Fair International: Attention readers: don’t forget to save the date! Starting November 13th to 20th, The Annual Miami Book

Fair International will be back. A huge literary gathering that brings top-selling authors, booksellers, and book-lovers together in Downtown Miami. Book signings, the Evenings With series, the IberoAmerican Authors program, the Festival of Authors, the popular Street Fair and Children’s Alley are some of the most known activities. Build your schedule visiting • Tenth Annual Miami Short Film Festival: Dedicated to promoting and supporting the filmmakers to keep their mission and philosophy that today’s short films lead to tomorrow’s worldrenowned filmmakers; this event showcases an exceptional selection of short films from around the world which film lovers and general audiences surely will enjoy. Tickets prices and a complete program can be found at • Sunday Afternoons of Music for Children: Don’t miss this fantastic and very affordable monthly music concert series for children. Concert #2 next November 20th: “Peter & the Wolf” performed by the Frost Symphony Orchestra, musically directed by Thomas Sleeper and presenting Celebrity Storyteller, Martin Bookspan. Performances last one hour and offer great be-

fore and after show activities. More information at • Free Family Fest at The Adrienne Arsht Center: Outdoor Activities at the Thompson Plaza for the Arts on Saturday, November 12th from 11:30 am to 2:00pm followed by the performance “Circus on the Plaza” at the Knight Concert Hall, fea-

turing Aerialists, Acrobats, Jugglers, 4-Legged Stilt Walkers and much More. Visit to get more information how to participate of the event. More quick tips: • Bayside Rocks Festival: A music festival full with “peace, love and unity” which promotes humanitarian efforts to fight poverty and feed the hungry using the music as a platform next November 19th. Visit for more details.

• 23rd Annual Festival of Chefs on November 10th: Stimulate your taste by the great music, fine wine, and samples of signature dishes from South Florida’s most acclaimed chefs. More information at • Sunrise Canoe Tour at Deering Estate Park: Sunday November 13th from 8:00 am. to 11:00 am. Beginners or experts adults and children are welcome. A guided canoe tour of Biscayne Bay. Observe the wonderful marine wildlife: manatees and sea turtles, as well as numerous species of birds. Reserve your space visiting www. • The Wizard of Oz at the Miami Children Theater. November 4th to 19th.The most beloved story of all times. Visit for tickets and schedules.

Community | Comunidad Por Grecia Romero

• Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami: Atención lectores, aparten la fecha! Desde el 13 al 20 noviembre, esta feria anual estará de regreso. Un gran encuentro literario que reúne autores, libreros y amantes de la lectura al centro de Miami. Firmas de libros, Noches de lectura, Programa de Autores Iberoamericanos, Festival de Autores, la popular Feria de la calle y el callejón de los niños son algunas de las actividades más conocidas. Planee su visita consultando www.miamibookfair. com. • Décimo Festival Anual del Cortometraje en Miami: Dedicada a la promoción y apoyo a los cineastas en su misión y filosofía que las películas cortas de hoy en día crean los famosos cineastas del mañana; en este evento se exhiben una gran selección de cortometrajes que todos los públi-

cos disfrutaran. Precios y programa completo visitando • Domingos de concierto para niños: No se pierda esta fantástica y muy asequible serie mensual de conciertos para niños. Concierto n º 2 el próximo 20 de noviembre: “Peter & the Wolf” interpretada por la Orquesta Sinfónica de Frost, musicalmente dirigido por Thomas Sleeper y presentando a Martin Bookspan como narrador. Funciones de una hora con actividades antes y después del show. Visite • Festival familiar gratis en el Adrienne Arsht Center: Actividades al aire libre en la Plaza de las Artes Thompson el sábado 12 de noviembre de

11:30 am a 2:00 pm, seguido por el espectáculo “Circo en la Plaza” en el Knight Concert Hall, con trapecistas, acróbatas, malabaristas y mucho más. Visite para mayor información. Más actividades: • Festival Bayside Rock: Un festival de música que promueve “paz, amor y unidad”, con iniciativas humanitarias para luchar contra la pobreza y el hambre utilizando la música como plataforma el próximo 19 de noviembre. Visite para más detalles.

• Festival Anual # 23 de Chefs: Estimule el gusto por la buena música y buen vino, degustando muestras de platillos de los chefs más reconocidos del sur de Florida este próximo 10 de noviembre. Más información en www.southflorida. • Tour de Canoa en Deering State Park: Paseo guiado por la Bahía de Biscayne el domingo 13 de noviembre de 8:00 am. a 11:00 am. Principiantes o expertos, adultos o niños, todos son bienvenidos. Maravillosa fauna marina: tortugas y manatíes, y numerosas especies de aves. Reserve su espacio visitando • El mago de Oz en el Teatro Infantil de Miami. Del 04 al 19 de noviembre de 19th. La historia más querida de todos los tiempos. Visite para precios y horarios.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

• Semana Francesa en Miami: Este evento único está diseñado para enfatizar y promover la presencia francesa en el sur de Florida. Numerosas actividades muestran lo mejor de esta cultura: la proyección del gran cine francés, feria internacional del libro, un “Beaujolais nouveau”, degustación de vinos, diversos espectáculos artísticos y actividades educativas. El evento se desarrollará desde el 3 al 23 de noviembre y podrá consultar el calendario completo de actividades visitando

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Noviembre se estrena trayendo un clima más fresco y menos húmedo, acompañado con preparativos festivos muy esperados en los Estados Unidos como el Día de Acción de Gracias. Pero también este mes nos trae una lista enorme de actividades llenas de diversión y entretenimiento familiar. Revisemos juntos las opciones, y como siempre, les invito a hacer todos los preparativos para aprovechar al máximo lo que ésta linda ciudad nos ofrece. He aquí nuestro repertorio: • Santa Bosque Encantado: Desde ya y hasta el 8 de enero 2012, este parque de atracciones ofrece una experiencia maravillosa con más de 100 juegos, música, espectáculos, carnaval, decoraciones de luces y hasta el Árbol de Navidad más alto del sur de Florida! Los pases de temporada ya están a la venta con descuentos. Más información, visite • Fin de Semana Ford Championship - NASCAR: ¿Quiere ser parte de la emoción y velocidad de NASCAR? ¿Quiere conocer a Juan Carlos Montoya? Si es así, visite: para obtener sus entradas lo antes posible! El Campeonato Ford estará en el sur de Florida del 18 al 20 de Noviembre en el Homestead-Miami Speedway, con tres de las principales divisiones nacionales: la Copa Sprint, La Serie “Nationwide” y “Camping World Truck”. No se lo pierda! • Especies francesas: Experimente el sabor de Francia este mes con la promoción “Especies Francesas” y celebre la diversidad de Miami con los mejores restaurantes gourmet. Esta promoción ofrece, a un precio especial, tres platos de comidas y cenas en diferentes lugares de la Gran Miami. Visite para más detalles.

Weekender | Entretenimiento HAPPY FEET TWO (PG) 11/18/11

Tower Heist (PG-13) In Theaters

Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy lead an all-star cast in ‘Tower Heist,’ a comedy caper about working stiffs who seek revenge on the Wall Street swindler who stiffed them. After the workers at a luxury Central Park condominium discover the penthouse billionaire has stolen their retirement, they plot the ultimate revenge: a heist to reclaim what he took from them. 

Queens native Josh Kovacs (Stiller) has managed one of the most luxurious and well-secured residences in New York City for more than a decade. Under his watchful eye, nothing goes undetected. In the swankiest unit atop Josh’s building, Wall Street titan Arthur Shaw (Alan Alda) is under house arrest after being caught stealing two billion from his investors. The hardest hit among those he defrauded? The tower staffers whose pensions he was entrusted to manage.

With only days before Arthur gets away with the perfect crime, Josh’s crew turns to petty crook Slide (Murphy) to plan the nearly steal what they are sure is hidden in Arthur’s guarded condo. Though amateurs, these rookie thieves know the building better than anyone. Turns out they’ve been casing the place for years, they just didn’t know it.

A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (R) In Theaters


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

The new “Harold & Kumar” comedy picks up six years after the duo’s last adventure. After years of growing apart, Harold Lee (Cho) and Kumar Patel (Penn) have replaced each other with new friends and are preparing for their respective Yuletide celebrations. But when a mysterious package mistakenly arrives at Kumar’s door on Christmas Eve, his attempt to redirect it to Harold’s house ends with the “high grade” contents -- and Harold’s father-in-law’s prize Christmas tree -- going up in smoke. With his in-laws out of the house for the day, Harold decides to cover his tracks, rather than come clean. Reluctantly embarking on another ill-advised journey with Kumar through New York City, their search for the perfect replacement tree takes them through party heaven -- and almost blows Christmas Eve sky high.

Immortals (R) 11/11/11

An epic tale of treachery, vengeance and destiny in “Immortals”. The bloodthirsty King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) and his murderous Heraklion army are rampaging across Greece in search of the long lost Bow of Epirus. With the invincible Bow, the king will be able to overthrow the Gods of Olympus and become the undisputed master of his world. With ruthless efficiency, Hyperion and his legions destroy everything in their wake, and it seems nothing will stop the evil king’s mission. As village after village is obliterated, a stonemason named Theseus (Henry Cavill) vows to avenge the death of his mother in one of Hyperion’s raids. When Theseus meets the Sybelline Oracle, Phaedra (Freida Pinto), her disturbing visions of the young man’s future convince her that he is the key to stopping the destruction. With her help, Theseus assembles a small band of followers and embraces his destiny in a final desperate battle for the future of humanity.

The sequel to “happy Feet”, the Academy Award®-winning animated smash hit, “Happy Feet Two” returns audiences to the magnificent landscape of Antartica in superb 3D. Mumble, the Master of Tap, has a problem because his tiny son, Erik, is choreophobic. Reluctant to dance, Erik runs away and encounters the Mighty Sven-a penguin who can fly! Mumble has no hope of competing with this charismatic new role model.

Jack and Jill (PG) 11/11/11

Jack Sadelstein (Adam Sandler) is on top of his game, and has every reason to be thankful: he has a beautiful wife (Katie Holmes), great kids, a gorgeous house in L.A., and a successful job as an advertising executive. Even still, Jack always dreads the coming of Thanksgiving because for him, the holiday only means one thing: a visit from his needy, annoying, passive aggressive, neurotic, identical twin sister, Jill (also played by Adam Sandler).

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (PG-13) 11/18/11

Bella and Edward, plus those they love, must deal with the chain of consequences brought on by a marriage, honeymoon, and the tumultuous birth of a child... which brings an unforeseen and shocking development for Jacob Black

In Spotlight | Farándula


l nominado al LATIN GRAMMY 2011, Cristian Castro, presenta su nueva producción discográfica “Mi Amigo El Príncipe”, el cual estará a la venta partir de hoy en todos los formatos. Con “Mi Amigo El Príncipe”, Cristian consuma su tributo a su amigo y padre musical. Un tributo que dio inicio en el 2010 con el lanzamiento de “Viva El Príncipe”, un álbum que hoy a vendido más de 800,000 copias a nivel mundial y se ha consolidado como uno de los discos de pop latino más importantes de la actualidad. “Quiero agradecerle infinitamente a Cristian Castro, hermano querido, la manera tan hermosa en que me ha acercado a la nueva generación al interpretar las canciones que yo grabe anteriormente de una manera tan maravillosa como él lo ha hecho, lo cual me da la oportunidad de seguir vigente y de continuar entregando el mensaje de amor de los compositores de mi época a todos los jóvenes”, comento José José. “Mi Amigo El Príncipe” incluye algunos de los más grandes éxitos de José José, reinterpretados bajo la producción de Rafael Perez-Botija. “Lo Dudo”, “Desesperado” y “Preso” son solo algunas de los temas contenidos en esta producción, que guarda parte de los arreglos característicos de las grabaciones originales con un con un toque contemporáneo digno de esta época. “Después del enorme éxito del primer álbum de Cristian cantando los éxitos de José José, tuve miedo de que hubiéramos apurado lo mejor de su repertorio. No fue así: Cuando terminamos, todos coincidimos con estupefacción en que el segundo álbum era mejor que el primero. ¿Cómo pudo ser? Pienso que, en primer lugar, José grabó durante su carrera tal número de gigantescas canciones que no caben en dos álbumes, ni en tres. En segundo lugar, Cristian a la hora de interpretarlas ya dominaba a la perfección un camino que con gran esfuerzo había logrado abrir en el primer álbum. Algunas versiones que están en este álbum pienso que pasarán a la historia,” comento Perez-Botija al respecto. Actualmente, Cristian se encuentra en Miami donde presentara su disco en un coctel intimo ante sus seguidores, familiares, amigos y medios de comunicación en el Gibson Showroom de dicha ciudad. Cristian cantara algunos de los temas de “Mi Amigo El Príncipe” acompañado por su pianista.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


011 LATIN GRAMMY nominee, Cristian Castro, presents his new album “Mi Amigo El Príncipe,”(My Friend The Prince) on sale today in all formats.

With “Mi Amigo El Príncipe,” Cristian consummates his tribute to his friend and musical father. A tribute that began in 2010 with the release of “Viva El Principe”, an album that has sold more than 800,000 copies worldwide and has positioned itself as one of today’s most important Latin pop albums. “I want to infinitely thank my dear friend Cristian Castro for the beautiful way in which he has brought me closer to the new generation by recording my songs in the wonderful way in which he has done so. This gives me the opportunity to remain relevant and continue to deliver the message of love from the composers of my day to all of the youth today,” commented José José. “Mi Amigo El Príncipe” includes some of Jose Jose’s biggest hits, reinterpreted under the production of Rafael Perez-Botija. “Lo Dudo,” (I Doubt It) “Desesperado” (Desperate) and “Preso” (Imprisoned) are just some of the songs included in the album, which stays true to some of the arrangement characteristic of the original recordings with a contemporary twist worthy of this era. “After the huge success of the first album, I was afraid we had hurried the best of José José’s repertoire. But it wasn’t so: When we finished, we all agreed with great amazement that the second album was better than the first. How could it be? I think that, first of all, José recorded such a huge number of songs during his career that they couldn’t be compiled in two albums, or three. Second, Cristian had already mastered to perfection a path that he paved for himself with the first album. I think some of the versions on this album will make history,” commented Perez-Botija. Cristian is currently in Miami where he will be presenting “Mi Amigo El Príncipe” in an intimate cocktail in front of his fans, family, friends and media at the Gibson Showroom. Cristian will sing some of songs from “Mi Amigo El Príncipe” accompanied by his pianist.

Cristian Castro presenta su nuevo álbum “Mi Amigo El Príncipe”

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Cristian Castro presents his new album “Mi Amigo El Príncipe”

In Spotlight | Farándula

New star arises: By Carlos Garcia


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


adai Velazquez, born in Guantanamo, Cuba and raised in America. At the age of 8, she immigrated to America and began to immerse herself in American pop culture, which in result helped her learn English... A year later she began writing poems in English and Spanish, which quickly transitioned into songwriting. Now, Madai has joined the family of Mr. 305 Inc., the first major record label owned by International Superstar Pitbull, founded to focus on the development of new talents. Mr. 305 Inc., is also the home of renowned artists El Cata, Nayer and Sophia del Carmen among others. The new pop star gave us the privilege of sharing a few hours and talk a little about her life, artistically and personal, and her vision of the future ahead of her. At first sight, sure Madai’s natural beauty shines, but after a few words, that beauty becomes secondary in comparison to her open and smiling personality, that more than captivating engulfs all those who meet her, under a cloak of warmth and soothe. No wonder Pitbull, the famous singer received her with confidence. “My artistic world began with the strong desire of making my dreams come true… and having my parent’s support.” Her parents wanted the girl to have a formal education, a formal career. But Osvaldo Caballeros — of whom Madai refers with love — current singing teacher and long friend with the family was who opened all of our eyes.” Osvaldo, knowing Madai since she was a little girl, was the one who discovered believed in her talent the girl was already exhibiting. He was also the one to make her parents realize their daughter’s talent. The encounter with Pitbull was wonderful.. He was just fascinated by her voice and charisma. “If a person like him believes in me… that means the world.” Then followed a group of presentations all over the nation with culmination point in the soon-to-be, first album production. This first album will be centered in the fusion of American pop with Cuban and Caribbean rhythms. “I am Cuban and I want to keep my roots…” “My music is a merging of ethnicity in the common spirit of today’s youth”. She easily transitions from one culture to another, and blends these two worlds in her life and in her music.

Madai writes her own lyrics, which are often bilingual and based on her experiences. She has a natural ability for capturing a moment and expressing her emotions in a song. “I like to write about everything. I gather experiences from friends that later I put into songs.” Actually, Madai is currently working on her highly anticipated debut album working with world-renowned producers like Marc Kinchen, Keith Morrison, Farah Achour, Nicki Noelle, Maffio Alkatras and Dave Siegel, known for producing hit tracks for Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, T.I. and more! During this creative process, Madai has also had the pleasure of writing tracks with famous writers such as Carrie Furman, Farah Achour, Nicki Noelle, Micah Powel and Michelle Trumpler. Her performances are very well documented in YouTube by her followers, including the recording of her last composition, “Soon.”

Madai is Pitbull’s record label Mr. 305’s latest artist. Madai is currently working on her album with some of the hottest producers so make sure you look out for her music! Follow her on Twitter at: @OfficiallyMadai and on Facebook you can find her at:

In Spotlight | Farándula

Se perfila una nueva estrella! no con ritmos cubanos y caribeños. “Soy cubana. Mis raíces las quiero mantener…” “Mi música es una fusión de la etnicidad entre el espíritu común con la juventud actual”. Ella fácilmente hace la transición de una cultura a otra, y la mezcla de estos dos mundos, en su vida y en su música. Madai escribe sus propias letras, que a menudo son bilingües y basadas en sus experiencias. Ella tiene una habilidad natural para capturar un momento, y expresar su emoción en una canción. “Me gusta escribir de todo. Recojo experiencias de amigos y las hago mías en canciones.” Actualmente, Madai se encuentra trabajando en su muy esperado álbum de debut con productores de renombre mundial como Marc Kinchen, Keith Morrison, Achour Farah, Noelle Nicki, Alkatras Maffio y Dave Siegel, conocido por producir canciones hit de Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, TI y muchos más! Durante este proceso creativo, Madai también ha tenido el placer de escribir canciones conl os famosos coescritores Carrie Furman, Achour Farah, Noelle Nicki, Powel Miqueas y Trumpler Michelle. Muestras de sus actuaciones se pueden ver en YouTube, donde sus fans mantienen un record fiel, incluyendo la grabación de su última composición, “Soon.

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adai Velazquez, nació en Guantánamo, Cuba y se crió en Estados Unidos. A los 8 años, emigró a Estados Unidos y comenzó a sumergirse en la cultura pop estadounidense, que en consecuencia le ayudó a aprender Inglés… Un año más tarde comenzó a escribir poemas en Inglés y Español, que rápidamente la ayudo a escribir canciones. Ahora, Madai se ha unido a la familia de Mr. 305 Inc., presentando el primer sello discográfico bajo la riendas de International Superstar Pitbull, fundada para centrarse en el desarrollo de nuevos talentos. Mr. 305 Inc., es también el hogar de renombrados artistas El Cata, Nayer y Sophia del Carmen, entre otros. En primicia para los medios de comunicación, la nueva estrella Pop, accedió a compartir unas horas con nuestra redacción y hablarnos un poco sobre su vida, artística y personal, y la visión del futuro que le aguarda. A primera vista, claro que resalta la belleza natural de Madai, pero luego de cruzar las primeras palabras, dicha belleza se ubica en segundo plano cuando la comparamos con la personalidad abierta y sonriente que, más que cautivar, envuelve a toda persona que la conoce, con un manto de calidez y desenfado absoluto, y una voz que transporta los sentidos. No en balde, el famoso cantante Pitbull la acogió con confianza. “Mi mundo artístico comienza con el deseo fuerte de hacer de mis sueños una realidad… y de tener a mis padres apoyándome.” Sus padres siempre tuvieron el deseo, de que su hija estudiara una carrera, en el tradicional sentido de la palabra. Pero su actual maestro de canto, el señor Osvaldo Caballeros, de quien Madai se refiere con mucho cariño; “ fue quien nos abrió los ojos a todos.” Osvaldo descubrió y creyó en el talento por pulir que la niña exhibía, y fue quien hizo que los padres de Madai apoyaran el desarrollo artístico de su hija. El encuentro con Pitbull, fue maravilloso. Le había fascinado la voz y el carisma de Madai. “Que una persona como él crea en mi, ha significado el mundo entero…” Desde entonces, siguieron las presentaciones por todos los Estados Unidos y ahora culminará con el lanzamiento, muy pronto, de su primera producción discográfica en la que fusionará el pop america-

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

Por Carlos Garcia

Art | Arte

ARCHITECT AND ARTIST A View Inside E.B. Christensen’s World By Carlos García



DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

t is not difficult to understand why a person, who is deeply influenced by architecture, would become an artist. In fact, there are many of examples of architectural structures catalogued as tri-dimensional art. It is, however, much more difficult to reinvent seemingly wide spaces, into small formats; into, say, boxes. E.B. Christensen, born in Argentina, has spent much of his life in the United States. These days, Christensen is based in Doral where he creates and shows his art. His architectural projects have emerged beyond the lines traced on drafting paper, and beyond the planes which shape rooms, streets, buildings or houses. To unravel the psychology of buildings and its effects on humans has been the recurrent theme of his work. Mostly, his tri-dimensional creations reinterpret with a critical sense the objective usage of urban spaces. “Individuality is under a constant barrage of suppressive attacks brought forth by rules. Rules set out to organize, subdivide, and control. These rules are established for the greater good. However, as more and more people become subjugated by these rules, a fundamental schism arises in the human psyche: a schism between order and freedom,” explains Christensen of his vision oth-

ers refer to as organized chaos. The human mind is designed for expansion, and by de facto, it is always expanding. The critical eye of the artist always captures the subjacent layer behind the walls of a room, the human movement dictated and restricted by artificial limits, directed through corridors, stairways and streets leading us to just stop and retrace our steps, retrace what was walked, always with the hope of finding a way out the shell. The advent of the 21st century and its technological advancements has kept us closely tied to reduced and controlled spaces. Christensen’s critical art has evolved without leaving behind his vision of boxes or life containers. Now, his models and projects are not mere static creations dedicated to look deep inside the functional psychology of spaces. Early pieces had limited mechanical movement or a puzzle like interaction. Recent ones incorporate movement with electronic elements. Christensen’s art invites reflection, infused to life with

critical thoughts, and the analysis of a human’s compromise with urban spaces. Every piece deserves time for contemplation, and time to wisely digest the language contained. Christensen’s current exhibition will open doors November 4th at the Museum of the Americas in Doral. This exhibition has also been featured in Le Carrousel at the Louvre Museum in Paris; Global Gallery of International Artists in Barcelona, Spain; and at Art Dubai, in Dubai, UAE. Moving past model templates varying from six inches to six feet, E.B. Christensen has made his mark through paint, drawing and sculpture. “Architecture studies only set me up to find new ways of expression.” Thus, his encounter with art, by fortitude or discovery, has turned old orthodox visions into an amalgam of forms, materials and concepts with their own voice. For further information, please visit

Art | Arte

ARQUITECTO Y ARTISTA Una Mirada al mundo de E. B. Christensen Por Carlos García

A pesar de que su quehacer mayor son sus maquetas, que varían en tamaño desde las seis pulgadas hasta los seis pies de altura, E.B. Christensen ha incursionado con buen tino en el campo de la pintura, el dibujo y la escultura, principalmente en barro. “Los estudios de arquitectura me llevaron a buscar otras formas de expresión.” Su encuentro con el arte, fortuito o intencional, convirtió visiones ortodoxas en amalgama de formas, materiales y conceptos que hablan por sí solos. Al igual que hizo el artista para con esta redacción, invito a los lectores a revisar el sitio web de Christensen en, donde encontrarán más información acerca de la obra de este residente de nuestra ciudad.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

habitación, el movimiento humano, dictado y restringido por límites artificiales, dirigido a través de corredores, escalinatas y calles que sólo nos llevan a darnos la vuelta sobre nuestros pasos, desandar lo andado y buscar otra vía que quizás, como la anterior, no conduzca a ningún sitio, siempre con la esperanza de, en algún momento, poder salirnos del enclaustramiento. Con el advenimiento del Siglo 21 y el desarrollo tecnológico —que mucho más nos mantiene atados a espacios reducidos y controlados— el arte crítico de Christensen evolucionó sin dejar atrás la visión de las cajas, de los contenedores de vida. Ahora sus maquetas y proyectos no son meras creaciones estáticas dedicadas a mirar profundo dentro de la psicología funcional de los espacios. Piezas anteriores incorporaban cierto movimiento mecánico o interacción en forma de puzles, que las más recientes incorporan usando elementos electrónicos. La obra de Christensen insta a pensar, a infundir vida al pensamiento crítico y el análisis del compromiso humano con los espacios urbanos. Cada pieza merece su tiempo de contemplación, y su tiempo para digerir sabiamente el lenguaje que contienen. Sobre exposiciones hay muchas. La más reciente se abrirá el próximo 4 de Noviembre en las salas del Museo de Las Américas, en nuestra ciudad del Doral, lugar que ha recibido anteriormente las obras de Christensen. Ha expuesto también en el Carrousel del Louvre en París; en la Galería Global de Artistas Internacionales en Barcelona, España y en el Art Dubai 2011, en Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

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o es muy difícil imaginar a una persona formada en arquitectura haciendo arte. De hecho, son muchas las obras arquitectónicas que se catalogan como arte tridimensional. Lo que es mucho más difícil es tratar de reinventar espacios, que al parecer son amplios, en formatos pequeños, al decir del autor, cajas. E.B. Christensen, nacido en Argentina, ha pasado una buena parte de su vida en los Estados Unidos, en especial en la ciudad Doral, desde donde crea y expone sus obras. Su formación como arquitecto le llevó más allá de las líneas trazadas en los planos, más allá de planos que conforman habitaciones, calles, edificios o casas. Desentrañar la psicología o el efecto del mismo tipo que las construcciones tienen sobre el ser humano, ha sido el tema recurrente, sobre todo, de sus creaciones tridimensionales, en su mayoría, especie de maquetas que reinterpretan con sentido crítico, la conformación y uso de los espacios urbanos. “La individualidad está siempre bajo un constante ataque supresivo traído de la mano por reglas. Reglas dictadas para organizar, subdividir y controlar. Estas reglas se establecieron para el bien común. Y no obstante, a medida que más y más personas aparecen subyugados por estas reglas, un abismo fundamental crece en la psiquis humana; el abismo que separa el orden de la libertad…” es la visión de Christensen sobre lo que otros llaman el caos organizado de las urbes del planeta. Y es que la mente humana está hecha para expandirse, de facto siempre lo está. El ojo crítico del artista asimila aquello que subyace tras las paredes de una

Nutrition | Nutrición

By Nicole Fox



DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

hen talking about detoxifying the body, people always wonder when the best time to detox is and why? My advice is when the spring and autumn season begins. During the autumn we detox because the body prepares to accumulate high fats and oils consumed during the winter season, just like a raccoon eats nuts to get a layer of fat to keep them warm from the snow. And during the spring we detox for the complete opposite reason, to get rid of the excess fats we ate. Toxic substances are found in the air, water and soil. In addition to our toxic environment, we also expose ourselves everyday to toxins with our lifestyle choices like processed foods, cigarettes, cleaning products, drink alcohol, auto exhaust, synthetic drugs, personal hygiene products, etc. So how do we know we need to detox? Well if you haven’t yet done it; believe me when I say you are

ready to do some mayor body cleaning. You clean your house every week right? Think of your body as your house. When you clean your body internally you will experience some of the following benefits: The right detox improves overall health and vitality, increases energy levels, improves digestion, helps control weight (even weight loss in some cases, definitely mine!), decreases risk of disease and chronic health conditions, and increases general ability to live lighter in body, mind and spirit! Here are some ways to detox. Calling into my raw food chef experience, I recommend doing it with all natural organic juices, like the ones I prepare for my clients when they do my personalized detox program. Green vegetables juice will help you detoxify your body from toxins and give you all the nutrients, vitamins, chlorophyll, and fiber that you need. A great green vegetables supplement that I recommend is

Genesis Today’s GenEssentials™ Greens available at Apple A Day Natural Food store in Miami Beach, is a potent, premium blend of food-based nutrition made from a powerful combination of organic green superfoods delivering the phytonutrients equal to 3-5 servings of dark green leafy vegetables in every serving. Fruits are also great for detox, my favorite are grapes, apples, strawberries, blue berries, pineapple, papaya, and many others. Coconut water is also recommended because it contains electrolytes which help hydrate the body. Drink a hot cup of water with lemon first thing in the morning to open up you’re circulatory system and alkalinize the body fluids, this will speed up the rate of detoxification. I hope this helps you understand the importance of cleaning your body. If you want more information on the topic of detoxification feel free to contact me via email:


n esta oportunidad quiero referirme a los temibles 300, pero no me refiero a los 300 valientes soldados espartanos que, al mando del Rey Leónidas, combatieron a las hordas invasoras persas en el estrecho de Termopilas, inmolándose por la defensa de su patria. No; Yo me refiero a los 300 puntos de concentración de glucosa en mi sangre. Tal como le sucedió a Jerjes, el emperador persa, yo, debo enfrentarme a los temibles 300 para poder lograr mi propósito de mantener mi diabetes bajo control. Es una constante lucha para mantener bajos mis niveles de azúcar en sangre y la sola presencia de los 300 me llena de temor. Temor ver como mi salud se deteriora irremediablemente, comprometiendo todo lo que más quiero: Mi familia, mis sueños y mi vida misma. Los altos níveles de glucosa en mi sangre son fiel reflejo de mis malos hábitos alimenticios. Cada vez que como algo que me gusta, pero que no debo comer, al medir mi nível de glucosa, seguro me están esperando los temibles 300. En mi estado, cualquier desliz se paga caro; no importa cuán nimio sea el capricho, su efecto negativo es inevitable. Si me como un chocolate, bebo una gaseosa o disfruto de un rico postre, tengo que pagar las consecuencias con una porción más de mi salud. El destino nos ha reservado a los diabéticos una de las pruebas más severas: ¡La de nuestra fuerza de voluntad! Tenemos que estar conscientes de que somos lo que comemos y que si no regulamos nuestros hábitos alimenticios el único destino que nos aguarda es una muerte prematura. Las complicaciones surgidas a consecuencia de la diabetes son varias y todas indeseables: Infartos, amputaciones, ceguera, impotencia y hasta Alzheimer. Yo las viví de cerca, como espectador, en el caso de mi mamá y cuando recuerdo sus penurias se me quitan las ganas de comer, pero, desafortunadamente, mi memoria es frágil y al rato se despierta de nuevo mi apetito por todo lo que es vedado. El monitoreo diario de los níveles de azúcar en sangre es un deber que todo diabético debe cumplir. Existen tres medidas que debemos conocer y mantener bajo estrecha vigilancia, a saber: • Glucosa Plasmática en Ayunas o FPG por sus siglas en inglés: Esta prueba nos dice cómo nuestro cuerpo está procesando el azúcar proveniente del hígado. Esta prueba debe hacerse en ayuna y los valores normales pueden ubicarse entre 70 mg a 130 mr. • Glucosa Postprandial o PPG por sus siglas en inglés: Esta otra prueba nos deja saber cómo nuestro cuerpo está procesando los alimentos que comemos. Dos horas después de comer, debemos chequear nuestro nivel de azúcar en sangre. Para la mayoría de los adultos debería ser de menos de 180 mr. • A1C: Esta es la medida de su azúcar en sangre a través de un período de tiempo. Su médico deberá ordenar esta prueba trimestralmente. El valor adecuado, según la Asociación Americana de Diabetes debe ser inferior al 7%. Yo he de continuar librando mi batalla diaria en contra de los temibles 300 haciendo uso de todos los recursos a mi alcance, evitando así que ellos se interpongan en mi camino para poder disfrutar de una vida más saludable, a pesar de la diabetes. Para comunicarse con el autor, favor enviar su correo electrónico a o visite

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


would now like to talk about the fearsome 300. But I am not referring to the 300 brave Spartan soldiers who, under the command of King Leonidas, fought against the Persian invading hordes in the strait of Thermopiles, sacrificing their lives to defend their country. No; I am referring to the 300 blood glucose concentration points. Just like Xerxes, the Persian emperor, I should face these fearsome 300 to be able to keep my diabetes under control. Seeing this number pop up on my blood glucose meter makes me shiver, and I am afraid to watch my health deteriorate, compromising everything that is valuable to me: my family, my dreams, and my life itself. My high levels of blood glucose are a reflection of my bad eating habits. Each time I eat something I like, but that I should not eat, my blood sugar levels spike, and the fearsome 300 inevitably appear. In my condition, any little mishap, no matter how trivial, will always bring about negative effects. Whether I eat a small piece of chocolate, drink a soda, or enjoy a rich dessert, I have to pay the consequences with another part of my health. Destiny has reserved for us diabetics one of the hardest tests: our willpower! We have to be conscious about what we eat and know that if we do not regulate our dietary habits, premature death will be waiting for us. The complications resulting from diabetes are many and are all undesirable: heart attacks, amputations, blindness, impotence, and even Alzheimer’s. I have seen them all up close as a spectator to my mom’s own case of diabetes. When I remember her hardships, all of my own eating urges disappear. But unfortunately, my memory is fragile, and after a while, my appetite awakens again asking for everything that is forbidden to me. The daily monitoring of blood sugar levels is a duty that all diabetics should comply with. There are three numbers that we should know and keep an eye on: • Early-morning blood sugar (FPG): This test tells us how our body is processing sugar from the liver. This test should be done before we eat and its values normally range between 70 mg to 130 mg. • After-meal blood sugar: This test tells us how our body is processing sugar from the food we eat. Two hours after eating, we should check our blood sugar levels. For most adults, these values should be less than 180 mg. • A1C Level: This test measures blood sugar levels over a period of time. Your doctor should arrange for you to have this test every three months. According to the American Association of Diabetes, the desirable value for this test should be no more than 7%. I will continue to fight my daily battle against the fearsome 300, using any available resources to keep them off my road to enjoying a healthier life. To get in touch with the author, send an email to or visit

Los temibles 300

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The Fearsome 300

Family | Familia What happen when parents disagree while raising their kids? ¿Qué pasa cuando los padres no By Erika Angulo Counselor MEd


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


he arrival of a new member to the family is full of new challenges, joys and fears that fill home. Unfortunately with this new member, some disagreements between parents may arise regarding how to raise their child. These disagreements certainly bring some conflicts to the couple and they can also bring negative consequences to the child. We need to bear in mind that this baby is the result of the union of two different people (dad and mom), that even though they could share similar culture and values, their experiences and life have helped them become unique. Therefore, to combine their beliefs, experiences and values is not an easy task. However, it is a good idea to work towards an agreement for the best of the child’s education and the family wellbeing. Recent researches have suggested that parents who have significant differences in educating the child can lead to increased behavioral problems in children. This is the main reason why parents who do not agree about discipline or the limits to be set to the child, are more likely to find certain negative behaviors that unfortunately, might become worse over the time, as the child does not find reassurance from both parent in setting limits. The consistency of both parents and the fact that the child can predict the consequences of their actions are key points for their learning process and the institution of an effective discipline. Working out those differences and reaching an agreement to make a united front with your partner requires a learning process as well as a commitment from both sides. Here are some ideas that may help: • Be prepare of those behavioral problems that you know will emerge over the child’s life and that are linked to the child’s growth and development. Try to anticipate and think about certain circumstances that you may reach in the future. For example, what to do when your toddler becomes defiant? • Do not criticize or change the other parent’s discipline in front of the child. Try to resolve these situations alone, or calling your partner aside for a moment or after the event. • Do not get trapped in your past or your childhood memories. Try to find together with your partner the best ways to educate your children in today’s world. A good idea would be to take parenting classes. • Allow the other to be part of certain routines or duties with the child and let him (or her) assumes the responsibilities of leading this process and to learn more about what the parenting process is.

están de acuerdo en la crianza de los niños?


a llegada de un nuevo miembro a la familia está llena de nuevos retos, temores y alegrías que inundan el ambiente familiar, y con este nuevo miembro llegan también algunos desacuerdos entre los padres en la manera de cómo educar al pequeño. Dichos desacuerdos traerán sin duda no solo conflictos en la pareja sino también consecuencias negativas para el niño. Partiendo del hecho de que este bebe es resultado de la unión de dos seres (papa y mama) que aunque compartan valores morales y culturales similares, han experimentado vivencias que los han convertido en dos individuos diferentes y únicos. Es por esto que el pensar en conjugar dichas creencias, experiencias y valores en algunos casos no es tarea fácil, sin embargo trabajar para lograr un acuerdo en la crianza del niño es fundamental tanto para la educación del niño como para el bienestar familiar. Con respecto a los estilos de educación diferentes en la pareja, estudios recientes han sugerido que el hecho de que los padres tengan diferencias significativas a la hora de educar al niño, puede conllevar a mayores problemas de comportamiento en el niño, en comparación con aquellos padres con estilos similares de crianza. Es por esto, que aquellos padres que no se ponen de acuerdo a la hora de disciplinar o de poner límites al niño, van a encontrar que ciertas conductas negativas que muestra el niño con el tiempo pueden llegar a empeorar, ya que el pequeño no encuentra reafirmación por parte de los padres a la hora de establecer los límites. La consistencia en los padres así como el hecho de que el niño pueda predecir las consecuencias de sus actos, son puntos esenciales para su proceso de aprendizaje así como para el establecimiento de su disciplina. El llegar a un acuerdo y hacer un frente unido con tu pareja en la crianza del niño conlleva un proceso de aprendizaje y acomodación, que requiera compromiso de parte y parte así como práctica. A continuación encontraras algunas ideas que pueden ayudarte: • Ten presente que problemas de comportamiento surgirán en el transcurso de la vida de tu pequeño y que probablemente estos estén ligados al desarrollo y crecimiento del niño. Traten de anticipar como reaccionaran ante ciertas circunstancias a futuro, por ejemplo si el niño no se despierta por la noche, o si tira sus juguetes. • No critiques lo que el otro padre hace delante del niño. Trata de que estas situaciones se resuelvan a solos, sea después del suceso o llamando al padre a un lado por un momento y resolviendo la situación juntos. • No te encierres en tu pasado o en los recuerdos de tu infancia. Trata de encontrar medidas con tu pareja que los ayuden a encontrar una buena manera de educar a tus hijos en el mundo de hoy, una buena idea sería tomar clases para padres. • Permítele al otro asumir y ser parte de ciertas rutinas o deberes con el niño y déjale que asuma las responsabilidades siendo él o ella quien lidere este proceso y aprenda mas sobre lo que es el proceso de paternidad.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

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By Lisandra Alvarez


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


The time has come

enezuela’s national judo team is currently preparing for the upcoming 2012 London Olympics. The team is eager to win and to become household names. After many hours of hard work and sacrifice, they are excited to compete. Their time has finally come! Katiuska Santaella is the current team coach for Venezuela’s national judo team. She has trained in judo since the age of five, and was a member of Venezuela’s national judo team for 8 consecutive years. During a recent interview, Santaella further explained Venezuela’s current olympic team: “For me, it was an honor to represent Venezuela at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. Now, I want to take my team to the 2012 London Olympics.” What are your thoughts on your opportunity to take this team to the 2012 London Olympics? “For me, the upcoming Olympics are a culmination of four years of hard work for our national team members. It is an enormous accomplishment to participate in these Olympics, and as their coach, it means everything to me. It is a big responsibility, and I am thrilled because with each competition, we are that much closer to the Olympics. We have a strong schedule coming up but we are enthusiastic for what lies ahead.” Santaella acknowledges the team’s performance at the Panamerican games wasn’t stellar. She believes many of the athletes, as a result of that performance, suffered a setback.“We could have done much better. The Panamerican games are a turning point for olympic hopefuls,” said Santaella. The greatest accomplishment in any sport is to participate in the Olympics. What advice can you share with aspiring athletes? “I advise people of all ages to participate in sports. It is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself, and it helps oxygenate your body. Sports give your body a sense of balance.” What are the expectations for Venezuela during these 2011 Panamerican Games in Guadalajara? “We had hoped Ricardo Valderrama would have led us to a gold medal. We thought this because he had already won several world championships, and had garnered so much success. It didn’t turnout out that way, but at least Valderrama won the bronze medal in the 66 kg weight category.” Who are the star judoists in the Venezuelan team? “Our 12 best team members are: Ricardo Valderrama (66 kgs), Javier Guedez (60 Kgs), Geovanna Blanco (+78kgs), Albeny Rosales (-100kgs), Eliezer Acuña (+100kgs), Mervin “Chino” Rodríguez (- 81kgs), Jose Camacho (-84 kgs), Andrés Ibáñez, Antonio Rivas (73 Kgs), Anrriquelys Barrios (52 kgs), Flor Velásquez (57kgs), Ysis Barreto (63kgs), y Keivi Pinto (78 kgs).” How many team members hope to qualify for the London Olympics? “Right now we have three members: Ricardo Valderrama, Javier Guedez and Geovanna Blanco.”

I understand your organization has worked closely with the American Judo Federation, and on occassion, the team has trained in Miami. Can you speak more about this collaboration? “The American Judo Federation has always received us with open arms. We have trained at the Lioni Prado gym in Miami. Thanks to their training and meet preparation, we competed well at the Central American Games.” I am aware the team also participated in the Judo World Cup in Doral. What was your experience like during those competions? “All of the competitions are invaluable because we learn from other judokas. Also, we feel really comfortable and at home in Doral. Many Venezuelans live in Doral and we are grateful for their support.” What challenges lie ahead on the road to the London Olympics? “Our work and rigorous schedule continues. We still have several competitions in Europe. We still have to accumulate points to qualify for the Olympic Games. We have to take advantage of each meet in order to improve our techniques.” Santaella concluded by thanking the team’s fans in Doral for all their support: “Everytime we are in Doral, we feel encouraged and we wish to make Venezuelan’s proud.” At the same time, we had the opportunity to speak to: José Humberto Rodríguez, Executive Director of USA Judo as well as a resident of Doral, stated: “The Panamerican games have, in general terms, been quite succesful. Mexico and its government organized incredible games, and I believe they will be remembered as the best. The games were filled with fanatics. I believe Venezuela’s team looks very promising. It has a strong, disciplined and respectful judo team. Plus, the athletes are great.”

dríguez (- 81kgs), Jose Camacho (-84 kgs), Andrés Ibáñez, Antonio Rivas (73 Kgs), Anrriquelys Barrios (52 kgs), Flor Velásquez (57kgs), Ysis Barreto (63kgs), y Keivi Pinto (78 kgs). ¿Cuántos atletas esperan clasificar para los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres? Ahora mismo tenemos 3 que son Ricardo Valderrama, Javier Guedez y Geovanna Blanco. Tengo entendido que ustedes trabajan muy de cerca con la Federación de Judo de USA, donde en varias ocasiones han estado aquí en Miami para entrenar... ¿ Nos puedes hablar de esas iniciativas? La Federación de Judo de USA, siempre nos reciben con los brazos abiertos; Nosotros hemos entrenado en el gimnasio de Jhony Prado en Miami; Gracias a su entrenamiento y preparación, hicimos un buen papel en los Juegos Centroamericanos. Sabemos que también participaron en la Copa Mundial de Judo que se celebró en Doral…¿Cuáles fueron sus experiencias en estas competencias? “Todas las competencias son experiencias muy gratas porque aprendemos mucho de otros judokas. Aparte que en Doral nos sentimos muy bien y es como si estuviéramos en casa… Allí viven muchos venezolanos y que nos han apoyado mucho. ¿Cuáles han sido y serán los mayores retos en lo que queda de la preparación camino a Londres? Nuestro trabajo y rutina continua… Aun nos falta realizar varios competencias en Europa, para seguir acumulando el puntaje para poder asistir a los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres… Tenemos que sacar el mayor provecho posible cada vez que nos enfrentemos con nuestros competidores, para mejorar nuestras técnicas y níveles”. Al terminar la entrevista, Katiuska Santaella, quiso enviar un mensaje a todo su fanaticada que vive en la ciudad de Doral, agradeciendo a todos por el apoyo que le han demostrado: “Nos sentimos muy bien cada vez que estamos por allá, y estamos dispuestos a poner el nombre de Venezuela en alto”. Por otro lado, tuvimos la oportunidad de hablar con José Humberto Rodríguez quién es el Director Ejecutivo de la Federación de Judo de los Estados Unidos y residente del Doral el cual nos comentó: “Los juegos Panamericanos en su generalidad han sido muy buenos, el gobierno y el País han organizado unos juegos increíbles y creo que serán recordados como los mejores juegos Panamericanos. Esto esta repleto de fanáticos. Pienso que Venezuela es un equipo que promete, ha tenido un Judo fuerte y lo sigue teniendo, son muy disciplinados y respetuosos, además tiene muy buenos atletas”.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


l equipo Nacional de Judo de Venezuela se prepara para las Olimpiadas de Londres 2012, ellos están dispuestos a ganar, y de esta forma poner su nombre bien en alto. Han pasado por muchas horas de esfuerzo y sacrificio durante los entrenamientos y ¡Ya llegó la hora! Katiuska Santaella, practica el judo desde que tenia 5 años, fue atleta de la selección nacional de Judo en Venezuela por 8 años consecutivos, hoy en día es la entrenadora del equipo Nacional de Judo de Venezuela. Santaella accedió a darnos una entrevista exclusiva para nuestro periódico y así explicarnos un poco más del equipo. “Para mí fue un honor representar a Venezuela en las Olimpiadas de Atlanta 1996, ahora quiero llevar mi equipo a las Olimpiadas en Londres 2012”, nos comenta muy emocionada, Katiuska Santaella. ¿Que representa para ti el participar como entrenadora en las próximas Olimpiadas de Londres 2012 ? “Para mí, es lo máximo porque es la culminación de 4 años de trabajo para que los atletas asistan a las Olimpiadas; Para nosotros es algo muy grande asistir los juegos Olímpicos, y sobretodo para mí como entrenadora… Lo representa todo; Siento que tengo una gran responsabilidad, y estoy muy contenta porque hemos realizado varias competencias que nos acercan más a los Juegos Olímpicos. Tenemos una rutina fuerte pero esto nos anima a seguir adelante”. Para Katiuska Santaella, la actuación del equipo venezolano en los Panamericanos no estuvo tan bien y considera que muchos atletas venezolanos se han perjudicado. “Nosotros pudimos haber dado más, porque los juegos panamericanos de Guadalajara son el punto de partida para las Olimpiadas” dijo Santaella. Llegar a las Olimpiadas es el mérito mas grande del deporte. ¿Qué consejo le das a la juventud? Yo le aconsejo a todas las personas, no solamente a la juventud porque el deporte lo puede practicar cualquiera a cualquier edad… es lo más sano que puede haber, te ayuda a oxigenarte y llevar un ritmo de vida normal. ¿Cuáles son las expectativas de Venezuela en estos Juegos Panamericanos Guadalajara 2011? Teníamos la expectativa de ganar medalla de oro con el judoca venezolano Ricardo Valderrama porque él ya venia ganando en varias copas mundiales y ha obtenido buenos resultados. Aunque no pudo ser así… de todas maneras, Valderrama consiguió la medalla de bronce en la división de los hasta 66 kilogramos del judo. ¿Cuáles son las mejores estrellas del equipo venezolano? Son 12 los atletas que han logrado este equipo, entre ellos figura Ricardo Valderrama (66 kgs), Javier Guedez (60 Kgs), Geovanna Blanco (+78kgs), Albeny Rosales (-100kgs), Eliezer Acuña (+100kgs), Mervin “Chino” Ro-

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Por Lisandra Alvarez

Y llego la hora

Sports | Deportes

Doral Field Hockey at the Atlanta Cup By Gaby Quinn


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011


ctober 15th and 16th were very important dates for players and coaches in Doral Field Hockey. We all spent the last two months getting ready to participate on a tournament that was new to all of us, the Atlanta Cup. This tournament is a very prestigious field hockey tournament, for open categories, and it is an only by invitation tournament. This year, the players from Doral Field Hockey had the honor of being invited to the Atlanta Cup, making us the first team in a junior development that had the privilege of participating. The tournament consisted of 16 teams divided in 8 and 8 “Women and Men” categories. Although the girls knew that they were going to be playing against very experienced, older players, they played amazing hockey and had a very commendable attitude at all times. Our players showed everyone that with effort and commitment, you can go far. “Our future players from Doral were another good sign that after this generation there is another ready to step up. Keep up the good work” were the words of Jeff Grosven, President of the Florida Field Hockey League. “Pursue your dreams with effort and courage” is what these girls are doing, but they know that there is much to be done yet. The girls finished fifth from eight teams loosing their first match for only one goal against the four year champion of the tournament. Not bad for the first time right? Our new goal is to finish next year among the first three. Our next step will be the Tampa Cup on November 12th and 13th. Until then, Let’s make history!!! Also, every year at the beginning of the season, we have a family day. This is a great chance for all the families to get to meet and know each other, for them to meet the coaches if the haven’t done so and most important of all, for mom and dad to see their children practicing an amazing sport. The players get together with their team and coaches, they have a short warm up and then they do scrimmage. This allows parents to see how and what these players do, and to realize also, that although it’s a junior development, players and coaches take it very seriously. We also have our very own special moment were moms, dads, aunts, uncles and whoever is supporting our players get to show their abilities too. This year, there was a tremendous display of team work, strategies and most of all, good humor, when parents played the race of the “potatoes and the spoon”, the race of “bags” and of course, some specific drills with the hockey stick and a ball. Congratulations to all our “Senior, very Senior” players for an outstanding performance. Last but not least, we were committed to raise money to buy a new set of goals for the club so our players went around selling raffles. We almost collected the total amount of money that was needed. This shows once again, that our families support our players and our club one hundred percent. Our next goal is to raise the rest of the money and to have a sponsor for our “Field Hockey Annual Scholarship” that will be given to one player per year that shows commitment, responsibility, and love for the sport but most of all, a player that is willing to work hard and take Field Hockey beyond Florida’s State line.

DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

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In Flash | Fotos

The faces of Halloween in Doral


DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

You may have seen some ghosts, goblins, witches, ghouls and princesses running around Halloween night. For children, it was a night of imagination overdrive, an opportunity to pull on a new person. And don’t forget the candy, kids were on a mission. Some had pumpkin pails to fill, others pillow cases. Here are some of the faces of Halloween in our community!!

To enjoy more photos, please visit our page on Facebook: DORAL FAMILY JOURNAL

In Flash | Fotos

Doral Car Show at Miami International Mall The past Sunday, October 23, 2011 the City of Doral hosted the Doral Car Show which took place at the Miami International Mall. The show brought out more than 100 cars from all over South Florida, varying from classic antique to modern designs models. The afternoon of hot wheels was full of activities for kids, stage performances and more.

Familia Rodríguez ofreció tremenda fiesta de Halloween!!!

To enjoy more photos, please visit our page on Facebook: DORAL FAMILY JOURNAL

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DORAL family journal • November 06, 2011

Andrés Rodríguez y Valentina Verde Rodríguez fueron los encantadores anfitriones de una de las fiestas de Halloween mas divertidas en el Doral. No faltó nadie, piratas, súper héroes, gánster, doctores, hippies ,romanos, griegos, los locos Adams, detectives, brujas y horrorosos monstruos, toda la gente linda del Doral que comparte una genuina amistad y una gran pasión (exagerada) por el tenis también estuvo ahí. Lo mas chistoso fue reconocer quien andaba detrás de esas mascaras y quien se asustaba mas!!! La lluvia no fue obstáculo, la entrada parecía depósito de paraguas, pero la mayoría llegó. Nadie se quería perder este evento... Andrés Rodríguez, alto ejecutivo de Venevision Internacional, caracterizó nada mas y nada menos que a Austin Powers y su bella esposa, a Foxy Cleopatra. Y se lo tomaron en serio, parecían actores de verdad, lo que indica que estuvieron practicando bastante.YEAH BABY..!!!.la fiesta acabó algo tarde y el reporte final dice que todos estaban muertos........ de risa.

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