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DO RAL Somos tu comunidad. ENTERATE! Envíanos temas de tu interés. COLABORA!

The City we have built; The Citizens we expect and need D.A.R.E. Program to stay in Doral schools

January 15, 2012 EDICIÓN QUINCENAL


No. 16

DO R A L familyjournal

January 15, 2012 • No. 16 • Year 1 Editor in Chief: Ettore Sabatella Executive Editor: Carlo Sabatella Managing Editor: Sandra Figueiredo Art Director: Mario Carpio Contributors: Dominique Barba Grecia Romero Cesar Gamarra Dr. A. De Diego María A. Pulgar Alex Garcia Antonella Stelluto

Nicole Fox Lisandra Alvarez Mike Rodriguez Maria Sabatella Erika Angulo Maria Vallasciani Carlos García

Online Digital Magazine E-mail: Address: 10773 NW 58 ST. PMB # 96 MIAMI, FL. 33178 * Ph: (305) 300.4594


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

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Doral Family Journal


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Community | Comunidad

How can we fulfill our New Year’s resolutions in 2012? By Grecia Romero


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


ow many times have you decided to have a fresh start at the beginning of a new year? How many times have you set resolutions starting in January? Save money, lose weight, spend more time with the family, start a dieting, exercise more and use the time wisely to have a work life balance; these are some of the most common resolutions nowadays, but how many of those resolutions are actually reached by the end of the year? and how many of them are forgotten in just one or two months? New Year’s resolutions are without doubt a good opportunity to set goals, make changes or improve aspects of our lives that will lead us to grow psychologically, emotionally, socially, physically or intellectually so we have a more fulfilling and happy life. New Year resolutions also help us to look ahead with hope and optimism, with the confidence that we will achieve what we wish. This sounds very nice but the question is: What can help us meet those resolutions? Make the decision to start 2012 with energy and keep it throughout the year taking into account these simple tricks: • Keep an eye on your motivation: The reason that drives us to fight for what we want is called motivation. Checking what motivates us is important to keep that desire alive so we can fulfill what we want. Appropriate motivations feed the will, which is one of the essential key factors to move us into action. • Set realistic and achievable resolutions: Resolutions made not knowing where to start are the ones we tend to forget easily and the most difficult to achieve. If your goal is to save money but your budget is much compromside, first set yourself a figure that you can actually commit to in your current economic situation. The key to acheivable goals is: realistic expectations, setting your self a plan of action and be disciplined taking the actions you need to reach that goal. • Consider a resolution a serious commitment to your-

self in order to make a project or reform the habit you want in you. As we tend to do our works thanks to the responsibility we have with a boss, teacher or third party, the same way try to do it to you. Report your progress to yourself and feel the commitment. • Write down your resolutions so you don’t forget it: A good way to help our busy minds is to write down what is important. Although it seems silly, writing down your goals and place it in a visible place will help you to keep the idea and remember it often. Some people decide to visualize it with photos or drawings and this gives them a clearer idea of what they want. • Be specific in your resolutions: You don’t need to have Everest-size resolutions, just focus on something easy and concrete that you can realistically set your sights on instead. Let’s suppose you want to spend less time watching TV and reading more; decide how many hours you are going to devote yourself to the television and how many more hours of reading per day or per week you are going to add into your routine. This way you will be able to evaluate your progress later. When you set a goal, focus on how you plan to achieve it, this is part of being specific. • Keep track of your progress: Most changes do not happen overnight, but require effort, perseverance and hard work. If you want to lose a few pounds, don’t think you will do it by stop eating for a whole day, but rather, as a result of a series of measured actions over a period of time. Make a stop and review our progress reaching the goals will not only help us assess how we’re doing, but also make adjustments if necessary. Without realizing it, the basis of strategic planning will be practicing and this

experience can be a great plus in many areas of life, including employment. • Ask for help: Some resolutions can be achieved with the support of others so seek for that help. If your goal is to exercise more but you don’t have a routine, then invite a friend with the same desire and support each other by creating a routine and stick to it. Sometimes, sharing our goals with family members can be also very useful. They can be great motivators and collaborate with our lifestyle changes. If your goal is to start a diet, for example, then other family members can avoid bringing home tasty-high-calories food which is far away from your target. • Finally, consider every New Year resolution as “a project of happiness.” This way you can go slowly working on creating a better environment for yourself and others which will make you a better person and therefore living your life more harmonious. If you have not yet considered any resolution, there is still time for it! Work on establishing some of them and start enjoying a 2012 full of positive changes.

Community | Comunidad

¿Como cumplir nuestras resoluciones de año nuevo en el 2012?

• Busque apoyo: Si su resolución puede ser alcanzada con la colaboración de otros, busque esa camaradería. Si desea hacer ejercicios pero no tiene una rutina, invite a un amigo con el mismo deseo y apóyense mutuamente, créense una rutina y respétenla. En ocasiones puede también ayudarnos el compartir las metas con nuestro círculo familiar y contar con apoyo y colaboración. Si esta a dieta, por ejemplo, otros miembros de la casa pueden evitar traer alimentos apetitosos pero altos en calorías que no sean compatibles con su meta. • Por último, considere cada resolución de fin de año como “un proyecto de felicidad”. De esta manera podrá ir trabajando poco a poco en crear un mejor ambiente para usted y los demás, mejorando como persona y en consecuencia viviendo su vida de forma más armoniosa. Si no ha considerado resoluciones todavía, aun está a tiempo! Fijarse algunas y comience a disfrutar de un 2012 lleno de cambios positivos.

DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

cias a la responsabilidad que tenemos con un jefe, profesor o tercero, de la misma manera intentemos hacerlo con nosotros mismos. Rinda cuenta a usted mismo de cómo va su progreso. • Anote sus resoluciones para no olvidarlas: Una buena manera de ayudar a nuestra mente cargada de responsabilidades y agitaciones, es anotar lo que es importante. Aunque pareciera tonto, anotar su meta y colocarlo en un lugar visible le hará mantener la idea fresca y recordarla con frecuencia. Algunos lo hacen con fotos o dibujos y esto les da una idea más clara de lo que quieren. • Fíjese resoluciones específicas: Sus resoluciones no necesitan ser del tamaño del Everest, puede comenzar con aspectos sencillos, pero debe evitar que sean totalmente generales pues se le hará más difícil alcanzarla. Supongamos que desea ver menos televisión y leer más, hágala especifica determinando cuantas horas menos desea dedicar a la televisión y cuantas horas más a la lectura por día o por semana. Así podrá evaluar su avance posteriormente. • Haga un seguimiento de su progreso: La mayoría de los cambios no ocurren de la noche a la mañana, sino que requieren esfuerzo, perseverancia y trabajo. Si desea perder unas libras, no lo conseguirá dejando de comer por un día entero, sino más bien, como resultado de un conjunto de medidas en un lapso de tiempo. Parar y revisar el progreso en el alcance de su meta no solo le ayudara a evaluar como lo está haciendo, sino también realizar ciertos ajustes si es necesario. Sin darse cuenta, estará practicando la base de la planeación estratégica y esta experiencia puede beneficiarlo en muchísimas áreas de su vida, incluso las laborales.



uántas veces se ha propuesto hacer borrón y cuenta nueva al comenzar un año?, ¿Cuántas veces ha fijado metas comenzando en Enero? Ahorrar dinero, bajar de peso, dedicar más tiempo a la familia, hacer dieta y ejercicios, usar el tiempo adecuadamente para tener un balance entre la vida personal y el trabajo, son algunas de las resoluciones más comunes. Pero, ¿cuántas de ellas se alcanzan realmente?, ¿Cuántas de ellas se olvidan al pasar uno o dos meses? Las resoluciones de año nuevo son, sin duda, una buena oportunidad para fijarnos metas, realizar cambios o mejorar aspectos de nuestra vida que nos guiaran a crecer sicológicamente, físicamente, emocionalmente, socialmente o intelectualmente, permitiéndonos así llevar una existencia más plena y feliz. Las resoluciones nos ayudan igualmente a mirar el futuro con esperanza y optimismo, con la confianza que con entusiasmo llegaremos conseguir aquello que tenemos como objetivo. Todo esto suena muy agradable, y por ello la pregunta importante es: ¿Qué nos puede ayudar a cumplir con esas resoluciones? Comience el 2012 con todas sus energías y manténgalo durante todo el año considerando estos aspectos: • Su motivación: La razón que nos impulsa a luchar por lo que queremos se llama motivación. Revisar que nos motiva nos ayudara a mantener ese deseo vivo hasta el punto de cumplir lo que nos deseamos. Las motivaciones apropiadas alimentaran la voluntad, que es uno de los puntos clave y esenciales para mover a la acción. • Fíjese resoluciones realistas y alcanzables: Las resoluciones donde no tenemos idea de por donde comenzar, son las que más fácilmente se olvidan o las que más trabajo nos cuestan cumplir. Si su meta es ahorrar dinero pero su presupuesto está muy comprometido, fíjese primero una cuota mensual que realmente pueda cumplir dentro de sus circunstancias, no el monto que le gustaría guardar en su cuenta de ahorro todos los meses pero de antemano ya usted sabe que es poco probable cumplir. • Considere su resolución como un compromiso serio con usted mismo a fin de que pueda alcanzar ese objetivo, realizar algún proyecto o reformar ese hábito que desea en usted. Así como tendemos a cumplir nuestro trabajo gra-|

Por Grecia Romero

City | Ciudad City of Doral has a new Parks and Recreation Director By Dominique Barba

Ms. Barbara Hernandez has 9 years of experience in the area and works for the city since 2005.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


n Wednesday December 14th, 2011 at the Council Meeting, City of Doral leaders voted unanimously in favor of hiring Ms. Barbara Hernandez, which received high praise from every council member. According to Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager, the selection process began a few months ago and received 150 applications. Most candidates did not have the necessary experience, so the first group was reduced to ten and then five. When two candidates retired, the remaining three were interviewed via Skype because none lived in the city. In the end, the candidate with the highest score showed many doubts about their ability to take charge of this important department, so it was decided to reconsider the decision. It is important to note that in the last 7 months the Department of Parks and Recreation, was headless but developed all the planned projects on time: Rhythm in the Park Music Series, Movies at the Park, Camping Under the Stars & Movie Night, City of Doral 5K, EGGstravaganza, Independence Day Celebration, Hispanic Heritage, Car Show, Special Olympics, Veteran Campaign Bricks Project, Silver Club, Wellness and Fitness Programs (for adults and kids), Cultural Arts, Special Needs Programs, “Lights and Ice “, etc. The outstanding work of Mrs. Hernandez in the Department of Parks and Recreation, in different positions and finally as Superintendent, made her the right choice for the job. The City Manager, Ms. Yvonne Soler said: “Barbie Hernandez has done an excellent job and always above and beyond all expectations. She has shown us that youth has nothing to do with the maturity, determination and integrity. Councilman Boria noted that Barbie’s work stemmed from his heart and love for the city, meanwhile Councilman Cabrera said the attitude of Mrs. Hernandez always impressed him: “She never stopped smiling while working efficiently” he said. Vice Mayor Di Pietro said that Mrs. Hernandez has managed to complete all projects entrusted to her in a very efficient and fair way, without a doubt, deserving the appointment. Mayor Bermudez for his part ended by saying that “Barbie has always been working hard and the department success was possible because of great team work, which Ms. Hernandez has been an important part”. Ms. Barbara Hernandez vowed to work hard, keep learning and give her best effort to succeed in her new role, for the benefit of the Doral Residents.

Ciudad del Doral tiene nueva directora de Recreación y Parques Bárbara Hernández tiene 9 años de experiencia en el área y trabaja para la ciudad desde 2005.


l pasado miércoles 14 de Diciembre en la reunión mensual del ayuntamiento, los lideres de la ciudad unánimemente votaron a favor de la contratación de la Sra. Bárbara Hernández, la cual recibió grandes elogios por parte de cada uno. Según Mark Taxis, Asistente del Gerente de la Ciudad, el proceso de selección comenzó hace unos meses y se recibieron 150 aplicaciones. La mayoría de los postulantes no contaban con la experiencia necesaria, por lo que el grupo se redujo primero a diez y luego a cinco. Al retirarse dos, los tres restantes fueron entrevistados vía Skype pues ninguno vivía en la ciudad. Al final el candidato con mayor puntuación sembró muchas dudas en cuanto a su capacidad para tomar las riendas de tan importante departamento, por lo que se optó por reconsiderar la decisión. Es importante aclarar que en los últimos 7 meses el Departamento de Parques y recreación, se encontraba acéfalo, sin embargo se desarrollaron puntualmente todos los proyectos planificados: Rhythm in the Park Music Series, Movies at the Park, Camping Under the Stars & Movie Night, City of Doral 5K, EGGstravaganza, Independence Day Celebration, Hispanic Heritage, Car Show, Special Olympics, Veteran Campaign Bricks Project, Silver Club, Wellness and Fitness Programs (for adults and kids), Cultural Arts, Special Needs Programs, “Lights and Ice”, etc. El impecable trabajo de la Sra. Hernández en el Departamento de Parques y Recreación, en distintas posiciones y al final como Superintendente, fue finalmente la mayor razón para tomar la decisión final y contratarla como Directora. La Gerente de la Ciudad, Sra. Yvonne Soler dijo: “Barbie Hernández ha hecho un excelente trabajo y siempre por encima de todas las expectativas. Ella nos ha demostrado que la juventud no tiene nada que ver con la madurez, determinación e integridad”. El Concejal Boria resaltó que el trabajo de Barbie nacía de su corazón y amor por la ciudad, por su lado el Concejal Cabrera indicó que la actitud de la Sra. Hernández fue siempre lo que mas le impresionó,” nunca dejó de sonreír mientras trabajaba con eficiencia”, dijo. El Vice Alcalde Di Pietro añadió que la Sra. Hernández ha sabido realizar todos los proyectos encomendados de una forma muy eficiente y justa, mereciendo el nombramiento sin dudas. El Alcalde Bermúdez por su parte culminó diciendo que “Barbie ha estado siempre trabajando muy duro y el éxito del departamento nace del buen trabajo de equipo, del cual la Sra. Hernández ha sido parte importante”. La Sra. Bárbara Hernández prometió trabajar muy duro, seguir aprendiendo y dar todo de si para lograr el éxito del departamento y el beneficio de los habitantes de la ciudad.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Community | Comunidad

The City we have built; The Citizens we expect and need with Juan Carlos Bermúdez, City of Doral Mayor By María Alejandra Pulgar


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


he New Year 2012 will undoubtedly see the winds of change blowing through our city, and who better than our own Mayor Juan Carlos Bermúdez to explain the vision our community leaders have to maintain Doral as the “Premier place to Live, Work, Learn and Play.” First of all we have to talk about the new City Hall/ Government Center that is being built and is scheduled to open by mid-year. At a cost of $22 million, this 60,000 Sq.Ft. building will be another landmark for the city. “We are leaving a building for many years, a venue that will not only serve as a Government Center, but as a center for the community to get together and enjoy life.” Located in the heart of ‘Downtown Doral’, it is “consistent with the view we have for our city”. Bermudez emphasizes that “the most important thing to me is that we have done everything without raising taxes. The money we were able to collect from

reducing the county contribution has been used to build and create the city we long desired to have.” The new Government Center will also feature meeting spaces for various community committees, a large chamber for council meetings and a covered parking garage. Right across the Government Center building, there is a project for the “Downtown Doral Park”, a beautiful, green 3-acre space, which had its groundbreaking ceremony on January 10, 2012 and will include playgrounds and areas for musical, cultural and family events. “I look forward to being in the park with our families having a good time. This park will be a great addition to the city.” Being City property, this new building will represent great savings, as monthly rent payments for office space to accommodate government operations will be avoided. However, the most important part is that this Government Center/City Hall

represents “the culmination of the construction of the city. It is designed to symbolize the future of Doral and to give more personality to the city, especially the downtown area.” This area of Doral is projected to continue growing over the next ten years, with a mix of residential and commercial areas. “Downtown will grow around the City Hall,” as Bermudez stated. The sidewalks have been built wilder with the intention to promote residents to walk and enjoy the surrounding areas comfortably. Another infrastructure project scheduled to be completed this year is the pet-friendly Park 50th Street. It is located on the west side of Doral and is 8 acres. The Mayor commented that “Since we became a city, our neighbors with pets needed an open space too”. Before incorporation, Doral did not count with any park and it was necessary to give priority to the need for sport fields. “The land

DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

to pursue in the future.” “Back in 2003, when Doral incorporated as a city, we only had two landfills”. We did not have many of the streets, parks and schools we now enjoy on a daily basis. “In the years before incorporation, Miami-Dade County used Doral resident’s money to build elsewhere.” Since we became a city, providing the community with infrastructure has been the top priority of the municipal government, and it has allowed turning the City of Doral on the quality of life icon it is now. We have the City of our dreams. How do we take care of it? For those of us citizens who have seen Doral grow from a suburb full of cows and horses into the vibrant city we have today, we can only thank and praise the City Officials that have dedicated their hard work to ensure everyone can enjoy this beautiful city. Our main concern, however, is to know what we can do to maintain what has been achieved and to keep moving forward. Mayor Bermudez explains the measures currently being taken to maintain continuity in the management of the City of Doral in the years to come: “The most important thing we’ve done is working with honesty and integrity. We promised not to raise taxes and build the city and we have done it. We are the only city that has all its contracts

and projects on the Internet, schedule and budget. Integrity and transparency are our motto. I want residents to know and understand that we have done our best to ensure we have the city we always wanted”. Information about in the city is public and can be accessed through different media (TV, radio, website, newsletter) and social networking applications (Facebook, Twitter). “We’ve done a transparent job; it has been the most important trait of our governing period”. “The goal this year is to pass ordinances that clearly guarantee that everything we have achieved is maintained. We must insist that the future government is open and transparent. We are now preparing proposals in order to have all city projects documented publicly on the Internet including budget, contract decisions and delivery times”. With that information the community can take active part on the audit process of the City Management. “Even those who disagree with me have to admit that I have worked with integrity and honesty, with the intention of achieving the best for my community doing what is right, with transparency. That makes me very proud; knowing that we created community and that residents are proud and happy to be part of this city”. To conclude, Bermudez shared with us his impressions regarding the evolution of the Doral residents along the years who went from being mostly retired citizens to become family groups, mostly Latin American, highly educated, which is good. But citizenship involvement is still lacking among the majority of the new residents. “I would like to see more involvement. Therefore we created the Mayor’s Citizenship Academy, for residents to learn and understand how local government works and inspire them to actively participate in it. We the citizens should not leave everything to the Mayor and Councilmembers. As citizens, we are responsible for being involved in the way our city is managed. I wish that from now on citizens become more active and take part in our different volunteer committees. Doral residents are very positive, educated and multicultural. Many of them not only live here, but they also work or have their businesses in Doral. I wish newcomers to get involved, get informed, and learn how we got to be the city we are today and must of all to understand why we must protect what we have already achieved.” That should be everyone’s commitment: To become actively involved citizens and to participate in the maintenance of the wonderful city we have built together.


for this park we got for free, in agreement with an association. We were able to save money and we can honor the residents who have dogs that will no longer have to travel long distances to entertain to their pets. Now they have a dedicated area, and it is also near the bicycle and walking path that is projected to extend around the city.” Our 50th street park is scheduled to be ready by April 2012. A sector of our city that still does not have a recreation area is “Islands at Doral”, located to the north. To meet this need, the City will build a park on a 20 acre area available. That park is currently on design phase and construction is expected to begin this year. Doral: a City with green buildings and parks. Both the Government Center as well as the Public Works Building, which will begin construction on 102nd Avenue between 58th and 74th streets this year, are designed to comply with LEED Certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), making them more energy efficient and ultimately providing savings in operating costs. “It takes a little longer to build environmentally conscious infrastructure, but it will represent more savings in the long run. We want to make our public buildings green because it will represent substantial savings when it is done the right way.” said Bermudez. “Even if the initial investment is higher on the construction process, the resulting building will eventually be better and save money to the city”. “Ecology has always been emphasized during my period as Mayor. We have recycle bins around the city and we have planted around 4000 trees since we incorporated in 2003. In all new projects more “green” areas must be included as codes have changed and require communities, businesses and buildings to be consistent with our idea to be as green as possible. We must protect our community, which is why we started the ‘Keep Doral Beautiful’ initiative. It is our desire that Doral stays as a very green and very beautiful city. Once finished, both the new Public Works Building and the City Government Center will represent great savings on rent payments. Long term day-to-day savings will allow the investment in ecological design of the buildings to pay for itself. Our parks are also environmentally friendly. The “JC Bermudez” Park on 87th avenue has a water recycling system that maintains the grass area of the park green without spending so much money. “Ecologically it is the right thing to do. For that park we have a fairly ambitions infrastructure improvement plan that we now have to find funding|

Community | Comunidad

Community | Comunidad

La Ciudad que Construimos; El Ciudadano que Esperamos y Necesitamos! Entrevista con Juan Carlos Bermúdez, Alcalde de la Ciudad de Doral By María Alejandra Pulgar


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


l 2012 es año de cambios para nuestra ciudad y quien mejor que nuestro Alcalde Juan Carlos Bermúdez para explicarnos la visión que los líderes comunitarios tienen para que Doral siga siendo el mejor lugar para Vivir, Trabajar, Aprender y Jugar. Comenzamos hablando del nuevo edificio sede del Centro de Gobierno, que esta pautado para inaugurarse a mediados de año. Con un costo de US$ 22 Millones, el edificio de 60.000 Sq.Ft. viene a sumarse a los símbolos de la ciudad. “Estamos dejando un edificio para muchos años, una sede que no solamente sirve como centro del gobierno sino como centro de la comunidad”. Ubicado en el corazón del ‘Downtown’, es “consistente con la visión que tenemos de la ciudad”. Destaca Bermúdez que “lo mas importante para mi es que todo lo hemos hecho sin aumentar los impuestos. Lo que rebajamos del condado lo hemos usado

para construir y crear la ciudad”. La nueva sede gubernamental también contará con espacios para las reuniones de los diferentes comités comunitarios, una amplia cámara para las reuniones del concejo y un cómodo estacionamiento techado. Y frente al Centro de Gobierno se proyecta tener un hermoso parque de 3 acres, cuya construcción se inicia el 10 de enero de 2012 y que incluye parque infantil y área para eventos musicales, culturales y familiares. “Espero que pronto podamos estar en el parque con nuestras familias pasando un buen rato. Es una gran adición para la ciudad”. Al ser propiedad de la Ciudad, el nuevo edificio conlleva un ahorro al evitar el pago de rentas mensuales por espacio físico para el funcionamiento del gobierno local, sin embargo lo más importante “Es que representa la culminación de

la construcción de la ciudad. Está diseñado de manera que simboliza el futuro de Doral y le da mas personalidad al área”. Esta zona de la ciudad esta proyectada a continuar creciendo en los próximos 10 años con una mezcla de residencias y zona de oficinas. “El Downtown crecerá alrededor del Government Center”. Las aceras del centro son mas anchas con la intención de que los residentes puedan trasladarse a pie cómodamente. Otro de los proyectos de infraestructura a ser concluidos en el 2012 es el Parque para mascotas ubicado en 8 acres de la calle 50. Nos comenta el Alcalde que “Desde que nos convertimos en ciudad los vecinos con cachorritos necesitaban un espacio también”. Cuando se incorporó Doral no teníamos ningún parque y fue necesario cubrir con prioridad las necesidades de canchas deportivas. “El terreno para el parque de mascotas

mite que Doral sea hoy un ícono de calidad de vida en los USA. Tenemos la Ciudad que Soñamos. ¿Cómo la cuidamos? Para los residentes que hemos visto formarse Doral desde que era un suburbio lleno de vacas y caballos a lo que tenemos hoy en día, solo nos queda agradecer y aplaudir la gestión de quienes han dedicado su trabajo arduo para lograr que todos podamos disfrutar de esta hermosa ciudad. Nos preocupa sin embargo saber qué podemos hacer para mantener lo alcanzado y continuar avanzando. El Alcalde Bermúdez nos explica las medidas que se están tomando para mantener la continuidad en la gestión de la Ciudad de Doral en este año de cambio: “Lo mas importante que hemos hecho es trabajar con honestidad e integridad. Prometimos no subir los impuestos y construir la ciudad y lo hemos logrado. Somos la única ciudad que tiene todos sus contratos y proyectos en inter-

net, con cronograma y presupuesto. Integridad y transparencia. Quiero que los residentes sepan y entiendan que hemos hecho lo mejor para lograr tener la ciudad que todos queríamos”. Toda la información de la ciudad es pública y puede ser consultada a través de los diferentes medios de comunicación (TV, Radio, pagina Web, newsletter) y aplicaciones de redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter). “Lo hemos hecho todo con transparencia, lo mas importante de todo”. “El objetivo de este año es que pasemos ordenanzas que claramente garanticen que todo lo que hemos logrado se mantenga. Tenemos que insistir que el futuro gobierno sea abierto y transparente. Estamos codificando y poniendo en ordenanzas propuestas para que todos los proyectos estén documentados públicamente en internet con presupuesto, adjudicación de contratos y tiempos de entrega”. Así la misma comunidad podrá ser el auditor de la gestión del Concejo. “Aun quienes estén en desacuerdo conmigo tienen que reconocer que he trabajado con integridad y honestidad, con la intención de lograr lo mejor para mi comunidad haciéndolo correctamente y transparentemente. Eso me hace sentir muy orgulloso. Saber que pudimos crear comunidad y los residentes que están orgullosos y felices de ser parte de la ciudad”. Nos comenta Bermúdez su apreciación con respecto al cambio en las características de los residentes de Doral, quienes pasaron de ser en su mayoría retirados para convertirse en grupos de familias, en su mayoría latinoamericanas, con alto nivel educativo, lo cual es muy bueno. Sin embargo, considera que falta mucha participación ciudadana. “Quisiera ver mas participación. Por eso creamos el Mayor’s Citizenship Academy para que los residentes aprendan como trabaja el gobierno local y puedan participar. No debemos dejarlo todo en manos del Alcalde y los Concejales. Todos tenemos que insistir en participar del proceso. Me gustaría que en lo adelante los ciudadanos participen mas activamente. Por eso existen tantos comités voluntarios. Tenemos residentes muy positivos, personas educadas, multiculturales, de familia. Muchos que trabajan y tienen negocios en Doral. Me gustaría que los residentes nuevos se incorporen mas y que conozcan como llegamos a ser ciudad y por qué tenemos que proteger lo que hemos logrado”. Ese debe ser el compromiso de todos: Ser Ciudadanos Comprometidos y Participar para conservar la ciudad que Construimos.

DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

mantener el área verdel del parque sin gastar tanto dinero. “Ecológicamente es lo correcto de hacer. Para ese parque en el futuro tenemos un plan bastante ambicioso que tenemos que buscar como financiarlo”. “En el 2003 cuando nos incorporamos teníamos 2 basureros”. No había la infraestructura con la que hoy contamos de calles, parques y escuelas. “El condado usaba nuestro dinero para construir en otras partes”. Desde la incorporación la mejora de la infraestructura de la ciudad ha sido la prioridad del Gobierno municipal y es lo que per-


lo obtuvimos gratis en intercambio con una asociación. Nos ahorramos ese dinero y así podemos honrar a los residentes que tienen perros, que ya no tienen que recorrer largas distancias para poder dar entretenimiento a sus animales. Cuentan ahora con un área específicamente dedicada para eso y por allí pasa también la ruta de bicicleta y caminata que esta pautada a extenderse por toda la ciudad. Estará listo para abril”. Un área de Doral que aun no cuenta con zona recreativa es Islands at Doral, al norte. Para cubrir esa necesidad, la Ciudad construirá en 20 acres un parque que actualmente se encuentra en fase de diseño y cuya construcción se espera sea iniciada en el transcurso de este año. Una ciudad con edificios y parques ecológicos Tanto el Centro de Gobierno como el Edificio de Obras Públicas, que se comenzará a construir en la 102 avenida entre la 58 y la 74 calle este año, están proyectados para que cumplan con Certificaciones LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), haciéndolos mas eficientes en el uso y consumo de energía y a la larga proporcionando un ahorro en los costos operativos. “Se demora un poco más la construcción para que sean ecológicamente mas funcionales, pero ahorran dinero a largo plazo. Queremos hacer nuestros edificios municipales de esa manera pues es un ahorro sustancial si lo hacemos correctamente” manifestó Bermúdez. “Por mas que se le invierta mas dinero a la construcción, se tendrá un edificio que a la larga será mejor y le ahorrará dinero a la ciudad”. “Siempre he enfatizado la ecología. Tenemos los basureros de reciclaje, hemos sembrado 4000 arboles desde que nos incorporamos como ciudad. En los nuevos proyectos tienen que incluir mucha mas áreas verdes porque los códigos han cambiado y requieren que las comunidades, comercios y edificios sean consistentes con nuestra idea de ser lo mas verdes posibles. Hay que proteger nuestra comunidad, por eso comenzamos con la iniciativa ‘Keep Doral Beautiful’. Nosotros queremos mantener Doral muy verde y hermoso”. Tanto con el nuevo Edificio de Obras Publicas como con el Centro de Gobierno la ciudad ahorrará en el pago de rentas, al ser edificios propios. Ese ahorro del día a día y a largo plazo permitirá que la inversión hecha en construirlos con diseño ecológico se pague por si sola. También nuestros parques son ecológicos. El parque “JC Bermúdez” en la 87 avenida cuenta con un sistema de reciclaje de agua que permite|

Community | Comunidad

Business | Negocios

Ralco International, Inc.: Confidentiality, celerity and the best deal possible By Maria Alejandra Pulgar


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


n the life cycle of any business there are times when having adequate and timely advice makes a difference on the results of important decisions. It is in those moments that counting on the business brokerage experience of Ralco International Inc. and affiliates enables business owners to get the best value for their company in a merger or acquisition (M&A). When a business owner “first thinks about what to do with his company, regardless of being satisfied or not with the results, then is the best time to request the services of Ralco. If the owner is unhappy, we can help him detect the flaws and if he is satisfied perhaps we can detect when it is the best chance to sell the company as he will get more profit on the transaction”. Those are the words of Mr. Raul Herrero, founder of Ralco International Inc., a global business brokerage and M&A consulting firm, whose experience of more than 30 years has allowed many companies to successfully perform this type of operations and transform their organizations. Ralco International Inc. and affiliates provides advice for those business owners or principals interested in buying, selling, funding or reorganizing their companies. Ralco and affilates services are targeted to those entrepreneurs whose business has grown enough to sell at a profit, especially companies that have achieved between two and 50 million dollars in sales, regardless of their legal definition (LLC, DBA, Inc., etc.). Every business can benefit from Ralco consultancy service and support at the time of sale or liquidation as this allows them to maximize the sale price and minimize the time required to perform the operation. In addition, The US offers resident visas to qualified foreign investors who invest in excess of $1,000,000 ($500,000 in certain areas) in a new or existing business that generates employment. The search for such business opportunities to match them with adequate investors is part of the services offered by Ralco International Inc. which also include: • Assistance with brokerage for selling or buying businesses • Assistance with business valuations • Definition of business and financial strategies.

• Assistance with finding adequate financing • Preparation of business plans • Enterprise reorganizations and restructurings. Mr. Herrero explained that the difference between the service provided by Ralco and investment banking is that the latter “ provides funding and makes investments, while a brokerage firm like Ralco and affiliates will find funding for companies from banks and other financial institutions as needed, and also will connect entrepreneurs who want to sell with those who want to buy, helping them materialize a mutually satisfactory transaction”. Ralco also provides custom consulting to family businesses, helping entrepreneurs to define their strategy for transfer to subsequent generations. Legal counsel for the negotiations is not part of the Ralco International Inc. services; however they have the support of a legal team that provides that service. The consulting team of Ralco International Inc. and affiliates is comprised of a multidisciplinary staff with high academic education and extensive international experience in the financial, commercial and industrial fields, certified with all required licenses to provide services within the scope defined in the company. Their experienced background and education allow the consultants to quickly and accurately identify the needs of

those businesses that contract their services and therefore it speeds up the process of determining negotiating strategies for M&A, identifying “where they are, where to go and how to get there for all the companies involved, regardless of the kind of business they do”, says Mr. Herrero. That is why when a business owner hires Ralco services he can be sure to get “Confidentiality, celerity and the best deal possible.” For Mr. Herrero, Human Capital is the most important asset of all the businesses he works with. It is their interest and concern for the welfare of staff involved in business transactions that constitutes the key differentiator of Ralco and affiliates in the field of business brokerage. “Companies are defined by their people, the human factor is the most important in any activity, whether business, craft or service. The human factor is what determines the rate of success in any activity. “In a merger or business acquisition, it is critical to take into account how the interaction between sellers and buyers will be from the point of view of staff, as this can result in a success or total failure if there is no homogeneity in the personnel included in the transactions. The result of this study is ensuring that the most significant human capital of the companies involved will stay after the business M&A transaction is completed. “Banks work with money, factories work with machines, but what make the difference in a company is their human resources. It is always the creativity, dedication and interest of the staff what distinguishes a successful company from one that it is not. “ For an entrepreneur who has put his effort to create a profitable business is essential to have experienced people at the time of transforming their business operations. “Familiarity with a business or being a good businessman does not qualify someone as a Merger & Acquisitions specialist”, concludes Mr. Raul Herrero. When facing decisions involving major changes, no matter how small the organization, the advice since the beginning of the process of an expert company like Ralco International Inc. is the key to success.

Business | Negocios

Ralco International, Inc.: Confidencialidad, Rapidez y el mejor acuerdo posible Por Maria Alejandra Pulgar

res desde el punto de vista de personal, pues esto puede redundar en un éxito o fracaso total si no hay homogeneidad en el personal incluido en las transacciones empresariales. El resultado de este estudio es el que asegura que el Capital Humano más significativo de las empresas involucradas se mantendrá al realizar la transacción. “Los bancos están llenos de dinero, las fábricas están llenas de máquinas, pero lo que hace la diferencia es el caudal humano en una empresa. Siempre la creatividad, la dedicación y el interés del personal es lo que distingue una empresa exitosa y otra que no lo sea”. Para un empresario que ha puesto su esfuerzo para crear un negocio rentable es fundamental contar con personas experimentadas al momento de realizar operaciones que transformen su empresa. “Conocer bien un negocio o ser buen comerciante no califica para ser buen agente corredor de empresas” concluye el Sr. Raul Herrero. Para decisiones que impliquen grandes cambios por pequeña que sea la organización, la asesoría de una empresa experta como Ralco International Inc. desde el inicio del proceso constituye la clave del éxito.

DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Explica el Sr. Herrero que la diferencia entre el servicio prestado por Ralco y una banca de inversión consiste en que ésta última “recibe fondos y los invierte. Nosotros le obtenemos financiación a las empresas de la banca y otras instituciones financieras cuando lo necesiten y ponemos en conjunto empresarios que quieran vender con empresarios que quieran comprar para lograr una transacción que sea mutuamente satisfactoria”. También proporcionan asesorías personalizadas para empresas familiares, para ayudar a los empresarios a definir su estrategia de traspaso a las generaciones posteriores. La asesoría legal para las negociaciones no forma parte de los servicios de Ralco International Inc. sin embargo cuentan con el apoyo de un equipo abogados que prestan ese servicio. El equipo de consultores de Ralco International Inc. está compuesto por un personal multidisciplinario con altísimo nivel académico y extensa experiencia internacional en el área financiera, comercial e industrial y poseedores de todas las licencias requeridas para prestar este tipo de servicios. Cada una de las disciplinas de los consultores les permite velocidad y precisión al momento de detectar las necesidades de las empresas en el momento de recibir la asesoría y por lo tanto acelera el proceso de determinación de estrategias de negociación para fusiones o adquisiciones, identificando “donde están, dónde deben ir y cómo deben ir” las empresas involucradas, independientemente del ramo al cual pertenezcan, expresa el Sr. Herrero. Es por ello que un empresario al momento de utilizar los servicios de Ralco puede estar seguro que obtendrá “confidencialidad, rapidez y el mejor acuerdo posible”. Para el Sr. Herrero, el Capital Humano es el activo más importante de todas las empresas a las que asesora. El interés y preocupación por el bienestar del personal de las empresas involucradas en las transacciones es el diferenciador fundamental de Ralco. “La empresa es GENTE, el factor humano es el mas importante en cualquier actividad, sea empresa, arte o servicio. El factor humano es el que determina la velocidad del éxito en cualquier actividad”. Al momento de una fusión o adquisición, es crítico tomar en cuenta la interacción que habrá entre vendedores y comprado-|

• Financiación • Preparación de planes de negocio • Restructuración de empresas



n el ciclo de vida de todo negocio existen momentos de tomar decisiones importantes, cuando tener la asesoría adecuada y oportuna marca la diferencia. Es en esos momentos cuando contar con la experiencia de corretaje empresarial de Ralco International Inc. y afiliadas permite a los dueños de negocios obtener el mayor valor por su empresa en operaciones de fusión o adquisición. Cuando el empresario “tenga el primer pensamiento de qué hacer con su empresa, bien sea que no esté contento o que por el contrario que esté muy satisfecho con los resultados, allí es el mejor momento para requerir los servicios de Ralco. Si no está satisfecho para ver como le podemos ayudar y si está muy satisfecho tal vez sea la mejor oportunidad para vender la empresa porque es cuando mas ganancia va a obtener”. Así se expresa el Sr. Raúl Herrero, fundador de Ralco, cuya experiencia de mas de 30 años en fusiones y adquisiciones (M&A) le ha permitido asesorar a gran cantidad de empresas para realizar exitosamente este tipo de operaciones que transforman las organizaciones. Orientados al servicio de compradores y vendedores de empresas, además de aquellos que necesiten financiamiento o reorganización, Ralco International Inc. se dirige a todos aquellos empresarios cuyo negocio haya crecido lo suficiente para venderlo con ganancia, en especial al mercado de empresas que hayan logrado entre 2 y 50 millones de dólares en ventas, sin importar la figura legal que estas tengan (LLC, DBA, Inc., etc.). Todo empresario se beneficia de la asesoría de Ralco al momento de liquidar o vender su negocio, pues esto les permite maximizar el precio de venta y minimizar tiempo requerido para realizar la operación. Adicionalmente, los EE.UU. ofrecen visas de residente a ciertos inversionistas extranjeros que inviertan más de $ 1.000.000 ($500,000 en ciertas áreas) en un negocio nuevo o ya existente, que además genere empleo. La búsqueda de oportunidades de negocio que coincidan con los intereses de inversionistas adecuados que pudieran calificar para estas visas es parte de los servicios ofrecidos por Ralco, que también incluyen: • Asesoría y corretaje en compra venta de empresas. • Ayuda en la preparación de Valuación de empresas • Estrategia comercial y financiera

Education | Educación DRE K-8 Center PTA presents its latest achievements By Dominique Barba

“Everything we do comes from our heart and is for our children, the future of the nation”, Isabel Pineda, PTA President


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


e always say that Doral schools are at the forefront in all aspects: better teachers, better managers, better facilities, better students and better parents. When it comes to parents, we particularly are referring to the associations, the voluntary and selfless group together to give their maximum effort towards a single goal: the welfare of children. These groups have a name: PTA and its work is not limited to fundraising, as many believe. The PTA or PTSA work is much more complex and more importantly, within each school have a tremendous responsibility to advocate for the rights of students, to educate and inform parents, and especially to be an unconditional support for directors and teachers, rather, be all. Speaking of a visit to the Dr. Rolando Espinosa schools K-8 Center, we had the great pleasure of talking with members of the PTA, who proudly showed us two main projects just finished; 1) The new teacher lounge was funded because of the reallocation of PTA funds from the “ Year-End Celebrations “ in school to remodeling the room. These self-sacrificing mothers, cleaned, painted, carried furniture, beaten and cut, and the result is a beautiful place of rest of the teacher 2) Landscaping and the addition of a synthetic grass at the P.E area. According to Isabel Pineda in order to achieve these projects they had to make very important decisions and above all work hard. For the landscaping and synthetic grass, this project corresponds to the PTA budget item “ Annual Special School Project”, Ms. Reva Vangates, Director of the school, had nice words for her “tireless” PTA calling it “the best in the world,” the teachers did not cease to express his thanks and those who saw the final work, our excitement. PTA members are: Elizabeth Pineda, Flavia Pedroza, Mariana Lopez, Ana Hernandez, Ana Cristina Carrasco, Marilyn Bello and Maria Gabriela Contreras. These moms had the collaboration of the artist Angela Braizat DRE who is also a voluntary at DRE K-8 Center PTA.

La asociación de Padres de Familia de DRE nos comparte sus logros “Todo lo hacemos de corazón y por nuestros niños, el futuro de la nación”, Isabel Pineda DRE PTA President


emos insistido muchas veces en que las escuelas del Doral siempre están a la vanguardia en todos los aspectos: mejores maestros, mejores administradores, mejores instalaciones , mejores alumnos y mejores padres. Cuando hablamos de padres, particularmente nos referimos a la asociaciones, que de forma voluntaria y desinteresada se agrupan para entregar su máximo esfuerzo en pos de un solo fin: el bienestar de los niños. Estos grupos tienen un nombre: PTA/PTSA y su labor no se limita a colectar fondos como muchos creen. El trabajo de PTA o PTSA es mucho mas complejo y mas importante , dentro de cada escuela tienen la tremenda responsabilidad de abogar por los derechos de los estudiantes , de educar e informar a los padres, y sobre todo de ser un apoyo incondicional para administradores y maestros, mejor dicho, estar en todo. A propósito de una vista a la escuelas Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 Center tuvimos el inmenso placer de conversar con los miembros de la Asociación de Padres , quienes muy orgullosamente nos presentaron dos importantes proyectos recién culminados; 1- La nueva sala de maestros 2- El embellecimiento y limpieza de los jardines así como la adición de pasto artificial para el área de Educación Física. Según Isabel Pineda para poder alcanzar este fin tuvieron que tomar decisiones muy importantes y sobre todo trabajar muy duro. En el caso de la sala de maestros , el presupuesto del PTA, (aprobado por todos lo miembros en la Reunión General), contempla una partida para los gastos de las celebraciones de fin de año en la escuela. Esta vez se decidió “invertir “ estos fondos en la remodelación de la sala, tratando de economizar al máximo. Estas abnegadas mamás, limpiaron, pintaron , transportaron muebles, pegaron y cortaron , y el resultado es un hermoso lugar para el descanso de los maestros. Con respecto al proyecto de embellecimiento de la escuela, éste forma parte de la partida del presupuesto llamada “Proyecto Especial Anual” , que como su nombre lo indica, es el aporte que cada año el PTA hace a la escuela para distintos fines , según sea la necesidad. Ms Reva Vangates, tuvo hermosas palabras para su “incansable” PTA calificándolo como “el mejor del mundo”, los maestros no cesaron de manifestar su agradecimiento y quienes vimos el trabajo final, nuestra emoción. Los miembros del PTA son : Isabel Pineda, Flavia Pedroza, Mariana López, Ana Hermandez,Ana Cristina Carrasco, Marilyn Bello y María Gabriela Contreras. Estas simpáticas mamas tuvieran la colaboración de la artista Angela Braizat quien también es voluntaria de DRE K-8 Center PTA .


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

By Elizabeth C. Pines Board Director 305-576-1115


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

During the holiday season, Miami-Dade voters may not have visions of ballot boxes dancing through their heads. Even so, the countdown to the first Florida election of 2012 has begun. In anticipation of the Jan. 31, 2012 Presidential Preference Primary, the League of Women Voters of Miami-Dade County wants to remind voters to contact the Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections to verify their voter status and confirm their registration information is current and complete before the Jan. 3 voter registration deadline. Under Florida law, voters must register at least 29 days prior to an election in order to participate in it. If voters have moved, changed their name or signature, or want to vote by mail, they should check and update their voter status as soon as possible in order to make sure their registration will be in order on Election Day. Floridians can be prepared for all three elections in 2012 by scanning the League of Women Voters of Florida’s “Be Ready to Vote” Microsoft Tag for smartphones, by visiting the League’s “Be Ready to Vote” voter service website ( or by contacting the local Supervisor of Elections office directly. “There is nothing more important than the gift of Democracy, let’s take a moment during this holiday season to register or check our status and be able to participate in the next elections” Elizabeth Pines, Board Director of the Miami-Dade League of Women Voters said. If you have any questions concerning the League’s “Be Ready to Vote” voter service campaign or the upcoming elections or would like to request a printable version of the League’s Microsoft Tag, contact the LWVF state office at 850-224-2545 or


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Economic Optimism to kick-off 2012 Writing and Translation: Maria Alejandra Pulgar


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


n January everyone starts with a clean slate and resolutions. The economy in Doral is slowly awakening to start the annual cycle that, for those business owners well prepared, will mean staying afloat and watching their business flourish. Early in the month residents come back from their holiday trips, schools open again and trading activities are up to a very slow start. It is not until about mid-January when the city achieves its normal level of activity again. What happens in the pockets of Doral consumers? One of the main factors for the month of January is recovering from all extra expenses made in December: purchase of gifts, extra food and ingredients for Holiday dinners, family trips, etc. All that expenditure generates a chain reaction in January as any non-basic cost is going to be restricted to have money left to pay back credit card bills or cover left over payments, with the goal in mind of getting domestic economy back on track and tray to keep it that way for the entire year. By the first half of February, finally the routine of the regular business cycle will be achieved and the expected behavior of consumers in Doral will begin to show on the local economy. Generally speaking, economic behavior in the 2012 is expected to be very similar to 2011. However, there is a common feeling of optimism for all investors, reflected in the positive results shown on the first day of stock market in NY. This widespread enthusiasm has permeated to Doral business owners as well. Although 2012 is election year, both nationally and locally, it is unlikely that this would have impact on economy. Publicity required by candidates might generate additional economic activity but the impact of this aspect on the street is not expected to be that relevant. The recommendation for Doral businesses is to develop marketing strategies where their products are shown in an original or unusual way. Making their products attractive will help the business stand out from the competition. Everybody is trying to get their chunk of consumer’s money and entrepreneurs need to find new ways and new approaches to highlight their products and lure customers to their business, either through new methods of advertising or by making changes that

attract new crowd and keep current clients interested. For example, in a restaurant a new menu or dish can be created and highlighted to make people interested on trying it. On the other hand, an important aspect to consider when reviewing environment, are the prices of competitor businesses. An analysis has to be made for each item and product to establish its position in the market, but overall it is going to be the creativity of each owner and their marketing strategy what will allow a business to stand

out from others. Entrepreneurs have to take into account that if economy is low, prices must be somehow adjusted or convenient offers be developed to make a business attractive and competitive. It has been observed that technology and basic home needs products will be the two commercial lines that will set the pace of consumption in Doral this year. It is basically because employers are investing in technology to reduce labor, improve productivity and reduce costs in order to make their business results grow. Regarding individual and household consumer spending, priority logically is placed on the basic needs of its members, mainly food and household supplies. Therefore, Doral restaurants should be very creative to compete, as we have a number of different businesses in this field that in order to attract customers will have to offer good service, price and quality to stay ahead of its competitors.

It comes to our attention that there are certain business niches that may be neglected in Doral, mainly alternatives for cultural enrichment, such as theaters or libraries. Due to the lack of local alternatives for that it has been observed that local consumers have evolved to the use of technology to cover those requirements. Purchases using Internet portals meet the need of a good library nearby and the public library service for the city is widely used and is very efficient. Doral was conceived as a city where families can live, work, learn and play. For that, we can see many family owned businesses in our area. To those entrepreneurs wishing to start a family business in an industry that already covered a large scale by retail chain, it must be noted that regular operating expenses of the company have to be kept as low as possible, because in today’s economy that is what will allow the business to be competitive and profitable, for the price, brand and advertising are what sets the tone for any business and the capital of a large chain for marketing and advertising is not comparable with any strategy that small business can undertake. The key differentiator on any small family businesses is personalized service. However, one must bear in mind that American customer is used to make their purchases quickly and without wasting time. Even though personal service is a nice trait, at the time of an emergency consumers only want to take their products, scan, pay and leave. In Doral, as some stores that cover customers’ needs are located far from the area, there is market for certain types personal service businesses, especially those associated with typical products from the countries of origin Doral residents. For most of those small businesses, their economy is governed by the behavior of that captive clientele. Every small business can be permanent and successful as long as its operating costs are carefully monitored and it serves the needs of a specific community that continually require their services. The vision for Doral’s economic future is very positive. In our following issues we will discuss the factors that impact its progress and projects that are being developed for our community to stimulate the economy of our vibrant city.

Optimismo Económico caracteriza el inicio del 2012 tar al frente de sus competidores. Con respecto a ciertos nichos de negocio que pudieran estar desatendidas en Doral, como por ejemplo alternativas de enriquecimiento cultural tales como teatros o librerías, encontramos que el consumidor local ha evolucionado al uso de la tecnología para suplir estas necesidades. Las compras por los portales de internet cubren la necesidad de una buena librería cercana y el servicio de bibliotecas públicas con el cual cuenta la zona es muy eficiente. Cualquier empresario que desee arrancar un negocio familiar en un ramo que ya esté cubierto a gran escala por alguna cadena, debe tomar en cuenta que los gastos operativos regulares de la empresa sean lo mas bajos posibles, porque en la economía actual eso será lo que permita que el negocio sea competitivo y rentable, pues el precio, la marca y la publicidad son lo que marca la pauta de cualquier negocio y el capital de una cadena grande para mercadeo y publicidad no es comparable con cualquier estrategia que un negocio pequeño pueda acometer. El diferenciador fundamental para los negocios pequeños y familiares es el servicio personalizado. Pero hay que tomar en cuenta que el mercado americano esta acostumbrado al sistema de comprar de manera rápida y sin perder tiempo. Si bien el servicio personalizado es muy agradable, en el momento de apuro el consumidor solo desea tomar el producto, escanear, pagar y salir. En Doral, como es necesario trasladarse para visitar varias de las tiendas grandes que ofrecen servicios, existe clientela para ciertos rubros de este tipo de negocios de servicio personalizado en especial los asociados a productos típicos de los países de origen de los residentes de la ciudad. La mayoría de los pequeños negocios de la zona movilizan su economía por las características de esa clientela cautiva. Todo negocio pequeño aun puede mantenerse, siempre que tenga cuidadosamente monitoreados sus costos operativos y sirvan a una comunidad específica que continuamente requiera sus servicios. El futuro económico de Doral se vislumbra muy positivo. En próximas ediciones comentaremos los progresos y proyectos que están por llegar para estimular la economía de nuestra ciudad.

DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

electoral tanto nacional como localmente, no es probable que esto impacte en menor o mayor escala la economía. La publicidad requerida por las candidaturas pudiera generar actividad económica adicional, pero el impacto en la calle de este aspecto no es relevante. La recomendación para los negocios en Doral es trazar estrategias comerciales y de mercadeo donde puedan difundir su producto de manera virtual y original, algo fuera de lo común, que sobresalga, de manera que el negocio se destaque sobre la competencia, pues todos desean llegar al éxito. Los empresarios tienen que buscar nuevas maneras y nuevos enfoques para resaltar el producto de su negocio, bien sea con nuevos métodos de propaganda o generando novedades. Por ejemplo los restaurantes, pueden crear un nuevo menú y resaltarlo fuertemente. Otro aspecto importante a considerar al analizar el entorno, son los precios de la competencia. Se tiene que hacer un estudio de mercado por cada rubro, pero en términos generales será la creatividad de cada dueño y su manera de mercadear el producto la que permitirá que un negocio resalte entre los demás. Un empresario tiene que tomar en cuenta que si la economía esta baja, los precios deben ajustarse y ser convenientes para el consumidor de manera de ser atractivos y competitivos. Se visualiza que los rubros comerciales que seguirán marcando la pauta de consumo en Doral este año serán la tecnología y los productos de primera necesidad, lo básico, los alimentos. Esto es porque los empresarios están invirtiendo en tecnología para poder eliminar la mano de obra, buscar reducir los costos de sus negocios y mejorar sus resultados. Y con respecto al consumidor individual y familiar lógicamente la prioridad de gasto serán las necesidades básicas de sus integrantes, en especial la alimentación. Por ello los restaurantes de Doral deben ser muy creativos para poder competir, pues tenemos un buen número de locales en este ramo que para poder mantenerse tendrán que ofrecer buen servicio, precio y calidad para es-



nicio de año. Enero empieza con borrón y cuenta nueva. La economía de Doral despierta paulatinamente y comienza el ciclo económico anual que, al ser bien conocido y planificado permitirá al comerciante de Doral mantenerse a flote y ver su negocio florecer. A principios de Enero todo el mundo llega de las vacaciones, los colegios inician actividades, el comercio se empieza a arrancar y no es sino hasta mediados de mes aproximadamente cuando se puede visualizar una normalidad a nivel general, en todos los sentidos. ¿Qué sucede en el bolsillo de los consumidores? Uno de los factores que predominan en este momento principalmente para el mes de enero es el gasto que se tuvo en el mes de Diciembre con la compra de los regalos, el exceso de algunos productos para poder hacer la cena navideña y todo eso conllevó a un gasto fuera de lo acostumbrado en los restantes 11 meses del año. Eso produce una reacción en cadena, donde se recortan gastos para reponer el excedente de diciembre, pagar las tarjetas de crédito y nivelar nuevamente las cuentas familiares, con el objetivo de tener la economía doméstica bajo control y procurar mantenerlo el año entero. Ya para la primera quincena de febrero se comienza a estabilizar la rutina del ciclo económico regular del año. Sin embargo, siempre la planificación y el control de gastos serán los aspectos fundamentales para el éxito financiero. El estado de la economía en el nuevo año será muy parecido al 2011 en todos los sentidos, con la salvedad que hay un sentimiento común de optimismo en todos los inversionistas, reflejado en los resultados positivos que se dieron en el arranque de la bolsa de valores de NY. Ese entusiasmo generalizado se percibe igualmente en Doral. Aun cuando el 2012 es año|

Redacción y traducción: María Alejandra Pulgar

Legal Spot | Leyes

Excellent News for Doral Residents: Donald Trump set on purchasing the Doral Golf Resort & Spa By Daniel A. Espinosa, Esq


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


uilt in 1962, the Doral Golf Resort & Spa sits on 650 acres with a pool complex, water slide, and five beautiful golf courses. Well known for hosting an annual PGA Tour event, the Marriott-managed hotel is also a popular destination for large groups, meetings, and local events. Despite all these amenities, things just haven’t been the same since early 2011. Rather than focusing on showcasing its 50th anniversary in 2012, the iconic resort with nearly 700 rooms has been operating under a cloud of bankruptcy for almost a year. Doral received a jolt of energy when word got around that Donald Trump was interested in purchasing the property; and, now that it seems more than likely to occur, Doral may have an even better future. Real-estate giant and reality TV personality, Donald Trump, maintains his focus on purchasing the Doral Golf Resort & Spa. The Trump Organization (“TTO”) is still the stalking-horse bidder. United States Bankruptcy Judge Sean Lane approved the sale, requiring bids to start at $150 million. Doral’s bankruptcy is the result of a debt restructuring effort by the resort’s owner, a partnership that includes hedge fund Paulson & Company and Winthrop Realty Trust, which gained ownership of Doral in January 2011, and then filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection to restructure the debt it inherited when taking over the properties. Initially, Trump had planned to buy Doral for $170 million. When the investigation period lapsed, Trump negotiated a new contract, cutting the price to $150 million. With an army of lawyers working behind the scenes to secure the deal, it seems unlikely Trump is playing games: he’s serious. Some critics suggest TTO may back away from the deal in light of the history surrounding the multimillion dollar transaction. Others argue that Doral’s current owner may figure out a way to restructure its debt and save the property. That’s highly unlikely, though, especially because Trump will earn a $4.5 million breakup fee if outbid. At this juncture it is unlikely anyone will make a better bid. What’s more, Trump will likely invest an additional $150 million improving the resort. So what does this mean for the City of Doral and its residents? You can’t even begin to imagine.

In buying Doral, TTO will take over Doral and four of its five professional golf courses—Greg Norman’s Great White Course will not be sold and is in the process of being rezoned for a mixed-use project. Doral is home to the prestigious WGC Championship—a PGA golf tournament played each spring on the TPC Blue Monster. The Blue Monster is considered one of the nation’s most recognizable golf courses. The course has held a PGA Tour event since 1962. Dick Wilson designed the Blue Monster in 1960, playing to 7,125 yards from the tips. For avid golfers, sometimes it seems as if all 7,125 yards were designed for the 18th hole. The ominous Par-4 18th is arguably the toughest finishing hole on the PGA Tour playing to an average of 449 yards, usually straight into the wind. Having played four years of collegiate golf, I can tell you that the Blue Monster has one of the toughest finishing holes on tour: it requires two perfect shots. There have been some great shot making champions that include Jack Nicklaus, Phil Michelson, Craig Parry, Nick Price, Nick Faldo, and Greg Norman, to name a few. By contrast, there have been numerous fatal shots into the water off the tee or onto the green, yet ending up in the water due to the severity of the right-to-left slope and slick greens on the 18th. During a collegiate tournament, I recall being one under going into the 18th and spraying my shot way right in fear of the water. I then punched out into the fairway, and the ball rolled into the water

greenside, resulting in a double bogey for a round of 73. I guess that’s one of the reasons the name Blue Monster is quite fitting for the course because the 18th, alone, is a monster. Be that as it may, TTO’s purchase of Doral will be huge for the City of Doral. Trump’s interest in Doral comes at a time when Florida’s upcoming legislative session will focus on casino gambling for large resorts in South Florida. Trump, whose name decorates three Atlantic City casinos, told The Miami Herald last year that legalizing gambling at more South Florida locations is not part of his game plan. Is this a major coincidence or just good timing? You be the judge. TTO submitted its offer on October 13, 2011—two weeks later lawmakers introduced a bill to legalize destination casino resorts. If the Florida Legislature approves large casinos, TTO will likely push for a casino. One problem, however, is that the City of Doral’s land-development code does not permit casino gambling. Under Doral’s land-use code, anything that is not expressly permitted is essentially prohibited. The City Council, however, could pass an ordinance to allow a casino. Be that as it may, TTO’s potential purchase of Doral has great things in store for the City. TTO has been buying golf properties in the past few years. He owns nine golf properties. Those properties were revamped and are doing well. Make no mistake, if there’s anyone better equipped to take Doral to the next level, it’s Donald Trump. Whether Doral remains under the Marriott flag is unknown. But what is known is that Trump’s been eyeing Doral for a while. When Trump sets his mind on something, he goes all in. He loves golf and would love to be a part of the PGA Tour. There is no question that TTO’s purchase and renovations of the Doral Golf Resort & Spa will not only be phenomenal for golf, but also for the City of Doral and its residents. Daniel A. Espinosa, Esq., is the founding partner of ESPINOSA | JOMARRON, a full-service law firm in Miami’s Midtown area. For more information, feel free to e-mail him at Feedback, comments, and questions are welcomed.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Community | Comunidad

A bit of France in Doral By Dominique Barba

Un pedacito de Francia en el Doral



DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


he great things in life do not necessarily have to be complicated or difficult to obtain, a good book, a beautiful sunset, a delicious coffee, “a petit dessert”, soft music, friends, all that we can refer you to have a good time without a doubt. Goethe said that people are always looking for happiness eve-rywhere without knowing it is always next to your hand, how right the poet...I think it’s time to listen. For people who had the opportunity to visit France is common to talk about the beautiful architecture, museums, theaters, art, and wines and of course the wonderful kitchen. Travels over the Internet confirm these assertions, and now everyone knows France as a magical place. And if we add this joy to be able to experience an European café every day accompanied by the special French pâteserie, we can say we have it all. But how this is possible? Well thanks to Mr. Philippe Fontana, owner of “La Provence” a new typically French establishment in the heart of Doral. We asked Monsieur Philippe the reason for bringing its business to Doral and he told us: “Everybody knows that the peop l e from Doral are well prepared, educated and with an excellent cultural background; the French products are famous and well appreciated by them.” About the products offering he told us that the specialties are the desserts: Tartes françaises (French pies), gâteaux (cakes), chocolate products (Pan au chocolat, croissants, pastries, m o u s s e s , etc.), the best of the French patisserie with the best quality. The coffee is gourmet and inspired by the cafes of France. Omelets and crêpes are delicious too, to tell you the truth, you need to come and make your own choice. Mr. Fontana was proud to share to us that they are taking care of everything: “everybody receives a personal welcome when they arrive, the service is attentive and careful, the atmosphere is 100% familiar, we are trying to offer to the Doral community a place to go and stay, to have fun, to eat well, to drink something different”. “We are looking to be the Café of Doral” he added.

as cosas buenas de la vida no tienen necesariamente que ser complicadas ni difíciles de obtener; un buen libro, un precioso atardecer, un delicioso café, un rico pastelito, música de ambiente, amigos, todo eso nos puede derivar a pasar un buen momento, sin lugar a dudas. Decía Goethe que la gente busca la dicha en todos lados sin saber que siempre esta junto a tu lado, cuanta razón tenia el poeta ...yo pienso que es hora de escucharlo. Para la gente que tuvo la oportunidad de visitar Francia es común hablar de la belleza arquitectónica, de los museos, teatros, del arte, de los vinos y claro, de la maravillosa cocina. Los viajes a través de Internet confirman estas aseveraciones, ya todos conocen Francia y todos saben lo mágica que es. Y si agregamos esta dicha a poder experimentar cada atardecer un café europeo acompañado de la especial pastelería francesa, pues ya lo tenemos todo. Como así? … Pues gracias a Sr. Philipe Fontana, propietario de “La Provence” un nuevo establecimiento típicamente francés en el corazón del Doral. Le preguntamos a Monsieur Philippe la razón de haber traído su negocio al Doral y nos dijo: “Todos sabemos que la gente del Doral es muy educada, culta y muy preparada. Ellos saben apreciar muy bien los famosos productos franceses, fue una excelente decisión basada en esa premisa”… En cuanto a los productos que ofrece La Provence, “Monsieur Philippe nos dice que su fuerte son los postres: Tartes françaises (las tartaletas de fruta), gâteaux (tortas), productos con exquisito chocolate, pan, croissants, pastries, mousses, etc. La mejor pastelería francesa con la mejor calidad. El café es gourmet y está inspirado en los cafés franceses. Las omelettes y las crêpes son muy delicadas y deliciosas,… la verdad uno necesita ir personalmente y hacer su selección personal. El Sr. Philippe Fontana estaba muy orgulloso de insistir que están poniendo cuidado en todos los detales: “Cada persona que llega es recibida con mucho cariño y profesionalismo, se busca dar un servicio de primera, la atmosfera es 100% familiar. Estamos tratando de ofrecer a ésta ciudad, un lugar para ir, quedarse, comer bien, divertirse, beber algo distinto, todo lo bueno y simple de la vida. Estamos buscando ser el Café del Doral” a g re gó.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Conservation Counts

WASTE NOT, WANT NOT= By Morgan Levy, Administrator South Dade Soil & Water Conservation District A non-profit governmental subdivision of the State of Florida


n an effort to help food banks and food pantries across the country collect more food, language specifically allowing public schools to donate unused food has been included in the annual spending bill that funds the Department of Agriculture, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) announced last month.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

Wolf pushed for the language after learning many school districts are not donating excess food out of concern they were not covered under the Good Samaritan Act, which provides donors who give to food banks in good faith from all liability. Wolf’s language amends the law that created national school lunch program that provides free or low-cost lunches to needy children. “This language clarifies once and for all that schools are covered from liability under the Good Samaritan Act, “ Wolf said. “It is commonsense change that is long overdue.” When the South Dade Soil & Water Conservation District performed a two week pilot test of in-vessel composting food waste and yard waste at Key Largo K-8 School in November 2011, it was discovered that the children wasted more food than they consumed. About 30 gallons (six 5-gallon buckets) of only food waste per day was not consumed and would normally have been disposed of in the garbage to be sent to a landfill north of the Keys. In addition about ten gallons of unused milk per day, many milk cartons, almost filled, were collected and mixed with the food waste and yard waste to be in-vessel composted. We were amazed at the volume of wasted food that included unused bananas, packages of crackers unopened or partly used, apples, and unconsumed foods of various kinds. Even lunch bags brought from home were discarded with half or more of a sandwich, fruit, etc.

The Key Largo K-8 two week pilot test provided 2.534 cubic yards of finished compost with all harmful pathogens and weed seeds removed by the temperatures in the vessel that reached above 131 degrees F or higher for 4 days. The compost, with good nutrient value, was used on the school vegetable garden. The school cafeteria’s cardboard trays were ground up and used to supplement the yard waste that was also ground up. In-vessel composting requires nitrogen (food waste); carbon (yard waste and cardboard trays); moisture (in this test we used the wasted milk); and oxygen (supplied as the vessel slowly turns only 4 revolutions per hour.) There is a good lesson to be learned from our young children not presently being taught to “Waste Not, Want Not”. Our schools and parents should be encouraged to educate their students, of all ages, to TAKE ALL YOU WANT, BUT EAT ALL YOU TAKE. With this policy strongly in place, the only excess food would be that which has never been on any student’s food tray. This excess, unused food could then be provided to worthy food banks where it is desperately needed. Aside from limiting the amount of food waste produced at each school, this can teach our children not to be so wasteful. Students of all ages can then help to send more excess food to the worthy food banks to help feed those who cannot afford to pay for food for their families. Recycling paper, plastic, metal and glass is already being done at some schools. What is left is the organic waste (food waste, yard waste, soiled paper and cardboard waste) which can be in-vessel composted in only 4 days. The result will become a ZERO WASTE ZONE which should be the goal of every school. For more information contact:


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Education | Educación

Shelton Academy: At the Forefront…

NEW YEAR, GREAT PLANS By: Paola Stefan 5th Grade Teacher


By the end of May, Shelton’s north campus will boast a swimming pool and a multipurpose court for basketball, soccer, volleyball, and tennis. Its completion will be just in time for the launch of the school’s summer camp. A second phase will include a two-floor gymnasium with a conservatory for fitness, dance, and music studios. Owner Gabriella Ferr remarks, “Our goal is to make


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

his new year will bring many exciting changes to Shelton Academy and its sister school, The Joy of Learning. For one, both centers will be united under one name, The Shelton Academy Schools. A new website featuring links to both will be launched soon. The state-of-the-art Shelton Academy - housing PK-4 through 8th grades - will be known as the north campus. Its preschool, The Joy of Learning, will be the south.

children feel valued and appreciated for who they are. We are dedicated to providing culturally diverse and creative educational content in order to prepare them for life-long learning and global citizenship.” Beatriz Brito is the atelierista for the schools. As such, she serves as a special teacher who welcomes children’s ideas and ongoing projects. She says, “For us, the fine art of listening has become the emphasis in our classrooms and in our meetings and in our everyday encounters with our learning community. These heightened sensations have led to increased respect for the child, the student, the family; and to the creation of a more authentic and meaningful school experience.” Since its opening last August, Shelton Academy as been offering after-school classes for students of all ages, from all schools. Disciplines include piano, karate, power yoga, gymnastics, and tennis. Flamenco dance instruction, as well as acting and film classes, are also open. In keeping with a rigorous academic program, the school also offers after-school tutoring for individuals or groups of pupils. Future extracurricular

activities will include photography, orchestra, and a cheer program. “It’s important for us to give back to the community,” says Ms. Ferr. It is for this reason that Shelton Academy has opened its doors to the Miami Music Project, an organization that empowers underprivileged children with access to creativity and innovation through music. The instructors utilize Shelton’s facilities to teach instruments such as violin and cello in the afternoons. The classes are free of charge. In addition, every Wednesday the school opens its doors to Family Central, a non-profit agency that strengthens social, emotional, and economic binds that family members have to one another, as well as to their community. Family Central offers parenting classes free of charge for all who are interested. The Reggio Emilia philosophy, out of which The Shelton Academy Schools are inspired, values parents as partners and strives to work together with them to be the best stewards of the next generation. Registration is now open for the 2012-2013 school year for children two years of age through eighth grade. More information could be found at Shelton Academy, located at 11300 NW 41st Street in Doral, or by calling 305-599-9967.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Education | Educación

D.A.R.E. Program to stay in Doral schools

El Programa D.A.R.E se mantiene en escuelas de Doral

Budget cuts have eliminated this program in many counties, but not in our city: the program continues through our municipal authorities.

Los recortes presupuestarios lo han hecho desaparecer en muchos condados, pero no en esta ciudad el programa persiste gracias a nuestras autoridades ediles.

By Dominique Barba


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


n Wednesday January 4th, the Miami Herald published shocking news: “DARE Program vanishes from schools in South Florida. “ The basis of the article states that some principals of public schools have opted to allocate its dwindling resources and time to programs related to the FCAT at the expense of the DARE program. It also indicated that even though officer’s training is paid by the Florida State Police, each agency had to pay the expenses of the officers and the individual cost of $ 6.39/student, which made unprofitable situation. We communicated with officer Noel Feliciano, from the Community Services of the Doral Police, and he said that fortunately the city has a council responsible and seriously involved with the cause of safety and education. The full Board, led by the Mayor, sponsors all the efforts to bring the welfare of the city. The Board will not only fund the DARE program in all schools in Doral (private, public and charter), but will also boost other related programs such as “The Police Explorer Program”). In other words, City of Doral becomes one of the few cities to have all the tools possible to protect our youth through educational programs and activities. The DARE program’s importance comes from it’s own name: Drug Abuse Education Resistance. Starting in 5th grade, elementary students are given lessons for ten weeks to act in their own best interest when facing high-risk, low-gain choices and to resist peer pressure and other influences in making their personal choices regarding: Tobacco Smoking, Tobacco advertising, Drug Abuse, Inhalants, alcohol consumption and health, and Peer Pressure in a Social Network. According to officer Feliciano, the DARE program at Doral is very comprehensive and covers the basics along with the new dangers of this time as bullying, cyberbullying, sexting and others. “We work in collaboration with the MDCPS / Police and put our best effort to educate and protect our children. All cities should understand how vital is the program and find resources to fund it as is being done here” he said. Ms. Mayra Falcon, Eugenia B Thomas K-8 Principal, told us she supports the program tremendously, first as a parent and then as an educator, and always seeks the means to continue having it. “It’s wonderful that the city understands the importance of DARE and help schools to fund it, with something as vital and necessary, educators would have to find a way to deliver it, no matter what. This is the reason to be so grateful”, she said. And for good reason, we were just at the graduation of D.A.R.E at EBT K-8 Center and we appreciated the seriousness and importance of the program. The faces of the children showed maturity and reflection; it was clear they were ready to make important decisions ... do not leave everything to luck is one of them.


l miércoles de Enero, el Nuevo Herald publicó una noticia impactante: “Programa D.A.R.E. se esfuma de escuelas del Sur de la Florida”. La base del artículo indicaba que los directores de muchas escuelas habían optado por asignar sus mermados recursos y su tiempo a programas relacionados con los exámenes FCAT en detrimento del programa D.A.R.E. Se indicaba también que a capacitación de los agentes es pagada por la Policía Estatal de la Florida pero cada entidad tenía que pagar los gastos de los agentes y el costo individual de $ 6.39/alumno, lo que hacia poco rentable la situación. Nos comunicamos con el oficial Noel Feliciano, encargado de Servicios Comunitarios de la Policía del Doral y gustosamente nos explicó que afortunadamente la ciudad cuenta con un consejo responsable y seriamente involucrado con la causa de la seguridad y de la educación. El consejo en pleno, liderado por el Alcalde, auspician todos los esfuerzos que con lleven al bienestar de la ciudad. No solo financian el programa D.A.R.E en todas las escuelas del Doral (privadas, publicas y chárter), si no que también impulsan otros programas relacionados como el “Police Explorer Program”. En otras palabras, la ciudad del Doral se convierte en una de las pocas ciudades en poseer todas las herramientas posibles para proteger a nuestra juventud a través de programas educacionales y actividades. La importancia del programa D.A.R.E nace de su propia definición: Drug Abuse Ressistance Education o educación para prevenir el abuso de drogas. El programa de 10 semanas se inicia en 5th grado y consiste en proporcionarle a los estudiantes de primaria lecciones para que aprendan a defenderse de situaciones riesgosas, que sepan manejar la presión social y sobre todo, que tomen las decisiones correctas en lo referente a tabaco, drogas, inhalantes, alcohol y demás agentes que actúan en contra de la salud física y mental de las personas. Según el oficial Feliciano, el programa D.A.R.E en el Doral es muy completo y abarca los temas básicos complementados con los nuevos peligros de esta época como Bullyng (acoso), Cyberbullying (Acoso por Internet), Sexting (mensajes de texto con implicaciones sexuales), etc. “Nosotros trabajamos en colaboración con el MDCPS/Police y ponemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo en educar para proteger a nuestros niños. Todas las ciudades deberían entender lo vital del programa y buscar recursos para financiarlos, como se hace aquí” nos recalcó. Por su lado, la Sra. Mayra Falcon, Directora de la escuela Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 nos dijo que apoyaba tremendamente el programa, primero como madre y luego como educadora, y que siempre buscaría los medios necesarios para continuar impartiéndolo. “Es maravilloso que la ciudad entienda lo importante que es D.A.R.E y ayude a las escuelas financiándolo, siendo algo tan vital y necesario, los educadores tendríamos que buscar la forma de impartirlo, sin importar lo que cueste. Por eso estamos tan agradecidos” concluyó Falcon. No era para menos, estuvimos justamente en la graduación de D.A .R.E en EBT k-8 Center y pudimos apreciar la seriedad e importancia del programa. Los rostros de los niños reflejaban madurez y reflexión, no cabía duda que ya estaban listos para tomar decisiones importantes; … no dejar todo en manos de la suerte es una de ellas.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Police corner | La esquina del PolicĂ­a

Doral Police has two k-9 teams in service T


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

he City of Doral Police Department currently has two k-9 teams in service. Each team is made up of one Officer and a K-9. The Officers are (Alejandro Rodriguez and K-9 Rick), and (Orlando Saavedra and K-9 Max). These teams are assigned to the Crime Prevention Unit (CPU). On a monthly basis one of the teams is also assigned to the South Florida Money Laundering Strike Force, (SFMLSF). This is a unit made up of several agencies that conduct investigations and seize drug assets that are a direct result of the proceeds of drug trafficking, as well as make arrest of these criminal organizations. Part of the responsibilities of the k-9 teams are to conduct criminal patrols of areas that have a high crime rate, assist the regular patrol units with calls for service, conduct searches of any dwelling that have open doors after they have closed for business, and back up any other police officers that request assistance. The k-9 teams are also very pro active throughout the city in an effort to prevent crimes from taking place. The k-9 teams also assist fellow officers in tracking down any wanted criminals. The k-9 teams are also used regularly in the execution of search warrants, and for narcotic searches on traffic stops conducted by officers of the City of Doral Police. The teams are called upon by outside agencies to assist in the search of known

violent criminals as well as police officer shootings. In the past two years the k-9 teams have assisted with the seizure of well over five million dollars in U.S Currency. The k-9 teams also were responsible for the seizure of more than fifty kilos of cocaine powder. These seizures have directly removed those drugs off the streets and made it safer for our residents. During these investigations several arrest of known criminal elements were made. Part of the mission of the k-9 teams is to educate the public on the use, training and benefits of a police k-9 team. This is accomplished by doing k-9 demonstrations at local city schools, career day events, and boys & girls scout events. The k-9 teams are also requested by the schools in the city for other functions that a particular school may be hosting. These are some of the things that make a k-9 team so important. Along with these demonstrations, the children see that these are not just regular dogs, but they are educated on how a k-9 team is developed and then what it takes to be a k-9 handler for a Police Department. As Police Officers and k-9 handlers for the City of Doral Police Department, we strive to ensure that the k-9 teams for the city are among the elite of the law enforcement community, we take great pride and honor in what we have accomplished with these k-9 teams. The community is in good hands with these k-9 teams providing their service to the citizens of the City of Doral, and only asking in return to be loved by their handlers. The future of these k-9 teams looks very positive as the community gets to know and love these k-9s.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Family | Familia

By Grecia Romero


Redland Heritage Festival: An annual tradition at Fruit & Spice Park since 1976 is a fabulous event for local arts and crafts, a large selection of tropical plants and, of course, great food. Children’s activities include a petting zoo, pony rides, an interactive puppet, magic show, and a wonderful Everglades reptile show. The festival will take place on January 21st and 22nd; from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission is $8 for Children over 11 and adults. Visit www. for more details. Knaus Berry Farm and Bakery is already open for the 2012 season. If you like to enjoy the finest fresh baked goods money can buy, then you have to visit this place! This German Family operated farm has a great reputation for its outstanding production of fresh flowers, hot-out-of-the-oven breads, fresh vegetables fruit flavored milkshakes, homemade ice cream and the “famous cinnamon buns”. This farm is located at 15980 SW 248th Street, Homestead and will be open until first Saturday in April. More information visit Shakespeare in the Park 2012: Shakespeare Miami is once again inviting Shakespeare’s comedy lovers to their great annual series of performances. This year, the play will be “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at three different locations: Pinecrest Gardens (Jan. 20-22), Shell Lumber Stage (Jan. 2729), and the Arts Park Amphitheater in Young Circle (Feb. 3-4). Admission is free but First come first served bases applies. Don’t miss the magic, visit International Chocolate Festival at the Fairchild


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

elcome back Dear Readers! We have just started a brand new year and the funpacked events are already waiting for us. Without wasting any minute, let’s check what we have in our Family Fun Guide this time:

Tropical Botanic Garden: 3 days of fun for chocolate-lovers of all ages! At this year’s event, participants can learn how chocolate is made, see cacao trees growing, enjoy samples, learn to make chocolate dishes, and taste all types of food made with chocolate. Festival will take place on January 20-22 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Additional info at Jazz In The Gables Returns With Lunchtime Concerts: The second annual Jazz in the Gables returns with its lunchtime concerts every Wednesday beginning January 11th through March 28th. The concerts begin at 12:15 pm on the Plaza of the Coral Gables Museum located on Salzedo Street, two blocks north of Miracle Mile. There will be prize drawings every week. Jazz lovers find more info at Tamiami International Orchid Festival will show their spectacular variety next January 28th and 29th featuring commercial orchid growers from around the world with beautiful displays, plant sales, art and supplies. Admission is $9 for adults (cash only) and free for children. The event will take place at the Dade County Fair Expo Center (10901 Coral Way, Miami). Web: www. 15th Annual Miami Jewish Film Festival: Happening next January 21-29, this festival presents richly diverse national and international films and documentaries of artistic merit. Dramas are surely intense in this variety of stories. The festival will run at various theaters throughout the city. For locations and schedules visit Sunday Afternoons of Music for Children: Don’t miss this fantastic and very affordable monthly music concert series for children. Concert #4 next January 22nd: “BeBop Your Best” with Red Gram-

mer. Performances last one hour and offer great before and after show activities. More information at Homestead Championship Rodeo: This event has been held annually for more than 60 years! Visitors can witness a variety of riding, roping, and racing from January 27th to 29th. Tickets prices are $15 for adults, and $5 for kids ages 4-12 at the event location: Doc DeMilly Rodeo Arena at Harris Field, Homestead. A free Rodeo Parade will take place in Downtown Homestead on January 28th at 11:00 am. Visit 10th ING Miami Marathon and Half Marathon: January is not only a festival-oriented month; it is also sport related! The ING Miami is organizing a Marathon and Half Marathon next Sunday, January 29th with more than 17,000 people grouping on Downtown Miami for a 26.2 mile marathon and 13.1 mile run through Miami and Miami Beach. Don’t miss the opportunity to be in shape, registration at Coral Gables Farmers Market is back for its 21st season! Beginning January 21st through March 31st all Miami Residents will enjoy finest products every Saturday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. This market will be located at the front of City Hall, Coral Gables (at the intersection of LeJeune Road and Biltmore Way) and will feature a good variety of fresh products, baked goods, and gourmet specialty foods and plants. Other activities include live music, a free Tai Chi class (8 am), free gardening workshop (9 am), master chef demonstrations (10 am), and children’s activities (11am). For more information visit See you in our next edition with much more fun activities for the whole family, and remember to make 2012 the best year ever!

Family | Familia Por Grecia Romero información en Campeonato de Rodeo en Homestead: Este evento se ha celebrado anualmente desde hace más de 60 años! Los visitantes pueden presenciar una gran variedad actividades, desde montar y lazar caballos, hasta el famoso rodeo durante los días 27 al 29 de enero. Los boletos estarán a la venta por $ 15 para adultos y $ 5 para niños de 4-12 años en el lugar del evento: Doc DeMilly Rodeo Arena en Harris Field, Homestead. Habrá también un desfile de Rodeo gratuito el día 28 de enero a las 11:00 am en el Centro de Homestead. Visite 10mo ING Miami Maratón y Media Maratón. Enero no es sólo el mes de los festivales, sino que también considera el deporte. ING Miami está organizando un Maratón y Media Maratón para el próximo domingo, 29 de enero con más de 17.000 personas dándose cita en el centro de Miami para recorrer distancias de 26,2 millas y 13.1 millas a través de Miami y Miami Beach. No se pierda la oportunidad de estar en forma e inscríbase a través de www.ingmiamimarathon. com. Coral Gables Farmers Market está de vuelta para su temporada número 21! A partir del 21 de enero y hasta el 31 de marzo todos los residentes de Miami podrán disfrutar de los mejores productos cada sábado de 8:00 am a 2:00 pm. Este mercado estará situado en la parte delantera de City Hall, Coral Gables (en la intersección de Le Jeune Road y Biltmore Way) y ofrecerá productos frescos, recién horneados, alimentos especializados gourmet, plantas y hiervas. Otras actividades incluyen música en vivo, clases de Tai Chi (8 am), taller de jardinería libre (9 am), demostraciones de cocina (10 am), y actividades infantiles (11 am). Para más información, visite|

Nos vemos la próxima edición con muchas más actividades divertidas para toda la familia y recuerde hacer del 2012 el mejor de todos los años! DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

sión para los amantes del chocolate de todas las edades! En este evento anual, los participantes pueden aprender cómo se hace el chocolate, ver los árboles de cacao en crecimiento, disfrutar muestras, aprender a hacer platos de chocolate, y saborear todo tipo de alimentos a base de chocolate. El festival tendrá lugar del 20 al 22 enero de 9:30 am a 4:30 pm. Información adicional en Jazz In The Gables regresa con conciertos de mediodía: La segunda edición anual Jazz Gables vuelve con sus conciertos a la hora del almuerzo a partir del miércoles 11 de enero hasta 28 de marzo. Los conciertos comienzan a las 12:15 pm en la Plaza del Museo de Coral Gables, en la calle Salcedo, a dos cuadras al norte de Miracle Mile. Habrá sorteos de premios cada semana. Los amantes del jazz encontraran más información visitando Festival Internacional de Orquídeas en Tamiami mostrará su espectacular variedad los días 28 y 29 de enero con este magnífico espectáculo de la mano de cultivadores comerciales de orquídeas de todo el mundo, quienes tendrán a la venta plantas, arte y productos varios. La entrada cuesta $ 9 para adultos (sólo en efectivo) y gratis para los niños. El evento tendrá lugar en el Dade County Fair Expo Center (10901 Coral Way, Miami). Web: www. 15vo Festival Anual de Cine Judío de Miami: Durante los días 21-29 de enero, Miami presenta este festival con películas y documentales nacionales e internacionales de muy diverso mérito artístico. Prepárese a disfrutar de temas y dramas muy intensos con estas historias presentándose en varios teatros de la ciudad. Para conocer las ubicaciones y horarios, visite Domingos de concierto para niños: No se pierdas esta fantástica y muy asequible serie mensual de conciertos de música para niños. Concierto n º 4 el próximo 22 de enero: “BeBop Your Best” con Red Grammer. Funciones de una hora con actividades antes y después del show. Más


Bienvenidos de nuevo estimados lectores! Acabamos de empezar un año y ya tenemos una larga lista de eventos llenos diversión esperando por nosotros. Por eso, sin perder un momento más, acompáñeme a revisar nuestra guía de diversión en familia en esta ocasión: Redland Festival de la Herencia: una tradición anual en Fruit & Spice Park desde 1976 es un evento fabuloso para la artesanía local, una gran variedad de plantas tropicales y, por supuesto, una comida estupenda. Las actividades para niños incluyen zoológico de mascotas, paseos en pony, marionetas, espectáculos de magia, y un maravilloso show de reptiles de los Everglades. El festival se llevará a cabo el 21 y 22 de enero de 10 am a 5:00 pm. La entrada cuesta $ 8 para niños de 11 años y adultos. Visite www. para más detalles. Knaus Berry Granja y Panadería ya está abierta para la temporada 2012. Si le gusta disfrutar de los mejores productos recién horneados que el dinero pueden comprar, entonces tiene que visitar este lugar! Esta granja familiar de origen alemán tiene una gran reputación por su excelente producción de flores frescas, panes recién salidos del horno, frutas y verduras frescas, batidos, helados caseros y los “ famosos rollos de canela”. Esta finca está ubicada en 15980 SW 248th Street, Homestead y estará abierta hasta el primer sábado de abril. Más información visite Shakespeare en el Parque 2012: Shakespeare Miami invitar a los amantes de la comedia de Shakespeare a su gran serie anual de actuaciones. Este año, la obra será “El sueño de una noche de verano” en tres lugares diferentes: Pinecrest Gardens (enero 20-22), Shell Lumber Stage (enero 27-29), y el Anfiteatro de Artes en Young Circle Park (febrero 3-4). La entrada es gratuita, pero la disponibilidad es por orden de llegada. No se pierda la magia, visite Festival Internacional del Chocolate en el Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden: 3 días de diver-

Weekender | Fin de Semana Contraband R - In Theaters

Mark Wahlberg leads the cast of ‘Contraband,’ a white-knuckle action-thriller about a man trying to stay out of a world he worked hard to leave behind and the family he’ll do anything to protect. Set in New Or- leans, the film explores the cutthroat underground world of international smuggling--full of desperate criminals and corrupt officials, high-stakes and big payoffs--where loyalty rarely exists and death is one wrong turn away.

Chris Farraday (Wahlberg) long ago abandoned his life of crime, but after his brother-in-law, Andy (Caleb Landry Jones), botches a drug deal for his ruthless boss, Tim Briggs (Giovanni Ribisi), Chris is forced back into doing what he does best--running contraband--to settle Andy’s debt. Chris is a legendary smuggler and quickly assembles a crew with the help of his best friend, Sebastian (Ben Foster), to head to Panama and return with millions in counterfeit bills.

Things quickly fall apart and with only hours to reach the cash, Chris must use his rusty skills to successfully navigate a treacherous criminal network of brutal drug lords, cops and hit men before his wife, Kate (Kate Beckinsale), and sons become their target.

Underworld Awakening R - Opens 01/20/2012

Underworld Awakening brings a stunning new dimension to the epic battle between Vampiros and Lycans, as the first film in the franchise to shoot in 3D. Kate Beckinsale, star of the first two films, returns in her lead role as the vampiro warrioress Selene, who escapes imprisonment to find herself in a world where humans have discovered the existente of both Vampiro and Lycan clans,and are conducting an all-out war to erradícate both inmortal species.

Haywire R - Opens 01/20/2012


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

Mallory Kane is a highly trained operative who works for a government security contractor in the dirtiest, most dangerous corners of the world. After successfully freeing a Chinese journalist held hostage, she is double crossed and left for dead by someone close to her in her own agency. Suddenly the target of skilled assassins who know her every move, Mallory must find the truth in order to stay alive. 

Using her black-ops military training, she devises an ingenious--and dangerous--trap. But when things go haywire, Mallory realizes she’ll be killed in the blink of an eye unless she finds a way to turn the tables on her ruthless adversary.

Beauty and the Beast (In 3D) PG-13 - In Theaters

Walt Disney Animation Studios’ magical classic “Beauty and the Beast” returns to the big screen in Disney Digital 3D(TM), introducing a whole new generation to the Disney classic with stunning new 3D imagery. The film captures the fantastic journey of Belle (voice of Paige O’Hara), a bright and beautiful young woman who’s taken prisoner by a hideous beast (voice of Robby Benson) in his castle. Despite her precarious situation, Belle befriends the castle’s enchanted staff-a teapot, a candelabra and a mantel clock, among others-and ultimately learns to see beneath the Beast’s exterior to discover the heart and soul of a prince.

Red Tails PG-13 - Opens 01/20/2012

The thrilling true story of the Tuskegee Airmen buzzes to the big screen in this epic war adventure from executive producer George Lucas and first-time feature director Anthony Hemingway. In the fire and chaos of World War II, the U.S. military recruits a fearless group of AfricanAmerican fighter pilots to help reclaim the skies over Europe. Discriminated against both as citizens and as soldiers, the Tuskegee Airmen take flight in planes distinguished by distinctive red tails, and fight to defeat the tyranny of the Axis powers. As a result of their bravery, the pilots emerge as true heroes, and prove that all men are truly created equal. Terrence Howard, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Bryan Cranston star.

Joyful Noise PG - In Theaters

The small town of Pacashau, Georgia, has fallen on hard times, but the people are counting on the Divinity Church Choir to lift their spirits by winning the National Joyful Noise Competition. The choir has always known how to sing in harmony, but the discord between its two leading ladies now threatens to tear them apart. Their newly appointed director, Vi Rose Hill (Queen Latifah), stubbornly wants to stick with their tried-and-true traditional style, while the fiery G.G. Sparrow (Dolly Parton) thinks tried-and-true translates to tired-and-old.

Shaking things up even more is the arrival of G.G.’s rebellious grandson, Randy (Jeremy Jordan). Randy has an ear for music, but he also has an eye for Vi Rose’s beautiful and talented daughter, Olivia (Keke Palmer), and the sparks between the two teenagers are causing even more heat between G.G. and Vi Rose.

If these two strong-willed women can overcome their differences and find a common voice, they--and their choir--may make the most joyful noise of all.

In Spotlight | Farándula

i s n o F s i u L

Begins 2012 with “CLARIDAD”

“Tierra Firme Tour” continues on february 10 at the Jose Miguel Agrelot Coliseum in Puerto Rico!


uis Fonsi, the leader of Latin music’s new generation, welcomes 2012 with the release of “Claridad”, the third single from his acclaimed álbum “Tierra Firme”. After the international hits “Gritar” and “Respira”, Fonsi returns with his version of a classic which was written by Umberto Tozzi and made popular by the young pop phenomenon Menudo in the 80s. “I dared to make this version of Claridad with a modern and revamped style because I knew that the public would enjoy it and remember when they used to dance to Menudo”, expressed Fonsi, who added his own personal touch to the vibrant song which can soon be in rotation at radio stations in the US and throughout the world. The video for “Claridad”, orchestrated by the acclaimed Colombian director Simon Brand and filmed in the city of Miami, was released on Thursday January 12, 2012. “Claridad” is one of the songs on “Tierra Firme”, Luis Fonsi’s seventh studio production which sparked the “Tierra Firme Tour”, taking him to 5 countries in South America so far. The extensive international tour continues with a concert on February 10 at the Jose Miguel Agrelot Coliseum in Luis Fonsi’s native Puerto Rico. The “Tierra Firme Tour” will continue throughout 2012, when Fonsi travels to the US, Spain and Mexico amongst other countries.

Inicia el 2012 con “CLARIDAD” “Tierra Firme Tour” continuará el 10 de febrero en el Coliseo José Miguel Agrelot de Puerto Rico!


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


l líder de la nueva generación de la música Latina, Luis Fonsi le da la bienvenida al 2012 con “Claridad”, el tercer sencillo de su aclamado álbum “Tierra Firme.” Después de los éxitos “Gritar” y “Respira,” Fonsi regresa con un clásico compuesto por el italiano Umberto Tozzi y popularizado por el grupo juvenil Menudo en la década del 80’. “Me tomé el atrevimiento de hacer esta versión de Claridad con un estilo muy moderno porque entendí que le gustaría mucho al público escucharla de nuevo y recordar aquellos cuando la bailaban con Menudo“, expresó Fonsi, quien le impartió su toque personal al vibrante tema que se podrá escuchar ésta semana a nivel nacional e internacional. El video de “Claridad,” dirigido por el director colombiano Simón Brand y filmado en la ciudad de Miami, se estrenó el jueves 12 de enero. “Claridad” forma parte de “Tierra Firme”, séptima producción de Fonsi y con la cual el artista ha recorrido hasta ahora cinco países en Suramérica. La extensa gira internacional, bautizada Tierra Firme Tour, continuará en su natal Puerto Rico el 10 de febrero en el Coliseo José Miguel Agrelot. Con “Tierra Firme Tour” Fonsi se presentará en las principales ciudades de Estados Unidos, España y México, entre otros países.

Community | Comunidad Working in the South Florida Area:

“Cadenas de Amor” Foundation to the service of the most needed women. After more than two years of being created, this initiative arising from the need for preventive counseling to women in Dade and Broward counties today continues to work for the community.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


ounded in October 2008, Cadenas De Amor is born as a group of psychological and emotional support to the service of women mainly in the area of the Doral, Florida, home of its Director and founder Nina Vivas, who, as a psychologist and educator strives to serve the community. Cadenas de Amor is the response to the need observed for years in the psychological well being of women as experienced by Psychologist Vivas, where many emotional diseases such as: low self-esteem, depression and Codependence; They beset and carried the woman to critical situations due to lack of information and emotional education and in the same way by not seeking help in time. For this reason this Nonprofit Foundation seeks today to continue to grow and offer more broad spectrum preventive workshops, helping the women most in need of Dade and Broward counties. “We work with few resources, we do this to help us among ourselves and to those who need it most, we sell earrings, desserts and crafts to collect some money for basic expenditure of the Foundation and as well offer some workshops per year” indicates Nina as founder of Cadenas De Amor. The Foundation also has a group of women volunteers that assist in the workshops, talking to women in need, events and different activities. This special group of about 15 women volunteer and give of their time so that Cadenas de Amor may continue to spread the message of emotional health. Its mission as a Foundation is to provide education, support and assistance to women because they believe strongly that: “an emotionally healthy mother will raise healthy children”. Nina explains: “emotional diseases are affecting more and more human beings leading to consequences very serious.” in their educational experiences such as lectures, workshops and meetings, it is observed as women change, because they understand that they can take decisions have a better life, and to reflect negative thoughts, and not knowing themselves really produces much suffering that directly affects your physical, emotional and spiritual health and well being. Looking for Support to Continue to Help Cadenas de Amor searches for assistance to help collaborate with its mission as they have no income and what little they get is for basic expenses, they would like to provide more aid and provide more personalized attention, but with the economic constraints they can only provide to a degree. They do not have a meeting space other than the house of its own founder and have quickly outgrown it. If you can or know of someone who wishes to work with this good cause, please do

not hesitate to communicate directly with its Director and Founder Nina Vivas who will gladly explain and give much more detailed information of what they as women helping other women provide to the good of the Community of South Florida. To communicate with them for donations and material aid or simply to learn a little more about Cadenas De Amor Foundation you can contact them via email: or by phone at the following numbers: 786.281.7212 305.773.9061. Cadenas de Amor moves forward... Despite having no monetary capital and little resources they do not cease to work and create projections for this year and next, among the programs to be developed are: 1. Program of emotional development for women, preventative and also intervention of crisis through the educational process of teaching women things

such as positive self-esteem, how to battle and eliminate depression and how to live without Codependency, through activities such as: lectures, seminars and events for women. (This program is open and currently running.) 2. School for parents. This program will talk about topics of interest for raising children, “healthy parents, healthy children”. 3. Self-esteem program for adolescent girls. 4. Groups of support and custom support program. Currently more than 30 workshops have been held in the Doral area and several lectures in Broward County which have been attended by more than 400 women. With the collaboration of all the women of the Counties in South Florida, Cadenas De Amor can grow in all areas and therefore provide a greater amount of aid and thus achieve what they have always dreamed of, a location where they can offer personal attention and assistance to all those women and families who need it. Every 15 days we have workshops and meetings between the two counties, currently the most sought after topics are: self-esteem, depression and emotional health. For more information and topics covered in the next workshop you can communicate directly with Cadenas De Amor. . Coming soon, Cadenas De Amor will be hosting its first seminar called “Renewal”, which is aimed at the emotional growth of women, this will be an all day complete event seeking to make a healthy change for women who need it most. A location is still needed for this workshop.

Community | Comunidad Trabajando en el Sur de la Florida:

Fundación Cadenas de Amor al servicio de la Mujer más necesitada

través de las actividades como: charlas, seminarios y eventos para la mujer. Este programa se encuentra abierto y funcionando. 2. Programa de escuela de padres. Charlas propuestas con temas de interés en el proceso de crianza. “padres sanos, hijos sanos”. 3. Programa de autoestima para niñas adolescentes. 4. Programa de grupos de apoyo y apoyo personalizado. Actualmente se han realizado más de 30 talleres en el área del doral y varias charlas en el condado de Broward a los cuales han asistido más de 400 mujeres, con la colaboración de todas las mujeres de los condados en el sur de la florida, podrán crecer en todos los espectros, pudiendo de esa manera ofrecer una mayor cantidad de ayuda y así lograr lo que siempre han sonado que es tener una sede donde se pueda ofrecer una atención personalizada a todas esas mujeres y familias que lo necesiten. Cada 15 días se realizan charlas y encuentros entre los dos condados, en este momento los temas más solicitados son: autoestima, depresión y salud emocional, para una información precisa de que se conversara en el próximo encuentro solo debe comunicarse directamente con la fundación cadenas de amor. Pronto se estará realizando el seminario llamando “Renovación”, el cual va dirigido al crecimiento emocional para las mujeres, este será un evento de día completo el cual todavía busca locación y que buscará un cambio de sano para la mujer más necesitada.

DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

“Trabajamos con pocos recursos, ya que lo hacemos para ayudarnos entre nosotras mismas y a las que más lo necesitan, vendemos aretes, postres y manualidades para poder recolectar un poco de dinero para los gastos básicos de la fundación y así poder ofrecer algunos talleres al año” indica Nina como fundadora de Cadenas de Amor. La fundación también tiene un grupo de servidoras que ayudan en las charlas, eventos y diferentes un grupo de aproximadamente 15 mujeres trabajando voluntariamente y dando de su tiempo para que esta fundación siga llevando el mensaje de salud emocional.

Su misión como fundación es brindar enseñanza, apoyo y ayuda a la mujer porque creen firmemente que: “una mama sana emocionalmente produce hijos sanos”. Explica Nina: “las enfermedades emocionales están afectando cada vez más los seres humanos llevándolos a consecuencias muy graves.” en sus experiencias educacionales como charlas, talleres y encuentros, se observa como las mujeres cambian, ya que entienden que pueden tomar decisiones de tener una vida mejor, y que reflejar pensamientos negativos, y no conocerse verdaderamente, produce mucho sufrimiento que repercute directamente en su salud física, emocional y espiritual. En Busca de Apoyo para seguir ayudando Esta fundación busca quien les pueda colaborar con su misión ya que no poseen ingresos y lo poco que obtienen es para gastos básicos, Les gustaría ofrecer más ayuda y brindar atención más personalizada, pero las limitaciones económicas se ven reflejadas y las hacen trabajar a media máquina sin si quiera tener una sede fija más que la casa de su propia fundadora, la cual ya se les ha hecho pequeña. Si usted sabe o conoce de alguien que desee colaborar con esta buena causa, por favor no dude en comunicarse directamente con su directora Nina Vivas quien con mucho gusto le explicara y le dará mucho más detalle de lo que ellas como mujeres ayudando a otras mujeres hacen por el bien de la comunidad del Sur de la Florida. Para comunicarse con ellas para donaciones y ayudas materiales o simplemente para conocer un poco más de la Fundación Cadenas de Amor, puede hacerlos vía email: o por teléfono a los siguientes números: 786.281.7212 - 305.773.9061. Cadenas de Amor se Proyecta... A pesar de no tener capital monetario no dejan de trabajar y de crear proyecciones para este año y los siguientes, entre los programas a desarrollar están: 1. Programa de desarrollo emocional para la mujer tanto preventivo como de intervención en crisis. por medio del proceso educativo de la enseñanza de temas como autoestima positiva, como eliminar la depresión y como deshacerte de la codependencia, a



undada en octubre de 2008, “Cadenas de Amor” nace como grupo de apoyo psicológico y emocional al servicio de la mujer principalmente en el área del doral, florida, en casa de su directora y fundadora Nina Vivas, quien como psicóloga y educadora se propone servir a la comunidad. “Cadenas de Amor” es una respuesta a la necesidad observada durante años en la experiencia clínica psicológica por parte de la psicóloga vivas, donde muchas enfermedades emocionales como: baja autoestima, depresión y codependencia; acosan y llevan a la mujer a situaciones críticas por falta de información y educación emocional y de la misma forma por no buscar una ayuda a tiempo. Es por ello que esta fundación sin fines de lucro busca hoy en día seguir creciendo y ofreciendo más talleres preventivos de amplio espectro, ayudando a la mujer más necesitada de los condados Dade y Broward.|

Luego de más de dos años de creada, esta iniciativa que surge de la necesidad de ofrecer ayuda psicológica preventiva a mujeres en los condados Dade y Broward, hoy sigue trabajando en pro de la comunidad

People | Gente

One hundred years of the Girl Scouts Suitable time to honor such a great cause! By Sandra. E. Angulo-Duncan


I liked all these certain answers. In addition they are all related to the Girl Scouts mission: Build girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

n the year of 1912 in Savannah, GA was created the first troop of the Girl Scouts. Today, one hundred years later there are in United States two million three hundred girls committed to create a good present and build a better future. This wonderful organization complies with social purposes, and contributes greatly to develop girls increasingly educated and diligent, aimed to achieved healthy and rich goals for themselves and for the society in which they live. Internationally this large and fabulous family already unites 145 countries through the W.A.G.G.G.S (World Association of Girls Guides and Girls Scouts). In the city of Doral a group of charming girls share valuable friendships and work in the achievement of talented tasks for the benefit of the entire community. I AM A GIRL SCOUT AND I LOVE IT! I recently talked with a group of girls between the ages of 5 and 12 years old, who are part of the Girl Scouts of the city of Doral and I asked them: why are you a Girl Scout? I got different answers: “Because I have fun”, “I like going to museums and different places with the troop”, “I learn art and cuisine”, “I am with my friends”, “I like to help the elderly”, “every meeting I learn new things”, “I like to do good things for my community”,… “I learn to respect every difference, every individual”, “I like sports skillbuilding clinics, “cultural exchanges”,… etc.

Girl Scouts activities vary between learning about topics that teach them to live better, like how to handle money properly -important topic to understand since very younghealth care, how to eat in a more appropriate way, especially in this era of lots of “sweet temptations”. Also Girl Scouts works in development of talents, how to create and maintain cordial relations with friends, keep the girls informed about what is happening in the world, participate in art programs, be part of activities that teach them how to be good citizens, like community service projects, etc. Also Girl Scouts have fun in the best way ever! Community service activities. Visit to the nursing home: Fair Heaven This last December, the Girl Scouts of the city of Doral, sang beautiful carols and led a warm message of generosity and cordiality to the members of the third age of the House Fair Heaven, located in Miami Springs. The Girl Scouts, delivered to everyone, a gift made by themselves, with products such as creams, towels, sox, and more, to help relieve the needs of these men and ladies already weakened by age. The girls sang and celebrated with them around the Christmas tree, also served cookies, milk and cake for the people in the place. This is an admirable action and worthy of a big applause! Such as these activities, are exactly what gives an example to all the girls of today’s modern life, to put aside for a while, the permanent influence on material things, and focus on serves others with love. Learning and personal enrichment activities:

Learned with details about dental hygiene, was also one of the activities from last month. With the participation of the restoration specialist, Dr. Gerardo Beauchamp, the Girl Scouts were part of an interesting talk on this subject. At the end, the girls were more prepare to make better tooth brushing and more awareness about the consequences of eating candy or chewing gum. Entertainment activities: The Girl Scouts of the City of Doral have a lot of fun, through walks, exercising, sharing with friends, cuisine activities, aquatic activities, visits to new places like museums and parks, trips to Orlando, and many other activities of value and interest, The recent visit to the firefighters allowed the troop, to have a true experience of a rescue mission. In the fire truck, there was plenty of water and enough entertainment, but specially very good and adequate information on how to act in case of fire. It is important to emphasize the generosity and ongoing training of the Doral city firefighters to our growing community. This January, at the end of the month, the Girl Scouts of the city of Doral, are going camping. With tents and all the elements necessary to have a very safe and enjoyable time, the girls are going to be at the J.C. Bermudez Park, experiencing a sensational night under the stars. It will be fun as always! The group of volunteer mothers in the city of Doral is extremely charming too. These are hard working women, who get time to focus in their children and their incredibly productive activities such as the Girl Scouts. For more details of the amazing troop, email: Doral Girl Scouts: Keep up the good work!

People | Gente

100 Años cumplen las “GIRLS SCOUTS” ¡Momento adecuado para hacerle honor a una buena causa! Por Sandra. E. Angulo-Duncan|

lista en restauración Dr. Gerardo Beauchamp, las Girl scouts hicieron parte de una interesante charla sobre este tema. Las niñas salieron preparadas para hacerse un mejor cepillado dental y con más conciencia sobre las consecuencias de comer dulces o chicles. Actividades de entretenimiento: Las Girl Scouts de la ciudad de Doral se divierten muchísimo, a través de paseos y agradables actividades donde además de ejercitarse comparten con amigos y madres voluntarias, clases de cocina, actividades acuáticas, paseos en canoas, visitas a nuevos lugares, museos, parques, viajes a Orlando, visitas a los bomberos, hasta campamentos de verano y muchísimas otras actividades de valor e interés. La reciente visita a los bomberos le permitió a la tropa de Girl Scouts, tener una verdadera vivencia de una misión de rescate. En el camión de bomberos hubo mucha agua y bastante entretenimiento, pero sobretodo muy buena y adecuada información sobre cómo actuar en caso de incendios. Es importante resaltar la generosa y permanente capacitación que le ofrecen los bomberos de la ciudad del Doral a nuestra creciente comunidad. En el mes de Enero el grupo de Girl Scouts de la ciudad de Doral, se va de camping, con carpas y todos los elementos necesarios a pasar un rato muy seguro y agradable, estarán en el parque J.C. Bermúdez, experimentando una sensacional noche bajo las estrellas. Será muy divertido como siempre. El grupo de madres voluntarias en la ciudad del Doral es enormemente encantador, conformado por mujeres emprendedoras y trabajadoras, quienes consiguen tiempo para enfocar a sus niñas en actividades increíblemente productivas como las Girl Scouts. Para conocer más detalles de esta maravillosa tropa: correo electrónico: Arriba Girls Scouts! Manos a la obra!

DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Internacionalmente esta gran familia ya une 145 países a través de la W.A.G.G.G.S (World Association of Girls Guides and Girls Scouts) En la ciudad de Doral, un grupo de encantadoras jovencitas comparten valiosas amistades y trabajan en cumplir talentosas tareas para beneficio de todos. SOY UNA GIRL SCOUT Y ME ENCANTA! Recientemente conversé con un grupo de niñas entre las edades de 5 y 12 años, que hacen parte del grupo de las Girl Scouts de la ciudad del Doral y les pregunté: ¿por qué eres una Girl Scouts? Obtuve diferentes respuestas: -“Porque me divierto”, “voy a los museos”, “aprendo arte y cocina”, “Me veo con mis amigas”, “ayudo a los ancianos”, “aprendo cosas nuevas”, “trabajo para mi comunidad”, “aprendo sobre el respeto a lo diferente, a todos los indiviuos”, etc. Todas estas respuestas tan ciertas me gustaron. Además, se relacionan con la misión del grupo: desarrollar niñas seguras de sí mismas, con un temperamento bien definido ENFOCADO A CREAR UN MUNDO MEJOR. Las actividades de las Girl Scouts varían entre aprender sobre temas que les enseñan a vivir mejor como el manejo adecuado del dinero -tema importante de en-

tender desde pequeños- el cuidado de la salud, cómo mantenerse ejercitadas y sanas, cómo alimentarse de una forma más adecuada, en esta época de “dulces tentaciones”, desarrollo de talentos, cómo mantener relaciones cordiales con los amigos y amigas, aprender sobre temas de actualidad; participar en programas de arte, hasta actividades que LES ENSEÑAN DESDE PEQUEÑOS A SER BUENOS CIUDADANOS Y A DIVERTIRSE MUCHISIMO DE UNA MANERA INTELIGENTE Y PROVECHOSA. Actividades de servicio a la comunidad: Visita al ancianato: Fair Heaven En Diciembre las Girl Scouts de la ciudad del Doral, cantaron hermosos villancicos y llevaron un caluroso mensaje de generosidad y cordialidad a los miembros de la tercera edad de la casa Fair Heaven, localizada en Miami Springs. Las Girl Scouts, entregaron a cada anciano un regalo hecho por ellas mismas, con productos como cremas, toallas medias y otros que alivian las necesidades de estos señores ya debilitados por la edad. Cantaron y celebraron con ellos alrededor del arbolito navideño, y también les brindaron y sirvieron galleticas, leche y pastel. Una acción admirable y digna de aplaudir! Actividades como estas, son exactamente las que enseñan a las niñas de hoy, a dejar de lado por un rato, la influencia permanente y diaria de lo material y enfocarse por un tiempo a servir al prójimo con amor. Con la ayuda de maravillosas madres voluntarias, se logró el objetivo planteado y todas aprendieron una buena lección. Actividades de aprendizaje y enriquecimiento personal: Aprender con detalles sobre higiene dental, fue igualmente una de las actividades del pasado mes. Con la ayuda del odontólogo, especia-



n el año 1912 se creó en Savannah, GA la primera tropa de las “Girl Scouts”. Hoy cien años después, hay en Estados Unidos dos millones trescientas niñas comprometidas a crear un buen presente y construir un mejor futuro. Esta maravillosa organización cumple con propósitos sociales, y contribuye grandemente a desarrollar niñas cada más cultas y diligentes, dirigidas a lograr metas saludables y enriquecedoras para sí mismas y para la sociedad en la cual conviven.

Social Security | Seguro Social By Maria Diaz


All About Retirement


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

ocial Security is as American as baseball and apple pie. Not everyone likes apples or baseball games, but almost every American who reaches retirement age will receive Social Security retirement benefits. In fact, 96 percent of Americans are covered by Social Security. If you’re ready to retire in the near future, this article is for you. We’d like to share with you a few important items about Social Security retirement benefits and how to apply for them. When you work and pay Social Security taxes, you earn “credits” toward Social Security benefits. If you were born in 1929 or later, you need 40 credits (10 years of work) to qualify for retirement benefits. To qualify for retirement benefits, 10 years is the minimum. However, the amount of your benefit is determined by how long you work and how much you earn. Higher lifetime earnings result in higher benefits. If there were some years when you did not work or had low earnings, your benefit amount may be lower than if you had worked steadily or earned more. Also, your age when you retire makes a difference in your benefit amount. The full retirement age (the age at which full retirement benefits are payable) has been gradually rising from age 65 to age 67. You can retire as early as age 62, but if benefits start before you reach your full retirement age, your monthly payment is reduced. Find

out what your full retirement age is by referring to the convenient chart in our publication, Retirement Benefits, at It’s in the second section. Just as you can choose an early retirement and get a reduced payment, you also can choose to keep working beyond your full retirement age to take advantage of a larger payment. Your benefit will increase automatically by a certain percentage from the time you reach your full retirement age until you start receiving your benefits or until you reach age 70. The decision of when to retire is an individual one and depends on a number of personal factors. To help you weigh the factors, we suggest you read our online fact sheet, When To Start Receiving Retirement Benefits, available at html. You may want to consider your options by using our Retirement Estimator to get in-

stant, personalized estimates of future benefits. You can plug in different retirement ages and scenarios to help you make a more informed retirement decision. Try it out at When you decide to retire, the easiest and most convenient way to do it is right from the comfort of your home or office computer. Go to where you can apply for retirement benefits in as little as 15 minutes. In most cases, there are no forms to sign or documents to send; once you submit your electronic application, that’s it! In addition to using our awardwinning website, you can call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213 or visit the Social Security office nearest you. Either way you choose to apply, be sure to have your bank account information handy so we can set up your payments to be deposited directly into your account. To learn more, please read our publication, Retirement Benefits, at pubs/10035.html.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Judo practice Emphasizes Family Values By Maria Alejandra Pulgar


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|


r. Eddie Liddie currently serves as the High Performance Director of USA Judo and still “feels the jitters” when he remembers the magic moment when he stepped up to the podium to receive his 1984 Bronze Olympic Medal in Los Angeles: “I felt a sense of just relief and incredible satisfaction to achieve something that people have always said that they can’t do. I thought that it was the ultimate feeling.” Before that unforgettable moment, Eddie Liddie was a child in Upper Harlem, NY, whose father and mother, both Judo Black Belts, introduced him to Judo practice in order to give him, his brother and friends a healthy activity within a safe environment after school. “My daddy was a sportsman in the army. He used to run track and field. While he was stationed in France, he learned Judo”. After coming back to the USA, he was a police officer in NYC, plus he owned a store.” On the back of the store he began coaching judo to neighborhood kids to give them “access to discipline and to teach us the values of Judo which are also the values of life.” Among his activities within USA Judo, Mr. Liddie coordinates everything that involves elite athletes and coaches trying to make the Olympic team. “I create programs that would help the athletes make the Olympic team; the vehicles for the athletes and coaches to be the very best that they can be.” And that is what he learned from his father and mother, who always pushed him to continue pursuing the excellence he had achieved in Judo at a young age. Although he quit judo competitions for a while on his teen years “to play the popular sports: basketball, football and soccer”, by the time he was a sophomore in High School his father talked him into coming back, “I was helping coach little kids then, and my father lured me back by giving me a better allowance. It worked out. I got lucky.” His excellent performance on Judo tournaments allowed him to earn a full scholarship to attend college in Kentucky and then went to Colorado Springs where he made the Olympic team and currently lives and works. The rest is history: “I eventually became a coach there so it’s like one thing lead to another.” For the Liddies, Judo practice is a family

affair. His mother, who is from Cuba, learned Judo as a self-defense tool, achieving the 2nd degree Black Belt rank and his father was a 3rd degree Black Belt. Eddie Liddie is a 6th degree Black Belt. “My Little brother went to the same college I did and graduated there, and he did Judo too. We all did it. It’s just for us a way of life.” Mr. Liddie speaks fondly about his mother being his bigger supporter on his Judo training and his college career. “She is old fashioned and real strict. Between that and the Judo we had great discipline and focus. The judo portion of it is a gift for any kid. Because it just gives you focus on a goal and whether it’s for competing at a high level or whether just to earn the next color belt, it’s all the same focus and gives you a chance to think day to day rather than roaming the streets.” That same strict focus, commitment and discipline have been passed onto the third generation, as Mr. Liddie’s daughter Alexa “is ranked #2 in the nation right now and my son is a wrestler

and he teaches judo, just as I did at the same age in High School when my father brought me back”. Alexa Liddie began her judo training at age 5 and is working hard to earn a spot on the Olympic Team for the games on Rio de Janeiro 2016. She is now 21 years old. On her father’s opinion, Judo is “a little different regarding age for going to the Olympics. You can be as young as 15, but hardly anybody makes it at 15. The average age people usually goes to the Olympics is between 21 and 27. Those are the optimum years when they have chance to really make a chance to get a medal”. As a supporting father who is also her coach, Eddie Liddie proudly says about Alexa: “We are going to make sure she does the best that she can do.” Mr. Liddie commented that a child can start practicing judo around 5 or 6 years of age,” but making it just about having fun, exercise and build coordination. If you get to do judo when you are young and then never do it again, the physical coordination you develop would help you in any other sport; it’s all balance and body movement”. With all the obesity problem and lack of exercise that can be seen on today’s children, Mr. Liddie considers judo as a great choice to teach kids focus, discipline and love for sports. On a final note, as a parent and a coach who still teaches young children as a hobby in Colorado Springs, Eddie Liddie says: “I think that with the day and age it is today, judo reflects the family values all of us grew up with and encourages the values we are trying to instill in our kids. Sometimes it makes it a little easier to have a little help, and the way judo is structured, it brings the sense of goals and values to any kid who does it, even for a little time. Judo practice would always be a remark for any kid. It’s an unforgettable experience”.

Practicar Judo refuerza los Valores Familiares

a la edad para llegar a los Juegos Olímpicos. El atleta puede ser tan joven como de 15 años pero prácticamente ninguno alcanza el nivel adecuado a esa edad. El promedio es entre los 21 y 27 años. Esa es la edad óptima para maximizar los chances de ganar una medalla olímpica.” Como un padre que apoya a su hija, pero que también es su entrenador, Eddie Liddie se expresa orgullosamente de Alexa: “Nos aseguraremos que ella dará todo lo mejor de si para llegar a su meta”. El Sr. Liddie comenta que un niño puede comenzar a practicar Judo entre los 5 y 6 años de edad “pero debe ser siempre para divertirse, ejercitarse y desarrollar coordinación motora. Al hacer judo a temprana edad, aun cuando no continuaran, desarrolla la coordinación motora a un nivel que ayudara en cualquier otro deporte. Las habilidades básicas que se aprenden son el balance y movimiento del cuerpo”. Con todo el problema de obesidad y falta de ejercicio que se observa en la infancia actual, el Sr. Liddie considera que el judo es una excelente opción para enseñar enfoque, disciplina y amor al ejercicio a los niños. Para finalizar, como padre y entrenador que aun enseña, como hobby, a muchos niños en Colorado Springs, Eddie Liddie dice: “Pienso que en la época actual el judo refleja los valores con los cuales crecimos las generaciones anteriores y que todos deseamos inculcar a nuestros niños. Esto se facilita si tenemos la ayuda de una actividad como el judo, que es estructurada y proporciona al niño que la practica el sentido del logro y los valores fundamentales de respeto y disciplina. Cualquier niño que haya hecho judo, aunque sea por un tiempo, siempre recordará lo aprendido. Es una experiencia inolvidable”.

DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012

Entre las actividades que realiza en USA Judo, el Sr. Liddie coordina todo lo relacionado con la elite de atletas y entrenadores que trabajan para formar parte del equipo Olímpico. “Yo desarrollo programas que ayudan a los atletas a llegar al equipo Olímpico; son las herramientas para que los atletas y entrenadores lleguen a su máximo potencial”. Y eso es exactamente lo que Eddie Liddie aprendió de sus padres, quienes siempre le empujaron a continuar la búsqueda de la excelencia en la práctica de Judo, pues había logrado un altísimo nivel de desempeño a muy temprana edad. Aun cuando

dejo de participar en competencias de judo en la adolescencia “para dedicarme a los deportes populares como basquetbol, fútbol y soccer”, cuando llegó a segundo año del Secundaria su padre lo convenció de regresar al camino de la alta competencia. “Yo estaba ayudando a entrenar niños en esa época y mi padre me convenció que regresara ofreciéndome que me incrementaría la mesada. La estrategia le funcionó. Tuve suerte de que mi padre insistiera”. El excelente desempeño de Eddie Liddie en los torneos de Judo le permitió ganar una beca completa para la universidad en Kentucky y de allí fue a Colorado Springs, donde pudo calificar para el Equipo Olímpico de USA y donde actualmente vive y trabaja. El resto es historia: “Eventualmente me convertí en entrenador del equipo. Una cosa trajo a la otra”. Para los Liddie, practicar Judo es una actividad familiar. Su madre, originaria de Cuba, comenzó a hacer Judo como una herramienta de defensa personal y llego a Cinta Negra 2do. Dan y su padre era Cinta Negra, 3er. Dan. Eddie Liddie es Cinta Negra 6to. Dan. “Mi hermano menor asistió y se graduó en la misma Universidad que yo y también hace Judo. Todos lo hacemos; Es una forma de vida para nosotros”. El Sr. Liddie habla con mucho amor sobre el gran apoyo recibido de su madre durante el entrenamiento de judo y durante sus años de universidad. “Ella es sumamente tradicional y estricta. Entre esos valores en casa y el Judo mi hermano y yo teníamos mucha disciplina y enfoque. La práctica del Judo es un regalo para cualquier niño, porque permite enfocarse en un logro, bien sea competir a un alto nivel o simplemente llegar al siguiente nivel de cinta; todo es el mismo enfoque y le permite a la persona pensar en el día a día y en el futuro y no divagar”. El mismo enfoque estricto, compromiso y disciplina ha sido transmitido a la tercera generación de la familia. La hija de Eddie Liddie, Alexa “Esta ubicada en el #2 de la nación en estos momentos y mi hijo practica lucha y enseña judo, al igual que hice yo a esa edad en la secundaria, cuando mi padre me atrajo nuevamente a la práctica.” Alexa Liddie comenzó a entrenar a la tierna edad de 5 años, y actualmente trabaja muy duro para alcanzar un puesto en el equipo Olímpico para Rio de Janeiro 2016. Tiene 21 años de edad. En la opinión del Sr. Liddie, el Judo “es un poco diferente con respecto



l Sr. Eddie Liddie actualmente es el Director de Alto Rendimiento de USA Judo, mas aún siente emoción al recordar el “momento mágico” en que subió al pódium a recibir su Medalla de Bronce en los Juegos Olímpicos de Los Ángeles en 1984. “Tuve una sensación de alivio y a la vez de satisfacción al tener un logro que muchos piensan es imposible. Fue un momento inolvidable”. Para llegar a ese momento especial, la influencia familiar fue fundamental. Eddie Liddie creció en Upper Harlem, NY. Sus padres, ambos Cinta Negra en Judo, lo introdujeron a la práctica de este deporte para proporcionarle a él, a su hermano y sus amigos una actividad extraescolar saludable en un ambiente seguro. “Mi papá era deportista mientras servía en el ejercito. Su deporte favorito era pista y campo; mientras se encontraba en Francia aprendió Judo”. Al regresar a USA, trabajó como oficial de policía en NYC y además era dueño de una tienda. “En la parte de atrás de la tienda comenzó a enseñar Judo a los muchachos del vecindario para darles una oportunidad de tener disciplina y aprender los valores del Judo que son también valores para la vida”.|

By Maria Alejandra Pulgar

In Flash | Fotos

“Downtown Doral Park” Groundbreaking Ceremony Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez, Doral Councilmembers along with Codina Partners realized a groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday, January 10th, 2012. The three-acre “Downtown Doral Park” will include an open air pavilion with benches and picnic tables plus two play structures geared towards children ages 5 and under, and 5 to 12 years old. “Downtown Doral Park” is part of the Downtown Doral 120-acre masterplanned community. The Park was designed by Sixto Architect, Inc. and developed by Codina Partners.

EBT celebrates Holidays in style..!!!!!


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

By Dominique Barba The Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Rudolf, Santa Elves and even the Grinch were present in this winter wonderland of holiday cheer. Most of all, the students enjoyed Rudolf reading: How the Grinch Stole Christmas” while the snow fell on all students gathered in the center courtyard of EBT… At the end of a wonderful show, Doral Police Officers Suarez and Feliciano were glad to pick up more than 1500 toys collected and wrapped by the EBT K-8 family, a record. According to Mr. Feliciano, these toys will be delivered to hospitals, schools, shelters, etc. for thousand of children in need. Officer Feliciano was really proud of the Doral community and overall, the wonderful EBT K-8 Center.

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Vice Mayor Mike DiPietro and Monica Remond tied the knot


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

On December 22, 2011, City of Doral Vice Mayor Michael DiPietro and Monica Remond were happily married at St. James Church in Coral Gables. The private ceremony was lead by Franciscan priest Father Luis Lopez and attended by family and very close friends who also joined them for a beautiful reception afterwards at La Dorada restaurant. We wish the newlyweds much happiness, prosperity, good health and a long life together. Some in attendance that helped celebrate their wedding included Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez, his wife Vivian and their youngest daughter Elisa Nicole; Councilman Pete Cabrera and his wife Josie; and City Manager Yvonne SolerMcKinley and her husband Terry McKinley. Congrats to the happy couple. We wish them a lifetime of happiness and love!

In Flash | Fotos Especial Desayuno de Negocios de DCC en La Provence Doral Chamber of Commerce presidida por el Sr. Manny Sarmiento efectuó un desayuno de negocios especial de Navidad, el pasado mes de diciembre, en el nuevo establecimiento de pasteleria francesa “La Provence” ubicado en Doral… El evento tuvo como invitados a varias personalidades del ámbito comercial asociados de la Cámara así como del ámbito politico, los cual degustaron del rico menú de pasteles franceses además de su cremoso café con leche, a la par que se recolectaron juguetes sin envolver para ser entregados a niños con necesidades. Durante el evento se le ofreció un reconocimiento al Sr. Philipe Fontana por ser miembro de la Cámara y por su logro como inversionista en la ciudad de Doral.

AHC expone sus servicios a “Women in Lions Club” de AHC se presentaron y expusieron sus experiencias en los ramos que se desempeñan, a la par que se explicaba la importancia de este novedoso centro de emergencia que ofrece medicina general, pediatría y ginecología a la comunidad del Doral. AHC está ubicado en la 2801 Nw 87 Av., Doral FL.


DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012|

En las instalaciones del nuevo centro clínico de emergencia American Health Center (AHC), se desarrolló el desayuno mensual de negocios para el “Women in Lions Club”. La invitación fue realizada por el Sr. Xavier Marcos, propietario de AHC conjuntamente con el personal administrativo. Durante el evento que contó con varias personalidades y empresarios, los especialistas

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Elena Ortega-Tauler, Esq. gets married Elena Ortega-Tauler, Esq. and Dr. Jose Luis Napoles were married January 1, 2012. The ceremony and reception was held in Antigua, Guatemala at El Convento Boutique Hotel. The couple was joined by family and friends, including Myrka Dellanos as the bride’s maid of honor. Pastor Carlos Rodriguez from Iglesia Palabra Viva, traveled from Miami to officiate. Performing at the reception was Ignacio Perez Borrell, one of the original band members of the Buena Vista Social Club in Havana, Cuba.

“THE NUTCRACKER” at South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center

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DORAL family journal • January 15, 2012


“The Nutcracker” is performed by countless ballet companies, primarily during the Christmas season, especially in the U.S. This year, on December 9th and 10th, “The Artistic Dance Theater” a Doral dance studio, directed by Elisabeth Nuevo and Lissette Lucas, has put forth an outstanding production of the Nutcracker at South Miami – Dade Cultural Arts Center .As is known “ The Nutcracker is a two-act ballet, originally choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov with a score by Tchaikovsky. The libretto is adapted from E.T.A. Hoffmann’s story “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. It was a treat to see dancers from City of Doral take the leading roles such as: Fatima, Maria and Paola Andere, Natalia Padillo Anthemides, Victoria Baez, Nadine Barton, Javier Aranzales, Juliana Gillardo and Daniela Schindo. Fatima Andere played the role of “Snow Queen”, one of the hardest jobs in the play. She made perfectly the most beautiful act: “ Pas de Deux” and showed that she is a great promise. The audience was impressed with the hundred or so dancers (95% of them were Doral residents ) , they performed beyond anybody expectations. It is also to be noted that the backdrop stage was very elaborated and the effects included snow ice, sleigh, balloon carriage that descended from above, bringing Claire and her uncle on the stage, as well as a giant Xmas Tree that changed sizes during the performance. The quality of the music and the venue were also impressive. A lot of hard work went into preparing for this event and it showed. Everyone was in agreement that the results were extremely professional. What a treat!!!!

Photo Credit: Nicett Rodriguez

By Dominique Barba

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