DO RAL Somos tu comunidad. ENTERATE! Envíanos temas de tu interés. COLABORA!
No. 24
DO R A L familyjournal
Mayo 06, 2012 • No. 24 • Year 1 Editor in Chief: Ettore Sabatella Executive Editor: Carlo Sabatella Managing Editor: Sandra Figueiredo Art Director: Mario Carpio Contributors: Grecia Romero Dr. A. De Diego María A. Pulgar Alex Garcia Antonella Stelluto Carolina Pico
Mike Rodriguez Maria Sabatella Erika Angulo Jackie Zambrano William Echeverria
Photographer Jairo Velasquez Flutsh Online Digital Magazine E-mail: Address: 10773 NW 58 ST. PMB # 96 MIAMI, FL. 33178 * Ph: (305) 300.4594
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
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Doral Family Journal
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
Community | Comunidad
The Miami-Dade Expressway Authority Hosts Free Workshop for Business Owners
he Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) will host its 9th Annual Small, Local & Minority Business Enterprise Workshop Thursday, May 17, from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Miami Airport Convention Center. The value-packed agenda teaches local businesses how to develop and market themselves to governments and corporations. This year’s theme – “More than Roadways” - highlights MDX’s continued commitment to the local economy and will feature keynote speaker, Julia E. Hubble, author of Tackling the Titans: How to Sell to the Fortune 500. MDX’s contractors will be present to connect with attendees and provide insight into doing business with their organization. The workshop is the largest component of the MDX For Business Program, which includes a series of trainings to small and local businesses at discounted costs, as well as the newly developed Career Enhancement Program for those currently unemployed. For registration and more information on MDX For Business, visit This workshop is the 9th the MDX has held, and it is free, targeted for small and minority business owners in the area, and the agenda
focuses on teaching local businesses how to develop and market themselves to governments and corporations. The workshop is the largest component of the MDX For Business Program, which includes a series of trainings to small and local businesses at discounted costs, as well as the newly developed Career Enhancement Program for those currently unemployed. This is the event agenda: Registration begins on May 17th from 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. During this time, attendees can network, grab their nametags, and eat some light breakfast General Session from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. here it will include opening remarks from MDX, the MDC
Graduation ceremony and the Keynote speaker Exhibitor Showcase Open from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. During this time attendees can meet with exhibitors and learn about doing business with them. There will be a total of 25 exhibitors. As you can see it mentions “MDC Graduation Ceremony”. This January the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) partnered with Miami Dade College (MDC) and offered eight local business owners the chance to finish their college education by offering a 12 credit Certificate in Entrepreneurship as part of the agency’s annual training courses. The program, which will end on May 13, 2012 covers principles of Entrepreneurship, Selling, E-Commerce and Small Business Management – all valuable components to managing a business. This is the first year MDX provides this college credit opportunity for small and local businesses. MDX hopes to expand the program in 2013 based off the success of this year’s pilot program. Basically, the workshop is a culmination of all of the MDX small business programs, and the perfect way to highlight the philosophy of reinvesting in the community.
OEM awarded EMAP Accreditation
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
he Miami-Dade Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has been granted full accreditation from the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP). Receiving this distinction is a significant achievement. OEM was commended for the work accomplished which validated its compliance with national standards. Accreditation is a means of demonstrating, through program assessment, documentation and on-site assessment by an independent peer review team, that a program meets national standards. It is valid
for five years from the date the EMAP Commission grants accreditation. Accredited programs must maintain compliance with EMAP standards and be reassessed in five years to maintain accredited status. Accreditation recognizes the ability of local government to bring together personnel, resources, and communications from a variety of agencies and organizations in preparation for and in response to a disaster of any type. These capabilities form the foundation of the nation’s disaster response system.
“Achieving accreditation is a significant accomplishment for an emergency management agency,” said Curtis Sommerhoff, OEM Director. “– “It validates our commitment to delivering professional emergency management services to the people of Miami-Dade County.” EMAP is a national non-profit organization established to evaluate and improve the nation’s emergency management capabilities and provides the country’s only accreditation process for emergency management programs.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
Cover | Portada
Supermamás Con amor para nuestras mamás Gina, Rita, Teodora, Isabel y Teresa en su día! Por Grecia Romero and Maria Alejandra Pulgar
odas las madres se parecen a los súper héroes. Independientemente de su preparación u ocupación, el simple hecho de haber aceptado que dentro de sí crecieran una o varias personas, arriesgando su vida en el proceso, ya las convierte en seres fuera de serie, con una generosidad y un amor incondicional inconmensurables. ¿Cómo pueden hacerlo? ¿Cómo van por la vida sabiendo que un pedazo de si mismas vive para siempre separado de ellas? ¿Será que poseen poderes o fortalezas especiales que las distinguen de los otros seres humanos? Las fortalezas, según Seligman, son rasgos que se presentan en situaciones distintas a lo largo del tiempo, son valoradas por derecho propio y sus consecuencias son positivas; son las características de una persona que la ayudan a desarrollar en la vida las virtudes como sabiduría, valor, amor, humanidad, justicia, templanza y espiritualidad. Escogimos 7 madres de nuestra comunidad, cada una con una historia personal inspiradora, para explicarnos cual es esa característica, esa fortaleza, ese poder, que les hace ejercer la maternidad con alegría, de una manera ejemplar y no perecer en el intento. Para todas las madres de Doral en su día, estos son los poderes de las “Supermamás”.
Brenda Andere El poder de la Fe
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
impática, dulce y generosa. Siempre con una sonrisa, esta valiente mexicana, mamá de 8 hijos nos dice que su fortaleza mayor reside en “la Fe en Dios. Eso es lo que me saca adelante, si no, no podría. De ahí saco la fuerza, la jerarquía de las cosas que tengo que hacer. Mi confianza y mi apoyo es Dios. Sin El nada es posible”. Nunca pensó que tendría tantos hijos, aunque siempre quiso una familia grande. Tiene 5 niñas (Brenda Lucia, Fátima, María, Paola y la recién nacida Victoria) y 3 varones (José Pablo, Juan Esteban y Bruno). ¡Imposible aburrirse en una casa con tanta gente! “Lo bueno de ser mamá es que siempre tienes algo que hacer y en que pensar. Siempre te sientes útil y ocupada, alguno siempre te necesita”. Tal vez mirando hacia atrás, Brenda piensa que pudiera haber tenido mas chance de enseñarles mas cosas o enfocarse en algunas actividades a ciertas edades, pero con tanta variedad de caracteres y personalidades diferentes “se multiplican las satisfacciones, siempre son mas las alegrías. Siempre sales ganando”. Lo que mas le gusta de ser mamá es poder reírse con ellos “ellos se ríen de mi, yo de ellos y todos reímos juntos. Me divierto mucho con ellos. A veces me quedo mirándolos y digo ¡Dios mio, que guapos son! Ellos me hacen feliz con sus ocurrencias”.
Supermoms With love for our moms Gina, Rita, Isabel, Teodora and Teresa on Mother’s Day! By: Grecia Romero and Maria Alejandra Pulgar
ll mothers can be taken sometimes as superheroes. Regardless of their qualifications or their occupation, the simple fact that they agreed on having a person (or more than one) growing inside for 9 months, risking their lives in the process, makes them unbelievable creatures, capable of immeasurable amounts of generosity and unconditional love. How can they do it? How do they go through life knowing there is a piece of their own flesh and blood living forever separated from them? Do mothers have special powers or strengths that distinguish them from other human beings? Strengths, according to Seligman, are features that arise in different situations over time, are valued in their own right and their consequences are positive; strengths are the characteristics of a person who help her develop life virtues like wisdom, courage, love, humanity, justice, temperance, and spirituality. We chose 7 mothers of our community, each with an inspiring personal story, to explain that characteristic, that strength, that power, which makes them embrace motherhood with joy, in an exemplary manner and not perishing in the attempt. For all Doral mothers on Mother’s day, we share with you the powers of “Supermoms.”
The Power of Faith
he is a nice, sweet and generous woman. Always smiling and in good spirits, this brave Mexican, mother of 8 children, tells us that her greatest strength lies in her “Faith in God. It is what drives me forward; otherwise I could not do all that I do. From there I take my strength and the ability to discern the hierarchy of things I have to do. My confidence and support come from God. Without Him nothing is possible.” Brenda never thought she would have that many children, although she always wanted a big family. She has 5 girls (Brenda Lucía, Fátima, María, Paola and the newborn Victoria) and 3 boys (Jose Pablo, Juan Esteban y Bruno). It is impossible to get bored in a house with so many people! “The good thing about being a mom of that many kids is that you always have something to do and to think about. You always feel useful and busy, someone always needs you. “Perhaps looking back, Brenda thinks she may have missed the chance of teaching more things or focusing on certain activities at certain ages, but with so many different characters and personalities “rewards multiply and there are always more joys than sorrows. You always win.” What Brenda likes best about being a mom is being able to laugh with them. “They laugh at me, I laugh at them and then we all laugh together. I have fun with them. Sometimes I sit back, look at them and say “My God, they are so cute, smart and handsome, every single one of them! They always make me happy with their ideas and jokes.”
Cover | Portada
Inspiración y Pasión
ersistente, apasionada e inspiradora son tres características que describen a Alejandra Moreno. Su entusiasmo le ayuda a poner todo el corazón a lo que hace, siendo un ejemplo de vida para todos los que la conocen. Alejandra y su familia se mudaron a Miami en Agosto de 1998, y han vivido en el Doral por casi 14 años. Trabaja de tiempo completo como Directora de Servicios de Outsourcing en una empresa de consultoría, y por ello nos comenta: “a veces es complicado trabajar a tiempo completo y también ser esposa y mamá, balancear el trabajo mientras crías a los hijos es definitivamente un reto difícil, la clave está en organizarse, delegar y contar con el apoyo de tu compañero”. Alejandra y su familia también se consideran una familia “Scout” quienes disfrutan del medio ambiente saliendo a acampar y durmiendo al aire libre unas 5 o 6 veces por año. Para Alejandra ser mamá es “amar a los hijos incondicionalmente, pero también guiarlos y corregirlos en el camino. Tener siempre abiertos los canales de comunicación y confianza, pero también poner límites y enseñarles con el ejemplo”. Orgullosamente, ella y su esposo Julio, tienen dos hijos casi adultos, Cristina y Alejandro. Exitosos estudian-
Alejandra Moreno tes; ambos son producto del sistema escolar público del Miami-Dade County. Tina está por graduarse de Arquitectura en UF, y Alejandro, Senior en Ronald Reagan/ Doral High School, estudiará Ciencias Políticas en Boston. Ambos han recibido incontables reconocimientos académicos, dedican muchas horas a servicios de voluntariado y están bastante involucrados con la Iglesia y el movimiento Scout junto a sus padres. Para Alejandra uno de los factores de éxito más importantes es mantener a los muchachos ocupados, no olvidando que “los padres necesitan involucrarse activamente en sus vidas. Participar en las organizaciones y eventos de las escuelas, conocer a sus amigos y maestros, mantener múltiples canales de comunicación, no tener miedo de corregirlos, de dejarlos caer y fallar. Todas las experiencias, buenas o malas dejan un aprendizaje, hay que ensenarles a identificar la lección”. Nos comento que, a
pesar que se considera estricta (“Cruela de Vil” – como la llaman con cariño sus hijos), tanto ella como su esposo buscan un momento de calidad para hablar de situaciones cotidianas y cómo afrontarlas. Aman el momento de la cena familiar, enseñan a sus hijos una base sólida en la fe y rezan en familia. Para ella, la mejor enseñanza a sus hijos es “disfrutar de cada momento de la vida y compartir su alegría. Dejar amigos por donde se pase, la vida es muy corta y no siempre se tiene la oportunidad de corregir. Cantar con el corazón, ser agradecidos y no tener miedo de pedir ayuda. Ser sinceros y perseguir sus sueños”.
bad, will leave you a lesson, we as parents need to help them identify the learning point from it”. Although being considered strict (“Cruella de Vil” - as her children fondly called her), she and her husband are always looking for quality time together to talk as a family about everyday situations and how to deal with them. Family dinner, teaching a strong foundation in faith and praying together, are very important practices for them. Alejandra’s belief is that “the best education comes from enjoying every moment in life. Make friends along the journey, life is too short and we do not always have the opportunity to correct what we did wrong. Sing with your heart, be thankful and not be afraid to ask for help. Be sincere and pursue your dreams”.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
grown-ups. They both have been successful students from the MiamiDade County public school system. Tina is graduating in architecture at UF, and Alejandro is in Senior High at Ronald Reagan / Doral High School, and will study political science in Boston. Both have received many academic awards, devoted many hours to volunteer services and are very involved with the community church and the Scout movement with their parents. For Alejandra one of the most important success factor is “keeping children busy without leaving aside the necessary parental involvement in children’s lives. Parents need to participate in school events, getting to know your children’s friends and teachers, maintaining open multiple communication channels without fearing to apply necessary corrections on your kids when needed, and giving them the opportunity to learn from their own mistakes. Every experience in life, good or
ersistent, passionate and inspiring are three characteristics that describe Alejandra Moreno. Her enthusiasm helps her putting all her heart on what she does, being a living example to all who get to know her. Alejandra and her family moved to Miami in August 1998, and have lived in Doral for almost 14 years. She works full time as Director of Outsourcing Services in a consulting firm, by this experience she says: “’It is sometimes difficult to have a full time job and also be a wife and a mom; balancing work while raising young children is definitely a difficult challenge. The key is to be organized, delegate and have the support from your partner”. Alejandra and her family consider themselves as a “Scout” family, who enjoy nature, going camping and sleeping in a tent about 5 or 6 times a year. For Alejandra being a mom is “loving our children unconditionally, but also guiding and correcting them on the way. Keeping open channels of communication and trust at all times, but also setting clear limits and teaching by example”. Proudly, she and her husband Julio, have two children, Cristina and Alejandro, who are almost|
Inspiration and Passion
Cover | Portada
Maria Paula Gasparotti El Poder de la Organización
Hago lo que puedo, no soy una super mamá”, nos dice esta argentina con su acento alegre, su constante sonrisa y esa mirada acuciosa que la caracteriza. Contadora de profesión, su plan de vida siempre fue tener una familia estable. “Es mi responsabilidad y mi obligación, además de mi deseo. Dejo cualquier cosa para que mis hijos tengan una familia bien normal. Dije que guardaría el titulo en un cajón si me necesitaran y así ha sido”. La vida ordenada que lleva, le proporciona tranquilidad y la hace sentir feliz, pues para ella es importante la disciplina, el respeto, los compromisos y el orden. La
agenda es su compañera inseparable que le permite organizarse y coordinar los horarios de los 4 miembros de su familia. Cualquier cambio repentino en sus planes le genera mucho stress, así que siempre hace lo posible por anticiparse para así controlar las variables que puedan afectar su plan. En su tiempo tan contado, María Paula siempre está dispuesta a ayudar; es una amiga incondicional y consecuente que se ha ganado el sincero aprecio de todos quienes la conocen. Quisieron siempre tener más de un hijo, pues tanto ella como su esposo tienen hermanos y sienten que es muy importante. “Tuvimos uno, parecía que no íbamos a tener mas y seguimos insistiendo”. Finalmente, Ángela llegó 10 años después de Francisco y se integró rápidamente a la estructurada rutina familiar. Una de las cosas que María Paula más disfruta es ver la relación entre sus hijos: “a pesar de la diferencia de edad ellos se pelean y se aman a la vez. Se quieren, y comparten juntos. Pensé que no serian unidos hasta la edad adulta, pero si lo son. Yo le digo a él que ella va a ser que lo cuide cuando esté viejo, y los dos se ríen”. También
disfruta dedicarle el tiempo a cada uno por separado cuando los busca en el colegio. Son minutos que atesora, además de la cena en familia, donde los 4 conversan y comparten los sucesos del día. Para ella, lo bonito de ser mamá es que “los tienes ahí, los hijos siempre van a estar ahí para ti. Cerca o lejos siempre te van a apoyar. La responsabilidad de ser mamá es enorme, pero no lo considero una desventaja, es parte de lo que tengo que hacer. Tal vez la única desventaja es que dejas de lado a ti misma y cuando crecen te cuesta darte cuenta que tienes que pensar y buscar una actividad que te llene. Disfruto el voluntariado porque siento que estoy haciendo algo útil, estoy causando un beneficio. Me hace sentir muy bien, es como una extensión del rol de ser mamá”. Para María Paula el trabajo de ser mamá nunca termina; “Cuando los hijos crecen va tomando otro rol, mas de dar un paso al costado y de escuchar. Espero tener la capacidad de darme cuenta cuando llegue ese momento. Las mamás no dejan de serlo hasta que sus hijos se mueren. Yo todos los días me acuerdo de algo que dijo, hizo o escribió mi mamá. Creo que es su forma de seguir estando conmigo.”
The Power of Organization
I do what I can, I’m not a super mom,” says this Argentinian, with her cheerful accent, her constant smile and her curious look. Graduated in Accounting, her life plan was always to have a family. “It is my responsibility and my duty, in addition to my desire. I’d leave everything for my children to have a normal family. I said I would keep the title in a drawer if they needed me and that is exactly what has happened “. Leading an orderly and quiet life in Doral provides tranquility and happiness to her, because she feels that discipline, respect, commitment and order are very important. The agenda is her inseparable companion. It allows her to organize and coordinate the schedules for all 4 members of her family. Any sudden change of plans would generate a lot of stress, so she always does her best to anticipate and control all variables that may affect her plan. Despite having so little spare time,
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
Maria Paula is always willing to help; she is an unconditional and constant friend who has earned the sincere appreciation of all who know her. She and her husband always wanted to have more than one child, because they have siblings and feel it is very important. “We had one son, it seemed we were not going to have more, but we kept trying.” Finally, Angela came along 10 years after Francisco, and quickly joined the structured family routine. One of the things that Maria Paula enjoys most about being a mom is seeing the relationship between her children, “despite the age difference they fight but they love each other. They share a lot together. I thought they would not be close until adulthood, but they are now. I tell him that she will be the one to look after him when he is old, and they both laugh.” As a mom, she also enjoys spending exclusive time with each one when picking them up from school. Those are minutes she treasures, as well as the family dinner, where the 4 of them chat together and share the events
on their day. For her, a nice thing about being a mom is “just having them; your children will always be there for you. Near or far, they are always going to support and care about you. The responsibility of being a mom is great, but I do not consider it a disadvantage; it is part of what I have to do. Perhaps the only downside is that you give up on yourself and, as they grow up, you have to realize that you need to find an activity that fulfills you. I enjoy volunteering because I feel I’m doing something useful, I’m being helpful and making and impact. It makes me feel good; it is like an extension of the role of being a mom. “ Because for Mary Paula the work of a mom never ends, “When children grow up you have to take other role, step aside and listen. I hope I am able to tell when that time comes. Mothers never cease to exist until their children die. Not a single day goes by without me remembering something my mom use to say, something she did or wrote. I think it is her way of showing that she will always remain with me.”
Cover | Portada
Ana Contigiani Gospodinoff El poder de la esperanza
na es una fuente inagotable de inspiración, valentía, fuerza, fe y esperanza. En el 2008 le diagnosticaron cáncer de seno con metástasis en pulmón, cerebro y columna vertebral. Uno de los primeros médicos le dijo a su esposo Víctor que simplemente le dieran calmantes para el dolor y que tenían que aceptar lo inevitable. Apenas le daban 40 días de vida. Pero Ana exitosamente sobrevivió. Desde el principio le dijo al medico “díganme que tengo que hacer para vivir, porque me considero muy buena madre y no quiero dejar de serlo”. Su actitud y esperanza en la recuperación siempre han sido la clave. Nació en Italia, creció en Argentina y se mudó a Miami en el 2002. Hoy en día, está felizmente casada desde 1995 y tiene tres hijos maravillosos; Se le captura la esencia misma de una madre y el amor que profesa para sus hijos, y la sonrisa cálida que solo ella sabe dar. Una vida que nuevamente empieza llena de ilusión y promesas. Cuando se le preguntó, cual seria su superpoder, se rió y dijo: “Yo creo que el superpoder es la fuerza para salir adelante. El amor por mis hijos que mueve montañas. Dios tuvo mucho que ver, me dió una segunda oportunidad, creo que fue por algo. Para tratar de inspi-
rar a otros a tener esperanza de que si se pueden lograr las cosas, superar las dificultades y las circunstancias de la vida, dar esperanza a quienes están pasando por la misma situación que yo tuve”. Aunque la preocupación de la recurrencia del cáncer este latente en su vida, eso no le impide disfrutar cada minuto “Tengo que controlarme, hacer mis tratamientos y tomar mis medicinas. Siendo metódica, con Fe y Esperanza todo se puede”. Para Ana lo mas bonito de ser mamá es seguir estando con ellos, abrazarlos, besarlos en la mañana y tenerlos con ella. Disfruta estar todos juntos, la hora de la cena, llevarlos de paseo. Esos momentos son impagables. “Cada día doy gracias por otro día más”. “Si otra mamá esta en un caso similar al mio por ahí, escucha mi caso y se inspira a luchar es para celebrar, eso es lo mejor. Como mamá mi misión de vida es terminar de criar bien a mis hijos. Quiero verlos graduarse, casarse, conocer a mis nietos y malcriarlos junto a mi esposo.”. Sobre el proceso
de convertirse en madre, Ana lo considera como “Algo mágico, digno de disfrutarlo. Para mi fue mágico las 3 veces que estuve embarazada, sobre todo la primera, que fue una gran novedad”. Su fe y su esperanza es lo que ha logrado que supere esta prueba tan dura que le ha tocado en la vida. Su médico la llama Miracle Girl: “¡Si se puede! La voluntad de querer luchar la tienes o no. Tú decides, yo te puedo contar y explicar mi experiencia, pero si tú no tienes la voluntad no va a pasar nada. Esto no es mágico, la actitud y la voluntad tienen mucho que ver”.
me that is the best feeling”. As a mom my mission in life is to finish raising my children well. I want to see them graduate, marry. I want to meet and spoil my grandchildren along with my husband. “. On the process of becoming a mother, Ana sees pregnancy as “Something magical, worthy to enjoy it. For me it was magical all 3 times, especially the first, which was a novelty. Her faith and hope is what has made her overcome the stiffer test she has had in life. Her doctor calls her Miracle Girl: “Yes we can! You have the will to fight or you don’t. You decide, I can tell and explain my experience, but if you do not have the willingness in you, then it is not going to happen. This is not magic. Attitude and willpower have much to do with it “.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
that moves mountains. God gave me a second chance; I think it was for a reason. To try to inspire others to accomplish things, overcome difficulties and circumstances of life; to give hope to those going through the same situation I had. “Although the concern of cancer recurrence is latent in her life, that does not prevent her from enjoying every minute, “I have to follow my doctor’s orders, go to my treatments and take my medicine. Being methodical, with faith and hope I can overcome any challenge that might arise in the future”. For Ana, the most beautiful part of being a mom is to stay with them, hug them, and kiss them in the mornings. They enjoy being together; having dinner, take walks outdoors. Those moments are priceless. “Every day I give thanks for another day.” “If another mother is in a case similar to mine out there, I hope that my words inspire her to fight. For
na is an endless source of inspiration, courage, strength, faith and hope. In 2008 she was diagnosed with breast cancer metastases in lung, brain and spine. One of her first doctors told her husband Victor to just give her painkillers and get ready for the inevitable. They gave her 40 days to live, but Ana survived! From the beginning she told the doctor “tell me what I have to do to live, because I consider myself a great mother and I intent to continue to do so.” Her optimist attitude towards her recovery has always been the key for her survival. Born in Italy and raised in Argentina, she moved to Miami in 2002. Happily married since 1995 the Gospodinoffs have three wonderful children; Ana captures the essence of a mother that professes her love for her children, with the smile that only she can give. A life that begins again full of hope and promises. When asked what would be her super power, she laughed and said, “I believe that the superpower is the willingness to succeed, the love for my children|
The power of hope
Cover | Portada
Kerrie Schundt
a idea de ser una Supermamá la hace reír, pero después de pensarlo un poco, Kerrie concluye que la curiosidad y el deseo de aprendizaje y descubrimiento son de suma importancia en su vida y por lo tanto esos podrían ser sus súper poderes: “Lo mejor que puedo darle a mi hija es experiencias. Llevarla a muchos lugares. Nos encanta salir, cada vez que tenemos la oportunidad, a todos los lugares donde ella pueda tener experiencias para aprender y descubrir qué es lo que le gusta. Es lo mejor que puedo darle en la vida. “
Nativa de Wisconsin, Kerrie ha estado viviendo en Doral desde hace 7 años. Se mudó aquí cuando su hija tenía 2 meses de edad. Les encanta la ciudad porque es muy familiar, las escuelas son buenas, los parques son hermosos y hay muchos niños y familias. La experiencia de vivir en Egipto dando clases de inglés dejó en Kerrie una marca indeleble. Le encantó vivir en el extranjero y aprender sobre otras culturas. Cuando regresó a Wisconsin, sintió que allí no había suficiente ambiente internacional para satisfacer su deseo de explorar y aprender cosas nuevas. La oportunidad de mudarse a Miami le proporcionó el lugar perfecto para encontrar buen clima, lugares interesantes para descubrir y el chance de aprender sobre una gran variedad de países y culturas. En su adolescencia le dijeron que era probable que no pudiera ser madre, porque tenía escoliosis. Sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo ella y su esposo sintieron el gran deseo de ser padres. “Es difícil describir lo que sentí cuando vi a mi hija por primera vez;
El Poder de la Curiosidad y las Nuevas Experiencias era como un hermoso sueño hecho realidad. No sabíamos que era una niña y era lo que deseábamos. ¡Fue perfecto! Tuvimos un parto natural con una comadrona y la experiencia completa fue muy bonita”. “Lo malo de ser mamá, es que yo soy quien administra la disciplina, todo el tiempo. Mi esposo es quien se divierte con ella y yo soy quien esta pendiente de horarios, rutinas, tareas, etc. Esa no es la parte divertida del trabajo. Lo bueno es poder aprender de ella, todos los días descubrir el mundo en sus ojos. Uno a veces olvida la capacidad de asombro, y hacerlo todo de nuevo a junto con ella me permite tener su perspectiva y maravillarme con la vida”. Para Kerrie, la mejor parte de ser madre es “experimentar cosas juntas, ver la vida ahora con ojos de niño, enseñándole lo que sé y aprender de ella. Es lo que mas me gusta de ser mamá”. Su único deseo para el futuro de su hija es “Que sea feliz haciendo lo que la haga sentir complacida. Que pueda tomar las decisiones que le permitan sentirse satisfecha. Que pueda vivir en el extranjero y encontrar una pareja que realmente la ame. ¡Mi deseo es que viva una vida plena! “
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
The Power of Curiosity and New Experiences
he idea of being a Supermom makes her laugh, but after giving it some thought, Kerrie concludes that curiosity and desire for learning and discovery are paramount on her life and therefore those might be her superpowers: “The best thing I can give my daughter is experiences. I take her places all the time. We love to go out, every time we get the chance, to all the places available in Miami where she can have experiences to learn and find out what she likes. It is the best I can give her.” Native from Wisconsin, Kerrie has been living in Doral for 7 years. She moved here with her husband and daughter when the baby was 2 months old. They love Doral because it is very family oriented, schools are good, the parks are beautiful and there are many
children and families. The experience of living in Egypt teaching English left in Kerrie an indelible mark. She loved living abroad and learning about other cultures. Therefore when she came back to Wisconsin, she could not find enough international feel to satisfy her desire of exploring and learning new things. She got the chance of moving to Miami, the perfect place to find great weather, interesting places to discover and to learn about a wide variety of people and cultures. When she was a teenager she was told that it might not be possible for her to be a mom because she had scoliosis. However, ‘the clock was ticking’ and she and her husband felt that strong desire of having a child. “It is hard to describe what I felt when I met her, it was like a beautiful dream. We didn’t know she was a girl. We really wanted a girl and it was perfect! We had a natural birth on a birthing center with a midwife
and it was a beautiful experience”. “The bad part of being a mom is that I am the disciplinarian, all the time. My husband is the person she has fun with and I am the one on top of having things done. That is not the fun part of the job. The good part is learning from her, everyday seeing the world in her eyes. I forgot that, and doing it all again through her eyes I love to see her perspectives of live and the wonders of it all.” For Kerrie, the best part of being a mom is “experiencing things together, seeing life now with that little girl’s perspective, teaching her what I know and learning from her. It is what I love from being a mom”. Her only wish for her daughter’s future is “for her to be happy. That she can be whatever makes her happy. That she can make the decisions to find something that fulfills her. That she is able to live abroad and that she finds a partner she really loves. I wish she can live a fulfilled life!”
Cover | Portada
Madre Positiva
on “amor, humildad, caridad, paciencia, perseverancia, orden y serenidad” Bernice Mirabal nos cuenta sobre su experiencia como mamá. Su don es querer hacer las cosas con positivismo, sin decir que NO antes de intentarlo. Por razones de trabajo, Bernice y su familia dejan su preciado Puerto Rico y se mudan a Miami en el año 2005 escogiendo Doral como su nuevo hogar donde centran totalmente su vida, porque el “Doral lo tiene todo” como nos dice. Bernice trabaja en el área de Servicio al Cliente Comercial y ha sido la líder de la Tropa 552 de Girl Scout de nuestra ciudad por los últimos dos años. Bernice y Antonio están orgullosos de sus tres hijas, como ella misma nos cuenta: “Marina está en su 2do año de Universidad en Boston; Angelica estudia 6to grado, y Amanda 2do grado. Es un orgullo ver lo trabajadoras que son y lo demuestran con sus notas”. En palabras de Bernice: “ser mamá es lo que le da significado a la vida, una experiencia hermosa donde los hijos completan, llenan de alegría, humor y nuevos retos”. Pero ser madre no es sencillo, “Toda madre es acróbata y malabarista. Parece que el tiempo no da para hacer todas las tareas, pero SI se puede. El reto es
Bernice Mirabal levantarse, dar Gracias a Dios por un día más y entregar lo mejor de sí. El éxito se ve todos los días al ver la sonrisa de los hijos”. La gran duda, ¿Cómo encuentra un balance de vida siendo líder Scout, trabajar, ser madre y esposa? “Muchas personas me hacen la misma pregunta, y sencillamente levanto mis hombros diciendo, no sé. Me encanta estar envuelta en muchas actividades. Balanceo mi vida con una agenda y un itinerario. Querer es poder. Y para mi todo se puede”. Bernice ama su trabajo, le encanta interactuar con clientes, ayudarlos a resolver sus problemas. Su alto sentido de ayuda la mueve a dejar un legado participando en múltiples actividades comunitarias. Como Leader de las Girl Scouts ha dirigido el grupo de más de 70 niñas a desarrollar liderazgo, consciencia social y convicción, en un ambiente acogedor y educativo, donde se construyen valores, confianza y carácter. Bernice sin duda se siente una segunda madre para cada niña! Nos comparte su secreto: “darle atención y cariño a nuestros hijos, la
vida solo es una. Debe haber comunicación, conversación, educación, integridad, valores y lo más importante, respeto. Todo esto comienza desde el corazón del hogar. Hay que ser padres, no amigos de nuestros hijos. Tenemos que ser un ejemplo para ellos. Involucrarse, conocer las amistades. Ser madre significa ser doctora, maestra, educadora, sicóloga, comediante, “cheerleader”, y mucho más”. Bernice es un ejemplo de enseñanza que en la vida no existen límites. Su corazón la mueve a seguir trabajando por formar a sus hijas como personas cristianas, personas de bien, ayudando a la sociedad, y la comunidad.
She shares her big secret: “to give attention and affection to our children since we live our lives once. There must be communication, education, integrity, values and most importantly, respect. All these start at home. We have to be parents, not friends of our children. We must be a role-model for them. Getting involved, taking time to meet their friends. Being a mother means to be a doctor, teacher, educator, psychologist, comedian, “cheerleader” and much more”. Bernice’s example teaches us that life has no limits. Her heart encourages her to continue raising her daughters as Christian good people, helping society, and giving back to the community.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
The challenge is to get up every day, thank God for one more day and give the best of ourselves. Our success is to see the daily smile in our children’s faces then everything is worthy”. The big question: How does she balance being a Scout leader, a working woman, a mother and a wife? “Many people ask me the same question, and I simply raise my shoulders saying, I don’t know. I love to be involved in many activities. I find a balance in my life using an agenda and a schedule. Love is power, and I believe we can do it all”. Bernice loves her job; she enjoys interacting with clients, helping them solve their problems. Her high sense for helping others moves her to build a legacy of involvement in many community activities. As Girl Scouts head, she has lead a group of about 70 girls helping them develop leadership, social consciousness and self conviction, all in a welcoming and educational environment where they build values, confidence and character. Bernice deeply feels each girl as her own child!
ith “love, humility, charity, patience, perseverance, order and serenity” Bernice Mirabal tells us about her experience as mom. Her gift is to do all things with positivism, and without saying NO before even trying it. Due to work reallocation, Bernice and her family left their precious Puerto Rico and moved to Miami back in 2005, choosing Doral as their new home where they entirely focused their life, because “Doral has it all” as she says. Bernice works as a Relationship Service Officer and has been the leader of the Doral Girl Scout troop 552 for the past two years. Bernice and Antonio are the proud parents of three daughters, as she tells us: “Marina is in her 2nd year of University in Boston; Angelica studies 6th grade, and Amanda 2nd grade. It is a pride to see how responsible and committed they are, this is shown it their grades”. In Bernice’s words: “being a mom is what gives meaning to life, a beautiful experience in which children make us complete, filling our life with joy, humor and new challenges”. But being a mother is not so simple, “every mother is a juggler and acrobat. It seems that we do not have time to do all chores, but we surely can.|
The Positive Mom
Sandra E. Angulo-Vásquez
Cover | Portada
Madre con Fortaleza
ctiva, divertida, amorosa y espiritual, así conocemos a Sandra E. Angulo-Vásquez, psicóloga de la Universidad Javeriana en Colombia y un diplomado en Mercadeo. Junto a su esposo Bernardo y sus tres hijas de 11, 9 y 7 años, Sandra ha sido feliz residente del Doral por más de 13 años. Sandra ha trabajado como profesora de español y ha escrito varios libros infantiles. Actualmente, su trabajo es orientado a la comunidad, involucrándose y siendo un ejemplo en acción para sus hijas. La fortaleza ha sido una de sus mayores virtudes, como ella
bien nos comenta: “Todas las mamas necesitamos fuerza de espíritu y de ánimo para levantarnos todos los días y cumplir con las muchas tareas que tenemos y que debemos realizar con alegría, dedicación, sabiduría y prudencia. Para nunca cansarnos de ser madres, porque una mamá nunca debe rendirse”. Y es que ella vive esta fortaleza activamente pues ha sabido responder con amor a lo que pudiera ser aparentemente un desafío. Hace 11 años, Sandra se convierte en una “mamá especial” dando la bienvenida a su primera hija Sofy, de quien nos habla: “Sofy es igual de especial que todos los niños. Tiene fortalezas y debilidades; gustos y disgustos. La he cuidado, guiado, amado y le exijo igual que a mis otras hijas. Las mejores personas que he conocido, las más transparentes y de corazón lindo han sido a través de ella, pues ella aprecia lo que a veces nadie apre-
cia: el privilegio de amar así...sin requisitos.” En unión a sus otras dos nenas, Cami y Silvi; este grupo de chicas se regalan momentos inigualables de música, arte, shows de ballet, cumpleaños, juegos y hasta mini-spas. Celebrando cada éxito, mérito y logro, junto su esposo y compartiendo con amigas de lujo a quienes considera como hermanas. Para ella, ser madre es ser feliz: “Yo me siento agradecida con Dios por mis lindas princesas y me enorgullece ver que la dedicación da buenos resultados. A pesar que es un trabajo de 24 horas, todo se hace con mucho entusiasmo y amor” nos dice. Para Sandra, involucrase como madre en eventos sociales, comunitarios y espirituales es una clave muy importante para su fortaleza. Vive a cada palabra su definición de ser madre: “¡Ser mama es todo! Desde amar, formar, criar, aconsejar, educar; hasta recoger un reguero, cocinar unas arepitas, montar bicicleta o bailar. Es un don, un milagro de amor inmenso, teniendo siempre en la mente y el corazón un espacio para cada uno de los hijos”. Su mensaje final nos regala una excelente lección: “no temerle a ningún reto, perseverar, trabajar mucho con su hijo(a), ponerse metas grandes y sobre todo, lo que todo logra … mucho amor”.
Virtue: Strength
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
ctive, fun, loving and spiritual, this is the way we describe Sandra E. Angulo-Vazquez, a psychologist at the University Javeriana in Colombia and a degree in Marketing. Sandra, her husband Bernardo along with her three daughters ages 11, 9 and 7 years-old have been happy residents of Doral for the last 13 years. Sandra has worked as a Spanish teacher and has written several children books. Currently, her work is oriented to the community, getting involved and being a role-model for her daughters. The fortress has been one of her greatest virtues, as she says, “All moms need strength of spirit and courage to get up every day and meet every task we have in life. We must do it with joy, dedication, wisdom and prudence. We should never get tired of being mothers, because a mother should never surrender”.
She lives this strength by example. She actively demonstrates love in those situations that could seemingly be a challenge. 11 years ago, Sandra became a “special mom” when she welcomed her first daughter, Sofy. As she shares: “Sofy is just as special as any other kid. She has strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. I have carefully guided her, loved her, and I demand the same effort from her as I do with my other daughters. The best people I’ve met, the ones with the purest and loveliest hearts have been through her, because she shows to anyone what we usually forget: the privilege to love without any qualification or requirement”. Sandra and her two other girls, Cami and Silvi; enjoy sharing unique moments of music, art, ballet shows, birthdays, games and even mini-spas. Celebrating with her husband each success, each merit, each milestone and achievement, and sharing with friends who she considered as real sisters. For
her, being a mother is the definition of happiness: “I feel grateful to God for my beautiful princesses and I am proud to see what dedication pays off. Although this is a 24x7 job, everything I do it’s done with enthusiasm and love”, she says. She gives attention to getting involved in social, community and spiritual activities. She considers this as a very important key to develop strength. She definitely lives every word of her own definition of motherhood: “Being mom is everything! It is acting with love, having time to train, nurture, counsel, educate, cooking some “arepitas”, cycling or dancing. It is a gift, a miracle of immense love of always having a space in our mind and our hearts for our children”. Her final message gives us a great lesson: “Do not fear any challenge, instead persevere, and work hard with your child, set goals and for above all, everything you do ... do it with love.”
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
People | Gente
Always at school; always on time Stephanie Almeida awarded Perfect Attendance for 13 consecutive years
that life has to offer. They have been living in Doral since 1990 and love having seen their daughters grow along with the city. “Doral is family oriented, very well preserved, very green and beautiful. All schools are good with great discipline. It is the perfect place to
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
tephanie Almeida is a senior at Ronald Reagan/Doral Senior High School and since kindergarten she has not missed a single day of school. She is a role model for the whole community, as she is the first Doral student to achieve this award for 13 consecutive years. Born and raised in Doral, her dad Jay Almeida says “She has pure Doral DNA”, she attended John I. Smith Elementary and Doral Middle School and all her principals have always commended her commitment to always be in school and on time in order not to miss any opportunity for learning, one of the things she loves to do most in life. From Brazilian origin, Stephanie is fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese and wants to pursue a major in Mass Communications and Marketing production in FIU in the fall. The Almeidas are a close, affectionate family that enjoys mutual company, conversations, trips and celebrating life together. Her parents Mara and Jay have done a remarkable job raising both Stephanie and her sister Jessica in an environment where knowledge is treasured and commitments are honored. For them, getting the girls to school every day and on time is part of their commitment as parents, it is something that has to be done right in order for the children to receive good education and to seize all opportunities
raise a family.” For Stephanie’s parents their support was the key for achieving the accomplishment of not missing a single day of school. “They are kids, they need a role model to find their way in life. You have to guide them, not impose them, so they become good people” says her mother Mara. Mr. Almeida credits their success on four aspects that have to be taken care in order to get to school every day on time. First of all it is Health; “make them be active, do plenty of exercise, feed them well and give them vitamins so their bodies don’t get sick”. Second, getting plenty of rest and going to bed early “so their bodies recover and develop resistance”. Then, motivate them to go to school, learn and excel and, last but not least, wake up together with them “to show them you care, to be role models and also to spend that early part of the day with them.” “We did not look forward to receive the Perfect Attendance award. It just did happen. They like going to school, they enjoy learning. If it is important to them it is important to us. We are a family and we do everything together. Being a family is different than just merely having kids. It is a mission, a commitment. Family is first. Their mission becomes our mission since they were born. We are here to raise them the best we can” says Mr. Almeida. And Stephanie adds “There is always a way. There are no excuses to miss school or to be there late if you want to do it. You have to wake up early so you can be at school on time, with extra time to enjoy yourself, you can even have free breakfast at school.” Stephanie just loves learning. She likes to read and write, but above all she loves math and science “I love school in general but I love learning something new every day. It is awesome! I also love Writing, expressing in words my feelings, as I also express
by dancing”. In dance lessons since she was 2 years old, she has been part for 4 years and currently is the captain of the Reagan Sensations Dance team. On her parents commitment to help her achieve the Perfect Attendance Stephanie says “from point zero my parents have been there for my sister and me. They explain us the reasons for everything. They taught us slowly but thoroughly how to make good choices, to learn what is right or wrong. They guide us and are always there for us.” Dr. Jacques Bentolilla, principal of Ronald Reagan/ Doral Senior High expressed his recognition to the Almeida family: “We are very proud of Stephanie and her accomplishment. School attendance is very important as you cannot learn when you are not here. Her, and her parents, commitment to education should be commended. This type of commitment will allow Stephanie to succeed in anything she puts her mind to.” For Stephanie, Reagan Senior has been an incredible place to learn and grow. For her “High School teaches you about life. Classes are practice on how you are going to do in life, how you will approach difficulties and overcome them. You put all your experiences, wrap them all together and that is the knowledge you will be carrying on. I am ready, I am not afraid of college. I learn on every step how to stand changes, and it is fine. It is the attitude what would propel you forward”. On May 9th Stephanie will receive the City of Doral Perfect Attendance Award and a proclamation from the City of Miami, declaring that day “Stephanie Almeida’s Day”. At the beginning of June she will also receive recognition in Tallahassee from the State of Florida. She will receive all that for doing her work well done: Being in school every day, on time, all 2340 days of school since Kindergarten.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
Education | Educación
M-DCPS Named Broad Prize Finalist For The Fifth Time
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
n April 4, Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) has been named one of four finalists for the prestigious Broad Prize for Urban Education. The Broad Prize recognizes urban school districts that demonstrate the greatest overall performance and improvement in student achievement while reducing achievement gaps among low-income and minority students. This is the fifth time that M-DCPS has been nominated for the Broad Prize. In the history of the award, only three districts in the nation have ever achieved Broad Prize finalist status five times. The other three 2012 finalists are: • Corona-Norco Unified School District in Southern California • Houston Independent School District • and the school district of Palm Beach County. The Superintendent of Miami-Dade, Albert Carvalho, said that the Broad Prize is widely considered to be the Nobel of education, and based on the fact that the district had performed even better this year than the previous four years when it received a finalist spot, it is now in a great position to walk away with the prize. Miami likely has an inside track on the prize—every school district that has won (since the inaugural year) had been nominated in the previous year. A team of educational experts will visit each district to interview administrators, talk to focus groups of teachers, and observe classrooms in order to decide a winner. The winner of the 2012 Broad Prize, to be announced on Tuesday, Oct. 23 in New York City at the Museum of Modern Art, will receive $550,000 in college scholarships for high school seniors who will graduate in 2013. The three finalist districts will each receive $150,000 in college scholarships, for a total distribution of $1 million in Broad Prize scholarships. Officials with the Broad Foundation cited several reasons for selecting Miami-Dade as a finalist: • High participation rates and higher scores on collegereadiness exams like the SAT and ACT • A higher percentage of Hispanic and black students reached advanced academic levels in Miami-Dade than in any other urban district in Florida • A faster uptick in graduation rates for black and Hispanic students than in other urban districts nationwide. The finalists were selected by a review board of 13 prominent education researchers, policy leaders, practitioners and executives from leading universities, education associations, civil rights advocates, think- tanks and foundations. As part of the assessment process to determine the winner, a research team from The Broad Foundation will be visiting the Dade District May 7-10, 2012. During their visit the team will gather additional quantitative and qualitative data related to District policies and practices affecting teaching and learning through site visits and focus groups.
M-DCPS es finalista del Premio “Broad” por quinta vez
l 4 de abril, el Distrito Escolar del Condado Miami-Dade (M-DCPS) ha sido nombrado uno de los cuatro finalistas para el prestigioso Premio Broad de la Educación Urbana. El Premio Broad reconoce a los distritos escolares urbanos que demuestren el mejor desempeño general y la mejoría en el rendimiento escolar y reducir la brecha de rendimiento entre los de bajos ingresos y estudiantes de las minorías. Esta es la quinta vez que el M-DCPS ha sido nominado para el Premio Broad. En la historia del premio, sólo tres distritos de la nación han alcanzado el estatus de finalistas del Premio Broad en cinco ocasiones. Los otros tres finalistas del “Broad Prize 2012” son los siguientes: • El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Corona-Norco del Sur de California • El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Houston • y el distrito escolar del Condado de Palm Beach. El Superintendente de Miami-Dade, Alberto Carvalho, dijo que el Premio Broad es considerado como el Nobel de la educación, y se basa en el hecho de que el distrito se ha desempeñado mejor este año que los últimos cuatro años, … por lo que se encuentra actualmente en una buena posición para llevarse el premio. Miami probablemente tiene una posición ventajosa en el premio. Cada distrito escolar que ha ganado (desde el año inaugural) habían sido nominados en años anteriores. Un equipo de expertos en educación visitará a cada distrito para entrevistar a los administradores y a un grupo de maestros, además de observar las aulas, a fin de decidir por un ganador. El ganador del Premio Broad 2012, será anunciado el martes, 23 de octubre en Nueva York en el Museo de Arte Moderno, y recibirá $ 550.000 en becas universitarias para estudiantes de secundaria que se graduarán en el 2013. Los tres distritos finalistas recibirán cada uno $ 150,000 en becas universitarias, para una distribución total de $ 1 millón en becas. Los finalistas fueron seleccionados por un comité de revisión de 13 prominentes investigadores educativos, líderes políticos, practicantes y ejecutivos de universidades líderes, asociaciones educativas, defensores de los derechos civiles, think-tanks y fundaciones. Los funcionarios de la Fundación Broad citaron varias razones para la selección de Miami-Dade como finalista: • Las altas tasas de participación y puntajes más altos en los exámenes de preparación para la universidad-como el SAT y ACT • Un mayor porcentaje de estudiantes hispanos y negros que llegaron a los niveles académicos avanzados en Miami-Dade mas que en cualquier otro distrito urbano en la Florida. • Un repunte más rápido en las tasas de graduación para los estudiantes negros e hispanos que en otros distritos urbanos de todo el país. Como parte del proceso de evaluación para determinar el ganador, un equipo de investigación de la Fundación Broad estará visitando el distrito de MiamiDade, desde el 7 al 10 mayo, 2012. Durante su visita, el equipo reunirá datos cuantitativos y cualitativos adicionales, relacionados con las políticas del Distrito y prácticas aplicadas a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje a través de visitas a los sitios y grupos focales de la comunidad, como padres y maestros.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
People | Gente
Coffee with Alberto Carvalho, Superintendent of Miami-Dade Public Schools By Jackie Zambrano
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
n April 25, the Superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools held one of his open sessions, this time at the Cafe David in Miami Beach. During these meetings, Superintendent Carvalho presents the Board’s administrative program and holds an open discussion for community members, school representatives, and parents to ask any questions and express their concerns. Present at the meeting were representatives of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, several county commissioners, local merchants, PTA representatives, local school principals, the Mayor of the City of Miami Beach, the Public Defender, parents, and others. The session commenced with a brief summary of what has been the working plan in the past three and a half years and what are the School Board’s goals in the short to medium term. Alberto Carvalho became the Superintendent of Miami Dade County Public Schools in 2008, heading the fourth largest public school system nationwide, with a multicultural and diverse student body of over 400,000 people, managing an annual budget of nearly 4.3 billion dollars, 53,000 employees and more than 47.5 million square feet of facilities. Carvalho is recognized nationally as an expert on the topic of education reform and finance, as well as a strong advocate of comprehensive education and high quality for all students. At a time of great national financial crisis, that has had a substantial effect on the real estate markets and causing substantial losses in property tax revenuesthereby creating a deficit in the school budgetCarvalho decided to take on the challenge by creating a restructuring plan that has resulted in increased financial reserves of over 2000 percent despite the continued economic crisis. During the last three years, the school system has reached it’s highest graduation rate ever and has continued to achieve consistent improvement in the schools thereby reducing the amount of grade “F” schools in Miami Dade County. Dr. Carvalho is a firm believer that every student should have access to the same level and quality of instruction. For Alberto Carvalho, one of the keys to keeping the school district financially afloat and steer it out of a large budget deficit has been the foresight to stay ahead of the problems of the South Florida economy and the ability to make cuts that do not hurt too much. “We have been able to keep our music, physical education, arts and language classes, while other districts such as Broward County have not.” However, without a restructuring in the teacher’s role as a facilitator of education and fair economic compensation, we cannot maintain these
expectations, which is why - merit pay for teachers is part of Carvalho’s plan. He is well aware that “the process is not perfect,” however the achievements that have been attained in a short period of time, coupled with the processes that will be implemented in the coming months are a clearly show that this is a team that is aware that you cannot wait years for decisions since it is an unrecoverable time for the students currently in the system. In his plan, Carvalho has designed a program that shows him to be a leader in innovation, promoting the migration of textbooks to digital content, and the development of online educational environments to meet the demands of today’s students. Mr. Carvalho is at the forefront of transforming education has therefore been selected to lead the state committee charged with shaping the future of public education in Florida. Additionally, in 2010, Dr. Carvalho was recognized by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce as “Visionary Leader of the Year” and, in 2011 was named one of the Top 10 Tech-Savvy Superintendents in the U.S. by e-School News. Recently,
Miami-Dade County Public Schools has been selected as one of four national finalists for the prestigious Broad Prize for Urban Education. In the question and answer sessions, one of the topics discussed was the FCAT. Some of those present felt that the pressure generated by these exams exceeds the benefit. The initial purpose of the FCAT was to have a tool to measure performance, but has become a tool that creates excessive pressure on teachers and students who have to learn too many subjects and too much material in a very short period of time. This creates a need for superficial studying where students do not truly learn or understand the material. Additionally, much of the material is given as homework thereby creating an excessive workload for the students and their parents. In response to this concern the Superintendent Carvalho explained that the FCAT is part of state law, therefore, it is only the state government that could evaluate its effectiveness and perhaps remodel the FCAT to fulfill the function it was originally intended for. Carvalho encouraged the parents and other attendees that if they felt the same way about the FCAT, they should meet and express their opinions to their state representatives and the Florida Department of Education, emphasizing organizations like the parent’s academy and others to bring these observations to Tallahassee. One of his philosophies is that you should speak up and represent those who can’t speak for themselves.
People| Gente
Café con Alberto Carvalho,
Superintendente de las escuelas públicas de Miami-Dade Por Jackie Zambrano|
tes que si sentían de igual manera se reunieran he hicieran llegar sus opiniones los representantes estatales de educación, destacando que las organizaciones como la academia de los padres pudieran servir de vehiculo para hacer llegar estas observaciones a Tallahassee. Y es que una de sus filosofías es que uno de hablar y representar a aquellos que no lo pueden hacer.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
facilitador de enseñanza y de una retribución económica justa no podemos mantener estas expectativas, es por ello que - el pago por mérito para los maestros – es parte del plan de Carvalho quien esta conciente que “El proceso no es perfecto”, sin embargo los logros obtenidos en tan poco tiempo y las implementaciones que se van a realizar en los meses por venir son una demostración clara de que este equipo es un equipo ejecutor y que esta conciente que no se puede esperar años para tomar decisiones ya que es un tiempo irrecuperable para los jóvenes que se encuentran en el sistema educativo actualmente. Además dentro de su plan de trabajo, Carvalho ha diseñado un esquema que lo convierte en uno de los líderes en la innovación tecnológica dentro de las escuelas, impulsando la migración de los libros de texto a los contenidos digitales y el desarrollo de ambientes educativos acordes para satisfacer las demandas de los estudiantes de hoy en día, Carvalho está a la vanguardia de la transformación de la educación y por ello ha sido seleccionado para dirigir los comités estatales encargados de trazar el futuro de la educación pública en la Florida. En el 2010, Alberto Carvalho fue reconocido por la Cámara de Comercio de Miami como el “Líder Visionario del Año” y en el 2011
fue nombrado uno de los Top 10 Tech-Savvy Superintendentes en los EE.UU. por eSchool News. Hoy día Miami-Dade County Public Schools ha sido seleccionada como uno de los cuatro finalistas a nivel nacional para el prestigioso Premio Broad de Educación Urbana. Dentro de las sesiones de preguntas y respuestas uno de los temas discutidos fue el FCAT, ya que una parte de los presentes sentía que la presión generada por estos exámenes excede el beneficio. Su concepción inicial que era tener una herramienta de evaluación y de desempeño, pero que se ha transformado en causa de excesiva presión para maestros y alumnos que deben cubrir una serie de materias y temas en un periodo de tiempo muy corto lo que hace que mucho de este material se estudie superficialmente, que los jóvenes no tengan el tiempo de entender y sedimentar el conocimiento y que mucha de estos temas se estén cubriendo como parte de la tareas que se realizan en el hogar generando un excesivo volumen de trabajo para los padres y sus niños. Como respuesta a esta inquietud el superintendente Carvalho explicó que los FCAT son parte de la ley estatal, y que es al sistema estatal a quien le correspondería evaluar su efectividad y quizás remodelar para que cumplan la función con la cual fueron diseñados estos sistemas de evaluación, e invitó a los padres y asisten-
l pasado 25 de abril, el Superintendente de la Escuelas Públicas del condado de Miami –Dade sostuvo una de sus acostumbradas sesiones abiertas en el Café David de Miami Beach; en estas reuniones el Superintendente Carvalho se dirige a la comunidad y presenta su programa administrativo y al mismo tiempo abre la discusión para que los miembros de la comunidad, representantes de las escuelas y padres puedan dirigirle sus inquietudes y preguntas. Con la presencia de representantes de la cámara de comercio de la ciudad de Miami Beach, comisionados, varios comerciantes locales, representantes de PTA, directores de escuelas locales, el Alcalde de la Ciudad de Miami Beach, el Defensor Público, padres entre otros, se dio comienzo a esta sesión con un resumen de los que ha sido el plan de trabajo en los pasados tres años y medio y hacia donde se quiere dirigir en el corto y mediano plazo. En el 2008 Alberto Carvalho se convirtió en el Superintendente de sistema de escuelas públicas del condado de Miami-Dade, que es el cuarto sistema más grande a nivel nacional, y cuenta con un alumnado multicultural y diverso de más de 400.000 personas, manejando un presupuesto anual de casi $ 4,3 mil millones, 53.000 empleados y más de 47,5 millones de pies cuadrados de instalaciones. Carvalho es hoy en día reconocido a nivel nacional como un experto en el tema sobre la reforma de la educación y las finanzas, así como un firme defensor de una educación integral y de alta calidad para todos los estudiantes. En el momento de la mayor crisis financiera a nivel nacional al verse afectado el mercado de bienes raíces y los impuestos sobre las propiedades -generando un déficit en el presupuesto escolar- Carvalho asume el reto creando un plan de restructuración y de previsión inmediata, que ha dado como resultado un aumento de las reservas financieras de más del 2 mil por ciento. En este periodo de tiempo el sistema escolar a obtenido el índice de graduación más alto y ha seguido implementando una consistente mejora en el rendimiento escolar con la disminución de las escuelas categorizadas “F” y es que Carvalho es un ferviente creyente que todo estudiante debería tener el acceso al mismo nivel de calidad e instrucción. Para Alberto Carvalho, una de las claves para mantener a flote el distrito y lograr salir del gran déficit y deuda presupuestaria ha sido anticipación al gran problema de la economía del Sur de la Florida y hacer recortes calculados que no dolieran demasiado. “Hemos sido capaces de mantener nuestra música, educación física, artes, y las clases de idiomas, mientras que otros distritos no tienen como el condado de Broward”. Sin una restructuración en el rol del maestro como
Education | Educación
Doral Academy AP Environmental Science Camping Trip
P Environmental Science Class taught by Sarah Temple (also the science department chairperson) had a Camping trip February 10-12, 2012 at the Martin County Florida, Phipps Park. The purpose of trip was for students to perform a variety of labs for their AP environmental class. These labs included a soil analysis, water analysis, and biodiversity survey. These labs were performed over a three day period. We also took two trips during the camping trip. We first visited a hydroponics gardening facility, called Vertical Horizons, which grew vegetables with hydroponics gardening techniques conserving land space and soil. This garden facility is located in Hobe Sound, FL. The second trip was to the Loggerhead Marinelife Center, Inc., in Juno Beach, FL. Here the students learned about the dangerous posed to endangered sea turtles in Florida and saw some rescued turtles in the facility. These same AP Environmental Students have a planned trip to Elliot Key on Wednesday May 23, 2012. Doral Academy Preparatory School’s AP Environmental Class has been invited by the National Park Service and the South Florida/Caribbean Network to participate in a habitat restoration project on Elliot Key. The Schaus Swallowtail Butterfly (Heraclides aristodemus ponceanus) is an endangered specie in South Florida. This species are only found in Miami-Dade County and the Keys of Monroe County. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has created a multi-species recovery plan listing what species like the Schaus Butterfly need to recover. Currently, the habitat restoration project is underway and the Doral Academy Students have been asked to start the spatial planting grid and dig holes for the trees that the Schaus Butterfly need in their habitat to thrive.
Earthday at Doral Middle School
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
he Doral Agriscience student program and the FFA Club partnered with Covanta Energy to promote environmental awareness in our students and community. The goal is to inform and educate the students about the importance of protecting and nurturing our environment, not only during earth day but everyday because, protecting our environment affects us all, from a local, national and global perspective. During Earth day students at Doral Middle School recycled, clean up the school grounds, mulched landscaped areas, trimmed branches and replanted trees. Covanta Energy donated a Tabebuia tree, a native tree specie of Florida into the school gardens. From left to right: Daniel Atlas (Asst. Principal), Marie Caceres (Principal), Bill Meredith (Covanta Energy), Luis Sotomayor, Avery Fernander, Lukas Puentes,Tom Eriksen (Covanta Energy), Daniela Aleman, Andrea Ludewig, Alexandra Fernandez, Nataly Lugo, Nicolas Felix, Leeza Sena, Tyler Desrosier, Selene Castillo (Agriscience teacher), Sebastian Contreras and Luis Martinez.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
Events | Eventos
10th Annual International Food Festival
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
he Renaissance Charter School Parent Teacher Organizations are organizing the 10th Annual International Food Festival which will be held on Saturday, May 12th, 2012, from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on the Elementary School grounds, located at 10651 NW 19th Street, Doral. Our first International Food Festival was celebrated in May 2002, in what is now our Middle School campus. Back then the Elementary and Middle Schools shared building and had little over 400 students enrolled. Since then, Renaissance Charter School has come a long way; earning the Blue Ribbon Honor in 2008, sustaining A+ status and offering an outstanding academic curriculum and extracurricular programs have made it possible for Renaissance Charter School to grow in size, opening a separate Elementary School campus in 2010. The International Food Festival, the school’s largest fundraising event of the year, brings together the Elementary and Middle school families of our more than 1,200 students, to celebrate our cultural
this Doral Community unique! For more in formation on the event, or for sponsorship opportunities, you may reach us at: or
diversity. In past years our International Food Festivals have gathered crowds of over 5,000 local residents who spend a fun-filled afternoon sampling foods from around the world, enjoying fun rides and activities for all ages and watching outstanding student performances in our signature Spring Show. This year the International Food Festival will proudly host some of our best local restaurants, to offer a professional and delicious international culinary experience. Together with the fair-style games and rides and the performance of our student’s International Spring Shows, this event will be like no other in the Doral Area. We want to invite you to come join us and share this celebration of the cultural diversity that make
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
Education | Educación
Shelton Academy: At the Forefront…
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! By: Jenny Sotomayor Teacher
Although the classes are held at Shelton, students from different schools are also part of the project since all extracurricular activities from the academy are open to the community. Mrs. Doriam Alonso, a filmmaker who happens to have a passion for children, directs the whole project. She created this program to teach young individuals what it takes to produce a movie, beyond all the Hollywood glamour. The premiere night is a Red Carpet event, traditionally used to mark the route on big events and formal occasions, and has been extended to VIPs and celebrities. “I want the students to feel and act like celebrities. After all, this is their project and creation, and I am very proud of their hard work,” said Mrs. Alonso Llopis. Students and participants will experience firsthand - along with friends, family, and aficionados - the magic of Hollywood. Anna Catalina Kettlewell remarked, “I am six years old and my favorite part is that I get to walk the Red Carpet with my friends and family”. The aspiring actress is looking forward
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
he Shelton Academy Actionkids film-acting extracurricular class is ready to showcase their Movie Premiere on Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at The Roxy Theater Performing Arts Center. The theater is located at 1645 SW 107 Ave., right across from F.I.U. The students enrolled in the program, ranging from ages 5 to 10, have been preparing for this event since the beginning of the school year. The beauty of the project is that the students were fully in charge of creating their own characters and outfits, as well as the script. They were also in charge of all aspects of production, making the movie from start to end.
for the event. After the Red Carpet, students will be able to see their movie premieres - four in total - lasting approximately ten minutes each. The movie themes include the Kid’s version of horror, princess drama, and two different varieties of action super heroes. It’ll all be followed by a behindthe-scenes sneak peek of the movie production and Oscar Awards Ceremony for all movie participants. The event is open to the public for a cost of $3.00 dollars per ticket, which will fund an end-of-the-year celebration for the future actors, actresses, and filmmakers at Shelton Academy. Mrs. Alonso said, “I want to express my gratitude to Shelton Academy for allowing me to use the academy facilities as a home, Roxy Theater Group for enriching children’s lives through the performing and cultural arts, and UpStairs Sound for their collaboration in the editing sound of the movies. Let’s support our youngsters in their journey to become future actors, directors, and producers!” The event is at 7 p.m. and tickets, which could be purchased at the door, are $3.00. For more information, please call Shelton Academy/Actionkids at 305-599-9967.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
Business | Negocios
Tres Leches Factory & Beyond: The human face of the successful business! By Grecia Romero
the same experience anywhere else. “Our desserts pleased many tastes as it is a mixture of every corner from Latin America: Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic and even a touch of Italy. We want our creations to keep that special flavor that everyone loves” Luisa confesses. With their motto: “Sweetening the lives of our customers” they have come to many restaurant chains in the Doral area and some other places throughout Miami. They want to make their desserts available to many more retail customers by offering one-to-one sales, a complete range of mini-desserts
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
mixture of sympathy, courtesy, caring customer service and above all, the delicious and sweetest taste of a good dessert, are some of the characteristics of Tres Leches Factory & Beyond, a delightful dessert center based in Doral for more than 10 years. As Tres Leches Factory’s owners and a happy couple, Luisa Liccardo and Jose Carlos Ortiz, have lived in Doral for several years. Their current goal is working hard to expand their business and “being well known in all corners of Doral”. Their uniqueness feature is a sweet dessert made with great attention to detail, made as natural as possible, using high quality ingredients with no preservatives. The key factor for them is offering a “Premium” product, as Luisa said: “We prepare our desserts as if we make it at home; we stick our practices to the traditional recipe to maintain the original flavor”. The irresistible menu offers International Desserts starting with the famous Tres Leches with fresh fruits, Original Cuatro Leches and Milk Chocolate; Cheese, Coconut and Caramel Pudin, Tiramisu, Bienmesabe, and Marquesa, just to name a few on the list. Once you give yourselves the pleasure of trying these tasty sweets, it is not easy to find
and special occasion orders, plus a new line of birthday cakes coming soon. They offer monthly and seasonal promotions with delivery service. By a quick look behind the scenes in this business, we knew one of the greatest secrets of success: a sincere love for what they do. As Luisa goes on: “One of the things we treasure the most, apart from being honest in our work and paying attention to every detail, is that we really think in our customers when we prepare our desserts. It’s not about just trying something tasty, is to give a message. It is true that we get a profit for our job, but we see it as a way to offer joy and love back to our community, and that particular thing has created a big difference in what we do”. The humor and positive messages are also important ingredients in this business. It is not unusual to see on the walls of this place, small phrases like: “There are no problems, only challenges”, “There is always, but always something to do,” as they say: “With Humor and optimism everything is digested better”. This practice of visualization is used to promote enthusiasm and teamwork in the scope of accomplish goals of the month, either in sales or numbers of new clients. This way of managing their business also tells us a lot about how Luisa and Jose drive their own life
and balance their responsibilities. This entrepreneur couple has three children under 10 years old and they are always looking for ways to balance their life to dedicate family quality time, engaging in academic activities with their kids and meeting business requirements. They proudly share the merit in raising their children: “Our children are caring, respectful, and intelligent. We teach them the value of doing a job the right way and we show by example that every effort has a reward. We want to raise them as independent adults who can make decisions, but more importantly being honest and responsible in everything they decide to do”. The sensitivity for their customers, their children, their community, seasoned with the unique taste of their desserts and the dedication to detail, undoubtedly distinguishes Tres Leches Factory & Beyond. Every customer leaves this place with a smile in their faces willing to come back soon to enjoy the taste that perhaps they enjoyed back in their childhood in their places of origin. Go visit them at its headquarters located at: 5227 NW 79 Ave, Doral, FL 33166, Phone 305.477-1009 or through the website Don’t miss their promotions by follow them on facebook and twitter: / 3lechesfactory.
Business | Negocios
Tres Leches Factory & Beyond: La cara humana del negocio exitoso! By Grecia Romero|
menores de 10 años y buscan un equilibrio para dedicarles tiempo de calidad, involucrándose en sus actividades académicas y al mismo tiempo atender su negocio. Orgullosamente ambos comparten el mérito en la crianza de sus niños: “Nuestros hijos son cariñosos, respetuoso, inteligentes; buscamos enseñarles el valor por el trabajo bien hecho y les mostramos con ejemplo que el esfuerzo tiene su recompensa. Queremos criarlos como adultos independientes que sepan tomar decisiones, pero lo más importante que sean honestos y responsables en todo lo que hagan”. Esta sensibilidad por sus clientes, sus hijos, su comunidad, unido al inigualable sabor de sus postres y su orientación al detalle, sin duda distingue a Tres Leches Factory & Beyond. Cada visitante de este lugar sale con una sonrisa en el rostro y un deseo en el corazón: volver pronto para degustar estos ricos sabores que lo llevan a través de un viaje a su infancia, a los sabores de familia y sus raíces. Visítelos en su sede ubicada en 5227 NW 79 Ave, Doral, FL 33166, Telf. 305.477-1009. Por su web a través de y manténgase al día con sus promociones y ofertas en facebook y twitter: /3lechesfactory.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
casa de postres, es que cada dulce es elaborado con gran atención al detalle, cuidando que sea lo más natural posible, con productos de alta calidad y sin preservativos. Para ellos, lo mas importante es presentar a los clientes un producto “Premium”, como nos comenta Luisa: “nosotros mismos hacemos los dulces como en casa, conservando el sabor de la receta tradicional”. Su irresistible menú incluye postres internacionales comenzando, sin duda, por el famoso Tres Leches con frutas frescas, Cuatro Leches tradicional y de chocolate, Flanes de Caramelo, Queso, Coco, Tiramisú, Bienmesabe, Marquesas y eso, solo por nombrar algunos. Quien se da el placer de probar estos sabrosos dulces, no iguala esta experiencia con facilidad en ningún otro lugar. “Nuestros postres complacen muchos gustos pues es una mezcla de cada rincón de Latinoamérica: Nicaragua, Venezuela, Perú, Colombia, Cuba, Republica Dominica-
na y hasta un toque de Italia. Buscamos que nuestras creaciones mantengan ese sabor especial” nos confiesa Luisa. Con su lema: “Endulzando la vida de nuestros clientes”, han llegado a muchas cadenas de restaurantes en Doral y varias zonas de Miami. Ahora mismo hacen disponible sus postres a muchos más clientes con ventas al detal, ofreciendo sus productos por unidad, una completa gama de mini-postres y pedidos para eventos y ocasiones especiales, además de introducir próximamente su línea de pasteles para cumpleaños. Ofrecen promociones mensuales y por temporadas con su continuo servicio de entrega a domicilio. Conociendo los trasbastidores de este negocio pudimos descubrir uno de los mayores secretos de su éxito: Amor por lo que hacen. Como nos continua diciendo Luisa: “Una de las cosas que más atesoramos, aparte del trabajo honesto y atención esmerada, es que pensamos en nuestro cliente al preparar nuestros postres. No es cuestión de solo probar algo sabroso, es llevar un mensaje en el. Es cierto que tenemos un lucro en nuestro trabajo, pero lo vemos como una forma de alegrar y devolver cariño a nuestra comunidad, y eso nos ha dado una diferencia en nuestros postres”. El humor y los mensajes positivos son también otro ingrediente importante en este negocio. No es extraño ver en las paredes de este local, pequeñas frases como: “No existen problemas, solo desafíos”; “Siempre, pero siempre, hay algo que hacer”, como ellos mismos dicen: “Con humor y positivismo todo se digiere mejor”. Esta práctica de visualización la utilizan para promover el entusiasmo y trabajo en equipo en el alcance de logros y metas del mes, bien sea en cifras o números de clientes nuevos, todo orientado a la acción. Y es que esto nos habla de cómo Luisa y Jose manejan su vida y balancean sus responsabilidades. Este matrimonio empresario tiene tres hijos
na mezcla de simpatía, trato cortes, esmero y sobre todo, el delicioso sabor de un buen dulce artesanal son algunas de las características de Tres Leches Factory & Beyond, un exquisito centro de postres con sede en Doral por más de 10 años. Luisa Liccardo y Jose Carlos Ortiz, esposos y propietarios de Tres Leches Factory han residido en Doral por varios años, y están trabajando firmemente por extender su negocio de forma “que todo Doral los conozca”. Una característica peculiar de esta
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
People | Gente
“Influyentes desde sus casas” Mamás blogueras latinas compartieron en Hispanicize 2012 su experiencia y visión sobre su influencia en el mercado masivo norteamericano. Por: Maria Alejandra Pulgar
Yoli Manson Una de las curiosidades del uso de los medios sociales es que la interacción constante genera familiaridad y cercanía entre los participantes, aun sin conocerse personalmente. Al participar en Hispanicize 2012 tuvimos la oportunidad de ‘ponerle cara’ entre otras a @CouponMamacita, @Cuponeando, @MamaContemporanea y @NaturalmentMama, quienes participaron activamente en el evento y
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
ispanicize 2012, la tercera edición del evento nacional de relaciones publicas, mercadeo, comunicación, entretenimiento e innovación latinos mas importante del país, tuvo su sede en Miami en el mes de Abril. Con patrocinadores tan importantes como Disney, Mc. Donald’s, Univision, Walmart, PepsiCo, Blackberry y el apoyo de Telemundo, Terra, Billboard y Fox News Latino entre otros medios de comunicación asociados, durante 4 días se dieron cita importantes publicistas, periodistas, escritores y artistas latinos para compartir sus experiencias. Doral Family Journal fue el único medio de la ciudad de Doral acreditado para cubrir el evento. El tema principal de Hispanicize 2012 fue la influencia que los blogueros, especialmente Madres Blogueras Latinas, tienen en la creación de tendencias de mercado y consumo masivo de productos actualmente en EE.UU. Para este periódico fue una oportunidad muy especial de compartir experiencias, pues antes de comenzar a publicarse como periódico impreso, Doral Family Journal fue creado por Sandra Sabatella en Septiembre 2009 como un blog para difundir noticias de interés e importancia general para las familias de la Ciudad de Doral, con tal éxito que creció y evolucionó hasta convertirse en el Primer Periódico Online Colaborativo de Doral, FL, revolucionando el concepto de comunicación comunitario utilizado hasta entonces en la ciudad.
con quienes habíamos interactuado anteriormente a través de Twitter. Yoly Mason, escritora del blog “Cuponeando” y Rory Lassanske de “Mamá Contemporánea” fueron las ponentes de la conferencia Blogging 101, donde explicaron el proceso de creación y consolidación de un blog y como mercadearlo para monetizarlo. Ambas coinciden en que escribir con un toque personal,
Maybelline Valenti con pasión y entusiasmo, sobre un tema que les interesa, que dominan y que resultó interesante para mucha gente fueron la clave para lograr que sus blogs se convirtieran en herramientas serias de comunicación y generación de ingresos, además de ser el vehículo ideal de los anunciantes para llegar a sus clientes potenciales. Todo ello sin descuidar su familia y con libertad. Como explica Yoly “mi negocio esta en la computadora. Empaco mi maletica y mi negocio, mi trabajo van conmigo”. Una constante de todas las blogueras entrevistadas fue que, aparte de servirles como vehículo para compartir y educar a sus lectores sobre temas de interés general, los blogs les permiten expresarse en español y cubrir esa necesidad de contenido especializado en diferentes temas para el mercado hispano de EE.UU. Es allí cuando los anunciantes detectaron la influencia que esta comunidad, en especial de las madres blogueras, tienen en sus lectores y comenzaron a conectarse con ellas para solicitarles que probaran y recomendaran sus productos o para participar como patrocinadores. Esto es fundamental para que el blog personal siga creciendo, porque como explica Rory, hace falta “el apoyo financiero para invertir en la parte tecnológica (hosting, dominio, cámara para los Vlogs, laptop, etc)”. Al monetizarse llega un momento que el blog se paga solo. Lo importante es que siga teniendo con-
tenido fresco, constante y consistente. También conversamos con Maybelline Valenti, de “Naturalmente Mamá”. Su blog se especializa en comentar sus experiencias como una “mamá verde”, desde su embarazo, la experiencia del uso de los pañales de tela y ahora la crianza de su hijo en un ambiente lo mas orgánico y natural posible. Es la pionera del movimiento de ‘Miércoles Mudo’ en español, donde todos los miércoles se publica en el blog una fotografía o imagen de impacto para generar comentarios en los seguidores. Maybelline participó como ponente en la conferencia sobre la importancia que tiene para los medios y productos el acercarse a los hispanos residentes en EE.UU. cuyo principal idioma es el español y para quienes encontrar contenidos de calidad en su propio idioma, adaptados a la cultura local, es de fundamental importancia. Nos comentó que “muchas personas buscan quien les aconseje en su mismo idioma. Alguien que ya pasó por la misma experiencia o que probó el producto y les puede dar su opinión. Así comencé a escribir y aconsejar y se pudo monetizar el blog con el apoyo de los patrocinadores.”
Rory Lassanske Para Maybelline y Yoly esta fue la segunda oportunidad como ponentes en Hispanicize, mientras Rory ha compartido sus experiencias en los 3 eventos: Dallas 2010, Los Ángeles 2011 y ahora en Miami. Como consejo para quienes sientan la necesidad de expresarse y deseen compartir a través de un blog sus conocimientos o intereses, Maybelline concluye que “Cuando uno hace lo que a uno le gusta no importa lo demás. Hagan lo que realmente quieren, lo que las hace sentir bien y las hace feliz. Si eso es lo que realmente quieres hacer ‘échale pichón’. Si realmente te hace feliz lo vas a transmitir a las otras personas”.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
Family | Familia
By Grecia Romero
exhibits, books, food and music from May18th to 20th at the Fair-Expo Center at Coral Way. This is a journey back in time to remember the island’s most glamorous times. Dont miss the Memorabilia: professional collections of Photographs, prints, Coins, School Yearbooks, Jewelry and much more. Second Saturdays Free Families Activities: Don’t miss a family Day of learning and fun at the Miami Art Museum and History Miami Museum, both offering free admission all day on the second Saturday each month. Plan your visit next May 12th and enjoy fun, interactive programs, hands-on activities for families and kids. Special kid-themed projects and activities take place from 1:00pm to 3:00 pm. For more information visit www. and Spring Pedals: Fountains, Pools and Waterways! Join the Coral Gables Museum staff for the Spring
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
Heat is turning up during May, but that is not a reason to stop the fun! Let’s get ready to celebrate Mother’s day and other special events going on this month. 2012 Summer Savings Pass is here again! 4 attractions, 4 months of fun, 1 low Price. Lion Country Safari, Miami Seaquarium, Museum of Discovery and Science and Zoo Miami are included in the list. Don’t miss the opportunity to start your summer now. The Summer Savings Pass will be available for purchase at any of the attractions participating in the promotion from May 14th to September 30th. Visit www.summersavingspass. com for prices and conditions. Redland International Orchid Show at the Fruit & Spice Park: A three day event full of color and beauty featuring one of the largest orchid show of the City: over 50 booths of educational exhibits, orchid vendors, lectures, supplies for sale, raffles, and food. The event will be held from May 18th to May 20th. from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission is $10 per attendee. Cuba Nostalgia: An annual expo festival of the Cuban Culture! Get ready to enjoy fine art, shows,
Pedals series, a fun, and educational bicycle tours through “The City Beautiful”. You can join the group biking or waking next May 20th at 11:00 am. Space is limited so registration is required: $10 per person; $5 for Museum members. Haitian Compas Festival: From May 17th to May 20th at the Bayfront Park. This 14th annual festival is the largest gathering of Haitians, outside of Haiti,
who come together in Miami to celebrate their culture with music and sound. Buy your tickets on National Children’s Book Week: from May 07th to May 13th at the Miami Children Museum. The MCM invites all families to celebrate this week featuring daily readings and activities to go along with the books. Don’t miss this opportunity to teach the love of reading in your children. More information at Happening also at the Miami Children Museum: Pirate Island is “sailing away” by closing the exhibit next May 13th. Come and enjoy arts and crafts, games and more at the time you say goodbye to pirate experience from noon to 5:00 pm. Visit MCM website for more details. Curious George: Let’s Get Curious! Now through June 3rd at Lisa Ann Watson Children’s Discovery Museum on Sundays from noon to 4:00pm. Great for children between 3 and 7 years old. The well-known and loved Curious George book series and TV show on PBS KIDS is on action. Step into George’s world and engage in activities focusing on art, science, math and engineering throughout this great exhibit. Prices and directions at
Mother’s day Brunches: ideas to celebrate with your family the special day next May 13th: • Moms Rock at Miami Science Museum: Come to enjoy the sweetest treat of all chocolate: tastings, mini spa treatments, raffle of a chocolate-filled basket and much more. Moms receive a free entry that day from 10:00am to 5:00 pm www.miamisci. org • Brunch and Afternoon Tea at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. Treat Mom as a Queen with this incredible brunch, tea party and beautiful surroundings. www. • Brunch at Deering Estate from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Enjoy this lovely place with delicious dishes and desserts for moms. Don’t end your visit without taking a tour of the grand Stone House and historic Richmond Cottage. •
Brunch Cruise from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Imagine boarding the Biscayne Lady yacht in Downtown Miami, and celebrating with Mom on this Brunch Cruise from Island Queen Cruises. www. • Brunch at Jungle Island from 11:00 am to 4:00pm. An array of delectable dishes and delicious desserts. Spend the rest of the day in the Jungle and enjoy shows, animals and exhibits. Attention moms- a special gift for Mother’s Day: a free Annual Pass to Jungle Island! • Brunch at Zoo Miami: Delicious lunch buffet in an air- conditioned room, all-day admission to the zoo, and free guided tram tours. Thank you all readers for following our tips every edition!
Family | Familia|
quarium, Museum of Discovery and Science y ZooMiami conforman la lista. Comience ya sus vacaciones de verano. Este pase de ahorro estará disponible en la taquilla de cualquiera de las atracciones participantes del 14 de mayo al 30 de septiembre. Visite www.summersavingspass. com para precios y condiciones. Show de Orquídeas Redland Internacional en el Fruit & Spice Park: Tres días llenos de color y belleza con una de las mayores muestras de orquídeas de la ciudad: más de 50 stands de exhibiciones educativas, conferencias, artículos varios, rifas, y comidas. El evento se celebrará del 18 al 20 de mayo de 9:00am a 5:00pm. Admisión $10. Cuba Nostalgia: Prepárese a disfrutar de bellas artes, espectáculos, exposiciones, libros, comida y música de la cultura cubana del 18 al 20 de mayo en la Feria-Expo Center de Coral Way. Un verdadero viaje en el tiempo para recordar los días de gloria de la isla. No se pierda la exhibición de objetos del recuerdo: colecciones profesionales de fotografías, grabados, monedas, anuarios escolares, joyería y mucho más. Actividades Familiares Gratuitas los segundos sábados de mes durante todo el día: en el Museo de Arte de Miami y el Museo HistoryMiami. No se pierda un día de aprendizaje y diversión en familia, con una variedad de programas
divertidos e interactivos. Planifique su visita el próximo día 12 de mayo y disfrute con sus niños. Proyectos y actividades especiales se llevan a cabo de 1:00 a 3:00 pm. Para más información, visite y . Pedaleando en Primavera: Únase a la gente del museo de Coral Gables participando de la serie Pedaleando en Primavera; divertidos y educativos paseos en bicicleta a lo largo de “La Ciudad Bonita”. La invitación es para el próximo 20 de mayo a las 11:00 am. El cupo es limitado por lo que se requiere registro previo a un costo de $10 por persona, $5 para miembros del museo. Festival Haití Compas: Del 17 al 20 mayo en Bayfront Park. Este festival que ya cumple 14 años, es la reunión más grande de los haitianos, fuera de Haití, que se reúnen en Miami para celebrar su cultura con música y sonido. Compre sus tickets en Semana Nacional del Libro Infantil: del 7 a 13 mayo en el Miami Children Museum. Toda la familia puede celebrar la semana con interesantes lecturas y actividades diarias. No se pierda la oportunidad de enseñar el amor por la lectura a sus pequeños. También en el Miami Children Museum: la exhibición “Isla de los Piratas” se despide el próximo 13 de mayo. Si aun no la conoce, aproveche a disfrutar su último día con artes, juegos y mucho más. Abierto desde las 12:00 a las 5:00 pm. Visite el sitio web MCM para más detalles. Curious George: Let’s Get Curious! Desde ahora hasta el 03 de junio en el Lisa Ann Watson Children’s Discovery Museum todos los domingos desde el mediodía hasta las 4:00 pm. Ideal para niños entre 3 a 7 años de edad. Pasee por la bien conocida y amada serie de libros Curious George y el programa de TV PBS KIDS mientras participa en actividades de arte, ciencia, matemáticas e ingeniería. Precios y direcciones en
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
Ya comienza a sentirse el calor de mayo, pero eso no limita la diversión en nuestra ciudad! Preparémonos a celebrar el Día de la Madre y muchos otros eventos especiales que nos regala este mes. Los Pases de Atracciones de Verano 2012 ya están aquí! 4 atracciones, 4 meses de diversión, 1 solo precio. Lion Country Safari, Miami Sea-
Deliciosos banquetes para el Día de la Madre: Ideas para celebrar en familia ese día tan especial el próximo 13 de mayo: • Moms Rock en el Miami Science Museum: Disfrute del placer del chocolate: catas, tratamientos de Mini-Spa, sorteo de una cesta llena de chocolate y mucho más. Admisión gratuitas para las madres de 10:00 am a 5:00 pm • Almuerzo y tarde de té en el Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, de 10:30 am a 2:30 pm. Trate a mamá como una reina con este rico almuerzo y fiesta de té. • Almuerzo en el Deering Estate, de 10:30 am a 1:30 pm. Hermoso lugar, deliciosos platillos y postres especiales para mama. Termine su visita con un inolvidable tour por sitios históricos. • Almuerzo-Crucero a bordo del Island Queen Cruises de 10:30 am a 1:30 pm. Imagínese abordar el yate Biscayne Lady, en el centro de Miami, y celebrar con mamá en este crucero inolvidable. www. • Almuerzo en Jungle Island de 11:00am a 4:00pm. Una gran variedad de deliciosos platos y postres. Disfrute además de espectáculos, animales y exhibiciones. Atención mamás, el regalo especial para su día: un pase anual gratuito! • Almuerzo en el ZooMiami: almuerzo buffet, todo el día de admisión al zoológico, y visitas guiadas. Gracias a todos los lectores por seguir nuestros eventos en todas las ediciones!
Por Grecia Romero
In Spotlight | Farándula
Don Omar presents Don Omar presenta “MTO2: new generation” “MTO2: new generation”
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
ON OMAR, the King of Latin urban music, presents his new album “MTO2: New Generation” available in stores and for digital download. The new production includes the international hit “Dutty Love”, a collaboration with Natti Natasha, a song which has already reached #1 on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs Chart and has remained in the iTunes Latino store Top 10 since its release. It also includes the new single “Hasta Que Salga El Sol”, a song that has rapidly become a hit throughout Latin America and will be officially released to radio stations throughout the country today. “MTO2: New Generation” is the sequel to the hit album “Meet The Orphans”, which included the mega-hit “Danza Kuduro”, a song which was #1 on the US and Puerto Rico radio charts for 15 weeks and became the #1 Latin digital song of 2011 and 2012 with more than 2.2 million units sold worldwide. “MTO2” includes the hits “Dutty Love”, “Hasta Que Salga El Sol”, “Ella No Sigue Modas”, a collaboration with Juan Magan, “FML” Feat. Mims and the participation Syko El Terror, Xavi El Destroyer, Zion & Lennox, Yanel Cruz and the duo A&X, winners of a 2012 Latin Billboard Award for “Producers of the Year”. Don Omar was the biggest winner at this year’s Latin Billboard Awards, taking home 8 trophies including “Song of The Year” (Taboo), “Song Of The Year, Vocal Collaboration” (Danza Kuduro), “Song Of The Year, Airplay” (Taboo), “Song of The Year, Digital” (Danza Kuduro), “Latin Pop Song of The Year”(Taboo), “Latin Rhythm Song of The Year” (Danza Kuduro), “Solo Latin Rhythm Artist of The Year, Songs” and “Solo Latin Rhythm Artist Of The Year, Album”. Don Omar also stole the show with his spectacular performance of a medley that included “Dutty Love” with Natti Natasha, “Taboo” with Laowla Braz, the original singer of “La Lambada”, the new English version “Danza Kuduro” featuring urban superstar Akon, and the new single “Hasta Que Salga El Sol”. The awards were seen in over 80 countries and had the highest rating in their 14 year history. Don Omar now prepares for an extensive promotional tour for “MTO2” which will take him to the most important markets in the US.
ON OMAR, el rey del genero urbano, presenta su nueva producción “MTO2: New Generation” disponible en tiendas y para descarga digital. El nuevo álbum incluye el éxito internacional “Dutty Love”, colaboración con Natti Natasha, tema que hace semanas llego a la posición #1 del Billboard Hot Latin Songs Chart y se mantiene en el Top 10 de ventas en el listado de canciones Latinas de iTunes. También incluye el nuevo sencillo “Hasta Que Salga El Sol”, canción que rápidamente se ha convertido en éxito por todo Latino América y que esta semana se estrena oficialmente en las radios del país. “MTO2: New Generation” es la segunda parte del exitoso álbum “Meet The Orphans”, producción que incluyo el mega-éxito “Danza Kuduro”, tema que fue #1 en la radio de los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico por 15 semana y fue la canción Latina digital #1 del 2011 y el 2012 con más de 2.2 millones de tracks vendidos al nivel mundial. “MTO2” cuenta con los éxitos “Dutty Love”, “Hasta Que Salga El Sol” y también “Ella No Sigue Modas”, colaboración con Juan Magan, “FML” Feat. Mims y la participación de Syko El Terror, Xavi El Destroyer, Zion & Lennox, Yunel Cruz y el duo A&X, ganadores del premio “Productores Del Año” en los Premios Billboard de La Musica Latina 2012. Don Omar fue el máximo ganador en Los Premios Billboard a la Música Latina llevándose 8 premios incluyendo “Canción De Año” (Taboo), “Canción Del Año, Colaboración Vocal” (Danza Kuduro), “Canción Del Año” (Taboo), “Canción Del Año, Digital” (Danza Kuduro), “Canción Latin Pop del Año”(Taboo), “Canción Latin Rhythm del Año” (Danza Kuduro), “Solista de Ritmo Latino del Año, Canciones” y “Solista Latin Rhythm Del Año, Álbum”. Don Omar también se robo la noche con un medley espectacular compuesto de “Dutty Love” con Natti Natasha, “Taboo” con Laowla Braz la cantante original de “La Lambada”, la nueva versión en Ingles de “Danza Kuduro” con la superestrella de la música urbana Akon, y su nuevo sencillo “Hasta Que Salga El Sol”. Este año la premiación alcanzo el mejor rating en su historia (14 años) y fueron televisados en 80 países. Don Omar ahora se prepara para una gira promocional de “MTO2” donde se presentara en los mercados más importantes de los Estados Unidos incluyendo conciertos en clubes de varias ciudades del país.
Ayúdele a su mamá a ahorrarse $4,000 anuales Por Michael W. Grochowski Comisionado Regional del Seguro Social en Atlanta
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
El Seguro Social tiene una solicitud por Internet que es fácil de usar que puede ayudar a completar para mama. Puede encontrarla en Para solicitar por teléfono o pedir que se le envíe una solicitud por correo, llame al Seguro Social al 1-800-772-1213 y pida la Solicitud para el Beneficio Adicional con los gastos del plan de medicamentos recetados de Medicare (SSA-1020-SP). Para informarse mejor acerca de los planes de medicamentos recetados de Medicare y los periodos especiales de inscripción, visite o llame al 1-800-MEDICARE. Mamá estará agradecida cuando le dé un regalo útil este año: ayudarla a ahorrarse aproximadamente $4,000 al año con los medicamentos recetados de Medicare. No le costará nada más que un poco de tiempo de calidad con ella — algo que ambos, usted y su mamá desean de todos modos. Estas reglas aplican a papá del mismo modo, así que planifique por adelantado para el Día del padre también.|
ado al clima económico actual, comprar un buen regalo para el Día de las Madres puede ser más difícil que en años pasados. Pero las personas a través de la nación están descubriendo que, muchas veces, los mejores regales son gratis. En este Día de las Madres, usted puede demostrarle a mamá cómo ahorrar aproximadamente $4,000 al año con sus gastos de medicamentos recetados de Medicare. Aquí le mostramos cómo hacerlo. Si su mamá tiene la cobertura de Medicare y tiene ingresos y recursos limitados, es posible que ella pueda tener derecho al Beneficio Adicional — disponible a través del Seguro Social — para pagar parte de sus primas mensuales, deducibles anuales y copagos de medicamentos recetados. Se calcula que el Beneficio Adicional está valorado a aproximadamente $4,000 al año. Para verificar si su mamá tiene derecho, el Seguro Social necesita saber sobre su ingreso y el valor de sus ahorros, inversiones, y bienes raíces (además de la casa en que ella vive). Para tener derecho al beneficio adicional, ella tiene que estar recibiendo Medicare y tener: • Ingreso limitado a $16,335 para una persona o $22,065 para una pareja casada que viva junta. Aún si su ingreso anual es más alto, es posible que ella todavía pueda obtener alguna ayuda con sus primas mensuales, deducibles anuales, y copagos de medicamentos recetados. Algunos ejemplos en los que el ingreso puede ser más alto incluye si ella y, si es casada, su cónyuge: a. Provee apoyo económico a otros miembros de familia que viven con ellos; b. Tiene ganancias de trabajo; o c. Vive en Alaska o Hawái; y • Recursos limitados a $13,070 para una persona o $26,120 para una pareja casada que viva junta. Los recursos incluyen cosas como cuentas bancarias, acciones, y bonos. No contamos su casa o automóvil como recurso.
Opinion | Opinión
Immigration Reform is back on the center stage again – Part I By Michael A. Rodriguez NAFAPAC’s Chairman -
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
he issue of illegal immigration is back on the center stage as part of the presidential race in 2012. Going back in history, we read that the Founding Fathers of the United Sates of America were men of great vision and determined to create a unique nation of laws and order. These were Americans committed to “a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence” and ready to “pledge to each other their Lives, their Fortunes and their sacred Honor.” In the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America we also read, “We hold these Trusts to be selfevident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursue of Happiness.” Since the signing of the Constitution in 1776, the United States of America has been a nation willing to accept immigrants from all nations with open arms and many of these immigrants have been great contributors in building “One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Since its formation, the Unites States of America has been a nation of dreams, hope and success; but, it was the intention of the Founding Fathers to create a nation where order prevails and where the laws are respected by all. Nonetheless, history shows that we have not learned much from our previous mistakes on immigration. In 1986, Republican President Ronald Reagan supported immigration reform. On his second term as president, he signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) creating tougher sanctions against employers, who hired illegal immigrants, denied illegal immigrants federally funded welfare benefits and legitimized some immigrants through an amnesty program. However, this Act did not create the results expected and more illegal immigrants entered the United States. Since 1986, the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States increased by an estimated 20.0 million; and more continue crossing the border daily creating a burden for the social services and law enforcing authorities on the Border States. This demonstrates that the Federal Government has failed to enforce the laws established in 1986 to secure the borders. Since the first immigration law was established in the United States in 1790, many amendments have been passed by Congress to address several immigration needs. The latest attempt to pass an Immigration Reform was in 2007 when Senators Ted Kennedy and John McCain sponsored the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, or, in its full name, the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (S. 1348). This bill was discussed in Congress to
provide legal status and a path to citizenship for the approximately 12 million illegal immigrants residing in the United States at that time. The bill included path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, increased border enforcement, funding for 300 miles (480 km) of vehicle barriers, 105 camera and radar towers, and 20,000 more Border Patrol agents and restructuring visa criteria around high-skilled workers. This bill received heated criticism from both sides of the immigration debate. The bill was introduced in the United States Senate on May 9, 2007, but it was never voted on as a result of a series of votes on amendments before a parliamentary closure procedure took place. The last vote on a parliamentary closure procedure was held on June 7, 2007 and failed 34-61 effectively ending the bill’s chances. At the urging of President George Bush, the bill was brought back for discussion in the Senate as bill S. 1639 and passed the Senate, by a margin of 64-35 (under Senate rules it needed 60 votes). However, a number of amendments to the bill were considered and it failed to get the 60 votes necessary to end debate. The final cloture vote lost 46-53, and many Democrats and Republicans voted to defeat this bill. This effectively ended its chances, and President Bush said, “I am disappointed at Congress’s failure to act on the issue.” This bill failed to pass Congress as a result of the strong opposition by most Americans nationwide to pass amnesty policies and granting undocumented immigrants an easy path to permanent residence and citizenship. Americans felt that the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 was not able to solve the immigration problems in the United States and, in fact, encouraged more illegal immigration to enter the United States. Many Americans felt that this bill was heading in the same direction. Today, Immigration Reform is back on the center stage again and our political leaders are using the issue to make more promises and points with Hispanics; and blame others for the failures of not passing Immigration Reform in Congress. It is a shame how our political leaders in Washington are using the good will and nature of Hispanics to get their votes. Meanwhile, deportation of illegal immigrants is intensifying. On October 18, 2011, the Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) Director, John Morton announced that 396,906 people were deported during the 2011 fiscal year, the largest number on ICE’s history. Smaller numbers were deported in previous years. Candidate Obama in 2008 promised to pass Immigration Reform in his first term as president; yet, he was more concerned with the Economic Stimulus Package, bailing out
the auto industry and passing Health Care Reform in his first three years as president. Now, President Obama and members of his political party are bringing back the immigration reform issue on the center stage of this presidential campaign to gain the votes of Hispanics. But, Hispanics are waking up and understand that they are being used by political leaders with empty promises. In fact, there is no chance to pass any immigration reform legislation in this 2012 lame duck session of Congress and Hispanics are no longer naïve about this issue or expect any Immigration Reform in 2012. There is no secret that there are several immigration proposals ready for debate by both political parties in Congress to address the illegal immigration problems. However, Immigration Reform is a very complex issue that divides our members of Congress and the American people. The failure of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 to resolve the immigration problems in the United States is making it harder to find consensus in Congress on Immigration. Even within the Hispanic community, and among Hispanics, there is a division on how to accomplish Immigration Reform. As long as a simple amnesty is considered in Congress, chances to pass Immigration Reform is very remote. Regardless how difficult it is passing Immigration Reform in Congress, deportation of all illegal immigrants will be an inhumane policy affecting many illegal immigrant families looking for freedom or the American Dream. Granted, illegal immigrants broke the immigration laws of the United States; yet, they deserve an opportunity to attain legalization under new rules established by Congress. Proverbs 3:27 says, “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.” In an attempt to find solutions to the illegal immigration in the United States, our NAFAPAC organization (National Americans of Faith Alliance PAC) launched a Comprehensive Immigration Reform Proposal in July 2010 with new ideas on how to solve the Immigration problems in the United States. Our Immigration Reform Proposal was discussed with key members of Congress and it includes the creation of a Provisional Visa for all illegal immigrants with non criminal records and a process of verification, eligibility and, finally, legalization. If this subject is of interest to you, look for PART II of this article, IMMIGRATION REFORM IS BACK ON THE CENTER STAGE, in the coming issues of the Doral Family Journal where we will outline some of our immigration proposals. God Bless you all!
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
A Life Defining moment Michael Eldred and Nick Delpopolo will fight on May 12th in Doral to define who will take the only spot left on the Olympic Judo Team By María Alejandra Pulgar Photos: ©2011 Charles Medani
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
oth started really young, both have trained moved from being #99 in the world Senior National Champion really hard. Both have collected triumphs and to #16. He currently trains with Jason and has collected many medals on elite tournaments around the world Morris in NYAC. other high positions in the and have earned the respect and admiration of many Nick’s hard training and focus is international arena as well. devoted fans. Young, strong and handsome, these the essence of his success. He also Now 26, Michael feels athletes will have the fight of their lives, their defining likes teaching Judo to others and physically and mentally moment, next Saturday, May 12th at 2:00 pm during has been doing so since he was ready for the challenge he the “Hour of Power”. This match, consisting of 3 fights, 12 years old. He wants to be the will face next May 12th for will decide who goes to London with the rest of the first athlete to bring a Gold Olympic his place on the Olympian Judo team to represent the US on the 73 Kg category medal for Judo to the US, and with athlete’s roster. and who stays home, after being so close to fulfill that helping promote the sport he Being on the Olympic his dream, as both of them have all the qualifications loves and that has given him athletic team will be the culmination needed to be an Olympian. ability, flexibility, coordination but also of that journey. For him, it Nick Delpopolo is ranked #2 in USA and #16 in character, tenacity and discipline. is not the possibility of a the world. His most recent international result is a Michael Eldred is ranked #1 in the Gold medal, but the whole Bronze Medal at the Pan American Championship in US and #25 in the world. His most experience that has got Canada last April. Now 22, he has been training since recent achievement was winning Gold him to this point, what he was 5 years old. Born in Montenegro (Eastern at the Senior National Championship has improved him as a Europe), Nick was adopted as an infant by his parents in Texas last March and his focus is person. His next goal, after and was raised in New Jersey, where he began his now to keep training hard and being returning from London, Judo training. At age 8, he began wrestling and also on the shape of his life to become is going back to college excelled in that sport, although Judo was always his the fifth member of Judo Team USA in the fall to complete his passion. After recovering for London 2012 academic degree. Beyond Michael Eldred from a severe knee injury after the “Hour of competition or beating on his sophomore year in Power”. Born and raised in Fruitland, someone out, what Michael likes best of practicing High School, he resumed Idaho, Michael credits his athletic Judo and competing at an elite level is being able to his Judo training with and academic success to a tight set goals, work hard and get accomplishments done. Olympic silver medalist family and friend support system, He also likes to travel and being able to see other Jason Morris in Scotia, which has encouraged his dreams countries and cultures. It has made him appreciate NY and by 2006 he made and celebrated his achievements. more the advantages and opportunities the US has the Junior World Team. By A Senior at Boise State University, to offer. When he is not training or competing, he 2008 he had accumulated majoring in Mechanical Engineering, likes hunting, fishing and working at his father’s farm 22 Junior National titles Michael has put his academic or helping at his stepfather’s dojo. and began to transition to career on hold to focus on pursuing Mr. Jose Humberto Rodriguez, CEO of USA Judo Senior categories. his Olympic preparation since says that “It is with mixed emotions that we will In 2009, Nick moved 2008, when he went to Beijing as all watch this face-off. On one hand, it will be very to Boston to train with a training partner of the Olympic exciting as it will show the best of what our Olympic Olympian Jimmy Pedro team. The youngest of 3 brothers, Sport can offer, on the other hand it is really hard as member of Team he started taking Judo classes at 6 to see that only one person will come out ahead; FORCE on his National years old. Both his older brothers however, in my eyes both of these young men will be Training Center. He did Judo too and his stepdad, winners regardless of the outcome”. went on to win gold Robert Fukuda who has also been On May 12th at 2:00 pm, the Doral Spa and Resort on the Rendez-Vous his instructor at the Western Idaho in Doral, FL will be the location where these two tournament in Canada Judo Institute, is an International extraordinary athletes will define, in just an hour, who and became #1 ranked Judo Referee. In his teenage years will go to London and who stays home, after four Senior in the US. His he practiced many sports, but Judo years of preparation. For both of them the journey Senior Judo career has was always what he loved to do and up to this point has been a life changing experience Nick Delpopolo been meteoric, and in 2010 excelled in. Four times he has been they will treasure all their lives.
In Flash | Fotos
Elliot Mason y Daniela Espino ganaron el Doral 5K
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
To enjoy more photos, please visit our page on Facebook: DORAL FAMILY JOURNAL|
Desde las 7:00 am, de este sábado 28 de abril, mas de 300 personas de todas las edades decidieron tomar la calle para demostrar que el deporte es la base para una vida sana, y se concentraron en el Morgan Levy Park para el punto de partida de la carrera Doral 5K, a las 8:00 am. Sin importar si llovía, residentes aceptaron el reto de correr o caminar los 5 kilómetros y llegar a la meta, entre ellos el mismo Alcalde Juan Carlos Bermúdez y demás miembros del Concejo. Desde el inicio, Elliot Mason, de 33 años, se ubicó entre los primeros lugares, ganando la competencia general en 16:27 minutos. A él lo siguió Alberto Peláez y Soekeer Fajardo. En la categoría damas, Daniela Espino de 21 años se posicionó del primer lugar con 18:28 minutos, seguida de Maria Jaramillo y Gabriela Cavallo.
In Flash | Fotos
Inauguración de Motor Journey
To enjoy more photos, please visit our page on Facebook: DORAL FAMILY JOURNAL
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
El pasado 20 de abril, abrió sus puertas oficialmente la empresa “MotorJourney” para prestar un servicio de óptima calidad en el ramo de alquiler de vehículos para viajeros de negocios y/o de placer en la ciudad del sol. Los jóvenes propietarios Jorge Muñoz y Alejandro Jordi, estuvieron acompañados por su familia, amigos y líderes de la comunidad. El Alcalde de la Ciudad de Doral, Juan Carlos Bermudez fue el encargado de cortar la cinta ante un nutrido grupo. MotorJourney está localizado en el 2490 NW 94 Avenida, en el corazón de Doral.
In Flash | Fotos
Amazing Panthers Recognition
To enjoy more photos, please visit our page on Facebook: DORAL FAMILY JOURNAL
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
On May 1, Doral Family Journal honors Students and Teachers of the 3rd Quarter at Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 Center
In Flash | Fotos
Doral Celebrated Earth Day at the 4th Annual Eco-Fair The City of Doral once again celebrated Earth Day during the 2012 City of Doral Eco-Fair. With approximately 40 exhibitors and eco-friendly resources, activities and educational booths, community members and families learned the different alternatives on how to go about their day in a sustainable way that will not harm the environment. The event took place on April 21, 2012, at JC Bermudez Park. The Eco-Fair was a chance for children to learn how to live a more “green” lifestyle.
DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012|
Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz joined the Dan Marino Foundation and Panera Bread “Touchdown for Autism” fundraiser On Friday, April 27, 2012, Commissioner Diaz joined officials of the Dan Marino Foundation and Panera Bread, located at 9717 NW 41st Street in Doral, to bake special football-shaped cookies sold to raise funds for autism awareness. The tri-county effort, known as “Touchdown for Autism,” used the proceeds from the sale of the cookies for the Dan Marino Vocational College, that served young adults with autism and other developmental disabilities. Autism Awareness Month came to fruition in Miami-Dade in 2009 as the result of legislation sponsored by Commissioner Diaz. The speciallydesignated month is designed to increase awareness about autism and treatment, as well as to promote research to fight the disorder. According to the non-profit Autism Speaks, autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that impairs communication skills and social abilities. There is no known cause or cure for autism, which is estimated to affect 1 out of every 88 children born in the United States. “I think the prevalence of autism cases in this country is motivating families to learn more about the disorder and raise the money needed for better research and treatment,” said Commissioner Diaz. “The Dan Marino Foundation and Panera have taken a tremendous step in addressing those needs within our own community.”
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Susie Castillo Kicks-Off Campaign for Miami-Dade County School Board District 5 Surrounded by family, friends and supporters, Susie Castillo celebrated the official launch of her campaign for MiamiDade County School Board District 5 on Tuesday, April 24, at the Intercontinental at Doral Miami. “I thank everyone who took time out of their busy lives to attend my first campaign event. I know that they were there supporting me because they feel as passionate about education as I do”, said Castillo. Miami-Dade County School Board Vice Chairman, Dr. Larry Feldman and Doral Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez introduced the candidate to a crowd of her supporters. “My goal, if I am fortunate to represent you as your school board member, is to put my experience to work for the students of Miami-Dade County. My experience as a single mom, who has always been a strong supporter of public education and raised two great kids that have gone through our public schools, the experience and knowledge I gained during the years I worked in the school system, my experience as a PTSA board member at Ronald Reagan High School, and my direct experience working in the City of
Doral with the schools, principals and parents to bring strong, dynamic programs and positive educational experiences to our students, is what I bring to the table,” said Castillo during her speech in the kick-off event. Through her career, Susie Castillo has gained over 19 years of experience in the public sector and has served in the Miami-Dade County School Board District 5 office, getting to know your district in depth. Susie Castillo has served as Assistant to the first Mayor of the City of Doral for the past eight years. To learn more about Susie, please visit:
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DORAL family journal • Mayo 06, 2012
El pasado 3 de Mayo, la Ciudad de Doral llevó a cabo la celebración anual del Día Nacional de la Oración. La proclama fue leída por el Alcalde Juan Carlos Bermúdez, frente al Ayuntamiento de Doral, ante un grupo de personas que incluyó los funcionarios electos, líderes comunitarios y varios líderes cristianos de distintas iglesias de Doral. Todos en conjunto, clamaron por distintos temas, por la comunidad y los gobernantes de Doral, por la paz, por nuestros jóvenes, por la unión familiar, el amor de Dios, reconciliación racial y étnica, y la nación estadounidense. Entre los invitados, estuvieron el Comisionado José “Pepe” Díaz, el Padre Israel Mago, el Pastor Joaquín Molina, el Pastor Steven Alessi, el Pastor Ralph Gómez, entre otros…|
Celebran el Día Nacional de la Oración