Giuliani Le joaillier de l’émotion Créateur de bijoux d’exception, le joaillier Dominique Giuliani révèle sa première collection privée tout comme sa passion pour les rencontres inédites. AMALIA PARKER
Artisan joaillier depuis plus de trente ans, Dominique Giuliani crée des bijoux uniques et raffinés, porteurs de symboles et d’histoires. À l’origine de chaque création, une rencontre avec ces pierres précieuses qui le captivent et le fascinent tant. Curieux et novateur, il puise son inspiration dans la nature et ses multiples possibilités, ainsi que dans la richesse humaine qui la sublime. Pour cette première Collection Privée, les bijoux se jouent des plus belles gemmes, qui portent chacune l’empreinte, l’esprit et l’histoire de leur créateur. Entièrement dévoué à la joaillerie française et internationale, il souhaite avant tout partager, et transmettre à tous les inconditionnels de la Haute Joaillerie, professionnels ou non, son expérience, ses connaissances, ses savoir-faire et, surtout, sa passion pour les bijoux d’exception. Giuliani, the jeweler of emotions Dominique Giuliani designs exceptional pieces of jewelry. He unveils his first private collection as well as his passion for out of the ordinary encounters. Jeweler-artisan for more than 30 years, Dominique Giuliani creates unique and refined jewelry, bearer of symbols and history. At the origin of each creation are encounters with precious stones that captivate and fascinate him. Curious and a pioneer, he draws inspiration from raw nature that offers him multiple possibilities and from the human richness that sublimes it. For its first Collection Privée, the jewelry pieces are adorned with the most beautiful gems, each wearing the imprint, spirit, and history of the designer. Entirely devoted to french and international jewelry, he first and foremost wishes to share and spread his expertise, knowledge, and passion for exceptional pieces with all the highend amateur and professional unconditionals of jewelry. Private collection The idea of this collection matured during an escapade in the Greek islands. He drew inspiration from their magical locations and myths. In total, these new unique lines with enchanting names are composed of stones of character ranging from earrings to rings to necklaces. The technique and artistic subtleties exalt the gems and perfect the visible and invisible details. The creations are unveiled each month as a a love path full of promises. The itinerary starts with the delicate Toi & Moi: a pair of asymmetrical earrings set with pastel-shaded stones that reflect each other like Daphnea and her god Appolo. And after that? Flirt, Premier Baiser, Promesse Eternelle… Eros, Psyché, Morphée… enchanting pieces of jewelry and their soft and dreamy names to discover through spring 2021.