Full of History
I’m not only a real estate agent -I’m your neighbor!
The history of Waxhaw is one that began with an Indian tribe that once inhabitated this area.
As a Waxhaw resident since 2003, I’m familiar with the all aspects of this wonderful community. If it’s time to sell your home or find the house of your dreams, my knowledge and expertise in the local real estate market can help make it a smooth transition. I’m a true customerfocused Broker with a rich history of exceeding client expectations. Contact me today to get started!
Jeanne Kemling Licensed in NC and SC
This area was home to the Waxhaw Indians long before the European settlers came to the area. The Waxhaw Indians were allied with the Catawbas in their wars with the Cherokee and were almost wiped out in 1715 by the Yamasee War and by diseases brought by the early settlers to the area. Soon afterwards German, English, Scottish, Welsh and other European settlers arrived in the area to establish a settlement. The land was fertile and trade was made easy by the proximity of the Catawba River and the main trading path which ran from Petersburg, Virginia to Augusta, Georgia. The Town of Waxhaw was chartered in 1889, making it the third oldest town in Union County. Even though Waxhaw is one of the oldest communities in Union County it wasn't well known until 1888 when railroad tracks from Atlanta were laid. It was clear that this area needed a dependable means of overland transportation. It was increasingly difficult to deliver and receive goods to and from the supply centers in the south. Today, Waxhaw is a vibrant community that has progressed from those humble beginnings. It has come a long way from it’s early roots as indian land and still takes the time to proudly remember its past. The most noteworthy native of this region is Andrew Jackson, 7th president of the United States. President Jackson was born in the Waxhaw area in 1767. An ongoing dispute centers on whether he was born in North Carolina or just to the south in South Carolina. He was born in one of two cabins, less than 100 yards apart, but because the state line ran between them, it’s unknown which state he was actually born in. Jackson lived in North Carolina until he moved west to Tennessee, at the age of 21.
jeannekemling.northgroupre.com gigisellingcharlotte@gmail.com
RETAIL ENTREPRENEURSHIP INTERNSHIP Union County Entrepreneurs (UCE) is partnering with Mark Hernig, owner of Mule Barn Mercantile, to offer a unique experience in Waxhaw. Mr. Hernig and UCE have created a new program called Retail Entrepreneurship Internship. For a period of 6 months to 1 year, with an option to extend, the internship offers an opportunity to gain hands-on experience of operating a retail business in the heart of Waxhaw. This program is set up for someone dreaming of owning their own business while learning and performing various business management duties. For more information contact Karen Johnson at 704-219-8765.
Shop locally and regionally sourced goods, curated gifts and artistic treasures proudly made in America
121 S. Broome Street Waxhaw, NC 28173 704-219-8765 mulebarnmercantile.com
The Artist Market • Country Store Brooms on Broome • Artist Demonstrations
Leather Goods • Pottery • Wood • Glass • Jewelry Antiques • CUSTOM ARTWORK • Handmade Quilts Gourmet Baking Mixes • Coffee • Hot Sauces Barbecue Sauces • Honey • Old Time Candy Handmade 1800-Period Corn-Style Brooms Waxhaw • North Carolina