Finding solutions
5-10 min.
Brainstorming is a method for creating many ideas quickly, and it is therefore well suited at the start of the second diamond for finding solutions ideas for an OHS problem. The method is based on the assumption that quantity – many ideas – can lead to quality – good solutions. It is important that the participants in a brainstorm are informed about the basic rules applicable to the method: 1.
All ideas are accepted and written down – either by the facilitator or by the participants themselves on post-it notes. 2. Criticism of other participants’ ideas is forbidden. Crazy ideas are welcome in a brainstorm session. 3. The participants build on each other’s ideas. It is about creating a secure atmosphere where the reaction to the ideas of others generates even better ideas. 4. In the session, neither the facilitator nor the participants should think about starting to put the ideas into order or prioritize them. This will only be done once the session has been concluded.
Steps 1.
Together with the participants, the facilitator will ensure that a question is defined for the brainstorm. This will often be a ‘how’ question. For example, “How can we solve the problem of heavy workload in our department?”. Several specific sub-questions may be included in the work. 2. The facilitator determines how much time is to be spent on brainstorming and how the session is to proceed. The participants can write ideas on post-it notes themselves or the facilitator can write down all ideas on a whiteboard. 3. When the brainstorming has been concluded, the participants can work with grouping ideas that resemble each other.
13 • Tools 5 : Finding solution ideas