Table of Contents Page 1…………………...…………..Table of Contents Page 2…………………………………..……..Club Update Page 3………………….………….Cards for Patients Page 4………………….…..Donate Life Run/Walk Page 5……………………………………….…...Club Rush! Page 6…………………………….…………….Contact Us!
Club Update
Hello, new and old key Clubbers!
Welcome to a new year of Key Club! For those of you who are new to Key Club, thank you so much for signing up and checking us out at Club Rush! To all the old members, welcome back! Remember to come to our meetings and join our remind in order to stay updated. Together, we can make this term the best one yet! Keep on sizzling! ~Allison Lee, your 2018-19 Editor
Cards for Patients On August 30th, 2018, Deer Valley Key club participated in the making of cards filled with sweet messages for hospital patients. All of the cards were donated to various hospitals and given to patients who are sick in order to boost their morale and give them confidence! Pictured above right and bottom/center left: Examples of cards made by Key Clubbers!
Donate Life Run/Walk
Pictured Above Left: Participants in the Donate Life Run/Walk
Pictured Above Center: A balloon banner for the Run/Walk
Pictured Above Right: Volunteers making their way to their stations
The Donate Life Run/Walk was held on September 8th in Walnut Creek, California. According to everyone who attended the event, it was one of the most fun and invigorating events they had ever attended!
Club Rush! Thank you to everyone who came out to Club Rush! We are so excited that you came to join us! Here are some highlights of the week:
Pictured Above: DVKC’s president and vice president advertising Key Club!
Pictured Above: DVKC’s trifold board with information about our club!
Contact Us! Follow us on social media!
Website: Remind: Text @dvhskc to 81010 Instagram: @deervalley_keyclub Officer Information: President: Ala Rahman (925) 437-1665 Vice Presidents: Kareelyn DonJuan Fernandez Vijya Raj (925) 550-5404 Savaira Zia (925) 395-3699 Secretary: Jamie Gonzales (925)334-4581 Treasurer: Cynthia DonJuan Fernandez Editor: Allison Lee (925) 978-6644 Made by Allison Lee, Editor