The Ottador Volume 8 Issue 4, August

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The Ottador Vol 8 Issue 4

Servin’ Servin’ Like Like No No Otter Otter

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District & Division Updates Words From the LTG Event Recap

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Summer of Service July DCM Spreading Positivity Cleaning Garden Grove

Previous Term Events Upcoming Fundraisers - BGKC Ding Tea

Find the Otters

Bradley Vu | President

Ben Vo | Vice President

Sunny Do | Secretary

Katie Cao | Treasurer

Dylan Nguyen | Tech Editor

Cindy La | Senior CD

Katie Doan | Junior CD

Serena Nguyen | Sophomore CD

Annie Danh | Freshman CD

Emily Tran | Member’s Relations

Instagram @bg.keyclub








Hello Division 4 North! The summertime serves as

an opportunity to prepare for the upcoming Fall Rally season and club recruitment. This month, I hope to put the spotlight on our Pediatric Trauma Program donation in November. Although quarantine has limited certain opportunities, our goal of $7,000 will remain the same! If your club runs into trouble with this, utilize the resources around you! Check out the CNH CyberKey or ask Fundraising Task Coordinators Danny Nguyen and Angeline Nguyen. Best of luck, otters!

- Vivian Du, July


Event Recap SUMMER OF SERVICE In the month of July, Division 4 North had a service week! Within these 7 days we were provided multiple ways to give back while taking safety precautions and social distancing. As the week goes there were websites assigned to certain days. For example, on Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday we had a specific website that we could go onto and spend some time doing simple tasks. To go more in depth as to what we did on these websites some had the same concept as one another of answering quiz questions that ranged from the English Vocabulary to Capitals of the World and as we progressively got more questions right the more rice or beans were donated to those in need. Not only did we have trivia-like services we also had one where we were able to simply click a button every 4 hours, with these clicks you can help fight hunger and poverty in one click! I really enjoyed the concept of the service week because I was able to learn new things while giving back, though it wasn’t anything like ending world hunger it still felt nice to know that we are giving back to those who really need it. - Jasmine Nguyen Starting off this summer, I actively participated throughout this month’s Division service week. This week revolved around having opportunities to volunteer virtually by supporting numerous programs online. Each day throughout that week, there would be different ways to volunteer. For example, having to answer several trivia questions correctly in different categories to donate grains of rice or beans to people who need food. Additionally, some of the websites provided us resources to support other programs by simply clicking and learning information about their causes. These programs show their support for many groups with different needs, ranging from those in poverty, sheltered animals, endangered species, and even childs with reading disabilities. This eventful week has helped to keep other Key Club members and I active during quarantine and has motivated me to put in more effort towards future volunteering services. Changing from physical to online services has become quite a drastic change, however it made me realize how easy it is to find services and be able to help others by just researching. Although we may not know what will happen and change during these challenging times, we can learn to better adapt and improve our habits and utilize our time efficiently. - Cynthia Nguyen


JULY DCM Game Night was our Division’s DCM theme for the month of July. We learned more information about our division after going through each Pokemon themed slide and different club recaps. I also noticed the many fundraisers that our Key Club hosted, such as Poke and Ding Tea, and also our future bake sale (please RSVP and buy)! It was really funny watching Vivian Du’s WiFi freeze in the middle of the meeting. After finishing the meeting, game night began by splitting everyone into 3 groups to play Minecraft,, or Jeopardy. Before we split up, we played a Kahoot game about COVID-19, and 1st place and 34th place winners received a free 7leaves gift card. I spent the entire game aiming for 34th place, but I ended with 37th. Afterwards, we went into each break out room. I was hosting the game with my DLT officers, Danny, Annie, and Peter. Even though we had many people on different servers, we all were able to talk to each other and bond while drawing. My favorite part was being able to joke around with the DLT or other members and be able to meet new people at the same time. Overall, I had a really fun time bonding with people over Zoom. I’m really looking forward to going to August DCM with Division 4 West! - Katie Doan


stay cool!

eenvjeoryy moment.

Good Times


Laugh Love

SPREADING POSITIVITY At the start of quarantine, I was upset and disappointed that the school year was cut short and I would no longer be able to participate in any services with my friends. However, I took this time to discover alternatives to in-person services. One service I enjoyed participating in was the Spreading Positivity event. This event called for members to draw and write positive messages with chalk in front of their houses. This service gave me the opportunity to give back to my community and spread positivity during this time of darkness and uncertainty. As a person who loves art, the Spreading Positivity event allowed me to express my creativity by inscribing my favorite characters- such as Rilakkuma, Winnie-the-Pooh, and Ice Bear- into the ground along with uplifting messages and quotes. This service is truly an eye-opening and memorable moment for me because I realized that it does not take much to give back to the people that make the world round. A simple “You are bear-y beautiful” has the potential to make at least one person’s day a little better. As time passed, I noticed how neighbors would pass by my artwork Bolsa Grande Key Club’s spreading positivity and leave with a smile. event was hosted on July 18th and gave members the - Kristina Ahn opportunity to use chalk or paint. Members were supposed to write positive and encouraging messages or draw pictures in front of their homes. It is a great way to spread positivity because people can take some time out of their day to enjoy the nice pictures and messages. I participated in this service with my friend Angeline, who happened to also be my neighbors. I did not have any chalk to use at first, so I had to ask a lot of my friends. I ended up buying chalk and we were able to start drawing. Angeline and I spent around an hour drawing any fun pictures and nice words that came to mind. I drew some of my friends and characters that my friends suggested. Angeline also drew a lot of show characters and logos. This service event was also the highlight of our week, so we were able to record a video for the month’s buddy club challenge and earn spirit points. Overall, Angeline and I loved this service event because we were able to draw and have fun as well as spread positivity and earn hours. - Sunny Do


CLEANING GARDEN GROVE On July 31st, Bolsa Grande Key Club continued with its initiative to keep areas in its community clean. At the early time of 6:00 AM, volunteers stood in front of the local Rite Aid in order to pick up trash in its vicinity. As the day went on, garbage accumulated in our trash bags. We moved down the parking lot picking up as much trash as we could, revealing a staggering amount of disposed cigarettes. We flushed through the parking lot rather quickly, the mark of an improvement from our previous visit. Our group then visited another area and spent our time clearing through around it as well. Some of the more peculiar finds we had found while picking up garbage were a full diaper, clothes, bottles, and a shopping list. Overall, the event was great fun and it provided an important perspective on how we treat our community. - Bradley Vu


s u o i Prev s t n e v E m Ter WADYs Bolsa Grande Key Club is a very tight-knit group that encourages the well-being of community members. Through my experiences with Key Club, I have created ever-lasting friendships, felt proud to serve my community, and developed appreciable interpersonal skills. An example of Bolsa Grande Key Club’s warm nature is the monthly birthday hats that eventually accompany several club members. These birthday hats are handcrafted with love and endless amounts of effort. The various details of the hats are as listed: fabricated otter ears, teal-painted birthday hats, and teal glitter crowns along the bottom of the hat with club members’ names written on it. Additionally, BGKC also provides members with the opportunity to earn a Member of the Month award as well as an Outstanding Otter award. Not only do these awards motivate members to be active in Key Club, but it also recognizes club members’ hard work. Moreover, many service opportunities are provided for members to help and give back to the community. For instance, the monthly service event “WADYs” serves to distribute food supplies to the elderly. Through my experiences with this service, I have been able to give back to my community, feel accomplished, work with other members within the club, and create/strengthen my bond with them. - Anastacia Le


Huntington Beach Communiuty Garden

My experience with Key Club has been rather pleasant. It has been an exceptional club that has allowed me to help the community while also learning life lessons. The first event that I ever did in this club was the Huntington Beach Community Garden, we helped in picking up weeds and making the gardens look more appealing. Although the experience was tiring, I grew to become fond of this club and the memories that were being created alongside. Some other events that I participated in were Newport Mesa Spirit Run, Paws Fur Pink, WADYs, Surf City Expo, OC Women’s March, Bolsa Chica Restoration, among others. There have been instances in which I had to wake up extremely early, around 3 or 4 am in order to complete service or times where I had to handle uncomfortable situations with people. Surf City Expo and Newport Mesa Spirit Run were two of those in particular. For Surf City Expo, we checked people in for their marathons and gave them bibs. It was a very fun experience, and allowed us to work with people personally. WADY’s was another tiring event where we had to carry heavy boxes to elderly people, but it was wholesome and endearing to help those who needed t. In Paws Fur Pink, I was put in charge with a friend to control the parking lot area and manage who was entering and exiting. To add on, OC Women’s March was one of my favorite events to take part in. We marched for the rights of women and it was incredible to see countless amounts of people fight for their beliefs and important things that affect others. This has ultimately given me the opportunity to become more disciplined, responsible, and gain experience working with others. It also has helped me establish friendships with unexpected people and create life-long memories. Key Club is an amazing club that has helped me become a better person and do things I have never anticipated. - Leslie Valdovinos

g n i m o c p U s r e i s a r d Fun



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