The Ottador Volume 8 Issue 9, January | Key Club International

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Words From Your LTG District Updates Online Events Buddy Club December DCM Otter Express Thomas House WADYs

Contact Us Bradley Vu | President Ben Vo | Vice President Sunny Do | Secretary Katie Cao | Treasurer Dylan Nguyen | Tech Editor Cindy La | Senior CD Katie Doan | Junior CD Serena Nguyen | Sophomore CD Annie Danh | Freshman CD Emily Tran | Member’s Relations





Words From Your LTG Welcome to the new year where more opportunities to make our community a better place await! I am extremely excited to see where these last few months of the term will take us. As of today, we have exactly 92 days until our term is over. It’s almost as if we attended the first DCM of the term over laggy Instagram live just yesterday. I am extremely proud of how far we have come as a division and am extremely grateful to be working alongside such competent leaders. With the 92 days we have left, I would like to encourage you all to work out all the goals you’ve set for yourself and your club when you were elected. Push to reach your PTP goal, your service hour goal, and the family atmosphere you’ve been wanting to implement. As always, I am serving by your side and am always open to anything you need. See you all at Conclave 2021! - Vivian Du, December


District Updates District Judging Committee

The 2020-2021 District Judging applications have been uploaded on the CNH CyberKey under the Recognition tab, on the Contests page! To apply to be a District judge, fill out the District Judge application as a PDF and submit to More info and the application can be found at: The deadline for this application is: Wednesday, January 17th, 2021 by 11:59 PM PST/HST.

DCON Talent Do you or someone you know have a special talent that you would like to be showcased during District Convention 2021? Well, the Member Recognition committee is looking for acts to perform during the recognition session, Saturday night of District Convention. To apply, please fill out the entry form attached to the Talent guidelines and submit any other requested materials stated. The deadline for this application is: Tuesday, February 11th, 2021 by 11:59 PM PST/HST. However, please aim to submit applications prior to the deadline in case of the need for changes to the act, such as in the case of inability to access a file or if the music contains inappropriate language.


Online Rice Race

Due to Covid getting worse we had to switch from in-person events to online services. These services either had us play a game or even definitions of words and much more. One of our online services was a game called Rice Race. This was an app that we could download on our phones or other devices and play. Rice Race reminded of a game called Flappy Bird the concept was similar and we had to tap and keep the penguin with a certain height and try to collect as much rice as possible before we died. The nice thing about Rice Race was that our score did not reset everytime we died, rather it had a page that recorded our total score from each time we played. It was a very quick and simple way to have some fun while donating rice to those in need. This service could be finished within 30 minutes to an hour even if you keep constantly dying! Not only was it quick and simple but the penguin is extremely adorable! The concept was really nice and could be played by all ages. Though it doesn't beat in-person events it was still better than nothing! - Jasmine Nguyen


Free Rice

Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, everything about our daily lives has changed, from day-to-day outings to school clubs and services. Since I have not been able to attend in-person service events for Key Club, I have been accumulating my hours by participating in online services such as Freerice, BeanBeanBean, Unicef Math Project, Rice Race, and more. My favorite service to do is Freerice. It offers many different categories, and I typically chose to do the multiplication table or the English vocabulary category. Most of the time, 2,500 rice grains equals one hours and I typically aim for one to two hours, sometimes even more.While these online service events can be timeconsuming and tedious to do for hours, I usually do Free Rice while listening to my favorite songs or while catching up on my netflix shows. This way, time passes by faster, and it makes these services more enjoyable. When I get too tired or when I get bored while doing the service, I pause to take a break and come back later to collect the rest of the required rice grains. Although my time in Key Club is not what I expected, I enjoy being able to get hours and participate in services from the comfort of my own home. - Katie Doan

Rice Race

With the epidemic going on, it’s difficult to go to inperson events but a way our club provides with an event is Rice Race. The event is kind of like a game which is similar to Flappy bird. In the game, you are supposed to dodge obstacles and collect grains of rice along the way. Out of all of the online events I have done, I would say Rice Race is my favorite. The game is not only fun and exciting as it gets faster, but it also helps those in need and gives back to others. In the game, you act as a penguin and you have a balloon to fly over obstacles. The obstacles are bricks and if you touch it then you lose. As the game progresses, you move faster so it gets more difficult to dodge the bricks. Every grain of rice collected is donated to a foodbank or the equivalent in other food if they don't need rice. The donations help provide meals for children and families in need so the more you play, the more you help others. It took me a while to get around 70 in one round but it was fun playing the game. - Austin Le

Events Free Rice

Another service I participated in was the free rice service and I donated a total of 4500+ grains of rice. The Freerice site is also another great site because it also runs on ads. The World Food Program uses the money generated from the ads to donate amongst various different charities around the world. Overall, I would participate in this service again because not only is it easy to complete but both of these services are very rewarding because with the use of technology you are helping better the world. Also, it is an efficient way to spend your time during quarantine and get your service hours in. - Pauline Tran

Online Events


It is a shame we have been in quarantine for almost a year and missed half the school year. Although in-person service events have been recently canceled, Key Club has been offering opportunities to earn hours through online service events like BeanBeanBean and Free Rice. Both websites are great sites for you to earn service hours because not only do they help you earn your hours, they, in turn, help to feed those in need. For instance, BeanBeanBean donates beans to fight hunger for every question you get right; Free Rice, which is similar to BeanBeanBean where for every question you get right, you generate money that pays for the rice to end world hunger. Since this is my first year in Key Club, it is quite unfortunate that I have not been able to attend any in-person service events due to the pandemic. This pandemic is not going away any time soon and I am grateful that Key Club is still offering online service events so while I myself might feel helpless, I can at least help those less fortunate than me. I hope that when this pandemic goes away, I can enjoy Key Club to its fullest potential and experience everything it has to offer. - Mai-Anh Phan

During these hard times, with the epidemic going on, it's hard to go out and do events. A way to stay safe and get help from others is to do the online events that our club provides. For the month of December I did the events BeanBean and FreeRice. The event BeanBean is where people answer various types of questions to get beans. These beans are then generated into money that goes to a good cause such as hospitals. I like to do the multiplication tables since they are fast and easy to do. I usually set a goal for 1000 beans a day. They help get my mind racing since I usually speedrun them a lot. The other event is FreeRice. Players also answer various types of questions such as English, Grammar, World History, Languages, and Math. For every correct answer, you get 5 grains of rice and every grain of rice collected goes towards the less fortunate and the people in need of food. Out of both of the events, I would say I liked the beanbean one more. I would usually do it fast and be efficient at it but the Freerice one would take a while to get onto the next question. It took me a while to get the amount I wanted such as 12000 beans but it was fun. - Austin Le


Buddy Club

In collaboration for our December social with Bolsa Grande´s buddy club, Pacifica High School, we had a movie night that also seconded as a service! For this movie night we watched a christmas movie called Klaus, while watching the movie we had the chance to create cards for our friends and family. This movie night/ service was really fun because though it was a simple event it was nice to just relax and watch a movie while creating cards for the fun of it. The movie was also very heartwarming and unexpectedly good! I would rate it a 9 out of 10 would watch it again to experience how cute the message behind it was. Klaus was a real tearjerker and left some almost all of us in tears. I would have never expected myself to tear up over a movie especially one that is targeted towards children! And not only that but I would have never expected myself to enjoy making cards especially since i'm not too creative or artistic. But nonetheless, if we were to have another movie night I would most definitely be attending with a blanket and some butter popcorn! Or even another event/ social in collaboration with another school. - Jasmine Nguyen



December DCM

Due to the circumstances right now, in-person DCMs cannot be organized. Although it saddens me, I am grateful for the district cabinet members to organize online events. During difficult situations, they were able to allow all otters to bond with one another through Zoom calls and playing games together. One thing that I missed about DCMs is the color war event. I remember seeing people showered in blue, yellow, pink, and green colors. Every time we threw the powder at each other, it would create a huge bomb of smoke. The bombs of smoke would stack onto each other that it created a colorful sky. I still have a Ziploc bag full of colored dust as a souvenir from that day. What makes Division 4 North even better is that everyone is so kind. Every single otter I have ever encountered has always been very inclusive and kind. You never feel left out or alone because there is always at least someone who tries to interact with you. In addition to the reasons why I love Division 4 North, I acknowledge the hard work and effort everyone puts into succeeding. From fundraisers to Fall Rally, everyone puts their best to achieve their goal. They never give up and always try to brainstorm for ways to make things work. - Tram Duong


Otter Express For December, one of the service events was the Otter Express.It goes from the 20th to the 30th of December. Each day has its own way of giving back to the community. For instance, the Crayon Initiative is where you unwrap the paper off of crayons. Another example is the 22nd where you make virtual cards. All of the things from each day goes to the Thomas House Family Shelter. Majority of the service events allow you to get at most two hours. As it varies, you can get thirty minutes for a card or have one artwork for 2 hours. The person in charge of the event is Nellie Nguyen as you need to send her proof for each event and to the officers from your school. There are two ways you can donate. You are able to ship them or drop them off. Drop offs will take place at Garden Grove Park on January 2nd or 3rd. The address is 9301 Westminster Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92844. This is a great opportunity to get more service hours as it is a daily event for twelve days. This event also happens during winter break so this could be a way for Key-uties to receive hours with less homework on their hands! - Leilani Lam During the month of December, the majority of in-person services were cancelled due to covid cases spiking in our community. With the circumstances given, online services were offered instead to give members the chance of earning hours and giving back to the community digitally. Online services that were offered to members were freerice, rice race, and others. One of the big service opportunities during this month that followed CDC guidelines was “The Otter Express” where club members and officers participated in various activities for every two days of the event to earn hours. Members made goodie bags, digital cards, physical cards, and much more. All items are to be collected on the given dates at Garden Grove Park. In addition, there were also a couple of online socials through zoom that was offered to both members and officers. The most recent one being the online social consisting of Bolsa Grande’s Key Club and our buddy club, Pacifica Key Club. Both clubs watched a Christmas movie and made both digital and physical cards. Although the social/bonding was short and sweet, it helped both clubs get closer and connect. With that being said, December was full of opportunities for members to both earn hours and have many opportunities to participate in various events despite the circumstances given. - Sydney Nguyen


Thomas House

In past months, my attention and participation in Key Club was not the best. I had to worry about a combination of school life and personal concerns. However, following Thanksgiving break, I felt a sense of carefreeness and motivated myself to sign up for events and be more involved in the club than I was before. To begin, the first event I attended was the Thomas House Homeless Shelter. I was super excited to see many freshmen, including myself, attending it. I enjoyed stacking cans and distributing food while having the opportunity to bond and connect with my friends. At the end of the day, sandwiches were shared with the volunteers and I had a great time socializing. On my birthday, I attended a meeting for the club. I was really cheered seeing the participants wishing me a happy birthday and putting me in the center of light. Key club made me feel a sense of specialty that I had never felt in other clubs and activities before. Sadly, in-person events were cancelled by the middle of the month. I resulted in participating in the Free Rice activity online. Although positive attributes are provided to many charities, I wish in-person events continued. Socializing and bonding with other club members really highlighted my day and made these events memorable. - Tommy Nguyen When things could not have been worse, most of the events were canceled, which was a bummer. However, that didn’t stop anyone, including myself, from completing the monthly requirements for Key Club. Before most of the events were canceled, I was able to have an in-person event at Thomas House. On top of that, practically everyone who was there was a freshman. Vivian To and I were the first ones there and, eventually, everyone else arrived. As we waited for instructions, the freshmen started grouping and chatted about how much we missed human interactions. Soon, the instructor gave the directions; however, things were different this time. Instead of packaging foods, as usual, there would be three groups. One would stand in the pantry preparing food for graduates. The second group would give packaged foods to the residents with extra items. The final group would go into an apartment and move all of the canned items from the kitchen to the living room. I volunteered to be in the third group as well as Tommy. Little did I know, it would be an immense task to accomplish. Once Tommy and I entered the apartment, there were mountains of cans in the kitchen and an island of food in the living room. We were instructed to move the cans to the living room as the tiles in the kitchen were going to be removed. So Tommy and I got started by moving some of the cans one by one. Consequently, the number of times I bent down took a toll on my back. Despite that, the cans were moved to the other side successfully. Once we left the apartment, it was nighttime. The other groups were almost finished with their tasks. Eventually, we had to pack up the tables, so I took two tables in as the others were huddling up. Strangely, someone else and I spotted AirPods on the ground with a case around it. It did not belong to anyone in the group, so the instructor took it with him. All in all, that particular Key Club experience was unforgettable as I spent it with people that I knew; it helped everyone to bond closer with one another right before Christmas break. - Duy Le

I woke up from my after-school nap groggy yet still excited for my upcoming service. I had signed up for the Thomas House Homeless Shelter service, something I was new to attending, and I was especially nervous since I would be the only senior going-everyone else going was freshmen. However, when I got there the freshmen immediately opened up to me and were friendly. They told me they were regulars at the service and taught me how to find ingredients to package in the boxes for the families to pick up. Though it was my first time doing the service, I adapted to it quickly and exhibited leadership through keeping all the members on track with their tasks so that they knew the balance between having fun and working seriously to get their tasks finished. Although I was the only senior there and it was my first time, the dynamic between the freshmen and I’s teamwork was strong. Together, we were able to work quickly enough to finish our jobs faster than the expected time while getting to know each other and sharing smiles and laughs. We even worked all together to solve a missing box case of a regular resident. Handing out boxes to the families and delivering them to residents was my favorite part of the service because each time we handed them armfuls of boxes of food, they would all have a big smile of surprise on their faces. And, of course, we all kept our masks on and socially distanced the whole time. At the end, I had an idea of everyone getting together and taking one picture of all of us rather than each of us uploading an individual picture. This was my last in-person key club service for this year, and my first service I did without being familiar with anyone, and it was one of the most fun services I’ve ever had. I’m grateful for this experience of working and serving the Thomas House Homeless Shelter while getting to meet new key-clubbers. - Katelynn Pham


WADYS For one of our last few in-person service events we had WADYS! WADYS is basically delivering food boxes to the elders, though it seems fairly simple it's pretty fun. And sometimes if we have anything left over we get to take food home, FOR FREE! There are 2 areas each with 3 stories, we are given a binder for each floor that gives us a guide on how many food boxes we need to deliver for each room that we also have to check off for to make sure we don't deliver food boxes to the same room twice. We are broken up into groups of 3-4 people and we are then given dollys to bring multiple boxes with us as we visit each floor. These dollys typically fit about 12 boxes along with a whole box of cheese that also has 12 cheeses. For each room we give the elders one food box that has produce like fruit and veggies along with a box of cheese and on some special occasions we are given extra stuff to pass out. The elders are extremely kind to us and always thank us for the deed we do. Though it gets tiring it's the thought that we are helping others that makes it worth it! As a recent member of Key Club, I had only been able to attend one in-person event before the unfortunate cancellation that took place in the beginning of this month: the November WADYs. Despite stepping outside for the first time since the pandemic and feeling slight anxiety for being the only senior in this event, I was immediately welcomed by a brief introduction of what we needed to do (deliver food boxes that included eggs and cheese as a complement) and the polite smiles of the elderly residents, who thanked us for our deliveries. Working alongside other first-timers (who mistook me for a sophomore, funnily enough) immersed me into the true community atmosphere that resides within Bolsa Grande Key Club. Although Key Club does promote community service, it also provides an atmosphere full of people, both old members and new, working toward the same goal of serving others and becoming the best version of themselves through spirit and engagement. While joining Key Club as a senior may have been intimidating since every member seemed to have known each other for years, I almost instantly felt joy seeing all the members come together to assist the residents with their food delivery boxes and observing the liveliness within each member -- so much so that it encourages me to continue pursuing Key Club events and keeps me hopeful that quarantine will end soon in order to have the full Key Club experience. For now, like all of us are experiencing at the moment, I am patiently waiting for a hopeful conclusion to this COVID-19 chapter of our lives so that more events can be introduced, all while collecting rice and beans in the online events granted in this club (and being a bit surprised that I was able to carry the boxes, fit inside the elevator with three other members, and push a cart across four levels of an apartment complex).

Although in-person events were cut short, I was able to attend one in-person event called WADY. WADY’s is an event where members will deliver food boxes to the residents at the retirement homes. In the beginning, we loaded the boxes onto a trolley and went to the floors listed in the binders. Afterward, we went to each room, knocked, and left the boxes outside their rooms. Some of the residents needed assistants to carry the boxes into their rooms. This event taught me common courtesy and how to respectfully communicate with others. Adding on, some of the residents did not speak English but we managed to understand what they were saying based on their hand motions. Moreover, this event also taught me teamwork since we all had to work together to deliver the boxes as quickly and efficiently as possible. Overall, this event was very fun and engaging. On the other hand, I also had to complete an online event for the first time called Freerice. I thought it was very interesting how answering a bunch of questions can do so much good for others and how easy it was to donate. Adding on, this event also taught me new vocabulary. Overall, even though inperson events were cut short, I was still able to connect with other fellow otters and help the community in two different ways!

y y p p p p a a H H w w e e N N ! ! r r a a e e Y Y

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Servin' Like No Otter

9401 Westminster Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92844

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