The Ottador Volume 8 Issue 10, February| Key Club International

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Words From Your LTG District Updates Online Events Conclave LTG Elect Previous Events

Contact Us Bradley Vu | President Ben Vo | Vice President Sunny Do | Secretary Katie Cao | Treasurer Dylan Nguyen | Tech Editor Cindy La | Senior CD Katie Doan | Junior CD Serena Nguyen | Sophomore CD Annie Danh | Freshman CD Emily Tran | Member’s Relations





WORDS FROM VIVIAN DU Hello officers! It was a pleasure getting to catch up with you during our cub visitations. I am left in awe seeing how much your club has progressed and how much YOU have progressed as a leader. I have no doubts that your club will continue to improve more than ever within the next term. To all the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors: I hope to see you continue serving in Key Club next year. Try out for that executive position or even that division/district position you’ve been hesitant about! Time passes by too quickly to give up opportunities now.


To all the seniors: thank you for being apart of such an amazing organization. It is people like you who have worked hard to give this division an amazing name. Before your time as an officer is up, share your passion with your elected officers and leave a legacy with your name. Once again, please reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I am always serving alongside you.


CNH 19,373




Due to the pandemic, I haven’t been able to go to any Key Club services and see my friends. Key Club is amazing for accommodating to its members and being able to offer online services to members who are bound at home. There’s the UNICEF Math Project, FreeFood, Charity Miles, BeanBeanBean, Free Rice, Pause for us, etc. I like how each online service is slightly different from the other. This keeps online services from being boring. The UNICEF Math Project focuses on having its user answer math questions, of course, since it’s in the name of the project. On the other hand, the FreeFood charity focuses on pet and animal trivia. I personally prefer BeanBeanBean and Free Rice as online services since they have a wider variety of questions. Not to mention, you can change the trivia topic and difficulty level. Some question topics on BeanBeanBean include the times table, English and Spanish vocab, world capitals, ASL alphabet, the periodic table, and the “WHAT IS THIS” topic. The difficulty levels include easy, medium, and hard. As for Free Rice, it has more categories to choose from compared to BeanBeanBean. The difficulty levels range from easiest, easier, normal, hard, and hardest. Because of these online services, I’ve been able to continue participating in the club. - Katilynn Kieu


Pause For Us

In the month of January of this year I did a service called “Pause for Us”. It is an online app where I spent some time away from my phone and other devices so it could track down points. These points from the app were towards necessities for animals. This app was really amazing because it got me to take a break instead of being on my phone often. By taking a break from electronics, this helped me focus more on my other tasks that I had to do. I became more productive and my mind cooperated more efficiently throughout the week. Furthermore, other benefits included breaking bad habits and opportunities to try or do something new. I tend to use my phone a lot since we are in quarantine so this app was a way to restrict myself and focus more on my priorities. By restricting myself from technology, I was able to use my own time to catch up with myself by doing self-care routines or trying something new for once! As mentioned earlier, the Pause for Us app is really beneficial because not only does it make us reduce the technology usage, but it is also towards a good cause! - Brenda Nguyen To ensure the safety of Bolsa Grande Key Club students, all service activities were conducted online! An event that I participated in was the “Pause for Us,” event. Every member who partook in the service, had to take time away from their electronic devices to donate beneficial items to animals in need. Personally, the act felt refreshing to my mind; since staring at a screen for six hours a day can be draining. There were several durations of time and categories to determine how a student wants to donate! Within the “Pause for Us,” app there is a section where people could purchase additional time with free in game currency! This became both beneficial to animals in need and helped ease stress in students. In the same category of events, another service I experienced was the “FreeFood,” event. Similar to “Pause for Us,” this event helped donate for the benefit of animals. Members would answer questions in order to donate kibble for hungry animals without any charge. There are several categories of questions along with difficulties ranging from “Which famous dog is this?” to “What type of breed is this dog?” The service became challenging over time but even if you were to answer incorrectly, your progress would stay the same! Although there were no events in person, I am glad I still had the opportunity to help animals even from the comfort of my own home! - Brenna Reaport

Give to your favorite charities by taking a break from your phone!




Because I joined Key Club during the pandemic, I was unable to experience certain events due to the restrictions. However, our wonderful board members have found alternative services that do not require us to go outside. They have given us plenty of opportunities to participate in services at home! Although they might not be as fun as in-person services, they still help and contribute to the community! It’s also an opportunity to gain hours easily and in the comfort of your own home. One of my favorites is FreeRice. FreeRice is a program that changes millions of lives since they send cash equivalent of 5 grains of rice to the World Food Programme for every answer you get right. The FreeRice app provides a variety of categories to choose from, such as math, English, history, and so on. Additionally, they included the option of difficulty level, which makes the game more fun to play. The event also allows me to answer at my own pace and not under a certain time limit. My favorite categories are the multiplication table and the English vocabulary. The multiplication table allows me to gain grains easily and quickly, while the English vocabulary helps me learn new vocabulary. That was very useful for my English class. A recent event I did that I enjoyed was the Pause For Us event. The objective of the service was that we need to spend time away from our phones to donate to world problems, such as vaccines for puppies, food, and to help the environment. The service was pretty difficult at first, but then after a while I was able to spend more time doing other things instead of using my phone. For example, I tried painting, reading, and spending more time with my family. This event also helped my eyes because I was not staring at my phone for continuous hours. Overall, I would definitely do this service again and try to pause for more hours. My first semester in Key Club was pretty cool, but I hope to meet more people and join more services when the pandemic is over. - Jacqueline Huynh


Lately ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, our Bolsa Grande Key Club was forced into postponing in-person community service events. However, in the end, we still have found a way to still provide and support our community in a difficult time such as the current global pandemic. We have these online sites such as the UNICEF Math Project, where members of our club will do simple math problems to donate money to UNICEF, helping to install more education systems around our world to those who do not have access to school. Members could easily raise an amount of $100 for UNICEF in a mere thirty minutes approximately. Another online service that members have been able to participate in takes place on a phone app called Rice Race, where members are able to donate grains of rice for simple questions answered. These grains of rice are donated to those places most in need or local homeless shelters, and importantly, the questions are extremely easy and it barely takes anytime to donate a high amount of rice. Despite being stuck at home and unable to meet people in person to help the community, our Key Club has found a way around, virtually giving to those who have little which is what makes giving back to the community easy. - Alan Lai

The UNICEF Math Project was one of the four service events hosted for the month of January starting from January 17th to the 30th. Many of the club’s events were extended to the end of the month due to the school finals. Despite the lack of online events and more focus on school finals, however, more than fifty members of our club were able to earn over two hundred fifty hours for the UNICEF Math Project. In this service event project, members would answer various math problems, which include some addition, subtraction, multiplication, and simple algebraic equations. After correctly answering a round of nine math questions for UNICEF, members would earn money, about a dollar and twenty-five cents per round, that would then contribute towards helping children out of poverty and into education. The UNICEF Math Project has been an ongoing service during quarantine and it has also been an amazing way to complete service hours and donate money.. - Sunny Do




For the month of January, I attended some events including Region 3 Conclave and January DCM, and I also participated in some services like Charity Miles and Freefood. At Region 3 Conclave, I got to spectate groups of candidates from each division in Region 3 who all ran for lieutenant governor of their division. I was able to watch my favorite and magnificent junior class director and division executive assistant, Katie Doan, earn the title of lieutenant governor-elect of Division 4 North for the 2021-2022 term. I love my LTG Katie Doan of Division 4 North. <33 After attending Region 3 Conclave, I also attended January DCM, where the board discussed division business like the Pen Pal System and to especially pay our dues! They also announced the previous Pen Pal system winners so congrats to them! Moving on, I did the Charity Miles service with a few friends. For this service, we went to Garden Grove park and chose to do an outdoor walk, so we walked a few laps around the park for about two hours. Super fun! And finally, I did the Free Food service, which is a service where I donate kibbles for every question I answer right, and the questions are basically names of famous dogs and breeds of dogs. Also super fun! January was a pretty cool and productive month if I do say so myself! - Cecilia Pham


LTG ELECT 2021-2022 2021-2022

katie doan!




Honestly, I have never joined any club except Key Club when I moved to America. Moreover, I used to be a timid and introverted person barely communicating with everyone because I felt insecure with my English skill. Language barrier became the most fearful thing that made me hesitant to integrate into a new life. Fortunately, I met Phuong - she was such an expansive, affectionate friend and always treated me devotely. She encouraged me to join Keyclub to be more confident because Key club has celebrated many meaningful events that helped the environment to be cleaner and raise awareness of people day by day. Therefore, my favorite service is the garbage pick up, which currently occurs Saturday of every two weeks. One thing that makes this activity even more interesting is that it started very early. I left the house when the sun still hadn’t woken up and it was still dark. The street was empty, streetlamps flickered, leaving dark shadows behind my back. I could breathe fresh air, hear the bird chirping and feel how peaceful life was that I could never feel as intently as that in the distraction of the day. In addition, scavenging made me realize the daily hardships of the cleaning workers and must respect the work for the common good of the community. We’re so blessed to be born in a wonderful world so each of us has a duty to protect our environment as well as possible. In the state of nature, everything is perfectly created but it’s our unconsciousness destroying that beauty. To sum up, I wish this pandemic could be over soon, and return the inherent peace to everyone. Also, I wish I could join hands to help everyone realize the importance of protecting the environment because a good saying said that: “We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.” - Nhat Vy Dang


An event that I love—and miss—is beach clean-up! I remember last year, Key Club provided countless opportunities for members to help clean Huntington State Beach. My first time made a lasting impact on me: I realized that protecting our beaches and marine life is important if we want to maintain its beauty and biodiversity. When I went, there were a lot of people who were helping out. Our task was to pick up trash, nets, plastics, cigarette buds, bottles, etc—it wasn’t hard scavenging for trash. However, with the Key Club members’ and the other helpers’ efforts, we were able to clean almost 2 miles worth of trash! It was such an accomplishing day as I got to socialize with new people while helping the environment. I hope I’ll get the chance to pick up trash by the beach with my fellow members this year. - Katie Dang



During the month of December, covid cases started to spike so all services planned that month were unfortunately cancelled. Luckily, we were able to have one last service before having to go back to online services which was decorating the Thomas House. Since Christmas is my all time favorite holiday, I was super excited to go to this service. This service also gave a lot of hours, around 5-6 hours. When I arrived there, Christmas music was playing and I felt a rush of joy. I had a couple friends there too which made the service much more fun. We started off by putting together the trees which were a bit of a struggle because all of us were not tall enough. Eventually, we were able to figure out how to do it and we put it together. Team work makes the dream work. A few moments later, we were given ornaments and we began to decorate the biggest tree first. Decorating the biggest tree was extremely enjoyable and fun! We kept making fun of each other, saying we were terrible at decorating. We moved the trees around to the desired placement and the whole place just looks exactly like the definition of the Christmas spirit! A while later, we finished decorating all the trees and helped bring in toys and gifts to the offices for the children there. Overall, the day was pretty fun decorating and getting into the Christmas spirit! - Kathy Dang


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Servin' Like No Otter

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