The Ottador Volume 8 Issue 7, November | Key Club International

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The Ottador Vol 8 Issue 7

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Words From Your LTG International Updates Monthly Share Online Events RTC & DCM Garbage Pickup Thomas House Riverbed Farm

Contact Us Bradley Vu | President Ben Vo | Vice President Sunny Do | Secretary Katie Cao | Treasurer Dylan Nguyen | Tech Editor Cindy La | Senior CD Katie Doan | Junior CD Serena Nguyen | Sophomore CD Annie Danh | Freshman CD Emily Tran | Member’s Relations





Words From Your LTG Hello, Division 4 North! This month is filled with many stressful, but rewarding endeavors many of us are going through. Nonetheless, your mental health always comes first! Dedicate some time this month to your friends or family while having set priorities for your college applications or schoolwork. From the beginning of the term to now, I am proud to say that I have been able to see immense growth from all our officers. Keep up your great work! I love you like no otter! - Vivian Du, November


International Updates Global Leadership Certificate Pilot Program

Key Club International has recently released information regarding the Global Leadership Certificate Pilot Program. It is a course designed to help you understand how voting works and how to build a plan to vote in national, state, and local elections. Even if you are not 18, you will be learning how to get your voice heard and the importance of voting. Additional pilot courses are also planning on being added in the upcoming future. This is open to ALL members and completely FREE. Sign-Up Link:


Monthly Share Of Members' Experiences

As the beautiful sunset reached October 4th, Bolsa Grande Key Club President Bradley Vu announced the newest collection of Key Club otters, ranging from wise seniors to young freshmen! I felt ecstatic seeing my name and realized the thrilling experiences my fellow members and I get to participate in! Every class director and officer was prepared to welcome in the new otters with fundraisers, socials, and a list of service activities, inclusive to everyone. I immediately wanted to join the first club meeting that occurred during lunch on October 5th. I saw so many people smiling and illuminating their spirit. Additionally, I even got to say the pledge and compete in a mini scavenger hunt for club spirit points. Due to the ongoing pandemic, members had the opportunity to do online activities to ensure the safety of their health. Equally fun inperson activities such as sorting food items at the Thomas House Homeless shelter, picking up trash to maintain the cleanliness of the Garden Grove community, and assisting animals at the Riverbed farm are only some of the incredible services Key Club members have the chance to be involved in. The popular online game “Among Us,” has been a trend amongst many of my fellow Bolsa Grande students. Key Club decided to host an exciting social event of several “Among Us,” games to engage the bonds and relationships between everyone while also providing laughter and hysterics for all. I cannot wait for what else Key Club has in store for this intriguing and lively year! - Breanna Reaport


As the beautiful sunset reached October 4th, Bolsa Grande Key Club President Bradley Vu announced the newest collection of Key Club otters, ranging from wise seniors to young freshmen! I felt ecstatic seeing my name and realized the thrilling experiences my fellow members and I get to participate in! Every class director and officer was prepared to welcome in the new otters with fundraisers, socials, and a list of service activities, inclusive to everyone. I immediately wanted to join the first club meeting that occurred during lunch on October 5th. I saw so many people smiling and illuminating their spirit. Additionally, I even got to say the pledge and compete in a mini scavenger hunt for club spirit points. Due to the ongoing pandemic, members had the opportunity to do online activities to ensure the safety of their health. Equally fun in-person activities such as sorting food items at the Thomas House Homeless shelter, picking up trash to maintain the cleanliness of the Garden Grove community, and assisting animals at the Riverbed farm are only some of the incredible services Key Club members have the chance to be involved in. The popular online game “Among Us,” has been a trend amongst many of my fellow Bolsa Grande students. Key Club decided to host an exciting social event of several “Among Us,” games to engage the bonds and relationships between everyone while also providing laughter and hysterics for all. I cannot wait for what else Key Club has in store for this intriguing and lively year! - Cindy La One of the reasons why I joined the key club is because of events. They have community service frequently which is very helpful to me since I struggle finding community service. Key club has a range of different types of events. From trash clean ups, running events, etc. Although many events have been cancelled due to COVID, key clubs find different ways to reach community service hours. Such as online services. This helps me reach my hours for AVID. I have attended a few in person community service. Key club is also very understanding and helps communicate with members. They also have fun online game zoom meetings. That way so we can all bond and have new members get along. Mostly trash clean ups. These events have been fun. Although members are in different grades, they bond with each other and as well find ways to bond with them. Once again they do breakout room games and events that can be fun. I’m not a morning person which I still don’t understand why I volunteer at events that are at 6 a.m. However, they do make me feel productive and make me start my day. I do wish that I could do other events that are in person but given the circumstances, the events I’ve attended have been fun. Key Club is also very cautious due to COVID. They make sure all members wear masks, gloves, and use sanitizer after an event. They look out for the safety of others. To conclude I am proud and happy to be a part of Key Club. I can’t wait to create more memories and experience new events. - Lizabeth Aguilar

Online Events October

This month I participated in the FreeRice event and the accumulative total I earned was 32,532 rice grains. The Freerice event was a service that donated 5 grains of rice for every question I answered correctly. I enjoyed this event in particular because I could do it throughout the day or whenever I had free time. Because of the two week period, I was able to work on this service event many times throughout the days. Additionally, this service was extremely COVID friendly and it was a simple method in getting service hours while also helping others around the world. When participating in the FreeRice event, the individual can either download the app or participate through the FreeRice website. Both the website and the app provide multiple categories that the individual can choose from. This allows the individual to choose the topic that they want to earn rice in, while also being able to learn about different matters around the world. These categories range from global and COVID facts, to geography, and to even languages. Every 5 points earned from answering questions correctly, is 5 grains of rice that the World Food Programme purchases. FreeRice provides a wide variety of learning opportunities while also allowing people in the world to globally contribute to helping children and families around the world. - Christine Le There were many service events available for Bolsa Grande's Key Club I can’t work in person services because of Covid, so I did the online services. One of the services I did was the Beans Beans Beans service. I was during the month of October. Despite the doing math problems on medium level, and let me just say this service is so current pandemic, our club stays diligent and determined to help improve our frustrating!!! Goodness gracious I kept losing so many beans over easy community through various acts of service problems! Anyway, I was never great at those timed multiplication table ranging from picking up trash around local tests in elementary school, but this service made me question everything I know. I really had to put the simplest problems like 6 x 4 into a calculator streets to delivering food boxes to the just in case. Maybe that’s why I’m failing calculus (jk lol). On the bright side, elderly. It is admirable that Key Club keeps I’m better with my multiplications of 12 now because of this service. Also, it striving for greatness through so many acts was somewhat relaxing in a weird way, maybe because it was repetitive. of kindness, taking necessary precautions to stay safe even when attending service. It is Another service I did was the charity miles service. Honestly, this just also amazing that Key Club provides reminded me of how unfit I am. Not the move. But it was also really cool services for its members both in-person and because it forced me to get out of my room and be active. I’ve been so cooped up because of quarantine and a crap ton of homework, and I didn’t online for those who wish to keep their realize how much I needed to take a proper break. It felt good, overall a family away from potential harm as much as possible. This month, I was only able to great service! 10/10 would recommend it. I did the Free Rice service. One thing I really like about this service is participate in online events, but I enjoyed that it doesn’t get rid of all the rice when you get a question wrong (unlike them regardless. The two events I completed were called FreeRice and BeanBeanBean. Beans Beans Beans). It started off easy and I was like “Oh sweet I can do this,” but soon enough I had to search up definitions on my phone. It’s okay Both events were used to donate foods of the respective titles' names around the though because now I can impress Ms. Jaspard with my extensive vocabulary. Did you know “cultch” means “oyster bed'?" Me neither. I don’t world. The sites used for these events only required us to answer basic trivia questions know how to incorporate that into an English essay, but I’ll make it work somehow. I also watched Criminal Minds and ate mashed potatoes while in order to donate grains of rice or beans doing this service, so it was very nice. Moving on, I’ve been having a super for free. I believe these services are a great way to help our community and keep rough time lately and I ended up on probation (for Key Club, not for committing a crime)!! Crazy, but anyway, my awesome class director was members engaged in club activities. super helpful! She really helped me keep my stuff in order, and reminded me Personally, I enjoyed answering the questions for these sites and it feels great about articles, meetings, and services. Shoutout to Katie Doan for being knowing that doing something so small will awesome! Also, I just went to a meeting this week and it was cool! I was make a bigger impact on society. really vibing to the music Bradley played in the beginning. In conclusion, - Bianca Le virtual services are cool and so is Key Club. Have a great day! - Fatimah Patel


RTC & DCM Oct. 17th

For the month of October, Bolsa Grande Key Club members were able to attend the annual Regional Training Conference (RTC) along with the October DCM. Due to this year’s circumstances, RTC--TeletubbyTC--was held online through a Zoom Webinar. At RTC members, officers, and chaperones were all able to attend various online workshops with the respected leaders (LTGs, advisors, Circle K, etc.) giving presentations on certain topics. There were workshops for board positions within the club, such as president, vice president, treasurer, etc. Members could also learn about leadership skills, time management, or handling extracurricular activities with their own personal life and academics. One I attended that really stood out to me was the time management workshop. Everyone vented about their own personal struggles with the current pandemic situation and really tried to encourage each other to stay motivated and pull through. The supportive atmosphere of the whole workshop really made me feel comfortable and more motivated to carry through with my senior year. In addition, there was a public speaking workshop led by our own Division 4 North LTG Vivian Du and former LTG William Hin! The atmosphere was very fun and friendly since everyone was not good at public speaking. For an activity, we were separated into different groups and were assigned to make an elevator speech to convince someone to join Key Club. Everyone was really supportive of each other since most of us were shy and cheered others on. Overall, RTC was a very enjoyable experience even from home. The Region did an amazing job to coordinate the event to make it inclusive although we are all isolated. - Annie Danggg

I had a really fun time at RTC! Regional Training Conference is a set of workshops that everyone in the region is invited to. We played different games, like Emoji Pictionary, and cycled through different Zooms to learn everything that Key Club has to offer. I went to four different sessions: Presidents 101, DCON, What is an LTG?, and Running for LTG. Even though the conference was on Zoom calls this year instead of our usual rotation through workshops in person, I still was able to learn a lot of new facts about Key Club and have fun at the same time. My favorite sessions were the ones with the District officers because it was interesting to see more people from outside our region contribute to helping us climb the Key Club ladder! During the lunch break, we also had Diego Solorio dance again to different korean pop songs while being dressed as Waldo. It was really entertaining, and I got to watch him dance while playing Among Us with different Key Clubbers who were at the event! After RTC, we had our monthly DCM. The Division Council Meeting went by fast, but at the end we forgot to record the meeting for our recap. - Katie Doan

Dam Daniel


Garbage Pickup October

To begin with, when I had first joined Key Club amidst the early months of the global pandemic, the very first community service event I attended was a simple garbage pickup. The event took place from early morning at 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., which I saw as a perfect opportunity to hangout and talk with some of my friends in the quiet peaceful morning and at the same time help clean up the community a bit! Hence, my friends and the rest of the community service group met at the rendezvous spot to be given instructions and supplies to clean up the local area. Simply, my friends and I formed a small group and settled out around the area to collect up random trash around the area, sharing laughs and conversations with one another. The task was not at all tedious and rather more relaxing and stressrelieving as I was able to get a nice refreshing walk for three hours with my friends. After we had cleaned up the whole entire area, the officers had called us back to our original meeting spot to dismiss us of the service and that was the end of my first easy community service for Key Club! Additionally, after the community service event, my friends and I were able to hangout even more afterwards and we together went to grab boba with each other as a reward for helping clean our community, which even further gave me a refreshing and calming morning. - Alan Lai Garbage pick-up has got to be my favorite Key Club service event — although I need to sacrifice my nonexistent sleep schedule. However, it is worth it! I get to help the community with my friends while watching the sun rise as we pick up trash. When I first participated in this event, I noticed how dirty my community was and it made me upset. There were plastic bags, cigarette buds, cups, cardboards, and clothes that were littered all over the area (Tastea and Target). It made me realize how important it is to clean up the environment and not litter because these factors can cause pollution. In order to preserve and sustain, we first need to properly keep our resources clean, so I am happy that I am contributing to make the world a livable place — taking one step at a time. I hope I can participate in more garbage pick-up events! Oh, and I miss gardening, so I hope we’ll bring that back as well! - Katie Dang


Thomas House October

In the month of October, I attended the Thomas House Homeless Shelter service along with many other Key Club members to help sort out food items from the pantry for delivery to residents. Before anything, we first used our incredibly buff, robust muscles to carry out tables from the extravagant, gorgeous courtyard to the open space next to the pantry so that sorting out food items would be an easier process. I partnered up with the one and only Brenda Nguyen and we divided up the work: I would tell Brenda what items we need according to the list and Brenda would go and find it in the pantry, partly because she was familiar with the area. Personally, I think we were doing well until we had to find baby diapers! We went to look for baby diapers, but the only option we had was this humongous lifetime supply of Pampers diapers that took up half of our crate, leaving less room for the other items we had. Its size looked almost larger than Brenda but we had no choice but to use the huge package of diapers. Other than that, I really enjoyed this service because I got to meet and talk to new members as well as provide for the local community! - Janette Huynh My name is Anh Nguyen, and the first volunteering event I attended was Thomas House Homeless Shelter on October 20th. As a freshman joining Bolsa Grande Key Club for the first time, I have not done any volunteering events or socialized with anybody except my friends/family since COVID-19, so I was pretty nervous. The weather was bright and sunny, and when I got to the event location, I saw a group of people that looked way older than me. Eventually, I was able to talk to some upper classmates, and they were extremely friendly. Plus, they were funny as well, so I felt at ease. At the event, our tasks were to get food or any products according to the list given to us. We got in pairs, and I worked with the only friend I knew at the event. The community service started slow at first since we were organizing the products into categories, but after, everything went by so quick. Everyone was working together, helping each other when they cannot find a product. The environment was lively, engaging, and enjoyable. Although I expected the work to feel tiring, it was not draining at all. In fact, it felt like I was going shopping which is what I love doing. During the event, I enjoyed that everybody communicated well, the thrilling tasks we were given, and the safety measures taken like wearing masks/gloves. I would definitely do this event again, and to be honest, it is probably one of my most favorite community service events I have ever done. After the Thomas House Homeless Shelter, I felt happy to be able to serve the community and inspired to continue to do more volunteering events! - Anh Nguyen


Riverbed Farm Oct. 30th

When I woke up this morning, never would I have ever imagined that my average service event would end up instilling within me an intense love and appreciation for nature and the utmost respect for the nonprofit Riverbed Farm! When I first arrived I was met with the view of a beautiful, sprawling expanse of plant bins, wooden structures, and aquaponics. The leader of the volunteers explained what we were there to do and assigned roles. My group was assigned to weed the outskirts of the farm. Half an hour later we took a break to check on the aquaponics team. Their pool cover had sunken partially into the water and we had to unhook it to put it back on top, which was mildly exciting. Afterward, I spent time in a separate greenery, clearing it of pine needles. I then swept, planted seeds, and picked more needles out of the plant bins. The day ended with a fun photoshoot and a nourishing meal of pizza! Throughout the experience, I was also able to have fun with my peers, play with chickens, ducks, dogs, and cats, and promoted an appreciation for gardening and the hard work that the owners put into ensuring healthy, natural produce and upkeeping a clean wedding venue! - Parish Nguyen


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Servin' Like No Otter

9401 Westminster Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92844

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