The Ottador Volume 8 Issue 6, October

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The Ottador Vol 8 Issue 6

Servin’ Servin’ Like Like No No Otter Otter

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District & Division Updates Words From the LTG

September Event Recap Upcoming Events

Bradley Vu | President

Ben Vo | Vice President

Sunny Do | Secretary

Katie Cao | Treasurer

Dylan Nguyen | Tech Editor

Cindy La | Senior CD

Katie Doan | Junior CD

Serena Nguyen | Sophomore CD

Annie Danh | Freshman CD

Emily Tran | Member’s Relations

Instagram @bg.keyclub



DISTRICT UPDATES The September issue of the District Newsletter touches upon topics such as: - District and International Updates - Core Value Spotlight - Member Recruitment - DCON Introductions - and more! Read the latest on at CNH Key Club! In addition, District Member Recognition Chair, Antonio Quesada, has an opportunity for you to learn more about recognition. The MR Committee will be hosting a CNH MR Webinar! The Member Recognition Webinar will go over: - E-Portfolios - MRP Changes - Contest Guidelines and forms - Distinguished officer awards - International Contests - Annual Achievement Report Score LOCATION: Zoom

The Zoom information will be sent out to the email provided in the sign-up prior to the event.

DATE: September 13th, 2020 TIME: 4:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. PST SIGN-UP:



Hello Division 4 North! Thank you for reading through this lengthy

email. The most anticipated and stressful season of the year is here! Membership recruitment season is filled with new opportunities to expand your home club and fulfill your duty as a leader to inspire others. As we dive into events such as club rush, always recognize your passion for helping others. This will guide you to put tireless efforts into educating new members and spreading the word about the benefits of Key Club at your school! Don’t forget to take a breather every now and then. To all the senior otters this year: pace yourselves! Membership recruitment season and college application season happening at once may seem overwhelming. However, setting up small goals and milestones throughout the next several months will allow you to map out this journey. From there, work to tackle each goal along the way. I can not wait to see how far our division will expand this year. Thank you for your service. - September, Vivian Du


SEPTEMBER EVENT RECAP T C E J O R P H T A UNICEF M Since the outbreak of Covid-19, group meetups of any kind have been restricted. Everyone of all ages is at risk of catching COVID. Many of the Key Club members, including myself, are unable to go outside and participate in services for this reason. Even with these limitations, our lovely board members have found alternative services that do not require us to meet up in groups. They give us plenty of opportunities to participate in services at home! Members get to help and contribute to the community even at home? Sounds good to me! Math UNICEF is a great example. For the service, members are required to solve easy math problems such as 4 x 8. Each problem solved earns 25 cents to the cause. The more math problems solved, the more money members earn to help impoverished children get an education. I earned about $300. Safety for members is Key Club’s number one priority. Although Key Club hosts online services, they also host in-person services, and even the in-person services have strict requirements. These requirements include being a small group with less than 10 people and wearing a mask at all times. These precautions help prevent the spread of COVID and ensures the safety of many otters. - Gina Huynh

I also took part in The Unicef Math Project. Although it was lengthy and time consuming, I was able to practice my math skills as I was constantly feeling pressured to complete the problem correctly in the short amount of time given. I was able to earn $250 and felt very accomplished when I met my goal. Knowing that children in need would benefit from my participation only made me build more perseverance and dedication while attempting to complete the long lasting challenge. - Kylie Nguyen

It was a bright and sunny, early September day. It was still summer and still hot as ever. Temperatures rose up to almost 90 degrees and being outside for barely even a second felt like you would melt. However, none of this even mattered since we were stuck in quarantine and the event I did was an online one. Doing an online event in an air conditioned home during the summer heat sounds like a wonderful idea but being forced to stay home and not attend the usual events we had was also very saddening. The event I did was UNICEF’s Math for Good Challenge. UNICEF, also known as the United Nations Children’s Fund, is an agency that is responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. Millions of children worldwide face odds in getting the education they deserve. UNICEF hopes to help get children into school and out of poverty. Their math challenge allows people to complete math problems to send to impoverished children around the world. Each problem solved correctly is 25 cents added to their cause. Throughout the month of September, I would do this challenge whenever I had free time. I was able to raise a lot of money for this cause and I really hope that it helps children worldwide with the struggles they face. - Andy Van


s s e n r a w A n io t n e Suicide Prev On September 11th, I participated in the online event where members of the club were required to research facts, organizations, images, and words to say to someone who is suffering with suicidal thoughts. While doing my research, I was able to educate myself on the facts of suicide and the different experiences people encounter when coping through the thoughts. For instance, I was enlightened on how 1/25 suicides attempts result in death, it is the 10th leading cause of death in The US, and 44,965 Americans commit suicide per year. After learning about these facts, I now acknowledge the impacts suicide has on modern society and how to approach an individual who may be at risk. - Kylie Nguyen


September DCM During the month of September, there were many new activities as well as services introduced. One that I enjoyed was the September DCM, where I got to meet new people and participate in fun virtual games. My team and I had a fun time working together and just having fun. An event in September that I enjoyed was the bean bean event because it was simple and a good source of hours for those who could not attend physical services. I really liked that we were able to help people and organizations from the comfort of our homes. Other than events, a service that I think was fun was the garbage pickup at Bolsa Chica which was introduced in the month of September. This service allowed us to stroll on a 3.5mile trail while being able to see the small animals occasionally as well as the uniquely formed cacti. Although not much trash was found, I still had a lot of fun getting to know other members of KC and enjoy a day in nature, especially after being quarantined for many weeks. Overall, the months of October going into September have been an eventful and fun experience for me. - Richard Le


Rainbow Rumble was our monthly division council meeting with Division 30 South and 04 West! We had over 300 participants and were able to go into breakout rooms with ten other people to bond. First, we went into our individual division rooms to have our respective DCMs. Vivian’s wifi connection was finally fixed, so there was no more crashing or buffering during the meetings! Then, we started the games with the other divisions. The games were super fun, and we rotated between three games: mafia, animal signs, and our custom scavenger-hunt styled game, HGKC. I was a team leader for animal signs, so I was able to rotate to a lot of rooms to meet new people while teaching the game! Even though this month was originally supposed to be a color fest, I am grateful that we were still able to collaborate and connect with the other divisions through online Zoom. My favorite part about the DCM was the love notes. There were a lot of funny messages, especially with people pretending to be each other and Jennifer Vo, the Division 30 South Lieutenant Governor, not knowing how to pronounce Segerstrom High School. Overall, I really enjoyed working with the other divisions to plan the DCM, and I am looking forward to our next DCM in October with the entire region at Regional Training Conference! - Katie Doan

FreeFood4Resources An event I did this month was Free Food for Rescues. It is a website that donates kibble to the rescue shelter. In order to donate kibble, you have to identify famous dogs in a quiz type game. I answered questions up to 180 kibbles donated. The 180 kibbles is equal to 2 hours of community service. This event lasted around 2530 minutes. Another event I did this month was the UNICEF Math Project. This website is UNICEF sponsored and when you answer questions, it donates money to kids in poverty and get an education in less developed countries. I answered the questions for about an hour straight. I had to screenshot every time I finished a set of 5 questions, for proof to send to the class director. In total, I got over 300 dollars donated, which is equivalent to around 3 hours. Overall, hopefully my little contribution by doing these two online events helps the world in a little way. - Paul Steger

PA Dog Rescue has created a fun game to help benefit our dog friends. For every question you answer correctly, PA Dog Rescue donates dog kibble to a hungry animal in need. Food is paid for by the revenue generated by the advertisements. Please share this page with your friends and family to make an even greater impact! How do you play? Start by choosing a game mode. Start with Famous dogs. As you play, you can unlock different game modes. For every question you correctly answer, PA Dog Rescue will donate 3 pieces of kibble. That is right, 3 pieces! The more you play, the more dog food we donate. Have fun with it and play often. There are 100s of questions that become more challenging the more you play. When you are finished, check out some of our other amazing other programs. Beyond Breed helps you to find the perfect animal companion. We do not rely on animal breed, rather we use the characteristics you want in a pet. Specify characteristics you want such as shedding amount, age, energy level, and more. We will use our specially designed algorithm to rank the top matches in your area.


Garden Grove Garbage Pickup On September 19th, Bolsa Grande Key Club members participated in a garbage pick-up near Westminster Blvd’s Tastea and the Saigon Supermarket. Though it was a cold, early morning, members took it upon themselves to stay committed to service and start working at 6:00 AM. Ready with gloves, masks, and big bags, Key Clubbers split up in solos, pairs, and groups of three to pick up trash around the plaza while keeping social distancing guidelines in mind. For a relatively small area, it was quite surprising to find items like planks of wood, a pet potty pad, and even an old bed mattress. Even random but clean spots smelled like rotten eggs! Unfortunately, there were also some more common and disheartening findings which included unfinished trays of food, leftover drinks, cigarettes, scraps of paper, straws, plastic utensils, and plastic bags. Having collected full bags, everyone gathered back up to throw their heaps of trash where they belonged--the garbage disposal. Members went home feeling accomplished and knowing that they had gone out amidst the pandemic to do their fair share of community work. The service also provided a great opportunity to reflect about our current society and how it is our duty to keep the community clean. - Peter Nguyen On Saturday, September 19th, I went to a shopping plaza near my house to pick up trash. The event happened very early (6:00AM), and I was decked out with gloves, a mask, and layers of long-sleeved clothing. The group waited for a few more minutes before we took these huge plastic bags and we started collecting. The stuff that I found while picking trash up was slightly insightful. A lot of the trash was cigarettes, which probably was enough to replenish 5 boxes of those things. There were also a lot of stickers from the local businesses stuck to the pavement, unfinished drinks left on the pavement, and dental floss for some reason. More interesting stuff that I found included this entire metal plate and a “mask”. Towards the end of the event, we all grouped around the supervisor’s car to throw the trash away and coat our hands in hand-sanitizer before taking a group photo. Afterwards, the event ended at around 7:00 A.M., with me walking home. Overall, I was pretty unfocused during the entire thing on account of the lack of sleep. However, I did appreciate the event giving me more community service and would do it again. - Dustin Phan


Thomas House At the Thomas House Homeless Shelter, there were two different jobs we could choose to do. Such as working in the pantry and organizing all of the resources or getting all the food on a list and packaging it to send to the homeless shelters. I had the job of packaging the food, while also sorting out food items to deliver to the resident. We had a friendly leader, who helped us check our list of food and deliver the heavy food to the residents that lived in the areas. We had to package many different types of supplies such as fruits, vegetables, cooking oil, milk, eggs, juices, self-care products, and many more. As we stacked the supplies, we had many people deliver it at the same time for efficiency. Sadly, some of the supplies would run out, so we could not fulfill their list, but the leader was okay with it. Everyone at the service was doing their job really well and we completed all the lists in approximately one hour, which let us leave early because we worked hard. The service was said to start at 4 pm and ends at 6 pm, but if you work hard, you could end earlier. Overall, the service was a really fun experience, where you would pack food and deliver them to the residents of the area. You get to meet new people and help them with their supplies, which is really fun and helpful to help the residents in these areas. - Cody Nguyen On Tuesday, September 22, I signed up for a service called the Thomas House Homeless Shelter. In this service, we basically organized and packaged food into boxes for people living around the area. However, instead of organizing and packaging food into boxes, I decided to volunteer with a partner to tidy up the pantry. We organized the canned foods into different categories, like putting the vegetables on one shelf and the fruits on the other. This was very tiring due to the fact that it was a very hot day. The shelves were also tall so it was very difficult to reach when trying to place or remove cans. Other than that, I would say that the service was very fun. One reason is because it was relaxing to see and talk to a couple of friends after a tiring day of school. We were able to complain about school together while organizing the pantry and it was very comforting. Another reason why the service was entertaining is that organizing a mess calms me down. Being able to organize the pantry was another reason that relaxed me after a tiring day of school. In conclusion, the service that I was able to attend was overall very enjoyable and allowed me to serve my community. - Joanna Bui


Big & Little Otter Challenge The Big and Little Otter challenge for the month of September was to bond by going on a study date with your partner. My little, Angeline Nguyen, and I had planned for the study date for the whole month and decided to meet up on Tuesday, September 29th. We wanted to record a TikTok and vlog our whole study date. Angeline and I were very productive during our study date. During our little breaks, we recorded short clips for our TikTok and discussed tests, homework, and other small talks. We also had small water breaks and phone breaks in between. My friend even bought us CocoCane, which boosted our energy and made us work faster. Creating a TikTok was relatively easy and Angeline took time to edit the video and add fun music to the background. Having a study date with my little was a great way for me to get to know my partner not only as a friend but as a student. I helped her with math homework and prepared Angeline for future lessons. She aided me in prioritizing certain assignments and staying focused. Overall, Angeline and I worked well with each other and created a successful and productive study session. - Sunny Do


UPCOMING EVENTS D04N Chipotle Fundraiser We highly encourage you guys to participate in this fundraiser for PTP! Remember to follow all safety precautions like social distancing, wearing a mask, and washing your hands.

When: Sunday, October 4th from 5-9PM Where: Chipotle at 17150 Brookhurst St, Fountain Valley Why: To raise money for PTP! Mention Division 4 North or show the flyer at checkout Use the code GNJJRJ8 for online orders


Thank You For Reading Until Next Time

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