The Ottador Volume 8 Issue 8, December| Key Club International

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Words From Your LTG District Updates Nov DCM Big & Little Otter Challenge Online Events Thomas House WADYs Trash Pickup Riverbed Farm

Contact Us Bradley Vu | President Ben Vo | Vice President Sunny Do | Secretary Katie Cao | Treasurer Dylan Nguyen | Tech Editor Cindy La | Senior CD Katie Doan | Junior CD Serena Nguyen | Sophomore CD Annie Danh | Freshman CD Emily Tran | Member’s Relations

Instagram @bg.keyclub

Website https://bolsagrandekeyclub.

Words From Your LTG Hello Division 4 North! I would like to wish each officer, advisor, and Kiwanian a happy holiday season! I hope you dedicate some time to appreciate your friends, family, and teachers during the upcoming break. Although spending the holidays in the midst of a pandemic is not the most ideal event, the season is about giving back to those we love. It is people like you that make the world a better place for everyone by giving back with humility. Always continue serving like no otter and doing what’s best for you and those around you! - Vivian Du, December

District Updates The Policy, International Business & Elections Committee, would like to sincerely welcome you to our Elections Webinar dedicated to training Key Clubbers across the district who are interested in pursuing a Club, Division, District, or International position for the 2021-2022 term. The Elections Webinar will take place on Sunday, December 20th from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM over Zoom. Keep in mind that this will also be counted as a District Event Point on the Member Recognition Program. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: Passcode:

940 756 6966 2BeeOrNo2B

Novemeber DCM A Key Club event that I attended this month was Division 4 North Among Us themed DCM. During this months DCM we learned about the different events and fundraisers going on in different clubs, wrote letters to show appreciation for our mail carriers, and played among us in break-out rooms. After we were updated on different events and fundraisers, we made cards and wrote letters for mail carriers to show our thanks. We took around 20-30 minutes to make the cards for the mail carriers and showed our appreciation through our creative side. Personally, I wrote a letter and decorated an envelope for the mail carriers. I also gave them a water bottle as a gift. After we made our goodies and wrote our appreciation for them we got into breakout rooms and played a few rounds of the game “Among Us''. In my breakout room, there were 9 people and we all played 4 rounds of the game. I’m usually never an imposter, but I got to play as an imposter 3 out of the 4 times we played. I got very anxious while I was an imposter and mostly just faked tasks and sabotaged the crewmates. In all, November’s DCM was a very fun and informative event! - Julietta Brito

Big & Little Otter Challenge November’s Big and Little Otter challenge was to show thanks to our otter buddy. My little, Angeline, and I decided to express our thankfulness by creating cards for each other and writing how thankful we are to have each other as a big or little otter. Thanksgiving break was the perfect time to meet up and complete the challenge, so we made our cards at Angeline’s house on November 29th. Angeline and I were able to write very meaningful letters to express our gratitude without any trouble. However, the hardest part about making the cards was decorating them. We worked for over an hour on trying to decide how to write the letters nicely and trying to add decorations on the cover of the card. In the end, we both decided to write our names on the cards and added cute designs and fun shapes around it. Overall, writing our thoughts and gratitude on a card was a great way for both of us to bond and understand one another more. Going through the difficulty of trying to decorate the card also strengthened our teamwork and bond. Not everyone is able to genuinely express their thoughts verbally, so we were glad we could make wonderful cards for each other. - Sunny Do

Online During these difficult times, it is important to remain safe and considerate of others. A way that our club follows these guidelines while giving the member opportunities to earn hours is through online services. In this month, we combined our top two online services into a competition. Against various schools, we compete to donate as much through Free Rice and BeanBeanBean. Free Rice is an interactive vocabulary game in which players donate rice grains to the WFP every time they correctly answer a question. Not only does those who play get to enhance their vocabulary skills, they also help feed the world’s hunger. As for BeanBeanBean, the player will play a variety of online quizzes to earn beans which then the website will use this amount to donate to charities to help out the less fortunate in our community. Though this is a competition, the main goal is to help donate as much as possible to help those in need. Overall, our club did not win the competition but that should not outweigh our true accomplishment. Our club was able to donate a total of 403,600 beans and rice combined, that’s a lot!! Furthermore, this month we were able to provide aid to many people and we plan to continue to do so. - Christina Mai Currently, we are facing a pandemic that is restricting us from the many service events we could do, such as marathons, festivals, and more. However, there are still virtual events that are possible to do and one event we were able to turn into a competition was “Free Rice and BeanBeanBean Competition”. The event took place from November 8 till November 11. We were allowed to get four hours max in a day, and were able to get a total of 28 hours over the whole week. In this competition, we were required to answer questions about vocabulary, math, or any topic we felt we were the best at. One hour would be a total of 1500 rice or beans and we

Events usually get either 5 or more for each question. We went against many of the clubs in D04N and were able to have a little friendly competition. For the event, we were expected to get at least 750 beans or rice, and that would be one hour of community service. By the end of the event, I was able to obtain a total of 12,045 rice, which was at least 8 hours for our competition. I would recommend this event for any Key Club member, as it was a friendly competition and was very do-able for anyone as the questions were not hard in any way. - Michelle Nguyen Due to COVID-19, my parents don’t allow me to go out that much because they are scared of catching the disease. As a result, I did the services that were online such as the FreeRice, Beanbeanbeans, and the dog kibble one. I would love to go to one of the actual in person services one day after the pandemic has gone down. But for now I will stick to the online ones. Out of all the online services I did, I like the dog kibble one because it was super easy and I really like dogs. All the dogs that were shown from the website were famous dogs from television shows and movies such as Lady and the Tramp. It took me a while to get to 502 but it was for a good cause. - Krystal Nguyen

Thomas House Despite being in this pandemic, Key Club has offered a way to stay in touch with our friends and come together to build our community. The events and services that are required for Key Club are fun and gives Key Club members a chance to bond with each other while still benefiting our community. One event in particular that I have been constantly going to, which is Thomas House Homeless Shelter. We set up tables and lay out day to day grocery items. We organize and pack the items together based on a list of groceries we are given. We go around looking for each item, which by my knowledge are groceries that are donated to the shelter. Additionally, we deliver them to the homeless citizens that live in the shelter. These opportunities have shown myself and many others to be grateful for what we have and be grateful for our community. This event allows us to help our community and give back to those who really need it. Even though we usually finish early, it gave Key Club members even more of a chance to hangout and make new friends. Overall the event was a success and gave Key Club members a chance to help and connect. - Vivian To


This month I attended the November WADY’s Service event. During the duration of this event, members delivered boxes of food, cheese, and eggs to the senior residents in the apartment complex. We went from door to door on the four levels and utilized the charts given to us to deliver food boxes to the correct tenant. This was my first time attending a WADY’s event and my first in-person Key Club event at Bolsa since I attended a different high school last year. I had a great experience at November’s Wady’s and would look forward to attending another Wady’s in the future. During this event, I was able to meet new members and other sophomores that I had only met virtually. Thus, this event was a great opportunity for me to meet new people. As well as, to create new bonds and connections with other Keyclub members as I am a new member this year. Additionally, what I really loved about my experience at this service event was delivering the food boxes to the seniors in the apartments. I didn't really have an idea of what to expect before this event and I just understood that we were going to deliver food boxes. However, this event was very heartwarming to me because it made me extremely happy to see the seniors excited to see us when we knocked on the door. Furthermore, during times like this, greeting people and seeing the seniors smile when we deliver the food boxes is an experience that was just amazing. My first Wady’s and first inperson service event at Bolsa was great and I look forward to other Key Club events! - Tina HoHoHo

Trash Pickup

Garbage pick-up is a recurring in-person service event where Key Club members pick up trash to maintain the cleanliness of the Garden Grove community. This particular event begins bright and early at six in the morning, right before sunrise. Members scan the close surrounding neighborhoods of Jordan Intermediate School and the parking lot of the plaza containing stores such as Target for trash. Personally, garbage pick-up is a rewarding service, especially since I frequently visit Target and the neighborhood. This service event allows many Key Club members, like me, to give back to the community by maintaining the cleanliness of the region, sidelining the street Brookhurst. Garbage pickup is one of the multiple in-person events that Bolsa Grande Key Club has to offer that allow members to contribute to the Garden Grove community. Other recurring in-person events include Thomas House Homeless Shelter, where members sort food items into boxes, which get delivered to the people living in the shelter. Additionally, Riverbed Farm is a popular event among the members where they tend to the flora of the farm and assist the animals. Many service events like Garbage PickUp, Thomas House Homeless Shelter, and Riverbed Farm provide members with the opportunity to help the local community. - Serena Nguyen

Riverbed Farm

A key club event I attended last month was the riverbed farm event. At the event we helped clean up a farm, so people could get married there. We paired up in teams of three to split up and do the work. The group I was in, was in charge of checking the plants and pulling out any dead plants we saw, and if we saw any extra things that did not belong there, we would pull them out. They gave us buckets and tools to help us cut the dead parts of the plants easier. There was so much work to be done, we had to empty out our buckets into the dumpster multiple times. Although it was a lot of work, it was not draining at all, we got to pick plants and bond with people at the same time. I got to talk to so many people that day and we all bonded as we helped clean up the riverbed farm. At the farm, there were koi fish, chickens, and cats that we all got to interact with. Everyone there was kind and helpful, and I would love to attend the event again. When we all finished our jobs at the riverbed farm, it was clean and ready for the wedding that was going to be hosted there. - Kitty Dinh

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Servin' Like No Otter

9401 Westminster Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92844

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