The Ottador Volume 8 Issue 1, April

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Quarantine Edition

Vol 8 Issue 1

Table of Contents

4 A Final Message From The Senior Board 6 Meet The New Board 10 Home Wellness - Quarantine Life 12 Thank Our Health Care Heros 13 Contact Us

A Final Message From Hey Otterdors! For one last time, my name is Jane Nguyen and I proudly served Bolsa Grande Key Club as their President for the 2019-2020 term. With my term getting cut short, I never had the chance to give a proper farewell, but I hope this message displays my gratitude well. Coming into Key Club fall of freshman year, I never thought I would be where I am today. However, I am beyond grateful to have been given an opportunity to serve my home club and to lead over a hundred dedicated members. Aside from some bumps in the road, this term was like no other. We were able to serve over 7,000 service hours, keep a high member retention, and raise over thousands of dollars for our preferred charities. Most importantly, we were able to fulfill my wish of strengthening the spirit and Ohana aspect of our club. Out of my four terms in Key Club, I have never seen members as close as this year. You guys were able to connect and bond because of one common ground: your love and pride for this club, and that is all I could have ever asked for as President. I hope that you guys keep this passion for Key Club in this upcoming term. I have no doubt that under Bradley’s guidance, BGKC will reach even greater heights next term. Although I can continue to go on, word count is limiting me, so I will begin wrapping this up. Thank you to every member, my board, Mr. Tonthat, the division, and the district for making this term the best. Thank you to everyone who believed in me and stuck with me through this crazy journey. I really hope I was able to make this term memorable and fulfilling for you guys. BGKC will always hold a special place in my heart, so just know, this is not a goodbye, it’s a see you later. Serving like no otter, Jane Nguyen, BGKC 2019-2020 President

Hey Otters, Although the pandemic has cut our term together a bit short, I just wanted to thank everyone for such a wonderful year. I couldn’t have asked for anything more and when I look back on our club, I see that we truly were an Ohana. We were able to accomplish things bigger than any single one of us can do on our own, and we embodied what Key Club stood for. Reflecting on the three years I have served in Key Club, I honestly couldn’t have been more satisfied. Although I really hate missing the two closing nights of our own home club banquet and Division Banquet, in the long run I don’t think I could trade those two nights for all the friends, memories, and experiences I have garnered over the past few years. Okay, I think that’s enough about me. To my fellow Otters, I wish you guys a great term ahead of you and many more to come! I know it’s hard juggling club duties and school life, especially for those aiming for big name colleges, but know that there’s always a way! On an ending note, I hope I left a lasting impact on this club, as I personally poured my time and effort into fulfilling my part as a Key Clubber. That’s all for now. Maybe I’ll come back as a chaperone for DCM’s or something. Signing out, Steven Ho, BGKC 2019-2020 Vice President

Greetings, Bolsa Grande otters! First of all, thank you to those who made me feel content and appreciated within the club. I made many great memories and friends that would be difficult to leave behind. Through their positivity, support, and overall friendship, I was able to finish my last term strong. Although being a secretary was a unique adversary for me, I don’t regret the actions I have made as an officer. However, I know Sunny Do will be able to do a better job than me, so make sure to support her and nag her about hours and strikes in the new term. With this, I hope you make the most out of your time in Key Club (including division events!) and your high school experience. Stay true to yourself and follow your passion. Best regards Nathan Nguyen, BGKC 2019-2020 Secretary

The Senior Board Hey everyone, It’s your 7th tech editor signing off now. It’s been a wild adventure with this club and even though I would say “What about key club?!”, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. No club has ever taught me more than this club, from leadership skills to friendly interactions to fun times with the members, key club was really it. Being an officer in Key club has helped me prosper and I thank you everyone and everything for that. Thanks y’all for making my last year so memorable, I’m glad I got to enjoy a full term before quarantine took that joy away from us. It has been an honor serving you as a very corrupt but chill and understanding officer. Peter if youre reading this, this is goodbye stop banging my line. I can’t say I’ll miss y’all, but I wish y’all the best make ‘20 board proud. Lates! Andrew Le, BGKC 2019-2020 Tech Editor

Hello Key Club, As you can tell by the current situation, school has been cancelled for the rest of the year. With that being said, here is my final farewell. My entire time in Key Club has been filled with positive memories that were through interactions with the community or with my fellow peers. Fall Rally 2019 has been the highlight of my Key Club experience and for those who have never attended, I would recommend going there for the full Key club experience, for it would not be there without it. Until we meet again, I hope the future Key clubbers uphold the duty of the club for many years to come. From, Alvin Pham, BGKC 2019-2020 Senior Class Director Key club, what can I say about key club? First off, I would like to thank Jane and Mr. Tonthat for a pleasant and memorable last term. I would also like to thank my friends and freshmen for giving me the time of my life. Without this club, my life would be completely and utterly miserable. The memories created at corn booth or the wild adventures at marathons will always bring a smile to my face. My hopes are to see the current members to stay active and pursue their passion for the key club. Although there may be times where you feel lazy about going to service but trust me, you’ll create bonds with others you never would have imagined. I hope you guys enjoy your stay. Goodbye. This is Brandy Nguyen, BGKC 2019-2020 Freshmen Class Director. Over and out.


are all around you

Stay Healthy Wash your hands


Meet The Hello! My name is Bradley Vu, and I’m the president of Bolsa Grande Key Club. Having joined this great club in my freshman year, I see Key Club as an important part of my high school career. As president, I hope that I can inspire members to find their “Key Club moments” and grow to be strong leaders. It’s not just about serving your community, you need to serve yourself as well! Until next time, Bradley Vu

To whom it may concern, My name is Ben Vo and I serve as Bolsa Grande Key Club’s vice president. In light of the covid-19 situation, In this Key Club term, I hope I will be able to create home events for members to complete their hours. Additionally, I want to help my fellow officers with their duties as much as possible to ensure the term proceeds smoothly. Aside from my aspirations as an officer I hope to have as much fun as possible in my last year of Key Club. Until next time, Ben Vo

New Board Hi Otters! My name is Sunny Do and I proudly serve as Bolsa Grande Key Club’s secretary for the 2021 term. Despite our difficult situation, I hope to still make Key Club fun and enjoyable for the members. My goal is to work with the board to create opportunities for members to earn hours. Nothing should stop us from loving Key Club! Until next time, Sunny Do

Hi! My name is Katie Cao, and I will be the Treasurer for Bolsa Grande Key Club’s 20202021 term. I am currently a junior. I hope to organize a lot of fundraisers and find many opportunities for our club to not only gain funds for banquet and club projects but to build connections with local organizations and heighten our club’s reputation. I hope to be an officer that members can see as hardworking and diligent. I hope you all are doing well! Stay safe everyone! Until next time, Katie Cao

Meet The Greetings, I’m Dylan Nguyen, and I will be serving as Bolsa Grande Key Club’s Tech Editor for the 2020-2021 term. Although the term has started off with a rough start, I am sure the club will strive to be better than previous years. I am looking forward to working with the fellow officers and creating memorable experiences for the members. Tis’ all began when I was a young otter pup back in 17, and throughout my 3 years, I have learned many new skills that improved my character as well as made many unforgettable memories that I will forever cherish, and I hope to create the same experience for the members. Tata, Dylan Nguyen

Hello, I’m Emily, and I am serving Bolsa Grande Key Club as Members Relations for the 2020-2021 term. Some of the goals I have before the term ends are to ensure a memorable term by creating as many bonding opportunities as possible and to recognize every single member for his/her accomplishment(s). At the end of the term, I hope everyone gains an unforgettable experience and an additional family. Until next time, Emily Tran

New Board Hellooo, My name is Cindy La and I am this term’s senior class director. Key Club has been an eye-opening experience for me, and I hope to spread all that this club has to offer to new members! By being a member for 4 years, my plans include keeping the seniors active while encouraging underclassmen to be spirited. Until next time, Cindy La

Hello key-uties! My name is Katie Doan, and I’m the Junior Class Director for the 2020-2021 term. Besides Key Club, I am involved in Choir, Girl Scouts, and five other clubs. I’ve been in Key Club since the fall term of my freshmen year, but this is my first time on the board so I’m really excited for all of the new experiences! As an officer, I hope to connect more to the club and try my best for members to make as many great memories in Key Club as I did. Peace out, Katie d04n

Meet The New Board h-hi !! My name’s Serena Nguyen and this is my first year on the BGKC Board as Sophomore Class Director. I had a really great first term in Key Club as a freshman and I hope to do the same this term for my class! Besides Key Club, I also attend my weekly Buddhist Youth Organization, GÄ?PTCP. I hope that I can spread a little positivity and sarcastic jokes with the members this term!! Until next time, Serena Nguyen

Hello!! For the new term, I hope members are more involved with the activities we provide. This may include socials, icebreakers, or services. I hope members will be able to get comfortable and take the lead in whatever they are doing. Hopefully, they will build on their confidence while also learning how to be responsible and open minded. Until next time, Annie Danh

Contact Us Bradley Vu | President

Ben Vo | Vice President

Sunny Do | Secretary

Katie Cao | Treasurer

Dylan Nguyen | Tech Editor

Cindy La | Senior CD

Katie Doan | Junior CD

Serena Nguyen | Sophomore CD

Annie Danh | Freshman CD

Emily Tran | Member’s Relations

Instagram @bg.keyclub

9401 Westminster Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92844

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