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Part One Information About Ea
General Information
Location-Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky, a growing city of about 12 ,500 population and at a hea lthful altitude of 937 feet. This is a rich farming area, the county considered the largest beef cattle-rai sing county east of the Mi ssissi ppi .
Enrollment-9 ,000
President-Dr. Robert R. Martin
Vice President for Academic Affairs-Dr. Thomas F. Stovall
Athletic Conference-Ohio Valley, N .C .A.A.
Gymnasium-Alumni Coli se um (capacity 7,000)
Stadium-Hanger Stadium (capacity 8,500)
Nickname-Colonels , Maroons
Colors-Maroon and White
Board Of Regents
Ex-Officio Chairman: Dr. Harry M Sparks, State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Members: Sidney W. Clay, Louisville; Earle B. Combs, Sr., Richmond ; F. L. Dupree, Harlan; Durham Howard , Pineville; Wilson Palmer, Cynthiana; and Rus se ll I. Todd, Richmond.
Athletic Committee
Members: John Vickers, Chairman; C. Ambrose; D . Barr; J. D. Coates; J. C. Powell ; W. Berge ; L. Cocanougher; J. Stocker; R. Whalin; A. L. Whitt ; C. Lewis; and Glenn E. Presnell, ex -offi cio m e mber.
Athletic Staff
Director of Athletics-Glenn E. Presnell (Nebraska, 1927)
Head Football Coach-Roy Kidd (Eastern Kentucky, 1954)
Line Coaches-Bobby H arv ille (Eastern Kentucky, 1957) Bill Shannon (Eastern Kentucky, 1948)
Backfield Coache s-Jack I s on ( Ea s tern Kentucky, 1961) Fred Francis (Morehead, 1962)
Graduate Assi s tant-Jim Ratliff (Eastern Kentucky, 1965)
Student Assistant-Bob Tarvin (Eastern Kentucky, 1967)
Head Coache s Oth er Sport s-Baseball : Charles " Turkey" Hughes; Basketball: Guy Strong; Track: Connie Smith; Swimming: Don Combs; Golf: Glenn Pre s nell ; Tennis: Jack Adams; Rifle: Sgt. James 0. Baker.
Trainer-David Huffstetler (Maryville, 1964)
Equipment Manager-Skip Daugherty (Eastern Kentucky, 1968)