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Bob Harville

If versatility measures the value of .a football coach, Bobby Harville mu s t rank high on the quality list.

In his third year as an assistant, Harville is assuming his third coaching ass ignment-the offensive lin e He served as defen sive backfield coach in 1966 (the Colonel s were secon d in the OVC in pass def e n se), and he was offensive backfield coach in 1965.

But that's th e main reason Coach Roy Kidd persuad e d Harvill e to join the Ea ste rn coaching ranks in 1964-he knew from experience that th e Harlan native was a dedicated worker and h a d a keen knowledge of all aspects of football.

Harville and Kidd 's professional associ ation began in 1957 at Richmond's Madison High School as Harville helped Kidd l ea d Madi son to a two-year 14-6-1 record ·a nd wins in both the Schola rs hip and the Recreation Bowl s

He moved to Elizabethtown (Ky.) High School in 1959. During his four seasons there, E-town made appearance's in the Recreation and Scholar shi p Bowls and compiled a 33-8 record.

In 1963, h e assisted fellow Ea ste rn grad Ray Pelfry at Lancaster, Ohio , to an 8-2 record a nd then accepted th e head coaching position at Madison Hi gh School in 1964.

At the Richmond school, Harville piloted the Royal Purples to virtually the s ame laurels they had earned under Kidd in 1961. Madi s on established a 10-4 record, won the Central Kentucky Conference and lost to Ft. Thomas Highlands in the Class AA championship game.

Harville-coached athletes can be found in numerous collegiate programs including Eastern, Miami of Florida , Miami of Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee

His competitive days were cut short by a high school knee injury-he participated in football and basketball. His interest in athletics did not dwindle , however , an d Harlan High School Coach

Joe Gilly, a legend in eastern Kentucky, named him sports manager. Gilly al so was in str umental in obtaining fin a ncial assistance for him to attend Eastern , where he served as football manager four years under Athletic Director Glenn Presnell . He earned the M A. degree from Eastern in 1965.

Harville is married to the former Sandra Sharp of South Fort Mitchell. They have three children, Robert Michael (8), Virgini,a Lou ise ( 6) and Leigh Ann (1 ½) .

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