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Seventh Game
Oct. 28-Murray, Kentucky-8 p.m. (EST)
Location-Murr ay, Kentucky
Enroliment- 7,200
President- Dr. Ralph H. Woods
Nickname-Thoroughbreds, R a cer s
Color s -Blue and Gold
S ta dium-Cu t chin ( 7 .0 00)
Conference- O'hio Valley
1966 Finish-Eighth ( 0-7)
Offen se- Unbalanced T
Publicist-Joe Tom Erwin
Off ice Phone-762-4270
Athletic Director-Cal Luth er ( Valparai rn, '51)
Head Coach-Bill Fur gers on (Murray State , '51 , '54)
Bill Ferguson
A ss i sta nt Coach es-Bill Hina (Murray, '58); Bill Holt C(Western, '5 7 ); B ill Mitchell (University of K e ntucky, ' 57); C ar l O a kley , ( East ern
1966 Results
1967 OUTLOOK: Coach Bill Furgerson has only 24 members of last year's squad back in his first season as Murray State' s head coach, and only 14 •of them will be lettermen. Most prominent of l ast year's returnees are quarterback L arry Tillman , linebacker Carl Chipman. split end H arvey Tanner, tackle George Ri ce and guard Tony Sims.