1967 Football Press Guide

Page 44


Eastern Kentucky Football Schedule

1966 Season Results

DATE Sept. 16 OPPONENT TIME Univ ersit y of Dayton .... ........ .. .... ... 8 :00 p .m . SITE Dayton S e pt. 23 *E a st Tenn ess ee State Univer s ity .. 8: 00 p .m . Johnson City Sept. 29 *Austin Peay State University 8 :00 p.m. Richmond Oct. 7 *Middl e T enn. State University .. .. 8 :00 p .m . Murfre,esboro Oct. 14 Northwood College (Mich.) .... .... 2:00 p.m. (Band Day) Oct. 21 *Western Kentucky University .. .... 2:00 p.m. (Homecoming) Oct. 28 *Murray State University ...... .... .... 8 :00 p .m. Nov. 4 *Tennessee Tech University ...... .... 2:00 p.m. Nov. 11 Youngstown University .... ... ..... .... 2:00 p.m. Nov. 18 *More head State Univer s ity .... ..... 2 :00 p .m. *Ohio Vall e y Conference Game ._ (All tim es are E S.T.)
Final Results: Won 7 , Lost 3 OVC Record: Won 4, Lost 3 OPPONENT SITE Au s tin Peay ....... .. ... .. .. .. ..... ..... .. ... ....... ....... ... A Marshall ... ...... ............ ... ... ..... .. ... ........... .. ........... A Murray ..... . .. .. .. ... ....... ... ..... . .. .. ... .. ..... . .. ... ... .... ..... . H Middle Tennessee .. .... .... .... ......... ..... .... .......... .. A East Tennessee . .. ... .. . .......... .... .... ....... ......... ..... .. A Findlay ... ...... ..... ..... ... . .. ..... ...... .... ... .. . .............. .. .. H Western A Tennessee Tech ... .. .... ..... ....... ... .... ...... .... ....... ... H Morehead H Tampa .. .... ... .... ........ . .. .. ... ... ...... .. .... .. .. ... ..... ..... ...... A EKU 33 26 27 20 21 35 24 3 19 14 Richmon!l Richmon!l Murray Richmon!l Richmond Morehead OPP. 15 6 6 22 7 6 12 7 21 6
EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY For Press • Radio • TV CONTENTS Part One Information About Easte rn ... ... ........... .... .... ... ........ .. 3 Part Two The Football Staff. ..... .. .......... .......... ........... ............... 7 Part Three The Eastern Colonels Fo r 1967 .................. .......... 17 Part Four A L ook At The Oppon ents ...... ..... ..... .. ..... ........ .... ...35 Part Five Statistics And Record s ........................................... .4 7 Prepared and Edited by OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS DAVID CAWOOD , Sports Information Director Telephone: 622-2301 Coates Administration Building Richmond , K entucky 40475


(A Handbook for Press, Radio and TV)

The 1967 footbJll handbook has been prepared especially for the members of the press, radio and television who cover the Colonels. We sincerely hope that it will provide many of the answers concerning the Colonels and Eastern Kentucky University. If you desire additional information, special features, pictures, etc ., or have questions not answered in this brochure, feel free to contact the Office of Public Affairs, with offices located in the Coates Administration Building (Telephone 622-2301 and 622-2302.

Information for Visiting Newsmen

WORKING PRESS TICKETS - All requests for pr,ess tickets by working newspaper, radio or television personnel should be made as far in advance as possible. Press tickets cannot be mailed less than one week in advance of the ga m e Should your request be on the last-minute basis, however, tickets may be picked up at the main entrance on Park Drive.

RADIO - All correspondence concerning Radio Broadcasting Rights should be addressed to the Office of Public Affairs, Eastern Kentucky University. Requests should be made as early as possible. Lines are to be ordered by the requesting station direct from the Southern Bell Telephone Company with instructions to contact this office prior to installing lines. Spotters can be made available if requested in adv:mce.

TELEVISION - Live television coverage is prohibited unless permission is granted well in advance.

SEATING - In requesting working pr.ess tickets, please advise as to how many will be in your party. It is desired that newspaper requests be limited to no more than two persons, radio requests, three persons . Sorry, no women or children under 18 are allowed in the press area.

PHOTOGRAPHERS - Photographers may take pictures from th,e sidelines during the game if they keep away from the immediate sidelines . Motion picture crews may use the facilities provided in the press box , upper deck. Requests should be made in advance.

ACCOMMODATIONS AT EASTERN - The working newspaper and radio men, as well as scouts and other officials , will be furnished a copy of the play-by-play report and complete team and individual statistics at half-time and approximately five minutes after the game. Western Union arrangements are to be made by those who desire that service. Phones are available in the press area and refreshments are served at halftime

Part One Information About Ea


Location-Richmond, Madison County, Kentucky, a growing city of about 12 ,500 population and at a hea lthful altitude of 937 feet. This is a rich farming area, the county considered the largest beef cattle-rai sing county east of the Mi ssissi ppi .

Enrollment-9 ,000


President-Dr. Robert R. Martin

Vice President for Academic Affairs-Dr. Thomas F. Stovall

Athletic Conference-Ohio Valley, N .C .A.A.

Gymnasium-Alumni Coli se um (capacity 7,000)

Stadium-Hanger Stadium (capacity 8,500)

Nickname-Colonels , Maroons


Colors-Maroon and White


Ex-Officio Chairman: Dr. Harry M Sparks, State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Members: Sidney W. Clay, Louisville; Earle B. Combs, Sr., Richmond ; F. L. Dupree, Harlan; Durham Howard , Pineville; Wilson Palmer, Cynthiana; and Rus se ll I. Todd, Richmond.


Members: John Vickers, Chairman; C. Ambrose; D . Barr; J. D. Coates; J. C. Powell ; W. Berge ; L. Cocanougher; J. Stocker; R. Whalin; A. L. Whitt ; C. Lewis; and Glenn E. Presnell, ex -offi cio m e mber.


Director of Athletics-Glenn E. Presnell (Nebraska, 1927)

Head Football Coach-Roy Kidd (Eastern Kentucky, 1954)

Line Coaches-Bobby H arv ille (Eastern Kentucky, 1957) Bill Shannon (Eastern Kentucky, 1948)

Backfield Coache s-Jack I s on ( Ea s tern Kentucky, 1961) Fred Francis (Morehead, 1962)

Graduate Assi s tant-Jim Ratliff (Eastern Kentucky, 1965)

Student Assistant-Bob Tarvin (Eastern Kentucky, 1967)

Head Coache s Oth er Sport s-Baseball : Charles " Turkey" Hughes; Basketball: Guy Strong; Track: Connie Smith; Swimming: Don Combs; Golf: Glenn Pre s nell ; Tennis: Jack Adams; Rifle: Sgt. James 0. Baker.

Trainer-David Huffstetler (Maryville, 1964)

Equipment Manager-Skip Daugherty (Eastern Kentucky, 1968)



A rapidly developing physical plant, a fast-growing student body a nd an expanding academic organization characterize Eastern Kentucky Univer s ity , a coeducational in s titution of higher learni n g located at Richm on d in the heart of the Blue Grass region of Central Kentucky .

With university status effective July 1, 1966, Eastern was reorganized into five colleges and a graduate school. Curricula in the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, Arts and Sciences, Business and Educa tion lead to the Ba c helor of Science, Bachelor of Arts or Associate of Arts degree. Central Univer s ity College offers preparatory curricula for the first two years of the student's college career, providing a liberal ba s e for a major in one of the advanced colleges. The master's degree is offered in education, English, hi s tory, guidance and counseling for non-school personnel, business admini s tration , music education and biology. A Joint Doctoral Program in Education, sponsored in cooperation with the Univer s ity of Kentucky , permits students to continue in re s idence at Eastern for one academic year beyond the master's degree.

Founded as Eastern Kentucky State Normal School in 1906 by act of the S ta te Legislature, Eastern was created to educate teachers for the schools of the Commonwealth. The institution annually produce s mor e teachers than any other Kentucky college or university.

The physical plant has undergone building and renovation programs totaling o v er $50 million since 1960. During this period every existing major campus facility h a s been remodeled or completely reconstructed.

But perhaps the most striking growth has been in the student body. Eastern's enrollment-an expected 9,000 this fall-has more than tripled in the last eight years.

A well-rounded sports program, both intercollegiate and intramural, is sponsored and encouraged by the Univer s ity Eastern is represented in intercollegiate competition in b as eball, basketball, cross-country, football, golf, rifle, sw imming, tennis and track.

Eastern is administered by a Board of Regents , of which Dr. Harry M. Sparks, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, is ex-officio chairman. Sixth president of the in s titution is Eastern alumnus Dr. Robert R. Martin.

D r. Robert R. Martin

T h e Ohio Valley Conference

In 1941, foresighted men had visions of an Ohio V a lley Conference. Sports writers speculated about the impending division of the K e ntucky In terco llegiate Athletic Conference . Virtually all agreed it was just a matter of time until the divi si on took place and a n ew athletic conference was formed.

Then the Japane se bombed Pearl Harbo r and Americ a was plunged into World War II .

Sev e n years l ater, after th e hostilitie s had ceased, a pre - war dream became a post-war reality. The "Big Five " of the KI.AC. withdrew to form the Ohio Valley Conference .

Making the move were We s tern Kentucky Stat e Colleg e, Eastern Kentucky State Colleg e , Murray Stat e Coll ege, Morehead State College and the University of Loui sv ill e. Th ey were joined by Evan sv ille Colleg e and, s hortly thereafter, by Tenne ssee Tech and Mar s hall College.

Purpo s e of the O .V.C., as set forth in it s con s titution, is "to regulate, control, and promote all the recognized branches of intercollegiate athletics in in sti tut io n s represented."

Through a gradual process, the Ohio Valley Conference was to become a lea g ue of K ent uck y and T e nne ssee st ate college s . Middle Tennes see Sta te College joined the rolls in 1952, Ea st Tennessee State Univer s ity in 1957 and Au s tin Peay State College in the spring of 1962. They r e plac e d Loui s ville, which b ecame an independent in 1949, and Mar s hall and Evan sv ill e, which departed in 1952.

In 1963 , the l eague took another step forward by appointing Arthur L. Gu e p e, former football coach and athletic director at Virginia and Vanderbilt Univer s itie s, as the OVC' s first full-time commissioner .

i( MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY"" Moreh t! a<I, K <'.'.ntll Ck)' EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVER SITY )t... H i u hmon<l. K " 11t.1,0 ki 'i' WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY R <:> wling Cl r ,; 011. Ks: ntu(' k)' AUSTIN PEAY STATE COLLEGE Clrirk .•wi !l e 1' en n ,; ,;;cs c.e * , MI DDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY )t-TENNESSEE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERS I TY * EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY J o l,n ,'<n n C i t y, T c nn e '<.'J ee

Part Two

The Coaching Staff



When Roy Kidd b e cam e Ea s t e rn's sixth football coach in 1964, he had never exp e rienced that bitter sting of competitive athletics - a lo s ing se a son.

He had been an all-state football and basketball athlete at Corbin High School, a first team All-America quarterback for Eastern and had ea r ned s t at e wide fame in high school coaching at Richmond's Madison High School.

In his first sea s on as a head coach on the collegiate level, he knew he would prob a bly have to wait at least three or four years before he could build the Colonel football program into an Ohio Valley Con f erenc e cont e nder . H e inherited a team which had managed a 2-8 record in 1963 and guided it through steady improvement the next two years with 3-5-1 and 4-4-1 records.

Those were the lean years-the ones he likes to forg e t. He discovered the frustrations of losing but kept working until he mold e d a winner. Ev e n then, he took ten non-scholarship candid a tes and made them starters.

His 1966 team established a 7-3-0 record and tied for third in the OVC. Although it was his first winning s e ason at Eastern, Kidd possibly suffered more disappointment than he had in the two previous on e s-the three OVC losses wer e by a total of eight points . It was Eastern ' s best football season sinc e 1954 , and reignit e d Kidd's winning philosophy .

While at Corbin, he led the Redhounds to Cumberland Valley Conference football and basketball championships. four trips to the state basketball tournam e nt and a third-place fini s h in 1950, as well as four region a l runner-up baseball trophies. In football, Corbin wa s 9-1-1 Kidd's s enio r se a s on and was runner-up to Dayton High School in Lexington's Shrine Bowl, which featured two of Kentucky's elite teams.

The lefthanded p a ssin g quarterback continued his athletic achievement s at Eastern . As a senio r . he directed the Colonels to an 8-2-0 season , s eco nd in the OVC, and established a dozen record s . On e of hi s marks-most touchdown pas s es in a s e ason (11), was b r oken last season by his pupil Jim Guice, and another , most touchdown passe s in a s ingle game (3)-still stands .

He earned four varsity letters in both football and baseball , hitting over 300 each year as the Colon e l centerfielder, and was presid e nt of the Varsity "E " Club as a senior .

Looking back on his collegiat e days, h e remembers one football gam e in particular. In 1953 against Louisville, Kidd intercepted thre e passes from th e golden arm of Johnny Unitas (one of the all-time pro greats now with the Baltimore Colts) while throwing th r ee scoring passes of his own in Eas te rn's 20-12 victory .

Upon graduation, Kidd remained at Eastern as a graduate assistant coach under Athletic Director Glenn Presnell in 1954 The 9

Colonel s were undefeated (8-0 - 1), won the OVC Champion s hip , and lo s t to Omah a Uni v ersity 7-6 in th e Tangerine Bowl.

H e bega n hi s h ig h sc hool coa c hing career at Ric h mond's Madiso n C e ntral High S c hool as ba se ball coach and a ss ist ant b as ketball coach.

Th e n ext year, Kidd moved acros s town t o Madi so n High S chool and built one of K e ntucky 's s mallest high s chool s (377) into a reputed football powerhouse.

In six seasons (1956 - 61) hi s teams compiled a 54-10 - 1 record, including a 27 - game winning s tre a k, and a string of 14 unscoredupon games. Madi s on won th e C e n t ral Kentucky Confer e nce titl e thr ee t ime s, the CKC division playoffs twice, two of three appearanc es in the Re c reati o n Bowl , on e Scholarship Bowl and played in the Big Sandy Bowl. In 1961 , the Royal Purpl es w e re ra nked No. 1 in the s tate in The Loui sv ill e Couri er -Journal , The Lexington H e r a ld, Th e A ss ociated Pres s and Th e Un ite d P r ess Int e rnational poll s mo st of th e seaso n before lo s ing to F t. Thoma s l;Iighland s 12-0 in the Kent u ck y Cla ss AA c hampion s hip game. Playing a Cla ss AA schedule with a Cl ass A e nrollment , Kidd se ldom fie ld ed a team with over 30 player s . Yet h e groomed players for several univ ers iti es including Eastern, Kentucky, Ai r Force, Army, Navy, Miami of Florid a . Indiana and num e rous s mall co ll eges. ·H e was the Kentucky High S choo l Athl et ic A ss ociation 's "Coacho f-th e - Y ea r " in 1961. That sa m e year, Kidd e arned t he M.A. degree from Ea ster n.

H e th e n accepted an assi s tant coaching po s ition under Gu y Penny at M ore h ead in 1962 and helped g uid e the Ea g les to a four - way OVC champion s hip tie with E as tern , Middl e T en nessee and Ea s t T e nn essee.

Kidd returned to E a stern a s offe n s iv e backfield coach in 1963 und er P res n e ll and w as named head football coach in 1964, fulfilling a goa l he set a s an eager fre s hman in 1950 .

A stro ng fundam e nta l i s t, K idd - coached teams run a wideopen, pro - se t offens e and a rugged, s tingy defense. And through t h ese t ec hnique s, he is establishing a grid program which is pushin g th e Colonel s toward the front in the OVC and the nation. Hi s '66 s quad was ranked in the top t e n s mall colleges in the nation t hroughout mo s t of the season and was 16th in the final AP poll.

Kidd m a rr ied Susan (preferably Sue) Purce ll of R i chmond. They hav e three ch ildren , Marc (9), Kathy (6) and Keith (4).

Som e thing should be said of hi s golf game, but words can't ju st ifiabl y de sc ribe a man who drive s like Jack Nicklaus , hit s th e iron s like Arnold Palmer, putt s like Billy Casper and swears he shoots in the 90 's.




If versatility measures the value of .a football coach, Bobby Harville mu s t rank high on the quality list.

In his third year as an assistant, Harville is assuming his third coaching ass ignment-the offensive lin e He served as defen sive backfield coach in 1966 (the Colonel s were secon d in the OVC in pass def e n se), and he was offensive backfield coach in 1965.

But that's th e main reason Coach Roy Kidd persuad e d Harvill e to join the Ea ste rn coaching ranks in 1964-he knew from experience that th e Harlan native was a dedicated worker and h a d a keen knowledge of all aspects of football.

Harville and Kidd 's professional associ ation began in 1957 at Richmond's Madison High School as Harville helped Kidd l ea d Madi son to a two-year 14-6-1 record ·a nd wins in both the Schola rs hip and the Recreation Bowl s

He moved to Elizabethtown (Ky.) High School in 1959. During his four seasons there, E-town made appearance's in the Recreation and Scholar shi p Bowls and compiled a 33-8 record.

In 1963, h e assisted fellow Ea ste rn grad Ray Pelfry at Lancaster, Ohio , to an 8-2 record a nd then accepted th e head coaching position at Madison Hi gh School in 1964.

At the Richmond school, Harville piloted the Royal Purples to virtually the s ame laurels they had earned under Kidd in 1961. Madi s on established a 10-4 record, won the Central Kentucky Conference and lost to Ft. Thomas Highlands in the Class AA championship game.

Harville-coached athletes can be found in numerous collegiate programs including Eastern, Miami of Florida , Miami of Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee

His competitive days were cut short by a high school knee injury-he participated in football and basketball. His interest in athletics did not dwindle , however , an d Harlan High School Coach

Joe Gilly, a legend in eastern Kentucky, named him sports manager. Gilly al so was in str umental in obtaining fin a ncial assistance for him to attend Eastern , where he served as football manager four years under Athletic Director Glenn Presnell . He earned the M A. degree from Eastern in 1965.

Harville is married to the former Sandra Sharp of South Fort Mitchell. They have three children, Robert Michael (8), Virgini,a Lou ise ( 6) and Leigh Ann (1 ½) .




Fred Franci s i s t he onl y n on-Ea s tern graduate on the Colonel co a c hin g s taff. Like d e f e n s ive backfie ld coach J ack I son, he is b e ginning hi s fi rst y ear in th e coll e giate coaching rank s and ha s b ee n a ss i g n e d the off e n s i v e ba ckfield by Coach Roy Kidd.

Hi s reput a tion on the high school coa c hing l eve l is well established throu g hout K e ntucky. With Francis at the helm , St . Jo s eph Prep in Bardstown est abli s h e d it s elf a s one of the s tate's pere nn i al Cla ss A pow e rs with a thr ee - year 20- 6 - 4 re cord.

F ra n c is' 1966 t e am was ranked ninth in th e st ate , went thro u g h th e s chool' s f ir s t und e fe a ted s ea s on with an 8 -0- 3 reco rd and d e fe a ted Class AA runner - up L ex in g t o n H e nry Clay in the Recreation B owl.

St . Jo e won t h e Southcentral Kentu cky Con f erenc e in ' 65 and Francis was c h ose n th e l eague 's "Coach of the Y e ar ."

Fran c i s beg a n hi s p ro f ess i o n a l c a re e r as an a s s i s tant at Cambrid g e (Ohio) High S chool in 1962 . He s erved a s a gr a dua te ass i s t a nt in Mu r ra y's off e n s i ve bac kfi e ld in 1963 and e arned hi s M . A. d eg re e .

H e produced s e v era l all- s t a t e athlet es a nd ha s pupil s playing fo r K e ntu c ky, Oh i o State , Ohio Univer s ity and Yale.

In acc e ptin g t h e East e rn p os ition, Fr a ncis was faced wit h a c hoi ce b e tw e en r ema i ning a t St. J oe with the antic ip ation of a po ss ibl e s tat e champion s hip te a m in '67 - he wo uld have returned almo s t all of his pers o nnel from '66 - or e ntering the cha ll enging fi e ld of coll ege coach in g .

F ra nci s wa s a football and ba s k e tb a ll star at Byesville , Ohi o , Hi g h School and e a rn e d All -S outh east ern Ohio honor s a s a fullba c k.

He married Freda Catron of L ex in g ton. Th e y have one s on , Anthony (2) .



In two years as Ea stern's defensive line coach, Bill Sh a nnon ha s d eve lop ed hi s unit into one of the most respected front-five in the Ohio Valley Conferenc e . And this year, his third und er Coach Roy Kidd, Shannon ' s crew i s expected to be better t han ever.

But that's th e kind of coaching success he 's u se d to.

In five sea sons at Dixie Height s High School in S ou th Fort Mitchell (1955 - 58, 63), he developed his t eams into the football power of Northern K e ntucky with a 47-5- 2 record.

Under Shannon 's leader s hip , Dixie H e i g ht s wo n three Northern Kentucky Conf e rence championships and t he R ecr e 2tion Bowl, and was tied in it s only Burley Bowl appearance.

H e was K e ntucky's " Coach of the Y ear" in 1955 and made three Kentucky Ea s t-W est All - Star coaching appearance s .

Pl ayers developed by S han n on have pursued collegiate football at Na vy , Purdue , Ohio S tate , Kentucky , South Carolina , We st Virginia, Cincinnati and numerou s small colleges.

Sh a nnon was head basketball coach and a ss ista nt football coach at Dixie H e ights from 1950-55. His coaching career wa s interrupted from 1958-63, when he l eft the field temporarily to represe n t a s porting goods com pany

He returned to Ea ste rn in 1964 and earned the M. A. degree while serving as a graduate assistant in football. He became a full-time staff membe r in 1965.

Shannon also is a di s tingui s hed war veteran He flew 3 4 missio ns over G er man y in World War II as a bombardier and was the recipient of the Di st ingui s h e d Flying Cross, the Air Medal with five oak leaf clu ste r s and the Purpl e H ear t.

The one-time Danville Hi g h S c hool st ar is married to the former Mary P e ter s, a fellow Danvillian . She serves as a registered nur se in the Univer s ity Infirma ry .




Jack ! so n 's first co ll eg iat e coaching job is lo a ded with responsibility-Coach Roy Kidd has assigned him to the defensive secondary .

Eastern's defensive backfield was se cond in the Ohi o Valley Confer ence last year under Offens iv e Lin e Coach Bobby Har v ille. I so n 's first job will b e to find a replacem e nt for All-America sa fety Buddy Pfaadt 2. nd All-OVC cornerback Mike Smith , lost via graduation .

K idd i s well aware of the 1961 Ea stern graduate's coaching abilities-he gave I so n hi s first job at Richmond's Madi so n H1gh School.

Aft e r ass i s ting Kidd to a 13 - 1 record and a Cl a ss AA runner-u p trophy in 1961 , I so n was named he a d coach in 19 62 when Kidd entered the college coaching field . The Roya l Pu rp les were 6 - 2 - 2 under his t utelage .

He received th e M. A degree from Ea ste rn in 1 963 and entered the University of Indian a graduate sc hool that Fall, earning 32 ho u rs tow ar d a doctorat e.

Ison w as Director of H ealth and Ph ys ic al E ducation and D ea n of Students at Alic e Ll oyd Colle ge in 1964 and re turned to t he high schoo l coaching ranks at Cattlettsburg in 1965 .

Hi s teams compil ed a two- ye ar 14-7 - 1 record at Cattletts burg against th e toughe st competitio n availab le in northeastern Kentucky , s outheastern Ohio and s outhwe s tern West Virginia. He has h a d football students at Eastern , Army and Miami of Florida.

The Ru ss ell na tive is ma rr ied to the former Patricia Lyk i ns , whom he met as a cla ss mate a t Ea ste rn . They have two daughters, Elizabeth (5) and Melinda (1) .



Sin ce David H uffstetler became Eastern 's first full -time athletic traine r in 1965, the number of Colonels missing games with injuries h a s b ee n reduced to a mi ni mum.

" W e won't pla y the injured boy," sa i d Kidd. " We depend e ntirely on Dave 's ju dgme nt. He ha s don e an exceptional job ke e pin g t h e m r ead y to play. "

Huffstetler's j o urney into athletic training was partially a r es ult of misfortune. As a wingback at Maryville

C o ll ege in 19 60, he wa s forced to cut short hi s at hl etic ca re e r b e c a u se of injuri es s uff ere d in an automobile accident.

H e volunteered to serve a s a student trainer a t M aryv ille in 1962-63 and was n ame d head trainer th e re in 1964 while obtaining the B. S. degree in education.

Huff ste tl er e ntered the University of Indi ana gra duate sc hool in 1965 and earned the M S. d egree in athl e tic trainin g. He ob ta in e d excellent practical exp e ri e nce und er Warren Ariail and Dwayn e "Spike" Di xon , India na's highl y r especte d training team.

His intere s t in athletics bega n a t M a ryville H ig h S c hool , where he was an All-Blound County football play e r. He also participated in ba s ketball and baseball.

In addition to di rec tin g the Colon e ls conditioning program (he runs about three miles a d ay) Hu ffs t et ler se rv es as :a n in s tructor in first aid.

He hold s p rofessional affiliations with the National Athletic Trainers Association and the American Coll e ge of Sports Medicine.


T he " un- s un g" h er o of the football program i s manager Skip Daugherty.

D aug h erty ca m e to Ea s tern to p a rticipate in footb3. ll but was forced out of active comp etition with a knee injur y as a sophomore .

H e played d efe n s iv e halfback and end.

His compet iti ve s pi r it wa s b est exemplified at North Hardin Hi gh School, where he was awarde d it s " Most D es ire To Win" award twi ce.

I n a dditi o n to football, he played ba s ketb a ll a nd b ase b al l, wrestled and ran track.

"Skip is dedic ated to the game of football," sa id Coach Roy Kidd. "The manager plays an important role in any a thletic program and I'm s ur e he w i ll be a tremendou s asset to our club."



Glenn Presnell , former Nebraska All-America halfback and long-time Ea s tern footb a ll co ach , became Eastern 's first fulltime athl e tic direc tor in Nov e mbe r, 1963, when he re s igned hi s grid coaching position to accept his new as s ignment.

In ten years at the Maroon helm , h e guided hi s teams to 42 wins, 49 l osses , and thre e ties, winning one OVC titl e outri g ht, and gaining a four-way s har e of the crown in 1962, t he only K e ntucky coach eve r to claim more than one OVC halo .

Hi s fir s t year as he a d coach, 1964 , was his best. Hi s Maroons w e nt und efea ted in ~easo n play and lo s t to Omaha Univer s ity 7 - 6 in what is still re g arded by many a s th e greatest Tangerine Bowl game ever played in Orlando, F lor ida.

Born at Gil e a d, N e braska, Presnell w as an All-Am er ica halfback at Nebra s ka, and play e d in the Ea st -W est All-Star Gam e in San Francisco at the end of hi s college career in 1927.

Lat e r , w i th the Port s mou t h Spartan s a nd the Detroit Lions in the National League , he wa s an all-l ea gue performer.

Again s t Green Ba y in 1934 , the popular Presn e ll kicked a 54yard field goal , which s tood as the N. F. L. record for 19 years and is st ill the se cond longe s t in the L e ague 's hi s tory. The NFL's 1964 yearbook cited Pre s nell as one of the key men in Detroit's 1935 champion s hip.

Pr esnell began hi s co lle gi a t e coaching career in 1937 as backfield coach at the University of Kan s as. In 1938 he returned to Nebraska a s backfield coach, and in 1942 h e was n amed h e ad coach there. Nebra s k a played Stanford in the R ose Bowl in 1941 , while he was backfield co a ch of the Cornhu s ker s.

In 1943 and '44 . Pr es nell coa ched th e backfield at North Carolina Pr e-F ligh t , while se rvin g as a naval officer. He returned to Nebraska in 1946, befor e coming to Ea s tern in th e fall of 1947. H e was named head coach in 1954.

He wa s player-coach of the pro I ronton (Ohio) Tank s from 1928-30. In 1929 and '3 0, he also coached the Ru ss ell , Kentucky , High S chool football, basketball and baseball t e am s, and the girls ' basketball team.

Reports indicate Pr es nell , up for indu ctio n once previously, may soon be indu cted in t o th e Profe ss ional Football Hall of Fame.

H e m ?. rried the former Lizbeth G e hrling of Ironton, Ohio, in 1929 , and found in her his mo s t faithful fan and s upporter. Th ey have on e son, Danny. who teache s at Madi s on Central Hi gh School in Richmond. Hi s chief hobby is golf, and he coaches the Ea stern golfers, but he takes an interest in all sports.


The Forecast


Coa c h Roy Kidd is optimistic as he lo ok s to th e 1967 football season.

After all , he re t urn s 28 of 36 pl ayers from hi s 1966 s quad th a t ti e d for third in the Ohio V a ll ey Conference with a 4-3 recordthe lo sses were by a total of eight point s-and a 7- 3 overall ledger .

Lo s t were All-Am e rica s afety Buddy Pfaadt , linebacker Rick S iv ulich , cornerback Mike Smith, en d Rog er Pr a ll , middleguard Ron D eVingo, ta ilback Herman Carter, and All - OVC tackle Bob T arv in , who de ve l oped a rare blood di sease.

Lo sses lik e these should mak e Kidd pessimistic-but they don ' t. The rea so ns a re obvious.

At quart erbac k , for in sta nc e, he h as "the best pa ss er in Ea s tern hi s tory " in the person of All-OVC c hoice Jim Guice , who had a h an d in 15 school and conference records l ast year. And to back him up i s a virtual unknown, Tim Sp ea ks, who Kidd insists i s good enough to s tar t.

Guic e i s th e b et te r pa sser-h e hit 117 of 226 attempts for 1468 yards and 14 touchdowns la s t year-but Sp ea ks holds the e dge on the option play. H is performance again st Tampa in the '66 final e is th e ba s i s for Kidd ' s confidence in hi s No . 2 man. With Guice injured ear l y in the seco nd quart er, Sp ea k s moved the t ea m with th e ooise of a vet era n as East er n maint ai ned ball cont ro l , pre serv in g - its 14 - 6 victory.

Stron g points also are found at s plit ,e nd and flankerback , where the Colon e ls h ave two of th e be s t receivers in the leagu e in co - captain Aaron M ars h and John Tazel.

Mar s h , an All-OVC se l ectio n who es tabli s hed s i x Ea s t e rn a nd co nfer e n ce r ecords, was on th e receiv ing end of 52 Gui ce to sses for 870 yards a nd 11 touchdowns in '66. Ta ze l wa s the OVC's fifth l ea din g receiver la st yea r with 34 r ece ption s for 403 yards and two tou c hdown s . Bob Buehler and Bob Luman are th e No. 2 pro s pe cts.

And then there' s the d e fen s i ve lin e, which c ould be th e s tronge st in th e conference . Returning from la s t year's group, which finished t hird in th e l eag u e in rushing de fe n se , are ends Chuck Siemon , Tom Shetler a nd Cha r les M e tzger and tackles Jim D e mler , Mill er Arritt and Philip Knau er. Co- capta in Siemon , rated a definite pro p ros pe c t by Kidd , and Arritt s hould be two of the l eag u e's t op d efensi v e s peciali sts.

Middl eg uard lack s ga m e - ex peri e nced p ers onn e l , but Kidd is quick to s mile when h e think s about the two m e n competing for the an c h or position-Teddy T ay lor and Sidn ey Y e ldell. Both off er s p ee d a nd strength to thi s vital s pot and are being groomed fo r big thin gs in the future . Y e ldell also m a y be u se d at d efe n s iv e tackle .

Jimmy Mob e rly and Ron Reed return to the inside lin e back er po s ts Moberly i s a t wo -yea r starter and Reed was in on mor e


tackles than any other Colonel In ' 66. Quaiity depth is available at both spots with Rick Dryden and Paul Hampton available for duty.

At cornerback, a replacement must be found for Smith. Don Moore returns to his position but the vacancy is being battled for by Bob Webb and Ted Green. Green had the inside track at the end of spring practice.

But then there's the problem of replacing an All-America at safety . Lynn Ray a nd Pete Compassi made strong bids for the "defender" vacancy in the spring and Ray will probably receive the starting nod from Kidd. Co-captain Harry Lenz, one of the best tacklers on the squad, adds veteran experience to the deep secondary. He returns for his fourth letter at "rover" safety.

Fullback Bob Beck, who set an Eastern scoring record last season with 68 points, gives the Colonels' offensive backfield good blocking and running power. Lowell Flanary and Don Seifert, who lack game experience , provide depth.

At tight end, letterman Doug Hampton has the inside track on the starting position. He is receiving stiff competition from Buehler, who also is back-up man for Marsh and Tazel, and Dewey Baker. All of the s e men are adequate blockers and pass receivers but lack game experience.

Bill Brewer , regarded by Kidd as " good as any in the conference," and Ron House are experienced at tackle. They could be pushed by Donnie Evan s , younger brother of former All -OVC Roy Evans, and Tom Swartz.

Offensive guard returns both starters from last year with All-OVC Fred Troike and Don Wigginton . Troike "has all the tools for greatness." Harry Gibbs will be the back-up man.

Dick Dunkle and Don Minor give the Colonels two experienced centers. Minor had earned the starting berth in 1965 but an injury one week before the s eason ooener forced him to miss the past two seasons. Dunkle , who had -been the No. 2 man, moved into the starter's role which he has held in Minor's absence. His experience as a starter gave him the edge as the No. 1 man in the spring.

Then there ' s the que s tion mark-the running backs. Veteran Ted Holcomb must make the Colonel running attack strong enough to balance the established passing game.

"Defensively, we are lettermen deep in the front -lin e and short secondary but lack experience at safety," said Kidd . "Our overall defense should be much stronger than last year.

"Offensively, we should be tough with the passing game if we can develop a running attack to keep the defenses honest," Kidd said. " I doubt if we will score as much as we did last year because we don't have the constant running threat. Our line lacks some experience but I think they will do a very capable job for us."

The Colonels must face "the best balanced and toughest" OVC schedule in history as well as powerful non-conference foes Dayton, which returns practically all of its 1966 8 - 2 squad, Northwood College (Mich.) and Youngstown.

This schedule offers Eastern a strong competitive seasonone that could see a potenti a l championship football team be lucky to break even.

But Kidd is still optimistic .



The Offen s i ve Unit ( Renegade s)


Aaron Mar s h Senior 21 6- 0 190 . . . Three Letters ... Springfield, Ohio ... Mar sh could become the greatest receiver in the history of the Ohio Valley Conference with another record - breaking year like he experienced la st season ... he set OVC records in pa ss receiving ya rdage (8 09) and touchdown passes received (11) and the Ea stern record for passes received (521) ••• H e also owns schoo l marks for single game r eceiving yardage ( 178) and is co-holder of most passes received in one game (10) ha s caught 74 pa sses for 1151 yards and 15 to uchdown s in three years ... was tailback for two years good spee d with broken-field ability l e d team in kickoff returns in ' 66 with 10 for 263 yard s po ssess es out s tanding moves and runs excellent pattern ... All-OVC splitend in '66 ... good chance for All-America honor s thi s year . first Negro capta in in Ea ster n hi story ... majors in recreation.

D o ug Hampton . . . Sophomore . . .

19 . . .

6-0• . .. 19 5 ... One Letter ... Evarts, Kentucky . . . Le ttered as a freshman and performed like a veteran in a reserve role . . . earned starting position in s pring practice excellent blocker on the line and does a good job gett ing in the defensive secondary . . . a threat as a receiver . .. ha s the potenti al to become an excellent football player . . . has good football savvy caught one pass for seven yards in '6 6 ... majors in business .

Bob Buehler Fr es hman

19 6-0 190· No Letters

... Cincinnati, Ohio ... An excellent student, Bu ehler is the backup man at s plit-end and flankerback cou ld also see considerable action at tight end ... possesses good speed and catches the ball well ... a dequa te blocker .. . has th e potential to become an outstanding prospect ... ha s the best s pring of any sq uad member ... majors in history.


Dewey Baker Freshman 20 6-3 22 0 No Letters

. . . Hamilton, Ohio ... Ha s the phy s ical qualities to develop into an outstanding end lacks game experience strong blocker .. . sho uld see plenty of action in ' 67 ... majoring in physical education.


Bill Brewer ... Junior ... 20 ... 6-1 . ..

215 ... Two Letters ... Xenia, Ohio .. . Potentially, Brewer could be the outstanding tackle in the OVC ... has adequate size an d good s peed ... gets tremendous body extension in bl oc king techniques ... hard-nosed with football savvy ... has been switc hed from quick tackle to strong t ac kle ... received OVC recognition in ' 66 s hould be definite All - OVC candidate thi s year ... industrial arts major.

Don Evans ... Sop homore . ..

19 ... 6-2 .

210 . . . No Letters ... Evarts, Kentucky . Inexperience will be the biggest obstacle in this sophomore's perform ance this year had out s tanding s prin g and earned starti ng role ... potential is unlimited ... possesses good speed , quickness and strength ... a very hard worker dedicated to the game younger brother of 1965 All-OVC tackle Roy Evans majors in physical education .

T(Jlm Swartz Sophomore

20 6-1

190 One Letter

... Winchester, Kentucky ... Earned a letter at tackle la st year after making a successful switch from guard . . explosive hitter . . . very valuable reserve at either tackle ... should see much duty in '67 ... physical education is his major.

Ron Hou se . .. Junior ... 21 . .. 6-0 .. .

210 ... No Letters .. . Dayton, Ohio . . . Dropped behind his potential last year after mis s ing '65, season with a broken leg . . . saw limited action in '66 ... can play either guard or tackle ... had a real good spri n g ... mu st regain speed and balance he posses se d before injur y to develop into a starter ... vice-president of student council ... majoring in physical ed ucation.



Fred Troike Junior 21 6-0

195 ... One Letter .. . Miami, Florida ... Could become the outstanding guard in the OVC this year ... was an All-OVC select i on last year . .. a hardno s ed blocker . . . very quick from set position . . . stro ng a nd p ossesses above average speed . . . leads wide plays from strong guard post .. . excellent on pass protection ... potential unlimited ... shou ld be definite All-OVC repeat in ' 67 ... majoring in art.

Don Wi gg inton . . . Sophomo.re . .. 20 ... 5 -11 . .. No Letters .. . Louisville, Kentucky ... Came to Ea stern without a sc hol arship and won starting job in '66 ... a very ha'rd worker w i th a fierce determination to win good blocker ... possesses good strength ... did an exce ll ent job in pass protection last year ... will start again at weak guard a physical education major.

Harry Gibbs ... 19 ... 5 -11 . ..

185 ... No Letters ... Chamb lee , Georgia ... Saw limited action in '66, as a reserve ... showe d much improvement in spring ... co uld be utili zed at either guard ... strong and quick . . . will s-ee much action in '67 ... majors in business.


Dick Dunkle . .. Junior . .. 20 ... 6-0 .. .

Two Letters Lancaster, Ohio


Dunkle worke d his way into the starting lineup in '65 afte r an injury sidelined numbertwo man Don Minor ... showed steady improvement la st year . . . has good quickness and is a fine blocker . . . tremendous desire to win ... majoring in physical education.


... N o Le t te r s .. . Ca mpb e ll sv ille , K e ntu c k y . .. H ad worked himself to a starting position in '65 but broke his arm one week prior to the season opener . . . showed signs of his old form in spring practice pos sesses exceptional speed for a lineman h as good size and quickness ... hardno se d blocker . .. could become top center late in the seaso n ... an indu s trial arts major .


Jim Gui ce . .. Junior .. . 21 ... 6 -0 ... Two L ette rs Miami , Florida Hold s all Eastern passin g r ec ords except one-most touch d own p asses in a s i ng l e game-and he s har es it with Co ac h Roy Kidd ( 3) ... la s t year he comp l eted 117 of 226 attempts for 1468 yards and 14 touchdown s hi s two-year total i s 166 of 317 attempts for 2102 ya rds and 20 touchdowns ... he hold s the OVC r ec ord for pa ss completions (117) . . . has excellent pa ss ing techniques .. . accurate for long or short yardage . . . very quick re l ease . . . good running speed with 4.9 40-yard time ... All - OVC in '66 ... should b e repeat thi s seas on ... could easily receive All - Amer i ca honor s . . . top offens ive threat in Ea s tern' s h i s tory ... will be s tron g contender for OVC' s mo st valuable award as a junior ... m a j o ring in business.

Tim Sp ea k s ... S ophomore ... 20 . . . 5 -9 .. .

17 0 One L e t t e r

La nc as ter , Ohio

Good enough to s tart for most team s according to Coach Roy Kidd came on str ong in the s p r i ng as a passer a threat on the option to run or p ass . . . h as excellent r unning ability s howed poise as a re serve against T ampa in ' 66 fina l e . . . will play a re serv e role bu t shou l d see c on s iderable action one of the most improved players on the squad ... b u siness is his major .

Junio r
2 1 . . . 5 -10 . .. 190
Don Mino r ...


Ted Hol comb Junior 21 5- 10 19 0 . .. Two L e t te r s . .. Tr oy, Oh i o .. . Won the number one running position with an outstanding s pr i n g after being s witched from wingback .. deceptive speed ... tremendou s attitude and des i re to win ... also a pass receiving threat ... caught 10 for 75' yards as a wingback ... lacks game experience from running post ... potential is good .. . a business major .

Fo s ter H a rri s Junior 21 5- 10 195 No Lett e r s . .. Harri s on, K ent u c k y . . . W ill probably see actio n at run n ing back and fu ll back received some game experience in '66 big, strong and durable . . . has deceptive speed . .. showed s i gns of improvement i n his blocking in t h e spr i ng . . . has the ability to be a good one majors in industrial arts


Jo hn Taz e l . . . Junior . . . 2 1 . . .

-11 . . . 170 One L e tte r Aliquippa, P e nn sy l va n ia One of the outstanding receivers i n the OVC ... finished fifth in '66 with 34 receptions for 403 yards and 2 touchdowns ... his total was two short of the old E astern record broken by end Aaron Marsh is blessed w i th good speed runs excelle n t pass patterns and has "glue" fingers when the ball is thrown in his area . .. was a high school quarterback ... could also play in the defe n sive s econdary or split end a good bet for All - OVC mention ... majors in math.

Bob Luman J un ior 22 5-10 180 No Lett e r s ... Brook s field , Penn sy l v ania ... Has been out of football two years showed signs of potential with several clutch performances in t h e spring ... has excellent hands for catching the football and possesses good speed . . . sho u ld be a valuable reserve could see action at flanking halfback or split end a b u si n ess major.



Bob Beck ... Junior ... 20 ... 5-8 ... 195 ... Two Letters ... Cincinnati, Ohio ... Was the Colonel's second leading rusher in '66 with 256 yards in 76 carries for a 3.4 average ... set an Eastern scoring record with 11 touchdowns and 2 extra points for 68 points, surpassing the '65 OVC scoring record ... gained 166 yards in 481 carries for a 3 .51 average in '65 . . . very dependable . . . tough on all short yardage situations . . . an excellent blocker ... came to Eastern without a scholarship majors in history.

Lowell Flanary Junior 23 5-9 195 Two Letters ... Lynch, Kentucky ... Came to Eastern as a running back, but earned his letters at linebacker and offensive guard now has made the switch to fullback ... possesses good speed . .. been hampered by injuries shows great potential if he can stay healthy . . . could see action offensively or defensively . . . a physical education major.


Walter Murphy Tackle Junior 20 ... 5-9 ... 185 ... Two Letters ... Covington, Kentucky Missed most of the ' 66, season because of injury ... set an Eastern record for extra points (221) and points by kick (34) in '651 • converted 2,2, of 24 extra points attempts and four of five field goals attempted kicked 5 of 6 extra points in '66 could also see action in the line ... good hitter ... majors in business.

Bob Plotts Sophomore 19 5-10

190 . . . One Letter ... Easton, Pennsylvania

Led the OVC in punting in '66 with 2128 yards in 55 punts and a 38.7 average also set Eastern records with 9 punts in one game, and yards punted in a single game with 387 against Tampa in '66 ... very hard worker ... spends many hours practicing his specialty in the off-season ... very valuable to Eastern's attack ... an industrial education major.


The Defensive Unit (H eadhunters)


Chuck Siemon ... Senior ... 22 ... 6-0 ... 205 . . . Three Letters . . . Springfield, Ohio .. . Could easily be th e outstanding end in the OVC in ' 67 ... was All-OVC in '65 • but injuries slowed him in ' 66 . .. .looked fully recovere d in the spring ... possibly the stro ng est s quad member ... former fullback , possesse s good speed . . . siz e is an as se t . . . s hould be his best ye a r ... a definite pro pro spect ... s hould repeat for conference honors . . . tricaptain . .. majoring in busine ss .

Tom Shetler ... Junior .. . 21 ... 6-2 . . . 209

... Two Letters .. . Park Hills, Kentucky ...

An excellent student, will begin his second year as a starter . .. called a " good omen " because E astern has never lost a game he started . . . made severa.l big play s in the s prin g .. . good size and speed . .. does an excellent job of rushing and t urning the wide traffic to the inside ... comes from an Ea st ern family-his father, mother and brother are alumni . health and phy s icial education i s hi s major .

Charles Metzger ... Junior ... 21 ... 6-2 ... 200 . .. Two Letters ... Louisville, Kentucky .. . Saw starting duty part-time at both ends in '66 ... will see considerable action again in '67 . .. po ss esse s good size and speed ... good footba ll sav vy ... considered a "t hi rd regular " at e nd ... s howed improvement in the spring consi s tency a chief asset a top notch student ... majors in political s cience.

Ed Kuehne Junior 20 6-3 225 No Letters

... Slidell, Louisiana ... Has never reache d his potential . . . has the phy sical a ss ets to be an outstanding football player . .. was tried at tackle but switched back to end . .. hits with authority ... la cks game experience ... a business major .



Jim Demler ... Junior .. . 23 ... 5-10 ... 218 ... Two Letters ... Bellevue, Kentucky ... Demler begins his second year as a starter at defensive tackle . . . has played offensive tackle and linebacker . .. has good speed, aggressive ness and strength does an excellent job rushing the passer ... should be a top OVC performer ... majors in industrial technology.

Miller Arritt ... Junior ... 22 ... 6-2 ... 210 ... Two Letters ... Partlow, Virginia ... Earned All-OVC recognition as a sophomore . .. very aggressive against the rush and pass ... quickness is his biggest asset .. . had more tackles and assist in '66 than any other lineman ... came to Eastern as a linebacker . . . has all the ability to be a great one ... should be a definite contender for honors again this season a physical education and history major.

Phil Knauer ... Junior ... 20 ... 6-4 ... 240 ... One Letter ... Strawm, Illinois ... Physically one •Of the largest men in the OVC ... lettered as a freshman . .. had a good spring ... hard worker ... strength is an asset . . . very hard to block at the point of attack ... po ssesses great potential ... good student ... majors in business.


Teddy Taylor ... Sophomore ... 21 ... 5-11 ... 190 . .. One Letter ... Cynthiana, Kentucky ... Potentially one of the best linemen to play in the OVC . . . strong, fast and rugged . . . steady performer who likes to hit . . . does lack game experience at " nose " position . . . has been used to kick-off and kicked two of two extra points in '66, a physical education major.


Sidney Yeldell Sophomore 19 6-0 . .. 220 ... One Letter ... Glassboro , New Jer sey Possesses all the potentia l to be an ou tstanding performer ... most val uab le reserve on the squad and may earn starting po sition at "nose" guard or tackle before the season begins . . . very stro n g and agg r essive . .. lacks game exper i ence . . . fut ur e honor s unlim ited majors i n ind u strial arts.


Jimmy Moberly Junior 19 5-10 180 Two Letters Richmond, Kentu c k y Quarterback of the defensive team has experie n ce of calling defensive sig nal s quickness is strongest asset ... very rugged tackler ear ned All-OVC recogn ition hard worker an d d e di cated to the game blessed with foot ball know - how . . . played und er three Colonel coac h es at Ri chmond Madison Hi g h ( Kidd , H arv ill e, I son) Engli sh i s his major .

Ron Reed ... Junior . . . 21 ... 6-0 ... 195 .. . One Letter . . . Flemington, New Jersey .. . Did not s tart a ll ,of '66 but managed to l ead E astern in tackles and ass ist . .. sho uld team with Jim Mob erly t o give Colone ls st r o n g interior ... very aggressiv-e .. . retrea t s well on pa ss plays and do es a good job of breaking up pa ss patterns ... h ad 3 interceptions in '66 .. . po tent i al All-OVC c andidate ... came to E astern wit hout a sc holar s hip dedicated football player majoring in ph ysical education

Paul Hampton ... Freshman ... 20 ... 6-2 .. . 195 ... No Letters

Belfry, Kentucky Coa ch Hoy Kidd -expec t s Hamp ton to be a great one . . . ha s all the ph ys i cal asset s . . . re d s hi rted last year and la c k s game expe rien ce very rugged individual a nd a s u re tackler . .. co uld also pl ay offensive center .. . sho uld see considerable ac tion in ' 67 potential is unlimited majors in ph ys ic al education

Richard Dryden Junior 20 6-0

185 .. . Two Letters ... Cincinnati, Ohio . . .

Ha s been a very v aluable re se rve at linebacker . .. ha s good size and speed . . . looked good in s prin g drill s s hould s ee con s iderable playing time in ' 67 tough , hard nosed linebacke r . . . hasn't reached his potential . . . has a knack for finding the football majoring in recreation .


180 . . . One Letter . . . Vinegrove, Kentucky . . . Returns for his second year at cornerback very hard hitter . . . makes up for his physical size with hustle and fierce det e rmination to win made some big plays in the s econdary l a st year . . . reacts to the pass very well . . . should do an outstanding job with game experience to his credit had 2 interception s in ' 66 , a business major.

Don Moore J unior 21 5-10

Ted Green ... Freshman ... 20 . .. 5-10 . ..

175 ... No Letters

An injury forced Green to redshirt last year showed signs of recovery in the spring earned starting job in s pring game . .. could go both ways ... has good s peed quick on pass defense hard worker and dedicated good student majors in ps y chology.

Atlanta, Georgia

Bob Webb Sophomore 19 6-1

190 . . . One Letter . . . Miami, Florida . . .

Lettered as a freshman in ' 66 . . . one of the best tacklers on the squad very hard worker ... deceptive speed ... looks exceptionally sharp on pass defense good student could easily develop into a starter by th e season ' s opener ... business is his major.


Harry Lenz ... Senior ... 26 . . . 5-10 ... 175 .. . Three Letter s . . . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . . . Called by Coach Roy Kidd another coach on the field ... known as the rover safety ... hit s with as much authority as anyone on the squad . . . li nebacker in the secondary . . . a very hard worker ... qui c kne ss and strength are his best assets ... dedicat e d to the game . . . has outstanding l ea dership qualities and h as earned the r es pect of a ll his teamm ates ... does n 't know w h at q uit means ... tricaptain ... s hould be goo d bet for All-OVC honor s in '67 ... majors in bu siness.

Lynn Ray ... Junior ... 20 ... 5-11 ... 170 ... Two Letters ... Covington , Kentucky ...

Mu st fill t h e s ho es of graduated All-America

Buddy Pfaadt . . . versati l e, can be u sed at e it her safety or cornerback . . . will be the d efender safety with p rima r y re sp onsibilities

i n the deep secondary . . . ha s kn ac k for being where the ball is ... proved him self as pa ss def ender in the spr in g ... has speed and quick hand s ... excellent open fie ld tackl e r ... hi story i s his major .

The Colonels Contact The Division of Publicity and Publication s EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Coates Administration Building Phone: 622-2301 30
Additional Information, Pictures, Special
About Any Of


No. Name Pos. 20 Harry Lenz ·-··- RS 74 Miller Arritt ...... DDT 42 Bob Luman ·-·-· .FHB 84 Dewey B ake r .. .................. TE 81 Aaron Marsh ............ .. .. .. ... SE 30 Bob Be ck -·--····....... ............ FB 89 Charles Metzger ..... ..... DRE 75 Bill Brewer .. ... .LT 54 Don Minor ··-·--·-· ·····• c 87 Bob Buehler ......... ........ . ..SE 65 Jim Mob e rly ····- .. .... LLB 10 Pete C om pa ss i ...... ... ...... ... DS 14 Don Moore -····· ..... .. ... ... CB 70 Jim Demler .................... DLT 79 Tom Murphy ........ ............ KS 66 Rich Dryd en .......... ...... LLB 33 Walter Murphy .. ........ ........ G 5-2 Rich ard Dunkle ······c 19 Bob Plotts .. ........... ............. KS 71 Don Ev a n s ..... ... ........ ...... .. RT 23 Lynn Ra y ··························D.S 86 Mark Fis c her - ........... DLE 55 Ron Reed .. .. .. .......... .. ...... RLB 32 Lowell Flanary ..... ... ........ FB 31 Don Siefert -·--···- ... ......... .FB 60 Harry Gibbs··············.LG 85 Tom Shetler ....... .......... .DRE 221 Ted Gre e n ..... ...... ... CB 88 Chuck Siemon .... .DLE 12 Jim Guice QB 11 Tim Speaks ······QB 82 Doug H a mpton .. . ... .......... TE 77 Tom Swartz ............ .......... LT 50 Paul Hampton ... ....... .. ..RLB 61 Ted Taylor ... ..... ......... ...... .MG 24 Fost er H arr is ................ RHB 41 John Taz el .... ..... ........... FHB 40 Ted Holcomb ... ............. RHB 62 Fred Troike .LG 73 Ron Hou se .... ...... ............ .RT 16 William W a ll ·•··········QB 78 Phil Knauer DRT 26 Robert Webb .... ... ... ....... ... CB 83 Ed Kuehne DLE 67 Don Wigginton RG 72 Sid Yeldell MG
PRONUNCIATION GUIDE .... ... .. ..... .. ......... ...... ..... ........ .... AIR-itt BUE-ler Miller Arritt Don Buehler P ete C om p assi .. .... ........... . ... ......... ................ .... .. ...... ..come-PASSi Jim Demler ..... . ................. .. ............ ...... .... ...... ......... ............. .DIM-ler Jim Guice GUYce Philip Knauer ................... .. .. .... .... NOW-er Ed Kuh ene .... . ................ .KEEN-ee Tom Shetler . .... . .SHET-ler Chuck Siemon .. ....... .............. .SEA-mun John Ta ze l ......... . ... .. ................. TAZ- el Fred Tr-oike ... .. TROY-ke Sidney Yeldell YELL-dell 31


(Lettermen Lost-8 )

Ends-Mike Riggs, Roger Prall

Tackl e -Bob T arv in

Guard-Ron D eVi ngo

T a ilback-H erman C arter

Safety-Buddy Pfa a dt

Cornerback-Mik e Smith

Linebacker-Ron Sivuli ch

(Lettermen Returning-28)


Ends-A aron Marsh, Dou g Hampt on

Tackles-Bill Brewer, T om Sw artz

Guard-Fred Tr oike, Don Wig ginton

Center-D ick Dunkle

Running Halfback-T ed Holcomb

Flanking Halfback- John T azel

Fullback -Bob Beck

Quarterbacks-Jim Gui ce, Tim Sp eaks

Kicking Speciali s ts -B ob Plotts, Walter Murphy


Ends-Tom Shetler, Chu ck Siem on, Charles Metzger

Tackle s-Jim Demler, Miller Arritt

Linebackers-R on Reed , Jim Moberly, Rich Dryden

Middle Guards-T e d Taylor, Sid Yeldell

Cornerbacks-Don Moore, Robert Webb

Safeties-Har ry Lenz , Lynn Ray


1967 Eastern Kentucky Football Roster

Princ e George , Va.

Easton . P a.

Pittsburgh , Pa.

Atlan ta, Ga.

Covington , Ky.

Harrison , Ky.

Miami , Fla.

Cinc i nnati , Ohio

Lancaster , Ohio

Lynch, Ky.

Covington, K y.

Troy , Ohio

Aliquippa, Pa .

Brooksfield, Pa.

Belfry, Ky.

Lancaster, Ohio

Campbellsville, Ky.

Flemin g ton , N. J.

Chamblee , Ga .

Cynthiana, K y .

Mi a mi , Fla.

Richmond, Ky .

Cincinnati, Oh io

Loui sville , K y.

Bellevu e , Ky.

Evar ts , Ky.

Gl ass boro, N. J.

Dayton , Ohio

Partlow , Va.

Xenia , Ohio

Winch es t er, Ky .

Strawn, Illinoi s

McKeesport , Pa.

Springfield , Ohio

Evarts, Ky.

Slid e ll, La.

Ham ilton, Ohio

P a rk Hills, Ky.

Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnat i. Ohio

Springfield, Ohio

Louisville, Ky .

FHB-Flanker Halfback

Major P. E. Busines s Busines s Busine ss Business Ind. Ed.

Bu si ne ss

P sy cholog y Histor y Ind. Ed .

Bu s ines s Histor y P. E . P. E. Bus iness Busine ss Math Busin ess

P. E.

P. E.

I. A. P. E. Busine ss P . E . Art English Recreation

P. E. Ind. Tech .

P. E. I. A.

P. E.

P. E. & H i's .

I. A. P. E . Busine ss Busines s R e cre ation Business Business

P. E.

P . E. & He a lth

Accounting History Busines s Pol. Sci.

No. Name Pos. Class Age Ht. 10 Pete Compassi ... . ....... ...... .DS Fr. 19 5 - 11 11 Tim Speaks .. ......... ........... QB Soph. 20 5-9 12 Jim Guice .... ... . .. QB Jr. 21 6-0 14 Don Moore. .. .... . ...... ..... . ..... .CB Jr. 21 5-10 16 William Wall.. ....... .QB Soph. 20 5-11 19 Bob Plotts. . .... . .. ....... .. ... KS Soph. 19 5-10 20 Harry Lenz ... ........ ......... ......RS Sr. 26 5-10 22 Ted Green . .. .... CB Fr. 20 5-10 23 Lynn Ray ...... ....... ... .... .. .. ............. ........ ....... DS Jr. 20 5-11 24 Foster Harris ... .. .. . ... ... . ............. ... .... ..... RHB Jr. 21 5-10 26 Robert Webb ········cB Soph. 19 6-1 30 Bob Beck .. . ...... ........... .. FB Jr. 20 5-8 31 Don Seifert . . ... . .......... .... FB Soph . 19 6-0 32 Lowell Flanary ... ......... FB Jr. 23 5-9 33 Walter Murphy. .. . ............. T Jr. 20 5-9 40 Ted Holcomb. .... .. .. RHB Jr . 21 5-10 41, John Tazel.. .... .... .. FHB Jr. 21 5-11 42 Bob Luman .. ..... FHB Jr. 22 5-10 50 Paul David Hampton ..... RLB Fr. 20 6-2 52 Richard Dunkle .. ..... ... C Jr. 20 6-0 54 Don Minor ..... ... . .. . ... ... ...... ...... C Jr. 21 5-10 55 Ron Reed . .......... RLB Jr. 21 6-0 60 Harry Gibbs .. . ... . ... .. ..LG Soph. 19 5-11 61 Ted Taylor ... . ..... . ........MG Soph. 21 5-11 62 Fred Troike .. . .. .LG Jr. 21 6-0 65 Jim Moberly ... .. ................... .LLB Jr. 19 5-10 66 Rich Dryden ........ . ........... . .LLB Jr. 20 6-0 67 Don Wigginton .. . ..... ... ...... RG Soph . 20 5-9 70 Jim Demler .. ... .... .. .DLT Jr. 23 5-10 71 Don Evans . ........ LT Soph. 19 6-2 72 Sid Yeldell.. .. ............. .... MG Soph. 19 6-0 73 Ron House .... . .. .. . ...... .... ..... ...... .RT Jr . 21 6-0 74 Miller Arritt .. .... .. .. . ......... DRT J .r. 22 6-2 75 Bill Br ewer.. . ..... ....... RT J r . 20 5-10 77 Tom Swartz .. . .... ...... ... . .LT Soph. 20 6-1 78 Phil Kn a u e r .. . ..... ... .. DRT Jr 20 6-4 79 Tom Murphy. .. .... ... ... DLT Fr. 18 6-5 81 Aaron Marsh .. ........... ................ .. ..... .SE Sr. 21 6-0 82 Paul Douglas Hampton .. ... TE Soph . 19 6-0 83 Ed Kuehne .. .. .. DLE Jr. 20 6-3 84 Dewey Bak e r .. ........ ... ..... .. ....... . ... ...... ... .... TE Fr. 20 6-3 85 Tom Shetler .... .. .. ... ........ ... ...... .. DRE Jr. 21 6-2 86 Mark Fischer .. DLE Fr. 19 6-2 87 Don Bu e hler ......... ..... .. .... SE Fr. 19 6-0 88 Chuck Siemon .. ............. DLE Sr. 22 6-0 89 Charles Metzger ....... ... ......... ........ ...... ... DRE Jr. 21 6-2 DS-D efender Safety RS-Rover Safety RHB-Running Halfback Wt . 165 170 180 180 185 190 175 175 170 195 190 195 210 195 185 190 170 180 195 195 190 195 185 190 195 180 185 200 218 210 220 210 210 180 190 240 235 185 195 225 220 209 200 190 220 200 Ltrs. 0 1 2 1 0 1 3 0 2 0 1 2 0 2 2 2 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 2 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 2 Hometown Frankfort , Ky . Lanca ster, Ohio Miami , Fla . Vinegrove, Ky.
Name Pos. Ht. Wt. Hometown Mike Barker --······--- .. .. .LB 5-11 18 5' Jenkin s, Ky. Bill Bishop ...... .. E 6-0, 190 Gl asgow, Ky. Steve Goodroe ·········•··•··•·······QB 5-11 170 Griffin , Ga. Tom Lightfoot -·--- HB 5-11 185, Belle v ue , Ky. Brian Si emo n .. .. ....... ... . .............. .. E 6-1 190 Springfield , Ohio Arthur Howard Jr . HB 6-0, 190 Paris, Ky. Amos Weilder ········-· HB 5-11 185 Perr y, Ga. Bill Tabor ---· E 6-1 195, Lebanon, Ky. J oh n Boling -· , ·- · ·•··········QB 5-11 175 Port smo uth , Ohio James Kelly , Jr . ... .. .. .... .... HB 5-10 175 Hunt sv ille , Ala . Mark Daly ······················T 5-11 210 Lanc aster, Ky. James Wilson ·········•.... ..... . .... ... E 6-3 190 Hunt sv ille, Ala . Ken Peters •· ···--- .. ....... ... HB 6-0 200 Lexington, Ky Bill Gardner · ······ ·····•·-• ...... ..... HB 6-0' 175 Loui sv ille , Ky . David Maupin .......... .. . ... E 6-5 210 Louisville, Ky. Steve Sw e nne s ... HB 6-2 200 Loui sv ille , Ky. Dennis Diesh - .. .......... .. T 6-2 220 Hamilton , Ohio Brent Arnold • • ··E 6-2 185 Jenkin s, Ky . Ken Richardson ··--c 6-0 195 Bellevue, Ky Larry Starnes ------········... .. QB 6-1 185 Tompkin sville, Joe Miller ······-- ···-- HB 5-10 170 Tompkinsville , For The Weekly "Coach Roy Kidd Show," Or Other Free Taped Interviews With The Colonel Coaching Staff Write: Office of Public Affairs Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, Kentucky 40475 Or Call: 622-2301 34 Ky Ky .



J ohn McVay

First Game


Sept. 16-at Da yton, Ohio-8 p.m.

Loca tio n-Da yto n , Oh io

Enrollm ent- 10 ,000

Pre s ident-Ve ry R ev. Ra y mond A. Roesch, S .1VI .

Nicknam e-Fl yers

Co!ors- ·Cardin al Red a nd Columbia Blu e

Stadium-Baujan Field (13,888)

Conferenc e- Ind epen d e nt

O ffense-Wing-T, Pro- set

Publici st-Gene Schill

Off ice Phone- 461-5500 , ext. 381

Athletic Dir ecto r - Th omas J. Frerick s , ( D ay ton '53 )

Head Coach-John McVay ( Miami '53)

Assistant Coach es-Joe Ea g l eo wski, ( Heide lberg , ' 60 ); Tom Moore Bob Madden HB

( Iowa '62); G eorge Per Jes ( Michigan S tate, '60); M ay ne Fontes (M ichigan State , ' 61); Ed Young (Michigan State , ' 64) 1967


1967 OUTLOOK: After eight years in the football proohouse , Dayton returned to the prosperity of winning in 1966 with an 8-2 record. With 28 lettermen returning a nd only 9 lost, the Dayton picture once again looks bright for 1967 . Heading up the list of returning lettermen i s 1966's mo s t va luable player , Mel Taylor. Thi s 5-1,0 195-pound halfback led the Flyers in scor ing la st seaso n with 42 points . He's a punishing runner inside and a speed merch a nt outside. Coach John McVay also has 2,45-pound fullback Mike Wilson and quarterback Jerry Biebuyck.


First game of the series

Sept. 16 Sept. 23 S ept. 30 Oct. 7 Oc t. 14 Oct. 21 Oct. 18 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 Nov. 17
EASTERN KENTUCKY Cincinnati BOWLING GREEN Loui sv ille South er n Illinois TEMPLE OHIO UNIVERSITY Xavier MIA!MI ( Ohio) Toledo 23 23 0 20 13 10 20 9 6 20 1966 Re sults Richmond ...... ........................... 0 Cincinnati . ....... .................. .... .. .. 7 Bowling Green 13 Louisville .. ....... 17 Buffalo 3 N . Michigan . ........ ...... . 0 Ohio Uni versity 12 Xavier ........... ............ .... .. .. 2 Mi a mi To ledo ..... 38 16 (Home games in caps) 144 108 Won 8 , Lo st 2

Second Game


Sept. 23-at John son City, Tennessee-8 p.m.

Locat i on-Johnson Cit y, Tenn essee

Enrollment-10 ,000

Presid ent-Dr. Burgin E. D ossett


Color s- Blue and Gold Stadium-Univer s ity Fi e ld (6 , 200)

Conf ere nce-Ohio Vall ey

1966 Finish-S eve nth ( 2-5 )

Offen s e-Slot- I

Public ist-Bill Capta in Offic e Phone- 926 - 1112 , ext. 391 Athletic Direc tor-John R . B e ll (Georgia T e ch, '48)

Coach-John R. Bell

1967 Schedule


1967 OUTLOOK: If big Sam Riddle (6-2, 213) and Butch Buchanan (6-1, 2·00,) keep up the fine work they showed in spri ng practice, Ea st Tennes see's maj.or problem-rep lacin g All-America middleguard L eRoy Gray-will be solved . Two hot s hot prep qua rterbac ks, Larry Graham and Neal Hun sac k er. are expected to bolster the mediocre field general post. Th e defensive line, except Gray, returns intact, as does the offensive front with the exception of one guard and a split end.


(Eastern scores first)

John Bell Assi stan t Coaches-Billy Willi amson John
Watson LB ( G eorgia Tech, '61); Paul O'B r ien ( West Carolin a, '49)
Sept 16 Par s on s College 20 Mu r ra y 16 S ep, 23 EASTERN KENTUCKY 7 Wes t ern K entucky 24 Sept. 30 Western Kentucky 0 Th e Citadel 3 Oct. 7 T e nnes see Tech 3 Tenn essee Tech 14 Oct . 14 CHATTANO'OGA 7 Ea s t er n Kentucky . . 21 Oct. 21 MURRAY 42 Wofford 6 o ct 28 Quantico Marine s 7 Mo rehead 13 Nov. 4 Morehe a d 14 Au st in Peay ... 22 Nov . 11 MIDDLE TENNESSEE 12 Middle Tenn essee 0 Nov. 18 Austin Peay (Home games in caps) 112 119 Won 3 , Lo st 6 OVC: Won 2, Lost 5
1926 192 7 192 8 1933 1938 .41 .... 31 33 0 19 6 0 0 0 0
1956 12 13 1957 ... .... 13 27 1958 13 6 1959 7 13 1960 ··· 0 0 E astern leads series 10-4-2 37 1961 22 196 2 ............. ..... .. .. .. 20 1963 1964 . 1965 12 ········35 23 1966 ... ............. ...... .. 21 13 14 35 13 0 7

Third Game


Sept. 29-Hanger Stadium-8 p.m.

Location-Clarksville, Tennessee

Enr o llm ent-3,200

P resi d ent-D r. Joe Morgan


C olors-Scarlet and Wh ite

S tadium-Mun icipa l ( 7 ,500)

C onference-Ohi o Valle y

1966 Fin ish-T ied for thir d ( 4-3-0)

O ffense-Split -T

Pu blicist- John R. Ma rtin , Jr .

O ffice Ph one-6 4 7-3122

Athle t ic Di rector-Da ve A aron (Cum b erlan d U ni v ersity ' 35 )

H ead Co ach - Bill Dup es ( T ennessee T ech, '52)

Bill Dupes A ss i sta nt Coaches-Jerry Flatt ( T e nn essee T e ch , 61 ); Jim Lane ( M iddl e T e nn essee, '48); Ra y Thoma s (Tennessee T ec h, '61 )

1967 Schedule

1966 Results

1967 OUTLOOK: Austin Peay 's a ttack will be built around senior quarterback C a rl William s, who led the OVC in total offense last year with 1470 yards. Other returnee s include linebackers Phillip Sarinella and Georg e White, c enter Jerry Tayl o r , tac kle Dou g Pittenger , safety Howell Flatt and def e nsive end Bill y Joe Jeans.


Carl Will iams QB
t. 16 Chattanooga Sept. 23 WESTERN KENTUCKY
29 Eastern K e ntucky
7 M ore he a d State
ct 28 Findlay ( Ohio )
4 Mur ray S ta te Nov. 18 EAST TENNESSEE Nov. 23 UT MA ,RTIN (Home gam es in caps) 15 49 28 3 10 13 22 20 17 17 194
Eastern K entu cky 33 'Murray Sta te O S outheast Missouri 27 W estern K ent uck y 7 Mo rehe ad State 2 1 M idd l e T ennessee East T e nn essee 7 14 T en n ess ee T e ch 15 UT Ma r tin .... ....... ..... ... .... . ....... .. . ... 13 Chatt a noog a 27 164 Won 6 , Lo s t 4 OVC: W on 4 , Lost 3
1959 21 7 1960 .. .. ............ ... .2 7 13 1961 21 7
1962 1963 1964 14 7 14 0 0 26 E aster n le a d s se ri es, 5-3-0 *Fo rfeit 38 *1965 ··················35 30 1966 33 15
( Ea ste rn Scores First)

Fourth Game


Oct . 7-at Murfrees boro , Te nne ssee- 8 p .m. ( E ST )

Locati on-Murfree sboro, Tenn essee

Enrollm ent-6,300

Pres i d ent-Dr. Quill E Cope

Nickname-Blue Raid ers

Co l ors-Blue and White

Stadi u m-Horace J ones Fi e ld ( 10,000 )

Confer e nce-Ohio V a ll ey

1966 Fin is h-Second ( 5 - 2 )

Offen se- Sp!it -T, I - Formation , S lot-T

Publici s t-Bob Brook s

Office Phon e-896 - 0680 , ext 373

Athl et i c Director- Charles M. Murphy (Middle T e nne ssee, '38 )

H ea d Co ac h-Cha r l es M Murph y

A ss i sta n t Coaches-Joe Black Hay es (Tennessee, '39); T erry Sw eeney (Middle Tenne ssee, ' 57 ); D on Le a r ( North Carolina, '5 7 ); Gar y Whale y ( Middl e Tenne ssee, ' 62)

1967 OUTLOOK : If experience is the be s t teacher, Middle T ennessee State Univers i ty should be off and running in the 1967 football season . Coach Charles M u rphy will have 34 lettermen returning from the ' 66 s qua d . On l y s eve n are m i ssing from a s q u ad that posted a 7 - 3 campaig n in what was termed a "rebuilding" year for t h e Raiders. L eading t h is year 's attack will be quarterback B illy Walker , spli t end H erbert O wenby and tight e n d Ken C aplenor.

THE S ERIE S (Eastern

Ch arles M u r ph y
Larry Ma th ews F B 1967 Sc hedule 1966 R es ults Sept. 16 Pensaco l a Navy 14 Pen sa cola Navy ...................... .. 12 S ept 23 Moreh ead State 10 UT Martin 3 Sept 30 CHATTA,N OOGA 33 Western Kentuck y 9 O'ct. 7 EASTERN KENTUCKY 22 E aste rn Kentucky 20 Oct. 14 MURRAY STATE 0 Ch a ttanooga 5 Oct. 21 Austin P eay 20 Mor e head State 7 O ct. 28 UT Mar tin 7 Au st in Peay 13 Nov. 4 WESTERN KENTUCKY 33 Murra y State 0 Nov. 11 East T e nne ssee 0 Ea s t T e nn esse e 12 Nov. 23 TENNESSEE TECH 21 T en ne ssee Tech 14 160 95 Won 7 , Lo st 3 OVC: Won 5, Lo s t 2
1953 .... .. 15 6 1958 0 14 1963 ................ ........ 28 33 1954 26 0 1959 6 14 1964 13 20 1955 1956 1957 14 21 19 26 14 35 1960 12 1961 ........ 15 1962 28 14 22 8 1965 10 1966 .. 20 Midd l e T e nnessee leads series 11-3-0 39 14 22
scores first)

Fifth Game


Oct. 14-Hanger Stadium-2 p,.m . (EST)

(Band Day)

Location-Midland, Michigan

Enrollment-1 ,050

Pre s ident-D r Arthur E Turner

Nickname-North men

Color s -Blue and White

Stadium- Northwood F iel d ( 3 ,600 )

Conf eren ce-Ind e pendent

O ffense-Double-Wing Spread

Publici st- Donald Win ger

Offic e Phone-631-1600

A th let i c Dir ector- L o ui s B. Juillerat (Mu s kingum, '4 0)

H ead Coach-Loui s B. Juillerat

Louis Juillerat

A ss i stant Coach es-Lee Fox (Michigan State , '56); J ames Brom e ly (Western Michigan, '50); Mike Eckert (No rthwood , '65)

1967 Schedule

1966 Results

1967 OUTLOOK: Northwood Institut e looks towards the ' 67 season eagerly. Coach Lou Juillerat predicts the best team in Northwood history. The line, anchored by "Big B en" Bradley, who i s slimming down to 290 pounds , shoul d be equal to the task of opening hole s for a backfield spearheaded by the sensationa l Jimmy Morrow. The offense is quarterbacked by sophomore John Govert , who already is attracting pro sco ut s.


First game of the series .

Ben Bradley T
S e pt. 16 Eureka College 16 Grand Rapid s ······· · ...... 30 ( Boy Scout Day) 20 Centr a l Stat e ·················16 S ept 23 NORTHLAND COLLEGE 6 Milt on Coll ege 0 S ep t. 30 MILTON COLLEGE 23 Ohio Northern 7 ( Cheerl ea der D ay) 34 Easter n Illin ois 27 Oct. 7 OHIO NORTHERN UNIV. 12 Lincoln 15 (Homecoming) 8 Michigan T ec h 6 Oct. 14 E aste rn K e ntucky 13 A s hland Colle ge ···················20 Oct 21 Hillsdale College 2 Camp L ejeune 0 Nov. 4 Midwest e rn College Nov. 11 Grand Rapids 134 121 (Home games in caps ) Won 6, Lo s t 3

Sixth Game


Oct. 21 - Hanger Stadium- 2 p .m. (EST) (Homecoming)

Location - Bowling G r e e n , K e ntuck y

Enrollm e nt- 9 ,500

Pre s id e nt-Dr. Kelly Thomp s on Nickn a m e-Hill t op pe r s

Color s- R e d and Whit e

Stadium-Western S ta dium ( 8 ,000)

Conf e r e nc e- Ohio Valley

1966 Fini s h-Sixth ( 3-4-0)

Offen s e-S.Iot-T

Publici s t - Ed Giv e n

Offic e Phone- 754-429 5

Athletic Directo r-"' e d Hornb a ck ( W es t e rn K e ntucky , ' 29)

Head C oac h - Nick D e n e s (Illin o is, '29)

A ss i sta n t Coach es- Turner Elrod W es t e rn, ' 31) ; Jimmi e Feix ( W este rn, ' 5 3 ); Joe Bu g e l (We s t e rn , '64); Nick Denes J e rr y Blanville ( Nor t hern Michi ga n , Dickie Moore HB ' 64); Robbie Fr a nklin , Tenne s see, '67)

1967 Schedule 1966 Results

Sept. 16 St. Jos e ph'

1967 OUTLOOK: With 32 of 38 lettermen returning from the 1966 squad that won five and lost five, Western Kentucky could be ready to make its strongest bid for the Ohio Valley Conference championship since 1963 . Fullback Dickie Moore and halfbacks Jim Sprinkle and Jim Vorhee s should spearhead the running game and quarterback s Mike Egan and Johnny Van c e offer adequate field general s hip.

s Sep t. 23 Au s tin P e ay Sept. 30 EAST TENNESSEE Oct 14 TENNESSEE TECH Oc t. 21 Ea s tern K e ntuck y Oc t. 28 MOREHEAD STATE No v . 4 Middl e T e nnessee Nov 11 Butler Nov . 18 MURRAY STATE ( H o me g a m e s in cap s) 42 24 9 7 14 21 12 7 35 37 208 St. Jo se ph ' s 21 Ea s t Tennes s ee 7 Middle Tenne s se e ...... ...... 33 Au s tin Peay 3 T e nne ss ee Tech 21 Dr a k e .. ......... .... ... ..37 E as tern Kentucky 24 Mor e head St a t e .. .. ...... ............. . ...12 Butl e r Univer s ity Mu r ray State .. .. Won 5, Lo s t 5 7 20 185 OVC: Won 3, Lost 3
(Eastern Score.s First) 1914 6 6 1934 --·---- 9 47 1948 13 14 1958 14 21 1914 ···- 0 18 1935 6 44 1949 ...... ... ... 20 7 1959 7 14 1915 0 20 1936 0 7 1950 13 14 1960 17 7 1921 0 21 1937 0 23 1951 31 7 1961 15 16 1922 6 47 1938 - 7 32 1952 6 48 1962 6 5 1927 0 12 1939 0 26 1953 13 7 1963 6 29 1929 0 35 1941 20 27 1954 21 0 1964 0 24 1930 0 50 1942 ........ 18 0 1955 7 0 1965 28 12 1931 7 41 1946 6 0 1956 6 14 1966 . .. .... 24 12 1932 0 l 1947 27 7 1957 28 0 Weste rn leads series 25-14 41

Seventh Game


Oct. 28-Murray, Kentucky-8 p.m. (EST)

Location-Murr ay, Kentucky

Enroliment- 7,200

President- Dr. Ralph H. Woods

Nickname-Thoroughbreds, R a cer s

Color s -Blue and Gold

S ta dium-Cu t chin ( 7 .0 00)

Conference- O'hio Valley

1966 Finish-Eighth ( 0-7)

Offen se- Unbalanced T

Publicist-Joe Tom Erwin

Off ice Phone-762-4270

Athletic Director-Cal Luth er ( Valparai rn, '51)

Head Coach-Bill Fur gers on (Murray State , '51 , '54)

Bill Ferguson

A ss i sta nt Coach es-Bill Hina (Murray, '58); Bill Holt C(Western, '5 7 ); B ill Mitchell (University of K e ntucky, ' 57); C ar l O a kley , ( East ern

1966 Results

1967 OUTLOOK: Coach Bill Furgerson has only 24 members of last year's squad back in his first season as Murray State' s head coach, and only 14 •of them will be lettermen. Most prominent of l ast year's returnees are quarterback L arry Tillman , linebacker Carl Chipman. split end H arvey Tanner, tackle George Ri ce and guard Tony Sims.


Kentuck y, '55 )
Sched ul e Sept. 16 U-T Martin Sep t . 23 TENESSEE TECH Sep t. 30 MOREHEAD STATE Oct 7 !OW A WESLEY AN Oct. 14 Middl e Tennessee Oct. 21 East Tenne ssee Oc t. 28 EASTERN KENTUCKY Nov. 4 AUSTIN PEAY Nov. 11 Evan s ville Colleg e Nov. 18 Western Kentucky ( Home ga mes in caps ) 16 0 6 9 12 13 12 0 14 20 102
Lar ry Tillman QB
Ea s t T en ne ssee Austin Peay Eastern Kentucky Moreh ea d Sta te 20 49 ... ... .. 2 7 .... 30 Evansville 14 Tenne sse Tech 5 1 U - T Martin 14 Middle Tenne ss ee 33 Arkansas S ta t e Western Kentucky Won 0, Lost 10 OVC: Won 0 , Lo s t 7 ..... 54 .. ...... 37 329
192 9 0 46 1948 6 0 1955 21 6 19 62 ........... 14 17 1930 6 52 1949 20 0 1956 7 14 1963 0 20 1941 6 0 1950 0 19 1957 26 19 1964 6 6 1942 ········ 6 6 1951 0 9 1958 ...... .. 14 6 1S65 17 17 1945 7 7 1952 0 10 1959 7 0 1966 27 6 1946 .. 26 13 1953 .... ... .. 25 6 1960 .... 19 21 1947 ...... .... 13 21 1954 ............ 25 6 1961 ............ 14 13 Eas te rn l eads series 12-10-4 42
(Eastern scores first)

Ei ghth Gam e


No v. 4-at Hang e r St a dium-2 p .m . (EST)

Location-Cookeville, Tennesse e

,250 President-D r. Everett Derryberry

Colors-P urple and Gold

Nickname-Golden Eagles

ll Fie l d (12 ,000) Conference-Ohio Va ll ey 1966 F i nish-Third (tie 4 - 3) Offen

Athletic Director-
(Tennessee, '36) Head Coach-Wilburn
(Tennessee Tec h , '43) Wil bu rn Tu c ke r Assistant Coaches- Chuck Newman (Vanderbilt, '52); Tony Stone (Tennessee T ech); Carlton F l att (Vanderbilt); Tom Weat h ers Bob D o mini c k T ( Ch a ttanooga) 1967 Sc hedul e 1966 Re s ults Sept . 16 YOUNGSTOWN 13 Arkansas State 49 Sept. 23 M urray State 7 C h attanooga ....... .. ... 17 Sept 30 ARKANSAS STATE 7 Morehead State 14 Oct. 7 EAST TENNESSEE 14 East Tennessee 3 Oct. 14 W estern Kentucky 21 Western Kentucky .. 14 Oct. 21 MOREHEAD STATE 51 Murray State .... .. 13 Oct. 28 University of Chattanooga 21 Louisiana T ech 9 Nov. 4 Eastern Kent u cky 7 Eastern K entucky 3 Nov. 11 AUST I N PEA Y 15 A,ustin P eay 20 Nov. 23 Middle Tennessee 14 Midd l e Tennessee 21 ( H ome games in caps) 170 163 Won 5, Lost 5 OVC: W on 4, Lost 3 1967 OUTLOOK : T e n nessee T ech will de p en d o n a n u mbe r of experienced li n eme n pl u s one of the O hio V alley Co n ference's b e st f u llbacks to bolster its foot b all fort u nes in 1967 . G ua rd S teve Dill ar d , sop h omore tackle B o b D om i nick, e nd D av i d H ud so n a n d m i dd l e g u ar d B ob S a m sho u l d dev el op in to o u tsta ndin g lin em e n. Fu llback L arry Sc h reiber blossome d in hi s first year of college play in 1966. He ga in e d 591 yards an d ave r aged 4 .21yards p er carry 1937 7 0 1942 13 0 1945 ...... .. .... ........ .. .. 14 12 1945 ..... .............. .. .. 32 0 1946 13 0 1946 7 20 1950 47 7 THE SERIES ( E aster n S cores f i rst) 1951 15 14 1952 0 7 1954 . 14 7 1955 .... .. .. .. .. 7 13 1956 25 13 1957 14 34 1958 19 20 1959 .. ... 10 14 Tennessee T e ch leads series 12 -11 43 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 0 20 8 14 .. 2 1 0 19 21 7 2 7 ..... 28 14 3 7
s e-Split - T Publicist-Doug Norman
Phone-526 - 9520
Hooper Eb l en

Ninth Game


Nov . 11 - at Hanger Stadium- 2 p.m. (EST)

(Military Day)

L ocation - Y o un gstown, Ohio

E nro llme nt- 12 ,000

P r es i den t - Dr A lb er t L. P u gsle y

Nic kn ame - P e n g uin s

C o l ors- R e d a nd Whi te

S tadi um - R aye n S ta diu m ( 11 , 00 5 )

C onfe r e n ce-Ind e pe nd ent

O ffe n s e - Multip le

Pub lic i s t-Phi l i p A. S ny d e r

O ff ic e P ho n e- 74 4- 8 451 , ex t . 21 6

A t hl et ic Di re ctor- Will a r d L. W e b er

H e a d Coac h - D w ig h t " D i k e" V .

B e e de ( C a rn eg i e T e c h, ' 26 )

A ss ista n t C oa ch es- Ja qies V ec h ia r e ll a ( Y o un g s t o w n , ' 58) ; R a l o h R obinette

Dwight Beede ( Oh i o U n iv e r s i ty, '34); R o b er t Dick Aclipotti H.B. J o hn s on ( U nivers it y of Io wa , ' 65 ); R a lph W o l f ( O hio S tate U n i vers i ty , '3 8 )

1967 Schedule

1966 Results

1967 OUTLOOK: Y o ung s town State Uni v er s i t y 's 1967 g rid s u c ce ss will depend lar g ely on the play of se nior h a lfb ac k Di c k Adipotti (5-9, 180), the Penguins ' top offen s ive p e rformer durin g 1966 . Young s town doe s n ot lack s i ze d e fen s ively , with se nior s Gary Horvath (210 ) and D a ve George (205 ), junior s G e ne F e rro (250 ) , Ralph Sandine (225) , Jim Sm a rt (215) a nd s ophomore Gre g Gar y (220) all returning The c apt a in of the d e f e n s i ve uni t is s enior linebacker Joe Lu s t (205).

Sep t . 16 T e nn essee Tech 7 C e ntra l Mi c hi g an -·········· · 6 Se p t 22 CENTRAL MICHIGAN 12 M ore h e ad S ta t e 2 1 Sept 30 Baldwin - W a llac e 7 Lin co ln Un ivers i t y 12 O'ct. 7 Ak r on Un i v e r s it y 21 S o uth e rn Illinoi s 2 1 Oct 14 SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT 43 Sou thern Co nn ec ti c u t 14 Oct . 21 P e n sa col a Navy 36 Lock Ha ven 6 N ov. 4 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 1 4 Univ e r s it y of M ai n e 6 Nov. 11 E ast e r n K e ntuck y 27 B a ld w in-W a ll a ce 14 Nov. 18 GUSTAVUS-ADOLPHUS 16 Un ivers it y of B uffa l o 25 (H ome g a m es in c ap s) 1.8 3 125 W on 5 , L ost 3 , T i e d 1
1953 1954 ... 19 20 25 7 THE SERIES ( Ea s t e
s fir st ) 1957 1958 13 0 9 14 S e rie s ti e d, 3-3 44 1963 196 4 34 14 7 2 1
rn sc ore

Tenth Game


Nov. 18-Morehead, Kentucky-2 p.m. (EST)

L ocation-Morehea d, K entuck y


Pr esident-Dr. Adron Doran

Nickn a me-Eagles

Color s-Blue a nd Gold

Stadium-Br eat hitt Sport s Center (10,000)

Con ference-Ohio V a ll ey

1B66 Finish-First (6 - 1)

Off.e nse-Wing-T

Publici s t-Bill Turle y

O ffice Phon e- 784-41 81, ext. 225

Athletic Director- Rob ert L a u g hlin (Morehead, ' 37)

Head Coach-Guy P enny (Mi ss i ss ippi , ' 37)

Assistant Coaches - Jerry D e nstorff (Evans vill e, '60); Ron Durby f Alabama , ' 64); Mike B rown (Morehe a d, ' 63); J ack H arbaug h ( Bowlin g Gr,een); Tom Kinger y (Marsha ll , '60)

1967 Schedule 1966 Results

1967 OUTLOOK: Morehead State Univer s i ty will field a speedy a nd experienced fir st team. The Ea g les' speed is epitomized by halfback Tomm ie Gra y, an All-OVC performer an d the league 's leading sc orer last year . Probably the nation's fastest collegiate football player , Gra y has been clocked at 9.3 seconds in 100-yard dash. Running in the backfield with him is another sprinter ,


Guy Penny
Tommie Gray H .B .
S ept 16 MARSHALL 20 Ma rsha ll 27 Sept. 23 MIDDLE TENNESSEE 7 Middle T ennesse e ················ ·· 20 Sept. 30 Murray S tate 30 Mur ray St a t e 9 Oct. 7 AUSTIN PEAY 21 Austin Pea y 10 O ct. 14 Kentucky State 14 T ennessee Tech 7 Oc t. 21 Tenne ssee Tech 12 W estern K e ntucky 7 Oc t. 28 Western Kentuck y 13 East Tenn essee 7 Nov. 4 EAST TENNESSEE 21 Ea st ern K entucky 19 Nov . 11 Central Michigan 21 Y oungstown 12 Nov. 18 EASTERN KENTUCKY 159 115 ( Home games in caps) Won 7 , Lo st 2 OVC: Won 6, L ost
Leon W es ley , fullback Otto G se ll a nd quart e rback Tommy Ead s.
(Eastern s core s first) 1924 .. .......... 14 0 1936 7 19 1949 .. ...... 26 27 1959 ..... ... ... 12 7 1925 67 0 1937 0 26 195 0 14 7 1960 9 21 192 7 12 6 193 8 0 0 1951 6 0 1961 .. .. ........ 13 0 19 29 6 1 3 1939 6 7 1952 2 0 2 0 1962 12 20 1930 ....... 13 0 1940 27 13 1953 25 7 1963 0 6 1931 0 0 1941 32 13 1954 12 !l 1964 10 7 1932 19 0 1942 0 20 1955 .... ........ 35 13 1965 38 20 193 3 6 0 1946 6 12 1956 .......... .. 19 0 1966 19 21 19 34 7 0 1947 34 7 1957 ·········40 3 1935 53 0 1948 7 0 1958 24 6 E as tern leads series 24 -11- 3 45


(Mileage between eight member schools) 'O "' C: C: <IJ <IJ >i '-< ~i ;a C .i:: <IJ '-< "'"' "'" 'O C: 0 ::, <IJ "' "'"' i~ -,: P; fz1 WE-< AUSTIN PEAY Clarksville, T enn. 243 340 78 315 EASTERN Richmond, Ky. 243 228 257 72 EAST TENN. Johnson City, Tenn. 340 228 271 300 MIDDLE TENN. Murfreesboro, T enn . 78 257 271 329 MOREHEAD Morehead, Ky 315 72 300 329 MURRA,Y Murray , Ky. 68 300 40'8 152 379 TENN. TECH Cookeville , Tenn. · 128 170 212 87 242 WESTERN Bowling Green, Ky. 63 180 331 94 259 TOTALS . ... ... ......... ..... .. ... 1,235 1,450 2,090 1,268 1,896
Information About Ohio Valley Conference Football May be Obtained by Writing: OHIO VALLEY CONFERENCE Office of the Commissioner Suite 321 , 3716 Hillsboro Rd. Nashville, Tennessee 37215 46 ;,, "' '-< '-< ::, 68 300 408 152 379 200 120 1,627 .i:: " <IJ E-< 128 170 212 87 242 200 119 1 , 158 C: '-< JJ "' <IJ 63 180 331 94 259 120 119 1,166




Western Kentucky Austin Peay . Tenn essee T ec h . .. .. Eastern Kentucky Middle Tennessee Murray State Moreh eac:I St a te East T e nnes see Eastern Kentucky East T ennessee Middle T ennessee West e rn K entucky Tenn essee T ec h 'Morehead Sta te Austin Pea y Murra y State .. . Aust i n Pea y East T en ne ssee Eastern Kentucky M i ddle Tenn ess ee Morehead Murray Tennessee T ec h Western 'Mor e head Middl e Tenn esse e Austin Peay Eastern Kentucky Tenn essee T ec h West ern East T e nnes see Murr ay
Rushing Passing Total Offense G Yds. Avg. Yds. Avg. Yds. Avg. 10 2014 201.4 1435 122.2 3236 323.6 10 1800 1.80.0 1184 118.4 2984 298.4 10 1875 1 87.5 971 97.1 2946 294.6 10 1139 113 9 1486 148.6 2625 262.5 10 1114 111.4 1435 14 3.5 25 49 25 4.9 10 741 74.1 1590 159 0 2331 233 1 9 1411 156.8 562 62.4 1973 209 2 9 1259 139.9 622 69.2 1881 209 .0
Rushing Passing Total Offense G Yds . Avg Yds. Avg. Yds . Avg. 10 1185 118.5 853 85.3 2038 203.8 9 1285 142.8 741 82. 3 2026 225.1 I 10 913 91.3 1479 147.9 2392 239.2 10 1033 103.3 1563 156.3 1596 159.6 10 1417 141.7 1279 127.9 2696 269.6 9 1507 167.4 975 108 3 2482 275.7 10 1277 127.7 1557 155.7 2834 2.83.4 10 2470 247.0 943 94.3 3413 341.3 MISCELLANEOUS First Passes Fumbles Yards Downs Int. By Lost Penalized Own 099. Own Opp. Own Opp. Own Opp. 161 146 16 21 12 18 511 541 100 121 6 9 14 14 365 400 144 120 20 12 12 14 254 510 140 141 14 14 6 5 656 432 112 120 12 7 13 14 358 466 133 1 73 9 17 18 9 527 619 1 '77 150 11 9 1 2 15 690 632 160 134 14 15 14 8 572' 462 FINAL STANDINGS Conference All Games W-L Pct. W-L Pct . 6-1 857 7- 2 .77 8 5-2 .714 7- 3 700 4-3 .571 6-4 .600 ... 4-3 .571 7-3 .700 4-3 .571 5-5 .500 3-4 .428 5-5 .500 ····· 2-5 .285 3 - 6 .333 0-7 .000 0-10 .000 48


No . Avg. B o b P l otts EK 55 38.8 R o nnie P a r s on AP 50 38.0 J e rry Humble WK 35 37.7 J o hnn y V a nce WK 15 37.4 Billy Walk er MT 53 36.6 B ill Ma rst on MO 55 36.0 J o hnny Ru ss aw ET 67 3 5 .4 C u r ti s K e e n MU 47 35.3 R ichard B a rr o n TT 59 33 .1
Fg. Epm . Att . Tp T o m Atwood WK 3 21 24 30 R o nni e P a r so n AP 5 14 18 29 J o hn Swo r d s TT 2 20 22 26 La rr y Chi n n 'MO 2 19 19 25 Mike Riggs EK 2 15 20 21 P a ul Barn e tt MT 1 15 18 18 C o urtn ey Oliver ET 1 13 15 16
No . Yds . H owell F lat t AP 9* 181 Buddy Pfaaclt EK 9* 84 w . c. H e lton WK 4 93 Jim Ga r r e t t WK 4 65 *OVC R e c o rd s KICK OF F R ET U R NS No Y d s. Avg . Jim G a r r e tt WK 16 432 2 7 .0 T o m mi e G r ay MO 10 304 30.4 Aaron M a r s h EK 10 263 26 .3 Mike Youn g ET 14 241 17 .2 Fr a nk S or r e ll s TT 13 228 17 6 Al Guy ET 7 205 29.2 Herma n Carter EK 11 205 18 6 H ow ell Fl att A,P 9 183 10.3 Ge n e Carn ey MT 9 160 17 .8 D o n Fau g hn MU 11 136 12.4 P UNT RETURNS No Y d s. Avg. Mike Sm;th EK 28 4 2 7 15 3 S te ve Ed g in g MT 20 212 10.6 J im Sprinkl e WK .. . . 24 136 5 6 Ron O ve rby ET 22 112 5 .1 Sc otty R e ddick MO u, 84 7 .6 Harr y Lenz EK .... 3 75 25 0 Howell Fl a tt AP 14 66 4 7 49




Plays Rush Pass Yds Carl Williams AP 276 367 1103 1470 Jim Guice EK 306 - 25 1468 1443 Billy Walker MT 310 -8 1351 1343 John Ogles AP ············ 248 1054 1054 Toby Thomason MU 206 -49 1102 1053 Johnny Vance WK 201 128 855 983 Dal e Swain TT 150 205 654 859 Dickie Moore WK 133 719 719 Tommie Gray IMO 93 598 598 Larry Schreib e r TT 138 579 579 Terry Parks TT 130 570 570 Larry Mathews MT 128 550 550 Larry Tillman MU 115 6 463 469 Jim Vorhees WK 108 455 455 Mik e .,, )Ung ET 116 292 156 448
TD EP FG TP Tommi e Gray MO 14 84 * John Ogles AP 13 78 Bob Beck EK 11 2 68 Aaron Marsh EK 11 66 Ronnie Parson AP 3 16 5 49 Jim Vorhees WK 8 48 Mike Young ET 6 36 Frank Sorrells TT 5 30 Larry Mathews MT 5 30 Tom At.wood WK 21 3 30 Terry Croom MU 5 30 Bob Hlodan MT 4 2 26 Larry Chinn MO 19 2 25
Att. Comp Int. Yds. Td. Ep. Pct. Jim Guice EK 226 117* 12 1468 14 1 .517 Bill y Walker MT ............ 192 100 13 1351 12 0 .520 Toby Thomason MU .. 163 80 11 1102 2 0 .490 Johnny Vanc e WK 125 63 10 855 2 .491 Carl Williams AP .... 141 58 18 1103 6 2 .411 Dale Swain TT ... 91 48 6 654 4 0 .527 Larry Tillman MU 71 32 6 463 3 0 .450 Tommy Eads MO .................. .. 67 31 3 361 1 0 .462 Bob Meade ET 84 30 6 377 2 0 .357 Mike Egan WK ·- --··········-·· · 45 25 5 327 2 1 .555 50



RUSHING Att. Yds John Ogles AP 247* 1054 Dickie Moore WK 133 719 Herman Carter EK ..134 654 Tommie Gray MO .. 92 598 Larry Schreib er TT 138 579 Terry Park s TT 130 570 Larr y Mathews MT 128 550 Jim Vorhees WK 106 455 Leon Wesley MO 114 428 Carl William s AP 135 367 Bob Hlodan MT . 82 364 Jerry Daugherty ET 59 318 Jim Sprinkl e WK 49 311 Don Faughn MU ..... 74 308 John Thomas ET - 87 298
No. Yds. Aaron Marsh EK 52 870* Bob Hlodan MT 36 462 Herb ert Owenby MT 35 510 Wayne Wil so n MU 34 554 Joh n Taze l EK 34 403 Bill Taylor MU 33 421 Jih Old WK 33 42 1 Andy Toomb s A P ... 26 486 Ronnie Par so n AP 25 499 Terr y Parks TT 23 267 Ed Stinnett ET 17 322 Tom Watkin s WK 17 220 Tom Bird WK 17 197 Rico King MO ·········--- 16 203 Herman Carter EK ···· 14 95 *New OVC R ecord
SEA SON Sc orin g Avg. 4.3 5.4 4.9 6.5 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.3 3 9 2 .7 4.4 5.4 6.3 4.2 3 4 Yt d. 11 * 4 4 4 2 0 2 2 3 1 2 0 1 0 0 Most points scored - 324 - Middle T ennes s ee 1959 Fewest points sc ored - 20 - Morehead .... .... .... ....... ...... ...... .... . 1953 Most opponents points - 321 - Murray ... .. ......... ..... ..... .. ...... .... 1966 Fewe s t opponents points - 40 - Middle Tennessee ........ ..... .. . 1957 Mo s t TD' s - 45 - Western K entucky ... .. .. .. ... .... ........ .. .... ...... . .. 1952 Most PAT's kicked - 3 1 - Middle T ennessee 19'65 Mo s t fie l d goals - 5 - Austin Peay ... .. ... ...... ... ........ ....... ... ... .. 1966 Most safeties - 4 - Middle T ennessee ...... .. ... ...... ..... ....... ....... 1965 Total Off ens e Most total yds. gained - 3,832 - We s tern Kentucky .... ...... 1952 Fewe s t total yds . by opponents - 1,590 - W est e rn Kentucky 19 62 51


Rushing Most yds gained - 3,114 - Middle Tennessee 1959 Fewest yds. by opponents - 485 - Western Kentucky 1963 Most rushes - 52-8 - Tenn esse e Tech .. .... ...... 1961 Most TD's rushing - 33 - We ste rn Kentuck y 196•3 Passing Most yds. gained - 2,213 - Middle Tenness ee 1965 Mo s t passe s att. - 275 - Middle Tenne ss ee 1965 Most passes comp. - 141 - Middl e Tennessee 1965 Be st comp. p c t. - .661 - Middle Tennes see 1965 Fewest yds by opponents - 365 - We st ern Kentucky 1960 Most TD's pa ss in g - 20 - Middle Tenne ssee 1965 Others Mo s t punts - 67 - Ea st Tennessee 1966 Most first down s - 194 - Middle Tenness ee .. .... .. .... . 1965 Fewest first downs by opp - 90 - Western Kentucky 1963 , 1964 Most fumbles lost - 26 - Tennesse Tech 1956Western Kentucky ........ .. ... .......... ... ..... .... .... ... ....... 1957 Most fumbles rec. - 22 - Western ;Kentucky 1955
Scoring Highe st score - 61 - Tenn. Tech vs Howard (6) 1950 Most TD' s scored - 9 - Tenn. Tech vs Howard - 1950, Eastern vs Evansville ..... ...... .. .... . .. .. . .. .. .. .... .... .. ..... . .... 1953 Most safeties - 1 - Sha re d by all teams Most PAT kicked - 8 - Eastern Ky. vs Erskine 1951 Most field goals - 1 - Shared by all teams Most TD's scored pas s ing - 5 - Western Ky. vs Morehead .... 1952 Total Offense Most total yds. gained - 623 - Tenn Tech vs Austin Pe ay 1955 Most plays - 86 - We ste rn Ky . vs S. E. Missouri 1952 Austin Peay vs UT Mar ti n .. ................. ... .. 1965 Rushing Most yds. rushing - 479 - Eastern Ky. vs Evansville . . ...... ... . Fewest yds. rushing - 2 9 - Austin Peay vs We st ern K y. Most rushes - 68 - W es tern Ky. vs S . E . Mi ss ouri . . Fewest rushes - 28 - Austin Pe 11y vs Western Ky. Best avg. per ru s h - 6 .6 - Austin Peay vs S . E. Mi sso uri 19~3 1963 1963 1963 (5-1 for 335 yards) 1965 Passing Most yds. pas s ing - 362 - We st ern Ky. vs M o rehead 1952 Most passe s att. - 45 - Eastern Ky. vs Middle Tenn. 1966 Most passes comp. - 24 - Eastern Kv. vs Middle Tenn. 1965, 1966 Best comp. pct. - .80Cl< (16 of 20) Western Ky. vs D elta State .. .. .. . ....... ..... ..... ... .. .. .. .... .... .. .... ... ..... .. ...... .. .... . Most passes had interc. - 7 Morehead vs Western Ky . . Most passes interc . - Western Ky. vs Morehead .. ...... .. . ... . 52 1952 1965 1965


Total Offense-Teddy Morris (MT '65), 1993 yards

Pas ses Attempted-Mike Gottfried (MO '65) , 251

Passes Completed-Jim Guice (EK '66), 117

Yards by Pa ssi ng-Teddy Morris (MT '65), 1749

Touchdown Passes-Teddy Morris (MT '65) , 16

Yard s by Rushing-Bobby Young (MT '53), 1082-

Most Rushing Attempts-John Ogles (AP '66), 247

Most P asses Received-Jerry Smith (MT '65,), 53

Yards by Pass Receiving-Aaron Marsh (EK '66), 870

Touchdowns by Pass Receiving-Aaron Marsh (EK '66), 11

Most Points Scored-Tommie Gray (MO '66), 84

Most Touchdowns-Tommie Gray (MO '66), 14

Mos t Extra Point s-Ronnie Pear son (AP ' 65) , 23

Mo st Field Goals-Ronnie Pearson (AP '66) and Jim Baker (ET '62), 4

Number of Punts-Bob Plotts (EK '66), 55

Highest Punting Average-Fred Malins (EK '65), 42.2

Others Most punts - 10 - We ste rn vs Mempjhis St. 1951 Austin Peay vs Murray -··-·---- --· 1963 Be s t punt ave . - 49.0 - Austin Peay vs Chatt . 1966 Western vs Murray ·· --- --- ·---·-···········----- ·----·------ ····· --- ··-- 1966 Most first down s - 31 - Austin Peay vs UT Martin .. 1965 Mo s t first down s rushing - 21 - Western Ky. vs S . E . Mi ssour i _ ·········-·-··-···-· ········..... ... ·--·-···-· ·······---·---- 1963 Mo s t first downs passing - 11 - Western vs Morehead & S. E. Mi sso uri --·---- ----·- --·--·-···-·----·---·-- ---·--- - ·-·-·-·-·--- 1952 Tenn. Tech vs We stern Ky . -----·-·---------··--·-·-·---·--· -·-·-·- 1965 Most fumbles - 8 Western Ky. vs Tampa -·- --· -····-·-·--· -···- ··-·· 1963 Mo st fumbles lost - 7 - West ern Ky. vs Tampa --- -·-·----------- ·· 1963 Mo s t yds. penalized - 153 - Western Ky. vs Morehead ---·---· 1964 Most kick-offs kicked - 9 Western vs Bethel 195•1 Western vs Evansville --------- ·-- -·- -·-·-·-·--·-----· -- -··--------·------- · --- --·- --· 1963 Austin Peay vs S. E. Missouri --·---- - -·---··-· 196·5 Mo s t kick-offs received - 8 Western Ky . vs Tenn. Tech ·-·--- 196·5





Aaron Marsh

Ronnie Parson

P au l Conner

Calvin Walter

Tommy Dobbs

Steve Dill ard

Bill Hollow ay

Jim Guice

Tommie Gray

Bob Hl o d a n

John Ogle s


George Claxton

We s Simp son

Bill Hull

Frank Victory

Leroy Gray

Larry Dotson

Gary Vi rden

Buddy Pfaadt

Andy Toomb s

Mike Smith

Steve Ed ging

2nd Team Offense

Herb Owenby

Jim Old

Bob Tarvin

Bill Perry

Fred Troike

Mallory Elr od

Je rry Taylor

Carl Willi ams

Terry Parks

Herman Carter

Larry Mathews

2nd Team Defense

Billy Joe J eans

Bill Baldridge

Bob Lan gford

Miller Arritt

Gene H olloway

J erry C a ntrel

Philip Farin e lla

Mike Jon es

Howell Flat t

Larry Chinn

Scotty Reddick


Eastern Ky.

Austin Peay


Austin Peay

Austin Peay

Tenn. T ech

Tenn . Tech

Eastern Ky.

Morehe a d

Middle T e nn .

Austin Peay

Middle T enn .

Western Ky.

Tenn . T ec h

Middle Tenn.

Ea st Tenn.

Middle T e nn.


Eastern Ky.

Austin Pe ay

Eastern Ky.

Middle Tenn.

Middle Tenn.

We stern Ky .

Eastern Ky.

East T enn.

Eastern Ky.

Middle T en n.

Au sti n Peay

Austin Peay

Tenn . T ech

Eastern Ky.

Middle T enn.

Au st in Peay


Middl e T enn.

Eastern Ky.

Tenn. Tech

Tenn T ech

Austin Peay

Middle T enn.

Austin P eay


Morehe ad



(Won 7, Lost 3) TEAM STATISTICS FIRST DOWNS Eastern Opp. B y Rushin g .. ... ...... ...... ... ..... . 72 70 By Pa ssing . .. ......... ..... .. .. ... .... ........ .... 61 5'1 B y Penalty .. ... ... .. ... .......... .. .... . ... .... .... . 11 8 Total .. ... .... ..... .... ... .... .. .. . ... .... .. ...... ... .. 144 120 RUSHING-TIMES CARRIED Yards Gaine d ...... .... ....... . Yards L ost ... Net Y ards Gai n ed .. ...... .. . ..... ........... . Average P er C arry Average P er G ame ... ... .. .... .. .. ...... .. PASSES-ATTEMPTED ·······················•···•-Completed ....... ..... .. .. ..... ...... ... . Had In tercepted ...... ... .. ..... ........ .. .... .. Completion P ercentage .. .... .. ...... . . N et Y ards ....... ....................... . .. .... .. .... . Average P er Game ......... ..... .... .... . . S coring Pa sses ........ .... ... .... .... ...... .... . TOTAL OFFENSE-TOTAL PLAYS ... .... . 406 1,579 440 1,139 2 8 113.9 228 117 12 .5 13 1,486 148 .614 634 N et Y ards 2,625 Average Per Game .. ............. .. ....... 262 .5 PUNTS-NUMBER ... .. .. ...... .. .... .......... .. ..... ... . 55 Yards Punted··································· 2,12,3 Average Per Pun t 38.7 FUMBLES - LOST ..... ......... ... ...... ... . ·······•····-- 12 PENALTIES-YARDS LOST .... ..... ..... ......... 524 55 440 1,432 247 1,185 2.7 118.5 180 73 20 .406 853 8-51,3 4 620 2,038 203.8 68 2,365 35, 9 14 510



Tds. Eps Egs Bob Beck , FB .. .. . . . . 11 1-1 0-0 Aaron M a rsh , SE • ····-- 11 0- 0 0-0 Herman Carter , TB 4 0-1 0-0 Jim Guice , QB - - - 2 0-2, 0-0 John Tazel, WB . . .. 2, 0-0 0-0 Bill Brewer , BT - - -- - - -· ·· 1 0-0 0- 0 Buddy P fa adt, s - -----· · 1 0-0 0-0 Mike Ri gg s , E - - -- - •-····· 0 15-20 21-51 Walt e r Murphy , G - ---·· ··· 0 5-6 0-0 Te rr y Taylor, NG - -- - - -· · 0 2-2 0-0, TOTALS • - -- - -·• · 32 23-32 2-5 INDIVIDUAL
Times Gain Loss Net Herman Car te r , TB - --- -- · 134 ( 74 8 94 654 Jim Gui ce , QB ······ · ··-· ······· -- • - - 76 218 243 - 25 B o b Be c k , FB 76 278 2·2 256 But c h G r een , TB ······ ......... ... . . .. 57 165 11 154 Don Siefert, FB - - -- --- -· rn 51 5, 4 6 Fo s te r Ha r ri s. FB . .. - ·· 14 45 19 26 Tim Spe a k s, QB -- - 16, 55 20 35, Lowell Fl a nn a ry , FB 9 18 2 16 Lew Potter , QB 1 0 3 -3 Bob Plott s, Punter - ·· ··•--···· 1 0 2 0 -20 TOTALS --- ·· ······ · 406 1,579 440 1 ,139 FORWARD PASSING No. Att. Jim Gui ce 226 Tim Speaks 2 Comp. 117 0 Pct. 520 .000 Int. 12 0 Yards 1,46 8 0 PASS RECEIVING Number Caught Yards Aaron Marsh , SE .. ... .. .. .. ....... ......... .. .... .. 52· 870 John Tazel , WB ... ... .. . ... ..... .... .. .......... ... . 34 403 Herman Car t er , TB .. ... .. .... .. .... .. ....... .. 14 95 Roger Prall , TE . .. ... . .. .. . 7 41 Ted Holcomb, WB . ... ... ..... ....... .. .... .. .... .. . 5 47 Bill Brewer , BT . ... . ... ....... .. ..... .. ......... ... 2, 15 Butch Green , TB . . ... . .. .... .. .. ....... .. . .. ... . . 2 9, Doug Hampton, TE . .... ...... .. . .. .. .. .. .. ...... 1 7 'l'OTALS .. ........ . ....... ... . .. ...... ..... ...... ... 117 1,468 56 Points 68 66 24 12 12 6 6 21 5 2 222 Per Atl . 4.9 - .3 3.4 2. 6 2. 6 1.9 2. 2 1. 8 -3 .0 -20 .0 2.8 Tds. 14 0 Tds. 11 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 H
Number Buddy Pfaadt , S 9 Ron Reed, LB .... .. .. . .... .... .... .. .. .. . 3 Don Moore , CB 2 Mik e Smith , CB . .. . .. ........ . . 2 Harry Lenz , S 1 Bob Webb, S 1 Jim T a ylor, CB . . . . ...... .. .... . 1 Jim Demler , T 1 TOTALS .. ... .... .. .......... ... . ... .. ..... ....... .. 20
ob Plotts Mike Smith , CB .... .. Harry Lenz, S John Tazel , WB ... . Herman Carter, TB Buddy Pfaadt , S TOTALS PUNTING Number ················· 55, PUNT RETURNS Number 28 3 1 1 1 ··············· 34 KICKOFF RETURNS Number Herman Carter , TB ........... ... ...... ..... . ... 11 Aaron Marsh , SE . .. ..... ... . ............ . 10 Mik e Smith , CB .. ... .. .. . ... 1 John Tazel, WB .. .... . .. .. ... ... . .. . ... .. .. .. ... . .. . 1 Lowell Flannary , FB 1 TOTALS ........ ,, ............. .. .... .. ... .. .... ...... 24 57 Yards 84 13 5 1 25 0 0 2 130 Yards 2 , 12,3 Yards 42 ,7 75 15 10 5, 532 Yards 205 263 30 9 3 510 Avg. 9.3 4 .3 2,.5 .5 25.0 .0 .0 2 . 0 6.5 Avg. 38 7 Avg. 15.3 25 .0 15'.0 10. 0 5 . 0 15.6 Avg. 18.6 26 .3 30.0 9.0 3.0 21.3



Most points scored-68 (Bob Beck, 1966,)

Most touchdowns scored-11 (Bob Beck and Aaron Marsh , 1966)

Most extra points (Kick)-22, (Walter Murphy , 1965)

Most points scored by kick-34 (Walter Murphy , 1965)

Most runs from scrimmage-134 (Herman Carter , 1966)

Most yards rushing-699 (Don Daly, 1954)

Most passes attempted-226 (Jim Guice, 1966)

Most passes completed-117 (Jim Guice , 1966)

Best passing percentage-62.1 (Larry Marmie, 1965,)

Most yards passing-1,468 (Jim Guice, 1966)

Most yards total offense-1 ,443 (Jim Guice, 1966)

Most touchdown passes thrown- 14 (Jim Guice , 1966)

Most touchdown passes received-11 (Aaron Marsh. 1966)

Best rushing average (min 50 times)-6.7 yards ( Chuck Bell , 1953)

Most yardage on pass receiving-870 (Aaron Marsh, 1966)

Most passes received-52 (Aaron -Marsh , 1966)

Most times punted-55 (Bob Plotts. 1965)

Best punting average-42 .2 (Fred Malin s. 1965)

Best punt return average-30.6 (Jimmy Chittum, 1961)

Most passes intercepted-9, (Buddy Pfa a dt , 1966)


Undefeated seasons-1940 (8-0-0); 1954 (8-0-1) *

Most wins-8 in four different seasons , 1940 (8-0-0); 1948 (8-3-0); 1953 (8-2-0) ; 1954 (8-0-1)

Most defeats-8 in 1929 (1-8-0)

Most ties-3 in 1933, (1-2-3)

Most points scored-273 (1940)

Most points by opposition-2.64 ( 1930)

Least points scored-15i (1930)

Least points by opposition-7 (1932)

Most consecutive games without a loss-15 (1953-54-55,), 21 ties

Most consecutive games won-13 (1939 - 40-41)

Most touchdowns scored-41 (1940)

Most extra points made-27 (1940)

•Tangerine Bowl Game not included.

(Remainder of this section includes 1952 through 1965, exclusive)

Most passes completed-117 (1966)

Most passes attempted-228 (1966·)

Best passing percentage-58 . 2 (1965)

Least yards rushing by opponents-951 (1953)

Least yards passing by opponents•-487 (1957)

Best punting average-42 ..2 (1965 ,)

Most yards penalized-580 (1954)

Most yards rushing-2,224 (1954)

Most yards passing-1,468 (1966 ,)

Best total offense-2:,8 91 (195 3)

Most passes intercepted by-20 (1966)

Most points scored-6,7 vs Morehead in 1925·

Most points scored by opponent-99 vs Wittenberg in 1931

Largest victory margin-67-0 vs Morehead in 1929·


L argest defeat margin-99-0 vs Wittenberg in 1931

Most net yards rushing-479 vs Evansville in 1953

Most pass attempts-45 vs Middle Tennessee in 1966

Most pass completions-24 vs Middle Tennessee in 1965 and 1966

Most passing yardage-356 vs Middle Tennessee in 1965

Most total offense-589 vs Evansville in 1953

Most first downs-27 vs Evansville in 1953

Most touchdowns scored-9 vs Evansville in 1953

Most extra points-8 vs Erskine in 1951

Most yards penalized-121 vs John Carroll in 1954

Least net yards rushing by opponent-21 vs Louisville in 1954

Most touchdown passes-4 vs Evansville in 1953

Fewest first downs given up-4 vs Western in 1953 and 1954, Tampa in 1962 and East Tennessee in 1966


M ost extra points-8 ("Moon" Mullins, 1951)

L o ngest run from scrimmage-97 yards (Don Daly vs Morehead, 1951)

M ost runs from scrimmage-23 (Gilly Layman vs Western, 1960); (Herman Carter vs Tennessee Tech, 1965)

M ost yards rushing-172 (Bill Bradford vs Evansville, 1952·)

M ost passes attempted-45 (Jim Guice vs Middle Tennessee, 1966)

Most passes completed-24 (Jim Guice vs Middle Tennessee, 1966)

M ost yards passing-288· (Jim Guice vs Middle Tennessee, 1966,)

Most touchdown passes thrown-3 (Bobby Lenderman vs Evansville, 195-2; Roy Kidd vs Louisville and Evansville, 1953; Jim Guice vs Austin Peay, 1965 and 1966)

Most passes received-IO (Fred Malins vs Middle Tennessee, 1965; Aaron M3.rsh and John Tazel vs Middle Tennessee, 1966)

Most receiving yardage-178 (Aaron Marsh vs Middle Tennessee, 1966)

Most passes intercepted-4 (Buddy Pfaadt vs Austin Peay, 1966)

Most times punted-9 (Dave Lobo vs Western, 196-3; Bob Plotts vs East Tennessee and Tampa, 1966)

Most yards punted-387 (Bob Plotts vs Tampa, 1966)

L ongest field goal-43 yards (Joe Graybeal vs Tennessee Tech, 1959)

L ongest punt return-86 yards (Jimmy Chittum vs Murray, 1961)




(Since 1922)


George Hembree

George Hembree

G eorge Hembree

George Hembree

George Hembree

Geor ge Hembr ee

Ge orge Hemb ree

Charles T . Hu g hes

Charles T. Hu ghes

Charles T . Hughes

Ch arles T. Hughes

Charles T Hu g hes

Charles T. Hu g hes

Rome Rankin

Rome Rankin

Rome Rankin

Rome Rankin

Rome Rankin

Rome Rankin

Rome Rankin

Rome Rankin

All intercollegiate

War II

Rome Rankin

Rome R anki n

Tom Samuels

Tom Samuels

Tom Samuels

Tom Samuels

Tom Samuels

Tom Samuel s

Tom Samuels

Gl e nn Presnell

Glenn Pr esn ell

Glenn Presnell

Gl e nn Pre s nell

Glenn Presnell

Glenn Pre s nell

Glenn Presnell

Glenn Presnell

Glenn Pre s nell

Gl enn Presnell

Roy Kidd

Roy Kidd

Roy Kidd

Alma Mater

E aster n Kentucky

Ea ster n Kentucky

Ea s tern Kent ucky

Ea ster n Kentucky

Ea ster n Kentucky

Eastern Kentucky

Ea stern Kentu cky

Kentuck y Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky


Ken tucky

Waynesburg College

W ay nesburg Colleg e

W ay nesburg College

Waynesburg College

W ay nesburg College

W aynesburg Colle ge

W aynesb u rg College


Year 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 194 2 1943-44 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 195,2 195 3 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 19fi•2 1963 1964 1965 1966
ntinued due
College Waynesburg College Michigan Mich igan Mi chigan Mi c higan Michigan Michigan Mi c higan Nebraska Neb raska Nebraska Nebraska N ebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska N ebraska E astern Kentucky Ea ster n K entucky E astern Kentucky 60 Record 2-3-2 3-5-1 5-1-0 3-3-1 4- 5-0 6-3-0 3-2-0 1-8-0 1-7-0 1-6-1 2-1-2 1-2-3 1-6-0 4-4-1 7-2-0 5-2-1 6-1-1 6-3-0 8-0-0 6-2-2 4-2,-2 to World 4-3-1 5-4-0 fr-4-0 8-3-0 4-4-1 6-4-0 7-3-0 3-4-1 8-2'-0 8-1-1 5-4 - 1 4-5-0 4-5-0 3-6-0 3-6-0 3-6-1 4-5-0 6-3 - 0 2-8'-0 3-5-1 4-4-1 7-3-0
athletics di sco



w L T Pct. Years Middle T en n essee 68 17 2, .800 195·2-66 T e nne sse e Te c h 59 42 3 .584 1949-66 Austin Peay 15 12 1 .556 1963-66 Eastern Kentucky 56 51 5 .523 1948-66 ·western Kentucky - - 49 5,5 6 .471 1948-66 Murr a y State ·· 44 62 5, .415 1948-66 Morehead State ·········- ---· ··· 28' 82 1 .2155 1948-66 '''Loui s ville . . ... .. ----·-· ·--· 4 1 0 .800 1948-49 ''' M a r sha ll ·····-·-·· ····-·-·--10 6 0 .625 1949-51 ''' ~ va n s ville --·-·•·· · 10 9 2 .526 1948-51 '" No l onge r in OVC
OVC Games All Games Years w L T Pts. Opp. w L T Pts. Opp. 1948 3 2, 0 46 21 8 3 0 184 99 1949 2 2 1 80 85 4 4 1 148 130 19 50 4 2 0 134 67 6 4 0 243 103 1951 4 2 0 71 43 7 3 0 201 94 1952 2 3 1 101 125 3 4 1 128 165 19 53 4 1 0 72 41 8 2. 0 221 128 ''' 19 54 5 0 0 98 21 8 1 1 181 54 1955 3 2 0 84 53 5 4 1 139 130 19 56 2 3 0 76 67 4 5 0 119 107 1957 3 3 0 122 91 4 5, 0 162 165 1958 3 3 0 84 73 3 6 0 102 126 1959 2 4 0 49 62 3 6 0 79 103 19 60 1 4 1 57 83 3 6 1 98' 143 1961 3 3 0 87 78 4 5 0 114, 138 ** 1962 4 2 0 99 64 6, 3- 0 149 106 1963 1 6 0 79 144 2 8 0 123 193 1964 2 4 1 71 123 3 5, 1 94 158 19 65 4 2 1 179 105 4 4 1 194 167 1966 4 3 0 147 90 7 3 0 2-22 108 ''' OVC Champions *''' OVC Co-Champions OVC TOTALS-Won 56 , Lost 51, Tied 5 Overa!l- Won 92, Lost 81 61


EKU 0 0 0 6 6 0 40 EKU 0 0 6 0 6 1 12 19 EKU 0 19 13 49 7 0 14 33 EKU 0 7 0 13 6 67 49 EKU 0 13 0 0 48 7 41 19 0 EKU 0 39 6 31 13 12 13 32 0
1922 OPP Wesleyan 7 Transy Frosh 0 Transy Fro sh .. ... .. ......... 15 Cumb erland 0 Western .................... . ...... 47 Georgetown Frosh O Union 7 Record: 2-3-2 1923 State Frosh Georgetown Frosh Cumberland Kentuck y Wesleyan Union College Transy Res e rve Centre Fro sh Un ion Coll ege R e cord : 3-5-1 1924 OPP 7 ··············2 26 9 6 0 21 0 OPP Wesleyan Cumberland Georgetown St Mary's L M.U. 27 ii'~cisti · · ··· i Transy Morehead, Union Record: 5-3-0 1925 0 .... 13 ......... 56 0 0 OPP U K Frosh Georgetown L.'M. U. 14 ......... ... ........... 13 St. Mary's Transy Mor e head Union Record: 3-3-1 1926 Marshall College 0 7 7 0 0 OPP 14 0 L .M.U . Georgetown Transy 27 Union Indi a na T eac hers Col!e~e E. Penn. Normal School St. M ary's College Morris Harv ey College Record: 4-5 -0 1927 Centre Union We sley an .. 15 6 10 6 0 3 OPP 7 0 8 0 0 E. T. Teachers Tusculum Morehe ad 6 U. of L St. Mary's Western Record: 5-4-0 2 1 6 12 62 EKU 18 12 0 0 18 EKU 2 14 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 EKU 0 0 0 0 13 2 0 0 EKU 31 0 0 12 0 8 7 EKU 6 38 0 0 19 EKU 6 0 0 0 fi 7 EKU 0 0 7 9 7 9 6 1928 Campbellsvill e Irvine Tran sy U. of L. Su e Bennett . Record : 3 - 2-0 1929 OPP 0 7 .42 52 0 OPP Union 19 Su e Bennet t 8 Mur ray ......... .................... ........ .. .46 Mor e head ...... 13 Transy 36 Georgetown 38 U. of L. 19 W esleyan 26 West e rn 35 Record: 1-8-0 1930 Sue Benn e tt Murray U. of L . W es leyan Mor e head Tran sy ... Union Western Record: 1-7-0 1931 Sue Bennett Ohio Northern Wittenburg U. of L. Georgetown ... L. M. U. We ster n Record: 1-6-1 1932 Georg etown U. of L. Union Transy Mor ehea d Record: 2-1-2 1933 Union Georg e town East Tenn . Tran sy !Morehead Loui s ville Record: 1-2-3 1934 Mi a mi ( Ohio ) Tran sy Union Georgetown Moreh e ad We ste rn Lou is ville R ecor d : 1-6-0 OPP 6 52 52 33 ...... ... ... ......... 0 26 ..45 .... 50 OPP 0 16 99 .... 19 25 13 41 OPP 7 0 0 0 0 OPP 6 0 0 6 0 ... .... ..... 13 OPP ...... 19 18 14 1.8 n 47 13
EKU 7 66 52 6 9 0 53 6 7 6 6 EKU 39 7 34 7 6 9 13 0 12 EKU 7 28 12 14 0 0 14 6 EKU 19 7 19 4 7 0 7 36 18 EKU 21 39 20 14 21 6 32 0 28 EKU 20 35 27 39 48 25 48 3 1 1935 OPP Miami ( Ohio ) 33 Alfred Holbrook 6 Hiwa ssee 0 Georg etown . ... ... ......... .. ........ 8 U. of L. ... ... .. .. ..... ........ ... O Centr e 19 Moreh ea d O Tran s y ... ...... 7 Union . .... 7 Transy 12 Western .44 Reco r d: 4-6-1 1936 Mar sha ll Franklin (Ind .) Alfred Holbrook Moreh ea d Geor ge town U. of L . . Tran sy OPP 0 0 0 19 2 6 6 We ster n · 7 Union 6 Record: 7-2-0 1937 OPP Tenn. Tech Franklin Colleg e Transy .......... . 0 ·············6 ························· 6 7 26 Centr a l Normal Mor e he a d w ,eSitern ··· 23 Union U. of L. Record: 5-2-1 1938 Georg e town Tran sy East Tenn. T ea chers Central Normal Mor ehea d Western ................ . Indiana State Teacher s Union Record: 6-1-0 1939 Car son 0 6 OPP 0 0 ··· 0 0 0 32 7 0 OPP ... .... 7 7 0 Tran sy Cumberl a nd Central Michigan G eo rgetown 18 ······················ 0 Mor ehe ad 7 Union We s t er n ....... .. . 7 ·26 Indi a na Teachers Record: 6-3-0 1940 Illinois Norm a l Northern Ill. Moreh ea d Ark ansas A&M Bowling Green (Ohio) Centr a l Michigan Cumb erland King College 7 OPP 0 0 ... ... 13 0 0 0 7 7 63 EKU 18 14 6 21 20 41 54 32 1941 N. W. M iss ouri Carson Newman ... . !Murray King College Western .... Georgetown Ill Normal Morehead Record : 7-1-0 OPP · 7 · 0 ··· 0 0 ..... ......... .. .. .. 27 0 ········ 0 ....... 13 EKU 1942 OPP 13 Tenn Tech · 0 ... ..... 7 7 W. Mis so uri State O Morris Harvey ········ 7 6 U of Akron ......... ... .. 0 18 West e rn .... .. 0 20 West Liberty . 6 ··· 20 ········ 6 O Morehead 6 Murray Record: 4-2-2 1943-44 no sports due to war EKU 19 14 7 7 6 0 32 54 EKU 13 7 7 26 7 12 6 28 6 EKU 14 6 13 34 18 34 13 27 6 EKU 0 25 20 6 35 20 7 0 13 32 26 1945 Indianapolis State Tenn. Tech . .... Central Mich . . .. Murray Valp arai so Ca tawb a Tenn . Tech . ........ . OPP 12 12 ........ 14 7 ···· 7 .. ...... ...... .13 Kirksville (Missouri) 0 .. .. 0 1946 OPP Tenn essee Tech 0 Catawba 9 Central Michigan 20 ~e~~![see··-r~ch ··::::::::::: :::: :::::::: ::::Jg ~~ 1fe~:1ct0 :::: ::::::::::::::::::1i University of Louisville .... 7 Western 0 Record: 5-4-0 1947 OPP Eastern Illinois .... ......... . .. 13 Marshall · 7 Murray .... ......... . Emary and Henry .. Valparai s o ·21 0 ········ 0 Morehead University of Louisville .. 7 14 .. 7 Western ........ . .. . Southe aste rn Louisiana Record: 5-4-0 1948 Xavier University East e rn Illinois Marshall Murray Emary and H e nry . Michigan Normal Morehead .. . Evansville ... Western Northern Illinois Southeas tern Louisiana Record: 8-3-0 .. ... 30 OPP .. 31 14 7 0 6 0 0 · 7 14 7 7
EKU 1949 OPPEKU 1955 OPP 7 7 20 20 20 26 7 20 21 EKU 6 34 0 47 56 14 26 13 34 13 EKU 31 13 0 15 58 6 6 31 27 14 EKU 7 26 0 14 35 20 6 20 EKU 20 15 19 0 19 25 59 13 20 30 EKU 19 26 25 14 25 12 13 21 20 6 He i delb erg 19 Marshall .. ·····•····24 Murra y ....... . 0 Wofford iio rma l .27 Michigan 6 Mor ehea d .... 27 Evansvill e 7 Western 7 Bowling Green ( Ohio) 13 Record : 4-4-1 1950 OPP Heidelber g .15 Marshall ····· 0 Murray .. 19 Tennessee T e ch ·----- ·· 7 Erskine •· • 0 Morehead 7 Evansvill e 20 Western a;ee;;; ·(otii~ ) 14 Bowling 7 Wofford : : :::: 14 Record: 6-4-0 1951 OPP Hilsdale 12 Marshall ····· 6 Murray 9 Tennessee Tech 14 Erskine ······ 0 Morehead 0 Evansville ....... . ···--· 7 W ester n 7 Ohio U niversity 13 Stetson University 26 R ecor d: 7-3-0 1952 OPP Toledo 6 Marshall 19 Murray 20 Tennessee Tech ..... 28 Evansville · 0 Morehead ... 20 Western 48 University of Louisvill e 34 R ecord: 3 - 4-1 1953 John Carroll Midd l e T e nnessee Murray T en ness ee Tech Youngstown Morehead Evansvill e Western University of Louisville Stetson Univers ity R ecor d: 8 - 2 -0 1954 J ohn Carr o ll Middle Tenne sse e OPP .. ... 19 6 14 7 20 ........ .. 7 9 7 .. .... .... .. 13 . ..... 26 OPP 0 0 6 7 7 8 Murray T en nesse e T ech Youngstown Mo rehead T oledo 13 Western University of Louisville R e cord: 8 -0-1 0 6 Omaha ( T a ngerine B owl) 7 64 6 Toledo ......... 6 14 Middl e Tenn essee 21 21 · Murray ...... 6 7 Tennessee Tech 6 13 Omaha .... .. ................... ............. ...... 20 35 Morehead 13 35 IM01•eh-ead ...... .... 13 20 Morris Harvey 6 7 W estern .. . ... ...... ..... ... . O 13 University of Louisville ..45 3 Wofford 0 R ecord: 5-4-1 EKU 1956 OPP 12 Toledo ... 6 7 Murray 14 19 Middle Tenne ssee ... .... ....... .......... 26 12 E ast Tennessee 13 6 Weste rn ... .... . ........................... .... 14 13 Morris Harv ey . 7 25 T ennessee Tech 13 19 Mo rehead O 6 Un iversity of Louisvill = 14 R e c ord 4 -5 -0 EKU 1957 OPP 0 Toledo ... ... . 7 14 University of Louisville .40 26 Murray ..... ............. 19 14 Middle Tennessee 35 13 East T ennessee ...... 2 7 13 Youngs town ...... 0 28 We s tern 0 14 Tennessee Tech 34 40 Mo rehea d 3 R ecord: 4-5-0 EKU 1958 OPP 2 Tol edo 19 7 Univ ersity of Louisville 20 14 Murr ay 6 0 Middl e Tenn essee ........... 14 13 Ea s t Tennessee 6 9 Youn gstow n 0 14 We s tern 21 19 Tenn essee Tech 20 24 Moreh ea d 6 Record: 3-6-0 EKU 1959 OPP 2 Tol edo 20 7 University of Loui sv ille 14 7 Mur ray Ten·ne~;;ee ·· 0 6 Middl e 14 7 Ea st T ennessee .......... ....... ............. 13 21 A,usti n Peay 7 7 We s tern 14 10 T ennessee Tech 14 12 M orehead ··· 7 Record : 3-6-0 EKU 1960 OPP 7 Ft. Ca mpbell ... 6 7 University of Louisville 28 19 Murray .......... ........... ........ ................ 21 12 Middl e Tenn essee 14 0 Ea s t Tennessee O 27 Austin Peay 13 17 We s tern 7 0 T ennessee T ech 20 0 Mo rehea d .... .......... ... .... .. ..... .... .21 0 Mar sha ll ... ... .... . . ... ......... .. .... 13 Record: 3-6-1
E KU 6 14 15 22 21 15 8 13 0 E KU 22 14 28 20 14 6 21 12 12 EK U 14 7 0 28 12 3 6 19 0 34 1961 OPP University of Louisville . ... .33 Murray .... ... ... ........ .. . Middle T ennessee East Tenn essee Aust in Pe ay . .. . W estern T ennessee T ec h .. . .. ...13 22 13 7 16 14 0 M orehe ad Marshall Rec or d: 4-5-0 ........ .. .. . .. ... ... .... ..20 1962 OPP T ampa U n iv ersity 6 Murray ... .... 17 M idd l e T ennessee 8 E ast Tenne ssee .... .. ..14 Austin Pea y ····················-· · ····-· 7 W€ster n 5 Tennessee Te c h . 0 Morehead 20 R eco rd: 6-3-0 Ea st Ca rolina .. 29 1963 OPP Austin Pea y ·- -· 0 Findl ay ············28 Mu r ray 20 M id dl e Tenn essee ... ... 33 East Tenn essee ... . 35 T ampa Univ e r si ty 7 Western 29 T ennessee T ech .. ...21 M ore head 6 Y o ung s town: ·· 14 R ecor d : 2 - 8-0 EKU 0 7 6 13 35 17 0 7 10 EKU *35 12 17 1 0 23 3 28 28 38 1964 Austin Pea y . Young sto wn Mur ray Middl e Tenne ssee Ea st T e nnessee Findl ay Western Tenn essee Tech Mo rehead ... .... R e c or d : 3-5-1 1965 Au sti n Peay Marsh a ll Murr ay Middl e Tenne ;~ee E ast T e nne ssee F in dl ay Western T e nne ssee Tech Mo rehead R e co r d : 4 - 4 - 1 OPP 26 .... ... ....... .21 6 ..... .20 ... ..13 .... 14 24 27 7 OPP .. ..... .30 28 ... . 17 14 0 .... 34 .... .... 12 ·• 14 20 *Fo r feit e d EKU 1966 OPP 35 Austin P eay ........ ..... .... .. 35 26 Marsh a ll 6 27 Murr ay 6 20 Middle T e nne ssee 22 2 1 Ea st Tennesse e ...... .. ... ...... ..... .. .. . .. 7 35 Findl ay ... 6 24 We ster n ... ... ... .... ..... . .... .. .. .. .... .... .... 12 3 Tennessee Tech 7 19 Mor ehead 21 14 Tampa University 6 Reco r d : 7-3-0
1. S an Diego St ate 11. Kansas State 2 M onta na State 12. Whitew ater State 3. T e nn essee State 13 Parson s 4. Uni vers ity of N o rth Dak ota 14 G ettys burg 5. New Mexico Highlands 15 EASTERN KENTUCKY 6. N orthwestern Louisiana 16. Central ( I o wa) 7 . Mu ski ngum 17. Waynesbu rg (Pa.) 8. North Dakota State 18. Clarion State 9. Weber State 19 . Northeast ( La.) 10. M assa chus etts 20. Chattanooga 65


Defensive Team


(Two-deep at end of Spring)


STRONG GUARD CENTER (Left Linebacker) (Middle Guard) 62 FRED TROIKE 52 DICK DUNKLE 65 Jimm y Mobe rly 61 Ted Ta ylor 60 HARRY GIBBS 54 DON MINOR 66 Rich ar d Dr yden 72 Sidney Y e ldell

QUARTERBACK (Left Cornerback)

12 JIM GUICE 22 Ted G reen 11 TIM SPEAKS 26 Bob W ebb

WEAK GUARD (Right Linebacker)

67 DON WIGGINTON 55 Ron Re e d 50 Paul Hampton

WEAK TACKLE (Right Tackle)


74 Miller Arritt 73 RO N HOUSE 78 Philip Knauer

TIGHT ElND (Right End)

82 DOUG HAMPTON 85 Tom Sh etler 84 DEWEY BAKER 89 Charles Metzger

FLANKER HALFBACK (Right Cornerback)


14 D on Moore


0:, 0:,
BUEHLER 83 Ed Kuehn e 86 M ark F ischer
75 BILL BREWER 70 Jim Demler 77 TC'M SW ARTZ 79 Tom Murphy SPLIT END (Left End) 81 AARON MARSH
Chuck Siemon
(Defender Safety) 30 BOB BE CK
Lynn R ay
L OW ELL FLANARY 10 P ete Com passi
HALFBACK (Rover Safety)
Notes 67
Notes 68


(Covering the Colonels)


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Eastern Progress


Lexington Herald (daily, a.m . )

Lexington Leader ( daily p.m.)

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Courier-Journal (daily , a .m.)

Louisville Times (daily, p.m.)

R a dio WHAS & TV

Radio WAVE & TV



Tommy Carter

Randall Fields

Sports Edi t-or

Jim Reardon

Sports Editor

Rick Bailey

John McGill

Van Rose

Jim Host

Bill Stakelin

Gene Arkle

Bill Sorrell

Cy Follmer

Bill Sorrell

Dave Adams

Earl Ruby

Dean Eagle

Johnny Carrico

Cawood Ledford

Ed Kallay

Sports Director

As soc iated Press , Herald-Leader Building, Lexington, Kentucky.

United Press International, 635 S. 5th , Louisville 2, Kentucky.


Art Guepe, Suite 321, 3716 Hillsboro Road, Nashville, Tennessee 372 51 (Telephone 615-291-2400)

Division of Publicity


Richmond , Ke~tucky 40175

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