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Second Game

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First Game

East Tennessee State University

Sept. 23-at John son City, Tennessee-8 p.m.

Locat i on-Johnson Cit y, Tenn essee

Enrollment-10 ,000

Presid ent-Dr. Burgin E. D ossett


Color s- Blue and Gold Stadium-Univer s ity Fi e ld (6 , 200)

Conf ere nce-Ohio Vall ey

1966 Finish-S eve nth ( 2-5 )

Offen s e-Slot- I

Public ist-Bill Capta in Offic e Phone- 926 - 1112 , ext. 391 Athletic Direc tor-John R . B e ll (Georgia T e ch, '48)

Coach-John R. Bell

1967 Schedule


1967 OUTLOOK: If big Sam Riddle (6-2, 213) and Butch Buchanan (6-1, 2·00,) keep up the fine work they showed in spri ng practice, Ea st Tennes see's maj.or problem-rep lacin g All-America middleguard L eRoy Gray-will be solved . Two hot s hot prep qua rterbac ks, Larry Graham and Neal Hun sac k er. are expected to bolster the mediocre field general post. Th e defensive line, except Gray, returns intact, as does the offensive front with the exception of one guard and a split end.

Th E Series

(Eastern scores first)

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