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The Defensive Unit (H eadhunters)


Chuck Siemon ... Senior ... 22 ... 6-0 ... 205 . . . Three Letters . . . Springfield, Ohio .. . Could easily be th e outstanding end in the OVC in ' 67 ... was All-OVC in '65 • but injuries slowed him in ' 66 . .. .looked fully recovere d in the spring ... possibly the stro ng est s quad member ... former fullback , possesse s good speed . . . siz e is an as se t . . . s hould be his best ye a r ... a definite pro pro spect ... s hould repeat for conference honors . . . tricaptain . .. majoring in busine ss .

Tom Shetler ... Junior .. . 21 ... 6-2 . . . 209

... Two Letters .. . Park Hills, Kentucky ...

An excellent student, will begin his second year as a starter . .. called a " good omen " because E astern has never lost a game he started . . . made severa.l big play s in the s prin g .. . good size and speed . .. does an excellent job of rushing and t urning the wide traffic to the inside ... comes from an Ea st ern family-his father, mother and brother are alumni . health and phy s icial education i s hi s major .

Charles Metzger ... Junior ... 21 ... 6-2 ... 200 . .. Two Letters ... Louisville, Kentucky .. . Saw starting duty part-time at both ends in '66 ... will see considerable action again in '67 . .. po ss esse s good size and speed ... good footba ll sav vy ... considered a "t hi rd regular " at e nd ... s howed improvement in the spring consi s tency a chief asset a top notch student ... majors in political s cience.

Ed Kuehne Junior 20 6-3 225 No Letters

... Slidell, Louisiana ... Has never reache d his potential . . . has the phy sical a ss ets to be an outstanding football player . .. was tried at tackle but switched back to end . .. hits with authority ... la cks game experience ... a business major .


Jim Demler ... Junior .. . 23 ... 5-10 ... 218 ... Two Letters ... Bellevue, Kentucky ... Demler begins his second year as a starter at defensive tackle . . . has played offensive tackle and linebacker . .. has good speed, aggressive ness and strength does an excellent job rushing the passer ... should be a top OVC performer ... majors in industrial technology.

Miller Arritt ... Junior ... 22 ... 6-2 ... 210 ... Two Letters ... Partlow, Virginia ... Earned All-OVC recognition as a sophomore . .. very aggressive against the rush and pass ... quickness is his biggest asset .. . had more tackles and assist in '66 than any other lineman ... came to Eastern as a linebacker . . . has all the ability to be a great one ... should be a definite contender for honors again this season a physical education and history major.

Phil Knauer ... Junior ... 20 ... 6-4 ... 240 ... One Letter ... Strawm, Illinois ... Physically one •Of the largest men in the OVC ... lettered as a freshman . .. had a good spring ... hard worker ... strength is an asset . . . very hard to block at the point of attack ... po ssesses great potential ... good student ... majors in business.

Midole Guards

Teddy Taylor ... Sophomore ... 21 ... 5-11 ... 190 . .. One Letter ... Cynthiana, Kentucky ... Potentially one of the best linemen to play in the OVC . . . strong, fast and rugged . . . steady performer who likes to hit . . . does lack game experience at " nose " position . . . has been used to kick-off and kicked two of two extra points in '66, a physical education major.

Sidney Yeldell Sophomore 19 6-0 . .. 220 ... One Letter ... Glassboro , New Jer sey Possesses all the potentia l to be an ou tstanding performer ... most val uab le reserve on the squad and may earn starting po sition at "nose" guard or tackle before the season begins . . . very stro n g and agg r essive . .. lacks game exper i ence . . . fut ur e honor s unlim ited majors i n ind u strial arts.


Jimmy Moberly Junior 19 5-10 180 Two Letters Richmond, Kentu c k y Quarterback of the defensive team has experie n ce of calling defensive sig nal s quickness is strongest asset ... very rugged tackler ear ned All-OVC recogn ition hard worker an d d e di cated to the game blessed with foot ball know - how . . . played und er three Colonel coac h es at Ri chmond Madison Hi g h ( Kidd , H arv ill e, I son) Engli sh i s his major .

Ron Reed ... Junior . . . 21 ... 6-0 ... 195 .. . One Letter . . . Flemington, New Jersey .. . Did not s tart a ll ,of '66 but managed to l ead E astern in tackles and ass ist . .. sho uld team with Jim Mob erly t o give Colone ls st r o n g interior ... very aggressiv-e .. . retrea t s well on pa ss plays and do es a good job of breaking up pa ss patterns ... h ad 3 interceptions in '66 .. . po tent i al All-OVC c andidate ... came to E astern wit hout a sc holar s hip dedicated football player majoring in ph ysical education

Paul Hampton ... Freshman ... 20 ... 6-2 .. . 195 ... No Letters

Belfry, Kentucky Coa ch Hoy Kidd -expec t s Hamp ton to be a great one . . . ha s all the ph ys i cal asset s . . . re d s hi rted last year and la c k s game expe rien ce very rugged individual a nd a s u re tackler . .. co uld also pl ay offensive center .. . sho uld see considerable ac tion in ' 67 potential is unlimited majors in ph ys ic al education

Richard Dryden Junior 20 6-0

185 .. . Two Letters ... Cincinnati, Ohio . . .

Ha s been a very v aluable re se rve at linebacker . .. ha s good size and speed . . . looked good in s prin g drill s s hould s ee con s iderable playing time in ' 67 tough , hard nosed linebacke r . . . hasn't reached his potential . . . has a knack for finding the football majoring in recreation .


180 . . . One Letter . . . Vinegrove, Kentucky . . . Returns for his second year at cornerback very hard hitter . . . makes up for his physical size with hustle and fierce det e rmination to win made some big plays in the s econdary l a st year . . . reacts to the pass very well . . . should do an outstanding job with game experience to his credit had 2 interception s in ' 66 , a business major.

Don Moore J unior 21 5-10

Ted Green ... Freshman ... 20 . .. 5-10 . ..

175 ... No Letters

An injury forced Green to redshirt last year showed signs of recovery in the spring earned starting job in s pring game . .. could go both ways ... has good s peed quick on pass defense hard worker and dedicated good student majors in ps y chology.

Atlanta, Georgia

Bob Webb Sophomore 19 6-1

190 . . . One Letter . . . Miami, Florida . . .

Lettered as a freshman in ' 66 . . . one of the best tacklers on the squad very hard worker ... deceptive speed ... looks exceptionally sharp on pass defense good student could easily develop into a starter by th e season ' s opener ... business is his major.

Harry Lenz ... Senior ... 26 . . . 5-10 ... 175 .. . Three Letter s . . . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . . . Called by Coach Roy Kidd another coach on the field ... known as the rover safety ... hit s with as much authority as anyone on the squad . . . li nebacker in the secondary . . . a very hard worker ... qui c kne ss and strength are his best assets ... dedicat e d to the game . . . has outstanding l ea dership qualities and h as earned the r es pect of a ll his teamm ates ... does n 't know w h at q uit means ... tricaptain ... s hould be goo d bet for All-OVC honor s in '67 ... majors in bu siness.

Lynn Ray ... Junior ... 20 ... 5-11 ... 170 ... Two Letters ... Covington , Kentucky ...

Mu st fill t h e s ho es of graduated All-America

Buddy Pfaadt . . . versati l e, can be u sed at e it her safety or cornerback . . . will be the d efender safety with p rima r y re sp onsibilities i n the deep secondary . . . ha s kn ac k for being where the ball is ... proved him self as pa ss def ender in the spr in g ... has speed and quick hand s ... excellent open fie ld tackl e r ... hi story i s his major .

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