1 minute read
First Game
Sept. 16-at Da yton, Ohio-8 p.m.
Loca tio n-Da yto n , Oh io
Enrollm ent- 10 ,000
Pre s ident-Ve ry R ev. Ra y mond A. Roesch, S .1VI .
Nicknam e-Fl yers
Co!ors- ·Cardin al Red a nd Columbia Blu e
Stadium-Baujan Field (13,888)
Conferenc e- Ind epen d e nt
O ffense-Wing-T, Pro- set
Publici st-Gene Schill
Off ice Phone- 461-5500 , ext. 381
Athletic Dir ecto r - Th omas J. Frerick s , ( D ay ton '53 )
Head Coach-John McVay ( Miami '53)
Assistant Coach es-Joe Ea g l eo wski, ( Heide lberg , ' 60 ); Tom Moore Bob Madden HB
( Iowa '62); G eorge Per Jes ( Michigan S tate, '60); M ay ne Fontes (M ichigan State , ' 61); Ed Young (Michigan State , ' 64) 1967
1967 OUTLOOK: After eight years in the football proohouse , Dayton returned to the prosperity of winning in 1966 with an 8-2 record. With 28 lettermen returning a nd only 9 lost, the Dayton picture once again looks bright for 1967 . Heading up the list of returning lettermen i s 1966's mo s t va luable player , Mel Taylor. Thi s 5-1,0 195-pound halfback led the Flyers in scor ing la st seaso n with 42 points . He's a punishing runner inside and a speed merch a nt outside. Coach John McVay also has 2,45-pound fullback Mike Wilson and quarterback Jerry Biebuyck.
The Series
First game of the series