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Fourth Game
Oct . 7-at Murfrees boro , Te nne ssee- 8 p .m. ( E ST )
Locati on-Murfree sboro, Tenn essee
Enrollm ent-6,300
Pres i d ent-Dr. Quill E Cope
Nickname-Blue Raid ers
Co l ors-Blue and White
Stadi u m-Horace J ones Fi e ld ( 10,000 )
Confer e nce-Ohio V a ll ey
1966 Fin is h-Second ( 5 - 2 )
Offen se- Sp!it -T, I - Formation , S lot-T
Publici s t-Bob Brook s
Office Phon e-896 - 0680 , ext 373
Athl et i c Director- Charles M. Murphy (Middle T e nne ssee, '38 )
H ea d Co ac h-Cha r l es M Murph y
A ss i sta n t Coaches-Joe Black Hay es (Tennessee, '39); T erry Sw eeney (Middle Tenne ssee, ' 57 ); D on Le a r ( North Carolina, '5 7 ); Gar y Whale y ( Middl e Tenne ssee, ' 62)
1967 OUTLOOK : If experience is the be s t teacher, Middle T ennessee State Univers i ty should be off and running in the 1967 football season . Coach Charles M u rphy will have 34 lettermen returning from the ' 66 s qua d . On l y s eve n are m i ssing from a s q u ad that posted a 7 - 3 campaig n in what was termed a "rebuilding" year for t h e Raiders. L eading t h is year 's attack will be quarterback B illy Walker , spli t end H erbert O wenby and tight e n d Ken C aplenor.