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PORTFOLIO Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

It´s about the journey not the destination. What fascinates me most about urban design is bringing nature back into our cities. How can the most fundamental elements become part of our lives again and how can our perspectives of the city be changed ? It is also about the transformation that every city goes through being a living and breathing entity in our lives. This is the reason why I started my masters degree in sustainable urban design at Lund university in the fall of 2011. Having a background in fashion design has helped me evolve my design principles around humans. Going up and down in scale and understanding the role the human plays in the city is always my goal. It´s not always about what you see but it´s also what you hear, feel, smell and sense that makes the city what it is. I enjoy working in a team and have great communication skills. I´m ambitios and hard working. Edda Ívarsdóttir

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Fall 2013 - Master Thesis - Sustainable Urban Design

Anchoring the harbor

- densifying, protecting and connecting the old city harbor in ReykjavĂ­k The fishpacking district is the name of the new neighborhood. It is a neighborhood that is respectful towards the past but looking into the future. Bringing in a new way of living into the existing urban fabric. Connecting the existing city center with the harbor and generating life around it. Protecting the historic center against sea level rise and flooding while bringing the residents closer to the ocean instead of blocking it out. Using the darkness and the water as a generator for light. Introducing a new more compact way of living and a new way of sustainable transportation. Improving microclimate and introducing communal activities that increase environmental awareness.

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

The Problems Reykjavík faces many problems in it´s Urban structure but the three main problems are Sprawl, connectivity and then there is the problem of sea level rise but if the sea level will rise as little as 36 cm the historic centre will have a 100 year flood every 5 years. The aim of this project is to bring a new way of living into the existing urban fabric. Connecting the existing city center with the harbor and generating life around it. Protecting the historic center against sea level rise and flooding while bringing the residents closer to the ocean instead of blocking it out. Using the darkness and the water as a generator for light. Introducing a new more compact way of living and a new way of sustainable transportation. Improving microclimate and introducing communal activities that increase environmental awareness.

fish market

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Composting Park On-site use

Taking away the oil tanks is vital for the area since the traffic and pollution surrounding it has no place in a residential area. Today the traffic causes a lot of disturbance in the center and the constant driving of huge oil tank cars is dangerous for both residents and visitors. Some oil tanks will be kept though. Both for historic purposes and for a more practical use, that is composting. The compost might then be sold or used in the area. The oil ship pier will then be redone as a sea swimming facility equipped with a sauna, hot tubs and a swimming pool. The coast along the tank area is also the only remaining part of the natural coastline of the island. This area will become a flood park. A park where sea is welcome to flow over and the dominant plant species will be native shoreline species. From the park there will be a nice view towards the west fjords and SnĂŚfellsnes where SnĂŚfellsjĂśkull glacier will be on the horizon.

Electric generator Heat recovery

Electricity to grid

Clean Fuel Gas conditioning



Thermal Generator On-site use

Digester Homes

Organic Waste




Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Connecting to Sea level rise The north eastern shoreline will become the shoreline park. Here you can choose three parallel paths according to the sea level at the time. The high tide path being the highest one always accessible and the low tide one being only accessible during low tide. when the ocean flows over the paths the floating buyo lights will float on the surface indicating where the path lies underneath. After some time the low tide path will be submerged by sea all of the time and the lights will then show people the effects of sea level rise. When the sea runs off the paths during low tide some seawater will be left in special sea critter pools. Here you have the oppertunity to connect with the marine life in a new playful way as some sea critters, crabs and small fish might have been left in the pools after the high tide. In other places you might encounter the bigger landscape in a different way like on the western shore where a hard edge will encourage the surf to hit the shore hard. Here one might place an into the storm tunnel where people might seek shelter and have the sea rushed and splashed onto the glass wall in front of them.

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Harbor character To build up the character of the neighborhood as a fishing quarter and a functional harbor I suggest using the materials the harbor has plenty of. Wooden pallets and cable drums are excellent for building materials and can be used for both permanent and temporary streetfurniture. Buoys and glass floats can be used or inspire streetlamp design. Using elements of the harbor for design inspiration will give the look and feel of the place. The tiles are inspired by the way the salt cod used to be laid out in the exact same area. The green blue color of the baiting sheds will be used for the biking path.

Composting Park

the fishpacking district

Sea swimming and geothermal pool

Art Uni Design Reaching out

Sailing school

Sea Lock

Fish Market

Restaurants Whale Watching Art uni - performance Harpa Cruise ships

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Fall 2012

Pingshan - China Where the mountain meets the valley is about creating a better and cleaner environment for the people of Pingshan. Two new metro stops are planned in the area and between them the new Central Business District is planned. The shape of the district is inspired by the Wutong mountain ridge which can be seen in the distance. Along the now open stream from the water cleaning park till the Pingshan river will be built a promenade which will be decorated with nighttime light installations this will give the area a distinct character.

The Residential areas will be rebuilt gradually. Since the urban village footprint and narrow alleys provide a nice microclimate the aim is for the new fabric to keep that atmosphere. The three clusters of remaining Hakka buildings will be kept and given a new role in the urban fabric. Along the Pingshan river footpaths and green areas will be terraced giving room for annual flooding and fluctuations in water levels. The goal is to create a versatile and resilient neighborhood with a distinct character celebrating both culture and history.


Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Rebuilding Pingshan The shape of the new commercial and business district is inspired by the Wutong mountain ridge which can be seen in the distance. The tall buildings will have a open space for pedestrians that will be shaded by the buildings like in a canyon. Shade is one of the key factors that make public areas work in this tropical climate. The Residential areas will be rebuilt gradually. Since the urban village footprint and narrow alleys provide a nice microclimate the aim is for the new fabric to keep that atmosphere.

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Spring 2011

Deer Rydebäck Rydebäck is a small community situated between Landskrona and Helsingborg in Skåne, Sweden. Rydebäck began to develop in the 1960´s and soon became the biggest single family housing project in northern Europe. Rydebäck is bordered by Nature reserve areas at every side. The Råå river valley from the east to north and Glumslövs backar from the south and finally it is the Island Ven in the west. The first reason that people mention for why they choose to live in Rydebäck is that they do not want to live in a big city when they start a family and this choice seems to be as valid today as it was in the 1960´s. Rydebäck is split in two halves by a natural area which has not been developed to it´s fullest potential and this is the site I chose to develop further to provide Rydebäck with a unique and a strong identity. My main inspiration for the project was Wilhelmina Heise the danish socialite that lived in the manor house and allowed birds to nest in her bedroom. The aim is to attract animals to Rydebäck and encourage human and animal interaction.



Birdhouses The birdhouses are viewing points in which the walls are made out of nesting boxes. When the birds are nesting one can enjoy their singing. The shape will amplify the sound of the singing. When nesting season is over the nest boxes will be emptied and the waste used as fertilizer for the area. Some of these birdhouses will also become shelters for the deer. The viewpoints from the three planned birdhouses are up the terraces, to the sea and over to the manor house. All of there viewpoints are overlooking the wetland. These viewpoints will also create a cut in the vegetation so that the view isn´t obstructed by trees.

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

The Pier The pier I designed has wooden poles all along it and seagulls love standing on poles. My vision is that the seagulls will sit all along the pier and when a person walks along it the seagulls will almost create a wave when they take off the poles one by one. The sound of seagulls is also very much connected to the ocean and this will enhance the feeling of closeness to the sea.

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Aha it´s a meadow The hill leading up to the south side of Rydebäck is a soft slope but when far away it seems kind of steep. I wanted to emphasize that slope and by creating terraces gives the illusion of a greater height. These terraces will be built up stone walls. The walls can be filled up with various material and the idea is that these walls will provide an excellent habitat for insects. These insects will then pollinate in the area and the birds will feed on them. Along these terraces there will be benches where humans can sit and enjoy the view overlooking the area. Some terraces extend into the field below. While sitting underneath these terraces grazing deer will not notice you and this gives you chance of an unexpected encounter.

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

Summer 2012

Stöng í Þjórsárdal

- Competition summer of 2012 collaboration with Danny Bridson, Lund university. The challenge of this site was to find the balance between a site specific solution that at the same time could be reused on other similar sites. The aim was to create a building around an archeological dig. Lhe landscape the dig is set in is as important as the building itself and the connection between the built and unbuilt should play a big role. It is the journey not the final destination..

The path, the viewcones and the bridge. The path is accessible for everyone. Cohesive materials should be used for all parts of the project. Steel, wood and stone play the most important role as their colour blend the best wioth the natural color palette of the icelandic nature. Viewcones are situated along the path and are aimed at important spots in the distance like the nearby volcano Hekla. The viewcones also double up as a shelter where you can seek refuge from wind and rain.

Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

The Building The building is set in the landscape with a turfed roof and skylights that allow natural light to flow inside the building. Catching as much light as possible is important since no electricity is provided in this area. The building is oriented north to south to allow the light and sun to heat the building as much as possible. The roof is slightly tilted down in the nort allowing water to flow from the roof into the creek behind the building.

Interior spaces Our aim was to create a versatile space wich had some flexibility. A wooden frame would be built around the edge of the dig giving people a better view over it. the wooden flooring would flow from indoor to outdoor. open spaces on the sides of the dig would be excellent exhibition spaces where people would get more information about the settlers in Þjórsárdalur.

Undergrad. 2010

テ《garテーur , Agricultural University - new entrance The new entrance to テ《garテーur is meant to be wheelchair accessible and providing some shelter and bike racks for the students.


Edda Ívarsdóttir edda.ivarsdottir@gmail.com tel: 0046 769102380

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