Edex magazine April 2014

Page 1

Contents Pinnacle


06 From school days to the most modern 08 uqøK f,dfõ by,gu 10 ghlrhiy ehl;fspypUe;J etPd ehl;fs; tiu...

Careers 13

From school days to the most modern


Reigning at the cradle of


Developments in printing and packaging industries

uqøK yd weiqreïlrk fCIa;%hkays m%j¾Okh Digital printing to absorb youth

uqøK l¾udka;fha wkd.;h For those who love printing


mr;Rj; Jiwapy; MHtk; ,Ug;gtHfSf;F...

Interviewed and narrated by Nandun Fernando, Sharlene De Chickera, Aruna Chandralal Perera.

bx.%Sska iu. uqøK f,dalh ch.ksuq mr;rbj;jy; kw;Wk; Gj;jfk; fl;ly;

Careers Chart Courses in Printing and Bookbinding

uqøKh yd fmd;a ne§u ms<sn| mdGud,d Great opportunities for Inkies ,yq;ifapd; nghjp nra;jy; njhopw;Jiw. ,isQHfSf;fhd gupRg; nghjp

Pics by Deepal Malalasekara

14 16 18 20 22 24 26 27 28 30 31 32 34



36 Gift-wrapped for youth



38 Creating a niche in printing industry



40 Greening the press



Mr. Abhaya Amaradasa


With over three decades of hands on experience in printing at Lake House, the unparalleled school of printing that taught and bred a number of successful printers, Abhaya Amaradasa has seen it all happening, from dusty, inky, smelly world of printing to the latest modes of digital printing. He shares his views on facets, features and future of the printing industry and its scope for youth in this modern, increasingly becoming ‘paperless’ era.

42 Effective leadership skills



46 ‘To do’ or ‘Not to do’ 48 mdie, yer hEu 50 School drop outs



52 Experience the power of writing 54 ,sùfï n,h w;aú¢kak 56 EDEX /lshd fmd, Opinions expressed in the articles and in other material are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of EDEX or the attached institutions.

Read the trilingual e-version @ www.magazine.edex.lk


Kamal Abeysinghe

Abhaya Amaradasa

Sharlene de Chickera

Ashokbharan Kumaraguruparan Deepal Malalasekara Graphic/Page Layout Designer Kusum Nandika Gunawardena Aruna Chandralal Perera Srinath Wijayakumara S.M.N. Maheshika Premachandra



Manager - Career Services


Editorial Assistants

Published by

EDEX Secretariat, Royal College Union, Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 Tel: +94 (11) 4327070 E-mail: magazine@edex.lk

How did you get involved in the printing industry? The choice to select printing and subsequent love for it began as a school boy at the Royal College. I chose printing as a technical subject at Grade Six at and learnt the art of printing. At that time printing was not sophisticated as it is today, and we learnt with ordinary Letter Press and Lithography machines.

But our arduous training and toil put us in to a good track and we learnt the finer points of printing. These experiences were certainly not akin to digital methods of printing to which we are today exposed to. I recall how we printed Vesak cards, leaflets, a school publication called ‘END’ and the school magazine. We also printed logos with blocks. We were part of the Printer’s Guild which existed at school at that time. Continued...

Abhaya Amaradasa General Manager, Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd (Lake House) since 2002; Director and Visiting Lecturer of Sri Lanka Institute of Printing (SLIOP) and Managing Editor of Business.lk Magazine.

Having joined the Associated Newspaper of Ceylon Limited (ANCL) as a school leaver, he has seen the slow, steady and remarkable transformation of Sri Lankan printing industry from letter press to offset to digital, from hazardous chemicals to environmentally friendly and envisions the next leap from paper based to paper less. He has been trained in Offset Lithography in Sri Lanka and overseas and in 1984 won the best awards for subjects of Lithography, Design for Print, Costing & Estimating & Graphic Repro-Photography. In 1986 he obtained a Diploma in Print & Technology Management and had been trained extensively in pre-press and press application in England and Germany. He also holds a Diploma in printing from SLIOP obtained in 1987.


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What is the future?

Later, I applied for a job at Lake House, considered Sri Lanka’s printing bastion. This was whilst awaiting results for university entrance. I succeeded at my interview as I knew printing and how machines worked. I am grateful for the exposure we received and skills gained on printing processes at the Royal College.

All lines of output will be there, possibly in lesser volumes. However, print will not totally disappear. I-pods, i-pads and androids will be commonplace. These are apparatus that youth are familiar with and this new media will be increasingly utilised. New entrants will need to be trained in these emerging digital media.

I joined the Lake House as a Trainee Executive in 1980. I did not get the ready blessing of my family as they had different aspirations for me. But I stuck to my guns and have been at this establishment for the past 34 years, witnessing the changes of printing. Today, I have no regrets about the path I took or university education I missed.

There will be increased trends towards digital modes of delivery, with less amounts of paper. In fact, ‘greener’ trends will make paper more expensive. Resources are getting scarce and virgin forests are fast disappearing. We must remember that even if recycled, paper can be reused only for 3 cycles.

What is the scope of printing industry in the current context?

Even ink manufacturing will be reverting to natural pigments. When we envision the artistic grandeur and skill of Sigiriya artists for example, we must appreciate that colour and texture used emanated from natural products. Currently, ink manufacturing is also being driven ‘green’. Varnishes and emulsifiers are also used with the ‘green’ ideology in mind.

Modern era of printing differs largely from the bygone one. Formerly, machines were cumbersome and emitted odours, dirty, and were difficult to manoeuvre. They were not state-ofthe art as they are today. Most were huge Heidelberg ‘monsters’ designed by Germans, through necessity for certain operations during the war time. Today we stand on the threshold of digital era, with German technology still being a market leader and Japanese technology showing superior prowess and precision. The printing industry and computer technology have merged. So in essence it is two industries that work in combination. These technological developments are a fortune for us. There is also a transformation in printing from paper to metal to fabric to flex.

What steps need to be taken to foster the printing industry in its current context? There has to be planning, execution and implementation. A printer has to delay a printing job until these fundamentals are in place. We need to assess our printing milieu, capacities of our youth and their skills. We must manage this industry intelligently and productively, without wasting money. Return on investment (ROI) has to be good and stringent

What does the printing industry offer for youth? Printing has fast become a sophisticated and competent arena for youth to be successful.

Today modernity is an attraction for youth who have many things sorted out at the press of a button. Gone are the days of grease and fumes. Technology has ensured that digital era is at the fingertips of youth measures need to be taken to make sure that the industry thrives. I have met some printers who have come up in the industry, whilst some others fizzled out due to absence of planning and management. The industry has

to embrace and survive technological changes. We have to study and research trends in printing. We can benefit with our high IT literacy rate, by upgrading our technology towards current norms and trends.

In Sri Lanka, printing technology is emerging. Today modernity is an attraction for youth who have many things sorted out at the press of a button. Gone are the days of grease and fumes. Technology has ensured that digital era is at the fingertips of youth. Computerisation is holding sway. There are many Sri Lankans who have grown up with printing and wellversed in printing technologies. These are the so-called technocrats. There is also a middle tier, which is equally competent and knowledgeable. The youth can get immersed at the pre-press stage, where their talents, skills and business knowledge can come in to play. There is high potential for designers, technicians, creative cadre and innovators to join forces with this industry and make it professional and productive.

There is tremendous potential in packaging industry as well, to maximise on skills and talents of youth in terms of designing, production and marketing.

What are the special qualities a youth requires to succeed? You have to be innovative and creative if you want to work in the prepress segment. In the press segment having a penchant for technology is vital. In post press once again versatility, innovation and marketing skills are required. Youth need to be properly sighted with an ‘eagle-eye’ for detail. Being colour blind is a disqualification. Also, one needs to have a lot of patience. At executive level you need to have knowledge of all three main areas that constitute printing, such as pre-press, printing and post press, plus supervisory management functions. It is necessary to possess knowledge on ground level operations. Unlike any other industry it needs people who can climb from step one. It is an industry that you need to put your feet on the ground.

What is your advice to youth? Have a vision. Do what is necessary and required at the right time. Have key strategies in place. Develop technical and people skills. Sometimes it is difficult when there are a lot of people but you have to master a way to work with people. You also need a lot of patience.

Youth need to be properly sighted with an ‘eagle-eye’ for detail. Being colour blind is a disqualification. Also, one needs to have a lot of patience





mdie,a hq.fha§u md ;enQ

uqøK f,dfõ by,gu idlÉcd igyk k÷ka m%kdkaÿ" Yd,ska o Ñflard iy wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd úisks

Tn uqøK l¾udka;hg msúiqfka flfiao@ uqøK l¾udka;hg ud w;afmd;a ;enqfõ ud rdclSh úÿyf,a YsIHfhl=j isák wjêfha§uhs' yhjk fY%aKSfha § ud uqøK Ys,amh ;dCIKsl úIh f,i f;dard.;a;d' ta ld,fha uqøK l¾udka;h wo fuka ÈhqKq ;;ajhl ;snqfka keye' wm Ndú; lf<a f,g¾ fm%ia (Letter Press) yd ,sf;da.%ems l%u

PdhdrEm Èmd,a u,,fialr

ie,iqï iy.;j yd Wml%ñlj l%shd;aul ùu b;d jeo.;a' uqøK Ys,amshd fj; ld¾hh mejßug fmr yd miq ;j;a úYd, ld¾hNdrhla mj;skjd' mQ¾j uqøK" uqøK yd mYapd;a uqøK f,i uqøK ld¾hhl Ôú;h j¾.SlrKh l< yelshs' fï wjê tl tlla i|yd iqúfYaI jQ úfYaI{;djhla wjYH jkjd

miq ld,Skj olaI uqøK Ys,amSka jQ fndfyda fofkl=g ;sôß f.hla jQ f,ala yjqia wdh;kfha jir ;sylg wêl ld,hla tl È.gu fiajh lsÍu;a tl w;lska wNsfhda.hls' Y%S ,xldfõ uqøK l¾udka;fha b;sydih ,shejqkq fl!;=ld.drhla jeks jQ f,alayjqia wdh;kfha Bhï WKqlr wl=re wuqKk ,o m%d:ñl hq.fha isg jdhq iólrKh iys; ldurhla ;=< isg uqøK lghq;= ish,a, fufyhúh yels hq.hlg m%.uKh ùfï l;dj fydÈka okakd flfkl= f,i o yeÈkaúh yels wNh wurodi iuÕ l< idlÉPdjls'

wNh wurodi idudkHdêldß" wefidaisfhagâ ksõia fmam¾ia T*a isf,daka ,sñgâ ^f,alayjqia& - 2002 isg wo olajd" wOHlaI yd ndysr lÓldpd¾h" Y%S ,xld uqøK wdh;kh (SLIOP)" l<ukdldr l¾;D Business.lk iÕrdj'

mdi,a wjêfha§u úúO ridhksl øjH yd m%d:ñl hka;% iQ;% wdY%fhka uqøK lghq;= l< hq.hl f,ala yjqishg md;enQ Tyq fifuka kuq;a l%ñlj isÿjQ Y%S ,xldfõ uqøK l¾udka;fha ÈhqKqj iu. iómj lghq;= l< wfhls' Tyq ´*afiÜ ,sf;da.%e*s uqøKh ms<sn| ,kavkfha mqyqKqj ,nd we;s w;r 1984 § ,sf;da.%e*s uqøK ks¾udKlrKh" uqøK msßjeh ie,iqïlrKh yd .%e*sla f¾mafrda f*dfgda.%ems (Graphic Repro-Photography) hk úIhhka i|yd ;Hd. ,eîh' 1986 § fyf;u uqøK ;dCIK mßmd,kh ms<sn| ämaf,daudjla ,nd.;a w;r mQ¾j uqøK yd mqj;am;a l,dj ms<sn|j tx.,ka;fha yd c¾uksfha mqyqKqj ,nd we;' Tyq 1987 § Y%S ,xld uqøK wdh;kfhka uqøKh ms<sn| âmaf,daudjla o ,nd .;af;ah'

fõohka' kuq;a tu.ska uqøK Ys,amfha uQ,O¾u wm uekúka yeoErejd' wm ta ld,fha fjila ldâm;a" w;a m;%sld yd mdie,a iÕrdjla uqøKh l<d' mdie,g iuq§fuka miq ud f,ala yjqia wdh;kfha /lshdjla i|yd b,a¨ï l<d' f,ala yjqisfha mqyqKq úOdhlfhl= f,i m;aùu i|yd mdief,a § ud ,nd ;snq wdNdIh b;d WmldÍ jqkd' ud úYaj úoHd, m%fõYh w; yer f,ala yjqish f;dard .;a;d' tod isg jir ;sia y;rla ud uqøK l¾udka;fha fukau mqj;am;a l,dfõo úúO wjê miqlrñka tys fiajh lrkjd'

j¾;udkfha uqøK l¾udka;fha jmißh l=ula o @ j¾;udk uqøK l¾udka;h wm uq,a hq.fha ÿgqjdg jvd w;sYh úYd, fjkialï j,g ,laù ;sfnkjd' tod uqøK Ys,amh mej;sfha Bhï yd úúO ridhksl øjH Ndú; lrñka l%shd;aul l< yeisrùug b;d wmyiq hka;% Ndú;fhkqhs' wo jk úg uqøK l¾udka;h fnfyúka mß>Kl wdY%s; l%shdj,shla njg úldYKh ù ;sfnk w;ru uqøs;hkaf.a .=Kd;aulNdjh o woyd .; fkdyels f,i j¾Okh ù ;sfnkjd' uqøK Ys,amh Ök cd;slhka úiska f,dalhg odhdo l< w;r tu ;dCIKfha mqfrda.dóka jkafka c¾uksh yd cmdkhhs'

uqøK l¾udka;fha ÈhqKqj i|yd .;hq;= l%shdud¾. f,i Tn olskafka fudkjd o@ ie,iqï iy.;j yd Wml%ñlj l%shd;aul ùu b;d jeo.;a' uqøK Ys,amshd fj; ld¾hh mejßug fmr yd miq ;j;a úYd, ld¾hNdrhla mj;skjd' mQ¾j uqøK" uqøK yd mYapd;a uqøK f,i uqøK ld¾hhl Ôú;h j¾.SlrKh l< yelshs' fï wjê tl tlla i|yd iqúfYaI jQ úfYaI{;djhla wjYH jkjd' uqøK l¾udka;fha ÈhqKqj i|yd fï tla tla fCIa;%h ;=< .=Kd;aul j¾Okhla isÿ lsÍu wjYH jkjd' fuys uqøK wjêh .;af;d;a th b;d ióm f,i kùk ;dCIKh yd ne§ mj;skjd' fï ksid wjYH mßÈ ;dCIKh fj; .uka lsÍu;a th je<|.eksu;a w;HjYH jkjd'

uqøK l¾udka;fha wkd.;h fln÷fõo @ uqøK l¾udka;h m%udKd;aulj l=vd fõú' kuq;a th ke;a;gu ke;s fõhehs is;sh fkdyelshs'

whs f*dka" wf;a f.khk mß>Kl wdÈh ta ;ek .kakjd we;s' yß; ;dCIK l%u yd äðg,a uqøK Ys,amh fj; we;s b,a¨u j¾Okh fõ hehs isf;kjd'

uqøK l¾udka;h ;=<ska ;reK mrmqrg ,efnk wjia:d fudkjdo @ Y%uh uQ,sl lr.;a ;dCIKh blaujd f.dia wo uqøK Ys,amh b;d wdl¾IkSh /lshd fCIa;%hla f,i bÈßhg meñK ;sfnkjd' fj<|m, wd¾Ólfha j¾Okh;a iu. we;s ;rÕldß;ajh iu. wf,úlrKh m%pdrKh wdÈhg úYd, b,a¨ula mj;skjd' fï ksid .=Kd;aul jYfhka by< ;;ajfha uqøK l%ufõo flfrys we;s b,a¨uo by, f.dia mj;skjd'

fuu l¾udka;hg msúiSug wjYH úfYaI l=i,;d fudkjd o@ mQ¾j uqøKh" uqøK yd mYapd;a uqøK hk wjÈ i|yd wjYH l=i,;d tlsfklg yd;amiska fjkia jkjd' uqøK l¾udka;h hk wjêh fjka lr .;af;d;a Bg fyd| weila mej;sh hq;=hs' tfukau ishqï ;dCIKsl l%ufõo ukdj .%yKh lr .ekSu i|yd §¾> ld,Sk mqyqKq ùug iqodkula mej;Su o jeo.;a' th yßhg oCI PdhdrEmYs,amsfhl= ìysfjkjd jf.hs' ;dCIKh l=i,;d yd m,mqreoao hk ;=ku fuu fCIa;%fha oCI Ys,amsfhl= ùug wjYH jkjd'

;reK fm, fj; Tng Èh yels hï mKsjqvhla ;sfío @ bÈß ±laula we;slr.kak' ta i|yd wêIaGdkYS,Sj fjfyi ù jev lrkak' wjYH mßÈ Wml%ñl ùuo jeo.;a' úúO mqoa.,hka iuÕ iduQyslj jev lsßuo wo f,dalfha b;d jeo.;a l=i,;djhla f,i ±laúh yelshs'





ghlrhiy ehl;fspypUe;J etPd ehl;fs; tiu...

mr;Rj; Jiwapy; cq;fis vg;gb <LgLj;jpf; nfhz;BHfs;? mr;;Rj;Jiwia njupT nra;jJk;> mjw;fhdfhjYk; ehd; Nwhay; fy;Y} upapy; khztdhf ,Ue;jNghNj Vw;gl;Ltpl;lJ. ehd; 6 Mk; tFg;G gbf;Fk; NghNj njhopy; El;gghlq;fspy; xd;whf mr;Rj;Jiwia njupT nra;J mij gbf;fj; njhlq;fpNdd;. me;jf; fhyj;jpy; mr;Rj; JiwahdJ ,d;WNghy; mjpetPdkhf ,Uf;ftpy;iy. ehk; gbj;jnjy;yhk; rhjhuz mr;RKiwfSk; ypj;Njhfpuhg; nghwpfisg; gw;wpj;jhd;.

mr;Rg; nghwpfspd; Muk;gj;jpypUe;J... NeHfhzy; -

~hHypd; b rpf;Nfuh> ee;Jd; gHzhz;Nlh kw;Wk; mUzre;j;uyhy; ngNuuh.

jkpopy; -

Rg;igah mD~d;

MdhYk; vkJ fbd ciog;G vk;ik rupahd ghijf;F ,l;Lr; nrd;wJ. ,j;Jiwapd; EZf;fq;fis mwpe;Jnfhs;sTk; mJ cjtpaJ. Mdhy; ,J ,d;iwa etPd b[pl;ly; mr;Rj;Jiwf;F nghUj;jkw;wJ.

Nyf; `T]; mr;R epiyaj;jpy; 3 jrhg;jq;fSf;Fk; Nkyhd mDgtj;ij nfhz;bUf;Fk; mga mkujhr me;jf; fhyj;J mr;R Kiwfshd jhs;fs;> tHzik> rpf;fyhd nghwpfs; Nghd;wtw;wpypUe;J ,d;iwa etPd mr;R Kiwtiu rfyj;ijAk; mwpe;J itj;jpUf;Fk; xUtuhthH. mtH jdJ mDgtq;fisAk; mr;Rj; Jiw njhlHghd jdJ ghHitiaAk; kw;Wk; ,j;Jiwapy; ,isQHfSf;fhd tha;g;Gf;fisAk; vk;NkhL gfpHe;Jnfhs;fpwhH.

md;iwa fhyq;fspy; ntrhf; ml;ilfs;> Jz;Lg; gpuRuq;fs; kw;Wk; ghlrhiy rQ;rpif Nghd;wtw;iw mr;rbj;jik ,d;Wk; epidT $wj;jf;fJ. gpd;dH gy;fiyf;fofj;jpw;F nry;y fhj;jpUe;j Ntisapy; ,yq;if mr;Rj; Jiwapd; Nfhl;il vd $wg;gLk; Nyf; `T]; ,y; njhopYf;fhf tpz;zg;gpj;Njd;. mr;Rj; Jiwiag;gw;wp ehd; Nghjpa tpsf;fq;fis nfhz;bUe;jjhy; vdJ NeHKfj; NjHT ntw;wpfukhdjhfNt mike;jJ. ,jw;fhf ehd; Nwhay; fy;Y}upf;Nf ed;wp $wf; flikg;gl;Ls;Nsd;. 1980,y; ehd; xU gapw;rp epHthfpahf ,ize;J nfhz;Nld;. vdJ FLk;gj;jpypUe;J vdf;Fg; Nghjpa xj;Jiog;G fpilf;ftpy;iy. fhuzk; vdf;fhf mtHfs; NtW jpl;lq;fis itj;jpUe;jhHfs;.

Abhaya Amaradasa

Having joined the Associated Newspaper of Ceylon Limited (ANCL) as a school leaver, he has seen the slow, steady and remarkable transformation of Sri Lankan printing industry from letter press to offset to digital, from hazardous chemicals to environmentally friendly and envisions the next leap from paper based to paper less. He has been trained in Offset Lithography in Sri Lanka and overseas and in 1984 won the best awards for subjects of Lithography, Design for Print, Costing & Estimating & Graphic ReproPhotography. In 1986 he obtained a Diploma in Print & Technology Management and had been trained extensively in pre-press and press application in England and Germany. He also holds a Diploma in printing from SLIOP obtained in 1987.

Pics by Deepal Malalasekara

General Manager, Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd (Lake House) since 2002; Director and Visiting Lecturer of Sri Lanka Institute of Printing (SLIOP) and Managing Editor of Business.lk Magazine.

,Ug;gpDk; ehd; vdJ Kbtpdpy; jplkhf ,Ue;Njd;. 34 tUlq;fshf ,j;Jiwapy; ,Uf;fpNwd; ,jpy; ,lk; ngw;WtUk; khw;wq;fs; ahitAk; mtjhdpj;Jk; cs;Nsd;. ,g;NghJ ehd; njupT nra;j ghijf;fhf my;yJ ehd; iftpl;l gy;fiyf;fof gbg;igNah epidj;J ehd; tUj;jg;gLtj;J fpilahJ.

jw;Nghija #o;epiyapy; mr;Rj; Jiwf;fhd Nehf;fk; vt;thwpUf;fpwJ? etPd mr;R JiwahdJ me;jf; fhyj;J mr;Rj; Jiwia tpl Kw;wpYk; NtWgl;ljhFk;. Kd;ngy;yhk; nghwpfs; ahTk; ghupait. ifahs;tJ fbdk;. kzk; ntspaplf; $bait. n[Hkhdpa njhopy; El;gj;Jld; ntspte;j ghupa nghwpfs; mit. ,d;W ehk; b[pl;ly; El;gj;jpy; gy gbfs; Kd;NdwpAs;Nshk;. MdhYk; ,d;Wk; n[Hkhdpa kw;Wk; [g;ghdpa nghwpfNs re;ijapy; Kjd;ik ngWfpd;wd. mr;Rj;JiwAk; fzpzpj; JiwAk; ,d;W ,ize;Jtpl;ld. ,j;Jiwfs; ,uz;Lk; xd;whdik vkf;F fpilj;j tukhFk;. fhfpjj;jpypUe;J cNyhfj;jpw;Fk;>

mr;Rj;Jiw jw;NghJ ,isQHfSf;F mjp etPdkhd xU Jiwahf khwptpl;lJ. ,yq;ifapy; ,J xU tsHe;JtUk; JiwahFk;. gioa Kiwikfs; khwp ,g;NghJ xU nghj;jhid jl;baJk; Ntiy elf;fpd;wJ JzpapypUe;J tisjd;kAs;s gjhHj;jjpw;Fk; ,j;JiwahdJ khw;wkile;Js;sJ.

jw;Nghija #o;epiyapy; mr;R Jiwapid tsHg;gjw;fhd gbKiwfs; vd;d? xOq;fhd jpl;lkplYk; nray; jpl;lKk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. mJtiu xU mr;R ,ae;jpuk; MdJ jdJ Ntiyia jhkjpf;f cs;sJ. ,isQHfSk; fhj;jpUf;f Ntz;bAs;sJ. ,j; Jiwia Gj;jprhypj;jdkhfTk; mNj rkak; tpidj; jpwdhdjhfTk; ehk; ifahs Ntz;Lk;. ,j;JiwahdJ jioj;Njhq;f %yjdj;jpw;F Vw;w tUtha; fpilf;fTk; fLikahd rpf;fd eltbf;iffSk; ifahsg;gly; Ntz;Lk;. xOq;fhd jpl;lkplypd; %yk; ,j;Jiwapdpy; gpufhrpj;jtHfisAk; fz;bUf;fpd;Nwd; mJ ,y;yhky; ,j;Jiwapy; ,Ue;J mope;jtHfisAk; fz;bUf;fpd;Nwd;. ,j;JiwahdJ njhopy; El;gj;NjhL gpd;dpg; gpize;jJ. MfNt njhopy; El;gq;fspy; Vw;gLk; khw;wq;fNshL ,JTk; NrHe;J khw Ntz;Lk;. ,jpy; Gjpa Nghf;FfisAk; Muha;r;rpfisAk; GFj;j Ntz;Lk;. vkJ fzpdp mwpT tPjj;jpid mjpfupg;gjhd; %yk; ,j;JiwapYk; mD$yq;fis milayhk;.

vjpHfhyk; vt;thwhdJ? Inghl;> Ighl; kw;Wk; adroidfspd; tUifNahL mr;R JiwahdJ vz;zpf;ifastpy; FiwtilAk; mdhy; mope;JtplhJ. ,Jjhd; ,d;iwa ,isQHfshy; mjpfk; cgNahfpf;fg;gLfpwJ. MfNt ,J Nghd;w b[pl;ly; Jiwapdpy; jhd; ehk; ftdk; nrYj;jNtz;Lk;. Gjpa Nghf;Ffs; mjpfk; tUk;. Fwpg;ghf fhfpjj;jpd; Njit ntFthf

FiwtilAk;. gr;ir Nghf;Ffs; (Greener Trends) ,ij NkYk; Cf;Ftpf;Fk;. fhfpjk; tpiyAaHe;j nghUshf khWk;. kPs; Row;rp nra;ayhk; Mdhy; 3 jlitfSf;Fg; gpd; kPs; Row;rpAk; nra;a KbahJ vd;gjid ehk; kwe;J tplyhfhJ. tHzik $l jw;NghJ ,aw;iff;F el;ghd Kiwapy; nra;ag;gLfpd;wd. ,J vg;NghJNk ed;ik gaf;ff;$ba xU tplakhFk;. cjhuzj;jpw;F rPfpupa Xtpaq;fspy; ,aw;if tHzq;fNs jPl;lg;gl;Ls;sd. mit fhyk; fle;Jk; epw;fpd;wd.

mr;RJiwahdJ ,isQHfSf;F vd;d toq;Ffpd;wJ? mr;Rj;Jiw jw;NghJ ,isQHfSf;F mjp etPdkhd xU Jiwahf khwptpl;lJ. ,yq;ifapy; ,J xU tsHe;JtUk; JiwahFk;. gioa Kiwikfs; khwp ,g;NghJ xU nghj;jhid jl;baJk; Ntiy elf;fpd;wJ. ,JNt ,d;iwa ,isQHfis ftHfpd;w Kf;fpakhd tplakhf ,Uf;fpd;wJ. epiwa ,yq;ifaHfs; ,e;j Jiwapdpy; rhjpj;Js;shHfs;. mr;R Jiwf;Fs; KOikahf nry;tjw;F Kd;dH ,Uf;f$ba fl;lj;jpid ,isQHfs; cgNahfg;gLj;jpf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. ,jd; NghJjhd; mtHfsJ mwpT> El;gk;> tpahghu rpe;jid vd;gd tpUj;jp nra;ag;gLk;. Gj;jhf;f rpe;jid cilatHfs; ,j; JiwNahL ifNfhHj;jhy; ,j;Jiw NkYk; tsk; ngWk;.

xU ,isQd; ntw;wpailtjw;F ,Uf;f Ntz;ba rpwg;G jifikfs; ahit? Kjypy; Gj;jhf;f rpe;jidiaAk; gilg;GjpwDk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. mjd; gpd; njhopy; El;gjpw;fhd Nguhty; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; . mjpy; jd; jpwikfis tsHj;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. mjd; gpd; kPz;Lk; Gj;jhf;f rpe;jidAk; re;ijg; gLj;jy; El;gq;fSk; mtrpak;. jfty;fSf;fhf ve;NeuKk; tpopg;Gld; ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. epwf;FUL xU jFjpapd;ikahFk;. nghWik vd;gJ ,j;Jiwapdpy; kpf mtrpak;. mbkl;lj;jpy; vd;d elf;fpd;wJ vd;gJ $l njupe;J ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. Vida Jiwfisg; Nghy; my;yhJ ,J Xuplj;jpypUe;J ,d;ndhU ,lj;jpw;F Kd;NdWgtHfisNa Cf;Ftpf;fpd;wJ.

,isQHfSf;fhd cq;fsJ mwpTiu vd;d? ,Njh xUghHit. rupahd Neuj;jpy; vJ NjitNah mij nra;Aq;fs;. Kf;fpakhd jpl;lq;fis tFj;Jf; nfhs;Sq;fs;. njhopy;El;g jpwidAk; kf;fis ifahSk; jpwikAk; tsHj;Jf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. Mjpfkhd egHfs; ,Uf;Fk; NghJ rw;W fbdkhfNt ,Uf;Fk; Mdhy; midtiuAk; ifahsj; njupe;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;.




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ACCA Professional Qualification

For whom

Useful Information

Post A/L students (2 C passes in A/L & 3 C passes in O/L including math & English) and graduates who want to purse a globally mobile career as a finance professional

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Comprise 2 papers Post O/L students

Diploma in Accounting and Business

Comprise 2 papers Comprise 3 papers

Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)

Students over 16 years of age

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ACCA Professional scheme students

CAT provides an early start to the young student who can use CAT as a foundation for the ACCA Professional qualification or as the basis for seeking employment complete the first 9 papers of the ACCA examinations + a research project + an ethics module

Contact the ACCA Sri Lanka

#424, R A De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 3. 2301920/2301923 E mail info@lk.accaglobal.com www.accaglobal.com

Developments in

printing and packaging industries By Nalin Goonewardene

Printing in Sri Lanka started in 1832 with the 'Colombo Journal'. It now delivers a wide range of print facilities from office and school supplies to outdoor banner advertising to packaging materials.




While the impact on rapid prototyping and manufacturing for industrial use can be enormous, reducing cost of 3D printers will soon make it financially viable for self-manufacturing of personal products, which can change the business world Today, there are about 4,000 printing establishments employing over 40,000 people in commercial printing, with printing schools providing the required training at Sri Lanka such as Institute Of Printing (SLIOP), National Apprentice & Industrial Training Authority (NAITA) and Institute of Printing and Graphics Sri Lanka Limited (INGRIN). Meanwhile, Sri Lanka Association of Printers and Sri Lanka Print Media Academy (SLPMA) aim to provide basic industry training as well as advanced professional programmes for print operatives already in the industry. Currently, they provide specific training courses for a Certificate in Litho Offset Machine operation and a Certificate in Graphic Design. Essential in-house training is also provided to focus on specific items causing issues within the business. City and Guilds or NVQ certificates/ diplomas provide a range of qualifications from setting and running print machinery to packing to making lithographic printing plates and operating digital print machines.

What it will be… What is going on in the developed countries will impact what we do in Sri Lanka, because the global village concept will drag us inevitably into competing with other nations or constrain ourselves to local printing only.

In general, traditional process of printing is being enhanced by a necessity to comply with changes in legislation for ‘green’ environments and developments in technology. New job types and skills are being created with allied training facilities. Curriculum changes are being introduced that challenge young people to design and innovate - essential skills for them to participate in an increasingly technological world. More and more packaged items are being transported across the world requiring clear identification and predetermined routing to destinations. Labels and branding logos have to be displayed on many types of materials other than paper. Numerous new standards and details of routing and border clearance requirements demand the use of printed documents.

Green solutions Of the several innovations consider just two - 'vegetable based inks' and paper reuse. Currently inks are petroleum based. Vegetable based inks on the other hand are made of a mixture of renewable resources, such as soy, flax or canola, with oil from each plant giving the ink its own unique advantage. These inks are environmentally safe and release half of volatile organic compounds (VOC) as required by new regulations.

Reusing paper

now match offset printing technology for large print runs at a low price.

This is an ecology conservation and energy efficient solution to cut paper consumption by re-using printed paper using a decolorizing ink process consisting of a multifunction peripheral, an erasing machine and special ink. The process is able to sort paper into reusable and un-reusable sheets at the same time as removing toner colour and digitize documents prior to erasing – a benefit for the new IT thrust into ‘Big Data’. Various file and paper types may be combined with multiple copies, switching between colour and black-andwhite within the same print job.

Primary applications for digital printing include desktop publishing, printing from a database for packaging, fine art printing and retouching and colour correction of photographs before printing.

Clearly, work in these fields is for those with biomedical, scientific or IT backgrounds, which are not normally associated with the print industry.

Technological developments Digital printing Digital printing is a method of printing from a digital-based image directly to a variety of media. It provides professional printing where small-run jobs from digital sources are printed using largeformat and/ high-volume laser or inkjet printers. Digital printing can

Valuable careers in this field require strong visual awareness and a high standard of computer skills particularly Photoshop. Familiarity with design software packages, such as Quark, Illustrator and InDesign is an advantage. Exciting long-term careers for school leavers can also be secured by using the new Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) for producing magazines and retail catalogues as well as designing and producing interactive iPAD apps for Apple Store. These will enable the production of print material that can be used with digital print machines.

3D Printing The most exciting development of printing is its evolvement from 2D to 3D printing. We are used to 2D printing – i.e, flat, on a sheet of (usually) paper. 3D printing uses a process of making a three-dimensional solid object of virtually any shape from a digital model. To perform a print, the machine reads a design from a file (created by a

CAD model) and lays down successive layers of liquid, powder, paper or sheet material to build the model from a series of cross sections. These layers, which correspond to the virtual cross sections from the CAD model, are joined or automatically fused to create the final shape. The technology is used for both prototyping and distributed manufacturing with applications ranging from architecture and construction through various engineering and medical processes to fashion, education, food and many other fields. There are many advantages of these techniques including high speed, flexibility, low cost for producing small quantities of parts and ability to print in multiple colour combinations simultaneously.

While the impact on rapid prototyping and manufacturing for industrial use can be enormous, reducing cost of 3D printers will soon make it financially viable for selfmanufacturing of personal products, which can change the business world. It is predicted that the rise of the 3D printing industry will create a whole category of new jobs for engineers, designers and modellers who have a biomedical or scientific background in order to further innovate and produce highly advanced 3D-printed products. In conclusion, the print industry in Sri Lanka seems to be in good shape. The most exciting developments on the horizon may not all be relevant today, but certainly something to be addressed in the future.





uqøK yd weiqreïlrk fCIa;%hkays

m%j¾Okh igyk k,ska .=Kj¾Ok úisks mßj¾;kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks

1832 ys uqøKh jQ fld<U c¾k,h iu. Y%S ,xldfõ uqøK l¾udka;h wdrïN úh' tod fuod;=r ld¾hd,Sh yd mdie,a uqøK myiqlïj, isg t,suyka m%pdrKhkag;a weiqreï øjH uqøKh olajd;a fuu lafIa;%h m%j¾Okh ù ;sfí' Y%s ,xldfõ fï jk úg uqøK wdh;k 4000 l /lshdjka ys kshq;=jk mqoa.,hka 40000 la muK isà' lafIa;%fha uqøK wjYH;djhka imqrd,Sug Y%s ,xld uqøK wdh;kh ^SLIOP&" cd;sl wdOqksl;aj yd ld¾ñl mqyqKq lsÍfï wêldßh ^NAITA& iy INGRIN jeks wdh;k /ila mj;s' tfukau Y%s ,xld uqøKlrejkaf.a iïfï,kh iy Y%s ,xld uqøs; udOH welvñh ^SLPMA& hk wdh;khkays /lshdjkays ksr;jk ;reK ;reKshka fjkqfjka uQ,sl lafIa;% mqyqKq jevigyka fukau" Wiia jD;a;Sh mdGud,djka mj;ajkq ,nhs' ,sf;da T*afiÜ ^Litho offset& hka;% l%shdlrùu ms<sn| iy;sl mdGud,dj iy .%e*sla ks¾udKh ms<sn| iy;sl mdGud,dj jeks úfYaIs; mqyqKq mdGud,djka o fï wdh;k u.ska mj;ajkq ,nhs'

ta ula ksido h;a" uq¿ f,dju tlu f.da,Sh .ïudkhka njg m;afjñka mj;sk iuhl wka;¾cd;sl ;r.ldÍ;ajhla <.d lr.ekSug fkdyels jqjfyd;a wmg foaYSh uqøK l¾udka;fhka Tíng hkakg fkdyels jkq we;'

bÈßh flnÿo @

yß; mßirhla i|yd jQ kS;suh wjYH;djhka yd ;dlaIKslj isÿjk ÈhqKqùï iuÕ Y%s ,xldfõ iïm%odhl uqøK l%shdj,ska o l%ufhka jev ÈhqKq fjñka mj;s' mqyqKq mdGud,djka ;=,ska kj /lshd wxYhka yd ksmqK;djhka ìysfjñka mj;S' tfukau úIh ud,djka ys isÿ jQ fjkialï ksid ks¾udKlrkh yd kjHlrkh hk wxYhkays wNsfhda.hkag uqyqK §ug ;reK ;reKshkag isÿ ù ;sfnkjd' we;af;kau tu ksmqK;d lafIa;%h ;=, isÿjk ;dlaIksl fjkia ùu m%fhdackhg .ekSug Tjqkag w;aje,la ù ;sfí'

ixj¾ê; rgj, uqøK lafIa;%hg wod,j isÿjk fjkiaùu Y%s ,xldjg;a fnfyúka n,mdhs'

weiqreï.; NdKav jeä jeäfhka f,dj mqrd m%jdykh ùu;a iu.u meyeÈ,sj yÿkd.ekSï i|yd

iy;sl $ ämaf,daud ;=,ska o hkaf;%damlrk iú lsÍu yd l%shd lrùfï isg weiqreïlrkh" ,sf;da .%e*sla uqøK ;, ksIamdokh yd äðg,a uqøK hka;% l%shd;aul lsÍu jeks mq¿,a mrdihlska hq;= iqÿiqlï ,nd .ekSug yelsù ;sfnkjd'

City & Guids / NVQ

l%ufõo fukau .ukdka;h lrd m%úIag ùfï .uka u. ks¾Kh lsÍfï l%ufõo jeo.;a ù ;sfí' f,an,a yd fj<| ,dxPkhka ,shú,s j,g wu;rj úúO jQ øjHkayso meyeÈ,sj m%o¾Ykh lsßu wjYH ù ;sfí' úúO m%ñ;ska fukau .uka m: f;dr;=re yd foaY iSud wjirhka ksido uqøs; ,shú,s j, wjYH;dj jeä ù ;sfí'

yß; úiÿï kj ksmhqï w;r;a t<j¿ mokï jQ ;Ska; iy m;% lvodis m%;spl%slrKhg muKla fuys È wjOdkh fhduq fõ' ±kg mj;sk ;Ska;" fmÜfrda,shï mokula iys; ;Ska; fõ' t<j¿ u; mokï jQ ;Ska; idod.kafka fidahd" yK" lefkda,d hk me,Eáj, ñY%Khla f,ih' tla tla me,Eàh úiska ksIamdokh jk ;Ska; i|yd iqúfYaIS Wmfhda.S;djhla tlalrhs' fujeks ;Ska; mßir ys;ldó jk w;r pxp, ldnksl ixfhda.hka ^voc& j,ska wvla uqodyeÍug iu;a úu ;=,ska kj fr.=,disj,g;a wkql+, fõ'

lvodis m%;spl%Slrkh mdßißl ixrlaIKh" lvodis mßfNdackh wju lsÍu iy n,Yla;s ld¾hlaIu;dj by< kexùu jeks jdis i,ik lvodis m%;spl%slrkh" isÿlrkq ,nkafka ;Ska; ksrdj¾Kh lsÍfï l%ufõohla yrydh' ta i|yd uld ouk hka;%h;a" úfYaIs; ;Ska; j¾.hla yd nyqúO yelshdjkaf.ka hq;= mßhka;hla Ndú;d lrhs' fuu l%ufõofha§ kej; mdúÉÑ l< yels yd fkdyels lvodis fjkalrk w;ru" tu lvodis l,ska ;dk j¾Khka ^Tone colours& bj;a lsÍu yd ,shlshú,s äðg,a .; lsÍu;a iu.dój isÿlrhs'fuh f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh ;=<ska ,enQ ;j;a tla m%;s,dNhla f,i ±laúh yel' tfukau úúO ,smsf.dkq yd lvodis j¾. lr nyq .=Ks; msgm;a iu. idhla; lsÍu yd tlu uqøK ld¾hh ;=, j¾K yd l¿ iqÿ w;r udre ùuo isÿl, yel' tu ksid meyeÈ,sju by; lafIa;% ;=, jevlsÍug ffcj ffjoH úoHd;aul fyda f;dr;=re ;dlaIKsl miqìu;a ;sîu jeo.;a" tjeks lafIa;% idudkHfhka uqøK l¾udka;h yd iïnkaO jQjla fkdfõ'

äðg,a uqøKh äðg,a mqkremhla fl<skau úúO udOHhkag uqøKh lsÍfï l%ufõohla f,ig äðg,a uqøKh y÷kajd Èh yel' äðg,a udOHfha l=vd m%udKfha uqøK lghq;= mq¿,a wdlD;s yd wê mßud f,ai¾ fyda bkalafcÜ uqøK hka;% Ndú;fhka isÿ lrhs' tfukau wvq msßjehlg wê mßud uqøK w;ska T*afiÜ (offset) uqøKh yd iu;eklg m;aùu äðg,a uqøKhg o yels ù ;sfí' äðg,a uqøKh Ndú;dlrk Wmfhda.hka iuyrla desk top m%ldYk" o;a; .nvdjla ;=,ska weiqreïlrkh i|yd lrk uqøKhka" fi!kao¾h l,d uqøK uqøKhg PdhdrEm j, j¾K ksjerÈ lsÍfï yd kej; yev.ekaùu ±laúh yel'

fuu lafIa;%hg wod, by< jákdlula we;s jD;a;shka i|yd b;d by< oDIaáhl wjfndaOh iy photshop Ndú;h jeks mß>kl Ys,amh ms<sn| by< ksmqK;djhla ;sìh hq;=h' tfukau Quark, illustrator, InDesign jeks ks¾udK ie,iqï uDÿldx. ms<sn| yqrejo fuu lafIa;%hg wjYH iqÿiqlï f,i ±laúh yel' kj Adobe äðg,a m%ldYlrk lÜg,h ^Adobe Digital Publiship suite (DPS) yryd iÕrd iy fj<| kdudj,s uqøKh lsÍu;a yd Apple store i|yd IPAD uDÿldx. ks¾udKh yryd is;a.kakd iq¿ §¾> ld,Sk jD;a;Skaj,g t<öug mdie,a yerhk Tngo ±ka yelshdj mj;S' fï uDÿldx. yryd äðg,a uqøK hka;%hla ;=,ska uqøKh l, yels ks¾udKhka t<s ±laùug Tng yelshdj we;'

;%sudK uqøKh oaúudk isg ;%sudK uqøKh olajd jQ mßj¾;kh uqøK lafIa;%h ;=, isÿ jQ úYd,;u fjki f,i wújdofhka yeÈkaúh yel' wm okak oaúudk uqøKfha§ uqøKh isÿjkafka me;,s u;=msgl tkï lvodishla jeks øjHhka u;hs' ;s%udK uqøKfha§ äðg,a wdlD;shla mokï lrf.k ´kEu yevhl >k (solid) ;%sudk jia;=jla ks¾udKh lsÍug yelsù ;sfí' uQøKh i|yd CAD jeks uDÿldx. wdlD;shka t<s ±lajqkq ks¾udKhla mß>klhlg we;=,alr th uQøK hka;%h u.ska lshjd tu.ska ;Ügqfjka ;Ügqj wkql%ñlj Èhruh lvodisu fyda fjk;a øjHhlska hq;a ;,hla ;ekam;a lsÍu ;=,ska wmg wjYH wdlD;sh yrialv fm,la f,i ks¾udKh l< yelshs' mß>klhl CAD wdlD;sfha yria lv iu. wkq.; f,i ks¾udKh jqkq yrialv tl;=j iajhxl%shj tlg hd lsÍu ;=,ska wjYH wdlD;sh ks¾udKh fõ' fuu ;dlaIKh m%;srEml ks¾udKh yd úiqreKq ksIamdokh hk wxY 2lu i|yd fhdod .kakd w;r .Dy ks¾udK Ys,amh" bÈlsÍï Ys,amh"

bxðfkare Ys,amh" úúO ffjoH l%u" wOHdmkh" wdydr úoHdj yd fjk;a fndfyda lafIa;%hka fj; úys§ f.dia we;' fuu ;dlaIKfhka ,efnk buy;a m%;s,dN w;r l=vd m%udKfha wu;r fldgia wvq msßjehlska hq;=h flá l,l§ kuHYs,S f,i ksmoùug yelsùu;a nyq úO j¾Khka ixl,kh tlúg uqøKh lsÍfï yelshdjka ±laúh yel' isiq m%;srEml ks¾udKh iy l¾udka; lafIa;%hg wod<j isÿ lrk ksIamdokhka iïnkaOfhka we;sù we;s n,mEu buy;a jqj;a" ;%sudKuqøK hka;% j, msßjeh wvq lsÍu ;=<ska bÈßfha§ ;ukag mqoa.,sl NdKav ksIamdokh uq,Huh f,i ±ßh yels uÜgug m;ajQúg uq¿ uy;a fj<| f,dalhg ;%sudK uqøKh u.ska buy;a fjkilg ,lajkq we;' ;%sudK uqøK l¾udka;h bÈßfha§ j¾Okh jQjfyd;a ta ;=,ska ffcj ffjoH fyda úoHd;aul miqìula we;s bxðfkarejka ks¾udKYs,amSka yd wdlD;slrejka i|yd kj /lshd lafIa;% .Kkdjla we;s jkq we;s nj wkqudk l< yel' wjika jYfhka mejish hq;af;a Y%s ,xldfõ uqøK l¾udka;h by< ;,hl mj;sk njhs' tfukau lafIa;%hg wod<j isÿjk lemS fmfkk fjkialï wo isg wod< fkdúh yelsjqj;a wkd.;fha§ wjOdkh fhduq úh hq;= fjkialï njg m;ajkq fkdwkqudkhs'




Digital printing to absorb

youth By Sharlene De Chickera

Pics by Deepal Malalasekara


Mr. P. H. L. Viraja de Silva

P. H. L. Viraja de Silva is the youngest ever Head of the Government Press, established in 1902. Designated as Government Printer, he is also the exofficio Chairman of Sri Lanka Institute Of Printing (SLIOP). Having joined the Government Press in 1986, he was the first Chief Innovation Officer appointed under the e-governance policies. He was instrumental in introducing many new initiatives at Government Press and SLIOP, in terms of printing processes, technology and training courses offered.

The challenge to transform work, school and other societal environments is on the rise. Those who favour digital printing mode are championing modern technology with a cause. Sitting at the helm of Government Press of Sri Lanka, P. H. L. Viraja De Silva is a person with a penchant for digital printing and a trail-blazer in the realm of digital.

“We are envisioning paperless offices and institutes in the near future. Being in the forefront of printing in Sri Lanka for decades at Government Press, we want to be leaders in efficient ways of printing that saves costs and paper. As such, we expect the digital printing to be the modern tool for efficiency. We know that youth will become trendsetters in this realm as it is appealing to them,” he opines.

“Though I work in an environment that is largely paper based, I advocate digital mode. I take measures to instil ways and means of upgrading and simplifying information with the latest technology,” he asserts.

However, these changes will not happen overnight, and we cannot be idealistic, he says. Printing is considered a long lasting industry that has stood the test of time, and constantly evolving. Though there is value lithography, printing industry has to keep abreast with time and embrace modernity.

For example, the Government Gazette is not printed in bulk anymore. Now, it is mostly printed on request. It is surprising to note that not more than 250 official copies are printed regularly now. Yet, the usage remains same, with wider access over the internet through its digital version, saving lots of paper. Another measure he personally advocates is scanning of each visiting card. Demonstrating this new trend he simply used his mobile and scanned our visiting cards and returned the print copies for re-use.

“Using digital printing methods is inevitable, as the world gets fastpaced and sophisticated. We need a force like youth to take the latest forms of printing to the next level,” he observes.

Paradigm change “Psychology has to change from paper based printing to an electronic one. Also, perceptions have to change. For example, the perception of a Lithography Machine Operator is of a blue collar worker with dirty hands. Contrastingly, youth are attracted to the digital world and all that it entails,” he notes.

It is envisioned that the youngest Official Government Printer who holds the reins at more than a century old Government Press that was established in 1902 also holds the keys to prosperity for youth in the printing industry. From old methodologies to new, the printing industry led by the Official Government Press seems able to offer many jobs to discerning youth for their future well-being, both locally and overseas. (Above article is based on an interview conducted with P. H. L. Viraja de Silva, Government Printer.)





uqøK l¾udka;h i|yd lvodis Ndú;h wm wju lr .; hq;=hs' lvodis ksIamdokh i|yd mßirh úYd, jYfhka ydks lrkakg isÿfjkjd' lvodis j,ska f;dr f,dalhla hkak ;ju;a m%dfhda.sl ke;;a lvodis wju jYfhka Ndú; lrk ;;ajhla we;s lr .ekSu ld,Sk wjYH;djhla

äðg,a ;dlaIKfhka bÈßhg igyk Yd,Ska o Ñflard mßj¾;kh wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd úisks

kQ;k f,dalhg iß,k mßÈ wmf.a mqyqKq lsÍfï l%ufõo yd wfkl=;a moaO;Ska ixj¾Okh lsÍu wm bÈßfha we;s w¨;a wNsfhda.hls' rcfha uqøKd,hdêm;s ;k;=r fydnjk ms' tÉ' t,a' úrdc o is,ajd uy;d tjeks wNsfhda. ch.;a wfhls' Tyq Y%S ,dxflah uqøK l¾udka;h merKs ,sf;d.%e*s jeks l%ufõo j, isg äðg,a uqøKh fj; f.khdug uq,a jQ mqfrda.dñfhls' uqøK l¾udka;fha § lvodis Ndú;h wju lr .ekSu o tjeksu wNsfhda.d;aul ld¾hhls' zzuqøK l¾udka;h i|yd lvodis Ndú;h wm wju lr .; hq;=hs' lvodis ksIamdokh i|yd mßirh úYd, jYfhka ydks lrkakg isÿfjkjd' lvodis j,ska f;dr f,dalhla lrd hdu ;ju;a m%dfhda.sl ke;;a lvodis wju jYfhka Ndú; lrk ;;a;ajhla we;s lr .ekSu ld,Sk wjYH;djhla"ZZ Tyq ish cx.u ÿrl:kh ;=<g wmf.a kï ldâm;la (Name Card) .nvd lr.ksñka mejiSh' zzug Tnf.a kï ldâm; ,Õ ;nd .ekSu wjYH keye' ud ta i|yd uf.a cx.u ÿrl:kfha we;s uDÿldx.hla Ndú;h lrkjd' tu.ska lvodis wmf;a fkdhk w;ru Tnf.a wxlh fõ.fhka kej; fidhd .ekSug o ug Woõ fjkjd"ZZ Tyq ;jÿrg;a mejiSh' WodyrKhla f,i rcfha .eiÜ m;%h ±ka uqøKh lrkafka kS;suh wjYH;d imqrd .ekSu i|yd 250 la ;rï wvq m%udKhla muKls' ±ka th myiqfjka wka;¾cd,h yryd nd.; lr (Download) .; yels w;r tu.ska tys Ndú;h b;d by< uÜgulg j¾Okh ù we;' zzug u;lhs uu mdie,a f.dia wjika ù bkak ld,fha ;eme,a lkaf;drefõ we;s .eiÜ m;%fha hï wenE¾;=jla ÿgq úg ta msgqj l,ska ÿgq wh brdf.k f.or f.kshkjd' fï l%uh ksid tho l< fkdyelshs"ZZ Tyq wmf.a

ms' tÉ' t,a' úrdc o is,ajd

idlÉcdjg ydiHhla o tl;= lrñka mejiSh' zz±ka ±ka by< m%ñ;sfha uqøK ;Ska; i|yd o jeä jeäfhka Ydluh uq,dY%hka fhdod .efkkjd' th b;d fyd| m%jK;djhla'ZZ uqøK l¾udka;fhka lvodis bj;a lsßug W;aidy lsÍu Wvq.ï n,d msyskSula jeks njo Tyq mejiSh' zzñksid ufkda úoHd;aulj ;ju;a lvodis u; uqøKh jQ foa lshùug jeä leue;a;la olajkjd' mqj;a m;a iÕrd" fmd; m; i|yd fuh meyeÈ,sj ±lsh yelshs' W.;a nj ye.ùfï ,CIKhla f,io iuyreka Tjqkaf.a ksfjiaj, mqia;ld, mj;ajd.kakg leue;a;la olajkjd' fuh ;=rka lsßug ;j;a §¾> ld,hla .; fjkq we;s"ZZ ta Tyqf.a woyihs' äðg,a f,dalh;a iu. jvd;a iómj w;aje,a neo.;a ;reK mrmqr fï fjkig uq,mqrkq we;ehs Tyq mjihs' jir ishhlg;a jvd b;sydihlg Wreulï lshk Y%S,dxflah uqøK l¾udka;fha idvïnr i,l=Kla fiau rdcH fiajfha iïm%odhkago Wreulï lshk rcfha uqøKd,h kj ;dCIKh iu. fmrg f.khñka ;reK mrmqrg udyeÕs wjia:djka Wodlr §ug fuu uqøKd,hdêm;s;=ud W;aiqlfõ'




Careers SLIOP is a pioneer professional body committed to advancement of knowledge, skills and expertise in print and graphics industry. It plays an integral role in updating knowledge and skills of those within and also those who wish to get in to this industry.

Sri Lanka Institute of Printing

For those who

It spearheads scientific and technical education, whilst sharpening focus of prospective printers in contention. Modern methods of printing are the keys to take the industry forward, manned by youth of today who will be professionals of tomorrow. The cutting edge is for the youth to keep abreast with trends, modernity and more efficient ways of printing.

love printing By Sharlene De Chickera

The Sri Lanka Institute of Printing (SLIOP) housed within premises of Government Press at Borella is a treasure store with many opportunities for youth in printing industry, offering a plethora of courses in print, web and digital media.

We are faced with an unusual challenge. The printing industry has many vacancies, but not enough qualified youth. Even now as we speak, we have job openings at the Government Press that cannot be filled. We offer interesting courses from certificate level to advanced diplomas Mr. Sisira Baranage

“We are faced with an unusual challenge. The printing industry has many vacancies, but not enough qualified youth. Even now as we speak, we have job openings at the Government Press that cannot be filled. We offer interesting courses from certificate level to advanced diplomas. Student who wish to get further qualified can join the University of Colombo and complete two years more, one in technical and the other in management, and even obtain a degree,” informed Sisira Baranage, Registrar/ Director Operations of SLIOP.

Modern machinery and old horses The EDEX Magazine team encountered one of the latest machinery in use, a sophisticated Japanese image press. It includes all aspects of printing, from insertion of different sizes of paper, inking, printing and perfect binding, all executed in a matter of seconds. “A book of 300 pages can be printed and bound in 12 minutes,” stated Vasanthi Rasaih who controls the machine, assisted by two other colleagues, Anusha Tissera and Thushari Pelpola.

Pics by Deepal Malalasekara


Most staff members who work in this modern ambience have obtained relevant qualifications such as Advanced Diploma in Printing and Technology Management. In contrast, general work areas of printing floors consist of older machines. “These machine operators are recruited based on O/ L results

and trained for about 2 to 3 months. Local salaries range from Rupees twenty five to thirty five thousand per month,” said Sarath Manage, Instructor of Machine Printing, while training a group of trainees on Offset Printing Machine (Heideraberg Print master). “Once they learn techniques and skills, they are in demand in print industry, both locally and overseas”, added Manage.

Courses SLIOP caters to needs of the printing

industry by offering courses in Offset Lithography, Graphic Design, Non Linear Editing, Web Design, Digital Animation, Computer Type-setting, Computer Hardware and PC Assembly and Certificate Course in MS Office. Apart from these basic courses, Advanced Diploma in Visual Communication and Management and Advanced Diploma in Printing and Management are also on offer that can even lead to Master’s degree level courses, offered in collaboration with the University of Colombo.




mr;Rj; Jiwapy; MHtk; ,Ug;gtHfSf;F...

,yq;if mr;rPl;L fy;tpafk;> mr;Rj; Jiwapd; Njitfis g+Hj;jp nra;fpd;w tifapy; xg;g;nrl; ypnjhf;uhgp> fpuhgpf; bird;>Nehd; ypdpaH vbl;bq;>ntg; bird;>b[pl;ly; mdpNk\d;> kw;Wk; ilg; nrl;bq; Nghd;w gy ghl newpfis toq;FfpwJ mur mr;rfj;NjhL nghuy;iyapy; mike;Js;s ,yq;if mr;R fy;tpafkhdJ mr;rPl;L> tiyaikg;G kw;Wk; b[pl;ly; Clfk; rhHe;j gy ghlnewpfis toq;Ffpd;w epiyakhfTk; ,isQHfSf;F xU tug;gpurhjkhfTk; tpsq;fptUfpwJ. ,yq;if mr;rPl;L fy;tpafkhdJ> fpuhgpf;]; Jiwapy; mwpT> NjHr;rp vd;gtw;iw Kd;Ndw;Wtjpy; Kd;epd;W ciof;fpwJ. mj;Jiwapy; ,Ug;gtHfSf;F mj;Jiwapy; ,iza epidg;gtHfSf;Fkhd mwpTrhH tsHr;rpapy; ngUk; gq;F tfpf;fpwJ. ,f; fy;tpafk; tpQ;Qhd kw;Wk; njhopy;El;g fy;tpj; Jiwapy; mjpNtfkhf tsHe;J tUfpwJ. ehisa epGzHfshfg; NghFk; ,d;iwa ,isQHfisf; nfhz;bUf;Fk; ,e;jf; fy;tpafj;jpy; etPd mr;rPl;L Kiwfs; ehk; ,j;Jiwia cauj;jpw;F nfhz;LNghFk; rf;jpahf tpsq;FfpwJ. 'ehq;fs; toikf;F khwhd xU rthiyr; re;jpj;jpUf;fpNwhk;. ,j;Jiwapy; gy Ntiy tha;g;Gfs; ,Uf;fpd;wd. vdpDk;

Nghjpastpyhd jfikfSila ,isQHfs; Fiwtha; ,Uf;fpd;wdH. ,d;Wk; $l mur mr;rfj;jpy; epug;g Kbahj msTf;F Ntiy tha;g;Gfs; ,Uf;fpd;wd. ehq;fs; Fiwe;j kl;lj;jpypUe;J> caH bg;Nshkh tiuapyhd vj;jidNah ghlnewpfis toq;FfpNwhk;. Nkyjpfkhf fw;f tpUk;Gk; khztHfs; nfhOk;G gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; ,ize;J njhopy;El;gk; kw;Wk; Kfhikj;Jtj; Jiwfis ,uz;L tUlq;fspy; epiwT nra;J gl;lKk; ngwyhk;." vd;W ,yq;if mr;rPl;L fy;tpafj;jpd; ,af;FdH rprpu ghudNf njuptpf;fpwhH.

Gjpa kw;Wk; gioa ,ae;jpuq;fs; vnlf;]; rQ;rpiff; FOthdJ jw;NghJ ghtidapYs;s xU [g;ghdpa mr;R ,ae;jpuj;jpy; ftdk; nrYj;jpaJ. tpj;jpahrkhd msTj; jhs;fis cl;nrYj;JtJ> ika+l;LtJ> jhs;fis fl;LtJ Nghd;w midj;J tpjkhd mr;Rj; NjitfisAk; g+Hj;jp nra;af; $bajhf mike;jpUe;jJ me;j ,ae;jpuk;

'300 gf;fq;fisf; nfhz;l xU Gj;jfj;ij 12 epkplq;fspy; mr;rpl;L> cUthf;fp tplyhk;." vd;W ,ae;jpuj;ij ,af;Fk; tre;jp uhirah kw;Wk; mtUf;F cjTfpw mD\ h> jpNruh kw;Wk; J\hup ngy;nghy MfpNahH $Wfpd;wdH. ,e;j etPd fy;tpafj;jpNy gzp GupAk; ngUk;ghyhdtHfs; mr;rPl;L kw;Wk; njhopy; El;g Kfhikj;Jtj;jpy; caHju bg;Nshkh Nghd;w rpwe;j jifik cilatHfs;. ,q;F kw;iwa nghJthd Ntiyj; jsq;fspy; gioa ,ae;jpuq;fNs cgNahfpf;fg;gLfpd;wd. ',tw;iw ,af;FgtHfs;> rhjhuzju ngWNgWfs; mbg;gilapy; 2 my;yJ 3 khj gapw;rpf;Fg; gpwF ,izf;fg;gLgtHfs;. ,Ugj;ijahapuk; Kjy; Kg;gjhapuk; tiu rk;gsk; thq;FfpwhHfs;". vd;W> ,ae;jpu mr;R MNyhrfH ruj; khdNf njuptpf;fpwhH. 'mtHfs; ,e;j El;gq;fis fw;W Mw;wy;fis ngw;w gpd;G cs;ehl;bYk; ntspehl;bYk; rpwe;j Nfs;tpf;F cl;gLfpwhHfs;." vd;Wk; khdNf njuptpf;fpwhH.

fw;if newpfs; ,yq;if mr;rPl;L fy;tpafk;> mr;Rj; Jiwapd; Njitfis g+Hj;jp nra;fpd;w tifapy; xg;g;nrl; ypnjhf;uhgp> fpuhgpf; bird;> Nehd; ypdpaH vbl;bq;> ntg; bird;> b[pl;ly; mdpNk\d;> kw;Wk; ilg; nrl;bq; Nghd;w gy ghl newpfis toq;FfpwJ. ,J Nghd;w mbg;gil fw;if newpfisj; jtpu nfhOk;G gy;fiyf; fofj;Jld; ,ize;J gl;lg; gbg;G tiu fw;ff; $ba gy caHju bg;Nshkhf;fisAk; ,yq;if mr;rpL fy;tpafk; toq;fp tUfpwJ.






iu. uqøK f,dalh

bx.%Sska ch.ksuq igyk wreK pkaø,d,a fmf¾rd úisks

mr;rbj;jy; kw;Wk; Gj;jfk; fl;ly;

(Gj;jfk; igz;bq;) Jiwfspy; gutyhf Vw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gl;l fw;if newpfs; mg;nuz;b]; l;iudpq; ,d;]b; Ll; My; toq;fg;gLfpdw; d. Mf;fk; - ~hHypd; b rpf;Nfuh

uqøK l¾udka;fha b;sydih ñksia b;sydih" ixialD;sh yd fj<odu yd ine£ mj;S' tys uq,a ìu f,i ie,flkafka Ökhhs' ls%ia;= j¾I 105 § muK Ökh úiska lvodis fidhd .ekSu o uqøK l¾udka;fha ÈhqKqjg fnfyúka bjy,a úh' Y%S ,xldfõ o uqøK l¾udka;hg È.= b;sydihla we;' Ökh iu. w;S;fha isg mej;s fj<| .kqfokq ksid Tjqkaf.a wdNdIfhka uqøK Ys,amh Y%S ,xldjg meñKsfhah' bkamiq úúO wjê miqlrñka meñKs uqøK Ys,amh wo jkúg kùk ;dCIKh Ndú; jk b;d ÈhqKq fCIa;%hla f,i jHdma; ù we;' óg oYl .kKlg fmr uqøK Ys,amh fnfyúka Y%uh yd mqoa.,sl oCI;d mokï lr.;a l¾udka;hla úh' Bhï Ndú;fhka idok ,o wl=re wuqKd l%shd;aul lrk,o uqøK Ys,amh fnfyúka wúêu;a iajrEmhla ±refõh' miqj ´mafiÜ jeks w¨;a ;dCIKhka iu. úldYKh jQ uqøK Ys,amhg fnfyúka mqk¾Ôjhla f.k ÿkafka mß>Kl ;dCIKfha n,mEuhs' 1997 § muK bx.%Ska (INGRIN) uqøK yd .%Emsla wdh;kh ìysùu o Y%S ,xldfõ fuu l¾udka;fha jeo.;a ixêia:dkhls' tjlg fj<| weu;s OQrh ±rE lsxia,s à' úl%ur;ak uy;df.a uÕfmkaùfuka fuu wdh;kh msysgqùfuka uQ,slj u n,dfmdfrd;a;= jQfha Y%S ,xldj ;=<g uqøK fCIa;%fha kj m%jK;djhka y÷kajd §uhs' tu wdh;kh i;= uQ,slu Yla;sh jQfha fko¾,ka;fha bx.%Ska moku iu. mej;s iyfhda.S;djhhs' Y%S ,xldj ;=< bx.%Ska wdh;kfha id¾:l;ajh

fudkjg meyeÈ,s lrk idOlhka jkafka bkaÿkSishdj" >dkdj" ol=Kq weußldj" ms,smSkh" u,dú" leurEka" uef,aishdj" tß;%shdj" fldxf.da" fidaud,shdj" fydkavqrdia yd fldfidajd hk rgj, fujeks wdh;k msysgqùfï§ th wdlD;shla f,i Ndú;hg .ekSuhs' wo jk úg bx.%Ska wdh;kh uqøK l¾udka;h yd ine÷k fCIa;% .kKdjlu ±kqu fnodfok m%uqL;u wdh;khla njg m;a ù we;' uqøK l¾udka;h" .%emsla ks¾udKlrkh yd äðg,a udOHh hk wxY ;=k hgf;a th ish mdGud,djka fufyhjhs' tys§ tu tla tla wxY j, ksmqK;d j¾Okh lr.; yels ud¾. igyk my; j.=fõ olajd we;' by; mdGud,d yeoEÍu u.ska wod, fCIa;%j, ksmqKfhl= ùug wjYH moku ilia fjk w;ru cd;sl ksmqK;d uÜgu 5 (NVQ Level 5) olajd ;dCIKsl ;;a;ajhla ,Õd lr .ekSug o ux újr fõ' fuh cd;Hka;r /lshd fj<| fmd, ;=< fukau Wiia wOHdmkh ioyd o lÈu m%fõYhla fjhs' WodyrKhla f,i fuu iqÿiqlï imqrd,k ,o whg cd;sl ;dCIKsl úYaj úoHd,h (UNIVOTEC) u.ska m%:u Wmdêhla fyda mYapd;a Wmdêhla olajd wOHdmkh ,nd .; yelsh' fuys§ wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;= ;j;a jeo.;a lreKla jkafka idïm%odhsl wOHdmk ud¾. fj;u úYajdih fkd;nd fujeks úl,am ud¾. fj;

fhduq ùu ;=<ska ,nd.; yels úmq, m%fhdackhkah' WodyrKhla f,i Wiia wOHdmk jrï fkd,nk fndfyda isiqka .sKqïlrKh" f;dr;=re ;dCIKh jeks iïm%odhsl wxY flf¾ fhduq ùfï /,a,la mj;S' tfy;a ta fCIa;% ;=< ksmqKhka f,i by<g .uka lrkakka fld;rï isà ±hs is;d ne,Su jà' tfy;a Tjqka w;ßka uqøK l¾udka;h jeks fCIa;% ;=< yelshdj we;akï hd yels ud¾. yd wjia:d wiSñ;h' tfukau ;udf.a jHdmdrhla mj;ajdf.k hdug we;s wjia:do nyq,h' WodyrKhla f,i fmdfgdafIdma ukdj yeisrúh yels flfkl=g f.or isgu fyd| wdodhula bmehSug yelshdj ksnoju mj;S' tfukau fï yd ine÷k fCIa;%jk ;%sudKlrKh" .%emsla uqøK Ys,amh wd§ fCIa;% j,g wod,j ±kaùï wdh;k j, b;d by< wdodhï bmhSug fodrgq újrj mj;S' vqndhs jeks rgj, we;s /lshd wjia:do wmuKh' ;udf.a yelshdj yd leue;a; ksis f,i lsrd n,d uqøK l¾udka;h wdY%s; fCIa;% j,ska tlla ;udf.a wkd.; jD;a;sh f,i f;dard .ekSug fm<öu ;=,ska Tnf.a wkd.;h b;d by< ;,hlg Tijd ;nd.; yels jkq we;shs wmf.a úYajdihhs' ^bx.%Ska uqøK yd .%emsla wdh;kfha m%Odk úOdhl wdkkao B úl%ur;ak uy;d iu. l< idlÉPdjla weiqfrka iliaflreks'&

uqøK l¾udka;h

.%emsla ks¾udKlrKh

.%emsla m%;sks¾udKh ms<sn| iy;sl m;% mdGud,dj ^udi 05&

.%emsla ks¾udKlrKh ms<sn| fjí ks¾udKlrKh ms<sn| iy;sl m;% mdGud,dj ^udi 05& iy;slm;% mdGud,dj ^udi 04&

TmafiÜ uqøKh ms<sn| iy;slm;% mdGud,dj ^udi 05&

uqøKh ioyd ks¾udK mdGud,dj ^udi 05&

fjí äihskska ms<sn| ämaf,daudj ^udi 06&

m%udKlrkh yd weia;fïka;= lsÍu ^udi 05&

fmdfgdafIdma by< iy;sl m;% mdGud,dj ^udi 03&

nyqudOH ms<sn| iy;slm;% mdGud,dj ^udi 05&

;;a;aj md,kh ms<sn| iy;slm;% mdGud,dj ^udi 04&

.%emsla äihska ms<sn| ämaf,daudj ^udi 06&

f¾Çh fkdjk ixialrK yd ;%sudKlrK ms<sno iy;slm;% mdGud,dj ^udi 08&

ial%Ska m%skaáka ms<sn| iy;slm;% mdGud,dj ^udi 02&

.%emsla l<uKdlrKh ms<sn| by, ämaf,daudj ^udi 08&

;%sudK lrKh yd iÔùlrKh ms<sno ^udhd Ndú; fhka& iy;slm;% mdGud,dj ^udi 08&

uqøK ;dCIKh l<uKdlrKh ämaf,daudj ^udi 08&

äðg,a udOHlrKh

´mafiÜ uqøKh ms<sn| úfYaIs; mdGud,dj ^udi 10&

mr;rbj;jy; my;yJ gpuRupj;jy; vd;gJ goq;fhyj;jpypUe;Nj kdpj tuyhw;wpy; ,lk; ngw;wpUf;Fk; tplaq;fspy; xd;whFk;. md;iwa fy;ntl;Lf;fspypUe;J ,d;iwa trPfupf;Fk; gpuRuq;fs; tiu kdpj ehfupfj;NjhL mJ gpd;dpg; gpize;Js;sJ. 15k; E}w;whz;lstpy; Fl;nld; NgHf; ,dhy; fz;lwpag;gl;l Xuplj;jpypUe;J ,d;Ndhuplj;jpw;F nfhz;L nry;yf;$ba mr;R ,ae;jpuk; mr;rbj;jy; tpQ;Qhdj;ij Kd;Ndw;wpaJ. 18k; E}w;whz;by; Roy; mr;rpd; mgptpUj;jp xUiky; fy;yhf mike;jJ. ,d;W ,yq;if ,isQHfSf;F mr;Rj; Jiwapy; gy Ntiy tha;g;Gf;fSk; fw;if newpfSk; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. ypj;Njh ,ae;jpu mr;Rfw;if newpfs;. mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l xU epWtdj;jpypUe;J fpilf;fg; ngWk; ypj;Njh ,ae;jpu ,af;FdH rhd;wpjo; ypj;Njh mr;R ,ae;jpu ,af;FdH gzpf;F mj;jpahtrpahdjhFk;. ,d;W

cs;s+H mr;R Jiwapy; ,jw;F ey;y Nfs;tp epyTfpwJ. ypj;Njh ,ajpu ,af;FdHfSf;F ,d;W ehl;bNy gw;whf;Fiw epyTfpwJ. MfNt xOq;fhd xU jifikia ePq;fs; ngw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; gl;rj;jpy; ey;y tUkhdKs;s xU Ntiy tha;g;gpid ePq;fs; ngw;Wf; nfhs;syhk;. mg;nuz;b]; l;iudpq; ,d;];bLl; ypj;Njh ,ae;jpu ,af;FdH fw;if newpfis toq;FfpwJ. ,f;fw;if newpia Muk;gpgjw;F Fiwe;jgl;r Njitahf 6 rhjhuzjur; rpj;jp fhzg;gl Ntz;Lk; vd mg;nuz;b]; l;iudpq; ,d;];bLl; (ATI) fLngj;j jiyik mjpfhup nwh`hd; Nuhl;upNfh Fwpg;gpLfpwhH. fw;if newpapid Kbj;jgpd; n`a;ly;NgHf; ,ae;jpuk; ,af;Fjy; Nghd;witfspy; 3 tUl mDgtj;jpidg; ngw;Wf; nfhz;lhy; xUtH gad; jUk; Ntiy xd;wpid epr;rakhfg; ngw;Wf; nfhs;syhk; vdTk; mtH Fwpg;gpl;lhH. jw;NghJ ATI MdJ fLngj;jtpy; mike;Js;sJ Mdhy; $ba tpiutpy; mJ jpwd; mgptpUj;jp kw;Wk; ,isQH tptfhu mikr;rpd; Mjpf;f tuk;gpd; fPo; uh[fpupatpy; mike;jpUf;Fk; NAITA tshfj;jpw;F khw;wg;glTs;sJ. ATI ,d; mr;Rj;Jiw kw;Wk; jfty;

njhopy; El;gj;Jiw jiytH

Mr. Rohan Rodrigo

Nuhfz ngNuuh> mr;Rj; JiwahdJ jifikAila ,isQHfSf;F ghupa tha;g;Gf;fis toq;ff; $baJ vd fUj;Jj; njuptpj;jhH. Gj;jfk; fl;ly; (Gj;jfk; igz;bq;) fw;if newpfs;. ATI toq;Fk; Vida fw;if newpfshf

Gj;jfk; fl;ly; Jiwapy; 2 fw;if newpfs; toq;fgLfpd;wd. mjpy; xd;W mbg;gil Gj;jfk; fl;ly; fw;if newpahFk;. ,jw;F Njitg;gLtJ juk; 8 ghlq;fspy; rpj;jpfs; kl;LNk. ,J xUtUl fw;ifnewpahFk;. kw;iwaJ 2 tUl fw;if newpahFk; ,jw;F f.ngh.j. rhjhuz juj;jpy; xNu jlitapy; Fiwe;jJ 6 ghlq;fspy; rpj;jp fhzg;gl Ntz;Lk;. fzpjk; kw;Wk; jha; nkhopapy; rpj;jp mtrpakhdJ. jFjpAila ,isQHfSf;F nghJ kw;Wk; jdpahH Jiwfspy; Ntiy tha;g;Gf;fs; mjpfk; cs;sd. Gj;jfrhiyfs;> Gj;jf mr;R epiyaq;fs;> E}yfq;fs;> ePjp kd;wq;fs; kw;Wk; Njrpa Mtzf; fhg;gfq;fs; Nghd;wtw;wpy; mtHfSf;fhd tha;g;Gfs; mjpfkhFk;.




uqøK lafIa;%fha mj;akd /lshd wjia:djka lsysmhla A few opportunities in printing industry




/lshd iajNdjh

o;a; ksfõYk l%shdlre $ uqøK lghq;=" msgq ilia lsÍu ioyd" iqÿiq wl=re fudaia;r h;=re f,aLl fÊo iy msgq hgf;a o;a; we;=,;a lsÍu" Date Entry Operator / Input data to facilitate printing, design layout in Typesetter paragraphs, pages, select fonts

mQ¾j uqøK lghq;= Pre-press

mYapd;a uqøK lghq;= Post-press

Qualifications/ Experience

mß>kl Ndú;h ms<sno úfYaI yelshdjka" wod, uDÿldx. ms<sno ±kqu' fmaÊ fïl¾" tï tia T*sia wd§ uDÿldx. ms<sno úfYaIs; ±kqu jvd jeo.;a fõ Specially skilled in usage of computers/ familiarity with relevant software packages. Diploma in MS Office packages, page making, computer typesetting or Desktop publishing an advantage

udisl jegqm re' Salary LKR

Wiia ùï $ jD;a;Sh wjia:d Career advancements

10,000.00 - 20,000.00

jev mÍlaIl Supervisor

.%e*sla ks¾udKlre Graphic Designer

.%e*sla ks¾udKlrkh" msgq ieliSu" uqøKh iy wka;¾Pd,fha m,lsÍu ioyd o;a; ilia lsÍu Graphic designing/ layout planing, processing digital files for printing and web design

msgq ilia lsÍu" .e*sla ks¾udKlrkh ms<sno mss,s.;a wdh;khlska ,nd.;a ämaf,daud iy;slhla Diploma in Graphic designing, Page making from a reputed institution

15,000.00 - 40,000.00

m%Odk ks¾udKlre $ m%pdrK fCIa;%fha wjia:djka Head of Design/ Opportunities in advertising industry

mQ¾j uqøK lghq;= ;dlaIKsl ks,OdÍ $ mQ¾j uqøK lghq;= l<ukdlre Pre Press Technician/ Pre Press Manager

ixfYdaOk isÿlsÍu" ld,igyklg wkqj jev ksulsÍu iy fuj,ï kv;a;=j we;=¨ ish¨ mQ¾j uqøK lghq;= l<ukdlrKh iy mÍlaIdj Overall supervision, management of pre press process including timely delivery/ incorporate alterations and maintenance

by; iqÿiqlu" mQ¾j uqøK lghq;= ms<sno miajirlg fkdwvq w;a±lSï iys;j Above, with more than 5 years of hands-on experience in pre press applications. A Diploma in Digital Pre Press will be an added advantage

20, 000. 00 - 50, 000. 00

uqøK lghq;= l<ukdlre $ úfoaY /lshd Printing Manager/ Overseas opportunities

weia;fïka;=lre $ jeh ,smslre Estimator/ Cost Clerk

ixfYdAOk lghq;= we;=¿j uqøK lghq;= ioyd msßjeh ilia lsÍu" jeh mqfrdal;kh Estimating/ costing of printing jobs, including working of changes/ planning

uqøK lghq;= weia;fïka;=lrKh ms<sno ms,s.;a wdh;khlska ,nd.;a ämaf,daud iy;slhla iy wod, wuqøjH iy tajdfha ñ, .Kka ms<snoj;a ;dlaIKh ms<snoj;a hdj;a ld,Sk jQ ±kqu Recognised Diploma in Estimating and costing in print industry from a recognised institution and updated knowledge on prices, material and relevant technology

20, 000. 00 - 40, 000. 00

uqøK lghq;= l<ukdlre $ úfoaY /lshd Printing Manager/ Overseas opportunities

uqøK iydhl Printing Assistant

uqøKh ioyd lvodis hka;% j,g we;=,alsÍu" hka;% l%shdlref.a jev ioyd iydh ±laùu' Assist Machine Operator in all aspects of work; feed sheets

T*afiÜ uqøK hka;% l%shdlsÍu iy kv;a;=j ms<snoj we;s ±kqu fyda w;a±lSï wu;r iqÿiq luls 7,000.00 - 15,000.00 Knowledge/ experience in offset lithography machine operations/ maintenance an added advantage

hka;% ls%hdlre Machine Operator

hka;% ls%hdlre Machine Operator

hka;% kv;a;=j we;=¿j uqøK hka;% ls%hd lsÍfï ish¨ jevlghq;= All aspects of work in machine operations including maintenance; handle all sheet fed machine operations

m%dfhda.sl yelshdjka iys;j T*afiÜ uqøK hka;% lshdlrùu ms<snoj ms<s.;a wdh;khlska ,nd.;a ämaf,daudjla fyda fjk;a iy;slhla" fyda ( by; yelshdjka iys;j uqøK hka;% ls%hdlrùu ms<sno jir ;=klg fkdwvq m%dfhda.sl m<mqreoao 15, 000.00 - 40, 000. 00 Recognised Diploma/ Certificate in Offset machine operations/ Lithography, with practically demonstratable skills OR; above, with not less than 3 years of practical experience in sheet fed machine operations and full colour jobs

uqøK lghq;= jev mÍlaIl $ úfoaY /lshd Printing Supervisor/ Overseas opportunities

uqøK jev mÍlaIl Printing Supervisor

jev mÍlaIdlsÍfï keUqrejlska hq;=j by; ish¿ jevlghq;= All above, with a supervisory aspect

by; iqÿiqlï" jir mylg fkdwvq m<mqreoaola iys;j Above, with more than 5 years experience

uqøK lghq;= l<ukdlre Printing Manager

uqøK lghq;= l<ukdlre Printing Manager

wuqøjH ñ,g .ekSu iy .nvd lsÍu we;=¿j ish¨ uqøK jevlghq;= fm<.eiaùu" fufyhùu iy l<ukdlrKh ( hka;% kv;a;=j iy uqøK iy mYapd;a uqøK lghq;= j,g wod, msßia md,kh Management, planning and scheduling of printing jobs, including purchase/ stocking of materials; maintenance of machines and management of manpower operations in both printing and post press activities

by; iqÿiqlï" jir mylg fkdwvq m<mqreoaola iys;j fyda ( uqøK lghq;= ms<sno jir follg fkdwvq m<mqreoao iy uqøK ;dlaIKh ms<sno ms<s.;a wdh;khlska ,nd.;a Wmdêhla fyda Wiia 30,000.00 isg by,g ämaf,daudjla 30,000.00 - above Above with more than 5 years experience OR; Recognised Degree/ Advanced diploma or diploma in printing technology, with not less than 2 - 3 years experience in printing

fmd;a neÿïlre Book binder

uqø s; f,aLk ksudj" fmd;a ne§u Engage in finishing work/ binding

ms<s.;a wdh;khlska ,nd.;a fmd;a ne§u ms,sno ämaf,daudjla fyda iy;slhla fyda ( tu ld¾Hhg wod, jir follg fkdwvq m<mqreoao Recognised Diploma or certificate in book binding OR; not less than 2 years experience in a similar capacity

uqøK lghq;= Printing

iqÿiqlï yd m,mqreoao

Job Description

igyk - fiajH wdh;kh" iqÿiqlï iy úfYaIfhkau" m%fhda.sl yelshdjka iy w;a±lSï u; mokïj tlu ;k;=re kduh ;sìh§ jqj;a jegqfma fjkialï ;sìh yel' ffokslj fyda mehl f.ùï u; mokïjk mqyqKq lïlre fiajdjka jYfhka ie,lsh yels /lshd fld, tl;= lsÍu" we,ùu" weisÍu iy m%jdyKh hk fCIa;%hkag wod,j mYapd;a uqøK lghq;= wxYh ;=, mj;S' by; f;dr;=re ilia lsÍu ioyd bkaøl=ud ySká.," bÿks,a bkaøð;a iy w¾cqk ùrisß hk uy;ajrekaf.ka ,o odhl;ajh úfYaIfhka w.h fldg i,luq' weiqreïlrK fCIa;%hg wod, /lshd wjia:djka by; olajd fkdue;'

20, 000. 00 - 50, 000. 00

15,000.00 - 40,000.00

úfoaY /lshd Overseas opportunities

úfoaY /lshd Overseas opportunities

NOTE: Initial/ starting salaries vary, depending on employer organisation, qualifications, and most importantly, based on practical training and

experience though designations may be similar. In case of post-press operations, there are opportunities in paper gathering, pasting, packing and transport segments, which can be considered as skilled labour requirements, where payments may be made on daily/ hourly basis. Assistance rendered in preparation of above by Mr. Indrakumar Heenatigala, Mr. Indunil Indrajith and Mr. Arjuna Weerasiri is greately appreciated.





Affordable and well accepted Courses in Printing and Bookbinding at Apprentice Training Institute

ukd ms<s.ekSula iys;

By Sharlene De Chickera

Mr. Rohan Rodrigo

“Apprentice Training Institute conducts Litho machine operator courses. To enter the course a student needs a minimum six passes at the GCE O/L examination,” said Rohan Rodrigo, Principal, Apprentice Training Institute (ATI), Katubedda. “A person completing the course and then having three years handson experience in operating printing machines such as a Heidelberg machine can be gainfully employed,” he noted.

There is a dearth of qualified Litho machine operators in the country and if you succeed in getting a proper qualification, you are guaranteed of a well paid job

Printing has been etched in human history from time immemorial. From inscriptions on rock to mesmerizing prints, it forms a well knot story of human civilisation. Much later in the 15th Century, Gutenberg's invention of movable print advanced the science of printing. In the 18th Century the development of rotary printing became a milestone. Today, for many youth in Sri Lanka the printing industry has many job opportunities and suitable courses that lead to gainful employment.

Litho Machine Printing Courses A Litho machine operator certificate obtained from a recognised institute is an essential requisite to be employed as a Litho Machine Operator. That is a much in demand position in the local printing industry today. There is a dearth of qualified Litho machine operators in the country and if you succeed in getting a proper qualification, you are guaranteed of a well paid job.

wdOqksl;aj mqyqKq wdh;kh fj;ska

“At present the ATI is housed at Katubedda, but is scheduled to be shifted to the NAITA premises at Rajagiriya, under the purview of Ministry of Skills Development and Youth Affairs. Our hope is to expand our courses for more students and provide affordable programmes,” he informed. Rohana Perera, Head of Department of Printing and IT at ATI opined that the printing industry has a lot of scope for well qualified youth.

Book Binding Courses Other courses on offer at the ATI include two courses on Book Binding. One is a basic book binding course for which the entry requirements are passing of grade 8 subjects. It is a one year course. There is another 2 year advanced course for which the eligibility criteria is passing of six subjects at GCE O/L examination in one sitting, including Mathematics and Sinhala. Qualified youth can obtain employment at both public and private sector organisations such as large bookshops, book publishers, courts, libraries and the National Archives.

uqøKh yd fmd;a ne§u

ms<sn| mdGud,d igyk Yd,Ska o Ñflard mßj¾;kh ufyaIsld fmaupkaø úisks

uqøK Ys,amh hkq wE; w;S;fha mgka udkj b;sydih yd tlg ne£ mj;skakls' fi,a ,smsj, isg j¾;udk jYSlD; uqøK Ys,amh olajd th udkj YsIaGdpdrfha l;d mqj;a iuÕ iïnkaO fõ' 15 jk ishji w. Nd.fha§ .=fgkan¾.a úiska tyd fuyd f.k hd yels uqøK hka;%h fidhd .ekSu uqøK Ys,amfha jeä j¾Okh iksgqyka lrhs' 18 jk Y; j¾Ifha§ N%uK (ROTARY) uqøK Ys,amfha ÈhqKqj b;d jeo.;a ikaêia:dkhla fjhs' j¾;udkfha ,xldfõ ;reK mrmqr i|yd jdisodhS /lshd i|yd u. fmkajk jD;a;Shuh wjia:djka /ila yd fhda.H mdGud,djka úYd, .Kkla uqøK lafIa;%h ;=< mj;S'

,sf;da uqøK hka;% mdGud,dj ,sf;da hka;% l%shdlrjkafkl= f,i /lshdj lsÍu ioyd ms<s.;a wdh;khlska ,sf;da hka;% l%shd lrùu ms<sno iqÿiqlula ,ndf.k ;sîu w;HdjYH idOlhla fõ' th j¾;udk foaYSh uqøK l¾udka;h ;=< b,a,Sï nyq, ;;a;ajhlg m;aj ;sfí' rg ;=< iqÿiqlï ,;a ,sf;da hka;% l%shdlrjkakkaf.a ys.hla mj;sk w;r Tn ksishdldr iqÿiqlï ,nd .ekSug iu;a ùu ;=<ska b;d fydo jegqmla iys; /lshdjla ,nd.; yelsh' wdOqksl (Apprentice) mqyqKq

wdh;kh úiska ,sf;da hka;% l%shdldrùfï mdGud,d mj;ajkq ,efí' mdGud,djg we;=<;a ùu ioyd YsIHhl= wju jYfhka w'fmd'i' id$fm< úNd.fhka idud¾: yhla iys;j iu;aj ;sìh hq;= nj lgqneoao wdOqksl mqyqKq wdh;kfha (ATI) úÿy,am;s frdydka frdøsf.da uy;d mjid isà' mdGud,dj iïmQ¾K lrkafkl=g yhsâ,an¾.a hka;%h jeks uqøK hka;% ls%hdlrùfï wjqreÿ ;=kl w;a±lSïo ,nd.; yels nj ta uy;d ;jÿrg;a ioyka lf<ah' j¾;udkfha § ATI wdh;kh lgqneoafoa msysgd ;snqKo th l=i,;d ixj¾Ok yd fh!jk lghq;= wud;HxYfha u. fmkaùu hgf;a rdc.sßfha msysá NAITA wdh;kh mßY%h fj; f.k hdug kshñ;h' jeä YsIH msßilg mdGud,d myiqlï ,nd §u;a ±ßh yels jevigyka iemhSu;a Tjqkaf.a n,dfmdfrd;a;=j nj Tyq okajd isáfhah'

ATI ys

uqøK yd f;dr;=re ;dlaIK wxYfha m%OdkS frdayK fmf¾rd uy;d uqøK l¾udka;h ;=< iqÿiqlï ,;a fh!jk fh!jkshka ioyd mq¿,a úIh m:hla we;s nj úYajdi lrhs'

fmd;a ne§fï mdGud,dj ATI fj;ska

,ndfok wfkl=;a mdGud,d w;r fmd;a ne§u ms<sno mdGud,d folla we;' bka tla mdGud,djla fmd;a ne§u ms<sn| uQ,sl mdGud,djla jk w;r Bg we;=<;a úu ioyd 8 fY%aKsh iu;aj ;sìh hq;=h' th tl wjqreÿ mdGud,djls' ;j;a oE wjqreÿ Wiia mdGud,djlao mj;sk w;r ta ioyd w'fmd'i id$fm< úNd.fhka tla jrl§ .Ks;h yd isxy, we;=¿j idud¾: yhla iu. iu;a ùu iqÿiqlu f,i ie,fla' iqÿiqlï ,;a fhdjqka mrmqrg úYd, fmd;a idmamq" fmd;a m%ldYlhska" wêlrK" mqia;ld, yd rdcH f,aLkd.drh jeks fm!oa.,sl yd rcfha wdh;k j, /lshd ,nd.; yel'



Careers Today, there are not many people who are skilled as Inkies and this provides a good career path for people who specialize in Chemistry, as the element of competition is also abated.


opportunities for Inkies By Sara Pathirana

The printing industry has developed considerably compared to the way it used to be, 25 years ago. Most printing at that time involved many imported products but now, most is carried out right here, in Sri Lanka. Managing Director of Sithara Printers, Channa Wickramasinghe explained that successive governments have been trying to make Sri Lanka a printing hub, a goal similar to that of most Sri Lankan printers. “There is a lot of capacity in the country currently and in fact, many printing companies now are exporting their material,” he said. The printing industry has become very competitive today with the packaging side alone currently accumulating a growth rate of nearly15%.

Channa Wickramasinghe is the Managing Director of Sithara Printers, which celebrates 50 years of services in the printing industry in 2014. He has studied at Mortford College learning the fine art of printing. He is actively involved in the printing industry since 1984, gaining experience by working at reputed printing related companies in the United Kingdom and United States of America, including Sun Chemicals Corporation of the USA.

Pics by Deepal Malalasekara


Mr. Channa Wickramasinghe

“There are a lot of opportunities in the printing industry for youth. Prospective and aspiring youth who want to join the printing industry can obtain knowledge and skills through many recognized diploma and certificate courses that are currently available. Printing industry is a good place for students who have sound knowledge in Chemistry and Physics,” Wickramasinghe added.

‘Inkies’ There are a lot of opportunities available in ink-making as well, especially in technical aspects of it as well as for Chemists or ‘Inkies’ as they are termed. An Inkie formulates inks that are suitable for any material that it is bound to cater to. Ink is basically created through a combination of three important ingredients of pigments, resins and solvents.

The work progression of a Trainee Inkie evolves further, after they complete initial training. The practice of an Inkie is something that has a fixed position in the printing industry. Training is provided through local expertise and it takes about 4 to 5 years for an Inkie to fully mature in the field, acquiring adequate skills. Acquiring a sound knowledge of how

the industry runs can open doors for other career opportunities such as those in the paint manufacturing industry. The inking profession is one that is rapidly developing and since all printing and packaging activities need ink, there is room for innovation and improvement. There is now an increasing trend towards creation and use of more sustainable, environmentally friendly and harmless types of inks. This industry has an enormous scope for youth, with many gainful opportunities for career advancement.

Flexi printing Flexible packaging is one of the main areas of the printing industry. It is also performing an important economic function in attracting and maintaining buyers for our major export products such as tea, garments, spices, etc. The right kind of printing that goes onto tea packages and packaging of garments happens to be among the most lucrative sectors of the flexible printing sector.


Printing is also an industry that keeps experiencing innovative changes and developments, most significantly in such areas as UV Coating, offset letter press, flexography and laminating inks. Technical upgrades are on the rise and today’s printing industry in Sri Lanka is operating with the best state-of-the-art machinery and expertise. (The above article is based on an interview conducted with Channa Wickramasinghe, Managing Director of Sithara Printers.)

Becoming an ‘Inkie’is no mean feat!

By Sharlene De Chickera

Colouring the world with courage and determination Nilamani RodrigoCandappa is all smiles, as she reminiscences on her ascent to being a Consultant in the inking world, with 36 years of experience. “The world of inking has been challenging. I remember a day when I worked on a project for 36 hours at a stretch, leaving just enough room for me to go to home and cook something for my two young sons,” she recollected. Having started her career after seeing an advertisement in the newspapers, she initially worked as a clerk cum secretary, before making a bold statement that she would like to join the world on inking, dominated by men. She is optimistic that Sri Lanka will reach international standards and urges youth who love this industry to find their right niche.




,yq;ifapd; nghjp nra;jy; njhopwJ ; iw. ,isQHfSf;fhd gupRg; nghjp

jHkjpyf uj;dhaf;f> ,yq;if nghjp nra;jy; mgptpUj;jpikaj;jpd; jiytuhd ,tH ,j;Jiwapy; 45 tUlj;jpw;Fk; Nkyhd mDgtj;jpid nfhz;ltH. Mrpa nghjp nra;jy; $l;likg;gpd; Kd;dhs; jiytUk; cWg;gpdUkhd ,tH cyf nghjp nra;jy; $l;likg;gpd; Kd;dhs; cgjiytUk; cWg;gpdUkhthH. kdpj tho;tpy; gpwg;gpy; ,Ue;J ,wg;Gtiu jdf;F Njitahd midj;ijAk; vNjh xUtif nghjpapD}lhfNt ngw;Wf;nfhs;fpwhd;. ,ae;jpuq;fs;> [Tsp> iftpid nghUl;fs;> xg;gid> rtHfhug; nghUl;fs;> Njapiy> czTfs;> ghdq;fs;> Nghd;W vy;yh cw;gj;jpfSk; nghjpfspd; ClhfNt fpilf;fg; ngWfpd;wd. jw;NghJ ,yq;ifapy; ,j;Jiwapy; <LgltpUk;Gk; ,isNahUf;F tskhd vjpHfhynkhd;W ,Uf;fpd;wJ. 1975 ,y; N[hfd; nrypd; vDk; nghjp nra;jy; MNyhrfH ,yq;iff;F tUif je;jhH. me;j rkak; ,yq;ifapy; nghjp nra;jy; JiwahdJ rpwg;gpy;yhky; ,Ug;gjhf njuptpj;jpUe;jhH. Vnddpy; mf;fhy fl;lj;jpy; nghjp nra;jypd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;jpidAk; Mw;wypidAk; ahUk; mwpe;jpUf;ftpy;iy.

Gy Jiwfspy; epiyahd Kd;Ndw;wj;jpid fhz;gNjhL cWjpahd Vw;WkjpiaAk; nfhz;bUg;gjhy; nghjp nra;jy; Jiwapy; mjpf Nfs;tp epyTfpd;wJ

md;wpypUe;J Vw;Wkjp mgptpUj;jp kd;wk;> ,yq;if nghjp nra;jy; epWtdk;> Njrpa nghjp nra;jy; ikak; Nghd;wtw;wpd; gq;FjhuHfshy; nghjp nra;jy; njhopy; Jiwia Cf;Ftpf;Fk; nghUl;L gyKaw;rpfs; vLf;fg;gl;ld. 1983,y; Njrpa nghjp nra;jy; ikak; xU gapw;rp> Muha;r;rp kw;Wk; mgptpUj;jpikakhf Muk;gpf;fg;gl;lJ. NkYk; ,j;njhopy;Jiw rk;ge;jk;khd tpopg;GdHtpidAk; Mw;wypidAk; ntspg;gLj;j tHj;jf fz;fhl;rpfs; elhj;jg;gl;lNjhL yq;fh ];lhH mthHl;]; Nghd;w nghjp nra;jy; rk;ge;jkhd tpUJfs; toq;fg;gl;L Jiwapy; ,Ue;jtHfs; Cf;Ftpf;fg;gl;ldH.

,d;W re;ijapy; ,e;j yhgfukhd tHj;jfj;jpd; gq;FfSf;F ey;y Nfs;tp epyTfpd;wJ>

“vd;Dila mDgtj;jpidAk;

rpwg;G epiy

xU rkak; jhd; nfhOk;gpypUe;J Nffhiyf;F nrd;W mq;F gpioahf ykpNew;wpq; nra;J nfhz;bUe;j xUtiu jpUj;jp mtUila nryTfis kPjg;gLj;jpajhfTk; mtH $wpdhH.

,yq;if rkPgfhykhf jdJ nkhj;j Njrpa cw;gj;jpapy; 7-8 % epiyahd Kd;Ndw;wj;jpid fz;L tUfpwJ. 50 gpy;ypad; mnkupf;f lhyH ngWkjpahd nghUshjhuj;jpidAk; 2400 mnkupf;f lhyH ngWkjpahd jdpegH nkhj;j Njrpa cw;gj;jpiaAk; nfhz;Ls;s xU ehlhFk;> murhq;fkhdJ fl;Lg;ghLfis jsHj;jp jdpahH kag;gLj;jp rHtNjr Nghl;bfSf;fhf nghUshjhuj;jpid jpwe;J tpLfpwJ. Gy Jiwfspy; epiyahd Kd;Ndw;wj;jpid fhz;gNjhL cWjpahd Vw;WkjpiaAk; nfhz;bUg;gjhy; nghjp nra;jy; Jiwapy; mjpf Nfs;tp epyTfpd;wJ. Nghjp nra;jy; njhopy; JiwahdJ Vw;WkjpAld; njhlHG gl;bUg;gjhy; ,j; JiwahdJ cs;s+H re;ijapYk; mjpf Mjpf;fj;jpid nrYj;Jk; Kf;fpakhd JiwahFk;. ,d;W nghjp nra;jy; JiwahdJ gy;NtW topfspy; gupzkpj;Js;sJ. bd;fspdhy; nghjp nra;ag;gl;lit ,d;W mYkpdpag; glyq;fyhNyh my;yJ nghypjPd; %ykhfNth nghjp nra;ag;gLfpd;wJ. ghupasT cw;gj;jp njhopy; Jiwfshd Njapiy njhopy; Jiwfspy; ,Uk;G ngl;bfspy; nghjp nra;tjw;F gjpyhf Njapiy rhf;Ffs; mjhtJ nefpo; jd;ikAila nghjpfspy; tUfpd;wd. nefpo; jd;ikAila nghjp nra;jYf;fhd Mw;wy; msg;gupanjd ,yq;if nghjp nra;jy; mgptpUj;jpika jiytH jHkjpyf uj;ehaf njuptpj;jhH. Gjpa njhopy; El;gq;fSf;fhd Njit ,j;Jiwapy; mjpfk; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. mNj rkak; Jupjkhf tsHr;rpaile;J tUk; njhopy; Jiwfspy; xd;whfTk; ,J fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,ijg; gw;wp NkYk; fUj;J njuptpj;j jHkjpyf>

mwptpidAk; ,isa jiyKiwapduplk; gfpHe;J nfhs;s tpUk;Gfpd;Nwd;” vd;whH.

Nghjp nra;jYf;fhd fw;if newpfs; midj;J mbg;gilfisAk; jhq;fpa rhd;wpjo; kl;lfw;if newpnahd;W nfhOk;G 10,y; cs;s ,yq;if nghjp nra;jy; mgptpUj;jpikaj;jhy; Kd;ndLf;fg;gLfpd;wJ. Gjpa 2 tUl bg;Nshk fw;ifnewpnahd;Wk; Kiwg;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wJ. ntspehl;L tpupTiufis cs;sl;lf;fpa ,J caHju guPl;iria g+Hj;jp nra;j ,isQHfSf;fhdjhFk;. kNyrpa epWtdk; xd;Wk; nghjp nra;jy; Jiwapy; MHtk; cs;s ,isQHfSf;F gapw;rp toq;f vj;jdpj;jpUf;fpd;wJ. ,tHfs; tUfpd;w [_iy khjk; BMICH ,y; ,lk;ngwtpUf;Fk; "Lanka Pack 2014"nghjp nra;jy; fz;fhl;rpapy; tha;g;Gf;fis toq;f fhj;jpUf;fpd;wdH. vt;thwpUg;gpDk; uj;dhaftpdhy; ,yq;ifapy; ,j;Jiwapdpy; gl;ljhupfs; ahiuAk; ,dq;fhd Kbatpy;iy> Mdhy; NtW ehLfspy; ,j;Jiwapdpy; PhD gl;lk; ngw;wtHfs; cs;sdH vd;gJ Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ.

,yq;ifg; nghjpaply; epWtdk;. ,yq;ifg; nghjpaply; epWtdk; (SLIP) vd;gJ 1975 ,y; ,yq;ifapy; nghjp nra;jy; Jiwia Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;fhf Muk;gpf;fg;gl;l nghJ kw;Wk; jdpahH Jiwfis cs;slf;fpa xd;whFk;. ,e;epWtdkhdJ ,yq;ifapy; nghjp nra;jy; njhlHghd tpopg;GzHit Vw;gLj;Jtjpy; Kf;fpa gq;fpid tfpf;fpd;wJ. ,yq;if nghjp nra;jy; mgptpUj;jpikak; ,jd; xU mq;fkhFk;.






Packaging industry in Sri Lanka

By Sharlene De Chickera Everything that a human being needs in his or her life long journey from ‘womb to tomb’ comes in some sort of wrapping. In essence every product, from machines, textiles, handicrafts, cosmetics, toiletries to tea, foods, drinks, etc, comes with a wrapping. The packaging industry in Sri Lanka is at a point that youth who engage in it, can become prosperous in the future. In 1975, when Johan Selyn, a packaging advisor visited Sri Lanka, he termed standards of packaging in Sri Lanka at that time as ‘atrocious’. Nobody really knew the importance and

potential of packaging then. Since then, many initiatives have been taken by stakeholders of industry such as Export Development Board, Sri Lanka Institute of Packaging and its technical arm, National Packaging Centre to uplift the processes of packaging in Sri Lanka. In 1983, National Packaging Centre was established as a training, research and development centre. To create more awareness on potentiality of the industry, trade exhibitions and packaging awards such as Lanka Star Awards were held to promote and recognize those in the industry. Currently, there are many players in the market who compete for a share in this lucrative trade.

Positioned for excellence Sri Lanka has enjoyed strong GDP growth rates consistently in the range of 7-8% during the recent years with an economy of over US $ 50 Billion and a per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of about US $ 2,400. The government has been deregulating, privatising and opening the economy to international competition. With many sectors recording consistent growth and a very strong export sector, the need for new technology in packaging is at a high demand today. Packaging remains one of the most important industries that are directly linked to exports, in addition to a fast growing domestic market with increased consumption and spending power. “The packaging industry has evolved in leaps and bounds. The

rigid forms of packaging such as tin are being replaced by flexible forms of packaging such as aluminum foil and polythene. Even in large scale manufacturing industries such as the tea industry, iron corrugated cartons, commonly called “tea-chests”, are being replaced by tea-sacks, made out of flexible packaging. The potential for flexible packaging is enormous,” said Dharmatillake Ratnayake, Chairman of Sri Lanka Packaging Development Centre. The need for latest technology is great and it is opportune to step into this fast emerging industry. It is an industry in which all indicators are moving in the right direction. “I like to share my knowledge and expertise with youth. I remember travelling to Kegalle from Colombo to show a packager the right technique of laminating, saving him thousands of rupees as he was laminating the wrong way,” he said.

Courses in packaging There is a certificate level course for held on Saturdays which cover basics of packaging conducted at the Sri Lanka Packaging development Centre, in Colombo 10. A new two year diploma course is also being formulated, which will include foreign lecturers for the benefit of youth. It will be open to youth with post A/L qualifications. A Malaysian entity is also planning to offer training for youth interested in the packaging industry. They will offer opportunities to interested youth at the forth coming ‘Lanka Pack 2014’ packaging exhibition that is to be held at the BMICH in July. However, Ratnayake observed that there are no graduate level qualified personnel in packaging in Sri Lanka, even though there are many professionals even with PhDs in other countries.

A personal reflection By Dharmatilake Ratnayake “Rapid growth in packaging usage is now observed in fast growing economies of Asia. Packaging is an economic activity which plays an important part in production and distribution chain of a majority of goods. These may be producer goods, for example, machinery for production purposes or may be consumer goods such as food, clothing, etc. All are a waste of an economic effort and productivity unless they arrive at their ultimate destination in a usable condition. Good packaging provides protection and preserves quality and furthermore, by increasing storage life can extend markets for any product. Development of packaging industry is hence dependent on emphasis one makes on entire production, distribution and consumption in a disposal chain. The absence of a well defined product making phase in an economic activity may stymie the progress of a packaging process. My advice is to explore possibilities or at least to associate with new product development processes that would yield products of competitive quality aimed at international markets. This process would definitely proliferate needs for advanced and improved packaging, thereby cementing career advancement of youth in the packaging industry.

Dharmatilake Ratnayake Chairman, Sri Lanka Packaging Development Centre and Packaging Advisory Committee of Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

With more than 40 years of hands on experience on packaging, he has served as President of Sri Lanka Institute of Packaging (SLIP) from year 2000 to 2006. He is a former President and a Secretary General of Asian Packaging Federation and a former Vice President of World Packaging Organization. He was a Consultant to Business Advisory Services Section of International Trade Centre, Geneva and a Senior Consultant of China Packaging Federation for World Student Star and Asia Star – Great China Region. Ratnayake is also a past Chairman of INGRIN Institute of Printing & Graphics and a Board Member of Sri Lanka Institute Of Printing. He was instrumental in introducing Student Star Competition for Excellence in Packaging for Lanka Star and World Star Packaging competitions conducted by SLIP and World Packaging Organization, respectively.




With a genuine

love for art Creating a niche in

Pics by Deepal Malalasekara

printing industry By Sharlene De Chickera

Creating a brand From its inception in 1992 to date he has steered its course with passion, creativity and innovation. His untiring efforts has ensured that today Screenline is one of the largest embellishers in the world with an annual turnover of US$ 11 million. Nishantha who envisions more as an entrepreneur says that expansion is on the cards with more strategic alliances in Cambodia and Vietnam.

Mr. Nishantha Kumara

Bakmeege Nishantha Kumara, is the

Founder of Screenline Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, an internationally reputed entity in screen printing. Established in 1992, Screenline today is one of the largest embellishers in the world with six factories in Sri Lanka, two in India and one in Bangladesh. His enterprise has been instrumental in creating more than 1,400 local and 450 foreign jobs. Along with Screenline, Nishantha has won National Merit Award in Extra Large Category at Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year Awards in 2012 and National Silver Award in Large Category at Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year Awards in years 2006 and 2007. Among other awards won are awards for Best Service Partner and Best Apparel Service Provider at the Brandix Awards and the NEC Export Award for Extra Large Category.

“I loved to draw as a youth and would draw anything that came to mind,” says Bakmeege Nishantha Kumara. This talent, combined with an insatiable desire to keep innovating has ensured that he is now at the helm of an industry that he loves to work in. His company, Screenline Holdings (Pvt) Ltd is the fore most local entity in screen printing and Sri Lanka’s largest embellisher. Embellishing is an enhancement in the apparel industry, adding value, beauty and aesthetics to the apparel by addition of decorative details of features. His genuine talent and love for art and designs propelled him upwards in to new vistas, that translated in to business opportunities, and with it came success and recognition. Nishantha is a gifted artist with a talent, passion, a penchant for hard work and ambition. This combination of talent and business acumen has formed a recipe of success for him as an entrepreneur who has succeeded in carving a niche for himself locally and overseas in screen printing.

Carving a niche par excellence “I remember my origins in the market, where I worked in the print industry, as a helper. I learnt the techniques and art of printing which gave me a good foundation to start my work. Most young people at that time considered this as a blue collar job and didn’t want to get their hands dirty,” he recalls. Having learnt the ropes, he always had a burning desire to have the best printing facility in Sri Lanka. With perseverance, long working hours and arduous travelling from his residence in Dehiwala to his first factory in Kochchikade, in the earlier years he blazed a trail which many would hope to follow today. The picture of his humble ironwrought factory, which was formed together with five friends, is proudly displayed at the Kelaniya factory. Today Nishantha is able to invest in cutting edge technology as an entrepreneur to further his business ventures in screen printing, armed with knowledge and experience that has been sharpened.

Currently, Screenline’s local factories are strategically located in Kandy, Meerigama, Kelaniya, Avissawella, Pannala and Koggala, serving the apparel industry right from their manufacturing bases. International locations include Chennai and Vishakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh and Dhaka in Bangladesh. “The key to success is a smart, creative and dedicated workforce who has to be treated with respect and equality, whilst bringing out their skills and talents,” he observes. Walking around the factory at Kelaniya, one can notice that this is a truism. Staff is engaged in embellishing using latest technology, dressed in smart uniforms, working in pleasant

environments with music being played to soothe the mind. State-of-the-art laboratories equipped with testing machinery and tools were in place in line with best practices demanded by international clientele, to ensure that garments and embellishments are free of any adverse toxins and are of exacting quality. “This is one key reason why clients like to work with Screenline. Our excellent services, quality, flexibility and modernity in embellishing methods with the use of latest technology keeps us on the edge,” he informs with pride. As such clients in the ilk of Victoria’s Secret, Pink, Disney, Gap, to name a few choose Screenline as a preferred business partner to work with. Another reason for many international brands to work with Nishantha and his team is their focus on research and development, perfecting the processes to their satisfaction. Web based ERP


I remember my origins in the market, where I worked in the print industry, as a helper. I learnt the techniques and art of printing which gave me a good foundation to start my work. Most young people at that time considered this as a blue collar job and didn’t want to get their hands dirty systems too, are in place and empower the staff located at different factories to be in close communication with one another, and for clients to view progress of work at any given time. For the youth who want to step in to a world of creative ingenuity with entrepreneurship, such as that of Nishantha at Screenline, the path has now been carved and fashioned. What it takes is talent, determination, passion and the right attitude to succeed as a successful entrepreneur who can one day bring pride to Sri Lanka.




Greening the


Country’s only

By Sharlene De Chickera

or from 90 grams to one kilo packs, which are turned out at this factory. Our tea cartons are an attraction at many supermarkets shelves around the world,” Karunathilake notes with pride.

is a model for the industry By Sharlene De Chickera Surrounded by lush green plants and a coconut grove, the 3.5 acre premises of Aitken Spence Printing’s printing press at Siyambalape, Kelaniya, is a model in sustainable ‘green’ printing technology, providing environmentally and socially acceptable printing solutions. Its main building is a prototype built of glass and steel which can be replicated at any location, designed in a manner that water and lighting systems and technology can blend well. The interior and environs are managed stringently in accordance with 5-S processes. Aitken Spence Printing has been awarded Gold status as a LEED certified factory, which is a high recognition. “The printing facility has been specially designed to protect the environment. We removed soil for construction but replaced it once it was completed, so that original soil layers were not disturbed. Plants are also grown to prevent soil erosion. We adhere to the highest norms in ‘green and ethical’ printing,” says Prasanna Karunathilake, Managing Director of Aitken Spence Printing.

Green initiatives These ‘green’ sentiments are shared by Lakkana Yahampath, Manager – Production at Aitken Spence Printing, with thirty five years experience in the industry. “This printing facility is unique

Modern methods: Flex prints

Mr. Prasanna Karunathilake

Our printing capabilities in flex material have won the confidence of many leading brands in tea, dairy and cosmetics industries.

in design and structure, where man and environment are in harmony and operate ergonomically. This facility is eco-friendly and we adhere to procedures and best practices that are cost, time and energy efficient,” he informs. The ‘green' initiatives are implemented by the management and translated to each and every tier, from executives to the factory floor. “Each employee is trained to adhere to best ‘green’ practices. As such every hand working at the facility endeavours to contribute, initiating ideas that reduce material or energy use,” states Yahampath. “We have reduced our water consumption to 775 cubic metres per month from a level of 1000

cubic metres. All usages of water are efficiently managed. We conserve water and also have a water re-cycling system,” Ruwan Watawala, Factory Engineer, elaborating further on ‘green’ initiatives. A water treatment plant ensures that waste water is treated and re-used. The rainwater harvesting system collects approximately 60 cubic metres of water, sufficient to water gardens and facilitate wash-rooms. “We have also added sky-lights, drastically reducing our electricity bill. With all these, the press has now achieved carbon neutral status. We are striving to reduce our carbon foot-prints further,” informs Watawala. Together with eco-friendly measures, the factory is state-of-the-art comprising of computerised processes from pre-press, print to packaging, and is symbolic of precision and efficiency. “We have technology at hand to address the needs of a modern client. Our in-house value additions such as UV-varnishing, gold and silver or colour foiling, embossing, security type foiling are new cutting edge technologies. These result in production of cartons ranging from one tea-bag to 150 tea bags,

“Dairy industry has grown in leaps and bounds. It requires high quality designs with value additions. We can produce and print milk packs of all sizes from 200 grams to I Kg, for powdered and liquid milk,” informs Karunathilake. “Since July 2012, we are not only printing but packaging and shipping our products to foreign markets. Thus, we, as a local printer, have succeeded in reaching overseas markets in the global village from our rural village,” he notes with pride. They have also earned the confidence of largest retailer Marks & Spencer to produce folding box board packaging. There are also a lot of books and

magazine labels that are printed to the highest international standards in print and perfect binding methods.

Cutting-edge technology Built to maximise on efficiency, the press is equipped with latest German and Japanese technological inventions, including the only a six-colour printing machine in Sri Lanka. The design, printing, cutting, varnishing and finishing are done mainly through computerised systems. “These are the latest technologies which youth can get engaged in if they join this industry and is in stark contrast to cumbersome machines that were in use in earlier times,” states Karunathilake. The entire pre-press operation is conducted in-house covering the total gamut of design to online file transferring using digital technology, inclusive of digital proofs. The post-press section handles die cutting and pasting, with the aid of latest die-cutting technology.

“Earlier, printing was a job that entailed a lot of dirt and grease. There was a genuine reluctance among youth to get entrenched in printing. However, with latest technological value additions, it is more streamlined and now it’s a pleasure to work in this industry,” Karunathilake observes. “Youth interested in marketing, pre-press, press or post-press can get best insights in to computerised printing whilst learning to conserve precious resources for the future,” says Chaminda Ratnayake, Assistant General Manager, Supply Chain & Manufacturing Processes.

Pics by Deepal Malalasekara

LEED Certified Green printing press

Pics by Deepal Malalasekara






leadership skills By Maheshika Pemachandra

Leadership skills are tools, behaviours and capabilities that a person needs to be successful at motivating and directing others. Yet true leadership skills involve something more; the ability to help people grow in their own abilities. It can be said that the most successful leaders are those that drive others to achieve their own successes. Though many leaders stand committed to visions that naturally find way to pull others along with them, most cannot claim to have been born with such levels of leadership skills. We certainly may have grown over time and learned many effective skills by experience. All that is required is an open mind, patience as you learn these skills and commitment to put what you learn in to action.

Self-assessment Effective leaders periodically take stock of their personal strengths and shortcomings. They ask: “What do I like to do? What am I really good at?” “What are my weaknesses and what do I dislike?” Knowing your weaknesses does not make you weak; it allows you to delegate to others who have those abilities, to achieve a common goal. Rather than clinging to a false belief that one can do it all, great leaders hire people who complement, rather than supplement, their skills.

Getting and giving information

Do you know how people really perceive you? Effective leaders do. They have an easy level of honest communication with their teams and peers, and a thorough understanding of how they are perceived. Testing others’ perceptions of you can be as simple as observing their behaviour.

Getting and giving information is an important required competency of leaders. If you cannot communicate effectively, no other leadership skill can compensate for this lack. First and foremost, you must be able to exchange information effectively and accurately. There are three distinctive aspects to communication or getting and giving information: Getting, retrieving and giving. When getting or receiving information, you may watch for a variety of clues to gather meaning: not only verbal or

written information, but even behaviour as well. If you are not careful, facts will be forgotten or distorted. This is because both the sender and the receiver of information may unintentionally obscure a message. Information received may need to be retrieved later. There are many different ways to store and retrieve information. Today, we naturally think of computers as a means for storing and retrieving information. The medium is not as important as what your write and how you store information. One can employ a variety of methods to help one remember details, such as note-taking, repeating back, memorization, etc. When giving information, use all five senses whenever possible. In addition, • Speak clearly. • Use language that everyone understands. • Vary your tone and pace. • Move from general to the specific. • Use visuals— charts, maps and diagrams. • Maintain good eye contact Encourage two-way flow - ask questions and get the audience to ask questions from you. Don't pass judgment on a question or the questioner. Use feedback and reflective listening to keep your verbal and non-verbal communication in sync. Take notes of main ideas and review your notes soon afterwards to make sure they continue to make sense.

Sharp perception Do you know how people really perceive you? Effective leaders do. They have an easy level of honest communication with their teams and peers, and a thorough understanding of how they are perceived. Testing others’ perceptions of you can be as simple as observing their behaviour. Are your coworkers and team members relaxed around you? Does all conversation stop when you enter the room?

If you really want to know what people think, just ask them. You may receive feedback that you’re not listening or showing appreciation. If you’ve established an environment of honest and open communication, you should be able to ask about your good qualities and areas you need to improve on. Your peers or team will appreciate your efforts.

Responsive to group needs Being perceptive can also help a leader be more effective in knowing the needs of a team. Some teams value trust over creativity; others prefer a clear communicator to a great organizer. Building a strong team is easier when you know values and goals of each individual, as well as what they need from you as their leader.

Setting example If you have character, if your character has integrity—that is, if who you are the same person in both public and private lives, you will accomplish far more than you may deem possible. Such a leader enjoys respect, loyalty and even love, as long as he takes care of his followers’ needs. If you fail to set an example, why should you expect others to do any better? To help keep the group together and get the job done, everything you do and say should line up with the best possible examples of leadership. When you set the example, you facilitate the results you want as a leader.

Be willing to make tough decisions We all want to be liked and admired, but effective leadership may prohibit winning a popularity contest. When you know a course of action is the right one –best one for the community, the group or team must have the courage to make that decision, no matter how unpopular.


All Sri Lankan Nationals require a visa to study in Canada.

We recommend you self-evaluate your eligibility for a visa by visiting www.cic.gc.ca




GCE A/Ls ‘To do’ or ‘Not to do’ To do or not to do GCE A/ Ls is a timely question. It certainly needs more indepth research to answer the question, but here are some initial thoughts. The following suggestions for alternative private options are based on a survey of Sri Lankan degree awarding institutions conducted by LIRNEasia.net in partnership with SL2College.

There have always been reasons to complete GCE A/ Ls, but now, reasons for not doing GCE A/ Ls and pursuing alternative options are also emerging. It is important to look at pros and cons to decide what is best for you. Life is easier with success at GCE A/ Ls

Motivation is very important. Ask yourself how motivated you are to put in necessary hours to study for A/Ls for almost 3 years

As we all know, success at GCE A/ Ls is a requirement for admission to local public universities. Although foreign private options were always available and many local private options are emerging, it is easier to get into any university, here or abroad, if you have an advanced qualification, such as GCE A/ Ls. As we all are aware, admission to public universities in Sri Lanka is heavily dependent on the district from where a student comes and their national/ district level rankings. However, admission to private universities within Sri Lanka or abroad only requires a minimum passing score. It should be noted that well reputed foreign universities always seek bright students from the world and a good score in GCE A/ Ls (even if not

eligible for admission to Sri Lankan public universities) might still lead you to a scholarship (full or partial). Therefore, for a motivated student, completing GCE A/ Ls might open up many avenues both at home and abroad.

Free entry into professional programmes In Sri Lanka, one gets the opportunity to obtain professional qualifications in medicine free. Ask yourself how badly you want to become a doctor, dentist or an engineer and not what your parents think. Motivation is very important. Ask yourself how motivated you are to put in necessary hours to study for A/Ls for almost 3 years. How good are your chances of getting these free opportunities? Your GCE O/ L results would be a

good indicator. Did you get through O/ Ls in one attempt with good results? Ask around to find out what kind of success at O/ Ls might work as a forerunner to success in getting into a professional programme.

If you are ready and willing and if you can convince your parents, there are enough options available after GCE O/ Ls only. Almost all private institutions offer foundation programmes to make up for GCE A/ Ls.

Take the road less travelled, at a younger age

You don’t need to go abroad to find private alternatives that do not require a local GCE A/ L qualification. The Open University is a public institution that offers foundation programmes. There are also many private options. There are degree equivalents that do not require GCE A/ Ls as an entry qualification. Most in the corporate sector bypass university education and go ahead

Ask yourself whether you are really ready to explore. Technically, it is possible to study on your own for a vocational or professional qualification. You may even start work at entry level and study while you work.

with professional qualifications, specially in accountancy. University Grants Commission has formally recognized higher diplomas awarded by British Computer Society and Sri Lanka Institute of Architects as entry qualifications for postgraduate studies in relevant subjects. Also, one can attempt GCE A/ Ls while following a vocational programme. Weigh all your options and, if undecided or unclear about what is best, consult someone who can guide. (Above article is submitted by SL2College.)





mdie, yer


igyk k,ska .=Kj¾Ok mßj¾;kh l=iqï kkaÈl .=kj¾Ok úisks

wOHdmkh wjika ùug fmr mdif,ka bj;aùu u.ska isiqjl=f.a bÈß Ôú; .uka uÕu fjkia úh yel' fndfyda /lshdjka i|ydo Wiia fm< id¾:l f,i wjika lsÍu uq,sl iqÿiqlula f,i i,l;s' fï ksid wOHdmkh wjika ùug fmr mdif,ka bj;aùu wd¾Óluh jYfhkao wk¾:ldÍ m%;súmdl ,.dlr §ug fya;= fõ by, ixj¾ê; cd;ska fuka Y%S ,xldj idlaIr;djh ishhg wkq foll ^92]& uÜgulg ,Õd lrf.k we;;a" mdie,a hk jhfia isák kuq;a úúO fya;=ka ksid mdie,a fkdhk <uqka ie,lsh hq;= m%udKhla wm w;f¾ isák nj fkdryils' fuu ,smsh tjeks <uqkaf.a fkdmeñKSfï keUqrej iy mdie, yer hEu ms,sn|j flfrk lreKq úuiSuls'

mdi,a fkdmeñkSu wOHdmk úfYaI{hkag wkqj jirla ;=, mdi,a ld,fhka ishhg oyhl jvd ^10]& fyda Èk folla fyda jeä m%udKhla yeu uilu mdi,a fkdmeñKSu" by, fkdmeñKSfï keUqre;djhla f,i ie,lsh yel' fuh uq¿ rg mqrd iuia:hla f,i .;a l, b;d iqúfYaIS ;;ajhls' m¾fhaIK u.ska wkdjrKh jk lreKq wkqj uq,a jir ;=,§ mdie,a fkdmeñKSu 03 jif¾§ wvq olI;d oelaùug fya;= fõ' fuu fkdmeñKSfï m%jK;dj jir 6 isg 9 olajd ld,h ;=, mdif,ka bj;aùfï wjodku by, oeóug fya;=fõ' jdr mÍlaIK ,l=Kq j,g jvd meñKSfï o;a;" YsIHhl=f.a mdif,ka bj;aùfï wjodku mqfrdal:kh l<yels fyd| l%uhlss' tfN;a meñKSfï f,aLkh ,l=Kq lsÍfuka miqj YsIHhka mdif,ka neyerùu jeks

iq,n isÿùï u.ska wkdjrKh jkafka meñKSfï f,aLkh ksjerÈ Ñ;%h ks;ru ksrEmkh fkdlrk njls' lÜámekSuo wjir fkd.;a fkdmeñKSï f,i .Kkh l,yel' l=vd ld,fha§ jeäysáhkaf.a wkqoekqu we;sj isÿfjk mdie,a fkdmeñKSu" by, fYa%Ks j,§ jeäysáhkaf.a wkqoekqu ke;sj jqjo isÿjk mdie,a fkdmeñKSu fukau Tjqkag miq ld,hl§ fyda wk¾:ldÍ m%;sM, ,Õd lrjhs' by, fkdmeñKSfï keUqrejg ms<shï fiùfï m<uq mshjr jkafka ksrjoH f;dr;=re Wlyd .eksu jk w;r oekg tl mdi,l muKla ksrjoH f;dr;=re igyka jk l%shd moaO;sla we;'

tu.ska YsIHhka mdif,a isào keoao hk j. ks;H jYfhka oek.; yels fõ' fujeks l%shd moaO;ska iEu mdi,lgu WÑ;fõ' mdi,g meñKSu ms<sno YsIHhl=g lsishï fyda .eg¿jla mj;S kï mdie, ta ioyd ueÈy;aù l%shd l,hq;=h' hï wjia:djka j,§ YsIHhka yg fjk fjku wjOdkh fhduq lsÍfuka yd iydh ùfuka Tjqkag mdi,g meñKSug we;s úúO ndol wju lr.; yel' YsIHhkaf.a meñKSu iïnkaOfhka ks;r /iaù" wjodkï iys; isiqka y÷kdf.k Tjqkaf.a meñKSu j¾Okh lsÍu ioyd lghq;= lsÍug lKavdhula iE§u ;j tla id¾:l l%uhls' fujeks .egÆj,§ mjqf,ka isÿjk n,mEu ;SrKd;aul jk w;r úfYaIfhkau my< fYa%Ks j,§ b;d jeo.;afõ' tksid fouõmshka fujeks lreKq fyd¢ka jgyd .;hq;=h' fjk;a mdi,l isg kj isiqfjl= meñfKk úg m<uq Èk isg Tyqg Wmldr lsÍug kj f;dr;=re fukau merKs meñKSfï f;dr;=reo wjYH fõ'

by, fkdmeñKSfï keUqrej th .eg¿jla ùug fmr j,lajd.ekSu b;d fyd|u ud¾.hhs' mdie, isiqka ioyd WÑ; ùug th iqrlaIs;" WmldrYS,s iy mßirh;a iu. ne£ug yels ia:dkhla úh hq;=h' ;jo isiqka yg ;ukaj wdorfhka ms<s.kakjd fukau w.h fldg i,lkjd f,i ye.Sula cks; l,hq;=fõ'

l,ska u. ye,Su mdif,a wOHdmk wjêh wjikaùug fmr tkï 12 fYa%Kshg fmr mdif,ka msgùu l,ska u. ye,Su f,i oelaúh yel' fuhg idOl úh yels fya;=ka kï ( l,lsÍu ( ;u wfmalaIdjkag iß,k f,i mdif,a lghq;= isÿ fkdùu" ch.ekSug iajhx wNsfma%rKhla we;s fkdùu iy m%fndaO lsÍug .=rejrekag we;s fkdyelshdj'

jerÈ wdY%h ( ùäfhda ne,Su" iQÿjg tfukau u;a øjH j,g fm<öu jeks mdi,g iïnkaO fkdjk wk¾:ldÍ l%shdjka j,g jeä ld,hla fhduq lsÍu'

jD;a;Sh wfmalaIdjka ( mdi,a hdug jvd uqo,a bmhSu jeo.;ahhs is;Su' tuksid fndfyda fofkl= uqo,a bmhSug;a wëlaIKhlska f;drj ld,h .;lsÍug;a we;s wjYH;djh fjkqfjka lghq;= lsÍu'

wOHdmkhg we;s fkdyelshdj ( mdi,a l%shdldrlï iu. iu.dñj lghq;= l, fkdyelsùfuka" úIh lafIa;%hka fkd.e,mSu" Wmßufhka W;aidy fkdlsÍu iy wvq wOHdmk m%;sM, fukau wfkla mSvk fya;=fjka ishÈú ydkslr .ekSu olajd fm<ôh yel' .ukg we;s ndol ( mdif,a isák fj,djg iudkqmd;j

mdi,g meñKSug iy mdif,ka ksjig hdug .;jk by, ld,h iy ÿr fuu .egÆj ;j;a ;Sj% lsÍug idOlfõ'

uq,H ndol ( uq,slj wOHdmkh ioyd úhoula oeÍug isÿkqjQ j;a iuyr foa ioyd wu;r úhoï oeÍug isÿúh yel' fuh uqo,a w. ysÕ mjq,aj, isiqkag n,j;a f,i n,mEug bv we;'

wikSm ;;ajhka ( fuh wjdikdjka; ldrKhla jk w;r iuyr úg fkdje,ela úhyels idOlhls'

m%;súmdl wOHdmkh wjika ùug fmr mdif,ka bj;aùu u.ska isiqjl=f.a bÈß Ôú; .uka uÕu fjkia úh yel' Wiia wOHdmkh fukau fndfyda /lshdjka i|ydo Wiia fm< id¾:l f,i wjika lsÍu uq,sl iqÿiqlula f,i i,l;s' fïksid wOHdmkh wjika ùug fmr mdif,ka bj;aùu wd¾Óluh jYfhkao wk¾:ldÍ m%;súmdl ,.dlr §ug fya;= fõ' idudkH f,i .;al, Wiia fm< id¾:l f,i wjika l, isiqkag jvd wOHdmkh wjika ùug fmr mdif,ka bj;ajQ isiqkaf.a /lshd úrys;Ndjh by, uÜgul mj;sk w;r wjidkfha wju jegqma iy wju /lshd iqrlaIs; Ndjhla ,.d lrfoa' ;jo /lshdfõ Wiia ùug we;s wjia:do wju úh yel'

YsIHhka fuhska uqojd.ekSug .kak l=ula l,hq;=o @ wOHhkhkag wkqj mdif,a fyda ksjfia wvqÆyqvqlï flfia mej;sh;a .=rejrekaf.ka ,efnk ffO¾hh isiqfjl=g mdif,a /£ isàug by, rel=,la fõ' fouõmshkaf.a oekqj;a Ndjh jeä lsÍu" mdif,a fi!LHh myiqlï jeä ÈhKq lsÍu" udkisl Wmfoia §u" l%Svdjg keUqre ùug we;s bvm%ia:d jeä lsÍu iy ,eÈlula olajk mdi,a ix.ï j,g tl;= ùug bv ie,iSu jeks lreKq u.ska isiqka yg mdif,a /£ isàug we;s reÑl;ajh jeä ùug fya;= fõ'






drop outs By Nalin Goonewardene

Sri Lanka has a literacy rate of over 92 percent, yet there are children of school-going age who do not attend school. Of several reasons, this article focuses on high absenteeism and early drop outs.

Dropouts are more likely to be unemployed than those with A-Levels and earn less money when they eventually secure work. Those who do get employment are likely to be low-paid with little opportunity for upward mobility Absenteeism Experts say that high absenteeism is typically defined as missing 10 percent or more of a school year - about two days every month. Across the nation, this can be significant. Research has shown that high absence in kindergarten leads to lower performance in grade 3 which is tied to decreased attendance in grades 6 to 9 with an increasing risk of dropping out of school. Attendance has been shown to be a better predictor of dropping out than test scores. But attendance registers do not always tell the story. Some attend school and leave quietly after a register is marked. Truancy is normally counted by the number of unexcused absences, but a child who is absent at a lower grade often has an adult's permission. Adults don't always appreciate that missing school (at whatever level) has consequences for children in later life. The first step in addressing high absenteeism is collecting accurate data. One school has a system that ensures they know if a student is in school or not at all times. Others need to adopt a similar system. If it is clear that certain groups of students have attendance issues, a school community may be setup to deal with this. However, a student by student approach may be required to help individual students overcome barriers they face in coming to school. Another approach is to form an attendance team that meets regularly to discuss at-risk students and follow up on plans to improve their attendance. While family engagement is crucial at all levels, it is particularly important at

lower grades. So parents must understand the importance of not missing school. For other grades, gathering attendance data from previous schools for incoming students should help in preparing interventions appropriately from day one.

Travel difficulty - time taken is out of proportion to time spent in school with no way of resolving.

That said, best way to address high absenteeism is before it becomes an issue. Schools need to ensure that they are places where students want to be safe, supportive and engaging environments where students feel welcome and valued.

True illness - this

Early drop outs Early drop outs refer to those who attended school, but do not continue to complete a full course of basic education, i.e. to the final year of study at grade 12. Some of significant reasons (in no particular order) include :

Disillusion - school doesn't live up to expectations; not motivated to battle through and succeed; teachers are unable to inspire.

Joining the wrong company - spends more time in non-school activities such as watching videos, gambling, drugs and alcohol.

Occupational aspirations - thinks working for money is more important than schooling; many into driving a three wheeler providing adequate money and free time without supervision.

Academic inability cannot keep up with school work; may not be academically suited or could be not trying hard enough; poor academic performances may

even lead to suicidal instincts due to other pressures.

Financial difficulty - although education is free, those little extra expenses can 'break the camel's back' for those on a very low budget. is unfortunate and perhaps unavoidable.

Consequences Dropping out may have life impacting consequences. Senior school completion has become a basic pre-requisite for many entry-level jobs, as well as higher education. Thus, economic consequences of leaving school without A-Levels can be severe. On an average, dropouts are more likely to be unemployed than those with A-Levels and earn less money when they eventually secure work. Those who do get employment are likely to be lowpaid with little opportunity for upward mobility.

What can be done to save these students? Studies indicate that regardless of deficiencies in schools or homes, teachers can immensely motivate children to remain in school. Creating awareness among parents, enhancing health facilities at schools, providing counselling services, enhanced opportunities in sports and interest societies also can positively contribute.






By Kusum Nandika Gunawardena

There’s a saying that pen is mightier than the sword. However pen is just a tool that expresses your views and emotions. It’s your own creativity and writing skills that actually contribute towards the might of pen. A great writer is not born overnight. It takes continuous practice to sharpen your writing skills. Once writing becomes a habit you are successfully on a journey to become a writer. How can we write?

Use internet

A starting point to develop good writing skills is to devote some time each day in summarizing your classroom or lecture notes. For each class or lecture rather than writing the shortest of short notes you can prepare a one page document to summarize and condense main ideas of a lesson and also any important areas that you have researched through internet. By doing this on a daily basis you would not only be reinforcing things you leant at class but also developing your writing skills.

An internet search will reveal dozens of Blogging websites that allows you to create and maintain your own blog. They provide attractive layouts and allow you to create an eye catching colourful blogs with multimedia content. Make a commitment to blog every day. As a start you could read so many individual blogs to get the hang of blogging and to see how interesting those blogs are to readers. You must also be having so many interesting things to write about your school, university, friends, family, activities and hobbies. Blogging is an ideal place to reveal who you really are to the world as well as understand how much you enjoy your life.

You can also write your own life journal. It can be written in your diary or in a notebook or in your own personal computer. You can write about anything that was of interest to you within the day which may be something that you learnt, something you saw or something inspirational that you read.

What is required to become a writer? Writing needs patience and the biggest problem one would face is how to find

the time to write with all schooling, lectures, extra curricular activities, work and household chores. However, it will amaze you that actually you have lot of spare time from which you could dedicate around thirty minutes to write on a daily basis. Just think about the time you spend on Facebook, watching cricket on TV or just chatting with your friends. Just set aside a convenient time with fewer distractions. The next obstacle to writing is that, it’s really hard to find a topic in the first place! Many would argue that life is mundane and there’s nothing much to write about on a daily basis in a journal or a blog. The solution really is within you. You need to develop your skill at observing things that happens around you. That is what we call paying attention to life. There’s so much happening around us but we are not looking and therefore, not seeing all those beautiful amazing things.

Also reading a little everyday is useful in become a writer. What you read can be from a daily newspaper or internet or from a book borrowed from school or university library but they will equally help you to learn new things and discover interesting facts about life and the world around us which would in tern help us in our writings. If you had the chance to visit a foreign country you would be amazed how much people read while they commute in a train or bus or during their lunch breaks. Even if they are not reading they will be actively exercising their brains through crossword puzzles, brain teasers, Sudoku and similar activities. Reading is a useful habit that school children and university undergraduates have to develop. All the above attributes will help you to become a writer. Remember it’s not the tools that matters. You can use a plain sheet of paper or a simple word

processor to write or type your article but what’s important is developing your own style of writing. The more you write, the better your writing becomes. If you write a lot through experience you would become an expert writer. Therefore, the most important attribute that will make you an expert is commitment.

What are the benefits of writing as a habit? Writing a little everyday helps you to develop your vocabulary and strengthen your grammar. You may come across new words and develop your own creative style of writing. Also writing as a habit from a very young age will help with your school assignments and projects and once you enter university or start your career you will find that major writing assignments are less daunting.

As a reader of the EDEX Magazine we invite all our readers to sharpen their writing skills through our magazine by sending in your own articles to us. We are more than happy to have your article published if the article is of value to our readers. Be a part of the EDEX Magazine and enjoy the spotlight.




wka;¾cd,h Ndú; lrkak

igyk l=iqï kkaÈl .=Kj¾Ok úisks

,súh hq;af;a flfia o@ Tnf.a mka;sfha igyka idrdxY .; lsÍug iEu Èklu hï ld,hla fjka lsÍï ;=<ska ,sùfï mqreoao we;s lr .eksug Tng uq, msßh yelsh' tfukau flá igykla f,i mka;sfha W.;a oE ,shkjd fjkqjg ;ks msgqjlg idrdxY.; lr j.ka;s f,i ,sùu ;=<ska jvd;a iïmQ¾K igykla ,sùug Tng yelsh' tfukau wka;¾cd,h yryd fidhd n,d kj f;dr;=re o Tng tys we;=<;a lr .; yelshs' fuf,i iEuúgu igyka ,sùu ;=<ska Tn W.;a foa jvd;a fyd|g Tng wjfndaO jkjdg wu;rj ,sùfï mqreoao m%.=K lsÍug;a bv ie,fia' tfukau Tng Tnf.au Ôjk igyka fmd; ,súh yel' th Tnf.a Èk fmdf;a fyda igyka fmd;l fyda Tnf.a mß.Klfhys ,súh yelshs' ffokslj Tn ÿgq jeo.;a isÿùula fyda Tnf.a ys;g wd woyila fyda Tn bf.k .;a hula jeks ´kEu fohla tys ,sùug Tng mq¿jk'

wka;¾cd,h yryd msßlaiqï lsÍu ;=<ska Tng íf,d.a fjâ wvú (Blogging Websites) .Kkdjla y÷kd .;yelsh Blog fjí wvúhla yryd Tng Tnf.au Blog tlla ks¾udKh lsÍu b;d myiqhs' tfukau fujeks fjí wvú jd¾;djla yd úúO jQ ie,eiaula iys; Y%jH odYH udOHhka yryd f;dr;=re bÈßm;a l< yels Blog tlla mj;ajd .ekSu myiq lghq;a;la' Blog lsÍu i|yd ojilg hï ld, fõ,djla fjka lrkak' fjk;a mqoa.,hka ,shk ,o íf,d.aj,g f.dia tajd lshjkak' ta ;=<ska bÈßm;a lrk foa ms<sn|j wjfndaOhla ,nd .kak' tf,iu rij;a yrj;a foaj,a ,sùug Tng;a ;sfnkjd jkakg mq¿jka' tfukau Blog lsÍu ;=<ska Tn ljfrlao" Tnf.a olaI;d fudkjdo hkq Tnf.a Blog tl lshjkakka y÷kd .kq we;'

f,aLlfhl= ùug wjYH l=ulao@ ,sùug bjiSu wjYHhs' tfukau ta i|yd ld,hla fidhd .ekSu;a Tnf.a /lshdj" mdi,a l%shdldrlï" jdKsc lghq;=" f.dorfodr jev lghq;= ksid wmyiq úh yelsh' tkuq;a Tn rEmjdysksh ne,Sug fyda chat lsÍug fyda facebook hEug ffokslj .kakd ld,h ie,l=fjd;a ,sùu i|yd Èklg úkdä 30la fjka lsÍu wmyiq lghq;a;la fkdjk nj Tng yeÕS hkq we;' wjYH jkafka tu ld,h ;=< ndysr n,mEï wju lr .ekSuhs' ,sùfï § u;=jk ;j;a ÿIalr;djla jkafka ,sùug iqÿiq ud;Dldjla fidhd .ekSuhs' ;ukaf.a Blog tfla fyda Ôjk igyka fmdf;a ffokslj ,sùug ;rï rij;a fohla tÈfkod Ôú;fha § isÿ fkdjk nj

fndfyda fokd is;hs' kuq;a fuhg úi÷u we;af;a Tn ;=<uhs' Ôú;h ms<sn|j;a" wjg isÿjk foa ms<sn|j;a fyd¢ka úu¾Ykd;aulj isáhfyd;a Tng ,sùug we;s ;rï lreKq ,efnkq we;' yeuodu lshùu mqreoaola f,i lsÍu;a fyd| f,aLlhl= njg m;aùug wjYH jkjd' tÈfkod mqj;am;la fyda iÕrdjla lshùu ;=<ska Tng w¿;a foa .ek ±k .ekSug yels fjkjd fukau Ôú;h yd f,dalh ms<sn| fmr fkdokakd lreKq rdYshla ±k .ekSug yels fjkjd' fuf,i lshùu ;=<ska ,sùug wjYH lreKq ,nd .ekSug yels fjkjd' Tn úfoaYhl ixpdrh lr we;akï ta rgj, ñksiqka ÿïßfhka fyda nifhka hkúg §;a" úfõl ld,j, §;a iEu úgu fmd;la lshjñka isákq ±lsh yelsh' Bg wu;rj Tjqka m%fya,sld sudoku jeks ukig l%shdldrlï ,nd fok lghq;=j, ks;r ksr; jkjd' mdi,a YsIHhska f,i fyda Wmdê yodrkakka f,i lshùfï mqreoao m%.=K lsÍfuka uy;a m%fhdackhla w;ajkjd' by; i|yka l< ish¿ .=Kdx.hka Tng fyd| f,aLlhl=ùug WmldÍ jkq we;' ta i|yd fhdod .kafka ljr WmlrKhla o hkak jeo.;a

fkdfõ' Tng lvodishl fyda igyka fmd;l fyda mß>klhl Tnf.a ,sùu isÿ l< yelsh' jeo.;a jkafka Tngu wdfõKsl jQ ,sùfï ffY,shla f.dvkÕd .eksuhs' jeä jYfhka ,sùu ;=<ska Tnf.a ,sùfï yelshdj jeä jk w;r tuÕska Tng ,sùfï úfYaI{hl= njg m;aúh yelsh' tu ksid f,aLlfhl= i;= jeo.;au .=Kdx.h f,i lemùu i|yka l< yelsh'

mqreoaola f,i ,sùfuka w;ajk jdis ljf¾ o@ ks;r ,sùu ;=<ska Tnf.a wlaIr úkHdih;a jpk yelshdj;a jeä ÈhqKq fõ' tfukau Tngu wdfõKsl ffY,shla we;s lr .eksug yels fjkjd' tfukau mdif,a jevlghq;= isÿlsÍug;a ,sùu WmldÍ fjkjd' tf,i ,sùu l=vd l< isg m%.=K l< fyd;a úYaj úoHd,hg we;=<;a jQ miq Tng lsÍug ,efnk jd¾;d yd fjk;a wNHdihka t;rï wmyiq;djhlska f;drj ksu lsÍug yels fjkjd'

iÕrdj lshjk mdGlhka f,i Tnf.a ,sùfï l=i,;dj wmf.a iÕrdj yryd jeä ÈhqKq lr .ekSug wm fj; ,sms tjk f,i Tn ish¿ fokdg wm wdrdOkd lr isákjd' Tn tjk ,smsh fuu iÕrdj lshjk mdGlhkag jeo.;a jkafka hehs wmg isf;a kï th bÈß l,dmhl Tn kñka m< lsÍug wm iQodkï' EDEX

iÕrdj yd w;aje,a ne| f.k Tnf.a ,sùfï yelshdjka biau;= lr .ekSug Tn iQodkï o@ EDEX



/lshd fmd, igyk kÿka r;akfialr úisks

,ika; uOqrx.

zzuu úYaj úoHd,hg tk úg b;sßj ;snqfKa úIh ixfhdack tlla muKhs' ta wm Wiia fm<g yeoErE .Ks;h" ridhk úoHdj yd fN!;sl úoHdj hk úIhkau jQ ksid úYaj úoHd,fhaÈ ug fjk;a úIhhla yeoEÍug wjYH jqKd' tneúka l<uKdlrk úoHd úIh f;dard .ekSfï wruqKska Bg wemE,la bÈßm;a l< w;r th id¾:l jqKd"ZZ ,ika; mejish' zzfï jk úg ud l< hq;= /lshdj ms<sno f,dl= woyil=;a ie,iqul=;a ;snqfKa keye' l<uKdlrk úoHd úIh /lshdjlg b,aÆï lsÍfï§ rel=,la fõú lshd is;=j;a 2013 foieïn¾ udifha wjidk úNd. hg fmkS isák wjia:dfõ§j;a

ug mqÿu ys;=Kd' ta jdf.au fydo ixúOdkhla uu oelald' /lshd fmd,g iu.dój mej;s zz2014 jir wdrïN jkjd;a iu.u ufkdañ;sl mÍlaIK yd jD;a;Sh ud¾f.damfoaYk iïuka;%K /lshd ug rEmjdysksh Tiafia EDEX wfmalaIlhkag úYd, msgqjy,la /lshd fmd, .ek oek.kak jqKd lsh, uu ys;kjd' EDEX ,enqKd' /lshd fmd,g .syskaj;a hkq mdi,a wOHdmkfhka miq /lshdjla fydhd .kak ´ks hehs Wiia wOHdmkh fukau ta Tiafia ug ys;=Kd' kuq;a túg uu EDEX .ek yßhg oekf.k ysáfh keye' jD;a;Sh uxfm;a t,sfmfy,s ta iu.u úYaj úoHd,fha hd¿jl=;a lr.kakd wdldrh ms<sno ug /lshd fmd,g hkak l;d j¾;udk ;dreKHhg ksjerÈ l<d' kuq;a ug ys;=Kq muKska ud¾f.dmfoaYkhla ,ndfokakdjQ /lshd fmd,g wdfõ keye' l,ska f;da;ekakla nj ug oekqKd'ZZ wdmq whf.ka úia;r oekf.k wjidk ojfi ;uhs /lshd fmd,g fï wdldrhg ;u woyia tl;= l< ,ika; uOqrx. ;u wd‍fõ'ZZ Wmdêfha m%;sM, ,eîug;a m%:u zzwe;a;gu uu /lshdjla fidhd l<uKdlrk mqyqKq ks,Odßhl= .kakd wruqKska ;uhs /lshd f,i ;u jD;a;Sh lghq;= lrf.k fmd,g wdfõ' tfukau t;kg hk w;r 2014 ckjdß 19 Èk wdh;k úYd, m%udKhla tk EDEX /lshd fmdf,ys § whÿïm; ksid;a wdh;kj, ksfhdað;hka bÈßm;a lr fkdfnda Èklska iu. l;d lsÍug ,efnk ksid;a /lshdfõ lghq;= wdrïN lr /lshd fmd,g tk tl fydohs 2014 fmnrjdß ui 7 jeks Èk lshk woyi ug ;snqKd' kuq;a Y%S chj¾Okmqr úYaj úoHd,h /lshd fmd,g weú;a ysgmq fik. oelalyu mqxÑ nhl=;a oeKqkd' uu u.ska ixúOdkh lrk ,o /lshd Wfokau wdmq ksid yefudau tlal fmdf,ys§ John Keells wdh;kh l;d lrkak fmdä wjia:djla ksfhdackh lrñka ;u úYaj ;snqKd' /lshd lafIa;% .ek oek úoHd, i.hkaf.a whÿïm;a tl;= .kak EDEX /lshd fmd, fydo lsÍug o meñKsfhah' wjia:djla jqKd'ZZ i;s fol ;=kla ;=< EDEX /lshd zzuu EDEX tlg wdfõ /lshd fmd, ;=,ska ,ika; uOqrx. ,o fmd,g hkak' kuq;a EDEX id¾:l;ajh EDEX ys ixúOdk jf.a úYd, m%o¾Ykhla Yla;sh fukau h:d¾:jd§ nj mdi,l wdÈ YsIH ix.uhlska ukdj meyeÈ,s lrhs' ixúOdkh lrk nj ÿgq úg

No. 08, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02.

r;akmqr iSj,s uOH uyd úoHd,fha .Ks; wxYfhka oaú;Sl wOHdmkh wjika l< ,ika; m%:u Wmdêh yeoEÍfï wruqKska 2010 jif¾§ 2009$ 2010 YsIH lKavdhfï mqrmamdvq msrùug we;=,a lr.kakd YsIHfhla úÈhg Y%S chj¾Okmqr úYaj úoHd,hg we;=,ajqKd'

ud l< hq;= fyda lrkak mq¿jka /lshdj fudllao lshd ug f,dl= woyila ;snqfKa keye'ZZ

;u Wmdêfha m%;sM, ,eîug;a m%:u John Keells wdh;kfha l<uKdlrk mqyqKq ks,Odßhl= f,i ;u jD;a;Sh lghq;= lrf.k hk ,ika; uOqrx. wmg yuq jqfKa Y%S chj¾Okmqr úYaj úoHd,h u.ska ixúOdkh lrk ,o /lshd fmdf,ys §hS'

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