Top Story Advertising »{»…q r±a£yjx tpsk;gug;gLj;Jjy;
04 05 06
Careers ÕËfzˆ l£Y‰}jx ƒyƒ£ »{»…q r±a£yjx ëMv£j£l‰vY Up‰v£nxY‰ Yy£ »[px£vf l£y¥j³xf ƒ¥Ãõ 08 vz;zpay; miw$ty; - ,isQh;fshy; tpsk;guj; Jiwia Gj;jhf;f ghijf;F ,l;Lr; nry;y KbAk; 09 Digitally Daring - Youth can ‘spin’ Ad Industry into creative frenzy 10 Backpacking to the Zenith and Everything in Between áp‰þK Yz£{ ly¥j r±c£{f ~£MmYþvf »ƒ£q v£M[Y‰ tpsk;gug;gLj;jypd; rpfuj;ij miltjw;fhd Kaw;rp
12 13 14
%d;W nehb rthYf;F ePq;fs; jahuh? ll‰ry lª»p‰ RuŒ»x¤[xf Xt ~¬àpKn? Are You Ready for the Three-second Challenge?
15 16 17
fw;wYf;Fk; Ntbf;iff;Fk; ,ilapyhd ,izg;ig ,isQu;fSf;Ftoq;Fk; tpsk;guj;Jiw »x°{pxp‰f ý»p¤nx ƒ£ Ro³xpx zt£ »np »{»…q r±a£yjx Developing a Relationship Between a Brand and a Consumer gpur;ridfisj; ju;f;fpf;Fk; Mw;wNy fl;bl epu;khz nghwpapay; Jiwapd; MzpNtu; ~‹ýz‰ S¹Ë»p‰y¥ Y‰»}ˆl²x ƒ¥výfv »{p~Y‰ R¥Ü Yyõ Rr‹ X»J Ì{p ll‰l‰{x U~~‰ Yyp‰»pv§ The Essence of Civil Engineering is the Reflective Analysis of Problems ntspf;fs tpsk;gug;gLj;jypd; Gjpa fjTfs; fiyj;jpwd; kpf;f ,isQu;fSf;fhf jpwf;fpd;wd A New World Can Open Up for Artistic Youth in Outdoor Advertising »{»…q r±a£yj »z£{ Ryýp‰nxY‰ {« yþp‰æ
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Peoples Bank (Advertorial page 23)
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APIIT (Advertorial page 45) ANC (Advertorial page 46) NSB (Advertorial page 21) Cargills Bank/Alucare BOC (Advertorial page 32) Edex Expo Edex Job Fair
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Abhaya Amaradasa - Consultant Dr. Nandaka Molagoda - Editor Deepal Wijethilake - Deputy Editor - Sinhala Nalin Goonewardene - Deputy Editor - English
22 24 30
Arunothayan Raveendran - Deputy Editor - Tamil Sharlene De Chickera - Manager Career Services
EDITORIAL Nadeesha Paulis
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Kusum Gunawardena Maheshika Premachandra Nimesha Nuwanthi Udatiyawala Navaka Navaratne
Education vƒ»vyY‰ lyK tyY‰ Yy [lx¨lª p¥Ü ý»|‰} R{|³l£ R¥Ü ny¥»{¤ tpNrl NjitAila rpWtu;fs;: xU ghu;it Children with Special Needs
Thavisha Perera - Gomez
33 34 35
PHOTOGRAPHY Nimal Karunaratne Royal College Photography Society
Making a Statement - Young Blood from Sri Lankan Advertising Industry Wins at Spikes Asia 2015 |²š z£¹»Y‰x »{»…q r±a£yj Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ »x£{§p‰ c{x Spikes Asia 2015 cx[ì Spikes Asia 2015 - epfo;tpy; tpUJntd;w ,yq;iftpsk;guj;Jiw ,isQu;fs;
36 38 39
Sustainability R¼ãy¥ »Y£… r¥ƒ¥»xp‰ …£ »Y£… r¥ƒ¥x nÃp lªy£ mlu; gr;irapypUe;J ,sk; gr;ir tiu: #oypay; ghJfhg;G njhlu;ghd ,aw;ifia ikakhff; nfhz;l Nehf;fj;jpypUe;J mgptpUj;jpia ikakhff; nfhz;l Nehf;fj;Jf;fhd gbg;gbahd khw;wk; From Dark Green to Light Green - A Gradual Transition from Nature
COORDINATOR Indika Kudahetty Managing Editor - Special Publications
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Shanika Amarasinghe Danushka Godakubura
r‹frl‰ yaY»xY‰ {p‰p Rock the world… gpujp vOj;jhsu; MFq;fs;> tho;tpy; Kd;NdWq;fs; Be a Copywriter Rock the World!
47 48 49
Colombo Flea Market R»xY®»[‰ Yªj§ Y~z l{l‰ »Y»pYª»[‰ op Uz‰rl‰ Yy{p Ry¥v r§ãv ~z‰r‹z nfhOk;G kPs;tpw;gid re;ij
50 51 52
Technologies that Empower the Human Spirit v£p{ R£l‰vxp‰ tz [p‰{p l£Y‰}jx kdpjj;ij tYT+l;Lk; njhopy;El;gk;
54 55 56
DESIGN W.D. Shanaka Chathuranga
PRINTED BY The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd Commercial Printing Dept.
Disclaimer : Opinions expressed in the articles and in other material are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of EDEX or the attached institutions.
PUBLISHED BY EDEX Advisory and Management Committee Royal College Union Rajakeeya Mawatha, Colombo 07 Tel : + 94 (11) 4327070 E-mail :
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Advertising By Nalin Goonewardene
is a complex industry A dvertising which has close relationships with
Marketing, Public Relations, Sales strategy and Customer support. Hence ‘Advertising’ itself is not easily defined, but briefly speaking, it means clearly identifiable, paid-for communications in the media, to persuade, inform or sell something. In comparison to many industries, Advertising is dynamic. It has to be, because it addresses the public directly, and as public whims change, advertisers have to know how to reach them, engage them and be effective at the same time. Meanwhile, as businesses are changing to take advantage of new technology, their advertising needs will also will also change. Working hours can be extended and tensions can increase as deadlines approach. Although a mix of skills are required, in common, they need to have enthusiasm, determination, stamina, imagination, common sense with good communication and team working skills. Due to this it is not a place for the faint hearted. The two main routes in to advertising are through an agency or media sales, where the work is for media owners such as TV channels, magazines, newspapers and websites who sell their advertising space. There are five main areas of work within advertising agencies, to which
graduates of any discipline may be recruited. Account executives/ managers are the key persons in any campaign. They are the link between the agency and the client. They coordinate all aspects of the planning, production and implementation of advertising campaigns while working with colleagues, clients and outside organisations. They need to have a professional manner with good skills in organisational and time management together with confidence, strong presentation and negotiation skills allied with business sense. Media planners/buyers place advertisements to achieve optimum impact, deciding on the appropriate timing, ‘delivery mechanism’ etc to reach maximum target audience at minimum cost. To achieve this, good negotiating skills, awareness of available technologies, confidence and effective organisational abilities are required. Account planners are concerned with research, analysis and strategic thinking regarding consumer reactions, new ways of holding their interest, purchasing, being accurately focused and affordable. They need the ability to think around problems, memorize facts and figures, be creative, rigorous and logical thinkers with strong presentation, business and computer skills “Creatives” provide the message (verbal and/or visual) that will sell the product, according to the brief determined with the client
and colleagues. The invention and production of advertising material is mainly the responsibility of Copywriters and Art directors. This is the smallest area of recruitment and the hardest to get into. A Copywriter should be creative, imaginative, with excellent writing skills, grammar, spelling, punctuation, accuracy, general knowledge, research skills and aware of popular culture. An Art Director will be highly creative, have a thorough understanding of photography, typography and printing with an interest in fashions, social and cultural trends. Computing provides expertise in analysing the costs and benefits of advertising in a variety of locations and media. Also helps to capitalise on the increasing variety of platforms available for advertising while keeping abreast of new advertising trends in technology and digital marketing. Very soon, consumers will be more connected than ever before through advent of The Internet of Things which will accelerate the use of Cloud Computing to change how companies do business. Big Data Analysis will provide new types of information through analysis of the large volume and types of data being created. The use of ‘wearables’ together with 3D Printing are set to revolutionise the relationship between customers and products. Advertising will be an exciting place to be as they gear themselves to meet these new challenges.
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~fƒp - pzšp‰ [ªj{Mop rù{Mlpx - nŸr£zˆ ý»FÜzY r±a£yjx »{»…q xp§ R»zýYyjx,
vƒcp ~Ktp‰ol£, R»zý Y²»v¤r£x ~ƒ r£ù»u¤[ŒY »~ˆ{£ xp R¹| ~v` ~òr ~Ktp‰ol£{xY‰ r{Üp ~¹ÄMj YMv£p‰lxÃ. Wt¥ýp‰ ‘»{…q r±a£yjx’ rƒ~¨»{p‰ RMm áY‰ýx ƒ¥Ã ý}xxY‰ »p£»N. pv¨l‰ »YÑ»xp‰ r¥{~‹x ƒ¥Y‰»Y‰ Wx r¥ƒ¥n™z‹{ ƒ¼ãp£[l ƒ¥Ã, v£o³{z r±a£y Ãúv ~qƒ£ v¨nzˆ »[{p zn, xvY‰ Al‰lª [¥p‰þvf, áp§K nŸvf »ƒ¤ R»zý Ãúvf u£ýl£ Yyp§ ztp‰pY‰ t{x. R»pYªl‰ YMv£p‰l{zf ~£»rˆY‰}{ »{»…q r±a£yj YMv£p‰lx »N[{l‰ ƒ£ òx£|›zš »N. Wx W»~ˆ »N[{l‰ ýx x¨l‰»l‰, Wx cpl£{f ~¯c§{v R£vp‰l²jx Yyp t¥ýë. cpl£{»[‰ Y¥v¥l‰l »{p~ˆ{p R£Y£yx Rp§{, »{»…q r±a£yYx£ X{§p‰ Yy£ …`£ýx x¨lª R£Y£yx, X{§p‰ [²ƒjx Yy[l x¨lª R£Y£yx áp ~‹Ñx x¨lª »vp‰v lv »{»…q r±a£yjx szàö {p t{f {[tz£ [l x¨lªx. »K Rlyv pþp l£Y‰}j»xˆ {£~‹x Rl‰Yy [¥ìv U»n~£ {³£r£y{z »{p~ˆþK ~‹ã{p t¥ýp‰ A{£»xˆ »{»…q r±a£yj R{|³l£n ëyp‰ly »{p~ˆþK {zf zY‰»N. »K »ƒ‰lª»{p‰ »{»…q r±a£yY Y£Mx vj‰hz»xˆ y£cY£ù Y£zx n™[ªþv ƒ£ ~‹x Y£Mx SzY‰Y Yy£ ~šv£ ~ƒŒl Y£zxY‰ lª… …`£þvf ~‹ãþ»vp‰ {¯l‰Üx R£lÜ»xˆ {¥ÕþvY‰ ýx ƒ¥Ãx. »{»…q r±a£yY»xYªƒf ýýo nY‰} l£ R{|³ {§{n ~£v£p³ {|»xp‰ áÕ Upp‰ã{, Ré}ˆg£px, ~ýtzx (Stamina), rùYzˆrpx (Imagination), vp£ ~p‰ë»Nnp ƒ¥Ãx£{, Yj‰h£xvY‰ »z~ {¥h Ãú»K nY‰}l£{x R{|³ »N. Wt¥ýp‰ Wx U»n³¤[»xp‰ »l£y {«{pf »p£[¥…»rp Y‰»}ˆl²xÃ. »{»…q r±a£yjx Yy£ n™»{p r±o£p v£M[ »nY {¥Ò R¥l‰»l‰ »{»…q r±a£yj R£xlpxp‰ »ƒ¤ v£o³{z ýYªj©K R¹| ƒyƒ£x. v£o³ ýYªj©K R¹| ƒyƒ£ »{»…q r±a£yjx xp§ y¦r{£ƒŒì p£z‹Y£, r§{l‰rl‰, ~`y£ ~ƒ »{J Rhý {¥ë v£o³{z »{»…q áp‰þK Ýy (R{Y£|) ~qƒ£ Wv v£o³ RõÜYy¥{p‰»[‰ R{|³l£{xp‰ vl »{»…q r±a£yj»xˆ ëx¥zšvõ. »{»…q r±a£yj R£xlpxY Bp¦v Ur£éo£ù»xYª »xnýx ƒ¥Ã r±o£p R¹| rƒY‰ r{Ý. [Œj©K ýo£xY ëzo£úp‰ / Y… vp£Yy¥{p‰ Bp¦v {³£r£yxY‰ lª… r±o£p r§nŠ[zõp‰ »N. r£ù»u¤[ŒYx£ ~ƒ
x j y £ q a ± r »{»… R£xlpx Rly ~tql£{x R¥Ü{p‰»p‰ X{§p‰ ƒyƒ£õ. ~‹x {¯l‰Ýx ~[õp‰, r£ù»u¤[ŒYxp‰, t£ƒŒy ~¹ýo£p ~v` {¥h Yyp Rlyv »{»…q r±a£yj òx£p‰ýl ~¥z~¨K Ãúv, ë}ˆr£npx ~ƒ òx£l‰vY Ãúvf Rà… ~‹x† Yfx¨lª ~Ktp‰êYyjx ~‹ã Yyp§»xˆ X{§p‰ ý~‹ë. X{§pf {³£r£y áp§v ƒ£ t¥¼ãj© R£l‰v ý|‰{£~x, r±tz Sn™ùrl‰Ãú»K ƒ£ [j©»np§ Ãú»K ƒ¥Ãx£{ ~v[Œp‰ R£xlpx ƒ£ Y£zx Y…vp£Yyjx Ãú»K »ƒ£q ƒ¥Ãx£{Y‰ ~ƒŒl {¯l‰Üxvx »»|z‹xY‰ r‹ƒŒf£ Üïx x¨lªx. v£o³ ~¥z~¨KYy¥{p‰ / [¥j©KYy¥{p‰ »[ Y£Mxx {p§»xˆ {h£l‰ [¥z»rp r±a£yj Y£zx, Sn™ùrl‰ Ãú»K Y²»v¤r£x R£n™x Ýyjx Yyñp‰ Rh¨v ýxnvÃp‰ Urùv SzY‰Y[l »r±ˆY‰}Yõp‰ r‹ù~Y‰ Yy£ …`£þ X{§pf »ƒ£qv tzr¦v R¥ÜÃúvf ƒ¥Ã Rx¨ùp‰ »{»…q áp‰þK ~ˆm£p[l Ãúvõ. »K ~qƒ£ »ƒ£q™p‰ [p§»np§ Ãú»K ƒ¥Ãx£{, l£Y‰}jx r‹…‹tq áìv, R£l‰v ý|‰{£~x ~ƒ szàõ ~¹ýo£p£l‰vY ƒ¥Ãx£{p‰ {z‹p‰ x¨lªþv R{|³ »N. [Œj©K ~¥z~¨KYy¥{p‰ »[‰ Y£Mxx {p§»xˆ r£ù»u¤[ŒY r±Üa£y, r£ù»u¤[ŒY Y¥v¥l‰l yq{£ [¥ì»K p{ ýéY²v ñznŸ [¥ìK, X{§p‰»[‰ R{o£px ë{¥yn™{ r{l‰{£ [¥ìv ƒ£ X{§p‰»[‰ ñ…nŸ [¥ì»K ƒ¥Ãx£{ R£n™x r‹…‹tq{ rM»xˆ} j, ý}ˆ»zˆ}j Ãúv ƒ£ UrY²ñY{ ~‹l£ Yfx¨lª Ãúvõ. X{§pf [¥f†{Y‰ r‹…‹tq{ r§†zˆ{ ~‹Ý»K ƒ¥Ãx£{, Ràz Yy¥j© ƒ£ ñz[jp‰ vlY»xˆ yq{£ [¥ì»K ƒ¥Ãx£{, ëMv£j£l‰vY t{, t¥øy¥K ƒ£ lMY£p‰ýl Çp‰lpx ~ƒ xvY‰ »ƒ£q™p‰ Sn™ùrl‰ Ãú»K ƒ¥Ãx£{, {³£r£ùY ƒ£ rù[jYvx ƒ¥Ãx£{n r¥{Üx x¨lªx. ëMv£jYy¥{p‰ »[‰ Y£Mxx {p§»xˆ »~ˆˆ{£àxYõp‰ ~ƒ {¯l‰Ýx ~[xp‰ ~v` Ýyjx Y… rùn™ ({ap»xp‰ ~ƒ/»ƒ¤ y¦rvx{) u£j‰hx ýÃÛvf R{|³ rÚ{§hx ~¥Y~švõ. »{»…q r±a£yj áp‰þK ëMv£jx ƒ£ ë}ˆr£npx r±o£p
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tpsk;gug;gLj;Jjy; Mf;fk; : espd; Fztu;j;jd jkpopy; : Rg;igah mD\d;
sk;gug;gLj;Jjy; vd;gJ rpf;fyhd xU njhopw;Jiw khj;jpuky;yhJ re;ijg; gLj;Jjy;> nghJ cwTfs;> tpw;gid cj;jp kw;Wk; thbf;ifahsu; Nrit vd;gtw;NwhL njhlu;GilaJ MFk;. MfNt tpsk;gug;gLj;Jjy; vd;gJ vspjhf tpsf;fptpl Kbahj xd;whFk;. Mdhy; mNjrkak; RUq;ff; $wpd; VNjDk; xd;iw tpw;gjw;fhf my;yJ njupag;gLj;Jtjw;fhf Clq;fq;fspd; %yk; njhlu;G nfhs;tjw;fhf gzk; nrYj;Jjy; MFk;. tpsk;gug;gLj;Jjy; vd;gJ khWglf; $ba xd;whFk;. Vnddpy; ,J nghJkf;fis Neubahf nrd;wilfpwJ. kw;Wk; nghJ kf;fsplk; khw;wk; vd;gJ khw;wk; ngwhjJ vd;gjhy; tpsk;gujhupfs; mtu;fis vt;thW nrd;wiltJ> <LgLj;JtJ kl;Lky;yhJ mNjrkak; vt;thW tpidj;jpwDld; nraw;gLtJ vd;Wk; mwpe;J itj;jpUj;jy; mtrpak;. ,d;W tzpfkhdJ njhopy;El;gj;jpid jdf;F mD$ykhf gad;gLj;jpf; nfhs;fpwJ MfNt mjd; tpsk;gug; gLj;jy; NjitfSk; mjw;Nfw;wthW khwp tUfpd;wJ. Ntiy NeukhdJ mjpfupf;fg;glyhk;> fhyf;nfL neUq;Fk; NghJ Ntiyg;gS gjw;wk; vd;git mjpfupf;fyhk;. ,j;Jiwf;F gyj; Nju;r;rpfs; Njitg;gl;lhYk; nghJthf rfpg;Gj;jd;ik> cWjpg;ghL> cw;rhfk;> fw;gidj;jpwd; kw;Wk; njhlu;ghly;> FOg; gzpj; jpwd;fSld; $ba nghJmwpT vd;git Kf;fpakhditfshFk;. tpsk;gug;gLj;Jjypd; ,uz;L Kf;fpa ghijfshf Clf tpw;gid kw;Wk; Kftupd; %ykhd tpw;gid vd;git fhzg;gLfpd;wd. ,q;Nf NtiyahdJ jkJ tpsk;gu ,ilntspfis tpw;Fk; njhiyf;fhl;rp miytupirfs;> ,jo;fs;> nra;jpj;jhs;fs;> kw;Wk; tiyj;jsq;fspd; cupikahshu;fsplk; toq;fg;gLfpd;wJ. tpsk;gug;gLj;Jjy; Kftuplk; Kf;fpakhd 5 Ntiyg; gug;Gfs; fhzg; gLfpd;wd. ,J ve;jg; gl;ljhupapd; gzpaku;j;jYf;Fk; Njitg;glyhk;.
fzf;F epu;thfpfs; /Kfhikahsu; ve;j xU gpurhu eltbf;ifapd; NghJk; ,tu;fs; kpf Kf;fpakhdthu;fshFk;. KftUf;Fk; thbf;ifahsupw;Fkhd ,izg;ghf ,Ug;gtu;fs; ,tu;fNsahtu;. tpsk;gug; gpurhuq;fspd; jpl;lkply;> cw;gj;jp kw;Wk; mjid eilKiwg;gLj;Jjy; njhlu;ghd midj;ijAk; xUq;fikj;JrfCopau;fs;> thbf;ifahsu;fs; kw;Wk; ntsp epWtdq;fSld; nraw;gLgtu;fshtu;. ,tu;fspd; njhopy;Kiwapy; Neu Kfhikj;Jtk; Vw;ghl;Lj; jpwd;> typikahd Kd;dpiyg; gLj;Jjy; kw;Wk; Ngr;Rthu;j;ij jpwd;fSld; $ba tzpf mwpT Kf;fpakhdjhFk;.
Clfjpl;lkpLdu;fs; /thq;Fdu;fs; Fwpj;j thbf;ifahsu;fis Fiwe;j nrytpy; mjpfgl;rkhf nrd;wilaf; $ba tifapy; rupahd Neuj;jpy; rupahd cj;jpAld; tpsk;guq;fis Nkw;nfhs;tgtu;fs;> ,tu;fSf;Fk; rpwe;j Ngr;Rthu;j;ij jpwd; mtrpakhfpwJ. mj;Jld; jw;fhyj; njhopy;El;gk; njhlu;ghd mwpT kw;Wk; tpidj; jpwDld; $ba epu;thfjpwd;fs; mtrpakhFk;.
fzf;fpay; jpl;lkpLdu;fs;. ,tu;fs; thbf;ifahsu;fspd; Jyq;fy;fs; njhlu;ghd Ma;T> mtu;fspd; ftdj;jpid Vw;gjw;fhd GJ topfs;> nfhLf;fy; thq;fy;fs; vd;gtw;wpy; Jy;ypakhf fzpj;jy; Nghd;wtw;Wld; njhlu;Ggl;ltu;fs;. ,tu;fSf;F> gpur;ridfs;> gw;wp Nahrpj;jy;> fUj;Jf;fs; kw;Wk; Gs;sptptuq;fis epidtpy; itj;Jf;nfhs;sy;> gilf;Fk; jpwd;> ftdkhd ju;f;frpe;jidAld; $ba tYthd Kd;dpiyg;gLj;jy;> kw;Wk; fzdp> tzpfj;jpy; Nju;r;rp Nghd;wjpwd;fs; Njitg;gLfpd;wJ.
gilg;ghspfs; ,tu;fs;> rf Copau;fs; kw;Wk; thbf;ifahsu;fsplk; Vw;fdNt
jPu;khdpf;fg;gl;ltw;iw xU nra;jpahf nfhz;L nry;fpd;wdu; (xsp kw;Wk; xyp). ,JNt cw;gj;jpia tpw;gjw;F Mjhukha; mikfpd;wJ. tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; nghUl;fspd; fz;Lgpbg;Gfs; kw;Wk; cw;gj;jpfs; vd;git gpujp vOJgtu;fs; kw;Wk; fiy ,af;Fdu;fspd; nghWg;ghFk;. gzpaku;jypd; NghJ rpwpa gug;gpid cilaJk; mNj rkak; fbdkhdJk; ,JNt MFk;. xU gpujp vOJgtu;> gilg;ghspahf> fw;gid tsk; kpf;ftuhf> vOj;jhw;wy;> Jy;ypak;> nghJmwpT kw;Wk; Ma;Tj; jpwd;fSld; $batu;fshfTk; jw;fhy fyhr;rhu Nghf;fpid ed;F mwpe;J itjpUg;gtuhTk; ,Uj;jy; mtrpak;. fiy ,af;Fdu; mjpf gilg;Gj;jpwd; $batuhAk; Gifg;glf; fiyapid mwpe;jtuhfTk;. mr;Rf;fiy r%f tpUg;G ntWg;gfisAk; Nghf;FfisAk; czu;e;jtuhfTk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. fzdpj; jpwdhdJ> gy;NtWg;gl;l ,lq;fspYk; Clfq;fspYk; tpsk;gu nryTfis gFg;gha;T nra;tJ gw;wpAk; kw;Wk; mjd; gad;fis Ma;T nra;tJ gw;wpAk; Nju;r;rpmspf;fpd;wJ . mJ kl;Lk; ,y;yhJ ,J Gjpa tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; Kiwapy; cs;s gy;NtWg;gl;l fsq;fis czuitg;gjw;Fk; cjTfpd;wJ. $ba rPf;fpuj;jpy; Efu;Nthu;fs; ,izaj;jpD}lhf cloud computing ,d; Jupjj;jd;ik %yk; vt;thW tzpfu;fs; tzpfj;ij Nkw;nfhs;fpuhu;fs; vd;gij mwpaKbAk;. big data Ma;thdJ ngupaj;juT njhFjp cUthf;fypd; Ma;T %yk; Gjpa jfty;fis jUfpd;wJ. 3D mr;Rf;fiyapd; %y mzpaf;$ba nghUl;fis cUthf;Ftjdhy;> thbf;ifahsupw;Fk; nghUl;fSf;Fk; ,ilapy; cs;s cwtpy; xU Gul;rpfukhd khw;wj;ij cUthf;fyhk;. ,t;thwhd GJg;GJ rthy;fSf;F ek;ik jahu;gLj;jpf; nfhs;s tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; MdJ xU mw;Gjkhd ,lkhFk;.
ÕËfzˆ l£Y‰}jx ƒyƒ£ »{»…q r±a£yjx ëMv£j£l‰vY Up‰v£nxY‰ Yy£ »[px£vf
l£y¥j³xf ƒ¥Ãõ ~fƒp - }£Mz‹p‰ Ö. Ç»Y‰y£ rù{Mlpx - nŸr£zˆ ý»FÜzY
»…q r±a£yjx Wv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ R»p‰Yýo{« ý}xxp‰ vl yq£ r{Ý. »K {p ýf ÕËfzˆ l£Y‰}j»xˆ r±»N|x ƒyƒ£ »vv YMv£p‰lx Sƒ…fv »[px£»K Y£Mxu£yxf »x°{põp‰ ƒ£ »x£{§p‰ ƒál‰lp‰ ý~‹p‰ UynŸ Ü»J. ÕËfzˆ l£Y‰}jx p¥{§Kx, Uj©~¨Kx, R£YM}Ûxx. ~‹x†v »{»…q r±a£yjxp‰ »vv p{ ÕËfzˆ »ry…‹xf v¨ƒ¨jnŸvf pK Bp¦v l£zxYf [¥…»rp rùn™ ƒ¥h[¥~‹x x¨lª »N. »x£{§p‰ ryr§y ÕËfzˆ l£Y‰}jx ƒyƒ£ »{»…q r±a£yj»xˆ r±{Mopxf »ryv¨j »[p ~‹Ò. r£~zˆ Ro³£rpx ƒv£y »Y£f »z¤Yxf r‹xp[p »x°{pxp‰f »vv Y‰»}ˆl²xf r‹ý~š»vp‰ R£yKu»xˆnŸ y¥r‹xzˆ rƒ»…£~ˆnƒ~ ~‹f ý~‹nƒ~ nY‰{£ R£àxvY‰ Urx£ [¥ì»K ƒ¥Ãx£{ r{Ý. Ur£éo£ù »ƒ¤ CIMA ~¨¨ã~¨YKzl‰ »x°{põp‰ƒf v~Yf y¥r‹xzˆ Ü~ˆnƒ»~ˆ ~‹f ƒl…‹~ˆnƒ~ nY‰{£ R£àxvY‰n W{¥ë »c³}ˆg»xYªƒf y¥r‹xzˆ lªp‰zY‰}x ~‹f ƒ£yzY‰}x Rly v¨nzY‰n »vv YMv£p‰l Y‰»}ˆl²x lª…nŸ Urx£[l ƒ¥Ãx. »{…q r±a£yj Y‰»}ˆl²x, ýýo£Y£y ~¹Yzˆrp£, ~p‰p£v »vp‰v Y¥rþ»vp‰ »vv Y‰»}ˆl²xf ëMv£j àx£n Yyp r‹ù~Y‰n Yy »vv YMv£p‰lx r‹ïnŸ»vp‰ ltõ. »vv Y‰»}ˆl²xf r‹ý»~p »x°{pxp‰ƒf ~p‰p£v »~ˆ{£, (brand service), Y²»v¤r£x ~¥z~¨KYyjx (Strategic planning) ëMv£j (creatives), ëMv£j Çl²£[£y (desigh studio), v£o³ (media) ÕËfzˆ l£Y‰}jx, vƒcp ~tql£ (PR), ÄMÜ Y…vj£Yyjx (Reputation management) r‹f~ˆly Yfx¨lª (out off - home - outdoor) »tà ƒ¥úK ƒ£ ýÃÛK (retaial) ~p‰p£v ~òxYyjx (brand activation), ýýo R{~ˆm£ ~¹ýo£p (events) |²{³ n¯}³ ë}ˆr£np (audio visual production) {¥ë ýýo R¹| lª… ÷»qñp‰ ~¨yY‰}‹l {p‰pf ƒ¥Ã»N.
~¨ý»|‰}š ~p‰p£v »[£hp¥[›v »{…q r±a£yj Y‰»}ˆl²x pv¥Ü {MjszYx u£ýl£ Yyp »x°{põp‰ƒf Ìýlx, ƒ¥Ãx£{, »Y°}z³ r‹…‹tq ~ˆ{Äxv {« ýÇl² c{ëY£ ~‹l‰lK Yy WƒŒ Uy¥vx Rl‰rl‰ Yy [¥ìvf ƒ¥Ãõ.
ìz£ vùY‰Y£M [²£p‰G v¥Y£p‰ (Grant McCann) R£xlp»xˆ r±o£ì ìz£ vùY‰Y£M vƒl‰ñx ~v` R¥x»[‰ Rz¹Y£y Y£Mx£z Y£vyx lª…nŸ »{»…q r±a£yj Y‰»}ˆl²x r‹…‹tq{ Rr »àhv†{«»xˆ Rr{f£ ÷¼ãp§ ‘tMz‹p‰ l£rˆrx ïq »ƒzšv’ {¥ë R¥x»[‰ r‹x£{p ÄMÜvl‰ »yÌ Yp‰nrˆr£ vƒl£ ý~‹p‰ Y¥vy£ Y£axf ƒ~¨Yy[l‰ ãzt b£x£y¦r ƒ£ z¹Y£»N r¥yÚ nM|p ÷[l‰ y¦rvx ~‹ƒŒ{fp ÷~Y‰ Rly ÷qŸ ~‹Ññë. R¥x»[‰ Y£Mx£zx Yy£ n™»{p »Y£ù»h¤{ r{£ ëMv£j£l‰vY {¼ãy¥ y¦r, nK ƒ£ ëzˆ r¥ƒ¥[l‰ R¥`Œ…‹ ~zYªj©, Rv¨lª »v{zK {z‹p‰ Y… Yz£ ëMv£j R£n™»xp‰ Rz¹Y£y Yy Üt¨Ú. Wt¼ãv »t£»ƒ¤ ëMv£j{z‹p‰ ƒ£l‰r~ rù~yx ~Y~ˆ þ Üt¨Ú.
p¥{§K ~¹Yzˆrp£ {z‹p‰ r‹ú »x°{põp‰ “~¹Yzˆrp£ ƒ¥v l¥pv Ü»xp{£” R¥x Ym£{f v¨z r‹y¥»N p£f³£p§~£y»xp‰ »vp‰ âÜp‰ RuŒpxp‰ r£ñp‰. “A ~¹Yzˆrp£ Y£f{l‰ RõÜ p¦. pv¨l‰ A{£ »{»…q r±a£yj »z£{ Uh¨xÑYªy¥ Yyp{£.” R¥x ~‹p£v¨~¨{ Rr ƒ£ r¥{~¨{£. “»ƒ£q Rnƒ~ˆ{z‹p‰ ~¹Yzˆr ðcxp‰ »{p{£. Rrf, »{»…q r±a£yj »z£{f WY‰þvfl‰ l{ l{l‰ p{v¨ ~¹Yzˆrp£ »v¤ã Yyþvfl‰ »x°{põp‰ R{|³õ.” R¥x Ä»N ~ˆÞy~£y ƒ¾Õp‰. Sl£ v¦lYnŸ »{»…q r²a£yj Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ ~Kv£p n™p£[l‰ »x°{põp‰ ~‹N »n»pYª r‹…‹tq{ ìz£ vƒl‰ñx ~qƒp‰ Y»…ˆ ~£hKty»xp‰. “v£ ƒ¥v ýfv Yª~zl£ r‹…‹tq{ ýv~‹zˆ»zp§õ Sp‰»p‰. »ƒ£q [Úl ƒ£
~¹Z³£p áp§ñp‰ x¨lª r£~zˆ ƒ¥yxp »x°{põp‰ »vƒŒz£ ý»|‰}‹lõ. A{»[‰v ~‹¹ƒz r‹frl‰ yap£ Ãú»K ƒ¥Ãx£{Y‰ R¥Ü »x°{põp‰n »vv Y‰»}ˆl²xf Sl£ {¥n[l‰” R¥x Rr ƒ£ Upp‰ã»{p‰ r¥{~¨{£. “l{ l{l‰ »x°{põp‰ »vv Y‰»}ˆl²xf WY‰{p§ áÄvf v£ Y¥vÜõ. A{»[‰v »nv£r‹xp‰n »{»…q r±a£yj Y‰»}ˆl²xf ~‹x ny¥{p‰ »x£v¨ Yyþvf òf {h£ Y¥v¥l‰lY‰ nY‰{p{£ pK »ƒ£qõ. ny¥{p‰f »nŠ|šx ý»nŠ|šx r§ƒ¨j§ R{~ˆm£ ~ƒŒl »vv YMv£p‰lx lª… Rp£[l R{~ˆm£ »t£»ƒ¤vxY‰ Ü»xp{£” R¥x l{ãyfl‰ r¥{~¨{£. “»{»…q r±a£yjx RuŒ»x¤[£l‰vY ýx ƒ¥Ãõ. »vv n™ãzp Y‰»}‰l²x lª… xvY‰ Y… ƒ¥Ã Rxf Rl‰rl‰ Yy [l ƒ¥Ã cx[²ƒj »t£»ƒ¤võ. Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ r±[vpxf Rrf R{|³ {p‰»p‰ »vv ý}»xƒŒ ~¦v R¹|xYv ëMv£j£l‰vY ƒ¥Ãx£{ ƒ£ t¨nŠéxY‰ R¥Ü »x°{põp‰.”
r±{jl£ ìz£ vƒl‰ñx ~‹lp R£Y£yxf »nv… u£}£ ëMv£j »vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ {¥n[l‰ ~ˆm£pxYf r‹ý»~ñp‰ Ü»tp{£. |²š z¹Y£»Nnš ~‹¹ƒz ~ƒ S¹[²š~‹ u£}£ »{…q r±a£yj Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ ~v£p ~ˆm£pxY r{Üp t{ R¥x»[‰ Rnƒ~õ. »z£{ {h£l‰v Ym£Yyp u£}£{ Èp u£}£{ {§{l‰ r±¹|, cMvp‰ ~ƒ ~ˆr£dŠd u£}£ »[¤zšx{ u£ýl {§{l‰ Rr y»G R¥Ü r±o£p u£}£ 3 p‰ WûpY£ ƒ£ ~p‰ë»Nnpx Yyp R£Y£yx |²š z£¹ÃYõp‰ »ƒ£q£Y£y{v np‰p£ t{ R¥x»[‰ ƒ¥`›võ.
Rp£[lx Yy£ »Y»~ˆ {§{n ìz£ vƒl‰ñx»[‰ R{{£nx {p§»xˆ »x°{põp‰ RäynM|›x{ Yfx¨lª »p£Y… x¨lª t{l‰ Rn [¥p rvjY‰ »p£~‹l£ »ƒf n™px ƒ£ Sp‰ XJtf ~‹l£ Yfx¨lª Y… x¨lª t{l‰x. “vf »rˆp{£ ~vƒyýf »x°{põp‰f ƒ¥v»nŠv Rp{|³ »N[xÃp‰ Rl‰rl‰ Yy [¥ìvf R{|³ t{. l{vl‰ ly¥j »vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ X{§p‰ nŸM]Y£zšp â WY{y R¥ÜYy [¥ìvf Ul‰~£ƒ nyp{£.” “»vv Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ sz zt£ [¥ìv »x°{põp‰»[‰ âl‰ vlfv r¥ñj Ü»tp{£. Wx ë~‹ rùn™ »l¤y£ »Jy£ »[p ë{¥yn™{ Rl‰rl‰ Yy»[p Rl‰ýqŸv X{§p‰ ý~‹p‰ Y… x¨lª Y£MxxY‰” R¥x R{~£p»xˆnŸ Rr ƒ£ r¥{~¨{£.
vz;zpay; miw$ty; ,isQh;fshy; tpsk;guj; Jiwia Gj;jhf;f ghijf;F ,l;Lr; nry;y KbAk; nru;ypd; b rpf;nfuh
sk;guj; Jiw gy fhuzpfspy; jq;fpapUf;Fk; NghjpYk;, ,isQh;fs; vz;zpay; (digital) %yk; gy khw;wq;fis Vw;gLj;jp tUfpd;wdh;. vz;zpay; xU Gjpa fUj;J. mJ Gjpa Gul;rpf;F Vw;w tifapy; khw;wg;gl Ntz;baJ. mij rpwg;ghf nra;J tUfpd;wdu; ,isQh;fs;;. ghlrhiyapypUe;J ntspNawpa khztdhy; 15000-j;jpype;J 20000 tiu rk;ghjpf;f KbAk;. CIMA fw;ifnewp g+h;j;jp nra;jpUe;jhy; 30 -40 Mapuq;fs; rk;ghjpf;fyhk;. %j;jth;fs; 300000 – 400000 tiu <l;Lfpd;wdh;. tpsk;guk; Kl;lhs;jdk;, vz;zq;fs;, th;j;jff; Fwpfs; kw;Wk; kf;fs; Mfpatw;iw xd;wpizf;fpwJ. ,isQh;fs; tpsk;guNrit, jpl;lkply;, Gj;jhf;fq;fs;, Clfq;fs;, vz;zpay;, kf;fs; njhlh;G, ghpNrhjidfs; kw;Wk; fhnzhsp jahhpg;gpy; <LglKbAk;.
th;j;jff; Fwpfisf; fl;bnaOg;gy; tpsk;guj;jpd; %yk; ,isQh;fs; jq;fs; jlj;ijg; gjpf;f KbAk;. ePyh khpf;fhh; (jiyth; - f;uhd;l; kf;fhd;) cld; NgRifapy; mtuJ mofpa mYtyf miw kw;Wk; miwf;fhd ghij gy;NtW rhjdq;fshy;
myq;fhpf;fg;gl;bUe;jJ. ,j;jifa #oy; GJ vz;zq;fisAk;, fiyj; jpwidAk; J}z;Ltjhf mike;Js;sJ.
,sik Gjpa vz;zq;fspd; Cw;W “vz;zq;fs; vq;Fk; cs;sd. Mdhy; mitahUf;Fk; nrhe;jkhditay;y. ey;y xU vz;zj;jhy; xU fUj;ij tpw;f KbAk;. ,isQh;fspd; gq;fspg;gpdhy; tpsk;guj;Jiwapy; GJ vz;zq;fisj; Njhw;Wtpf;f KbAk;” vd;W mth; njhptpj;jhh;. Spike tpUJ toq;Fk; tpohtpy; Clfk; kw;Wk; Gj;jhq;fSf;fhf tpUJ ntd;w ehd;F ,isQh;fis epidj;Jg; ngUkpjk; nfhs;fpwhh; ePyh. “ehd; vd;Wk; jpwikiaj; NjLgts;. ghlrhiyapypUe;J ntspNawpa fzpjk; kw;Wk; Gs;sptpgutpaypy; Mh;tKs;sth;fisAk; kw;Wk; rpq;fsnkhop %y efy; vOj;jhsh;fisAk; ehd; NjLfpNwd;”; vd mwptpj;jhh; mth;. vdJ tpUg;gkhdJ gy ,isQh;fs; tpsk;guj; Jiwapy; NruNtz;Lk;. mj;NjhL ngw;Nwhh; tpsk;guj; Jiwf;F Kd;Dhpik nfhLf;fNtz;Lk;. mth;fs; gps;isfSf;F gy cs;ehl;L kw;Wk; ntspehl;L tha;g;Gf;fs; fhj;jpUf;fpd;wd vd mth; NkYk; $wpdhh;.
tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; rthyhdJ. MapDk; ,j;Jiwapy; jq;fis epiyehl;Lgth;fSf;F ntFkjp mjpfk;. ,isQh;fspd; vz;zKk;, nraYk; ,j;Jiwapd; Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;F mtrpak;.
Nghf;Ffs; NkYk; ePyh mth;fs; jkpo; nkhopapd; gpuj;jpNafj;ijAk; rpq;fsk;, Mq;fpyk; Mfpa nkhopfspd; tpsk;guj;Jiw rhh;e;j gq;fspg;igAk; ntspg;gLj;jpdhh.; kz;lhpd; nkhop cyfpy; mjpfk; Ngrg;gLk; nkhop. gpnud;r;, n[h;kd; Mfpa nkhopfs; cynfq;Fk; gutpAs;sd. vdpDk; ,yq;ifauhd vkf;F vkJ Kf;fpa %d;W nkhopfisf; nfhz;L gpwUld; vt;thW ciuahl Ntz;Lk; vd;gJ njhpe;j tplak;.
gpd;Ndhf;fpa gazk; ePyh mth;fs; jw;fhy ,isQhpd; FWNehf;Fg; ghh;itia gw;wp mwpTWj;jpdhh;. mth; NkYk; $Wifapy;, ,isQh;fs; vjpYk; mtrug;gLgth;fs;. MfNt mth;fs; vd;Wk; ,sikahd ,j;Jiwapy; njhiyNehf;Fg; ghh;itiaj; jk;kpilNa Nkk;gLj;j Ntz;Lk; vd $wpdhh;. ,isQh; ifapy; xU ghdj;jpw;fhd %yg;nghUl;fs; jq;fpAs;sJ. mijj; jahhpj;J, gUfp kfpo;tJ cq;fs; ifapy;.
Digitally Daring Youth can ‘spin’ Ad Industry into Creative Frenzy By Sharlene De Chickera
of advertising rest on T hemanyPillars facets in the industry, but it is
the youth and ‘young-at-heart’ who are rocking the industry with digital! Digital is new, hot and hip. All the advertising has to ‘tango’, ‘fox-trot’, ‘cha-cha’, ‘jive’ or ‘waltz’ to the new revolution. And the youth are leading it. A youth who is just out of school, can earn between 15,000 to 20,000 Thousand Rupees a month on average. A graduate or CIMA qualified youth can earn 30 -40 Thousand Rupees, and a senior can quote 300,000 to 400,000 Thousand Rupees in the industry. Advertising entails a pot-purri of craziness, ideas, brands, and a host of
people whose lend to the creative genius of this industry that never sleeps, only cat-naps. Young people can get entrenched in advertising in brand service, strategic planning, creatives, design studio, media, digital, PR, aka, Reputation Management, ‘Out-of-home’ - outdoor, retail, brand activation and events, experiential or audio visual production.
Building iconic brands The advertising world is a palette on which the youth can paint a tapestry on life, skill, ingenuity, foot-prints, handprints and leave a legacy. Talking to Neela Marikkar, Head of Grant McCann, in her beautiful corporate office, we are surrounded by Beetles memorabilia, a chunk of the Berlin Wall, pictures of her famed father Reggie Candappa, and Prints of Old Ceylon. The corridors leading to her office are decked with Monkeys (not real ones, but creative ones), purple and blue fingers and art-works made of oldcassettes, tubes, wires and a strange paraphernalia. The ambience reeks of creativityand artistry, yet exudes order.
Youth in a fountain of fresh ideas “Ideas are everywhere”, she gestures dramatically with her hands. No one owns ideas. But these spin the advertising world, she smiles. It is a good idea that can make a concept sell. “We need more youth to get involved in advertising Neela Marikkar to sprout out their fresh ideas”, she says emphatically. Neela speaks with pride of four youngsters who have just awards won accolades
in Media and Creatives at the Spike Awards. “I always keep an eye out for talent. I am on the lookout for school leavers who are good Mathematicians and Statisticians. I am also on the lookout Sinhala Copy-Writer”, she enthuses. My wish is to see more youth joining the industry. I would also like parents to think of the Advertising Industry as a preferred one. The possibilities for their children are immense with local and foreign training on the cards, she adds. “Advertising maybe challenging, but the rewards are plenty for those who wish to carve a niche in this vibrant industry”. We need the youth with a heart (Creatives), and brains (All areas) to make this industry thrive.
Trends Neela opines that Tamil Language creatives are becoming an important niche. She also feels that in Sri Lanka, Sinhala and English are the other two languages are commonplace for advertising. Though Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, and French, German and Spanish globally used, she feels that ‘Sri Lankans quintessentially know how to communicate to one another with the three main languages”.
Back to the Future Neela cautions that the youth however should not be short-sighted, but think of not only today, but tomorrow and the day-after! “I find that the youth wants things too fast sometime and need to cultivate a longterm perspective in this ever-young industry”. The cocktail is in the hands of the youth to mix. ‘Pink Panther’, ‘Chameleon’ or ‘Ice Melt’. The choice is yours to pour, shake, stir, mix and enjoy drinking too!
Careers Chart - Financial Details »nŠ|›x »ƒ¤ ý»nŠ|›x Rp§tnŠél WY‰ WY‰ »{»…q r±a£yj R£xlpx Rp§{ ~ƒ nY‰}l£{x, ƒ¥Ãx£{ ƒ£ r…r§y¥nŠn Rp§{ {¥f§r »{p~ˆ »N. [Œj©K Y…vp£Yyj»xˆ nŸ [Œj©K ýo£xY ëzo£ù»xYª ƒf y¥r‹xzˆ 25,000 ~‹f y¥r‹xzˆ 40,000 nY‰{£ v¨nzÃp‰ {¥f§rˆ vGfK R£yKu »N. [Œ‹j©K ~¥…~¨KYyj»xˆ nŸ, YÚ}ˆg [Œj©K ~¥…~¨KYy¥»{Yª ƒf y¥r‹xzˆ 40,000 ~‹f y¥r‹xzˆ 60,000 nY‰{£ v¨nzY‰ Sr¥õx ƒ¥Ãx. ëMv£pYyj»xˆ nŸ, r‹frl‰ yaY»xYªf y¥r‹xzˆ 25,000 ~‹f y¥r‹xzˆ 50,000 nY‰{£ vGf»K ~‹f Sƒ…f Sr¥õx ƒ¥Ãx. r…r§y¥nŠn ~v[Œp‰ {¥f§rˆ rùv£j {¥Õ»{p Rly, vo³v lz»xˆ lplªy¥{zf (Middle Rung Positions) y¥r‹xzˆ 100,000 ~‹f 250,000 nY‰{£ Rly ry£~xÃp§l‰ YMv£p‰l»xˆ Sƒ… lplªy¥ nyp‰pp‰ƒf (Top Rung Positions) y¥r‹xzˆ 250,000 ~‹f y¥r‹xzˆ 400,000 nY‰{£l‰ Sr¥öK Y… ƒ¥Ãx.
tpsk;guj;Jiw gzpahsu;fspd; rk;gsk; mtu;fspd; jpwik> mZFKiw> mDgtk; vd;gtw;wpD}Lk; cs;ehl;L ntspehl;L epWtd mikg;gpidg; nghWj;Jk; xUtUf;nfhUtu; NtWgLfpwJ. Kfhikj;Jt gpuptpy; gzp nra;fpd;w fzf;Fg; nghWg;ghsu; ruhrupahf 25000 njhlf;fk; 40000 tiu ciof;fpwhu;. fzf;Fj; jpl;lkply; gpuptpy; gzpahw;Wk; xU fdp\;l fzf;Fj; jpl;lkpLdu; 40000 njhlf;fk; 60000 tiu gzkPl;Lfpd;whu;. mDgtj;jpD}Lk; gjtp cau;tpD}Lk; xUtUila rk;gsk; eLj;ju gjtpfhyq;fspy; 100000 njhlf;fk; 250000 tiuAk; rpNu\;l gjtp tfpf;Fk; fhyq;fspy; 250000 njhlf;fk; 400000 tiuAk; NtWgLfpwJ.
Salaries differ in each respective Advertising agency, local and foreign affiliated and are commensurate with talent, skill and experience. Generally, In Account Management, an Accounts Executive can start earning from Rupees 25,000/- to Rs. 40,000/-. In Account Planning, a Junior Account Planner can earn Rs. 40,000/- to Rs. 60,000/-. In Creative, a Copy Writer can earn from Rs. 25,000/- to 50,000/- upwards. The salaries increase with experience and progress to Middle Rung positions, ranging from Rs.100,000 to Rs. 250,000/ - whilst the Top Rung
positions in the industry can earn from Rs. 250,000/- to Rs.400,000/-.
Backpacking to the Zenith
and Everything in between By Nadeesha Paulis
o be ‘curious’ is to ‘discover’ and to T discover is to ‘build’. Advertising is about building a brand image. Throughout the years, the field of advertising has twisted, churned and evolved into much more than just selling a product. According to Alyna Haji Omar, CEO of J. Walter Thompson Sri Lanka, “Advertising is about influencing a lifestyle”. “It is about telling a story. How do you tell a brand story? How do you promote acceptance and life styles? How do you influence change?” That’s where advertising comes in. People are more individualistic in their wants, and today, consumers are not just buying a commodity. It is part of their lifestyle. A commodity used to be functional, but now, it is layered with emotion, so that people consider other elements when purchasing. Customers look for in a product, and communication enables a story to be told in such a way that millions of people understand it.
The story within a story Advertising agencies, as catalysts in telling this story, need a spectrum of vibrant individuals to tell that story. Artists to designers to writers to all forms of misfits and odd balls and free thinkers, advertising agencies house those that think outside the box, or more specifically, think as though there is no box. In advertising, the right attitude has to match capability. Youngsters are given the chance to enhance their fresh perspectives with knowledge of their seniors in the agency. ‘Always be the person to raise your hand and ask questions,’ encourages Alyna. Don’t be
"It is important for an individual, especially when young, to have a purpose in life and to search for oneself. Dedication and hard work are qualities that stand out in an individual and by cultivating it within yourself, you build yourself as a brand that stands out”. afraid to make mistakes because none of us are perfect. Be adventurous. Take risks. Work hard. Be energetic, so that you are not only entitled to something because you are academically qualified; but you deserve it as well!
Mirror Images in Time Alyna as an individual, is a curious creature. Looking back at herself 20 years ago when she first moved into the industry as a novice, with no experience soon after her A/L’s from Ladies College, she says that she was a backpacking traveller. She would gather a few of her friends, and tour the island whenever she could. ‘Get in a bus. Get in a train. See where it takes you. Collect experiences. Search for yourself,’ she exclaims with a laugh and a twinkle in her eyes. Her daring personality and thirst for the ‘new’ is something of a characteristic trait for those who thrive in advertising. Advertising is no longer a system of ‘one way’ communication.
Alyna Haji Omar
Communities in a modern world have voice through dynamic media, like social media and other campaigns. Individuals are more aware of their purchases and how it affects their lives. Thus, for advertising to thrive, advertisers need to be culturally savvy and tuned-in to their markets. Advertisers need to know the likes and dislikes, what things will be accepted by consumers and what things will not. Advertisers also need to equip the consumer with the knowledge to make an informed decisions. Creating a successful brand image involves knowing a myriad of people because people are becoming more involved, socially curious and take pride in being socially responsible citizens. ‘Brand imaging can be in an individual capacity as well,’ says Alyna, in how an individual portrays themselves to the world. It is important for an individual, especially when young, to have a purpose in life and to search for oneself. Dedication and hard work are qualities that stand out in an individual and by cultivating it within yourself, you build yourself as a brand that stands out.
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»p£nl‰ â ƒàyñp‰ Sp‰ XJtf l{l‰ r‹x{yY‰ l¥ïx ƒ¥Ã{p‰»p‰ Wýfõ. áp‰þK Yyjx »z¤Y»xˆ p{ ÷zˆz (Trend) ~v` »{p~ˆ{p t¥ýp‰ n™»pp‰ n™p »{…q »r£zf Wp Rûl‰ â Ro³xpx Ãúv Rl³£{|³ »N. »K ~qƒ£ »{»…q áp‰þK ~p‰ë»Nnpx (Advrtising Communication) ë{¥yn™{ u£ýl Y… x¨lªx. á{¥p‰l cpr±‹x r¥yÚ áp‰þK R£xlp »vp‰v ~ly Rl r‹ƒŒf§{£ Ü»tp »{»…q r±a£yj R£xlp {z‹p‰ Rn áp‰þK »{…q»r£z r‹ú R¥l. Wx Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ {Mopxf y¥YªzY‰ {§{l‰ »t£»ƒ¤ A{£»xp‰ ~‹ã{p‰»p‰ v£o³ R£xlp ~v` R¥ÜYy[l‰ ƒŒl{l‰YK vl copy past art work {¥ë Ry¥l‰ty p¥Ü Rp§Yyj R¥~¨ùp‰ ëMv£jxp‰ ~‹ã »Y£f v¨nzˆ Urxp R£xlp ~v¬ƒxÃ. áp‰ýK Yyjx xp§ YªvY‰áõ ë~‹ »z~ ƒày£ Rl‰áÄK ~v` WƒŒ ëyl{p r‹ù~ R¥l‰»l‰ Sl£vl‰ ~ˆ{zˆr {|»xë. áp‰þKYyjx xp§ YªvY‰áõ {fƒ£ »[p ~p‰ë»Nnp Y²v ë~‹ »z~ u£ýl Yyp r‹ù~ Sl£vl‰ Rzˆr t{ Rn {p »t£»ƒ¤ áp‰þK »n~ t¥üýf Sl£ r¥ƒ¥n™z‹{ »r»p‰. ëMv£j|›z‹l‰{»xp‰ ~p‰pnŠo{ ly[ Ãúvf pK v£o³ áp‰þK Yyjx ~v` v¨~¨{§j© (Media Vision) v£o³ áY‰vY‰ Rl³£{|³ »N. Rl‰áÄK ~r‹ù r±þjxp‰ p{ Rnƒ~ˆ R£o¨ëY ly¥j ryr§y ~v` ë~‹ »z~ »tàƒà[ëñp‰ áp‰þK Yyj»xˆ ëylþv »vƒŒnŸ Sl£ {¥n[l‰ »N. »{»~~‹p‰v r±þj {¥ÕƒŒÑ ryr§y ëyp‰ly»xp‰v »{p~ˆ{p ly¥j »z¤Yxf R{Ýyj þ X{§p‰{ ë~‹ v[ »x£v¨ Yyþvf lyK ~¹»NnŸ ýx x¨lªx. “Rn »z£{ »{»…q áp‰þK{z‹p‰ »l£y{ v¨nzˆ Srõx ƒ¥Y‰»Y‰ ~zˆz‹ RDa§ [~p ~v£[K{zf rvjÔ xp r±Yf tfƒŒy Ãxv»pp‰ r{£ [v³ {p‰»p‰ »{…q áp‰þK ~lª R~šñl tzx r‹…‹tq{õ. »vv tzx ëylªy¥{v vëp§ ztp‰»p‰ r£ù»u¤[ŒYxp‰ »z~ Rr ñznŸ [¥ìvf »x£v¨{p »nŠ v[Œp‹. »Y»~ˆ {§{n »{…q r±ayj òx£{z‹»xˆ ~v~ˆlx ƒ¨Yª†{£ áY‰{§{»ƒ£l‰ A lª… Rp‰lM[l{ R¥l‰»l‰
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Neuj;jpd; fz;zhbg; gpk;gq;fs;
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fijf;Fs; xU fij tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; Kftu;fs; ,f;fijapid nfhz;L Nru;g;gjpy; Cf;fpfshf nraw;gLfpd;wdu;. ,tu;fSf;F ,f;fijapid njuptpf;ff; $batu;fs; Njitg;gLfpd;wdu;. gl tiuQu;fs; mikg;ghsu;fs; Gj;jhf;f rpe;jidahsu;fs; vd Gjpjhf tplaq;fis mZff; $batu;fisNa
tpsk;gug;gLj;jy; epWtdq;fs; Ntz;bepw;fpd;wd. tpsk;gug;gLj;Jjypy; rupahd mZFKiw jpwDld; nghUe;j Ntz;Lk;. ,isQu;fs; ,J njhlu;ghd jkJ ghu;itapid Kftupy; ,Uf;Fk; %j;Njhupd; mwptpdhy; tpUj;jp nra;Jnfhs;syhk;. vg;NghJk; jkJ ifapid cau;j;jp re;Njfq;fis jPu;j;Jf; nfhs;gtu;fshf ,Uq;fs; vd;W mypdh Fwpg;gpLfpwhu;. jtW nra;J tpLNthNkh vd;w gak; Ntz;lhk;. ahUNk gupG+uzkhdtu;fs; fpilahJ. Jzpfuk; epiwe;jtu;fshf ,Uq;fs;. fbd ciog;ghspfshf Mw;wy; kpFe;jtu;fshf ,Uq;fs;. MfNt ePq;fs; ntWk; fy;tpj;jifik ciltuhf kl;Lk; my;yhJ ,e;j Ntiyf;Nf cupj;jdtu;fshf ,Ug;gPu;fs;.
mypdh xU jdpeguhf Mu;tk; kpFe;j xUtuhf fhzg;gLfpd;whu;. 20 tUlq;fSf;F Kd;du; jdJ cau; ju guPl;irapid nfhOk;G kfspu; fy;Y}upapy; Kbj;jTld; ,e;jnjhopy; Jiwapy; jdJ gazj;jpid njhlq;fpdhu;. gpuahzq;fspy; Mu;tk; nfhz;bUe;j ,tu; Neuk; fpilf;Fk; re;ju;gq;fspnyy;yhk; ez;gu;fs; rpyUld; ehl;il Rw;wpg; ghu;f;f nrd;W tpLthuhk;. 'xU NgUe;jpNyh my;yJ Gifapujj;jpNyh Vwp mJ vq;Nf mioj;J nry;fpd;wNjh mq;Nf nry;Yq;fs; Rw;wpg; ghUq;fs; gy tplaq;fis mwpe;J nfhs;Sq;fs; NjlYld; ,Uq;fs;" vd rpupj;Jf; nfhz;Nl $Wfpwhu; mypdh. mypdhtplk; fhzgLfpd;w Jzpr;rYk; Gjpa tplaq;fspy; fhzg;gLk; Mu;tKNk ,j;Jiwf;F mj;jpahtrpakhdjhFk;. tpsk;gug;gLj;Jjy; vd;gJ ,dpNkYk; xU topj; njhlu;ghly; fpilahJ. etPd cyfj;jpy; r%fk; jdJ Fuiy r%f tiyj;jyq;fspE}lhfTk; ,ju Clfq;fspD}lhfTk; xypf;fr; nra;fpd;wJ. ,d;W jdpegu;fs; mtu;fspd; nfhs;tdTfis gw;wpAk; mit vt;thW jkJ tho;tpd; jhf;fk; nrYj;Jfpd;wd vd;gijg; gw;wpAk; rpwe;j mwptpidf; nfhz;Ls;sdu;. MfNt tpsk;gujhuu;fs; jkJ re;ijapid ed;F Gupe;jpUg;gJ Kf;fpak;. NkYk; thbf;ifahsu;fspd; tpUg;G ntWg;Gfisg; gw;wpAk; njupe;J itj;jpUg;gJ mtrpak;. mj;Jld; thbf;ifahsu;fs; rpwe;j Kbtpid vLg;gjw;fhd mwptpidf; nfhLg;gJk; Kf;fpakhFk;. xU ntw;wpfukhd juf; FwpaPl;bidcUthf;Ftjw;F vz;zw;w kf;fis mwpe;J itj;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk; Vnddpy; kf;fs; r%f mf;fiwAld; nghWg;Gs;stu;fshf ,Uf;fpd;wdu;. juf;FwpaPL vd;gJ jdpg;gl;l jpwikapYk; jq;fpAs;sJ vd;Wk; me;j jdpg;gl;l egu; cyfj;jpy; vt;thW rpj;jupf;fg;gLfpd;whu; vd;gijAk; fhl;Lfpd;wJ vd mypah njuptpj;jhu;. xU jdpg;gl;ltupd;> mtupd; ,sik fhyq;fspy; tho;f;ifapy; xU Nehf;fj;jpidAk;> Ra NjliyAk; cUthf;f ,J top nra;fpwJ.
%d;W nehb rthYf;F ePq;fs; jahuh? Mf;fk; : nfa;j; tp[aR+upa jkpopy; Rju;kd; gh];fud;
gj;jpy; ele;j xU Muha;r;rpapd;gb tpsk;guj; Jiwjhd; cyfpNy cs;s Ntiyfspy; ,uz;lhtJ kdmOj;jk; kpf;f Ntiyahk;. (KjyhtJ tpkhd Nghf;Ftuj;J fl;Lg;ghl;lhsu;). mNj rkak; tpsk;guj;Jiw Nghy kdcw;rhfk; jUk; NtiyAk; mG+u;tk;. kdmOj;jkh ,y;iy cw;rhfkh vd jPu;khdpf;f NghtJ cq;fsJ jpwikAk; mZFKiwANk MFk;.
tpsk;guj;Jiuia gw;wp rw;W tpupthf Muha;e;Njhk; vd;why;.. ,j;Jiwia %d;whf gpupj;J Muhayhk;. KjyhtJ %Nyhgha jpl;lkply; (Strategic Planning)> ,uz;lhtJ vkJ tpsk;guj;jpd; gilg;G fUj;jhf;fk; (creative conceptualization of the campaign) filrpahf gilg;ig rupahf ntspf;nfhzuy; (Optimal execution). rhjhuzkhf midtUk; ,Wjp gpuptpNyjhd; midj;J ciog;igAk; nfhl;Lthu;fs;. nraw;gLj;jy; Kf;fpak;jhd; Mdhy; Kjy; ,U gpupTfSk; rk Kf;fpaj;Jtk; nfhz;lit. xU rpwe;j Clff;fhud; jdJ thbf;ifahsu;fis rupahf mwpe;J itj;jpUg;ghd;. mtu;fsJelj;ijia cs;sq;if ney;ypf;fdpia Nghy njupe;J itj;jpUg;ghd;. cq;fsJ tpsk;gu jpl;lkplYk; mij nraw;gLj;jpa tpjKk; mw;Gjkhf ,Ue;jhYk;> mt;tpsk;guk; rupahdthbf;ifahsu;fis rupahd mstpy; nrd;W milahtpl;lhy; mt;tpsk;guk; tpoYf;F ,iuj;j ePuhf khwptpLk;. vj;jid NgUf;F vj;jid jlit nrd;W Nru;fpwJ vd;gij jPu;khdpg;gjpy; tpsk;guj;jpd; ntw;wp jq;fpAs;sJ. John Wanamaker $wpaJ Nghy tpsk;guj;Jf;F nrytplg;gLk; gzj;jpy; ghjp tpuakhfpwJ> ve;j ghjp tpuakhfpwJ vd;gJjhd; ahUf;Fk; njupahJ. Clfj;Jiwapy; my;yJ tpsk;guj;Jiwapy; ehl;lk; nfhz;ltu;fSf;F ,J xUnghw;fhyk;. r%f tiyjsq;fs; NfhNyhr;Rk; ,e;j b[pl;ly; cyfj;jpy; tpsk;guj;jpy; tpuakhFk; gzj;jpd; msT Fiwe;J tUfpwJ. mNj rkak; tpsk;guj;jpd; ntw;wpAk; Njhy;tpAk; NkYk; NkYk; thbf;ifahsupd; iffis mile;Js;sJ. cs;slf;fj;jpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; Kd; vg;nghOJk; ,y;yhj msT mjpfupj;J cs;sJ. thbf;ifahsu;fSld; fye;Jiuahb mtu;fsJ NjitfisAk; tpUg;GfisAk; mwptjw;fhd tha;g;Gfs; mjpfkhf cs;sd.
Clfj;Jiw vd;why; vd;d? nra;jp> fy;tp> Nfspf;if Nghd;witia njhlu;G Clfq;fs; Clhf gutyhf;fk; nra;tNj Clfj;Jiw. ,j;njhlu;G Clfq;fs; njhiyf;fhl;rpapy; ,Ue;J tPjpfspy; nfhLf;fg;gLk; fljhrp tiu NtWglyhk;. cq;fSf;F tpsk;guk; ve;jtpjj;jpy; te;jile;jhYk; mJ njhlu;G ClfNk. filfspd; ntspNa Ntlk; mzpe;J MLgtu;fSk; njhlu;G ClfNk. ruhrup kdpjd; ,J Nghd;W Mapuf;fzf;fhd tpsk;guq;fis jpdKk; vjpu;nfhs;fpwhd;. cq;fsJ tpsk;guk; mit midj;ijAk; fle;J thbf;ifahsupd; kdij vl;l Ntz;Lk;. mij ehk; vt;thW rhjpf;fNghfpNwhk;? Clfj;Jiwapy; NrUk; NghJePq;fs; vjpu;nfhs;sNghFk; rthy; mJjhd;. ,r; rthiy vjpu;nfhs;s thbf;ifahsu;fisgw;wpa Mo;e;j mwpT mtrpak;. mtu;fsJ eil cil> tho;f;ifKiw vd midj;J gw;wpa mwpT mj;jpahtrpak;. tpw;fg;NghFk; nghUs; my;yJ Nrit gw;wpa jfty;fs; tpuy; Edpapy; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. thbf;ifahsupd; kdij CLUtjw;fhd rhtpia fz;Lgpbf;f fl;lw;w Rje;jpukhd vijAk; Vw;Wf;nfhs;Sk; cs;sk; mj;jpahtrpak;. ,f;fhyj;jpy; ,isQu;fs; gy;NtWgl;l jsq;fspy; tpsk;guq;fis re;jpf;fpwhu;fs;. Neuj;ij tpuakhf;fhj tpsk;guq;fisNa mtu;fs; tpUk;Gfpwhu;fs;. Neuj;Jld; midj;Jk; khWfpwJ> MW khjj;jpw;F Kd;G cz;ikahf ,Ue;jtplak; ,g;nghOJ ngha;ahf khwptpl;lJ. 3 nehbfs;. 3 nehbfs; kl;LNk mtu;fs; cq;fSf;F jUk; Neuk;> mjw;Fs; mtu;fis ftuhtpl;lhy; mtu;fs; mLj;j tplaj;jpw;F khwptpLthu;fs;. 3 nehbfs; kl;LNk.
nfa;j; tp[aR+upa
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By Keith Wijesuriya
et me first caution you that L advertising is purported to be the second most stressful job in the world – the first being an air traffic controller! Having said that, it is also said that advertising is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. To which end of this spectrum YOU gravitate towards, depends entirely on you, your aptitude and more importantly, your attitude. Let me take a bit of your time to tell you about that often misunderstood, seldom appreciated world of media. Advertising is basically divided into three processes. Strategic planning, creative conceptualisation of the campaign and ensuring optimal execution of same. The first two were considered the monopoly of Creative agencies. More often than not, the discipline of media was limited to ensuring optimal execution of the creative (and hopefully strategyled) campaigns – what is commonly referred to as number crunching or media buying.Number crunching is just one aspect of Media. Of course one needs to buy at the most optimal level but ONLY once the strategy and creative aspects of a media plan have been fully rolled out. Agood media person KNOWS his audience. Understands what makes them tick. How they consume media and what they consume. Someone once said, it makes no difference how brilliant the creative execution may be or how well thought outthe marketing strategy… if the campaign does NOTreach the RIGHT people,the RIGHT number of times,then it will passlike two ships in the night.That was then – a world of ‘reach’ (how many), ‘frequency’ (how often) and getting the balance right. Some still employ media this way, continuing to grapple with the age old problem as stated succinctly, by John Wanamaker- that“Half the money spent on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half” For those of you who are looking at taking up media as a career, in a way, you are one of the luckier ones. In today’s complex world of digital and social media there is greaterfocus and
e h t r o f y d a e R u o y Are ? e g n e ll a h C d n o c e s Three measurement and the ability to ensure that the other 50% is not wasted. The bad news is that control of discussion around your brand is now in the hands of the consumer. Content, more than ever, is king. The good news is that you can now engage directly with your customer. If you take the time and trouble to listen, you will begin to understand what makes them tick. What then is media? Basically, communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated. A communication channel could be anything from the television that delivers a 30 second commercial right down to an innocuous flyer handed out at a junction corner. It could be a ridiculously dressed clown outside a store holding a placard to a very sophisticated personalised device delivered to your desk. The average person is literally bombarded with a countless such avenues of information every single day. Your client’s brand
message has to penetrate this sea of sometimes meaningless communication and impregnate itself in the mind of the consumer. How do you make this happen? THAT, my friend, is the task you take on when you decide to become a media man or woman. It takes a deep understanding of your consumer. Their habits. Their lifestyles. It takes a deep understanding of your client’s product or service. It calls for a free, uninhibited mind as you search the known and the unknown for that special key that unlocks the space in the mind of your consumer. Today’s younger consumer consumes media across a multiple number of screens. At least three, sometimes as much as five. Content on the go is being craved AND being delivered. Conventions are being tossed aside by the winds of change around us. What was a truth 6 months ago is today’s lie. Today’s youth supposedly have an attention span of just 3 seconds. In other words, 3 seconds is all you have to grab attention and draw them to you!
fw;wYf;Fk; Ntbf;iff;Fk; ,ilapyhd ,izg;ig ,isQu;fSf;F toq;Fk; tpsk;guj;Jiw rhu;ypd; b rpf;Nfuh jkpopy; mu;[{d;Fkhu; nry;tuh[h
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tpsk;guq;fisj; jhz;b tpsk;guj;Jiw ntWkNd tpsk;guq;fis Kd;Ndw;WtijAk; jhz;b epakq;fs; kw;Wk; ghtidahsu;fSf;F kj;jpapy; epiyahd ,ilj; njhlu;ig Vw;gLj;Jk; JiwahFk;. 'ntWkNd jfty; gupkhw;wj; Jiw vd;gijj; jhz;b ,d;W tu;j;jf uPjpapyhd cjtp toq;Fduhf khw;wk; ngw;Wtpl;lJ. ,d;W ghtidahsu;fs; mtu;fsJ tu;j;jf gpurpdq;fSf;fhd jPu;Tfis tpsk;guj;Jiw %yk; ngw;Wf; nfhs;sf;$lj; jaq;Ftjpy;iy." vdTk; NuZfh njuptpj;jhu;. ,d;W ,isQu;fs; ,j; Jiwiaj; njupT nra;a Ntz;bajd; mtrpag;ghL gw;wp NgRifapy; tpsk;guj;Jiw Nky; mjPj Mu;tk; kw;Wk; gw;Wilatu;fis re;jpj;jhy; cq;fSf;F gy tplaq;fs; njupatUk; vd;Wk; xt;nthU ehSk; GjpanjhU mDgtk; fhj;jpUf;Fk; - jpdKk; Gjpa tplaq;fis fw;Wf;nfhs;tPu;fs; - jpdKk; GjpanjhU eguhf khw Ntz;bapUf;Fk; vd;Wk;; NuZfh njuptpj;jhu;. tpsk;guj;JiwahdJ Gj;jhf;fk;> rpe;jid nraw;ghl;Lj;jpwd;> Clfk;> njhiyf;fhl;rp kw;Wk; thndhyp jahupg;G kw;Wk; vz;zpay; Mfpa tplaq;fspy; Nju;r;rp ngw;w gy ,isQu;fis nfhz;Ls;sJ. jj;jkJ Mw;wYf;Nfw;g mtu;fSf;F tha;g;Gfs; toq;fg;gLk; vdTk; njuptpj;jhu;.
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tplaq;fs; MFk;. ,j; Jiwapy; Kd;Ndw;wk; fhz;gtu;fs; Fwpg;ghf fw;gidj; jpwd;> jkJ czu;r;rpfis ntspg;gLj;jf; $ba jd;ik> mjPj Mu;tk; Mfpatw;wpid cilatu;fshf fhzg;gLtu;. tpsk;guk; vd;gJ fw;gidj; jpwd; rhu;e;jJ kl;Lky;y. ,J rupahd jpl;lk; tFj;jy; rk;ge;jg;gl;lJ. ,jid ruptur; nra;tjw;F kf;fspd; md;whl ghtidfis mwpe;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. ftdj;jd;ik> MuhAk; jd;ik kw;Wk; tpopg;Gzu;Tilatu;fshf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. kpfTk; nefpo;Tj; jd;ikahf kf;fSld; njhlu;Gfis cUthf;fpf; nfhs;gtuhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. Gjpa Gj;jhf;fKs;s ,isQu;fs; epr;rakhf ,j; Jiwapy; rhjpg;gu;. ,d;iwa cyfpy; fij ntspg;ghl;lhsu;fs; kw;Wk; fl;Gyd; rhu; Jiw rhu;e;Njhu; mtrpakhd gq;F tfpf;fpd;wdu;. vdpDk; epu;thfj;jpwd; cilNahu; ,j; Jiwapd; epyTiff;F Kf;fpa gq;fhw;Wfpwhu;fs;. tpsk;guq;fs; rf;jp> fz;zpaj;jd;ik> eifr;Ritj; jd;ik Mfpatw;iwf; nfhz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,j;Jiwiaj; njupT nra;Ak; ,isQu;fs; epr;rak; ,it midj;ijAk; nfhz;bUf;fNtz;Lk;.
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Developing a relationship between a brand and a consumer By Sharlene De Chickera
enuka Marshall is a connoisseur of life. She is the heart and soul of TWBA a global Advertising Agency, housing a corporate office in Colombo. Being at the helm of Advertising and also as a mother of two young children, she wishes the best careers for the youth of Sri Lanka, with a special preference for her niche – Advertising. Here she shares some valuable advice for those who wish to take the plunge in to this dynamic industry, and for those already entrenched in it.
More than an Ad Advertising entails a lot more than just developing ads. It’s about developing a relationship between
Renuka Marshall
a brand and the consumer that is so intimate that it lasts a lifetime. The advertising industry is no longer deemed to be a communication agency, but rather a business partner where clients are now seeing the value offered by their creative partners on solutions for the business and expect it. “Well for one thing, you get to be around other people who love advertising and that passion is contagious! Every day is a learning experience - you learn and un-learn! You›ll HAVE to wear different hats on any given day and you won’t be bored. The industry is filled with many bright and talented people across different disciplines such as creative, strategic planning, media, TV & Radio production, Digital etc. with many opportunities depending on your skill set. You get the chance to play a role in changing human behaviour”, enthuses Renuka.
Opportunities galore As advertising is s a creative industry, there’s always, always opportunity for storytellers and visual types. But there’s a vacuum for strategic thinkers and Account Management people. Talent that is the back bone of an agency. One doesn’t need to be ‘creative’ to get into Advertising, the simple ability to coordinate between clients and the agency, being a ‘business consultant’ is also stepping stone into the industry. There is also opportunity and scope in aligned areas such as digital, media and production.
Sustainability Ad agencies are brilliant at one thing; persuading people to change their behaviour. With the business world pretty much changing its behaviour to operate more ethically, more sustainably, with more concern for the social and cultural sensitivities from its activities, agencies have to provide creativity and innovation to support this. To do this, ad agencies first need to understand and incorporate this into their system strongly, to help clients understand the new landscape and discover a purpose beyond profit. For the sustainability of the industry, Agencies would need to deliver on these parameters.
Skills, talent and attitudes required of the youth As the advertising industry is involved in creative problem solving and creative expression, long hours, high stress is the norm. We have found that those who gravitate towards the industry tend to be out-of-the-box thinkers, expressive, personable-type people and mostly passionate people. Advertising is not only about creativity; it’s about setting the right strategies to grow brands. To do this people need to understand human behavior. They need to be curious, observant and analytical. They need to be flexible, able to connect and build relationships. People with a fresh and new imagination will also succeed in this industry. The world will always need great storytellers (i.e. copy writers) and visual types (i.e. graphic designers) but the industry will also need good managers to streamline and harness this. Advertising requires a lot of energy, diplomacy and a sense of humor. If the youth were to venture into Advertising, it is truly challenging and exhilarating, and not for the faint of heart. So, take the plunge and do not be disappointed. Life is full of fun and the Advertising Roller-Coaster is one that you can dare ride!
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gpur;ridfisj; ju;f;fpf;Fk; Mw;wNy fl;bl epu;khz nghwpapay; Jiwapd; MzpNtu; ,utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad;
uyhw;Wg; Gj;jfq;fspd; kpf Ke;jpa gf;fq;fs; njhl;Nl fl;Lkhzj; Jiw kf;fspd; tho;f;ifj; juj;ij cau;j;j fLk; gpuaj;jdj;Jld; nray;gl;L ,Uf;fpwJ. vfpg;jpa gpukpl;Lfs; njhlf;fk; nfhOk;G jhkiuf; NfhGuk; (Lotus Tower) tiu nghwpapayhsu;fs; kf;fspd; tho;thjhu Njitfis G+u;j;jp nra;a fLikahf cioj;Js;sdu;. EDEX mzpapdu; fl;Lkhzj;Jiw apidg; gw;wp NkYk; mwpe;J nfhs;s ,yq;ifapd; jiyrpwe;j fl;Lkhzg; nghwpapay;Jiw epGzuhd nkhul;Lit gy;fiyf;fof nghwpapay; gPlNguhrpupau; g;upad; la]; mtu;fis mZfpdu;. vk;ik kpFe;j Gd;difAld; tuNtw;w Nguhrpupau; jdJ nrt;tp KOtJk; rpwpJk; Gd;idif khwhJ ,Ue;jhu;.
fl;blepu;khzj; Jiwapd; Muk;gfhyk; njhl;lhdtsu;r;rpgw;wp? Vwj;jhs 18Mk; E}w;whz;bNyNa fl;bl epu;khzj; Jiw mg;ngauhy; miof;fg;gl;lJ. me;jg; ngau; ,uhZt nghwpapay; vd;gjpypUe;J kUtpaJ. kf;fSf;fhd (Civil) nghwpapay; vd;w Nrit vz;zf;fUitf; nfhz;lJ. etPd tuyhw;wpy; fl;bl epu;khzj;Jiwapd; %j;j nghwpapayhsuhf I.K.Brunel mtu;fisf; nfhs;syhk;. kpy;Nydpak; tUlj;jpy; If;fpa ,uhr;rpaj;jpy; gue;j mstpy; elhj;jg;gl;l Ma;T xd;wpy; mt;thapuk; Mz;Lfspy; me;ehl;bd; kpf Kf;fpakhd ,uz;lhtJ kdpjuhf (Kjyhtjhf cyfg; Nghupid KbTf;Ff; nfhz;L te;j Winston Churchill) Brunel njupthdhu;. fl;blepu;khzNk Civil Engineering- ,d; Muk;g $whf ,Ue;jJ. fl;blq;fs; fhyj;ij tpQ;rp epw;fpd;wd. tuyhw;wpd; vy;yh khw;wq;fspd; NghJk; jk; typik khwhJ epkpu;e;J epw;fpd;wd. vfpg;jpa gpukpl;Lf;fs;> rPdhtpy; ngUQ;Rtu; Nghd;wd ,d;Wk; epiyj;J ,Uf;fpd;wd. Muk;g fhyq;fspy; ,tu;fs; nghwpapayhsu;fs; vd;W miof;fg;glhj tplj;Jk; mf;fl;blq;fspy; epiwa tpQ;Qhd jj;Jtq;fSf;F mikthd cj;jpfs; ifahsg;gl;L ,Uf;fpd;wd. tuyhw;wpy; mtu;fs; gy ngau;fshy; miof;fg;gl;lhu;fs;. "Master Builders" vd;gJ ,ilf;fhy fl;lj;jpy; tof;fpy; ,Ue;jpUf;fpwJ.
,yq;ifapy; fl;bl epu;khzj; Jiwapd; jw;fhy epiy gw;wp? 500 USD njhlf;fk; 5000 USD tiuapyhd jyh nkhj;j Njrpa cw;gj;jp (GDP) nfhz;l ehLfspy; cl;fl;likg;G mgptpUj;jpfs; Kjd;ikahdjhf ,Uf;Fnkd xU mwpf;ifapy; thrpf;ff; fpilj;jJ. ,yq;if jw;NghJ ,jd; ,ilg;gl;l tPr;rpy; ,Uf;fpd;wJ.
vdNt FWfpa vjpu;fhyj;jpy; fl;bl epu;khzj;Jiwapd; tsu;r;rpahdJ njhlu;r;rpahf mjpfupf;Fk; vd ek;gyhk;. murpay; Ml;rp khw;wj;jpdhy; Vw;gl;l fl;ll epu;khzj;Jiwapd; vjpu;ghuh tPo;r;rpahdJ ntWk; jw;fhypfkhdNj.
,j;Jiwapy; Gjpa jiyKiwapdu; ,dq;fhzf; $ba tha;g;Gfs; gw;wp? fl;ll epu;khzj; Jiw xU r%fj;jpd; Njit fhuzkhf cUthd Jiw. ,tw;iw epu;khzpg;gJk; guhkupg;gJk; kpfTk; mtrpakhdJ. tuyhWfspy; r%fj;jpy; vOfpd;w ghupa gpur;ridfisAk; FiwghLfisAk; jPu;f;f ,j;Jiw ngupJk; cjtp ,Uf;fpwJ. cjhuzkhf> yz;ld; efu fopT ePufw;wy; jpl;lj;ijf; fUjyhk;. 150 tUlq;fspd; Kd;du; kj;jpa yz;ldpy; fopTePu; epyg;gug;gpD}lhfNt flj;jg;gl;lJ. tsp kz;lyj;Jf;F jpwe;jpUe;jjdhy; kf;fs; kj;jpapy; epiwa Neha;fs; ,yFthfgutpd. N[hnrg; gry;fl; (Joseph Bazalgette) vd;fpw nghwpapayhsNu epyj;Jf;fbapyhd fopTePu; mfw;wy; kw;Wk; Rj;jpfupg;gpid tbtikj;J epWtp kf;fspd; Fiw jPu;j;jhu;. ,j;jpl;lj;jpd; %yk; yz;ld; kf;fspd; MAl;fhyk; Fiwe;jJ 20 tUlq;fshy; mjpfupj;jjhf xU Ma;T ek;GfpwJ. ,f;fhyfl;lj;jpy; mijtpl ngupa r%f R+oy; gpur;ridfis kf;fs; vjpu;nfhs;fpwhu;fs;. ,j;Jiwrhu; nghwpapayhsu;fshy; ,t;tifahd gpur;ridfSf;F jPu;T fhz KbAk;. mjd; %yk; jkf;fhd tha;g;Gfis mikj;Jf; nfhs;sTk; KbAk;.
tsu;e;J tUfpd;w fl;ll epu;khzj; Jiw rhu;e;j cg gpupTfs; re;ijfs; gw;wp? NguopT Kfhikj;Jtk; xU tsu;e;J tUfpd;w fl;ll epu;khzj;Jld; ,ize;j JiwahFk;. epiyj;jpUf;ff;$ba mgptpUj;jpia Nehf;fpa tsu;r;rpia fl;bl nghwpapashu;fs; ngupJk; fUJfpwhu;fs;. mJ njhlu;ghd nghwpapayhsu;fspd; tfpghfk; ngupJk; mtrpakhdJ. tsq;fis tpiuakhfhJ ghtid nra;tJk; cr;r gadilAk; jpl;lq;fis nraw;gLj;JtJk; mtrpak;. rPnke;J cw;gj;jpapd; NghJ fhgdPnuhf;irl; mjpfk; ntspNaWfpwJ. mtw;iwf; Fiwg;gjw;fhd topKiwfs; Muhag;glNtz;Lk;. fl;llq;fspd; MAl;fhyk; rk;ge;jkhd fw;if newpfs; tsu;r;rp milfpd;wd. ,yj;jpudpay; cgfuq;fspd; %yk; Ez;ziyfis ghtpj;J fl;llq;fspd; taijf; fz;lwptJld; FiwghLfisAk;
mwpe;J nfhs;sKbfpwJ. ,Uk;;G mupg;giltjhdJ ,d;W tiuepiyj;jpUf;Fk; xU gpur;ridahFk;. NkYk; Nghf;Ftuj;J nghwpapay;> Rw;Wr;R+oy; nghwpapay; gw;wpa fw;iffs; tsu;e;J tUfpd;wd.
fl;Lkhzj;Jiwf; fw;ifnewpfs; gw;wp? mur gy;fiyf;fof gl;lf; fy;tp newpfSld; Fiwe;j cau;ju rpj;jpfSld; gbf;ff;$ba bg;Nshkh fw;ifnewpfSk; ,Uf;fpd;wd. NkYk; gy jdpahu; epWtdq;fs;> gy;fiyf;fofq;fs; ,yq;if KOtJkhf ,Uf;fpd;wd. fl;bl tbtikg;Gfis tiujy; (Drafting) ,d;ndhU fw;if newpahFk;. ,f;fhy fl;Lkhz nghwpapay; JiwahdJ ngupJk; fzpdp rhu;e;J ,aq;Ffpd;w fhuzj;jpdhy; Drafting gzkPl;lf;$ba Jiwahf khwptUfpwJ. xU fl;Lkhzj; Jiwapd; ntw;wp ,tu;fs; ifNeu;j;jpapNyNa cs;sJ. vdpDk; jk; ifj;jpwikfis tsu;j;Jf; nfhs;Sk; NghJ xUtdhy; epr;rak; Kd;Ndw KbAk;. jd;id re;ijg;gLj;jf;$ba jpwikahsdhf khw;wf;$ba xUtd; rhjpg;gJ cWjpahdJ. Fwpg;ghf> fle;j fhyj;jpy; epfo;e;j ,yq;if kj;jpa tq;fp Fz;Lntbg;gpd; gpd;du; epyj;jpd; fPohd concrete mfw;wg;gl;L fpuidl; eltbf;iffs; Nkw;nfhs;s Ntz;ba Njit Vw;gl;lJ. ,jw;fhf fpuidw; ghtid nra;fpd;w njhopyhsu;fs; epiwa Cjpak; ngw;Wf; nfhz;lhu;fs;. vdNt jpwikfis tsu;j;Jf; nfhs;sy; mtrpak;.
vjpu;fhy re;jjpapdUf;F jq;fspd; mwpTiu tpQ;Qhdpfs; Vd; (Why) vd;W NjLfpwhu;fs;. nghwpapayhsu;fs; Vd; ,y;iy (Why not) vd rpe;jpf;fpwhu;fs;. mnkupf;f fl;Lkhd nghwpapayhsu;fs; FOtpd; nghd;nkhopf;F ,zq;f fl;Lkhd epGzu;fs; kf;fspd; tho;f;ifj; juj;ij epu;khzpf;fpwhu;fs;. epiwa nghwpapayhsu;fs; ntt;NtW Jiwfspy; rpwe;J gpufhrpf;fTk; ,JNt fhuzkhf ,Uf;fyhk;. gpur;rpidfis ju;f;fpj;J nghUj;jkhd jPu;tpid Nju;e;njLj;J mij newpg;gLj;Jk; Mw;wNy fl;Lkhd nghwpapay; Jiwapd; MzpNtu;. mtw;Wld; jpwikfis tsu;j;Jf; nfhs;tjd; %yk; ,j;Jiwapy; gy rhjidfs; nra;Jfhl;l tha;g;Gfs; epiwaNt ,Uf;fpd;wd. tho;j;Jf;fs;.
People’s Bank supports higher education with the “Wisdom Loan” The Wisdom Higher Education Loan has been introduced by People’s Bank in order to encourage and support the students and aspiring youth of Sri Lanka in their endeavour to better themselves through higher education and fulfil their ambitions. Irrespective of age or chosen career, the loan offers up to Rs. 10 million towards the completion of higher studies, vocational training and professional qualifications in a local or foreign institution. With flexible repayment schemes and access to the bank’s island-wide branch network, this is the ideal opportunity to pursue the Diploma, first or post-graduate Degree or Professional and Vocational Qualifications that would bolster any resume.
Available on top of existing loans, the Wisdom Loan is a special feature of the bank’s “YES” account (Young Executive Saver),. With existing “Sisu Udana” children’s savings account automatically upgrading to YES accounts at the age of 18 years, People’s Bank hopes to encourage the youth of Sri Lanka to pursue their dreams. The loan is, however, also available to anyone currently in employment and school leavers (with the joint application of a close relative). Chief Executive Officer/General Manager of People’s Bank, Mr. N. Vasantha Kumar confirmed the Bank’s commitment to the Nation when saying, “In our mission to be the
Bank of the aspiring People of Sri Lanka and contribute to the uplifting of education, the Wisdom Loan empowers people to add value to themselves and strive towards being competitive and self-reliant. The loan is available to people of any age, and we have taken measures to encourage prospective students through our existing youth accounts.” People’s Bank has Sri Lanka’s largest branch network, with over 730 branches and over 420 ATM locations islandwide and includes mobile and internet banking amongst its facilities.
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afktpy; mike;Js;s K.R.S. tpsk;gu epWtdj;jpd; cupikahsu; utPe;jpuit EDEX Magazine FO re;jpj;jJ. jd Ra Kaw;rpahYk; cs;shu;e;j fiyj; jpwikahYk; jdf;fhd ghijia mikj;J mjpy; rhjpj;Jf; fhl;ba jpUg;jpAld; utPe;jpujd; gy rpj;jpuq;fshYk; fiyg;nghUl;fshYk; epuk;gpa fhupahyaj;jpw;F vk;ik tuNtw;whu;.
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A New World can Open Up for Artistic Youth in Outdoor Advertising By Sharlene De Chickera
avindra sits behind a big desk in R his suburban office room filled with hundreds of mementoes, pictures, art and interesting collectibles from his world travels.
“Never give up”! His real-life climb in the Outdoor Advertising ladder has been through sheer hard work, dedication and perseverance. He gestures the EDEX Magazine team to follow him around his factory, which is a maze of artwork, machinery, masonry and people engrossed in creating artwork, to be placed as billboards, hoardings and a plethora of signs in the streets of Sri Lanka. The latest machinery compliments the artistry. A differently-abled worker is absorbed in a colourful flex-print. Another worker is intent in taking out the lettering of a sticker-label. A Carpenter is busy carving a hand-made pantry cupboard. We also meet the next generation of management, Ravindra’s son and daughter, who will use modern management methods and the practicality their father has instilled in them to take the business to the next level.
We continue to walk around in his artistic interior complete with ponds, waterfalls, Palmyrah ceilings, mud and wattle walls and a myriad other artistic creations. We spy the beautiful pencil sketch etched of Princess Ashokamala and Prince Dante. The artist, Ravindra, has captured the finer details of the plants, clothes and ensemble of the Prince and Princess – the noble features, hair, expressions, limbs, water pitchers, weaponry of the Prince, and their sedate stride are life-like. The picture is literally perfect! Ravindra says he has intentionally left a bare patch on the left heel of the Prince as a stamp, and used black and white, instead of colour, as a mark of respect to the original artist Solis Mendis.
Growing Up at 17! The palette of life has not been rosy for Ravindra. He has grappled with poverty, issues of educational continuity in his rural mixed school, and also has had a spate of ups and downs in his different business ventures that did not matenalise. He recalls carrying his paintings tucked under his arm and trying to impress his wannabe Principal at Lumbini College, Colombo to enroll him. However, owing to his popularity, and the championing by his Art teacher, Ravindra stayed on in his beloved school. Through every escapade, and the ups and downs in life, he has always been able to draw the attention of people with his electrifying art and sparkling personality.
Faces of the Past, Present and Future A scrap book filled with intricately sketched hand drawings stand testament to his talent and skill. From the president to friends and cherished family, Ravindra is a Master of his Art. “My mother pushed me to exhibit my artistic talent in a positive manner”. He reminisces, gazing lovingly at a photograph of the lady. This is my message to youth. “Work hard at your craft and your breaks will come”! Ravindra recalls starting his business with Rs. 8,000/- with a loan given by his cousin brother. Today he is a self-made millionaire. “I have paid that debt in full”, he laughs. Ravindra believes in building a sustainable business enterprise by sharing his wealth. He has helped some of his talented employees set up their own lucrative business in the same industry. He opines that schools should have active Art classes for students and internships for youth in Advertising, so that they can learn the ropes. After ascending the premises by a spiral staircase we left the premises by a different one. The statue of Liberty seemed to salute us as we left K.R.S. Advertising in Biyagama, and a huge Globe of the World, used in a creative promotion previously seemed to serve as a sign for youth to make it big in the Advertising world! This is in essence the bottomline, work in your youth, maximise your talents and having a dream large enough to fill the world!
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Careers Chart
Careers Chart
»{»…q r±a£yj Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ ÷Ãx£ R{~ˆm£ R¹|x Jiw Sector
Rp§ R¹|x cgJiw Sub Sector
lplªy gjtp Position
~¨ã~¨YK/R{|³ r…r§y¥nŠn jFjp/mDgtk; Qualifications/ Experience Desired
U~~ˆþK R{~ˆm£ ~ƒ {¯l‰Ýx »l¤y£[¥ìK (R{~ˆm£) gjtp cau;T/ tha;g;Gfs; Promotional prospects and career options
»{»…q r±a£yjx tpsk;gug;gLj;Jjy; Advertising
[Œj©K Y…vj£Yyjx fzf;F Kfhikj;Jtk; Account Management
Yj‰h£xK [Œj©K r±o£ì fzf;fpashsu; FOj;jiytu; Group Account Head
Sƒ… vGf»K »~ˆ{£n£xY ~tql£{x, »~ˆ{£àxY [Œj©K Y…vj£Yyjx [¥p {[ÄK áùv, »{pl‰ {¥n[l‰ {[ÄK - Rx {¥x, ýxnK, ~Krl‰ »{p‰ ÃúK R¥lª…l‰{ Y²»v¤r£x p£xYl‰{x ~¥röv, {~y {³{~£xY/Ur»nŠ|Y 20Yf {¥Õ Rà… YMv£p‰l»xˆ r…r§y¥nŠn ~ƒ »{»…q r±a£yj ý»|‰}el£{ Kaw;rpahz;ikahsu;/ MNyhrfu; cau; kl;lg; ghtidahsu;fSld; njhlu;G. ghtidahsu; fzf;Ffis guhkupf;Fk; nghWg;G. tuT nryTj; jpl;lk;> tpiy> %yjdg; gq;fPL rhu; Kf;fpa nghWg;Gfs;. tpA+fk; rhu; Entrepreneur/Consultant jiyikj;Jtk;. 20+ tUl epWtd kw;Wk; tpsk;guj;Jiw mDgtk;. Engages in Top level Client contact. Responsible for manangement of the client accounts. Other salient Responsibilities include budgets, costs, resource allocation. Provides strategic leadership. 20+ years relevant industry and advertising expertise.
[Œj©K Ro³Y‰}Y fzf;fpay; ,af;Fdu; Account Director
p£xYl‰{x ~ƒ WY‰ ý|£z »ƒ¤ tƒ¨ [Œj©K r‹…‹tq »~ˆ{£nxY ~tql£{, ~v~ˆmxY‰ »z~ Y…vj£Y£úl‰{xf {[Äv, nŸM]Y£zšp {³£r£y »[£hp¥[›v, ý»nŠ| [Œj©K Yj‰h£xK Y…vj£Yyjx, {~y 15Yf {¥Õ »vv YMv£p‰lx ~ƒ »{»…q r±a£yj»xˆ r…r§y¥nŠn. xd;W my;yJ Nkw;gl;l fzf;Ffspy; jiyikj;Jtk; kw;Wk; xl;Lnkhj;j thbf;ifahsu; njhlu;G Kfhikj;Jtk;. J}u Nehf;F tu;j;jf Nkk;ghL. fzf;fpay; FO Kfhikj;Jtj;ij Nkw;ghu;itaply. 15+ tUl epWtd kw;Wk; tpsk;guj;Jiw mDgtk;. Responsible for leadership and overall management of the Client relationships on one large or multiple accounts. Drives long-term business building. Oversees Account team management. 15+ years of industry and advertising experience.
Yj‰h£xK [Œj©K r±o£ì fzf;fpashsu; FOj;jiytu; Group Account Head
»c³}ˆg [Œj©K Y…vj£Yy¥ rpNu\;l fzf;fpay; Kfhikahsu; Senior Account Manager
~v~ˆm »~ˆ{£{ ƒ£ r¥{y¦ [Œj©K{z z£uz¥tšK r‹…‹tq{ {[ÄK nyõ »»nëY rnpv xf»l‰ R£xlp»xˆ »c³}ˆg Y…vj£Y£úl‰{ ë»x¤cpx Yyõ. ~£v£p³»xp‰ [Œj©K Ro³Y‰}Yf {£Ml£ Yyp§ ztõ, {~y 10Yf {¥Õ r…r§y¥nŠn. xl;Lnkhj;j fzf;Ffspd; Nrit kw;Wk; yhgj;jpw;fhd nghWg;G. epWtdj;jpd; rpNu\;l Kfhikahsu;fis md;whlk; gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLj;jy;. fzf;fpasyhUf;F jfty; njuptpf;Fk; 10+ mDgtk;. Responsible for the overall service and profitability of assigned accounts. Represents the Agency's senior management on a day-to-day basis. Typically reports to the Account Director, with 10+ years experience.
[Œj©K Ro³Y‰}Y fzf;fpay; ,af;Fdu; Account Director
[Œj©K Y…vj£Yy¥ fzf;fpay; Kfhikahsu; Account Manager
Y²»v¤r£x ëM»nŠ| ~¥röv ~ƒ »~ˆ{£àxYx£»[‰ »{»…q r±a£yjx R{|³l£ ~rxp t{f {[tz£ [¥ìv, R£xlp»xˆ ~‹xûv ~Krl‰ Y…vj£Yyjx Yyõ. »c³}ˆg [Œj©K Y…vj£Yy¥f {£Ml£ Yyõ. »vv »c³}ˆg [Œj©K Y…vj£Yy¥ YMv£p‰l»xˆ {~y 7Yf {¥Õ r…r§y¥nŠn. rpNu\;l fzf;fpay; Kfhikahsu; thbf;ifahsu;fspd; Njitfis G+u;j;jpnra;Ak;gbahd tsg; guhkupg;Gk;> rpghupR toq;fYk;. rpNu\;l fzf;fpayhsUf;F jfty; njuptpf;Fk; 7+ mDgtk;. Senior Account Manager Provides strategic recommendations and manages all Agency resources to ensure the Client's marketing needs are met. Reports to Senior Account Manager. 7+ years of industry experience.
»c³}ˆg ýo£xY rpNu\;l nghWg;gjpfhup Senior Executive
»~ˆ{£àxY {³£r¯Ü Y…vj£Yyjx/~Ktp‰êYyjx ~‹ãYyõ. ~¥z~¨KYyj»xˆ ~‹f lv£f Rxl‰{z ~‹xûv R¹|{z òx£|›zš Y£Mxu£yxY‰ Sf§Yyõ. Y£MxY‰}v Y²»v¤r£x òx£l‰vY Yyõ. [¥fû ý~qŸv, áÕ [Œj©K Y…vj£Yy¥ {³£r£ùY ~tql£ »[£hp¥[›v. {~y 3Yf {¥Õ r…r§y¥nŠn. fzf;fpay; Kfhikahsu; thbf;ifahsu; nraw;jpl;lq;fspy; KO <LghL nrYj;Jjy; kw;Wk; guhkupj;jy;. tpA+f mikg;G> gpur;rpid jPu;T kw;Wk; tu;j;jf njhlu;Gfis cUthf;Ftjpy; 3+ tUl mDgtk;. Account Manager Manages/coordinates Client projects and may take an active role in all disciplines from planning to completion. Effectively executes strategies, problem-solves, and develops solid business relationships, with 3+ years of experience.
[Œj©K ýo£xY fzf;Fg;nghWg;ghsu; Account Executive
~‹xûv r¥{y¥K Y£Mxxp‰ Y£z»Nz£{f ~ƒ ë{¥yn™{ òx£l‰v »Náõ {[tz [¥ìvf Rà… »~ˆ{£àxYx£f »~ˆ{£ ~¥rö»K Y£Mxxp‰ƒŒ p‹x¥zš ~‹Òv, R£xlpx lª… òx£l‰vY {p »»nëY r£ù»u¤[ŒY {³£r¯Ü ~qƒ£ ~ƒ£x þv. thbf;ifahsu; Nritfspy; <Lgly;. epWtdj;jpw;Fs; thbf;ifahsu; md;whl nraw;jpl;lq;fspy; <Lgly;. Engages in Client servicing to ensure that all assignments are executed timely and accurately. Assists in the daily operations of Client projects within the agency.
r¨ƒ¨j© [Œj©K ýo£xY r§ƒ¨j©{p ƒ£ ~šv£{£~‹Y gapYdu;fs; - fzf;Fg;nghWg;ghsu; Trainee Account Executive/ Trainee and Interns
R£xlpxf r‹ý~š»K vGfv »N/Rh¨ ëMv£j£l‰vY/Yz£l‰vY ëMv£jxf z¥n™x{Y‰ R¥Ü »ƒ¤ [Úlvx ƒ£ ~¹Z³£p áìv R¥Ü r£~zˆ ƒ¥yxp Rxf ~¨ã~¨v R{~ˆm£{ »N. epWtdk;/gapw;rp kl;lk; rhu;e;j;jJ. fw;gid tsKs;s my;yJ fzpjk;> Gs;sp tpgutpaypy; ehl;lKs;s ghlrhiy ntspaPl;lhsu;fSf;Fg; nghUj;jkhdJ. Entry level to agency/In training. Ideal for school leavers with a flair for the creative/artistic industry. Or, those with a penchant for Mathematics/Statistics.
Y²»v¤r£x jpl;lkply; Strategy
[Œj©K ~¥z~¨KYy¥{p‰ fzf;fpay; jpl;lkpLdu;fs; Account Planners
Y²»v¤r£x ~¹{Mopx, »{»…q»r£… ~òY‰}j{z Dabble þv. v¬z‹Y PESTL Yy¥j© áp ~‹Ñx x¨lªx. (»nŠ|r£zp, R£MÞY, ~v£Ìx l£Y‰}ÚY, ìÜvx ƒ£ r£ù~ùY), R£MÞY ýn³£»N nY‰} ýx x¨lªx. vƒ Ur»nŠ|Y t¥¹Yª {£Ml£ Ãxþvf ~ƒ A{£õp‰ Y²»v¤r£x Ur§f£ [¥ìvf ƒ¥Ãx£{ Üïx x¨lªx. fzf;fpay; MNyhrfu; tpA+f Kd;Ndw;wq;fs;. re;ij Muha;r;rpfspy; Nju;e;jpUj;jy;. murpay;> nghUshjhuk;> r%fk;> njhopy;El;gtpay; kw;Wk; Rw;whly; Jiwfs; gw;wpa mwpT ,Uj;jy;. nghUshjhuj; Jiwapy; Consultant Nju;e;jpUj;jy. kj;jpa tq;fp mwpf;ifia thrpj;J tpA+fq;fiy mikf;ff; $bajhapUj;jy;. Develops strategy. Dabbles in Market Research. Has to know th basic PESTL factors.(Political, Economic, Social, technological, Legal and Environmental) Well versed in Economics. Has to be able to read Central Bank reports and derive strategies.
ëMv£j£l‰vY Gj;jhf;fk; Creatives
r±o£p ëMv£j Ro³Y‰} rpNu\;l Gj;jhf;f ,af;Fdu; Chief Creative Director
R£xlp»xˆ ~Kr«Mj ëMv£j£l‰vY òx£l‰vYþv Y…vj£Yyjx r‹…‹tq ~v~ˆm {[Äv ƒ£ accountability nyõ. {~y 15Yf r…r§y¥nŠn vl. xl;Lnkhj;j Gj;jhf;frhu; Nritfis Kfhikj;Jtg;gLj;jYk;> mtw;wpw;F nghWg;Gf; $WjYk;. epWtdj;jpw;F Gjpa gupzhkj;ijAk; cj;Ntfj;ijAk; toq;Fjy;> 15+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Overall responsibility and accountability for the management of the total creative function of the agency. Establishes the 'creative tone' and pace of the agency, based on 15+ years of experience.
r±o£p ëMv£j Ro³Y‰}
ëMv£j Ro³Y‰} Gj;jhf;f ,af;Fdu; Creative Director
~‹xûv »~ˆ{£àxYõp‰ ~qƒ£ R£xlpx ý~‹p‰ Yyp§ ztp ~‹xûv ëMv£j{z ll‰l‰{x r‹…‹tq {[ÄK nyõ. Gj;jhf;f rhu; Ntiyfspd; juj;jpw;F nghWg;Gf; $Wjy;. Gj;jhf;f Nritfspd; juj;ijg; NgZjy;> 15+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Responsible for the quality of all creative work produced by the agency for all clients. Maintains standards of creative excellence. Typically has 15+ years of experience.
Yj‰h£xK ëMv£j Ro³Y‰}Y, ýo£xY ëMv£j Ro³Y‰}Y Gj;jhf;f FOj;jiytu;/ rpNu\;l jiytu; Group Creative Director. Executive Creative Director
»c³}ˆg ýo£xY rpNu\;l nghWg;gjpfhup Senior Executive
40-41 r‹f§{f
“The Essence of Civil Engineering is the Reflective Analysis of Problems”
By – Chamod Hettiarachchi, Arunothayan Ravendran & Sutharman Paskaran
history civil T hroughout engineers have strived to
improve the living standards of humans. The EDEX Magazine met up with Professor Priyan Dias, who is a reputed professor of civil engineering in Sri Lanka.
Q : Can you walk us through the evolution of civil engineering?
A:Civil engineering got its name around 18th century when it became differentiated from Military Engineering. Civil Engineering was named as it upholds the values of delivering services to civilians. I.K. Brunel is probably one of the first structural engineers in modern history. He was voted the 2nd most important person in British history (losing only to Winston Churchill who won WW2) during the millennium survey in the U.K.. Bridge building was his specialty and it is one of the first disciplines of modern civil engineering.
Q : What’s the current situation for Civil Engineering in Sri Lanka? A :Infrastructure development is a feature of countries that have GDP per capita between US$ 500-5,000. It’s quite a big range. Right now, Sri Lanka is in the middle of this range. So, Sri Lanka will continue to have this civil engineering boom for the foreseeable future.
Q : What are the new opportunities in civil engineering? A : Civil Engineering is a profession closely aligned with that of the public sector. As I said before,until we reach theUS$ 5,000 mark, we’ll have infrastructure development. Thereafter, we need to maintain the stock of
environmental engineering, structural engineering, hydraulic engineering and geotechnical engineering.
Q : Tell us about the courses and paths students could follow to get into civil engineering?
A : The obvious option is the undergraduate courses in public (and now private) universities. Then you get diploma courses, University of Moratuwa offers such courses. infrastructure. There are other If you look back in history, technical colleges civil engineering has always been all over the country. in the forefront of solving major The Institution of problems. Let’s take an example. Engineers (IESL) also 150 years ago Central London has a non-degree path didn’t have an underground to become an engineer. sewage system. Sewage system Drafting is another were open to the air and it path one might caused major health problems. A choose. It’s getting municipal engineer named Joseph more and more Bazalgette designed and built an computer oriented and underground sewage system that they command high Prof. Priyan Dias improved health outcomes and salaries as well. Then increased life expectancy of Londoners of course you get non degree survey by 20 years. courses in survey institutes.
Q : Give us some examples of upcoming engineering fields?
Q :What advice would you give for the next generation of civil engineers?
A : Disaster management is one field where civil engineers can make a major contribution. However, civil engineering is only one part. The other upcoming field is Sustainable Engineering. For example carbon dioxide is emitted during cement production. Sustainable Engineering makes sure such impacts are mitigated. There’s another field called Structural Health Monitoring. Electronic sensors are used to predict the structural health of infrastructure. This is still a work-in-progress. We’re still battling against corrosion problems. Other than these fields, you can explore opportunities in more established fields like transport engineering,
A : Scientists ask why? Engineers ask why not? As the motto of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) goes, “Civil Engineers make the difference; they build the quality of life.” That’s probably why you find civil engineers working in many other fields as well. You can find so many civil engineers in other firms as their CEOs or managers. It’s our problem solving talent that takes us to those lofty heights. Also, because every civil engineering problem has a different context, we learn to be reflective in our problem solving. So improve your skill set. Try to logically analyze a problem and solve it. Civil Engineering could be an exciting path for you.
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czu;tsthd ghjpg;Gf;Fs;shd epiyfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. cjhuzkhf> %isf; NfhshW> kd ,Wf;fk;> ftdg; gw;whf;Fiw fhuzkhd kpif ,af;f NfhshW kw;Wk; lTz; rpz;Nuhk; Nghd;wdTk; tpNrl Njit vd;gjpy; cs;slq;Ffpd;wJ. ,it jtpu Foe;ijfspy; %l;Lfs; ,d;wpa epiy my;yJ gpsT jl;L vd;gdTk; ,t;tifapy; mlq;Ffpd;wd. FiwghL rk;ge;jkhd ,yq;ifapd; Njrpa nfhs;ifapd;gb (2003)> Fiwghl;ilf; nfhz;l Foe;ijnahd;W jdJ fy;tpapid murhq;f ghlrhiyfspy; rhjhuz tFg;giwapy; my;yJ rhjhuz ghlrhiy xd;wpy; tpNrl fy;tpg; gpuptpy; ngw;Wf;nfhs;syhk;. ,e;epiyikfspy; fy;tp fw;f Kbahj khztu;fs; my;yJ ,e;epiyikfspy; xd;iw njupT nra;a Kbahjtu;fs; mur rhu;gw;w epWtdq;fs; my;yJ jdpahu; Jiwfspy; fw;f tha;g;gspf;fg;gLk;. ,tw;Wf;F Nkyjpfkhf> FiwghL rk;ge;jkhd ,yq;ifapd; Njrpa nfhs;ifapd;gb (2003)> fl;lhakhd fy;tpahdJ xt;nthU 5 njhlf;fk; 14 tiuahd taJila khztu;fSf;Fk; toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk; MapDk; ngUk; vz;zpf;ifapyhd Fiwghl;ilf; nfhz;Nlhu; fy;tp KiwikapYs;s Fiwghl;bd; fhuzkhfTk; mtu;fis ifahsf;$ba jpwd; nfhz;ltu;fspd;ik fhuzkhfTk; mtu;fs; ghlrhiy nry;tjpypUe;J jtpu;e;Jnfhs;fpwhu;fs; (rpy gps;isfs; gy;tif Fiwghl;il nfhz;ltu;fshf ,Uf;fpd;wdu;). 2001 Mk; Mz;bd; rdj;njhif kw;Wk; tPL fzf;nfLf;fpd;gb> ,yq;ifapy; 69>026 Ngu; VNjh xU tifapyhd kdey Fiwghl;ilf; nfhz;Ls;sdu;. ,jpy; 16>716 Ngu; 19 my;yJ mjpYk; Fiwe;j taijf; nfhz;ltu;fshf ,Uf;fpd;wdu;. ,yq;ifapy; mwpT rhu;e;j Fiwghl;ilf; nfhz;ltu;fNs mjpfkhff; fhzg;gLfpd;wdu;. mjpy; Fiwe;j ghjpg;igf; nfhz;Nlhu; ghlrhiy
nry;tjw;fhd epiy fhzg;gLtNjhL mjpfkhNdhUf;F fy;tp toq;Fjy; kpff; Fiwe;j my;yJ Kw;wpYk; ,y;yhj epiyapy; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. tpNrl NjitAila Foe;ijfs; r%fj;jpy; kpfTk; ghjpf;fg;gl;lJk; xJf;fg;gl;l FOtpdu;fshf fhzg;gLfpd;wdu;. mtu;fspy; rpyu; gpioahf tpsq;fpf;nfhs;sg;gLgtu;fshf> xJf;fg;gLgtu;fshf> eilKiw fhuzkhd epiyAk; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. ,g;gps;isfspd; xU rpy ngw;Nwhu;fSk; ghJfhtyu;fSk; ,tu;fis Fw;wk; $Wgtu;fshfTk; gpioahf kjpg;gpLgtu;fshfTk; vk;kpy; ngUk;ghyhNdhUf;F ,f;Fiwghl;bd; jd;ik Fwpj;jhd Fiwthd tpsf;fk; kw;Wk; ,jd; %ykhf mg;ngw;Nwhu;fs; vjpu;Nehf;Fk; rthy;fs; vd;gd ,f;Foe;ijfspd; kPJ Rikahfpd;wd. mg;ngw;Nwhu;fs; r%fj;jpd; foq;fj;jpypUe;J ghJfhf;f> mNefkhd ngw;Nwhu;fs; mf;Foe;ijia jq;fsJ tPl;Lf;Fs;NsNa Klf;f fhuzkhfpd;wJ. ,jdhy; mf;Foe;ijfSk; mtu;fsJ ngw;Nwhu;> ghJfhtyUk; jdpikg;gLfpd;wdu;. ,J Jujp\;ltrkhdjhFk;. ,f;Foe;ijfs; r%fj;Jld; xd;wp tho;tJ mtu;fsJ epiyikfis Nkk;gLj;Jk;. mtu;fsJ ngw;Nwhu;fSf;F rpwe;j cjtpahsu;fisf; nfhz;l xU cjTk; njhFjp xd;Wld; njhlu;G mtrpakhfpd;wJ. "tpNrl Njit" vd;gJ xU Fil Nghd;wJ. mJ kpfg; gue;j epiyikfis cs;slf;fpajhFk;. me;epiyikfspy; kdjsthd> clysthd> czu;tsthd ghjpg;Gf;Fs;shd epiyfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. cjhuzkhf> %isf; NfhshW> kd ,Wf;fk;> ftdg; gw;whf;Fiw fhuzkhd kpif ,af;f NfhshW kw;Wk; lTz; rpz;Nuhk; Nghd;wdTk; tpNrl Njit vd;gjpy; cs;slq;Ffpd;wJ. ,it jtpu Foe;ijfspy; %l;Lfs; ,d;wpa epiy my;yJ gpsT jl;L vd;gdTk; ,t;tifapy; mlq;Ffpd;wd. (vLj;Jf;fhl;L)
Children with Special Needs By Thavisha Perera - Gomez
pecial needs” is an umbrella “S term that covers a broad range of conditions. Included in this are individuals who have psychological, physical and mental disabilities. For example, children with Dyslexia, Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Down Syndrome may all be considered as having special needs. In addition, children with missing limbs or cleft palates also fall into the category of special needs. According to the national policy on disability in Sri Lanka (2003), children with disabilities can obtain their education at government schools in regular classrooms or through special education units in ordinary schools. Children who either find it difficult to fit into these options or choose not to follow this tend to follow classes conducted by NGOs and the private sector. Furthermore, according to national policy on disability in Sri Lanka (2003), while the Compulsory Education Ordinance applies to every child between 5 and 14 years. There are a large number of children with disability who do not attend school as the education system lacks the necessary capacity and the skills needed to handle these children (in particular children with severe/multiple
disability). According to the 2001 Census of Population and Housing, there were 69,026 individuals with some form of mental disability in Sri Lanka, 16,716 of whom were 19 years or younger. Individuals with intellectual disability are the most marginalised of the disability groups in Sri Lanka. Those with milder conditions may have the option of schooling, the more severe cases have very limited or no services at all. Children with special needs are one of the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in society. They are often misunderstood, ridiculed, or ignored. Parents and caregivers of these children are also often subject to criticism and judgement as many of us have limited understanding of the causes of the illnesses and the challenges faced by the parents in raising these children. Thus to shield their children from social stigma, most often parents restrict them to their houses thereby isolating the child and the parents / caregivers. This is unfortunate. These children need integration with the society to reach their optimum potential. Their parents need to link with support systems in order to be the best support givers they can be. Recently, a team of volunteers threw an unforgettable party for 100 children with special needs and their families. Through the party, the organisers
sought to celebrate the lives of these children by giving them a magical day filled with dancing, games, delicious food and fun; provide an opportunity for parents and caregivers to be cared for, link with others from similar backgrounds; and finally to make the society aware that these children and families are an integral part of our society. The overarching theme of this event was love. The objective was simple: shower these kids and their families with amazing love that will blow them over. The aim was to give the children and their families an unforgettable day, one they will remember for the rest of their lives by treating them with love, respect, honour and dignity and giving them nothing but the best. Parents and families of the children with special needs bear a heavy load and these children are not able to thank them. Through this party, the team sought to let the families know that people appreciate their efforts and really value what they do for their child. Sources: policy_%281%29.pdf Disability/p11d2%20Disabled%20persons%20 by%20Age%20and%20Sex.pdf
Making a Statement Young Blood from Sri Lankan Advertising Industry Wins at Spikes Asia 2015 By Navaka Navaratne
concluded ‘Spikes T heAsiarecently 2015’ competition witnessed
brilliant young minds from Sri Lanka making a presence by competing with more experienced professionals from the Asian Region and seizing a Golden opportunity. EDEX Magazine caught up with the winners who represented Grants at the recently concluded Spikes Award.
The Competition “It’s an annual competition represented by local and foreign talent”,
says21 year old, Tara Weerasinghe. “Generally, the Advertising industry is aware of this competition, as it is one of the looked forward to events of the industry” she notes.
Unique Ideas The medium for the Elephant Fence campaign was mainly digital. “Our elephant fence idea was thought-of essentially to raise funds. We created a more personalised experience, where an invisible digital fence was coloured, little by little, depending on the amount of grants received. People who donated could own a part
“Actually, the Advertising Industry is on the ascent, and we can definitely reach higher as an industry. The awards mean a lot to the creative Sri Lankans, that we have got what it takes to succeed in these creative sphere” according to their donations”, says Kumarini Rajakaruna, 27, and Achala Ramanayake, 27, reminiscing. “We also had to reach the urban communities, as the elephant problem is faced by rural communities. We addressed a discerning audience to share our creative concept, including animal lovers, environmental and social activists, tourism sector employees etc., interested in saving elephants and humans. Funds were generated by focusing on these two aspects”.
“Say Yes To Drugs” The other campaign was hard-core. “We presented an anti-drug campaign by focusing inwards. We thought about ourselves, and our inherent tendency to do destructive things in spite of good advice. Youth too have similar attitudes. We thought creatively as to why youth say ‘no to drugs’, when they actually say ‘yes to drugs’. We wanted them to experience what drugs would do to them, using stark pictures, and hard addicts as real models, with a twist”, stated Tara.
International Platform “Our competition was almost like what they do on adaily basis but without being afraid of the client”, stated Kumarini. “Not that you can always do a better job if the client is not very pushy and restrictive but you often come up with a more creative outcome with more out of the box thinking. And sometimes, it’s the crazy stuff that grab people’s attention. That’s exactly what we did at the competition,”added Tara. “The Internationalcompetition was superbly organised. We feel Sri Lankans are on with international competitors and have the ability to do a better job. However, what we lack is the exposure”. “Actually, the Advertising Industry is on the ascent, and we can definitely reach higher as an industry. The awards mean a lot to the creative Sri Lankans, that we have got what it takes to succeed in these creative sphere”, Tara added.
Competitive Edge “You feel a little intimidated when you’re competing with the best of the best from the region, and you tend to doubt how good your idea is to compete with them. We face the same thing when doing a project here but there, it is totally different”, says Kumarini. “You’re representing your country and you have this feeling of responsibility and time literally flies when you’re presenting. It is
“We presented an anti-drug campaign by focusing inwards. We thought about ourselves, and our inherent tendency to do destructive things in spite of good advice. Youth too have similar attitudes. We thought creatively as to why youth say ‘no to drugs’, when they actually say ‘yes to drugs’. We wanted them to experience what drugs would do to them, using stark pictures, and hard addicts as real models, with a twist”
pressurising but once you’re done with it, it really is a morale booster to take up any future challenge”, adds Sahil.
Career advice to youth “We were told that our client should be our‘best friend’, gaining the trust, while building up a sound relationship. Then can pop-out the ‘out of the box’ suggestions. If you’re willing to do some wonderful things, first you have to gain the trust of the client”says Tara. “You have to surprise them and do your best. They might not accept it all the time but you have to try. More importantly, you should be the catalyst of change, if there are issues with the client which need creative solutions”,Sahil adds. “You have to know things and the more you know, especially in Advertising, the more successful you can be”, states Sahil.
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“Rrf Ãxz Ü»xp‰»p‰ R»rˆ r£ù»u¤[ŒYx£ lvõ R»rˆ »ƒ£qv ñlªy£ ýx x¨l‰»l‰ Ãxzõ. »ƒ£q ~Ktp‰ol£{xY‰ »[£hp[£ [p‰p£ Rlylªy X{§p‰»[‰ ý|‰{£~x n™p£ [¥ìv Y… x¨lªõ. Wýf {¥f»Y£f§ v£õK{z‹p‰ r‹f ëMv£j »x¤cp£ Sn™ùrl‰ Y… ƒ¥Ãõ. Xtf Rr«M{ â Ãúvf R{|³ pK Xt r£ù»u¤[ŒYx£»[‰ ý|‰{£~x n™p£ [¥ìv r…v¨{ Y… x¨lªõ.” l£y£ r¥{~¨{£. “Xt X{§p‰{ r§ãvxf rl‰ Y… x¨lªõ. Xtf ƒ¥Ã Urùvx Y… x¨lªõ. X{§p‰ ƒ¥v ýfv A{£ r‹…‹»p£[p‰p{£ ýx ƒ¥Ãõ. pv¨l‰ Xt Ul‰~£ƒ Y… x¨lªõ. {¥n[l‰v Y£yjx pK r£ù»u¤[ŒYx£f ëMv£j£l‰vY ý~¼ãK R{|³ Yy¥j© Y£yp£ Ü»JpK WƒŒnŸ »{p~Y‰ ~qƒ£ Xt Ul‰»r±ˆyYx ýx x¨lªõ” ~£ƒŒzˆ ~‹x Rnƒ~ˆ WYlª Y…£, “Xt Yy¥j© Y£yp£ áp ~‹Ñx x¨lªõ. Xt ý»|‰}»xp‰v »{»…q r±a£yjx r‹…‹tq{ {¥Õ {¥Õ»xp‰ áp§{l‰pK Xtf {h {h£l‰ ~£MmY ýx ƒ¥Ãõ” xp§»{p‰ ~£ƒŒzˆ {¥Õãyfl‰ ~qƒp‰ Y…£.
Spikes Asia 2015 epfo;tpy; tpUJ ntd;w ,yq;if tpsk;guj;Jiw ,isQu;fs; Mf;fk; - etfetul;d jkpopy; ,utPe;jpud; mUNzhjad;
z;ikapy; eilngw;w Mrpa ehLfSf;fpilapyhd Spikes Asia 2015 epfo;r;rpapy; ,yq;ifapd; ,sk; rpe;jidahsu;fs; gy mDgtk; kpf;f Nghl;bahsu;fspd; kj;jpapy; jk; jpwikapid rpwg;ghf ntspg;gLj;jpdu;. EDEX Magazine FO ,e;epfo;tpy; Grant-I gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLj;jp ,e;epfo;tpy; ntw;wp ngw;w ,isQu;fis re;jpj;jJ.
Nghl;bepfo;r;rp ,e;epfo;T tUlhe;jk; eilngWtjhfTk; vk; ehl;bd; tpsk;guj; Jiwapy; ,g;Nghl;b njhlu;ghd njspT FiwthfNt cs;snjd;Wk; 21 tajhd jhuh tPurpq;f njuptpj;jhu;.
Gjpa rpe;jidfs; fzzp kag;gLj;jg;gl;l Gj;JUthf;f rpe;jidfNs ahid Ntyp vz;zf;fUtpd; ClfkhFk;.
'vq;fSila jpl;lk; kpf ,yFthf jdpegu; gpuj;jpNaf mDgtj;jpid toq;Ftjd; %yk; epjpNrfupf;Fk; Kiw xd;iw Kd;nkhoptjhFk;. ngWfpd;w ed;nfhilfspd; mbg;gilapy; gpukhz;lkhd Ntyp xd;W ,izantspapy; epw%l;lg;gLk;. jhk; ed;nfhiltoq;Fk; njhiff;F Vw;gmt;Ntypapd; gq;Fjhuu; MfKbAk;" vd 27 taJ epuk;gpa Fkhupzp uh[fUzh kw;Wk; mry uhkehaf njuptpj;jdu;. 'ahid Ntypfspd; Njit gpujhdkhf fpuhkg;Gw kf;fSf;fhf ,Ug;gpDk; mjpfsT epjp Nrfupg;G efu;tho; kf;fspilNaNa ,lk;ngw;wJ. r%f Mu;tyu;fs;> tpyq;F ghJfhg;G ikaq;fspd; cjtpfs; fpilf;fg; ngw;wJ." vdTk; njuptpj;jdu;. Nghij vjpu;g;G tpopg;Gzu;T njhlu;ghd gpur;rhu eltbf;iffspy; vq;fSila gpujhd
Nehf;fk; ,isQu;fspd; kdepiyapidg; Gupe;Jnfhs;SjyhFk;. Nghijg;nghUs; ghtid Ntz;lhk; vd;W typAWj;Jtij tpl mjd; Nkhrkhd gpd;tpisTfis %ykhfNth fhnzhsp %ykhfNth gjpT nra;J gpurhuk; nra;Njhk; vd jhuh njuptpj;jhu;. thbf;ifahsu; fl;Lg;ghLfs; jsu;thf ,Uf;fpd;wnghOJ rpwe;j Gj;JUthf;f Kaw;rpfis nra;af; $bajhf ,Uf;fpd;wJ. rpy Ntisfspy; tpisahl;Lj;jdkhd Kaw;rpfNs rpwe;j tuNtw;igg; ngWfpd;wd. ,g;Nghl;b epfo;r;rpf;fhd vk;Kila Kaw;rpAk; mt;thwhdNj. epfo;T kpfTk; rpwg;ghf xOq;F nra;ag;gl;bUe;jJ. ru;tNjr juj;jpyhd Nghl;bf;F vk;khy; Kfk; nfhLf;fKbAk; vd;w ek;gpf;ifAk; fpilj;jJ. tpsk;guj;Jiw ,yq;ifapy; ,d;Dk; epiwa rhjpf;f ntsp cz;L. ,t;tpUJfs; vk;ik Gsfhq;fpjk; milar; nra;fpd;wd. ehq;fs; kpfTk; ngUikg;gLfpNwhk;." vdTk; jhuh njuptpj;jhu;.
Nghl;bj; jd;ik Mrpahtpd; jiyrpwe;j Jiwrhu; epGzu;fSld; Nghl;baplg; NghfpNwhk; vd;fpw vz;zk; Mu;tj;ij mjpfupj;j jhfTk; jk; rpe;jidiaj; juk; ghu;f;f fpilj;j tha;g;ghff; fUJtjhfTk; Fkhupdp njuptpj;jhu;. ehl;ilg; gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLj;Jfpd;w NghJ kpfTk; ngUikahf czu;e;jjhfTk; mJ rhjpf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;fpw gyj;j mOj;jj;jpidf; nfhLj;jjhfTk; jw;NghJ vjpu;fhyj;jpy; rthy;fis Kfk;nfhLf;f ek;gpf;if te;Js;sjhfTk; rh`py; njuptpj;jhu;.
mDgtgfpu;T thbf;ifahsu; vk; kPjhd ek;gpf;if nfhz;Ls;sNghNj Gjpa rpe;jidfis guPl;rpj;Jg; ghu;f;f KbAk;. mtUila ek;gpf;ifiag; ngw;Wf nfhs;tjhdJ kpfTk; mtrpak;. MNuhf;fpakhd cwitg; NgZtJk; mtrpak;. mtu;fis Mr;ru;a%l;Lk; Kaw;rpfis gue;j ghl Jiwrhu; mwpTk; ek;gpf;ifAk; tplh Kaw;rpAk; mtrpak; vdjhuhTk; rh`pYk; njuptpj;jdu;.
Careers Chart
Careers Chart
28-29 r‹f§»{p‰
R¹|x Jiw Sector
Rp§ R¹|x cgJiw Sub Sector
lplªy gjtp Position
~¨ã~¨YK/R{|³ r…r§y¥nŠn jFjp/mDgtk; Qualifications/ Experience Desired
U~~ˆþK R{~ˆm£ ~ƒ {¯l‰Ýx »l¤y£[¥ìK (R{~ˆm£) gjtp cau;T/ tha;g;Gfs; Promotional prospects and career options
v£o³ Clfk; Media
R£|²‹l ëMv£j Ro³Y‰} cjtp Gj;jhf;f ,af;Fdu; Associate Creative Director
ëMv£j Yj‰h£xK WYY‰ »ƒ¤ {¥Õ [jpY»[‰ ~Kr«Mj ëMv£j Y£Mxxp‰ RêY‰}jx ƒ£ Ur»n~ˆ nŸv. xd;W my;yJ Nkw;gl;l Gj;jhf;ff; FOf;fspid Nkw;ghu;itaplYk;> nfhz;L elhj;JjYk;. thbf;ifahsu;fspd; Njitf;Nfw;g Gj;jhf;f topelj;jy;fis Nkw;nfhs;sy;> 10+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Supervises and guides the total creative effort of one or more creative groups. Insures creative compliance with clients' goals. Usually has 10+ years of expertise.
ëMv£j Y…vj£Yy¥, ëMv£j Yj‰h£xK r±o£ì Gj;jhf;f Kfhikahsu;/ Gj;jhf;f FOj;jiytu; Creative Manager; Creative Group Head
ëMv£j Y…vj£Yy¥ Gj;jhf;f Kfhikahsu; Creative Manager
Y£Mxxp‰ r{yp zn »r£ã »{»…q r±a£yj Yj‰h£xK ëx£vpx Yyñp‰ Yz£ ëMv£jx, r‹frl ~ƒ ë}ˆr£np Y£Mxxp‰ WûpY ~Ktp‰o Ãúv. {~y 8Yf {¥Õ r…r§y¥nŠn. xd;W my;yJ Nkw;gl;lGj;jhf;ff; FOf;fspd; fiy kw;Wk; jahupg;G eilKiwfis fl;Lg;gLj;Jjy;. 8+ tUl mDgtk;. Integrates art, copy, and production functions and guiding overall creative effort of assigned general advertising creative groups on one or more accounts. 8+ years of experience.
»c³}ˆg r‹frl‰ yaY rpNu\;l gpujp vOj;jhsu; Senior Copywriter
Y£Mxxp‰ WYY‰ »ƒ¤ {¥Õ [jpY‰ ~qƒ£ ~¹Yzˆr/Rnƒ~ˆ ëMv£jx ~ƒ r¥ƒ¥n™z‹{ SzY‰Y[l r‹frl‰ ëMv£jxf {[ÄK nyõ. Nfhl;ghL/ vz;zq;fs; mikj;jy;> Nfhl;ghLfis cUthf;fy; Mfpatw;Wf;Fg; nghWg;Gf; $Wjy;. Responsible for generating concepts/ideas and highly targeted copy on one or more accounts.
Yz£ Ro³Y‰}/ ëMv£j Ro³Y‰} fiy ,af;Fdu;/ Gj;jhf;f ,af;Fdu; Art Director, Creative Director
r‹frl‰ yaY/r±o£p r‹frl‰ yaY gpujp vOj;jhsu; Copywriter/Lead Copy writer
Y£Mxxp‰ WYY‰ »ƒ¤ {¥Õ [jpY‰ ~qƒ£ ~¹Yzˆr/Rnƒ~ˆ ëMv£jx ~ƒ r¥ƒ¥n™z‹{ SzY‰Y[l r‹frl‰ ëMv£pxf {[ÄK nyõ. R£Y¯Üx, v£o³ ~ƒ/»ƒ¤ »~ˆ{£àxYx£»[‰ Y²»v¤r£x{z »{p~ˆþK{zf Rp§[l þvf ~‹ãýx ƒ¥Ãx. »n{~yYf {¥Õ r…r§y¥nŠn. Nfhl;ghL/ vz;zq;fs; mikj;jy;> Nfhl;ghLfis cUthf;fy; Mfpatw;Wf;Fg; nghWg;Gf; $Wjy;. khw;wq;fis Vw;W khwf;$ba jd;ik> 2+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Responsible for generating concepts/ideas and highly targeted copy on one or more accounts. May adapt to changes in format, media and/or Clients' strategies. 2+ years of experience.
r‹frl‰ yaY/r±o£p r‹frl‰ yaY rpNu\;l gpujp vOj;jhsu;/ Kd;dzp vOj;jhsu; Senior Copywriter, Lead Copywriter
Yz£ Ro³Y‰}Y fiy ,af;Fdu; Art Director
Y£Mxxp‰ WYY‰ »ƒ¤ {¥Õ [jpY‰ ~qƒ£ ~£v£p³ »{»…q r±a£yj Y£Mxxp‰{z n¯}³ ëMv£j Ãúv ~qƒ£ {[ÄK nyõ. Yz£ ƒ£ ë}ˆr£np Y£Mxx vj‰hzx ~v[ r‹frl ëMv£jx Ãúv ƒ£ p¥{l ë} »c³}ˆg Yz£ Ro³Y‰}Y ˆr£npx ~Ktp‰êYyjx Yyõ. {~y 2Yf {¥Õ r…r§y¥nŠn. rpNu\;l fiy ,af;Fdu; xd;W my;yJ Nkw;gl;l fzf;FfSf;fhd> tpsk;guj;Jiw Nru; fhl;rp rhu; cUthf f;q;fSf;F nghWg;Gf; $Wjy;. khjpup cUf;fis topg;gLj;Jjy;> 2+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Senior Art Director Responsible for the visual creation of general advertising campaigns on one or more accounts. Coordinates the design and reproduction of the copy with the art and production staff. 2+ years of expertise.
v»p¤y¦rY cUtikg;ghsu; Visualiser
Y£Mxxp‰ WYY‰ »ƒ¤ {¥Õ [jpY‰ ~qƒ£ ýýo {M[»xˆ illustrations ëMv£jx Yyõ. z‹Ål ~¥z~¨K{zf Rp§{ ëMv£jx Ãúv, layout materials »l¤y£ [¥ìv, interpretive drawings ~Y~ˆ Ãúv ~‹ãYyõ. »n{~yYf {¥Õ r…r§y¥nŠn. vz;zpay; khjpupfis cUthf;fy;. vz;zpay; khjpupfis cUthf;fj; Njitahd jpl;lq;fis vOj;JUtpy; rku;g;gpj;jy;> 2+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Prepares a variety of illustrations for one or more accounts. May design, select layout materials, prepare interpretive drawings from written plans. 2+ years of experience.
»F³}ˆg v»p¤y¦rY rpNu\;l cUtikg;ghsu; Senior Visualiser
ýo£xY v£o³ Ro³Y‰} Clf epiwNtw;W ,af;Fdu; Executive Media Director
Rx {¥x, ýxnK »{p‰Yyp zn ~Krl‰ ~ƒ Y²»v¤r£x p£xYl‰{x R¥lª…l‰{ v£o³ ~¥z~¨K{z Oversees Y…vj£Yyjx. tuT nryTj; jpl;lk;> tpiy> %yjdg; gq;fPL> tpA+f jiyikj;jptj;ij Nkw;ghu;itaply;. cau; epWtdu;fs; kj;jpapy;> tu;j;jf jpl;l toq;Fduhf Kf;fpa gq;F tfpj;jy;> 20+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Oversees management of media planning, including budgets, costs, resource allocation and strategic leadership. Plays lead role in new business and acts as a consultant to top corporate officers. 20+ years of expertise.
r±o£p Y²»v¤r£x ëzo£ú, »~ˆ{£àxY »~ˆ{£ Ro³Y‰}Y Kjd;ik jpl;lkply; ,af;Fdu;/ thbf;ifahsu; Nrit ,af;Fdu; Chief Strategic Officer; Client Services Director
ýo£xY v£o³ ñznŸ [¥j©K Ro³Y‰}Y Clf nfhs;Kjy; epiwNtw;W ,af;Fdu; Executive Media Buying Director
v£o³ ñznŸ [¥ìK ......... òx£l‰vY Y…vj£Yyjx ~qƒ£ {[ÄK nyõ. {h£l‰ ~¹»NnŸ ~v£[K/R£xlp{z Negotiations Handle Yyõ. {~y 20Yf {¥Õ v£o³ ý»|‰}el£{ vl r±Ürl‰Ü ~Kr£np Ýyj{zf ƒ{§zˆ »N. Clf nraw;ghLfSf;Fg; nghWg;Gf; $Wjy;. epWtd; ju;f;fq;fis ifahSjy;. nfhs;if uPjpahd KbTfspy; <Lgly;> 20+ tUl Clf mDgtj;Jld;. Responsible for management of the media buying and/or operations. Handles sensitive Company/Agency negotiations. Involved in policy-making decisions, based on 20+ years of media expertise.
r±o£p [j©»np§ ëzo£ú Chief Negotiating Officer mjpfhup Chief Negotiating Officer
Yj‰h£xK v£o³ Ro³Y‰}Y Clf FO ,af;Fdu; Group Media Director
Y²»v¤r£x ëxvxp‰ Yyñp‰ ~ƒ nŸM]Y£zšp {³£r£y driving Yyñp‰ ý|£z WY‰ »ƒ¤ tƒ¨z »~ˆ{£nxYõp‰ »{»…q ~v~ˆm Y…vj£Yyjx ~‹ãÃúv. xd;W my;yJ Nkw;gl;l thbf;ifahsu; $l;lj;jpd; tpA+fj; jpl;lkply;> J}u Nehf;F tu;j;jf eltbf;iffis nfhz;L nry;yy;. tuT nryTj; jpl;lq;fs; kw;Wk; jpl;lkplypw;Fg; nghWg;Gf; $Wjy;> 15+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Leads overall management of one large and/or multiple Clients setting strategic direction and driving long-term business. Holds accountability for budgets and planning. 15+ years of experience.
»~ˆ{£àxY »~ˆ{£ Ro³Y‰}/ Kjd;ik jpl;lkply; ,af;Fdu;/ thbf;ifahsu; Nrit epaf;Fdu;/ Clf ,af;Fdu; Client Service Director; Managing DirectorPlanning; Media Director
v£o³ ñznŸ [¥ìK Ro³Y‰}Y Clf nfhs;Kjy; ,af;Fdu; Media Buying Director
»»nëY rnpv vl ~v£[v/R£xlp»xˆ »F³}ˆg Y…vj£Yyjx ë»x¤cpx Ãúv ~ƒ negotiation {zf involve þ ~‹Òv. {~y 15Yf {¥Õ r…r§y¥nŠn. epWtdj;jpd; rpNu\;l Kfhikahsu;fis md;whlk; gpujpepjpj;Jtg;gLj;jy;. 15+ tUl mDgtk;. Represents Company/Agency's senior management on a day-to-day basis and is involved with negotiations. 15+ years of experience.
R£|²‹l Ro³Y‰}, v£o³ ~ˆm£rp Ro³Y‰}. cjtp ,af;Fdu;/ Clf ,af;Fdu; Associate Director; Media Placement Director
R£|²‹l v£o³ Ro³Y‰}Y cjtp Clf ,af;Fdu; Associate Media Director
r¥{y¦ [Œj©K ƒ£ v£o³ Yj‰h£xK{zf ~v~ˆm »~ˆ{£ ~¥röv r‹…‹tq{ {[ÄK nyõ. ýxnK r£zpx r{l‰{£»[p xp Rly, v£o³ Y²»v¤r£x, ~p‰ë»Nnp ~¥z~¨K {¥Õn™x¨j© Ãúv ~ƒ òx£l‰vY Ãùv Rp§vl Yyõ. {~y ƒlYf {¥Õ ý»|‰}el£{x. Clfg; gpuptpw;F toq;fg;gl;l KO NritfSf;Fk; nghWg;Gf; $Wjy;. Clf vz;zq;fs;> njhlu;ghly; rhu; Kd;Ndw;wq;fis mq;fPfupj;jy;>7+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Responsible for the overall service of assigned accounts and media teams. Approves the development and execution of media strategy, communications plans while maintaining cost controls. 7+ years expertise.
v£o³ RêY‰}Y Clf Nkw;ghu;itahsu; Media Supervisor
Y²»v¤r£x ëM»nŠ| ƒ£ ý|‰»zˆ}jx ~rxõ. »~ˆ{£àxYx£»[‰ »{»…q»r£… R{|³l£{x ~¥r‹ú R¥Ü t{ ~~ÜY þv ~qƒ£ v£o³ ~¥z~¨KYy¥{p‰ Y…vj£Yyjx Yyõ. v£o³ Y‰»}ˆl²»xˆ {~y ƒlyYf {¥Õ r…r§y¥nŠn. tpA+fg; gFg;gha;T kw;Wk; gupe;Jiufis toq;Fjy;. thbf;ifahsu;fspd; Njitfis epiwNtw;Wk;gbahd Clfk; rhu; jpl;lq;fis tFj;jy;> 4+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Provides strategic recommendations and analysis. Manages media planners to ensure Client's marketing needs are met. 4+ years of media experience.
v£o³ ~¥z~¨KYy¥ Clf jpl;lkpLdu; Media Planner
»~ˆ{£àxYx£»[‰ R{|³l£ ƒ£ Ryv¨j© ~r§y£ [¥ìvf »ƒ£q™p‰{ [¥z»rp v£o³ ~z~¨K {¥Õn™x¨j© Ãúv, Y²‹x£l‰vY Ãúv. òx£l‰vY Ãúv, ~ƒ Y…vj£Yyjx Ãúv r‹…‹tq {[ÄKnyõ. ~ƒY£y v£o³ »c³}ˆg v£o³ ~¥z~¨KYy¥ ~z~¨KYy¥{p‰ RêY‰}jx, r§ƒ¨j© Ãúv, ë»x¤Ëlx£ Ãúv (Delegates) {~yYf {¥Õ ý»|‰}el£{x. rpNu\;l Clf jpl;lkpLdu; thbf;ifahsu;fspd; Njitfis epiwNtw;Wk;gbahd Clfk; rhu; Kd;Ndw;wy;> nraw;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; Kfhikj;Jtg;gLj;jy; jpl;lq;fis tFj;jy;. cjtpahsu;fis Nkw;ghu;itaply;> Senior Media Planner gapw;rpaspj;jy; kw;Wk; Ntiyg; gpupg;G nra;J nfhLj;jy;> 1+ tUl mDgtj;Jld;. Responsible for developing, executing and managing media plans best suited to meet established Client requirements and objectives. May supervise, train, delegate assistant media planners. 1+ years expertise.
v£o³ [Œj©K Y…vj£Y£y/c£z RêY‰}Y Clf fzf;fpay; Kfhikahsu;/ tiyaikg;G Nkw;ghu;itahsu; Media Account Manager; Network Supervisor
R¼ãy¥ »Y£… r¥ƒ¥»xp‰ …£ »Y£… r¥ƒ¥x nÃp lªy£ ~fƒp - »Y¤Ãz z¹Y£ÜzY »Y¤j~‹¹ƒ rù{Mlpx - v¹c§z£ ýcxyl‰p
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mlu; gr;irapypUe;J ,sk; gr;ir tiu: #oypay; ghJfhg;G njhlu;ghd ,aw;ifia ikakhff; nfhz;l Nehf;fj;jpypUe;J mgptpUj;jpia ikakhff; nfhz;l Nehf;fj;Jf;fhd gbg;gbahd khw;wk; Mf;fk;: Nguhrpupau; Nfhfpyh yq;fhjpyf Nfhzrpq;f (LL.B. (Colombo), LL.M. (Rotterdam), PhD. (Keele), SEDA (UK) capu; gw;wpa tuyhwhdJ> Gtpapy; ,aw;ifj; jhz; nfhz;l
gy;NtWgl;l $Wfs; xd;Wld; xd;W nfhz;Ls;s njhlu;G kw;Wk; mtw;Wf;fpilapyhd gpizg;gpd; mbg;gilapNyNa mike;Js;sJ. tpyq;fpdq;fspy;> ,aw;ifiag; ghJfhg;gjd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij czu;e;j ,dk;> kpfg; Gj;jprhJu;akhd kdpj ,dkhFk;. ,f;$w;iw 1854,y; mnkupf;f ,e;jpa Fbkf;fs; jiytu; Mw;wpajhf $wg;gLk; ciu typAWj;Jfpd;wJ. ehq;fs; ,g;g+kpia> Gjpjhf gpwe;j Foe;ij xd;W jdJ jhapd; ,jaj; Jbg;ig vt;tsT Nerpf;fpwNjh mt;tsT Nerpf;fpNwhk;. vdNt ehk; vkJ epyj;ij cq;fSf;F tpw;Nghkhdhy;> ehq;fs; tpUk;gpaJ Nghd;Nw ePq;fs; mij tpUk;g Ntz;Lk;. ehq;fs; guhkupj;jJ Nghd;Nw mij ePq;fs; guhkupf;f Ntz;Lk;. Vnddpy; ePq;fSk; ehq;fSk; me;epyj;jpd; gFjpfshNdhNu. ,g;g+kp vkf;F ngWkjp tha;e;jJ. mJ cq;fSf;Fk; ngWkjp tha;e;jJ. g+kpapy; ekJ ,Ug;ig epiyf;fr; nra;a #oypay; rkdpiyia rupahfg; NgZtJ mtrpankd milahsk; fhzg;gl;Ls;sJ. jw;NghJs;s re;jjpapdu; epiyNgW mbg;gilapy; tsq;fis NgzhJtpbd;> ,aw;if tsq;fspd; rPuw;w ghtid fhuzkhf vjpu;fhy re;jjpapd; epiyj;jYf;F mJ mr;RWj;jyhf mikAk;. #oy; ghJfhg;gj; njhlu;ghd ftdkhdJ> ~,aw;ifia ghJfhg;gJ| vd;gjpypUe;J ~,aw;if tsq;fis epiyNgW uPjpapy; gad;gLj;Jjy;| vDk; Nehf;fkhf khw;wkile;jpUg;gJ> mgptpUj;jpf;fhf ,aw;if tsq;fis gad;gLj;Jtjpy; jw;fhy re;jjp nfhz;Ls;s epahaj; jd;ikiaf; fhl;Lfpd;wJ. #oypay; ghJfhg;G njhlu;ghd ,aw;ifia ikakhff; nfhz;l Nehf;fj;jpypUe;J mgptpUj;jpia ikakhff; nfhz;l Nehf;fj;Jf;fhd gbg;gbahd khw;wkhdJ> cyf #oypay; khehl;bd; gpujhd vz;zf;fUitf;
fhl;Lfpd;wJ. 1992 ,y;> ];nlhf;N`hkpy; eilngw;w KjyhtJ #oypay; khehl;bd; mbg;gil vz;zf;fU uPjpahd jiyg;ghf> kdpjr; #oy; njhlu;ghd If;fpa ehLfspd; khehL vd;gJ mike;jpUe;jJ. 1992 ,y;> upnah b n[dpNuhtpy; eilngw;w ,uz;lhtJ #oypay; khehl;bd; jiyg;G> #oy; kw;Wk; mgptpUj;jp njhlu;ghd If;fpa ehLfspd; khehL vd khw;wkile;jJ. 2002 ,y; n[h`d;d];Ngu;fpy; eilngw;w ,k;khehL> epiyNgW mgptpUj;jp njhlu;ghd cyf cr;rpkhehL vd miof;fg;gl;lJ. ,Wjpahf 2012 ,y; mjd; jiyg;G epiyNgW mgptpUj;jp njhlu;ghd If;fpa ehLfspd; khehL vd khw;wkile;jJ. ,jd; mbg;gilapy; ,aw;if ghJfhg;Gj; njhlu;ghd cyfshtpa uPjpapyhd Kaw;rpfs;> ,aw;ifg; ghJfhg;G kw;wk; ,yf;Ffis mgptpUj;jp nra;jy; vDk; ,U tplaq;fis rkepiyg;gLj;jpajhd rupahd ghijnahd;iw Nju;T nra;a Ntz;bajd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij typAWj;JfpwJ. epiyNgW mbg;gilapyhd ,aw;if tsg; ghtidia Nkw;nfhs;s ru;tNjr #oy; rl;lj;jpd; fPo; cUthf;fg;gl;l rpy Fwpg;gpl;l epakq;fs; fhzg;gLfpd;wd. ,tw;iw> Njrpa #oy; nfhs;if tiuaiwf;Fs; filg;gpbf;fyhk;.
cs;shu;e;j re;jjpr; rkj;Jt epakkhdJ jw;fhy re;jjpf;Fk; vjpu;fhy re;jjpfSf;Fk; rkkhd tifapy; ,aw;if tsq;fs; gfpu;e;jspf;fg;glNtz;Lnkd tpgupf;fpd;wJ. jw;fhy re;jjpapd; ,aw;if tsq;fspd; ghtidapd; %ykhd vjpu;fhy Nehf;fpyhd mgptpUj;jpfspd;NghJ ,aw;if tsq;fspd; gq;fPL> vg;NghJk; vjpu;fhy re;jjpf;F rkkhd my;yJ mjpfkhd gq;Ffisf; nfhz;ljhf mikaNtz;Lk; vd ftdk; nrYj;jg;glNtz;Lk;. epiyNgW mgptpUj;jp> #oiyf; fUj;jpw;nfhz;L mgptpUj;jp eltbf;iffis Nkw;nfhs;s Cf;Ftpf;Fk; kw;WnkhU tplakhFk;. cjhuzkhf ,aw;ifNahL xj;jpirAk; mgptpUj;jp kw;Wk; ifj;njhopy; eltbf;iffisf; Fwpg;gplyhk;. epiyNgW jd;ik nfhz;l mgptpUj;jp tplaq;fs;> ,aw;ifAld; xj;Jiof;Fk; gy;NtW mgptpUj;jpfSf;F mbg;gilahf mikfpd;wd. cjhuzkhf #oypay; jhf;fk; njhlu;ghd kjpg;gPL kw;Wk; #oypay; ghJfhg;G mDkjpg;gj;jpuk; vd;gd ghupa mgptpUj;jpia Nehf;fhff; nfhz;l jpl;lq;fis #oypay; Mjuthd jpl;lq;fshf khw;wpAs;sd. nghJthd Mdhy; NtWgLj;jpa nghWg;Gfs; nfhz;l epakq;fs;> Vo;ikahd kw;Wk; trjpgilj;j ehLfSf;fpilapy; rkdpiyj; jd;ikia Cf;Ftpf;fpd;wd. ,aw;ifAld; xj;jpirAk; mgptpUj;jpj; jpl;lq;fs;> gy;NtW ifj;njhopy;Jiw ehLfspd; mgptpUj;jp eltbf;iffspd; Ntfj;ij Fwpg;gplj;jf;f tpfpjj;jpy; Fiwg;gjpy; ntw;wp fz;Ls;sJ. vt;thwhapDk;> rl;lq;fshy; tiuaWf;fg;gl;l tplaq;fs; rupahf filg;gpbf;fg;gLk;NghNj mJ cUthf;fg;gl;ljd; cz;ikahd gaid milayhk;. ,J jtpu nghJkf;fspd; nraw;ghLfSk; ,aw;if epakq;fisg; NgZtjpy; ghjpg;Gr; nrYj;Jk; Kf;fpa fhuzpahFk;. ,aw;ifg; ghJfhg;G kw;Wk; ,aw;ifiag; NgZtJ njhlu;ghd nghWg;ghdJ mbapypUe;J> Edptiuahd r%fj;jpd; Fiwe;j kl;lj;jpypUe;J cau; kl;l mjpfhuk; kw;Wk; murhq;fk; tiuahd midtUf;Fk; rk mstpy; gfpu;e;jspf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.
From Dark Green to Light Green A Gradual Transition from Nature - centered Focus to Development centered Focus in Environmental Protection Dr.Kokila Lankathilake Konasinghe LL.B. (Colombo), LL.M. (Rotterdam), Ph.D. (Keele), SEDA (UK)
he history of life on earth was based on the interaction and interdependency of the different elements of Mother Nature. Man, as the most intelligent one among the animal species realised the importance of protecting the environment. This was emphasized by the Native American Chief Seattle’s statement, believed to have been given in 1854. We love this earth as a newborn loves its mother’s heartbeat. So, if we sell you our land, love it as we have loved it. Care for it, as we have cared for it. As we are part of the land, you too are part of the land. This earth is precious to us. It is also precious to you. It is recognised that the maintenance of ecological balance is utmost important for our survival on earth. The scarcity of natural resources poses a threat for the survival of future generations unless the present generation follows the sustainable path of resource usage. The shifting focus of environmental protection from “nature preservation” to “sustainable usage of natural resources” indicates the essentiality of present day society to judiciously use scarce natural resources in the development process. The transition of nature-centered focus to development-centered focus
of environmental protection clearly indicates the main themes of global environmental conferences. In 1972, when the first global conference on environment took place in Stockholm the thematic title was the United Nations Conference on Human Environment. At the second global environmental conference that took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the title changed to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. In 2002, in Johannesburg, the same conference was named the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Finally in 2012, the title changed to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.In this context, it is important to emphasis that global efforts on environmental protection seek possible avenues to strike a balance between environmental protection and development goals. In order to uplift the concept of sustainable usage of natural resources, there are certain principles that have been developed under international environmental law, which can be adopted into the national environmental policy making framework.Intergenerational equity is the principle that explains the equitable distribution of natural resources between the present and future generations. The usage of natural resources in the present context should always
take the future development needs into consideration and make sure that an equal or greater share of natural resources are preserved for the future. Sustainable development is another concept that promotes integration of environmental concerns into the development activities, i.e. greening the development and industrial processes. The sustainable development concept has been the foundation for many environmental friendly development tools. For example, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Protection License (EPL) have transformed the highly development focused projects into ecological friendly projects. Principle of Common and Differentiated Responsibility principle also promotes equity among the poor and rich nations. Environment friendly development tools have been successful in making many industrialist countries slow down the development process at least to a considerable degree. However, what is prescribed by the law will not be fruitful unless it is effectively implemented. In addition, the attitudes of citizens play a vital role in effective application of environmental principles.The commitment towards environmental protection and preservation of nature should be shared equally among all levels of society from the grass-root level to the highest authority of business and government.
YOUR MAGNA CARTA! APIIT LAW SCHOOL CELEBRATES THE 8OOTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SIGNING OF THE MAGNA CARTA year law student Umilinda Stheecond Perera, compering the event opened programme with the immortal lines of Rudyard Kipling: “At Runnymede, at Runnymede. Your rights were won at Runnymede.” Quoting further from the abovementioned poem he established and stressed the current relevance of this vital Human Rights Treaty signed over 800 years ago by articulating: “Forget not after all these years, the Charter that was signed at Runnymede.” After that moving rendition of Kipling’s verse ‘the Reeds of Runnymede’, the audience was treated to an enthralling theatrical performance of the historical events that took place in 1215 where the Magna Carta was signed at Runnymede. The students created awareness among those present about the origins of the doctrine of Separation of Powers in England; by portraying on stage the struggle between the Monarch and Parliament. The Rule of Law concept too was brought to life by showing in dramatic form that not even the king is above the law. The students creatively established a link between the Magna
Carta and the presently much discussed and debated concept of ‘Supremacy of the Constitution’ when the narrator of the play declared: “Legal documents such as the Magna Carta were not only important in English history but also had a great influence on Democratic Constitutions all over the world especially British Colonies such as Ceylon.” The Guest of Honour at this vibrant event was the internationally-renowned Constitutional Jurist, Dr Nihal Jayawickrama, a Former Professor of Constitutional Law of the University of Hong Kong. In his address to the audience he drew from his personal experiences as a member of the Drafting Committee of the First Republican Constitution and a Permanent Secretary to a powerful ministry and critiqued and suggested amendments to the current constitution. He also witnessed with interest the mock trial performed by the final year students which was an adaptation of the Sathasivam case. There was suspense, excitement, fun and laughter as one eccentric witness after the next got into the witness box and testified in
APIIT’s Moot Court.They were cajoled and thoroughly cross-examined by the skillful counsel representing the two sides. In striking contrast to the above proceedings was a dance depicting ‘religious tolerance’choreographed by a Graduating Senior, Chathuri Apsara, who trained dancers picked from her junior batches to display to the audience that the performing arts can be used very effectively and powerfully to make rural communities legally-literate. Finally, it was the segment that all students were waiting for after a slide show of events that ‘took justice to the people’, they received tokens of appreciation for the work they did, which included livelihood and incomegeneration projects, legal awareness through street drama, an AIDS awareness campaign through posters and a project which created childfriendly spaces at the Anuradhapura Police Station. Akila Gayan in his vote of thanks spoke of ‘Adventure Lawyering’; to anyone watching the programme at APIIT Law School it would have been very clear what he meant.
ANC Education – The Leader in Tertiary Education Education being one of ANC the leading international higher education provide in Sri Lanka has been offering well recognised American, British and Australian education programmes in Sri Lanka for over a decade. ANC as the largest education conglomerate offers a full spectrum of education programmes, from pre-school and secondary school to university undergraduate and postgraduate programmes - plus Executive Education programmes and IT Professional Vendor Certification Programmes. We have several education providers under our umbrella including - ANC Education, Wycherley International School, Modern Montessori International (MMI), NetAssist International, PATHE Study Medicine and Eurasia. These institutes are currently offering a range of quality education programmes educating a mix student body of over 6000 students in total. ANC as the largest provider of transnational education in Sri Lanka has given the benefits of international higher education to thousands of students by giving them the choice of completing their foreign education qualifications in their preferred destination overseas. Our transfer programmes have given our students the right exposure by placing them in some of the best universities in America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Malaysia. ANC Education works in strategic partnership with 03 leading universities, John F. Kennedy University and Northwood University for undergraduate and transfer programmes as well as University of West London for post graduate education. Given the academic strength, ANC Education has been successful in becoming the leading educational centre in the region for international university degree programmes with a significant number of international students coming from countries such as India, Maldives, South Korea, China and Europe. ANC has Academic collaborations and direct placement agreements with
prestigious universities such as Monash University, Deakin University, Manipal Medical College, State University New York at Albany, California State University, Fresno, Texas A&M and many more. Our Degree Completion Programme in Sri Lanka provides 7 American degree programmes including BBA degrees in Marketing, Management, International Business, Finance and Management Information Systems, Hospitality Management and Entrepreneurship. Also, Bsc in Psychology, PreMed and Engineering to be launched in 2015 providing a wider choice of degrees for students. In addition, ANC Education’s School of Post Graduate Education offers a range of degree programmes in Business and Law from the University of West London (UWL). Also, ANC will be introducing MA in Hospitality Management and Msc in Psychology in 2016. The ANC Executive Development Programme of the UWL offers Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degrees specially designed for individuals who have a partial professional qualification in CIMA /CIM /ABE /ICASL. ANC Education provides various other education pathways via Net Assist International, EURASIA Institute for International Education (EIIE) and PATHE Study Medicine. Net Assist International provides advanced IT
training and professional certification such as Microsoft Certification and Project Management Professional PMIUSA Certification. EURASIA Institute promotes German Higher Education openning doors for Sri Lankan students to study in Germany for the first time. University education in Germany draws out 100% waiver on tuition fees but its standards and interactive learning methods assure a world renowned degree to embark into the world of the professionals. Some of the popular German universities being Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, University of Applied Sciences Jena, Brandenburg, University of Applied Sciences, Martin Luther University of Halle – Wittenberg, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. International students are allowed to work during the course of study and are allowed to remain in Germany for 18 months after graduation, to find suitable employment. PATHE Study Medicine is the leader in Sri Lanka for medical education,placing students in universities such as Monash University (Australia/Malaysia), International Medical University (Malaysia, Path ways to Australia, UK, Canada, USA & Ireland), Riga Stradins University (Latvia EU), Melaka Manipal Medical College (India/Malaysia), St. George’s University – (UK, Grenada, USA), Vitebsk State Medical College (Belarus), Gomel State Medical College (Belarus) and Angeles University Foundation (AUF) Philippines. All our medical universities are recognised by the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC), World Health Organization (WHO), Australian Medical Council (AMC), General Medical Council (GMC) and Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) (USA). ANC offers a wide range of choices for students in terms of programmes and destinations attracting an increasing number of students to reap the benefit of international quality education. Contact 0777 44 99 55 for more information on higher education options.
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Copy is Text
Rock the world…
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Be a Copywriter Rock the World!
By Sharlene De Chickera
s a youth I discovered the potential in the Advertising world, as a Copywriter. I had two years of Journalistic experience, and wanted to shift to advertising, which I perceived as a more lucrative industry. I was thrilled when I was hired as an English Copywriter, for three times the amount I was paid as a Journalist! I thought of sharing some thoughts and insights for the youth, who would love to dabble in words, briefs, creatives and also work with talented crazy people who form the rest of the team. I encourage you to jump in to a world of opportunity in Advertising, take up the challenge and have unlimited fun learning the art of selling by using words and ideas that come alive in advertisements. Guaranteed you will never feel time pass in this creative world of ‘Neverland’!
Talent is. Some Copywriters are just out of school, whilst some are older. Youth who have a thirst to write, explore, win over the public and love to be original, can, and must get entrenched in this industry. A starting point is Junior Copywriter. You can progress to Senior Copywriter. Creative Director is also on the cards. Copywriters, I feel, are a rare breed of writers. For me, copy writing is an art. I affirm that you have to possess a creative streak, be endlessly curious, well-read and have a penchant for selling a product or service, through word-play.
Qualifications Qualifications are not paramount.
Other Requisites You also need to be computer savvy, and in touch with the trends in social media.Unlike news or editorial writing, copywriting is all about getting the reader to take action! So you are the pivot and instigator of consumer behaviour in a way and can influence decisions. But I always feel that ethics and values have to come in to focus, and you have to write the true details of products, and not mislead the buyer.
Copy is Text Copy Writing is essentially the process of writing advertising promotional materials for selected clientele. Copywriters are responsible for a plethora communication materials inclusive of the text for brochures, billboards, web-sites, advertisements (print and electronic), catalogs, and much more. Copy is everywhere, and an eternal phenomenon, part of a $2.3 trillion industry worldwide. In Sri Lanka there are over a hundred Advertising Agencies to choose from.
a veritable ‘wordsmith’ helps. Selling products in the market-place does not come easy!Buyers are fickle, and you need to titilate and tantalise the tastebuds of the consumer.
They not only get exposed to a plethora of briefs from the clients based on the respective agency they work for, they have to engage with humanity. Being alert to every nuance in life is a definite plus, to churn out creative, and possibly award winning copy!
Special Traits A good Copywriter has to possess an excellent vocabulary in the preferred language. Being a Scrabble player or
Freelancing is a wonderful possibility for many youth.Copy writing jobs, or short-term projects are generally excellent opportunities to earn some pocket-money and experience. Many Copywriters can earn high salaries working full-time. However, part-time salaries can also match the full-time ones, in some instances if you are lucky. If you have a computer and an Internet connection you can work from home. But working in an agency is always more fun, and I will vouch for it from my agency experience. Everything else can be learned on the job and with the larger team. In the world-of a Copywriter there is always room in this ever expanding and vibrant industry! And there is always a place for a youthful pen!
By Nadeesha Paulis Pix by Namal De Silva
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure in this bizarre of bazaars. You’d be surprised at the amount of things you can buy -at no more than one third of the price-from someone else to whom it may be quite useless. The Colombo Flea Market is where people buy and sell second hand goods so that, by doing so they reduce waste. When it comes to any consumer product, the idea here is to not waste by purchasing an item which is up-cycled or re-cycled. And what’s more? It’s half the price or less! The market also promotes small business that thrives off up-cycling and re-using items that would have otherwise been thrown out. Some sold items such as jewellery made out of papier-mâché, bags made out of gunny bags while others had made strange and wondrous decorative items out of metal, cloth, paper, wood, glass and practically anything that can be ‘upped’ into something new. The Colombo Flea Market is the brainchild of the Sustainability Hub. The Hub was created in 2013 to dwell in areas of sustainable consumer behaviour, waste management, environment conduct and overall sustainable living. Its members want to inspire and promote people in all areas, starting from Colombo, to think about reducing negative impact on the environment. ‘I love this concept because I can find so many interesting trinkets here. One stall even had DVD’s for 10 Rupees. How amazing is that? Had I bought it off the store, I would have had to pay 100 bucks. Everyone here is selling or giving away something that they don’t want but which can be used by someone else’ said an eager visitor. The Hub also works as a charity by collecting and selling off items that you
Flea Market
do not need and act as a collection point for re-used or re-cycled. Neptune Recycles and Think Green also took part in facilitating boxes to drop off e-waste, cardboard and polythene. What strikes us as a bold move from the Flea Market was that the entire market did not use polythene bags! Consumers had to resort to cloth bags or polythene bags they had bought from home to carry their purchases as none of the stalls gave away new polythene. In a country where polythene is handed out with every small purchase, and piled up in landfills day-in and day-out, this rebellious statement made quite the buzz. What’s more? None of the customers complained one bit. Sabine Samarawickrema from the Sustainability Hub spoke to us on their approach to waste management through the flea market. ‘We want to raise awareness, educate and bring people together to exchange and network to increase sustainable impact,’ she said. Having a fun-filled vibe to the place helped. Between the DJ spinning his music, the Hub displayed small presentations to let people know about rising concerns, to which people had paid attention too. The market is only one branch of their activities. They have a monthly get together or a ‘hub talk’ where they exchange ideas on latest concerns and get insights from experts in the field. Seasonal excursions are set up to visit places that are good examples of sustainability. They also want to have training sessions on specific environment related topics in the future. Through projects like this they encourage people to be passionate about the planet. If you’re interested in joining the concept, click on their facebook page Colombo Flea Market https://www.
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Wx »YlyK ý‹|‰vxcpYn? Wx ~£v£p³ »{»…n»r£…‹p‰ ñznš [p‰p{£pK y¥. 500Y‰ A ~½nƒ£ {¥x »{p{£ x¥õ r¥{~§»N »vƒ‹ r¥ñÚ r£ù»u¤[‹Y»xÃ. »vƒ‹ ~‹Ñp ~¦v »Y»pY‰v X{§p‰f Rp{|³ W»ƒl‰ l{l‰ »Y»pYªf R{|³ »nŠ{z‰ ý‹ÃÛvf »r…ôv {¥n[l‰ Yy¥jY‰ x¥õ r¥{~§»N »vƒ‹ r¥ñÚ l{l‰ WY‰ r£ù»u¤[‹Y»xÃ.
»vv vo³~‰m£p»xˆ S{lzp æ{³ WYlªYy ýYªjp r§j³£xlpxY‰ (Charity) »z~n òx£l‰vY {p Rly p¥{l r£ýNÇ Yyp »ƒ¤ r±ÜaY²šxYyjx Yyp æ{³ WY‰÷~‰Yyp ~‰m£pxY‰ »z~n òx£l‰vY »N. Neptune ~ƒ ThinkGreen R£xlp S»zY‰»f±£ëY‰ Rræ{³, Y£H»t¤H ƒ£ »r£z‹Üp‰ WYlª Ãú»K »rGÑ zt£nšv lª…‹p‰ »vv {¥hr‹…‹»{zf n£xY þ‹ R¥l. ~Kr¬Mj »{»…½n»r£… »r£z‹Üp‰ t¦[‰ u£ý‹l »p£Ãúv Rr ãf§ l{l‰ WY‰ ~§ý»|‰}‹ r‹x{yÃ. »vƒ‹ R¥Ü Ã~‹v »{…n YªÑxY‰ »r£z‹Üp‰ t¦[‰ r£ù»u¤[‹Yxp‰f zt£»p£»np Rly »vv »{»…n»r£…‹p‰ ñzf [p‰p£ u£j‰h nv£ [¥ìvf »yn˜t¦[‰ »ƒ¤ lv ë{~‹p‰ »r£z‹Üp‰ t¦[‰ »[p Avf r£ù»u¤[‹Yxp‰f ~‹ã»N. »vƒ‹ ~§ý»|‰}l‰{x {p§»xˆ »»nëY{ Bp¦v Yªh£ ñznš [¥ìvYf r{£ r§y¥n‰nY‰ »z~ »r£z‹Üp‰ t¦[‰ zt£»np yfY »v{¥ë WÕly r‹x{yY‰ [¥ìv vƒl‰ ~¹{£nxY‰ R¥ÜÃúvf ~vl‰ þvõ. {h£l‰ ~§ý»|‰}‹ {p‰»p‰ »vƒ‹ r¥ñ»jp Ã~‹ã r£ù»u¤[‹Y»xY‰ A ~½nƒ£ Ã~‹ã Rr±~£nxY‰ »p£nY‰þvõ. Y~… »{»…½n»r£… ƒyƒ£ Rræ{³ Y…vp£Yyjxf »[p R¥Ü r‹x{y r‹…‹t½n{ Üy~£y r¥{¥l‰vY‰ ~½nƒ£{§ vo³~‰m£p»xˆ (Sustainability Hub) ~¥ðp‰ ~vyýY²v
(Sabine Samarawickrama) Rr ~v[ Rnƒ~‰ r… Y»…ˆx. “Rrf R{|³ {p‰»p‰ vƒcpl£{ n¥p§{l‰ Ãúv lª…‹p‰ X{§p‰{ c£z[l Yy Rp{|³ â ƒ§{v£y¥ Yy[¥ìvf X{§p‰{ »r£…w{£ A lª…‹p‰ R¥Ü{p Üy~£y tzr¦v Sƒ… p¥¹þvõ. ý‹»p¤ncpY {fr‹f£{Y‰ »vv »{»…n»r£…f R£»y¤rjx Ãúv »vv òx£{z‹xf
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Celebrating Life to the fullest
By Sharlene De Chickera
Other innovations from the Augmented Human Lab include, StickEar (a sticker-like device that you can attached on any object) that alerts a deaf person if someone is at the main door. A hearing parent can sing a favourite rhyme to it which gets played back as soon as the baby awakes, before the mother or father arrives at the cot. And, a Haptic Chair that translates music into vibrations so that a deaf person could enjoy the music via vibrations.
alking through the woods a youth captures the wondrous colours of nature with the swipe of a finger, which is translated on to a computer screen. Nature is thus replicated on Technology. And this feat is achieved with precision Cloud Technology from the canvass of nature. Growing up at Royal College, Suranga Nanayakkara, was inspired by his environs and the beauty of nature, the gardens, the flowers and the lush Green trees which spoke to his heart, as he worked diligently as a young student. “I won the prize for Mathematics in school and achieved 5th place in Mathematics, achieved 5th place in Mathematics all-island for my A/Ls”, he informs. After completing his education at Royal College, Suranga got the opportunity to study in Singapore where he pursued Electronics and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was then selected to study at the University of Birmingham, UK, and as an exchange student at the University of California. Today, he is an Assistant Professor at Singapore University of Technology and Design and directs the Augmented Human Lab, which engages in research and development to create ‘enabling’ technologies that seamlessly integrate with the human body, mind and behaviour.
Technological Magic Remember as children when we were mesmerised by the story of Aladdin’s magic table-cloth? Well now there’s a digital version, where the motifs of the birds fly in formation when the cloth is laid down for visual effect. Wall-papers that turn to different colours, and clothing that change colour with the mood of the wearer, are other creative inventions that enhance daily life-styles. As Singapore celebrates its 50th anniversary on December 6th this year, Suranga and his Team from Augmented Human Lab are planning to install thousands on lights on the Singapore’s Marina Bay water surfacethat represents a map of Singapore. A user could send B’day messages to this ‘Singapore m’ with their mobile phone that changes the visual effects.
Technologies that Empower the
Augmentation He speaks of his friend, Aimee Mullins, a double amputee, an inspirational speaker, who has a wonderful attitude to life and can adjust the height of her prosthetic legs. “It is like a stilt walker, walking on stilts”, she jokes, in a video, he plays for us. Suranga pauses the video and shows the EDEX Magazine team a collection of ‘Finger Readers’, specially designed for the blind by the Researchers at the Augmented Human Lab. These finger readers can read any text from a book or newspaper, as a value-added aid for the visuallyimpaired. “I want the FingerReader as pretty as my watch”, a blind recipient
Human Spirit had requested from Suranga. This comment has lead him and his team to cosmetically enhance the ring to make it more fashionable. I want the Finger Reader to be a cool thing for the person to wear, he smiles. Enhanced versions of the reader can detect exacting details of packaging, for instance in products, and can alert the consumer if the packing is old and thereby the product.
A Potato is not only a lump Suranga demonstrates a picture of potatoes, surrounded by creative shapes of the potato - hearts, rings, triangles, squares, loops and ornamental designs. “these are incremental transformation of ‘potatoes’. We need to inspire the younger generation to create fundamentally different tools and technologies so that we can break away from incidental changes”, he added. Suranga is no couch-potato. He was recently selected as the “Young Innovator for Asia Pacific 2014”. He has many accolades and remains true to an ideology that benefits humanity. “Changing the way people live and how it impacts and creates change”.
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kdpjj;ij tYT+l;Lk;
njhopy;El;gk; jkpopy; tpG+[pjd; tpf;Nd];tud; ifAld; xd;wpize;j , aw; njhopy;El;gj;ij cUthf;fYk; mij kdpj Nkk;ghl;Lf;fhf gad;gLj;jYk; ,d;iwa fhyj;jpd; Njitahf cs;sJ. Ruq;f ehzaf;fhu> rpWtajpy; Nwhay; fy;Y}upapy; fy;tp gapYk; ehl;fspy; ,aw;ifapd; mofhy; ngupJk; ftug;gl;L kdJf;F kpfTk; neUf;fkhdjhf kuq;fSk; kyu;fSk; ,Ue;jjhff; Fwpg;gpl;lhu;. ,aw;ifia mtjhdpf;Fk; gz;G jdJ fy;tpf;F ngupJk; cjtpajhfTk; NkYk; jhd; cau;ju fzpjj;Jiwapy; mfpy ,yq;if uPjpapy; 5tJ ,lj;ij jf;fitj;Jf;nfhz;ljhf $wpdhu;. Ruq;f> cau;juk; tiuapy; Nwhay; fy;Y}upapy; fy;tp gapd;w gpd;du; rpq;fg;G+u; Njrpa gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; (NUS) ,yj;jpudpay; kw;Wk; fzpdpnghwpapaw; fy;tpiaj; njhlu;e;jhu;. NkYk; ngu;kpd;`hk; gy;fiyfofj;jpYk; (UK)> fypNghu;dpah gy;fiyfofj;jpYk; gupkhw;W khztdhf Nju;T nra;ag;gl;lik Fwpg;gplj; jf;fJ.
jw;NghJ rpq;fg;G+upd; njhopy;El;gk; kw;Wk; tbtikg;Gf;fhd gy;fiyf;fofj;jpy; cjtp Nguhrpupauhf Nritahw;Wfpwhu;. NkYk; kdpj cly;> csk; kw;Wk; elj;ijfis njhopy;El;gj;Jld; fr;rpjkhf xd;wpizf;Fk; Ma;T eltbf;fis Nkw;nfhs;fpwhu;.
Nkk;ghL Ruq;f mtu;fs; EDEX gj;jpupif FOkj;jpw;fhf rpy 'tpuy; thrpg;ghd;fis' fhl;b mjd; nraw;ghLfis tpsf;fpdhu;. mit Rl;lg;gLk; ,lq;fspy; cs;s vOj;Jf;fis thrpf;Fk; jpwd; ngw;wJld; fl;Gydw;NwhUf;F ngupJk; gaDs;sJ. tpuypy; mzpag;gLk; ,it
Nkhjpujpw;F xg;ghd vopYld; fhzg;gLfpd;wik tpaf;fj; jf;fJ. mj;Jld; ,it fhyhtjpahd nghUl;fs; gw;wpanjspitAk; mzpe;jpUg;NghUf;F tsq;Ffpd;wik Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. Nkk;ghl;L Ma;T$lj;jpd; ,d;ndhU tpaf;fj;jf;f fz;Lgpbg;G> Foe;ijia mikjpg;gLj;Jk; fUtp. xU Foe;ij J}f;fj;jpy; ,Ue;J fz;tpopj;jTld; ngw;Nwhu; tUk; tiu Foe;ijg; ghl;Lfis ,f;fUtp ,irf;fpwJ. NkYk; epwk; khWk; Milfs;> mjpu;tpd; %ykhd xypczup> fhl;rpfs; khWk; Nkir tpupg;Gfs; vd ,e;j Ma;T$lj;jpd; fz;Lgpbg;Gfs; tpupe;J nry;fpd;wd. rpq;fg;G+upd; 50tJ mfit epiwit xl;b Ruq;f kw;Wk; FOtpdu; ifj;njhiyNgrp %yk; fl;Lg;gLj;jf;$ba cyf tiuglk; xd;iw fhl;rpg;gLj;j jpl;lkpl;Ls;sdu;. Ruq;f mtu;fs;> 2014k; Mz;bw;fhd Mrpa gRgpf; tyaj;jpd; rpwe;j fz;Lgpbg;gsuhf nfsutpf;fg;gl;lik Fwpg;gplj;jf;fJ. mtupd; Nkk;ghl;Lf;fhd Ma;T $lj;jpw;F 92.5 kpy;ypad; rpq;fg;G+u; lhyu;fs; Kjyplg;gl;Ls;sikmtupd; Ma;Tf;Ff; fpilj;j Kjy; ntw;wp vd Fwpg;gplyhk;. kdpj tho;f;ifia Nkk;gLj;Jk; ,tupd; Kaw;rpfs; ntw;wpngw tho;j;JfpNwhk;.